#someone tell me if this is good I think it might be good sorta idk bc I rlly didn't know how 2 end it lmaoooo
planetdream · 10 months
I don't know if you're taking asks right now so if you aren't, don't need to answer :) I'm here mainly to say I appreciate your writing and I'm a bit biased by.. no, I'm in a Lee Know fever lately and I've seen a lot of thoughts and things about being sub, bratty sub and stuff but I don't think I could be it, since I'm inexperienced lol so I thought of Lino with a flirty s/o on the outside but shy and inexperienced on the inside. She just wants to please him and be good for him but she doesn't know how :(( I wonder how Minho would react to a very subby s/o, who just wants to love him and shower him with love but it's too shy to do it by herself:(((
(again, you don't need to answer if you don't feel alright by anything and no hurries <3)
I don't know if I'll be here often but you can call me anon spring 🌼 :)))
Stay well and healthy 💪
Love you writing , bye bye:)))
hiii <3 hehe thank u sm for sending this!! ur ask rlly inspired me so i wrote something short and sweet and i really hope it's a little similar to what you asked for 🥺
warnings [implied smut + d/s dynamics. shy/inexperienced!reader. possible typos.] 747 words
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Minho isn’t used to this. He doesn’t let you notice that, though. You’re on your knees for him, peering up at him with wide, interested eyes, ready for Minho to lead you. It’s not innocence behind your glossy eyes, but rather, inexperience; a hesitation that you’re biting down on, a rising fever of heat within making you want to pounce on Minho—but you don’t. You stay just as you are, hands on your thighs, blinking up at Minho. 
“C’mon pretty,” Minho whispers, hand caressing the flesh of your face. “Told you I can’t do anything unless you tell me what you want.” 
He pouts, blinking back down at you all prettily. This isn’t the first time in your relationship that you and Minho have been physical—he’s eaten you out and fingered you before—but you want to go further. You want to experience all that Minho has to offer, and more, you want to be able to please Minho. Provide him with a euphoric type of pleasure that he’s never experienced. But you’re stuck, unable to find the courage, let alone, the words to explain to Minho the plethora of thoughts that are running through your head. 
He’s careful in his approach to get you to speak. “Baby? What’s in that pretty little head of yours?”
You speak. “I don’t know.” Your thoughts are speaking to you all at once, it’s practically impossible to get anything comprehensible out. 
“You don’t know?” Minho frowns—it’s fake, though, behind it rests a smirk—then continues. “Can’t do anything if you don’t know.” 
“No,” You stall, trying to search for the best possible way to explain what’s on your mind without embarrassing yourself. Though Minho constantly assures you that you can tell him anything, embarrassing or not. Minho’s brow raises, encouraging you to speak your mind. His hand comes back to your face, thumb stroking beneath your cheekbone; an attempt to soothe you, to clear your mind. “Want to…” 
You trail off again. Fear and embarrassment making a home within the pit of your stomach. You know Minho wouldn’t judge you—after all, he did once make an offhand comment about how he’s into some very strange kinks himself—and he might even enjoy what you have to say, indulging in whatever you truly want to do. You’re in safe hands, literally. 
You speak again, in a whisper at first, until the volume of your voice rises. “Want to make you feel good… and I want to be good for you. To you.”
Minho’s heart could shatter into a million tiny pieces. To you, vocalizing it all felt equally as awkward as it felt freeing; you’ve never really had to express what you wanted, causing you to pick your words carefully, fearing that you might be perceived differently. However, from Minho’s perspective, you’re a complete angel; unaware of how alluring and enchanting you are. The sweetest words said in what Minho views as the sweetest possible way of saying them. The way you said it, the small dip in your tone—almost as if you were begging him to let you please him—the way your lips curl into a small smile as you try your best not to hide within yourself. All of it drives Minho so crazy that he could devour you. But he holds back. He has to play it safely, for now. 
“You’re always good to me. For me. Always making me feel good.” Minho whispers. 
“Want to make you feel even better,” You respond, some of your nervousness now behind you. 
“And how do you want to do that?” Minho pushes. You are yet to respond though, fingers picking at whatever they can reach, avoiding the burning gaze of his big brown eyes. 
Minho persists, taking the lead. “Maybe I’ll let you use your hands,” Minho reaches for your hand, the tips of his fingers pressing against yours before he clasps his hand to yours. “Or maybe you can take me in this pretty little mouth of yours.” Minho’s thumb runs from your top lip, dipping into your mouth where your tongue eagerly swirls around the flesh, wanting to suck him in, before said thumb drops down to your bottom lip. 
His eyes trail up from your lips to gaze into your eyes. Minho has the softest chocolate brown eyes but his stare is rather piercing, dominant, like he could force anything out of you if you look into them for too long. “Hmm… Think I want your mouth on me.”
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leaawrites · 4 months
Midnight hour with you
Percy Jackson x daughter of Nyx!reader
Request: Idk if ur request are open if not ignore! But could u possibly do tv! Percy x nyx! Reader? Like reader is really troubled and has a like a really REALLY bad day and percy sorta sits with her and ig you can make the rest! By @privbooks922
Warnings: crying, reader having a bad day, use of Y/n, female reader,
Wordcount: 0,7k
I hope this is kinda what you imagined!
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Ever since she saw Percy Jackson walk into camp, she wanted to protect him. She didn’t know where the desire came from, neither what she must do to make it go away. Being a daughter of Nyx, most kids feared her. They were scared of what she might be able to do, without a sense of knowing what she was actually capable of. Nobody ever asked, so nobody ever understood.
Especially with new people around, she ignored them, hoping they would get bored of the rumors that made the Nyx children so intriguing. But he didn’t stop. He never stopped watching her. In his mind, there was nothing more charming than the kindness that laid behind her silver eyes. A small touch from the midnight sky soothed her skin in the sunlight, making her visible and yet desirable to him. Her iris looked like the moon, so haunting and beautiful, but impossible to catch.
The night air caught up with the lack of warm clothing on her body. It was a cold night, goosebumps appeared on her arms, making her hairs stand up. As it proves, a simple camp half blood shirt wasn’t the best choice now. The forest around her was alive, leaves were singing together with the wind, a certain amount of animal noises was heard, some birds she supposed. Y/n made her way through the night, walking like a shadow through the dark, watching little shadows dance beside her.
Beneath her feet the moon was reflecting on the shallow, quiet surface of water in a lake. All around her there was nothing but quietness. It was soothing to her soul.
The day had been crazy. All she wanted to do was sit and stare at the water, letting her tears flow down to where it belongs to, letting the molecules be connected. There were too many people for her to handle, and not enough that were willing to listen to her. Who would listen to a silly little Nyx child?
A branch snapped behind her. Y/n sat straighter, her ears flying over her surrounding, trying to make sense of the noise. Suddenly, a lean figure stood between the trees, their body was facing her, not moving.
“Sorry about that,” Percy Jackson said, leaving his hiding place with a grimace covering his face. He was embarrassed that he got caught. The grimace vanished, being replaced by worry for his favorite Nyx daughter. Tears were flowing down her soft face, washing away her sweet smile and joyous eyes. Still, she looked beautiful to him. “What happened?” Percy walked farther to her side, unsure if he should sit or not.
“It’s nothing,” she tried to make him go away with her words, but he didn’t budge, instead he sat down next do her, feet dangling from the wood, his posture was awkward. Thoughts were filling up his nerves.
“It’s never nothing,” he replied, shrugging when she looked at him surprised. “That’s what my mom tells me at least.”
“She sounds like a good woman,” Y/n said, not thinking before talking. She hadn’t heard a lot about his mom, but he fought for her, which made her important to him.
“She is.” Percy smiled at the thought of his mom. Her own face was decorated by a small smile, filling up the sadness with joy. She envied him mostly, hearing how he at least had one parent that seemed to properly care about him. “I like your smile,” he commented, watching it disappear again. “Now it’s gone.”
“You like it?” She asked unsure. It was always something she felt insecure about, having someone compliment it, without being forced to do it by one of her Aphrodite friends, was nice. It was a change for once.
“It’s beautiful,” he said, smiling at her, his golden locks shimmering in the moonlight. “You’re beautiful.”
Y/n’s face filled itself with a warm redness, covering her cheeks and letting her eyes look filled with even less color. They seemed boring to her, in comparison to his blue ones, but he couldn’t stop looking at them. They were different. She was different to him than anyone else. A riddle he would like to solve.
PS.: if you have any request, I really appreciate them, but I can’t promise how long it will take me to finish the story. Since I work on quite a few requests at the moment and also have school work and ballet that I need to have time for.
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struckd0wn · 5 months
HIHI UHMMM would you be willing to do an nsfw havik mk1 // ftm reader fic ?? :33 YOU CAN DO WHATEVER WITH IT REALLY UHM..
preferably bottom reader // him being possessive would be kewl THANK YOUU
All Mine ── Dairou "Havik"
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➭ Havik × ftm reader
CW: cunt and pussy used, some bleeding, possessiveness
A/N: I'm doing post melted face Havik lol. Idk, I just think it's kinds hot... 🙈. Tried to fill in the backstory as to why he was being so possessive and might not be exactly lore accurate but I tried my best lol. Technically an AU???? Idk really (havik trying to turn Orderrealm into chaosrealm ig). Hope you like ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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Havik has tooken you back to his home in Seido, where he leads a rebellion against the overbearing government of Orderrealm. His regime has taken over a township of Seido where they plan their crusade. The town has no rules, no laws, just totally freedom which they don't get from their home originally. Havik, although an anarchist leads them (until a revolution), so he doesn't suspect their behavior when he brings you around.
It's your first time being showed around the place, Dairou allows you to explore freely, following close behind you. You're surprised to see the condition most of the townsfolk are in. Beaten up and scarred, bloodied and bruised. Your lover had already explained to you how there is really no law here, he just leads them to eventually overtake Seido. So everyone is pretty battered from fights and other things, sorta like a way to relieve stress after being under such strict rule.
But just as you gawk at them they gawk at you. You're pristine, not one bruise on you. Well.. Maybe a couple from Dairou but nothing too serious. You look different too, I mean you're still human clearly, but it doesn't take them long to figure out you're from earthrealm. The way you dress and talk really says it all.
Havik watches angry as his followers flawk around you curiously, checking out the shiny new toy from earth, and you are painfully unaware. He fights the urge to kill the man that gently places his hand on your lower back. "What's someone like you doing here," The man asking, flashing a grin that's missing a few teeth. "Looks like you need to be roughed up." He's teasing you, Dairou almost steps in but doesn't when you politely refuse, telling him you're actually here with your lover. The man turns to see Havik following close behind, glaring angrily at the man.
The whole day goes like this, people coming up to greet you, for good and bad. Some genuinely curious and other with darker thoughts in mind, thinking how fun it might be to corrupt a mere earthrealmer. So by the time the two of you get home Havik is seething. You barley make it through the huts opening before he's pulling you twords his bed. You laugh playfully, asking why he was so eager. Dairou doesn't answer, sliding his hands under your shirt, rubbing your sides with his calloused hands.
You try to ask him what's wrong but he's already pushed you onto his bed, his hands continue to roam underneath your top. He licks the side of your neck, relishing in he way you moan when he rubs you hardened nipples. He's frustrated with his lack of lips, wishing he could litter you with hickeys all over where people can see, maybe that way they'd know who you belong too. He chuckles lowly, knowing exactly what to do now.
"Forgive me, my love." Dairou purrs, and just as you're about to ask what for he bites down hard where your neck meets your shoulder. It's enough to make you bleed and he laps it all up, moaning at the taste. You whimper slightly, the pressure of his tongue on your freshly injured skin makes you hiss. "Maybe now people won't want to play with what's mine." He mumbles, pushing his teeth against your neck to imitate a kiss.
Dairou pulls your shirt off of you, his thumbs brush at the scars just below your nipples, admiring them like always. He happy to know he's not the only one with scars. Havik licks them passionately, making you moan as his tongue teasingly flick over your nipple. His fingers hook around your waistband, pulling down both your pants and underwear slowly, causing you to shiver as the cold air makes contact with your needy t-dick. "I was bothered all day, they all couldn't keep their hands off of you." You lover rants, licking a long strip from your bellybutton down to you needy hole. You try to tell him that it was nothing and that you're sure they were just being nice but he cuts you off when he pushes his face into your dripping cunt.
A moan it ripped from you as his proceeds to fuck you on his tongue. Your hands tangle through his hair, pulling him impossible closer. Havik groans lowly, the vibration of it makes your eyes roll back. He's especially good with his tongue, he's learned to please you without his lips, and god did he learn well. Just as your hips begin to rock against his face he pulls away, laughing softly as you pathetically whine for more. "Don't worry, I'll have you screaming just from my cock in a second," he teases, standing to pull down his pants, your watch as his hard cock springs up, the tip beaded with precum. "That way everyone can hear how good I make you feel." You scoff, watching as Dairou positions himself between your legs. He'll make sure you'll regret that.
Havik bottoms out instantly, sighing at the feeling of you velvet walls, smirking as you groan and grip the sheets. His pace is awfully slow, but each thrust it hard and knocks the air out of your lungs. He lifts your legs over his shoulders before leaning down into you, your legs pressed against your chest as he pounds into your wetness. Your greedy cunt squeezes around his dick, covering it with your arousal. You beg him to go faster and of course he obliges, speeding up at you request. He watches your every expression, proud of himself when he hears you moan. You try to express your need to keep it down, seeing as it's not like a house on earthrealm with walls no one would really hear you through, instead in a large hut stationed in the epicenter of the town. Dairou can care less, and if anyone had something to say about it he'd kill them himself.
He presses his teeth against your sweating forehead, humming softly as you beg for release, and he let's you, your legs shaking as you moan. "Mm, you feel so good. Look at how you suck me in even after all that," He pulls away, letting your legs fall to rest around his waist. Havik still fucks you, ignoring you overstimulated whining. "You keep whining but look, your body yearns for me. It's ok, I'll help you feel better." You face burns hot at his words, watching him lick his teeth, like he's about to devour you. You've failed horribly at trying to keep quiet and that only encourages your lover to keep going.
Dairou's hands never leave you body, squeezing your thighs between his large hand, resting the other on your stomach where he can feel himself inside of you. He wishes you could see yourself through his eyes, your a complete mess underneath him. The sight of you wrapped snuggly around his cock brings him to his end. He cums inside of you, pulling out to pump the rest out onto your stomach. His eyes are shut, jaw clenching as he moans for you. Just as you're about to doze off he pushed his length into you again, fucking his seed deep inside of you.
You swear it's been hours at this point, and Dairou is relentless. He's made you cum at least 5 times and he's only on his second. With each orgasm the more loud you become, the more sensitive you feel under his muscular body. "Just one more, can't you do that for me?" He asks sweetly, as if he's not gonna make it happen anyway. You nod you head, not even sure if you fully comprehend what he said, your brain effectively turned to mush.
Your boyfriends thumb rubs at you throbbing cock, your back arching off of the mattress. You cry desperately as he fucks you, screaming his name as it all becomes just to much. His breathing is heavy, jaw hung open as he takes in as much air as he can. Havik moans as he feels your abused pussy spasm around his cock, a mix of his and your own cum make a mess of your thighs and his lower abdomen. "Yeah, good boy, just like that, cum on my cock. Your perfect, perfect for me. " His head falls back, large hands gripping the fat of your hips as he finishes for a third time, praise pouring out of his mouth.
You whine softly, watching as he pulls himself away from you. Your cunt clenches around nothing, dripping with his hot cum. Dairou rolls over onto his side, pulling you into his chest with big arms. You can feel the bite marks of your neck beginning to bruise over, hissing when he pseudo-kisses it. After a little while, once you've come too, you tease him about it. He scoffs, "There's nothing wrong with making sure people know what's mine." but you're positive all of Seido knows now.
He urges you to sleep, promising to carry you around all of tomorrow because he knows you won't be able to walk, at least not well. You fall asleep happily to the thought of your anarchists, anti-government, big and scary boyfriend at your aid for a whole day.
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A/n: ok that's all :P, I also promised I'd right more BUT I'M SUCH A LIAR SORRY, trying to do my request now because it literally just saw them idk why I hadn't noticed so sorry if this is late :/
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girlboypersonthingy · 9 months
hiii I saw the fluff alphabet for Keith and I was wondering if you could write one for pidge as well? ^_^
ABSOLUTELY I LOVE PIDGE SO MUCH. 💚💚💚sorry for the long wait, but here it finally is! ENJOY~ 😉
Pidge- Fluff Alphabet 💌
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Pidge is affectionate when she wants to be. Sometimes she’s a bit shy about it and prefers to show you affection in private. Pidge is simple and sweet, she enjoys soft quick kisses and linking pinkies and winking at each other from across the table during breakfast when the rest of the team isn’t paying attention (except for that one time Lance noticed YOU wink at Pidge and she blushed super red and Lance wouldn’t leave her alone about it for the next week).
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Honestly, I think Pidge would be a good best friend besides being a bit blunt and totally honest. Some might find the green Paladin a little intimidating and condescending but she doesn’t mean to be, she’s just really freaking smart and she’s not afraid to speak her truth. She’s so smart that it makes most people feel really stupid even talking to her. But with you…she goes slow and tries her best to be patient and teach you along the way. Idk there’s just something about you ✨
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yesssss she really likes cuddles when she’s upset or frustrated or crying. She likes cuddles after a bad dream or after a really risky mission. BUT as soon as she drifts off fully into sleep, gorl starts doing martial arts in bed. Fully expect to be kicked, slapped, punched and fully laid on by Pidge. She’s a bit wild but she’s easy to wake. When she is cuddling, she likes to be the little spoon or be face to face with your foreheads resting about each other’s.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I’d imagine Pidge has no intention of settling down with anyone until she truly feels deep in her heart that she’s met ‘the one’. She’ll try dating but she won’t commit until she knows you well enough and has time to decide how she feels and time to imagine her future with that person. Also, girl is the opposite of wifey material- can’t cook, messy asf, grumpy in the mornings but it’s all worth it. She has her moments~
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think Pidge would be very straight forward about it but also try her best to be kind and gentle. She wouldn’t want to do it over the phone, she’d have the guts to sit you down and tell you to your face how she feels.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sorta the same answer as ‘Domestic’ ⬆️, she wouldn’t be careless and rush into anything with someone she isn’t sure about. She could see herself getting married one day but doesn’t really consider it a top priority, ya feel me?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I mean…she’s a tiny Aries who knows she’s smarter than everyone in the room at all times…she���s kind of a lot sometimes. She can be emotionally chaotic sometimes, she often grabs attention from others without even meaning to and it can feel a bit overwhelming at first but the more you get to know her, the more you come to adore her intelligence and it warms your heart when she shares her knowledge with others and her bravery every time she speaks up for herself in a crowd and her stubbornness really starts to grow on you. She’s physically about the same lmaoooooo like…with most people she’s very out there, extroverted and loud and she doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty or getting in to trouble in order to get a job done. She works hard AND plays hard, she’s a goofball. But with her s/o, she’s much softer and calmer and speaks quieter and moves just a bit slower and with more caution. She just really loves you 💚
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
NEVER hugs you in front of others unless like one of you almost died on a mission or you’ll be apart for a long time. Most hugs are done late at night while you’re falling asleep and Pidge is working way past bedtime, also mid day when the rest of the team is dispersed throughout the castle and doing their own thing, knowing that she has a low risk of being caught at this time she’ll come find you and give you a long, snuggly hug without saying a word and then run off back to her work.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’ll take a long while tbh…Pidge is pretty shy and inexperienced with relationships and lovey dovey feelings. She’ll probably wait until you say it first. Once you say it her tho, it comes out of her in a sigh of relief. It gets easier for her after the first time but she’s still getting used to it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don’t think Pidge is really the jealous type. Even if someone was actively flirting with you, she wouldn’t be so much jealous as she would be concerned…like she could care less if someone is just genuinely flirting with you but what if they have some devilish motive and they’re working for the galra and they’re gonna kidnap you and hold you hostage and- she needs to come intervene before she starts fully panicking. She’ll just come join you in a silent and nonchalant way like coming up and holding your hand. She’s not trying to butt in and be nosy, she just wants to make sure you’re safe and also make you feel safe, protected and supported. She’s not jealous, she just cares very deeply for you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are awkward, sweet, sometimes silly and interrupted by soft giggles. She likes to kiss your lips but she LOVES kissing your cheeks and nose, she thinks you’re just soooo cute and she likes the look on your face after she kisses you there. She likes forehead kisses most bc they make her feel warm and relaxed and content. Forehead kisses really make her want to cry (in a good way)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Mmmm she tries her best to be energetic with kids but she’s honestly so awkward. Regardless, kids ADORE HERRRRRR. Pidge has so much cool shit to say, she mesmerizes kids so easily with her science and space rambles.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Pidge stays up working and coding until like 3 am every night and then sleeps in until at least 10am if you let her, so most mornings are spent trying to drag Pidge out of bed as she groans in protest. It’s okay tho, her bed head is so cute and she won’t even open her eyes yet but you can’t stop smiling bc she’s cute even when she’s sleepy and grumpy. Once she’s got her eyes open and is sitting up, she’ll always mumble a raspy “morning” to you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Unless you’re a night owl as well, you’ll probably be asleep before Pidge. She’ll always welcome your company while she’s working and will let you slump against her or lay your head in her lap and sleep. Most of the time, she gently wakes you and you sleepily walk to your room together but sometimes, she falls asleep right beside her work and cuddled up to you and someone ends up finding y’all in the morning like 🥹💖🥰
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think she would open up rather quickly. I think Pidge has a pretty good sense of who she can trust and if she trusts you enough to be your s/o, she trusts you a lot. She would confide in you often along with Shiro I’m sure.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It depends…certain things tick Pidge off a bit but she can shrug it off. Other certain things make her want to explode. Lance makes a short joke, annoying but whatever. She accidentally codes something wrong and has to start all over, watch out, she’s seconds away from throwing something across the room as hard as she can.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Pidge forgets NOTHING!!! This girl has a spectacular memory, she remembers everything you tell her and is very considerate with that info. She’s the type to remember your fears and try her best to shield you from that, she’ll remember hits favorite color and get you everything that color, she’ll remember your birthday no matter what. And she loves learning new things about you too.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably your first physical embrace. You weren’t officially dating yet but you could both feel the pining going on between you. She had been roughed up and tossed around by some galra on a mission one time and when she got back to the castle, you were the first one to greet her with a gentle hug and a worried expression on your face. She’ll never forget how soft your hands felt as they caressed her dirty face. That was the first time you’d ever shown her any kind of true intimacy and she got a glimpse of your feelings for her.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She is extremely protective but she tries to give you space. She worries about you constantly but it’s not that she doesn’t trust you or doesn’t believe in you, she just knows first hand how brutal this war can be and she doesn’t want to lose you. Of course, she always insists you two stick together on any and all missions you attend bc she knows you have her back and she always has yours.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She tries her best! She’s not great at surprises tho, she always tells you what the gift is or what the date is bc she has to make sure you want that first, she can’t just do it and risk you having a bad time. She does listen to you and takes every little detail into consideration. She often does simple things like complimenting you and offering you small bits of physical affection. For special occasions like an anniversary, she likes to ask you what you would want/ want to do and then she’ll try to make it exceed your expectations.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Bites her nails and just flicks her nails all over the place 🙄 also mess asf in general
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She’s really not concerned at all about her appearance. Sure for a special occasion she’ll dress up and try to look nice but on the day to day, Pidge just wants to be comfy and feel like she’s dressing for her, not for anyone else.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yeeesssssss 🥹 Pidge would become so used to your everyday presence in her life, so if you ever left or disappeared or got taken, she’d feel like there was a void constantly haunting her. She’d miss your smell, your laugh, your voice, your touch, your company so much she’d lose sleep over it for sure.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
“Hey, who’s that duck? He’s new here.”
“When are you going to the carnival? I want to go.”
“Turtles and birds are both dinosaurs, that’s wiiiilllddddd.”
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Pidge wouldn’t like someone who’s really conceited and selfish. She likes people who aren’t afraid to look silly or foolish or messy. She likes people who worry about things other than appearances and possessions.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Cannot stay still for the life of her. She tosses and turns so bad, good luck getting a good nights rest with how much she moves. She’ll low key beat you up throughout the night, she’s a crazy sleeper.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Routine and Not yet for Hideout or Fools Rush In Steve :)
Love this mini series/ask thing you got going on. I ADORE the way you write Steve.
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Oh. OH. THIS might break me. Oh daaaammmmnnn. But...but...AT WHAT POINT IN TIME ARE WE TALKING ABOUT???
[Younglings, you poor things, I promise to write something for you soon, but this too is MINORS DNI. The prompt is from this dirty ask game.]
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Ya know, I think the two Steebs actually have a lot in common (although Fools is way in the future after his Nomad era) when it comes to being deprived of time with his partner--Nomad because he's still a fugitive, and Sketch after he was 'dead' and gone for three months--so maybe they develop similarly? Fools Rush In Steve, however, has been with Keeps for years by then, while Hideout Steve has barely begun to really get to know Tops.
R - Routine
No matter how I think about it, Hideout Steve can't really have a routine. He just has to make due with the random times he's around with reader at the motel. He can't really plan that, and it becomes more dangerous the more he tries to plan because it's somewhere where someone else (people looking for him) would know he'd be. He can't make promises. I think it eats him up inside, but he can't.
Now! Also no matter how I think it through, Sketch would likely only schedule sex to either avoid or take advantage of your cycle. Like if you're trying for kids, then yeah, he'll use all the basal temperature and ovulation monitoring apps in the fucking world. You can wear the stupid watch thing and just point at him when it's time or something. For sure. He can work like that. When duty calls, right?
Not on birth control for a while but not looking to get pregnant? Yeah, he can wait. F.R.I. Steve has just unbelievable control in that department, aided in no small part by immense guilt for how long it took him to come out of his shell and be physically open with you.
He has his spontaneous moments--more and more the longer you two are together,--but he still gets stuck in his head a lot.
N - Not Yet
I don't see Steve Rogers from any universe ever telling his partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under any circumstance. That just seems cruel, and he wouldn't do it. At very least, it would be for no longer than the time it takes him to set something up, like lighting candles or drawing a bath or setting up a sex swing, idk, just not long.
Steve's the type of man who would tell you to let him know every time you want to touch yourself or do touch yourself. That is...really great for him. He would also turn beet red at how frequently you let him know that, but he ain't gonna stop ya.
Hideout Steve--it's no secret--he needs to work on his own orgasm control. He's really overwhelmed very quickly, and the battle is sorta half-come-as-much-as-possible until his tolerance for stimulation tapers off and half-train-him/himself-by-edging.
All I know is a frustrated Steeb is a sexy Steeb, people.
If you don't believe me, welp, too fucking bad, I'm the writer. 😏
FRI Steve would need a lot of direction in terms of what the point of orgasm delay or orgasm denial is. In his mind...just why?? It's not as if it doesn't take a decent amount of time to get you both to your ends? It's not like he skips over foreplay? Why then would you be a jerk about or prolong a perfectly good love-making? (If you don't know this, Sketch is still very limited in his dirty vocabulary. His actions have evolved exponentially, but under zero circumstances--not even torture--will that man ever refer to your, or anyone else's, genitalia as a 'pussy.' I have pitched a tent near a stream on that hill; I am not leaving unless in a coffin.)
We have established, I believe, in both universes, that Steve Rogers enjoys begging in the bedroom. Very much. He doesn't overdue it. He's not mean about getting it from you. He just doesn't mind begging for himself and certainly doesn't mind hearing you beg.
The end. No delays lol.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
A/N: Okay, good news: I didn't die inside as much as I thought I would. Hope you still like it though!
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yuraslefttoe · 9 months
everyone: we really like your characters and want to know more
tart: i dont think anyones really interested :(
ok but dont except anything actually cool!!!!! first things first i made a playlist for all the songs tentatively named "creatures" for lack of a better name. here it is apollo death machine is now its forever name second things second its important to understand im not telling an overarching epic like ferry does with pafl or like literally any other vocaloposter with a story driven narrative. the songs are supposed to work in pairs and tell you small things about the characters BUT AT THE SAME TIME the songs each individually stand for a idea or concept that i wrote the song around. the pairings are as follows: enigma - tbd firing line - tbd theory of i - privateer draw5 - kerosene
each song provides as an antithesis for another but also they have underlying meanings that people have yet to figure out unless ive told them. i like the sorta double meaning thing where yes its telling you a little about the characters and relation but then there's also this other thing that totally unrelated to the characters so that's how i continue how to write these songs.
third things third here are the characters. the part youve all be waiting for. in order of appearence:
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this is europa. illustrated by meem. appears in privateer. he is very quiet and generally just goes with the flow. he is meant to be a counterpart of andrei idk we'll get into that later
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this is maya also illustrated by meem. appears in firing line (which i think i might remake at some point). she is the only character of this batch who doesn't have a direct counterpart because she is just so cool. she likes to call herself the reaper.
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this is mikhail, illustrated by ferry. appears in enigma and kerosene! he looks very nice but he is not really a good person actually. he has a counterpart but i have yet to write him into the "story" yet. im sure someone can put two and two together and figure out where he falls.
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finally, this is andrei :) he is easily persuaded and is actually a very soft spoken individual despite what draw5 sounds like. he has very poor eyesight. he appears in theory of i and draw5.
fourth things fourth the general "narrative" i have is that these songs tell you about the characters and how they feel about eachother. the general consensus between all the songs (because i went through like five iterations of ideas) is that there are two timelines whom our characters resides. maya exists in both as the same person and only misha has the power to travel between both. hijinks ensue. thank you to meem for helping me design and name these characters love you mwah
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wannaseewhatshangin · 11 months
I think this one is cute I made it up of the spot for you🤭
I was thinking like matt dillon x reader we’re the reader are on the cast of the outsiders and during the filming of the movie bts they were flirty and stuff and kinda like touching each other (non sexual ofc😟) and towards the end of the movie he asks her out and that go out on a date and like some time later there in interviews they talk abt each other and it’s all cute and shit
Idk if you don’t like it ignore it if you do then cool!
You were more than thrilled when you found out you got the role for "The Outsiders"
You have been waiting for them to call you and you were so nervous.
You sat in your dressing room, as the staff did your makeup and hair.
Once they were finished, you went outside to meet everyone.
Tommy (Ponyboy) was so sweet to you and he made you feel very welcome.
When you met Matt. God, your heart just almost stopped. Same for him.
You talked to each other the most.
You did the first scene and you walked with pony , Johnny and Dallas.
Matt couldn't keep his eyes off of you. They had to do many retakes becaause he was so distracted.
"Jesus, Matt. Gotta crush on the lady? Get it together" Ralph said, nudging his shoulder.
He blushed harshly.
"N-no. I don't, hush and mind your own role" He said playfully
y'all did a few scenes at the drive in and he threw his arm over your shoulder as y'all sat in y'all's seats. (def was not scripted)
The last scene took many takes but you definitely got it down.
You cried as johnny's heart rate went flat, hugging Ponyboy and Dallas ran off.
"Dally!" You screamed as he ran out the hospital.
You looked at pony then at Johnny, making you cry more.
The scene cut and you wiped your "Tears" before Matt came back into the room.
"You did so good Y/n" He complimented, rubbing your shoulder gently.
"I honestly thought you were really sad." Tommy said.
You all laughed and filmed the last scene.
When it was over, Matt walked up to.
"Hey y/n. Do you think I could talk to you in private?" He asked, smiling nervously.
"Sure tthing, sweets." You smiled, taking him somewhere private.
"Whats up?" You asked, sorta scared.
"Well, um I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out sometime. I uh really like you." He said, trying his best to hide his blush. He was scared he might have ruined a very special friendship.
You smiled brightly, kissing his cheek, before nodding and walking off.
A month later, Matt was in an interview. The rest of the cast was backstage, watching him, waiting for their turn.
"So the fans wanna know if there is something going on between you two. They have suspected you looking at Y/n like you were in love, that true?" The interview host asked, the crowd going silent waiting for Matt to respond.
"Um" He chuckled, a pink tint on his cheeks as the crowd laughed.
You were as red as a stop sign as the rest of the cast teased you.
"Yeah actually, um. I asked her out when we were done with the movie and she said yes and here we are." He said as the audience went "aw" and some laughed as he tried to play it cool.
"What made you like her?" A fan screamed.
"Yes that's a good question what made you like her?" The host asked Matt.
He blushed some more and went on to tell everyone.
"Well you know, she was there for everyone and she was just very sweet and very very pretty and I don't know, it just made me feel somethin I guess." He said as the audience screamed at how cute his response was.
"Why don't we get Y/n out here, hm?" He said, calling someone to bring you to the stage
Matt hid his face in his jacket, intensely embarrassed.
You walked onto the stage and sat right next to him, wrapping your arm around him smiling brightly.
The audience squealed and hollered.
Matt smiled to himself.
"That's so cute you guys. Y/n, what made you fall in love with Matt?" The host said, asking you the same question as Matt.
"Well he was very kind and he just has the most amazing smile and he is really handsome and he just makes me really happy and I wouldn't pick anybody over my sunshine." You said, fixing his hair gently, moving it out of his face as he smiled and blushed.
The crowd screamed as the host ended the show off on a great note.
(I'm so sorry if it's bad, I wanted to improve it but I didn't want to do too much and make it worse, I hope you like it, I was really excited to write this. Thank you for the opportunity bae <3)
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mothman-can-write · 5 months
hi !!! i saw u said you were open for prompts, i mean this is kinda less of a prompt really, but like i loved that blackhill mission transcript thing you did a while ago and would be really cool to see some more stuff in the same vein ig ! but also maybe something like a kinda blackhill first meeting kinda thing idk !! i just love your work tho ! you really have the ability to make me feel all the emotions
OOOOO i just thought of this whilst writing this but maybe something like with clint teasing nat ab having like feelings for maria or something ?? idk i just love ur writing ! sorry these are kinda shitty hahah
NGL I took this prompt and mangled it in my hands. I heard first meeting and my brain was immediately like well that could go seventeen thousand different ways, so I sorta mashed in Clint's teasing to go along with it and made it a little more suggestive than outright shippy. Realistically, I think if Natasha is only meeting Maria for the first time, she's probably still in a place where she's not totally open to such self indulgent things as having a crush
Also, this isn't a mission transcript but I'd love to do more of them that one was really fun! I just don't really have any good ideas for the sort of things they'd have to talk about in the field besides dying haha
ANYWAY enough rambling, though you're all familiar with my inability to shut up these days. ~3k under the cut of Clint being a ballache and nat being sceptical but gay
The only person that doesn’t treat Natasha like she’s a project – or a live wire –  is Clint. He’d had his fair share of looking at her with those careful eyes, something behind them that made her teeth itch in her gums like some trained dog. He doesn’t do that so much anymore, not unless she’s in a particular state and doing a very bad job at hiding it. She likes him, she thinks. He might be one of the first people in her entire life that she can truly say she likes. 
Naturally, she finds herself in his quarters more often than her own. She lays on his bed as he works on something probably explosive enough to kill them both if he sneezes, and she ignores the pip of her emails as she braids a small strip of hair under her ear. She’s bored, if she’s honest, but she doesn’t want to waste her first free morning of the past fortnight on something so trivial as emails. Or helping Clint. 
“You not gonna answer her?” he says without looking up from his work. He holds it close to his face, something far too small in his tweezers. 
Natasha’s fingers pause in untangling her braid. “How do you know who it is?” 
He still doesn’t turn in his seat, matter of fact when he speaks. “You have a different tone for Hill.” 
“How did you figure that out?” She tries not to scowl at him, but she still isn’t used to feeling so see-through. Quite frankly, she’d like to be as opaque as possible, but she seems to have grown rather attached to someone with x-ray vision. 
Clint puts his miniature contraption down and turns to her at last. She’s not fond of the smile on his face as he leans over the back of his chair. “You’re not the only spy on the ship. Also, you weren’t trying very hard to hide it.” 
“Her emails are usually more important,” Natasha argues, not quite sure why she feels the need to defend herself on it. 
Clint grins ever wider. “I never asked why. I just thought you had a massive crush on her.” 
Natasha scowls fully this time. “I’ve never met her.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t know what’s in those emails.” 
“Shut up.” 
She reaches for her phone anyway and pointedly ignores the way Clint watches her. The email is much the same as they always are, telling her about meetings and progress and such. She’s overtly professional in every one, but now that she’s thinking about it, Natasha likes the words she uses – just slightly like she enjoyed reading dictionaries as a child. Very, very rarely, Maria will let something slip in her emails that is almost like humour, and Natasha doesn’t tell Clint that she actually does enjoy receiving emails from her just for the fact that she feels a little special when that happens. She’s heard the rumours; she knows not to expect giggles and grins when it comes to the Assistant Director. 
In the end, she doesn’t bother to respond to the email anyway and Clint has already turned back to his work. “Not in the mood to sext her back?” 
She scowls at the back of his head. “It sounds like Laura needs to watch her back.” 
“Oh, god,” he laughs. “Gross. Absolutely not. Not my type.” 
“What makes you think she’s mine?” 
“You need someone to match your weirdness.” 
Natasha wishes she had something to throw at him. She won’t admit that she intrigues her in small ways. She doubts she’s any different from every other CEO and government lead in the world, but some small part of her feels thankful to her faceless emails. She could’ve easily overridden Clint’s choice, could’ve had her put down before she could even think to beg for forgiveness. But she’d given her a chance, and she’d kept in contact despite her supposed overbooked schedule every day since. Maria held her life in her hands at one point, and she’d given her another shot at it. 
Despite everything, Natasha still doesn’t sleep well. Or, rather, because of everything, she supposes. One good month doesn’t erase a lifetime of bad – and she’s really a little hesitant to say that this month has even been good in many senses of the word. She wonders if the nights will ever get easier on her with time, or if she’s stuck with these hours of restlessness and sweat for the rest of her life. It’s not a nice thing to think about, and it doesn’t really do all that much to distract her from the shadows that still play behind her eyelids or the way the shapes of the room still seem to swim around the edges. So, she swings her legs over the side of her bed and scrubs at her face with her hands. She can appreciate, at the very least, that she isn’t handcuffed to her bed here. Somehow, that had been a hard thing to get used to. She still sleeps with one arm by the headboard. 
There aren't many things to do at this hour. Clint has told her countless times that she’s perfectly welcome to pester him at any time of the night if it would make her feel even minutely better. He says he understands, and she believes him enough from the way his past lines his own face, but it doesn’t make it any easier to put into practice. 
She doesn’t have a plan as she steps out into the corridors. She dresses like she’s going to the gym on the off chance that she might be able to sneak into it and punch something until she’s sweaty for reasons more tangible. She wishes the firing range was usable at this hour, but she’s sure that’s much less subtle. Still, there are some nightmares you can only really feel better by shooting at. Maybe she’ll bat her eyelashes into an hour or so at the targets tomorrow. 
She passes the odd agent as she trails around the corridors and considers that the ship never really sleeps entirely. There’s always someone on the night shift, always someone pottering around with something. She thinks it would be nice to work when it’s so quiet. Maybe she should ask about changing her hours. It might be a little soon. 
The gym isn’t so far from her quarters, and by the time she reaches it her shirt still feels sticky at her back and her stomach still feels like it’s alive in her ribcage. Her hopes are low enough to limbo as she presses her hand to the door, and she could almost sigh with relief when the door opens easily. She’s not against breaking in, but she likes to think she’s been doing a pretty good job of building a better reputation lately. Maybe not socially, but Maria’s emails haven’t managed to sound short lately – not since the last time she’d bypassed what she maintains was a criminally simple encryption on one of Clint’s jobs. 
The gym is utterly silent at this time of the morning, which is entirely unsurprising. She doubts anyone else sensible gets out of bed for another hour or two, let alone starts their training regime. Generally, agents are allowed the privilege of breakfast before they’re worked to the bone. Natasha’s never been a fan of food so early in the morning. 
She doesn’t really know when she fell out of the habit of scanning each room on this ship like someone will be waiting to haul her out of it, and she blames it firmly on her lack of sleep and nightmare slurred thoughts when she doesn’t notice the other body in the gym until it’s too late. 
“I did wonder,” someone says, and Natasha’s attention snaps to one of the benches on the far side, half covered from the entrance. 
It takes Natasha an almost embarrassingly drawn out moment to place her features, and she’s sure she only half succeeds in hiding her surprise into an intrigued eyebrow. The Assistant Director didn’t really strike her as the type to be in the gym when everyone is supposed to be sleeping. 
“Wonder what?” she asks instead of every other question that gnaws at her head. She stays firmly planted in the middle of the room. 
“Who would come in at this time.” 
Oh. She’s not wondering about Natasha. She doesn’t really know what that feels a mote disappointing. She hates it when Clint asks how she’s sleeping. Maybe she just doesn’t like lying to him. 
“I thought it would be empty.” 
Maria places her water bottle beside her on the bench and makes absolutely no move to stand up yet. Somehow, Natasha finds it unnerving, even if she’s taller here. “It usually is,” she says simply. 
Her eyes bore into her in a way that makes the back of her neck crawl. Something about her says that she’s calculating, that she’s looking at Natasha and breaking her down into little bite sized pieces. Natasha has never liked being dissected. Maria’s eyes are very blue. 
“Do you usually spend your mornings here?” she asks, if only to stop Maria from burning holes into her skull and reading her thoughts directly. 
It works, in the way that her gaze flicks away for the briefest moment before pinning her again in that same cool tone. “I guess you could call this morning.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question.” 
Maria’s eyes soften ever so slightly around the corners, and Natasha would almost call it a squint. “I’ve made a bit of a habit at this point, yes.”
She almost seems reluctant to admit it, and Natasha can’t help the way she wants to pick this woman apart. She has always liked puzzles, and people are just some of the more complex the world has to offer. She thinks she understands the rumours a little more now, even through this uncanny meeting. She wonders if Maria feels her own searching gaze as intently. 
Maria stands at last, and Natasha had almost forgotten how tall she is. She thinks she preferred it when she was sitting. “Don’t let me stop you,” she says, and Natasha is silently thankful for the way that answers her question. Again, not that she wouldn’t break the rules. It’s just much harder to make an excuse when the Assistant Director is the one who catches you. 
“I would’ve expected the AD to send me back to my quarters,” she notes, as forward as ever when it gets her information. She’ll admit this woman seems to be intriguing. She’s curious as to just why she’s indulging her so far. 
Maria’s expressions are all very small, mere suggestions of emotions that only make Natasha want to pick her apart. “That would make me more of a hypocrite than I already am,” she says simply, almost smiling. “Are you getting on okay?” she asks instead , and her eyes are on her like she’s deciphering her again. She’s closer now, making direct eye contact, and Natasha holds it like a game. “Besides the obvious, of course.” 
Natasha tries not to scowl. God, does she hate when people pretend like they know her. “What’s the obvious?” 
Maria raises one eyebrow ever so slightly, her expression caught somewhere to amusement. “Did the Red Room have you in the routine of training at four in the morning?” 
“Sometimes.” They both know that’s not the reason that she’s here, as much as Natasha wishes Maria didn’t. 
Her eyes are almost soft. Almost like she truly cares about her. Natasha doesn’t like to let herself believe the sort of things that might cost her later. “Half of the people on this ship struggle with it, Romanoff,” she says, nearly gentle in the silence around them. “You don’t have to be ashamed of it.” 
She can almost imagine her setting a heavy hand on her shoulder as she says it, though Maria remains in her own space. She’s still slightly too close for what Natasha is used to however, and it’s the first time she realises the darkness under her eyes. Her face is lined, something bone deep that she doubts ever goes away. It lends her a certain sort of…imperfection that makes her seem a whole lot more human. For everything she’s heard, though she knows to take gossip with a healthy grain of salt, she could almost imagine Hill to be some sort of robot, some living excel sheet. 
Standing in front of her, she sort of just looks like a woman who could do with some sleep. She looks like a woman who has spent the last who-knows-how-many hours beating out her own past the same way Natasha intends to. She won’t call it affection. It doesn’t mean Natasha likes the way she looks straight through her any more. 
“You have any tips?” she says, aiming for something playful. She really, really just wants her to stop looking at her like she can figure her out right here in the middle of the room. Maybe if she seems better than she is, she’ll leave her alone. She’d rather her conduct a genuine vivisection out on the boxing ring floor if she’s going to continue to examine her. 
She’s certain Maria almost smiles at that, a tug at the corner of her lips that is almost sad, almost conspirational. She shrugs ever so slightly. “Shooting things usually helps.” 
Natasha tries not to scowl like a child. As if she wouldn’t be there right now if she could get away with it. “I’m on supervised arms training.” 
This time, Maria does smile, though Natasha thinks she’d have missed it if she blinked. “Not from tomorrow,” she says plainly, and Natasha can only watch her walk away without another word. 
The door closes behind her, and Natasha lets herself furrow her eyebrows as deeply as she likes. She is overtly aware that she is not being let off of supervised training tomorrow. She’s aware that she has been seen as a weapon and an explosive since the moment Clint forgot that he was meant to shoot her. Somehow, she doesn’t think that Maria is one to tease. 
It makes it very hard to punch things as effectively as she’d like to when she can only think after Maria. She wonders what keeps her up at night. She wonders what else she does to get rid of the shadows. She wonders why on earth she would let her off of the hook so early. For all they know, Natasha might decide to defect back. She might’ve been biding her time until she could get a hand on one of those guns outside of the range. She’d never even dream of it, of course. She’d rather be supervised for every split second a gun is in her hands for the rest of her life than have to go back to her life before. She wonders just how deep Maria managed to dig. She wonders if she really is all that transparent after all. 
She finds herself in Clint’s quarters again as thoughtlessly as breathing. Every spare minute in her schedule that lines up with his, she’ll spend hiding from the rest of the world. This time, she’s sitting in his chair, her knees resting against the edge of his desk so that she can spin it slightly from side to side. Clint is behind her in his bunk, his arms tucked up behind his head and his eyes closed. It’s only 2pm. Natasha wishes she could have a nap too. 
“Is she always like that?” she says on a whim, her thoughts still stuck on tired eyes and snap decisions. 
“Like what?” Clint asks, completely brushing over her lack of context. 
“Ah, we’re back on Hill. Yes.” He falls silent again, and Natasha listens to his breath. “Hold on.” His eyes open and his head turns on his pillow to face her. “Did you meet her? When?” 
“This morning.” 
“You were at the range this morning.” 
“Before that.”
“You were asleep before that.” She doesn’t answer, and that tells him everything in as little effort as possible. “Natasha.” 
She doesn’t meet his eye. “It’s better than moping.” 
“You don’t need to mope. You can come wake me up.” 
“But then you don’t sleep.” 
“Tasha, do you really think I’m sleeping well either half the time?” 
She stays silent again, staring intently at the dimples Clint’s chair has made in the carpet. 
“How did you even find her?” he asks eventually, giving up the argument for the countless time. “She’s practically booked to the minute.” 
“She was in the gym when I got there.” 
“I’m going to skip over the fact that you’d rather punch something until you bleed than come and bug me. Was it worth it? Was she all sweaty and hot? Did you two finally canoodle in person?” 
She doesn’t dignify his jokes with a response, her thoughts plain in her expression. “I don’t think she sleeps well either. She looked tired.” 
Clint grins a little. “You paying attention to her face?”
Natasha scowls at him. “It’s normal to look someone in the eye.” 
“Mhm…” He retucks his arms under his head, settling back against his pillow. “It’s for sure normal to think about them all morning.” 
“She took me off of probation,” she says, almost in a rush, like maybe this will change the subject – maybe a little bit like she’s admitting something. 
“Oh you definitely have a crush on her. It’s like she’s trying to get in your pants. Remind me never to read your emails.” 
Natasha only squints at him, wishing once again that she had something appropriate to throw. The urge distracts her enough that she never does reject the notion. And when she finds herself imagining Maria’s secret little smile in those few and far casual emails, she decides that Clint doesn’t need to know. She’s not been given many chances in her life, and she thinks she could make space in her life for two instead of one. She wonders if Maria would ever want a gym buddy on long nights and promptly decides not to think any deeper into it. 
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halfetirosie · 1 month
Yaku is Precious, Mr. Thief is Sentimental (Maybe?) 🤔🤔🤔
(Marvels 05-06 React-os!)
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The lil' animation where Blade grabs Yakumo and jumps up into the air with him is so silly, I love it!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
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3) Oh, Blade.....Your nicknaming senses are....so ⊹ ࣪ ˖ special ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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More like Grandpa Cha💃🏻Cha💃🏻Cha💃🏻 amiright gang?
4) Yaku-Babyyyy!!!!! This gentle boiiiii!!!!!! ♡♡♡
I love how at first he's over here's getting sorta over-powered by the sheer volume of Blade and Eiden's extroversion---
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---but then he's like---
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Hell yeah, Yaku!!! Give us a big ol' shout!!!!! Be assertive!!!! :D
5) Eiden, our ★ Frugal King ★!!!
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Honestly, same tho; I'd find it suspicious if someone wasn't taking advantage of a good deal.... (¬_¬)
6) Awwwwww!!!! Look at our boiii!!!!!! CUTEEEEEEE!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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I love it when they put Yakumo in uniforms, tbh---Like, Dark Nova (school uniform) is my favorite Yaku, and if I had to choose a second favorite Yakumo Look™ I'd probably choose Cocoa Liqeur.
Idk man, just, there's something about him specifically in a uniform.....What do you think, Fisheito? I know there's a good chance you'll read this post at some point...😈
7) ⏳ Theory Time! ⌛
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Okay, so I've been thinking---what if the "treasure" that they're supposed to be finding, is this coffee shop itself???
It is a "Hidden Gem," after all....
You know how, when the thief first showed up, he said that most people couldn't recognize what a true treasure is? I think that can apply to this coffee shop; it isn't super well known, and because it hasn't been getting as much business lately, its true worth isn't being recognized.
So, what if this Phantom Thief guy (who might be a yokai and thus have known about this coffee shop for a while) put together this whole game to bring attention to this place, so it will get more business again, and the old guy running the place will find a decent apprentice?
Idk, just a theory. We'll see if it's completely wrong or not.
8) Ah, yes, add another one to the list of Eiden's Random Collection of Part-Time Jobs!
(Kinda odd that he would only mention this one here, and not the time he worked in a detective agency, but whatevs)
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I do think it's funny, tho, that Eiden was able to figure out the next step of the puzzle instead of Rei.... >:)
9) I think my brain has been ruined; I see "nectar" and I automatically think "As in, from the earth??? Is the nectar coming from the earth???? FROM THE EARTH, NECTAR?????"
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Something tells me we're going to be seeing our favorite repressed Doritoman soon!!!!!
Hell yeah!!!!!! Can't wait to inflict him with Blade!!!!
More seriously---I wonder if they're going to need to go somewhere with Solarian fruit/coffee? 🤔
♡ End of report! ♡
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roydeezed · 23 days
Okay okay so I just started Yakuza 0 and for posterity I wanted to post a lil theory I had. Idk if it's even consequential or anything or if I'm reading into things or even if it's supposed to be a secret but I just talked to Kuze at the Loan Shark Building and I'm like 90% sure Nishikiyama is the bad guy. Or at least the one who set Kiryu up. Don't tell me if I'm wrong or right, I'll eventually come back to it and see if I am. Okay so my evidence is as follows:
-The Lieutenants seem kinda slimy and sorta like bad guys but the way the talk seems like they might not be all that bad. Nishiki's speech about clothes and appearance being kinda like this thing you can kind of substitute for substance makes me think that Kuze and the other lieutenant in purple might not be as lethal as the guy in all black.
-Kuze kinda seems to be looking out for Kiryu. His point about Kazama essentially having brainwashed soldiers is true.
-Okay now for points against Nishiki. First of all he calls us to hang out but then is late. If i'm understanding the timeline right, the guy Kiryu worked over for the loan shark was killed shortly after Kiryu left. Possibly during the time Nishiki was late. And he could've made Kiryu hang out with him to secure an alibi and a misdirection.
-The law of good mysteries is that the culprit has to be someone introduced early. Right now the game is making it seem like Kuze but the loan shark, Tozo (I think?), never confirmed who it was that set it up and Kuze never confirmed it either, possibly just to keep up his appearances as someone who knows everything.
-We've seen Nishiki is kind of slimy and extremely ambitious, there's a chance he heard about the Empty Lot deal through his connections.
-My only point of contention is why would he want to betray Kazama? Maybe it's just that personal ambition trumps personal connections or he has some twisted motive about he can secure a better place for them if he's the head? idk. But if he can betray Kiryu he can betray Kazama.
-Also we only hear about Kuze setting up Kazama through Nishiki, we don't even know if it's true. And Nishiki being close to Kazama could've done that instead.
-Kiryu seems to have a good head on his shoulders, sussing out assholes like the loanshark pretty easily, but blind to the faults of those he's loyal to, like Nishiki. Maybe that's why he's the pefect pawn? His failure takes out Kazama, setting up Nishiki as the perfect person to redeem that family and bring home the empty lot. Also if I am right, showing Nishiki and the loan shark as similarly slimy characters back to back shows that trusting quality of Kiryu so well.
I think that's all I have for now. If I'm right sick, If I'm not then maybe this'll be funny to my Yakuza-playing mutuals lmaooo
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drifloonz · 1 year
Strangle Red(Steven) cuddle headcanons for the simp n single plzz.
i was gunna go on hiatus and close requests temporarily bc theyve just been piling up but Ehhhhhhhhhh. This ones easy i might as well dripfeed people content. got nothin' else 2 do!
steven cuddling headcanons <3
♡ man's got a grip on him. due to his extreme self-isolation and therefore under socialization, he doesn't really remember... how to like... hug well. he knows how to do it, but it's been years and he also isn't exactly aware of his own strength, y'know? this means he'll usually hug you really tight, more than he means to but he doesn't notice it's too tight, usually.
♡ due to this if you ask for cuddles, the first few times it may be kind of awkward because he's not really aware that he's squeezing you too tight unless you make it obvious ( eg making noise or looking really visibly uncomfortable )
♡ he's perceptive though, and he'll eventually notice this and loosen up a lot. he's a very good cuddler once this happens... he's almost definitely way taller*, bigger, and built* than you, so it's like cuddling with a big comfy teddybear. he's warm and nice.
*( i personally hc him as 6'5 or taller to a mostly unnatural/uncommon degree like idk 6'9+ ),
*( if you like your stevens more muscly or dad-bod-esk, which i HC his body being like that in his later adult life anyways. although he was very skinny, weak, scrawny and underate in his teenage after-incident years due to not taking care of himself in my own personal headcanons cuz' i mean. makes sense. checks out. depression and spiralling does a lot of that to a mf. )
♡ when you cuddle while he's asleep, his hugs loosen up a lot because he's genuinely happy and calm around you, especially when he's asleep. although, if he's having a nightmare or is visibly stressed he'll be squeezing you as if you were dying in his arms and he wasn't ready to have you go... huh. Might be related to that nightmare. And also the general fear of losing people he loves. #lol
♡ he loves making you feel safe, and if cuddles do that for you he's going to take almost every opportunity to let you do that with him. he especially finds it cute when you nuzzle into the space between his neck and shoulder, or lay your head on his chest. it feels... nice.
♡ he also makes small snores and huffs and mumbles when he sleeps. his chest is very rumbly and the vibrations feel nice against your body. probably the type to sorta sleeptalk. maybe even sleepwalk but that ones arguable, although i see him doing it. horrible mental image of him somehow sleepwalking while still cuddling you, so he's just carrying you while he groggily walks around his own house.
♡ speaking of sleeptalking, this definitely isn't me projecting a headcanon i got from a character.ai rp, but he'll often sleeptalk about you, or when he's having particularly good dreams he'll be reminiscing on his nostalgic days with miki, and audibly saying and doing the things he's doing in his dream. this leads to him awkwardly petting you in real life thinking you're miki and not being aware of it unless you mention it to him, in which he'll get embarrassed but try to play it cool and also ask if you liked it. it's a little cute, though.
♡ speaking of, miki sleeps at the foot of you two's bed and takes up half of the bed /hj
♡ technically related, he sometimes hugs you in public ( if you somehow get him outside in the public eye ) if he's jealous, but it's moreso "putting a protective arm over your shoulder" type gesture. he'll also just do it as a protective measure even if nobody's making him jealous. he's a little paranoid of you replacing him or finding someone better, because to him it probably isn't that hard. Bpd moment.
♡ he will not tell you this outright but he really likes the feeling of your hands running through his messy, tangled hair when you two cuddle. it's nice. if he could purr He Would. he does make little rumbly chest vibrations with his noises sometimes which, close enough ig
♡ if you snore or make any noises or sleeptalk or do anything like that, he finds it very cute and endearing. if you sleeptalk especially he might quietly respond back just to see if your very unconscious brain replies to him. he's curious. and finds it cute to tease you even in that state.
♡ if you two are a little further in your relationship, he'll often give you some slow, chaste kisses when you two cuddle. he doesn't do this earlier mostly because he's sort of bad at knowing when the right time to do that would've been, or if you'd like it... so he still doesn't do it often, unless you initiate it a lot. then he gains that confidence back and teases and kisses you a lot more often.
♡ you will Not escape his arms if he doesn't want you to. they're big and he's strong. if he wants 5 more minutes when you two wake up, you are HAVING 5 more minutes. unless he feels particularly merciful and lets you go, or if you get out of his arms when they're loose ( aka when he's sleeping, since they loosen up a decent amount if he's comfortable and asleep )
♡ steven's almost always the big spoon due to him enjoying it a decent chunk more since he likes being protective and holding you, but in most cuddling hcs i like to think the both of you are facing each other when you cuddle anyways. equal amount of attention and cuddling. that's how steven likes it as well, i'd think.
♡ speaking of which he is very clingy with you and cuddles and hugs indulge him. he can just keep you there if he wants. he's usually nice enough and will let you go if you complain enough or really need to do something ( eat, go to the bathroom, shower, whatever )... but he finds it funny to keep you there sometimes. he'll never genuinely not let you go unless he's feeling extremely overprotective or had a really bad nightmare and wants your comfort but is too afraid to directly ask.
...or he's afraid of you getting hurt like how miki and also mike but steven doesn't want to think about mike did when he let his guard down, and then becomes overprotective due to that, since he's afraid of leaving you alone without him and thinks you'll get hurt.
♡ anyways! on a lighter note he's so big that you could probably sleep on top of his body and he wouldn't mind, probably. he sort of likes the weight. you Are his weighted blanket that he needs so desperately but is too lazy to order off of éBay ( get it. é. like the pokémon é. god i should make a pokemon irl blog with my sona or something some day. anyways. )
♡ semirelated by technicality in the sense that its about touching him, please god massage steven. specifically his spine and his back. his borderline scoliosis quickly became Regular Scoliosis after the incident and it's only ever gotten worse. he will appreciate it. he also will do the same if you also have back problems which tbh if you're reading this, you probably have back problems. [ PROJECTS MY ISSUES ]
♡ very good cuddler but he is clingy sometimes and very strong overall very good 5/5 star review on yelp ( i dont know why i end every request with this it's sort of hard to end requests in general )(*&^ )
thank you for requesting !
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notyoung-neil · 4 months
If you fucking know me or see my ACC (and my other blog accs) yk I love the OG ships like jophen/ startech (joseph x stephen) mobillce (mobile x wallace) and maybe a few other non-cannon ships like kimona (Kim x romona) and...fuck idk the ship name for hollie x roxie or Kim x Lisa but yeah those too. For neil, personally, I'm a nordegrim shipper :)) Sorry, neilphen fans :((
Since I imagine he's still on collage I assume he's taking sonthing/ changed courses into somthing more...movie thing? Idk. Mainly working with cameras, screen writing, anything movie based or whatever
Since for Joe I made him Hispanic, other scott as Chinese, I don't really know what to do for the quirky silly little guy like neil. Gimme some ideas if y'all ever see this
Has attachment issues. Or fear of being left alone or not included
He has eczema that flairs up during the winter. Sometimes, he cries silently because of how itchy he is and doesn't like the cream the doctors told him to use because it's a weird texture he isn't comfortable with
Whenever stephen is back home from work, they usually sit down and watch movies together or during dinner. Young neil yaps about a movie, and stephen replies with a dry and simple "mhm, " "yeah", "that's cool -" and sometimes the occasional questions. Neil doesn't mind since he knows stephen is tired
He sometimes steals money from stephen but not all the time. He pays stephen back quickly by making some dinner (that he fucked up)
Favorite games have to be anything RPG based and zelda. Maybe he also got into the virtual world hype like UB funkies, webkinz, neopets, or club penguin (mainly UB funkies)
If he dose have a job I imagine he'd work at the second cup just to hang out with Stacy more, maybe a comic book store, or at no account video with Kim so he can watch more movies for free
I imagine his interest related friends has to be hollie (bc I see hollie also being a cinaphile), Joseph (because he wants to learn how to operate cameras and stuff and make it look cool by editing) and Jimmy (fellow zelda and starwars fan)
He has acne/ acne scars and back acne (I think that's the term) and he always picks/scratches at it
Speaking of picking. He always picks at his fingers and sometimes peels off a good chunk to the point it is bleeding bad, so he has bandaids on his hands and fingers most of the time. He doesn't mind which sorta bandaid. He likes the colorful ones that have like a character on it, but he worries if he might be too distracting for him when he's in class
I love how ironic it is for him to wear a heart on his sleeve sorta shirt even though he doesn't really show his feelings that often. He has the same ass stare all the time, and I think it's silly. So I just imagine he would say whatever is in his head without second thought, or he would mumble it if he thinks it's weird. So whenever he talks about his feelings, like how he feels about the whole "band abandoning him" situation, he actually means It and doesn't really hide it at all.
Steph (Neil's older sister) got him a pair of headphones bc thier parents were always fighting and a Walkman so he can listen to some music. He still uses those headphones to this day even though their broken in half, the sound quality is terrible and the ear puff thingy is crumbling
Whenever he goes out to the mall or out with anyone, he either has his hands in his pocket or out, bc someone has to grab onto his wrist so he wouldn't stop and stare at things (it's mainly Stephen and Kim who has to grip onto his wrist and drag him along. He dont mind tho :/ meanwhile stacy just holds onto his hand and stares with him)
Whenever stephen has a day off and he sees neil playing video games, he asks neil if he finishes his homework. If neil says no, stephen takes away his Gameboy color, keep it in his room and tell him to do his homework. If yes then stephen would just shrug it off, ruffle his hair up and say "ight, cool"
Neil was probably the first to find out that stephen was gay when stephen brought Joseph over (make of that as you will)
He writes movie reviews online and hopes people will see em but his writing skills are ass and he just describes whatever he can and think "yeah that's good enough"
Stephen treats neil like family since well, steph (Neil's older sister) isn't in contact with him that much. And because of the name similarities, neil just treats stephen like steph
His "stuffy" are those hot rubber water bottles (I forgor the name but you pour hot water into them and they help you with cramps and aches and shit-) with a wool sleeve wrapped around it
Since this rp acc is a bit related to the stephen acc. He likes bone crusher a lot! Since he mainly stays home, he has a new buddy to talk to and hang out with. But he leaves all the chores to stephen like cleaning out the litter box or something
Ever since he found out stephen had a cat he was pissed that stephen named the cat "bone crusher" not Link, Skull Kid,Meowth,Litten or Shinx or somthing cool like that but he continues to call bone crusher, bone crusher.
He has a bike and takes it to his college campus. He has the gear for it, too. Helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves. Stephen said if he doesn't wear em he'll get into an accident, and that scared neil
Idk why, but i imagine him being the type to collect... something! Maybe anything to fill up his already messy room!
He's a maximalist (I think that's how you spell it), as you can see from his room
I imagine he has those window markers to doodle on his window or to doodle out ideas for another screen play
I imagine him and Stacy are pretty much on the platonic and cute relationship wise. Holding hands, cuddling all that sorta stuff and stacy likes to listen to Neil's rambles about movies and how good/bad they are
Neil likes it whenever he receives gifts :DDD and tries to pay back by acts of service or something idk. Even if it's his birthday or Christmas he makes sure he owes everybody a equal amount. For example (*COUGH COUGH* DS SITUATION) he's gotta pay back stephen by taking care of bone crusher for a day maybe, doing Stephen's chores and stuff
Not a neil headcannon but I imagine stacy trying to watch the movies neil recommend her so she can catch up and talk to neil abt it and I think it's really cute and sweet :DDD
Yk damn well he's got a BIG ASS forehead underneath all that hair. Justin Bieber lookin ah. No wonder why young neil is Canadian/j
Also not a neil headcannon. But I imagine everyone calling stephen, STEVEN (IDK HOW STEPHENS NAME IS PRONOUNCED. IS IT STEVEN OR STEPH-EM WJKDWKDJWN) that includes neil but Joseph calls stephen by his last name (stills) (joseph just calls everyone by thier last names to seem fancy and shit expect for Neil's. He just calls neil, kid or just neil because he doesn't know to how to read Neil's last name nor say it so...he just calls neil, neil)
Bases around one headcannon I saw. I forgor what acc and where it came from (I'll go ahead and credit them if I find it it) but since neil had like parents who always fought or is strict as hell he perfected the ways of walking around the house quiet af and accidentally scars ppl bc of this
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Hear me out, S/O is Spiderman and had hidden it fairly well, until they slip up and dash into the kitchen to grab something to eat while still in the suit, skelle happens to see them, chaos ensues!
Maybe with UT, US, UF and HT?
(plus maybe since in my brain, Edge is a cop, what if he had been trying to hunt spiderman down only to find out that they were right but his nose? idk ;p)
Ah, sorry! I don't see Edge as a cop ^^ I hope you don't mind that I didn't add that.
Sans: He would stare at you with big eye sockets, shocked that you just... sorta rushed in quickly. You were dressed up as that one hero that's been swinging around so he slowly lowers the bottle of the ketchup that he had been drinking from “Hey, I'm gonna go off on a web and say that you're that Spider person that's been going around, right?” If you tried to run out, he would catch your soul with his magic and pull you back towards him “Whoa, come on Y/n, I ain't mad. I think it's pretty cool” He sets you down, laughing softly. He'll check your soul more often to make sure that you aren't hurt, or anything... and to make sure that you didn't have any LV. No harm in checking!
Papyrus: The second that you run in while you're still in costume, and he sees you, he's going to gasp "Oh! Y/n, your costume is so good!" he claps his hands together, grinning all excitedly, and pull you into a hug. "Are you cosplaying? We should take pictures together!" when you quickly object and try to figure out a way to tell him, he notices something. The fabric seemed very similar to what he's seen the person for real wearing and you seem very... sweaty. Even though he realized, he would act like he has no idea still and just keep fanboying about your costume. He thinks that this is amazing! So cool that his datemate is this superhero! Maybe he could make sure that they're safe, that's all he really wanted from them...
Blueberry: Blueberry is the type to try to figure out who this masked hero was! They were breaking laws, but they were also being so cool while doing it, and he loved them for it! Ahhhh he talks to you about it, pretty often and asks questions about people that he thinks it might be and you always disagree... so when he sees the fact that it's you and you've been lying to him about it, he's honestly... a little hurt. Did you think that he was stupid, or something? He guessed that he sorta was? He stares at you with big eye sockets “Y...Y/n?” he'd ask, then chase after you when you try to run away. “Y/n! Explain this to me!” the fact that you lied! He is shocked!
Stretch: Stretch loves to take pictures of that hero, funnily enough. He thinks that they're pretty cool, and he's started to notice a lot of things about them. Their powers were pretty cool but something about them seemed... interesting to him? So, picture his shock when you suddenly came running in, wearing your suit. You two stared at each other, Stretch looking at you with big eye sockets his mouth open a little, then laughs "Y/n, you're the hero? Why didn't you tell me?" he isn't really mad at all, far from it! He thinks that it's the coolest thing in the world. He has so many questions about it, and if you answer his questions, he'll be pretty happy! Stretch will never tell anyone about your secret, no matter what. The only thing, he wished was that you told him.
Red: Red didn't really know how to feel about the hero. Someone going out of their way to help random people? What kinda weirdo would do that... then he saw that that weirdo was you! Ugh! What the hell, Y/n? What were you doing?! He quickly checks your soul to see if you were hurt at all, then starts to rant and ramble about how you need to tell him these sort of things! Dear god his body was not ready for this. After he calms down, he has a lot of questions. You've unlocked his old science side again! Mhahaha.
Edge: Edge was the one that had been trying to find out who this hero was for such a long time and for no reason other than just because he wanted to know! They were doing so much, and the idea of them fighting against the law but also for the law interested him! He wished to meet them and learn their secrets and such, so when he learned that it was YOU?! He's shocked! He stares at you with big eye sockets, his mouth opening a little in his shock, then shuts it making a clinking sound "Y/n, you are the hero, and you didn't tell me?!" he slams his hand down against the counter "Did you enjoy making fun of me?" he's... sad. He felt like you didn't trust him enough to tell him. Honestly, this might put a little bit of a strain on the relationship unless you explain it well.
Axe: When you came running into the room, to get food, he would stare at you blinking slowly, just a little shocked then squint a little “Y/n?” he mumbles. What were you wearing? Don't run away from him, it'll make him feel weird like he's supposed to chase. When you explain to him what's been going on, Well... he has a few questions. What kind of powers do you have? How long has this been going on? As long as you're being safe and stuff, he doesn't mind... don't come home if you're hurt, the smell of blood still triggers something in his mind and he wouldn't hurt you but it would still be dangerous for everyone.
Noodle: They already know. They knew the second that they saw you on the tv but they won't say anything until you're ready to bring it up. Sometimes they'll say things, and they start to make more things with peppermint as a little hint to saying that they know since spiders don't like peppermint.
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tenta-cute · 2 years
Billy Lore From 'Runaway Max': Chapter 1
...But first, an intro.
I decided to take one for the team and started reading Runaway Max for that sweet sweet Billy lore so that I could compile a little resource for writers and give back to my beloved Harringrove community which sustains me (I'll be tagging other pairings which feature Billy in this post so fellow Billy aficionados can use it too). Maybe someone wrote something like this already (in which case I love you), but I'm doing it anyway because idk and also if I don't do something good for my best pairing I will explode.
This post will obviously contain spoilers for the Max book.
I'll be posting chapter-by-chapter as I read. There will be a masterpost in the future, but I will also use a separate tag for this.
I'm not reading the book in English so there might be disrepancies in language used etc. because I'm translating this from my native language.
I will focus on Billy as much as possible, but also include things that apply to his closest family that writers might find useful. If I include my own personal impressions they will be on the very bottom.
Spoilers and lore from CHAPTER 1 under the cut!
The book intoduces Billy when they are already in Hawkins and literally the first thing he does is run a red light lmao.
He's listening to a Quiet Riot song.
His Resting Billy Face is: impassive, blank, languid. Half-lidded eyes, seemingly bored out of his mind, but when he looks at Max there is a sharpness to it. He appears permanently half-sleepy (except when its go time when he gets lively and alert).
That's where the Hawkins part ends, the rest of the chapter is a flashback from Cali.
Billy, Neil, Max, and Susan all lived in San Diego, California.
Neil worked as a security guard at a bank (Susan worked there as a bank teller, that's where they met)
Billy doesn't meet Max or Susan until after Neil had already proposed. He gets introduced to them in April.
He is late to their meeting. Neil is pretending he's not angry but he's clearly furious, to the point that Max instantly sees through him.
Billy comes to the first meeting with his future step-mother and step-sister with his tits out. They meet at a minigolf/skee-ball/go-cart place (Neil picks it to pretend he's a fun guy.)
He already had his blue Camaro when they first met.
Billy's initial impression of Susan is that she's fucking depressing lol.
His dad introduces Max as "Maxine" and that's how Billy addresses her, even when she tells him not to do it.
Billy's eyelashes are "long like a girl's" which Max notices the moment she gets a good look at his face.
He is the one who calls her Mad Max.
Near the go-carts Billy is asked by Max if he wants to race and he scoffs at her and ask her why would he want to make a fool outta himself by driving something small and shitty when he can drive a proper car instead.
Billy doesn't hate Max on sight; he seems largely neutral about her. He mentions like twice in a very short conversation that he thinks she's a little girl. He is obviously not taking her seriously when she tries to impress him and humours her in a very half-assed way.
This changes when, in her attempt to impress him, Max tells him that she knows how to drive too (she doesn't, her dad showed her some basics like once), and that she could drive the Camaro too. This seems to Wake Him Up (TM) a little and he leans down until he and Max are on the same eye level. In his mildly unhinged singsong voice he tells Max that she is not getting anywhere near his car. Then he laughs and sorta gets her to compliment his car lmao.
That's the end of Billy-related stuff in chapter 1!
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hi guys, sorry for dying lmao. anyways... do you guys want some ninjago ethnic and cultural headcanons??? (theyre almost all east/south/southeast asian btw // srry if u wanted more central/western asian rep.. caucasus dont count theyre too european /hj)
Arin: y'know the fact that there's like a ton of different tribes in papua new guinea? yeah, maybe one of those but i don't wanna be disrespectful so i'll do more research first before fully commiting. other thoughts are timorese or other indigenous groups from/near eastern indonesia.
Sora: look at those cat ears and try to tell me that she is NOT japanese. just- cmon man. plus, imperium is like a futuristic imperial japan or a futuristic version of that time the tokugawa family was in charge and locked down the country.
Lloyd (as well as the entire FSM bloodline): either tibetian or bhutanese. FSM just gives some budhist vibes so yeah. this isnt going to be about religion but religion does kind of affect ethnicity and culture so it does have a very minor role in making these headcanons. nepali works too but nepal is kinda nore hindu so yeah..
Kai and Nya: indomalay. mostly the indo part.. like- cmon, fire and water, indonesia is an archipelago with a shit ton of volcanoes (philippines too but we'll get there, sandali lang muna ;) ) i cant get into specifics cuz im not too well-researched but yeah. also, vibes 👌
Zane: siberian or he's from one of the islands extremely north of japan that japan and russia keep on disputing over. purely because of geography and ✨vibes✨
Cole: mixed black latino-filipino. as a filipino myself i wanted to make someone filipino =). since a lotta people were making cole black, i thought that i might as well make him mixed <3. plus, the philippines is also a former spanish colony so it just makes sense. if you want a more specific country, either colombia or the dominican republic are cool. not very well-researched on the different latin american countries so if anyone wants to tell me the most appropriate country for cole pls let me know 🥰.
Jay: umm, i sorta have a dillema over this. im thinking either korean or he's from somewhere in the gobi desert like mongolia or inner mongolia (its a province in china btw). korean bc the entertainment and beauty industry as well as the student and work culture kinda fit him. but somewhere in the gobi desert is nice bc the desert is where he grew up. maybe he's korean but grew up in a mongolian-chinese environment but yeah, im not too sure about him 🤷‍♀️. im leaning more towards korean but yeah, not sure.
Wyldfyre: i um... this was very hard. first of all, she's not gonna be asian since i couldn't find a good enough area in asia and well, im pretty sure she's not from ninjago so she doesn't have to be asian. so, i got maori in northern new zealand but 1. i know nothing about the maori people 2. it might be disrespectful to portray them like that. and 3. er, the geography is kinda off. where she grew up looks very desert-y and volcanic. i think a more suitable reigon is in south america towards the coast like peru or chile but um i know even less about the those reigions than new zealand. plus, it has the same first 2 problems i listed earlier. (yes im ignoring her clothes for these headcanons srry guys my brain loves topography too much) TLDR; idk man shes too hard to sort out lol. it adds more to her mystery and chaotic energy anyway so yeah.
if u know more abt latin american countries, pls give me pointers so that i can have more accurate headcanons for cole and wyldfyre. i can do my own research for kai, nya, and arin but any help with that is also very much appreciated 👍. peace ✌️
(this is what happens when u become a geography nerd... im not at my full potential yet bc my latin american knowledge and all of africa knowledge sucks. but yeah. bye fr this timeee)
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neverforever09 · 11 months
So, Seven was released. There was a lot of drama surrounding this before its release and a lot of drama after its release.
I fully support Jikook, but I think that my belief in Jikook is fully seperable and irrelavent when it comes to pointing out injustices in their music careers. Do I support the relationship that I belive JK and JM have? Yes. Do I acknowledge and love how JK and JM support each other? Yes. Do those things mean that I’m obligated to support Seven and be happy for JK as a musician? No. 
There are a lot of things you could point out in comparing between how FACE was handled and how Seven is being handled. A lot of those things ought to make you pissed off on JM’s behalf. The short promo? The disadvantageous chart manipulations? Gosh, even the lack of a cake (if you’ve followed BTS for all these years, you must know how a simple cake is a staple to celebrate significant events like...oh idk, a BB#1???!). Seven on the other hand, to put it lightly, did not recieve this kind of treatment. Am I advocating for JK’s music to face the injustices that JM’s FACE release did? No. I am simply putting it out there that it needs to be acknowledged that Seven was clearly favoured over JM’s debut album when looking at the treatment each of these recieved. As a fan, I honestly felt that JM’s success was more organic - his records came from songs he wrote, choreography he worked hours to perfect, and the dedication of his fans and their love for the music he put out.
Looking at Seven as a song, look I love JK as a musician. Anyone with ears can tell that dude can really sing well (again, putting it lightly). He’s an all rounder and from a business perspective, it’s easy to understand why so much favourtism is awarded to him (as an ARMY, that stuff does not sit right with me). This song, the GMA performances, the lyrics even - all of it felt, for lack of a better word, Western. It felt like any other American song about sex. The cherry on the cake was that he didn’t even write it, BTS didn’t write it. We don’t need to look at the credits to know who didn’t write it. BTS songs have beautiful lyricism and intellgient melodies and all of that is glaringly absent in Seven. All this promo, this hype, these analyses, for a mainstream-produced song that JK did not even write. Anyways, this side note is just to say that Seven did not hit the spot for me as a song, it did not live up to the hype surrounding it, and more than that, as a song associated with JK since I know he can do so much better. 
Another side note is that I felt the use of the subject of sex in this song was kind of cheap. I know BTS are grown ups and see no issue with them devoting songs to sex (that is an important and normal part of life, ngl). With Seven, I felt like sex was sorta used the same way that plot twists are cheaply used in TV shows, you know? As a shock factor or something to draw people in. The song isn’t deep (at least to me it isn’t), but is everyone screaming about it because JK sings about fucking someone right? Sure, the song is hot. JK is hot. But that’s irrelevent to whether the song is good, no?
Anyhow, those are my two cents on all this FACE/Seven stuff especially for people who might feel a similar conflict, but might be pressured by other posts they may see that mandate that you should be happy for Seven and JK as a musician if you are a Jikooker.
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