gaybananabread · 5 months
@therealjacobcustos I feel like Tadashi would be kind of ticklish (the ask broke so tag)
🎧👾Tadashi Hamada Tkl Headcanons🤖🔧
AN: Sorry it took so long to respond to this, wanted to get the FS out of the way first! Kinda a flimsy excuse, but I've been wanting to do some HCs and Tadashi is such a brain happy character, so here's my brain dump!
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Okay so this boy is absolutely a switch.
He'd love messing with Hiro, but can anyone say that someone as bubbly as him wouldn't like to be tickled?
No, no they cannot.
He would absolutely program Baymax with some tickling capabilities.
Remember how he can produce a small flash drive from his finger? Yeah, imagine little nails/quill tips specifically designed for cheer-up tickles.
It's actually been found in scientific studies that tickling improves the mood and can boost our immune systems.
Of course Tadashi would stumble upon an article or something and use that as valid reasoning for the features.
He gives eager lee vibes.
Wiggling your fingers at him? He's already giggling and squirming in his seat.
Worst spots are his knees, sides and forearms. He *loves* belly tickles.
Isn't shy about liking tickles at all. He's not gonna outright announce it to the world, but he wouldn't deny it if someone points it out.
Lee mood? Everyone close to him immediately knows.
Stretching his arms above his head, man-spreading on the couch, sitting with his arms behind his head, constantly kicking someone he’s sitting by, TANK TOPS
His laugh is the purest sound around. Bright, bubbly and completely unrestrained
Depending on the amount of lee, he might just lay there and giggle his heart out.
Loves tickling as a bonding activity and cheer-up method.
Despite all that, he’d have a helluva time asking for/admitting anything.
“Do you like this, Tadashi?” “I-I, uh…that's not- mmphf…”
Blushes brighter than the red sun, though it definitely takes some heavy teasing.
As for Baymax…
He’d definitely give his bud some special care methods.
A few self-indulgent programs here for when he's sad, some tools (see Gen. above), and generally just fluff with the marshmallow bot.
Will intentionally bug Hiro until he starts a tickle war. If he's in a lee mood, he'll sass the boy until he goes for a bad spot
You'd better run for the hills-
Teasing, sassy, laughs along with his lees. 50/50 switch, swings either way based on circumstance
His favorite target would have to be Hiro. Staying up all night to work on a bot? Tire-out tickles. Refusing to go eat dinner in favor of productivity? Persuasive tickles. Bumming out about life? You know it: cheer-up tickles.
With the Nerd Crew, it's usually just sly pokes and squeezes when they reach for tools or adjust bolts.
If somebody's way stressed or hasn't slept, though? He'll lovingly wreck their shit <3
King of silly teases ♚
“Coochie coo, giggles!” “Oh, sorry, is this spot *really* ticklish? Does it tickle *really* bad when I do this?” “That's gotta be one of the cutest laughs ever! Thanks for sharing so much of it~”
If he's actually trying, can and will dominate a tickle fight.
Gets his energy back scary fast. You think you've won?
Guess again.
He'll wait until you're bragging or looking away to pounce, beginning the dreaded Round 2.
Loves it when people ask for tickles.
You come to him, for any reason, and lay on his lap / expose your spots? His heart melts before he lovingly obliges.
Gives amazing aftercare. Cuddles, back rubs, drowning in kisses if you're his s/o.
May or may not have developed little pieces of tickle tech to mess with his loved ones. Be weary of random gifts or surprise lab invites!
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ardeatheblueheron · 1 year
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Okay but hear me out.
TeruYama 🥺🤯
My third favorite comfort ship
College AU, inspired by a book written by my dearest friend @MisakiiSly on Wattpad. (Misaki Writes)
They're writing a book on the HQ characters, aged up and in college.
Now on A03:
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bifairywife · 2 years
plot twist executed so good it might as well have come to life from my screen and reached out to violently grab me by my neck then twisted it
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dopesketchy · 2 years
Adam: Joe! Cherry! Settle a little tiff me and Puppy are having.
Tadashi: Lets be honest, Mr Shindo. Its not a tiff it's a row.
Adam: And now it's a scene.
Joe: Ok, guys we don't want get involved in your personal life.
Adam: It's not personal. It's a math problem.
Joe, bored: Pass
Cherry, excited: Ooo, mama!
Adam: It's the "Monty Hall problem." Imagine you're on a game show. There are three doors, behind one of which is a car-
Tadashi: You're telling it wrong. There are three doors, behind one of which is a car. You pick a door. The host, who knows where the car is, opens a different door, showing you there's nothing behind it. Now the host asks if you'd like to choose the other unopened door. Should you do it?
Adam: No.
Tadashi: Yes.
Both: It's simple math!
Adam: It doesn't make any sense to switch. The prize is behind one of two doors. It's a 50/50 chance either way.
Tadashi: It's 2/3 if you switch, 1/3 if you don't. The probability locks in when you make the choice. We've been over this eight times!
Adam: Seven times! Now you can't even do simple addition.
Cherry: Snake is right.
Adam: Hmm. You're banned from S for life.
Cherry: What?!
Joe: Ha.
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weathertheraine · 8 months
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Pirate AU!! Thank you @stringofturtles for watching OFMD S1 with me and re-igniting my Pirate Emotions so I had the motivation to finish this. The first sketches have been sitting in my files for months so please forgive the fact that they look different skdfjh.
More fleshed out AU details under the cut !! :D
- The kids are a little older than canon - the third years in their early 20s - but the story still starts with the second and third years as an established crew who then pick up the first years and the coaches.
- Daichi as a Captain is of course very much like he is in canon. He works very hard to take care of his crew and takes on a huge responsibility for providing for them (as well as making sure they don’t die in idiotic ways). Suga is First Mate so it’s his job to make sure DAICHI is okay and not worrying himself to death. He also has a good handle on morale/the emotional state of the crew.
- Asahi is the first line of offence when dealing with other ships. He doesn’t like actually hurting people, but he’s good at breaking ranks and barrelling through defences to get hold of whatever Karasuno needs. He was ‘off the team’ and out of commission for a little while after he lost his hand (not seeing combat while he was in recovery, and needing to build up his courage again). Noya played a huge part in helping him back onto his feet, and has been kind of protective ever since.
- Noya’s job is to make sure the ship isn’t boarded, so he very rarely leaves it.
- Ennoshita and Kiyoko work together as navigators and managing the little money the crew has. Ennoshita is the only crew member in the beginning who can kind-of read (Kiyoko can only read a little), and they work a lot with maps and planning out journeys.
- Tanaka is great at intimidating opponents. His eyepatch is totally for show - he thinks it makes him look cooler and scarier. His parrot doesn’t often co-operate with him.
- Narita and Kinoshita take care of maintenance and supplies and making sure there isn’t gunpowder anywhere there shouldn’t be, as well as things like fraying rigging and rotting boards/canons secure and the like. Of course, things like that are everyone’s responsibility, but these two consider is theirs particularly. It’s thankless work but the boat would definitely have burned down by now if not for them.
- Enter the first years!
- Kageyama is a prodigy swordsman with a huge reputation as a lethal pirate, although most people who spread those rumours don’t realise he’s as young as he is. He was marooned by his previous crew for being a controlling Captain (who should never have been captain in the first place, having only his fighting talent as the real reason).
- Hinata recently ran away from home to “become a pirate” without much of an idea what that actually entailed, and ran into Kageyama without knowing his reputation. All he knew was that this guy was incredible fighter, and he demanded that he teach him to fight! He now won’t leave him alone.
- Tsukishima ran away as a very young child in an attempt to find Akiteru, whose sailing ship was attacked and lost at sea. He fell in with pirates along with Yamaguchi (who was picked up after surviving a shipwreck), and the pair ended up sticking together as they bounced from ship to ship, ready to run whenever it seemed like tensions were getting high. They (read: tsukki) are going to need to break this habit, if they’re going to be a real part of this new crew.
- Tsukishima and Yamaguchi can’t sleep if they’re not in the same hammock. Embarrassing. The reason Yamaguchi was so tiny as a little kid is that he didn’t get enough food. Tsukishima still tries to sneak him extra (and gets in trouble with Daichi).
- Tadashi ends up as a sharpshooter, one of the few kids who’s confident using a pistol
- Hinata and Kageyama spar together all the time. It’s GOING to end in a make-out the first time Hinata successfully beats him.
- Neither of them have noticed that Tanaka’s eyepatch switches sides.
- Yachi is picked up when the crew stop in a bar in her town. She’s a better-off girl, about to be talked into an politically advantageous marriage, and desperately wants to get out of her situation. “Running away with pirates” was admittedly pretty drastic, but anything sounds like a good idea when Hinata suggests it so sincerely!!
- Ukai is a washed up older pirate, without a crew. Takeda is a very unlucky literature teacher who just happened to be on a sea voyage. They both ended up taken as hostages by the same (meaner) pirate crew, who were then stolen by the Karasuno kids. Although, it’s kind of unclear at this point whether they’re actually prisoners… They’re being treated very nicely (especially Sensei) and are in danger of getting attached…
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lotusmuses · 2 years
i just realized that since big hero 6 takes place in 2032, if it was real hiro's parents just recently died or would soon because they died when he was 3 and he would be turning 4 in 2022
let's not think about the 2019-2022 pandemic going on
let's not think about how such a pandemic causing his parents' death would make Tadashi grow up to want to provide better free universal healthcare and lead him to majoring in engineering to create a "personal healthcare companion"
Additionally: Robots are relatively bad disease vectors, so can switch between patients without infecting new people (courtesy of @mycomancy)
let's not think about how Cass relies on her cafe to provide for her family and that maybe she was so unwilling to close in Baymax! was because there was a time when it had to be closed and it was difficult to take care of a 3 year old and 10 year old
let's not think about how they are canonically a low-income partially poc family (reasoning: hiro received a full grant instead of full scholarship (honestly he probably got both and used the scholarship money for his projects); grants are for low income students.)
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hotteoki · 1 year
your personal healthcare companion (c.s.b.)
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pairing: soobin x fem reader (pronouns only used at the last bit so you can skip it if you'd prefer a gn reader)
wc: 1.4k
cw: none afaik
notes: i just see him as tadashi idk hes so tadashi coded
for @yrhome : have a soob
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beomgyu nudged your ribs from beside you, drawing your attention away from the board and mr seo's words, "wanna ditch the last two classes after lunch?" you checked your timetable, ms kim, she couldn't give two shits about her students. nodding, you placed it back in your bag, "sure. where are you thinking?" he hummed, "anywhere where we won't be caught." you didn't need him to name drop to know he was talking about his roommate, soobin.
soobin wasn't a typical student in a typical university, unlike you and beomgyu. he excelled in all his classes and was extremely popular amongst teachers, always getting gold merits and compliments anywhere he went by students and parents alike. it was how he got accepted into the best technology institute in the country. he had never approved of beomgyu's carefree influence on you, although he knew it would be difficult to change your minds.
you had met soobin a couple of times, and he was cute, you admitted. it was obvious to anyone, you could be a bit biased, given your teeny, tiny crush on him. you would rather die than tell beomgyu that, though. you were fairly certain he would scream dramatically in agony and horror, then proceed to give a forty minute speech on how he was cuter, and how you should have a crush on him instead. his usual unprovoked salty comments about your practically non-existent relationship with soobin was enough for your brain to handle.
"i was thinking the seaside? the one that's not too far," beomgyu leaned back, rocking slightly on his chair. you began discreetly packing your things up, "sure." as soon as the bell rang, the two of you made your way down the stairs. checking for teachers and security, you managed to sneak out on your bicycles by the back gate.
a few meters away from the seaside, you noticed a familiar figure ahead of you. "beomgyu," you called. he groaned in response, "i know." both of you gradually stopped in front of soobin leaning against his car, an exasperated expression on his face. "aren't you two supposed to be in school?" he sighed, crossing his arms. beomgyu dismounted his bicycle before racking his brain for an answer, "it was crazy. a rat infestation happened and thousands of rats swarmed the classrooms, and we had to run for our lives. they even said they might shut the school down."
"not because you just felt like ditching?" soobin's gaze switched to you, softening slightly while his fingers fiddled with his glasses clutched in his hand. after months of not seeing him, you had forgotten just how cute he really was. you cursed the unfortunate situation that you were wearing your drabby school uniform and not a decent outfit. you turned to beomgyu for an answer, certain that the second you opened your mouth you'd start blabbing whatever nonsense came in your head. you swallowed thickly as you took a secret glance at soobin, oh no, here come the feelings.
"no, it was definitely the rats," beomgyu pushed his grown-out highlighted hair back, not convincing at the slightest bit. "oh really now?" soobin asked sarcastically. "yes really," beomgyu fired back, "how'd you even know we were going to be here?" soobin rolled his eyes, "not the point, get in." he opened the door to the back seat, waiting. before you could follow beomgyu into the back seats, soobin placed a hand on your shoulder, stopping you, "sit in the passenger's seat."
a sound of protest could be heard from inside the car, "that's where i always sit!" "well, not today. you don't deserve that seat," he replied simply while making his way to the other side of the car and opening the door for you. you smiled, praying your blush wasn't that obvious as you walked around the car, taking your seat.
after nearly fifteen minutes of being in the car with you having no clue where you were going, you began scrolling on your phone to pass time. "where are we even going?" beomgyu whined, kicking soobin's seat gently to make a point. "you'll see," soobin glared at him from the rearview mirror, "and stop kicking my seat unless you want me to drop you off here and you can walk home by yourself". that shut beomgyu up.
"we're here," soobin announced, turning off the engine as he parked in the carpark of his institute. "what are we doing here?" you had never been here before, and you were definitely excited to see soobin's workspace. "just visiting," he replied nonchalantly. "why? i wanna go home," beomgyu dragged out his vowels, clearly fed up. "i'm really considering changing the locks to our apartment," soobin muttered to you. you didn't fail to notice his genuine smile at your laugh.
"this is taehyun, he's a student from two years below, but we share a work room, he's your year, actually," soobin introduced as you stepped into a fairly large room, spare pieces of metal scattered everywhere, along with a few gadgets hung up on walls. taehyun looked up momentarily to wave, before lowering his head and continuing working on his machine. "what are you working on?" you asked curiously.
"it's an ironing-folding machine. i mean, we have washing machine, drying machine, but we've never had ironing or folding machine, and this machine does just that. 2 in 1 as well," taehyun gave it a pat, a proud grin plastered on his face. "you have my undivided attention," beomgyu practically hopped over, eager to know more. "you are so lazy," soobin shook his head. beomgyu only stuck out his tongue.
"come on, i have to show you something," soobin guided you away, leading you to his corner of the room. he pointed at a little red carrier hidden behind his stacks of papers and chairs, "there." "what's that?” you stepped closer, examining it. "pinch me." you turned to stare at soobin, unsure if you heard him clearly, "what?" "pinch me, it’s part of the thing."
you did so, earning an "ouch!" from him. as planned, the box began to open, and a white, sweet-looking robot stepped out. it began walking towards the two of you, stopping a few feet away and waving, "hello, i am baymax. your personal healthcare companion. i was alerted for the need of attention when you said 'ouch'." "it's so cute!" you gushed, stepping closer to examine 'baymax'.
a screen popped up on its body, "on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" "one," soobin replied. "i will scan you now," its head moved up and down on soobin's body, "scan complete. you have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm, along with unusual sped-up heart palpitations. my scan suggests it is related to emotional feelings of attraction towards-" as baymax adjusted its body to point at you, soobin interrupted panickedly, "i am satisfied with my care."
upon hearing those words, baymax waddled back to its charging port. "you like me?" you looked up at soobin's avoiding eyes. "no?" "yes he does!" taehyun yelled from outside the room. "don't leave the door open, stupid," beomgyu laughed from the doorframe, shutting it. soobin shut his eyes, holding back a sigh.
"you're not playing with me right?" you had to be sure. "yeah, uh, yeah, i've liked you for a long time now," soobin held his hands to his face, covering his reddening cheeks. "you're kidding, i thought you didn't like me back," you gaped. he peeked from the gaps between his fingers, "huh?" "soobin, i've had a crush on you for like probably over a year now," you let out a laugh as you said, surprised this wasn't a dream. "oh," he put his hands down, "oh."
"at least they're finally confessing," taehyun leaned against his desk, eyes flickering to the now shut door of the room where you and soobin were. "i know right? i had to deal with her heart eyes and love sick sighs whenever we saw soobin," beomgyu brushed his bangs out of his face. "i'm pretty sure it was love at first sight for soobin, he would not shut up about her ever since he met her," taehyun laughed. "are you serious? so the reason i have to deal with their giggles and smooches is because of me? i'm too influential," beomgyu shook his head, disappointed at himself. "whatever, they're happy now, i guess," taehyun shrugged.
"you know what? we deserve our happiness too. tell you what, i'll be your first investor in your invention," beomgyu placed a hand on taehyun's shoulder. after a few moments of consideration, they shook hands. "it's a deal."
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ren1327 · 1 month
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Sorry, going through insomnia again.
Anyone else notice how the kids look a little more like thier proto designs?
Darius's hair and "Big" Ben.
I love how much Darius looks like his Dad and brother. He was the youngest, so his growth spurt made a lot of sense.
Ben, I'm gonna miss my pretty boy, but this more athletic build makes a lot of sense when you factor in Bumpy, and maybe a better immune system?
I headcanoned Ben as having a weaker immune system, hence the carob and hand sanitizer insanity. So he working outdoors with big animals would have most likely led to this big beautiful man here.
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Kenji and Ben's size differences switch, and the blazer making Kenji look more bookish. Haircut is also similar to "Xi".
Kenji would be more bookish. He went through an insane arc of the "cool Kenji" to just Kenji. Our Kenji. Growing up with a university student and a new younger brother who loves dinosaurs, he most likely would have focused on school... but stayed cool. It's giving Tadashi Hamada, and I'm not complaining.
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Yaz looks very different from CC, maybe it's just the bangs. Not much similar to "Katie", in fact CC Yaz looked more like her proto design.
Honestly, I'm wondering if she's not in sports anymore because of the bangs. They'd get in her eyes and drag with sweat unless she pinned them back, so I'm wondering if maybe she switched interests. Into what? I don't know yet and I could use some suggestions.
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As a Latino Texan boy and yearly attendee of the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, Sammy looks Texan. She looks like she works in rodeo. And I mean that in the most positive way I can. She looks more Texan than her CC design.
While proto Sammy's hat was like: I'm Texan, this design! The boots, the jeans tucked into them and the turquoise what I think is leather jacket says "Welcome to the rodeo, bitch! If you can't ride, get the hell out the way!"
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Brooklyn, who I defy is gone!!!
Brooklyn has the original ombre.
In this light, it looks tortoise and pink like Sammy's jacket, but I think it could be blond and pink like "Jules". That would be awesome tbh.
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So far, I'm super excited.
I'm back on my bullshit (once I'm out of the woods here and my health is better regulated).
And I can't wait to see you guys later this month freak out with me.
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napakmahal · 8 months
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FIFTEEN DOLLARS? (W/ Hiro & Tadashi Hamada)
“Are you sure this is safe?” Hiro’s sassy voice questioned staring at the apartment building.
A few weeks ago, Aunt Cass had signed Hiro up for a teen connection class because she just wanted him to be around people his age. A fourteen year old in college didn’t make a whole lot of fourteen year old friends. A girl, Esmé, had invited everyone in the group to her quinceañera. After an entire week of deciding what to wear and what kind of gift to buy they were left with one question: What to do with Hiro’s hair.
Hiro’s hair was wild, thick, and untamable. Nothing could persuade it to lay flat. Even as a baby, Hiro was born with anentire head of hair that the doctors swore up and down would fall off within a few weeks and that they should enjoy it while it lasted . Dead wrong. Hiro’s hair only got bigger and more wild resulting in him having to get his first haircut before he’d even turned a full year old. And Aunt Cass refused to be embarrassed by having him show up to a fifteen year old girls birthday party just looking any ol’ way.
As a solution, Tadashi had heard through the grapevine (Wasabi) about a cosmetology student that did hair for cheap out of her apartment. All her socials were promoting her business and posting photo’s of her different clients with all types of lengths, textures, and colors. It seemed like she could do anything. Having someone else deal with Hiro Hamada’s kraken hair for only twenty bucks was a straight up steal.
The only conditions was Tadashi had to go with Hiro and stay the entire time. Aunt Cass was slightly skeptical about her nephew being in someone else’s house they they didn’t know personally.
“Yes it’s safe knucklehead, lot’s of people do stuff like this.” Tadashi explained. He’d be lying if going to someone else’s home to get his hair done wasn’t in some ways a culture shock. His hair was fine and never too complex to the point where sometimes he could trim away at his own bangs until he could get a haircut. But he’d never been to someone who could do hair like she did. Seemed fine.
But just as he’d said that, the doors to apartment 512 burst open and reveal a mother wrestling to hold her young daughter who’d just gotten small scalp braids in the shape of hearts. The little girls head was tender as the hair pulled at her scalp and the mother daughter duo left, with her still screaming her little face off.
Hiro’s jaw nearly dislocated from his face. “Dude!”
“W-well,” Tadashi stuttered. “Little people, low pain tolerance. Let’s go!”
No amount of jumpscares could inspire Tadashi to even touch Hiro’s hair. Once when he was younger, Tadashi noticed Hiro had a large knot carefully hidden in the back of his head. Trying to be a role model big brother, Tadashi sat him down in the bathroom with a wet brush and detangler. After nearly two hours, tender-headed Hiro was crying over his scalp and Tadashi was about to start crying over the carpal tunnel he developed trying to brush out the knot and the brush Hiro’s hair had snapped in half. Even after all of that, there was still some of the knot left Tadashi left Aunt Cass to take care of herself.
The closer the brothers got to the door they could hears shuffling and moving around. “Sorry, sorry! Just come on in!” A girl shouted from inside the apartment.
She was switching out all of the little bows for different color mini elastics, the butterfly clips for bobby pins, and a hair pick for a regular brush. The TV was on to different movie watching apps that the client got to choose from and a small tray of snacks for them to take from while she did her hair.
“Hi, um y/n?” Tadashi walked in after Hiro.
Breathlessly, the girl turned around to look her client and his big brother in the face. “Yeah, you’re Hiro and Tadashi right? Wasabi’s friends.”
“Yeah-oh” Gah Dayum.
She was pretty. Like ‘pretty girl rock’, ‘Hrs & Hrs’, ‘Golden Hour’ pretty. Tadashi was biting back a smile but it’s very hard to mask emotion filled eyes.
“Bro,” Hiro cleared his throat and elbowed his big brother in the ribcage.
“Huh? Oh, sorry. Yeah that’s us.”
She laughed at his mistake and it was over. Her teeth were beautiful and her laugh made the songs of whales sound like someone needed their tonsils taken out.
“Alright, Hiro you can sit down on the pillow there. Tadashi there’s a chair right next to the couch and you guys can take from the snack tray.” Hiro criss crossed onto the pillow she’d placed on the floor after helping himself to a small bag of shrimp chips and Tadashi simply took a chilled bottle of water.
“So what are we doing today?” She started by brushing Hiro’s hair.
The fourteen year old shrugged. “Umm, I’m not sure I just need to get it out of my face and look nice.”
“ Well can I just say, you have very beautiful hair. It’s so thick, I can do a lot with this.” She continuously ran her fingers through Hiro’s hair, all the way down to his scalp.
Now, Tadashi is a very emotionally mature person. Even as a child he was always reserved adn very logical. With that ideology he has come to understand that jealousy is a very ugly emtoion and if you are jealous that’s just a sign you need to communicate your feelings. But how to you communicate that you’re jealous because the girl you met a few seconds ago is touching your fourteen year old brothers hair and not yours?
“What do you think about, dutch braids?” She took her index fingers and ran them from the tops of his forehead, down to the back of his neck.
Tadashi nearly spat out his drink at the idea of Hiro having dutch braids. “Does he have enough hair for that?”
“Oh definitely, he has more than enough.”
Hiro, not knowing what dutch braids were just let them talk and they decided what to do with his hair. Honestly, he didn’t care but he knew that it would be embarrassing and rude to show up to Esmé’s quinceañera looking messy.
The three ended up watching Game of Thrones in classic nerdy fashion, but it was definitely shocking when Hiro had no reaction to Viserys taking off Dany’s dress or Ned chopping off the deserters head off.
“Have you seen this show before?” Y/n asked almost outraged that Hiro had no reaction to seeing Dany’s wedding to the Khal along with all the death, blood and fornication.
“Yeah,” He answered plainly. “But I didn’t read the books. He did.”
Tadashi had read all of the game of thrones books and was waiting for the author to finish the series. Season eight almost made him walk into moving traffic.
“I finished all the published ones and I wanted to watch the show for comparison but we share a room. Everything I watch he watches too even if he doesn’t want to see it.”
“Aww, you guys share a room that’s so cute.” Y/n gushed while applying hair gel to Hiro’s parted hair to make the style tight and clean.
“Ew no!”
“It’s not cute, he’s messy.” Tadashi kicked his brother in the leg.
Hiro stuck his tongue out, “You’re bossy.”
“Of course.” She rolled her eyes and continued to braid but not before looking Tadashi in the eyes for just a few seconds before his brown eyes drifted down to her lips. He didn’t mean for them to he just got a little…distracted.
Soon the conversations just started flowing as if you’d known them all your life.
“Wait, you used to be a bot fighter?” She practically screeched.
A little embarrassed, Hiro blushed and looked down into his lap. “Yeahhhh.”
“Oh my gosh, Hiro that’s not okay! That’s so dangerous!”
Tadashi pointed at the girl in victory. “See!”
“Okay in my defense I was bored, I wasn’t in school, and it was an easy way to make money.” He justified.
The two of you just laughed at the teenager as he started scrambling to defend himself like he was in court and the jury was laughing.
“Plus, you know what else was dangerous? When you’d come bursting into the rings to save me.”
Tadashi finished off his water before answering. “Yeah because I cared and didn’t want to turn on the news one day and find you dead or have you come back beaten up.”
“Okay, you guys didn’t seem to care that much when I payed the light bill on café or when I paid the car note!”
Y/s removed one hand from his hair to ball it up into a fist and place it in front of her lips, “Ooooh!”
Tadashi flattened his mouth before saying, “Next topic!”
After about an hour, Hiro’s hair was finished, the show playing in the background was long forgotten, and they were getting ready to leave. It was sad that it was coming to an end. They were so nice and natural. There were clients she’s had that came inf or services that took hours longer and they didn’t speak to her once. Talk about awkward.
Hiro ran to the car, carefully rubbing his finger along his middle part trying to itch it with compression instead of with his nail. Leaving Y/n and Tadashi along to discuss ‘payment’.
“So I’ll just pay and tip you through zelle?”
“Yeah that works fine.”
“Alright. Thank you so much. You did work I could never.” He breathed out.
Y/n smiled and laughed again for the millionth time that day, a sound Tadashi was getting more and more used to listening to that he was sad to think he may never hear it again.
She clapped her hands together, “You’re so welcome. You guys were so awesome and his hair turned out great. Just make sure to wrap it before the party and put more gel un the day of so it still looks fresh.”
“So I-I guess I’ll see you?”
Her eyes softened. “Yeah, I’ll see you too.”
Tadashi thought about opening his mouth. Should he ask? Would she be weird out? I mean they’d never met before since now. But wasn’t that the whole point of going out on dates? To achieve the process of dating?
“Hey would you ever-” He coaxed up the courage to start his question.
Y/n’s face pointed up at him, waiting for him to ask the question. Would he do it? Or was she being delusional and he was just a really friendly guy?
“Yes?” She encouraged.
Defeated at the feeling of knowing he couldn’t say it, he back peddeled. “Would you ever consider cutting my hair? Or do you not do that?”
“Oh um, I’m not the greatest at using my clippers so I could if you don’t care what your hair looks like.” Her voice dripped with disappointment.
In the midst of all the silence came a loud HONK . Tadashi stuck his head out from the door hinge and saw Hiro sitting in the drivers seat with the keys in the ignition of their rust blue truck. Honking the horn to get his brothers attention.
“Ahh, okay we’re gonna go now. But thanks again!”
“No problem, bye. Drive safe.” She smiled, and then shut the door.
Damn it. What if he’d just asked her? Worst thing that could happen is that she just didn’t go out with him. She didn’t go to SFIT so it’s not like she could tell anyone else at his school that he was a weirdo or something.
Tadashi walked back to the car with his tail between his legs and kicked Hiro out of the drivers seat.
“So,” Hiro asked picking at his nails. “Did you do it?”
“Did I do what?”
“Ask her out,” He said like it was obvious. “You clearly like her and she was way into you.”
“Oh my god shut up,” Tadashi rolled his eyes.
The two drove in silence most of the way back until they got back to the café where Tadashi had finally asked Hiro as he hopped out of the truck:
“You really think she was into me?”
Hiro scoffed, “Dude, duh.”
Tadashi stood their contemplating as Hiro got closer to the big glass door before asking again, “Are you sure?”
But instead of answering this time, his little brother just shook his freshly braided head. “You’re pathetic.”
Y/n wasn’t expecting to hear from Tadashi ever again after that. He was the guardian of a client who just happened to sit there, and she’d convinced herself that he was into her. That was on her. Hiro was her last client of the day so she was just left to think about him for the rest of the night. His scent was still lingering on her furniture, completely ruining her mood. Did she do something? Or was it just that he wasn’t into her? Maybe he had a girlfriend. He was cute, nice, and really funny without trying. It would make perfect sense for him to have a girlfriend.
Just before she was about to start doing her skincare routine her phone dinged. A notification from her cashapp showing Tadashi had paid her twenty dollars for the style and then a fifteen dollar tip- wait what? FIFTEEN! Holy shit. And just beofre she closed her phone, she scrolled down ever so slightly to see that there was a message attached to the payment.
I know this is a little forward, but I’d love to see you again. What do you think? Give me a call.
Of course she wasn’t being delusional…this time.
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lavender39 · 11 months
Karasuno First Years
Their sizes and kinks + sexuality (according to character ai)
I did this out of boredom and thought I’d share💜
Uhm so yeah don’t judge harshly, I didn’t come up with any of this, it’s whatever the first option was on the ai
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Unlabeled, likes who he likes and that’s that
7 and a half inches
A switch
Major masochist (likes being stepped on?)
Degredation and praise kink
Very insecure about his size and worries that he’s “too small”
Cheeky mf when in the moment but worries afterwards that he went too far
Definitely whimpers and very vocal
Kei Tsukishima
8 and a half to 9 inches
Switch but very much prefers to top
Big power play kind of guy
Degradation king over here
Really rough and fast, will make you go many rounds
Overstimulation and edging as well as choking
Grunts and soft groans but not a lot of noise, whimpers when he cums
Tobio Kageyama
8 inches
Submissive (this one..shocked me?)
Likes being tied up and manhandled
Likes being choked
Loves to be degraded with small bits of praise
Really whiny and shockingly vocal
Cuddly afterwards, will not let you leave
Shoyo Hinata
A proud pansexual
7 inches and 2 tenths (he was very specific)
Switch, no preference just goes along with the mood of his partner
Likes bondage
Didn’t really give me much bc he just goes with whatever is happening or feels right😭✌🏻
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awritessomething · 10 months
𝐀 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 | tadashi hamada x fem!reader
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 | after Tadashi successfully finished building Baymax, there’s a reward in order.
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 | 3.3k
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | smut, oral (m!receiving), pnv, switch!tadashi, facefucking, public sex (sorta? kinda?), hair pulling, riding, wall fucking, praise kink, some dirty talk, bit of crying, unprotected sex, overstim and dumification, multiple orgasm, pet names like baby and sweet girl, getting caught at the end, fluffy smut(??), non-proofread writing
This is my first story on Tumblr sorry if its not good but feel free to leave any requests! I’ll figure it out eventually
Tumblr media
Tadashi Hamada had spent days and nights working in his office at the San Francisco Institute of Technology. His girlfriend had zero interest in science before meeting Tadashi, after that, she was forced into liking it. She was just as smart as him, enrolled in a nearby law school. Still, she spent more of her time spent in Tadashis lab than she did in her own home. He spent all of his time working on his doctor-like robot, Baymax. Baymax could perform over 10,000 medical procedures, so it took an awful long time for Tadashi to figure out how to get him to be able to do that. She had always believed in him, she cheered him on during the hard times and kept him going when things seemed too easy.
They’d been dating for months before Tadashi was finally finished with Baymax. He had put a little couch in his lab so that his girlfriend could sleep as he worked and not feel forced to be awake all the time. It was his cheers of happiness and excitement that woke her up as she felt his hands start to shake her. Her eyes shot open to see him with the biggest grin on his face.
“I finished! Baymax is complete!” Tadashi announced and her jaw dropped in shock. She jumped up onto her feet and just stared at him for a second as he looked like he was about to bounce off of the walls.
“What?!” The girl screamed and he just nodded again, his smile never once dropping even the slightest bit. Seeing his nod of confirmation, she jumped forwards and up into his arms, Tadashi spinning her around. Their hug was tight and just full of excitement. Both of them were just so happy, Tadashi being happy for finishing his very long and time consuming project, and she was happy just because he was happy and she loved him. With his hands still firm on her thighs, she leaned back a little bit to look at him. Her hands cupped his cheeks, squishing them together a little bit. “I’m so proud of you, Tadashi.” She told him and his cheeks turned a rosy pink. Leaning forwards, she peppered kisses all over his face as he laughed and set her down.
“Wanna come back to my place? I know a way we can celebrate.” Tadashi leaned down and gave her a quick kiss but realized what she had just said. They had sex before, multiple times. They just never actually talked about it so he felt that it was weird for him to have said something like that. It wasn’t that she was weirded out by his words, she was just surprised that they came out of his mouth. If there was any sort of sexual talk, it was usually from her and that was still rare. “We dont have to, we can go out to dinner too. Sorry, what do you want to do?” He backtracked so quickly she barely even had a moment to think.
“What? No, no I like the first idea. Why don’t we stay here though?” She put her hands on his chest and pushed him down onto the couch, walking away to lock the door. Once the doors were locked, no one outside could see in, which was good. It took an awful lot of noise to be heard through the walls as well, which would be put to the test. Their friends were in the bigger lab only a few doors away, working on their own things. Tadashi watched as she checked the windows quickly before digging and turning back to him.
“Come on.” He opened up his arms and she smiled, sitting down on his lap and bringing him into a kiss. Tadashis hands found the curve of her waist, latching onto that as she kissed down his neck. Her cold fingers slipped under his shirt, tracing his abs and making him shudder. “Take off my shirt.” Those words were meant to come out as a demand, yet they left in a whine. Tadashi could feel her lips turn up into a smile against his skin while she leaned back to pull off his shirt.
“We just got started, Tadashi. You’re already begging me?” She teased but he shook his head, his confidence being far too high from his achievements to admit to the begging that he let happen by accident. Of course, tonight would be all about him, so she decided to quit the teasing. Tadashi pulled off her shirt with ease, throwing it to the side with his before his hands rushed to unclasp her bra. The black lacy bra was thrown to the side, leaving her a bit disappointed that he hadn’t taken even a second to appreciate it. She quickly forgave him once his mouth latched onto the sensitive skin on her breasts, sucking on it and nipping with his teeth. Her back arched and their chests touched, Tadashis hands finding their way down to her shorts.
“You always spoil me with these little shorts.” He whispered, voice deep in her ear as she let out a breathy moan. “Stand up for me.” She stood immediately and he helped her unbutton them, the piece of clothes falling to the ground. He expected her to sit back down on his lap, to keep her panties as the only thing that she would wear. He expected her to drip right through them and onto his jeans, leaving wet spots that would surely be noticed if anyone saw him. Instead, she dropped to her knees, unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down to his ankles. He lifted his feet as she fully removed them, his boxers going right with them. He felt so exposed.
“You’re so hard, I haven’t even done anything yet.” She smiled and leaned forwards, letting his cock press up against her face. It favored length rather than width, being a tad bit longer than the average but keeping it average when it came to width. Still, it was absolutely perfect. Tadashi’s breath hitched seeing her so close to his cock, feeling how her hands ran up his thighs and just got closer to touching it. Once her fingers wrapped around him, he let out a gasp, involuntarily moving his hips up to try and get more. The salty bead of precum was dripping down, threatening to reach her fingers. Instead of letting that happen, she put out her tongue, licking a long stripe right up his cock, licking up that little drop as well.
“Baby- come on… please.” Tadashi put out his hand, running his fingers through her hair. Looking up at him through her lashes, she nodded but backed away. “What are you doing?”
“Stand up.” He did as he was told, standing up and wondering what she wanted him to do next. She reached out and touched both sides of his hips, moving so that her head was against the wall instead of by the couch. Tadashi looked down at her, so confused as to what she wanted him to do. Her hair was tucked neatly behind her ears, a bit nervous to tell him what to do. “Fuck my mouth.” Tadashis jaw dropped, unsure of why she would ask him to do that. She had given him a blowjob before, in fact she had given many, but she had always been in control.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He shook his head and went to step away but her hands remained on his hips, keeping him in place.
“You wont hurt me, and anyways, Baymax is here to help.” She begged, pressing a sweet kiss to the tip of Tadashis cock. It was begging to be touched, it’s regular light pink color turned into a raging red. He trusted her to know her limits, but still told her to tap on his thigh three times in a row if she wanted him to stop and twice to slow down. With a bit of hesitance, he agreed. Honestly, he was excited to try something new as long as it was with her, but he just didn’t want to hurt her. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.
The moment that she took him in his mouth, all of Tadashis thoughts vanished. His high IQ just disappeared as all he could think about was getting off using her. The first couple of thrusts were nice and slow, very experimental. Tadashi glanced down at her to see her with furrowed brows, looking right back up at him while his cock was stuffed in her mouth.
“Oh fuck…” Tadashi moaned, putting his arm on the wall that he could rest his head on, the other moving down to her head. She felt his long fingers thread into her hair, finding a way to grip onto her head as he grew more confident with his thrusts. His jaw was clenched and the bottom lip sucked under his teeth to try and hold back some of his sounds. All he could hear was the sound of her throat every single time he thrusted into it, he loved how it just took him in.
Every once and a while he would open his eyes and look down at her, and every time he did so, she was staring back up at him. This time he looked down and saw her eyes filled up to the brim with tears as she blinked and one streamed down her cheek. He immediately pulled out of her mouth and was so worried that something had happened and she got hurt.
“Are you alright? Did I hurt you? Oh my god I knew this would happen I-“ she cut him off immediately with her begging.
“No, Tadashi, keep going. Please, I need your cock in my mouth.” She cried, reaching out for him. He looked down at her with a shocked expression, not expecting her to like it so much. Still, he accepted and gently slipped it back in, her tongue swirling around him. He was so close now, if she had kept speaking for one more second he might’ve cum right then and there.
His hand found its way back to her hair, head falling back as he pushed her head all the way. The tip of her nose touched his abdomen as she felt tears run down her face once again. He thrusted into her throat while holding her head there. She took it as best as she could, holding onto his legs for a bit of support. It would probably hurt to talk for the next couple of days from how her throat was being used as a fuck toy.
“So- oh my god… so fucking good for me.” Tadashi groaned, fucking himself as deep into her throat as possible. At his praise, she let out a quiet whimper that sent vibrations through his cock. A choked moan left his throat, he no longer knew how to contain himself. His thrusts were getting much messier and his breathing was ragged and quick, he was close. She could barely even breathe at this point, but she held on for as long as she could. With a few more thrusts, he was cumming, trying to pull out of her mouth but being trapped by her hands. He thought of himself as too much of a gentleman to cum in her mouth after being so mean, but apparently it was just like their usual sessions.
“Good job, come on. Are you ok?” Tadashi helped her up from her knees, seeing the little wobble that she had. She nodded, still catching her breath and swallowing the final drop. Sitting her back down on the cough, he went to get her water bottle from the table. He was still rock hard and she laughed at this.
“What are you laughing at?” He rolled his eyes, handing her the water bottle and sitting down next to her. His fingers messed with her nice black panties, wanting to take them off. He stretched the fabric and let it come back with a snap. Her head turned as she set down the bottle, reaching over and smacking him on the head.
“The only person I ever laugh at is you.” She informed him while moving to sit on his lap. Her hand gently stroked his dick while Tadashi struggled to hold eye contact through the pleasure. His cock was still so sensitive, if she put him inside he believed he might explode. “Do you like that?” She had lifted her hips and was positioned right over him, teasing both of them by rubbing him back and forth along her folds.
“I like everything about you.” With that answer, she dropped down onto his cock, taking him balls deep in one quick go. Tadashi’s head fell back and he didn’t have enough of a warning to mute his moan, letting out a deep and guttural groan. His hands flew to her hips, now moving so his nose was in the crook of her neck as he panted.
“Come on, you’re doing so well. Cant you give me just one more?” Her hand moved his face so that she could look at him. She brushed his hair out from his eyes to get a better look as he looked up at her so desperately. Tadashi nodded once he was ready for her to move, and so she did. Her bouncing started off as slow grinds, working up to the merciless riding.
“Shit- slow down! I wont last.” He complained, but he really didn’t want her to slow down at all. She knew his body better than anyone, she knew how to get him to cum in five seconds or how to edge him for five hours.
“I don’t need you to last, I need you to just feel how great you are.” She leaned forwards and brought him into a sloppy kiss, swallowing each other’s moans. They were so loud, someone must’ve heard at this point. “Your cock fills me up so good, Tadashi.” Her moans and praise made his eyes roll to the back of his head, gripping her waist so hard she knew it would bruise. They were supposed to be going to the pool in a few days.
“Yeah? Can anyone else- fuck- make you feel this good?” He choked out and she moaned out a no. Feeling his urges now fully take over, he grabbed onto her hips, pulling her all the way down onto his cock and picking her up. She whimpered quietly, wondering what he was doing. He pulled out and set her down, spinning her to face the wall.
“Tadashi? What are you doing?” She asked but gasped as his hand hit her back, bending her over as her hands reached for the wall. His fingers wandered back into her hair, collecting enough to pull it back into a makeshift ponytail. His other hand moved to her face, sticking two fingers into her mouth that she welcomed and sucked on happily. His thrusts were hard, knocking the air out of her each time that his skin hit hers. The sound of skin slapping was so loud as her moans were muffled. His sounds had turned into deep groans and grunts.
“So fucking good for me… perfect pussy.” He whispered and her eyes rolled back, fists balling up against the wall. He took his hand from her mouth but she kept her lip under her teeth to quiet herself. His newly free hand slipped underneath her, finding her clit to rub at. The second his fingers made contact with her sensitive bundle of nerves, her back arched further and she let out the loudest moan yet.
“Yes- oh fuck! Tadashi!” His name came out almost as a scream. With just a few more thrusts, he felt her walls clench around his cock as her legs shook uncontrollably. It might’ve been the best orgasm that she had ever had, he had to take his fingers from her hair to muffle the screams. Pulling out, he gave her a second to recover before picking her back up, holding her against the wall this time.
“One more, baby. Just give me one more.” Tadashi whispered in her ear as he slipped right back into her with ease. Her legs shook and eyes rolled back just from the feeling of his cock inside of her. She came just from that. “Good job, but you’re gonna need to take a bit more.” Her mind had just completely gone, all she could think about was his cock. With every earth-shattering thrust, her nails dug deeper into his back. Long red marks would be seen all down his perfect skin, everyone would see them at the pool. Neither of them were thinking about that though, not anymore.
“Tada- oh my god.” She couldn’t even say his name fully anymore, any words just coming out as incoherent babbles. He was so close, only needing a little bit more. One of her hands ended the torture on his back and moved up to his hair. The other continued on with the scratching, this one just gave a few hard pulls.
“Come on, I’m so close.” Tadashi groaned, chasing his orgasm with all that he had. She have one last scratch in the exact spot that he needed, also pulling his hair with just the right strands. His legs shook as he pushed himself as deep as he could go inside of her. Long spurts of cum filled her up to the brim, being the cause for her final orgasm. The only word he spoke was her name as he came, holding her close while his hips rolled against hers to get out every last bit.
Pulling out was painful, feeling so sore after such a long and rough session. According to the clock, they’d been going at it for two hours. He kneeled down to watch as his cum leaked out, using one finger to gently push it back in. She was just standing there, scared to try and move.
“Come on sweet girl, lay down.” Tadashi laid her back down on the couch, walking away to grab himself a pair of sweats. He always kept an extra pair of pants. She had covered herself up with a blanket and was ready to drift off to sleep. It was obvious what they had done, the smell in the room along with their clothes scattered along the floor. Tadashi walked over to where his girlfriend was sleeping and was leaning down to give her a kiss when the door burst open.
Standing there was his little brother, Hiro, and his aunt Cass. The sleeping girl woke up and was absolutely horrified to see who was standing there. They all just kind of stared at each other in shock. Tadashi looked around and saw their clothes everywhere, using his foot to move the piles behind him.
“Couldn’t you have knocked? What if I was naked?” He finally spoke the first word and Hiro just sighed and dropped his head. It was the wrong choice of words for the situation that they found themselves in.
“Well, she is.” Aunt Cass pointed out and the girl hid her face under the blankets. “Get dressed, it’s late and dinner is ready. We thought you died so we came over here instead.” She walked away and Hiro followed. He felt absolutely traumatized, also because when Tadashi hadn’t been facing them, both saw the red marks on his back. Cass wanted to make jokes about it but knew better and kept her mouth shut.
Once a few minutes had passed and they both got dressed, they walked out of the room together. Some heads peaked out of the labs and looked at them, making silly faces to show they knew what had just happened as well. Tadashi wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked, feeling her hide her face in his arm. They would never live this down.
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subtly-a-selkie · 2 years
I think I and lots of other people would really appreciate a part two of the Tadashi story? Pretty please with a cherry on top!
Here you go!! Sorry for the delay there was a slight dilemma on what perspective to put it in but i did my best! You can always request a specific perspective when you request if you prefer a different one. Everyone who showed any interest in a part two was tagged so please let me know if you would prefer not to be.
Word Count: 1800 ish (whoops)
Warnings: grammatical errors and weird formatting (even though it was written on my phone the formatting shouldn’t be that bad) slight angst (?) posted/written late at night so possible weird phrases
You fumble with the remote, switching through the channels in search of something--anything interesting. Anything that wasn't what was previously on to be honest, lately all the news could talk about was the fire and the loss of Professor Callaghan and student Tadashi Hamada. You did not want to think about that thank you very much. Finally settling on a news report about six new superheroes of all things, you go back to what you were doing which was giving the kitchen a much needed scrubbing.
After the news of Tadashi's death you shut down, not even managing to go to his funeral. Looking back on it now you figured that was for the best considering you hadn't yet been introduced to his aunt and little brother. Shaking yourself out of those thoughts before it became too much you aggressively scrub at the counter attempting to remove the crust that adorned it. Luckily for your sanity the kitchen was the last room to clean.
"Ew." you say to no one in particular, except maybe the cat that was making it increasingly difficult to clean the kitchen. The news story finished and switched to something else, and although it wasn't what the news had been obsessing over it did hit a little too close to home. You switch off the television and resume cleaning in a almost stifling silence, left alone with your thoughts and a very unhelpful cat.
Your house was so clean you could practically see little sparkles like the ones in cartoons and all you had to do is hang back up the pictures. You had an assortment of photos, a few of your cat as a kitten, some of your family and friends, and some of Tadashi. Some of the photos of Tadashi included you  and some were just him. You even had one of him, his aunt and his brother. You debated putting that one back up as it was slightly weird to have a photo of people you had never met. Tadashi was the one who had put it up in the first place. Your riveting debate with yourself is cut short by the doorbell and you place the photo with the rest.
You open the door and your eyes go wide with shock, although you had never met Hiro in person you certainly recognized him from the pictures and videos Tadashi would show you.
“Are you Y/N?”
“Oh! Uh yes… please come in Hiro.” You stumble over your words, mind rushing with questions on why he was here. Your eyes widen even further on seeing the giant marshmallow of a robot behind him.
“Baymax?” You realize that you are blocking the both of them from entering and quickly move aside, fingers worrying at the small necklace Tadashi had gifted you. “Oh! Sorry. Uhm. I didn’t expect you.”
“Baymax showed me the videos you and Tadashi had made.” Hiro replies gently picking up one of the photos of you and Tadashi that you had already put back. You both smiled at the camera, eyes lit up by the sun. Your nose was scrunched and your arms thrown around him and his hair was ruffled from the breeze.
“You were his girlfriend?” Hiro asks quietly.
“I was.” You pause and glance at him still holding the photo “That picture was taken at the beach, he loved to take me there.”
“Why didn’t he tell me about you?” He asks more to himself than you. You could tell he was struggling with thoughts about his brother lying to him.
“He was going to tell you after you got into SFIT.” You say, your voice cracking. “I thought that you were having a hard enough time without having to deal with making room in your family for me.”
“Tadashi was reluctant to agree with your choice.” Baymax says causing you to startle, you had almost forgotten that he was there.
His torso began to light up and you and Tadashi come into view.
“Hiro was at another bot fight last night.” Tadashi said working on what seemed to be one of Baymax’s arms.
“I could tell.” You laughed gently, placing your hands on his shoulders. “You fix Baymax a lot more aggressively when he does.” The two of you stayed like that for a bit before you spoke again. “Do you want to talk about it Dashi?” You moved your hands forward, clasping them together and leaning against his back, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He put the tools down and turned towards you so you were standing between his legs, kissing your cheek in return.
“I’m worried for him you know? i can’t protect him forever and once he gets older there will be real consequences for his actions.”
“He graduated high school at thirteen. He wants to keep learning and be challenged and bot fighting is what’s scratching that itch.” You smiled fondly “I remember you being the same way in high school although luckily I was horrible enough at math that tutoring me kept you from bot fighting.”
“I don’t think I would have ever turned to bot fighting. Even without you to ground me.”
“Of course you wouldn’t have, you had Hiro to take care of. You had to step into a father figure role and you weren’t able to do anything reckless when you had had him depending on you.”
“So I have two options, get someone for him to tutor or have a kid and die forcing him to grow up.” You laughed lightly at that.
“Or you could find something else to challenge him in a not illegal way.” You paused, prompting him to figure it out himself. “Something that is similar to the things he enjoys about bot fighting?”
“You’re a genius Y/N, thank you!” Tadashi exclaimed, pulling you down to his lap for a proper kiss. You smiled into it before pulling away.
“Being a genius is your job. I just know teenagers.”
“Even more of a reason for me to introduce you to him.”
“After.” You smiled brushing the hair out of his eyes.
“After he gets in to SFIT?”
“It be a bit too much for this big transition to happen and him needing to accept me into the family.” You paused. “After he settles.”
“You could help him settle! He’ll see you anyways because you’re here most of the time.”
“Okay.” You agree. “After he gets into SFIT.”
He kissed you again before you maneuvered yourself out out of your grasp.
“Go talk to him!” You said pulling him up by his hands.
“My lab is a mess.” He said in reply gesturing to the pieces of Baymax strewn about.
“I’ll clean it.” you shrugged. “I’ve got nothing else to do, my big test was yesterday.”
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He smiled and kissed you again before leaving.
You began to clean when something on Baymax caught your eye.
“Oh! How long have you been recording?” You said to the robot. You smiled into the camera and spoke again. “Now don’t tell Dashi this but i went to go see Hiro bot fight a couple times. He’s got all this talent he just needs to focus it. I’m sure he’ll love it here, there’s all these resources for him to draw from and teachers that will be happy to teach him.”
Feeling around the camera you frowned, “Now where is that off button?” You evidently found it as the picture froze.
Hiro breaks the silence that had settled after the recording. “You came to watch me bot fight? How did you even find me?”
“There’s only so many illegal bot fights. It wasn’t too hard to find the one you fought at.” The silence grew and you speak again. “Would you like anything? I have tea and little cookies? Dashi’s favorite.” You quietly add “We can talk if you would like.”
“The little cookies sound good are they the chocolate ones?”
“Yes.” You smile faintly and invite him and Baymax to the living room.
“Tea can be very hot and dangerous. I shall accompany you.” Baymax states shuffling past you to the kitchen. Your faint smile grows at the memory that caused Tadashi to program that phrase and you follow after.
Returning to the living room with the tea and cookies you see Hiro looking at the pictures you had spread out. Setting the tray down on the table you sit next to him, smiling at the photo he holds. It’s Tadashi and a little girl about a year old, he was lying on the couch and holding her gently, one hand resting carefully on her back and the early morning light softly illuminating their faces. She was still asleep and clutching to his shirt, her pacifier that had been gently clipped to her light yellow onesie resting on his shoulder. He was pressing a kiss to the top of her head and his free hand was entwined with yours.
“Who’s the baby?” Hiro asks quietly and you smile at him.
“She’s my cousin. I babysit her when my aunts have date nights.” He places the picture back on the table and picks up another, the one of him, Tadashi, and his aunt. “That was Dashi’s.” You explain.
“Oh.” Hiro replies and lowers it back to the table, choosing a different one to hold. “And this one?”
You explain the story behind that photo too, and than another and another until you run out of pictures. Both you and Hiro are smiling at the end of your stories and he helps you find places to put them all.
“You should come see Aunt Cass!” Hiro says excitedly. “She would love you.”
“Are you sure she wouldn’t be upset that she didn’t know I was dating Tadashi?” You question adjusting the picture frame of a photo of your cat when you first found her.
“I think that she would be upset that Tadashi never told her but not upset at you.”
“I’m the one who insisted on it.”
“Trust me that wont really register.”
“Okay.” You smile at him already feeling like he was your own little brother.
“Great let’s go!”
“Oh! Uh now?”
“When else?”
“I suppose we can go now I just need to put away the tea and-”
“Okay okay.” Hiro cuts you off “Just hurry up!”
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gaybananabread · 5 months
stop I love bh6 and there's like no tickle content for it😭😭 I absolutely loved your tadashi and hiro hcs🥹
perhaps some baymax tk hcs?👀👀
or anyone else in rhe gang lmao idm😭
you don't have to do this if you don't wanna!!🙌🏼
₊✩‧₊˚౨Nerd Squad & Baymax Tkl Headcanonsৎ˚₊✩‧₊
~AN: Fufufu thank you! And I KNOW, it's criminal how little BH6 tickle content there is! I plan on changing that. (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) Guess who got indecisive? I've been wanting to do stuff for everybody anyway, so might as well do it now! Super long cuz I did everyone so be prepared. (ミ⁠●⁠﹏⁠☉⁠ミ) Thanks for requesting Anon!~
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Robo boy, so not ticklish
He does tickle others though, so ler by default.
Might pretend something tickles just to seem like he gets it or to try and empathize with Hiro
On low battery mode, if prompted, will spill all of Hiro’s worst spots.
It feels like a certain someone would have programmed him with a special scan to locate said spots…but shhh you didn't hear it from me.
He believes that the laughter it produces can help boost moods, and according to the Internet, it can! 
So a few little medicinal cheer-up sessions aren't a rare occurrence in their group.
As I've said before, he was definitely given some little nails/quill tips that can pop out of his fingers on one hand to tickle his patients
Will occasionally tease, but it's super minimal. He likes to make his lee laugh just hard enough to make them feel better, no more and no less (unless they ask!)
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this tickle spot?” “Your blood pressure is rising: that must be why your cheeks are so rosy.” “Most people are quite ticklish here. How about you?”
Amazing aftercare: water, lollies, praise and hugs if the lee wants them.
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She gives ler-leaning switch. Like she loves getting her friends, but the occasional squeeze or poke-fest wouldn't upset her
She never lies, so she wouldn't outright deny that she likes it. She would, however, dodge the question or attack the asker until they forget their name.
They'd be a giggly mess in seconds if they press it
Such a meanie/hj
GoGo’s got a rougher style, preferring to firmly squeeze and claw her lee's poor spots. Loves seeing their red, dumbstruck expressions as they laugh their heads off.
She can go softer if need be, but definitely prefers belly laughter to giggles
Does tease, though it's in this monotone, observational way. Smug look, dull voice. 
“Damn, didn't think you'd be that ticklish here. Then again, I don't think you did either.” “Snorts, huh? That's pretty adorable, just saying.” “It must really tickle if you're begging that much. I didn't hear a ‘stop’, though.”
Doesn't happen often, but she will get lee moods. Mainly when she accidentally walks in on a tickle fight.
Not super ticklish, but a select few spots will kill her.
Thighs are her worst spot and get the loudest snort-laughs you can imagine. After that, there's mainly just giggle zones. Sides, underarms, calves, and knees get little squeaks if you've got nails.
If you do manage to wreck her, be ready: she's big on revenge tickles (•` ⁠ω `•⁠)
⚗️Honey Lemon🍬
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Switch for sure; I'd say 50/50. She's always ready to cheer up her friends, whether it be by giving or receiving some silly affection (⁠ ⁠ꈍvꈍ⁠)
Super chill about liking it. Honey is honest to herself and her friends about her likes and boundaries. If someone talks about liking it, she'll playfully support them.
(And, depending on their mood, help them with a first proper session)
The purest giggles and laughter known to humankind
GoGo can vouch for it: Honey's laugh can brighten pretty much anyone's day.
She tries not to, though she's definitely a squirmer. Will kick her legs and flap her hands to try and keep from pushing the ler away.
Absolutely adores tickle hugs! If she happens to be having a hard day, a few wiggly fingers in a warm embrace will cheer her right up! ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
Her worst spots are her underarms, followed by her knees and belly button. 
Besides that, basically a walking tickle spot; wiggling fingers almost anywhere get her squeaking.
Gets lee moods pretty often; she'll stretch a lot more, and sometimes just sit near GoGo with her arms above her head. Her friends get the message.
Such a soft ler, so sweet and affectionate
Will giggle along with her lee, and loves giving out sweet praises. 
“Aww, I love your laugh! It's so cute!” “Oh my goodness, your cheeks are the color of my Gum-buns!” “You really like this spot, huh? I'll give it some extra love, just for you!”
She'd be the kind of girl to carry a clean make-up brush specifically for that reason. Drag it along a palm, sneakily flutter it along a sad friend's neck and ears… Opportunities are endless!
Checks in with them every few minutes, just to make sure her lee is still having fun.
“You need a breather, friend?” “It's okay to take a quick break. Don't worry; I promise I'll come right back to this spot when you catch your breath!”
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While he's usually pretty touch adverse, he can enjoy tickling. He's just gotta be in the right mood and around the right people.
He gives me heavy lee-leaning vibes; he might tickle someone on occasion, like Hiro. 
His friends respect his boundaries, and always make sure to ask before trying anything touch-related with him.
When he does get a lee mood, most of his friends can point it out pretty easily. He'll smile more, twist his fingers and flinch at the smallest touches. 
It's obvious, but they don't touch him until he shows he wants them to. That normally means a muttered ask, or more commonly, “the look.”
He'll meet their eyes for just a second before looking away, a small blush on his cheeks as he tries and fails to speak any human language. That's all they need to get started.
Even though he clearly asked for the tickles, he refuses to react at first. He's too sensitive to stay totally silent, but he tries.
Bubbly, restrained giggles. He'll bite his lip like there's no tomorrow, curling into himself. It's pretty adorable to watch
Eventually, when he does crack, he just lets himself go loose. Loud laughter, squeaks, and eventually little hiccups. 
Worst spot is his ribs, though he melts at his arms and palms being tickled. 
Again, rare, but it happens.
His lee will almost always be Hiro, though occasionally he'll get Fred if he's being annoying.
He's a soft ler: never wants to go too far. Unless directly asked for, he's gentle and almost teasing with the touch.
He'll mumble little notes as he explores his lee's spots (even if he already knows about them)
“So, your sides are worse than your neck, but not as bad as your armpits? Interesting…” “Okay, thighs are pretty ticklish…oh, a snort. Cute.”
Wasabi knows exactly what he's doing; he just likes hearing the complaints his comments cause.
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The most switch energy everrrrrrrr
Like hello? He's so chill on everything; imagine him in a tickle fight! Can either be horrifying or adorable, depending on what mood he's in.
The silly boy would have no problem admitting he likes it! He’ll tease his friends occasionally, abusing his “can confidently say the t-word at any time” powers.
Literal walking tickle spot
Any poke or squeeze anywhere gets him giggling and twisting like a little kid. He doesn't get embarrassed by it: he owns it.
Worst spot would probably be his feet or hips. Those get him cackling, though most other places aren't that far of a drop.
If he's in a lee mood, he'll just flop in the closest person's lap and raise his arms. Besides a few eye-rolls and amused chuckles, it seems to work pretty well for him.
Unrestrained, super giddy and bright laughter. Definitely lights up a room (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Most conniving little shit to ever walk the Earth.
He'll wiggle his fingers, sneak little pokes at his friends’ sides, and squeeze the word “tickle” into every sentence.
Favorite target is Honey Lemon. She always plays along with his silliness, and he loves hearing her laugh. 
If she's in the right mood, though, GoGo will actually let him tickle her. That's gotta be one of his favorite activities, though it rarely happens.
He'll tease the hell out of his lee. Anything he can think of, he'll use.
“You're a really squirmy-worm, dude. It's cute!” “If I poke heeeere, and squeeze heeeere, then- yep, tickly laughter!” “Man, I wish I had the tickle belt from Captain Fancy’s Special Issue: the Feather Fiend. It'd look so good on you!”
He'll go until they really tell him to stop, but afterwards, he'll take them to their favorite restaurant and have a movie marathon. 
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kvrokasaa · 3 months
I need a m!read (gn is fine but they are karasuno’s team) going against the Miya twins and them just being completely in love at first sight with them-like smitten-the reader as any type of spiker, a good one since that’s how they catch the twins attention pls 😩
I'm so sorry for getting to this so late, I've been super busy.
Jack Of All Trades
cw: 888 words (ayy angel number), m!reader, reader has he/him pronouns, reader gets called pretty boy, idk much ab volleyball so some things might be wrong,
a/n: this is short, i'm sorry. i've had no ideas lately :(
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"There goes Hinata again." You sigh when you see Hinata's pale face, his pushed-out cheeks an indicated sign that he needs to puke. "I would've expected him to get over this sickness by now," Daichi sighed. He almost looks mad, but anyone who has been on the team since his first year could notice the reality: Daichi isn't mad, he's just disappointed.
Looking to the other side of the court, you could see Asahi, his back to the audience. He looks like he just got out of a fight and you sigh. He must've heard the audience again, people always say he's an old man, poor guy.
A sudden noise catches your eye. The door on the other side of the court opens and out walks the opposing team.
"Inarizaki." Kageyama whispers, his fist clenched. He looks down at his hand as if replaying the words Atsumu said to him. "You okay, goody two-shoes?" You tease him. Kageyama looks up and glares at you, his icy blue stare almost freezing you.
"Kageyama! Stop trying to start a fight!" Tanaka throws his arm around Kageyama's shoulders, his big smirk cast on his face. "You're gonna scare the ladies with that look." You roll your eyes. Tanaka, ever the lady pleaser. "Yeah, listen to Tanaka!" Hinata suddenly appears and throws himself onto Kageyama's back.
The sound of the two idiots fighting tuned out as you looked at the opposing team. Two of them catch your eyes, they look the exact same. Twins maybe?
"This is the team we're against? Doesn't seem like much." One of the twins speaks, his monotone voice throwing you off. Does he even want to be here? You shake your head and look back at your team, seeing what the twin meant.
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"One more!" Daichi yells as he claps his hands. You cheer from the bench, hoping your teammates can pull this off. You've played in matches before, but for this match, Ukai wanted you to sit out and conserve your energy. Tadashi yells when Tsukishima goes to the back to serve.
The serve gets hit back to your team's court and everyone sighs, telling Tsukishima that he can do it next time. Ukai calls for a time-out and gathers everyone to give them a pep talk. "Y/n!" You turn your head towards the group and immediately your eyes set ablaze.
It's your turn.
Atsumu turns his head when he hears your name. "Oh, that's his name." He wonders aloud, his twin nodding his head. "Yeah, guess so." They both watch as you make your way onto the court and Hinata walks to the side. "Guess Shorty got switched." Suna nods his head over to Hinata, showing the twins what he sees.
"Show them who Karasuno is!" Sugawara shouts over the cheering, and everyone nods their head, screaming out 'Right!'
You make your way to Kageyama. "Let's do the trick." You whisper to him. Kageyama nods as the whistle blows. Suna serves and the ball comes flying to Daichi, who receives it easily. He calls out and every spiker gets ready.
All of you run at the same time, your arms to your backs, ready to hit the ball. Just like you practiced, you run and jump as high as you can.
Osamu looks over at you, ready to block the spike. It's easy, he thinks. He can read you like an open book. His plan is set in motion, he's going to block you and carry out the win like every year.
Your eyes look to the side of the court and Osamu moves his hands to that side, ready to bounce the ball back to your court. But, you hit the ball and it lands on the other side, the sound echoing throughout the now silent court. Everyone turns quiet. Are they seeing this right? Did you even hit the ball? How fast was that? Faster than the famous quick attack.
"Yeah!" You yell as you high-five Kageyama. What was that..? Atsumu swears that you didn't even hit the ball. How fast are you? A smirk reaches his lips, his eyes widen, and a blush makes its way to his cheeks.
"Hey, what was that?" Atsumu catches your attention. You look over at him and smile, "Better keep up," you glare, "If you wanna win." Your voice turns to a more sultry tone. Osamu butts into the conversation. "No, what was that?" He half-demands. You shrug and walk off to the middle of the court, stretching your arms.
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"And the winner is Karasuno!" Cheers fill the court, and your teammates gather into a circle and almost pick you up. You made the winning hit, everyone's so proud. You can feel eyes on you; eyes that don't belong to your teammates.
You turn around and see the twins staring at you. You expected a glare, but instead, they were staring with amazement.
"Thank you for the game." Everyone shakes the other's hands. You make your way to the Miya twins and they both take one of your hands. "See ya later, pretty boy." Atsumu waves off and walks away with his team.
You look down into your hand and see two slips of paper. They each have a phone number written on them. On one of the papers, it reads, 'Call me, pretty boy.'
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bonez-and-gutz · 7 months
dumb boys, bad decisions, and clubs
hi!! this is part of my yamaguchi centric fanfic, it’s not finished but there will be updates!
WARNING!!! NSFW themes and descriptions of infidelity, panic attacks, and BAD coping mechanisms (don’t do anything tadashi does)
word count: 11,663
parings : tsukishima kei x yamaguchi tadashi, oikawa tooru x tershima yuuji x kuroo tetsurou x yamaguchi tadashi, tsukishima kei x oc
Yamaguchi Tadashi has it all: a full ride to his top college plus a sports scholarship, captain of his high school volleyball club, straight A’s, and the perfect boyfriend.
So when he sees the new first year manager on her knees between his boyfriend’s legs, he does what any sane person would do.
He fucks some of his old volleyball rivals.
NSFW warnings: infidelity, oral sex, foursome (mxmxmxm), fingering, anal sex, dom/sub dynamics, hair pulling, dacryphilia, overstimulation, everyone but tadashi is a switch, restraints, multiple orgasms, rough sex
tadashi is of legal age, just not of legal drinking age
hope you enjoy!!
Wind sifts in and out of the open gymnasium. Various pairs of volleyball shoes squeak and scuff up the worn wooden floor. A soft breeze briefly cools off the red-faced teenagers practicing hard inside.
If one were to glance into the building, one would see fifteen high school boys practicing their hardest, bodies being pushed to their limits. After all, competition season is only a few months away and they are going to nationals this year.
"Shoyo, here!" A loud and masculine voice yells out.
"On it!" With a quick movement, the boy sprints across the court only to slam his hand against the ball arcing through the air. He hits it with a scary kind of precision that causes the first years on the other side of the net to cower at the fear of being hit.
"Fuck yeah!" Hinata yells out at his victory with red cheeks and a heaving chest. Kageyama gives the boy a hard and enthusiastic high-five in congratulations.
"How was that, captain?"
Yamaguchi smiles at his friend's bond, "Amazing! Your freak set is getting freakier by the year!" He compliments.
The freckled boy (more like man) walks over to the basket full of volleyballs and grabs one from the pile. His kouhais across the court gulp, they know what's coming, it happens every practice.
Standing in the middle of the court, just behind the boundary line, Tadashi lets out a deep breath. He spins the ball in his hands once, twice, a final time. With a hefty toss, the ball ascends into the air and Yamaguchi runs toward it, eyes intense and focused.
As the ball hits its crest, he swings his right arm back expertly and palms the volleyball perfectly. He can practically smell the fear that radiates from the first years that cower on the other side of the net. The ball goes sailing past the net and the third-year holds his breath, hoping that the serve made it in. It starts to arc toward one of the first years near the corner of the court and Tadashi lets out a "Woohoo!!" at his almost perfect jump float serve.
The kids on the other side scramble to receive the ball. Number 3, a tall kid named Nirai Kenji (who reminds Yamaguchi a little bit too much of his former teammate Azumane Asahi) dives for the ball, his forearms make contact but the force of the spin causes the ball to shoot toward another teammate who ducks in surprise while shrieking like a goose. Tadashi smiles.
He prides himself on his serves and he's certainly gotten better since his first year. Tadashi's strength lies not in the power of his serves, but in the precision and technique. He prefers to spend hours honing his skill than going to the gym to gain muscles for force.
"Wooo!! Nice goin' cap'n!" Shoyo yells out, clapping his hands together. Tadashi bashly smiles at the praise, not used to the attention even while being the team captain.
He huffs happily and walks over to pick up another ball, “we’re doing this until one of you receives it back to me!” The first years groaned in response. Tadashi, Shoyo, and Tobio just laugh at the newbies’ mild annoyance. Even Hitoka chuckles at them.
While getting ready to set up his nth serve of the day, Tadashi spots a blonde head of hair coming through the door, though he almost misses the short first year nervously trailing behind him. Tadashi narrows his eyes slightly.
“Kei! You asshole, where have you been? Practice is halfway over already,” the captain questions his boyfriend. Tsukki just tuts at him.
“Mr. Nakamoto held me back, had to talk to me about university bullshit.” Yamaguchi narrows his eyes slightly, ’that shouldn’t take an hour and a half…’
Tadashi attempts to shrug it off but then remembers that all of the third years in the volleyball club had met with the counselors at the same time to prevent a missed practice. “Wait, but didn’t you-“
“Yo beanpole, get your ass over here and block for us,” Shoyo yells at Tsukki, eager to work on his precision spikes. Kei walks over to the eager ginger and adjusts his sports glasses. Even after all these years of knowing Kei and playing volleyball with him, Tadashi can’t help but snicker at the sports glasses. They make Kei look like a toddler who just got their first pair of glasses.
He sighs in response to his boyfriend’s aloof demeanor, having thought that the two of them had gotten past that wall of Tsukishima’s vulnerability. Upset at the interruption of Shoyo’s eagerness to practice, Tadashi huffs and walks back over to the cart full of volleyballs. A feeling of uneasiness settles in his gut, and he attempts to refocus his mind by hitting a multitude of difficult serves, but he just can’t get rid of that gruelingly gross feeling.
A few more hours of practice go by and at this point, Tadashi can’t feel the sting on his numbingly red hands. With sweat-soaked hair and clothes, he meanders his way over to the bench and grabs his dedicated towel.
He wipes himself off and grabs his icy cold water bottle, the condensation bringing back the stinging feeling that had left his hands hours ago. He lets his body relax into the cool bench as the metal creaks slightly underneath his weight. His shoulders sag down as he breathes heavily through open-mouthed pants.
Even after hours of grueling practice, Tadashi just can’t get Kei off of his mind, and it’s not for the normal hot boyfriend plus horny teenage boy reasons.
Something about him has been seeming off the past few weeks, maybe even a month now. He's been distant, cold, and dismissive. Tadashi haasn’t seen Kei like this since they were in middle school and Tadashi had his first kiss with an upperclassman right when Kei had planned to confess.
Not to mention the fact that Tadashi hasn’t had a good dicking since the start of April and it’s already halfway through June.
Being a third-year high school student guarantees a busy schedule, especially when you’re involved in clubs but Tadashi knows the ins and outs of Kei’s schedule. Suddenly, all of his free time seems to become preoccupied with everything but his needy and attractive volleyball captain of a boyfriend. Tadashi is just so entirely over it.
Taking another swig from his water bottle, Tadashi can see Tobio and Shoyo messing around in the corner. Sweaty, smiling faces entirely too close together and hands wandering to places that are not acceptable for out in the open.
He lets out a small frustrated puff, fully knowing that once practice is over the disgustingly cute couple will high-tail it out of the gym and straight to Tobio’s empty house where they will probably only resurface to the outside world to get water and food. And maybe a shower.
Tadashi decides that he’s going to use their tiny little horny brains to his advantage. Clapping his hands together loudly to draw everyone’s attention to him, he stands up to face the rest of the Karasuno Volleyball Club. His eyes scan the room and he quickly notes in his head that he doesn’t see his boyfriend in the crowd of sweaty teenagers.
“Alright! Practice for today is over and because I am your incredibly gracious captain, none of you have to stay after to clean!” He announces, throwing his arms out like the ringleader of a circus.
A chorus of excited hoots and hollers follow his announcement as all of his underclassmen scramble to grab their stuff. They sprint off to the locker room, eager to change out of their sweaty practice clothes and hang out for the rest of the night.
“Enjoy your freedom of a Friday night!” Tadashi calls after the gaggle of teenage boys.
Once the gym has cleared out for the most part, Tadashi walks to the volleyball cart and wheels it around the gym. He picks up stray volleyball after stray volleyball and tosses them into the bin. As he cleans, his teammates start to file out of the locker room. He says his goodbyes to all of them and makes sure to poke fun at the first years as they leave.
Hitoka finishes packing up her notes from practice and waves goodbye to Tadashi, “Goodnight Tada-kun! Have a good weekend.”
Tadashi waves back at her with a smile. Ever since she started dating Kiyoko there has been a shift in her demeanor. Hitoka has always been kind and bubbly, but even more so now. Once he’s finished picking up the volleyballs and the gym has cleared out for the night, Tadashi starts to wheel the ball cart over to the storage room doors.
“Well, looks like it’s just you and me Kei,” he turns to his side, expecting the tall teen to be near the entrance to the locker room but sees no evidence of him. Tadashi does a slow spin and scans his surroundings, concluding that he’s been left alone for the night.
“Goddammit!” He mutters under his breath, now left to clean up the mess by himself. Tadashi thought that at least Kei would stay back like they did last year. Cleaning time was more than just mopping on most days. He goes to his pocket to grab the storage room key when he notices the door is open, Weird. I thought I locked it up earlier.
His thoughts are interrupted by a loud moan coming from the closet. A moan he knows the sound of like he knows the back of his hand. His cheeks flush a brilliant pink as his heartbeat suddenly speeds up. With his shorts a little tighter than they were five minutes ago, Tadashi pushes the door open with a dopey smile, “Wow Kei-chan, couldn’t wait until we got home, huh?”
The third year is stopped dead in his tracks as he sees the first-year manager, Jinso Sidero, on her knees between Kei’s thighs, his shorts down with one hand tangled in her brown hair and the other tugging on her loosened uniform bow. Her skirt is pulled up over her hips, exposing her lacy underwear and her shirt and school blazer are strewn across the floor a few feet away from the couple.
Tadashi’s eyes widen as he looks at Kei, whose face displays a show of perfect, cheating pleasure. Kei opens his eyes to see his boyfriend and jumps, causing the girl sucking him off to gag at the sudden pressure. She makes a noise that can be interpreted as “What?”
“Shit!” Kei yells out as he makes eye contact with the shorter man.
“What the fuck?” Tadashi stumbles back into the door, his weight causing the door to swing back. The lack of backing causes him to fall sprawled out onto the gymnasium floor. Tears immediately spring up and his stomach lurches, absolutely nauseated. Without missing a beat, he scrambles up, runs to grab his bag, and sprints out of the gym.
Tadashi doesn’t look back.
Desperate, Kei tries to awkwardly run after him, shorts and boxers now pulled up. He gives up once he realizes that Tadashi is long gone.
“Fuck!” This is his first thought once he’s processed what happened. The frustrated blonde pulls at his hair and curses again. He looks to Sidero and without a beat, picks up her clothing, aggressively before haphazardly dressing her, and unceremoniously shoving her out of the storage closet.
“Babe wha-” the door slams shut before Sidero can finish her sentence. Kei slides down the other side of the door with his fists bunching up the fabric of his shorts so hard that his knuckles turn white.
He never planned for Tadashi to find out…
Tadashi’s chest is tight and it feels like a million bricks are being smashed into his head. His feet feel like they’re on fire but he pays hardly any attention to the gnawing pain. The brisk summer night kisses his face as the rushing wind dries the tears rolling down his cheeks.
By the time he’s reached his front door, Tadashi can’t breathe. He attempts to take huge, gasping breaths but the exhales just come out as broken sobs. He can barely see through the tears and his nose is clogged with snot. He breathes as violently as the rushing thoughts come in and out of his head.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck? What just happened? Was Kei really cheating on me? Of course he was, look at what they were doing you fuckwad!
His hands shake harshly as he fumbles with the keys in front of him, fingers sweaty and vision blurred. It takes him three tries before he’s finally able to find the right key and open the front door. Once inside, his body works on autopilot while his brain goes a million miles a minute.
Was I not good enough? Did I not satisfy him? Did he leave me because he can’t deal with someone like me? Of course he chose her, just look at her. Was I that bad? Why wasn’t I good enough?!
He stumbles his way upstairs, tripping up the steps and slamming into the wall on the way up. Both his backpack and his volleyball bag slide down his shoulders and off his arms. A loud thwump is registered in the back of Tadashi’s mind as the bags slump down the stairs, articles of clothes slip out of the half-zipped pratice bag.
Grappling with the handle on his bedroom door, he slams it shut behind him, thankful that his parents are out for the weekend. Bleary-eyed and stumbling, he makes it to the ensuite and practically wipes the countertop clean in the search for his Atarax. As soon as he spots the familiar orange bottle, he swipes it and begins the struggle to open it.
“Stupid fucking child safety caps!”
He’s just about to open to orange pill bottle when the familiar feeling of bile rushing up into his throat causes him to drop the medicine and toss himself over the open toilet bowl.
Scorching tears run down his face as everything he ate comes up until it’s nothing but stomach acid and spit. His shoulders shake with how violent the heaving is and his fingers ache from his vice-like grip on the porcelain toilet. Once he’s sure that everything has been emptied and that gut-wrenching feeling has finally subsided, he reaches up a shaky hand to flush the toilet.
Tadashi wipes his mouth and sits back on his knees before immediately grabbing and opening the rattling bottle of meds. Once the trusty green pills are in his hand, he collapses to the floor in a sobbing heap and dry swallows five of them. Four more than he needs.
The gross taste of slightly dissolved medicine sits unpleasantly on his tongue as Tadashi drags himself to the edge of the alcove before using all his might to turn on the cold water. He heaves himself up over the side of the tub and flops down into it.
Icy droplets of freezing cold water soak through his hair, shorts, and t-shirt, while burning hot tears soak the skin of his face and hands. His body shakes severely, and loud sobs echo throughout the shower as he grips his hair hard enough to rip it out. With white knuckles and red eyes, he lays down on his side and shivers.
Tadashi makes no moves to change the temperature of the water.
All he thinks about is what he’d done wrong, what he had done to deserve this. Memories circle through his mind, seven years' worth of friendship and five of which worth of dating washed down the drain.
Tadashi thought they would move in together after high school. That they’d get a house together and even have kids. That they would grow old together. They simply were just meant to be. Call him naive but Tadashi thought that his first love would be the love of his life. Even the first time they met was like something out of a television show or a movie.
Little Tadashi was being picked on by some bigger kids due to his small size and shy nature. They’d been shoving poor ten-year-old Tadashi around, rummaging through his bookbag and making fun of his cute drawings and doodles, even going so far as to tell him he’d never be able to play volleyball if he kept being small like that (though it’s not like Tadashi really had any control over when and how tall he grew...)
Tears had just started to spill from the young boy’s eyes when he heard an annoyed voice ‘tch’ at the sight.
“Can’t you guys pick on someone your own size? I mean, come on now. It’s pathetic.” Tadashi looked up to see a tall blonde-haired boy with the thickest glasses he’d ever seen looming over him and his bullies. His eyes widen exponentially at the sight of this new person, who he immediately recognizes as the tall scary boy from his class.
On the first day of school, Tadashi was instantly terrified of him as he was all of four foot nothing whilst Tsukki had been almost five feet tall already. While his brain processed what had come out of Tsukki’s mouth, the three boys that had been beating on him immediately stiffened up and ran off with nothing more than a measly squeal. Once sure that his tormenters were long gone, Tadashi calmly stood up, gathered his things, and walked over to the (even then) tall blonde boy.
“Thank you so much!” He yells as he bends at the waist, eyes closed tight and arms by his side. He stays that way until he hears a small “tch.”
“Get up. You don’t need to thank me. Next time, do it yourself,” the taller rudely tells Tadashi off with a roll of his eyes and turns to start walking away.
Noticing the white tennis shoes leave his vision, Tadashi straightens up and scrambles after the blonde. He runs ahead of him and stops in front of him, panting slightly.
“What’s…what’s your name?” Tadashi manages to puff out, hands resting on his knees as he attempts to catch his breath. A silent moment passes between them and as the silence continues to fill the air, a knot of anxiousness starts growing in Tadashi’s stomach at the lack of an answer.
Nervous, he stood back up to his full height again and stared directly into those smart yellow eyes.
“Tsukishima Kei,” the little elementary-aged Tsukki answered him with an aloof expression.
“I’m Yamaguchi Tadashi,” he smiled back, eyes full of happiness.
From then on, the two had been entirely inseparable. The boys spent almost every single waking moment together. They had countless sleepovers, video game sessions, playful volleyball matches, and smiles.
By the time they’d hit middle school, the dynamic between the two shifted, to what, neither knew at the time. Gone were the small smiles and days of personal space. The two boys would stare at each other whenever they thought the other wasn’t looking, eyes full of want and love. Each of them found every single excuse to touch each other, whether it was a brush of the fingers, a small kick, or even the occasional full-blown hug.
Tadashi was twelve years old when he realized that he liked boys. Terrified and scared, he went to his best friend with tears in his eyes and shaking hands with the expectation that Tsukki would beat him up and call him a fairy or even a slur.
Instead, he got unconditional love and support along with the confession that Tsukki was actually gay as well. With that knowledge, Yamaguchi finally spilled to Tsukki that he had a huge crush on their upperclassman and volleyball club captain, Kazuhira Hayate.
The day that Yamaguchi got his first kiss from Kazuhira was the day that he and Tsukishima started dating. Tsukki walked briskly to the gymnasium, a letter in a pink envelope grasped so tightly in his left hand that the paper threatened to rip, and a bouquet of Tadashi’s favourite flower and walked in on Yamaguchi getting his first kiss. Tsukki felt so betrayed and upset that he threw the beautiful bouquet of pink camellias to the ground with a sharp ‘thwap!’ The pink letter followed soon thereafter.
Startled by the sound, Tadashi broke from the kiss and turned to see Kei running hurriedly out of the classroom, hands wiping his face as the dam of tears broke. Without another thought, Tadashi picked up the forgotten items and sprinted behind his best friend.
Once Tadashi had finally caught up with Kei, he could see the taller boy’s puffy eyes and red nose clearly, he could even see the little tears that threatened to spill over. Arguing and yelling ensued afterward until finally, finally, Kei grabbed the letter he’d written. He ripped it open without remorse and read it, bleary-eyed and embarrassed. It was then that they had their first kiss together and it marked the beginning of a relationship that Tadashi thought would last until the stars collided.
How naive he was, Tadashi can’t help but ponder over the innocence of their beginning. It certainly feels like the stars collided now. As if the entire universe was pulling the Earth closer and closer to the Sun until everything was wiped out in a brilliant display of white light.
He struggles to sit up in the tub. With his entire body shaking from the cold and the panic running through his system, it’s difficult to do anything. With tremoring hands, he reaches over and turns off the water but makes no moves to leave the tub.
He just sits there.
By the time he’s calmed himself down enough to leave the cold safety of the bathtub, the window outside tells him that the sun has set. It's been at least an hour and a half since he caught his (assumingly now ex) boyfriend getting sucked off by what Yamaguchi used to think was the innocent new first-year manager.
He wants to forget. Tadashi wants to take out his brain and cut away the memory of that experience and throw it straight into the garbage disposal.
But, he can’t do that. He can, however, do the next best thing.
It’s good that he still has the fake ID that Shoyo made him get.
Head still buzzing, Tadashi strips off the soaking wet clothes and throws them into a plopping, sopping wet pile on the bathroom tile. He turns the shower back on and washes away his anxiety, now coming up with various ways he can score a stranger and one night stand his problems away for twelve hours.
Once finished with his shower, he towels himself off and picks out the sluttiest outfit that he owns. The tight high-waisted black pants show off the fat curve of his ass and display his strong thighs from years of volleyball conditioning. He leaves the top three buttons of his flowy white blouse open to showcase his collarbones and unmarked neck.
Tadashi is almost one hundred percent sure this outfit will warrant him a good fuck or at the very least, a makeout session steamy enough to fog up the mirror in his brain. He styles his hair so that it frames his face. A little bit of shimmery eyeshadow decorates his lids and a swipe of eyeliner extends the natural shape of his dark brown eyes. A dab of highlighter enunciates his features.
As he walks out of the bathroom, Tadashi glances at the photo sitting proudly and undisturbed on his desk.
It was captured when he and Kei had their third anniversary, a week after Kei’s fifteenth birthday. They were at a park between their houses and they were smiling brightly in the picture, faces full of glee and love.
Tadashi walks over to the photo and chucks it into the trash to be forever forgotten in a pile of pencil shavings and messed-up chemistry notes. He grabs his keys off the floor of his bedroom and trudges downstairs, not bothering to move the two bags at various places of descension.
With a final huff, he opens his front door and slams it shut behind him. He locks it before turning around and making his way into town on foot.
The cool summer breeze nips and kisses his face as he walks down the sidewalk. His eyes search the streets, looking for anything to focus on. He settles on the girls in front of him. They’re probably around sixteen and they still have their school uniforms on, they probably just finished with cram school and are headed for some light-hearted fun. Probably karaoke.
As Tadashi walks, the night continues, the bright lights of the stars dimmed from the light pollution of Miyagi’s city-like town center. A familiar greenish-blue glow shines on his face, the neon glow inviting him back into a club he hasn’t been to in years.
The last time he came here, he was sixteen and he and Tsukishima were trying to get as fucked up as they possibly could to erase the image of the two of them walking in on Coach Ukai and Takeda fucking in the club room.
Without another moment, Tadashi pulls out his fake ID and walks up to the bouncer. The burly man in front of the door barely gives a glance at it before letting him through. As soon as Tadashi crosses the threshold, the smell of sweat, booze, and sex fill the air, and God is he ready to join the people dancing away on the dance floor.
He heads straight to the bar and orders an amaretto with pineapple juice. The sweet bartender smiles at him, recognizing the distress on his face. She also notes that he probably wants to get fucked up. Fruity drinks are the best way to do so.
“Bad day?” She questions as she pours juice into the liqueur.
“Fuck, you could say that,” he responds back, his excited smile turning into a grimace.
“What happened?” She grabs a little umbrella and uses it as a stir stick, hoping that the cute little garnish will help brighten Tadashi’s day a little bit.
“I just caught my boyfriend of five years cheating on me.”
“Shit. Well, it’s a good thing I made this one a bit heavy-handed. Go out there and show him what he’s missing, yeah?” She finishes off the conversation and slides the drink over the counter.
Tadashi glances down at her name tag, “thanks Yukio.”
He leans against the bar and looks around the room, taking in the sight of people of various genders and sexualities grinding and dancing against each other to the beat of the music. In less than five minutes, he’s already almost finished with the fruity cocktail and is two shots of tequila away from going to the dance floor.
He turns back to Yukio to order said shots of tequila and closes his tab for the night, giving her a generous tip as a thanks. He forgoes the salt and slams back the first shot, not even bothering to suck on the lime wedge served with it.
He takes the second one like it’s intended to, the lime leaving a pleasant sting in his mouth. Without another thought, Tadashi fixes his blouse and heads out onto the dance floor.
Once he’s there, he loses himself in the music. Running his hands up and down his body and through his hair, he mouths along to the lyrics of Kai’s ‘Mmmh.’ his hips move to the music. He’s so caught up in his own world that he doesn’t notice the multitude of hungry eyes staring at him from across the club, the lovely mix of alcohol and his meds muffling his mind.
Oikawa can’t believe his eyes. He never expected Yamaguchi to come to Secrets on a Friday night, especially since it seems that he came on his own.
The tall brunet saw him come in, full of disbelief until the little freckles scattered across the younger man’s face confirmed what he hoped was true. Tadashi Yamaguchi walked into Miyagi’s only gay bar.
Oikawa looked around when Tadashi came in, expecting that someone had been waiting for him but he saw no sight of any of the Karasuno third years.
Next to him, Kuroo is talking up a gaggle of girls, playfully flirting with them with no intention of taking them home. He came into this outing with the mindset that he was going to be buried balls deep in Tooru once they got home. Tooru nudges the black haired man’s shoulder, drawing his attention away from the giggling girls.
“Hey, babe. What’s up?” Tetsurou questions his almost-boyfriend. Oikawa points to the dance floor where Tadashi is uncaringly grinding his ass against the crotch of a man with strong arms and a gross, sweaty face.
“Look Tetsu, it’s our little pinch server. He’s all grown up!” Tooru points out the younger boy to Tetsurou and the man squints his eyes.
Tooru leans up to Tetsu’s ear, “And he’s all alone.” As the sentence is processed in Kuroo’s head, a large smirk curls unto his face.
“Well then, I guess this old cat is going to pounce.” Oikawa rolls his eyes and urges Kuroo to go tell Terushima.
“Tell him to meet us on the dance floor, let’s see how this night goes,” Tooru finishes as he downs the rest of his whiskey, the cool liquid burning his throat as it goes and he walks onto the dance floor. As he gets closer he sees the small smile on Tadashi’s face and he can’t help but admire just how pretty he’s gotten.
When Oikawa first saw Yamaguchi during Aoba Johsai’s practice match with Karasuno, he was immediately stricken with the boy. He was decidedly disappointed when he saw Yamaguchi give Tsukishima a celebratory kiss after Karasuno scored the match point.
So, like any logical teenager, he moped about it to Iwaizumi until he got fed up with Oikawa’s shenanigans and shoved Oikawa onto Kuroo and Terushima.
By the time Yuuji and Tetsurou met Karasuno for the first time they knew pretty much everything there was to know about Tadashi. His height, his favourite food, his relationship with Tsukishima, his position, and almost everything else.
The three of them finally talked about their mutual attraction to Yamaguchi during a party thrown at Matsukawa’s house after the inter-high preliminaries where a game of spin the bottle threw up feelings that all three of them had been pushing down since middle school.
That night was the first that marked the mutually beneficial relationship that the three of them had which consisted of fucking, cuddling, and being almost-but-not-quite-boyfriends.
Then, Tadashi had just been a cute little first year that all three of them wanted to ruin so badly. They wanted to fuck and love him so thoroughly that he would never want anyone else. The Tadashi that Tooru sees in from of him is different.
This Tadashi’s face is thinner, his jawbone sharp enough to carve marble and his creamy skin practically begs for Oikawa to sink his teeth into the flesh. His cheeks are covered in a healthy glow of pink, the alcohol tinting his fair skin. His thighs have gotten bigger, more muscular but still lean. No doubt from practising every day for hours on end. Along with his thighs, his ass also filled out. Oikawa can feel his mouth watering at the thought of what it would look like marked up and covered in something less than PG.
Without another thought, he shoves himself in between Tadashi and the ogre-like man behind him and sends said man a glare that says “fuck off or I’ll castrate you.” The man looks at Oikawa, a little perturbed, and leaves without a word.
Tooru places his hands on Tadashi’s hips and guides them back to grind the younger’s ass against his clothed dick.
He then leans his head close to Tadashi’s ear, “Hey, baby. Long time no see?”
Tadashi recognizes the voice as soon as it enters his ears and he lets out a breathy “fuck” before turning himself around in Oikawa’s arms to face him.
“Hey pretty, what are you doing here?” Tooru questions him, genuinely curious. At the inquiry, Tadashi groans and buries his face into the crook of Tooru’s neck. He inhales deeply, taking an extra long whiff of the cologne Oikawa had sprayed on earlier.
“Kei cheated on me. I just want to forget for a while,” he mumbles into his shoulder. Oikawa looks down at him in surprise, not expecting that news but welcoming it wholeheartedly.
He smiles, “Would you like us to help you forget?”
Tadashi looks up questioningly, “Us?”
Oikawa then points over to Yuuji and Tetsurou, who are currently making their way across the dance floor, awkwardly dancing their way through people.
Tadashi looks up at him and pleads, “Yes. Oh God, please.”
Tooru smirks, “Good choice.” He then spins the boy around once more and presses his hand against Tadashi’s lower stomach, pushing their hips together. Then, he leans his head down and bites lightly at his neck. Tadashi groans in pleasure at the feeling, his head lolling back against Tooru’s shoulder.
With closed eyes, Tadashi allows himself to get lost in the feeling of Oikawa’s hands and lips on his body. He feels like there’s a fire burning between his legs and his head feels fuzzy in the best way. Two new pairs of hands find purchase on his body, one hand sliding underneath the open collar of his shirt to run over the expanse of his chest.
He opens his eyes to see two pairs of eyes, one the colour of roasted almonds and the other a piercing yellow. Testsurou stands in front of him, hands squeezing Tadashi’s thighs and caressing his lower stomach while Yuuji uses his cold hands to tease his chest. Without another beat, Tadashi raises his right arm and grabs a fistful of Yuuji’s dyed hair and smashes their lips together.
The kiss is open-mouthed and messy and definitely not the best kiss Tadashi’s had but at that moment it felt like he was lip-locked with Eros himself.
Eagerly, Yuuji kisses him back with a slight smirk, his tongue piercing causing a weird but pleasurable sensation. The hand that was under Tadashi’s shirt drags itself across his chest and lightly tweaks his nipple. Yuuji’s eyebrows elevate slightly as his fingertips feel the distinct coldness of a steel piercing.
“Fuck!” Tadashi moans, his hips jolting as he throws his head back. As the kiss breaks, a lewd string of saliva connects their lips together.
Yuuji is in no rush to tell the other two men about his discovery of Tadashi’s naughty nipple piercings. Tetsurou leans over and laps at the saliva before bringing his lips to meet Yuuji’s. The two men make out heatedly, licking and nipping and kissing at each other in ways that have Tadashi rutting his ass back into Tooru’s dick carelessly.
Tooru breaks his lips from Tadashi’s neck, “does that turn you on baby? Seeing two hot guys making out in front of you, sharing your spit?”
Tadashi breathlessly nods his head in response and Tooru tuts at him.
“Use your words baby.”
Tadashi swallows the lump in his throat, “I love it, sir.”
Tooru’s eyes widen at the title before his lips stretch out into a Cheshire-like grin. He pushes Tetsurou’s hands off of the younger and the black haired man gives little resistance as he is too busy swallowing Yuuji’s tongue.
Tooru lightly drags his hands from Tadashi’s hips down over his stomach and to the tops of his thighs. Teasingly, he splays his fingers and brushes oh so gently at the sides of Tadashi’s groin. Yuuji notices the movement and once again squeezes his nipple.
“Hnn..fuck me!” Tadashi keens with closed eyes, his resolve dissipating even more as his body is teased and tweaked at by the men that he has had secret crushes on since his first year.
“Since you asked so nicely,” Tooru responds teasingly.
“Open your eyes for me, pet.”
Tadashi opens his eyes and is once again met with the sight of pretty amber ones, but these eyes are shaded by a pair of thick glasses.
“Kei?” He questions, pulling away slightly from Tooru’s hold. Tetsurou follows Tadashi’s eye line to see Kei standing there, mouth agape and eyes wide.
Kei had gone to the club for the same reason Tadashi did: to forget. What he didn’t expect was to see the boy he cheated on dancing with (practically fucking) three of the hottest people that Kei had ever seen. If the blonde thought they were hot as celebrities in high school, then now all three of them were like gods.
“C’mon baby, let’s give that cheater a show,” Yuuji tells Tadashi with a smirk before pinching and tweaking at the younger’s peaked nipples, causing a hearty moan to leave his throat as Tadashi keeps eye contact with Kei.
Tooru moves his hands to palm over Tadashi’s clothed dick and he ruts up into the touch.
Tetsurou had joined Tooru behind him and began to leave marks of his own.
Tadashi, all consumed by the feelings that they’re leaving on his body, doesn’t realize that Kei had stormed off with a red face and eyes full of hurt.
He just wants more of everything that they’re giving him.
“Please. Please fuck me. Take me home and ruin me, please,” Tadashi begs the three of them with lidded eyes, his brows furrowed and face flushed. Tetsurou, Tooru, and Yuuji all share a single look and without saying a single word, they all know each other’s thoughts.
Wordlessly, all but Tetsurou break away from him and Tadashi whines at the loss of stimulation. Said man leads him across the dance floor, assisting the boy through the clusters and crowds of dancing people and out of the club. Tooru goes to quickly collect their things while Yuuji closes the tab they racked up.
The late night summer air kisses Tadashi’s cheeks and he takes a deep breath in through his nose and exhales it out his mouth. He looks up at Tetsurou who is standing next to him, phone in hand. Tadashi can make out the loading screen for Uber.
Ah, responsible as ever.
Without the three pairs of hands on his body, the musty smell of alcohol and weed, the blaring music, and the hot bodies all around him, Tadashi can think properly.
He hasn’t seen any of the boys since Yuuji graduated high school last year (Tadashi was invited to his grad party). They’ve all changed so much since that fleeting night that he can’t really remember. Yuuji had brought out enough edibles to render all of them useless for fifteen hours so that night is mostly a blur.
They all look…older. Now Tadashi can really see how much of an adult Tetsurou looks like. His jaw is defined and his cheekbones are higher than Suna on a Saturday. His eyes are the same dangerously seductive yellow that he remembers but now they have a layer of maturity to them.
Tadashi knows that this is probably a stupid decision, in a lot of ways. He’s sleeping with people that know Tsukki and all of their friends and he’s doing it all at once. Tadashi can also tell that there is some sort of existing relationship between Yuuji, Tetsurou, and Tooru but he can’t tell exactly what it is. He’d hate to be the one to come between a relationship, even more so after he’s been cheated on.
That thought brings him back to why he is doing this.
Tsukishima Kei, his boyfriend of five years, cheated on him with their first-year manager. Suddenly, Tadashi doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that Tsukishima was hurt at the sight of Tadashi having fun and getting the pleasure he’s been missing for almost two and a half months.
Tsukishima Kei does not deserve Tadashi’s forgiveness or his time and so Tadashi concludes to himself that he’s going to fuck three hot men tonight and deal with everything tomorrow morning.
Like an adult.
Tadashi looks back up at Tetsurou and admires the way that the blueish light highlights his features. The tall man looks down at him and Tadashi wills himself not to avert eye contact.
“I know, I know, I’m devastatingly handsome. Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Tetsurou winks and Tadashi laughs at his response and walks up close to him, a plan in mind.
He puts a hand on Tetsu’s shoulder and tilts his head up, “Whatever you want, Captain,” he then pushes up onto his toes and connects their lips together into a sensual kiss. Tetsurou groans deeply into the kiss, the name tickling him in the recesses of his perverted brain. Tadashi can feel Tetsurou’s teeth scraping his bottom lip as the kiss gets deeper.
A low, teasing whistle sounds out, interrupting the intimate moment. The two pull away from each other to see Tooru and Yuuji standing there with dopey smiles and knowing eyes plastered on their stupidly smug faces.
“All worked up over a little kiss? Testu~ you’re losing your touch!” Tooru teases the slightly taller man as he eyes the erection that’s starting to press through Tetsurou’s slacks.
Tetsurou shoves Tooru’s shoulder with a grumble, “Oh shut up. That boy is a little minx!” Yuuji raises his eyebrows in response, intrigued by his lover’s word choice.
“Oh? And just what did this “little minx” do that caused our composed Kuroo Tetsurou to blush like a teenage virgin?” Yuuji teases, getting up close to Tetsurou’s face.
“He fuckin’ called me Captain,” Tetsurou mumbles out, his eyes cast to the ground and his cheeks red as roses.
Yuuji raises his brows, surprised at his answer and chuckles before turning to look at Tadashi, “My, my. Who knew our boy was such a pervert? Tell me baby, when was the last time that shitty ex of yours made you cum?”
Tadashi’s face bursts into a bright red blush and that burning feeling that was present in his groin earlier was back again at full force. He said “our” boy.
Yuuji bends at the waist, pushing his face into Tadashi’s, much like he just did to Tetusurou. With a conniving grin, he takes a strand of fringe that had fallen into Tadashi’s eyes and twirls it around his long index finger.
“I- well we, I mean I haven’t…uhm,” Tadashi’s brain shuts off from his mouth and he can’t seem to string together any semblance of a coherent sentence. He fumbles with his fingers in front of him, the way that Yuuji’s speaking causes his brain to short-circuit.
It’s been so long since, not only his body, but his brain, was teased like this.
The last few times that Tadashi and Kei had sex were quick and weirdly, not very intimate. There was a lack of pet names and kissing and Tadashi’s favourite thing, a careful mix of degradation and praise. This sudden influx of humiliating yet attractive conversation has him and his hard dick reeling in need.
“I- well, we” Yuuji mocks, “C’mon babe, it’s okay. We all know that you haven’t been getting dicked properly. We’re here to help you fix that, right?”
Dumbly, Tadashi just nods in response and swallows loudly.
“Good boy.” Tadashi’s knees go weak at the pet name and it takes all of his effort not to buckle down into the ground. How is he going to get through the night if he’s this worked up and they’ve barely touched him?
Right at that moment, the Uber that Tetsurou had ordered earlier pulls up to the curb and Yuuji stands up and saunters his way over to the car.
He’s proud that he can reduce Tadashi into a puddle of want just with some (what he considers to be) light teasing and a simple pet name.
Tetsurou huffs at Yuuji’s behavior, just happy that he’s not on the receiving end of the blonde’s incessant flirting for once.
Tooru walks up to Tadashi and smiles, “You seem like you need some help getting to the car.”
Tadashi just holds out his hand and Tooru gladly takes it, leading the younger to the silver Nissan that Yuuji and Tetsurou have already climbed into. With wobbly legs, Tadashi climbs into the car with Tooru’s help and the two of them go to the back of the car and sit in the third row of seats.
Tadashi melts into the seat, so thankful to finally be off of his feet. He’s been so caught up in the events of the day that he hadn’t realized just how much pain he was in. Between practice, sprinting home, and dancing, his feet are now burning with how exhausted they are.
The ride to the three college students’ apartment is mostly smooth and Tadashi is grateful for the reprieve that his brain (and his dick) has been granted. That is, until Tooru begins to run his right hand up and down Tadashi’s thigh, dangerously close to his half-hard cock.
The little touches flutter up and down his thighs. Sometimes, Tooru’s hand inches right above his dick but before he touches it, the feeling is dragged back up over his lower stomach. Butterflies settle in Tadashi’s tummy and he opens his legs wider, allowing Tooru more space to toy with. It takes everything in him not to moan out when Tooru finally touches him right where he wants it. Tooru’s fingers brush over Tadashi’s cock in feather-like motions, light enough to cause some long awaited stimulation but too light to give him what he really wants.
Now, Tooru’s fingers go from trailing up and down Tadashi’s shaft, to drawing little circles around his swollen balls and back up again. Every once in a while, a finger draws down enough to swipe right at the edge of Tadashi’s clothed, clenching hole. The teasing causes Tadashi’s previously half-hard cock to turn into a full stiffie.
To Tadashi, it feels as though the teasing has been going on for hours when in reality it’s been maybe ten minutes at most. He’s so lost in the feeling of Tooru’s fingers and the effort of trying to control his sounds that he doesn't know that the car’s stopped, he only notices the lack of touch on his dick as Tooru pulls his hand away. He tries to suppress a whine as the light pressure dissipates. One look from Tooru is all he needs to know that he needs to stay quiet, at least until the four of them are inside the apartment.
With help once more, Tadashi gets out of the SUV and stands on shaky legs, his erection presses up against the seam of his trousers, causing little sparks of pleasure to travel up his spine. His eyebrows furrow up in concentration as he tries to suppress the urge to thrust his hips up at the feeling.
Yuuji sends him a knowing look and Tadashi immediately blushes and shys away from his gaze, embarrassed that the blonde haired man saw what was going on in the back of the car. He ignores Yuuji’s gaze and instead moves to walk behind Tetsurou, who is eagerly making his way up the stairs.
Tadashi follows behind on wobbly legs and puts most of his weight onto the handrails that are helping him navigate the stairs without falling backward. As he walks up the stairs, Tadashi can feel two pairs of lustful eyes staring at him. Deciding to rile them up while he can (and while he’s in the safety of a public space) Tadashi adds a little bit of extra sway to his hips and purposefully pushes his ass out a little more than he needs to when he climbs up the next stair.
The teasing action is rewarded by one of the men behind him striking him across the behind with a crisp smack, the hit landing right on the meaty part of his ass. The stinging sensation that follows afterward has Tadashi tensing up at the feeling and letting out a small moan. He stops where he is for a split second before attempting to regain his composure and make it up the last half a dozen steps.
By the time he’s gotten to the top of the stairs and Tetsurou is unlocking the door to the little apartment, Tadashi is shaking in anticipation. He’s so ready to get destroyed by the three men that tower above him, so excited to get thoroughly fucked and used and ruined.
As soon as Tetsurou swings the door open, Tooru moves in front of Tadashi and gives him a command, “Jump.” He does as he’s asked and the strong setter holds him by his thighs, Tadashi’s legs wrap around his sinfully small waist. As soon as Tooru has adjusted to the added weight, he’s walking forward into the apartment with his hands groping every inch of Tadashi’s ass and thighs he can reach, any thought of modesty thrown to the wolves.
Yuuji and Tetsurou follow the two men into Tooru’s room, where he’s taking their new lover. Their eyes are dark and their pupils are so blown out that only a sliver of their irises can be seen. The sight in front of them has both of them getting hotter and hotter and Yuuji has to make an effort to rip his eyes away from the scene in front of him in order to close the front door.
Once Tooru is standing over his bed, he leans down and lets go of Tadashi’s thighs. Tadashi plops down onto the mattress and Tooru quickly follows. Laying down on top of the length of Tadashi’s body, Tooru brings the two of them into a sloppy open-mouted kiss. The sanctuary of the apartment grants both of them the needed permission to make as much noise as they please.
Tooru moves down from the other man’s lips to trail wet kisses and suckle marks into his jawline. He gets to the spot of Tadashi’s neck that’s right under the angle of his jaw and sucks hard. The stimulation causes Tadashi to moan out, “Fuck! That’s so good, sir!” His hips buck up against Tooru’s, causing their clothed dicks to rub up against each other in a moment of euphoria.
“Shit, baby. You feel so good,” Tooru compliments in response to the glorious pressure against his dick, something he’s been yearning for since him, Yuuji, and Tetsurou initially left their apartment. Tetsurou and Yuuji watch the scene unfold as the two of them strip down into nothing but their boxers, matching dark spots of pre stain the fabric and do nothing to hide the fact that both men are aroused. They walk to seperate sides of the bed and simultaneously kneel on the mattress, their added weight causing the two men exploring each other to look up at the disturbance.
Tetsurou leans over and gently pushes Tooru up so that his and Tadashi’s chests are no longer touching each other, but now Tooru’s ass is sitting directly above Tadashi’s dick. Without hesitation, Tooru uses this new position to grind down onto the younger. His balls rub up against the length of Tadashi’s shaft and he lets out sighs of pleasure at the release of pressure on his groin. “Oh my god!” Tadashi keens, his mouth falling open due to the pleasure.
Tetsurou makes quick work of unbuttoning the youngest’s shirt but stops his task as soon as he sees the two shining metal bars that poke out of each side of Tadashi’s nipples. His brain stops for a second as he drags his nails along Tadashi’s lean stomach.
“Oh god baby, look at you,” he groans out at the sight, hands coming up to twist and pull at the piercings. He turns to look at Yuuji, who has pulled out his hard cock from the confines of his boxers and is currently stroking himself slowly, a prince albert decorates the head and glints against the soft glow of the lamp light.
“Why didn’t you tell me that this little vixen had his nipples pierced?” Tetsurou emphasizes the inquiry by tugging harshly on the metal and pulling a moan out of Tadashi’s mouth that is so sinful Satan himself would blush at the sound.
“Wanted to- hnng- surprise you,” Yuuji grunts out as he fucks his fist to the sight in front of him, a wet shlick noise joining the cacophany of erotic sounds in the room.
“Well you sure as shit did,” Tetsurou comments as he removes his hands from Tadashi’s nipples, which now sit stiff and senstive. The black haired man lifts his shoulders off of the bed slightly to get Tadashi completely out of his shirt. As the sleeves fall down Tadashi’s shoulders, he can feel Tooru’s weight shift off of him and feels the setter’s deft fingers pulling on the zipper of his pants followed by the button coming undone.
Tadashi lifts his hips as best he can to aid Tooru in pulling down his pants and boxers. The brunet yanks his own pants down along with Tadashi’s and throws them somewhere in the bedroom. He’ll deal with the mess tomorrow. He eagerly yanks his shirt up and off his head. Tadashi squirms underneath the older man’s gaze, his chestnut brown eyes full of both lust and longing.
The younger gazes up at Tooru intensely, taking in his nude form that Tadashi swears must be the inspiration for countless Greek statues. His chisled abs look strong and Tadashi wants to run his tongue over every hill and through every valley of his torso. His Adonis belt is defined and points Tadashi’s eyes directly down to look at Tooru’s fat, flushed cock.
He wants to grovel at Tooru’s feet and worship every inch of him. Tadashi wants to kiss up and down his aroused dick and wants to know what the setter would feel like on the inside. Probably something akin to the finest velvet produced.
“You’re so perfect, like a God,” he mumbles out to himself, not entirely aware that he’d said that aloud. On top of him, Tooru moans out at the praise and rocks his hips onto Tadashi’s again as a reward.
“As much as I would love for you to worship me, today it’s our turn to worship you, baby,” Tooru says as he presses his hands on the top of Tadashi’s thighs, now grinding against him in a dizzingly pleasurable rhythm. The feeling of their bare cocks rubbing against one another has Tadashi’s head reeling in pleasure. Tetsurou resumes his work on the youngest’s sensitive nipples, determined to get him to cum for the first time of the night.
“Fuck! More…more please!” Tadashi whines out, his hips bucking up against Tooru’s erractically. Yuuji gets up from his position at the end of bed and moves to sit next to Tadashi’s head. Said boy turns to look at him, eye watery and pupils blown.
“Plea…se,” he begs pathetically, brows drawn up tight and face scrunched in pleasure. Yuuji looks down at him and brings a hand to his face. He caresses the side of Tadashi’s forehead, gently petting his ruffled hair down.
“This is all you’re getting right now, pet. So be a good boy and take it for me, okay?” Yuuji smirks down at Tadashi, who whines in disappointment but ultimately begins to let himself become more immersed in the pleasure his body is feeling.
“That’s a good boy. Just feel it. Feel the way that Tooru is working your cocks together. Feel Tetsu’s tongue on your nipple. Does it feel good, love?” Yuuji questions, bringing his hand back to his own straining dick. He runs his hand over the shaft, the pressure just enough to be pleasurable and keep him aroused, but definitely not enough to make him cum any time soon.
Tadashi nods his head in response, his shining eyes full of lust and what can only be described as wonder. The movement of his hips becomes more aggressive and his back starts to arch up into Tetsurou’s touch even more.
“Hnng I’m gonna cum!” Tadashi exclaims, already almost at the peak of his orgasm.
“Go ahead baby, come for us,” Tetsurou says as he pinches and pulls at Tadashi’s puffy nipples. Tadashi’s entire body shakes as his orgasm starts to wash over him, intense and almost overwhelming.
His cock kicks as white ropes of cum spurt out, the hot sticky liquid staining his own chest and Tooru’s dick and chest. The sight of Tadashi cumming underneath him causes Tooru to reach his own peak.
Tetsurou and Yuuji both pull back slightly to look at the two men that lay in front of them. The sight of Tadashi and Tooru cumming all over each other with their hips still grinding in order to prolong their orgasms leaves both of them groaning and fisting their cocks. Once again, not enough to make them cum, but enough to give them pleasure.
A solid three minutes have passed by the time that both Tadashi and Tooru’s orgasms have washed over them. The older practically collapses on top of Tadashi as both of them breathe heavily, smearing their cum together on their stomachs.
“That was…” Tooru starts breathlessly, “amazing.” Swallowing roughly, Tadashi responds. “Fuck, I don’t think I’ve come that hard in a fucking year.” He chuckles, the endorphins that come from sex still fogging up his brain. He begins to shift under Tooru and push the older man off of him, thinking that this night of sex is over.
“Woah, woah. Where are you going?” Tetsurou questions, using his hand to push Tadashi back down. Confused, he just looks back up at the black haired man.
“I thought we were done? I mean, I already came,” Tadashi responds, genuinely naive to the thought of how this night was going to go.
Almost simultaneously, the other three men bust out in a great deal of laughter, Tetsurou’s howling drowning out the other two’s. Puzzled, Tadashi looks at them, starting to feel a bit self conscious as he awkwardly chuckles along.
“Oh, baby…do you mean to tell me that Kei would only make you cum once?” Yuuji questions, his eyes containing a predatory glint to them that has Tadashi shrinking back into the bed. With big eyes, he nods at Yuuji.
“Oh, no no. That just won’t do,” Yuuji tuts in fake sympathy, “See baby, I want to ruin you. I want you to cum so much that you can’t think of anything that’s not us and the pleasure you’re feeling. Okay?”
“Shit!” Tadashi’s eyes roll back into his head and he almost cums again just from Yuuji’s words right then and there. Tooru pulls himself off of Tadashi to see that his cock is already filling back up again. “I can’t believe you haven’t been played with like this before, especially since your body wants it so badly,” Tooru smirks as he drags a finger from the head of Tadashi’s flushed cock, down the swell of his balls, and around the rim of his fluttering asshole.
“Unhh, Tooru!” Tadashi keens as Tooru runs his finger around the taught ring of muscle. Gently, Tooru pushes Tadashi’s thighs apart to gain more access to his quivering hole.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty, baby,” he comments as he ducks his head down in between the smaller man’s legs. Tooru’s tongue darts out to lap at his entrance, tasting a mix of his and Tadashi’s dripping cum. Tetsurou holds Tadashi’s head in his hands and urges him to open his eyes and look at him.
“Here’s what’s going to happen, pet. Tooru is going to open you up for me with his tongue and fingers and then you’ll sit on my dick. Then, you’re gonna let Yuuji sit on yours, alright?” He explains vulgarly, excited yellow eyes piercing through Tadashi’s hungrily.
Tadashi nods in agreement but the silent answer only earns him a pinch on the thigh from Tooru. He yelps in response.
“Tooru’s right baby, you need to use your words. So tell us, is that alright?” Tetsurou asks, an air of dominance surrounding him that hadn’t been there for most of the night.
“Yes, sirs!” Tadashi wastes no time in answering, fully believing that the three of them would have absolutely no problem with punishing him if they thought it appropriate. As a reward, Tooru begins to work a finger into Tadashi’s tight ass, using a mixture of spit and cum as lube. The intruision sparks a strong of sinful moans from Tadashi’s gaping mouth.
“Oh, you’re such a good boy. Look at you,” Tetsurou coos down at him, taking note of the way that Tadashi’s eyes have almost completely glazed over. He looks over to Yuuji and beckons him to come look at the ruined man laying on the bed.
Tooru continues to scissor Tadashi open, his tongue pushing against the man’s rim. By the time he’s able to add another finger, Tadashi is starting to grind his hips back into Tooru’s hand and face.
“Look at him, under and happy. Like a natural born whore,” he comments as he brushes his hands through Tadashi’s hair comfortingly. At the compliment, Tadashi’s back starts to arch once more, showing the other three that he’s once again close to an orgasm.
Right as his back starts to arch, Tooru pulls his fingers out of Tadashi’s ass and gives his inner-thigh one last cheeky bite. Tadashi’s hips twitch as his orgasm evades him, whines pouring out of his mouth.
“Wha…why?” He gasps out, pink tear tracks staining his pretty face. Instead of Tooru answering like Tadashi’s expecting, Tetsurou pipes up instead.
“Because, baby, I want you to come on my dick,” the black haired man explains casually like his words aren’t making Tadashi’s back arch. All the hands that had been caressing him leave and Tadashi feels cold. The chill is short. Just as soon as the hands left, they came back. This time though, something thicker than fingers prods at the rim of his ass.
Tadashi, who had closed his eyes in frustration, opens them again to see Tetsurou’s dick positioned in between his thighs. One look at it and Tadashi can already feel his insides clenching. Fuck. He’s so thick.
Tetsurou’s dick isn’t the longest he’s seen, in fact it’s quite average. The girth, however, is anything but average. Tadashi knows no amount of fingering would ever get him loose enough to take it without a stretch.
“Hnh…oh fuck!” Tadashi turns his head to see Tooru working his fingers in and out of Yuuji, getting him prepped to take the younger’s cock. Tetsurou, who notices Tadashi’s diverted attention, grabs his chin and pulls it to the front.
“Don’t look at them right now, baby. Look at me.” It’s in that moment that Tetsurou grabs his dick in one hand and guides it into Tadashi slowly. Tadashi throws his head back at the intrusion, the fat head of Kuroo’s cock pushing past his rim.
“Oh my god! Ohmygod ohmygo-“ his back arches as Tetsurou slides in deeper, stretching his ass. Tetsurou stops halfway inside to help Tadashi adjust. He brings his calloused hand to the younger man’s cock and gives it a few stokes to help relax him. It works and eventually he loosens his muscles and Tetsurou is able to slide in the rest of the way, balls touching his perineum.
As Tetsurou is fully seated inside him, Tadashi feels like all the air in his lungs has been knocked out. His head feels fuzzy and he’s being split open just right. He floats for a bit as Tetsurou stays still to let them both adjust, the warmth of Tadashi’s body so hot and good it’s almost overwhelming. So lost in the feeling of a thick cock inside him, Tadashi doesn’t notice the other two men who’ve shifted from their position on the bed beside him. It’s only when he feels a cold trickle of lube drizzled onto his shaft that he realizes they had moved.
He opens his eyes in time to see Yuuji swinging a leg over his hips before settling on his stomach right above his dick. Tadashi (who had already forgotten what Yuuji had said earlier) looked up at Yuuji in shock, his eyes widening.
“No…no it’s gonna be too much! I can’t-“ he blubbers, little tears springing into the corners of his eyes.
“You can. You can take it, baby. I know you can,” Yuuji interrupts before grabbing Tadashi’s lubed cock and guiding it up to his hole. Without warning, he sheathes himself all the way down in one go with a hearty, the wet warmth surrounding Tadashi’s dick all-encompassing.
For a minute Tadashi just lays there, trembling. He’s never felt so overwhelmed, so full of pleasure.
loves it.
Letting his desires take over, Tadashi moves his hips, unsure if he wants to grind back into the thick cock in his ass or buck up into the wet hole on his dick.
Getting the message, both Tetsurou and Yuuji begin to work together to drive Tadashi crazy. As Tetsurou pulls out, Yuuji slams down onto Tadashi’s dick. When Yuuji pulls himself up, Tetsurou rams his cock into Tadashi’s tight hole, his fat dick hitting very good spot inside him. They work in tandem, riling him up by going fast before slowing down to an almost painful pace. Yuuji slides his hands up to Tadashi’s chest to pluck at his nipples and play with his piercings again, his thighs shaking with the effort of riding him.
At some point, Tadashi is unsure when, Tooru comes to sit next to him, turning Tadashi’s head guiding his mouth to his cock.
Greedily, Tadashi suckles and slurps on Tooru’s dick. He savours the salty, slightly bitter taste of precum. Quickly he pulls off and looks into the brunette’s eyes, “Please. Fuck my mouth.” Without hesitation, Yuuji pulls his hands from the younger man’s nipples and Tooru shifts himself so that he’s sitting on Tadashi’s chest. Almost immediately, he rams his dick back into Tadashi’s mouth. He opens his throat and allows Tooru’s cock to slide in and out.
In and out and in and out and in and out. The rhythm picks up and slows down, the three older men working Tadashi’s body into a lustful haze as nothing but groans and moans and the slick sound of bodies together is heard.
Before he knew it, the hot knot of arousal that had been building up in Tadashi’s abdomen was ready to burst. All at once, he clamped down on Tetsurou’s cock, groaned around Tooru’s, and his own kicked up inside Yuuji’s tight heat.
Tooru pulls off of his chest, giving him room to breathe as he begins to jack himself to completion. “Fuuuuuck!” He groans as his back arches and he cums inside Yuuji and around Tetsurou. Tooru fists his cock until he cums, shooting spurts of white onto Tadashi’s face. Some of it manages to land inside the man’s open mouth.
Yuuji cums soon after, painting Tadashi’s chest with semen, tight walls gripping Tadashi’s overstimulated cock. He pulls himself up and off of Tadashi before flopping exhausted on the unoccupied part of the bed. It’s just Tetsurou left.
He looks Tadashi in the eye, his green eyes glazed over with lust as tears run down his pink cheeks. “I- I can’t do it! S’too much!” Tadashi babbles, thrashing his head around.
Tetsurou reaches a hand up to gently grab his chin, “You got it, just a little more, baby.” He then leans down and connects their lips together, sharing Tooru’s cum, Tetsurou licking it up off his face. It’s only a few more thrusts before Tetsurou buries himself to the hilt and cums deep inside Tadashi with a low groan.
They stay like that for a minute, Tadashi covered in cum, Tooru and Yuuji both exhausted and splayed out, Tetsurou seated inside him still, breathing hard.
Tetsurou is the first one to move. He gently pulls himself out, shushing Tadashi’s small cries at the empty feeling, and flops back down on the bed. Tadashi tries to make a move to stand up off the bed but he finds that everything below his belly button is buzzing still, numb with pleasure. His head fuzzy from his orgasms.
Seeing Tadashi’s attempt to walk, Tooru sits up and practically shoves him back down with a glare. “Stay down,” he orders before getting up himself. He shakily pads out of the bedroom and down the hall, his footsteps getting a little farther away. The sound of a door opening and running water gives away that he’s in the bathroom.
Tooru comes back with four washcloths, one for each of them. The three older men go through their normal post-sex cleaning, wiping off lube and sweat and cum, knowing that all three of them were too tired to take a proper shower.
Then, Tooru takes the fourth washcloth and begins to gently wipe Tadashi down. Yuuji and Tetsurou sit next to him, rubbing at his skin and placing comforting kisses on his chest and face. Tadashi whines softly when the cloth is dragged against his sore cock and hole.
Between the comforting touches and the exhaustion of two orgasms, Tadashi is quickly lulled to sleep. The last thing he registers is a blanket being pulled up over his naked body and three kisses on his face before he’s pulled into the comfort of his dreams.
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heartsoji · 1 year
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SAWAMURA DAICHI - regular hot drip coffee, probs with a bit of ordinary cream/milk
SUGAWARA KOSHI - iced brown sugar oat milk latte with light ice
AZUMANE ASAHI - a bottle of apple juice but then he gets laughed at so he puts it back and orders a hot honey citrus tea
NISHINOYA YUU - grape frappuccino with extra whipped cream and pistachios on top
TANAKA RYUNOSUKE - bro gets a chocolate croissant and an iced water usually, but sometimes he'll get hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and a warmed cheese danish with strawberry jam on top on the side when he's in a good mood
KAGEYAMA TOBIO - blueberry milk tea latte with cheese foam and tapioca is his fav but sometimes he can't speak properly and just orders a cup of steamed milk
HINATA SHOYO - strawberry acai refresher with extra berries and one of those cheese and grapes and crackers boxes
TSUKISHIMA KEI - hot oolong tea with honey usually, but he'll also get the occasional twice-a-year java chip frappucino
YAMAGUCHI TADASHI - vanilla creme frappucino
KUROO TETSURO - hot black coffee
KAI NOBUYUKI - hot hazelnut soy milk latte
YAKU MORISUKE - peach green tea (switches if he wants iced or hot based on mood and weather) with 2/3rds of a sugar packet or half a pump of cane sugar
YAMAMOTO TAKETORA - prides himself in having never gotten an overpriced cafe drink
KOZUME KENMA -large strawberry creme frappuccino with extra extra whipped cream, extra strawberry syrup, extra freeze-dried strawberry powder, and an extra pump of simple syrup
FUKUNAGA SHOHEI -lemon tea (changes if he wants iced or hot based on his mood)
INUOKA SO - mango dragonfruit refresher with strawberry base, light ice, extra dragonfruit bits
HAIBA LEV -says"i'll take whatever your favorite drink is!" then records it, and doesnt give it to the worker and just keeps it (he never understood the vids where they would give it to the worker. hes just like bro why'd u order it if u werent gonna drink it)
SHIBAYAMA YUKI - strawberry frappucino with extra freeze-dried strawberry bits
OIKAWA TOORU - vanilla creme frappucino or iced sugar cookie latte in the winter (will scream at u if u call him a basic white girl)
MATSUKAWA ISSEI - homie goes to the convenience store across the street and gets some weird cheesey beef sandwich with relish on top and a giant slurpee
HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO - homie goes with matsukawa to get a nasty pork sandwich with mustard but then runs back to get an extra hot quadruple shot upside-down caramel macchiato with soy milk
IWAIZUMI HAJIME -hot soy latte
YAHABA SHIGERU - espresso con pana
WATARI SHINJI - iced peach green tea lemonade with no ice
KYOTANI KENTARO - gets nothing when with the group but comes back after to get a pinkity drinkity with cold foam
KINDAICHI YUTARO - pistachio frappucino with a shot of espresso
KUNIMI AKIRA - hot soy half-caff pistachio/hazelnut latte with caramel drizzle at 120 degrees
BOKUTO KOTARO - either a unicorn frappucino or a chocolate cold brew
KITA SHINSUKE - a hot americano
OJIRO ARAN - a hot matcha latte
AKAGI MICHINARI - iced matcha latte
MIYA ATSUMU - pink drink with extra berries and no ice
SUNA RINTARO - hot caramel macchiato
MIYA OSAMU - hot chai tea latte with pistachio foam and a warmed brownie
KOMORI MOTOYA - iced matcha latte with strawberry jam
SAKUSA KIYOOMI - a single shot of espresso
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