#soil developmente
captaindomy · 4 months
Stimulating microorganisms in the cultivation and improvement of vegetable plants
Domenico Prisa 1, * and Giordano Menci 2 1 CREA Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Via dei Fiori 8, 51012 Pescia, PT, Italy. 2 Agrogen, Viale delle Fosse 16, Anagni (FR) 03012, Italy. Research Article GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 18(01), 283–289. Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.18.1.0029 DOI…
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1wn8ure · 1 year
Karna is such an interesting character to me, most notably because of her AGE
She was SO young when the war started. Younger still when she was thrown into a life of subterfuge and secrecy and disguise. Who knows how young she was when she devoted herself to a deity(?) that represented absolute destruction?
that has GOT to have an effect on one's psyche. in your most developmental years, knowing intimately that your narrative has been doomed from the beginning. how do you find the will to build yourself up from nothing when you know all you will ever survive to see will be foundations at most?
part of me wonders what parts of Karna never got the chance to grow as a result. she never had the time most children get to dream, to explore their identities knowing that the entire world was their oyster. she grew up with the fundamental knowledge that eventually, everything in her past, present, and future would end up as detritus. how does someone put down roots in a soil they know will be washed away? and if they cannot put down roots, how in Calorum do they find the nutrients they need to develop?
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fatehbaz · 8 months
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The “khoai” is the name colloquially given to [...] landmasses in and around the Chotanagpur Plateau in eastern India. Rich in iron oxide, these [...] soils are marked by a rugged and often undulating topography, resulting from millennia of erosion from monsoon rains, the many winding rivers that populate the region and action of winds from summer thunderstorms, popularly termed in Bengali as “Kalboishakhi.” The winds and the rains of the kalboishakhi dance across the lands adjoining the Bay of Bengal, often arriving at the horizon with ominous dark clouds right before sunset. [...]
The khoai is a charismatic frontier in an ongoing conversation within South Asian developmentalist imaginaries that call for optimal land use for the purposes of economic growth. [...] As the lateritic soil of the region is not suited for intensive agriculture, efforts have been made to make vast sections of the region arable [...]. And so, slowly, the red soils get taken over the green [...]. This is often done by breaking gullies and hoodoo-like structures [...] to flatten the lands [...]. The ongoing project to turn such “deserts” green has a long history. Yet alongside these projects, is the place that the khoai have in the literary, cultural, and spiritual imagination of many [...] that inhabit the Chotanagpur Plateau. The vastly open and hilly topography, dotted with sal forests [...] has often been the fodder for songs of longing [...]. The horizon of the sky meeting the red gullies of the badlands also form many a narrative that appear in local folk songs and stories. [...] They have also been sites of community-based agroforestry.
Recently, such badlands have been termed unproductive in and around my hometown of Santiniketan, India.
As South Asian developmental imaginaries wholly absorb the understanding of terra nullius from modern Euro-American conceptions of land, the idea that “badlands” are necessarily “wastelands” become cemented. Once beloved [...], the dark brown-red hoodoos and gullies today are seen as wasted potential that are depriving the public of much-needed resources, and the possibility of the coming of civilization in accordance with upper-caste aspirations. Khoai today have become sites for proposed plantations facilitated by local forestry authorities, holiday homes and cafes [...], luxury resorts [...].
The ethos of invoking terra nullius has travelled into discourses surrounding “practicality” and the absolute necessity for villagers and small town folks in the area to be saved by their urban-dwelling upper caste counterparts [...] who are interested in their cultural practices, seemingly idyllic agricultural lifeways and the simplicity away from the stresses of cities such as Kolkata. But in this framework, the imaginaries of development are necessarily embedded in compulsory extraction, whether that be of cultural economies, minerals, timber, or land for development. [...]
[B]adlands get turned into places that need saving from being “wasted” by the carelessness and unimaginative shortsightedness of villagers and Adivasis, who are simply seen as ill-equipped to deal with the progression of the global economy.
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These days, it is hard to find a piece of the “khoai” that has not been subjected to projects of agriculture, forestry, or have been subjugated to [...] property ownership [...]. As the figures of the plantation and its attendant cultures of enclosure and theft of commons creep into places previously overlooked by the tentacles of global extractive forces, many, if not most khoai areas are mobilized to be “redeemed” into productive little plots legible to capital.
I have to wonder about the processes of consent and negotiation that have informed such projects. [...] These areas were in the past predominantly inhabited by Adivasis or Indigenous peoples of India, who had resisted the [...] hierarchies [...].
Badlands such as the “khoai” present a challenge to capitalist imaginaries because they defy its temporalities and its compulsion to make all aspects of being productive and legible to exchanges that foster logics of uninhibited growth. [...]
What, then, does it mean to care for wastelands? [...]
What histories are paved over by concrete? What does development mean in places where inequality is still rife, but there are shiny new roads? What does a future look like, where we can let badlands and “wastelands” just be, as part of ecological and cultural commons?
Text by: Aadita Chaudhury. "Caring for Badlands". The Otter, Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE). Emotional Ecologies series. Ed. Jessica M. DeWitt and Sarah E. York-Bertram. 14 July 2023. [Photography by Aadita Chaudhury, included in the original article. Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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mindblowingscience · 2 days
A new nematode species has been discovered in soil-dwelling bees at the University of Tsukuba's Sugadaira Research Station. This species shares a close relationship with a model nematode Pristionchus pacificus used in developmental and evolutionary biology studies. Its unique physiological and ecological traits, such as a specific relationship with flower bees and hypoxia adaptation, make it a promising research material. Nematodes, a diverse group of invertebrates, are believed to rival or even surpass insects in species count that have over a million known species. Phylum Nematoda includes harmful (parasites, agricultural, and forestry pests) and beneficial species (biocontrol materials, model organisms). However, with less than 30,000 identified species, our understanding of nematode diversity is incomplete. Hence, continuous collection from various environments is likely to reveal new, potentially, valuable species. In a new study published in Nematology, nematode diversity surveys were conducted at the Sugadaira Research Station, Mountain Science Center, University of Tsukuba (Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture), located in a high-altitude, cold region. The aim was to identify nematode species consistently detected in the soil-dwelling, eusocial bee, Halictus (Seladonia) aerarius.
Continue Reading.
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princesscolumbia · 7 months
The Locked Tomb Thoughts
So something occurred to me as I was scrolling my timeline and seeing fanart for The Locked Tomb scroll up my dash; New Roh and all the non-Empire human occupied planets are REALLY FREAKIN' ADVANCED as colony worlds go. Here we have the Empire which has actually stagnated, if not flat out reverted in a LOT of its developmental levels (specifically tech, but also governance, industry, most sciences, etc.) and some parts of the Empire have shortages on things that a supposedly advanced spacefaring civilization should just...have. Why the fuck are the Nine Houses using flimsy? That shit is hard to use and expensive to make and the production is torture on any environment and NOT RENEWABLE when you just gotta plant a few bamboo shoots in a field somewhere and next year you have more fuckin' bamboo than you can ever use so you cut a bunch of it down and pulp it and make friggin paper. The only thing you have to really worry about as far as the renewable-ness of the resource is keeping the soil fed...and if the Empire has LOTS of anything, it's corpses to turn into fertilizer. (Morbid, but true)
And yet, New Roh, before becoming a literal hellscape when Varun shows up, has so much infrastructure to spare that it becomes a refuge world when the Empire sends its walking WMDs called Lyctors after BoE.
Here's The Ninth House struggling to feed its people even though it's one of the most important houses in the system and meanwhile there's this "backwater" planet called New Roh that only starts to struggle to feed people when it takes on the escaped population of a DOZEN or so other planets.
New Roh had new construction, full industry, functioning space ports, agriculture, school systems, fast food, private and public transit...the Sixth House was having problems making babies.
This, more and more, makes me question the accuracy of Jod's account of Earth's final days in NtN, because a bunch of rich twats piling onto some custom space yachts with plans to just leave behind the most productive 99% managing to escape by the skin of their teeth and magically make not one but DOZENS of colony worlds that all become self-sustaining with rich, diverse cultures, multiple languages, healthy and robust economies, weapons manufacturers, black markets, etc.?
I don't care that it's been more than 10k years. If the ships that launched really only carried with them the likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and the people that they decided would be good for shining their shoes, then that colony would have crashed and burned HARD before the first 10 years was up, forget the next 9,990.
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oswald-can-draw · 2 months
About your mlp infection au!! I love this one so much I'm so interested!! Maybe give us a rundown of a couple of the survivors and how equestrias chances are looking? How did the ponies infected by black magic change and mutate? Can spike or other species like dragons, griffins and zebras get infected since they dont have cutiemarks? Are foals who dont have cutiemarks yet immune until they get their cutiemark? How does that play in? Im so sorry if this is too many questions, I really love this au and I think its really cool!!! Its a really well thought out idea and I think its awesome!!! :D I hope you have a nice day! ❤️
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Someone being an autistic beast about my work is the highest compliment, so never apologize for that!
But, boy howdy, have we got a lot of ground to cover!
Let’s take it step by step:
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Foals (or those without their cutie mark), are a very complex cog in this AU. On one hand, they don’t have their cutie mark, so they can’t be infected, as there is no magic to corrupt. Great!
The bad news? Getting one’s cutie mark is often an unplanned thing, which means any foal can become susceptible to the Meanie Mark Virus at any time. There are many ways to deal with this.
One common one is to wrap the foal’s flank with compression gauze. Half a desperate idea, and half a way to forget their child’s vulnerability (or to hide when they DO get a cutie mark). Somepony suggested that it could “keep back” a cutie mark, and the rest of the populace decided to go with it.
Another way is to just try and keep the foal from anything that interests them. This works to a point, but the stress from their friends and family on the brink of death every day, and now any sliver of joy that they can find in this hellscape is strictly forbidden. This can cause a once rare, but quickly becoming more common developmental condition known as “Muted Cutie”. This causes a cutie mark to appear, but it’s based off of an outside tension, such as familial pressure, cutie conditions, and lack of input. It’s like a magical wisdom tooth — keeping the actual cutie mark from developing and causing pain and stress to the pony.
The third option is a last resort: quietly “taking care” of foals that were of cutie mark age or freshly marked.
Having a foal of a certain age can bar you from going into certain populated areas, getting ample supplies, and even contact with other ponies.
Of course, this is EXTREMELY traumatizing for the foal. Feeling like they aren’t wanted and that they aren’t allowed even the smallest of joys can make life miserable.
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* Zecora’s redesign is based off of the Karo tribe, a small tribe famous for body painting and self expression. Though I have done as much research as I can, there is still room for error. If there is something inaccurate, please let me know so I can fix the redesign accordingly.
Other species may not get the Meanie Mark illness, per se, but they do have reactions to parts of the evil clones that seep into the soil or the corpses of already infected ponies.
Griffins, for example, get something similar to food poisoning, with nausea, vomiting, and unseasonal molting. This is their body attempting to purge the toxins. Their flying also becomes affected, with severe bouts of vertigo and lost sense of direction. For the average, healthy griffin, this usually only lasts a week or so. However, if a griffin is elderly, injured, or any sort of health condition, this infection could be fatal. Fortunately, since griffins are so far from the Everfree Forest and spend so little time on the ground, this sickness is very rare, especially with certain security measures set in place.
Dragons are even luckier. Their stomachs are able to digest any trace of the infection, neutralizing it before it can cause any real damage. However, there is a phenomenon that has been unearthed due to dragons. The gems found near their volcano-filled home can actually be infused with the disease. The only sign of this having occurred is a slightly darker hue and a “rotten” taste, according to the dragons. A few dragons have been enlisted to dispose of infected material, as them consuming it is the only way it can be disposed of without putting more ponies at risk. Not many are up for the task.
Zebras, on the other hoof, have quite the reaction to infected material. While they aren’t infected with the true disease, the special, magical markings and body paint can give the bacteria something to feed on. This can cause weakness, confusion, gastrointestinal distress, rashes, burns, irritability, and even aggression. Zebras often have to be quarantined from the rest of their tribe in order to keep the disease from spreading and the victim from hurting anyone or anything. Removal of paint and markings can help, and are often reapplied after recovery, with additional markings showing their bravery, strength, and health. Unfortunately, some of them do not survive.
Any other living thing, including birds, mammals, plant life, and insects all have generally poor reactions upon exposure. Common themes in symptoms include weakness, vomiting, and confusion. Plants will turn away from the sun. Dogs will whine and curl into a ball. Birds will run into things and screech. Survival depends on the age, health, size, and care plan of a creature. Among them, usually about 73% survive.
Though no other species has the guaranteed death from the disease that ponies do, it can still cause some nasty, or even deadly, side effects.
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Since the Meanie Mark Illness is already a form of black magic, just more widespread and deadly, the disease has horrendous effects on those who have already succumbed to dark magic.
Though it’s a rare instance, the phenomenon has been observed. Whether the black magic or the illness comes first, it always begins and ends the same way:
First, a pony becomes much, MUCH more powerful. Instead of gradually gaining this talent through the virus, their black magic reaches a feverish pitch. The pony begins to have uncontrollable displays of magic, usually of the destructive kind. Explosions, rays, death, and evil spells emanate from them without stopping. This has caused many hasty villains to try and catch the famous Meanie Mark Illness — with this power, they think, taking over the world would be easy.
Second, the two opposing powers battling for control inside the pony begin to destroy the victim from the inside. See, the reason why ponies become a husk-like corpse and turn to dust at the end of the Meanie Mark’s cycle is because of the Tree of Harmony’s magic fighting the dark magic of the virus, which ends up destroying the pony in the process. But with the black magic far overpowering the Tree of Harmony, the pony has a different problem — their body can’t handle such raw power.
The pony’s hair begins to fall out, their veins swell, their skin begins to blacken with gangrene as less and less blood goes to extremities. The pony ends up rotting from the inside out, black sludge oozing from their mouth and eyes, magic still pouring out of them. Their cutie mark, both subdued from the virus and given immense power from the black magic, sputters and shines and pulses.
Finally, a pony will die within a few days, their corpse zombified and rotting. However, those who do survive the ordeal have poor quality of life, as their joints, brains, and some of their organs hardly work anymore. They will live either as a wandering corpse or a patient for their friends and family to take care of until their demise in the near future.
In other words, this is a quicker but much more painful death!
This disease can be spread very easily, especially among unicorns. If an infected unicorn casts a spell on another pony, they too will catch Meanie Mark. Other than that, a pony either has to come in contact with infected soil/plant life, an animal that has eaten said infected material, or a corpse. This means that, though the illness will be slow to spread at first, it will pick up speed as time goes on.
With the emphasis on foals and the amount that are being killed for mercy or safety’s sake, repopulating is going to be difficult.
As for a cure…perhaps the dragons can help, since they are the only one’s completely immune? Or maybe they could at least offer hints about how to stop this horrible disease?
All this to say — there is a chance of survival. But is Equestria quick enough to find a cure? Or at least keep the disease at bay?
1. Spike: Being a dragon has its perks. But being surrounded by ponies does not.
2. Big Mac: The pony you would want in an apocalypse. Still mourning the infection of his sisters.
3. Discord: Could he even…get sick? Isn’t he part pony? But he doesn’t have a cutie mark…
4. Rainbow Dash: Cloudsdale is on lockdown, and isn’t allowing anypony in or out. But it’s like herding winged cats.
5. Winona: Aids Big Mac. Since eating an infected piece of flesh, she avoids the infected like the plague.
6. Sweetie Belle: Was staying with Scootaloo right before Rarity got infected. Apple Bloom would have come, but she didn’t feel well…
7. Scootaloo: Her inventions are invaluable. But her lack of a quick way to escape could be the death of her one day.
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zoomzooml · 1 year
[Worldbuilding] Protoforms and sparklings - basics.
Apologies for any translation errors. I'm doing my best to avoid them, but due to the fact that I'm a sleep-deprived human disaster they can still occur. Sorry!
How are they created?
[Text under picture]
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Vector Sigma in the depths of the planet creates a new Protoform and gives it a spark. The protoform is a primitive mechanism, resembling a mechanical larva, whose main purpose is to protect the spark during its first period of life.
The protoform digs its way to the surface. The tunnels they leave behind are barrenly small and usually collapse back quickly.
The protoform, after getting to the surface, leaves the underside in the soil, sticks to its place, and grows "roots" that will take up minerals and resources needed to build the actual organism.
The armor becomes a cocoon that grows as the organism inside grows and develops. As the mechanisms and organs of the body become more advanced, it begins to be called Sparkling.
The protoform can also build a cocoon on vertical walls; extremely rarely and only under exceptional conditions on the ceiling.
A fully built sparkling hatches from a cocoon. It is already at its maximum size (not including artificial expansions, rebuilds or upgrades) and has a full range of natural and instinctive abilities, such as transformation or movement.
Medical units with appropriate training perform hygiene and initial examinations and clean up the cocoon's shell, which will later be recycled.
It's worth noting that there were places on Cybertron where emerging organisms were a large percentage of the whole lot. Maturation Centers* were placed there. They were in charge of taking care of the sparklings in the first months of life to detect developmental anomalies, censusing the hatchlings, bringing them into the system and giving them identification (usually numerical), and looking for suitable places to send the young ones, which would provide further care and upbringing.
[*Maturing in terms of physical independence and presence in the census and institute’s system.]
Cursory information about cocoons and protoforms.
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If the cocoon nests in an unsafe place, with nutrient deficiencies in the soil or simply threatening to be trampled, the cocoon should be moved. The first choice should be to transplant to a relatively better, safer place.
However, if the cocoon shows signs of disease it should be quarantined. If it shows difficulty in extracting materials from the soil, it may be necessary to place it in an incubator.
A malnourished or diseased cocoon can be recognized by a dull color of the armor, slowing or stopping of growth or discoloration. The shade of the armor may go gray and/or become covered with pinkish or yellowish spots. The armor may weaken and delaminate, and the roots may wither. The body proper of the protoform (the blob inside armor) also becomes discolored, grayed or yellowed.
If the cocoon is not threatened by anything, it should be left alone, being checked from time to time.
After hatching, sparklings are noted for their many colors, which are usually pastel or near-pastel. As they age, the colors mostly dim or are covered with another color of choice, for aesthetic, cultural or regulatory reasons.
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Individuals with several colors appear, usually in ombre-like form. However, they are rare.
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The colors of protoformal tissue, like the face, can range in grays (also called blues), reds or, in rare cases, golds.
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Probable colors of optics can be found almost anywhere on the color wheel, usually in bright and light shades.
Young sparklings precociously observe and analyze. They will stay still observing surroundings. At the beginning many of them will not show emotion with their body, face or voice, most likely because they are not yet familiar with function of this and action. If the phenomenon they are interested in moves, they will follow it with their gaze, but they will not move their head unless absolutely necessary. Their staring may be repulsive to some. Learning about the environment seems to take priority over learning about the extent of their own body and capabilities.
Sparklings have full control over their body, but as some actions are instinctive and already coded others must be learned.
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When this perennially quiet period of their lives is over the so-called period of heightened activity usually begin, in varying intensity. Now that they've learned the basics from observance it's time for experimentation, experience and exploration, which usually manifests itself in sticking their noses where they shouldn't, touching what they shouldn't, dropping and throwing objects, entering strange, theoretically inaccessible spaces and the like.
For the young, vocalization is rarely the first choice for communication. Rather, they rely on the simple language of the electromagnetic field for their initial period of life, sometimes reaching far into the period of heightened activity. This contains the means for very simple communication and is often supported by body language.
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Already at the moment of hatching, the Transformer has information about its alt-mode and the ability to transform. In most cases, it will use this only after it enters a period of heightened activity. The alt-mode information is one of the primal codes, analysis of them is one of the evidences of the evolution of Transformers.
The vast majority of offspring are raised in the brood, and raising them is a communal task. Typically, multiple caretakers take turns caring for them, sometimes fulfilling different upbringing functions. If a sparkling manifests unusual talent in a certain field, it may receive individual upbringing by a specialist(s) in that field. [An extension to the topic is planned.]
The colors of these scribbles are completely different on the laptop and on the phone, so I don't know if they are as I think they are. Sorry if I accidentally hurted anyone's eyes lol
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obesogen · 5 months
Come on in, get very comfortable
Obesogens are, according to the scientist who coined the term, "xenobiotic chemicals that can disrupt the normal developmental and homeostatic controls over adipogenesis and energy balance".
In other words, an obesogen might disregulate the creation of new fat cells, the size of those fat cells, a person's metabolism, or all three.
Obesogens, along with present social and cultural trends, are speeding along the increasing prevalence of obesity and super obesity worldwide, making us by far the fattest humans who have ever lived.
As diets all over the world become loaded with delicious ultra-processed food and people have steadily decreasing levels of physical activity and time spent outdoors, we live in the golden age of obesity.
To think that even just 20 years ago to see a person weighing 500 pounds was very rare. A sideshow fat lady in the 19th century may have weighed that much if the circus was very lucky, but more than likely not even close.
In real life I see people close to a quarter-ton out and about with some regularity. The industrial world's capacity to overwhelm us with pound after pound of blubber is incredible. What a time to be alive if you, as I do, truly desire only the biggest.
I created this blog in order to have a specific place where I can express myself freely to this effect and to share posts that align with the particularities of my lifelong love of obesity.
And so, I hope to be an obesogen, promoting obesity wherever the soil is fertile.
Oh, and that desk chair I used for my icon? It has a weight capacity of 1000 pounds, and a seat that is 36 inches wide :)
That enough people needed a chair like this to be able to work in a building that this chair was designed and produced is great sign of things to come, I think.
This blog contains dark themes and triggering language, be careful and if nothing else,
be over 18 years old
I am not good with DMs, asks are scrumptious. Getting DMs does not bother me, but me being in the mood to answer them is a rare thing. I love, respect and advocate for fat people in real life no matter what I put here and I hope you do too.
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torschlusspanikattack · 6 months
Hey Torschluss -- when you reblogged that zionism discourse post and called the comments "a work of art", were you saying you agreed with the final poster (dancinbutterfly), or that you thought they were wrong in an interesting way?
I ask because I get quite frustrated with the sort of hugboxy-pseudointellectualism a lot of Tumblr Leftists engage in, and I feel the problems with dancinbutterfly's responses are severe and obvious:
1) while making an argument that calling people "retarded" is wrong, DB _perfectly_ and transparently recreates the underlying logic behind calling a person retarded -- they list a number of factors outside of their interlocutor's (Mephorash's) immediate control that would limit that person's capacity to engage critically with an idea, then insinuates that this lack of engagement is responsible for Meph's opinions. Maintaining a tone of condescension intended to demarcate Meph as mentally and morally inferior in a "nice" way WITHOUT directly engaging with their arguments;
2) they behave in exactly the way the OP (evilsoup) stated: conflating Zionism with Judeism, and therefore antizionism with antisemitism, by ignoring the existence of non-zionist jews and non-jewish zionists. Reacting with hostility to the statement that antisemitism will increase as zionists do bad things _and conflate antizionism with antisemetism_, then imply that being Jewish clears zionists of moral culpability for their support of Israel's genocide against the Palestinians.
I see a lot of Leftists on this site reinvent racism in a "woke" way, stating that a person's minority status matters more for the legitimacy of their opinions than the ability of those opinions to withstand external scrutiny, or excusing when a minority activist group is on some "blood-and-soil" shit (Black Seperatists come to mind). I understand why -- enough people are bad-faith bigots that reflexively giving minorities the benefit of the doubt or extra room to be platformed seems a good way to start fixing the issue of them being under-represented in society as a whole -- but I would hate to think you were supporting that line of logic in the case of Dancinbutterfly's obvious Zionism. You seem smarter than that, from what I can tell.
I don’t think the parts that make their comments and tags so funny have anything to do with their rightness or wrongness (although I do think they are very wrong).
Basically everything you say is true, but I think the especially notable element to me is the degree of condescension combined with the veneer of compassion. I’ve never seen it be so extremely blatant and comprehensive.
Plus, the specificity and breadth of the condescension really elevates the strength of the attack:
Probably because you didn't pay attention in English Language Arts Class from Ages 10-17.
Doubling down on the idea that people disagree with you (in bigoted ways according to the speaker) bc of lack of a very specific kind of education. The specificity really helps bc it manages to not just centre humanities courses but (presumably American) primary and secondary school basic courses as the source of rightly moral thinking.
It makes me wonder: was your educational development negatively effected by Covid 19? Because if that's the case, I'm sorry.
This one combines the implication of being very young with the specificity of education disruptions caused by a specific world event.
It's not you fault if your ability to understand written language was delayed because of the pandemic.
This one is just very brazen about couching calling someone illiterate (and by implication developmentally delayed/impaired ‘compassionately”.
Also, having 4 or more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can greatly increase people's difficulty in school and vulnerability to radicalization and group think, so maybe you've just had a very hard life and that's why you're being like this.
As noted, this one is my favourite; it combines psychology-adjacent jargon (ACEs) with totally dismissal of other perspectives as a ‘vulnerability to radicalisation and groupthink’. The elevation of claims about psychology and claims about the correct viewpoint to objective fact, made even more funny by the specificity of ‘4 or more’. Not only is disagreement the result of objective psychological impairment, this is quantifiable and the quantity is exactly 4 or more ACEs (taken as completely reified and measurable discrete things).
Ending on ‘being like this’ also clearly implies that the form of disagreement (and disagreement broadly) is a specific and defective way of being—this one is harder to explain. Disagreement is transformed into a consequence of being a certain way, not anything else, and the cause and effect relationship to being that way is rendered ironclad. There’s more to it, but I don’t know how I would convey the remaining impact of rhetoric phrase: being like this.
Which really makes your response much more antisemitic. And ableist actually. Cuz of the R word.
Because lashing out antisemitically and ableistically like that at a stranger seems like a sign of really intense distress to me.
There is just something to the craft and arrangement of these sentences. The way antisemitism and ableism are referenced. The way ableism is added, with the actually. The way the sentences are paced. The use of R word. The construction of the words ‘antisemitically and ableistically’.
[link to some form of psychological or social treatment]
The link (which doesn’t work but that’s irrelevant) has all the specificity and condescension of sending someone a link to a suicide hotline with the novelty of not just being that—also implies mental or social deficiency towards target.
#just wishing them healing and peace and the ability to remember that other people on the internet are human beings
The tags are littered with lines like this one that just manage to convey such a total disregard for the person being responded to while apparently promoting self-evident positivity.
The total effect of the post is to, purposefully or not (intent is basically irrelevant), relentlessly attack both the specific poster disagreeing with them and anyone who shares the same views in a particularly dismissive and condescending way, while maintaining the outward trappings of soft compassion.
The ironic pose endemic to online arguments puts an emphasis on boldness and excess that gives the post value as an extreme execution of various postures common in online arguments.
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Why You Should Buy Organic Fruit: Protecting Your Family's Health and Wellness
As we become more aware of the impact our food choices have on our health and the environment, the decision to buy organic produce is becoming increasingly important. When it comes to fruit, opting for organic can have profound benefits for your family's health. Studies have shown that non-organic fruit can contain such high levels of toxic pesticides that the juice of a conventionally grown strawberry could theoretically be used as a pesticide spray on fields. This alarming fact underscores the importance of making informed choices when purchasing fruit.
The Dirty Dozen: What Are They and Why Buy Them Organically?
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases an annual list known as the "Dirty Dozen," which highlights the fruits and vegetables most contaminated by pesticides. These foods are tested for pesticide residue, and the Dirty Dozen consistently show the highest levels of contamination. For 2024, the Dirty Dozen includes:
Kale, Collard, and Mustard Greens
Bell and Hot Peppers
Purchasing these items organically is crucial to minimizing your family's exposure to harmful chemicals. Pesticides have been linked to a range of health issues, including hormonal disruption, developmental problems in children, and an increased risk of certain cancers.
The Health Benefits of Organic Fruit
Reduced Pesticide Exposure: Organic fruit is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. This significantly reduces the risk of ingesting harmful chemicals that can negatively affect your health over time.
Nutrient Density: Some studies suggest that organic fruits contain higher levels of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients are vital for maintaining good health and boosting your immune system.
Better Taste and Quality: Many people find that organic fruit tastes better than conventional fruit. Organic farming practices often focus on soil health and plant nutrition, leading to more flavorful and vibrant produce.
Environmental Benefits: Organic farming practices are designed to be sustainable and environmentally friendly. They help to preserve biodiversity, reduce pollution, and conserve water and soil quality.
Making the Switch: Tips for Shopping Organic
Start with the Dirty Dozen: If you're new to buying organic, begin by prioritizing the Dirty Dozen list. This will help you focus your budget on the fruits that most need to be bought organic.
Shop Seasonally: Buying seasonal produce can often be more affordable and fresher. Visit local farmers' markets where you can find organic fruits that are in season.
Use the Clean Fifteen: Complement your organic purchases with items from the "Clean Fifteen" list, which includes fruits and vegetables that typically have lower pesticide residues.
Grow Your Own: If you have the space, consider growing some of your own organic fruit. This can be a rewarding way to ensure your produce is fresh and free from pesticides.
Protecting Your Family's Health
As homemakers and caretakers, one of our primary roles is to protect and nurture our families. By choosing organic fruit, we reduce the risk of exposing our loved ones to toxic chemicals, support sustainable farming practices, and provide our families with the most nutritious options available. Small changes in our shopping habits can make a significant difference in our health and the health of our planet.
Making the shift to organic fruit is a step toward a healthier lifestyle and a cleaner environment. The next time you’re at the grocery store or farmers’ market, remember the impact your choices have. By investing in organic fruit, you're investing in your family's future and well-being.
Here's to healthier choices and a brighter, more vibrant life!
With health and happiness,
Kimberli Almonla
(Owner & CEO of Restoration Wellness)
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eaglesnick · 9 months
“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt
Therese Coffey, the woman who brought 2.4million hours of undiluted raw sewage discharge into our waterways, now brings us 36 toxic chemicals used in farming.
One of the great advantages of having cast of the restrictive shackles of the European Union, is that the Tory Party is now free to poison us in the pursuit of profit.
The privately owned water companies have polluted our waterways and beaches and now landowners are being allowed to contaminate the countryside with dangerous chemicals.
“UK fails to ban 36 harmful pesticides outlawed for use in the EU.” (Guardian: 13/09/23)
Do not be mistaken in thinking that the farming industry is a collection of small family businesses. They do exist, but the aristocracy and big agribusiness are the biggest owners of farmland.
The Farmers Weekly recently described Britain’s agricultural resources thus:
“Land is a finite resource, offering relatively stable, long-term growth, hedging (limiting financial risk) and wealth preservation opportunities…Greater profitability and stability attracted investors, both domestic and foreign, to UK land, replacing some of the more traditional landlords such as royalty and the church.” (Who Owns Britain's Farmland: 17/01/23)
It is interesting to note that food production in not mentioned once in connection with farmland. It is all about long-term investment and profitability. According to Farming Forum, the aristocracy owns 30% of UK farming land, big corporations own 18%, tycoons own 17% and 17.5% of farmland ownership is “unknown”. “Individual homeowners” own only 5% of farmland.  
Could it be that once farmland is seen as an investment opportunity rather than a means to produce and secure the nations food supply in an environmentally sustainable way, that the safe and long-term stewardship of the land becomes subservient to maximising profits at any cost?
Whatever the answer to that question is, Britain is now being described as “the toxic poster child of Europe” because of our controversial pesticide policies.
The first job of any government is to protect its citizens, yet Therese Coffey is allowing the use of chemicals that are directly harmful to human health. 12 of the chemicals being allowed are classified as carciogens and cause cancer. 9 of the chemical can cause human birth defects, developmental disorders and infertility. 8 of the chemicals can adversely affect reproductive function and development in both adults and children, and one of the chemicals being authorised by Coffey is classified as “acutely toxic”, meaning a single exposure can have detrimental health effects, usually within 24 hours of exposure. (See Pesticide Action Network UK: UK Falling behind EU pesticide standards; 13/09/23)
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houseofbrat · 1 year
I don’t think Meghan will let Harry go. I used to think she would leave him for someone richer but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. She is too spiteful to let him go she knows his family loves him she won’t let him go back to them. Spare was a project for her, it was to make her look good and to more than make Will look bad it was to kill the relationship between the brothers all together. W’s fans have been saying he was done with Harry but I think he kept the door open much longer than they think. I think Spare made sure he closed it shut. I think Harry is lost forever and he ain’t coming back. I would love to be wrong not because I like Harry or want him back but because he will never stop he will Harass the family until his dying day all for Meg this circus will never end.
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Rumors have been for months in Hollywood that Harry and his wife have been living apart. He's in San Francisco at a BetterUp suite; she's living in LA. Oh, and the kids are the only ones living at Montecito Manor with their nannies.
She has to announce before Harry gets his balls back and decides to announce. It's her only chance in attempting to survive the pr onslaught that will occur once the palace pr teams start running their hit pieces.
In order for her to attend the coronation, she has to bring both kids to the UK. An incredibly risky move for her should Harry decide that the kids aren't leaving UK soil once they get there. She can't risk her two meal tickets getting stuck on UK soil. It leaves her with no bargaining chips in a divorce.
She can't risk being super sidelined during the coronation, which is what will happen if she attends. She's already a laughing stock due to South Park. If she attends, she'll just be in the general audience. There will be no carriage ride and no balcony.
I don't think Harry is lost forever. He's not going to apply for US citizenship. It's unlikely he'll ever apply to be a legal US resident. Rumor is that his passport is still a diplo. I have yet to see comments as to otherwise. The dude is going to have to go back to the UK once the divorce announcement happens. He'll be making trips back and forth between California & the UK, but he won't become a permanent US resident.
I do agree with you that Will & Kate's fans (incorrectly) think Will is "done with Harry." I doubt that is the case. I have no doubt that their relationship will be difficult when Harry returns to the UK, but acting as if William will never have anything to do with Harry for the rest of their lives is completely unrealistic. It's pure soap-opera, tabloid fodder, which is written to appeal to a certain emotional angle. Which is also why it's also unlikely to be true. William knows about all of Harry's emotional, intellectual, and developmental problems. It's not as if Harry just suddenly developed these problems the day he said his wedding vows to his wife. But the good-dutiful-brother-against-the-dumb-&-evil-brother angle is too good for tabloid editors to pass up.
Also, Harry's wife isn't going to live forever, so this shit will stop in the tabloids at a certain point. Also, she won't have the money to pay for the deluge of articles she's done in the past.
Eventually, the UK tabs will re-focus back on Andrew. But that might not happen until either this fall or next year (2024).
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borneohospital · 3 months
Understanding Mental Retardation and Hydrocephalus in Infants During Pregnancy
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Introduction: What is Mental Retardation and Hydrocephalus?
Mental retardation and hydrocephalus are two different neurological disorders. Mental retardation is a term used to describe a group of developmental disabilities that affect intelligence and social behavior in children.
Intellectual disability can be caused by genetic mutations, trauma or disease such as hydrocephalus or meningitis. Intellectual disability falls under three categories: mild (IQ between 50-70), moderate (IQ between 35-49) and severe (IQ below 35).
● Mental Retardation: A mental condition in which an individual has significantly lower than average intellectual functioning, typically causing significant limitations in learning new skills and understanding what is happening around them.
● Hydrocephalus: The accumulation of fluid on the brain due to an obstruction in the ventricles or the cerebral aqueduct.
● Intellectual Disability: A developmental disability which affects an individual's ability to learn and behave appropriately in social situations.
What Causes Mental Retardation & Hydrocephalus and How to Identify Symptoms in Infants
Mental retardation and hydrocephalus are both common issues in children. In this article, we'll talk about the causes of these conditions, how to identify symptoms in infants and what to do if you suspect your child might have one or both of these conditions.
Mental Retardation:
● Genetic factors - This is the most common cause of mental retardation. However, it's not a single gene that causes it but rather a combination of genes that can lead to mental retardation.
● Environment - The environment can also play a role in mental retardation by increasing the risk for certain diseases like lead poisoning or malnutrition.
● Birth complications - Birth complications like low birth weight, preterm birth and breech presentation increase the risk for mental retardation as well Hydrocephalus
● Genetics - There is no specific gene that causes hydrocephalus but rather a combination of genetic factors that leads to this condition.
Hydrocephalus can occur as a result of brain injury such as trauma, stroke and infection.
● Environment - The environment can also play a role in hydrocephalus by increasing the risk for certain diseases like lead poisoning or malnutrition.
● Birth complications - Birth complications like low birth weight, preterm birth and breech presentation increase the risk for hydrocephalus as well Environmental risk factors for hydrocephalus
● Lead poisoning and malnutrition: Hydrocephalus can occur as a result of lead poisoning or malnutrition. Children are at increased risk for lead poisoning in the first few months after birth due to exposure to paint, contaminated soil, house dust, etc. Many children also suffer from nutritional deficiencies due to poverty and poor diets which leads to smaller brain size.
● Exposure to toxics: There is no specific toxic agent that causes hydrocephalus but rather a combination of factors such as infection, trauma and genetic susceptibility that leads to this condition
How is Mental Retardation & Hydrocephalus Diagnosed in Infants
Mental retardation and hydrocephalus are two very common disorders that can be diagnosed in infants. A child’s mental retardation can be detected at an early age and treated accordingly. Mental retardation is a condition that affects a person's cognitive abilities, such as learning, thinking, problem-solving, reasoning, memory and language. It is caused by a variety of factors including genetic mutations or injuries to the brain during the time of development. Hydrocephalus is a condition that causes cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to build up inside the skull and over time it puts pressure on the brain. This pressure can cause headaches, vomiting and seizures. It can also lead to other health problems such as autism or epilepsy later on in life. Medical tests are conducted to diagnose mental retardation and hydrocephalus in infants which includes:
● Head circumference test: The circumference of the head is measured around 3 months old and again around 12 months old. If there is any difference in the measurements it can be indicative of hydrocephalus.
● An electroencephalogram (EEG): This test records brain activity while giving a visual representation on an EEG which is then analyzed by a technician.
● A blood test: This tests the blood for mutations to genetic material that could be associated with mental retardation or epilepsy later in life.
● A skull x-ray: A skull x-ray shows how much CSF can accumulate inside and outside the head, these images are then analyzed by a technician.
Treatments Available for Managing Mental Retardation & Hydrocephalus
Hydrocephalus is a condition in which fluid builds up on the brain and can cause permanent damage. It is often diagnosed during pregnancy, but it can also occur during the first few months of life. It should be noted that hydrocephalus is not always caused by a brain tumor or infection. A baby with hydrocephalus may have had a head injury, but this does not mean that the baby will have any other symptoms or problems in the future.
Mental retardation, on the other hand, refers to a developmental disability that affects how well an individual understands language and takes part in social interaction. People with mental retardation may also have trouble learning new skills and adapting to changes in their environment because they are slow to learn new things and do not respond as quickly as others might expect them to.
The following are some of the treatments available for managing mental retardation and hydrocephalus:
● A hydrocephalus shunt is a device to close the communication between the fluid-filled ventricles of the brain and the cerebral spinal fluid by redirecting it to a normal drain. In some cases, medications are used to reduce pressure inside the skull and relieve symptoms such as drowsiness, confusion, visual disturbances or headaches.
● An educational evaluation and placement is recommended, which can involve social skills training, cognitive skills training, academic enrichment and practical skill development.
● It is important to address the individual's needs and support their strengths.
● Pain medications can be considered if the person is symptomatic; however, pain should be managed by a physician because of possible side effects.
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majachee · 2 years
Ides of Cybertron (Fan Continuity) Lore Post #1
Regarding mentors, mentees, and vector sigma. (Dystopian shenanigans and corrupt Cybertronian Senate ahead. Includes mentions of indoctrination and such)
Cybertron has two primary ways of producing new mecha; localized hot spots around the planet where young sparks emerge from the soil - wherein the results are randomized and unpredictable, and Vector Sigma - used by companies, organizations, and the rich to retrieve a spark from the Well and design its body for whatever purpose is deemed necessary.
Think of Vector Sigma as a crude, Build Your Own Teenager factory. Newly created mechs (both from localized hot spots and VS) can be compared to Earth's young teenagers, their bodies are typically a bit shorter and lankier than their fully developed counterparts. The bodies will bulk out in time with proper amounts of Energon and other fuel sources, recharge, exercise, and general survival necessities. Cybertronians are an active species, lack of exercise and free movement can cause both physical and mental health issues.
Those who do not get proper nutrients and healthcare during their primary developmental years are likely to experience stunted growth; observe specimens Swindle and Rattrap. This is much more likely to happen to those created from localized hot spots.
The privileged mechs who have access to Vector Sigma have developed a Mentor/Mentee system. The mentee can simply be an apprentice for one's field of work, or can act as a sort of heir for nobles and politicians. Cybertronians are a biologically asexual species, and there are many who would want their legacy to be carried on through a heir, and for their riches and property to stay close to their namesake. And thus, they go to Vector Sigma and take a young mentee under their wing (read: build them BAB style.)
Sparks are more fluid, of course. Sparks naturally come from the Well with a dominant trait; this can be an affinity for the arts, cunning, charisma, empathy, love, spirituality passion, stubborness... While each Spark, each soul, has a handful of natural traits, these can be shaped and, with enough force, extinguished. It all depends on the environment the young mech and their Spark develop in.
Another class of mechs often using Vector Sigma are the Enforcers, a militia-esque police force made entirely for one purpose: Enforce the rule of the Senate and its Prime. Young sparks are put into Enforcer styled frames and immediately indoctrinated into the police force, being fed Senate propaganda from the get-go and heavily dissuaded from anything resembling independent thought. They are to be cogs in the great Cybertronian machine, meant to be despendable at the drop of a hat. Enforcers are often mass produced within the walls of Vector Sigma, and are excluded from the obnoxious celebrations the Nobles and other higher class citizens have for their own young mentees.
Those born from the hot spots, depending on which city-state they hail from, can either have a tight-knit community where young sparks are often taken in by the elders of their community, mimicking the mentor/mentee system of Vector Sigma... Or those from hot spots are forced to raise themselves, older bots willing to adopt and mentor these younger mechs being rather uncommon.
Nobles rarely pay attention to those born from hot spots, and hot spot mechs typically stay within the lower and middle classes.
There are free community schools for new sparks in certain areas, specifically in the tight-knit community cities, but not all of them.
For a species that does not biologically reproduce, they sure do have a nepotism problem.
City-states where the population is mainly (60% or more) Hot Spot mechs (excluding Enforcers):
City-states where the population is mainly (60% or more) Vector Sigma mechs (excluding Enforcers):
The Enforcers, despite hailing from the Vector Sigma factory and having designer models, are treated as nothing more than drones. Often modded with experimental tactical computers and mapping hardware, they are seen as one of the most disposeable classes and are excluded from the rest of society. Runaway Enforcers (those who've managed to see through the cracks of the flawed and oft. contradictory propaganda) are hunted down and killed, along with their associates. Runaways are seldom given asylum by free mechs because of all the reasons listed above. Runaways are seen as defective, the indoctrination and brainwashing did not work on them - that must mean something is wrong.
You don't have to develop a rebellious streak in order to be labelled as a Runaway or defective; you could be too nice, too merciful, too lenient, you could also be too happy, too angry, too melancholy, you could complain about the rain too much, your coworkers could look at you funny... the slightest break in the perfect Enforcer mold could have you thrown out and executed. The mortality rate for Enforcer mentees is disturbingly high, but like those in the lower class, these rates are ignored. Just so the Senate could continue spreading their utopian fantasy of a perfect Cybertron.
Prowl was always doomed from the start, his exile from the Praxian Enforcers was inevitable. He was just barely reaching his adult frame specs when he was forced to mske his escape. It's how he got the scarring on his wings, and he wouldn't have survived if not for a wonderfully rebellious young Noble... One that had been blessed with the Gift of invisibility.
Prowl's mentor in the Praxian Enforcers was Barricade. Barricade, in private, was apathetic. He taught Prowl to wear a mask, and while he spewed the same rhetoric he was taught onto Prowl, he didn't put his spark into it. He was hard on Prowl when it came to combat training, and often told him that if he kept his mouth shut he could become a head tactician one day. What did Prowl have to keep quiet about, you might ask? His strong empathy towards others. Poor Prowl was given a passionately empathic spark, bad luck for the work he was commissioned for.
When Barricade thought the younger was asleep, he'd talk silently to a bunkmate about running away and leaving for Nyon - a poorer city notorious for its close community and lack of Enforcers. Prowl could never figure out if his mentor had planned on taking him with him.
Prowl never knew Barricade's feelings for him, but Prowl found himself admiring his mentor and wanting nothing more than to impress him...
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A young mech modded with a logical tac-net, born with large amounts of empathy in his spark, and a want for approval and praise? He was never destined to survive Enforcer training.
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seesgood · 2 years
psychology + mental health deep dive !
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general mental health related trigger warnings apply.  feel free to include more or exclude those facts / test results that take too much time or don’t apply, you can check out this list for more personality-related quizzes to include!
diagnoses: none at present ,  probably some type of trauma related disorder depending on the verse / time.  triggers:  unexpected biting / roughness, mentions of former abuse / people calling her out on how she should react to damon’s abuse positive coping skills:  organization, talking to people, likely breathing techniques or mantras  negative coping skills:  hyperfocusing on tasks, poor sleep management, avoidance, over-dependency / co-dependency, minimizing symptoms / history  attachment style:  anxious  love language:  words of affirmation  +  physical touch myers briggs / mbti:  enfj
are their diagnoses formal ( via a doctor, therapist, etc. ) or informal ( self diagnosis, a hunch, unrealized, etc. )     she’s never had any formal diagnosis but she probably would have fit criteria for like panic disorder or ptsd 
have they ever been treated / medicated?     she probably saw a therapist like one time at her dad’s request after the divorce, but she probably refused to go back. no medication history.
have they ever been hospitalized or treated on an inpatient basis?   no
how old were they when they first started experiencing / realizing symptoms?   mid-teens, she definitely started having a lot more anxiety-related issues when her dad left due to fears of not being “perfect” enough, and then it all came to a head after damon, when she would have panic attacks semi-frequently 
do they have a family history of mental illness?   none that she’s aware of 
how was mental health handled / discussed in the family / community?    it wasn’t! bill very likely discussed it in terms of being able to be treated / trained / conditioned out, so her view is that a lot of it can probably be “fixed” through some level of intervention, and therefore she probably grew up thinking that a lot of mental health aspects meant you were broken
what are their thoughts on mental health / their diagnosis?   she refuses to think about it or acknowledge it because she doesn’t know how to properly explain it and she’ll minimize it to no end
in what ways has their diagnosis shaped their life or experiences?   she’s never processed a lot of things because she’s never known how to, and therefore she just kinda keeps it all internalized and therefore if it’s brought up unexpectedly or she’s confronted with it, she doesn’t have the tools to manage the reaction
SYMPTOMS: note that all of the below are, on their own, normative and typical aspects of human functioning. they become “symptoms” when they last longer than “normal” or when they pose a significant impact on someone’s life / functioning.
BOLD  all that are present,  ITALICIZE  those that are resolved or in the history.
depression.    anxiety.    panic attacks.    dissociation.    derealization.    depersonalization.    suicidal ideation.    self harm.    homicidal ideation.    psychosis.    auditory hallucinations.    visual hallucinations.    delusions.    mania.    hypomania.    racing thoughts.    hyperactivity.    attention difficulty.    flashbacks.    nightmares.    hyperarousal.    hypoarousal.    hypersexuality.    hyposexuality.    psychopathy.   risky behavior.    catatonia.    somatic / bodily concerns.    mutism.    phobia.    agoraphobia.    hoarding.    obsessions.    compulsions.    body dysmorphia.    hair picking.    skin picking.     amnesia.    illness anxiety / hypochondria.    sensory loss.    speech difficulty.    comprehension difficulty.    communication difficulty.    tics.    defiant behavior.    irritable mood.    vindictiveness.     aggression.    pyromania.    kleptomania.    paranoia.    attention seeking.    narcissism.    avoidance.    dependency.    pica.    rumination.    food restriction.    food binging.    purging.    soiling the bed.    insomnia.    fatigue.    sexual dysfunction.    delirium.    developmental delays.
explanations / elaborations on any of the above symptoms:
she never self harmed in the typical sense, but she would definitely do things that qualify as inadvertent self harm --- like neglecting proper sleep scheduling to work on a project or not really taking care of herself. the dissociation and hypoarousal are both things that she experienced a lot after damon, as well as the panic attacks ( which can still pop up time to time ) 
tagged by:  no one i made it :)  tagging:   @shesdaylight ,  @sithdestined ,  @desafia ,  @klarsynt ,  @sororanimarum ,  @negotiaetor ,  @webheadedhero ,  @littlebennettbitch ,  @lowsurvival ,  @fatedtragedy​ ,  @awalkoflife​ ,  @heirceleste​ ,  @eiiidetic​   +  and everyone else bc im curious .
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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This is one of the handouts parents get if their kids have high lead levels. It's called "Lead and Nutrition."
In NH, children are screened for lead poisoning at ages 1 and 2 with the finger prick test. If the level is high, they need a blood draw to confirm the lead level (venous blood draw).
Parents should wet mop floors and windowsills, clean children's pacifiers and toys, wash kids's hands often.
Ask parents about behavioral problems, developmental delays/disabilities, excessive mouthing (putting keychains in mouth; items like that could have lead in them)/pica (eating non-nutritional items), whether housing was built prior to 1978, whether their child-care facility was built before 1978, whether their housing has renovations, whether the child is a recent refugee/immigration/international adoption, whether parents' job could expose them to lead (welding, renovating, painting, fishing, stain glass, target shooting, jewelry making), whether they imported any spices that could contain lead (turmeric, sindoor, surma, orange shringar, asafetida).
You need to do annual developmental surveillance and may refer for early childhood education/stimulation programs.
When you screen for lead in office with the finger prick, you have to wash the child's hands with soap and water first.
Symptoms of lead poisoning include stomach aches, headaches, trouble paying attention, developmental delays, behavior issues, problems eating and sleeping, speech/language delays.
Long term effects: slowed growth, poor school performance, hyperactivity, aggression, brain/kidney/nerve damage.
Home, water, and soil should be tested for lead.
Parents should feed children foods high in calcium, iron, and vitamin C.
Tx of high enough BLL: chelation with succimer of calcium disodium edetate. Succimer — Succimer (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid) is a water-soluble analog of dimercaprol (British anti-Lewisite, BAL) that can be administered orally [48,49]. Like dimercaprol and CaNa2EDTA, succimer increases the urinary excretion of lead. Like dimercaprol, CaNa2EDTA increases the urinary excretion of lead through the formation of a nonionizing, soluble chelate.
Symptoms attributable to lead poisoning can include intermittent vomiting, anorexia, and abdominal pain (lead colic); intermittent irritability or lethargy; and/or lead encephalopathy (eg, persistent vomiting, persistent lethargy or coma, headache, or afebrile convulsions)
From UpToDate:
New threshold for elevated blood lead in United States children
●For children younger than six years of age in the United States, the reference value for an elevated blood level is 3.5 mcg/L (0.17 micromol/L).
Detectable blood lead levels (BLLs) are associated with neurocognitive deficits in infants and children less than 6 years old, and targeted screening of at-risk children is recommended. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lowered the blood lead level (BLL) threshold for action to 3.5 mcg/dL (0.17 micromol/L) from the previous level of 5.0 mcg/dL (0.24 micromol/L) [1,2]. At or above this threshold, specific interventions should be taken based upon the degree of BLL elevation. For children with BLLs below 3.5 mcg/dL, the limit of detection for lead varies by laboratory, and the actual blood lead value may be close to or above the threshold. Thus, some children may need to be retested depending upon age or other risk factors.
With chronic ingestion or inhalation, lead can be incorporated into the skeletal system, which becomes an endogenous reservoir of lead that is resistant to elimination. While chelating agents can bind to lead in blood, they are ineffective in removing lead from the deep bone stores.
I had twin pts who both had EBLL of 5 mcg/dL in August and level of 4 mcg/dL today. One of them hadn't grown as much as her twin, so there was concern that the EBLL might be affecting her growth. Scheduled both pts for f/u with repeat venous BLL, CMP, iron level, CBC in 3 months.
Tx: BLL less than 45 mcg/dL = no need for chelation; get abdominal X-ray if pt has signs of excessive mouthing (puts everythin in their mouth) or pica (eats non-food items). If you see lead chips, can do whole bowel irrigation. Clean the home and toys. Make sure kids get 5 servings veggies and fruits a day with vitamins including iron. Wash their hands. If BLL is greater than 45 mcg/dL, chelation is necessary.
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