#someone please answer
sunsetovertheocean · 10 days
Ok so do people want a very angsty Grayson thingy that has no plot or more protective Dean that has the slightest bit of plot if you squint and tilt your head?
(Both have yet to be written)
(Aka do you want me to project onto Gray or Lia next)
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cukrkandl · 7 months
are there any classics (whatever your definition of that is, actually) that have strong aro/ace/queerplatonic relationship vibes?
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nataliarw2004 · 1 year
Just saw his this picture 👇
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From a fanfiction, “Helping What Ales You” by CinnaBunRolls on archiveofourown. And I just want to ask…is this a real picture from the manga??? If so can anyone tell me what chapter????
We don’t get many flashbacks of 3,000 years ago so I’m just excited when seeing this pic
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sbeana · 1 year
Okay locked tomb people. I swear on my life I read somewhere that Camilla and palamedes are second cousins so. Why do people ship them
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theia-eos · 11 months
Question about the DLC Emblems and the ending of Engage's main story
Just going to introduce a cut for spoilers. DNI if you haven't beaten Engage and you care about spoilers.
Full Disclosure, I haven't beaten the Fell Xenologue, so if the answers are in there, that's why I don't know. But I don't mind spoilers for it, if it answers my question.
So, in the final battle we go to the space between dimensions, and the Emblems in the Rings aren't able to function because this isn't their dimension and we have to do a Power Rangers line up and Power of Friendship and Bonds speech to resummon them all. After having to resummon them as Fell Alear 2 chapters ago
However, the Emblems in the Bracelets seem to have no such problem working in a different world, Alear knows their incantation immediately, even though they're dropped in from another world and they have difficulties knowing the incantation in the Xenologue DLC story (which is very silly to me, playing it after I've beaten the game and gotten all the bracelets previously, and the game programmed dialogue for if you bring a bracelet into the Xenologue so Alear can already know the incantation, but regardless, that's a bit besides the point).
And then, after we beat Sombron and close the portal to space, the energy shockwaves destroy the Emblems in the Rings (except maybe it just puts them to sleep for a little while, based on the final cutscene?), and Alear has a long teary good-bye to each Emblem we've summoned. From the Rings.
Did the Emblems in the Bracelets fade out silently off screen? Or could they still be there as they seem to be more resilient in general than the Ring Emblems seem to be? Did Emblem Soren finally get reunited with Emblem Ike only to lose him mere months later?
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Does anyone actually have any idea of how digital footprint works because I just saw someone get kicked off their degree because of it and I’m about to delete my whole account 😭😭✋🏻✋🏻
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ysmyllove · 1 year
i literally just thought about manifesting changing my entire life, the year too…part of me really wants to do it but I also feel like it’d be scary and I’d wanna come back here and I’d miss this?? I don’t know what is going on with my mind I literally told myself I wouldn’t manifest anything big like that what
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watermelonlovershigh · 10 months
Serious question, the medicine I normally take (that comes in capsule form) was out of stock at my pharmacy but they said they had a chewable version of the same medicine with the same dosage. I went to the doctor and they prescribed me the chewable version.
My question is, is there gonna be a big difference on how the medicine works beings it's in chewable form but also the same brand and dosage? I'm afraid it won't work right. (FYI it's for adhd)
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crossthread · 2 years
Question: Why does Barbie give me feminist vibes?
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lady-rhaesnow · 1 year
Anyone have any idea how to do the hover over text thing on ao3? I can’t figure it out 😒
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ohmygodkillme · 2 years
Am I autistic or just deeply traumatized?
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bandarrrrr · 1 year
What to do when you want to cry but can't because you have no tears in your eyes?
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starryrock · 2 years
Am I playing a Sequel or something? Why do characters keep referencing events or character development that happened without me, the player, knowing anything? It’s like this game is a sequel and I downloaded it without any of the previous games’ or series knowledge.
And it’s true, because I don’t know anything about the game. I only know a vague amount because of spoilers, but still. I keep hearing references to academies, characters saying things like “I’m glad you’re being more open and honest”, the fact nearly all the Units are separated, and just stuff like that is making me so confused. Am I supposed to play or watch something else before getting into the game? The only characters I actually know the details of so far is ALKALOID because they’re literally the main characters of the Main Story. Will there be a huge chapter or so where it’s just a flashback to previous years?
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entertainmentpdf · 2 years
Question for people who've had their blog for over a year, is it possible to access the archives of your blog from a previous year? Because I need to know this valuable information
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lumityalltheway · 2 years
I have a question
Do I have the right to be upset and offended if my friends spend more time with eachother than me? I get it they like eachother a bit better than me, but it doesn't mean that I am not a part of friend group. I want to be treated like everyone else. I want them to take pictures with me just because they want, not because I asked to be in picture with them. I think it's rude to just ignore a person that is sitting right next to you, who helps you out when you need smth, while taking pictures with the other one. You can at least just ask if I want to take pictures too. Or when they go to a cafeteria without me. Or maybe I am just being dramatic. Idk. I don't wanna argue with them. I tried once. They made it about themselves.
I am a person too
Can somebody please answer me?
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Why is nobody talking about this?
So like- in the beginning of episode 9, season 3, did Klaus and Ben sleep together or..? I mean, it did sound a lot like it. I just- answers? Opinions?
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