#splatoon fan species
sykam0re · 1 year
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ALSO just realised I never shared this with you all so, given the love toward Milos, I thought I'd share some basics on my Raylings with you all :)
It's not an amazing ref but...here's all the key details that make them, them!
Plus an example of their swim form hehe 💕 silly sea roombas
I know they aren't cephalopods and thus aren't super realistic (my Spirulings are moreso) but it's just for some fun really!! And at the end of the day, for ocs, that's all I care about <:) and I hope u like them too
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bloomblanche · 12 days
Hi, I made a little edit with my fan species for fun
Hope you guys like it!!
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(Original illustration from Haikara Walker)
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batsing · 1 year
NO WAY SEA SLUG?!?! [style study]
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alex-kyanite · 7 months
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Day 29: The Chosen Idol
They’re not quite an Idol group, but more of a hobbyist group. But I figured I’d show art of some OCs I’ve been working on for this prompt.
Vic is a vampling (vampire squid) and the vocalist.
The Vamplings were made by https://instagram.com/jimbox_splatted?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ==
Naomi is a mimicling, a type of jellyfish that instead of mimicking actions mimics appearances with their shapeshifting. Naomi mainly plays guitar.
Dan is a firefly inkling. Despite his lack of sight he’s mastered quite a few instruments, his favorite being cello!
These three are still a bit of a WiP, but hopefully I’ll figure out a band name and more details soon. I’ve never been the best at group names x.x
The splatober prompt list I’m using is KiraKensa and Rinncake’s on Twitter! Here’s a link to that post for anyone who wants it!
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octahedral-chaos · 9 months
Random thing, but why do I suddenly want to ramble about my silly joke Splatoon crossover species-
They're called Lochlings, *Thunderlings and Parilings, you could easily tell what they're based off...
*Edit: "Thunderlings" are actually called Lightlings now!
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zenala-art · 11 months
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My first attack goes to @nemiirus of their amazing OC, Midori!
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goatposter · 1 year
splatoon 4
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tri-toxikon · 2 years
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AUGHUHG I didn't realize how much I missed my Raylings until I started playing Splat3,, Monroe especially. god I need to start writing a Hero Mode for them again
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hadalzonee · 8 months
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woe, oc x canon be upon ye. but as cuttlelings
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jinglr · 10 months
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Behold! My Splatoon fan species!
Siring (Siren-ling)
Oc: Thelxiepeia (Thel) She/Her
(This is so silly it doesn’t fit the lore at all but more under cut!)
Physical attributes: Webbed tentacles, web fins on forearms and lower legs, “fangs” on face marking, (sometimes) duller in color
Summary: Sirings are basically vampires. They have to consume their own relative species to survive (Inklings, Octolings.) They can eat things like Salmonids and Jellyfish, but they’re not as filling. Sirings are few and far between in the modern worlds, as they often starve or are found out and killed. Sirings can usually go 1-3 months without a “proper” meal, depending on age. When going a long time without feeding, skin and ink lose saturation. To “catch” prey, Sirings either lure them in with their voices “curiosity killed the cat,” or simply befriends the victim, luring them into a friendship before killing and consuming them. In a modern day world, Sirings are in hiding, and only feed if they randomly come across a dead body (gotta be somewhat fresh though,) or break into a morgue. Sometimes, bodies donated to science go strangely missing…
Differences: Sirings often try to pass for Octolings, but there are some major differences.
Eye markings. Circles vs fangs
Teeth. 2 opposite/middle vs 2 top
Ink color. Bright vs Dulled
Tentacles. Outside suckers vs No suckers and webbed
Limbs. No fins vs translucent webbed fins
Fingers. Pointy clawed vs Round.
Thel random stuff: Thel is anxious, introverted, and quiet. Thel also suffers from the typical Siring starvation signs, which include loss of saturation, fatigue, cold touch, mental tiredness, etc. In the modern world, Thel can’t feed very well or often, really only eating Salmonids and other lesser creatures. However, a strictly carnivorous diet can be pricey, so she is her own indie music producer under the name M3R-SH33 (mermaid + banshee) and that’s how she gets most of her money. Sometimes, she also serves as a corpse cleaner upper (if it’s fresh enough, and she’s the only one on scene, she can grab a couple bites without anyone noticing.) Despite her nature, Thel HATES feeding on Inklings and Octolings. She wants to live beside them, not feast upon them. She’ll go months at a time without food due to shame, fear, and self loathing. Think of her like an unwilling vampire, just trying to live.
That’s it for now! I might update it later or something idk
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platinumparadax · 2 years
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Splatober Day 25: Draw some Fanspecies
Sealings! Like Ink/Octos they can change forms however they aren't entirely human like Ink/Octos but have evolved to have a human like form to "fit in".
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sykam0re · 1 year
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"Wish to request a fortune? Or perhaps a cup of tea, first?"🌙
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bloomblanche · 23 hours
SRL Exploration Team here to make an emergency report!
These funky fellows are starting to pop up all around town! We're not sure what their deal is, but they seem friendly. Who knows? Maybe we'll get more info on these cirralings in the future...
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(original image)
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...and here's an (unfinished) attempt from a year ago! I'm proud of my progress.
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batsing · 1 year
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I heard some of you were interested, so here's a bit of info on them! Sorry it took a little while I ended up drawing a ton for my scrimblos here </3
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Sluglings evolved from sea slugs as you probably know, which are known to have up to 700000 microscopic, razor sharp hook shaped teeth. (I sure love animals that are biological horrors up under a microscope!!) Over time this became a useless thing, so they began to evolve in favor of merging the teeth into much larger, actually usable fang-like teeth. These fangs are semi retractable and are also heavily used to convey emotion, similarly to their antenna, unsheathing when angry.
Sea slugs are solitary creatures, unlike sluglings which had evolved to be much more sociable over time. At first so they could hunt with a chance of succeeding, but now to the point of having a complex social structure. They have developed a unique language called Sluguni, alongside some highly expressive body language. Some examples found below.
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Another thing to note is the rounder, broken mask shape. They partially come up the nose bridge, but are ultimately broken apart, taking on an almost heart shape in most common cases. In rare cases, there will be only one rounded shape, making them look almost like a weird inkling if it weren't for their antenna. They most commonly have two rounded "eyelash" shapes, but it's also not unheard of to have more than two. More examples below!!
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Their hairstyles are composed of several things as well, with no real requirements other than the antenna! Plus one other trait.. This trait can be anything, from the gills, to the cerata, to the mantle skirt!! You could even get creative and slap the tail/foot on as a sort of longer hairstyle! Antenna + hairstyle can be mixed and matched should you so desire; More examples below!!! You do not need to follow these examples, and if you do you don't need to follow them to an exact! Creativity is encouraged just like you would with an inkling character!! Like look at Frye compared to other inklings!!
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kiiros-paint-bucket · 11 months
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zenala-art · 1 year
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