#spring...trap....bear....... hm
sumirerin · 3 months
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No es la locura, 🎶 It's not madness,
En realidad es el amor! 🎶 in reality it is love!
Also thank u tumblr for decimating the quality 💀
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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五 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗦 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~ [+18] 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚐𝚊𝚛 𝙻𝚊𝚠 𝚡 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
✦ request: @jadedrrose asked: Congrats on 5.5k Sashi!! Can I request “Shivers through my spine when you whisper into my ear” with Law x fem reader? Thank you!! <3 ➜ thank you love!! hope you like what I wrote for you 💖 ✦ tw: NSFT. mdni. sex in a tent. thigh fucking. fingering. romantic. sexy ass Law whispering you as he fucks you. ✦ wc: 1k ✦ masterlist
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I have you, and you and only you. Into my arms, I have you trapped. Whispering I speak of lust, while I make you mine. oh, so mine.
Hiking has left you exhausted, but to see the sunset at the top of the world next to him was worth it. Law, who you didn’t thought could have been such an expert in camping showed you otherwise, and in just a moment he put up a big fire.
The sky tints in as many orange and lilac shades existing. Your skins bathed by the golden hour and his arms surrounds your back in loving and protecting embrace.
“It was an amazing idea, Law” you murmur, mesmerized by the beauty of the cosmic dance that precedes the night.
Law sighs in peace; after all he is now calm; “We needed some time for us, (Name)-ya”
As the sun goes finally down, hiding on its deathbed, the sound of his breathing mixes with the crackling noises of the bonfire that promises to keep you warm all night. It is, certainly, beautiful, and simple; enjoying nature and his hug can’t compare to anything else in this life.
Kisses and strong hugs come before dinner. Dinner, that you prepared with so much love in little, tiny polar bear, bento boxes.
“Onigiri, without umeboshi for my sweet love” you chime, passing the box to him.
Law smiles with his eyes, though his lips are always pressed into a fine line. Is not that he is not happy; it is just how he is.
“Thanks~” he grabs it with inked fingers that you love.
And both chat about stuff you can’t even remember; the flames that reflect on his golden eyes are enough beauty for you to be absolutely distracted. And, don’t get him wrong, it is for Law the same way.
A yawn or two coming from you alert the surgeon. “Are you tired? Let’s go to sleep” he proposes standing up and lending you his hand.
You smile. You are tired, but you don’t want this day to be over. Not yet… just, not yet.
Law helps you stand up and both get into the tent. Is not super spacious, but it is big enough to fit both of you comfortably. The many comforters make the hard floor underneath to feel like a cloud. It is perfect for sleeping… but maybe for so much more.
You take the first layer of clothing. Since spring is here, the weather isn’t as cold as before. Wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, you snuggle into your side of the “bed”.
The doctor, however, takes his time to be as unconsciously sexy as possible. He unzips his blue windbreakers and takes it out, perfectly folding it and leaving it to the side. You, giggle, since your clothes are now laying on who knows where inside that tent crunched into a ball.
Law’s arms, exposed since he is wearing a white tank top, show the hearts tattooed near his shoulders. Slightly muscular, the caramel skin makes you smirk. How hot he is, and how unbothered he seems…
Then, his spotted jeans. You act all sleepy, but with just one eye open you take a sweet look at your lover’s body dressed in just white shirt and heart pattern boxers.
You scoff, trying to keep it silent. It’s too cute to see a man covered in tattoos and piercings wearing such cute boxers.
“What?” he asks, getting into “bed” next to you. “Nothing, nothing. Cute ~” you giggle, turning around. Now your back faces him as you get ready to sleep.
Law, with blushed cheeks, stays for a few seconds staring at your nape in silence. And then passes one of his arms over your waist to hug you in a big spoon way.
You smile, his warmth is always so welcomed. Your skin is always so needy for his, and this alone can be considered heaven.
“What’s so funny, hm?” he asks, whispering right into your ear as he nuzzles into your hair.
“N- nothing… your- your boxers” you joke, enjoying his presence behind you. Feeling how he comes so close to you, pressing his own body against yours.
“Do you think they are funny, (Name)-ya? Hm? Should I take them off so that you stop laughing? Or should I make you stop laughing in any other way?” Law questions, passing his palm through your belly, down towards your core.
The way his soft, low voice sounds right in your ear, so whispery… it makes you tremble, it makes shivers run through your spine.
You take a side look at his lips from the side. So tasty they look, you want to bite them.
The tip of your tongue peaks shily through your lips, expecting your lover to trap it. But Law wants to go painfully slow tonight, to torture in the best way he knows how to… step by step, to make you beg, to make you plead for his body.
Just the tip of his tongue reaches yours, so delicately pulling backwards almost immediately. It forms a little string of saliva in between you two, and the warmth of his and yours breaths caresses your neck and shoulder.
His inked fingers search for your heat, scrutinizing the soft and hot skin as they go down. When they found your labia, they simply stay there, simply tapping over them so slowly.
You moan and arch your back a little bit. Your body, unconsciously, searches for more. And it makes Law laugh so sexily.
“Hhm… what is it? You like this, (Name)-ya? You want more?” he whispers, making you nod in response.
You move your ass side to side, grazing his growing hardness that feels so big and yet doesn’t seem to get desperate until you have summit yourself into it first.
“Oh my, so desperate… and you were laughing a second ago… you want this?” he asks, finally dipping his fingertips into your pooling wetness. He plays with your arousal, knowing exactly where your clit is, and still acting as if you didn’t deserve it to be touched.
Your pelvis moves so that his fingers can finally touch your special spot, while your hand traps his, so it doesn’t move an inch from your sex. “Touch me, don’t make me wait no more…”
You rip yet another laughter from him. And it’s rare, but it’s always during these situations where he does it the most. And Lord, nothing sounds better than his whispery giggles.
“Desperate, (Name)-ya. You are desperate. You are such a sweet slut for me ~” he purrs, biting your shoulder while finally penetrating you with one and then two fingers.
Beckoning motions have you mercilessly falling into his hands, turning you into a total slave of his desires. Your moans are louder, and they mix with the sounds of the mountain outside. Where you can only hear crickets, frogs, and wind now the melody is complete with the symphony of your whines.
Law’s free hand reaches for your breast, squeezing and pumping. It accompanies the way his fingers do magic with your sex. His lips that barely graze your skin open, as he himself gropes against your ass in search for some relief.
“I want your cock in between my thighs…” you barely manage to ask. “Ugh- yes” he finally says, giving up control to let the warmth inside of your legs to receive his sex.
You trap his shaft so close to your sex with your legs, allowing enough space for him to move back and forth. It sprouts transparent arousal that wets your skin and mix with your already dripping ones. And it’s such a mess, and his whispery moans sound so good.  
“Fuck me…” “Lift your leg, let me fuck you...”
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freedomarrow · 10 months
Get Me off of Naga's Wild Ride (SV Aed)
post-chatplay drabble for arrival in Aed
Sun’s scorch falls upon him as he wakes, his arm wandering upwards to shield his eyes from the light before he can force them open. Sand and rock beneath him, sand and rock around him, pieces of wood, pieces of the ship, the sound of waves crashing against the shore;
right, he remembers now. They shipwrecked.
He gathers his strength and forces himself upwards. His body aches, likely from the impact, but he does not feel any serious injuries on his person. He will be fine. There are more important matters to take care of. Behind him, he can already hear voices – some of them raised; he gathers himself and his belongings and walks over to the group, his mind already analyzing some things they have said – and already disagreeing with some of them.
Sara wishes to go to the shrine, wherever that is, and Leonardo winces as he turns to her. “I think it's best if you don't wander off on your own. Even if you know the place, you don't know exactly the situation that we're dealing with here.” A pause. “At least, I am assuming you would have told us precisely what's going on if you did.”
He sighs, looking around and racking his brain to think of the next course of action. Something draws his attention in between the nearby cliffs. “... Let's gather whatever items of ours we find, and get going. We cannot stay out in the desert sun for too long.” He jerks his head in the direction he was looking at. “I spotted a road... of sorts, leading through there. It looks like it was used by people to travel through at one point. We could head inland through there, and maybe we'll encounter some civilization…”
A few voices agree with his idea. A few others, still voice doubts, either related to what he said,
Squabbling dogs, the lot of you!
Michalis' thundering voice reaches them, and Leonardo goes stiff on the spot. That is the voice of a general – a leader of men – a person he should not question – but he tries to gather his bearings. No – not here, not now, they need to make a decision…
Still, once he speaks again, his voice is quieter than before. “A river or at least a spring would be a good source of water – and I believe it will be easier to find among the cliffs. For food, if there are any animals at all in the area, I have bows and arrows, and experience with hunting...”
“...As Lady Ayra herself said... we don't know how far the borders of Thracia and Isaach are. We could end up wandering for days... and that would probably be the end of us.” His eyes wander towards the cliffs again, and the rough, but still possible to make out road leading through them. “I really think it would be best to take the path we can see humans have gone before…”
Why is it such an odd concept, he thinks to himself as his eyes briefly meet Sara’s when she voices her protests again, that he does not want to walk directly into a trap? Are things that messed up around here? “I'm against splitting up. If I go with one group and Arval with the other, we can send flaming arrow and spell signals between groups, but still, we will at some point run out of range. I'd rather not fragment us more than we've already been fragmented...”
Discussion goes on, even livelier than before. They should really move to the shade before continuing this, the thought lingers on his mind, as he casts a glance towards the cliffs again; but he is broken out of those thoughts by the same commanding voice as before – this time, addressing him personally.
“… You have armed yourself as if you should possess a keen eye. Do you? A hunter's prowess, hm?”
“I may be young, but I am an experienced archer already,” he nods. That much, he can say calmly, without lying, no matter who speaks to him and how. “And I would certainly say I have very good eyes, yes. I normally avoid praising myself, but that I can say with confidence.”
“And your memory? Should we venture inland and grow lost, would you recall our passed-by landmarks? Or would it be folly to entrust to you any sense of direction?”
“I... may not look like it, but I have survived in the wilderness for multiple days before. Tracking and remembering landmarks and the way I've traversed is no issue for me.”
“Then my vote is cast inland, but if you should falter, you will rue it.”
The tone of voice and the content of Michalis’ words combined prompt a small flinch from Leonardo, but he tries not to show it, only nodding. “... I will not fail us. I swear it.” If he wanted to say any more, it is interrupted as Caspar comes over to him and whispers – if one could call it a whisper at all, given it was more than loud enough for everyone to hear it.
“Dude...is he threatening us?”
“It's-?!” Yune’s feathers, he wants out of here already. “No. It's fine. We need to get moving soon…”
And yet, instead, an argument erupts anew, this time over the threat Michalis voiced towards him. Leonardo can only shake his head, it’s fine, I didn’t take it personally, really, but any protest he himself would want to voice dies in his throat. Sara protests, too, still insistent on the shrine while unable to prove that it is a safe destination, and yet frustrated they would not follow her, and he cannot help but hold himself back from asking her to just make sense, but he does not want to perpetuate the conflict even further.
It eventually subsides through a means simple but effective – whether this was a show of initiative or lost patience, Lady Ayra finally leaves, simply as that, towards the caves beneath the cliffs. “Lady Ayra,” Leonardo begins, but stops right there, freezing – before sighing and following her.
Their arrival to Jugdral could have gone better. Of that he has no doubt. Hopefully they can pick things up from here...
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nekobakaz · 3 years
Meet my Characters
at least, my RPG characters. Well, the ones I love to play the most.
Sparky, the Kender Sorcerer (originally DnD 3.5): my first character, Sparky Catt is a kender that was raised by humans after being found floating in the river. She has memory problems, suspected from hitting her head while in the river as a babe. She... she managed to find a portion of the Deck of Many Things and level up a couple times beyond the rest of the party. She is said to be "a great smitter of justice" which is hilarious cause kenders are chaotic. I've ported her to Pathfinder and 5e games. (general hiatus)
Fluffy, the snowman Paladin (a la Marshmallow from Frozen). We have a Disney Frozen 5e game. Fluffy is one of the baby snowman from Spring Fever. She uses whatever pronouns, because "water is fluid", and her war cry is "FOR MOMMY!!!" The party had a discussion at one point on whether Fluffy counts as a princess (it was decided that no, while recognized as creations/children of Elsa, the snow constructs are not in line for the throne, and thus are not royalty). When our usual Party Face is not there, FLUFFY is the Face of the party. And she... doesn't quite understand how money works. (general hiatus)
Orsolya "Ula" Dovkin is... a bear. An albino Asian Black Bear, specifically. This is what our group calls the Eshia campaign, a complete 5e homebrew that's anthropomorphic. So yeah, albino black bear fighter. Who was raised by elephant monks and is actually kinda smart, yet has yet to clue in that she's a Prophet (everyone else knows; she has monks and priests following her around, but nope, doesn't notice). Also, she LOVES noodles. (and yes, I did name her "bear" multiple times) (general hiatus)
Cordelia Clanofnone, esq, Tempest Cleric and Champion of Kord. So, she's my first character for "the evil campaign". I was literally asked to join the game the night before because they needed a tank/healer to keep the sorcerer alive. So I threw Cordelia together. She's a hill dwarf who grew up in an orphanage (... are you seeing a trend?) who then ran off to become a sailor and see the world. And then Kord was like "hey, I want you to be my cleric," and she was "ah FUCK!!!" She and Kord have an interesting relationship. and she's a terrible cleric. But somehow is his champion. she hates it. (retired)
Janna Howard, necromancer of little infamy. My second character for the evil campaign. We got a few more tank characters into the game, so my DM let me pull Cordelia out and bring in Janna. Janna is inspired by Johannes Cabal, a character and series by Jonathan L Howard. She's an aasimar who was SUPPOSED to become a cleric, but decided to write a thesis instead. And murder her way to her research materials. Janna does things like burn down fake libraries, summon Orcus to call him a bitch, murder whole cults (for their books), steal from incubi, and trap her angelic guide into an amulet. She may or may not have accidentally endeared herself to Lolth. Most of the time I play her, I'm sipping tea and making judgmental comments in my notebook. (hiatus due to baby)
Feri identifies as a Murder Cupcake. She's my current Vampire the Masquerade LARP character (Sabbat setting). She's a Brujah brawler with amnesia, whose memory starts ~100 years ago and doesn't remember being human at all. She's strong, she's sweet and social, and she's not very smart. However, she's literally walked across an underworld (sort of, she was carried for a bit) and back into the material plane. Her interests are pretty pink (lolita) dresses, and M U R D E R. Her current pack is Les Fées Vertes, which is... mostly Toreador, so it's very pretty. For a while, Feri was the only girl, so I joked that she had a boy band. Hm, and Feri tends to assign a familial relationship title to packmates and... pretty much everyone who isn't "meat." (pandemic hiatus)
Kwami, Lashunta Solarian. Starfinder game. Okay, she doesn't have much personality. But she's the only melee fighter in a party of ranged fighters and spellcasters, so she's fun. Also, she's a solarian, so she gets a star sword :) (general hiatus)
MYSELF. We're playing an isekai version of Curse of Strahd. So, we're basing our initial class and race on one of those personality quizzes. We point-bought our status "so the module has a chance to kill us." We have made. So. Many. Jokes. Including the fact that we're mostly spellcasters wielding staffs, so we should challenge Strahd to Quidditch. *I* am playing a Divine Soul Human (variant) Sorcerer/Paladin. And like most of our party, I'm Chaotic Good. Yes, I've almost died several times. Usually my own fault. There were shinies.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. bonus! azula returns
(Y/N) was happy in her life. Being married to Zuko was better than she could have ever imagined. His stoic expression as Fire Lord faded away as soon as they were in private. She saw her friends as often as their schedules would allow, and enjoyed sitting at Zuko’s side in the throne room. But sometimes, she felt trapped within the palace walls. When she was young, she traveled the world. Now, the only time she traveled was for diplomatic affairs. She loved her life, but sometimes she longed for a new adventure. These were leftover feelings from her teenage life, it was obvious. She was an adult now, with adult responsibilities.
“Mommy?” A tiny voice called out. 
Responsibilities like the baby girl at the edge of her bed. It was early in the morning, around the time that she would normally wake up. (Y/N) slid out from underneath Zuko’s arms to look at her daughter. The three year old clutched a stuffed platybus bear that Iroh had given her for her last birthday. (Y/N) smiled at her little girl. “Hi, little blossom,” She whispered as she picked up Izumi and placed her in the bed between her and Zuko. She made herself comfortable in the plush sheets as she stared up at her mother. “How did you sleep?” 
“Good,” Izumi played with the bill of her platybus bear. “Daddy?” 
Zuko turned over and wrapped his arm around his child. She giggled as he peppered her face with kisses. “Good morning, Princess,” He said with a smile. His voice was husky from sleep, his eyes barely able to open in the morning light. (Y/N) leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“What’s your plan today?” Zuko asked as Izumi cuddled himself into his arms. (Y/N) shrugged. 
“I was thinking about maybe going on a picnic?” She looked at Zuko hopefully, but his sad expression made her pout. 
“I’ve got back to back meetings today. And tomorrow.” 
“And the day after that and for the rest of time,” (Y/N) said with a playful roll of her eyes. “I’d really like to get out of the palace for the day. Izumi, would you like to go on a picnic with Mommy?” 
“Icknick!” The little girl cheered, a bright smile on her features. 
“Where will you go?” Zuko asked. 
“I think I’ll take her to the hot springs behind the palace. It’s really beautiful this time of year.” 
Zuko exhaled. He grabbed (Y/N’s) hands and began playing with her fingers. “I wish I could go with you. Can I send some guards with you?” (Y/N) scoffed. 
“I’m pretty sure I can protect myself.” 
“Mommy firebend,” Izumi said to her father matter-of-factly. Zuko chuckled. 
“Mommy does it best,” Zuko agreed. (Y/N) smiled and took her daughter into her arms, sliding out of bed. 
“We’ll be back before dinner time,” She assured her husband as she kissed him. She left the room to get Izumi dressed. “Don’t go starting any wars,” She called to her husband from the hallway. 
“Very funny!” 
The hot springs were in a wooded area behind the palace, accessed only by a cobblestone path leading from the turtle duck pond. (Y/N) and Izumi walked together, both with a hand on the handle of the picnic basket. Izumi’s platybus bear toy dragged behind her on the ground. 
The hot spring steamed and bubbled in a stone pond. (Y/N) had grown up visiting it occasionally. She, Zuko, and Azula would take turns seeing who could last longest in the boiling water. Firebenders could withstand some of the highest heats, but Azula always won out in the end. 
(Y/N) shook her head to make the thought go away. It was hard, sometimes, to be in the palace. Memories popped back up without warning. And despite everything that had happened, sometimes she found herself missing her. She shoved it down as far as she could, but it still crawled up inside of her at the moments she least expected it. Like today. 
So she focused her attention on Izumi. She unfurled the picnic blanket and set the food the servants had prepared for them. Izumi ate sandwiches in the shapes of stars and moons. It was something the servants liked to do for her. She was the sweetest child the palace had seen in years. 
(Y/N) ate her sandwich and moved onto dessert: fruit tarts. She gave Izumi a tiny piece. “Did you know that these are how Daddy and I met?” 
Izumi took the piece between two fingers curiously. “Fuit dart,” She whispered to herself. (Y/N) smiled. 
“Yeah, fuit dart.” She gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead. 
Once they had finished eating, (Y/N) let Izumi run around while she basked in the sunlight. Like most firebenders, it revitalized her. It made her feel new again. She closed her eyes and tilted her face up to feel its warmth. 
“Swim!” Her eyes opened again to see Izumi standing at the edge of the hot spring. (Y/N) shook her head. 
“No, Izumi, we aren’t swimming today.” 
“Swim!” Izumi said again, stamping her foot on the ground. 
“I said no, Izumi.” The little girl began to cry. (Y/N) stood immediately and took her daughter into her arms, shushing her to calm her. She bounced around on her feet to soothe her. 
“Poor girl. She’s a princess, she should do what she wants.” 
(Y/N) felt her blood run cold. She clutched Izumi tightly and it was as if the little girl sensed her mother’s fear, because her cries fell into small shakes of her body as she recovered. (Y/N) turned around and found the last person she wanted to see at that moment. 
“Azula.” She set her jaw. She felt anger swell inside of her. Azula stared at her smugly. They hadn’t seen each other since she and Zuko had left ot find their mother. Azula had escaped from him and spent years on the run. (Y/N) had heard rumors of Azula gathering subjects for her cause, but what that cause was, she had no idea. 
“I see you’re not without any guards. Very irresponsible of Zuzu, don’t you think?” 
“I can handle myself. Or did you forget about our Agni Kai?” 
She watched Azula’s eye twitch, ever so slightly. “A stroke of luck on your part. I’d be happy to go again. Or perhaps little Izumi would like to try her hand at firebending?” 
(Y/N) held her daughter closer to her. “I’m only teasing. I know she can’t firebend.” 
“What are you doing here, Azula?” 
“It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other, wouldn’t you agree?” 
(Y/N) had to admit that she was scared. She was here, alone, with her daughter and Azula. Even if she fought Azula, Izumi was too small to know that she should stay out of the way of the flames. (Y/N) thought she had been angry when Azula hurt Zuko, but if she hurt Izumi...
Azula sighed and rolled her eyes. “I’m here because I wanted to see her. It hurts, not being invited to the wedding, but it hurt more not being told I had a niece.” 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows. “You wanted to see her?” 
“Yes, (Y/N), is that so hard to believe?”
“It is, Azula, considering our history.” Azula scoffed, flicking her hair over her shoulder. 
“I’ve never lied to you.” 
“You’re lying right now!” 
Azula sighed, reaching into her pocket. She pulled out the crown worn by the crown princess of the Fire Nation. She extended her arm out to (Y/N) in offering. “I brought this for her.” 
Cautiously, (Y/N) crept forward to take the crown from Azula’s hand. She put it in the pocket of her robes. She wasn’t sure if Azula was above lacing things with poison. 
“Motherhood has made you overly cautious.” 
“No, I think it was my childhood friends trying to kill me.” 
“You forgave Zuko. Why can’t you forgive me?” 
(Y/N) opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn’t. She found herself at a loss for words. How could she explain to Azula that the things she had done were unforgivable.
“You tried to kill me, Azula. You tried to kill the people I love.” 
“And why wasn’t I one of those people, hm?” Azula snapped. “Every single day you chose someone else over me. First it was Zuko. Then it was the Avatar and his friends.” 
“I never chose anyone over you, Azula. You chose the Fire Nation.” 
“And you betrayed me!” Azula’s eyes danced with anger. (Y/N) swallowed the lump in her throat. Izumi held on tightly to her mother’s robes. 
“I didn’t betray you, Azula. I never wanted to leave you. Your father forced my family to leave. And then I saw the horrible things our nation was doing to people. Everything we had ever believed was a lie.” 
Azula’s eyes brimmed with tears. She wasn’t sure how to feel. She had seen (Y/N) and Izumi alone and her first instinct was to talk to them. She hadn’t planned this far ahead. 
“I never wanted to leave you,” (Y/N) said again. “But you did some horrible things.” 
“You think I’m a monster, just like everyone else.” (Y/N) shook her head. 
“I don’t think you’re a monster. I think you were confused and had no one to be there for you. You are one of the people I love, Azula. You’re just lost.” 
“Don’t throw that word around like that?” (Y/N) stared at her in confusion. “Love. You don’t love me, (Y/N), I love you.” 
“I love you! I’ve loved you since we were children and you never saw it, you never realized. You were too focused on Zuko to even give me the time of day.” 
(Y/N) looked at the ground. “I never knew.” She said quietly. 
“I know. So believe me when I say that the only reason I am here is for Izumi. I just wanted to see her.” 
(Y/N) looked back up to see Azula’s face. She was an excellent liar, but (Y/N’s) heart told her that she was telling the truth. About everything. So she took a step forward until they were arm’s length away. 
“Izumi,” She said to her daughter. “This is Aunt Azula. Can you say Azula?” 
Izumi stared shyly at her aunt. “Zula,” She said quietly. (Y/N) watched as Azula broke into a genuine smile, her eyes watering. 
“Hello, little princess.” Hesitantly, she reached out to touch Izumi. Her small palm wrapped against Azula’s finger. 
“Zula,” Izumi said again, quite seriously. 
(Y/N) looked at the sky to see the sun was beginning to set. She turned back to Azula. “Zuko will be expecting us soon.” 
“Don’t tell him,” Azula stared into (Y/N’s) eyes. 
“I won’t. I promise.” 
(Y/N) and Izumi returned to the palace a little before dinner. They found Zuko in the throne room, his presence full of advisors. He dismissed them as soon as he saw his wife and daughter. 
Izumi giggled as she ran up to her father. She jumped into his arms and he lifted her high above her head. “How was your picnic?” 
“Very good,” (Y/N) said, the smile on her lips tight. Zuko stared at her for a moment, but decided to let it go. Perhaps Izumi had been difficult today. 
“Zula!” Izumi said happily. (Y/N’s) stomach dropped. “Zula! Zula!”
“What’s she saying?” 
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
Aggressive Negotiations (part one)-- Anakin Skywalker x fem reader
Okay so I’ve gotten a lot of requests for Anakin seeing reader dressed up for the first time, and I also got a “stuck-in-the-closet” trope, and a “handcuffed-together” trope, so I thought I’d knock out three birds with one stone and just combine them all. Enjoy ;)
(Ps I hope you all don’t mind that I always make reader a non-jedi? Idk I just prefer it when they both have their own strengths.)
Read it on ao3
Wc: 2.6k
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The thin material of the dress stuck to your legs, and you tugged it down self-consciously. Fancy red dresses were not your usual cup of tea, but tonight you had a mission, and the entirety of it depended on your ability to seduce the Prince of Krygo.
For once, you wished Anakin had failed at a mission. He had been sent before you to drive Separatist forces away from Kygo before they could take over the rich mining planet, and had succeeded in not only that, but saving the Prince’s life. Of course, this meant a banquet of celebration was to be held, with Anakin as the guest of honor. 
Then, rumors of Count Dooku’s presence at the ball were revealed, which is where you came in. Anakin could not get the information alone-- he needed a more… direct source to the knowledge, one where the Prince would have his guard down and he’d be completely open to divulging important information. The Council was obviously “under-the-table” about suggesting you fill this role, and still won’t explicitly tell you what they suggest you do. But you got the idea. 
Not that it made you uncomfortable. You were perfectly fine with exploiting a man’s weaknesses for your own good-- in the most respectful way possible. It was mostly the fact that it was Anakin who would be by your side tonight, and it was also Anakin who was your secret lover, and Anakin who had a bad habit of becoming possessive and jealous whenever he felt like his attachment to you became threatened. Therefore, you had to have a talk with him before all this.
“Anakin, sweetie, baby, my love,”
“Pookie pie. Boo bear. Apple of my eye.”
“Yes, Y/n. Cut it out with nicknames.”
You leaned over the couch where he was sitting and reading his war reports, looking at him sideways. “You know I love you, right?”
“I do...” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Then you know that whatever happens at the ball, between me and the Prince, it means nothing.”
“What are you planning on doing, exactly?”
Now he was sitting up, alarmed. You hugged his head to your chest, kissing his cheek from behind to try and diffuse the situation.
“Nothing too elaborate. Just get him in a position where he has no choice but to tell me where and why he’s hiding Count Dooku.”
“I don’t like what you’re implying.”
“It’s nothing like that, Ani. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“But he might.”
“I won’t let it get that far.”
“You’d be surprised how hard it is to control someone in a situation like that.”
“You speak from experience?”
“No-- no of course not. I just don’t want you to be in that position.”
“Anakin, I know how to handle myself.”
He was rigid beneath your arms, quiet.
“This wasn’t supposed to be that elaborate.”
You drew patterns into the leather armor over his chest, as if you could draw the stress out through your fingertips.
“It’s not. I just thought I’d warn you, in case you see something you don’t like. I don’t want you to think I enjoy his presence, or him. I love you, and that’s all that matters at the end of the mission. Okay?”
“I still don’t like this,” he sighed, finally relaxing back into your arms. “But I trust you.”
“Thank you,” you kissed the top of his head, inhaling his scent. You could feel his unease, but both of you knew there was nothing you could really do to help the situation. You had to get the information out of the Prince, and he was notorious for favoring human women like you. The setup was perfect-- all you had to do was lure him in, set the trap, and then spring when the moment was right. You both knew you had it all under control, even if it did make Anakin nervous.
The one thing you didn’t really think about before agreeing to this, however, was the fact that you would have to dress up. Like… dress up, dress up. It was a formal ball, which meant the ladies had to wear gowns and men had to wear suits. You didn’t know much about fashion, and what was expected for this ball specifically, nor did you even own anything fancy enough to wear. So you went to Padme, who more than gladly lent you a dress that was both elegant and sexy… more so than was probably appropriate.
It was a necessary evil.
Step one was getting the dress, and that part was over. Now began the more difficult phase of the mission: actually putting on the dress and becoming that seductress, even though you had never really done anything like this before. Even more nerve-wracking— you’d have to face Anakin, who had never seen you in anything but your daily clothes before. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, smoothing your dress down again. It’s not like you had anything to be nervous about— you looked amazing. The dress clung to every inch of your body, the red hue of it popping out against your skin color. Your hair was styled and draped over your shoulders, and you had done your makeup dark and alluring. 
You were just nervous to see Anakin’s reaction… or was that excitement?
A buzzer startled you out of your train of thought, signaling that it was time to head down to the party. Anakin must be right outside, waiting for you. You took one last look in the mirror, and then turned to open the door.
The sight of him took your breath away, as per usual. He was dressed in a black suit, form-fitting and dark through and through. You’re not sure why he favored the black theme, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t flatter him. He looked dangerous, and the tilted smirk he was giving you added to the bachelor aura. 
“Y/n…” he murmured, immediately fitting his hands around your waist. 
“Yes?” You asked when he didn’t continue. He held you a couple inches away, admiring every inch of you. You squirmed under his greedy eyes. “Do… do you think it’s good enough?” 
“Good enough?” He finally met your gaze, lifting his brows incredulously. “You’re enchanting.” 
Your cheeks flooded with heat, the intensity behind those words loaded with truth. His voice was low, slightly raspy as if he was holding himself back from dragging you into the room and having his way with you here and now, mission be damned. A big part of you wanted that, but a bigger part of you enjoyed standing here, being inspected as if you were the most beautiful girl in the galaxy under his intensifying gaze. 
The shift in Anakin’s eyes made you feel like you were on top of the world, like you could do anything. If he thought you were so beautiful when he looked like that… well, maybe you could do anything.
“You look incredible,” he breathed, sliding his hands further around your waist to pull you closer. It was only when he nudged your arms around his own waist did you realize what he was doing— he wanted you to feel the lightsaber he had under his suit jacket, reminding you of the mission, how he’d be watching and protecting you from afar.
You should have known before even opening the door that you would be watched every second of this ball, even now in the hallway of the palace. Something shady was going on on Krygo, and you two were the main targets.
“Let’s head down to the main event, yeah?” He suggested, pulling away and offering his arm. You gathered your composure and hooked your arm around his elbow, allowing him to lead you down the stairs, through the grand hall, and into the ballroom.
It was exactly what you’d imagined— a small orchestra on the stage, playing slow violin waltzes, elegant lace dresses spinning around the room, dress shoes tapping over glossy marble floors, and an overwhelming floral scent from the thousands of purple roses adorning the room. 
You spotted the Prince across the room— he was dressed in a delicate white suit, accented with silver and gold, black hair gelled back with a single curl hanging over his forehead. He was striking, but in a different way— a mischievous way. Those mossy eyes were hiding something. 
The Prince stopped the whole room with a raise of his glass. He tilted it toward Anakin and you, thanking him for his service to himself and the planet. A murmur of gratitude travelled around the room, and his glass lowered. The ball resumed, but the Prince’s eyes stayed locked in your direction— this time, landing directly on you. He flicked his head, motioning for the two of you to approach.
“You have your knife with you?” Anakin grit between his teeth as he led you toward him.
The arm that wasn’t hooked onto Anakin’s brushed by your side, feeling the minuscule lump of the knife you had slid into the band around your thigh. Your dress had a slit on that leg, providing you easy access for when the time came to use it. 
“I’m all set,” you whispered back. He looked at you quickly, his eyes full of hesitance and fear. It was gone in a blink.
“Anakin Skywalker,” the Prince purred as the two of you approached. The rest of his company filtered away. “Or should I say, General Skywalker?”
“Please, Anakin,” he smiled, charming as ever. 
“How are you enjoying the ball so far? Does it live up to your Coruscant-ee standards?”
You didn’t like the Prince’s tone of voice. He had a playful lilt, as if everything he said was mocking, a game. It was irritating and unnerving, and made it seem like he knew something you didn’t. 
“I can’t say we have many dances at the Jedi temple,” Anakin answered coolly, accepting the drink that the Prince handed him. “But this far exceeds any expectations I might have had.”
“I’m glad you think so— you are the guest of honor,” the Prince bowed his head, lips curling impishly. “And for you, my lady,” he handed you a flute of champagne, similar to Anakin’s.
You took it, smiling sweetly in response. Inside, your nerves were firing out of control. You couldn’t do this— how were you supposed to flirt this man up with Anakin right next to you? It felt too unnatural, too wrong… You needed him to leave, and soon;  before the Prince dismissed you, and your only chance at getting him alone for the night was gone.
“I regret coming off as ungrateful, but I believe I see Captain Wel-Solley. We haven’t talked since the battle of Geonosis. You don’t mind, do you?”
You sighed in relief as Anakin excused himself, unhooking his arm from yours.
“Of course not, go ahead,” the Prince encouraged, ushering him with a sweep of his hand. Anakin nodded once and left, fingers lingering on your arm. You knew what he meant by it— 
Be careful.
You took a sip of the champagne so you could have a moment to gather your thoughts before hurling yourself headfirst into this mess of a mission. The Prince was already looking at you as you lowered your glass.
“And what do you think of this ball, m’lady?”
“Call me Y/n,” you smiled a bit, leveling your gaze at him. “And I think it’s beautiful. I’ve never been to a ball this extravagant before.”
“So you’re experienced in gallant culture?”
“My mother was princess of Fauna, before the Separatists took over,” you lied. “I grew up in a palace much like this one.”
You’re not sure where that story came from, but you always were a terrific liar. You knew you needed to find a level ground with him, create some kind of unifying factor between the two of you. Why not choose his status? You trusted your gut to just go with it.
“The daughter of a Princess. So that makes you… what? A princess as well?”
“I’d assume so,” you laugh prettily. “It’s no matter to me. I’m not bound by a royal lifestyle anymore.”
“So what do you do? Travel with Republic war generals to keep their morale up?” 
“Actually, I’m more of a diplomat,” you swirled the champagne around in your glass, feigning absent-mindedness. “I negotiate treaties, keep the peace when possible.”
He tilted his head, scanning your figure. You could see the appreciating glint in his eye but pretended not to notice. Funnily enough, his face was his weakness. While his voice and demeanor gave you the impression he was spinning a trap around you, his face gave away all of his emotions. You could almost read his thoughts— how you looked so enticing, elegant but teetered on the edge of scandalous. How could an outside like yours be paired with an inspiring, intelligent interior? And a member of royalty, at that? It must be too good to be true.
“Besides,” you continued nonchalantly, “you know the Jedi… their morales don’t require much upkeep.”
“Oh?” The Prince was intrigued. “And what are you implying?”
“Well, they teach against that sort of attachment,” you inform him, a sly smirk spreading across your lips. “A pity, really. It’s been a while since I’ve had any… fun.”
The Prince picked up on that quickly. His grin turned equally sinful, eyes darkening just a shade.
“Well, if you finish that drink, I’m sure we can find something more worthwhile to do.”
“Yeah?” You took a sip and bat your eyes innocently. “Like dancing?”
“Like dancing,” he confirmed, and you both laughed.
Got him.
You scanned the room for Anakin as you took your next sip, finding him dancing with an older woman by the window. He immediately turned to catch your eye, just barely nodding.
You swallowed the last of your champagne, setting it on a silver platter as the server walked by. “So where would you like to continue this?”
You attributed your newfound boldness to the alcohol in your system, as well as the high you got from your recent success. It was almost too easy how he fell into the palm of your hand, but you weren’t going to question it. Now, you had to get him all alone.
“My bedroom is quite large,” the Prince suggested. “There’s lots of room for dancing.”
“I’d hope,” you played along. “I can get quite… sloppy with my steps. No one ever taught me how to dance like a lady.”
“A princess with a dirty technique? I guess I’ll just have to teach you how to do it right.”
His arm stretched out to you, and there it was. Your golden ticket to success. You hooked your arm around his elbow, and he began to lead you out of the ballroom. Anakin’s eyes were palpable on your back as he watched you leave.
Just as you crossed the threshold, you began to feel funny. Your head grew light, vision blurring in and out. Your stomach dropped, and you suddenly felt very faint.
“Are you okay, m’lady?” The Prince paused. “You’re complexion has turned a little pale.”
“Excuse me, I’m alright,” you held onto his arm a little tighter so you wouldn’t fall. “My excitement is getting the best of me.” 
“I must admit, I’m just as eager.”
You continued on through the halls, but with each step your grew worse and worse. Before long, your knees could no longer hold you up, and you could barely see two feet in front of you. The last thing you saw before blacking out was the Prince smiling cruelly down at you as he lowered you to the cool, marble floor.
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writtenjewels · 3 years
Werelion part 1
The Moon Lion was said to be roaming tonight. Dorian heard about this strange beast and how no one could capture it. He wanted to see it for himself and spent a great deal of time researching rumored sightings and known territory of the beast. Most of the reputable claims had it mostly in Ferelden, favoring the Hinterlands due to the large open plains.
Among other things, the beast was said to be unusually large. So far no hunter could take it down, though whether that was due to the lion's size or its unpredictable nature remained unclear. Some managed to see it but sightings only seemed to occur during moonlit nights, thus earning the lion its name. In appearance, it would have been more accurate to call it the “Gold Lion”, as its mane was nearly blonde in color. Or so those who saw it claimed. They also claimed that it was large enough to swallow a man in a single bite; Dorian knew better than to buy into such fancy.
It was a reckless thing to do, but Dorian set off on his own and cast spells to trap the beast. He was no hunter but if he could take the thing and put it in some sort of menagerie, then it could be studied and admired. Dorian waited a safe distance away for his magical traps to spring. If his research was to be believed, the lion would take the bait he laid out for it.
It was nearly midnight when he felt his spells going off. Hoping that it wasn't a bear or some other more ordinary animal, Dorian hurried to see what was there. The beast prowling in the magical trap nearly took his breath away. The lion was indeed gigantic, rivaling a brown bear in size and weight, its mane just as blonde as the stories claimed. Dorian felt in equal parts awe and terror staring at the snarling thing. He drew a bit closer and the beast turned toward him. It bared its teeth and roared, clawing feebly at the magic holding it in place.
“You're all right,” Dorian soothed. “I only wanted to get a look at you, you gorgeous thing.” He would swear the beast was glaring at him. Its eyes were golden-brown and were fixed on him as he came right up to the magical trap. It growled deep in its throat, pacing restlessly back and forth.
Now that he had the beast, what was he to do with it? It was amazing and certainly should be protected from any hunters. But how was he to transport it anywhere? The container alone would have to be massive, and it would need many horses to pull. Dorian should have thought this through. As he thought it over the lion was growing more and more restless. It started pawing at the trap again, snarling and growling.
“I know, I know, you want to be set free. But you must understand, I want to protect you. A lovely thing like you is too good a prize for hunters to ignore.” The lion stopped pawing and stared at Dorian. “Hm, I would swear you actually understand me,” he mused. The lion's growl was a bit lower, almost like it was trying to make an assertive noise. “Do you?” Dorian wondered. “Do you understand me?” The lion sat back on its haunches and continued staring at him.
It did seem like those golden-brown eyes were watching him with measured intelligence. More than a typical animal's, anyway. All the more reason for Dorian to keep the beast safe from hunters. Time dragged on and the lion grew restless again. This time its noise sounded pleading as it pawed at the trap.
“If I let you go, I may never be able to capture you again,” Dorian pointed out. “Would you rather be killed?” The lion let out a low rumbling noise, ears flicking like it was thinking this over. Suddenly it turned around and raced to the opposite end of the trap. Dorian cried out as the huge thing rammed its body up against the magic caging it in. It let out a yowl of pain and collapsed. “Damn it all, can't you just be still?” Dorian complained, hurrying to where the beast dropped and casting a sleep spell. The lion let out one last feeble noise before finally settling.
There now, that was better. The only thing he could think to do was call in a favor to help bring the beast to some sort of menagerie in Orlais. That still meant days of travel and him without any sort of transport other than the single horse he rode to get here. Clearly he should have put in a lot more planning.
The first light of dawn was peeking over the horizon. The lion shifted, though that should have been impossible with the sleep spell. Dorian watched in growing confusion as the creature's body seemed to shrink and lose its fur. His mouth opened, jaw slowly dropping as the form continued to change in front of his eyes. When it finally stopped, Dorian found himself staring at a very naked, very human man.
“Maker's breath,” he awed in a whisper.
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bxllafanficc · 3 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(part one)
part two part three part four part five. Find the rest on; Masterlist
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Yuri's POV*
"Remind me once again why we're going to Japan? It's clear you'd never take us there just because you miss Victor and I know by experience that it's not because of his apprentice."
First class flight like usual. The view out the airplane window of the sparkling city at nighttime below them would stun anybody but at this point, Yuri has traveled so many times it's only become regular sights and the lights of the streets are only plain colored spots in a dark void to him these days. One thing he will never feel comfortable with though is staying in the same seat for hours on end until the airplane arrives at its destination. His legs are itching from wanting to move around. He'll just have to jog it off back on the ground like every other trip in the past.
"You'll be spending some time with Yuuri Katsuki and Victor the following weeks to gain your fighting spirit back. You need to get back in touch with your emotions, remember?" Yakov slightly turned his posture towards the Russian skater beside him, folding his newspaper in half and putting it in his lap.
He only nodded with a slight hum. He could see Yakov's reasoning, some parts of it at least. He HAD been lacking in emotional performance ever since the new year began and it was time to get back into the mindset of winning yet another Grand Prix gold medal like last year. No, not last year. Last year's competition was cancelled after a minor pandemic spread through Russia and the nearby regions. In fear of the virus spreading, all competitions cancelled and larger crowded areas were forbidden to take place. Therefore Yuri's only been able to practice by himself and keeping himself fit for a possible competition next year. But a year of doing nothing can really change your spirit and afraid to admitting it to his coach, he's been missing several opportunities to hit the rink and stayed home watching anime or scrolled through social media instead.
But one thing he doesn't get is how Victor and Yuuri are gonna make him get his mindset in the right track again. He already won his first gold medal at his senior debut and he doubt that the Japanese skater will be in any better condition than Yuri's currently in right now. Pig-man must've been in a much worse state considering his boo Victor had to stay in Russia during the pandemic, unable to keep an eye on Yuuri's routines.
"Besides, there's a little surprise waiting for you where you'll be staying with the two of them. It better work out fine or else I'm out of ideas."
That caught his attention to say the least.
"Well if it's supposed to save me from the deep end then why be so secretive and hushy with it? Spill the news, Yakov."
The old man only grunted and picked up his newspaper once again and hid his face behind it. Well now he really wanted to know what it was. Clearly he would have to make some effort. Soon the article about a Russian charity event taking place this weekend got replaced with a clenched fist going straight through the back of the paper. Yuri expected some kind of reaction but Yakov only sighed and leaned back in his seat without even a flinch.
"It's no surprise if I tell you. I promised Victor to keep it a secret."
"Tell me."
Yuri groaned and folded his arms with a sour glare. The display in the ceiling told the traveler's that it was 10 minutes until landing so he gave up his attempts and let his eyes rest for a while. At least he would find out tomorrow, he assumed. It was 2am and he would be staying at a hotel close to the airport since it was too late to make rest of the trip in one day.
Yuri was out with the speed of a lightning bolt the second the plane doors opened. He sped past everyone before him and he didn't stop when he finally got outside. His feet carried him to run circles around the plane meanwhile he was waiting for Yakov to get out the normal way. It's a silly habit of his and he knows he looks stupid doing it but his coach has given him strict orders to not run away at one random direction like used to do at first. It would take like half an hour for him to be found once he took off, but only if he got lost.
"Yuri! Get over here!"
Well, there's his cue to get ready and head to the hotel. Finally he's able to get some sleep before he's forced to wake up early at dawn to head to Hot Springs and meet the two most annoying people in Japan.
He didn't even have time to eat breakfast. He overslept and got rushed to the cab with an angry Yakov behind him, newspaper folded tightly in his fist. The trip through the beautiful Japan would've been pleasant if Yuri hadn't dozed off every 10 seconds. He didn't get much sleep after all. He spent at least three hours thinking about the special surprise and raiding the free mini bar before he finally got to rest. At 8am he was woken up with banging on the door and now, at 10am, he was standing at the entrance of Hot Springs waiting for Yuuri's mom to announce their arrival. She hurried away somewhere with her usual bubbly happy self that Yuri had no idea how a person could be so... not moody all day long.
The place was as crowded with customers as last time and the two Russians were told to step inside to the more private parts of the building where the family lived along with Victor at the moment.
"Victor! How come my brand new lotion is used? You smelled a suspicious amount of peaches and wild berries at breakfast and there's no point denying it!" A fairly soft and modulated voice was heard from somewhere to the left where the private shower stalls were located. A couple seconds later a giggly Victor and Yuuri came through the direction of the living room and greeted Yuri with happy cheers. The slender white haired Russian caught Yakov in a bear hug, much to the old man's surprise. Yuuri extended his hand towards Yuri but Yuri didn't give any effort in taking it.
"Food. I'm starving."
Yuuri dropped his hand with a light blush but Victor pouted and let go of his former coach. Strong and clingy arms were suddenly wrapped around his chest and he couldn't breathe.
"So unpolite... Yuriooo we've missed you! Haven't you missed us?"
Yuri thrashed like a fish caught in a net and tried to hit the arms of the bastard trapping him. Yuuri joined in, only to get a kick in the hip. His stomach growled angrily and the endless void in his body didn't lighten up the experience a bit.
"Let go you old man! You too piglet!"
"I hoped you'd say it out loud but I know that deep down you've been missing us, Yuriii." Victor went to whisper in his ear with pouty lips but was swatted away by a backhand in his face. That finally caused him to let go and Yuri jumped out of reach for the two males.
"Hm... Or not." The expression he got from Victor was sad and pouty and the man earned a hand on his shoulder, put there by Yuuri. Yuri could only sigh and shake his head.
"Victor! Did you steal my shampoo too?! I will- Oh? What now?" Yuri turned around abruptly by the unfamiliar yet familiar voice behind him. His eyes widened.
The girl was standing to the left of the hall, seemingly coming from the shower. A curious hand rested against the wall beside her and her face was covered in a grey clay face mask, a toothbrush lazily hanging from the corner of her lips. Her (h/c) eyes glistened with mild shock along with her mouth hanging slightly open.
"You are early... Victor, you told me they would arrive at 1pm1!" She pointed a strict finger at the tall man who scratched the back of his head with a hesitant laugh. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed her toothbrush. Because even if she was standing unprepared in front of two strangers, she would at least not forget to brush her teeth in the process, as you do.
Yuri might've considered it normal if it wasn't for that she was almost naked. Two towels were the only fabric hiding her, one wrapped around her dripping figure and the other tied up in her hair.
"Yeah, about that! I kind of mixed up the time of their arrival and your meeting with the press, that's, by the way now when I think of it, not actually cancelled but later today. Silly of me to forget, right?"
She eyed him as though her bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone and let out a huff. Yuri had to advert his gaze when it suddenly felt intruding to eye her the way he did. He also turned away because a light tint of pink was creeping up his cheeks.
"Right. Thanks for the early update. I appreciate it, really. I'll be with you again in 30 minutes. Don't wait up for me." And with that, she was gone. The silence of the men maintained for a few moments until Yuuri coughed with an awkward smile, his red cheeks still visible even after the girl had disappeared. 'It's a little weird to blush at your almost naked sister' he thought.
"So food, right? Mom is preparing pork cutlet bowls for you, Yurio, since she remembered how much you liked them last time-" He didn't have to say it twice. Yuri was off to the dining area before the man even finished saying 'pork cutlet bowl'.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN]  Kiro’s Original Intention Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date (and Season 2) which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Knowing the basics of Season 2 is necessary to understand what’s going on in this date. Do read this post if you don’t know anything about it!
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Parallel World Dates Collection: Gavin // Shaw // Victor
Check out @skyholders​‘ translation of Lucien’s date here!
“When popular star Kiro returned to the country yesterday, there were hints of a new collaboration?”
The name “Kiro” has taken over several hot topics. Kiro received a short and sudden interview at the airport, attracting countless discussions and guesses. 
Reporter: I heard you signed a contract with a well-known music company in the period before this. Is your return to the country due to any special plans?
Kiro: There’s nothing special. I could be returning just to take my guitar? 
Reporter: ...we know you’ve taken on the role of a lead singer and are about to embark on a world tour. There must be some special reason for you to return to the country, right? 
Kiro: For this, it’s better to ask my agent.
Kiro smiles and pushes a bespectacled uncle in front of the camera. He playfully sticks out his head from behind the uncle, and pats his shoulder.
Kiro: I’m leaving it to you.
Once the words are out of his mouth, he runs off. 
My phone screen displays a photo of Kiro’s smiling face as he turns back. His golden hair plates his entire body in a generously brilliant and blazing splendour. 
I brush his face gently with my fingertips, my heart feeling heavy.
Like a raging wave, unspeakable longing and sadness knead together, fiercely slapping onto the shore.
Kiro has returned to Loveland City. 
However, this meeting doesn’t give me much time to feel low. 
Dad is standing in front of the projector in the conference room, orderly explaining the upcoming work arrangement for the company.
Dad: ...these are all the materials on Kiro. Everyone, please confirm the content on hand, and ensure that we are all on the same page. We’ve recently signed a contract with Kiro’s company. Kiro has received his Admission Letter and will continue pursuing his studies in the music academy. After he finishes his world tour, he will officially sign the contract to return to the country and develop. The contract this time is the very beginning of the collaboration, to work with Kiro’s upcoming tour. All departments have to make preparations. That’s all.
After the meeting is dismissed, Dad sits at my side. 
Dad: Suddenly calling you back from school - am I giving you too much stress? 
MC: I’m just a little surprised. I never thought the company... that Dad would make such an arrangement. 
Dad: This isn’t just Dad’s arrangement. You’ll know the specifics next time.
Dad pauses. When he speaks again, his tone seems to have a certain depth to it. I blink, making secret guesses in my heart. 
This means... it could be Black Swan’s arrangement. 
Dad: You once told Dad you wanted to be an outstanding producer. Of course, I’ll support my daughter in doing what she wants. This time, I’m just letting you get used to the tasks. Don’t be too nervous. Dad can’t bear to let you to dive into work so quickly!
MC: Hahaha, thank you Dad! I’ll learn seriously! I definitely wouldn’t cause trouble for everyone. 
Dad: The contract for the collaboration will happen three days later, so we can do some preparations before that. 
After greeting my father, I walk out of the building and turn back to look at it. With complex emotions, I head towards the convenience store.
The world proceeds forward slowly, but there are some differences from back then.
In my memory, Black Swan used B.S. Entertainment to lead public opinion. In an accident arising from multiple causes, it was replaced by my company.
As a similar media body, Dad has been expanding the company’s scope of influence since several years ago. 
In a way, we’ve already met Black Swan’s requirements and purposes. 
From some imperceptible moment, the entire world has moved towards a familiar yet unknown future.
However, there are coincidences that are either heaven’s tricks, or destiny. 
This time, my father’s sufficiently powerful company has replaced B.S. Entertainment, and has become Kiro’s future home. 
Without realising it, I’ve walked into that small convenience store. 
I stand in front of the shelves, staring dazedly at the final bag of chips.
I think about that person’s “warning” --
“Your unintentional actions may lead to irretrievable consequences.”
As though I’m deep in a black swamp, I’m trapped in place. My lips are sealed, and I sink into the darkness. 
After a long time, I pat my face fiercely with both hands, letting out a hard breath. 
MC: This time, I’ll be the one searching for you...
When I reach out for the bag of chips, a beautiful and slender hand appears in front of me - we’ve grabbed the same bag of potato chips. 
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I turn my head, and the person beside me turns to look at me as well.
He is standing against the light, and a smile brims in his eyes. He gives the bag of chips a gentle tug, pulling me a step closer to him in the process. 
It’s as though he’s pulling me, who’s continuously sinking. 
A heavy feeling rising up from my chest and up my throat. I blink hard and clench my teeth. Even then, I can’t stop the redness in my eyes. 
MC: Kiiii... mmph!
Kiro suddenly covers my mouth with his hand and glances around. 
His smiling eyes tell me that he’s not angry at all about my rudeness. 
Kiro: Shhh... I don’t want to get noticed. 
I nod. 
Our little scene seems to have drawn attention, so we squat down in hiding.
We crouch together next to the shelf, shoulders nearly touching. Looking at the bag of chips in my hands, I suddenly laugh.
Kiro: You’ve smiled. 
MC: Hm? 
Kiro: You looked like you were going to cry just now. I even thought I frightened you!
MC: How can that be? I... I was just too excited. I didn’t think the big celebrity I saw on the screen would appear in front of me. Now, we’re squatting here like little kids in kindergarten. 
Everything is too similar to how we once met. The words involuntarily leave my lips. It’s as though in front of him, no matter how many times the scene repeats, I’m still the me of back then. 
Kiro: If I were still in kindergarten, I definitely wouldn’t let you have the last bag of chips. 
I turn around and find Kiro looking at the chips in my hand, seemingly not willing to give up.
A breeze enters the convenience store, lifting strands of his golden hair. Eighteen-year-old Kiro is beside me, looking as though he’s emitting light. 
MC: The Kiro now is already a mature Kiro!
Kiro: You’re right.
Even though I said that, Kiro still looks unwilling. His eyes are crinkled, and his mouth slants to a side. 
I look at him and think of a time long ago. Making a silent prayer that this bag of chips contains the Batman AR card, I tear the bag open slowly. 
MC: It’s a Batman AR card!!
Kiro: Eh, how are you even more excited than I am. 
MC: Haha. 
There’s a twinge in my heart, and I'm unsure if it’s longing or sadness. I try to shoot Kiro a smile, though it probably doesn't look good. 
MC: This is for you. 
Kiro takes the card and smiles, his eyes becoming even brighter. 
Kiro: How did you know that I'm collecting these? 
MC: ...I-I guessed it! Because...
Kiro: Because I look like the type who would collect these? 
MC: Yes yes yes, that’s it. 
Kiro: And I also look like I’m just missing this card? 
MC: ...y-yes, I guess? 
Kiro: Mm! I think so too!
Those blue eyes are filled with smiles, not containing a shred of impurity or suspicion. I release a relieved sigh in my heart. 
Kiro: But... I think we’ve forgotten to pay.
MC: Ah, you’re right. So sorry, ma’am. I’ll buy ten bags later! Sorry!
Kiro: Sorry!
We look at each other and burst out laughing. 
This time, our eighteen-year-old selves still share this tiny secret.
After walking out of the convenience store, I suddenly wonder why Kiro has appeared here and at this point of time. 
Kiro looks towards my father’s company and starts whistling playfully.
Kiro: So this is [-MC’s company name-].
His tone is light, not carrying the same anticipation he has on his face. 
Kiro: Are you an employee of this company too? 
MC: ...
The light of spring is in his bright eyes. Kiro looks at me quietly. This simple question seems to have a meaning behind it.
MC: I am. I just learnt that you’d be coming to the company after three days to sign the contract. But I came here to buy some things for myself...
Kiro: I see. 
His eyes crinkle, as though accepting my explanation. 
MC: You’re here to take a look beforehand? 
Kiro: Actually...
Just as Kiro starts speaking, my phone suddenly rings. Kiro smiles and signals for me to answer the phone first, then takes a few steps away. 
MC: Hello? Dad? 
Dad: It’s a little sudden, but come to the conference room in 15 minutes to prepare. The collaboration contract with Kiro has been brought forward to today.
On the other end of the line, I can hear faint sounds of various departments busily preparing for the various contract-related issues. 
Their conversations reveal the importance of the contract which is about to commence. 
Once this collaboration succeeds, it will herald a new phase of the company’s future development in the aspect of acting. 
??: Kiro hasn’t reached the office...
Father: Savin, don’t worry. MC, I’ll hang up now. Hurry back soon.
MC: All right. 
MC: [to Kiro] You brought the contract signing forward to today? 
Seeing that I’ve put down the phone, Kiro stuffs both hands into his pocket and bounces over to me. 
Kiro: Something cropped up, so I communicated it to the company. I hope I didn’t cause trouble for everyone. 
He retrieves a pair of sunglasses from his pocket, putting them on confidently.
Thinking about something, he tugs his sunglasses downwards lightly, revealing his smiling blue eyes. 
Kiro: I tend to get lost easily. Could you show me the way?
MC: Isn’t it just in front?!
Kiro: A person who lacks a sense of direction wouldn’t be able to find the entrance even if the building is right in front of him.
He squints. Tickled by his odd logic, I burst into laughter, then give him a mock bow.
MC: Follow me then, big celebrity.
Kiro puts his sunglasses on properly, then does a thumbs-up gesture contentedly.
They reach the office, and Kiro apologises for the trouble caused
He looks over the contract meticulously and voices his opinions on certain terms, providing suggestions on how they can be mutually beneficial
He signs the contract and the employees leave the conference room
MC is surprised at how anti-climatic the whole thing was, and in her distracted state, forgets to change the settings on the photocopier (which is set to printing small cards)
As a result, the photocopying machine only prints Kiro’s signature on an A4 sheet
Kiro: Is that gentleman your father?
MC: Mm.
Kiro: I see... doesn’t that make you my future boss?
MC: Eh?!
I’m momentarily startled by his words, my brain slowing down and my eyes blinking continuously.
Tickled by my expression, Kiro smiles and crinkles his eyes. 
Kiro: Am I wrong? 
His tone is sincere, and embeds within it a sort of curiosity and probing.
I lower my head, looking at that sheet of invalid A4 paper, and lift my head with a deep sigh. 
MC: You’re not wrong. It’s just that... I’m still very lacking right now. I’m not outstanding enough, and there are many things I can’t do. But I won’t stop here. I’ll make you believe that joining this company is something to be proud of.
I’ll continue running along this path that you’re shining on, and be like you, to become the light.
Kiro’s eyes slowly grow darker. I instinctively tighten my grip on my pen, but am unable to avert my eyes from his. 
These seconds of silence feel like I’m being examined. Gradually, he lifts the corners of his lips.
Kiro: Will you be participating in my upcoming world tour? 
MC: Probably not... I’m a newbie, so Savin should be going with you.
Kiro: Shall we practice then? 
MC: Practice? 
Saying this, Kiro leans forward. With a blink, he places his hand on the back of mine.
Kiro: Practice for when you become my future boss. 
The sweet scent of the young man brushes the tip of my nose, reminiscent of a person secretly pouring melted hot chocolate into the cup of someone he likes. 
He grins and tightens his grip on my hand. On the right side of the invalid A4 sheet, he writes his name crookedly.
Kiro: Your turn.
MC: ...I can really do that?
Kiro: I already said that this is a rehearsal for our future. 
MC: But your hand...
Kiro: Hm? 
My ears feel warm. Kiro’s eyes flash with the light of a prankster, waiting for me to finish.
His hand remains on the back of mine. He doesn’t exert any force. It feels like a catkin fluttering gently in my heart - ticklish, and can be flicked away with a light touch.
But I can’t bear to.
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MC: Nothing!
My face is flushed. With his hand over mine, I leave a crooked “MC” on the left side. 
These two names are left on the invalid A4 paper - like a starting point of a certain dream. 
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Kiro takes up the A4 sheet. Turning his palm, he entwines my fingers with his. 
Kiro: We’ve made an agreement. I’ll definitely stand on a higher platform, and let even more people see Kiro, and hear Kiro’s songs. I’ll make the name “Kiro” appear in every corner of the world. 
Gorgeous spots of light appear behind the young man, like the most brilliant and pure parts of youth. Still, they can’t compare to the brilliant light in his eyes. 
My heart is beating rapidly, and it feels as though a piping heat is coursing through my bloodstream. A faint heat grows where our fingertips meet.
MC: Mm, we have an agreement. I’ll also keep learn learning, and will use my strength and abilities to better develop this company. In the future, this company will be one that’s worthy to collaborate with the “International Superstar” Kiro.
Kiro: Can I do it? 
Kiro tilts his head, the glinting light in his eyes wavering slightly. It’s as though a tiny bit of doubt has appeared from its depths. 
MC: Do you think I can do it? 
Kiro: I think you can.
MC: Then you’ll naturally have no problem either!
I feel his shallow breaths on my fingertips. He leans his head lightly on our entwined hands. 
Kiro: Our agreement is complete. If one of us doesn’t reach our goal, there’ll be a punishment. 
MC: I won’t give you that chance!
Light soaks in through the window and covers our fingers. Kiro hops down from the table and gently lifts me to my feet, pulling me into the sunlit area. 
Just as he did countless times before. 
Kiro: Before the future arrives, please guide me. Miss Chips.
While MC is driving Kiro home, he suddenly asks:
Kiro: Is Miss Chips also from Black Swan? 
Kiro pipes up, his eyes not leaving the screen of his laptop. There is a smile on his lips, but it looks like a natural-looking mask. 
His casual-sounding question startles me. Although it’s a surprise that he would be so upfront about this, my fingers on the steering wheel tighten.
The green light makes its countdown, and I slow down, stopping before the zebra crossing. 
MC: I’m not. Although... I might be in the future. I don’t want to lie to you.
Kiro: Is that so.
His tone is light, as though he isn’t paying attention. As though it could be swallowed up by a flower blowing in the spring breeze. 
MC: Also, do you... remember what happened when you were young? 
Kiro: Bits and pieces. I don’t remember much. 
My heart grows heavy. Does Kiro not remember what happened in the orphanage? 
MC: I... have something that I definitely have to do. No matter how difficult it is, I have to accomplish it. There’s also someone I want to meet. I’ve waited a very, very long time. It’s been so long that I’m about to give up. But once I think about how he’s working hard in some corner of the world, I’m filled with motivation. 
I turn my head and meet Kiro’s eyes. His eyes are filled with an incomprehensible emotion. 
MC: I want to protect him, and want... to meet him again. No matter what misunderstandings this path would bring, I’ll continue walking bravely. 
Kiro blinks his eyes slowly, and finally reveals an unobstructed smile. 
Kiro: Miss Chips, you’ll definitely have no problem. 
After Kiro returns home, the smile he kept up in front of the girl finally collapses in a second.
In the pitch black living room, the sunlight outside the window has been kept outside by a thick and heavy curtain. 
He clenches his teeth and sits in front of the laptop, the continuously dancing search results on the screen making him cast his eyes downwards. 
Kiro: ...still no results. 
In the end, he drags himself to the sofa, his pale face almost transparent under the glow of the screen. 
A stubbornness appears on his lips, and dots of sweat appear on his forehead, as though he’s enduring a great agony. 
Kiro: At least... it’s only acting up now. 
At this moment, a call from a foreign number appears on his phone. 
Kiro: It’s me. 
??: You finally picked up.
Kiro: Tell me the results directly. 
??: The test results and your predictions are almost the same. 
Kiro: Mm.
Darkness has swallowed his face, but his eyes are flashing with light. Even though the world has plunged into a deep darkness, there’s still a scorching, blooming light.
Kiro: Let’s meet then.
He throws his phone aside, a look of self-deprecation on his face. Even though he’s curled up, he can’t suppress his trembling. The colour of an abyss is in his eyes. 
Kiro: [groaning]
The young man’s painful groans resound in the dark, and black markings appear on his arm.
The hands supporting the young man’s body allow him to look at the other corner, into the mirror in the darkness.
The hair of the person in the mirror has gradually faded into a silvery grey, and there is a dazzling golden light in his originally blue eyes--
Overlapping with the image in his mind. 
Kiro: ...I, command you--
The young man’s soft voice lingers in the dark.
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Kiro’s Post: Now that I think about it, did I sign an unfair contract back then?
MC: Is it the fastest contract you’ve signed in your life?
Kiro: It’s also the most important contract in my life ^_^
Kiro’s Post: Now that I think about it, did I sign an unfair contract back then?
MC: Written in black and white - behave and call me boss~
Kiro: As compared to “boss”, I’ve always preferred “Miss Chips” as a form of address.
Kiro’s Post: Now that I think about it, did I sign an unfair contract back then?
MC: Did I treat you badly?!
Kiro: Does this mean you’re going to treat me to potato chips next time?
Phone call: here
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unblot · 3 years
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@savanaclawed​​ :    it's a familiar scene: leona's hand on his hip, hand extended, expression smug. except it's different, too. the smile is warmer. his hand is held out toward malleus in an offer. his eyes are kind. " you tryin' to make me dance by myself like an idiot?? " he asks. and there is no context here, but that is how it so often goes in the realm of dreams; even the scene around them is unclear unless malleus should decide to focus on it. there is music playing from somewhere — perhaps a lullaby, or another soft sound. the air is a spring - type of warmth, and fireflies light up the air. there's peace here, away from the school and all notions of families and titles.
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he’s seen this scene before, dreamt it a thousand nights over a thousand moons. it always starts the same. a quiet evening in an empty garden. fairy lights drape around aged willow trees & in the distance malleus can hear jubilant conversation. it’s a party in his honor & everyone has come to pay their respects. no one turns from him or runs in fear. at last malleus is welcomed among his peers. so much so that the prince must take a moment to reprieve from all the warm company & attention.
unlike many malleus enters his dreams self aware, knowing this scene is too good to be true. to be so openly welcomed & adored by those around him has never been in the cards for him. not without the price of being raised on a pedestal so high those in his company can’t bear to look at him. yet even so malleus still allows himself to immerse himself in these picturesque surroundings. such a wondrous opportunity shouldn’t be wasted after all. so malleus revels in this joy, indulging in the warmth however brief it may be.
while tonight’s dream starts the same as all the other’s, after a while it begins to stray in places. though it doesn’t become significantly different until the sound of soft footsteps approach behind him. usually nobody comes to see malleus after he separates himself from the crowd. so imagine his surprise when he turns to see leona kingscholar facing him. “  you got people waitin’ in there, y’know.  ”  
any of his initial surprise at seeing leona is greatly overshadowed by the fondness in the other’s words & the warmth in his smile. here they do not stand on tilted stages as rivals or enemies but on even playing ground as friends? malleus isn’t quite sure what picture is being painted here. though he’s admittedly curious what this leona has to say to him. 
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malleus mirrors leona’s smile with one of his own, his eyes displaying a warmth he so rarely has once the sun is risen.  ❛    would you be included in that number by chance?   ❜  he asks, an amused lilt in his words as he steps toward the other. 
leona rolls his eyes, his smile unwavering as the lion puts a hand on his hip. he laughs. “  you make a habit of askin’ stupid questions? yeah, i was waiting for you. you promised me a dance, remember?   ”  
malleus’ eyes widen, unaware that he’d made such promises in this dream realm. though in fairness this is the first time leona has made an appearance in his dreams, perhaps when he’d appeared something had shifted in the usual narrative. but he decides to just follow along as he usually does. this is such a lovely dream. it would be a shame if it ended prematurely. the fae bows his head in apology. ❛   my apologies, kingscholar. it slipped my mind. i hope i didn’t keep you waiting long. i’d simply needed a moment to get some fresh air. i’ll go back inside in a moment.  ❜
leona instead shakes his head, outstretching a hand to malleus as he takes a step closer. malleus responds by looking at the other in bewilderment, unsure what he means by the gesture. “  you tryin' to make me dance by myself like an idiot?  ” & then it all clicks in to place. a smile befalls malleus’ face once more, cheeks feeling warm as he takes leona’s hand in his. 
ultimately malleus decides that this was for the better. the atmosphere in the garden is far better than any that could be made in the hall. the dim light of the moon above them paired with the privacy of the space creates an almost...intimate feeling around them. like something found in a fairy tale. it’s strange to associate such concepts with himself. ordinarily in such fables he’s the spitting dragon trapped in the tower not the blissful faerie dancing in a blooming garden. but that’s what dreams are for aren’t they? & what a lovely dream it is. though admittedly malleus had not anticipated in his wildest ones that it would be leona who would be his dashing prince. what strange visions the mind concocts.
after a while their waltz slows to a stop, the pair stopping by a stone garden bench. leona moves to seat himself down, still holding malleus’ hand as he leads the fae to sit beside him. that is when malleus begins to feel the veil shift, his vision growing hazy as leona murmurs something incoherent & muffled. the scene only grows more blurry as the lion draws nearer. & malleus cannot move, cannot speak, cannot do anything but let him. by the time the gap between them closes malleus cannot see anything anymore, feeling nothing but the leona’s warmth & his breath on his neck.
the next sight he sees is the canopy above his bed. the sun has not yet risen & the air is still & cold. it’s a bit of a shock coming back to the brisk chill of reality from the warmth of his dream realm. this dream in particular had felt warmer than his usual ones, a cold sweat laying on his brow as a sign to prove it. malleus feels...almost delirious, not yet able to pull his mind from the dream he’d just woken from. 
malleus is not one to question the nature of his dreams but --- this one had felt so strange. ordinarily he’s in his element within them, able to control each detail to his liking. but tonight he’d felt like a simple bystander, being lead along by a new player. & he’d readily accepted that. perhaps he’d even liked it. what’s he supposed to garner from that? & why was it leona in particular who’d been the one to shatter this perfect routine he’d created for himself?
he raises a hand to his lips. still warm. why are they warm?
malleus ultimately decides not to dwell on it as doing so even for this brief moment is starting to create a migraine. hm, he’s never had one of those before. perhaps he’d gotten hit in the head during their magift match yesterday & forgotten about it. yes that must be it. why else would leona be in his dreams? malleus groans, shutting his eyes as he makes another attempt at sleep. it’s not yet dawn when he usually wakes. perhaps going back to sleep will clear his head properly. he manages to nod off back to dreamland. though this time when the prince enters the realm of sleep there is no party, no garden, & no smiling lion prince waiting for him.
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Lady Wifi (Part 2)
Marillion AU
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“He can’t do that! It’s illegal! I'm a superhero, for gods sake!”
Alya was fuming. How dare they? Expulsion would go into her school record permanently, it would influence her future career forever!
“But he doesn’t know that.”, Tikki reasoned. “And it better stays that way.”
Alya was tempted to change that. But if it came down to it, being Ladybird would always rank higher than revenge on Damocles in her priorities.
“I'm going to get them for this!”, Alya swore under her breath. “The principle, Chloé and her Alter Ego Marillion!”
“No! You don’t get this, you won’t have to apply for jobs with “Expulsion for Theft” written on your record!”
Tikki backed away a little and Alya immediately regretted her tone.
“I... Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.”
Tikki may be an insufferable know-it-all, but she was her friend. She cared for her and only ever wanted to help.
“It's okay, Alya.”, her Kwami calmed her worries. “I know how upset you are. But think of Marillion! We can’t risk that she gets to you, and you're in a vulnerable state of mind.“
Alya paled.
“Oh my gosh... What do I do? Tikki, what do I do now?”
“Stay calm! Marillion can only akumatize people who think there is no solution to their problems. You're Ladybird! You can think of something.”
Her jaw dropped. Of course! I'm Ladybird!
“Jesus! You're right, Tikki! I can do this!”
“Awesome! Maybe we should write a letter-“
“I'm going to confront Damocles as Ladybird! And then I'll kick Chloé's butt!”
“Wait, what?”
Alya jumped up and threw her hair back, revealing the white, pearly earrings.
“Tikki, spots on!”
“She's not answering her phone.”, Marinette fretted, turning her own off after the fifth attempt. “This is bad...”
“Oh no!”, Nooroo zoomed around her, just as anxious as herself. “Do you think something happened to her?”
Fear twisted her guts and she shook her head.
“I can’t think like that. I can’t... I have to... think clearly now.”
No time for her worst-case scenarios, she would only scare Nooroo. No, first she had to find some clarity about Alya's disappearance from her radar.
“You're the expert when it comes to your brooch’s emotion-radar.”, she mused and turned to her little friend. “Any idea what could cause her to just... vanish?”
Nooroo stilled, thinking.
“Well... if her mood had lightened up, we would have felt it. In order to completely disappear, she either lost consciousness, entered a meditative state, came in touch with a similar magic to mine, or... hm.”
“I remember one instance where my... wielder set a trap to upset his victim. Their pain became so great it turned completely catatonic.”
He shuddered.
“He can speak of luck it happened before he could akumatize them. A catatonic Akuma is absolutely disastrous!”
She took a step back.
“That's horrible! Do you think this happened to Alya?”
Uncertain he bit his lip.
“I’m not sure. It’s also possible that she met Ladybird. I’m not very familiar with Tikki's powers, but maybe it’s possible for her to shield people from me.”
“Ugh, that’s just what I need now!”
Nooroo ducked his head.
“No!”, she hurried to comfort him. “Not you, honey, this isn’t your fault.”
She sighed, looking up at the door to the principals office. This is so unfair!
“We've got to help Alya.”, she decided. “And if we can’t find her personally...”
Her eyes narrowed.
“Then we'll just have to make sure her problems are gone when she returns.”
Nooroo nodded eagerly, happy she had an idea.
“What is your plan?”
“It’s... risky. But maybe we can help Alya and make sure she doesn’t suspect us to be Marillion. You know, once she realizes it’s not Chloé!”
“Good thinking, Marinette! Reveal-prevention is most effective when used early.”
“And I think I'll do it by... akumatizing myself?”
His mouth fell shut.
“Is that possible?”
“Um. Well, yes.”
He didn’t look very happy.
“Hm? Oh. It’s not dangerous, I just...”
He fidgeted.
“You'll have to take off the miraculous for that.”
That didn’t sound too dramatic. She could just... oh.
“You... You’re scared that you'll get lost, aren’t you?”
“No!”, he hurried to deny. “I trust you! You'd never be careless with the brooch.”
He didn’t look at her, scared he'd offended her somehow. She petted his forehead, a quiet assurance that he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Nooroo,” she soothed him, “it’s alright to be scared. And you can always tell me if something sits wrong with you.”
Hesitantly he looked up to her.
“It’s just... if you renounce me, I won’t know what happens with you. What if you get hurt? Or you get carried away, like Stoneheart did? Or what if Hawkmoth finds me while you're gone, and the next thing I’ll see is him and I won’t ever see you again? Or what if the brooch gets lost and the next time I’ll open my eyes, I’ll find that two thousand years have passed and you are... you are...”
He was crying now and she felt tears form in her own eyes.
“Oh, Nooroo.”, she whispered and hugged her little friend. “That won’t ever happen. I promise! I promise you won’t end up there again.”
He nuzzled his face into the fabric of her jacket.
“But how can you be sure?”, he asked, his voice so faint she almost didn’t hear him. As if he didn’t want her to hear him.
Gently she pulled back a little, so she could look at him.
“We can figure something out.”, she stated confidently and tapped her brooch. “You don’t want to be left behind? Then we'll make sure that you’re not.”
He blinked, confused, and she smiled.
“This is your power before it is mine, right? I'm just borrowing it when I transform.”
“In a way.”, he answered, his voice still wobbly. “But I can’t create akumas without a wielder. At least no stable ones.”
“Then I‘ll create the akuma. I'll detransform and take off the brooch. I take the akuma and take care of Alya. And you stay close-by, guide me like I guide my champions, and hold on to your miraculous while I’m busy. Okay?”
He leaned his head sideways.
“You... you want me to take the miraculous? All alone?”
Was that a taboo for kwamis?
“If that's alright with you!”, she hurried to add. “If you don’t feel up to it, we can deposit it in my diary case. Or put it in Dad's safe.”
Nooroo shook his head, wiping his tears away. When he spoke, his voice was soft but firm.
“It will be my honor.”, he said. “To watch over it and you. I’m sure you can find Alya.”
She smiled and petted his squishy little cheek one last time.
“Then we're ready. Nooroo, dark wings rise!”
He vanished in a blur of sparkles and her transformation washed over her. Careful that the schoolyard was indeed empty, she dashed out of the bathroom and jumped on the roof of the school, eyes darting over the nearby park.
It was spring and butterflies weren’t hard to come by. As soon as she spotted one it was already fluttering towards her, settling on her outstretched palm to be of service.
“We have to help Alya.”, she whispered and covered its wings with her other hand. “But this time I'll do it on my own. Stay close by, my akuma!”
Her fears and concern for Alya transformed into inky shadows, drawn into the the white butterfly and sparking with potential. The newly dubbed akuma took off and fluttered around her, ready to fulfill its mission.
“Dark wings fall.”, she released her transformation and caught Nooroo in cupped hands. Exhausted he took the bonbon she offered him.
“Are you completely sure?”
She nodded.
“I'm not renouncing you, Nooroo. You'll be on your own for a bit, but if anything goes wrong I need you to take control. I trust you, okay?”
He swallowed, but when he took the rosy brooch from her hands, he looked determined.
“You can count on me.”
Taking a deep breath, she turned towards the akuma and took out her phone. She had thought a lot about this, and... well, if she was going to avenge Alya, she might as well choose a form her crush would approve of. Already sketching out a design in her mind she held up her phone.
“Let's do this!”
The akuma took a dive for her and a bubbly feeling shot through her hand.
“It'll be fine, Nooroo.”, she waved him. “But this is a job for Lady Wifi!”
The door to the principals office flew open with a crash.
“Monsieur Damocles!”, Ladybird roared, righteous fury burning in her chest. “You have unjustly thrown out an exceptionally talented student! So now you must answer to- Monsieur Damocles?”
The principal was frozen in place like a mannequin. A pinkish Pause icon hovered in front of his chest and send a chill down her spine. Her fury fizzled out like a cheap sparkler and she dropped her dramatic pose.
“What the...”
She waved her hand in front of his face, to no avail. Before she could take a closer look at the problem, the computer on his desk flickered to life. Alya gasped.
If someone had asked her how she'd come to this conclusion, she wouldn’t be able to answer. By all accounts, the girl on the desktop looked nothing like the Marinette she knew. She was dressed in pitch black spandex, accentuated by white stripes and a symbol resembling a Wifi icon. Her skin was ghostly pale, and pink eyes glared out of an angular butterfly mask. The soft black hair Alya had braided during countless sleepovers was out of its usual pigtails, loose and unkempt. The most striking difference however was her bearing.
Marinette tended to make herself small, to slip in the gaps between people or hang onto her friends. When she walked there was always an endearing air of hurry or absent-mindedness to her, which had caused her to bump into Alya more times than she could count.
Now, on the other hand... she was so forebodingly present. She was commanding attention, fully in control, her posture relaxed and confident.
“I'm Lady Wifi,” Not-Marinette informed her viewers with a grin, “Revealer of the Truth! For my first Exposé, your Principal would like to share a tidbit with you.”
The camera zoomed out, revealing an intimidated Damocles behind his desk - alive and moving. This had to be a recording!
“So, Monsieur Damocles”, Lady Wifi addressed her hostage, walking with a grace she hadn’t possessed before. “Is it true that you wrongly suspended a student named Alya today?”
Damocles avoided to meet the piercing glare in her glowing eyes.
“Y-yes, I have.”, he confessed, having the decency to look ashamed.
“So you were biased, unjust, totally unfair?”
He sighed.
“Yes, I was.”
Her phone came into view and Ladybird narrowed her eyes. The rest of Marinette - her clothes, her mannerism, her eyes - had changed, but the lucky charm on her phone still looked the exact same. A lavender little spiral, bought the same day that Alya had gotten her Ladybird-themed one. And if the little charm was the same, then so was her phone.
“That's were the Akuma must be!”
“There you have it!”, Wifi snarled into the camera. “He confessed his crimes! And so will everybody else who harmed Alya, before I give them the punishment they deserve.”
She raised her phone and turned towards her prey, swiping over the display of her phone. A glowing pause button shot out and froze Damocles in place before her could escape.
“Stay connected.”, Lady Wifi dismissed her audience and the screen turned black.
Ladybird let out the breath she had been holding and slumped onto the nearest chair.
“Oh no...”, she groaned and pressed her hands over her mouth. “Not you, girl!”
And it was Ladybird's own fault, too! If she'd just kept quiet about her discovery, or at least talked to Marinette beforehand. But now Chloé knew she was onto her and was targeting the people she loved!
“I'm going to fix this.”, she mumbled into her gloves. “I promise, Mari.”
Fueled by the determination to get her friend back, Ladybird stood up and reached for her Yo-Yo.
“Chat Noir, it’s me.”, she told her partner's voicemail. “Get moving, buddy. We've got a job.”
“You have a crush on Chloé, you have a crush on Chloé!~”, the pest that was Adrien's Kwami teased him in his most annoying sing-song. The teenager swatted him aside and pulled the bathroom door closed.
“If you don’t show some compassion for my heartache very soon, I’ll loose my tolerance for your gross Camembert.”
“Not as gross as the idea of kissing Chloé though, is it?”
Adrien groaned and raised his fist in defeat.
“Plagg, Claws out.”
This day couldn’t get any worse. His great love had turned sour, his good friend had turned evil, and his partner had left him a message. That couldn’t be a good sign. A message meant she had a plan. A plan meant she was impatient to start. Impatience meant that his hotheaded partner would barge headfirst into danger, without any backup.
“We've got a job,” she informed him for the pure drama of it. “I have no idea where Lady Wifi went, and I honestly don’t feel like fighting her at all. So here's what we'll do: instead of fighting a girl everybody likes, let’s fight a girl no sane person can stand! Oh, Chloé is Marillion, by the way, meet me at her Hotel; we're kicking butterfly butt tonight.”
The message ended and Chat Noir sighed deeply. There was no time to try and convince her of a different strategy, she was probably already there and ready to fight.
“This is the worst day ever.”, he complained to no one. But alas, the universe was not inclined to have mercy on its favorite black cat. So he sighed once more over his broken heart, kicked the door open and vanished into the night like the ninja he was always meant to be.
“There you are, Kitty!”, Ladybird greeted him, already brimming with excitement. “Just in time!”
She pulled him down to take cover behind a chimney and took out her Yo-Yo.
Zooming through a window - a feat impossible for any normal device - the display of her weapon revealed exactly what he had feared: Marillion in all her purple glory, swinging her staff at imaginary opponents. She was so obviously Chloé that he wondered how he hadn’t noticed it before.
“This is horrible.”, he mourned his disillusioned crush.
“Right? Her form is so sloppy!”, Ladybird agreed far too enthusiastically, missing his point by the length of her Yo-Yo-cord. “She looks like a toddler!”
He groaned and hid his face behind his hands.
“Why couldn’t it have been literally anyone else?”
There were thousands of girls in Paris, but somehow the one behind Marillion's tragically pre-redemption-villainous mask was... Chloé. His oldest yet brattiest friend, the last person he could ever feel attracted to.
“When this is over I'm so going to give the brooch to Marinette.”, he grumbled. He didn’t even have the time to fully process what he had said - let alone imagine how amazing Marinette might look in purple - before Ladybird had grabbed his shoulders and dragged him closer.
“That,” she gasped, “is the best idea you've ever had, Kitty! We'll be a trio with the smartest little bean in Paris, ohmygosh!”
“Wait, you know her too?”
“Dude, I adore her! Let’s get this Miraculous and pay our girl a visit, yes?”
“Aye, aye, Ma’am!”, he eagerly saluted and readied his baton. “Chat Noir, reporting for duty!”
“Then here we go!”
451 notes · View notes
therainbowwillow · 3 years
https://therainbowwillow.tumblr.com/post/640094221880197120/therainbowwillow -Part 2
Well! Part 3/??? Here’s the premise: Hades’ terms for Orpheus leaving Hadestown are extremely harsh. Persephone threatens to leave him, and he’s forced to back down, leaving Orpheus with a single rule: he can’t sing until he’s out. He orders the residents of Hade to kill Orpheus, the only living mortal in the underworld. Eurydice, Persephone, and other mythological heroes join him on the journey to escape. Hermes gets word of his son’s trial and decides he’ll assist Orpheus. Dionysus joins him to visit Persephone (his mother, I’m using his Orphic parentage: Hades and Persephone) and Apollo comes, inspired by Orpheus’s attempt at freeing Eurydice, to find his lover, Hyacinthus.
TLDR Hadestown, but a different terms for our favorite singer and WAY more characters because why not.
Unrelated but my phone really wants to autocorrect “Orpheus” to “Orange,” which makes for a whole different story, honestly.
Anyway, here we go:
Eurydice lays beside her sleeping lover, staring up at the cracked ceiling of Persephone’s greenhouse. Burnt vines wrap the walls and climb towards the artificial lights of Hadestown. “Plants don’t grow towards neon the way they do the sun,” Persephone had said. “Not even when coerced by a goddess.” Still, the abandoned building provides decent shelter, which is far better than the rest of the underworld. Instead of trapping the heat, it seems to keep in the cold.
Eurydice glances at Orpheus. Even in the cool of the greenhouse, he sweats in his sleep. He’s exhausted and hungry, she knows, but they have no outside food. If he eats the food of Hadestown, she fears it’ll bind him to the damned place, just as the pomegranate seeds had bound Persephone.
Orpheus rolls over. He mumbles something incomprehensible. Eurydice keeps a closer eye on him. “Persephone?” she asks.
“Hm?” The goddess responds.
“What will Hades do if he catches us? I know the stories... Sisyphus, pushing his stone uphill forever. Tantalus, starved, with food just out of reach. Eternal torture. Is that what lays ahead?” Her voice doesn’t quiver. She finds she isn’t afraid of the answer, not after the mines. Hours and hours of her pickaxe against stone. And once she’d finished, she’d be building Hades’ wall or laying wires or partaking in some other pointless feat. Everyone in Hadestown feels like Sisyphus now.
“It’s best... it’s best if you don’t think about it.” Persephone sips from her canteen. Alcohol, certainly. Her voice has a drunken lisp to it.
“I want to know what’s at stake,” Eurydice says. Orpheus again tosses in his sleep.
“Eternal torture sums it up fine.”
“He’ll separate us, won’t he?”
Persephone shrugs. “Your contract will change. All of ours’ will. Probably a ban from speaking to each other.”
“What can he do to stop us?” Achilles mutters. “We’re dead already and he took our paridise. I can bear his whip, his mines. This whole place is torture.”
“Tell me about it.” Persephone rolls her eyes. “A goddess of spring, confined to... this.” She gestures around her.
“They say you loved him,” Eurydice says.
“Loved him. An emphasis on loved.” She takes another sip of her alcohol and slips off her wedding band. She flips it in the air and catches it. “I chose this. I chose Hades over light. Over life and clean air and springtime. I preferred Hades’ tyranny over Demeter’s. That dance... it almost felt like a fresh start. But what did I expect?” She takes a withered vine between her fingers. “This is futile. We should be planning. This place sucks the life out of everything it touches. Our poet included.”
Orpheus gasps. “Speaking of our poet, he’s awake!” She tilts her head. “You alright?” Eurydice asks.
Orpheus swallows. His eyes are wide and his breaths quick. He shakes his head. “No... no. You need to go. All of you.”
“Hey,” she rests her palm over his hands. “I’m not going anywhere. You need rest.”
He wipes his eyes. “You don’t understand. You don’t understand! Go. Please Eurydice. Please.”
“Shh... shh. You’re alright.”
He snatches his hand away. “No. I’m not. It’s... it’s too far. I’ll be... I’ll be dead by the time we reach the Styx.”
“Orpheus! Don’t talk like that. We’re gonna make it.”
“No, we aren’t. Hades is going to find me and he’ll kill me because I... I can’t do this. I can’t walk alone and I’m not allowed to sing and whatever he did to me...”
“Orpheus, look at me. You’re gonna be fine.”
“It’s not over, okay? I... I should’ve told you but...”
“What are you talking about, Orpheus? What is this?”
He sobs and sinks into her arms. “I feel worse. Eurydice, I’m getting worse,” he whispers.
“Once we’re out-“
“Once you’re out. Leave me here.”
“How can you say that? I’m not letting Hades have you!” Eurydice raises her voice.
“I came for you. And now... you’re dragging me out. I’m useless and I’m holding you back. Eurydice, I’d never forgive myself if you didn’t... if...”
“We’re going to get out of here.”
“Would you listen to me?” He yells. “We are not going to get out of here. Not so long as you’re carrying dead weight! I...” he tries to push himself upright but sinks back into Eurydice’s embrace. “I can’t sing. I can’t walk. I can’t even stand.”
She doesn’t respond. She just holds him, tight in her arms. “I don’t care,” she whispers. “I’ll carry you out of here if I have to. I love you and I’m never letting you go again. I promise.”
Orpheus says nothing. “Orpheus?”
She lifts him up and his chin falls against his chest. “Orpheus... no. No, you can’t do this to me.” She places a finger under his nose and feels his shallow breaths. She breathes a sigh of relief. “You’re alright. You’re alright.” She isn’t sure if she’s trying to convince herself or Orpheus, who cannot hear her. She lays his head back down on his coat, a makeshift pillow.
Patroclus kneels at her side. “Orpheus is right. He is getting worse.”
“What’s wrong with him?” She begs.
“I don’t know,” he admits. “He could be ill with some plague, but that’s Apollo’s domain, not Hades’s. Maybe he is only hungry or dehydrated. Regardless, he’s right that he won’t last forever down here. We should get moving.” Eurydice nods. “I wish I could be more help.”
“Someone’s here!” Achilles shouts. Patroclus leaps to his feet.
“Protect Orpheus,” he commands Eurydice and Persephone.
“If it’s my husband,” Persephone growls, “I’ll deal with him.”
Patroclus nods and returns to Achilles.
Hades sits beside his office window. He’d given the orders in the morning: kill Orpheus. If the boy dies, his killer will not be asked to work for the rest of their time in the underworld. His plan would soon succeed. His shades would end the fool’s life and finally, finally, Hades would have his kingdom back. It had only been 48 hours or so since Orpheus’s failed serenade, but it had felt like an eternity.
Hades reaches for his wine glass. The portrait he’d torn from the wall catches his eye. Persephone, smiling, a babe at her knee. It had been a long while since he’d seen that child. Dionysus, god of wine and madness. He visited the underworld plenty, once or more every winter. Never the tower, though. He only knew the boy had come by because his wife would return, drunk out of her mind. He’d drag her to bed and every time, he’d bribe Hypnos to keep his dear Persephone asleep an extra few hours, to let her sleep off the hangover. Dionysus could wash away her intoxication with a wave of his hand. He used to. But for a long while now, she’d return drunk. Upon her request, Hades knew. He tried now not to feel the sting of this fact. His own wife would rather be blackout drunk than speak to him.
Still, he loves her. He’d laid a thousand miles of wires to brighten his kingdom, to mimic the sun she so loved. And she’d complained it was too bright. He’d let her have a wide stretch of land to attempt to grow a garden. He’d tended it with her, but still, the plants wilted. And now he had let Orpheus tear out his heart for Persephone. He’d done everything for her, nearly lost everything for her, and still, she hates him.
Hades lifts the painting from the ground and lays it across his desk. He sees his labors. To keep his hold on the underworld and his wife’s affection, if she has any left. He must prioritize his realm. He loves her, more than any kingdom, but the binds of death must not be unwound, Hades knows. The mortal realm his wife so loves would wither without death. It cannot be overrun by fleeing shades. His kingdom is his responsibility, and he must keep it in check. And so he tucks the painting into a drawer, gone from sight, gone from mind.
Hermes was beginning to wonder if Zeus could think up a worse punishment than his current circumstances. Dionysus tips his head back and chugs another flask of wine. “Want some?” he offers, for what must be the thousandth time.
Hermes sighs. “Yes.”
“Aha! Finally! The best of the best for you, my friend.” He holds out the flask and curtseys, sloshing wine over his tunic.
Hermes pinches the bridge of his nose. “Read the room,” he mutters.
“I said thanks,” he lies. He takes a sip. The wine is incredible, better than any mortal’s best vintage.
“My dear flower, light in my eye, the sun to my sky...” Apollo recites.
Hermes wants to scream. His son is probably miserable, cast into Tartarus or locked in a cell somewhere, and here he is, listening to Apollo memorizing lines for Hyacinthus, who’s probably so deep under the Lethe’s amnesia that he won’t remember who the god is. He takes another sip of wine. “Dionysus!”
“Yes?” Dionysus laughs.
Hermes grits his teeth. Intoxication is no help to Dionysus’s ability to understand the severity of the situation. “Promise me something.”
“You’ll undo the effects of your alcohol on me before we get to Hadestown.”
“Excellent. Now, do you have something stronger?”
“‘Course! Here.”
Hermes drinks. The alcohol burns his throat. He forces himself not to cough.
“Too strong?”
“Mm.” Hermes clears his thoat. “Not at all.” He finishes the flask.
“Show yourself!” Achilles shouts. Patroclus stands back to back with him, armed with a pickaxe from the mines.
“I don’t think you’re in much of a place to be making demands.” The voice echoes from every corner of the greenhouse.
“Funny, I disagree.” Achilles whirls and throws his pick axe through the man’s chest. His body dissolves as if it’s made of smoke.
“Could’ve questioned him,” Patroclus says.
“What would we ask? ‘Who sent you?’ Take a wild guess.”
Patroclus shrugs. “There’ll be more of them.”
“So we don’t let our guard down. Let’s get going, Pa-“
“Argh!” He yelps.
“Patroclus!” Achilles whirls. A bowman from the roof. “To cover!” He grabs his lover’s hands and drags him to the nearest wall, out of the range of the archer’s arrows.
Patroclus clutches his shoulder. “If I hadn’t moved, that would’ve gone through my chest,” he states. “Warn Persephone. I’m alright.”
Achilles nods. “Keep your eyes open. There’s no way he’s alone. I won’t be long.”
He runs along the wall. He glances up at the ceiling. The archer is gone. He runs for the exit, then the entrance to Persephone’s greenhouse. An arrow strikes the ground at his feet. He dives in the door and slams it behind him. “We were followed,” he announces.
“So we discovered.” Persephone’s vines wrap the ground and up the wall, where a man dangles by his wrists. “Orpheus is-“
The door opens, Patroclus stands in its frame. Achilles runs to his side. “I told you to stay behind.”
“There’s more of them. They were going for a better shot on me, so I ran.”
“Your arm...”
“Is fine.” Patroclus answers. “Where’s Orpheus?”
“Here! A hand, one of you?” Eurydice calls from the opposite wall. “He’s hit.” They both run for Orpheus.
Persephone’s captive screams. “I’ll ask again. Who sent you?”
“Hades!” The man yelps. “Please!”
“I knew it,” she snarls. “His orders. What were they? Be exact.”
“Any man who kills Orpheus won’t have to work for the rest of eternity.”
“How many are after him?”
“I don’t know!” He cries. “Please!”
She tightens the vines around his throat and the man vanishes into ashes.
“Is he breathing?” She calls to Orpheus’s aids.
“Yes,” Patroclus replies. “He’s only been hit in the leg.”
Persephone nods. “I’ll hold the doors.”
Orpheus groans. “I know, I know,” Eurydice murmurs. “You’ll be okay.”
“I need to get the arrow out. Give him something to bite down on,” Patroclus tells her.
She stuffs a piece of cloth into his mouth. “Bite.” He does.
“Hold him down.” Orpheus screams. “Almost there. And it’s out. Hold pressure. Right here.” He guides Eurydice’s hands over the wound. “Press hard, don’t let up,” he tells her. “I know it hurts, Orpheus. Focus on Eurydice.”
“O-okay.” Orpheus chokes out.
“Achilles, we’ll need strips of fabric. One of the blankets should be fine. Tie a tourniquet above his wound. Apply pressure. The bleeding will stop.”
Achilles begins to tear a blanket. “Your shoulder, Pat.”
“I’m alright.” He presses a hand against it.
“No, there’s an arrow through your arm. And love, that’s what Hades has on us. If you die, you’re stuck on the banks of the Styx forever. I’m afraid... we’d never see each other again. An eternity without you... I don’t want to imagine it.”
“Okay, okay. Give me a piece of that blanket.” Achilles does. “When I take the arrow out, it’ll bleed. If anything happens, I’d recommend you leave me behind. Hades might let me live, if I say I’ll give him information and you won’t be burdened to carry me.”
“You know I won’t leave you here.”
“Yeah, I thought that might be fruitless.”
“You’re gonna want to see this,” Persephone calls. Achilles stands.
“I’ll be right back,” he tells Patroclus.
“Look.” Persephone points at the roof. An arrow whizzes and the bowman standing on it falls. “Someone wants us to make it out.”
“Or someone wants to take us alive,” he says, grimly.
Something drifts down from overhead. A scrap of fabric, maybe. It lands at Persephone’s feet. A cloth carnation. Beneath it, a note: “Hermes is coming.”
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vixenpen · 4 years
Caged Hearts
Chap 25. Take Down
((Hawks x Miku ((OC))
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The sheets were warm and tangled around their bodies. If Keigo closed his eyes he could almost imagine they were in the comfort of his bright, clean bedroom rather than the dirty hovel they were laid up in.
“Yo, bird brain?” Dabi muttered. He was staring up at the dimly lit ceiling with a cigarette in hand. If you could be anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why?”
“Not reading my mind, are ya, Dabs?”
Dabi took a drag of the cigarette before replying: “I know I’d much rather be fucking you on on a real bed with some box springs. I’d break that mother fucker too.”
“Real romantic, babe.”
“So what about you?”
Keigo took a measured breath as he thought. The stench of sex and cigarette smoke burned his nostrils.
“There’s this island off of Fukuoka—it’s beautiful there—and there’s this old abandoned shrine on the east end...”
“You wanna fuck in an abandoned shrine?” Dabi frowned, cocking a brow.
“Not everything is about sex, you nympho maniac.” Keigo rolled his eyes. “I would wanna go there just to show it to you. To share it with you. Ya know? Like a real date..” he added sarcastically.
“Oh geez, I forgot people actually do those. Yeah, I guess a real date would be cool. Even if it is just some shitty old shrine.”
Dabi cut his eyes playfully at his boyfriend only to just narrowly miss a pillow to the face.
“What’s wrong, Birdemic? I ain’t cute enough to be wined and dined on a dinner date?”
“Like you would be stimulated by the typical dinner and a movie.” Keigo rolled over until his chin settled on Dabi’s scarred chest. “You’re not a basic bitch.”
“Hm that is true,” Dabi stubbed out his smoke. “I am a baddie.”
Keigo snorted. Dabi chuckled.
Then they both quieted.
“Yeah,” Dabi’s hands raked through his boyfriend’s tousled blonde hair, “I guess that would be fun to do together.”
“Hawks? Hey, Hawks-san? Hawks-san?”
“You, good?”
His teenaged sidekick was looking at him with a mix of worry and curiosity.
Because of course he’s worried. You’re over here taking a trip down memory lane before a major take down mission. Get your shit together and stop zoning out, dude.
Keigo rearranged his face into a practiced, easygoing smile.
“I’m alright, kid, how ‘bout you? This is a big mission. You ready for it?”
The young intern’s expression grew serious, and he nodded.
“Then this can all be over.”
Keigo’s smile waned.
“Yeah. Let’s hope.”
A fleet of police officers, sidekicks, and fellow heroes accompanied them on what would hopefully be their final bust of Dabi’s operation. The speed boat hurtled the entire group towards the island’s south east end. The hero could make out the arched roof of the old abandoned temple through the tall foliage.
He pulled his buzzing phone from his pants pocket, and smiled when he saw the picture from Miku. She was at the recording studio from what he could tell.
Angel😇: finishing up here. My bodyguards won’t even let me go to the roof by myself for a break 🙄 hope ur happy
Kei: I am. Hopefully this will all be over soon. Ttyl.
God how he hoped both statements were true. He wanted this to be over. As weird as having free time was, Keigo missed it. He had almost forgotten how mentally exhausting The unpredictability and stress of an major case like this could be. Even more than that, he missed Miku. When this was over, he wanted to make things right between them. Make them better.
The boat came to a stop at the edge of the island.
“How far until we reach?” One of the officers asked.
“Less than ten minutes by foot.” Hawks replied.
His wings stretched fully, the buzzing of bugs and rustling leaves all prickled at his feathers.
He held up a hand, calling all parties to halt behind him. Several red feathers shot off from his wings and spanned the sparsely forested area.
One by one, his quirk triggered traps. Bombs. Nowhere near as strong as the ones Dabi had blown up the warehouses with, but still enough that the police squad had to crouch behind their shields.
Keigo’s eyes narrowed as he felt the rush of Dabi’s fire wielding lackeys coming before he saw them.
The avian lowered his visor.
“Get ready.”
“We got the taaake!” Miku sang with a giggle. “That’s a wrap!”
Her producer, DJP, a fellow Yokohama native who always wore sunglasses, a bandanna and very rarely talked, gave her a lazy thumbs up. For DJP, that was the equivalent of a cartwheel.
With a sigh, Miku took off the headphones and hung them over the neck of the microphone before letting herself out of the sound booth. Miku joined the producer at the mixer.
“I need a break,” she sighed. “I’m going to the roof.”
DJ quirked his pierced brow at her. Even beyond his large black shades Miku could see the chastising look on his face.
“I’ll be quick, I swear,” she pressed. “Just give me five minutes, and we can run it back. Please.”
DJP shrugged dismissively and let out a hum of approval.
Thank god.
Miku burst out of the studio and into the silent halls so quickly that she bumped into her bodyguard’s barrel chest.
“Pepe! There you are big guy,” she grinned up at him. “Just the man I wanted to see. Wanna take a trip to the roof with me?”
The humanoid grizzly bear man smirked back at her.
“Sure, Angel, we can take a trip.”
Then pain exploded in her right temple before her vision went black
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “6 Feet”
With the scary events unfolding lately all over the world, Gotham is under lockdown also. The Joker and his girlfriend are self-quarantining at the Penthouse: needless to say entertaining him it’s no easy chore but thankfully Y/N can handle any type of situation. Probably…
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You almost drop your coffee mug when you see The Joker dangling outside the railing from the second floor of The Penthouse.
“What are you doing, J??!!!”
“Pumpkin, wanna bet I can land on the couch from here?” he flares one arm in the air.
“It’s too far off, you’ll never make it!” you mentally calculate the trajectory.
“Pfft, bullshit! If Batsy can do crap like this, so can I!”
“You don’t have the gear and training, J!”
“Gear??!! Training??!! I don’t need that; I’m not a wimp!”
“Fine, go ahead and break your neck!” Y/N gives up on the already lost cause. “How much are we betting?”
“50,000 dollars.”
“You got yourself a deal Mister Joker,” you take a sip of coffee, annoyed his desire for chaos is already surging to unspeakable heights after being trapped inside for the last 3 weeks.
The King of Gotham flexes his knees a few times for equilibrium and… here he goes: barely misses the couch, one leg gets caught on the night stand and BAM! Lands on the floor with a loud thud.
“Uugghhhh,” he groans in pain flat on his back. “Y/N… I think I fractured my limbs.”
You slowly approach and ignore his complains, pointing out the truth:
“You owe me 50,000 dollars. And if you fractured your bones, I’m going to strangle you on the spot because there is no way I’m taking care of a stubborn patient!”
The Joker makes an extra effort to react at your ultimatum:
“Excellent news, Princess. I can move my toes!”
You roll your eyes and extend one of your arms to help him up. 
“Lucky indeed, J. Are you doing this for attention?”
“Gotta keep the flame going, Pumpkin,” The Clown whizzes up a storm, trying to catch his breath following the glorious bungee jumping without a rope.
Supposedly J is in convalescence, thus he wanted a haircut. You are both watching TV in the living room, your boyfriend sitting on a chair while you shape the locks behind him.
You start laughing at the funny movie so your hand slips: the trimmer shaves a patch of The Joker’s fabulous green hair, leaving him with a beautiful quarter sized bald spot.
Oh, shit!
He has no idea his perfect groomed style it’s butchered; better to ride this crazy train until he notices. You comb what you can from the longer strands on top of the mess you created, lying without blinking at his question:
“How did it turn out?”
“Impeccable, baby! My flair and precision regarding detail is through the roof,” you boast full of confidence.
The Heinlein Maneuver  
You’re tossing bullets at J, attempting to make them land in his mouth.
“Wow, you’re getting pretty good at this!” Y/N praises and he suddenly chokes. “Oh my God!” you panic. “Spit it out! Spit it out!”
You run behind him and start The Heinlein Maneuver which you had to learn in order to repeatedly save The Joker as a result of this being one the couple’s favorite games to play.
One, two, three… Pfuuu, there it goes: the bullet flies out of him!
The King is taking a few moments to recover whilst you impatiently want to find out what he saw this time: whenever he has these near death experiences he sees weird stuff.
“What was it this time?” you curiously inquire.
“I saw Batsy naked,” he exhales full of spite. “That asshole is totally invading my privacy!”
“Naked?” your entitled smirk makes him lose it. “Was he circumcised?”
“Excuse me??!!”
“A girl can be curious,” Y/N defends her inquiry.
“Listen here, woman! The dilemma you should be quizzing me about is if I saw his face so we can identify him!”
“Well, did you?”
“Then it’s irrelevant.”
“I nearly died Princess! All I need right now is mindless fornication to aid with my rehabilitation,” the strategist in J blurs out.
“You did this to get laid?”
“Gotta keep the flame going, Pumpkin!”
6 Feet
You sneezed twice in a row and The Joker has suspiciously watched you like a hawk since.
“Do you feel sick, Pumpkin?...”
“No, it’s my allergies,” you blow your nose in a tissue and cough due to a scratchy throat.
“Are you sure?...”
“Yes, you know I get like this at spring time.”
“Hm…” J huffs. “I don’t think we should risk infection, I’m too important for this town. I say you take the south part of The Penthouse and I’ll reside in the west. Don’t come any closer, stay at least 6 feet apart just like the regulations stipulate. You can move in the room across from the master bedroom.”
“Huh?!” the baffled Y/N pretends she didn’t comprehend the words. “I have allergies, J!!! ALLERGIES!!!!”
“6 feet Pumpkin! Don’t make me repeat myself!!”  
Booty Call
You got mad and moved into the other bedroom; I guess The King wants to be safe from your allergies because that’s what you have and nothing more. Does he ever listen to reason? Nah, that would be a first.
You’re reading a book when your cell phone goes off: an invitation to chat from your man.  Across the hallway…Yup…
“Pumpkin!” his face pops on the screen. “I wanna have phone sex!!!!”
“No,” you immediately cut him off, annoyed.
“What do you mean no?! I’m about to blow a gasket over here!!!!!!!!!”
“I don’t care what happens to your gasket Mister Joker, as long as you keep it 6 feet away from me!!” and you hang up.
“How dare you, Princess?!” he shouts at your defiance. “I’ll open an account on PinchMyButt and I’ll pick another partner to tend to my overloaded system!”
“Be my guest!” you snort at his rudeness since you can actually hear him to start with.
One of the most popular online dating/hook up websites. Period.
The Joker uploaded his profile one hour ago and instead of being flocked with pinches like he thought, there’s no activity besides users flagging the account for “inappropriate content”. Members reckon it’s distasteful to have someone pretending to be The Clown Prince of Crime searching for a match; they have no clue it’s genuine.
Another hour passes by… zero pinches.
J is getting pissed.
30 more minutes… Ding! The app announces.
“Ha!” he triumphantly yells. “Somebody pinched my butt, Pumpkin! Oh, she said I have nice nipples and a cute bald spot! I don’t have a bald spot! Who is this?!” he investigates the blog name: iHaveAllergies69.
Rings a bell: you kept on telling him this plus his girl preferred sex position…
“Pumpkin, is that you?!” The Joker shrieks.
“Yeah!” you admit from the other bedroom. “I felt sorry for you!”
“I don’t want your pity! Unpinch me! Wait, my account just got suspended: due to a large number of objections, you’re account has been terminated. What the hell?! What am I supposed to do now, Princess?“
“Dunno, you’re the one that wanted us to be apart and it’s an excellent rule! I’m enjoying my isolation; you should do the same.”
“How can you enjoy confinement?”
“I’m having fun!”
“Without me?! Impossible! I put the fun in dysfunctional!”
The elevator’s doors slide and Frost strolls inside carrying a box.
“Not a step further!” J mumbles taking the safely off his pistol.
He misses threatening people thus when the guys bring food and supplies to The Penthouse he tries to shoot them.
“What’s in there?” he gestures towards the cardboard container.
“Not sure, sir. Y/N ordered it online.”
“Open it!” the stern order leaves no room for hesitation.
Jonny rips the scotch tape and removes the pink, fluffy toy.
“What the heck is this?!” The Joker frowns at its shape.
Frost analyzes the plush item and it clicks.
“Boss, I think it’s a…”
“PUMPKIN!!!!” The Clown interrupts.  “Why does this atrocity resemble my crown jewelry???!!” he screams you as you show up in the living room.
A super excited squeal:
“Boinky arrived!!!” and Y/N rushes to get her package. “Toss it! Toss it!!” you wave your arms and Jonny does as required. “I need something to cuddle with since you kicked me to the curve,” you finally address him.
“And you couldn’t find a teddy bear?!”
The Joker barges in your bedroom while spraying around with disinfectant mist:
“Pumpkin, this is the biggest emergency Gotham has ever faced!!!!” he frantically takes his clothes off and you jump because you just fell asleep 5 minutes ago.
“What is it?” you snuggle with your fuzzy trinket.
“Goddamn Boinky!” your boyfriend snatches the toy and flings it out the opened window.
“What are you doing?!”
“I’m about to explode, woman! That’s what!!! My online dating was abruptly halted by unforeseen factors so I have no choice,” he viciously starts yanking at you tank top. “I either risk contamination or I blow a gasket and that means kaput!”
“I have allergies,” you frown and J tugs at your shorts in a hurry, irritated.
“Exposing myself like this!” he continues bickering and Y/N can’t help it:
“Just like Batsy did?”
The King gasps, appalled you twisted his near death experience vision in such a hasty manner.
“Unacceptable!” he pulls you under him and your eerie grin prompts doubt: “Hold on! Did you purchase Boinky to intrigue me and made sure I can’t blow my gasket anywhere else with the sole purpose of having me crawl back to you?!”
Y/N innocently kisses the tip of his nose, whispering:
“Gotta keep the flame going, baby.”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Wattpad and Ao3 under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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rvmmm21 · 4 years
. pizza or jajangmyeon? .
not sure how you like bottom!futa!irene, but i sure do lol. its fun to flip the roles sometimes. i did this impulsively (and deliriously) at 5am so do forgive the errors. 
(my first smut. first off, why did i start off, with no experience, with g!p? and then carrying on from there, let’s just say maybe i shouldn’t do this ever again)
friggin have no idea how much i cringed writing this lol.
Hmm… butter, lettuce, carrots, watermelon… Wannie’s oranges and a bunch of grapes for Yerimie.
Joohyun idly twiddled the pen between her fingers, making sure she got the list down pat before leaving the house. It had been too long since she’d done a grocery run, and by the state of their fridge, she could already hear the pizza boy ringing their doorbell.
Those kids, she sighed to herself, they’re going to start turning into pizzas. Or jajangmyeon. Not this time. They’re going to eat a salad tonight if I have to fork it down their throats myself.
Folding the post-it note neatly and slipping it into her back pocket, she grabbed her phone and wallet, giving herself a once-over in the mirror before making for the living room.
“Yah! Give it back!” a voice boomed through the hallway, making Joohyun’s eyes roll up to the heavens. She turned the corner, only just managing to avoid being knocked over by the tornado of a chase that was going on in the house.
Seungwan was jumping on the sofa, one arm up with a phone tightly clutched in her hand. She was waving it around, taunting a screaming Yerim, who was going berserk beneath her, trying to swipe it out of her hand.
“Admit it then!” the girl yelled down, holding the phone out of reach, “you cheated! You bumped me on purpose, because you knew I was winning!”
This riled the younger girl up even more.
“I literally slipped! Plus, you suck! You weren’t even winning you were like 4th!”
“Yeah, still better than 8th you idiot,” she retorted, playfully dangling the phone in front of the sulky girl.
Exasperated, Joohyun turned to the direction of the commotion, one hand already on the door handle. She hadn’t even bothered to ask why this was all happening, already too accustomed to her troublemakers and their antics. She glanced down at her watch.
Oh damn, I’ve only got half an hour till closing. Better sort this out quick.
“Hey! You two.”
Seungwan and Yerim hadn’t even noticed her about to leave the house till now, turning their attention to her.
“Seungwan, enough with the teasing. Give Yerim her phone back. And you two need to stop arguing. I swear, it’s every time… I will ban Mario Kart for a lifetime, don’t make me do it.”
Not wanting to further irritate an already irritated Joohyun, Seungwan hopped off the sofa and handed Yerim back her phone, the two of them now seeming more interested in where she was going.
“Unnie, where are you going?” she asked, casually strolling over to Joohyun with Yerim in tow.
“Just giving us options other than pizza or jajangmyeon tonight,” Joohyun answered simply.
This propelled an entire slew of pouts and protests from her dongsaengs, now engaged in a one-sided argument about wanting to have takeout tonight instead of ‘stupid healthy’ vegetables.
“No,” Joohyun said firmly, “You girls are going to have healthy food tonight whether you like it or not. No more takeout!”
Both girls exchanged hurried glances before rushing past her pressing their backs to the door, effectively barricading her in. The older girl flinched being pushed out the way, and inwardly groaned, eyes rolling skywards once again.
“Yah, let me through. There’s not much time left.”
Yerim looked at Seungwan before turning back to her.
“But unnie,” she sounded uncharacteristically concerned, “How are you going out with those messy trousers?
Joohyun’s eyebrows furrowed when she saw two small smirks creep up the corners of the mouths of the two girls before her. Those smirks could mean very few things, and those ‘things’ meant, more often than not, trouble. She looked down at the loose beige joggers she had on. They were fine? A bit thin and crinkly, admittedly, but they were her favourite pair! And she was just going to the shops, after all.
She looked up again, confused.
“Huh? My trousers? They’re not mess-”
But before she could even finish, Joohyun found the wind knocked right out of her, as she was roughly tackled to the floor, now flat on her back with Yerim straddling her chest. Her legs were pinning Joohyun’s arms down, and despite her commendable attempt at struggling out from underneath, Yerim had positioned herself too far up her chest to allow her any leverage.
“G-get off me, ugh,” she huffed, eventually stilling under the girl’s whole-body weight.
“Oops, sorry unnie,” Yerim innocently giggled, clearly enjoying Joohyun’s pink flushed cheeks as she gave her bum a little wiggle on top of the squirming girl.
Joohyun’s entire view was obscured by Yerim’s clothed core a little too close to her face. She couldn’t even see Seungwan seated in between her legs until she felt two hands shove her knees wide apart. Joohyun gave a small yelp as she felt two legs abruptly land on both her bent knees, weighing them down and keeping her spread.
“Unnie,” a voice from behind Yerim made her presence known, “Aren’t you getting us takeout tonight?”
“N-no,” the heaved reply came. Her lungs were starting to sting from the pressure.
Unfortunately, breathing wasn’t the only thing that was getting a little hard right now.
And it didn’t go unnoticed, either.
“Ooh Yerimie,” Yerim turned back at Seungwan’s snide remark, a smile playing on her lips as she glanced down to the tent forming in Joohyun’s trousers, “looks like your cute little panties are getting Joohyun unnie very excited.”
At this, Yerim beamed, pulling her skirt up higher and bunching it around her waist so Joohyun had a devastatingly clear view of the baby pink cotton underwear she had on. Scooting up a bit higher, she playfully grinded her hips, as her own little wet spot began to form on her panties, knowing the effect she was having on her powerless unnie. Joohyun shut her eyes and groaned, using all her might to will her growing arousal down, but it was getting increasingly hard with the inescapable proximity and the hands that were now rubbing her helplessly hardening cock. Without her consent, her hips began bucking up into the groping hands, desperate to get some friction, desperate to get even harder.
It was getting too much to bear.
She was fully erect in mere seconds.
Seungwan licked her lips at the sight.
“Careful there,” she warned, squeezing her, “don’t get too excited… I want to have some fun with it too.”
The older girl could only let out a breathy moan in response as Seungwan kept massaging her clothed erection. Her mind keeled at the heady aroma emanating from Yerim’s heat, every inhale made her cock twitch painfully incessantly.
She was sure she could have cum right there.
“Little Hyun’s coming out to play now,” Seungwan chided, reaching past Joohyun’s waistband, freeing her swollen member and her full, heavy balls. She couldn’t help but take a few moments to admire the older girl’s prodding length, stiff and pulsing in her grip.
Joohyun gasped and flinched slightly, feeling the heat of a pair of lips trail along the underside of the head, maddeningly light and teasing. As much as she tried to hold it in, more than a few wanton moans escaped her throat when the lips turned from exploring the length of her shaft to wrapping themselves around the whole mushroom head. Thick, juicy lips created a deliciously tight suction as a warm tongue tickled the slit and flicked the sensitive bundle of nerves underneath. Spurts of precum trickled from the girl’s achingly teased cock, which Seungwan lapped up immediately, the salty liquid tingling her taste buds.
Every suck, every lick felt like electric jolts were zipping through Joohyun’s body, making her buck even harder. Little Hyun wanted nothing more but to bury itself in the cavern of Seungwan’s warm mouth. The younger girl knew full well how worked up Joohyun was and what she wanted, needed. But she simply smirked around her cock and carried on with the torture; just the tip. She was waiting for those magic words.
And she didn’t have to wait long at all.
“P-please, oh gosh, pl-please,” the voice was small, barely audible, but Seungwan heard it crystal clear.
Her lips left Joohyun’s cockhead with a comical ‘pop’, leaving her boner springing back and hitting her belly. Precum was still leaking from the tip, now forming a sticky little pool on her stomach. Yerim, who was a huge part of the reason Joohyun’s cock was drooling non-stop, looked back at Seungwan with a sly grin.
They had her right where they wanted her.
“Please? Please what?” Seungwan grinned widely, eyes locked with Yerim’s the entire time.
No answer.
“Hm?” she cupped her hand over her ear, leaning in and pretending to listen.
There was a small, uncomfortable shift from the girl trapped on the floor under them.
“No? Nothing?” Seungwan pursed her lips into a tight line, glancing nonchalantly up at Yerim, who pointedly shrugged, “Well, I guess we’re done, then. We’ll leave you, uh… to it.”
Their smiles grew wider as they heard the smallest of whines followed by adorable hip wriggles, the momentum making her erection slide side to side on her belly like a metronome.
This time, Yerim looked down at a sweaty, heaving Joohyun; fringe matted, beads of sweat spotted across her forehead and the sweetest blush adorning her pretty cheeks.
“What did you say? I don’t think Wannie unnie can hear you from all the way back there.”
A girly chuckle escaped her smirking lips as she beheld a flush of crimson rapidly spread from Joohyun’s neck up to her face.
They’re really going to make a girl say it, huh.
She had a good mind to halt their cruel little game right there, giving them an earful and an early bedtime for winding her up. But she couldn’t take the teasing anymore. It was agonising being ripped from paradise like that. She needed more. She needed it all the way.
And she just broke, trying to ignore the burning in her lungs from having her breathing restricted and her heart racing.
“P-PLEASE SUCK ME, MAKE ME CUM please, please I can’t takeitanymore, please…” the yells dissolved into whimpers as her mind could focus on nothing but her neglected boner, although it was still as ragingly hard as it was to begin with.
The girls basked in the triumph. The triumph of getting Joohyun to actually voice her needs. They always longed to hear those moans of pleasure as they teased her body, longed to melt that pretentious ice queen façade, to watch her lose herself and come undone under their skillful manipulations. So, getting her to be vocal about what she wanted just added to the thrill.
“Oh!” Joohyun rasped as she felt the base of her cock in a vice-like grip.
“All you had to do was ask, unnie.”
And with that, all Joohyun’s sensory levels spiked off the charts. Both girls doubled their ministrations. Seungwan’s mouth enveloped her rod whole, taking it all the way to the hilt. Her tongue pressed flat against the underside, mercilessly stimulating every single nerve and every single sensitive area it had to offer. Yerim had now pushed her panties to the side, revealing her naked heat, coated in slick. Joohyun felt a hand in her hair, and the next thing she tasted was Yerim’s dripping arousal, nose pressed against her swollen little bud as she grinded herself onto her face.
“Oh yes, unnie, right there,” the young girl threw her head back, eyes shut in rapture as she rode Joohyun’s red face, “Does this turn you on? Eating me out like this while unnie sucks you off? You can’t help yourself, can you? You’re gonna cum. Unnie’s mouth is gonna make you cum so hard.”
Muffled moans of agreement were coming from the older girl as she lapped at Yerim like she was born to do nothing else, while gyrating her hips into the mouth expertly pleasuring her engorged, reddened cock.
It was absolutely unholy.
Seungwan took her mouth off Joohyun, but kept pumping her swollen prick with her hand, left palm kneading her balls, forcing the girl closer and closer to the edge. Her vision was blurring slightly, body preparing for an unavoidably intense release.
Oh my god, it’s coming, I can’t hold it much longer…
“Oh, Joohyun unnie…”
Dazed beyond belief, Joohyun’s foggy mind could barely discern Seungwan’s voice faintly addressing her. She tried her best to focus, but her impending orgasm was greatly overpowering her will to do so.
“You know, I think Yerim and I agree with you. We will eat healthy tonight. You’ve got about ten minutes left before closing, I’m sure you’ll make it if you run.”
The decision to grocery shop had long since been swept away. Joohyun had even forgotten why she was on the floor in the first place, only knowing she was about two seconds away from exploding in pure pleasure.
She paused to laugh, finding herself the funniest person on earth.
“Aw, too bad your pants are a mess though. Can’t go out looking like that. You’ll have to change them first.”
Joohyun didn’t have to be able to see Seungwan to hear the wicked lilt she had in her voice as she spoke.
Wait my w-what?
Just like that, Bae Joohyun wished she could retract all the urges she had to cum. Her eyes widened in horror as she realised what the girls had meant and planned all along. There was no point even trying to distract herself from cumming, not between Seungwan’s tight fist skillfully going to town on her aching member and being encompassed in Yerim’s sweet juices. It was about as effective as cutting anything with a bent knife.
“N-no, please d-don’t,” she tried to beg.
But it was too late. Seungwan had already stuffed her cock back into her trousers, making sure to aim the head right where the crotch area was. Her hand continued to pump the other girl’s shaft until she felt it throb, all resistance shattered. With a fragmented cry, Joohyun’s hips arched, abs clenched and toes curled, drenched in sweat. Light beige turned into the darkest grey as she embarrassingly soiled her joggers with thick, hot cum. A cruel smirk crawled on the younger girl’s cute little face as she gripped it tighter, forcefully milking string after string of virile seed from Joohyun’s swollen cock.
“Oh my god, unnie,” Yerim teased, pausing to join Seungwan in watching the girl forced to cum in her pants, “Such a naughty girl, you couldn’t hold it? We need to work on your self control.”
Joohyun wasn’t listening; her head lolled in a daze, whole body going limp as all her muscles relaxed simultaneously after having been contracted for what seemed like forever. She felt the pressure she didn’t even realise was there anymore lifted off her chest, as Yerim got to her feet to get towels so they could start cleaning themselves and the exhausted, drained girl on the floor.
After Yerim disappeared from her glazed over line of sight, she was almost immediately replaced by Seungwan.
She didn’t miss the smug look etched into her pretty features.
“So, unnie… pizza or jajangmyeon?”
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Fate/Requiem: Chapter 6
It had not been enough.
Nzambi had been wounded by my blow, but it had failed to destroy her Saint Graph. Beneath the soft surface of her body lurked an incredibly hard layer. My Freischütz had been allowed to pass through, but my axe had not.
She looked down at the glaring gash I had opened in her chest in irritation, then reached for one of the many hands dangling from her body. Then she tipped her head back, with her mouth agape like an anglerfish, slipped it between her teeth, and bit down hard. With a crunching of bones, the Command Seals faded from it – and from many of the other hands too, which crumbled into dust.
She's... eating them? Eating Command Seals?
With my foe preoccupied, I took advantage of the lull in the fighting to retrieve Koharu from the ground and retreat with her clutched in my arms. I made it back to where Pran was waiting, and turned to find that my foe's wound had closed entirely. Even her cape was as good as new, with no tear to be seen.
“Your nature eludes me, spellcaster. Though I understand those branches you wield, at least. The grasping claws of poor, vengeful souls. Rather fitting for you, I think.”
The desiccated hands dropped to the ground, one after the other.
“Still, I swore an oath to take care of any who fled through these gates, and take care of them I shall. That branch of yours is certainly bothersome... but I doubt it can save you from these.”
She gave no signal, but still the two war elephants advanced. They smashed two of the pillars standing in the hall with their foreheads, and then curled their mighty trunks around their toppled remains.
“Surely it can't...? Wah! It can!”
The pillar one of the beasts flung at me must have weighed several tons. With Koharu slumped on my shoulder, we just barely dodged out of the way. I had no idea that an elephant could be so dexterous.
The other took the signal to charge, wielding its pillar like a battering ram.
“I have no more interest in you. Perhaps I shall seek out that boy next. His dear little head would look wonderful dangling from my neck.” Nzambi stepped up to squat on one of the war elephants' trunks, and it obediently scooped her up onto its back. “Hm. Or perhaps he has gone and hidden himself away somewhere.”
We turned to run from the two advancing elephants, only to find our way blocked by more ranks of the walking dead.
“I'm... I'll be fine, Erice. Get the boy... away from here...” Koharu had come to. She stumbled a little at first without my support, but soon enough raised her sword once more and set to cutting down the advancing zombies. It was clear that she was on her last legs, but I had no choice but to hope that that would suffice.
With a magus' tactical thinking, she had already attempted to heal herself. Seven-tenths of her Command Seal had vanished from the back of her hand, but it would take more than that to repair the damage from her collision with the wall, and her right arm was in no better a state. Whatever that blade was that Nzambi had stabbed her with, it had been no ordinary weapon.
It must have damaged her magic circuit somehow. Oh, Koharu...
The war elephant's thunderous footsteps shook the floor as it lumbered toward us. Nzambi's voice echoed around the corridor from the beast's back.
“You should know very well, that outside of this citadel sprawls a kingdom of the dead.”
A 'kingdom of the dead'? I had no idea what she was talking about, but I could sense nothing. Perhaps if I were a proper Master, I would have more insight.
“All those who have tasted death become my children, and how very dear they are to me.”
“All those who have tasted death”? It took me a moment to comprehend the true scale of what she had said. Was she simply spouting nonsense in an attempt to break our spirits? Or could it be possible that the Servants here had been so easily overwhelmed, rendered incapable of marshalling their full power, because of Nzambi's sorcery?
“Although some are terribly forgetful. All I do is recall the memories of death that they have forgotten. Memento Mori, as they say. Come, Galahad. No more hiding behind a little girl's skirts. Face me like a knight, and let us see how you died.”
We were not so green as to fall for cheap taunts. I flashed Koharu a glance, and she responded wordlessly: she was not to undo her Possession if she could at all help it.
Suddenly the internal broadcast system flared to life, projecting Ms. Fujimura's voice around the arena.
“Code Crimson has been invoked. The barrier around the Colosseum interior has been deactivated. All survivors, proceed to the central battlefield.”
The barrier she referred to was the forcefield erected between the battlefield and the seats to ensure that no harm came to spectators during a match. Deactivating it was highly unusual.
The announcement played once more. I doubted that anyone else listening it would know the true significance of Code Crimson. I don't know about the rest of the announcement, but that bit must be a message for me. I touched a finger to my forelock, but my call went unheeded.
Where are you, Ms. Fujimura?
At that moment, my phone ringtone blared. Karin.
“Hey, Eri! You alive? Still in the stadium? Listen, I'm super sorry, but the kid gave me the slip! I'll seppuku myself later, okay?”
“Guess you get to live. Pran's with me.”
“He's what?!”
“Are you barricaded up over there?”
“Damn straight! We're holed up in an empty stable just next to the arena! Got quite a few other survivors with us, too, and some of the fighters are helping us hold out, but they're knockin' on our door! I'm not sure how much lo- Crap! Momi, left!”
I heard a muted crash through the speaker, like something colliding with an iron cage, followed by the trumpeting of an elephant. Hannibal's final remaining war elephant, most likely – probably alongside the man himself.
“That announcement just now was Caren's voice, right? Is everything okay? Can we trust it?”
“It's real. Can you get to the central arena from where you are?”
“I think so. The shutters are down, but we can blast our way through. Apparently we can use Noble Phantasms now.”
“Then do it! Before it's too late! I'll-” A muffled boom echoed through the speaker, followed by static, and then the line went dead.
I turned to Koharu. “Let's go. We need to get to the arena.”
“But my teammates might still... I mean, there could still be competitors there, and you've seen what they can do. It's as dangerous in there as it is out here. And what was that Code Crimson they mentioned?”
“It means you're going to get your wish.”
She gave a little noise of surprise. Apparently she had understood what I was getting at.
“I see. In that case, let me lead the way. I'm more familiar with the Colosseum.”
“A little late for directions, don't you think? How could heading further inside help you, anyway? Are you hoping to checkmate yourselves?”
Still squatted atop the elephant, Nzambi rested her head on a bored hand.
“A trap, of course. Not appealing at all. I would prefer to leave it for my children.”
Another charge, and, a few seconds later, another crash. The war elephants' advance upon us had reduced the artistic interior of the hall to rubble. Zombies seemed to spring out of every nook and cranny, reaching for us with grasping hands.
I followed Koharu's lead, desperately trying to keep myself and Pran from harm.
Midway through our flight, Koharu stopped and turned. It was her turn to shout a taunt at our pursuers.
“Come, proud allies of Hannibal! Have you mistaken that woman for your master? I see how you strain under her yoke. Allow me to end your suffering!”
Nzambi's eyebrows knotted in irritation. “Such ignorance. These kind souls were stolen from their forest homes to watch their comrades die on the battlefield. Do you truly think you can appeal to their better nature?”
She stood up on the elephant's back and levelled her sword at Koharu.
“Enough of this. I shall crush you and be done with it.”
With a bellowing bray, the war elephants charged straight for Koharu. The knight stood waiting, sword clutched firmly in hand.
I hardly dared to look as the two collided with a violent crash... and then there was silence. The first thing Pran and I could make out was the beams of sunlight streaming into the corridor through the rising cloud of dust. The impact of their clash had torn a hole in the wall, opening the corridor to the open stadium in the middle of the Colosseum. The enormous battlefield lay before us once more.
Nzambi had leapt from her perch a second before the collision, and alighted before us without a care in the world for the destruction around her. The bellowing of the elephants was distant now, and I spared a moment's pity for the poor zombies who must have been blown far and wide by the blast.
“So this is the Holy Lance, hm? A child this young?” Nzambi peered at the boy as she spoke.
“You'll find out soon enough.”
I ushered him behind me. At that moment, Koharu appeared over her shoulder, streaking toward her like a bolt of azure lightning.
Nzambi deflected the strike with a nonchalant swing of her blade, sending the tall knight flying. It was almost as though she'd seen it coming.
Dammit! Koharu!
She struck hard against the interior wall once more, but this time slid to the ground as two separate figures: the girl Koharu, and the knight Galahad. Her Possession had come undone; likely, it had been unable to bear the damage she had accrued. From the look of him, Galahad had hardly escaped unscathed either.
“Perhaps a Heroic Spirit from the future, drawn here from the Throne?” Nzambi closed on Pran. “No, I cannot imagine so. Well, whatever the case, any Heroic Spirit must know death. My knife will tell me true. What do you say, little golden child? Shall we spill your guts and find out how you died?”
What do I do? I've got to buy time somehow... but how?
If Nzambi's gaze turned to Galahad and she elected to turn him into one of her zombies, I doubted we could escape with our lives. My best bet was to draw her attention to Pran, but...
Before the notion could fully occur to me, I was running. I bound my 'branches' together into a blade - a shortsword, simple, fast and accurate – and planted myself firmly in front of her. I was well aware that my weapon could harm the boy I wanted to protect just as easily as my enemy: a quite literal double-edged sword.
“I won't let you near him!”
“Do you mind? I thought I had said I was done with you.”
Nzambi's blade – her enormous knife – and my branch-sword clashed, and locked together.
“He's...” I swung my blade upward, placing my trust in the techniques he had once taught me. “Dammit, he's my Servant!”
My foe easily batted the blow aside. “I think not. You are nothing but a spellcaster, and I know your kind well. Magi, spellcasters - miserable creatures all, caring only for their own gain, and nothing for the lives of others. It is the value you see in this child that makes you so desperate, nothing more.”
I knew that better than anyone, but... but!
“He's my Servant! I don't care if he's useless!”
“Hahaha! So tell me, would you make him a toy to satisfy your affections? How cruel, how cruel! How do you expect someone useless to take pride in themselves?”
“Then let me be alone! It's all I need!”
At this close a range, it was impossible to muster as much force as my axe could. The crushing weight behind Nzambi's swing forced me back, and my blade began to come undone. The recoil sent one of its constituent branches lashing backwards, coming close to striking Pran. I immediately retracted my blade. My own defence was nothing compared to what would happen if that touched him.
Seeing their prey snatched away before their very eyes, the evil spirits' anger swelled. Gore sprayed as I began to lose control over the defiled blood they inhabited. Black blood oozed from the countless wounds their wrath opened across my body, even from behind my eyeballs, and dripped to the floor, defiling this sacred battleground.
“Well now. It seems that if you do not satisfy that loathsome branch's hunger for spirits, it will devour you instead.”
“So... what?” None knew that better than I. My Erlkönig and my Freischütz, of which only a few bullets now remained, were not tools that would blithely heed my command. They were evil spirits in their purest form, and they were always watching for an opportunity to turn against their master. But even so...
“You'll never touch him!”
“Pitiful. I can hardly watch. Even the child has better sense than you.”
Nzambi leapt forward to plant both hands on the ground, then, with her body still in midair, uncoiled her legs like a spring to land a devastating kick in my abdomen. If there had been any air left in my lungs, I would have screamed. The blow sent me flying, bouncing across the dirt floor of the arena. One of my ribs cracked from the impact, and I fought for breath.
As I lay sprawled, I suddenly felt the entire arena shake violently. The roar of an explosion rolled from the other side of the Colosseum. I heard clamouring voices, collapsing walls, sustained gunfire, shouts and screams. Somewhere in the middle of it all, I thought I heard Karin's voice.
Through the earth, I heard the confused hubbub of battle.
My eyeballs were blocked with clotted blood, and sheer agony had rolled them back into my head. I forced them into place with my fingers and tried to struggle to my feet.
Before me stood Nzambi, with her knife to Pran's chest.
I have to stop her.
My fingers clawed furrows through the dirt as I dragged myself onward, seeking him.
Praying that there existed something in this world so pure that it must not, could not be tarnished. Praying that there existed something in this world even the omnipotence of the Grail could not replace.
If not, how was I ever to move forward?
“You don't seem to fear me, boy. Why is that?”
The child gazed silently back up into Nzambi's crimson eyes.
“You aren't a snake.”
He gently set his fingertip to the point of her blade.
“So I'm not scared of you.”
“...What?” Nzambi warily made to withdraw her knife, only to find it stuck fast. “Is that... It's cracking?! What have you...?!”
A white-hot glow spread across the outlandish blade from the child's finger. It flared fiercely for a moment, and then burst apart.
After a moment, the heat and light receded enough that I could make out Pran standing alone. He sank to his knees, then collapsed to the ground, as though all strength had been drained from his tiny body.
Where's Nzambi? I can't see her!
The dusk-skinned woman had vanished without a trace. I reached out with my senses, seeking. Perhaps she had temporarily relinquished her physical body and returned to her transparent spiritual form? That would present its own dangers, but in any case, it seemed that for now we had one fewer threat to worry about.
Galahad approached the boy, taking care to keep his own two swords as far away from him as possible. Koharu, now a young girl once more, staggered to where I lay huddled on the ground. She winced with pain, but bore it bravely.
“Erice! She's... She's here! The Stigmata!”
“Finally... She's here... with Lucius...”
As though a dam had burst, a wave of berserk Servants and resurrected corpses rolled across the open arena.
The pair entered from the upper seats far above, where they had a commanding view of the sorry state of the arena. He took a moment to survey the scene below him and then quite literally flew down the gentle curve of the outer wall. She lay clutched in his arms, clad in her ever-present black sailor uniform.
The great cape that fluttered from his shoulders was dyed in his colour: the purest, deepest red.
Code Crimson, it was called. The scarlet summons.
Its red was not the red of danger. It was the red of Rome. Of the proud battle standard of the Roman army, and their patron, Mars.
The Grail had build a thousand-year empire, and the cries of the populus called its defenders to their posts.
Now they had come, those defenders of the peace, and they would do their duty.
Manazuru Chitose, the Stigmata – and at her side, Lucius Longinus, the Holy Lance. They had answered the call.
“I'm sorry I'm late. The train was delayed, but we came as fast as we could.”
Chitose did not sound particularly apologetic as she alighted gently on the floor of the arena.
“I seem to recall doing most of the legwork.” Lucius responded, a little peeved.
“Well, of course you did. I worked up a fine sweat dealing with that mess in Shinjuku. Even the best of us need a break once in a while.”
Chitose's Command Seals shone dully even as the pair bickered. These were no cheap imitations; they were true Command Seals, of the old world. These four arcane symbols were what had earned her the moniker of the Stigmata.
Recognising what that light signified, the Servants around her flocked to her. Perhaps, with their minds lost, they behaved no differently to startled beasts... or perhaps even in their berserk state, their warrior's instincts acknowledged her as a worthy foe.
She spotted the pocket of resistance among her enemies – a rag-tag group of surviving citizens and Servants who still maintained their sanity – and called out to them in a voice that carried easily across the battlefield.
“Make your way around to me! Lucius and I will deal with them!”
Those words presaged a massacre.
In one hand, Lucius readied a greatshield summoned from nothingness; in the other, he gripped his crimson spear. Roman soldier and Master stood back-to-back, cutting down their enemies faster than I could follow. “Overwhelming” barely seemed fit to describe the sheer power that accompanied each flourish of the Holy Lance.
This was the might of the champion who had emerged from the Holy Grail War. Lucius Longinus, the centurion who met his fate atop the hill of Calvary. The Lancer of the Seven Heroic Spirits. The strongest Servant, who had stood victorious atop the melee of the Holy Grail War and delivered its prize to Chitose's hands.
No matter how illustrious the heroes whose souls they reflected, the Heroic Spirits of Mosaic City were but pale shades before his majesty.
We retreated warily, careful of our surroundings. Even as we distanced ourselves from the unfolding bloodbath, Koharu's gaze remained locked on the battle.
“Did you see that... Erice? That... That strike? What are those... on her hands and feet? Are those... Black Keys?”
It was little surprise that she was so fascinated. Chitose took neither the Black Keys nor Gandr for her weapon. This display of violence, so unbefitting of a magus, was something particular to her.
“They're called Sacri Clavi. They're replicas of the nails used to pin the Messiah to the cross...”
Or more simply Holy Nails: a conceptual weapon imbued with the concept of “binding”, born from the Command Seals adorning each of her four limbs. With every strike, square iron nails briefly manifested around her limbs to skewer her enemies, wicked and indomitable. An empty-handed pile bunker.
“Or so Lucius told me once. You wouldn't believe how hopeless she is at teaching anyone anything useful.”
“Holy... Nails?” Koharu shivered. She seemed nothing short of awestruck by this living legend.
But I doubt she herself is so pleased.
I knew Chitose would regard this battle as her greatest shame. She had been forced to acknowledge the breakdown of the city's peace and personally take up arms against its people and their Servants. It was grim work, and she would not have undertaken it gladly.
She had tried to safeguard against this possibility by distancing me from my work, but it hadn't been sufficient. An outside enemy had appeared in Mosaic City, and its arrival had been a long time in coming.
Finally the wave of chaos began to recede, and I managed to regroup with Karin. Usually she would greet me with a cheerful grin or by chiding me for my carelessness when I returned from a job, but this time she could only blanch at the sight of our injuries. If Pran had been in the same sorry state, she might have fainted on the spot. However, fortunately there wasn't so much as a scratch on him, and the sight of him – seemingly in an entirely different world to his surroundings, as usual - seemed to relieve her immensely.
That wasn't enough to excuse him from a furious telling-off, though. He looked a little shell-shocked as he stood next to a wounded and bloody Kouyou.
The wings of the battlefield had been transformed into a temporary evacuation point, and the air was heavy with exhaustion and that uneasy relaxation that takes the place of terror once it recedes. People huddled together in anxious groups, rejoicing to find each other safe and well, finally contacting family and friends. A group of pigs raced past me, squealing shrilly. Pigs? What on earth are pigs doing here?
Of the competitors I had seen earlier onscreen, I spotted at least Minamoto Yoshitsune and her Master having escaped infection. The young samurai stood a little way from the rest in her own corner of the battlefield, attracting uneasy gazes as she stacked her collection of severed heads into an enormous pile.
Hannibal was the last Servant to fall before Chitose and Longinus' unstoppable onslaught. Koharu watched his end herself, unable to do anything for him but witness his final moments. She fell to her knees in the spot where the Holy Lance had pierced him through, and heaved a heavy sigh.
Yoshitsune and her master stood at her shoulder, and after a moment offered some words of consolation. I had no words I could offer her; only the regrets welling up within me, as they always did.
Chitose had contacted the Caren Series in the other wards and was in the process of confirming the situation there. Koharu occasionally glanced at her from afar as she revealed that she had come to a decision.
“We can't allow this Nzambi to wander Mosaic City as she wishes. I will contact the rest of House Riedenflaus and set to work pursuing her. She certainly left no small amount of promising evidence behind. We should start by identifying her Master...”
Karin did a double-take. “You're going to what? Now?! Let yourself rest for five minutes, sheesh!”
“Hm? Very well. It has been so long since my last fox-hunt.” The latter dubious encouragement came from none other than her own partner, Galahad. What was he trying to accomplish with that?
I tried to talk her down as logically as I could. “Koharu, think for a minute. If you push yourself in your current state, you might never use magecraft again.”
“Then I will no longer be a magus.”
I struggled for a response in the face of such foolhardiness... but fortunately Lucius had arrived, and he understood her on a deeper level than I.
“I know you regret not being able to save your comrades, Riedenflaus, but it would mean nothing to chase this Servant alone. Now that we know her true name and capabilities, we can put together a proper plan.”
“The Roman's right, Koharu. Right now, you and Erice need to be focusing on not being half-dead. You yourself said this Nzambi wasn't even hurt, for goodness sake!” Karin's concern was plain to see.
Koharu sank into thought. I knew full well that she had thrown everything she had into facing Nzambi, and yet it had not been enough. In the end, it had been the woman she respected more than anyone else who had needed to clean up her mess. She doubtless felt that she had shamed herself and her dead comrades both.
It was her Servant's interjection that snapped her out of her fugue. “Let the little lady do what she wants. You don't have any right to be lecturing her about anything, Longinus.”
“Sir Galahad, I see. Just what are you defending? Look around you. Do you feel nothing, to look at this awful scene?”
“That will do, both of you.” Just as Koharu's fury with Galahad's arrogance was about to hit boiling point, Chitose returned from her inspection of the evacuees. “The situation is still in flux. You should be using your brains to plan, not to bicker. What’s more, I still can't seen to get in contact with Caren. Caren Fujimura of Akihabara, I mean.”
“I wonder what's wrong... The city's normal functions are currently paralysed, aren't they? Could that be because of the failure of an administrative AI?” Koharu ventured hesitantly.
She shrugged. “Not possible. She's alive, that much I know.”
Ever since the breakout of the infection, the entire Akihabara ward had been thrown into a state of chaos. An emergency team should have long since been dispatched to the Colosseum, but there was no sign of them. Interpersonal communications were still down, too; the best we could manage was expending Command Seals to communicate via magecraft.
None of it pointed anywhere good.
“We know she's got to be somewhere in the Colosseum. I'll go look for her.”
“I'll go with y-”
“You stay here, Karin. You and Kouyou need to take care of the wounded.”
I flashed her a smile to try and salve her worries, and suppress my own fears. Chitose wordlessly gave the go-ahead.
“Wait.” The child called out, but not to me. Rather, to someone I never would have expected.
“Chitose. I need to tell you something.”
“Tell me what?”
“A dog called to me. A black one.”
He's still going on about that dog? I was sure that Chitose would laugh it off... but instead she froze. Her confident smile had never faltered, even while surrounded by enemies a few minutes before, but now it was nowhere to be seen.
“It said to tell you something.”
“A black dog... And what did this dog say?”
“That death had come for you.”
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