#taang fluff
mycomfortblanket · 11 months
Under the Night Sky
Chapter 2
They must have been flying for at least two hours when Toph speaks up from behind him, "Hey Twinkletoes, can I come sit up there with you?"
Aang twists around, surprised to hear her ask that, "Yeah! Yeah. Here, let me help you." He stands up, balancing on ohhh i head and reaches out for Toph's arm. They grip each other's forearms as Toph slowly stands up and slips a leg over the saddle, reaching out with her other arm for Aang. Grabbing her extended arm, he carefully pulls her to him and lowers her into a sitting position on Appa's head.
When he sits next to her, her arms encircle his and she leans in. He knows she only does this because she can't see and the only thing she can sense is him, but the act still makes him blush.
They ride in silence for a little bit before he asks, "So, why'd you want to come sit up here? You've always preferred the saddle," he asks, looking down at her. Her hair is whipping everywhere around them and the cool air biting at her cheeks give them a slight pink tint.
"Starting feeling a little fifth-wheel-ish," Toph says, shrugging.
Aang turns his head and sits up a little straighter, trying to see over the lip of the saddle. Not being able to see anything, he slumps down and turns forward. She laughs and says, "Don't worry, everyone's clothes are on. Sparky and Sugar Queen are cuddling and Fangirl and Snoozles are doing that annoying thing where they whisper quietly."
"Oh, yeah. I hate when they do that."
They're silent for a few moments when Aang feels her perk up a little, "Hey! Can I steer?" Toph asks, a little excited.
"Uhh, I hate to break this to you, Toph, but you can't see," Aang says awkwardly.
"No shit, Twinkletoes. But, it's not like there are things for him to dodge! Come on!" Seeing no real problem with her steering, he shrugs and shifts, throwing a leg behind her and moving until she is sitting in front of him. Aang takes her hands and guides them onto the rope, placing them in the right spots.
"Okay. So, when you want to go left, you pull the reins the opposite way, like this. And it's the same if you want to go right. If you want to go downwards, you pull the reins up slightly like this," his hands cover hers as he guides her through the motions.
"Cool! Look at me doing seeing-people things!" Toph laughs out. They ride like that for a while, Aang sometimes telling her which way to go so they can avoid the bigger clouds and flocks of ratbirds. "Alright, I'm getting bored with this," she says, handing the reins back to Aang and then leaning back against him. She crosses her arms and rests her head back against his collarbone.
Aang tenses slightly, but eventually relaxes when he feels her small snores vibrating against his chest. A large smile comes to his face when she turns her head slightly, tucking herself under his chin.
Ever since the other night when he had gotten up to share his blankets with her, Toph hadn't been able to leave his mind. He noticed her more. Noticed the little things she would do like how she would tuck her bangs behind her ears just for them to fall back in her face, the way she twitched her fingers when she was thinking.
A few hours later, they arrive in Ba Sing Se. Aang leans down slightly to say in her ear, "Hey, Toph, wake up. We're at the hotel." She stirs slightly but just snuggles in tighter against his chest. Aang looks up and sees the rest of the group walking into the hotel to get some rooms.
Looking back down at Toph, he heaves a sigh before moving out from behind her to get into a crouching position and picks her up bridal style. He's a little surprised at how light she is. She is pretty petite in stature, but her big personality makes her seem larger than she really is.
He gently jumps down from Appa and makes his way to the entrance of the hotel. Looking around, he attempts to find the others when a short middle aged man appears beside him, and judging from his uniform and name tag, he is the desk clerk.
"Oh, oh! The Avatar! Oh, it is my honor. Your friends told me you were coming. Here is your key Mr. Avatar, sir. You're in room 203- the second floor, second door on the left," the desk clerk says. Aang sticks out his little finger that is holding up Toph's top half and the clerk slides the keyring onto it.
"Oh, err, thanks, sir. But, uh, my bison-"
"Yes, sir. Yes, sir. We have a stable out back with plenty of hay. I will make sure he is comfortable."
"Oh, okay. Great, thanks!" Aang says, and begins walking towards the stairs. Although Toph is light, her weight is still more than he is used to and his breaths come out a little harder than normal.
Finally up the stairs and through the door of the room, he stands at the foot of the bed. The foot of the only bed in the room. Sighing, he moves and awkwardly pulls back the covers before laying her down in the bed.
Aang thinks for a moment if he should remove some of her clothes to get her more comfortable, but immediately pushes that thought away. Although they are close, they aren't close enough for that.
Looking at her once more, he removes her headband and the pins holding her bun in place, letting her hair fall over her shoulder. Aang never realized, but her hair is a lot longer and softer than he ever realized. He has to fight back the urge to pet her hair more than what is appropriate. He also removes her wrist and ankle cuffs in an attempt to at least make her a little comfortable.
Finally finished, he steps back and surveys the room, taking note of the small bed that Toph has taken up most of. There is a couch, but it is literally too small to even be considered a loveseat, it's more like an extra wide armchair. There is the floor, but it is stone and he can feel the chill of it through his shoes.
He briefly considers going to get another room, but his lack of money is a real issue and doesn't want to seem ungrateful to Zuko since he si the one who paid for this room.
Taking a deep breath, he takes his shoes off and sits on the edge of the small bed, opposite of Toph. He lays down, his body completely stiff as she sleeps next to him. He doesn't know why he is so uptight about sleeping in the same bed as her. They had slept in the same bed before and the other night when he shared his blankets with her.
He keeps telling himself there's no difference between those times and right now. But, in the back of his mind, he knows there is a difference: he had begun to develop feelings for her.
It was after they shared the blankets at the campsite. he had awoken before everyone else and Toph was still curled up against him, her head on his chest and one of her hands was fisting the fabric of his shirt that was over his heart. Laying there with her, he felt so secure and safe, something he didn't realize he needed to feel until he had it.
Aang eventually convinces himself that what they are doing, something they have been doing since they were kids, is not as big of a deal as he is making it out to be. He slips underneath the covers and lays as still and as straight as possible, trying not to touch her. Sleep begins to pull at his eyelids, and slowly, his body grows less tense as he drifts off to sleep.
In the morning, he slowly comes out of the grips of sleep by the sunlight streaming in through the window. Not opening his eyes, he snuggles deeper into the blankets and pulls the pillow he is cuddling closer to his chest. Burying his face in it and inhaling deeply, he smiles a little at the smell of Earth and mint, finding it comforting for some reason.
A groan vibrates through his pillow and it begins to stir slightly. Frowning, Aang lifts his head from the pillow and squints his eyes open.
Instead of cuddling a pillow, he is cuddling Toph, which explains the groan. He has an arm wrapped around her waist and their feet are tangled together underneath the blankets.
Toph squirms in his grip before turning around in his arms and pressing her face into his chest, throwing one of her arms over his waist. Aang hears her smack her lips a few times and then nuzzles her face against him, her deep breathing returning.
A small content smile appears on Aang's lips. He squeezes her tight against him before releasing his grip and taking a deep breath, the smell of Earth and mint invading his senses again.
Slowly, he succumbs to sleep with Toph securely pressed against him.
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stitch1830 · 1 year
Chapter 9: One Year
Toph and Aang celebrate their first wedding anniversary together. Naturally, Aang has a special thing or two planned.
Been a hot minute, but I posted a new chapter for one of my Taang fics! Hope you all enjoy :)
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ya-so-im-here · 1 year
As Thick As Thieves
Writer: Me, I have it published under my wattpad account TheNinjaOfCake22
Fandom:Avatar the Last Airbender
Ship: Toph x Aang (Taang)
Word Count: 3026
He wasn't doing this right. Granted Aang didn't really know what he was doing but he certainly wasn't doing it right. He had never had a date before, heck he'd never liked a girl before. Toph was amazing, she was strong, confident, and a girl who knew what she wanted it was all those things and so much more that led to Aang falling for her. However, Aang didn't know what Toph wanted.
  It all started when he asked her out, she caught onto his intentions instantly given she could sense his heartbeat quicken the closer he was to asking her on a date.
  "Yes. I'll go on a date with you Twinkle Toes" she said this with a smirk as well a full blush on her cheeks. Aang's smile could have lit up a room when he realized that Toph felt the same way about him, to which he decided he was going to take her on an amazing and memorable date... but that's when the issues arrived; as he soon realized he didn't know what people did on dates, let alone a good one.
  He tried asking Katara for help and as much as she did try to give good suggestions, every single one just didn't seem to match Toph. So he tried asking Sokka, while his suggestions seemed more along the lines of things Toph would like, they weren't very date material.
  It was all much harder then he expected it to be as soon a couple days passed by since Toph agreed to go on a date with him, he was starting to get anxious. Was he taking to long to actually set up the date? would Toph loose interest? maybe she would change her mind and say never-mind. Those were all things he definitely didn't want but he still didn't know what to do.
  "Hey! Twinkle Toes" called the blind earthbender grabbing Aang's attention while he mildly panicked on a rock away from the rest of the camp. He looked up at her, meeting her face  within a close proximity. "I thought we were going on a date. What happened to that?" she asked mildly perturbed but Aang could sense how she was also a bit nervous as well.
   "I am! I mean yea we're still gonna go on a date" he blerted out nervous she would think he wasn't sincere.
  "Well it's been almost five days and we haven't done or talked about doing anything. Did you forget?" her voice was mildly softer at the end.
   "I haven't forgotten I promise. I've been thinking of it everyday actually, but I-" he paused feeling embarrassed at his inability to plan a date and didn't really want to admit it, but he didn't see anything around it. "I don't know how to plan a date. I don't know what to do and I tried asking people for suggestions or ideas but none of them seemed good enough for you and so I've just been trying to plan an amazing date for you, but I can't think of anything amazing" blathered Aang quickly and consistently that if he wasn't an airbender he may have ran out of breath.  
    "Aang." stated Toph firmly gathering the avatar's attention "You asked everyone but me." Aang looked at her perplexed, he was allowed to do that? "What? you thought of asking everyone for ideas but the person you're actually taking on the date?" teased Toph with a small smile creeping upon his lips.
   "I just thought- thought you weren't supposed to do that..." he mumbled out softly
  "Say's who? Besides it doesn't matter what people say what we're supposed to do, as long as we have fun then that's all that really matters right?" her face had a soft tint of pink on her cheeks as she spoke which made Aang's heart calm as he smiled back whether she knew or not.
   "Yeah. You're right. As long as I'm with you then I think almost anything would be fun."
  "Okay then, what were some of your ideas?" asked Toph with genuine curiosity. Aang opened his mouth to start listing his ideas when he stopped with his mouth still gaping open. "What? I thought you had ideas"?
   "I do. But um.... they all kinda cost, and we don't have any money. I haven't really thought of anything that doesn't need money" explained Aang with an even further rush of embarrassment.
   "Really? Money is your concern?" Toph began to laugh as she tightly grabbed Aang's hand and began to drag him behind her.
   "Wait where are we going?!' he asked concerned as well as greatly intrigued.
   "We're gonna make some money."
   The duo were dressed up as commoners, blending in with their surroundings as they scoured the local town for fishy business, and mild gambling ongoings. To which they found in a back ally behind an old Tea Shop. A woman who was  hosting a game of Sic Bo, with a moderately sized circle of people gathered around. The mischievous smile upon Toph's face said it all.
   This was the game the two would win at.
  "COME GATHER AROUND! TRY YOUR LUCK AT A GAME OF SIC BO!!! WINNER TAKES HOME TWENTY SILVER PIECES!!!" Announced the woman with much enthusiasm as she waved her arms about gathering people's attentions.
  "Ma'am, I only have two silver pieces, can I still play?" Toph asked sweetly mimicking the impression of a young naive little girl, her specialty. Aang watched her eye Toph curiously.
   "How do you intend to play hun, it requires you to be able to see?" she asked bluntly.
  "That's why I have my boyfriend with me, he can see for me" Toph gave a wide smile as she purposely gestured to the opposite side that Aang was on. Aang's face lit up brighter and hotter then a fire at Toph's words resulting in his rambling of words.
  "Yes ma'am. We wanted to see what it was like to play and I can help her do all the seeing" The woman looked down on them with mild curiosity on why two twelve year olds would want to gamble, especially ones that looked so gullible. But who was she to turn away free money.
   "Alright you can play. But only one of you can call numbers, not both." she stated firmly.
  "Yes Ma'am. I'll call the numbers, he'll read them for me" informed Toph as she gently outreached her hand with the two silver pieces, waiting for the woman who upheld the role as the Groom-Porter (aka host) to take.
   "I wish you two the best of luck" she added as she took the silver pieces and placed it in the center of the small circular wooden board on the ground with all the other gamblings of the other players.
  "Okay everyone! I am Samara and I will be your Groom-Porter. All bets have been placed in the middle so now take your box and dice and lets begin!" she announced loudly as the crowd gathered around within the circle.
   Aang sat closely to Toph, eager and nervous at the same time. Toph gently scooted over a tiny bit until her shoulder was touching his, she then whispered softly "We got this Twinkle Toes." With a soft and genuine smile before she placed the dice in her box and held it shut.
  "Alright my castors (players) call your mains. What do you think will be your lucky number today my friends?" Aang turned to Toph as she over-dramatized her thinking for the sake of the audience as the other castors called out their mains.
   "SEVEN!" shouted Toph with a childlike giddyness in her voice.
  "Then let's begin!" everyone began to shake their boxes as the dice danced around inside as one by one each castor placed their box down
  Everyone sat waiting to lift their boxes, as Samara leaned over to Aang and Toph "Okay you start, what's your roll?" she asked as Toph lifted her box revealing the two dice before her. Aang leaned over her dice revealing a five.
  "Five" stated Aang though he was confused. Certainly Toph knew that they needed a seven to win that's why she claimed seven. Samara leaned over the two double checking their dice as was part of her role as Groom-Porter.
  "Alright, you didn't loose, so don't worry yet. However, now for the next round if you role a seven you will loose, too win you have to get a five." She explained to them as Toph pretended to search for the dice and then place them back in the box. Once again she shook the dice and placed the box face down. Aang sat their nervously, surely Toph knew what she was doing, they didn't have any pieces left so they couldn't reenter. With anxious eyes Aang watched as Toph lifted the box revealing a 2 & 3, they had made a five.
  "Nice luck kids" Samara added before turning to the next gambler for their turn. Aang turned to Toph with a large smile plastered on his face.
   "And you doubted me" teased Toph sticking her tongue out and scrunching her nose in a teasing fashion. Aang laughed lightly as the castors went after each other.
   "I won't do it again" he teased lightly
   "Good" said Toph lightly punching his arm playfully.
  "Okay, only three castors remain! pick your main and lets head into round two!" Called out Samara. All that was remaining was Toph n Aang, a large burly man, and a two sisters.
  "Eight!" called out Toph as she began to shake the dice within the box, flipping it over face down just as all the others were doing as well with their own chosen mains. Samara turned to them as she did before informing them that they could flip over the box, Aang leaned over as he did previously as Toph revealed the dice... it was a perfect eight.
  "Wow, you guys sure got Agni on your side tonight, congrats you won the round." said Samara in awe, as she watched the two kids smile brightly in true excitement before turning to the other two castors.
  "That was great! said Aang beaming over at the girl he liked, she was smiling as well, showing just how much fun she was having too.
  Toph turned her head towards Aang facing him the best she could with a smile "See, anything can be a date if you want" she whispered gently, trying her best not to appear to romantic but the light blush on her cheeks was always her dead giveaway.
   "You're right. And this might be the best date I could ever ask for" added Aang also in a hushed whisper.
  "Here we are folks! the last two castors remaining!" She looked over at Aang n Toph then over at the burly man, as the two sisters lost their round. "Claim your mains!" she announced proudly. All the previously outed Castors as well as the audience gamblers gathered their attention closer to the game.
  "Six" claimed Toph as her opponent claimed "nine". Just as before Toph was up first, she placed the dice in her box and shook it gently feeling the dice move around inside before placing them onto the ground, waiting to turn it over.
  "You're up" announced Samara as Toph lifted up the box and Aang leaned forward revealing the dice of the unlucky five from the first round.
  "OH, back to old five. Don't worry you still got one more chance to win, maybe Agni will aid you in your win as he did in the first round" announced Samara loudly for all of the crowed to hear, "Now turning to Yuuto, will he get the lucky nine?" Yuuto shook his dice and revealed a eight. "OH and we were so close! that means folks, who's gonna win with their chances? Now folks here comes the best part! who wants to make a bet for either of our wondrous contestants?" declared Samara. Gesturing broadly to both.
  "We have Yuuto with his chance of eight vs...." She paused for a moment turning to the two of em with the realize she never asked their names.
   "Toph and Kuzan" replied Toph straightforwardly
  "Yuuto with his chance of eight vs Toph and Kuzan with their chance of five!" the crowd murmured amongst themselves weighing the risks of either side, it seemed Yuuto was the most promising with his possessing higher chances to get an Eight compared to Toph's and Aang's much smaller percentage. It was becoming clear who the audience was going to place their bets on.
   Luckily Toph had a plan.
  "I've already won with a chance five... Who wants to bet I can do it a second time! and for the win!" It wasn't sound logic, but it was thrilling. The excitement from the idea that a young girl would win was one thing, but if she won with a five, which is the lowest chance of winning after already doing it once, well things got a whole lot more interesting.
  "Okay folks, all bets have been made and the winnings have doubled, instead of twenty silver pieces the winner gets forty! Now for this round both of you shake your dice and reveal at the same time when I announce it, understand?" announced the Groom-Porter overflowing with enthusiasm.
    "Hey, you're supposed to wish me good luck" whispered Toph as she gently leaned in a bit closer, Aang looked over at her as he was about to wish her luck when he stopped himself. He leaned towards her instead and kissed her cheek quickly but sweetly, "Good luck" he whispered back sweetly into her ear. Both of their faces flamed in bright red blushes. "Thanks" Toph whispered softly as she turned her ahead away trying to hide the obvious blush on her face then turned back to the game.
  Both castors shook up their dice and placed them to the earth, awaiting to lift their boxes eagerly. Subtly and oh so gently Toph flicked her pinky of her left hand.
  "AND REVEAL!" instantly both Toph and Yuuto lifted their boxes. It was settled, Yuuto got a six and Aang proudly announced a five. The crowed erupted with shock and awe when Samara announced the winners "WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! TOPH AND KUZAN WITH A MIRACULOUS CHANCE FIVE!!!"
  "We did it!" announced Aang grabbing Toph and pulling her into a giant hug which she reciprocated with just as much enthusiasm. The crowd went about exchanging their gamblings as Samara gathered the gambling winnings from the center, placed it within a leather pouch and handed it over the two winners.
  "Congratulations you two.   I don't know how you've managed to have so much luck but you definitely had Agni on your side today. Here's your winnings." The crowd was in awe, so was Yuuto who had hoped he'd take home the winnings. Even with it being a game of chance no one had expected the two kids to win the game.
  "ALRIGHT FOLKS! Who wants to test their luck? Let's begin another set of Sic Bo! CAN ANYONE SURPASS THE DOUBLE WINNINGS OF FIVES?" Announced Samara as a new ring of gamblers took their place, and Toph and Aang made their way out of the gambling ring.
  The two of em made their way through the town now with their winnings in hand, laughing together about their miraculous win of 'chance'.
  "So, tell me Twinkle Toes, now that we've got the money what's your date plane?" asked Toph, her face illuminated with bright smile. Aang returned the smile towards his date with pure excitement and joy.
  "I think we should use it for our next date" said Aang before he realized he had just assumed their would be another date and began to panic "I mean if you want to have another date? or if this didn't actually count as one then we can use it for our first official date, I guess this could have been seen as just a hangout or a means to get money so we can have a dat-" Aang was interrupted by Toph placing her hand to his mouth.
  "I would love to use the money for our next date" she said calmly, using the location of her hand on his mouth Toph leaned forward and gently kissed Aang, on the side of his mouth, only missing partially.
  Aang's heartbeat faster then he ever thought it could, he felt ecstatic as his face lit up bright. Toph felt his heartbeat and excitement through the earth as she herself felt her heartbeat quicken. Both their faces a rush of red.
   "So does that mean it was a good date?" Aang asked quietly, still really close to Toph.
  "Yes it was a really good date" she replied and Aang reached in for another kiss, this time aligning up their lips without missing each other. This was definitely going to be the beginning of a great relationship and many more exciting dates.
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toughastofu · 3 months
intro <3
heya!! i’m tofu (she/her | 22 | east asian), welcome to my multishipper (mainly taang) blog ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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🧷 i stick to sfw writing and drabbles (angst, fluff, hurt/comfort) so don’t expect smut from me atm. i’m open to any atla ship, but my otps are taang, sukka, mailee and zutara! my priority is taang so cmere shippers pspspsps
🧷 what i’ll be posting: taang fics and hcs, other atla stuff. u can send suggestions/reqs in my ask! dni if ur an asshole. and no fandom discourse in this blog pls.
🧷 my inbox is open, and so is my ask!
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andd that’s about it. would love to finally make friends on here!
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lavenderfires-moved · 2 years
do i write firecest angst or taang fluff after the watercest fic?? i have sooo many ideas.
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badlucksav · 3 years
Happy Taang Fluff Week!
let’s make this night last forever
“Wow, Toph,” Aang managed to rasp out. “You look…amazing.”
He watched a blush rise in her cheeks. Surely she could tell how much he believed it, with the way his heart was thundering against his ribs. Toph was gorgeous.
“Thanks, Twinkle Toes,” she said roughly as she stepped out of the house and shut the door. “I just thought I should get cleaned up. You know, since this is our first date.”
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su-univeralai · 3 years
Ok @kinzjoydragon here’s the second half of your ask. Taang V3 I think an anon asked for this drawing and ship too, so here you go anon!
First half here
I think this’ll be used for Taang Fluff week for Kiss or First Date
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Send me a ship and pose
Send me a ship with a kissing pose
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invnciblesummer · 3 years
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Zutara + Love Languages
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taang-fluff-week · 3 years
Thank You!!
Hi everyone, Taang Fluff Week has certainly passed us, but we wanted to take the time to thank everyone that participated in the event and for those that showed their support!
For those that are worried they missed some of the submissions, here is a list of all the works so you can take a look at all the fluffy Taang goodness!
Thank you again for those that participated in the event, we love and appreciate all the hard work you put into your content!
ao3 Collection can be found here
Multichapter works with all prompts:
two is better than one by @thesavagedaughter0627 (Rated T)
You Belong With Me by @authorjoydragon (Rated G)
Individual submissions:
Day 1: First Date
What's In A Date? by @stitch1830 (Rated G)
Swing Life Away by @krastbannert (Rated G)
Couldn't be too Bad by @mycomfortblanket (Rated M)
Day 2: Kiss
Kisses For The Ages by stitch1830 (Rated G)
Kiss Art by @su-univeralai
Kiss Art by @der-andere-aang
Day 3: Love Languages
More Than One Way by stitch1830 (Rated G)
Love Languages Gifset by @analynasi
Day 4: Comfort
To Feel Free by stitch1830 (Rated G)
What Happened Never Leaves by mycomfortblanket (Rated T)
Comfort Art by su-univeralai
Day 5: Family
Family Matters by stitch1830 (Rated G)
Just One by mycomfortblanket (Rated T)
Family Art by der-andere-aang
Bonus: Modern
Coffee and Cussin' by stitch1830 (Rated T)
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authorjoydragon · 3 years
Hi Joy :)
What’s a Taang headcanon that’s been living rent free in your mind right now?
Stitch!!! My cheese buddy. 🧀
Honestly I’ve just been thinking about the Soft Looks they give each other.
Out of the blue Aang will just gaze at her with the purest look of complete adoration and devotion and Toph will just smirk and say something along the lines of, “Would you get that stupid look off your face?”
Which of course turns into a playful argument because “You can’t see my face!” And “I don’t need to see it to know you’ve got that stupid look on it again!”
Toph will flat out deny she has The Soft Look reserved for Aang alone but she knows it’s true.
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mycomfortblanket · 1 year
Taang “ you really don’t see it, do you? “ because, you know... yeah.
This gets a little NSFW but there's nothing too explicit. Like no one gets naked... Yeah.
Love you, Orange... sorry this took so long, I don't have an excuse for myself.
Toph and Katara are on the dance floor, their hips swaying to the music. Toph can feel the bass pump through her as she lifts her hands above her head when she feels large hands settle on her waist and a body press against her back.
"Can I join you?" a man yells in her ear. Toph doesn't answer, just continues to sway her hips to the beat. The mans hands start to roam her body and she can't help but to close her eyes and lean her head back against his shoulder.
She feels someone close in on her front, and for a brief moment, she panics, thinking she's about to be abducted. "The guys are watching, you know," Katara's voice shouts over the music.
Toph feels Katara lean back and out of her space, but her hand gripping onto Toph's. A smile comes to her lips and she shrugs at her friend. So what if the guys are watching her? They should be proud of her for pulling some random without even having to speak a word to him.
They dance to a few more songs, her hand never letting go of Katara's even while the guy continues to feel her up. Eventually, Katara leans in close again, "Go to the bar with me. Now," and there's an inistitant tug at her hand.
The smile drops from Toph's face as she's pulled after Katara. She can just barely hear the guy behind her say what the fuck, but the alcohol that is coursing through her system isn't allowing her to care very much right now.
They finally make it to the bar and Katara sets her hand on an empty stool, letting her know where she can sit. Pulling the stool out, she hops up onto it. "So, what the fuck was that for?" Toph asks, her voice has just a slight slur to it but she feels completely sober... which probably isn't a good thing.
That guy had his hands on you in a way that..." Katara trails off. Toph thinks that she is just going to drop the subject when she hears Katara rattle off a drink order to someone. The bartender must have come up to take their order.
"Anyways. I could tell Aang was getting upset about it. You know, you should really watch how you flirt with other guys when he is around. Doesn't exactly go over his head or make him feel good."
Toph's brow furrows, "What do you mean?" Katara lifts Toph's hand and guides it forward and rests it against a cold glass. Lifting the drink to her lips, she takes a sip and is pleasantly surprised to find a sweet tasting drink.
"I'm giving you a look right now. A 'You're fucking kidding' look."
"Why are you giving me a look? I didn't do anything! I can dance with who I want. What does Aang care? He should go out there and dance, too." She sips at her drink some more, an intrusive thought telling her to chug it all, but she knows better than that. She has no idea what kind of drink this is or what kind of alcohol is in it.
"Wow, you really don't see it, do you?" Katara says seriously.
"I don't see a lot of things," Toph says pointedly. She is about to ask Katara to elaborate a little when she feels a hand touch the small of her back. The person leans down a little and says in her ear, "Hey."
Smiling, Toph turns to face Aang. "Hey. Katara says you're upset about something. Care to clue me in?" Toph feels Aang move a little and a muffled yell and protest comes from Katara.
"I'm not upset," Aang says in her ear again. Usually, she would let it go, but there's something off in his voice that makes her hesitate, but he moves away from her personal space so she can't ask him if she wants him to hear her.
"No, wait," she reaches out and grabs his arm. Her fingers touch the soft fabric of his shirt and instantly grips the material and pulls him back to her. She feels him stimble slightly as his foot hits her stool and his arms shoot out and kind of encircle her as they brace against the bar on either side of her. She can feel how close he is to her, she knows that if she were to turn her face, they'd practiaclly be sharing the same breath. "Talk to me," she says at a normal level and she knows Aang can hear her.
For a moment, all she can feel is Aang's breath on her face and then a hand is grabbing hers and pulling her off her chair and away from the others. She lets him lead because A) she has no idea where he is wanting to go, B) there are way too many people here for her to navigate this place on her own, and C) she kind of likes the way his hand feels in hers.
Eventually, they clear the crowd and she hears a door being pushed open and she's pulled into a room. The door shuts behind her and the sound of the club is immediately muffled to a dull roar. "Are we in the bathroom?"
"You asked why I was upset," is all he says to her. Toph cocks her head a little bit at his tone. It sounds just a little bit sad with a hint of anger.
"Yeah. I mean, I had talked to you just before Katara and I had gone out to the dance floor and you were fine then."
He lets go of her hand and she hears him walk away for a second, he huffs out a breath and laughs a little, "Aang, what is it? Talk to me," she steps forward, her hand reaching out to feel for him, but he is just out of her reach.
"I saw the way you were dancing with-" he cuts himself off, "With him," he finally spits out.
She begins to nod, but stops herself. Why would he be upset about her dancing with someone? He's never been upset about that before, in fact, he used to make fun of her for it.
"I don't see what that has to do-" his hands come to her shoulders and she is roughly shoved against the wall.
She is just about to open her mouth to yell what the fuck, but she feels lips against her own. Soft lips. Lips that feel as if they are made just for her and for no one else. Her eyes are open wide and the shock is rolling off of her in waves.
Toph can feel Aang beginning to pull back from her, but she lifts her hands to his shoulders and pulls him tighter against her and starts to kiss him back. She can feel the smile that pulls at his lips as his hands travel down to her hips to slip under her shirt, and runs his hands against her bare skin.
"You have no idea how badly I wanted to be the one out there with you. Having you grind against me," he growls out. He moves his lips down to her jaw and nips at the skin there as he makes a trail to her ear. "Seeing his hands on you," he sucks a bruise into her skin, just under her ear and she's having a hard time keeping track of this conversation, "I'm the only one who should be touching you like that."
He bends and grabs the back of her thighs, picking her up easily. He presses her against him and the wall and she wrapsher legs around his waist. Placing her hand on the back of his head, she brings their lips back together, trying to kiss him, but one of his hands leaves her and travels up into her hair. He grips the strands and pulls her head back, exposing her neck. Aang attaches his mouth to her skin and sucks another mark into the hollow of her throat.
Toph is practially panting and a desperate whine leaves her lips when he runs his tongue over the mark he had just made and then nips at the skin.
He moves then, walking somewhere in the room and places her down onto the counter. She can feel water on her thighs and seeping through her shorts, but she honestly can't bring herself to care when Aang presses himself harder against her, his mouth back on her.
Toph wraps her arms around his neck and keeps him close to her, making sure his mouth isn't leaving hers anytime soon. His hands are gripping at the top of her hips and eventually slip up to dig into her hips.
He pulls her tighter against him and she can feel how hard he is against her inner thigh, and an uncharacteristic moan spills from her lips. Aang chuckles and rocks his hips into hers, trying to pull that sound from her again.
The sound of the door opening is what actually pulls them apart. Toph head swivels towards the sound, but Aang just uses the opportunity to attach his mouth to the underside of her jaw.
"Uhhh... I'll just... hold it," a man's voice says and she hears the door swing shut again.
"Jesus, Aang. Can we go somewhere else? Like, literally anywhere else where someone won't walk in on us?"
check out the complete story on my Ao3!
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stitch1830 · 2 years
Drew some Taang for @der-andere-aang ! Hope your day is great!
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ya-so-im-here · 1 year
Oneshots List
All written by yours truly and all can be found on my Wattpad Account TheNinjaOfCake22
So it’s been awhile so I decided to finally getting around to posting my oneshots that I have collecting up so I posted...
NIGHTMARES John has a nightmare and as Sherlock tries to comfort him something goes wrong
WE’RE OUT OF MILK After the duo run out of milk, John decides he’s done doing all the shopping, now both refuse to get the milk
IS IT TOO LATE TO APOLOGIZE? Modern day, mother-daughter. Kuvra tries to apologize to Suyin after everything she did
A LITTLE COMPETITION Aang x Toph (Taang). Aang wishes to be done training but Toph thinks he’s not done yet, soon it becomes a game of who’s the better earthbender
THE ONLY NONBENDER Uncle Sokka comforts Bumi on being the only nonbender amongst a family full of benders (I just really wanted some uncle sokka content)
BLIND Sokka x Toph (Tokka) While the Gaang return to Katara’s and Sokka’s home, Toph finds it hard to see while standing on ice, but Sokka is there for her (just some fluff)
MISTER AND MISTER LI Sokka x Zuko (Zukka) While on the Boiling Rock the duo find themselves confronted and when asked their names they both give the same name...Li which leads to awkward hand-holding and a confession (fluff)
THE DUEL Sokka x Zuko (Zukka) after finding out both weer trained by master Piandao, the two engage in a duel to see who is the better “swordbender” (fluff)
I’M NOT INSANE Concept: Azula wasn’t born while Ursa is still a caring mother to Zuko but after his banishment, her time alone with Ozai causes her to become more like Azula at the end of the series until she goes insane like Azula.
AS THICK AS THIEVES Toph x Aang (Taang) After Aang finally has the courage to ask out Toph he runs into the issue that he as no money to take her out on an amazing date. Toph’s solution... Enter into a gambling set to earn some money
MOONLIGHT COMPANY Bilbo x Thorin.(Bagginshield) Bilbo struggles to sleep at night and decides to take a walk around to enjoy the beauty of Middle Earth when he comes across Thorin doing the same.
DID I MAKE YOU BLUSH? Larry Daley x Ahkmenrah.(Tablet Guardians) Larry and Ahkmenrah have been dating for a bit and yet Larry still struggles with Ahk’s public displays of affections. (Just a fluffy piece that was requested)
DEATHDAY Larry Daley x Ahkmenrah.(Tablet Guardians) Larry finds Ahk reliving his death all those years ago when he was killed by his brother. Headcanon that everyone at the museum relives their death once a year on their deathday.
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neva-borne · 3 years
One Shot Prompts
Send me a number and a pairing and I will write a one shot based off that combo. I will keep this open depending on how many I receive as I will try to keep these fairly short.
I mostly write Zutara, but feel free to select a pairing from the list below, or if you have a different pairing you'd like to see, feel free to ask and I'll let you know if I'm willing to write it!
I will write: Zutara, Sukka, Taang, Mailee, Dramione
Don't make me do this
It was always you
If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
I can't do this
Night owl/early bird
Please don't forget me
You promised
First kiss
Holding hands
Ice cream
Fuck you
Where were you
I need you
Why can't you love me
Life without you
You help me not be afraid
Unlikely allies
Who was that
Not meant to be
I dare you
Make me
The witching hour
This can't be happening
Hold me
One last time
Please don't go
You lied to me
Potted plants
Save me
Save yourself
I never loved myself. But you? Oh God I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like
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stardust948 · 3 years
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Messy Taang Little Nightmares AU drawings I did during quarantine.
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lavenderfires-moved · 2 years
gonna write some taang fluff next, just 'cause i need it in my life. perhaps i will base it on a talking heads song. i probably will
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