#spn 15.17
mittensmorgul · 1 year
rewatching 15.18 and suffering afresh!
I need to talk about Billie, though. While Cas is telling Dean he’s made of love. We all know.
But Billie.
For years, I’ve been writing about how she’s Dabb’s avatar in the story. She was. Which makes it pretty damn poetic how-- and when-- she is taken out of it.
(I just watched her and Cas get ripped from the story and am currently sobbing on the floor of the dungeon beside Dean)
Cas’s love confession is the mechanism of his own happiness that summoned the Empty. But he triggered it deliberately to also remove Billie from the narrative.
Metaphorically, Dabb’s control over it.
And this is why I’m just as mad about Billie’s lack of redemption as I am about Cas’s lack of redemption.
She was tricked just as much as TFW was in this episode. She truly believed that her mission of Killing Chuck was their only salvation, just as much as Dean in 15.17 had become single-minded in that mission to the point he nearly destroyed everything else in pursuit of it. He pulled a GUN on SAM. That needs a lot of exclamation points for emphasis, but I try to be a decent person to those with screen readers, so y’all get this whole sentence instead of a string of bang marks...
As Billie told Dean and Cas when they broke into her Reading Room to try to kill her, they were in the wrong place. She had no interest in killing all their friends. It wasn’t her disappearing everyone as they’d been led to believe. It was always Chuck, all along. He was to blame for it. They’d wasted their time going after her. But without her, they also had no real hope of killing Chuck... or so SHE believed.
She said her ONLY mission now that she was dying was killing Dean.
Which... actually happened in the finale.
Because Billie didn’t understand how she’d been manipulated into doing Chuck’s bidding for him until it was too late. She spent all of s15 single-mindedly devoted to killing Chuck when that was never going to succeed. Because Chuck wrote ALL the rules to the universe, including the ones that Billie existed by as Death.
She had Grand Plans to just... keep the balance (as Amara had been urging Chuck toward in 15.17 before he broke her will and devoured her... yes Amara got short-shrift just as much as Billie did... and I won’t even go into how Rowena received the exact same treatment as a self-sacrifice in 15.03, other than to just state it plainly here).
But Chuck-- the one who can changes the rules on the fly and bend everything in the universe to his will EXCEPT for the will of humanity-- was too committed to the Writer Bit. Too invested in his own story to let it go. When it didn’t go his way, instead of adapting and letting it become something else, he chose to punish all the characters he claimed were his favorites.
Chuck ended up writing the worst, most nihilistic fanfic of his own stories just to burn it all to the ground. Tormenting his characters for no other reason than pettiness. Because he could.
Dabb was never Chuck. Dabb was always Billie. And in the final season-- out past 14.20 when we got that wild shot of Jack, Billie, and the Entity in the Empty... Dabb was all three of them.
And what happens to Jack in 15.19? He’s been Emptied Out, having been destroyed in the Empty and then brought back to Earth with no power, involuntarily absorbing power and draining the life from everything around him until he becomes... the perfect vessel for Chuck. He becomes Chuck at the end of 15.19.
Just in time for Dabb to execute... whatever the heck that finale was. Chuck’s final story.
Chuck won. He got the last say using Dabb’s in-story avatar like a puppet to bring it all to fruition. And Billie is the proof of it. And I am so tired now and can’t bring myself to watch 15.20 again yet, so I’m turning off the tv now before it’s too late and probably gonna go read my post 15.19 fix it fic instead that puts all of this to rights.
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lower-the-volume · 2 months
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dean winchester. unity
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ardentpoop · 2 months
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deancasforcutie · 2 months
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Dean flaunting the Other-flavored hot slice of angel food cake he cut off from the Powers That Be/corrupted with his touch, in front of God and Sam's salad and everyone
bonus defying your own god/the father:
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castiellesbian · 1 year
Meredith Glynn:
12.05 The One You've Been Waiting For
12.11 Regarding Dean
12.16 Ladies Drink Free
12.19 The Future (with Robert Berens)
13.04 The Big Empty
13.08 The Scorpion and the Frog
13.14 Good Intentions
13.20 Unfinished Business
14.05 Nightmare Logic
14.08 Byzantium
14.13 Lebanon (with Andrew Dabb)
15.06 Golden Time
15.11 The Gamblers (with Davy Perez)
15.17 Unity
Jeremy Carver
3.04 Sin City
3.08 A Very Supernatural Christmas
3.11 Mystery Spot
3.14 Long-Distance Call
4.03 In the Beginning
4.11 Family Remains
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday
4.20 The Rapture
5.03 Free to Be You and Me
5.08 Changing Channels
5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
5.18 Point of No Return
8.01 We Need to Talk About Kevin
8.23 Sacrifice
9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
9.23 Do You Believe in Miracles?
10.01 Black
10.23 Brother's Keeper
11.01 Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
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luukeskywalker · 7 months
i actually am shocked bc i started an spn rewatch back in like may and as it turns out we're at 15.17 and will be watching 15.18......tomorrrow
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spideyswebhead · 2 years
SPN | 15.17
"You must be Eve"
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scoobydoodean · 3 years
Not knowing what’s real anymore, pointing a gun at your brother, and your brother telling you to put it down and let him be stone number one:
Sam in 7.01 🤝 Dean in 15.17
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let-me-be-your-home · 4 years
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Supernatural 15x17 || Unity 
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casgirlsam · 4 years
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"It takes strength to acknowledge our anger, and sometimes more strength yet to curb the aggressive urges anger may bring and to channel them into nonviolent outlets." -- Fred Rogers.
requested by @cuddlemonsterdean
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
rewatching s15 over the last week or so has been refreshingly eye opening. I know a lot of folks have been unable to bring themselves to rewatch, but I think this is my third full rewatch just running through the entire season. I cannot begin to explain how perfect the season is up to this point. Perfect enough that I will still forgive the clumsiness of 15.19 because it effectively gets the dirty job of punishing Chuck in the worst possible way done.
Try to tell me Chuck wouldn’t have preferred his own death to being rendered human. In his eyes, being a powerless human being with no other recourse against cosmic forces and reality is the PERFECT end for him. Killing him would’ve been too damn easy.
But where the show completely falls down is everything after that point. Which is why I’m absolutely convinced that Chuck actually won. Everything was his long con plan to bring about his ultimate ending-- one brother dying so the other could live a hollow half-life. But what so many people overlook in all of this is that it was always Chuck’s plan to turn Jack into the “ultimate vessel” for his own power. A vessel that the Winchesters would not suspect of just carrying on his own plan. Everything in the finale is the Ending Chuck wanted.
Free will lost, love lost, redemption and humanity lost.
I cannot believe that if Jack was still Jack in any way that he would’ve let Cas’s sacrifice for him stand. I cannot believe that the Winchesters in possession of their own free will would’ve just... reverted back to what they were pre-series and forgotten about everyone and everything they cared about and were willing to sacrifice themselves to save. Like... Chuck won in the version we were shown on tv.
Either the meta-connection to their universe that allowed us to watch their story unfold was severed at the moment Chuck’s power was drained and in a very meta way “our writers had to make up some sort of ending,” or else TFW simply didn’t realize they were still “in the story” and willingly fulfilling all of Chuck’s designs.
There’s no real way to understand what happened any better than that. I can’t even credit another interpretation of the events at this point.
It’s one reason I’m incredibly wary of them attempting to ever make more of the series. I’m not sure any continuation would acknowledge any of this, and I’m honestly not interested in a version of the show that presumes everything picks up from a point post-15.20 as if it all happened exactly as it appeared to.
So much for “Heaven is a paradise of free will!” if Dean gets “bored” enough to want to go back to Earth, you know? Heaven as it was in 15.20 is an existential horror, and that’s the minimum baseline acknowledgement that needs to be addressed if they ever do make more of the show.
heck I have so much more to say, but I have Adulting to take care of now... boo adulthood...
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lower-the-volume · 2 months
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castiel. unity
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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they're actively trying to kill me again
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myhumanweakness · 3 years
I know we all loved 15x17 because Chuck essentially confirmed that Castiel is the ultimate/only representation of free will in the Universe, but I think we really slept on this moment when Jack and Dean meet Adam and Seraphina: 
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I know it serves the grander plot (and was meant to be comedic relief), but I can’t help but feel like they could have done this differently. They didn’t need to make Adam- the first [hu]man- very clearly in a loving, intimate relationship with an angel. But here we are. A dude shacking up with an angel. 
It really reminded me of those old nuggets of Destiel parallels from previous seasons (like with Ishim in Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets). Like 12x10, we have this meta conversation about this human and this angel and how this particular angel is his spouse/the only one who has been able to stick with/by him for so long.
Sound like another pair we know?
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castiellesbian · 1 year
Meredith Glynn:
12.05 The One You've Been Waiting For
12.11 Regarding Dean
12.16 Ladies Drink Free
12.19 The Future (with Robert Berens)
13.04 The Big Empty
13.08 The Scorpion and the Frog
13.14 Good Intentions
13.20 Unfinished Business
14.05 Nightmare Logic
14.08 Byzantium
14.13 Lebanon (with Andrew Dabb)
15.06 Golden Time
15.11 The Gamblers (with Davy Perez)
15.17 Unity
Daniel Loflin (all with * were co-written with Andrew Dabb)
Writer of
4.06 Yellow Fever*
4.13 After School Special *
4.19 Jump the Shark*
5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future*
5.11 Sam, Interrupted*
5.16 Dark Side of the Moon*
5.19 Hammer of the Gods*
6.04 Weekend at Bobby's*
6.07 Family Matters*
6.13 Unforgiven*
6.18 Frontierland*
7.03 The Girl Next Door*
7.08 Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!*
7.14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie*
7.22 There Will Be Blood*
8.02 What's Up, Tiger Mommy?*
8.09 Citizen Fang
8.16 Remember the Titans
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fascra · 4 years
dean in 15.19: ....me? 🥺a killer? 🥺that’s not who i am...... i never kill if i don’t have to..... you’re gonna grow old chuck :) and that’s okay :)
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