#sorry for the ugly pic quality ;;-;;
ambassadorarlert · 8 months
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a compilation of some of my personal armin head canons. lmk if i should do another. this is kinda long, sorry not sorry. <33 NSFW 18+ ONLY MDNI
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scorpio sun, virgo moon, capricorn rising.
- sun in scorpio: emotional and compassionate / intense and mysterious
- moon in virgo: service minded and shy / analytical and judgmental
- rising in capricorn: loyal and ambitious / unfulfillment and drudgerous
armin is the sweetest person to exist ever
- treats you the way he wants to be treated and more than you ever thought you could ever deserve.
- would rather die first than to hurt your feelings
- and when he does it’s never on purpose and it’s always sorry for it and will try to make up anyway he can
- always goes out of his way to make things easier for you
- his love languages are acts of service, physical touch, and quality time
- if your space is kinda messy he’ll do his best to reorganize and clean up for you
- needs to live in your skin. hugs often. holds your hand any chance he can. plays with your hair. lays in your lap. touchy touchy touchy
- date nights ever weekend, or every other weekend. tries to go somewhere nice and do something grand once in a while.
- he’s too embarrassed for full fledged PDA, but chaste kissing and holding hands is okay.
- might be on the spectrum. you kinda gotta squint.
- has some kind of sleep disorder like insomnia or parasomnia.
- prone to nightmares
- also has depression, ptsd, anxiety
- does not take medication, like an antidepressant, even though he should
- he tries not to lay around too much when he’s around you or staying at your place, but when he’s alone in his own home he can stay in bed for literal days.
- his grandfather is getting older and his parents died when he was young so he has looming anxiety of death and losing people he loves.
- also has separation anxiety. he’s like one of those howling cats when their owner leaves for work.
- is kind of a picky eater. goes out and orders either alfredo pasta or chicken tenders.
- will stay up rlly rlly late until he can’t stand it
- drools in his sleep so if he’s laying on you, there’s a little wet spot lmao gross
anxious attachment style
- you remind him every single day that you love him, that he’s the only one for you, and that you’re happy in your relationship
- but he just can’t help not feeling adequate and good enough so sometimes his insecurities bleed out into other things.
- it gives him peace of mind that your location is on and he can see where you are.
- he goes through your following almost every day to see if anything has changed.
- will sometimes ask “do you know this guy?” when he sees you’ve gotten a new follower or if someone leaves a comment on one of your pics.
- super cyber stalker. if somebody leaves a nasty comment he can find their full name, place of employment, where they went to school, and their grandma’s facebook.
- he definitely screenshots the ugly stuff and sends it to their family. and says “this is how your offspring talks to people online” and that he “doesn’t appreciate you being treated this way.”
- other ppl would think he’s doing too much and sometimes it is but you know and understand him better than most people ever would.
- goes through your stuff when you’re not there
- he’s not looking for anything in particular, he just likes looking through things and seeing what you have
- smells everything. lotions and body washes. perfumes and hair products. reads the ingredients in your skin care. doesn’t know what any of it does.
- wears your house robe when you’re not there either. walks through the halls like a student at hogwarts.
cares for your animals when you’re gone or need help
- befriends whatever pet you have.
- your aloof and distant cat adores him and crawls in his lap.
- your dog follows him in every room and waits for him outside the bathroom. he cannot escape.
- if the litter box needs to be cleaned, he’ll do it.
- he’ll walk your dog and pick up your yard. might try to teach your dog a few new things.
- he’ll feed whatever you got in your cages or tank and refills all bowls and water
- gives them extra treats and snacks just because
passionate and sensual
- sex isn’t just sex for him. it’s like another way to connect emotionally with one another and be completely vulnerable and experiment with things.
- always has his mind in the gutter and is always down to jump your bones. or have you jump his bones.
- is a switch, equally enjoys being dominant and submissive.
- when he’s being dominant he wants to consume every piece of you. he kisses you everywhere, touches you everywhere, reminds you that you’re his and no one else’s.
- whispers to you about how good you feel around him. how tight you are. he loves the way you sound. he wants to stuff you full of his cock. likes to bend you over and watch how wet you get and watches his cum dripping out of you.
- wants to breed you so bad but alas. birth control.
- tries to convince you to get off of it. that you don’t need it and whatever happens, happens, and that he can support you.
- when he’s submissive, he whines and mews. he’s begging for more, harder, faster, uses his manners and says please and thank you like a good boy <33
- he turns you down most of the time when you wanna suck his dick, but he can never get enough of eating you out.
- his favorite positions are prone bone, doggy, missionary ofc, and when you ride him
- once he’s in sub-space there’s no coming out of it until he cums.
- his bookmarks on twitter is literally all porn, and he likes some weird stuff.
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2023. do not copy or repost any work by arlertwitch on any other platform. violators will be prosecuted.
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t00thpasteface · 2 months
hey! i was just curious if i could use your art in an artist study? i looked over your faq and i didn't see any mention of it so i just wanted to ask. it's okay if the answer is now, no pressure :)
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) sure, if you credit me! i would be incredibly flattered!!
now that being said, i would also like to share with you some artists whose work i've enjoyed doing studies of! i find it's very useful to "follow the money" with artists you like, and go along the chain of inspiration to see how ideas and styles can change from person to person.
vincent van gogh is my BIGGEST inspiration in terms of color and composition! his unique style of brush work is what he's best known for, but i recommend looking at his works holistically too, and seeing where the eye is led and how he plays with light, color, and mood. if you want to go further, he was very inspired not only by prior impressionists, but also by japanese ukiyo-e artwork— try comparing "starry night" to "great wave off kanagawa" and seeing the similarities in the grand, sweeping movements they convey.
i'm sure i've said this a million times, but genndy tartakovsky has probably my favorite cartoonist style. it's at its peak in samurai jack— opinions are mixed about the narrative quality of season 5, but if nothing else, the art direction is absolutely jawdropping. one of my favorite scenes is the bit in the tomb, where jack is hiding in a sarcophagus, because the music and visuals are paying homage to a scene at the climax of "the good the bad and the ugly"!
in a totally different direction from those two... i'm a huge fan of gil elvgren's pinup girls! i've had a few different pinup calendars over the years, and at the end of the year, i like to cut up the pages individually for mini posters— i've covered pretty much all my available wall space in his illustrations. i love it when artists don't feel the need to sacrifice expressiveness for realism; his girls are SO DARN CUTE and they all look like they're having so much whimsical, cartoonish, flirty fun!
here's a post where i talk about more inspirations!
here's a post listing some other tumblr artists i like!
i'm also just very heavily inspired by 50s-60s print illustration... things like advertisements, "clip art" (which you had to physically clip out of a book and paste onto the page), and of course, tv cartoons. one big trend i love with that "googie" art style is how incredibly limited the palettes were, and how efficient the economy of line was. as much as i love the bold, blocky, dynamic shapes of styles like tartakovsky, who takes insp
also, please remember i'm entirely self taught and am NOT an expert, so just be aware of that if you see any weird stylistic choices in my work... i admire the work of a lot of professionally trained artists, but that doesn't mean i have any training or real right to go around teaching people stuff. i'm just some guy from a big crazy family full of artists, only some of whom went to school for it.
okay, that got way longer than i meant it to, SORRY! here's a pic of my cat Carmen as a thanks for reading this far ^_^
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highdio · 4 months
hey i have a question. do you kmow what’s up with the ichiban kuji jojo’s assemble (2021) josuke figure? the one from this:
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it looks really nice in the promo pictures, but the one i own, and every single one ive seen anyone else own, looks absolutely terrible. the face is sculpted completely differently to the promo pics and looks super ugly. i don’t think it could be a bootleg because i’ve literally never seen someone own one that looks like the promo photos. do u know what happened with this thing? it’s super disappointing since theyre on the pricier side but the worst quality of any jojo fig, and i don’t want to buy anything else from this collection if if could turn out the same
The quality issue's probably because it's a kuji figure. They tend to be made with simpler molds and lower quality control since they're meant to be sold as lottery prizes and crane machine items. The upside of this is it keeps the prices down vs. the retail prices on scale figures, but stuff can go awry with some releases looking terrible.
I adore this guy's site for comprehensive video reviews of Jojo figures where you can see how they actually look out of the box:
Here's his review of (most of) the Jojo's Assemble line:
(His Josuke's face looks like it's painted well but I can see how the sculpt could make it really weird since the nose is just oddly shaped).
I guess the best way to be safe is to wait until the kuji figure's been released and then look up a bunch of photos before you buy it, although sometimes that's less of an option with pre-orders. Sorry about your Josuke :(
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bunnyjam-imagines · 1 year
✨Love Languages✨
(The first of a few posts I plan to do in the next week, this one was just the closest to being finished, so I got it done first! Sorry if they’re a little inconsistent, I started them 2 months ago and finished them today.)
(Backgrounds/pics from Pesterquest!)
(Edit: Tag yourself I put the wrong pic in Dave’s section)
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-Dave’s giving love language (aka how he expresses his affections) is gifts.
-And what better gift than a sick nasty rap about how great he thinks you are? Or maybe one about how much he loves you?
-He’d be super into those cheesy couple’s shirts, too. Ironically, of course.
-Dave loves to gift you dumb, off-brand or off-the-wall shit he finds online, too. Super ugly, lumpy Garfield? Sign him up. ‘Harry Potter hates Ohio’ t-shirt? Hope they got your size. ‘This Christian Mom HATES Stuart Little’ bumper sticker? Doesn’t matter if you have a car or not, you better find something to put it on.
-If all else fails, he’s at least got some Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff comics as gifts to fall back on.
-Dave’s receiving love language (aka how he prefers to receive affection) is touch.
-Much like most, if not all, of the other Striders, Dave is touch-starved. After the sort of upbringing he had, however, who could really blame him.
-He loves holding your hand in public, and absolutely adores how warm and cozy you feel against him whenever you hug him.
-He would absolutely never admit it, but he lives for stupid, cheesy gestures, like a posh bow and kiss on the hand, or a movie-esque kiss under some sort of spotlight (even if it was just because the bulbs in your kitchen died, and there’s only one functioning atm.)
-His favorite, though, are the soft, early-morning kisses he gets from you, before either of you are fully awake. The tickle of your breath across his face makes him smile more genuinely than he ever thought he could.
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-Dirk’s giving love language is acts of service.
-He’s not usually the most helpful guy, despite how capable he is, so going out of his way to help those he cares about is a pretty big thing for him.
-Even if the person isn’t aware of the act he did, it still does him some good, internally, to do these little acts for them, no matter how small.
-Long day at work? Let him draw you a bath. Too tired to cook? He’ll order take-out.
-The list goes on. He’s not the best at expressing himself through words, or being open about that stuff, but he really tries to express just how much he cares through his actions.
-His receiving love language, on the other hand, is quality time!
-He’d honestly be pretty satisfied with you just sitting across the room from him while he works on something.
-Just knowing you’re nearby is a huge comfort to him. It helps him feel less lonely.
-It’s also the easiest for the both of you, given how he has a lot on his plate, usually.
-It also helps him get a better idea on what things you might need help with (allowing him to utilize his giving love language of acts of service!)
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-Hal’s giving love language is acts of service.
-Being that he was stuck in a pair of goofy anime shades for quite some time, he had a decent chunk of time to hone his skills in various fields. Just give him the word, and he’ll do his absolute best to help you.
-Stuck on a college assignment? He’s got thousands of college books at his disposal, free of charge. Can’t remember the name of a song that’s been stuck in your head for weeks? Hum it for him, and he’ll scan through his database until he finds a match.
-He’s especially good with computers, so if you need help with anything of that sort, he’s your guy. Hell, he’ll even build you one if that’s what you want.
-Hal isn’t very good at cooking, despite the wealth of knowledge at his fingertips, but he is great at finding coupons for take-out places, so he’ll always have your back if you’re ever too tired to cook dinner.
-To no one’s surprise, Hal’s receiving love language is words of affirmation.
-Touch is a close second, but nothing beats hearing you tell him just how much he matters to you, and how much you love him. <3
-He especially likes it when you tell him specific things you like about him, personality or accomplishment-wise. Anything to prove to him that you view him as an individual and not just the “bad parts” of Dirk.
-Even simple stuff like “thank you”s are enough to get him feeling a little puffed up in the chest.
-Every time you say “I love you” his circuits heat up a little.
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Davie (Trickster!Dave):
-Hickies aren’t technically a love language, but-
-Davie’s giving love language is touch! (Not that that surprises anyone)
-It’s pretty well-known that tricksters adore physical expressions of love (kisses, hand holding, snuggling), and Davie is no exception!
-You’re pretty much always touching whenever the two of you are out in public, which is honestly good for the both of you since Davie tends to float absentmindedly, and you two certainly don’t want to get separated or lost from one another.
-At night (or whenever the two of you find time to snuggle), he enjoys wrapping himself around you like a koala, kissing and smushing your cheek, affirming over and over how deeply he adores you.
-Davie’s receiving love language is gifts!
-He adores receiving just about anything from you, since he sees it as inherently special due to coming from someone like you.
-He especially loves receiving something that the two of you can match to one another (like those touch bracelets, or even just a regular matching colorful bracelet!)
-If you give him any kind of edible gift (such as chocolates, candies, etc.) he will love you forever. (His favorite flavor is strawberry, btw!)
-Not that many people would guess on first glance, but Davie’s also really into videogames, so any gaming paraphernalia or related merch would absolutely send him over the moon!
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David (Heinoustuck!Dave):
-David’s giving love language is gifts!
-A little surprising, maybe, until you consider the fact that he’s at least partially bird. A crow, more specifically.
-So when he sees little shiny or pretty things, he automatically thinks of you! Surely, you’ll love getting another slightly dirty coin he found on the sidewalk, won’t you?
-He does go out of his way to pick nicer gifts, sometimes, though.
-If you’ve had a tough week, guess who snagged some of your favorite treats to unwind with? That’s right. This guy.
-David’s receiving love language is acts of service.
-David is a pretty self-sufficient sort, and doesn’t particularly want for much. However, he certainly won’t turn you away if you offer to help with something a little trickier.
-He absolutely adores it when you help him preen his feathers or brush his hair.
-Additionally, helping him to find clothes that can work with his- ahem- unique situation, or even just helping him to fluff up his sleeping area (re: borderline nest of clothes and trinkets) is also greatly appreciated.
-He’s always messing around with something or other, so as long as you’re there to back him up, everything is peachy keen!~
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Davian (Davesprite):
-Davian’s giving love language is quality time.
-Given the crazy darting around and timeline-hopping he’s used to, he finds it nice to just relax with the person he loves, staying around them for as long as he can.
-Even if you’re both doing something else, it’s comforting for him to know that you’re not that far away.
-He especially loves to experience things with you, like dumb movies or stargazing. Anything the two of you can share as a memory together, considering he has so, so few that he can share with anybody else.
-As long as you’re beside him, he’s happy.
-Though it might be a little unexpected, Davian’s receiving love language is touch.
-Generally, Davian isn’t that accustomed to people wanting to be near him, let alone touching any part of him (especially when he still had the sword in his gut.) But you’re different, aren’t you?
-Even gently brushing the hair away from his glasses is enough to make him softly coo with adoration.
-He’ll let you pet his wings or neck feathers, if you want. Purely for your own benefit. It totally doesn’t feel super nice and comforting. Nope. No siree.
-Lovingly cradle his face in your hands and watch this man crumble to dust at your fingertips.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Just a random thought that popped into my head about Elta & Jensen..... I don't think she was as insecure about herself back when she started dating Jensen as she is now. I think after she and Jensen started dating, she realized just how much women fangirled over and wanted Jensen and since he spent 9 months out of the year in Vancouver filming SPN, ALONE (most of the time), she started getting incredibly insecure and petty, especially since we all know there's no way Jensen wasn't sleeping his way thru Vancouver, and that's when the plastic surgery began. She figured if she could look like his "ideal" or "dream" woman, that she could keep him from looking elsewhere (i mean, why else would she write shit like "he's mine, bitches" on a pic of Jensen for a fan?) Too bad she hasnt realized that LOOKS DONT KEEP A MAN.
I'm guessing she realized that Jensen was going to do whatever he wanted so she decided to do the same, i.e Steeb. But at this point, she keeps up with the plastic surgery bc once u start, u can't stop. Jensen, unfortunately, isn't going to leave her. She knows that if he was going to, he would've done so already. I think he's "settled" on the idea of staying with her bc if he hasn't left her after everything she's done and how she's treated him, then there's nothing that will make him leave her. It's why I don't follow him on Twitter or IG anymore. I'm sick of seeing her ugly mug all over my timelines.
I'm serious starting to wonder about his mental wellbeing. He keeps pushing her as if she had talent or any redeeming quality. She does not. She is a talentless, classless bimbo with no soul so the fact that he endorses her is deeply creepy to me and, like you, I stopped following him because of her. A very long time ago. The saddest part is it's not just him posting about her but how pathetically, fakely he does it. Like he is not capable of real love, authenticity and responsibility. I'm more disappointed in the superficial man he comes off as when he makes posts about her and I end up feeling sad for her. I know she made her own bed but...he's a shitty husband. Sorry not sorry. I would divorce him with the speed of light and never look back. This is just my preference and opinion, of course, but though Jensen looks like my dream prince charming, he appears to be made of cardboard on the inside. Wrapping is beautiful but it fades, what stays is the soul and a soul that cannot be authentic or love cannot connect to someone elsel, not truly. This is one of those days where I wish he would just fall suddenly in real love with someone else and start living. Because right now he is just existing, arrogantly but sadly.
As for looking like his dream woman, Danneel is fooling herself. You cannot change yourself to meet that for anyone because it's something that comes from them. From their soul and their core desires. She's trying to fabricate herself into something she will never truly be, if she really loved Jensen she would let him go. Because he clearly does have an ideal and he should be living it. I hope he finds whoever or whatever circumstance/experience he is looking for in life.
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roseworth · 1 year
Opinions on Rose's Ravager outfits? Personally I always feel like she gets screwed over when it comes to outfits. I thought her original outfit was bland, but I'd rather have that than the weird pirate motif DC keeps putting onto her now.
HEAD IN HANDS i just wrote a whole response to this with details of every single one of her costumes then i pressed the wrong button and accidentally deleted ALL OF IT im gonna cry. so im sorry if i forget something because this is the second time im writing this whole thing :(((((
anyways overall i agree her costumes are usually bad. they either dont really fit her vibe or theyre boring or they have way too much going on. there are only a handful that i actually consider Good and most of them are really bad or just kinda nothing
but i put under the cut what i think of all of them:
original costume: BAD
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this one falls into the bland category and its just.... not good. like the boob window is so unnecessary, i dont like the mask, and the colors are so nothing, and every detail sucks. i like the boots tbh but other than that. bad.
the same costume but different: better
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i like this because it takes some of the good aspects of the other one and keeps them, but then makes it all a lil brighter and gives some more orangey accents. i wish she didnt have the mask at all, i hate it. but when she does have the mask i prefer it when her hair is sticking out the bottom, i dont like it when its all tucked in like in the first pic
the same costume without the mask: <3
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im counting this as its own costume just because in the middle of teen titans she goes a while just not wearing the mask at all <3 its so disappointing when she puts it back on after going a bit without it
ok. new 52 time :/
NOWHERE fits: so fucking awful
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technically not even ravager outfits but still. everyone point and laugh. the white and green does NOT look good on her and both of these costumes look terrible. especially the first one bc what the fuck is going on with that skirt thing
the ravagers: unfortunate serve
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i fucking love this costume, i think this is actually one of my favorites of hers. i think it combines costume + armor really well, and i think that the color scheme really suits her. the art in this book was so fucking pretty and she looked so good every time she showed up. the unfortunate part was every other aspect of this book :/
her worst look: literally fucking terrible no redeeming qualities
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girl take that shit off right fucking now i cant be seen with you wearing this. there is not a single part of this fit that looks good. i said the color scheme looked good in the last costume bc the red was kept to accents. there is so much red going on here and thats FAR from the worst part. lets go from head to toe. that mask is literally a travesty, i dont know who thought it was a good idea. the weird collar thing she has going on is so????? then she has the skulls on her shoulder pads, which are bad enough on their own. and why does she have a bazooka on her back. and why does she only have a skull on one knee?????? this is a fucking mess. kory attacks her on sight in this book and i fully believe its because this costume is so ugly she couldnt hold herself back. um. i like the fingerless gloves though i guess
rebirth: hesitant slay...
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i hate the mask but other than that its?? fine???? this one used to be my favorite but i dont really like it as much anymore, idk why. i think its trying too hard to be armor and casual at the same time and ends up not looking good. i hate this mask soooo much though, i think the weird thing going on with her eyes makes this the second worst mask behind whatever was going on in the last one. and like you said i think this one relies too much on the pirate motif??? like i appreciate the reference to the eyepatch i guess but i would rather they just give her an eyepatch. like the skulls and the pirate thing seems way out of place and doesnt fit her vibe or the outfits vibe at all and it just looks weird. but other than that this look is. Fine.
defiance: eh
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this one isnt technically ravager either but its still a rose costume so im rating it. its very ,,,, fine. like i dont have any problems with it but there isnt anything i particularly like about it. the whole point of the white costumes in this arc was because they were supposed to look wrong and out of place and all so i cant fault it for that, but theres just not really anything going on here its fine for what it is and thats all i can really say about it
willow: SLAY &lt;3 <3
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i love this one, probably another one of my favorites. once again the black with red accents suits her so well. and the artist draws it so it doesnt even seem that horny despite the fact that its a lace up crop top and booty shorts <3 she looks so nice and i love the fit thats my girl (gn) ❣️❣️
stormwatch: yeah &lt;3
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two screenshots just to point out the fact that she changes costumes halfway through this issue and i want to bully her for it. but this one is nice, its really simple but i think it works, plus shes drawn like an actual adult instead of a 15 year old so i cant complain <3 the skull imagery is very small and doesnt seem to piratey so i still dont love it but i forgive it. this costume is pretty good and i like it overall, its one of her better costumes
and yeah <3 i hope i didnt forget any but uh rose babygirl we have got to get you better costumes. i think the best color for her would be like a reddish orange bc i like the red for her but the orange is kind of Her Color (even though its only because of slade) and i think she should never wear that mask
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yutahoes · 10 months
A little author's note, if someone is interested.
I am terribly sorry for not posting much. 😭🙏 I don't know if I said it yet but I am now a Public School Teacher so I don't have that much time like before. I'm so bad in adapting to my new job that I'm becoming more anxious. But I'll be fine, I think. 🤗
Anyways, I only have three weeks of vacation before classes start once again. I haven't even been to a beach or travel much. But I've been enjoying some time for myself.
I went to the NCT Home exhibit in our country. I got a picture with Yuta using photoism but I'm so ugly and he looks unhappy. 😭 But I got one pic that I'm very proud of.
I also watched Kim Jaejoong's concert. To those who had been following this blog for a while you'll know that other than Yuta, Jaejoong is my first ultimate bias. And I cried so hard during the concert.
For fics, I'm currently working on some sub! Yuta and a husband! Yuta smuts. I also wanted to try writing an ABO fic but my writing vocabulary is so limited, it's frustrating. 🥺
I'm sorry but please be patient with my writing speed. 😭🙏 I'll try my best to give you quality fics soon. Thank you so much for still being here, reading and liking my works. I wouldn't be here without you. 🥰
Sharing some pics from Jaejoong's concert and my recent fave pic with Yuta. (A little slight face reveal. 😅 If ever you're in the Philippines and saw me, just approach me please. Sorry for the camera quality.)
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dhabitahpunk-art · 11 months
Hi! Your art is absolutely gorgeous and I loved that Paint With Me video!
I'm also a digital artist and have also gotten an anon ask like that saying they were convinced I was an AI :/ Even though I've literally made a long post about my process which included ugly WIP pics but oh well
Anyway, my point with sending this was mainly to just send you good vibes, and say I hope you don't let comments like that bother you too much, and tell you, as a fellow artist with a very similar style and process, how beautiful and inspirational your art is ;u;
Seriously the colors, the rough brush strokes, the mood, it's all I always want my own art to be like but only sometimes succeed at... I think one thing that makes a big difference, which I've been trying to be more conscious of lately, is the choice of references. Sometimes I just choose pics because I wanna draw the subject in them but don't think so much about the harmony of the colors involved or the lighting or the compositon etc etc and then it's only when I'm like 70% through the drawing that I start noticing how underwhelming it is compared to what it could have been like but at that point it's too late to make such drastic changes so I just end up frustrated and disappointed.
And that's all stuff that could have been avoided by choosing a better ref in the first place and I think you always nail that you know? Like I never have any pre established interest in the subjects you draw but the art is so beautiful on its own if that makes sense, I really love it. And I also love how loose you're able to keep your brushstrokes by having a lower res ref so you can't see too much detail. I struggle with that sometimes.. either I work with a low quality pic to keep the drawing rough or I have a better quality ref so I can draw some nice details in the features, but then I overdo it by adding too much detail anyway. So having the multiple versions of the ref for different purposes makes a lot of sense and I was actually just thinking about that today XD
Anyway uh this got a lot longer than I meant it to, sorry for the rambling, but yeah really love your art and your style and your process!!
Aw, thanks so much for writing in, dear anon!!! My blood is always boiling whenever someone accuses me of using AI. 🤣 I get those comments a lot on Instagram especially.
I get that issue sometimes too when the piece just feels underwhelming. But I usually just push thru and it's all about the experience. Sometimes we get to learn new things during the process even tho the end result isn't what we expected.
You should totally try to have a lower resolution version of your reference. It's helped me a lot and also stopped me from over-rendering which I am sometimes guilty of. 😆
Also, I bet your art is really cool and you're so kind. If you don't mind, you could private message me your account so I can give you a follow!!😇 No pressure, of course!
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sulsuldreams · 10 months
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we’ll have to ignore the ugly cas background because photoshop is killing the quality of the pics but it’s okay because look how stunninggg she is 😍
like??? I’m sorry wow
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copias-girl · 1 year
IM GLAD YOU LIKE IT IM SORRY THE QUALITY IS KINDA SHITTY 😭😭😭 also now realizing that you’re gonna know what i look like now 😍im afraid 😍 LMAOOOO
💃 insecurity 🕺🏻
OMG YOURE SO PRETTY??? EEEE GHESTIE!! You’re beautiful!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Ok fuck it I’m gonna dm you and send you pics of me lmaoo
I’ve already sent my pics to my closest ghesties, but you’re definitely one of them! 🖤
And to anyone else reading: no I’m not ugly, I look like Barbie lol I’m just being a tease about publicly posting a face reveal because the anonymity is kinda fun 😈 but if someone really begs I’ll do it lmaoo 🙄😏
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bumzlebeaz · 8 months
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Got bored and made a 4th gen tf2 medic (i changed the ugly short coulors but did have pic)
I like it i have a story but meh no one cares lol
Sorry for shitty quality lol didnt savr on my phone so i screen shotted it of whats app
Tagging a tf2 freind @butchhatred
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
ON GOOOOOOD kicking my feet twirling my hair at your twitch pic. Also idk if this’ll help anyone but it’s 3pm MST, idk about other US time zones tho. I have like 32 alarms to make sure I wake up and catch it aikajdkakkskdnd
Oh I'm fucking blushhhhiiiiiing
Listen, it's my first livestream EVER, the quality will probably be horrendous and I'm definitely gonna look like a potato but it's fine.
Is there a specific way you're meant to stream? Like should I be in a cool room? Should I be playing a game or are yall just happy to look at my ugly mug (I'm wearing a mask sorry yall)?
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gh0stcave · 1 year
happy birthday fucking bitch (love of my life)
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(the quality is better when you touch the pic but i don’t recommend it bc it’s traditional and it looks kinda weird)
i wanted to draw something else but i wasn’t able to THANKFULLY THO i drew him 3 days ago bc i couldn’t get the idea out of my head SO HERE IT IS: DAZAI THAT’S HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THAT RICH, HANDSOME AND BEAUTIFUL CHUUYA KID, FROM THE SECOND HE SAW HIM (he just like me fr) (tbh this was inspired by this tweet and this thread of replies to it so pls go look at them.)
he looks kinda ugly bc my drawing’s ugly. and there’s something so wrong abt the anatomy but i can’t figure out what it is so like… he’s kinda ugly… sorry bbygirl (and don’t come at me abt the dress folds idk how to do them😭😭)
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miralrd · 2 years
Wallpaper wizard hd wallpapers collection
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1025x2048px tokyo revengers, tokyo manji, mikey, hd mobile wallpaper Tokyo ravens anime wallpaper photo background wallpapers images. Check out this fantastic collection of tokyo revengers mikey wallpapers, with 82 tokyo revengers mikey. Tower, japan, tokyo, hd wallpaper Pinterest tokyo ravens cute neko . Tokyo ravens, tokyo, cool anime picture>.
Sincerely, MacPaw Team.800x1281px, 720p freeload | mikey, art, tokyo revenge, sano manjiro, draken, manga, sano, anime, hd mobile wallpaper | peakpx. Please contact our support team at if you have the additional comments, we will be glad to know it. We would like to inform you, that we are constantly working on improving and filling our collection of wallpapers in order to make it more convenient to all our users. We are really sorry to hear, that you are not completely satisfied with Wallpaper Wizard 2. Mi dispiace di averla pure acquistata a 6€ con lo sconto……….ĭISINSTALLATA IMPIETOSAMENTE……………….SORRY! Non mi funzionava il cambio di foto nel desktop a una determinata ora (Il Roll)……… Le foto non sono granché e la scelta non è delle mie preferite oltre a essere messe un po a casaccio (che me ne faccio di una diecina di foto di biciclette? ecc. come: Hider 2, CleanMyMac e CleanMy Drive 2 e mi sono trovato sempre bene tanto è vero che sono sul mio MacBookPro da diversi anni, ma questa applicazione (Wallpaper Wizard 2) non mi è proprio piaciuta……. Per chi non si ferama al costo e riesce ad andare oltre avrà buone soddisfazioni da questa App. Le foto almeno fino ad ora sono di eccellente qualità su un monitor Apple da 27 pollici retina non si notano ne grana grossa ne artefatti di sorta, queste foto sono in alta risoluzione e quindi danno un colpo d’occhio incredibile. è ben fatta, semplice di bella grafica e immediata, in pochi secondi fai tutto, un plauso va alla zona degli sfondi preferiti che col tempo ti permetterà di isolare quegli sfondi che ti piacciono di più per poterli utilizzare a piacimento con facilità e rapidità, si sa col tempo gli sfondi aumenteranno e quindi questa piccola possibilità ti farà risparmiare tempo, questo e la semplicità d’uso ne fanno un prodottino tutto sommato non male.
Il costo è un alto, però dato che la quantità di materiale è piuttosto buona e viene aggiornata con alta frequenza, direi che alla fine per chi lavora col Mac tutto il giorno avere degli sfondi quanto più vari e belli rompe la monotonia, alla fine ne vale la pena, la App. Get Multi-display as an in-app purchase and literally surround yourself with beauty. Save your best-loved backgrounds to Favorites, so that you never lose themĪnd finally, even if you juggle multiple displays, Wallpaper Wizard 2 will make them all pretty. All desktop wallpapers are grouped into collections for easy browsing Nature, textures, flowers, sea views - anything you feel like today, you got it Or set desktop pictures manually if you don’t like an ever-changing screenĮasily find whatever wallpapers you like: Set Roll to switch your wallpapers as often as you want Add all backgrounds you like to Roll and have the app change them for you Get a new desktop wallpaper every week, day, or hour: All images are in 4K quality to look crisp even on large Retina displays Curated photos only, so no ugly vector art and pixelated pics Over 25,000 wallpapers, with new arrivals monthly Never run out of good desktop backgrounds: Finally, you can spare yourself the pain of sifting through Google Images - with Wallpaper Wizard 2, you’ll have enough fresh wallpapers for your Mac’s entire lifetime. Choose from hundreds of curated desktop pictures in HD, and the app will set you a new background every week, day, or hour.
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louisshomesharry · 2 years
about pleasing
All the pleasing trademarks are owned by Emptyleg, LP (there’s ca. 30 trademark)
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Emptyleg, LP is owned by Emptyleg manager, LLC which is owned by jeff azoff (check 5. managers or members)
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“jeffrey azoff, sole member of Emptyleg Manager, LLC” 👆🏻(signature)
EMPTYLEG, LP changed names and became THE PLEASING COMPANY
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(director/officers Emptyleg Manager, LLC --> owned by jeff)
You can find info about PLEASED AS here --> x
as of today there is no link between “pleased as” and “the pleasing company”
I am not a business person so if I misread/misinterpreted something feel free to point it out :)
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cheekblush · 4 years
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