#stefan salvatore users
sm-tlov-r · 3 months
Smut one shot requests (I write them on Wattpad & here but you can only request on here, my Wattpad user is sm_twrit_r) I only do male smut sorry
-damiano younes
-niccolo govender
- Brando de sanctis
-fiore fiorenzi
Harry potter + fancast:
-theodore nott
-mattheo ridde
-tom riddle
-lorenzo berkshire
-regulus black
-blaise zabini
-cedric diggory
-harry potter
-ron weasley
-fred weasley
-george weasley
-draco malfoy
-professor snape
-professor lupin
- James potter (fancast)
Outer banks:
- JJ maybank
- john b
- poper heyward
- rafe cameron
- topper Thornton
The vampire diaries:
-damon salvatore
-stefan salvatore
- Enzo st john
-jeremy gilbert
-tyler lockwood
- alaric saltzman
-klaus mikealson
- elijah mikealson
-kol mikealson
- kai parker
The walking dead:
-daryl dixon
-rick grimes
-carl grimes
-negan smith
-glenn rhee
-ezekiel sutton
-jesus (Paul) monroe
-abraham ford
-merle dixon
-shane welsh
-micheal mercer
Stranger things:
-steve harrington
-eddie munson
-billy hargrove
-jonathan byers
-jughead jones
- archie andrews
- f.p jones
-fangs fogarty
-reggie mantle
-ian gallagher
-lip gallagher
-carl gallagher
-mickey milkovich
-kevin ball
Grey's anatomy:
-derek shepherd
-alex karev
-jackson avery
-mark sloan
-george o malley
- Jake webber
- johnnie guilbert
- Colby brock
- Sam golbach
- Vinnie hacker
- ghost (cod)
- ghostface
-dominic fike
-javon walton
-jaden walton
-matt sturniolo
-chris sturniolo
-dean winchester
-percy jackson(og)
The rookie:
-tim bradford
-john nolan
-wesley evers
-aaron thorsen
-henry nolan
----------------------------------------------- if there's any kinks, tropes or setting you want in lmk in comments or lmk in messages
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imaginefan · 1 year
The User *Part 2*
Damon Salvatore X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 727
Requested: Anon
Request: Please make part 2 of the user but reader won't give into damon cuz he really hurt her. AND Omg that was an amazing oneshot of Damon! Will there be a part 2?
*Part 1*
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Since breaking up with Damon you had gotten your life back on track and basically ignored that he existed unless he came in for a drink when you were on shift. You still helped with the supernatural stuff and since you knew a lot about patching up humans you were called on when people were hurt bad but lucky for you that never extended to Damon.
Damon on the other hand realized the mistake he had made, he missed everything that you did for him and how well you could read him without having to have a whole discussion about his feelings. He wanted to fix what he had done and honestly he was under the impression that he could.
Damon wanted to give you some time before he approached the subject which was why he was attempting to talk to you about this now a couple of months after the incident had happened, he knew that you were on the closing shift at The Grill. He waited for everyone to leave before he walked in. “We’re closed.” You called. “Good thing I’m not here for a drink.” He said and he watched as you continued to clean, you didn’t stop once in your movement. “You're not interested in what I want?” “No.” You answered as you walked to the next table cleaning it. “Hear me out…” He pleaded as he followed you. “For who’s benefit?” You asked. “Yours? You can’t expect me to care for your feelings when you couldn’t do the same for me.” “(Y/N)-” “Damon, leave.” You ordered, you continued cleaning even if he was still in the restaurant, you didn’t look back to check, you didn’t care, instead you finished your work and by the time that you finally did finish he was gone.
“Where have you been?” Stefan asked as Damon walked back into the house. “None of your business.” He answered. “She didn’t listen to you did she?” Stefan asked. “Why do you insist on asking questions you already know the answer to?” Damon walked over to his Bourbon pouring himself a drink and attempting to ignore his brother. “You know, you’ve not given her enough time to forgive what you’ve done.” Stefan informed him from his place leaning against the doorframe. “Oh yeah and how much time do you think I should give?” Damon asked. “More than this, I mean she may never forgive you but maybe you should try being her friend again before you try winning her back.” Stefan suggested. “Why are you helping me?” Damon asked. “Well you are my brother, I’m stuck with you no matter what you do, so I should probably try helping you be a better person.” Stefan answered “plus I’m sick of seeing you moping around this place.” “Whatever.” Damon waved him away.
Stefan decided to go and see you, he knew that you’d probably need someone to talk to after the encounter with Damon, so when he knocked on your bedroom door, he expected 1 of 2 things, you were crying or you wanted to punch something. “Come in!” You called, when he opened the door you glanced at him and waved. “If you're here to tell me to give Damon a chance then you are a terrible friend.” “I was not going to tell you to give him a chance, that’s up to you.” He answered as he walked over to sit on your bed. “I think he’ll be back though, so I gave him some advice.” “If it wasn’t leave me alone then you are still a terrible friend.” You mumbled not looking up from your book. “Well it wasn’t leave you alone…” You glanced at him “I told him to stop pursuing a relationship and try and friendship instead. It might help you too.” “Help me how?” You asked. “I don’t need his help.” “Yes you do… The reason you're so angry and the reason that you can’t heal is because you can’t forgive him, you don’t understand why he did what he did.” Stefan explained. “You need to hear the reason from him.” “I’ll think about it.” You finally answered and he nodded. “That’s all I ask.” Stefan smiled as he stood, he leaned over pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I just want you to feel better.” “Yeah me too.” You mumbled as he left.
*Part 3*
Requests and general question!
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Hi there. I wanted to pop in upon noticing your commentary on my recent gifset and say that while you, like anyone else, are entitled to your opinion, there are much more appropriate venues to express it as opposed to attaching it to someone else's content. Gifsets that users have spent the time and effort to create are not the place to create discourse, and I ask that you reconsider this in the future. Thanks for your time.
The stefan salvatore gif? Cause I did reblog quite a lot of stuff already today.
You do realize this is the internet and people will not be respectful about the characters in posts sometimes. If I'd criticized your gif techniques I'd understand you yelling at me about it but I'm criticizing a character that doesn't belong to you.
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crossedsabers10s · 2 years
Listen, listen, I need someone to tell me that starting another project would be a Bad Idea™️
Okay, on that note. I had an Idea! It’s taken over my brain!
What if dimension shenanigans with some old research of Kol’s that their poking around in/trying to use to defeat the next Big Bad and the Mystic Falls Gang of Supernatural Misfits—exact lineup yet to be determined, but definitely includes Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Enzo, Jeremy, and Damon with Klaus and Elijah also there—ends up in a very sideways world where vampires aren’t a thing?? But like. Not a normal human!AU.
So. So. Like. They end up in Mikaelson Manor in Mystic Falls. Uh, Mystic Falls but three steps to the left and upside down, dimensionally speaking. And while they’re arguing about what the heck just happened, Klaus walks in. Except. Klaus is also standing right there arguing with his brother.
And that Klaus isn’t a hybrid. ‘Cause vampires don’t exist. But! He is a thousand year old alpha werewolf. Because all of his other siblings are ancient, super powerful witches/warlocks who are functionally immortal because their mother made them so. And he is too—despite the lack of personal magic—because they sort of shared their own immortal life force with him. Kind of like Freya’s sleeping beauty curse thing plus daggering but not really. They all take turns—by the decade—asleep and basically in a death like state and letting him ‘borrow’ their life force. Like. One decade Elijah is asleep and then it’s Kol and Rebekah and Finn and so on in a loop. And, they’ve got a handle on the werewolf curse, so he’s like. Basically hybrid like—can control his transformation and is super strong even without the full moon. Moon rings or a ritual they invented or whatever.
Anyways. Klaus takes in all these semi-familiar strangers and immediately blames Kol. It’s his workshop/ritual room they’d walked out of after all and Kol has no rational, sane limits when it comes to poking at interesting magic. At all. Ever. Him somehow breaking the dimensional barrier between worlds is par for course. So they get some basic information/threats/posturing out of the way. Then he tells them that Kol can probably reverse engineer whatever it was they messed with and send them back. But Kol is also in Norway or smth and will be out of contact while he is tracking down some rare magical being/creature. So itll take a few days to send them back. And! Until then, all these weird, semi-undead people can’t just… walk around the town or whatever while wearing the faces—some the wrong age—of some of the locals.
There’s also a cameo of an older-looking Rebekah, who resembles Esther slightly more than then teenage-appearing one. She’s complaining about Finn and Sage or smth.
Oh! And Finn is a necromancer, complete with like. A half rotted face from magical build up/side effects, Hel-style. Sage is—ok but. Like. I’m torn. I think Sage being Finn’s dead wife brought back at the cost of [the face thing, him being unable to use any other kind of magic or else she disappears, some other cost] would be cool but my heart says dragon. Some kind of dragon. She would make a fantastic dragon who had taken human-shape or was cursed into it and had taken a liking to the grumpy necromancer.
Kol is a Jack of all trades kind of magic user but specializes in arcane/esoteric rituals. Elijah is a more standard kind of witch, but is especially good at binding magics. Like. Deals.
So local!Klaus pawns them off to his friend/frenemy/drinking buddy, Stefan Salvatore. Who happens to have a mostly empty boarding house, isn’t it nice how things work out.
So they end up at the Boarding House. At some ungodly time in the morning, Stefan Salvatore—who is in his mid twenties, which is very odd for everyone who is used to eternally seventeen Stefan to see—opening the door. And he’s a witch too!! (Witch? Warlock? Idk he can use magic.)
And so the vampires need to be invited in lmao, after at least one of them does not account for this not being their boarding house and breaks their nose walking into the invisible threshold barrier.
And while everyone is getting settled—older Stefan getting a rundown on vampires—someone else walks in!!
It’s a teenage version of Enzo, back from like an early morning jog or smth. Because he’s a morning person for some reason.
Who takes one look at what’s going on and goes wtf. And he is very different from canon!Enzo. Younger—around 19–and with an attitude. I am firmly of the belief that teenage Enzo had anger issues. And it comes out that bby Enzo lives there and knows about magic and whatnot. Or at least has a very nonchalant reaction to the idea of dimension hopping semi/undead beings that are alternate versions of himself and people he knows.
And older!Stefan says something along the lines of ‘well, he followed my brother home and I haven’t managed to get rid of him yet’.
Which, of course is cue for other!Damon to stumble downstairs, yawning hard enough to crack something and wearing pajama bottoms. When he spots the crowd of people in his house staring at him—cause he’s A. shirtless and they can see scars on his skin, more than a few curled around his sides from his back and B. Is seventeen—he says ‘oh we have guests?’ Then spots older him, who is outwardly unbothered but deeply uncomfortable with everyone else seeing what he thinks of himself being weak/vulnerable because this is a version of Damon before he perfected being an asshole, though some of it is definitely ingrained.
Younger!Damon, who is like. Sleep deprived in the extreme goes back upstairs to change before coming back down and heading straight for the coffee. Which he doesn’t even manage to drink because his head basically hits the table before it’s cool enough to take a sip. Someone asks if he’s hungover—because he’s Damon and therefore that’s their first thought—but he says no? I was doing homework. And Caroline, who does have any sympathy for any Damon’s whatsoever says it’d be easier if he didn’t wait until the last minute to do it. And older Stefan—mildly, but in a way that makes it clear he doesn’t appreciate someone coming into his house and verbally jabbing at his younger brother—asks how much homework he did. And Damon says ‘all of it? duh. for the rest of the semester.’ (While this is going down, Enzo has stolen Damon’s coffee, dumped enough sugar in it to make a colony of ants die happy, and is drinking it while staring at his older self with the air of a person who is vaguely annoyed.)
Okay so. Background. AU!Stefan and Damon came from a long line of magic users. Like their father was super traditional and an absolute bastard about it too. Anyways, Stefan was the perfect older son who used strong traditional magic—and who also later had an Expression phase and gave up on using magic at all in effort to not give in to it again; to mirror his Ripper issues—and Damon was like okay at traditional magic but wasn’t the best at it. In this sense, traditional magic means like the ancestor stuff. The weight of a legacy. Yeah, no. Damon’s better at drawing from other sources, more elemental which is wilder and less structured with a reputation in the witch community for being destructive.
Annnnyways. Their father packs Damon off to a magic boarding school—no, not Hogwarts—except! It’s basically. Like. Off-brand Augustine. Instead of studying vampires, they’re studying magic. Taking magical children and training them all the while running tests. They were trying to make basically magic using witch hunters, to have a super strong police force under the schools thumb. It’s a horrible place where students regularly die or disappear during ‘training.’
And that’s how he meets Enzo! They were roommates. And Damon is considered unlucky, because all of Enzo’s roommates tend to die. Horribly. He’s also considered unlucky because Enzo—instead of being a run of the mill witch—is a siphon. He’s one of the schools favorite lab rats pupils, because he’s a rare find and he’s basically isolated and shunned by all the other students who are having a tough time surviving without the witch community’s worst nightmare stealing their magic from them.
Anyways after a boatload of trauma, Enzo and Damon end up semi codependent best friends with a magical bond. Literally. A magical bond. Something got tangled up from Enzo borrowing Damon’s magic too many times and now they basically share. Enzo doesn’t need to be touching him to access it, though that does help, and they both have an uncanny ability to know where the other is and don’t necessarily need to be looking at each other to know what the other is thinking.
Okay, so Stefan’s father told him that hed sent Damon off to school to help him learn blah blah family name blah whatever. This is around when Stefan discovers expression. And goes downhill from there. It takes him a long time—too long, he’ll think later, staring at the spellbooks he doesn’t use anymore but can’t bring himself to throw away just in case—to notice that something is definitely wrong with the letters he’s getting from his brother. He stops eventually, but by then has accidentally killed his father in a fit of rage when he finds out where his brother is and what’s being done to him.
Timeskip a bit and Stefan gets roped into Mikaelson Drama and after that gets them to help in investigate the School. What they find pisses them all off, because they’re old and strong and are considered magical royalty almost, when people aren’t terrified of them. And this is very much something they want to put an end too.
So the Calvary comes riding in, ready to rain destruction down and they find the School already on fire. Damon and Enzo having basically started a riot/jailbreak/revolution.
And that’s how Enzo came to live with the Salvatores. And why he’s an angry traumatized teenager with an aversion to touch and no compunctions about using violence. He was a street kid and then basically raised in/locked up in a dog eat dog world where if you weren’t on the top of the pile, you were one of the bodies being climbed over.
Enzo is also. Very. Scarily good at fire spells. Damon favors ice but is actually really good at inducing bad luck.
Stefan, when he used magic, was good at telekinesis and mind stuff. Like Silas.
(Not immediately relevant but—AU!Elena is a really old, really powerful psychic a la Amara and Silas, who is a spirit strong enough to sometimes walk the mortal plane. Bonnie is the same. Caroline is a—dryad? Nymph? Ancient and used to be worshipped as a goddess.)
Okay I’m done.
For now.
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itachi86 · 2 years
rewatching tvd not that long ago made me want to finally do something with this alt 5x10 scene i wrote like two years ago so here we go. the denzo reunion we deserved imo(don’t have a title but if anyone wants to suggest one i wouldn’t mind)
beneath the cut
i saw people were still reading this so if anyone else does and is so inclined please consider donating to my patreon:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=109941812
Surprise was not something a 170-year-old vampire felt very often, but Damon had been feeling it repeatedly over the last two days.
First, he’d discovered that the secret society that had held him captive and tortured him for five years was still in existence. Then, their current leader had kidnapped him-again-and his girlfriend, where he’d found out that she had made friends with the descendant of the people who ran said society.
And, even now that he’d escaped, there was this.
It was curious: even though he’d come here to find out where Elena was, when he saw who was sitting in that classroom, that all just seemed to fade away. He forgot that Elena was still in the clutches of that psychopath scientist Wes Maxfield, he forgot that his brother and Aaron Whitmore were right behind him. He forgot about everything except the sight of his former cellmate, who he’d thought he’d left to die.
Enzo looked...great, honestly. He was no longer in that ragged, drab white t shirt and there was no bore blood or grime on his skin. He was clean shaven and clad in a pair of black jeans and dark green shirt, looking as though he’d never been in Augustine at all.
“Enzo?” Damon exclaimed in an uncharacteristically stunned voice,m feeling his breath catch in his throat.
Even more surprising was the fact that Enzo appeared genuinely happy to see him when he returned Damon’s shocked greeting.
“21051,” he drawled Damon’s old subject number amiably, rising from the classroom row where he’d been sitting and beginning to descend the stairs at the side. “it’s been a long time, mate.”
Damon was so focused on his former cellmate as he approached, he barely heard Stefan ask, “Damon, you know this guy?”
“I thought you were dead,”the elder Salvatore stated, hardly able to meet Enzo’s eyes.
Enzo halted about a foot away from him, and Damon felt him rake a long deliberate glance over his figure before responding.
“I thought I was, too,” he admitted softly, paying absolutely no attention to the other occupants of the room. “But there were others there that night, people you didn’t kill. They got the fire out in time to save me-only to torture me for another 60 years.”
“So, how are you here? Did you mount another escape plan?” Damon queried, forehead creasing in a mix of guilt and confusion.
“In a manner of speaking,” Enzo replied slyly. He advanced another step closer. “Maxfield let me out because he thinks I want to kill you in revenge for leaving me.”
“And you don’t?”Damon felt like this was too good to be true, that it was just a show Enzo was putting to lull him into a false sense of security.
But again it seemed sincere when Enzo shook his head.
“I know why you couldn’t get those bars open, and if you’d kept trying, you would’ve died too. I didn’t want that.” There was something almost like tenderness in the younger vampire’s accented voice as he started moving again until he and Damon were mere centimeter apart. “I don’t want to kill you, Damon. I just wanted to see you again.”
Damon inhaled shakily. This was so not how he’d expected this encounter to go. He wasn’t used to people forgiving him for all the terrible things he’d done-he was used to them wanting to make him pay.
With Enzo so near, he didn’t know where to look and he found his gaze wandering down to Enzo’s lips, stirring thoughts of what it would be like to taste them. A thought he’d had before, back when they were cellmates, but that he knew he shouldn’t be having now when he was with someone else. Yet he couldn’t get rid of it.
Then, Fate just had to intervene.
All of a sudden, Enzo staggered, doubling over and gagging like he was being choked.
“Enzo?!” Damon exclaimed again, more urgent and bewildered, hastening to catch his friend before he hit the floor. “Enzo, what’s going on?!”
Enzo clutched at his throat in obvious pain, voice coming out strained and ragged as he struggled to respond.
“Maxfield...must have...poisoned me...before he let me out...probably...wanted to make sure...I’d come back.”
“Shit,” Damon swore, seeing black veins begin to crawl up the side of Enzo’s neck. His arms tightened around him. “Where is he?”
“Some...abandoned clinic-had the name...Gilbert,” was all Enzo managed to get out before he slipped into unconsciousness.
“Damn it,”  Damon swore a second time, not at the revelation of figuring out Elena’s location, but at feeling Enzo sag against him. No, this couldn’t be happening again.
“Damon, what the hell-?” he heard Stefan demand as he straightened, gathering his comatose friend into his arms, reminding him his brother was still there. He didn’t hear Aaron’s heartbeat or breathing anymore, though, so the human had likely run off already-not that Damon cared. Though he knew he should feel compelled to retrieve his girlfriend, he didn’t. Stefan could take care of that-he had to realize where she was, too, and that was more his thing, anyways. All Damon wanted was to save Enzo.
“You go get Elena,” he waved a terse hand in his brother’s direction without looking at him, already carrying Enzo out of the classroom. “I have to take care of him.”
He didn’t even wait to see if Stefan obeyed before departing, heading for Wes’ laboratory.
He set Enzo down on top of a counter, then proceeded to scour the lab for the antidote to whatever his friend had been given. There were so many vials marked ‘antidote’, unfortunately, so he just frantically began trying them all.
He was in the middle of deciding which to attempt third when he saw Enzo’s eyes flutter and open.
“Never mind,” he said aloud, dropping the syringes in his hand and swiveling around to face the younger.
Enzo took a deep breath, sitting up slowly and shaking his head. “What did you do?”
Damon shrugged.
“I found a whole bunch of things marked antidote so I figured I’d just give them all a shot. Evidently, one of them worked.”
Enzo smiled in relief, rubbing the back of his neck as he slid off the countertop. “Thank you.”
“I owed you for leaving you behind,” Damon dismissed his gratitude, no longer suppressing the real remorse he felt for that crime. He really hadn’t expected Enzo to forgive him and he definitely didn’t think he deserved it, but at least Enzo was here. He wasn’t dead:he was alive and well, which gave Damon hope that maybe he could have his friend back.
That hope was slightly bolstered when Enzo rose and strode over to him once more.
“I expect you’ll be getting back to that girl of yours, then-probably want to make sure she’s alright,” he said casually as his gaze roamed Damon’s face, a note in his voice and his stare that Damon couldn’t identify.
That probably should’ve been right. Damon should’ve wanted to rush home to check on Elena and ensure Wes hadn’t done any permanent damage, but for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to leave. Elena was a distant memory as his eyes traveled to Enzo’s lips again, and all he could think about was kissing him, like he’d wanted practically those entire five years in Augustine.
“Actually, no. What I want is this,” he disagreed, also getting to his feet and, unable to resist the temptation any longer, grabbing the front of Enzo’s shirt to yank him forward until their mouths collided.
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kmze · 23 days
Thanks for the book recommendation.I love Greek Mythology.And great meta by the way.Jane Eyre is one of my favourites.I think I had read the meta back in the day.You know when s7 first started and val's character was introduced, I thought they were paralleling her with Bertha Mason since she was locked up in the prison world and Bertha in the attic.But then..well never mind.And there are some Hamlet-Ophelia/Stefan-Caroline parallels in s7 as well although not sure how intentional they were.Another thing was Defan's choice of women (Dopplegangers) having similarities with their mother.Oedipus Complex?
Anyway, I noticed this show did some cool book references over the seasons.In s1, it was Wuthering Heights,in s3 it was Moby Dick.I think Stefan had mentioned Fitzergerald's Great Gatsby being one his favourites in s1.
You're welcome Anon! If you like Greek mythology I highly recommend her books I also read The Song of Achilles which was one of the most beautifully written books I ever read, it made me cry so much. Yeah that meta was great, the account deactivated but I remember the user and she had some really great insight and posts during S6-8. God this just reminds me again of the wastedness of S7 because Dries was driven by spite rather than creativity because the way Stefan/Lily/Damon was set up in S6 looked so interesting and then it was completely neglected in S7. In 7x07 Damon even says "what is this Hamlet community theater" when Julian linked himself to Lily and then fights a duel with Enzo.
I think Dries did all that on purpose because if Lily was utilized to her ability she would have been similar to Katherine and how she was manipulating both brothers. Since Katherine was Dries' fave and she couldn't play with her anymore she held a grudge against Lily and I felt tried to make Val the new Katherine which didn't work at all. Lily was manipulative like Katherine and she knew how to play each brother differently but like Katherine she loved Stefan more. I wonder if Julie wanted to make Lily=Katherine and Sarah Salvatore=Elena in tone for that season but maybe when they changed everything for Candice's pregnancy and Sarah got dropped. Because like you said Lily and Sarah both looked like the doppelgangers with their long dark hair and doe eyes, especially Sarah when I rewatched S6 I was like wow she looks exactly like S1!Elena. Then Dries' made Val the center of the bros vs. heretics and she wasn't as strong of a character to do that with (plus she didn't care about Damon). Then the miscarriage revenge plot overtook everything that could have been done with Lily until they killed her an episode early, no I'm not bitter or anything.
Yeah they used to do that a lot with books, I think the Wuthering Heights mention was completely intentional since it's gothic romanticism and that's the tone of the show especially in S1. Plus the Catherine/Cathy vs. Katherine/Elena vibes, I'd say Damon is more Heathcliff than Stefan though. I think Moby Dick was brought up because of Stefan and everything he did to get revenge on Klaus and despite his obsession he never kills Klaus. Then there's the fact that he lets Elena drown which is kinda similar to Ahab getting dragged to the bottom of the ocean by Moby Dick. The Gatsby one is really interesting too because I don't think that was intentional foreshadowing (it was just establishing Stefan was a bookworm) but the 1920s flashbacks with Klefan and Stebekah had total Great Gatsby vibes. I would even say that Stefan was Gatsby because Klaus was intrigued (in love) with Stefan and how he taught him his favorite tricks. Rebekah would be Daisy and Klaus as Nick, I mean look at how obsessed those two were in trying to bring Ripper Stefan back in the day, it was like the obsession Daisy and Nick had over Gatsby.
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userstuf · 2 years
• stefncry
• salvtwre
• i6stefan
fav/reblog if u save or use 🌺 dont repost it
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user-series · 7 years
stefan salvatore
nao mereceu morrer 
se usar/salvar likezinho or creditos no @pauIwsley xxandre
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stuffunicorn · 7 years
paul wesley/stefan salvatore users
Por favor, me avise se pegar algum para que eu possa tirar da lista. Se gostou não se esqueça de dar like e por favor não salve se não for utilizar. 
paultostefan ou stefantopaul
paulsmercy ou stefansmercy
lifetopaul ou lifetostefan
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
Welcome to the Queen's bedroom!!
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About me
Hello folks! I go by the handle Phoenix or you can call me Nix. But honestly you can call me any pet names. Now if any tumblr user knows my real name please please please DON'T use it here as I would go mad if anyone knew I write fics here
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So here are few facts about me-:
I love reading and writing, some my favorite books are the twisted series, haunting and hunting adeline, yhe folk of air series and many more.
I am a Minor!!!!
I am a Pisces. My birthday is on 14th of March.
I am an Indian, so there might be a few fics where I have used my language which is Hindi, don't worry there will be translation given as I know not many know this language of mine.
I am a very big extrovert, so feel free to talk to me anytime, you can send in an ask or message me privately, I am fine with anything!
My personality type is ENFJ-T, which is the protagonist personality (If you didn't understand, which at first even I didn't)
Some of my hobbies are-: Playing the piano, Dancing (classical), painting, swimming, dreaming about Draco .
My favorite characters in Harry Potter would be Harry (obvio), Ron (he's soo underated), Draco 💚, Neville, LUNA!!, Oliver Wood, Hermione, Fred and George!!, the Weasleys, Snape!!, Minerva McGonagall, and the list could go on!!
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Now for the Hogwarts part
My Hogwarts house
I am a Ravenclaw, who is very VERY proud to be one, I qualify as being clever, witty, creative, having wisdom and etc.
My Second Hogwarts House
If I had an option for having a second house then I would be a Slytherin, now when I first took the quiz I got Ravenclaw but after that I took it again (cuz why not) and I got Slytherin. Now when I saw the traits I have quite the traits of both the houses, I am ambitious, resourceful and I have a looot of leadership values.
My Patronus - My patronus is a Dragon 🐉
My wand- Yew wood with a Phoenix feather core, 10¾ and surprisingly swishy flexibility
My Ilvermony House- Horned Serpent
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About this Blog
The fandoms I will be writing for are- harry potter, shadow hunters, the Vampire Diaries and outer banks
In Harry Potter, I will mostly write for Draco and some more characters like Harry, Ron, Neville, Newt, Mattheo, the marauders, etc.
In Shadow Hunters, I will mostly write for Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Jace Harendale, Isabelle Lightwood and Jonathan morgenstern
In The Vampire Diaries, I will mostly write for Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Katherine Pierce, Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert, Bonnie Bennet, Lorenzo St, John, Kai Parker and Klaus Mikaelson
In Outer Banks, I will mostly write for jj maybank, rafe cameron, john b routledge, pope heyward, sarah cameron and kiara carrera
And I would be uploading ONLY sfw fics here, that include Fluff, angst and maybe dark fics. I might change this in the future, but as of now. I DO NOT write for nsfw fics.
Here I will try to get new and unique ideas of characters so bear with me if you read a crappy fic. I can't give you a guarantee that EVERY person would like my fics, sometimes there might be bad fics so yeah
I have one more thing to confess, I am not comfortable with some ships in Harry Potter like Harrmione (Harry+ Hermione) and Dramione (Draco+ Hermione) I just don't like them. If you like them well and good, but I won't be writing fics on these ships and any ships I feel uncomfortable with.
In my blog I accept all types of religion, caste, creed, gender and all lgbtq+ community and NO HATE will be tolerated in my blog, I want to spread love and positivity to everyone.
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Rules for this Blog-:
Now here are a few rules I want you all to follow-:
Please DO NOT spread hate amongst people/mutuals, I WILL NOT tolerate any type of hate in this blog. If anyone is spreading any type of hate, that person will be blocked.
Please any person on Tumblr/anyone, who might know my name, don't use it here in this blog, you might use it in personal messages but otherwise NOWWHERE else.
Now, PLEASE DO NOT and I mean DO NOT copy/plagiarize my fics and for the matter of fact any writer's fics. I DO NOT give anyone permission to re-upload my fics on any other platform. Nor do I give anyone permission to translate my fics. Please do not Plagiarize other writers fics on which they have worked hard on, it is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Anyone who actively supports Jk and her hate speechs, YOU are not welcome here, or if you support anyone who is spreading hate amongst people, please leave.
Please do remember that I am.a 17-18 year old girl who has feelings and emotions so please whenever you message me do keep in mind that I do have feelings and I too can get hurt by your comments.
Please do tell me if anything in my fics made you uncomfortable or anything I said made you uncomfortable. In no way will I ever want to make you all uncomfortable.
Constructive criticism is always welcome in this blog!
I love anon interactions too! So feel free to be one of my beautiful nonies!! <33
If you are ableist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, pedophiles, fatphobics, body shamer, hate blog, toxic, against black lives matter, Asian hater, Islamophobic, support j k r*wling, or any type of HATE spreader.
If you are any one of these then please leave this blog, and do NOT interact with me, if you do then you will be blocked.
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That's all guys! Hope you will enjoy my fics/ series. I will be making a series too very soon so yes!! Very excited to start this new journey.
And have a good night/morning/evening/afternoon depending upon where ever you live!!
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Tagging some mutuals @littlemissnoname13 @ladyvesuvia @loopy-lupinn @e-m-christina @ravenclawwolf13 @dracosathenaeum @drawlfoy @mellifluousart @babydraco04 @panda-noosh @sleepy-kody @elysian-i @pottahishotasf @nevilleismywhore @lilmissquackson
With Regards,
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imaginefan · 2 years
Mobile Masterlist (N-Z) Part 10
The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Secret Circle 
Stranger Things
Mistake For Life *Part 1* *Part 2*
Teen Wolf 
McCall Pack
Royalty *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4*
No Pairing
Scott McCall
Give It A Try *Part 1* *Part 2*
Shared Custody *Prequel* *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
True Mate *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5*
New In Town *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
Stiles Stilinski
Still The Same
The Society
Campbell Eliot 
Camping Trip *Part 1* *Part 2*
Favour For An Old Friend *Part 1* *Part 2*
Pretend To Care *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4*
Shared Goods
She’s Dangerous *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5* *Part 6* *Part 7*
Slow Down
Something Innocent *Part 1* *Part 2*
What You Know *Part 1* *Part 2*
Are You Ready Now?
Harry Bingham
Not Your Responsibility *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4*
Luke Holbrook
The Tomorrow People
John Young
Don’t Tell Her *Part 1* *Part 2*
Powers Or Not
Undercover Agent
Unplanned Pregnancy
No Pairing
Things *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5*
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies
Damon Salvatore
Billionaire Bestfriend
I Don’t Love Him
Never To Plan *Part 1* *Part 2*
Pick One
Prove it
Screwed *Part 1* *Part 2*
Stood Up *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5* *Part 6* *Part 7*
The User *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
Freya Mikaelson 
Missed Chance
Jeremy Gilbert
Argument For The Ages
Buried In Work
Not A Secret
Step Back *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* 
Stuck Here *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
Kai Parker
She’s Family
Klaus Mikaelson 
Every Problem *Part 1* *Part 2*
I'll Try *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5* *Part 6*
She’s Family
Slave To Emotion *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5*
The New Baby *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4*
Too Young
You Don’t Like Witches
Kol Mikaelson
Not Him *Part 1* *Part 2*
Jeremy Gilbert
Awkward Double Date
For The Better *Part 1* *Part 2*
Safe With Me
The Flirting Game
Josie Saltzman
Unlikely Pair
Landon Kirby
Lorenzo St John
Cupid Fell In Love
Ideal Date
Not Who I Wanted
Saved You
Trying *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
Lucien Castle
Apartment Share
Body Type
Milton ‘MG’ Greasley
Mate Jealously *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
Escape *Part 1* *Part 2*
Stefan Salvatore
No Interest
Tyler Lockwood
Be Better
I’ll Be There *Part 1* *Part 2*
Mother To Be
Something I Haven’t Told You *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
Purpose *Part 1* *Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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spcncershybrid · 3 years
movies and tv shows i write for
—this is an updated version of my old list of things i write for. meaning i have added shows and taken out some.
—i am in the middle of creating a masterlist and a taglist. even a lil emoji anon’s are welcome esp if you want to req often but don’t want your user shared.
—taglist’s are split between by overall and by fandom. just send in an ask or msg me [“i wanna be in so and so taglist.”]
—under cut is full list + req format.
harry potter
—harry potter
—ron weasley
—the twins
—draco malfoy
—tom riddle
—cedric diggory
—oliver wood
—neville longbottom
—newt scamander
—theseus scamander
—credence barebone
—bucky barnes
—peter parker
—steve rogers
—sam wilson
—matt murdock [even though he’s nmcu I’m adding him here.]
—foggy nelson
—any other character will be in a platonic way [reasoning is in a few posts back.]
[i know this is within the mcu category but for the sake of this list it’ll be separate.]
—dane whitman
—rest of characters platonic
—charles xavier
—erik lehnsherr
—alex summers
—hank mccoy
—tv shows
teen wolf
—liam dunbar
—stiles stilinski
—scott mccall
—theo raeken
criminal minds
—spencer reid
—derek morgan
—damon salvatore
—stefan salvatore
—kai parker
—jeremy gilbert
the originals
—elijah mikaelson
—kol mikaelson
—klaus mikaelson
—req style/ format + some other stuff
—throughout this blogs history i mainly have written fem!reader and mainly will keep it that way. [open to writing gn!reader though! just make sure to specify in request.] [my pronouns are she/her so i have more experience from a females perspective in writing.]
—also open to do requests based on songs. just include song and ship. and open to doing poly ships [only with characters i have under my lists + love triangles.]
—also this blog might become more nsfw [still undecided.] but i am still sticking to my stance on not writing smut i’ll only go as far as suggestive things.
—personally i think my writing has changed between my hiatus times so hopefully the quality of writing will be good.
—req formats
—always include the ship. this is an obvious given.
[ex. druig x reader.]
—plot of imagine. another obvious given. they don’t need to be overly detailed but just enough for me to come up with a full imagine.
[ex. fem!reader and bucky have fist fight and reader wins.]
[ex. gn!reader is an avenger and meets ikaris.]
[ex. reader x avengers platonic, they all go to beach.]
—i wanna take this little section to appreciate anyone that sends in requests, likes, and reblogs any of my works. i genuinely appreciate it even though i don’t mention it often on this blog.
—i also have a wattpad account if anyone wants to read my works from there [-laminades is my account name.]
—if i remember anything else i’ll add it in the future.
—old list if for whatever reason you are interested.
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Birthday Scenario Game: The Vampire Diaries + Originals
(Link to Scenario Games Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is. **Please consider sharing with your followers friends or mutuals :)
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire
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Your Birth Month:
January: Stefan Salvatore / Bonnie Bennett
February: Jeremy Gilbert / Rebekah Mikaelson
March: Kol Mikaelson / Hayley Marshall
April: Alaric Saltzman / Lexi Branson
May: Damon Salvatore / Liv Parker
June: Elijah Mikaelson / Caroline Forbes
July: Matt Donovan / Elena Gilbert
August: Your Choice
September: Klaus Mikaelson / Rose
October: Tyler Lockwood / Freya Mikaelson
November: Kai Parker / Vicki Donovan
December: Enzo / Jenna Sommers
- - - - -
Your Birth Date:
1: Escorts you to a ball/dance... 2: Takes you on a road-trip... 3: Asks you to marry them... 4: Leaves you gifts in secret... 5: Takes care of you when you are hurt... 6: Makes you breakfast in bed... 7: Gives you a token of their affection... 8: Sends you a love letter... 9: Surprises you with your favorite food/snack... 10: Takes you to an amusement park... 11: Kisses you suddenly... 12: Is protective of you... 13: Takes you on a picnic... 14: Surprises you after they've been gone... 15: Takes care of you while you are sick... 16: Gives you their jacket when you are cold... 17: Asks you to move in with them... 18: Surprises you with flowers... 19: Tells you how much they love you... 20: Asks you on a date... 21: Hugs you from behind... 22: Surprises you with a puppy/kitten... 23: Kisses you on the cheek/lips whenever they walk by... 24: Takes you on a romantic dinner... 25: Asks you to be their s/o... 26: Places a kiss on your hand... 27: Hugs you so hard they almost knock you over... 28: Is protective of you... 29: Makes you dinner... 30: Suddenly takes your hand in theirs... 31: Takes you on a walk...
- - - - -
First Letter of Your (User)Name
A, B, C, D: Because they have a crush on you.
E, F, G, H: Because it's your birthday.
I, J K, L: To make you smile.
M, N, O, P, Q: To confess their feelings.
R, S, T, U: As an apology.
V, W, X, Y, Z: Because its your anniversary.
- - - - -
I apologize if your combination does not make sense, it is very hard and time consuming to make sure each combo works.
Please consider reblogging and sharing with others~
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fandomseditsx · 7 years
users tvd
só user zoado hoje rs
@damonoiado @elenasdroga @stefaninguem @niklausafadao @elijahtrouxa @osvampirostonto
to chapadão hojekkkjkj perdoa 
like or (c) @flytraicionera on twitter
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purpleyearning · 4 years
lizziesxltzmxn’s tag guide
if you LOVE x, you may want to block the tags anti allisaac anti ariana grande anti bughead anti damon salvatore anti delena anti elena gilbert anti jeid anti jonathan byers anti jancy anti josie saltzman anti hosie anti kanye west anti kim kardashian anti lucaya anti snape anti stony
key: basically put ‘anti’ in front of anything you do/don’t want to see hate for, these are just the most like
if you HATE x, you may want to block the tags ch: allison argent ship: scallison ch: stiles stilinski ship: sterek ship: stydia ch: betty cooper ship: barchie ch: blair waldorf ch: caroline forbes ch: stefan salvatore ship: steroline ch: clara oswald ch: the doctor ship: whouffle ch: rory williams ship: amory ch: dean winchester ch: hope mikaelson ch: landon kirby ship: handon ch: lizzie saltzman ship: hizzie ch: riley matthews ship: rucas ch: steve harrington ship: stancy ch: steve rogers ship: stucky ch: tony stark ch: will lamontagne ship: willifer fd: one direction key: any character posts will be tagged with ‘ch: character name’, any ship posts will be tagged with ‘ship: ship name’, any music posts will be tagged as ‘song: song name’, any post about an irl person will be tagged with ‘ppl: persons name’, and any general fandom post will be tagged ‘fd: title of show/movie/whatever’
if you are looking for a specific kind of post, type: ask type: gifset type: graphic type: link type: resources type: textpost type: video
other alicia talks *tumblr users name* tag bi bi bi gifts for friends made for me mine* oc: *insert ocs name*
check out my about me post
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awwwwcute · 3 years
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17987048 She's My Daughter
(37930 words) by "https://archiveofourown.org/users/ILoveSlash1996"
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling, The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Chapters: 45/45
Relationships: Klaus Mikaelson/Damon Salvatore, Elijah Mikaelson/Damon Salvatore, Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Characters: Elijah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Harry Potter, Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Kol Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, Jeremy Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Elizabeth Forbes, Carol Lockwood
Additional Tags: Elena Gilbert Bashing, Female Harry Potter, Child Harry Potter, Parent Damon Salvatore, Bottom Damon Salvatore, Adopted Harry Potter, Lily Evans Potter Lives, James Potter Lives, Girl-Who-Lived (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Has a Twin, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, James Potter Bashing, Lily Evans Potter Bashing
Summary: Lily and James Potter abandoned their youngest daughter to raise and train her older twin brother James Albus Potter so called Boy-Who-Lived. After a bad beating Violet runs away to a park where Damon Salvatore is walking. What happens when the Girl-Who-Lived wants nothing to do with her old life. Meet Anastasia Evelyn Salvatore-Mikaelson daughter to three originals and a vampire.
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