#stranger thins 4
f-airytale · 2 years
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vikilinda · 1 year
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pairing(s): steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: They are about to have the last battle with Vecna and while you are in the upside with Steve you decide to confess all your feelings to him.
a/n:Hii, this is my first fic here so I hope you like it as much as I liked my writing it, also if you have any comments or requests are free to leave them in the comments
You have this terrible feeling in your chest about this mission that something wasn't going to go right, you know that. 
You had been in this situation so many times that you had already stopped counting them, but for some reason, this time it felt different, it was not like other times they had fought with the Upside Down, and clearly, Vecna was not like all the Demogorgon they had fought.
Everyone seems to be very focused on preparing for a battle, and no one has noticed how absorbed you are in your thoughts in the corner of the camp, no one except Eddie. 
"¿Hey, you're fine?"��
You jumped out of fright, you had been lost in the depths of your deceptive thoughts that you hadn't noticed Munson's presence by your side. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Eddie laughed and sat by your side. You knew Eddie long before this incident, both had been lab mates when you were studying at Hawkins, but you have to admit that if it hadn't been for Dustin, you might never have exchanged beyond a greeting with him.  "¿Five cents for your thoughts?" 
"¿Did you ever feel this feeling of something happening, but you don't know what it is?" Eddie smiles sideways at the question and answers, feeling some déjà vu. 
"On a daily basis, I mean, just two days ago I was sitting at lunch on the last day of school and, now I am sitting in the woods with a lot of people with whom in my life I have crossed more than one sentence about to face I do not know what thing about the beyond. So I guess those kinds of thoughts become recurrent." 
"It's just that we have been facing this for years, and every time it seems that we win, it is not like that something more, something bigger and more dangerous always arrives. And before, even if we had Elle, now it seems that we are less and less against more things." 
You didn't know at what point, but your body started shaking, and your breathing was short. Eddie soon noticed that and placed both hands on your shoulders and tried to calm you down. 
“Hey y/n, look at me.” whispered. “Everything 's gonna be fine. Don't listen to the horrible voice over your head, there is no real, they just want to scare you, you said it yourself they have already struggled with these things before and have won, I don't see why this time is different."
“It's just that it doesn't feel like this"
Eddie didn't know what else he could tell you to reassure me so he took the urge to pull you towards him and surround you with his arms. Eddie wasn't the best at reading people's feelings, let alone reacting to them, but for the first time he knew what to do at the right time. 
"I know what you feel right now, the heart unbridled, the lungs burning in search of a long sigh, the voice in your head that doesn't stop screaming. I know it looks like it's the end of the world, but I can assure you that you're nowhere near the slope."
"Thank you"
y/n leans on Eddie's chest while he still surrounds her with his arms, his gazes go towards the landscape opposite, the eyes of y/n are directed directly to the chestnut tree that tries to assemble an explosive.
"Do you want advice? Anyway, I'll give it to you," said Eddie "Don't wait so long to tell someone you love them, I know it may seem comforting and safe to see it from a distance, but the day you think less you will want to change it and it will have been too late" 
You stay quiet. 
You knew Steve for years and it was that same number of years that you had been in love with him, you had known all his facets, the basketball player, King Steve, the Steve broken by Nancy, the scholar, the nanny, and the adult Steve. You loved every version of it, although you had to admit that there are better versions than others. 
You had loved Steve for so long that you had already gotten used to the pain in your chest. You knew that nothing was going to happen, that he saw you only as a friend. 
And sometimes that hurts more than any broken bone. 
Eddie looked at y/n and knew how she felt, he had spent years loving someone in the distance for fear that his glass heart would break into thousands of pieces, he had settled not knowing how he felt his closeness, his aroma, the warmth of his joy shining in his fog. He thought he could live like this forever, until he felt her close and didn't burn, and for a second Eddie thought he could get used to the closeness of his sun.
And then its sun died out forever. 
And in the worst way Eddie had understood that all those years he had not protected himself from anything, he had only deprived himself out of fear, that pain was the ink he could never erase from his skin.
"We are all going on a journey of no return y/n, don't let any more time pass. Don't be like me." 
Eddie's words didn't leave your head, they were already upside down, Eddie and Dustin had been left behind while Nancy, Robin, Steve and you went to Creep's house to beat Vecna, and all you thought was about the silky-haired boy.
A long time ago you hadn't stopped to think about the huge carousel you were in thanks to your best friend, you used to think that the worst corner had passed, that you were on solid ground, but Eddie had opened your eyes. The curve never stopped, you had only closed your eyes so as not to feel it. 
Steve is by your side. 
"Are you okay?" he asks.
Why is everything suddenly so uncomfortable between the two of you?    When did they stop being the pair of friends who could talk about anything and laugh for hours?  Now there is only a sepulchral silence between the two, you wanted to blame the tension for fighting Vecna but you knew it was nothing more than a lie. 
"I... em, I saw you talking to Eddie this afternoon, I didn't know they were so close." 
Steve wants to hit himself as soon as those words come out of his mouth, he didn't want to sound possessive or jealous, although deep down the image of and/or lying on Eddie's shoulder caused something in him, a feeling he felt too familiar with and didn't like. 
That feeling, he had already gone through it and cost one of the people he cared about most, Steve couldn't throw himself into that void again, not if the only person who can get him out of it isn't on the other side.
"I-I didn't want it to sound like that, of course you have the right to be with Eddie, he's a great guy, i mean a few days ago I thought he was a weird idiot, and although I still have my reservations about whether he's a vampire, as long as he doesn't touch your neck I hope they're as happy as-
"Steve, stop" 
"I don't want to sound indiscreet, of course it's your life and I'll support you, I'm your best friend and-"
And without knowing it, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.  
Steve's words were the last knives your shield needed, you loved Steve more than you loved chocolate milkshake, which was enough to say, and you would always want to have him by your side, but something had changed, maybe it was Eddie's words in your head or the adrenaline in your body,  but as you saw Steve you knew you couldn't take that carousel anymore, you had taken every curve that life had thrown at you and each of them had hit, even the ones that seemed never to end.
But you couldn't take it anymore, you didn't want any more. Admiring Steve was no longer enough, a third of him was no longer enough, not when he had all gotten under your skin.  You loved your friendship with Steve, but it wasn't enough, you needed to know how his closeness felt, you needed to get closer, even if that burned you because otherwise you'd be smooth skin, one that wasn't exposed, one that didn't live. 
If you were going to die in battle you would take one less regret. 
"I love you"
Steve froze. 
"I LOVE YOU, STEVE. I'm so in love with you Steves that you have no idea how much it hurts, every part of my body burns to such an extent that it becomes a dull ache to see how you date one girl after another while I am still on my side watching how you choose anyone but me. I lost count of how many birthday wishes I dedicate to you. ¡God end up with an entire booth of Mrs. White's flowers asking me if you would invite me to the dance!"
"Y/n I..."
But of course life would throw you one last turn. 
Robin in the distance points to the sky, this was almost the same tale, only a small detail had changed, there were a hundred bats in it and they all went to the same place, the portal of Eddie's trailer.
The atmosphere stops being tense between you and Steve and begins to be tense in general, the floor begins to shake as the clock sounds.
In a matter of seconds everything began to collide, Max, the bats, the floor. Vecna knew they were here and it was a matter of seconds before I caught Max and all of you with the plan. 
Nancy starts shouting the orders while the others move, but you stay, your sight had not left the bats, Eddie and Dustin should be refugees, they did not have much to defend themselves with so their only mission was to take care of the portal and close it if necessary.
But you had that hunch again. 
Robin calls you when he sees that you still don't move from your place, three pairs of eyes are on you while yours were on the bats. They soon understood what you were going to do. 
"Y/n, no"
Steve took another step towards you, there was no way he would let you go, not if he couldn't protect you. But you had already made up your mind, with tears in your eyes you look at him for the last time and smiled. 
If only they had five more minutes, if they were only a few steps closer you will take one less regret, but it was not like that. Life would have to settle for just having pinned the sun.
"See you on the other side"
Before Steve can avoid it you run to the bike and with the screw bat on your back you pedal as fast as you can hoping it's not so late. Your lungs burn as you pedal faster, your heart runs so much it will explode at any second, but none of that stops you, not the headache or blood in your knees when jumping off the bike.
You weren't a hero, you weren't the best at fighting or even the best at devising plans. You weren't a Nancy ready for any kind of battle, you weren't a Steve whose extraordinary strength came from protecting others, but the second you saw Eddie in the middle of a batstorm fighting you only knew that for the first time in a long time you were in the right place.
You weren't a hero, but you didn't need to be either.
You run towards Eddie, you don't see much beyond black spots so he wants to, but you keep going into the storm until you find the blackhair. Eddie has blood on his hands and scratches all over his face, but he's still standing in the middle of it all fighting with a trash lid.
Eddie laughs.
"It's good to see you, Red" 
Laugh with Eddie. You pull out Steve's bat while positioning yourself on Eddie's back, the bats seem to multiply, Eddie turns his neck to smile as he nods. 
"Welcome to the babysitter's club, Munson"
The battle was over, they had won or so it felt. The bats had ceased and now everyone was on the ground surrounding the silhouette of Eddie and yours, Dustin had not taken long to appear and seeing the scene around him did not take long to panic, he had hurt his ankle when jumping from the portal so he could not do but scream for help. 
Eddie had been hurt, the bats had caught him in their own tornado attacking all over his body, but you had been quick enough to pull him out before any major injuries were made, but it hadn't turned out the same for you. 
As Eddie finished fighting with the bats that captured him you were captured in your own whirlpool, black and red was all you could perceive as all over your body burned. 
"No, no, no"
Steve runs to your side while holding you, your body tries to react to Steve's touch but only manages to bristle your skin. Tears come out of Steve's eyes as he tries to wipe the blood from you, but it was too much. 
"Stay with me, Y/N. I'm going to get you out of here so don't even think about closing your eyes." 
You were tired.
"No Y/n, don't talk. I'm going to get you out of here, you understand me, we're going to get out of here and you'll be fine, we'll have that date that I've taken so long to ask you in that place of pizzas you like, we'll have millions of dates, I'll watch all the romance movies you like in reward for all the times it makes you angry..."
"You will graduate and I will leave a few months later with you because I will know that I do not care where I am as long as you are by my side, we will get married and we will have six little Nuggets that we will force the brats to take care of for all our years of babysitters"
"T-I love you, Steve Harrington" 
"And me to you, so don't even think about closing your eyes. Don't leave me here."
I nod, but as Steve picks me up and runs with me in his arms, fatigue starts to get the better of me. With several regrets and many joys I closed my eyes and everything turned black. 
"Goodbye, Steve..." 
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cak3art · 2 years
Eddie Munson is gay and not enough people talk about this!
Now that I have your attention let me explain, while yes I’m a Steddie shipper this isn’t the only reason why I believe eddie is gay.
Eddie has some questionable fashion choices, one being a bandana in his back pocket, but what if it wasn’t just a fashion choice but more likely a gay code?
Which is how we come to my main and strongest argument is simply that he uses “hanky code” - which is basically shoving a bandana into either of your back pocket to communicate with fellow gay men that you’re gay. (Kind of like the “friend of dorathy(?)” thing) which was used in the 80’s.
You can read up more to it here:
Eddie has a black bandana dangling out of his left back pocket which according to the hanky code means he’s a top and into S&M
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Also apart from playing D&D he doesn’t really have anything about him that would give him the label freak, and even then D&D seems to be a well known game with at least 9 known people playing it, but yet Eddie is the only one who got dipped “the freak” (Eddie “the freak” Munson)
So isn’t it more likely that at the time of the 80’s (aka 70 during which time he probably got the name freak) and a place like Hawkins (a little town with a bunch of old people) the reason he was the freak was because he was in fact a homosexual?
(I probably don’t need to enlighten anyone that this argument was based on homophobia during that time period)
Furthermore you can’t tell me that not a single girl would be interested in a guy who can play guitar and has decent to good looks (depending on your type of course), at least some crackheads would try to get with him for free drugs, but he doesn’t have a girlfriend at all so the most logical answer is that he doesn’t want a GIRLfriend.
And to all the people saying he was flirting with Chrissy, idk I personally saw that into sweetening her into buying something, calming her nerves to make sure she’ll end up actually buying. Which imo is clearly shown by the fact the second she calms down he instantly goes back and tries to cell her drugs.
I won’t decline that their scene was cute and I loved Chrissy and if she would’ve stayed alive for a few episodes they probably would’ve ended up being great friends but you all have some delusions if you think Eddie was just flirting with Chrissy /j
And before you come at me with “why wouldn’t they just state that he’s gay”
Well well well, they didn’t state it for Robin until Steve asked her out, and even then it was only because of the truth serum, they also never said Will was gay yet you all know.
And Eddie doesn’t really know any of those people (apart from his d&d members, but you don’t talk to kids about your sex life) so why on earth would the first thing -after already being hunted down for a murder- be stating he’s gay? He couldn’t know robin was gay or that Steve would be alright with it, so worst case could’ve been that they could’ve been homophobic and would rat him out because of this. So better safe than sorry. As well as obviously it would be kind of a weird timing to randomly come out to people.
Feel free to add things to this!
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gay-prentiss · 2 years
no bcs i did not wake up to people posting joes dating app profile pics literally hours ago. i thought we had this conversation.
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marcie-self · 2 years
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ibimboclown · 2 years
I just remembered,, that I had this dream like a month ago where I was heading to my house after a party or something and there was Eddie and Billy,, like,, super out of nowhere,, and then, in the dream, I ran and hugged Eddie and talked with Billy.
The Fun part is, I don't like Billy at all, but in the dream he looked like he had a crush in me, and that's it,, I woke up really happy that day
//Sorry for my bad English, it's not my first language//
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pidzamowa-blog · 2 years
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ildre · 2 years
Hey, guys! Could you remind me, please, what movie has been quoted in this scene? I'm sure I watched it, but I can't remember it. I've been puzzling over it for two weeks already. Help!
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tryingtoliv3 · 2 years
E: What is "friend"?
M: Is someone that you'd do anything for.
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msgexymunson · 1 year
Description: Eddie can't believe you're still his nice adorable kitten, even when he's buried inside you.
Warnings: NSFW, porn without plot, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, kinda mean dom Eddie, sub fem reader, degradation, crying, pet names.
A/n: I dont know what to tell you. This is just filth that was floating around in the cesspool that is my brain. Enjoy my dirty girls. If you like it, please comment and reblog!
1k words
"Please please please-" you moan into the empty air, unfeeling ears refusing to absorb the sounds. Sweating and clenching around thick fingers, you wiggle; a fish caught on a line, helpless, unable to break free. Your legs are draped across Eddie's lap, panties pulled to the side, your juices dripping all over his jeans.
Please what? Are you looking for more? Or are you looking to be set free? Its unclear; your pelvic movements are dragging you closer to his sodden cluch; wet, sticky sound of your release echoing everywhere, dampening the edge of your pleated mini skirt.
Disgusting sounds clog your ears; a soaken squelch pervades every sense, filling the room with a dirty, desolate want. A desire to be desiccated.
"Please, Eddie, please-"
"Please, oh please?" He mocks, thick fingers soaked with your release, a milky ring of your slick circling them.
"Please what? What do you want?" His mocking tone cuts through, humiliating you further, "tell me, or I can't give you what you need."
You know you never said, you want him to absorb knowledge at this point. He should know what you need. He does know what you need.
Your moans pierce the air while Eddie fucks you ceaselessly with thick fingers, pushing you towards sticky, squelching release. Again.
"Come on kitten, what do you need? You never said. Come on baby, you can do it." Thick, dastardly fingers continue to invade your cunt and push you to your breaking point. They know exactly what you need, but they want you to say. Your wanton moans are half the fun.
"Eddie, I need you to- please-"
"Please what? You let me bury my fingers in your pussy but you can't say the word fuck? You're fucking cute as hell kitten."
A blush smothers your cheeks, fuelled by his mocking and the heat between your legs.
"I need you inside me Eddie," you pout as his movements slow, still buried deep but his digits are rocking back and forth; so deep its bordering on painful, making you hiss.
"I am inside you kitten." He smirks when you huff, letting out a mirthless laugh.
Thighs quivering, you pull yourself nearer to his ear, your shaky breath a whisper.
"Please, I want your cock inside me. Please fuck me Eddie."
Eddie groans, eyes rolling back at your words. He pulls his fingers from you with a wet noise that makes you cringe. A smug smile stretches across his handsome features.
"See? I knew you could do it. That's my kitten."
Laying you gently down, he slowly pulls your sodden underwear off you, throwing them somewhere on the floor. His pants and boxers are next to go, leaving him naked, narrow hips slotting between your glistening thighs.
You reach to the side to unzip your skirt but Eddie bats your hands away. Rough hands flip your skirt up, exposing your slick soaked cunt. He pulls your tank top up to reveal your breasts, nipples hardening in the cooler air.
"You look so fucking hot like this. Such a dirty whore for me. Hmmm." Lust filled eyes drink in your form as he slowly fists his cock.
"Eddie, please." You frown up at him, hands balled into little fists.
"Stop being a brat and take what I give you." His voice is quiet, but hard. A threat dancing on his tongue. Looking up at him with wide eyes, your lip quivers.
"Aw, my little kitten gonna cry? I'll give you something to cry about."
He lines up his throbbing dick and rubs it through your glistening folds, gathering wetness, before pushing himself fully into you.
Tears rush to the corners of your eyes, pushed out by the sheer size of him. You gasp and grip his shoulders.
"Oh my God Eddie!"
"What's wrong kitten? Can't take it?" His lips draw into a condescending pout.
"No! I can Eddie, I can." You nod at him trying to convince him.
"Ok kitten if you're so sure..." as he starts slowly thrusting in and out of you, his hard member dragging against your sticky satin walls. The stretch was intense, leaving you groaning and gasping, a pretty mess just for Eddie.
A particularly deep thrust has you closing your eyes, moaning loudly.
"Yeah? That good baby?" You nod but its not enough.
"Hey, I asked you a question." He slows, making you grab his biceps, eyes widening.
"Yes, so good, please, don't stop!"
Eddie laughs and starts thrusting harder, faster. One hand keeps him upright, the other grasps you firmly by the jaw.
"You gotta look at me kitten. I wanna see you cum hard."
You stare into his dark eyes as you feel your world begin to unravel. The burning deep in your belly is threatening to spill out over your whole being.
"Eddie, oh my-" you're about to warn him when the feeling crashes over you, fluttering through your nerves, leaving you clenching around his length, whimpering your devotion to him.
"Fuck, you're so fucking pretty when you cum, holding me so tight, my dirty little girl, holy shit" his thrusts begin to falter, finally letting your jaw go, gripping so tight to your shoulder you think he'll leave finger print bruises.
"I'm gonna cum, where- fuck, where do you want it?"
"Inside me, please Eddie."
He breaks character for a moment. "Shit really? Are you sure?" As you nod emphatically, nails leaving red crescents in his back.
Features hard once again, he pounds into you even faster, "gonna fill this pussy up, just like you want, Jesus Christ!" Holding you close he releases deep inside of you. You can feel his dick throbbing, whining at the feeling.
Eddie collapses to the side of you, body shining in sweat. You allow your legs to slowly unfold, still quivering at the strength of your release.
"Sorry kitten if that was a bit much." He strokes your thigh, eyes seeking yours.
"Well you were a bit of a-"
"What princess? A douchbag? A prick?"
"A- a meanie."
Eddie's laugh echoes through the room. He scoops you in his arms.
"And you are an adorable little kitten."
Just tagging a couple of people who I know will enjoy this lol
@lunatictardis @munson-blurbs @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @billybluboy @zestychili @eddiesprincess86 @cluz1babe @joejoequinnquinn @onehotgreasymechanic @eddiemunsonfuxks
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mayplayer59 · 2 years
‼️Stranger Things S4 Vol. 2 Spoilers‼️
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Vol. 2 got me feeling some sort of way and it's not exactly positive
Just poor Will, it's really all I can say
*cue Backstabber by Kesha*
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f-airytale · 2 years
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screensland · 1 year
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Chrissy Cunningham — Stranger Things Fourth Season, 2022.
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cak3art · 2 years
Edit: audio by Thomas sanders
Please consider reblogging 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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strawberrysodaslut · 2 years
Innocence - Eddie Munson Masterlist
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" my darling Julie... " he whispers, running his fingers through my hair, " not everything is as it seems "
All Julie Mitchell ever wanted was a normal life, and for the first time, she had one. She was in the cheer team, popular, happy.
But Julie has a secret- and the closer she gets to the strange boy from the trailer park, the closer that secret gets to being revealed.
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1 | Phantasms
2 | Mary Jane
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Main Masterlist
Eddie Munson Masterlist
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i will tag everyone on my Eddie Munson taglist, but I’ll be making a seperate taglist for this series so that if people don’t want to read a series and prefer one shots, they’re not tagged every time a new part is posted.
if you are already on my taglist, you can ignore the characters section and just answer the series
Join ‘Innocence’ Taglist
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marcie-self · 2 years
Winter Wonderland
Modern!Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!OC
Mostly fluff (light smut and angst mixed in!)
Stephanie is one of Hawkins best flyers along side Chrissy. In fact, the two are best friends. Stef hardly got along with the jocks so there was no way in hell she would date one. Despite being proud of that choice she still got lonely.
The weekend before Christmas break Stef went over to Chrissy’s for a sleepover. Chrissy was braiding her friend's hair as she complained about Jason being a typical boy. When she noticed Stef wasn’t really responding anymore she paused.
“I’m doing it again aren’t I? I’m so sorry.” Chrissy wrapped her arms around her hugging her.
“It’s ok, really. I just wish I had someone to talk about.” Stef didn’t want to come off as negative.
“There must be someone at school that peaks your interest!” She continues braiding.
“Well yeah but, I don’t think he would go for me.” Stef sounded timid.
“Who is it?! Tell me!” Chrissy squealed excitedly.
“Promise you won’t laugh at me?” Stef turns to face her.
“Yes yes! Just spit it out already!” She hugged her favorite stuffed animal grinning.
“Eddie Munson.” Stef finally got it out while fidgeting with her nails.
Chrissy let out another excited squeal and hugged her friend, making them both fall over. “You have to talk to him! Eddie is the sweetest!”
Stef blushed deeply as chrissy giggled. “I’ll try to talk to him on Monday then.”
Monday rolled around and Stephanie couldn’t focus she was so worried about how it would go talking to Eddie. She worried he would be revolted by her because she’s a cheerleader, the complete opposite of what he stands for. She managed to make it to lunch avoiding any negative thoughts after she got her food she started towards her usual table but stopped half way.
She took a deep breath mentally preparing herself to approach him. She turned on her heel and started towards his group. They all stared at her waiting for a rude comment but it never happened.
Instead they’re met by a sweet but timid voice. “I was wondering if I could sit with you guys today.”
Gareth, who was to the right of Eddie chuckled. “You want to sit with the D&D club? Do you even play?”
“No I’ve never played before but I’ve overheard you guys talking about it a few times and it seems interesting.” Her nerves became visible to Eddie and he felt bad.
“Of course you can sit with us! Please take my seat.” Eddie made quick work of offering his chair to her before motioning the guys on his left to move down.
Gareth looked at Eddie in disbelief. “What are you doing? She’s one of them!”
A thud was heard under the table just seconds before Gareth groaned in pain. Eddie cleared his throat. “Please ignore him, he chose to be bitter today. It’s Stephanie right? We have physics together.”
“Yes, that's me.” Her cheeks grew warm that he knew her name.
As she ate lunch she watched them all talk about their current campaign. “I just don’t see how we can throw in a new member at the end of a campaign!” Gareth was still frustrated with Eddie.
“I’ll make it work! She can help me DM the last session!” He put his hand on her shoulder catching off guard. Stef looked at everyone beet red and bashful, while Eddie had a big smile on his face. “It’ll be great!”
That Thursday comes around and Stephanie goes to where Hellfire meets and realizes she beat everyone there. The first to show up is Eddie and he greets her with a smirk. “You actually came. I’m flattered.”
“Why wouldn’t I? I meant what I said.” She smiled sweetly seeming more comfortable with him.
Eddie held the door open and let her in. He started walking her through his process for setting everything and she helped where she could. Just as they finished setting up the others get there already excited about the session.
Stef stayed out of the way and watched everyone interact. She already felt like Gareth didn’t like her, the last thing she wanted was to give the others a reason not to. She really only butted in when Eddie kept her involved.
When they started the session she sat as close to Eddie as possible and watched everything he did. She took notes for him and he would whisper to her explaining bits and pieces. They got to the final battle of the campaign and the party was having to fight off the final boss’ minions.
She watched Eddie’s nose scrunch as he was thinking of what to throw in next to stump the guys. Stef whispered to Eddie pointing out that on Gareth’s turn he would most likely wipe out what was left of the minions in one swing of his sword. She dug through the pages from previous sessions looking for a hint that was dropped early on.
“They never found this artifact, what if the minions had it and the only way to get it would be a sneak attack? We would have to come all the way back around to Jeff’s turn for that to happen.” She was deep into the story and very focused.
Eddie looked at her proudly. “That is brilliant. I never would’ve caught that. This might be your permanent position from now on.” He winked, making her blush and hide her face.
Eddie slammed his hands down on the table to get everyone’s attention to remind them of the missing piece. All of their faces drop at the new information and they frantically start discussing their next move. As expected this put them back quite a bit and Jeff finally got to attack.
When Jeff took his turn Eddie leaned over to Stef and whispered. “He didn’t roll too high, should I let him have it?”
She looked at the level of stress showing on all of their faces and turned back to him. “I think they’ve suffered enough. Besides, they still have the final boss to fight.”
Eddie nodded before announcing their success. All of the guys sighed in relief, regaining confidence in their abilities. The final fight was a tough one but they all made it out alive. When they won the room filled with cheering and yelling.
Stef watched them tackle each other in bro hugs. Eddie began closing up all of his folders as they pelted teasing comments at him because they beat his campaign. Everyone eventually split up and went home.
The next day when Stephanie got to physics which was her second to last class of the day she started to prepare herself to get more personal with Eddie. Since they would be on Christmas break for the next 3 weeks it was now or never to shoot her shot.
When class was over she stayed behind to talk to him. “Hey Eddie. I have a question!” She ran to catch up with him in the hallway.
He stopped and turned to her. “Yeah what’s up?”
“So the downtown Christmas parade is coming up, all of the sports people from Hawkins are going to be in it and there’s room on the trailer for me to bring a plus one. Chrissy is having a small party at her house after, I was just wondering if you would want to be my plus one. I know you’re not a big fan of the jocks and cheerleaders so I totally get it if you say no.” She didn’t realize she was rambling.
“Stef I’ll go! Just slow down!” He laughed watching her catch her breath from talking so fast. “It sounds like a nice time plus it’ll give Jason an aneurism.”
Stef sighed relieved. “Great! I’ll see you then.” She had a big smile on her face when she went off to her next class.
The day of the parade came around and Stef was doing her best to stay calm. She did her makeup and put on her uniform along with her jacket. Chrissy picked her up and was immediately teasing her about Eddie.
It was obvious she was worried Eddie wouldn’t show up as she kept looking around for him. While she was helping another girl with her hair she didn’t notice Eddie come up behind her. When she finished she turned to go do something else and bumped into him.
“You made it!” Stef laughed off her nerves realizing it was stupid to doubt him.
“I wouldn’t dream of missing it. I brought you something too!” He reached into his jacket. “I talked to the guys and we all agreed that you would make a valuable member of our party.” Eddie held up a folded up pink baseball shirt and knelt down like a knight bowing his head. “Princess Stephanie, it would be an honor if you would accept this token of appreciation and join our club.”
When she didn’t respond immediately he looked up worried that he made it weird only to see her watching excitedly. She had her hands clasped together and tucked under her chin and nodded. Stef grabbed the shirt from him and started taking off her jacket to put it on over her uniform.
“I hope pink is ok. I figured you would want something different than the rest of us.” He looked away trying to hide his own blushing.
“It’s perfect Eddie, thank you!” She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
The adult in charge of their group instructed everyone to get on the trailer who wasn’t going to be walking in front of the truck. Eddie stepped on first and held his hand out to her since they were the last ones on he put himself closer to the edge just in case. Their seats were hay bales with blankets laid over top of them and everyone had a blanket to cover themselves with.
The parade started and it wasn’t until they started getting closer to more people that the male athletes started to get everyone hyped up. They all spread out with the majority staying at the front and a few others walked beside the truck and trailer.
They had a big speaker hooked up playing different Christmas songs. When Stef and Chrissy’s favorite song came on they both started singing. Eddie watched in awe as the harmonized together and he melted at the softness in her voice.
Jason just so happen to fall back to check on chrissy. “You alright back here? The freak isn’t bothering you is he?”
“Jason, don't be a dick. He’s with Stef, I think he’s a bit preoccupied.” She looked back to see Stef practically cuddled up to Eddie with how close she was.
Jason rolled his eyes and made his way up to the front. Chrissy brushed him off and focused on how happy Stef finally was. She’d never seen Eddie so calm either.
Eventually the girls took over walking for a while to do some of their routines. Eddie cringed having to sit with all the guys so he kept quiet and watched Stef, holding her jacket for her. By the end of it all everyone was either in the truck or on the trailer and they were all tired.
Eddie put his arm behind Stef acting as a back rest. With a blanket draped over her legs, and her head resting on his shoulder she eventually fell asleep. She would shift every now and then when they hit a bump but went right back to sleep.
The two decided she was too tire to continue partying so Eddie took her home. When she started humming along to his Metallica CD, he looked at her surprised. “I didn’t think you liked rock.”
“Well it’s been just me and my dad for as long as I can remember and they’re his favorite. I got my music taste from him for the most part.” She shrugged it off.
“You’re not a normal cheerleader at all are you?” He glanced over at her still keeping his focus on the road.
“What does that mean?” She knew he didn’t mean anything bad by it.
“You don’t really follow any of their expectations. I have never seen a cheerleader play D&D, like Metallica, or me for that fact. You’re nothing like them.” Eddie was starting to realize just how much he liked her.
Stef took a deep breath gathering her thoughts. “Being a cheerleader, or even an athlete, shouldn’t be a popularity contest. Sure it’s probably best to be outgoing to some extent, your job is to get everyone excited. How is being mean and condescending going to do that?” Her voice was getting louder as her passion on the topic grew stronger. “It should be about your physical skill, which I have, that’s why they haven’t kicked me off the team. Not only physical skills, but also teamwork. If you don’t have good teamwork and communication, people get seriously hurt. And I mean that very literally.”
“If only they were all like you and Chrissy. I only know that because I kind of had a crush on her in middle school.” His face turned bright red.
“I was wondering how she seemed so sure that I should talk to you.” Stef giggled softly.
They eventually got to Stephanie’s house and Eddie walked her up to the door. She spun around digging her keys out of her pocket trying to hurry since it was cold. “Thank you for coming tonight. I had a lot of fun.”
With his hands in the pocket of his denim vest he couldn’t help but smile at her. “Well if you thought that was fun, just imagine how much fun we’d have on a real date. Just me and you.”
“Yeah? Well I guess we will have to find out. What did you have in mind?” She couldn’t make herself look away from him.
“I want to keep that a surprise. I’ll pick you up at 6 Christmas Eve.”
“Ok. I’ll be ready.” Stef was struggling to contain her excitement.
Eddie started back to his van as she began unlocking the front door. Halfway down the sidewalk she yelled out to him. Just as he turned around Stef ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck before kissing him.
“Good night Eddie.” Stef straightened out his jacket before running off and hiding inside, leaving Eddie frozen in shock.
As if it wasn’t bad enough that Stef’s dad was always gone for work the holidays always made it harder to deal with. Luckily Chrissy was happy to keep her company as much as she could. This year it felt a little easier because she was looking forward to her date with Eddie
Stef got her hair and makeup done but kept her outfit comfortable and warm. When Eddie arrived he was visibly nervous. In an attempt to help him relax she started up a conversation as if this was nothing new.
“Thank god I got the guts to talk to you when I did. The holidays always suck for me since my dad works so much. Usually I would go suffer at my moms for the break but I’ve decided not to put myself through that this year.” Stef sighed softly.
“What’s the story behind that?” Eddie felt weird asking but the topic was already out there.
“Where do I even start? She left my dad when I was 3 because she was sleeping with her boss who is really rich and my dad wasn’t. She’s also a mean bitch but the way she does it manipulates people into thinking she’s not so if I try to make a big deal out of it she just turns it around on me.” She looked down playing with the sleeves of her jacket. “I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m better off without her.”
“I wish I could argue that but sometimes that's just what’s best for you.” He sighed knowing how much it sucks.
“You’ve had to deal with the same thing?” Stef felt her heart drop.
“Kind of. I haven’t seen either of my parents in a couple of years. When I was little they decided it would be best that I went to live with my uncle Wayne. Which, quite frankly, is the nicest thing they ever did for me.” He laughed and shook his head.
“You’re uncle, he’s a good person right?” She got worried.
“Oh he’s the best! To be fair though the bar is set really low. We don’t have a lot of money but he works his ass off to make sure I have what I need and I will never be able to pay him back for everything.” Eddie sighed softly.
Stef smiled softly. “I feel the same way about my dad. It just gets really lonely sometimes.”
“I’m more than happy to fill that empty space.” He looked over and saw the big smile on her face.
They finally got to where they were going and Stef stared in awe at the ginormous maze-like display of Christmas lights. Eddie shoved his hands in his pockets rocking back on his heels. “I’ve heard of people having dates here a lot. I thought it’d be cool to see. We can also do something else if you’d rather.”
Stephanie caught him off guard by grabbing his arm and pulling him through the entrance. They walked through taking their time to look at each display. He even cooperated enough to let her take pictures.
She was so full of excitement and joy that she never realized she grabbed his hand without thinking and held onto his arm. Eddie’s face turned bright pink and he shook his hair making it fall in a way that covered his face. She finally let go of him when she was focused on a really detailed display.
He slipped away without her knowing and when she turned around she frantically looked for him. Slight panic washed over her, putting her on edge. Eddie snuck up behind her and shouted, making her jump and scream.
“Jesus, Eddie!” She slapped him in the chest as he almost fell over laughing. “That wasn’t funny! I thought you left!” She was genuinely scared for a short moment so her eyes welled up with tears even though she wanted to laugh with him.
Hearing her sniffle he could’ve sworn he felt his heart drop. He got the last of his laughter out and pulled her into his chest. “I wouldn’t just leave you stranded. I’m sorry Stef.” The urge to laugh came back when he felt her stomp her foot and let out a pouting grunt.
Since she was pouting she wouldn’t dare admit that she was loving every second of his embrace. They went through the rest of the displays and to make up for his prank he bought a stuffed polar bear from the gift shop. When he presented it to her he had the most pitiful and heartbroken puppy dog face he could muster.
Stef tried to be strong but broke down and accepted the stuffed animal. He cheered and celebrated by throwing his hands up. “Yes!”
Stef laughed blushing while hugging the stuffed animal. “You’re an idiot Munson.” She couldn’t help but smile wide and held her hand out. “C'mon let’s go.”
Stef held onto the bear the entire drive back to her house, which took forever since the roads were starting to ice over so they drove as slow as possible. When they finally made it back Eddie let the tension out of his shoulders. “Thank god we made it!”
By the time Stef made sure she had all of her stuff Eddie had gotten out and opened the door for her. He walked her up to the door just expecting to say good night and then leave. It seemed to be going that way but when Stef kissed him this time, she put more passion behind it.
She held onto his jacket when she pulled away. “The roads are a mess and I don’t want you driving home alone. Stay here for the night.”
As his heart raced, he didn’t hesitate at all to agree to her request. When they went inside she dragged him straight to her room. He didn’t realize it but she was secretly panicking, she’d never done this before and had no idea what to do. Stef got scared she would be too awkward and ruin it.
Eddie could see how stiff she was from the tension and stopped her. “Stef, you don’t have to do this. I never expected this.”
Her face went bright pink. “But I want to, I just…. I’ve never…” She was struggling to admit it.
“Woah. Stef, are you sure you want me to be your first?” He chuckled nervously. “That’s a big deal to some people, and I think maybe I’m not the right person for that, you know. I-I’m the freak of the school, the big scary metal head that everyone thinks is Satan.” He was starting to ramble and panic. “You’re the complete opposite of me.”
“I’m not scared of you Eddie. I’ve never thought any of those things about you. The first day of school, when you went on a rant in the cafeteria, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. The face you made at Jason, I thought it was cute and it made me laugh.” She stopped him from backing away from her. “The Eddie I see, puts all his passion into what he does. You’re the sweetest and most caring guy I’ve ever met.” Her face dropped a little. “I don’t fit in with them. I’m only still on the team because my skills are good for competitions.”
“You really think I’m worth trusting with something like this?” Eddie seemed to calm down more.
“Eddie, you have no clue how much I trust you. I really do.” The look she gave him sank the metaphorical hook in his heart instantly.
He laughed softly realizing it was stupid to freak out. “I guess I can’t say no to you.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, carrying her the rest of the way to her room.
Stef laughed loudly holding onto his shoulders. When he put her down she fell back on the bed and he didn’t give her the chance to get up. “Take it easy on me Munson.”
He looked down at her lovingly. “Don't you worry, I’ll take good care of you.”
Next thing she knew his hand was under her shirt softly massaging her breast as he kissed down her neck. Each touch was gentle, but was enough to make her want more. It was like he knew exactly how to hold Stef to make her forget everything. She couldn’t even remember why she was nervous to begin with.
He helped her out of her clothes, keeping her distracted. Stef felt like she was floating as his hands and lips explored all over her. By the end of everything they were cuddled up under her big fluffy comforter making out.
She found herself tracing her finger over the tattoo on his chest and his forearm. She was in complete and utter bliss then whined when Eddie pulled away from her. “No, where are you going?” She gave him big puppy eyes.
“I forgot something in my car. I’ll be right back I promise.” He started putting on enough clothes to go outside.
When he came back Stef was in the bathroom and a gift wrapped box was sitting on the bed with his name on it. “You didn’t have to get me anything!”
“Just open it and put it on!” She giggled devilishly.
Eddie opened the package to reveal a pajama set. The shirt had the art for “Wherever I May Roam” by Metallica on it and the pants were covered in the bends logo. He softly laughed to himself and put it on like she asked.
“Did you put it on yet?” She opened the bathroom enough to poke her head out. When she saw he had it on she opened the door all the way and came out in a matching set but the design on her shirt was pink instead.
Stef took a step into the room with her hair pulled back into a loose bun and bunny slippers on her feet. She blushes seeing that Eddie actually put it on and has a cute smile on her face. Being dramatic, he grabs his chest and fake passes out on the bed.
“You’re killing me! It’s all too cute!” He made pained noises and pretended to die.
Stef kissed him on the cheek and he came back to life. He grabbed her pulling her down and hugged her tightly with all of his weight on her. Not long after he sat up and handed her a gift that looked like a toddler wrapped it.
Stef peeled the paper off and opened the cardboard box to see a bunch of D&D supplies. Sitting on top is a figurine of a warrior princess with a big wolf standing next to her. She giggled and hugged him. “I love it Eddie! Thank you!”
0 notes