#spread the frolicking!
spinnysocks · 2 months
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oh how i wish to frolic
happy tiny creature tuesday :3
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ginger-grimm · 7 months
Firing your main actress, who arguably plays the most important character of your rebooted franchise for sharing a call for peace and no more bloodshed in a world where businesses, studios, brands, etc. are being boycotted left in right seems really stupid but maybe that's just my opinion.
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feluka · 2 years
i'll say it again. every SWANA girlie should be entitled to one free patricide per lifetime no charges no jail time no nothing
#devastating news today.#i learned that 1- my dad wanted to start a bet on me dropping out of uni before the end of the year.#he was serious too. thankfully my mom told him to shut the fuck up :)that's exactly what i need while struggling with my studies thanks dad#2- he's now spreading lies about me to my mom to make me look bad#he told her i lie when i say I'm going to sleep and instead i keep the lights on and stay up all night#and that he sees me frolicking around playing and having fun while claiming to be asleep#my mom called him out on being a shitty liar because when i can't sleep i still keep the lights off because i fucking hate the lights#and also she comes to check up on me at night and sees that i am asleep so she told him he's a liar#and now 3- he's claiming my whole mental health lapse thing was me faking depression to get away with having poor grades#which is funny because he took me to the psych hospital himself and told our entire extended family that I've gone crazy.#funny how he changes his story all the fucking time!#and his proof? he 'sees me chatting with people and laughing all the time so i can't be that depressed'#what people you fucking dickhead. do you know how debilitating lonely i am. do you have any idea how much it kills me.#and when my mom tried to stand up for me and say that i don't talk to people#his reasoning was that i'm being secretive about it because i must be talking to boys 😐😐😐😐#i truly dont understand him. like my guy YOU put me in a girls school and follow me outside everyday to make sure i take the girls' train.#like what boys have i conjured out of thin fucking air. literally what the FUCK are you on about.#also now he's using that as an excuse to 'keep an eye on me' and look in my stuff and follow me around#i know he opens my phone because that absolute idiot accidentally took a photo of himself with it#and i know he follows me this isn't news to me. i just. idk. i thought we were on better terms these days????#like i truly thought we were being friendly and cool with each other lately???#then he explodes out on nowhere with this stuff and goes on and on about how much of his money is wasted on me!!!!!#i'm just so sad all the time and i'm truly trying to hold on and not end everything and i dont need him to do this to me right now#i'm so so sad and tired! really i don't see an end to this!#one day i'll walk into the ocean and have him fish my corpse out of the water
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violet-eng · 3 months
fem!reader studies Neuviotter! | Fluff 🧸 with Otter Neuvillette… 🔞with Human Neuvillette.
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Summary: You're a Sumeru's researcher obsessed with Fontaine otters. So you basically adopt one... unfortunately it looks like that isn't an otter at all...
Warning: 🔞 MDNI. ALL SMUT IS WITH HUMAN NEUVILLETTE! Somnophilia, oral (fem! Receiving), p i v. Unprotected sex.
1.8k words.
Not edited.
The prestige of your research precedes you. A diligent student with a flamboyant gait, brilliant ideals and precise knowledge. You arrive at Fontaine from the Sumeru Academy with a precedent never seen before, with your lively, attentive eyes and your notebooks covered in leather the same color as your eyes.
Word spreads immediately that the wise y/n, scholar of the Academia, has come to Fontaine to study a creature that has captured your attention to leave the green land for that of the primordial sea. Could it be that you want to study a mythical creature that lives in underwater caves? Or perhaps a glorious bird has captured your thirst for knowledge?
How surprised your guides were when you shouted with excitement, unable to contain your joy like a little girl, when you spotted a little otter poking its head out of the crystal clear water. You jumped up and down, unable to contain your happiness, exclaiming how amazed you were to see one so close.
Alone, you photograph the otter and go so far as to dive underwater with it, surprised more by how clever it is than by your new curious ability to breathe underwater. What a joy it is to find a group of creatures frolicking with a clam in their midst, spinning in the water and turning to look at you. You may have been down there for an hour.
Back on the surface, sitting on a rock with your feet in the water, you jot down the details in your notebook, tracing with the vague lines of a sketch the elusive shape of the little animals. Concentrating on your task, on defining the details of its snout, you notice on the other bank an otter, different from the others, grooming its head with its small hands.
You watch it carefully, the creature seems a little larger than the others, slender and almost like a gentleman...
"A gentleman otter," you whisper, enraptured by the delicate and magnificent figure grooming itself in front of you. 
The otter makes sounds as he wipes his own face, lying on the surface of the water, carving his features and nose, while his two gnawing teeth peek through his pearly fur. Its small hands wash its own belly, almost ironing its fur as if it were the robe of a great lord. Deeply adorable. You hastily sketch the picture in front of you, not missing a tender detail of the cuddly toy floating carefree on the calm current.
The otter watches you with a lost look, black eyes that seem not to contain a single thought. The bliss of the ignorant. And you wave at him from your rock with a smile.
The otter swims toward you, and when he's within striking distance, he watches you, as if studying you. 
"How smart you look," you say, clutching your notebook to your chest, "and very adorable. Look at you," you show him the drawing.
The otter stares at the paper with a certain analysis, but his unmistakable expression doesn't change. Then he seems to comb an invisible curl out of his furry head and approves your sketch with a formal nod.
"What a gentleman," you squeal, climbing down from your rock and returning to get your things. The otter emerges from the water, shaking his body to dry himself from the water, though he remains fluffy.
"I thought you were waterproof," you laugh at the sight of the expressionless furball, seemingly oblivious to his adorable embarrassment, "you're different, aren't you?" you approach him with a rag, trying to dry him.
You pull him onto your lap, paws up and his belly exposed as you dry his chest with your cloth, as if he were a baby. Then you wipe his little hands and then his paws. His face is now dry. The otter played with your bracelets, making funny noises and showing his little pearly teeth.
"Do you like it?" you ask, putting it down. The Otter nods enthusiastically. "It would look very cute on you," you add, taking off one of your bracelets and placing it around his neck.
The elastic of the bracelet is lost in his white fur, and the pendant stands out as if it were the clasp of a breastplate. 
"You're missing a hat, and you could pass for another Fontaine gentleman," you exclaim, pleased with the result, as the otter poses like an elegant gentleman, his small chest puffed out, almost proud of how adorable he looks.
"It's getting dark, I should get back now. See you another day, Mr. Otter," you say, slinging your bag over your shoulder and waving your hand.
The otter hurries to follow in your footsteps, prancing subtly near you, his wet nose brushing against your ankle.
"You want to come with me, huh?" you kneel before him, and he touches your nose with his paw. "Fine, fine. We'll have a sleepover."
The place you're staying in is small but cozy, and it gets even cozier when you turn on the heat and put food on the table. The otter sits in a chair across from you, on a mountain of books, and tastes several of the snacks you've served him, though you see him going crazy over some consomme purete and the big glass of pure spring water you've served him.
"You like that, I noticed," you say.
"Burp," the otter replies with a burp that he seems to regret immediately.
"You have more manners than many people," you tell him, wiping his whiskers with a napkin.
"Okay, I'll brush your teeth and then off to bed," you say happily, with the idea of reading to the little animal before bedtime.
You sit him on your sink in front of the mirror, lift his jaw and brush his teeth with your toothbrush and toothpaste, first one side and then the other, make him drink some water and then spit it out, although he swallows it.
"Not your thing to waste water, apparently."
The otter nods.
Then you brush his head, chest, back, and tail, letting him groom himself, and when you try to remove the pin, he hides it in his small hands.
"Okay, okay... I'll leave it to you," you smile.
And then you lie in bed with him in your arms, illuminated by the dim light of your lamp, holding a book with an adventure story in it. You read aloud to him, stopping when you hear him whistling and snoring. 
"Good night, Gentleman Otter," you kiss him on the forehead before turning off the light and going to sleep. ....
You're not one to dream, not at all, but ever since you came to Fontaine, you couldn't help but have these nightly fantasies about Iudex Neuvillette. That stoic and serious man, how good his face would look contorted with pleasure as you sucked his cock.
You had dreamed of a similar situation many times, you had dreamed of him against you as he pinned your frail figure against his desk and thrust into you, biting your lower lip. You had had your first fantasy after a trial, thinking how manly he would look behind you, his cock buried in your ass....
All those dreams had been vivid fantasies, and tonight's took the prize.
You lay on your bed, him biting your neck as he rests behind you, his hands playing with your breasts at his whim, his tongue sliding over your skin, enjoying the nectar of your pure complexion, his cock swollen against your clothed ass.
"Mmmmhhhh, Monsieur~" you moan, writhing in his grip.
The wonderful thing about these dreams is that you don't know how you get into these situations, but you know how to enjoy them. Because from one moment to the next, the oh so taciturn Iudex Neuvillette has his face buried between your legs, tasting your folds and your clit with his trained tongue.
"Right there~" you moan, arching your back as you feel the desire well up from his mouth, his tongue drawing lustful strokes across your sex, his deep sighs stoking the fires of your passion.
His hands wrap around your legs, and for a moment you swear it's real, the way his nails dig into your skin, leaving reddened marks in their wake, and his thumbs sink into your thighs, anchored to you with no intention of letting go.
Then you feel him thrust into you, opening your silken walls in his wake, his thick cock making its way to your center, molding your walls to his erect, large form. You feel him rub against you as your insides embrace him with little restraint.
You hear him moan and feel your legs rise up over his shoulders, his cool hands at your ankles pressing down on you, thrusting slowly but deliciously, almost as if you were made for him. 
"Monsieur Neuvillette~" you moan, clutching the pillows, your hips bucking at the growing warmth in your belly, your hands seeking your own pleasure.
"Warmer than I thought," he whispers, "
it is almost like n your dreams... though this time it feels so real...
You look at him for the first time, his face sweaty, his cheeks flushed as his locks of white hair fall down your legs. His strong arms hugging you, his pecs rising and falling, holding breath... lower down, his chiseled abdomen twitching as his cock buries itself relentlessly inside you.
The sound of his balls against your skin blows your mind and makes you realize that it's not a dream, that Iudex Neuvillette is really fucking you (and very well, much better than you expected).
"Monsieur..." you try to sit up, but he has touched your cervix with his cock, and you do nothing but collapse under him, filled with the pleasure of his gentle thrusts.
"Do you want me to stop?" he asks you reverently, in a tone of sublime courtesy and lofty superiority, as if he were not mercilessly fucking you at his whim while you sleep.
"Don't stop," you whimper between words, not wanting to waste the opportunity you've been dreaming of since the first time you saw him, "damn it," you exclaim at the wave of heat surging through your chest and legs as you hear him chuckle under his breath, quite pleased with what he's managing to make of your body.
The orgasm hits you warm and rough, just as Neuvillette did with his cock, careful not to leave his seed inside of you. And your breath comes back as you feel him caress your back as if to reward you.
You feel his lips on your forehead, and the way his arms hold you beside him as your eyelids droop at the inevitable.
"How did you get here?" you babble, half asleep, caressing his chest as he draws soft circles on your arm. 
"You invited me," he whispers as he brings your hand to his neck where your bracelet encircles his skin and the charm falls to his chest.
"You'll explain it properly tomorrow," you murmur between confused shuffles...
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ikaroux · 2 years
How are they with their pregnant companion? Al Haitham, Dottore, Pantalone.
Synopsis: Pregnant, your husband/partner is over the moon. But how would he take care of you during pregnancy?
Style: Cute, fluffy, female reader.
Bonus NSFW (18+) I remind minors to avoid reading this kind of content.
Alert: May contain story spoilers for some characters.
Characters: Al Haitham, Dottore, Pantalone.
Next on the list: Ayato, Itto, Heizou, Cyno.
Part 1 Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Xiao, Venti, Albedo, Kazuha, Childe.
Part 2 Scaramouche, Dainsleif, Thomas.
Note: For this headcanons, I assume that the reader is of age and that she is in a relationship with the genshin boy for a while! For Al Haitham, I don't know the character yet, I haven't met him during the main quest. I wrote him as I imagined him in a serious love relationship, like for Dottore and Pantalone. For Dottore, in the manga he is portrayed as a cruel man, who does not hesitate to play with the lives of others. I like the idea that once in love, he can completely change. You are beginning to know me, I never write anything cruel or violent. Dottore, Pantalone and even Pierrot (if I were to write about him one day), I would always soften the characters in their relationship, so don't be surprised to see no torture, insult or abuse.
PS: I'm trying to do a rewrite of part 1 with Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya etc… I would like to add more details to what I already wrote…
Part 1 Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Xiao, Venti, Albedo, Kazuha, Childe.
Part 2 Scaramouche, Dainsleif, Thomas.
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Vomiting, fatigue, late menstruation. Alhaitham would quickly notice the signs of your pregnancy. And, by the archons, if his deduction proved correct, you would make him the happiest man in Teyvat.
He would not tell you immediately, preferring to take you to a doctor first. Nevertheless, he won't be able to hide that sweet little smile every time he meets your eyes. No matter how much you ask him why he looks so cheerful, Alhaitham will just tell you in a calm voice, "You'll know soon enough."
When the doctor tells you the good news, Alhaitham will warmly welcome you into his arms, tenderly kissing the top of your head. "You knew, didn't you?" You tell him against his chest, which vibrates against your ear from his laughter. "Why didn't you tell me?" He gently pulled you away from his embrace to look into your eyes. "I didn't want to see your face devastated if it turned out I was wrong." His lips met your forehead. "But I'm glad you weren't."
Alhaitham was a scholar, a man more often occupied with furthering his knowledge than frolicking about the city. He spent most of his time reading, writing, studying or observing and, of course, improving his fighting skills. He was a man with a cold and distant appearance, often considered an unpleasant person, but as soon as you appeared in his field of vision, his expression would soften and he would stop all his activities to take care of you, and even more so since you were pregnant. The people of Sumeru as well as the scholars who knew the man well will be amazed at the change in his personality as soon as you entered the same room.
The man would personally take care of your meals, preparing each dish with care to ensure your child's good health as well as yours. He would select every ingredient and buy it for you. He would ask (or order, depending on your point of view…) Tignari and Collei to bring him the best fruits of the forest. Cyno would also be part of the game, whether willingly or not…
Alhaitham's hands are perfect for massages. He will use on you essential oils made in Sumeru to massage every painful part of your body. He will also apply it to the areas where your skin is more susceptible to stretch marks.
When he was not with Lady Kusanali, you will find him at the academy, sitting at his desk with several scrolls spread out in front of him. He has always allowed you to visit him, but where once his focus was on his work, since your pregnancy, Alhaitham now wants you close to him, pulling your body into his lap, one of his hands resting comfortably on your now beautifully rounded belly. His lips gently kiss your cheek before one of his hands picks up his quill between his fingers to continue taking notes. The gentle rubbing of his hand on your belly, the sound of the pen against the paper, and the peaceful breathing of your lover will accompany you into a pleasant sleep.
Alhaitham could sometimes see your face light up with intense joy when you felt the baby move. Curious, he would try to understand your feelings by touching your belly. The first time, his child had stopped moving as soon as he put his hand on you. "Sigh why do I feel like this child will be a strong head"; "Because he will be stubborn like his father!" You laughed and reassured him as best you could, one hand tenderly caressing his cheek before kissing him.
Alhaitham accompanied you on every visit to the midwife. She advised both of you to try haptonomy in preparation for the birth. It was a therapy that allowed you to create an emotional bond with your baby. She was to teach you both how to communicate with the baby. Touching was a fundamental thing and your lover did a great job of that, applying gentle pressure to feel the baby move.
With each touch, Alhaitham could feel his child respond as he "played" and stroked your belly, your hands gently placed over his to accompany him. He would often talk to your belly, his deep voice seeming to soothe your baby.
Sometimes he would stop whatever he was doing just to look at you. The more your belly rounded, the more he felt moved… You were so beautiful, standing there in front of that flowerpot you were watering, one hand on your belly while singing a nursery rhyme to your child. You were so precious to him, a jewel in his life.
Since your pregnancy, you had been moody. The midwife had already explained to him that this was normal, so Alhaitham did not worry about it. However, he stayed by your side through every bad patch that came your way, calming your fears. He knew you would be a good mother, and he told you so whenever you were in doubt.
At night, Alhaitham already had a habit of holding you close to him while you slept. Now that you were pregnant, every time you lay down next to him, he would massage your belly and your aching chest until you fell asleep. He will look at your sleeping form for a long time, his hand still on your belly before tenderly kissing your forehead, whispering a warm "I love you". He will fall asleep against you, his hand continuously brooding over your baby, who seemed to react to his father's warmth by giving gentle strokes against you.
Alhaitham was always lovingly tender with you. Throughout your pregnancy, he would bend over backwards for you, taking care of everything in preparation for the birth. He was the one who took care of decorating the baby's room, as well as everything administrative. He wanted to remove all the unnecessary stress from your head and take on his future role as a father.
Alhaitham will be an exemplary father, always encouraging his child to excel, to believe in his abilities. He will show great patience in his education.
NSFW Bonus:
Pregnancy hormones made you insatiable. The first time you begged your husband to take you, he was lying comfortably on your marital bed with a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other. Without him having time to react, you straddled him, gently pulling what was in his hands away to focus his attention on you. He knew immediately what you wanted and was neither surprised nor shocked. His lips met the sensitive skin of your neck as his hands came to rest on your waist to help you sway against his hips. You could quickly feel his sex rising up under his clothes as you rubbed languidly against him. You were driving him crazy. Crazy with desire, and your pregnancy wasn't helping.
Alhaitham would always go easy on you, he didn't want to bully you or hurt the little being in your belly. He would undress you calmly, his lips worshipping the parts of your body that were offered to him. By dint of rubbing against him, you were wet enough to take him inside you, nevertheless, Alhaitham preferred to prepare you for him, thrusting a finger then two between your lower lips, making you moan at the sudden invasion. As he pumped his fingers inside you, you clung to his clothes, begging him to remove them and penetrate you as deeply as possible. He couldn't resist you, but still decided to make you cum once on his fingers before tearing off his clothes and giving you the object of your desires.
As soon as he got what he wanted from you, he withdrew his fingers, leaving you panting and sweaty. He slid his tunic over his head as quickly as possible before opening his pants to pull out his manhood already soaked by his own excitement. His heart pounded against his chest as he helped you stand over him. You straddled him in one go, without giving each other time to adjust. Grunts filled the room. Both of you had red cheeks as you slowly rolled your hips against him, whispering his name over and over in his ear.
It felt good. Terribly good. Alhaitham helped you with your movements, using the strength in his arms to lift your hips up and down with more speed and precision. He was surprisingly loud, moaning loudly, his head pressed against the back of the bed. At this rate, he wasn't going to last long. Knowing you were pregnant, full of desire for him because of the hormones was making him dizzy.
He made you cum several times that night, before retiring to take care of your exhausted, but finally satiated body. After cleaning you up, Alhaitham took you in his arms to let you sleep. His hand, warmly placed on your belly, rocked you. He whispered loving words in your ear to help you fall asleep. Before he fell asleep, he made sure to tell you and the baby that he loved you more than anything.
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"Dottore! I have good news for you!"
Dottore never thought about having children. Not with the life he was leading. He was known to be a cold-hearted man with little to no regard for human life. So when you happily told him of your pregnancy, Dottore would cease all movement with a grim look on his handsome face. His ruby eyes seemed empty as they remained fixed on the bottle filled with a strange liquid that he handled carefully before you arrived in his laboratory. "Good news, you say?" His calm voice nevertheless hid a hint of horror. Shivering at his chilling tone, you slowly moved away from him, understanding that he was not happy about the news. Quickly, you ran out of his laboratory, tears in your eyes. "Tsk… Shit!"
Dottore didn't care about people, much less their feelings… Many women had coveted him for his intelligence or his looks, but none of them had interested him enough to make him feel affection. His relationships had always ended in the same way, as soon as one of his suitors started to annoy him, Dottore killed her in cold blood, using her body for his experiments… So why was it so different for you? Why did your distress affect him so much?! Why, by all the gods, did he have to fall madly in love with you? Abandoning everything he was doing, he ran out of his laboratory to catch up with you. Dottore was a man of incredible intelligence, but he always felt like a complete idiot when it came to you. He easily hurt you with his words or his behavior. Yet, you had always stood by him, faithful and loving. So when he finally managed to grab your wrist, he vowed never to be the cause of your tears again.
Without a word, he pulled you into his arms, letting you beat his chest as hard and as long as necessary if it would earn him your forgiveness. Losing you was not an option… "Let me go! " He tightened his arms around you a little more as he heard your words. "I'm sorry…" He whispered in your ear in a broken voice, which stopped all your movements instantly. You weren't used to hearing him apologize. "A baby? The idea's not so bad." You sniffed against his shirt, plunging your face deep into his chest. "You really are just a jerk…"
After that, Dottore had a completely different demeanor with you. Where he was once obsessed with his research and experiments, his mind now wandered to you, often imagining you with a round belly. A gentle smile would sometimes appear on his lips as he tended to a few vials filled with some herbal liquid or poison. Seeing him like this often frightened his subordinates, who would ask him in a hesitant voice if everything was all right, which usually erased his soft, happy expression to find that cold, threatening façade.
Your companion was not a very popular man, either among the Fatui or anywhere else on Teyvat. He was feared for his experiments on humans and hated for being the cause of death of many. He knew that your relationship with him could harm you, so for your safety and that of his unborn child, he decided to have you live near the Tsarina's palace, only a few steps away from his laboratory. The only people Dottore trusted absolutely were his copies of himself, who took care of your protection in his absence.
At your request, Dottore will cease his research on human beings (though not willingly), claiming that your child does not need a murderer for a father. The two of you argued about this for a long time, but Dottore had found someone who could stand up to him, even finding you frightening at times (and even more so since your pregnancy), when you got upset about the methods he used in his experiments.
Dottore would go to great lengths not to upset you. He knew that strong emotions were not good for you during pregnancy. As a doctor and scientist himself, he knew the risks of miscarriage. He refused to have you followed by a doctor out of nowhere and preferred to be the one to follow your pregnancy and delivery.
During the first six months of pregnancy, Dottore would continue to spend a lot of time in his laboratory, asking Pulcinella to look after you and your needs when his clones could not.
Your husband would leave work in a hurry if one of his copies came to warn him of a problem. You'd be surprised to see him come running, breathless and disheveled, slamming the door to your house and calling your name in a hurry. If you complain of stomach pain, Dottore will lay you down on the bed, taking his medical equipment with him to examine you. As soon as he was reassured of your health, his body would relax as he continued to examine your belly with his stethoscope, a small chuckle making his vocal cords vibrate. When he removed the object from his ears, his amused gaze turned to you. "Would you like to hear it?" For the first time, you could hear your child's first sounds. A softly beating heart… Dottore tenderly kissed your forehead as the first tears of happiness rolled down your cheeks.
After the seventh month, Dottore would spend more time with you. It was strange not to see him working on one of his experiments or even just seeing him in a more casual outfit. Now that he was home more often, Dottore personally made sure you rested properly, sometimes forcing you to lie down on the couch where you were sitting and rest your head on his thighs to fall asleep. Of course, you didn't say anything, enjoying these moments of affection between you and him. Dottore was more tender than he wanted to be, his hand caressing your hair until your eyes closed. You were the one who had made him like this, affectionate, tactile, in love… He had become completely addicted to you, to the idea of building a family… He couldn't deny that a little bit of fear was making his heart twirl.
The more your belly rounded, the more your back became painful, often forcing you to sit or lie down. Dottore would work on massaging your back until you felt nothing.
"I'd rather it be a girl." he once told you. You laughed, knowing exactly why he was saying that. "You'll take what comes, honey." Dottore had seen and lived with younger versions of himself, ranging from childhood to adulthood. You had always thought he was a bit of a father to them, even though it seemed strange.
Dottore always made sure to keep you away from his work to avoid any danger from the Fatui. But, when people hostile to Fatui had attacked you during a moment of inattention on his part, you had seen a face of your husband that you had never seen before. Anger invaded his features, distorting his beautiful face into a mask of hatred. You knew that Dottore already had a lot of blood on his hands and you didn't want your child's father to have any more. Just as he was about to kill those who had hurt you, your voice brought him back to his senses. So, since he couldn't punish them himself, he would let the Fatui justice system do it for him. Perhaps it would have been better if he had killed them…
Your child adored his father, you could tell by the way he wiggled in your belly whenever he heard his voice or felt his hand on your belly. Dottore may have told you it was ridiculous, but you could still see his ruby eyes sparkle every time he felt his baby press against the palm of his hand.
Overall, Dottore will be a very strict father, hoping that his child will follow in his footsteps. He won't be strict to the point of being scary or hateful, he was just what was needed to keep his child from straying from the straight and narrow. Nevertheless, his child will love him unconditionally, seeking his approval, attention and affection every time he comes home.
NSFW Bonus:
You had reached the second trimester of your pregnancy, and you were beginning to feel a rather ferocious carnal appetite. Dottore would be the one to claim you first, though, not waiting for you to come begging. Of course, you were happily guided by this man. You didn't know if it was the pregnancy that made you want to be one with him all the time, and frankly, you didn't care. The only thing that mattered to you was to feel him inside you, to have him claim you, to desire you. Maybe it was a subconscious need to feel desirable again as some of the curves were coming in with the pregnancy?
When Dottore came home, he quickly threw his long fur coat on the coat rack before looking for you in the house with the only idea in mind to make you his. You were used to his roughness in bed, but now that you were pregnant, he was more gentle. He'd take the time to prepare (or rather torture) you with his fingers, caressing your slit and then massaging your clit before his lips took over after tending to your sensitive breasts. Even if you were wet enough for him, Dottore would always add extra lube to his fingers and member.
Your round belly prevented you from getting into certain positions during sex. Most of the time, Dottore would dominate you with all his form, just to save you from any unnecessary physical effort. But sometimes he would simply lay you down on the mattress with your back to him, spreading one of your legs to facilitate the penetration of his member into you.
The swaying of his hips would be torturously slow at first. Dottore liked to play with your nerves, putting aside his desire to hammer you to listen longer to the small moans of pleasure that you offered him. You were so sensitive that it made him lose his mind. But there comes a time when his restraint breaks, and as his lips marked the skin of your neck in a possessive gesture, his hips would increase the pace of their thrusts. Your husband's grunts of pleasure along with the moans of your name would eventually send you over the edge.
Dottore would wait patiently for you to calm down before continuing, his hips slowing in a languid circular motion. He wouldn't cum yet, preferring to savor you for as long as possible. His hand would come to rest on your belly for a while, caressing it gently. He would silently claim your lips with his eyes, kissing you deeply, tangling your tongues together. Dottore was a cold and cruel man, but in your arms, passion and warmth would emanate from him like a fire.
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"Sweetheart, I have a gift to give you."
Pantalone was a Fatui enforcer, a wealthy banker known throughout Teyvat as a false, calculating and unscrupulous man. Who would have thought that such a person was capable of loving anything other than his money and starting a family?
When you offered him this small rectangular box carefully sealed with a blue ribbon, Pantalone first looked at it with a doubtful air before displaying his usual smile. "Do we have something to celebrate my dear?" Your sweet, innocent smile always cracked him up. As you remained silent and your gaze grew more insistent, the man sighed before one of his hands tugged at the ribbon that surrounded the package. When he opened the box, he was surprised to find inside a small knitted sweater, obviously made by you. He remained silent for a long time, observing the garment in his hands. "Um… isn't this a baby garment?" He fell silent, realizing what he had just said. When his eyes met yours in a silent question, you nodded sharply, confirming his suspicions. Trembling, he dropped the box to the ground, treasuring the sweater in his hand as he pulled you into his arms. You had both been trying to have a child for several months, and so far, it hadn't been a real success. He was going to do everything he could to take care of you both…
The first few months were complicated for you. You had every morning violent and unbearable nausea. But Pantalone always managed to help you get over it, sitting you on his lap after giving you a cool glass of water. He would massage your belly until you felt better.
Pantalone is rich. Excessively rich. It's almost indecent. Next to him, you felt like a smile. Yet your husband had been poor and that was the same reason why he was spending a lot of moras on his unborn child. He wanted to give him a luxurious and comfortable life, everything that he had not had in his youth. The furniture was made of the best wood. The sheets, mattresses, and all the fabrics covering the surfaces were made of the most expensive materials in all of Teyvat. Of course, he also showered you with gifts, giving you clothes, bringing you all the food you wanted. He spoiled you and fulfilled your every wish.
When the two of you go out, Pantalone always keeps a protective hand on your lower back, warning those who would want to hurt you. He wants to keep you from any unnecessary stress, especially if it's work-related.
You'll be quite surprised to learn that Pantalone has told all of his harbinger colleagues about your pregnancy. Sometimes he would sit in Dottore's office and tell him about your growing belly with unconcealed pride. Dottore would often growl at him, asking him to get out of his lab. The man hated to see his colleague, usually wearing a cold, manipulative smile, so gaga over a "baby.
In the early stages of pregnancy, Pantalone sometimes didn't come home all week, too busy managing Snezhnaya's bank. He hated to leave you alone for so long, even knowing that you had bodyguards protecting you. And although Pulcinella would come to see you from time to time, sometimes bringing you some sweets or your favorite fruit, it didn't make him feel any better. Every day he would write you a letter and you would rush to answer it. He was always so anxious to hear from you…
Pantalone is the kind of man who will talk to your belly, hands gently encircling your hips and an ear pressed against you, hoping to feel his movements and hear his child. If you're sitting comfortably on a couch, the man will come between your legs, face against your belly, eyes closed, savoring your hands combing his long silky hair. He would be perfectly capable of falling asleep in this position, totally serene in your hands.
Sometimes your companion would come home late from work and find you asleep on the couch in the large living room, patiently waiting for him to return. The man would let a long sigh escape him before displaying one of his rare tender smiles, approaching you to kiss your forehead, your nose and then your lips. His hand would warmly caress your rounded belly, until he was startled by his baby's movements. "Well, aren't you still asleep my precious? Be good, don't wake up mommy…" Gently kissing the spot where he had felt his child's thrashing. He would eventually lift you gently off the couch, carrying you in his arms to lay you down in your bed.
Every time Pantalone passed you, he would pull you into his arms, kissing your lips and whispering about how beautiful he thought you were with your rounded belly, brooding over his child. "How is it that every day you get more and more gorgeous?" You would often roll your eyes, cheeks flushed and a slight smile on your lips before silencing him with a kiss.
Pantalone has a deep, gravelly voice, perfect for soothing your child's fidgets as well as your nerves. He will gladly lay you on his lap with a Snezhnaya storybook in hand and read it slowly until you fall asleep.
Your mood swings will never disturb this seasoned businessman. He will find the right words to calm you down.
Your husband will be very affectionate with you. He'll always speak softly to you, the warmth in his voice soothing your often frayed nerves during pregnancy. He will put aside his evil eye, wanting to live many years with you and your child.
Pantalone will be a very loving father and like Kaeya and Zhongli, extremely gaga over his child. He would spoil him to excess if you weren't there to temper him.
NSFW Bonus:
Your partner did not hide his desire for you. After all, he never stopped telling you that he found you beautiful and desirable… Pantalone was not in the habit of asking for you at any time of the day, often too busy with his work. But he couldn't help it, your pregnancy made it impossible for him to control his urges.
Your sexual relations were always slow and languid. Pantalone had never been a rough or brusque person. He liked to sit you on his lap in his office, his fingers penetrating your wet slit. He wanted to hear every moan, every whisper of his name in your mouth. His free hand took hold of your sensitive breast, gently pinching and pulling your nipple. His lips would mark the skin of your neck before moving up to your jaw and then your ear, gently whispering to you to cum for him… His deep voice, marked by lust, will make you rock on his fingers.
Pantalone likes to take you from behind, sticking you against a wall before penetrating you. His hips will slowly sway behind you, first in a teasing circle before moving in more forcefully. One of his hands would be under your belly, helping you bear the weight, however lightly, while the other would draw your hips into place. A smirk would appear on his lips as you begged him to go faster. "Oh? Don't you appreciate the way I take you? It seems to lull our child to sleep though, don't you think? " And indeed, it was possible for sex to lull a baby to sleep in the womb. Reluctantly, you gave in to your husband's slow rhythm.
As soon as he felt your walls tremble on his member as your orgasm approached, Pantalone accelerated his thrusts, surprising you in the process with a shrill cry of sudden pleasure. "Pantalone! The baby he-"; "I never said it was enough to be slow to rock him honey." You quickly climaxed, screaming his name over and over until he released his load inside you, his head collapsing onto your shoulder, his breath tickling your bare back. Both of his hands would rest on your lower abdomen, tenderly caressing it as he whispered his love for you in your ear.
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wandasaura · 7 months
summary — wanda’s been neglecting you for weeks, it’s only fair that you get back at her when she least expects it
warning(s) — dom!wanda, bratty!sub!reader, teasing, mommy kink, fingering (r receiving), degrading, edging, orgasm denial, finger sucking, sokovian accent comes out to play, 18+ MEN AND MINORS DNI
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♥️⊹ ˚ . 18+, men/minors dni ⁺ 𓈒 ꒰💌꒱ ♡ ・ mommy maximoff ✧
It started with simple things that you knew annoyed her, like unnecessary stomping around the house, and leaving the bathroom door open when you showered so she was forced to hear the sound of the water as it splattered against the tiles. She preferred a quiet house when she was sorting through paperwork, you knew that, and for the most part it was easy enough to abide by. On the first day, she kindly asked you to soften your footsteps, smiling so sweetly up at you that you almost felt bad, but by the third, she wasn’t saying anything even though you knew she was sitting at her desk annoyed and holding her head, trying to stay focused.
Your plan escalated after that, no longer feeling so cautious about your misbehavior. She wasn’t paying you any attention anyways, what did it matter if you walked around the house in your sexiest red lingerie, or nothing at all. Her office door was closed when you walked by the first time, blocking out most of the sounds you attempted to make. She expected your noise to continue, failed to notice your growing desperation, but that was no problem — you’d make it known to her eventually. With a mischievous smirk, you opened her office door without a single spoken word. Her emerald eyes snapped toward you immediately, expecting there to be a problem because you knew not to disturb her for something petulant, but all you did was innocently shrug your shoulders, not so subtly pushing your breasts together, before you frolicked away and down the stairs without so much as a greeting.
She thought she knew your game. You would prove her wrong.
You’d passed by her office six times since the start of that morning, pleased to see that her door remained wide open and her attention scattered. Each time you passed, footsteps light, breathing even like you weren’t breaking her very simple rules, you became more and more nude, more and more bold, until all that remained on your body was a lacy scarlet garter belt around your thigh. Your nipples were erect, begging for her attention as the cool breeze from outside wrapped around your naked frame and took its advantages. You were too worked up to really notice how goosebumps spread down your arms and thighs.
By your seventh passing, Wanda’s patience was painfully thin, her jaw locked tighter than you’d ever seen it. A sense of pride ran through your veins knowing you’d been the one to work her up to this point, not missing the pools of arousal in her heavy green gaze. Throwing yourself up against the doorframe, your chest on full display, you couldn’t help your wandering hands that caressed the skin of your chest until they found their destination. A breathy moan filled the silent room when you finally gave your touch starved body a fraction of the attention it deserves, arching away from the cold wooden door frame out of reflex.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Wanda’s cold voice felt like daggers on your heated skin, the slightest edge of her native accent slipping out like it always did when she was pissed off or turned on. It was just your luck that currently, she was both of those things, and you had the repercussions all to yourself.
“Doing what you won’t.” Your voice was like honey, thick and smooth and sinfully sweet despite your sinful actions, your eyes pinched shut as you let out a gasp when you tugged at your painfully erect nipples the way Wanda always did when she was feeling nice. “Don’t you have work to do, Wanda?”
A low growl came from your girlfriend's chest as she watched you misbehave from across the room, still not rising from her desk chair. “Behave.” The warning fell on deaf ears, even if it was definitely within your best interest to start following her instructions. You couldn’t see past the cloud of arousal, too far into your plan to turn back now, and she hadn’t even touched you yet. You still had work to do.
“Hmm. Thanks for the offer, but I’m okay.” Your attempt at sounding confident was severely misplaced, and fell short almost comically, but Wanda didn’t find any amusement in your brattiness, her head tilting to the side as she watched you feel yourself up, a single greedy hand trailing down your stomach until it found the softest spot between your legs where you needed her most.
That was her final straw, tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth in astonishment at your behavior, before she pushed away from her desk with an annoyance on her face stronger than you’d ever seen her bare. You should’ve been scared, should’ve immediately started pleading with her that you’d behave, but you hadn’t even notice she stood up and crossed the room until her cold hand was on your neck and tendrils of red magic bound your hands together behind your back.
Your eyes shot open feeling her touch so suddenly, coming face to face with a look of sheer dominating power that your knees went weak, and if it weren’t for her grip around your neck, you would’ve crumbled to your knees. “You want my attention, is that it?” Her voice was sinister, hot breath fanning across your lips with how closely she held herself to you. “Did Mommy leave you alone for too long? This needy pussys just desperate for attention, you forgot how to act?”
Unable to think straight with her hand on your neck and her magic practically burning your skin despite not even being hot, all you could do was whimper pathetically and arch into her touch, desperate to feel more of her against you. Wanda laughed, her eyes narrowing, the hand that wasn’t squeezing at your neck pushing your hips back against the doorframe, leaving you no choice but to stay still and accent what she gave you, when she decided you deserved it.
“Answer me.” She demanded coldly, applying more pressure to your neck until your eyes fluttered and rolled back into your head, struggling to keep yourself together like you’d planned.
“Yes.” You whispered breathlessly, gasping when the hand on your hips traveled upward past your navel and between the valley of your breasts, before it was pinching and prodding at your nipples unapologetically. You gasped, eyes shooting open at the quick sensation of pain, but just as quickly as she’d given you that much, she retracted it again.
“Yes, who?” Her stern gaze didn’t diminish overtime, only growing more and more dominant the longer she worked you up the way you wanted. You were stupid to think she hadn’t caught on that very first day, but even so, you were getting exactly what you wanted… or so you thought.
“Yes, Wanda.” Apparently you still didn’t know how to behave, even with the attention you so desperately craved being given to you in its truest form. Her accent was like a drug, repeating over and over again in your head despite other words falling from her pink flush lips. Her impatience was steadily growing, and without so much as a warning, the hand that had held your hips down and pinched your nipples, was diving straight for your saturated opening and seeking out the spongy spot within your velvet walls. “F-Fuck.” You groaned, head lulling backward until it met the hard wood of the doorframe, a temporary ache pounding at your skull, but even that sensation was short lived when her skillful fingers doubled their pace and the pad of her thumb found shelter on your most sensitive nerve.
“Is this what you needed? Mommy’s fingers in your needy fucking cunt?” The wet sloshing sounds that came from your most intimate parts threatened to drown out her degrading words, filling the entire room with not only its sounds, but the scent of your need that even her magic couldn’t hide. Your cheeks flushed, your head spun, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to give in just yet. The sooner you gave in, the quicker she’d go back to working, so stubbornly you stayed quiet and pinched your eyes shut.
The hand around your neck slackened, finally allowing breath to be drawn into your lungs normally, and as you panted and moaned and whimpered, her fingers found a place in your hair with a bruising tightness. Yanking your hand forward so you were forced to watch the way her fingers jackhammered into your sopping pussy, the reserve you spent days building up began to crumble.
“See how easily Mommy fingers your needy cunt? How easily my fingers just disappear into this wet mess? If you wanted my attention all you had to do was ask like a good girl.” She sneered, pressing her lips to the sensitive skin behind your ear, leaving her mark as she bit down softly. She never wanted to really hurt you, even if she’d had it with your attitude and need driven actions. She could feel the coil in your belly tightening, your velvety walls squeezing at her fingers when she eased another one in. She knew all of your tells, she’d worked you up enough times to commit your pre-orgasm face to memory, but if you thought she’d go easy on you, you were a fool. “You don’t have my permission to cum.”
Your eyes shot upward, searching for her deep green stare in a silent plea. She looked absolutely sinister with her hair tousled and lips bitten, still untouched by you despite your growing desire to feel her skin beneath your fingertips. You wanted her hand in your hands. You wanted her skin beneath your nails as you raked them down her back, begging for the orgasm she’d withheld for days. You didn’t want this. Your hands magically restrained behind you while she annihilated your cunt with as little touch as she could manage to the rest of your burning body.
“P-Please. I’m so close.” You choked over your words, writhing against the doorframe that would never be sanitary again. Her lips circled into a smirk, but her fingers didn’t settle inside of you, a third finger stretching out your walls in the most painfully pleasurable way, her thumb still working over your sensitive clit that throbbed and pleaded for release. “I-I can’t. I c-can’t hold it. I’m gonna cum. I-I’m gonna cum. Mommy!”
As quickly as she started touching you, she stopped, her fingers pulling away from your needy cunt, her hand leaving your knotted hair, and that unwinding coil in your belly coming to a dead halt all in seconds. Dread washed over your features as your thighs trembled and your need increased, your empty pussy fluttering for attention and pulsating with lust that was taken away at the very last minute before you had the chance to reach your high. “No. You’re not.”
A sob of displeasure and disappointment left your bitten lips, thrashing against the doorframe desperate for her to change her mind and finish you off, but your tantrum was met only with wet fingers pushing down on your tongue, forcing you to taste your arousal that stuck to her fingers in a sticky mess. The warm metal of her rings sat heavy against your bottom lip as she fingered your mouth, pressing down until you gagged around her fingers and struggled for air, teary eyes begging with her for forgiveness, for something more than this, but her mind was already made. When she was satisfied that her fingers were cleaned to her standards, she pulled them from your mouth, wiped them dry on her pants, and so tenderly leaned in for a passionate kiss that made your head spin and your clit throb, your senses on high alert. She could taste you on her tongue as she licked at your mouth with a feverish need, but it never went any further, her attention already back on the mountain of paperwork she hadn’t been able to really focus on all day.
“I’ll be done soon. Wait for me in the bedroom, and do not touch yourself.” She sent you off, no room to argue, not that you would’ve anyways. With slick soaked thighs and bruised lips, you left her behind, knowing your punishment was far from complete.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 7 months
Actually obsessed with your Satyr!König :((( He needs a pretty nymph that just freezes when she sees him, ‘cause! Look at him!! He’s tall, handsome, got a good layer of fat on his muscles AND a big dick with breeder balls!! Her friends and sisters all scatter but she doesn’t because he’s a catch!! And he wants to mate?!! Count her in! Reader ends up happy while the other nymphs watch with jealousy as she gets dicked down to her heart’s content 😌
CW: 18+ cockwarming, breeding kink, pure filth, horny, selfish König
Sorry but Satyr!König is just awful, thinking he's entitled to a pretty, soft nymph like you :( This big hairy beast thinks it's only natural that a nasty faun wants to grope a poor, sensitive, shy little nymph, only thinks satyrs and nymphs are a perfect match! It's disgusting!
You don't know what came over you, walking over to him and dismissing the other nymphs' shocked, hissed warnings. You were just mesmerized by that thing between his legs, wanting to try if it would fit inside you, but you almost faint when the gross faun stops what he's doing and shoots all his attention towards you. The cock pulses in his hand just from the sight of you, and you feel like collapsing as you weakly go and straddle this beast. Legs spread on both sides of a hairy stomach, the monstrous cock is jumping, eager to get inside you.
Satyr!König has no trouble with taking you right here in this glade while the other nymphs watch and whisper in horror and in awe. All your friends you just frolicked with are staring in shock as this beast bullies his cock into you, inch by throbbing inch. You're helpless and sobbing by the time he groans, long and hard, and bottoms out…
Gives you no mercy as he starts to pound into you, tries to paw and squish your tits with large clawed hands, has a vile smile across his face when he finally gets to fuck a cute, silly nymph. Solely thinks with his dick as he ruts you with a frenzy, almost bucking you off of his hips.
You have to take support from the sweaty, hairy chest as he uses you like you're just a warm, wet hole for him to finally spurt his seed into: and of course you're a much better option than the cold, wet ground! He's not holding back now that he finally got a sweet nymph to sit on his cock...!
He's possessed, growling and grunting like an animal in heat as he stares at your bouncing breasts, right there in front of his face as you try to desperately hold on with both hands, unable to cover your soft, jiggling tits from a hungry lustful gaze. Groans when you try to caress the fat horns on his head, whining he's about to cum, and you get so angry at him, you only just got started! :(
He goes still without warning, balls pressed fat against your bum, thick shaft shooting rude spurts inside you as he roars and shudders beneath you. There's nowhere to escape, he keeps you in place with two strong hands, making sure you won't try to wriggle away. You should've known that he's horrible; he's a satyr after all, and satyr men are blessed with long orgasms and thick, ample seed. You will be in so much trouble now, this one is such a big specimen, too...
When you complain that he was too rough and only thought of himself, he laughs darkly and promises to give you a wash and lap you with his tongue. He will make you scream, nice and pretty for him! Pats your butt like you're just a dumb little creature for him to use as he pleases.
Satyrs can't be trusted at all, he won't even let you off of his cock, clearly just wants to warm himself inside a cute, grumpy nymph :(
Tries the place where you are joined with his fingers, and rumbles with content when he feels how snug you are around him, the seed safe where it belongs and not leaking out if he keeps his cock stuffed inside you like this :((
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lovethatpinkvenom · 9 months
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going on a romantic getaway with your rich wife, gp!lisa, and seeing her frolick happily in her pretty bikinis. bathing in the sun everyday, drinking the most expensive alcohol by the pool and having the most privacy all the world can offer to bask in each other. one day, when you're both in your private pool and splashing water at each other, she gets out with a giggle and sits at the edge.
only her legs are submerged in the water, spread wide to air out the not-so-humble bulge under her bikini bottoms. the water accentuates it all too much that you can't take your eyes off it, gravitating toward it like it's a magnet. there's a shift in her eyes and she no longer has that playful smile, it's moreso a smirk as she looks down at your lustful expression. you lick your bottom lip and reach for her panties, and she lifts her hips so you can pull them to the side.
her cock is half hard already, the tip pointing toward you before the length starts rising taller. it's average length but thick and engorged, leaking arousal from its pink tip.
you grinned. "you're so hard already, baby..."
"it's pretty easy to be when my beautiful wife's between my legs," she quipped, reaching down to play with your hair.
there were some days where you liked her balls more than her cock. they were just always so large, heavy and full with cum that you just wanted to milk dry. and today is one of those days.
you don't have the patience to keep your hand away from her cock anymore and grab it like it's yours to own. the water sloshes as you move closer and push her thigh away to make space for your lips to kiss the tip. your face lowers to your original target and you get to work. she leans back on her hands to give you more access before your mouth is sucking in her left nut.
"o-oh, fuuuuck. someone's especially h-hungry today," lisa groans.
you hum, sending vibrations that run shivers all over her body as you stroke her cock. your tongue fondles her spit-coated balls as you grab ahold of them with your free hand. they swell in your firm grip and they're sliding in and out between your lips. your other hand is busy trying to get you what you want—you want it to twitch and shoot all that cum she's been keeping in her balls.
"such a n-naughty girl... oh, fuck yes! just like that. keep sucking my balls, b-baby. they're all y-yours..."
if you weren't so focused on your goal, you would've snapped and sat on her cock already. fuck, you were a lucky girl.
"gimme your cum. i want your cum on my face," you muffled.
your hand spares no mercy on her sensitive cock, your gentle strokes becoming harsh tugs until you feel the familiar twitch in your grasp. lisa sits up as your mouth lets go of her balls with her loud pop, and with a few more jerks on her cock, she spurts out what feels like an endless amount of warm cum on your face. she moans while you continue your minstrations on her dick, one of her own hands grabbing her tit as she paints your face with white and looks off to the view of the sun setting behind the greek sea.
for the next few days, you might just forget about all the sight-seeing you planned to do and just fuck like rabbits. it's not like you can't extend your stay here anyway.
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smuttysabina · 1 year
A Month with Aespa (Ch 2): An Intriguing Offer
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(Male Reader x Karina, 2700 words) Tags: Nudity, Happy Idols, Tittyfucking, Sex, Maids, Awkward Dinner Conversations
Read Chapter 1 Here!
Grandfather always said that the best way to be awoken is with a woman's lips around your member; and you can hardly disagree. Alas, your usually morning greeting has been foregone this time, as you wish to conserve your vigor for your new guests. And so, dolefully, your morning glory wilts away unaided, as you go about your usual routine (minus plowing one of the maids of course). You are admittedly a touch disgruntled therefore as you break your fast in your room; a light spread supported by some coffee. The darling maid who brought it to you gives you pointed looks, obviously keen to relieve you, but you politely refuse her; truly this morning will be a trying one. Dressing yourself, as the maid makes your expansive bed, (it fits eight), you stretch and work the kinks out, already planning the rest of your day. With a resigned sigh, you ask after your guests, feeling your manhood straining against your pants at the thought of such gorgeous goddesses awakening in the nude; in your own house... You push such unctuous thoughts aside, it would be impolite to press things so quickly, best to let Aespa adjust to their new surroundings. There will be time enough later to indulge...
Your maid tactfully replies to your earlier query; it seems that Winter has been buzzing around the kitchens, shyly gobbling down whatever strikes her fancy. Ningning is apparently still snoring, asleep even at this late an hour. Giselle meanwhile has ordered her breakfast, and seems to enjoy imperiously bossing the the housemaids around; your dear informant seems quite excited by this, going so far as to suggest the idol soon may be taking certain liberties with them... Simply delightful. Finally, the socialite of last evening Karina has ensconced herself in her room, scarfing down the meal brought to her as she plays mobile games on her phone. Pleased at this information, you kindly thank the girl, wistfully holding back on granting her her usual reward; such a disruption these idols are causing!
Pushing aside the issue of a restless and rowdy staff, you decide to ease your worries with some heavy reading. Retiring to the library, you attempt to relax amongst its tall shelves and comfortable décor. Ignoring the more titillating works entirely (which are mostly unstained, guests are politely invited to relieve themselves inside of the maids rather than the books themselves), you peruse the stacks until you find something suitably dry. Depositing yourself into your usual cozy armchair by the windows, you put your legs up and enjoy the view. Grandfather's ornate gardens stretch out before you, with winding paths and ivy-covered ruins, a plethora of intimate spaces to enjoy with a lover. Burbling streams cross through the area, feeding into serene ponds and Classical fountains. There is even a pool, with an adjoining steam room and hot tub large enough to fit many guests. Feeling much more calm now, you immerse yourself in the vagaries of history, whiling away the hours until lunch is brought to you. You dismiss the maid with only a perfunctory groping, leaving her pouting as she sashays away. Shaking your head, you return your attentions to the past, where you are at least spared from such vulgar temptations.
But it seems that the Gods have not yet finished in testing their wayward son, as the buzz of excited conversation reaches your ears. Glancing out the window, you see that Aespa have discovered the gardens, and are quite enthused by what they've found. They chatter animatedly as they tour the area, walking along its shaded paths and cooling their feet in the clear water, clambering through the the trees and ruins, delighting in their explorations. Surprisingly, the sight of the sources of your rather distinct torment frolicking does not pain your loins; instead you feel only a sense of contentment at their happiness. The girls deserve some down time, and you are loath to interrupt their obvious joy. So you return to your reading with a satisfied smile, idly letting time pass until a loud splash interrupts your ruminations. Bemused, you return you gaze to the pool in time to see a goddess erupt from the water; Aphrodite reborn! You gasp as you take in the sublime spectacle of Karina shaking the water out of her hair, her heaving breasts barely contained by a jet black swim top. You are utterly captivated as she laughs gleefully, splashing towards the rest of the girls who perch at the edge of the pool. You find yourself unusually flustered at the sight of Karina gallivanting around in the water; perhaps your unnatural restraint was affecting your more than you had anticipated.
Resolving that a good wash would steady you, you head down to the communal showers (to think that some people prefer bathe alone, insanity!) to sooth your uneasy mind. After stripping in the changing room, you stride confidently into the steamy bathing area; encountering several equally nude maids who were just leaving. They giggle and roll their eyes at your chastity, surely your madness would soon pass and things would return to normal (If one counts fornicating with the hired help several times a day as normal, which they do). Stalking along the well-tractioned floor (The Old Man had insisted on being able to rail the maids safely while showering), you wrench several levers open, filling the vast room with a roiling curtain of steam. Sighing, you allow the hot water to broil your worries away, granting you some much needed clarity. Perhaps it would be best to relieve yourself with some of the maids, you would truly prefer to give Aespa more time to settle in before- ah, speak of the Devil! As if summoned by your wayward thoughts, Karina lithely glides into the showers, curiously glancing around as she takes the expansive room in. She is still in her swimsuit, most likely out of confusion from the unique (to her) bathroom, than intent to wear it while she cleans the chlorine off of herself. Karina is startled to find herself not alone, but quickly recovers her composure, giving you a coquettish glance as she fiddles with a showerhead near you. She politely ignores your staggeringly large erection, instead seamlessly complimenting you on your beautiful gardens. Your thoughts move sluggishly, but in a ringing endorsement of your upbringing, your mind automatically answers such platitudes. You both dance around the issue at hand, making inane conversation for several minutes until you amusingly inquire whether Karina will need to wash her swimwear off afterwards, considering how assiduously she is cleaning it now. She pauses at this, giving you a questioning look, silently asking if your joke indicated a deeper desire. You disarm her worries with a kindly smile to dismiss her worries of your intentions; you really would be have to plow the maids tonight... Then Karina makes her offer.
Karina proposes that she will allow you to lay with her once per day without resistance, should you spare the other members of Aespa from your attentions. Your loins roil with lust at this idea, your heart surging in appreciation of this deal. How brave she must be, to offer her own body up like this, truly she is what a leader should aspire to be; willingly sacrificing herself for her groupmates! The sheer courageousness of Karina in this matter nearly makes you weep, the romanticism of it all sends your blood singing through your veins. You nearly give in. Nearly. While your soul swoons with adoration, your mind remains relatively clear and focused, unbothered for now by the lust pounding through your body (One quickly learns to keep your head while lustful in Grandfather's house; after losing years' worth of allowance to canny maids, you figure out how to remain cognizant while engaging in vulgar activities. Also the blowjobs during Calculus tests did wonders, though you still feel strangely excited by derivatives). But even your magnificent control is being eroded away by the mere thought of carnal relations with this idol; your uncomforted manhood eagerly urging your acceptance. You are not your father's son for nothing however, and you put on a show of calm as you politely amend her offer, should Karina manage to make you finish within ten minutes; you will agree. Past that, then well, how could you concede to such a deal that would net you such mediocre sex?
Wreathed in steam, Karina is seemingly taken aback by this riposte; evidently she had thought you too consumed by lust to offer much resistance. She straightens her spine however, and takes you up on your challenge, confidently stalking close until you are almost touching. You indicate towards the clock on the wall, casually informing her that she may begin when ready; which she is. Karina breathes, "This won't take long", and squishes herself against you. When her soft hand grazes your erection you almost gasp at the electric thrill it sends through you, causing Karina's demeanor to grow ever bolder; surely she thinks that this will be easy... Falling to her knees before you, the bubbly idol strokes your shaft professionally, clearly intent on ending this contest before things get too out of hand. But you resist her efforts manfully, and she pouts in sudden irritation at this setback. So she brings out the big guns (per say), unlimbering her impressive breasts out of her top, leaning back for you to appreciate them in their full splendor. Truly, what a sight they are! While not the largest breasts you have ever seen (or carnally enjoyed), they are still beautifully shaped, and are easily the largest amongst Aespa. With a haltingly teasing smile, Karina squishes her bust together, courteously inviting you to mount them for you satisfaction. In an admittedly boorish haste, you accept, obligingly testing the softness of each breast with your member before sliding between them. The cozy closeness of Karina's bosom nearly ends you then and there; enfolding you within its sultry embrace as if graciously encouraging you to spill your seed upon her chest. As your pace begins to quicken and grow ever more regular, it seems as if you may just comply with Karina's body's seductive encouragements. Karina smirks up at you, and you realize that you are doing all the work for her; making you unmindfully forget the true objective of this coupling. With an impressed huff, you slow your thrusts, gallantly inquiring if the lady would deign to put some effort in. The lady rolls her eyes, but complies, expertly copying your earlier movements with professional ease; bringing you once more to the brink.
Evidently you were unwise to underestimate Karina's sensual skills, and your already aroused mood has really not helped with things. So with slightly desperate enthusiasm, you offer to pleasure Karina in turn, after all, it would be a poor host who does not see to his guests needs... But she brushes this delaying tactic off with negligible ease, firmly insisting that it would be the height of incivility for her to ignore her host's in his greatest time of need! Perhaps she would submit to such reciprocity once this pressing matter has been dealt with to your utmost satisfaction. Grasping at straws, you counter with the argument that the apex of any intimacy is the act of sex; so it would be unseemly to suggest the you are truly being satisfied in the highest possible fashion. Karina pauses as the gears turn in her head, glancing at the clock (five minutes left!) before muttering something rude under her breath. With a resigned sigh she releases your manhood from its fleshy prison, clambering back to her feet as she looks around for a suitable location for safe copulation. Luckily for the both of you, the showers are festooned with all manner of bars and handles; there is even an ergonomically shaped fuck-seat that supports almost any position. Courteously, you gently press Karina in which position she would like to couple in; after all, time is running out... Banishing her unease, she confidently decides that she will be on top, and firmly asks that you sit down so she might finish things. You are equally eager to proceed, less from time constraints and more at the cloying excitement that surges through you at the thought of entering Karina.
Reclining in the plastic seat, Karina swiftly pulls the bottom half of her bikini off, revealing her tender sex to you for the first time. Giddiness floors you at the the sight, you feel as if you are a virgin again, about to experience for the first time the warmth of a women. Karina blushes at your scrutiny, hands moving instinctively to cover herself before pausing; she gives you an awkward twitch of the lips. Remembering your manners, you sincerely compliment her on her beauty, before giving permission to continue as she wishes. Nodding sharply, Karina lithely straddles you, hauling your member up before inserting you fully into her font without preamble. Her pussy is exquisite. It accepts your entire length without complaint, yet also effortlessly grips your shaft; truly a divine combination that sends you reeling. Then she is riding you, her heavy breasts enticingly quivering with every movement, her dark brown nipples hardening and pressing outwards. It is a wonder that you do not inseminate her immediately, but your febrile desire to enjoy Karina to the fullest holds your building orgasm at bay. Something which grows ever more difficult as she shows off some genuinely spectacular acrobatic feats atop your cock. Her hips trace in the air mesmerizing geometric patterns, her taut stomach flexing and curling as your member is subjected to one of the most intense sexual techniques you have experienced. But Karina does not have it all her way, your own hips buck adroitly as she moves, intuitively seeking her sensitive spots even as she nimbly bounces on you. Color rapidly fills both your cheeks, until you can no longer contain the pent-up passion that has filled you since you had awoken. With a mighty groan you give in, and the damn breaks, causing you to shuddering painfully as your massive load explodes inside of Karina. Who in turn lets out a gasp of surprise, her own sex spasming as her legs twitch from her sudden orgasm. Rising from where she collapsed onto your heaving chest, Karina looks down on you with astonishment, clearly she had not realized exactly how much she was enjoying herself until your seed gushed inside of her. She blinks, before starting and jerking her eyes toward the clock... Karina appears mortified, and as you glance back you can see why, it was over 20 minutes past the starting time; even discounting the delay as you bandied terms, she had been riding you for over 15 minutes and had failed to notice it.
Blushing deeply with shame and embarrassment, she hurriedly clambers off of your dirtied member. She awkwardly showers off the juices you exertions produced, shyly rebuffing your compliments and intimacy before fleeing the room. Bemused and a touch put-out, you watch her go, perhaps she should learn to be a bit more honest with herself... Your mood is improved somewhat by the arrival of two more maids, who throw teasing glances at your crotch. Looking down, you realize that your session with Karina had failed to fully satiate the naughty thing between your legs. With a tired exhalation, you motion the girls over, and soon have one of them bent over against the wall, while the other laps at your swaying sack. Perhaps relying on the maids would not be the worst of ideas, even with your beauteous guests about...
That night's supper is a touch more awkward than the last, even with the lack of more formal wear. In a complete reversal of the previous night, Karina is rather withdrawn and shy, unabashedly chugging wine; making even Winter seem gregarious by comparison. Giselle remains as haughtily teasing as always, and seems to enjoy needling her leader's unexpectedly introverted mood. Ningning on the other hand seems mostly curious at the change, eyes darting suspiciously between you and Karina as she observes your interactions. The slightest of smiles touches her lips, before transforming into a scowl...
A/N: Well this one went longer than I expected, I hoped you all enjoyed it though! Its pretty enjoyable writing some fluff lol
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sordidmusings · 8 months
Switching Up Roles - Part 2/2 (Buggy x Reader)
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A/N: gif relevant cuz this mf gets his hand privileges revoked 💀 I have finally finished it QuQ getting Buggy to admit his sub desires to you for anon is here! I really hope it is what you wanted and that you enjoy 🤍 there's lots of filth but there's also a lot of them being sweet dorks together and painfully in love because I couldn't help myself whoops
Word Count: ~8.5k
Warnings: feminine leaning afab!reader (no pronouns), NSFW my dude, very sub side of switch!Buggy, face sitting, oral (both receiving), light restraining, praise, degradation, edging, p in v, creampie, brat taming im p sure (Buggy doesn't mean to be a brat, petulance is just in his soul), takes a little to get to the sex but then it just keeps happening lol
Enjoy turning the clown into even more of a hot mess 🤡
Part 1
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
Buggy is, for once, at the door to your shared room, kicking off his shoes for the night, right when the last colors of sunset begin to fade and no later. His hat is pulled off and thrown with little care for where it lands and his gloves are yanked off and flung away. He stomps over to where you sit on the bed with heavy feet, plops you fully onto the bed with a complaining grunt, and flops his full weight on top of you with spread limbs. You would be chastising him right now, but all the air left your lungs when he belly-flopped you into the mattress. A few forceful breaths re-inflate your lungs, but by the time you have your words prepared, Buggy is finished with his prolonged and dramatic sigh, and he greets you with a “heya, sweetcheeks” that barely makes it out of the comforter engulfing his face.
Gods, you love this silly little man.
“Hello, lovebug,” you reply with a fond giggle. “I’d ask how you’re doing but the dramatic entrance told me everything.”
Another complaining grunt is his response.
“Sounds about right. How about this?” You shimmy yourself a touch so you can fully move your arms and slither them under his coat. Your fingers touch his sides before sweeping in and trailing next to his spine all the way up his back. You dig them in just enough to create resistance then you drag them all the way back down to the small of his back. You feel his shiver in your own body and bask in his happy sigh. “How about you let me take care of you tonight? You really need to spend some time relaxing before your body falls to pieces that won’t listen to you anymore. I don’t wanna have to put you together like a figurine again; you don’t come with assembly instructions.”
Something that sounds like “needing a waxing” vibrates into the mattress.
“You’re gonna have to repeat that one, Bubs.”
With a huff to let you know what an absurd effort you’re making him go through, Buggy turns his head to lay with his mouth next to your ear. “I said ‘sleep is relaxing’, dumbass.”
You easily ignore his toothless insult. You begin massaging the muscles under your hands on his lower back to ease him up some more. “Well, yeah, and that’s why I want to help you sleep like the dead.”
Ever a man with his mind frolicking in the gutter, Buggy gets some new found pep. He breaks out the rough whisper he knows you love to say, “And how do you plan on doing that, sweet treat?”
You turn to him and inch in close enough to speak against his lips, “Why waste time telling you when I can show you?”
Buggy’s pressing his lips to yours before you finish the final word. The kiss is full of ease with its slow rhythm and syrupy movements. You pull back to tease his lips with a brush of your own and take a moment to savor breathing the same air. Buggy won’t let you stop for long; his impatience for your touch always becomes all consuming after he gets that first taste. He’s still gaining more energy back and using it to put more strength into his movements. He props himself up on one elbow and his opposite hand slides over to palm the base of your skull. His thumb brushes the sensitive skin behind one ear and his fingers easily reach to the other, leaving you completely at his control. He gently sucks your bottom lip before giving it a hungry nip, and it comes back to you that you’re supposed to be leading this night somewhere.
When you go to pull away, Buggy’s hand keeps you exactly where he wants you. He responds to your attempted escape by teasing his tongue between your lips. This man clearly knows how weak you are for him, because you couldn’t keep yourself from deepening the kiss if you tried. Why would you ever deny yourself these moments where you could taste each other’s want on the smooth slide of tingling tongues? Wait. No. Focus.
“C’mon, gorgeous,” he breathes out in response to another attempt to pull back, this one weaker. “Don’t you wanna be my good little slut?” You let out a high-pitched moan into his mouth at that, internally cursing him for being so hot. “I need my cock-hungry pretty baby to make me feel good. Didn’t you want to be my cocksleeve? My little toy to fuck whenever and however I want?”
Yes, yes you did. You loathe your past self for giving him that ammunition to use against you right now. Without meaning to, you spread your legs fully, making space for his hips to shimmy flush to your center. He rewards you with firm grinds of the thick bulge straining against his pants. His movements are unhurried, letting you focus on every moment and the way his cock drags on your heat, reminding you of every time it had you drunk on pleasure before. The promise it gives you is mouthwatering. You realize that you may have miscalculated. You had thought his brain would be too fried from the week to use your soft spots against you, but here he is, getting you wet and pliant with one deep kiss and some choice words. What a bastard.
You try pulling away again and are met with the same result. Fine then.
Buggy squawks and flinches back when you pinch his side. He splits at the waist to keep his lower half on you and floats his upper body out of your attack range. The look he gives you is absolutely seething, but you would not be moved. You remain unimpressed.
“I did pull back multiple times. What if I had to sneeze and you made me headbutt you?” you reason, knowing it was too obvious that you were enjoying yourself to pretend otherwise. The way your legs are still happily hooked around his hips would be all the argument he needs against you.
“You always do those little prep inhales and reel back like you’re getting an exorcism. Would’ve given me plenty of time to get out of the line of fire,” Buggy grouses, crossing his arms to give you his most petulant pout.
You make an exaggerated gasp and distort your voice to sound tearful when you say, “I thought you loved me for my dramatic sneezes! Have you been lying to me this whole time?”
“Every. single. day,” he deadpans.
“And here I was,” you begin, shoving his legs off and standing from the bed, “Ready to play doting housewife for you and undress you with kisses and massages and love!” You turn your back to him to really sell the soap opera scene. Using the word “love” may have been a little bit underhanded; you both have been skittering around saying your first “I love you”s, only daring to use the weighted word indirectly. Even so, it was always easy to see how hearing the word from your lips would make him forget everything else and seek another hit of it from you.
“Aw come on, baby,” he draws out, already switching from pouting brat to placating lover. “We can still do that right?”
There is a lot of frantic rustling behind you. You peek at him over your shoulder, only allowing yourself to turn enough to see him in the corner of your eye. He is popped back together and is sitting up on his knees. He had skooched himself to the edge of the bed right behind you, where he is now giving you his best puppy dog face. You’re able to hold out just long enough for him to start wondering if your anger was all play before you spin around and chirp, “Only if you make a deal with me!”
Buggy flings himself back out on the bed and groans, “Fiiiiiiiiine.”
“It’s one you’ll like, I promise,” you soothe. You ease Buggy to sit up at the edge of the bed, laughing at the way he’d sway too far into whichever direction you pulled him, staying just one step removed from going dead weight. Once he’s settled into his spot, you take a moment to examine him. It doesn’t go unnoticed to you that his back is hunched forward under the weight of his exhaustion. Though his eyes are playful, they also hold dark bags, which peek out around his makeup. Your heart aches for him. Even when he is overworked and needing sleep, he’s taking the time to goof around with you and listen to your requests. You’d make sure he had the best sleep of his life tonight. You’d get him all clean and cozy and ready for bed and then you’d make him cum so hard that his brain blue screens. Truly a proper recipe for a good night’s rest.
“How’d you take off your gloves at the door but not your coat?” you ask, pushing said coat off his strong shoulders. He helps you by pulling out his arms. While your eyes admire any new skin exposed to you, Buggy keeps his eyes on your face.
“Can’t feel you through the gloves,” he explains. Oh, wow, that’s actually really sweet- “You ever try to enjoy tits and ass through fabric? Doesn’t work as well.”
You puff out an exasperated laugh. Yep, there’s your Buggy.
Before you move on to take off his scarf, you brush your fingertips along his neck and jaw to enjoy the warmth of his skin and the scratch of his stubble. Once the cloth is gone, you begin using your lips instead. He reaches out to hold your hips in a practiced welcome when you settle into his lap. Anywhere your kissing moves, Buggy opens himself up to your touch. You nose his jaw up for his head to fall back and kiss your way along his pulse. Your hand comes up to support the other side of his neck, your thumb admiring the shape of his adams apple. Your other hand hooks into his shirt’s collar and pulls it aside for more access. By the time you follow his collarbone to his shoulder, your kisses are open-mouthed, sucking and licking at his skin. When you move back over to the base of his neck, you feel his throat bob from a heavy swallow then vibrate under your thumb with his pleased hum.
Eager kisses lead you up to his ear, which you greet with a nip. Pulling back, you blow cool air on him to light up the damp trail you left behind. While your lips explore him, his hands explore you. They had started at your hips and are now massaging indulgently at your chest. Like everything else, the motion is not rushed, which perfectly compliments the teasing way he thumbs your nipples through your shirt.
After a sweet kiss to his temple, you undo his bandana, exposing his beautiful blue hair. You guide his head down to rest against your sternum so you can more easily take out the pins and ties keeping his hair in place. Buggy hums in pleasure from the relief in his scalp once his waves of long hair all fall free. You help soothe it further by massaging your fingers from the nape of his neck, around to temples, up to crown, and back down again. You always love when you can play with his hair; it’s become covetously soft in your care and you’ve become addicted to the faint smell of shampoo topped with ocean spray that came from it. 
Buggy’s hands move from your chest so he can wrap you in a loose hug. He mindlessly massages your lower back and ass while you tend to him. The break from your kissing lets him regain enough thought to ask, “You gonna let me know about the terms I’ve agreed to or am I supposed to start guessing?”
You give him a sweet giggle and kiss the top of his head. While moving on to unclasp his many belts, you reply, “If you insist then I guess I’ll tell you.” Even his shirt has belts, what is this? Yeah, they look nice, but each one is one more step between you and getting him naked. “What you’re gonna do-” you don’t miss his shiver at the sternness in your tone “-is lay there and enjoy what I give you.” You soften up just a touch. “I’m here to make you feel better. I need you to trust that.”
“Of course I do,” he says, almost offended. He earns a kiss with the ease and earnestness of his response.
Finally, all the belts are undone and his shirt is opened. Buggy pops his arms off so you can easily push it off of him without the rest of his body moving an inch. He reassembles while your hands work on touching every new stretch of skin. You’d never tire of feeling his abs twitch under your touch or tracing the contours of his body. You get bolder, scratching pink lines through the light texture of his blue chest hair. It matches his stubble in a handsome blue, slightly darker than the hair on his head.
With a grip on his hair, you ease Buggy’s head off of your chest. He moans at the pull of it on his tender scalp and hopes you think it's from discomfort. The way you turn your hand so it pulls firmer, earning more sounds, lets him know he’s not fooling you. He finds that he doesn’t care when he sees the appraising look you’re giving him. 
Now that he’s sat up, you get back to work on marking him up. There’s a gentle, tingling scratch of hair against the skin of your face while you work him over. Buggy is slowly and surely falling apart between your dominating hand and worshiping lips. Where before he felt the need to muster the energy to meet you for pleasure, he is now surrendering to let you control when and how he feels it. He lets himself lean into your grip and keeps himself relaxed, only moving his hips in mindless grinds. Having this man offer you free access to himself is winding you up quickly. You needed to get this moving along. You could take all the time you wanted soon. After smearing a few more kisses across his chest, you get up to work on getting him out of his pants.
“Come on, Bugs, let’s get you out of the rest of those clothes,” you coo, moving back to stand in front of him. 
“You want me naked~” Buggy taunts in a singsong voice like a schoolyard bully, giving you the cheekiest grin. He holds out his arms (making grabby hands of course) for you to pull him up. With a sturdy heave, you get the sleepy clown back on his feet. 
“You’ve found me out,” you whisper in fake shame. “Whatever will I do?”
“Well, toots, you can buy my silence with kisses,” he offers.
After giving many quick kisses all over his face, many with exaggerated “mwah!”s to get more giggles out of him, you move on to his pants. Buggy stays quiet and pliant while you undid them and pull them down to his ankles, following them down to the floor. You are happy to see that familiar bulge more clearly while he’s just in his boxers. You kiss along his length through them, making it twitch eagerly. His hand comes to rest on your head, letting you know how much he wants you to stay there. You look up at him, making eye contact, before pulling back and pulling his boxers down to join his pants. You think it’s cute the way his breath still catches from seeing you like this. It’s also cute the way his hands move to your shoulders to help him balance while you take off his pants and boxers then pull each sock off of his feet.
Buggy settles himself to recline on the pillows at the head of the bed, legs crossed at the ankles and hands behind his head. He eats up the way your eyes scrape over every inch of his spread out body. It isn’t lost on him the way your eyes always gravitate towards the prize laying heavy on his stomach, highlighted by a deep blue happy trail and trimmed curls. “Your turn, sweet cheeks,” he prompts.
“Not so fast,” you say, turning away from him and going to grab some items on the dresser. You turn back holding out a cloth and bowl of water to answer Buggy’s raised brow. He is not happy with your answer.
“Come ooooon,” he complains. “Aren’t you used to the makeup by now?”
“Yeah, I thought that was obvious,” you respond, gesturing to the marks he’s left on your face and chest. “But our skin will be happier without it and you’ll feel better sleeping clean and without a whole stage show’s paint on your pillow.”
“But I want you on me now,” he growls. Okay that greedy tone almost won you over, but you could use his weak spots too.
“I also..” you had wanted to only play shy but found that the feeling became genuine. “I also want to see you bare faced tonight.” Buggy narrows his eyes so you continue. “Don’t get me wrong, the makeup is sexy - like obviously, you’ve seen how I get - but you’re handsome without it too. And sometimes all I wanna see is you.”
He relents easily, trying to hide the blush that burns up his cheeks and down his neck. You reward him by making very quick progress of getting him fresh faced and cleaning the smears off of your own face and body, before moving onto your clothes. 
You’d like to say that you were sexy in the way that you stripped yourself, but the reality is that you were quick and unchoreographed in your rush to get back to Buggy. He’d never complain though; there’s already plenty of your mouth watering strip teases filed away in his mind. There was also a rush in knowing how quickly you want to touch him again. And in the way the rush has your tits and ass jiggling.
Buggy reaches out to welcome you back into his lap, but is blindsided when you move to grab and spread his ankles instead. The way you crawl in between his legs is slow and maddening. Where’s that impatience that had you tearing off your clothes? Buggy can’t lie, he does love the way you’re kissing up his legs and the way it lets him savor how your body moves and curves. His worn body and thumping heart are addicted to the way you’re touching him. The problem is that he’s having trouble thinking of anything beyond the way his cock throbs angrily at the lack of attention.
The whispers, nips, and kisses that you layer on his thighs stay just on the right side of ticklish. Buggy’s hands follow your movements, brushing into your hair and tugging gently whenever you find a particularly sensitive spot. You keep at it until his thighs are twitching and jumping to your touch and he’s lost control of the pace of his breath. It’s only then that you begin teasing his cock with soft lips and cold blown air. You mix in firm, sedate licks to keep hinting at the relief your mouth could bring.
Buggy detaches his hands and begins to trail them down your sides. He’s hoping that playing you with his fingers would urge you along. Beyond that, he needs to feel how slick and warm you are and get his mind ready for the feeling that would soon slide over his aching cock by sinking his fingers into your plush grip. You quickly stop his plot by plopping your hips flush to the bed so that he can get no further than groping your ass. 
“Ah ah ah, I didn’t say you could touch me yet,” you reprimand. Buggy whines back at you and you nip his upper inner thigh. “Hands,” you command, holding your own out. Even with his protests, he detaches his hands and floats them to your own. You link your fingers together with his then shove his hands down into the mattress, leaning your weight on them.
With him disarmed, you focus back to winding him up. Taking his head into your mouth, you begin swirling your tongue. Buggy manages to keep his hips from pushing more of him into you, but they shake with the effort. You turn your head to the side and begin massaging his head into the inside of your cheek, careful to keep your teeth off of him. He bites out curses and looks down at you to burn the image of your cheek bulging from his cock into his mind forever. He begins to let his hips lead the movements pressing out your cheek, so you pull him back out of your mouth.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” Buggy pleads. He needs to keep feeling you or he’s sure he’ll go insane.
“I didn’t hear you say please,” you snark at him. He starts chanting the word for you in hopes to fix his mistake and earn your mouth back, but you’re already decided on the matter. Instead of sucking on him again, you simply nose around his hips and crotch to tease him, using what you could with your hands occupied restraining him. You found you enjoyed it; he smells strongly of clean skin and sex and the new method of touching him lets your brain notice new details to cherish. “It’s too late, silly clown,” you taunt.
When he can take no more, Buggy detaches an arm and bends it around the back of your neck. He pulls you into him by the crook of his elbow and growls out, “more”. You glare up at him before quickly taking him back into your mouth, all the way to the back of your throat, grinding his head there while sucking harshly and gripping his balls.
Buggy yelps out an apology, the sensation way too much to process so suddenly. His arm flies back to him and you ease your grip on him. You soothe him with a few gentle bobs of your head before popping off and leaving a kiss to the soft skin on the underside of his cock. That sharp hit to his nerves chased by the tender touch fogs up his mind.
“I’ll do what you want, please tell me what you want,” he begs.
“What I want-” you’re crawling your way back up his body, “-is for you to be honest with me. Tell me what you’ve been hiding this whole time.”
Buggy’s face scrunches in genuine confusion. “I’m not hiding anything from you.”
“You sure?” you press. You lean towards his lips, which gently part in anticipation of a kiss. The moment before your lips brush, when you feel his stuttered breath, you change course and ghost your lips across his jaw to his ear. “But it would make me so  happy if you just told me,” you whisper. “You usually make me feel so good.” You can feel him listening intently. “You don’t want to be good for me?” He stills completely. “Don’t you want to be my good little toy?” His whole body shivers beneath you. You kiss and suck your way down his neck and he leans his head away to give you as much access as possible. “Just say it baby and I’ll make you feel good.”
If you weren’t so busy buried in his neck, you would see the breathtaking mix of apprehension and need flaring in his bright eyes while he debates how to answer you.
“I want you to use me. I-” he trails off and looks away, losing his nerve. 
You begin gently petting his hair and placing kisses on the side of his face. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart.” He looks back at you and his shining eyes and furrowed brow plead for the promise that you’re telling the truth. You give him a firm kiss on the lips, which he eagerly returns with a small suckle to your bottom lip. You pull back to check in, looking into his eyes, before encouraging him again. “Keep going, lovely. I wanna hear it.”
Buggy tenses once more before he seems to let his resistance break and fall out of every muscle, leaving him limp and prone amongst the pillows and sheets. “I want to be your toy - I want you to take charge and do what you want to me. I want.. I want to follow your orders.”
The kiss you gift him is ravenous, and he fills with relief. “You’re so good to me, baby,” you praise, and that relief triples.
You reassuringly squeeze his captive hands and lead your way back down his body with your lips. The transition helps relax him and loosens his mind again. As you get back to your sweet torture, he keeps reaching downward not remembering that his hands aren't there then whining when he doesn’t reach your head. You switch his hands to being clamped between your knees so you can scratch your nails down his thighs, using just enough pressure to leave long pink trails. Taking it further, you move your mouth away from his dick to work across his v-line. Buggy gets more fussy at the lack of attention on his cock, squirming and whimpering below you.
Mouth still busy on his soft skin, you use one hand to palm over his balls to the underside of his dick and curl your hand closed around him, one finger at a time. You angle his cock upright, enjoying the feeling of his precum beginning to trail down across your fingers. Your mouth changed course back closer to him, emptying his mind of any thoughts but “yes, yes, yes-”. He blanks out completely when your blazing hot tongue drags across his balls during a squeeze and a pump of his dick. The relief is short lived when your grip loosens and stills and your mouth leaves him completely. His head snaps down to see why you stopped and he sees that you’re already giving him a malicious smirk. Your eyes stay on his when you pucker your lips to blow on his aching tip. His head snaps back sharply, the movement exaggerated by his hair.
“You’re going so sloooow,” Buggy complains, frustrated. “I thought you were gonna take care of me.” He sounds impressively sulky.
“If you’re not happy with my services,” you start in a measured tone, moving forward until you are nose to nose, “then you can take care of yourself.” His face pales. You look down at his dick in your hand thoughtfully before saying, “Better yet I can just steal your cock and run off to the showers to take care of myself.”
“No!” Buggy wants it to come out like an order but it is definitely an anxious plea.
“Oh, so you’re telling me I can’t?” He shrinks even more under your glare, making you feel powerful.
“Just stay in here, pleeeease, need to see you feel good,” Buggy begs, voice small. “Don’t even need to cum, just need you.” 
You aren’t supposed to give in unless on your own time, but knowing that he’s only thinking of your pleasure is making you weak.
“I thought you wanted to be my good little toy and good toys don’t whine and make demands. They are happy with what they’re given if their owners give them anything at all.” He whimpers. “Right now you’re more of a fucking brat.”
“Noooooo,” his broken complaint sounded delicious, but the look on his face was nearing too close to real distress. 
“No?” You mock. You look down at him with a condescending pout. Your eyes bore into his, needing to notice every little detail of his next reaction. “Oh, baby, if you’re not a brat then you’re just a pussy-hungry slut.”
Buggy shuts his eyes and moans loudly at your words. The sound of his own voice calling you a cock-hungry slut many times over echoes from his memories. He didn’t think having his own insults turned on him would feel so invigorating. It’s clear to you that that is much more what he wants to be for you. Your slut; not your brat. How sweet. When all his layers are peeled back he only wants to please.
“That’s okay you sick little thing. You just can’t help it, can you?” He shakes his head with those gorgeous, shining eyes pleading at you. “If you’re so hungry, I guess I gotta feed you so you can shut. up.”
Before his mind even realizes that you began moving, you flip around and sit directly on his face. Your strong thighs are clamping his arms down to his sides, leaving his hands to be snatched up in your own again. You’ve positioned yourself so his mouth is at your clit and his nose is teasing your entrance. He gives a thick inhale and presses his tongue out to lap at you with a satisfied moan.
“Much better,” you groan, completely self-satisfied.
You waste no time before you begin rocking your hips. The room fills with the sloppy sounds of him licking and sucking at you, overly enthusiastic about having your pussy in his face.
“Now stick out that tongue for me,” you order, giving him his only warning before you drop much of your weight down to get the best pressure of his tongue, nose, and chin against you. The sensation has you clenching against the surface of his nose, getting it wet. You switch between a few long grinds from cupid’s bow to chin and making sharp circles of your clit on his tongue.
Buggy barely gets any time to fully breathe and he loves it. His head has become a murky swirl of your addicting taste and smell and the lovely sounds of you moaning for him. It sends pleasure prickling through him, making him burn with need, but he’s sure he’d stay on this painful precipice forever if it meant you kept using him to feel good. Buggy’s moans are becoming slurred whines as he gets drunk off your pussy. He was trying so hard to be perfect for you. He would stiffen his tongue to grind back into you or curl the end up for you to use on your clit. He’s ignoring his nerves at having his nose be an active participant, because he feels the way you follow its pressure. His hands are clamped on yours, floating in front of you to give you better leverage to move. He’s done good to not pull either of them away and give his leaking cock the relief it desperately needs. He deserves a reward.
You bring his hands in to place them on your breasts, where they need no direction to start working you. The warm, grounding pressure of them kneading your breasts is broken up by little circles, pinches, and pulls to your nipples that send tingles to your spine and straight down to your clit. Once they’re settled on you, you curl forward to place your head back in front of his red, twitching dick. You put your elbows down by Buggy’s sides and take advantage of the fact that he’s too lost between your legs to notice where you’ve put your face.
Buggy arches and yelps when you blow strong, cold air on his head and tease your fingertips along his Apollo's belt. His utter excitement at your attention shows in his bucking hips and pressing face. His whole body is buzzing with the thought, “I did good!”
“Your mouth is fucking good, perfect for an eager slut” you praise. Buggy keens loudly into you, sending strong vibrations through your pussy. “I’ll have to steal your head as my seat more often.” You flick your tongue on his frenulum, earning a strong twitch. “I’ll hunt you down any time I need to cum and force you down under me,” you promise in a husky voice. 
Finally, you slide him into your mouth and moan at the familiar taste and weight and heat. He’s as sensitive as you’ve ever seen him, hips and cock jerking. You tease a hand down to cup his balls and feel them pull tight while his dick starts a familiar pulse, his voice going wild in your ears. Oh?
“Not so fast, stupid doll,” you warn, moving your hand to make a tight ring around the base of his cock. “Thought you could just cum without getting me off first?”
Buggy tries to get out apologies but his mouth is too busy buried in your pussy.
“I’m touching you as a reward. Don’t get greedy,” you scold. Then you’re putting him back in your mouth and he’s sobbing under your cunt. You couldn’t do anything more than light sucking and trailing your hands on him before you’d have to pull back and keep him from cumming. Each time, he’d try to apologize and each time he would look and sound more and more pathetic. By the time you feel the pressure of your own orgasm pulsing throughout your hips, he’s shaking like a leaf.
The crackling complaint Buggy let out when you pulled yourself off of his face was heartbroken. His fingers slipped and pulled as they made their way from your breasts down to your hips, where they weakly tried to pull you back down on him.
“Shhh sweet boy,” you soothed, placing your hands reassuringly over his, “I’m just gonna use your cock now, gotta give that pretty face a break.”
That quickly distracts him from the loss of your touch, if his urgent pleas and raised hips are anything to go by. You get down to his hips and lean forward slightly, gripping firmly onto each of his warm thighs for stability. You admire the lines that twist over them as his muscles move and react to you. Feeling a little bit sadistic, you grip them hard enough to bruise and hover just close enough to his cock so that he feels the heat of you there but only the ghost of your touch.
“Please touch me,” he begs. “So close, need to feel you-”
Buggy continues to babble and you continue to hover, delighting in the way his dick would sometimes jump up to tap your entrance, electrifying both of you. He squirms under the strength and weight of your grasp on his thighs, trying to chase you with his hips. Suddenly, he splits his legs off above your grip and is finally able to grind fully into you, gliding smoothly through the thick mix of slick, spit, and precum between you. An absurdly hot groan rushes out of him, starting as all exhale before morphing into a loud tone supported by a rumble in his chest. Your mind blanks with your own gasping moan before you recenter yourself and let your dead weight drop on him, shoving his hips deeply down into the mattress.
You had angled your hips to save your clit from all pressure but the tap of his balls when they bounced up from the impact, but Buggy was given no such mercy. The first hit between your weight and the bed presses his cock near painfully between the two of you, but he can’t deny the way the feeling sent prickles across his every nerve and the relief after it let up has him baring his teeth in his bid to not cum. Instead of nice grinds, you simply oscillate your weight around your hips to keep giving him too much stimulation but not the right kind.
“Am I not doing good enough for you?” you ask, voice carrying a warning that he better answer properly.
“N-no I love it, I was just-”
“Just what?” you interrupt, hand moving from bruising his thigh to cup his balls, adding to the threat in your tone.
“Couldn’t think! S-sorry, I’m sorry -hhhanh- ” Buggy keeps his apologies streaming because he can’t stop disobeying you - he can’t help making tight little movements of his hips against you to feel more of you.
“Having trouble being the one fucked stupid, little whore?” you goad. “Don’t like being so pussy-whipped you can’t think like a person anymore?”
“I love it,” he moans, fiercer than you expected. “Need it -hahh- need you, I’m yours, need to be yours.”
Fuck, you need to get him inside you; you were too close to cumming empty from hearing him talk like that. You keep the hand on his balls, starting to fondle them, and use the other to line him up with your entrance. You can already feel bliss curling in your toes as his fat head presses at you, but Buggy does the last thing you expect - he pulls back.
“No!” his voice breaks and you whip around, scared that something was wrong. He’s staring at you with wide, wet eyes. “Turn around, please, please, wanna see you.” You relaxed knowing he wasn’t hurt or scared or uncomfortable. He begins to have trouble looking at you, turning his head away shyly and letting some of his hair sweep over to shield his face. “Want you to look at me.”
You’re getting whiplash after being thrown from panic to overwhelmed with affection so quickly. You move slowly and smoothly when you turn yourself around and slink your body down over him. You rest on your elbows and slowly lower your hips back down to him, this time grinding his head against your clit generously. Buggy’s head spins between the fire you’re tending in him and the loving way you hold his face and brush away his hair.
“You sure you can take it, honey?” you ask softly. “You can’t even look at me right now.”
“I can!” he asserts, needing to prove himself to you. He turns his face to yours and flicks his gaze to your eyes and away a few times before he’s able to lock eyes with you. You pet his face and continue your smooth grinding, taking the time to look at him like he wants you to. Buggy’s face is the most beautiful shade of pathetic you’d ever seen; shimmering tear tracks highlight skin that is pink and flushed and damp with sweat. The color of his cheeks brings out the ruby color of his nose and you can’t resist brushing your own nose against it. He tries to flinch back but you follow him. When he turns his face away, you lure him back to you with sweet kisses. When he faces you again, you intensify the stable grinding you’ve kept up to nudge him a little closer to the edge once again.
“So pretty,” you whisper, reverent and honest. Your eyes are looking right into his, seeing him in a way that has him feeling worshiped. Loving fingers map out the structure of his cheekbones and jaw, moving on to chart his lips. They kiss at your fingertips sweetly. “I have the prettiest toy on the seas. Better than any other treasure.”
He perks up at that, giving you a moan and bucking hips.
“You wanna be my treasure?” you ask, getting an immediate, breathy “yes” from him.
“Well I love every bit of my treasures, from their gems to their dents,” you tell him. “After they’ve caught my eye with their beauty, the only thing they need to do to stay my treasures is let me care for every piece of them.” You brush your noses together again, staring at him pointedly. “Can you do that for me?”
There’s real conflict in Buggy’s eyes and you slow your hips to let him think. After a few long breaths, his whole body tenses and he nudges his nose back into yours in a hesitant eskimo kiss.
You turn your head and crash your lips on his in a consuming kiss full of teeth and tongue and praises. You’re bursting with your pride and love from his show of trust and he’s lost in the flood of your acceptance. Your hips are insistent again and, without breaking the kiss, you reach down and, at last, guide his cock into you.
Buggy cranes his head back again, so you switch to sucking and biting his neck. You can’t taste or feel enough of him, he’s not close enough. Even when he’s deep enough to lick at your cervix you need more of him. Even though he’s wedged you open enough for you to feel the pressure of it in your hips. Even though he’s crammed between your legs, ringing in your ears, sinking under your nails, sitting on your tongue, filling your breath - none of it is enough, so you keep taking more from him.
Though his hands have found their way onto your hips countless times, this grip felt foreign. Normally they’d hold firm and sure and guide you to move just how he needs you to. Right now, his grip is somehow tighter even though it’s all pawing and clawing. He has no control on how you fuck him, he’s just desperately trying to hold on for the ride and grasp more you - he’d do absolutely anything if it meant he’d get a single bit closer to you - to knowing nothing in this world other than every inch, every sound, every feeling that you have to offer. And then he’d beg for even more.
“Talk to me, treasure, tell me how you feel,” you urge. 
“I -mngh!- I-I feel-” Buggy gasps out. It’s clear he’s trying to listen to you but that pretty little head of his is scrambled. He keeps his foggy eyes on you in an attempt to focus, despite how much they want to roll back behind fluttering lids. He pants and moans a few more times before licking his lips and trying again. “-’s good, so good, s-so -uungh- s’gooooood -hahh-”
“That’s my good man, my perfect treasure, my sweet love,” you coo somewhere between a whisper and a moan. The way he’s stretching you open, rubbing at you with his hot cockhead is fraying your control. The freedom to call him “love” sends flutters through your chest. Buggy is just as desperate for the claim, each time he hears the word a keening whine answers it.
“Please, please, need you to cum,” he pants. “Can’t -hhah- c-can’t-”
“You can and you will.” The command leaves no room for argument.
You’re getting so close, feeling the promise of your release in the tingle of your fingers, the heat searing through your trembling thighs, and the tight gripping in your body all the way from your throat to your pussy. The feelings pulse stronger with each clap of your hips to Buggy, each time his thick cock shoves you open and lights up every buzzing nerve that it rubs through your walls.
“Fuck, love, you can cum.” He feels your lips form the words against his racing pulse. It’s hard to keep track of what you’re saying through the white out in your head and the heat licking through your entire body.  Your words rush out desperately, trying to get your scattered thoughts to him through a heavy tongue and a lack of air. “You’re so, so good, feel so good, gonna cum so fucking hard, love it so much, fuck, love how you make me feel so good-”
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you-” he gasps out on loop as his hips stutter and his cock jumps, filling you up. His pathetic thanks and the feeling of him releasing into you send you over the edge and everything burns so good. Your body involuntarily bucks and trembles on him for a few seconds where you have no say. You find yourself caving into him under the weight of your clenching muscles. Every clench of your cunt around him feels long and gripping and lets your swollen walls feel him with a little more detail. You make small, slow circles of your hips to wring out his climax, which seems never ending. Rush after rush of hot cum fills you until it’s spilling back into his lap, but his hands still encourage your movements and his body still shakes and trembles and he still babbles praises into your shoulder. Even when the aftershocks are settling to fewer and further between, he lets out a pathetic whine any time you stop moving in an attempt to give him some respite. After indulging him in another minute of overstimulation, you slowly lift off of him, receiving an upset groan. You hush him with trailing hands and sweet kisses, which he happily returns.
When his breathing is finally steady, you take a moment to check him over. His face is so relaxed he actually looks knocked out, but he does hum in response to your light squeeze on his shoulder. Buggy’s lashes have always been beautiful, but they look especially nice sending shadows across his cheek bones. His hair is a wild mess around him, and it feels silky between your fingers when you detangle it. His broad chest is still moving a bit fast with his breath, but each rise is a bit larger and longer. You admire the way his breathing moves the red spots and pink streaks decorating him, especially enjoying their contrast to his blue chest hair. His throat bobbing on a heavy swallow points your attention back upwards, and you admire the way his dark stubble makes his jaw even sharper. A little higher, you notice how red and swollen his lips are and how shining tear tracks dry across his face. You’d never seen him so fucked out. It looks gorgeous on him.
Since Buggy is calm and settling, it’s time to get up and clean you both up a bit. This time he communicates his displeasure at your absence with a petulant grunt. You turn back with a raised brow to sass him but break out in laughter instead when you see he couldn't even muster the energy to turn his head toward you. You don’t think this man has even opened his eyes since before he came.
“Don’t worry, love, I’m just getting a towel to clean up.”
A begrudging grunt.
Good enough.
After quickly taking care of yourself, you reappear with a warm, damp towel. The moment Buggy feels your weight back on the bed, he musters all of his remaining strength and pulls you on top of him. You giggle while he grumbles something into your shoulder.
“One more time, Bugs.”
He sighs like you are the most unreasonable person he has ever met, and you laugh at the deja vu you’re feeling. His lips move up to your ear and you hum happily at the tingles his breath leaves behind. “You took too long.”
You roll your eyes. “Sorry, your highness. Just trying to make sure we don’t wake up sticky in a puddle. Now come on, it’s your turn.”
On the third attempt to pull back, he finally lets you go (with yet another grumble) and you set to work on wiping him down. You begin with his face, enjoying the hum he lets out at the light warmth in the soft cloth, and move down to his neck. You spend a little bit of extra time on his shoulders and chest, massaging between swipes of the towel. He obnoxiously flings each arm at you when you are ready for them, just to hear you laugh another time. He enjoys the emptiness of his head while you move to his calves and work your way up. On his thighs and stomach, you sprinkle sweet kisses that leave his heart feeling gooey. He falls in love with you all over again when you blow a raspberry on his side to rouse him once he gets too close to dozing off.
He thinks he is all out of aftershocks until he is savoring the last few when you finish cleaning him up. You leave a loving kiss on the sensitive skin just inside his hip bone, before standing up, again to a groan. Buggy was always touchy after sex (and honestly touchy in general; you’re surprised he doesn’t demand you to hold a detached hand at all hours) but this is something else. It has you thinking of how much you crave his affirming touch whenever he is pushy or rough with you during sex. You’re both lucky that you find his pouting endlessly endearing. Grabbing the blankets that had fallen from the foot of the bed, you finally make your way back to him.
“Took you long enough.” Buggy’s words are bratty, but his tone is sweet and starstruck. He’s making sure to enjoy the last bit of seeing you clearly before you turn off the light.
“Fine - next time I’ll throw you a towel and go find a clean hammock for myself,” you tease. “That should be much quicker.” You plop onto the bed next to Buggy, jostling him, and you fluff the blankets out over the two of you.
“Noooooooooo,” he whines. “You’d leave me to fend for myself like that? I’d die.” Even with the dark, the way you two move to intertwine is coordinated and sure, played out many times before.
“I’m pretty sure there’s cryptid in your bloodline; you should do just fine with survival,” you laugh, snuggling deeper into him. As always, a deep inhale of him (saltwater, spices, leather, smoke, musk) has you immersed in your safe space. “Aren’t you the self-proclaimed untamable man, oh great Captain Buggy?”
“I’ve been domesticated-” you guffaw “-and it’s all your fault so you need to take some responsibility for your actions.”
You settle your laughter and look to meet his gaze. By now your eyes have adjusted just enough for you to see the moonlight from the porthole reflecting in his eyes. The unguarded affection you spot in them stalls your breath.
“Okay.” The word promises much more than he had asked. The meaning seems to reach him, because he holds you just that much closer and plants a lingering kiss to the top of your head. 
The brushing of the waves on the thick wooden sides of the ship guides your breath to deepen. The creaking of wooden boards and distant thunking of feet on the deck comfort you with their familiarity. Buggy is just barely hanging onto consciousness, trying to keep his fingers tracing nonsense patterns on your skin. The last things your mind holds onto are the warmth seeping from Buggy’s body, the gentleness of those calloused fingertips, and the sleepy slur of his tender mumble.
“Goodnight, my brightest star.”
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
15 with Ganondorf as person B 👀👀👀👀
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event here.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, quickies, creampies, slight roughness, sort of modern AU kind of thing going on word count: 0.8k pairings: Ganondorf x Fem!Hylian!Reader prompt: Person B and Person A fucking in public and having to keep their voices down to avoid getting caught. Bonus: Person B has to cover Person A's mouth with their hand. Or their lips.
You wondered often to yourself how you managed to catch the eye of the king of Gerudo. But you were never complaining when he showed you this sweet side of him. You remind him of sweet days frolicking in the forest of Hyrule in his youth, and he reminds you of warm summer nights watching the stars. Somehow, you became a perfect match for Ganondorf. He had quickly become your lover, and the intimacy you two shared was nothing short of mindblowing and magical. He made every time with you feel like it was this sensual ritual.
Even though he was more a fan of making love in his bedroom or yours, sometimes he would surprise you with something quite spontaneous. Whenever he did that, you were always so excited. Having a quickie in somewhere new and with the potential of getting caught always gets your blood pumping and your heart racing like nothing else. So when he invites you out for a few drinks at this new tavern built in your town, you know that maybe this will be the night you two decide to have such a risky rendez-vous.
You wear a new dress, just begging to be pushed up over your hips. This is exactly what Ganondorf does as soon as he locks you both into the overly cramped restroom of the tavern. His eyes are full of fire as he kisses your neck, making you squirm in his grasp.
“You know the rules,” he whispers in a husky voice. “Don’t make too much noise and you need to let me finish inside.”
You don’t often let him finish inside, just because you aren’t necessarily ready for the commitment of a baby. But whenever you two indulge in these sorts of quickies, it’s just easier for him to finish inside of you so that he doesn’t need to clean up messes. You kiss him frantically, clinging to him as he pins you against the wall of the restroom.
“Gan…” you breathe out as he plays with your clothed cunt. He smirks as he notices how the fabric is clinging to your folds already.
“Naughty little princess,” he grunts as he pushes your panties aside. “You were just waiting for this to happen.”
It doesn’t take much longer for him to pull his own pants down and let his cock bounce free. It smacks against his abdomen, standing tall and leaking out the pearlescent fluids you usually love to taste so badly. He can see that look in your eyes, and he knows he doesn’t want to tease you for much longer. So he opens your legs a bit more, and he uses his cock to spread your wet folds.
“Fuck, you’re so damn wet.”
He doesn’t say anything more before sliding into you, making you squeak out from the intense feeling of being stretched. No Hylian man could ever fuck you the way this giant Gerudo does. He just makes you feel so full every time. You feel it all the way in your navel sometimes. It’s just the size of him that has you completely stretched out. His eyes narrow at you as he begins pumping into you.
“Be quiet, princess.”
You try your best, but it always feels so good. You grip onto him as his cock pistons into you, in and out and in and out… He’s slow with the rhythm at first, keeping it nice and deep. It doesn’t take much for him to pick up the pace and begin fucking you harder. Your nails dig into the meaty flesh of his biceps.
“Oh fuck, Gan!” You cry out, and he growls. He knows if he continues to let you be loud like this, you’ll surely get caught.
One of his hands comes up and smacks against your mouth, making sure you understand the warning he is trying to give you. The sounds of your cries of love are now muffled and they vibrate against his large hand. The way he keeps his hand on your mouth while fucking himself into you so fast and hard has your head spinning. It’s so sexy to have him have to shut you up like this.
“I warned you,” he growls into your ear. “You’re just begging to be punished huh?”
He removes his hand for a moment, allowing you to breathe and be able to respond. But at the very same time, the tip of his cock hits your sweet spot dead on and you let out a moan. Ganondorf leans in and kisses you roughly, fucking you harder and faster until you reach your peak. He grunts at the way your silky walls milk him so good, sending him over the edge along with him.
“Next time, you need to be more quiet…” He tells you as you straighten out your dress. “Or else I’ll shut you up myself.”
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elaratyrell · 10 months
Poor Unfortunate Souls {Part 1/3 -> Part Of Your World}
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*All images found on Pinterest. Moodboard made by yours truly*
Dark! Ursula! Aemond x Fem! Eric! Reader x Ariel! Jacaerys
Warnings: Nothing in this chapter.. reader almost drowns but is saved. Daemon’s an asshole. *Divider from Firefly Graphics*
Synopsis: Jacaerys Velaryon, the reluctant heir to Atlantica. The moment he saw you, he knew he would never see someone who could capture him with their beauty again. You would haunt him eternally. In a desperate attempt to meet you, he turns to Aemond Targaryen, an outcast from the merfolk, to help him walk amongst the land dwellers. But when Aemond lays his eyes on you, he knows he has to have you. By any means necessary.
Part Two Jace's Ending Aemond's Ending
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Jacaerys Velaryon. The son of Queen Rhaenyra and the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantica, the home of the merfolk. An adventurous young merman, he was often found exploring sunken shipwrecks or the deepest sea caverns in search of treasures and trinkets…
Even when he was supposed to be attending his royal duties.
He couldn’t help it. He knew his mother wanted him to step up as her heir and become the prince he needed to be for his people, but he knew he wasn’t the prince they wanted. He wasn’t the prince they needed. He lacked the drive and ambition for ruling as king. He wasn’t interested in politics, or ruling over the merfolk.
In fact, he often felt conflicted between two worlds.
His home, the ocean, was where his family and his people were. And even though his four younger brothers and two sisters often drove him insane, he loved them dearly. And he loved his mother… his stepfather, Daemon, on the other hand, he barely even tolerated. He disliked how much of an influence he had over his mother, and how much power he held in the kingdom.
The other half of him, however, wished to be above the surface of the waves, where he could feel the full warmth of the sun, the softness of the sand on the shore and the cooling sea breeze…
He wanted to be where the people were.
Out of the water and living among them.
He knew it was outlawed to travel to the surface after his father, Harwin, was murdered by humans. He was incredibly young, barely over five years old, and his brothers Lucerys and Joffrey were too young to even remember, but that didn’t stop him from sneaking off to watch them from a distance. And besides, he was certain the kingdom was so against humans because Daemon seemed to loathe them, often spreading his rather false horror stories over humans and their prejudices against merfolk. There were even whispers of him trying to convince Rhaenyra to go to war with the surface world. Jacaerys disapproved of this, but knew his mother was wiser than that.
And while Jace certainly resented the humans who murdered his father, he knew not all humans were that cruel, just as not all merfolk were like Daemon. He still found himself greatly intrigued by the surface dwellers. Whether they were sailing on their great ships, or frolicking on the beach, or dancing… he wanted to try dancing…
But he knew he could never trade his tail for legs.
And so he spent his days exploring with his companion since birth, a fish with glittering olive green scales and bright orange fins called Vermax, eagerly taking any trinket or human object he could find at the bottom of the seabed or in a long abandoned shipwreck.He would take it to the surface to have it inspected by a seagull, Cannibal, before taking it to his secret grotto, a deep sea cavern where he stored his treasures.
He was often scolded by his mother for forgetting his duties, often arriving late or failing to show up at all sometimes, just like earlier in the week, when he failed to show up to a royal concert when he and Vermax had an unfortunate encounter with a shark while exploring a shipwreck. He had completely forgotten about the concert, going to Cannibal about the two interesting objects he’d found to add to his collection. When he had returned to rather sheepishly apologise to his mother, he had both her and Daemon lecturing him over duty and his careless and reckless behaviour whenever he opened his mouth to try.
It had even gotten to the point where Rhaenyra was now sending Syrax, her golden crab companion, to watch him and make sure he wasn’t getting into trouble, reporting back to her over whether he’d been to the surface. Jace had visited the surface world far less frequently as a result, only managing to do so when he out swam the crustacean. It wouldn’t surprise him if she sent his younger brother Lucerys or his uncle Aegon after him next. Or, heaven forbid, one of his sisters.
It was after one such scolding that Jacaerys found himself at his grotto, admiring his growing collection and daydreaming about being among the people on land. Being where he could walk, run, dance… where he could ask them the thousands of burning questions he had… where he could stay all day in the sun.
Where he could be part of their world.
He smiled to himself at the thought of walking on two legs, but found that fading into a disappointing frown as he looked down to see his tale, scales glittering scarlet and ebony in the fading sunlight.
Everyone assumed he had everything anyone could ever need in life. But he didn’t. He felt torn, ad though he didn’t belong under the ocean, but above the surface.
He wanted more than this.
He let out a soft exhale of disappointment, allowing himself to float down to the bottom of the cavern and landing on a slab of rock jutting out from the stone floor.
“I just wish to be part of that world, Vermax. Up there. All these treasures I have… they’re neat. And it seems as though I have everything… but it’s not enough. I want to live among them. I have everything I could ever need, and yet I want more…” He murmured, too caught up in his own thoughts to notice the stone entrance to his grotto sliding open.
A low whistle of mild impressment did, however, catch his attention, followed by a amused voice.
“Mother’s going to kill you.”
Lucerys was leaning against the closed entrance to the grotto, his arms crossed. Both Velaryon boys were rather similar, with dark curls and deep brown eyes. But Lucerys’ hair was shorter, and a slightly darker brown, and he had more black scales than Jacaerys, whose tail was mostly red, like their mother.
Jacaerys shot up, his cheeks slightly flushed. “Luke-“
“What is all of this stuff?” Luke asked, looking around the grotto rather amusedly.
“It’s… it’s just my… collection…”
“Impressive. I always wondered what you were doing when you constantly snuck away,” He mused. “But like I said, if mother finds out about this, you’re dead. She’s worried about you, always obsessing over the surface world and neglecting your duties...”
Jace rolled his eyes at his younger brother. Above him he heard a distant booming noise. Glancing up through the hole in the cavern roof where the surface of the water was visible, he saw a thousand colours light up the sky in a flurry of sparks and fizzing. He ignored his brother’s continued chattering, transfixed on whatever was happening in the world above.
“I told her that you were either crazy, or this is a just phase…”
“What do you suppose…?” Jacaerys muttered to himself, ignoring his brother’s teasing antics and swimming up to where the noise and bright flashing colours were coming from.
“But I didn’t realise you were this obsessed- where are you going? Jace! You can’t go up there! Humans are trouble! Mother said so!” Luke called after his brother, but he was already gone, Vermax hurrying after him. Luke glanced over at where Syrax was perched on a nearby ledge.
“So… should you follow him or should I?” He asked.
Syrax, realising Luke didn’t want to be the one to do so, hopped off the ledge and hurried after the older prince, who had now reached the water’s surface.
Jace gazed up in sheer awe at the great ship sailing towards him, the illuminating the night sky in a flurry of sparks in the most vibrant shades of scarlet, blue, emerald and gold. The sails billowed in the ocean winds, the largest of which was imprinted with what Jace could only assume was a royal sigil.
As Jace moved to get closer to the ship, he let out a yelp, feeling a sharp a pinch on his arm, Looking down to the culprit, he flicked Syrax off him and rubbed his arm, the skin slightly reddened from where the crab pinched him.
Diving back beneath the waves to move closer to the ship, Vermax hot on his tail. When he reached the great vessel, Jacaerys hoisted himself up and managed to climb up the side of the ship. He knew it was a risky move. If he was caught by the sailors, he would be captured or even killed. If was caught by his mother or Daemon… it might be even worse. But his curiosity had gotten the better of him.
He kept hidden in the shadows, peering through a gap on the side of the boat. There was cheering, dancing, drinking and singing, a celebration of sorts, and it somewhat relieved Jace that the sailors were probably too occupied with the festivities to notice him.
A sweet melody filled Jace’s ears as the sailors danced. A flute, he believed, was playing. He remembered reading about them in an old book he’d recovered from a shipwreck. He’d always imagined how their tune sounded, and he wasn’t disappointed.
He wasn’t sure what was being celebrated, but it seemed to be a most joyous occasion. Everyone seemed in the highest of moods and the most joyful of spirits. It was wonderful to see this side of the surface dwellers, and he couldn’t look away.
In fact, he was so entranced by the humans that he found himself jumping back in shock as a rather strange and hairy creature, a dog he believed came bounding over to him. He had read about them but had never seen them in person before, but it seemed friendly enough, sniffing him with interest and wagging its tail.
Jace smiled, rather tentatively reaching out to the animal, only to shrink back into the shadows as a female voice called out to the creature.
“Max! Here boy!”
Jace cautiously peered back around, his eyes widening as he laid eyes on who might possibly be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
He watched as Max eagerly bounded over to you, jumping up to lick your face in greeting. You laughed, gently pushing the dog away from you slightly and patting his head.
“Down boy. Good boy. C’mon what’s got you so excited?” You smiled, looking over in Jace’s direction and causing him to duck back into the darkness again. His cheeks were flushed pink, his mouth slightly agape. He knew if Luke were here, he would never hear the end of it. But after having seen numerous paintings and drawings of human women in books he’d found, as well as meeting with countless potential matches organised by his mother, be found that none of them, even the most notoriously beautiful mermaids, compared to you.
He found himself peering back around to admire you once again as you sat down with Max, rubbing the dog’s stomach and watching the ongoing celebrations. You were dressed rather simply in a white linen shirt with the top two buttons undone and a pair of blue breeches, a pair of black knee high leather boots on your feet. Your hair was down and loose, fluttering in the nightly see breeze.
You were absolutely beautiful.
A sudden loud screech to Jace’s side caused him to reluctantly tear his gaze away from you, sending the culprit a nasty glare.
“Quiet, Cannibal.” He hissed, not wanting to draw attention to his hiding place. Cannibal edged closer to Jace, seemingly wanting to see what- or who- had caught the young prince’s attention. When the bird laid eyes on you, he let out an even louder screech that sounded a little like a squawk of amusement, only to have Jace grab him by the beak to shut him up.
“I said quiet.” He shot the gull another glare before returning his focus to you. “I’ve never seen a human up this close before.” He breathed as he watched you play a small, cheerful melody on a flute, the flute he must have been hearing earlier, Max running around in circles around you as you twirled around, the both of you almost dancing together to the tune.
“She… she’s very beautiful…” He murmured, shooting yet another glare to the bird as he let out a slight muffled wheeze through his closed beak. Jace followed Cannibal’s gaze to where Max continued to dance around you. “No, not that thing.” He muttered, using the hand wrapped around Cannibal’s beak to move the bird’s head upwards to look at you. “The human.”
“Silence! Silence!” A man suddenly announced, his arms outstretched as he stood in the centre of the deck. “It is now my deepest honour and privilege to present our esteemed Princess Y/N with her birthday gift.”
“Y/N…” Jacaerys murmured dreamily, watching you step forward with a chorus of cheers from the crowd onboard. “Princess Y/N…”
The man stepped to the side to present a large object concealed by sapphire blue cloth and tied with a scarlet ribbon. “Happy birthday, Y/N.” He smiled, and with one tug on the ribbon, the cloth fell to reveal… a statue of you.
You were dressed in an extravagant gown, your arm raised in the air, your gleaming sword pointed towards the sky. Your expression was not warm as it was in reality, but one of hardened steel.
It was a warrior’s statue.
Jace tilted his head, his brows furrowing. The statue captured your beauty, that much was certain, but there was something missing from it. Maybe it was lacking your smile that sent a swarm of butterflies to erupt in his stomach, or the sparkle in your eyes. Whatever it was… it made the statue seem… unlike you.
“Wow… Grimsby you shouldn’t have.” Your voice sounded rather exasperated. “It’s… truly something to behold.”
Jace smiled. He could tell you were struggling to muster a compliment, but didn’t want to seem ungrateful.
“You like it?”
“It’s… really something…” You muttered, staring up at the statue, your lips pressed into a thin line and your eyes crinkled at the edges as you winced slightly, looking physically in pain at the sight of the gift. “Although it seems rather-“
“I commissioned it myself,” Grimsby declared rather proudly, his hand placed over his heart and making you immediately close your mouth. “Although… I had hoped it would be a wedding gift…”
“Oh don’t start, Grimsby,” You groaned, turning away from him and leaning on the side of the boat, just above where Jacaerys was hiding. “Are you really still sore that I rejected the proposal from that Dornish prince?”
“It isn’t just me, Y/N,” Grimsby sighed, stepping forward. “Your parents, the entire kingdom wishes for you to happily settle down with the right man-“
“Exactly, Grimsby! I need to find the right man,” You argued, sitting down on the side of the ship with one hand holding the rigging of the boat to prevent yourself from falling. “I know he’s out there somewhere. But I don’t want to marry for duty. I’ve always devoted myself to that. I want to marry for love. I want to find someone who… who has the same ambitions as me. Who… wants to see the world and sees past the fact I’m a princess. Someone who understands what it’s like to yearn to be out there exploring the world. Someone who understands freedom, and who wants to break free… and who understands that a part of me belongs out there in that world. Out there in the seas.”
Jace’s expression brightened at your words, his heart fluttering in his chest at you possibly sharing similar struggles to him.
It was like you were too good to be true.
That could be him… he could be that man for you…
“I’ll find him one day. He’s out there somewhere I… I just haven’t found him yet.”
“Well, perhaps you haven’t been looking hard enough.”
“Not helpful, Grimsby.” You grumbled, rising to your feet and looking out at the ocean, as black as the clouds brewing overhead. “Believe me, when I find him, I’ll know. Without a doubt.” Your words were firm, your expression one of clear resolve. “When I see him, it’ll… it’ll just hit me like… like lightning!”
No sooner did those words leave your mouth, you and Jace looked up as the deep growl of thunder rumbled overhead, a flash of lightning lighting up the sky.
“Hurricane!” A sailor yelled. “Stand fast! Secure the rigging!”
You immediately sprung into action, leaning forward to pull on the ropes as the waves lapped against the ship more aggressively than before, the wind whipping through your hair and rain beginning to pelt down from the sky as though the heavens themself were opening.
Jace grabbed ahold of the ship, failing to grab Cannibal as the gull was blown away by the wind torrents with a loud screech of protest. While the others focused on untying the lifeboats, Jace watched as you leaped up the stairs two at a time to reach the steering wheel of the ship that was spinning out of control, trying to stop the ship from capsizing into the water. A large surge of water passed over the ship, drenching you completely and those onboard.
Despite gripping onto the ship as tightly as he could, Jace soon found himself falling back into the water, barrels, crates and even the sailors following him beneath the surface. He swam upwards as quick as his tail could move, breaking through the surface to see a jagged flash of lightning hit the main sail of the ship.
Flames blazed through your royal seal emblazoned on the sail, burning through the cloth and spreading to the mast of the ship.
Jace gasped as he saw the ship uncontrollably heading towards a cluster of jagged rocks jutting out from the sea, you still at the wheel struggling to gain control of the ship. He wanted to scream at you, to climb onto the boat and help you steer the ship to safety, or to just grab you and get you off the ship, but he knew he couldn’t. He watched with a horrified expression as the ship rammed against the rocks, throwing more sailors and cargo, including you and the statue, overboard and into the depths below. The mast snapped, falling forwards and spreading the fire to the rest of the ship.
Jacaerys swam forward to see you help Grimsby onto the lifeboat to join several other of your crew mates. He felt a small sigh of relief to see you safe as you hauled yourself into the small boat, but it the feeling was short lived as you frantically looked around the small cluster of life boats, your gaze ultimately returning to the raging inferno consuming the ship.
No, no, no, no.
You couldn’t go back.
Jace couldn’t watch you do that.
To risk your life and possibly lose it.
He followed you as you swam back to the burning ship, hauling yourself back onboard to save your beloved dog.
“Jump, Max! Come on, you can do it. Come on, boy, just jump!” You desperately cried out to the animal, unable to move further forward thanks to the flames and the collapsed mast.
Jace squinted, trying to see you through the billowing smoke, his breath caught in his throat. As he saw your silhouette emerge through the smoke, he released the breath he was holding, but it got caught in his throat as your foot suddenly fell through the deck and out of his sight.
Max fell off the boat and into the sea where he was pulled onto the lifeboat by the surviving sailors, who cried out to you as you desperately tried to free yourself from where your foot was stuck, the flames flickering higher and higher around you, the smoke filling your lungs and choking you from any oxygen.
You managed to loosen your foot enough to pull it out of your boot as the inferno raged on, but it proved feeble as a barrel of gunpowder rolled past you and into the flames. As soon as the ship exploded, Jacaerys surged forward to where the ship wreckage was sinking beneath the waves, frantically looking around for any sight of you, the flames providing enough light for him to see clearly. Upon seeing no sight of you, he rose back to the surface. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you, unconscious, balanced on a plank of wood from the deck. No sooner did he see you, the violent waves caused you to slip from the plank and under the water.
As you sank deeper and deeper, Jacaerys swam after you, managing to grab ahold of you and heading in the direction of the shore. He made sure to keep your head above the water so you could hopefully breathe, not even caring whether you were dead or alive at that moment. He just needed to get you to safety.
His arms ache as he finally reached the shallows, struggling to drag both you and himself onto the beach. He cradled you in his arms, his chestnut eyes scanning your form for any sign of life. For any slight twitch, any movement, any breath. Yet your eyes remained closed, your skin pale and your mouth slightly agape.
“Is she… dead?” The word almost got caught in Jacaerys’ throat as he turned to where Cannibal landed beside them on rather shaky legs.
Please don’t be dead… please don’t be dead…
“She… she can’t be dead…” Jace murmured, a finger gently opening one of your eyes. Upon seeing them up close, he realised how beautiful your eyes were. Cannibal hopped between you and Jace, pressing his head against your foot, letting out a small, sorrowful caw.
“Wait… wait look! She’s breathing!” Jace exclaimed as you let out a small exhale, your chest beginning to gently rose and fell. He sent a small disapproving look to Cannibal. “You know that’s not where they breathe, right?” He muttered as Cannibal leaped the air and landed on a nearby rock.
Jace rolled his eyes, looking back to where your breaths were becoming less shallow and more even. “She’s so beautiful…” He whispered as he looked down at you. Your clothes were torn, and one of your boots was gone, your dripping wet hair plastered over your forehead. Jace reached over to gently brush it away from your face.
As his hand moved to gently caress your cheek, he found himself humming a small tune his mother used to sing to him at night. It was an old tune from generations long since passed, sung in an ancient language that was no longer spoken by merfolk other than the royal family, although Jace’s was a little rusty at best after missing so many lessons. It was a lullaby that always soothed him after a night terror when he was young.
His humming soon evolved into him softly singing the song, and a smile spread onto his face as he saw your eyelids flutter and open ever so slightly, your soft, small hand reaching up to place over his. When your hand made contact with his, Jace felt his heartbeat quicken, his skin feeling as though it were on fire from your touch.
A loud bark made him flinch back away from you, spotting Grimsby and Max on the horizon. He dived into the water as the dog bounded over to you, eagerly greeting you by slobbering on your face as you slowly sat up, one hand- the hand that touched Jace’s- resting on the side of your head as you groggily looked around.
“Y/N! Oh thank goodness,” Grimsby breathed in relief, his hand reaching into his pocket and taking out his slightly damp handkerchief, which he used to dab his clammy forehead. “You really delight in these sadistic strains on my blood pressure, don’t you?” He muttered, leaning down to help the princess to her feet. “Are you alright, my dear?”
“I… I saw… a boy. He… he rescued me…” You muttered, one hand still clutching your head as you regained your balance. “He was singing to me. He had the most beautiful voice…” You trailed off, swaying slightly.
”Oh, Y/N,” Grimsby sighed. “I think you’ve swallowed a bit too much seawater.”
“No, I saw him.” She protested, looking out at the shore. “I heard him.”
“Of course you did, my dear,” Grimsby sighed, wrapping an arm over the girl’s shoulders. “Come on. Off we go. Come along, Max- Max! What is that dog barking at now?”
“Max!” You called out, followed by a sharp whistle that got the dog’s attention from where he was barking in Jace’s direction, the prince hiding behind a rock.
As you, Grimsby and Max left the small beach and headed towards your castle, Jace watched you go, Cannibal perched on the rock in front him.
“I don’t know when, I don’t know how… but watch and you’ll see, someday I’ll be part of that world. I know I will be!” He declared to his feathered companion, a steely determination set in those deep brown eyes of his. “No matter what it takes.”
A short distance away, Jacaerys was being watched by an ancient beast. A large, bronze eel, one eye a glittering green and the other glowing a vibrant sapphire blue. She watched him silently for a moment before dipping beneath the surface to return to her master.
It was only a matter of time before the young prince sought him out.
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“You summoned me, mother?”
Queen Rhaenyra smiled fondly at her second born son as perched regally on her throne, her golden trident, the source of her power passed down from her father, resting beside her.
“Yes, Lucerys. I wished to ask you about your brother.”
“J-Jacaerys?” Luke stammered.
“Yes. I tasked you with watching over him but you have yet to report back to me. Your sisters have noticed certain things…”
“Apparently he’s to himself, daydreaming even more than usual, not swimming to sunken shipwrecks looking for trouble… it’s almost as though something has consumed his mind completely.”
“Well… he seems normal to me mother.” Lucerys chuckled nervously, making Rhaenyra raise an eyebrow.
“Rhaena and Baela said he swam past them in very high spirits this morning, putting flowers in their hair and singing to himself.”
“Well… well I-“
“Lucerys, I know you’re keeping something from me, sweet one.”
“Ke-keeping something, mother? I would never.”
“Really? Because Rhaena and Baela told me something else rather interesting.”
“They… they did?”
“About Jacaerys… his mood. His high spirits and his daydreaming. It’s as though he’s come alive. I’ve seen the signs before, both in myself and others.”
“You… have seen what?” Luke visibly gulped as Rhaenyra beckoned him closer.
“Isn’t it obvious? Jacaerys is in love, is he not? Or at least infatuated?”
“I… I don’t know mother-“
“Come now, Luke. I understand that you and Jace are at that age where you don’t feel the need to tell me everything, but this is important…”
Luke felt face flush slightly. If Rhaenyra found out, she’d be furious. But what would be worse is if Jace got captured, or killed.
“Mother… I do not know-“
“I only wish to know who the lucky mermaid is…”
“Or merman perhaps? He is rather good friends with Cregan of the Arctic waters, is he not?”
“I- I wouldn’t know, I-“
“Unless you simply do not wish to fulfil the task I have given you and have been neglecting your duty-“
“I tried to stop him mother!” Lucerys suddenly exclaimed, making Rhaenyra raise her eyebrows in slight surprise at her son’s outburst.
“Stop him? From what?” Rhaenyra’s expression changed from one of mild amusement to immediate concern.
“I tried to stop him from doing it but he never listens to me. Just because he’s older, he thinks he can swim to the surface even though I warned him about the humans-“
“Humans? What about humans?” Rhaenyra demanded, gripping her trident harshly and making Luke stop in his tracks.
“Hu-humans? Why mother, who said anything about humans?” He chuckled, glancing away from his mother.
“Luke…” Rhaenyra warned, rising from her throne. “What has your brother been doing? Tell me. Now.”
“I… I don’t know what happened mother. He saw these flames in the sky and he followed them to the surface. I tried to stop him, I promise I did. When he returned the next morning he was a completely different person. Happier. And yet somehow more annoying-“
“Anyway,” Lucerys cleared his throat. “I asked him what happened and… and…”
“And what? And what, Luke?”
“He said he’d saved… a human…” Lucerys muttered. “A princess.”
“He saved a human? Those murderous savages.” A voice spoke from the shadows.
Lucerys felt his heart sink as he realised he’d failed to notice Daemon’s presence, too focused on trying to protect his brother’s secret from their mother.
“I…” For once, Lucerys had found himself at a loss for words.
“I think that’s everything we need Lucerys… you may leave.” Daemon ordered, but Lucerys stood his ground.
“No. I want to know what you’ll do-“
“Luke, go to your chambers.”
“But, mother-“
“Lucerys. Go.” The sternness of Rhaenyra’s words and the fire within her eyes made Lucerys reluctantly comply, swimming off with his heart sinking at what he’d done.
“Humans? Love? He’s going to get himself killed.” Rhaenyra sighed, looking over at her husband. “What do you suggest I do?”
“The only way we can save Jacaerys is if we rid him of these absurd thoughts. We need to act quickly.”
“I do not want to push him away more than I already have.” Rhaenyra said as Daemon swam over to her, resting a hand on her shoulder.
“If we don’t act now, you’ll lose him to the surface. You of all people know what they do to our kind. He’s your heir, Rhaenyra. Your first born son. To protect him, we may need to hurt him.”
“But, Daemon-“
“Do you want him to resort to extreme solutions like your brother did? Do you want him to suffer that same fate as Aemond? Or turn to him for a solution?”
“Jacaerys isn’t like Aemond in any way. He is not cruel, or cunning like him. He would never seek him out. He knows better.”
“For now.” Daemon replied. “But love can cloud and deceive the mind in ways that can make the greatest of men fall.”
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“Vermax, what’s going on?” Jace asked as the small fish attempted to herd him in the direction of the grotto. Jace rolled the stone away, moving forward to enter, but his companion stopped him in his tracks, swimming right up go his face and turning, flicking his tail into Jace’s eyes.
“Ouch! Vermax,” Jace rubbed his eyes, wincing slightly at the small sting. “Okay, it’s that important of a surprise.” He sighed, complying with Vermax’s wishes. “If you wanted me to close my eyes you could just ask nicely.” He muttered, feeling himself being gently nudged slowly into the grotto, his arms held out in front of him in case Vermax decided to steer him into a wall. Again.
Jace had been in his grotto so many times he knew where he was when Vermax moved in front of him again, this time flicking him on the hand to stop him in his tracks.
“Really? Again?” Jace sighed. “At least it was more gentle that time.” He muttered. Vermax nudged his hand, and Jace opened his eyes, letting out a small gasp at the sight in front of him.
There, placed in the centre of his grotto, the new centrepiece of his treasure collection… was your statue. He turned to the small fish, a wide smile growing on his face.
“You’re the best, Vermax,” He grinned, swimming over to the statue. “It’s perfect. How… how did you find this- how did you get this in here?” He asked. “Nevermind, I know I’ll never find out. Oh gods, it’s perfect- she’s perfect. It looks just like her- well, her eyes have more sparkle in real life, and they’re kinder too…”
He swam circles around the statue, analysing every angle. “It really is a work of art,” He murmured, a hand reaching up again to rest on the statue’s stone cold cheek. “If only it were real. Then we could run away from all our troubles… and find a place where we can belong. Don’t you think that would be the best thing, Verm-“ As he turned to address his closest friend, he was instead greeted by the face of his mother. A face that was half concealed by shadows and that was twisted in both sorrow and fury.
“M-mother. I can explain-“
“I think everything is quite clear to me, Jacaerys,” Rhaenyra interrupted, swimming out of the shadows, golden trident glinting in the fading light. Jace felt himself wince at the harshness of her tone when she spoke his full name.
“I consider myself a reasonable mermaid. A reasonable queen. And a reasonable mother,” She continued, her voice although soft in volume, was also cold in time. “I set certain rules to protect my people. To protect you. And I expect those rules to be followed.”
”But, mother, it’s not what you thi-“
“Is it true you rescued a human from drowning?” She demanded. Jace felt his mouth dry up. She knew? Luke… or Syrax, somehow?
“I… I had to. She… she would have died…”
“Contact between the human and mer worlds is strictly forbidden. You know this, everyone knows this. And I thought you of all people should understand this.”
“She would have died mother!”
“And that would only be one less human to worry about,” Daemon spoke up, emerging from the shadows behind Rhaenyra.
“You don’t even know her!” Jace protested, placing himself in front of your statue, as though he was protecting you.
“Know her?” Daemon let out a mocking laugh. “We don’t need to know her.” He snarled. “Humans, they’re all the same. Spineless, savage, harpoon, fish- eaters who are incapable of any feeling-”
“I love her.” Jacaerys blurted out, stopping Daemon in his tracks and making Rhaenyra’s expression morph into one of horror.
“No…” She breathed. “No, Jacaerys it… it cannot be true… have… have you lost your senses completely? You haven’t even met her! She’s human.”
“And you’re a merman.” Daemon sneered.
“I don’t care.” Jace retorted defiantly. “I’ll find a way.”
“Jacaerys, so help me, please do not escalate this.” Rhaenyra warned.
“Escalate it? What can you do mother? I’m not a child anymore!”
“We clearly aren’t getting through to him,” Daemon said. “You know what you have to do, Rhaenyra.”
“W-what’s he talking about, mother?” Jace asked, backing up so he was blocking the statue completely, a weary edge to his tone.
“I need to get through to you Jace,” Rhaenyra’s voice was solemn. “And if this is the only way…” She looked away from her son, raising her arm so the trident was pointing to an upper shelf of the grotto. “…So be it.”
“Mother, don’t!” Jace exclaimed, the realisation finally dawning on him. But it was too late. The trident was now glowing with lightning and flames, casting the grotto in a harsh orange light. Beams shot from the trident, perfectly landing on their targets.
His entire book collection? Gone.
His paintings, his jewellery collection, his candlesticks and compass? Reduced to dust.
Everything, from his gadgets and gizmos to his whozits and whatzits, were completely destroyed.
“Mother, mother please stop,” Jacaerys pleaded, desperately grabbing onto Rhaenyra’s arm, his eyes glassed over with tears threatening to spill at any moment.
But he wasn’t going to give Daemon the satisfaction of letting them fall.
“Mother- mother no, please no!” He yelled, following her gaze to where she aimed the trident at your statue, reducing it to rubble mere seconds later.
Jace let go of his mother, letting himself float to the grotto floor in front of where your statue was standing so proudly moments ago.
Rhaenyra, tore her gaze away from her eldest son, quickly swimming away from the irreparable damage she’d caused, both to herself and Jace. She too didn’t want to let the cracks show. Daemon stayed where he was, admiring the destruction of the treasures created by the beings he despised so.
“If you truly loved the humans, Jacaerys, if you truly wanted to be where you belong, you should go to them,” He said coldly, cruelly. “Because you certainly don’t belong here.”
As Daemon swam from the grotto, followed by his companion, a blood red moray eel called Caraxes, Jace finally let the tears spill, his chest heaving with the sobs that racked through his body.
“Go away.”
“Jace, I’m sorry-“
“Sorry? Sorry that she destroyed everything?” Jace exclaimed, turning to glare at his younger brother. “Look what she did Luke. Look what Daemon made her do.” He turned away again as his voice cracked, another wave of realisation hitting him that his pride and joy, his wonderful collection that had taken him years to put together, was gone.
And your statue along with it.
“Jace, I didn’t know this was going to happen. I thought you might get in trouble and-“
“Just go away,” He whispered.
Luke hung his head low, reluctantly leaving his brother alone and joining Syrax, Vermax and Arrax, an infant ray who shimmered a pearl white, with the exception of his golden underside and eyes to match. Like Vermax, he was not yet fully grown.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do. I can’t leave him, and… I hate seeing him like this, annoying as he is. It’s all Daemon’s fault, that son of a-“ Lucerys’ ranting was cut off as Syrax pinched his lips between her claw. Before he could prize her off him, a large shadow loomed over the group, and the three sea creatures ushered the younger prince behind a rock, hiding him from sight.
It was an eel, but it was considerably larger than Caraxes, by two times at least. She looked more like some ancient sea serpent, for she was an ancient creature. Her bronze scales that once gleaned brightly had dulled with age, but her eyes still gleamed just as bright, as did the small clusters of blue and green streaked along the top and underside of her body. One eye was a vibrant green, like grass in the height of springtime. The other was an unnaturally vibrant blue, glowing brightly in the night like a sapphire.
Vhagar was surely an fearsome sight to behold.
Lucerys watched the beast slither into the grotto. He went to follow her, but Syrax stopped him by pinching his side.
“I can’t let him be eaten, can I?” He hissed, rubbing the reddened skin. “I have to do something!” He protested, but Syrax and Arrax blocked his path adamantly. Even Vermax was more focused on keeping the younger prince hidden than going to Jace, grabbing long stems of kelp and dropping them over Luke, who brushed them off him immediately.
“You have to let me help him? It’s just some old eel, right?”
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Jacaerys had wiped his eyes, but was still staring down at the rubble, not wanting to lift his head to be greeted with the sight of his former grotto, once a proud collection, now reduced to nothing. He didn’t want to cry again.
He let out a deep, shaking breath, trying to slow his hammering heart and calm the tremble in his hands. And yet every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was the princess he saved.
“Mijegindita riña… Mijegindita dōna riña…”[Poor child… poor sweet child…]
Jace’s head shot up to be greeted with the sight of Vhagar circling him like a constrictor about to suffocate it’s prey, her blue eye glowing violently in the darkness. He recognised the language as High Valyrian, the ancient language of merfolk. But he was far from a fluent speaker. In fact, he was rather terrible.
“I-I’m sorry I… I don’t fully understand…”
“It seems as though you have a very serious problem… if only there was something that could be done…”
The beast continued, this time in a modern tongue. Her voice was more of a deep, ancient rumble, coming from within. She didn’t move her mouth when she spoke, but Jace saw the glinting of those dagger like teeth. It was as though she were a vessel for someone else to speak to him. As though someone was speaking through her.
“Perhaps there is something that could be done for you…” Vhagar continued, circling closer and closer around Jace, turning her head towards him so he could clearly see her in the silvery glow of the moon above.
“I… I know you…” Jace breathed, and she retreated back into the inky murkiness of the shadows. “But that’s impossible… you… you and him… you were both banished… after what happened with- with Luke…”
He was only young when his uncle Aemond was banished, and Lucerys was too young to properly remember everything, but the memories still stuck with the elder prince vividly. He remembered the glint of the blade in the torchlight, he remembered Lucerys lunging at Aemond, and the young man’s screams wailing through the kingdom.
That was many years ago. Over a decade.
“Don’t be scared…” The voice spoke. “I represent the person who can help you. Someone who can make all your dreams come true…”
“I don’t think-“
“Just imagine-“ The voice cut him off, Vhagar’s head slithered past him, that piercing blue eye focused entirely on the prince. “You and your princess. Together, forever.” There was a slight mocking edge to the voice as it spoke, making Jace frown.
“No… no I can’t.” Jace faltered, knowing the offer, although tempting, was surely tainted with something far more sinister in return.
“Aemond has become incredibly powerful. He can use his power to help you...”
That stopped Jace in his tracks. He’d heard the rumours of his depraved uncle turning to dark magic in his exile. Some said he’d saught out the sea witch, Alys Rivers, who had mysteriously vanished months after his banishment.
“No I... I couldn’t possibly go to him. No. Get out of here! Leave me alone!” He exclaimed, lunging forwards and out of Vhagar’s reach to sit on one of his now empty ledges and facing away from the beast.
”Suit yourself,” The voice said as Vhagar retreated. “It was only a suggestion.” As she left, her tail flicked upwards, causing your statue’s face, still somehow intact unlike the rest of the statue, to land beside Jace. He reached over and picked it up, cradling it in his arms, Daemon’s words echoing over and over again in his mind.
“If you truly loved the humans, Jacaerys, if you truly wanted to be where you belong, you should go to them…”
“…Because you certainly don’t belong here.”
And for once, Jacaerys agreed with Daemon.
He was his mother’s heir, and yet he had no qualities of being a king. He wasn’t studious, or particularly charismatic in the eyes of the people. He did his royal duties when he remembered, but he had never aspired to be a king.
He remembered every little slip up, every time he’d been late to an event, every time he’d disappointed his mother and his siblings. Even little Viserys and Aegon could do a better job that he could. Even Luke with his mischievous ways, and young Joffrey, carried out their tasks to perfection. And his sisters, Baela and Rhaena were born to lead.
He wasn’t born for that.
He didn’t belong.
When he watched you on that ship, when he watched the people celebrate your birthday, and dance and sing and tell stories, he felt more at home. Like he could belong.
Daemon was right.
His mind was made up.
He was going to see Aemond.
“Wait!” He called out, and Vhagar’s face loomed into view once again.
“Take me to him.”
A/N: I know, I know, and I’m sorry to the Aemond girlies who are disappointed he didn’t show up. But I can promise you that he will be centre stage throughout most of Part Two
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Tag list:
@thekittyxo-blog @iamavailablesstuff @eggofpower @thatbitchanna27 @aleemendoza2425-blog @ekavamonfort @rhaenattargaryen @ewwwitsel @marytargaryen @snowprincesa1
If you want to be added to the tag list for this story feel free to ask
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murdrdocs · 6 months
been listening to quinnie’s touch tank on repeat and it’s such a finnick song like this song is about him….
it’s also making me think of that gifting pearls drabble u did and joking one day that one day his partner says that he should go “deep sea pearl diving” (between their legs) and that cheeky (munch of a) boy would soo use that line as a inside joke double entendre whenever he wants to get a rise out of his partner or give a hint
there was a time where this song was banned around me it would always put me through the ringer up until i wrote a steve harrington fic based on it and i also love this sm
there was one day, just a singular hour even, where you were sleepy and giggly and slightly delirious. but your sleep haze was repurposed into a sexual haze, your legs spread with your knees digging into finnick's side as you kissed him, slow and lazy and sloppy. finnick had pulled back, pressing two little kisses into the corner of your mouth before he asked you, "what do you want from me, sweetheart? think you'll be able to stay awake?"
you nodded eagerly, preparing to ask finnick to go down on you in the same way you usually did. but then, something in your sleep ridded brain clicked and then you're giggling.
"what is it?" finnick asked at the time, his own giggles leaving his lips, too, despite not knowing what he was giggling at.
"can you ..." another fit of giggles. "can you do deep sea pearl diving, finn?"
he took a second, he looked at you head on, confusion clear on his face. and then it made sense and finnick was rolling his eyes as he shuffled lower down your body, grumbling something about your corniness.
but it's purely him who uses it as a sly joke later on when you're outside of the bedroom.
when you're in your backyard, floating in the sea with finnick not far from you. it's a still day, perfect for frolicking around in the warm water. the lack of waves makes it easy for you to hear finnick's voice.
"sweetheart?" you hum, staring at him instead of at the horizon afar. "you know what i could go for?"
a beat. "deep sea pearl diving."
and you'll never really know which one he meant because you're swimming back to the shoreline and dramatically stomping back in the house, finnick yelling apologies for bringing up your slightly embarrassing moment in such a serene setting like this.
(he comes in the house not long after you with a new pearl for your collection and an eager tongue as he sinks to his knees with pleading eyes, ready to make it up to you)
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What did Arthur think Merlin was hiding from him?
I fully believe that Arthur knew Merlin was hiding something, he just didn’t know for sure what it was. Or he felt no need to bring it up because he believes Merlin is good and trusts him enough with secrets, or he thinks Merlin has a good reason for not telling him because of either his status or just not being ready to talk about it.
The reasons aren’t important here.
So my top theory is that Arthur knew Merlin was gay and just assumed it was a secret. (It really wasn’t.)
But how unhinged would Arthur go in his theories?
Does Arthur think Merlin has a group of pets he shouldn’t have because they’re all wild animals? And that’s why he hates hunting. Like a small family of 4 wolves, a couple of owls he trained to stay close to Camelot, a few deer, maybe a boar or two but they’re all his best friends so whenever he’s “at the tavern” he’s actually just frolicking in the woods with his unpetable pets.
Or does he think Merlin is training to join the circus or something? The juggling had to come from somewhere so maybe he’s planning to ask Arthur to become a jester more than a manservant? Arthur would hate it, because he couldn’t drag Merlin around everywhere but he’d do it if it meant Merlin would be happy.
Maybe he’s got some obscure hobby involving maps so next time he just knows stuff, it’s because he’s just a huge nerd. Maybe he’s secretly a genius who spends all his time in the library.
I need theories, please.
Arthur becoming a conspiracy theorist because he doesn’t want to think about whatever the real thing Merlin is hiding is hilarious to me. Maybe he even spreads a few rumours to keep Merlin’s secret safe, whatever it is.
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justmystyles · 1 year
Now You're In My Life- Part 2
part 1 here
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 3.8k
summary: a chance meeting at a diner turns your world upside-down.
warnings: some curse words, but other than that it's tame.
a/n: i definitely didn't expect to have part 2 done so quickly, but this story is just flowing out of me. thank you so much for all of the likes and comments from part 1. i honestly didn't even expect anyone to read it. 🥰
already planning on a part 3. i think after that it becomes more of a collection of one shots than a straight storyline. but you know i had to set it up all nice and cute.
i say it's a plus size reader, while i don't focus a lot on that aspect (because your size should not define you), it will come up, so i just wanted to be upfront about it.
a quick tag for those of you that asked for part 2, so you don't miss it! @thechaoticjoy @cute-as-ducks420 @iceebabies
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As the opening notes of Golden began to play, the screams from the crowd quickly came to a  crescendo. Before long, Harry was being lifted up from the stage floor. As he moved around the stage, guitar strapped around him, it looked like he was searching for something… or someone. 
Then his eyes landed on you, and your breath hitched. He was looking for you. His smile widened, and he shot you a wink before moving to his microphone stand. You watched with rapt attention, bobbing your head slightly and mouthing along to the words. 
The show went on, and you couldn’t take your eyes off of Harry. It seemed as though he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you either. They would move in your direction frequently, it seemed particularly calculated during a couple of lyrics. Especially when he was singing ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. You had never listened to One Direction, so you weren’t familiar with the song. You knew you had heard it around before, but that was the extent. Even still, the butterflies that had taken up residence in your stomach tonight were going positively wild throughout that entire song, feeling as though Harry was singing directly to you. 
At one point, while he was speaking to the crowd and reading signs, he turned to your direction, locking eyes with you before asking if everything was okay, and offering a questioning thumbs up. You smiled back shyly, offering a thumbs up in affirmation. 
“Then why aren’t you dancing around and screaming your head off?” He asked with an arched brow. 
Your eyes went wide, recognizing your comments from that morning being repeated to you.
By Harry. 
In front of thousands of people. 
Despite the house lights being down, you were certain that he could see the bright red blush that spread across your cheeks. You immediately buried your face in your hands. He laughed and frolicked away, continuing the show. 
“Thank you Boston!” He shouted before placing his microphone back on the stand. He bowed and waved, blowing a few kisses along the way. As he moved up the runway in your direction, he locked eyes with you again, lifting his hand to his mouth and blowing a kiss directly at you. Your eyes dropped to your feet, feeling your cheeks heat again. 
You jumped slightly when you felt a hand on your shoulder, you spun around wide eyed to see Jeff looking at you apologetically. 
“Sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just coming over to bring you backstage.” 
“Yeah, to see Harry?” He said with a question in his tone, as if you should have known this was part of the plan.
“Oh… right.” You nodded and followed behind as Jeff led you to the backstage area. 
As you walked through the space, you saw the hustle and bustle that came with the post-show rush. It was fun to see, you had closed out many clubs, watching bands and roadies break down, but to see it at this extent was infinitely more fascinating. 
Jeff stopped in front of a closed door, a sign with Harry’s name hanging on the front. He opened the door and signaled with his hand for you to walk in. As your eyes traveled the space, you noticed a couch, across from a mirrored counter and directors chair. A large wardrobe was set up against the wall. You were in Harry’s dressing room. 
“He’s just taking care of a couple of things. Make yourself comfortable, and he’ll be right in.” Jeff said with a smile before leaving you alone. 
In Harry Styles’s dressing room. 
You step over to the wardrobe, looking through the outfits, admiring the sparkle and flair of his stage clothes. You realized you’d probably look creepy if he walked in and saw you going through his clothes, so you moved to the couch, taking a seat and fiddling with the feathers that adorned your shoulders, thanks to Harry. 
The sound of the door opening pulled your attention, and you stood to your spot on the couch, taking a deep breath as Harry stepped over the threshold. His eyes caught yours instantly, and his smile widened. 
Once the door was closed, he stepped up to you. “I knew it.” You give him a confused look. “The black definitely suits you.” He grabs the ends of the boa, wiggling them back and forth. You chuckle, and swat his hands away. 
His eyes meet yours again. “So, what did you think of the show?”
You purse your lips, raising an eyebrow pretending to be deep in thought. “I definitely got my money’s worth.” You joke. 
Harry furrows his brow. “But you didn’t pay any money.” 
“I know,” you smirk. 
“Just as cheeky as this morning.” He chuckles. 
“It was an amazing show, Harry. I was truly blown away. Thank you so much for the invitation.” 
“Thank you so much for coming. I wasn’t sure you would.” 
There was a brief silence as you stared into each other’s eyes. You felt an electricity between you two, but you brushed it off as post-show adrenaline. 
“I should probably go, I’m sure you’ve g-”
“No,” Harry interrupted you. “I’d like you to stay, if you can.” He looked at you with hopeful eyes.
You had told yourself that you would need to kill time to avoid crowds on the train. “Well, I suppose sitting backstage with an international superstar beats drinking alone at Banners.” You shrug. 
“Do you want a drink? I can get you a drink.” Harry offered. 
You chuckled at how quickly the words spilled out of him. If it had been anyone else, you would have thought it was out of nerves, or desperation to keep you there. “I’m good. The drink was just to kill time, I can just kill time talking to you instead.” 
Harry wiped an imaginary tear from his eye and pouted at you. “That may be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” You laughed, and he smiled. “You have a lovely laugh.” He said, his expression turning more serious. 
“Oh… uh thanks.” You mumble, taken off guard by the earnest comment. 
“Wait right here,” he placed his hands on your shoulders as if to lock you into your spot. “I’m just going to run and change real quick.” He grabbed a pile of clothes off the counter and moved toward the bathroom. He paused in the doorway and turned back around to face you. “Seriously, I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” 
You dropped your hands to your side, standing perfectly straight and nodding your head solemnly. He smiled and shook his head before stepping into the bathroom. 
“What do we think?” He stepped out of the bathroom with a flourish, showing off his hoodie and sweatpants. He spun around before hitting a pose, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You chuckled and applauded. “Very nice. Soooo haute couture.” 
Harry joined in the laughter and led you to the couch. You took a seat on one end, and Harry took a seat beside you, your thighs grazing ever so slightly. The contact sending a shiver up your spine. 
“So, you enjoyed the show?” 
“Ahh, that’s why you asked me to stay.” You nodded expectantly. “You needed someone to tell you how amazing you are.” 
“No, no no no, I swear!” He insisted. Pausing with an arched brow. “Wait, you think I’m amazing?” 
“Ugh,” you groaned, rolling your eyes.
“Sorry, sorry,” he apologized. “Honestly, I just wanted to talk. Maybe get to know you a little.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Me? But why?”
Harry shrugged. “I don’t know, I saw you this morning, you were dressed all proper and business-like, but then I saw that,” he tapped your lip ring. “And I just said to myself ‘I need to know her’.” 
You feel that familiar heat rush your cheeks again and you drop your gaze, staring at your hands, which were sitting in your lap.
“So far, I know that you have an impeccable fashion sense, and you're quite adorable when you blush.” He leans to the side, bumping his shoulder against yours. “But I know there’s more in there, and I plan on finding it.” 
Your nerves are at an all time high, you don’t understand why he’s so desperate to know you. You’re nobody. But you feel strangely at ease, like you want to open up to him. The two of you talk for hours, though it seems like no time has passed. You talk about your families, you tell him about your job, and your hobbies.
“Wait a minute,” he stops you as you’re telling him about the dance studio you’ve been attending since you were three. “You’ve been taking dance lessons for nearly thirty years and all you did out there tonight was nod your head politely?” 
“I don’t dance,” you shrug. 
He looked at you curiously. “So you’ve just been going to this studio for thirty years to press play on music so other people can dance?” 
“No, I mean I don’t like,” you wave your hand trying to come up with the words. “When there’s choreography, I’m fine. If you just play music and tell me to dance, it’s not going to happen.” 
Harry smirked. “I’m going to take that as a personal challenge.” You roll your eyes, but deep down, his words excite you. “So, if you go to a wedding or something, you don’t dance?” You shake your head. “Not even a slow dance?” 
“No, I like to slow dance. My last boyfriend, whenever we went to a wedding, he would allow me one slow dance.” 
Harry furrowed his brow in confusion. “Only one? He didn’t want to take every possible opportunity to hold you as close as possible?” His tone had darkened, almost as if he were picturing the two of you pressed together. His words definitely made you think about it. 
“Nope, guess not. Probably one of the reasons we broke up.” You shrug. 
He could tell that bringing up your ex made you uncomfortable, so he quickly redirected. “So do you ever do the choreographed dancing in public?”
“Yeah, we uh… I have a dance recital every May. But my mom’s the only one that I ever let come.” 
One thing Harry noticed as he got to know you was that you seemed to keep most people at a distance, you put up walls. He could see it in the way you spoke with him. You used humor and sarcasm to avoid letting people in. Harry included. But he was determined to knock that wall down. 
As you two continued to talk, he would intently to everything you said, asking questions to get as much information as he possibly could. 
You eventually ended up talking about music, you told him about the artists you listen to, the ones that everyone knows you listen to, you had also mentioned that you had a sizable collection of guilty pleasures that you kept to yourself. 
“Okay, so tell me one artist on your guilty pleasure list.” Harry goaded.
“Yeah right!” She scoffed. “I just met you.” 
“C’mon pleeeeeaaaaaasssseee,” he begged, widening his eyes and giving you a childlike grin. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his desperation. 
“Fine,” you acquiesce. “But just one.”
He smirks with excitement, reaching for his water bottle and raising it to his lips as he watched you intently.  
“Harry. Styles.”
Harry chokes on his sip of water, covering his mouth with his hand to stop himself from spitting all over you. Your eyes go wide, afraid you may have just killed an international pop sensation. You pat his back as he coughs more. 
“Jeeze, I’m sorry,” you say in a panic. “It wasn’t even that funny!” 
He waves his hand in front of his face as the coughing subsides. “I’m fine, I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting that.” He said, his voice raspy. You imagine that’s how he would sound first thing in the morning. You quickly shook off the impossible thought, and turned your attention back to him. “So, if I’m one of your guilty pleasures,” he enunciated the term and winked at you. “Does that mean you’re not going to tell anyone about tonight?” 
“Like anyone would even believe me,” you scoffed. 
“We can make sure they do.” He holds his hand out. “Phone, please.” 
You look at him curiously, but hand over your phone as requested. He swipes up, quickly turning the screen to face you. Once your FaceID registers and the phone unlocks, he taps the camera icon and holds the phone up. 
His free arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you close. You inhale his scent and sigh, even though he just spent an hour sweating onstage, he smelled amazing. You wanted to make that scent into a candle. He pressed his cheek against yours. “Smile!” He said, displaying that wide, childlike smile once again before snapping a picture of the two of you. 
When he was done taking the picture, he pulled away. You were so disappointed in the lack of contact that you didn’t notice Harry tapping away at your phone. 
“There,” Harry’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked down, and he was handing your phone back. “Not only do you now have your very own Harry selfie, but I texted it to myself, so now we have each other’s numbers.” 
You smile at him, okay he’s definitely hitting on you. How did you even get here? You look down at the phone and your eyes go wide. “Shit!” 
“Are you alright? If you don’t want my number you can delete it I-” 
“No, sorry.” You interrupted him, you definitely wanted his number. You’d never have the guts to actually use it, but it would be nice to look at to remember tonight. “I just realized the time. I missed the last train! Shit, I’m going to have to take an Uber back to my car.”
“No you won’t,” Harry placed an arm on your shoulder to calm you down, it worked. “I have a car to take me to the hotel. We can just take a little detour and bring you to your car.” 
“But it’s so out of the way for you, I don’t want to put you out.”
“Nonsense.” He stood, extending a hand to help you off the couch. When you placed your hand in his, a spark of electricity ran through you. It was as if your hands were made to fit together. 
“Well, thanks.” You shrug, looking down and realizing you’re still wearing the boa. “Oh here, this is yours.” You place your hands on either side, but Harry’s hands are on yours before you can lift it off. 
“Keep it,” he smiled. “It looks better on you anyway.” 
Your eyes drop to the ground again, Harry places his index finger under your chin lifting your gaze to meet his. “You look down too much, Y/N. Your eyes are too beautiful to hide from the world.” 
You saw his eyes flicker down to your lips briefly, causing your breath to hitch. A knock on the door startled you apart. “H, the venue is kicking us out. We’ve gotta go.” 
Harry opens the door, holding it for you, he bows to you and signals out the door. “M’lady.” You step out of the dressing room and into the hallway. 
You spent the thirty minute ride to your car chatting away with Harry in the back of the SVU that had been hired to chauffeur him around. It was almost three in the morning, you knew you should be tired, but you didn’t feel it at all. You were just savoring every second you got to spend with Harry. 
You arrived at the parking garage that housed your car, the SUV pulled up to the gate. You took a deep breath and turned to Harry. “Well, thanks again.” You began the goodbye you had dreaded since the second he stepped into the dressing room. 
“Nope, not done yet.” He shook his head. “What kind of gentleman would I be to let a lady wander a dark parking garage at all hours of the morning?” He hopped out of the car and ran around, opening your door for you. 
You stepped out, and he walked with you into the payment vestibule. You pull the ticket from your wallet and hand it to the attendant. You notice Harry reaching for something out of the corner of your eye. 
“Eight fifty,” the attendant announces. 
You reach into your wallet, but Harry beats you to it, handing over his credit card. 
“Harry, what are you-”
“I invited you out, you shouldn’t have to pay for a thing.” He said as he signed the receipt and returned the card to his wallet. 
“Okay, but I did have to pay for my train ride.” 
“I guess I owe you, then,” he smirked as he led you into the garage. 
You lead him to your car, clicking on the key to unlock it. “That’s me.” You stand by the driver’s side door, Harry comes up beside you, placing one hand on the window and leaning down to stare into your eyes. “I had a lot of fun tonight Harry, really. Thank you so much.”
“The pleasure was all mine,” he smiled. Then his face started moving closer to yours.
Your nerves got the best of you, and you pulled your head back. “Wha- what are you doing?” You stutter. 
“I’m kissing you.” He responds simply. 
“Because you’re beautiful, and I really enjoyed getting to know you tonight.” He studied your face. He looked so deeply into your eyes that you swore he was looking straight into your soul. “And if we’re being honest, I think you want to kiss me too.” 
“But I… what… I…”
“Y/N, do you want to kiss me?” He asks.
“Yes, very much I do.” You nod.
“Then stop overthinking it, and let it happen.” 
While still leaning on the car with one hand, the other reached up and cupped your cheek. You shivered slightly, you couldn’t tell if it was from the cold metal of his rings against your face, or the intensity of the moment, Maybe both. 
Finally, his lips met yours. The kiss was tentative at first, but as your hands wrapped around his neck, you felt his tongue slide across the seam of your lips, pausing to play with the lip ring on your left side. You quickly granted him access. Your tongues took a moment, slowly exploring each other’s mouths. 
This was something you had both thought about since you first locked eyes this morning, and you wished it would never end. Unfortunately, after a few moments, you pull apart for air. Your eyes remained closed as your foreheads pressed together, his hand still cupping your cheek. 
“Wow,” you breathed out. 
“Yeah, definitely wow.” He said with a chuckle. 
“Goodnight, Harry.” 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” His thumb stroked your jawline softly. “You have my number, please use it?” 
You nod, so overwhelmed by the moment that you were unable to speak. Reluctantly, he steps back. You sigh, instantly missing the warmth of his body against yours. He places his hand on the door handle, opening it for you.
You get into the car and buckle your seatbelt as he closes the door. You start the car and put it in reverse. Harry backs away, smiling at you softly. Before you can take your foot off the break, you come up with a way to spend another few moments with him. It’s not much, but you’ll take all the time you can get. You roll down the window and he looks at you curiously. 
“You know, it’s late. You probably shouldn’t just be wandering around a dark parking garage by yourself.” You say, followed by the clicking of the door locks. “Get in, I’ll drive you back to your car.” 
Harry smiles, that smile. At that moment you realize just how much trouble you’re in. When he smiles at you like that, you are  putty in his hands. He runs around to the passengers side and hops in. 
“Drive slow.” He says as he closes the door. 
You chuckle and back out of your parking spot. As your car moves at a crawl through the garage, you notice out of the corner of your eye that Harry’s gaze never leaves your face, 
“What are you even looking at?” You ask. 
“You have a lovely profile.” He sees your face scrunch at the compliment. “I mean it,” he laughs defensively. “You’ve got that cute little nose, and those pouty lips.” 
“They’re probably extra pouty right now.” You say, alluding to the kiss you two had just shared.
“Do you regret it?” 
“Not at all. You?” 
“Nope,” he pops the ‘p’ sound. “Thinking about how much I want to do it again, actually.” 
You instinctively pull your bottom lip in between your teeth as you begin to blush again.
“Mmm,” Harry groans. “You’re not playing fair, Y/N.”
As you reach the gate at the front of the garage, you scan your payment receipt. The barricade lifts and you drive out, pulling up beside Harry’s ride. 
“Well,” you sigh. “I think we’ve officially put it off as long as we can. This is where we part ways.” You turn to face him, your heart sinking at the thought of parting. 
Harry leans across the console, pulling you into another kiss. You savor every second of his lips on yours, knowing that he’s off to a new city in the morning, and you likely won’t see him again for a very long time.
You separate, and he looks deeply into your eyes again. “Get home safely, yeah?”
You nod. “You too, I mean tour safely, I guess.” You shrug, silently chiding yourself for your stupid response.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He says with a sad smile. 
“Goodnight, Harry.” Your voice is barely above a whisper as you try to control your emotions. 
You watch as he gets out of your car, and opens the backseat door of his SUV. He waves one more time before getting inside. As the car drives off, you follow behind it toward the exit. His car moves to the right lane, yours to the left, preparing to go your separate ways. You notice the back window roll down, Harry waves at you one last time as his car takes the right turn. You watch it until it is out of your sight. Once your light turns green, you put your foot on the gas and head home, returning to real life. 
Your life without Harry. 
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 6 months
*°:⋆ₓₒ day 12. corruption kink
.。❅*⋆⍋*∞*。 “not so angelic”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — ❤︎ the little angel that came down from heaven to spread the joyous spirit… surely omega won’t try anything
pairing: omega ghoul x gn!angel!reader
a/n: this one has been in the back of my mind for a while now. this one is a little more dark than the previous ones. viewer discretion is advised.
cw: nsfw content. corruption kink. dub-con. kinda primal play-idk (?). stalker omega. virginity loss. rough sex. outdoor sex. penetration. marks and hickeys. bites. slight masochism from reader.
“look at those soft, pearly wings… i bet they’d look even prettier after i fuck you up.” —❤︎
every winter season, omega finds himself trudging out of the ghoul den, unglamoured and keeping himself hidden in the shadows as he observed the joyous season of christmas.
it was a rather simple holiday to the quintessence ghoul. a time where friends and family come together to enjoy the fleeting wonders this winter holiday had to offer. chestnuts roasted over a crackling fire, accompanied by the fresh aroma of peppermint and mistletoe. omega found solace in christmas. to be able to have so much fun and create a beautiful warmth in the most dangerous season of the year. he found beauty in that.
but, all of those festivities weren’t what caught omega’s eyes about christmas.
just like how demons and ghouls roamed the blackened skies during halloween and the events of november, their counterparts descended from the heavens to help spread christmas spirit, veiled in their disguises to be sure to not give away their holy features.
you were an angel that omega just so happened to stumble upon. he watched you from the branch of a pine tree, being sure to keep himself cloaked in the darkness as he observed you jumping around happily in the snow. he’s been watching you for a while now. you didn’t know him, but you spotted him once during last year’s christmas and gave him a friendly smile— not knowing of his true demonic nature. since then, omega has been hooked. he didn’t have a definite reason on why he was so drawn to you, but the ghoul has found himself trying to find your presence, catching you doing your heavenly duties for the ones above.
omega just found you strikingly beautiful.
while he was observing you from the snowy trees, he noticed how you were frolicking around the snowflakes and singing a sweet christmas tune. how cute, you were having some time to yourself, singing childish carols, but your sweet angelic voice was beautiful enough to serenade the woodland creatures nearby. hell, it was enough to serenade omega himself. your voice was delicate, but it was laced with a certain sweetness that honeyed each word you sung.
it was such a beautiful sound.
omega couldn’t help but wonder how your voice would sound if you moaned his name.
the quintessence ghoul has taken a liking to your… innocence. you were so pure, as white as snow, just like the pearly color of your feathery angel wings, they were like a dove’s. something about that youthful purity drove his mind… crazy. the very thought of numbing your oh so innocent mind, into a broken, sex-crazed bastard was enough to get his dick hard. that just sounded so hot to him. he didn’t care if that made him a creep, he was just yearning to feel your angelic body on his corrupt, demonic one.
omega needed you. he needed to have a piece of that.
he growled lowly and licked his lips as he observed you dancing and singing. omega found himself growing more excited as he slowly got closer to you, creeping down from the branch and slowly approaching you, as you were still oblivious to the piercing slits of omega’s violet eyes staring into your form.
as you neared the end of your song, your eyes slowly opened to look up at the sky. you were about to take a deep breath in to appreciate the chilly air, but an instinctive yelp escaped your throat as you felt yourself get tackled into the snowy grass.
omega hovered over you and snarled as he stared down at you, his face filled with a tainted, greedy desire that only you could satisfy. he let out a low, husky growl and smirked.
“got you.” he teased darkly, and your eyes widened as you stared up at him.
it was a ghoul. you shouldn’t be seen with a ghoul like this— let alone any kind of demon. it was a sin. you struggled and writhed around to try and get free.
“l-let go, demon!” you shrieked, feathers ruffling as you tried to get away. “i can’t be seen with you!”
omega pouted at this. awww, were you trying to escape? too bad, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. “awh baby… don’t be like that. i promise i’m a nice demon.”
he chuckled lustfully and lowly, his pupils turning into hearts as he stared down at you, keeping you pinned to the ground. you just winced as you looked up at him, still not exactly picking up what he wants.
“w-what do you want from me..?” you squeaked out, trying not to cry from how scared you were. omega noticed the glossiness in your beautiful eyes.
fuck. that was so hot.
“you, angel.” he stated bluntly and huskily, leaning down to whisper into your ear. “i want you.”
he giggled sadistically at your shocked, almost intrigued expression as you reached to his words. you? what could he possibly want from you?
his calloused, dark claws moved to grab a chunk of soft feathers that were on your wings. your entire body jolted from the touch. ah, sensitive wings. that’s okay, it only made things more exciting for omega. he practically moaned when he caressed the softness of your wings, appreciating the delicacy that tangled between his fingers.
“look at those soft, pearly wings… i bet they’d look even prettier after i fuck you up.” he said between rugged breaths, just getting so incredibly riled up from the feeling of getting to touch you.
“you have no idea how badly i wanna fuck you right now..” omega whispered seductively into your ear, hot breath tickling your ear as you squealed. “ruin that angel body of yours… making you mine. i bet the heavens wouldn’t wanna see their precious little angel getting all fucked up by a filthy, lowly infernal now, would they?”
you squirmed again and let a few tears trickle down your cheeks as you got completely dominated by this lowly demon. you couldn’t believe it, to think that one of lucifer’s creations would be here, getting it on with you.
but fuck, the way he touched your wings… that was only the first step into numbing your mind from all of that innocence.
“p-please..” you spoke between muffled cries. “i-i just…”
what were you even trying to say? did you want this or not?
omega just narrowed his eyes down at you, before smirking, and trailing his fingers over to your pristine silky white robe.
he smirked darkly, before completely tearing off the robe in one go, creating a loud rip sound that almost felt humiliating. you gasped loudly and tried to cover yourself, the chilly winds hitting your exposed skin. omega just scoffed and grabbed your wrists, pulling them away and pinning them to the snow floor as he got an eyeful of your sexy, naked body.
“shit. you were hiding all of that this whole time?” omega chuckled, marveling at every curve and dip he saw. “this is a body that’s practically screaming to be fucked.”
his words were so dirty, you weren’t used to it. but there was this strange feeling that drew you to it, his presence, despite how much you were fighting it.
omega makes quick work of his own clothes. he uses his tail to restrain your wrists as he stripped himself of his clothes, being quick and haste, desperate to feel himself inside of you already. after a bit of fumbling, omega is now sitting naked on top of you, his hard cock leaking precum onto your stomach. he stroked himself a few times to smear the precum onto the chub and shaft of his dick, lubing himself up. without even giving you a warning, omega completely thrusted his cock into your virgin hole, making you scream from the searing feeling.
“a-aahhh!!” you shrieked, trying to hold onto the ground as omega thrusted into you wildly. “i-it hurts!! p-please it hurts!”
“you can take it.” omega grunted between thrusts, groaning loudly as he fucked you raw. he was having the time of his life right now, watching your fucked out expression as he pounded into you.
there it was, you were no longer chaste. the very heavenly principle that you valued the most. gone. and yet, you found yourself so fucking turned on by the situation. you didn’t know what it was, why the fear, the thrill, the shame of it all got you so horny. you didn’t even know what it was like to be horny until you met this demon. that feeling of pain soon melted into an intense pleasure that pooled in the core of your stomach, and your legs hooked around omega’s waist while he went to town on you.
“g-god yess! more!” you cried out, tongue lolling out of your mouth while omega hovered over you, fucking you into oblivion. he moaned loudly, and dipped his head down to mark your neck with hickeys while he pounded into you.
“there it is… there’s the slutty little angel i’ve been looking for.” omega grinned into your neck, loving the fact that you were begging for more. you’d claws dug into your thighs, creating bloody scratch marks that only made you moan louder.
you knew that you’d be instantly banished from the heavens if they ever found out about this. mingling with a demon and losing your purity, but you didn’t care, not right now at least. you felt too good, and you were breaking every rule written in the heavens book that shaped who you were. shaped you into the obedient, innocent little angel.
but this? this was not so angelic.
“f-fuck! i need to cum! i need to cum!!” you begged over and over to omega, needing a release. he just growled and bit into your skin as his thrusts got faster.
“oh yeah? you need to cum?” he grunted out, his cock hitting all of the right spots inside of you as he fucked you into the snow. it was like the sheer cold didn’t even matter, because he was fucking you so good that it was warning you up.
“cum for me, angel. show the gods what i can do to their precious angels.”
that line just does it for you. you whined loudly and came hard with a whimper, body spasming wildly as your cum creamed omega’s cock. the quintessence ghoul also groaned loudly and came deep within you, his hot cum filling your insides up completely.
omega sighed heavily and stayed inside of you, watching your form pant heavily and trying to register what happened.
you… you just had sex with a demon.
you didn’t even have the time to properly register what happened, because omega started thrusting again, making you cry out loudly. this was just the start.
omega gritted his teeth and spoke to you in a sultry, lusty voice that you will never forget.
“you’re mine, angel. always will be. i’ll show the heavens that you belong to me, and nothing will change that. if i have to keep fucking you to show that, then so be it. i don’t want you to be bound by their petty little rules.”
he thrusted harder, and you moaned loudly.
“so… how about it? you wanna keep fucking this demon? or go back to being a little servant for some feathery pricks.”
you could only whimper and nod in response, completely consumed by this feeling. this feeling of darkness and lust that you loved to taste.
“please.. more.”
the moment you spoke those words, you felt your crystal clear angel wings, wilt into a shadowy, charcoal color.
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