#sonic worldbuilding
generic-sonic-fan · 4 months
I’d love to hear your headcannons on what G.U.N. thinks of the sonic cast! Idk what it is exactly but the idea of G.U.N. coming up with a bunch of plans in regards to (mostly) a bunch of teens and kids is intriguing to me
This is such a fun and interesting prompt, thank you so much for sending it! I love worldbuilding in the Sonic universe lol. LONG post below cut
The ultimate worst case scenario.
Much in the same way an ICBM can be anywhere in the world within 30 minutes, Sonic can be anywhere at any time and cause MASSIVE amounts of destruction.
GUN wasn't nearly as worried about Sonic before they tried to frame him in SA2. They thought it'd be easy to pin the blame of Shadow's behaviors on Sonic and then pardon him later.
They were wrong.
Now GUN threat evaluators place Sonic just behind Eggman in world threat level. They struggle to understand what his morals might be and all their attempts to reach out to Sonic and ask him to clarify have been met with a "nah!" from the hedgehog himself.
There's one group in particular within the organization who are extremely paranoid about Sonic to the point of suggesting proactive measures against him.
. . . which everyone else in the organization either laughs at/ignores/prohibits.
There is no set-in-stone contingency for Sonic, as nobody can agree on one, but the plan that has the most consensus is to somehow utilize Team Dark.
Any attempts to discuss this with Team Dark have been turned down. Shadow refuses to speak of it, Rouge laughs it off, and Omega refuses to collaborate because he promised Shadow he wouldn't.
Due to Tails' extensive social media presence, GUN feels like they have pretty good tabs on what's going on in Tails' head at any given moment, so they're a lot less paranoid about him.
A very exclusive group of people brainstorm what the contingencies might be on the off chance Tails does present a threat to the world.
(Because even in discussing Tails, they're much more worried about Sonic's reaction to them have contingencies for the fox)
A lot of their contingencies for Tails are the same as those for Eggman. GUN feels pretty prepared for any sort of Tails Overlord scenario, actually.
Minus Sonic, that is.
Current GUN protocol is to treat Tails very very nicely so that Sonic doesn't start getting concerned.
This is why Tails is allowed to be Omega's primary mechanic.
GUN sent drones directly to Angel Island. Once.
Their old protocol was for him to remain "uncontacted". Yikes.
After Knuckles started getting more involved in struggles against Eggman, GUN started doing more research into him.
Because he mostly stays up on Angel Island and acts as a competent guardian of the Master Emerald, GUN isn't too worried about him? If anything, they're glad that someone with a significant power level is preventing Eggman from stealing the ME.
They've tried to initiate diplomatic contact with him but he's turned them down every time
He knows that GUN monitors the ME from afar- sometimes on clear days he sees a GUN drone floating a few miles off of Angel Island.
It's a bit of an uneasy truce honestly. GUN's biggest concern is that Knuckles could start using the ME for his own purposes, but so far it hasn't looked like that would ever be the case.
As for contingency plans- GUN has asked Rouge if she thinks she'd be able to steal the Master Emerald. (To which she's replied yes, of course.)
The plan is to get the ME off of Angel Island and into a specially designed GUN stronghold in an undisclosed location.
Once the guardian is separated from his emerald, GUN is pretty sure they'll be able to deal with him.
(They are VASTLY underestimating him due to a lack of data)
No contingency plans. She's flying under GUN's radar.
They probably should have something in place for her honestly.
See Knuckles' note about vast underestimation due to a lack of data.
The contingency for Shadow is the most detailed contingency file GUN has.
. . . and Shadow himself has helped write some of it.
The file has a long and storied history reaching all the way back 50 years. It's always been something on GUN's mind.
The current contingency is based on the idea that the first thing he'll do once he goes rogue is try to collect the chaos emeralds.
A lot of the plan involves setting a trap with lots and lots of firepower.
There's also an addendum of the plan about utilizing the other members of Team Dark, either to combat against Shadow or as hostages. Shadow is unaware of the latter. In either strategy, Omega is considered vital.
GUN has a lot of scientific data on Shadow's weaknesses to certain kinds/amounts of chaos radiation and all that jazz, so they feel a lot more confident about their ability to bring him down compared to Sonic.
Something about the enemy you know being better than the enemy you don't.
GUN has determined that Rouge is very unlikely to be a world-ending threat.
But a GUN-ending threat? Absolutely.
Rouge going rogue is the worst case scenario for GUN's continued survival as an organization.
They know they can't keep her out of their files or any of their locations. If she wants to sell all of their secrets or steal all of their tech, they know they're very unlikely to stop her.
Current contingencies include using the other members of Team Dark to persuade her against destroying the organization if they're willing to cooperate, or taking them hostage to negotiate if they're not.
They also plan on a public smear campaign against her- basically revealing everything they know about her while she tries to reveal everything about them.
Rouge knows about all of these plans, of course.
There's definitely a tension between her and GUN because of this.
The current plan is to treat her well and convince her to stay on GUN's side at all costs (usually through bribery!)
GUN's contingencies for Omega are really, really barebones.
It pretty much just boils down to "destroy him".
They aren't too worried about him, kinda like with Tails. GUN knows how to destroy Badniks. They've been destroying Badniks for lots of years at this point.
If anything, they consider Omega to be the least threatening member of Team Dark and the best lynchpin for if either other member of the team goes rogue.
(It should be noted that they still expect any scenario where Omega goes rogue to have the highest number of immediate civilian casualties.)
See my fic on this
HOO BOY, is GUN worried about Silver.
Not because of his powerset- GUN is pretty sure they can just knock him on the head to neutralize him.
(Like Knuckles and Amy, they are vastly underestimating him)
But the time travel shenanigans scare the shit out of them.
GUN is the sort of organization to have protocols in place for working with future or past versions of themselves.
They also fund a shitload of research into detecting changes and potential threats in the timeline.
(They detected the Sonic Generations incident when it happened and it remains one of the most intensely studied events.)
(They've also detected a strange sort of time blip over Soleanna, but every time someone gets interested in studying it, their drive seems to wane until they're no longer concerned about it. Strange. . .)
TL;DR: They treat Silver like a fucking SCP. Current protocol is for all agents to limit contact with him in order to prevent damage to the timeline.
Honestly if GUN wasn't so scared of him, Silver wouldn't exactly be opposed to getting their help managing the timeline shenanigans.
Blaze has not initiated any sort of formal diplomacy with any government or organization in Sonic's dimension.
GUN tracks the unique energy signatures of the Sol Emeralds through their strange link/interaction with the Chaos emeralds.
They haven't quite figured out what's going on.
And frankly, they don't actually know that Blaze is from another dimension.
They see her very rarely. They know that something is strange about her energy readings but just assume that she's one of Sonic's lesser known friends who doesn't get out very often.
Team Chaotix:
I'm grouping them together because GUN doesn't have any contingencies for them. Vector, Espio, and Charmy are all under their radar.
They should be worried about Espio. They're already worried about Rouge's stealth capabilities. I'm pretty sure whoever's managing these contingencies within GUN would have a heart attack upon learning that somebody on this planet figured out how to actually turn invisible.
And that's it!
I'd actually like to end this post with a bit of a weird note- I don't think that GUN would be evil for developing contingencies like this.
I myself work in the field of safety. This field includes things such as occupational safety, and most pertinently for this post, emergency management. I've actually helped write protocols for companies about what workplaces should do in the event of an active shooter or other outside threat such as a natural disaster or a civil conflict.
(If I lived and worked in Sonic's universe, I would most certainly have to write safety protocols about what to do if Eggman attacks, for example!)
It's important to have protocols in place for the worst case scenario, no matter how unlikely or unthinkable that scenario is. And in Sonic's universe, this is especially important! This is a universe where society is regularly attacked by a mustache-twirling, robot-building terrorist! Of course GUN is going to keep tabs on other individuals who could post a similar threat and plan on how to stop them should they ever become a threat to the public.
I'm definitely not excusing GUN for any of the shady things they've done in canon, but it is an interesting point to think about that they're the best equipped to handle any sort of Dark Sonic/Sonic.exe/insert your favorite name for "this character but evil" here/mirror universe scenario.
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milliesmusings314 · 1 year
Headcanons on Gold and Red Rings, Chaos Emeralds, and Sonic's Iconic Forms
I've been wondering for a while about how the rings and Chaos Energy in the world of Sonic the Hedgehog might work, and I've come up with a few ideas that I'd love to explore.
Of course, my musings don't take into account all of the established canon, as some elements have been changed or discarded over the years, and said musings started before the two latest games in the franchise. But this is mostly just self-indulgent creativity anyways, isn't it? No need to think too hard about the absolutely pin-prick fine details of a franchise that's been ongoing for 31 years and counting, I'd be giving myself a massive headache if I tried.
So, without further ado, let me share how I like to imagine the way that rings and Chaos Energy work in the Sonic universe.
I like to imagine that the golden rings found throughout the zones are a physical manifestation of positive energy. Depending on the amount of positive energy present in a location, the rings can range from being abundant to scarce. For example, when nature is being oppressed and drained of life by the mad doctor Eggman's machines, the rings can become increasingly difficult to come by, as he saps the resources from the land and tramples on its life. In contrast, the buildup of negative energy in an area could lead to the manifestation of red rings, similar to those found in Sonic.EXE fan creations, especially their portrayal in "An Ordinary Sonic ROM Hack", but, y’know... without the crappypasta entity really being at all involved. These rings have the power to cancel out the collected golden rings, thereby weakening the player who is not protected by positive rings.
It would honestly be pretty cool to see SEGA add something akin to this, and develop this whole concept of positive and negative energies further, after involving positive and negative energy in the plot of Sonic Adventure 1 and not touching it again past that.
The Chaos Emeralds, on the other hand, possess limitless energy, but said energy is inherently chaotic and discordant. The Master Emerald, capable of unifying the chaotic energy, serves as a controller, enabling its user to create or destroy. If one uses the energy from the Chaos Emeralds without unification, the result is purely chaos and discordance, a mishmash of positive or negative energy.
Super Sonic is a result of harmonizing the energies of the Chaos Emeralds towards the positive end. You know the deal with that - fifty rings, seven emeralds, and you're golden. Literally.
Hyper Sonic involves harmonizing the energy through the Master Emerald instead, before this energy somehow being purified and refined by the user. Hence the white quills that flash the colors of each of the emeralds - purity of energy combined with a resemblance to the energy’s source. This is the part I've thought the least about, but I still feel like this makes some amount of sense, or at least I hope it will.
Fleetway's version of Super Sonic, meanwhile, came about from the raw unharmonized combination of positive and negative energy within the Emeralds, resulting in disharmony, dissonance, discord… chaos, aptly enough, which is exactly what the transformation resulted in.
Drawing from the negative energies, finally, results in Dark Super Sonic. When Dark Sonic appeared, the only real source of negative energy anywhere near Sonic were the fake Chaos Emeralds. Sonic had previously been able to utilize Chaos Energy by using a fake Emerald that was created by Tails in Sonic Adventure 2, which allowed him to Chaos Control himself back onto the Space Colony ARK, but I personally doubt that Sonic would be able to sustain a real Super transformation with fake Emeralds, even if he had as many as he would normally need, especially since there were very obviously more than seven fake Emeralds visible during the scene in which Dark Super Sonic made its singular appearance. I’d probably say that Sonic has some innate positive energy enabled him, one, to utilize the fake Emerald to perform Chaos Control, and two, probably just to be as powerful (and don’t forget fast!) as he is by default.
This explains Sonic's ability to effortlessly use the Chaos Emeralds. With others, it appears to require either extensive training, such as with Tails in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, who was only able to transform once the energies were already harmonized through the Master Emerald, but became able to use only the Chaos Emeralds alone to transform once Mania came around, suggesting Tails’ adventures in the interim allowed him to somehow gradually unlock the understanding of how to harmonize the energy of these gems, or a deep knowledge and understanding of these gems, such as Knuckles after serving as the guardian of the Master Emerald for fifteen years by the time Sonic and his friends arrive.
Not only that, but it also explains positive energy of Sonic explains why the Dark transformation was easy to undo with just some words from Eggman. Unlike the Super transformation, which adds positive energy on top of positive, Sonic's innate positive energy actually hinders his Dark transformation. This is because his positive energy cancels out some of the negative energy, and since, once again, the supply of negative energy from the fake Emeralds is limited, the transformation wasn’t going to last very long if it were left to continue anyways, with how much of it Sonic was using up at once.
TL;DR: Gold rings represent positive energy, red rings represent negative energy, Chaos Emeralds contain chaotic energy that needs harmonization, Super Sonic is a positive harmony transformation, Fleetway's Super Sonic is unharmonized chaos, and Dark Sonic is a negative harmony transformation, hindered by Sonic's innate positive energy when the negative energy is limited.
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beheeyemite · 5 months
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Someone else.
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tsubomiiiii · 7 months
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Something I noticed about the Knuckles trailer. The main villain of the series, "The Buyer" is using what look to be Knuckles' quills in his inventions. But how did he get access to them?
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We see him cutting open one of Robotnik's drones, so here's my idea: during the time Robotnik and Knuckles were allies, the doctor borrowed some of his quills to use as a power source for his weapons. The Buyer has been harvesting these quills from the tech left behind.
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sonicchaoscontrol · 11 months
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[Ch. 1, Page 24]
How hard did they try? What did they try?
(Image formatted for mobile or fullscreen - view in new tab if you experience fuzzy resolution!)
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hall0wedwyrm · 7 months
saying it now, before i forget:
If 'I Am All of Me' is NOT in Sonic 3... i am going to riot.
its SHADOWS SONG. and if they pull out some bs like 'All Hail Shadow' i will also be causing a fist fight.
Also extra bonus points if they somehow:
a. get Crush 40 to come back and cover it for the movie (they did the live tour thing and even covered it there so why wouldnt they do it again??)
b. get literally any emo or rock bad to cover it. My top and unrealistic pick is Fall Out Boy or MCR, but like I'll settle for them bringing back Kellin Quinn to do it. Please it would be really cool and also you guys did it 4 times for Frontiers please please PLEASE
i WILL NOT accept some dumbass rap song with some rapper ive never heard of. Thats not the vibe i think anyone wants. and its not Shadow's vibe, and this is the chance to get the younger audience into Shadow's character and story
that is all have a good day
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futuristichedge · 28 days
Sonic and the Black Knight save me. Save me SATBK
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
originally had a super long multi paragraph ramble about this written out but then realized i did not have to say all that . anyway . i think that the reason some little animal guy sonic characters have last names while most others just go by (name) the (species) has to do with cultural differences... the fact that the characters with last names are also the same characters who have more human sounding first names makes me think that they were born in an area that had a large human population, or that their parents or grandparents were, so their family was influenced by human naming practices
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kid-az · 7 months
I yearn for cozy headcanons
It can be any kind of fictional media, though I’m def biased for Omori. Xenoblade Chronicles, Super Mario Bros, Kid Icarus, Super Smash Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog and All Tomorrows. You can send any Hc’s about whatever fiction U like though, long as it’s wholesome and just really cozy.
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Heya! I have this Sonic AU that I made a few years ago. (Back when I was, like, 12-13?) I've never shared it because I held myself from posting anything online until I was eighteen, but I thought I might as well share it now. If some people get interested in it, that'd be a plus for me because I love drawing stuff from this AU.
It's not a very original AU. It's a swap AU. But, the characters stay more or less the same... It's more of a Swap Fate AU. I may have a tough time explaining it, but I'll do my best. I'll use my favourite two as an example:
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Shadow and Eggman are swapped. Eggman is NOT the ultimate lifeform. He's still a genius scientist. However, Shadow is the villain, and Eggman is more of an anti-hero. Shadow did not have a friend like Maria at his side and only remembered the worst lessons he got from Gerald Robotnik. Gerald became crazy and wanted to get rid of humanity. Thus, Shadow wanted to pursue the crazed wish of his mentor by trying to take over the world. He has all his ultimate lifeform abilities, but he does value the use of weapons more than over his power. Because he's greedy and egocentric in this AU, he thinks he doesn't need to do physical efforts that much because of his high IQ (lower than Eggman, but still high) and his status as the ultimate life form. So, if he had a boss battle, he would teleport around and stop in place to shoot with one of his handmade guns, and that would be the moment to attack him.
Eggman (he goes by Robotnik in this, but he can still be nicknamed Eggman, idc) was living on the ARK. He was friends with the commander GUN (he doesn't have an official name, why? He's not part of GUN in this AU, sooo... I need to find him a name) and Maria. However, the creation of Shadow ruined his life (because then the Ark got destroyed, the way it did in canon). He doesn't really blame Shadow for what happened (he blames Gerald and Black doom more), and he would tolerate Shadow if only the latter had not chosen the path of evil. Also, Eggman is edgy because he lost his best friend in the destruction of the Ark. He saw everything crumbling in front of him and was traumatized because of that.
Shadow is not traumatized by the downfall of the ARK because, unlike in canon, Shadow was not allowed to just wander into the ARK and didn't have the opportunity to become friends with Maria: Gerald was overprotective of him, and Shadow quickly grew more attached to him and his ideology more than anyone else. He considers him like his father. He didn't have the time to discover proper love and empathy because Gerald wasn't exactly the best father figure... However, he learned a lot about science with him because, as the ultimate life form, he has an excellent IQ that rivals with Eggman. He does have a bit of Gerald genes inside of him because, of course, Gerald wanted to make his creation extremely intelligent just like him.
Now that I've written all of this, I believe fate swap could fit as the main idea of this AU. The characters changed places because their backstory got altered and brought them in a different position. Their brains did not change. Their experiences did... I guess just random swap AU works, too.
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generic-sonic-fan · 4 months
Y'know how real world media often has their villains emulate nazis? I wonder if in Sonic's world, a lot of media villains emulate Eggman for the effect. Evil inventors on TV are a dime a dozen. Sonic uninstalled Netflix because of it.
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rapidhighway · 3 months
hiii question-- is razor from the future as in "just from the future" or is she from the future as in "could possibly know silver"?
Um this reply is messy af because there's so much stuff going on around me sorry in advance
I've been thinking about that myself. Since we don't really know what Silver's future looks like without the apocalypse, it would be easy to do some world building there and set the creation of clones during that time. Tbh I don't really have a full timeline of events planned yet. I was thinking Razor is either from Silver's time, or much later but I just haven't decided xd
I suppose they could run into each other, especially if Silver is something of a hero during his own time, but that would require a lot of world building (which I'm probably willing to do tbh skxjskdjjd)
The clones are like military/government agents, soldiers, so it's likely they would meet in a time of crisis.
But now that I think about Razor and Silver... The clones are like a horribly botched military experiment that was just... A very bad idea in pretty much everyone's eyes. They're not part of the public or anything and they live short lives and their existence is extremely controversial. I just wonder how Silver would feel about them 🤔
Ok I'm going to make a little post later that maybe is a bit more coherent xd but thank you for asking! It made me think of a lot of things :)
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un-pearable · 7 months
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redpenship · 5 months
okay NOW im done plotting buzzsaw 2. chapter by chapter and everything!!
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jontaro-kun · 7 months
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"I love ruins. They remind us that our stories will stand the test of time; Gone, but never forgotten. That no matter what happens, life will go on. They give the gift of memories." ~ Lore Knight
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