#taichi x koushiro x mimi
izzyizumi · 9 months
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Digimon Adventure: (Reboot) ~ Episode 16 featuring Characters/TRIO: - Taichi Yagami (Taichi ‘Tai’ Kamiya in U.S.) - Koushiro{u} Izumi (Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi in U.S.) - Mimi Tachikawa ~ KOUTAIMI / TAIKOUMI (Trio)
gifs by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​ {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION} (Usage rules under ‘read more’!)
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general!}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs {s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “Boku” / “Watashi” / “Someone Just for Me” (Part 3~4) [End of Pt. 3] Former Parts: 1, 2, 3 [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro + Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai {Main} (Not seen much here) & {Former} Tri!Koushiro x Mimi {KouMimi}; Mimi x Sora {MimiSora} [Also seen: Tentomon line (Friendship)/(Support); Tri!Sora, briefly]; ~ IZUMI FAMILY {Mr. Izumi x Mrs. Izumi} {Moments} (Note: Mimi is also mainly there as Supporting, but a bit of Angst happens)
My Commentary: I won’t mind if others want to read KouMimi or side KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi into this, (or other Poly-ships I’ve stated I enjoy) though it’s not the main focus of the overall series; they’re definitely meant to be overall supporting each other in it. (This is just one of their rougher spots, but there’s more things to come...) {It’s currently un-subbed still, my apologies.}
Audio/Dialogue © Chobits & C.L.A.M.P DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {This is a Fan-work, and no money is being made off this work. Be sure to support both of the original series too!}
Time Spent: Just under 1 hour 08/09/22
Scenes used come from: - DigiAdv [Ep. 15]; (Kou+Mimi) {used for mainly Koushiro emphasis} {Taichi does kind of appear here, but in the background} - DigiAdv [Ep. 31] (Izumi Family & Adopted!Koushiro) [Parallels] - DigiTri [Ketsui] / {“Determination”} &  DigiTri [Kokuhaku] / {“Confession”} (Koushiro; & very brief KouMi - Koushiros struggling with reciprocating) - DigiAdv 2020 [Ep. 59] (Koushiro & Tentomon) [Moment]; Not major spoiler
- Dialogue (Preview) -:
“What should {I} do?”
“People’s {hearts} can’t...” / “...{is difficult}”
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“I know.”
“For example, the {Emotion} of...”
“...<Then> {I} will have to CHOOSE.” “I will HAVE TO CHOOSE, And---”
“...My other--”
[Full dialogue will be added in the full version!] {IMG by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove Caption} (Please ASK to Use)
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[Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful OK!]
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froggie-bolt · 4 months
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Alright we have the first two characters sheets for the V-Tamer Au!!
Next I’ll be doing Sora, Yamato, Hikari and Takeru
(And Tai from the other universe laterrrr dw about it lol)
I will come back and link the actually fic with this post (and probably add more)
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uniarycode · 1 month
Digimon Adventure Cross Over Couples
In order to try and get myself to write more, an idea I've been trying to get myself to do over a year and to try and stretch my horizions.
little Oneshot fics focusing on the adventure cast paired with member of another Digimon anime.
Rebagel for sample size if you please
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dutchforstrangers · 7 months
Taishiro x Troyella
For @taikouvember 2023 - Day 1: Canon vs. AU
A/N: I wasn't going to write anything for day 1 and only join later in the event. But as I was outlining for Taiora week later this month, I came up with this sort of meta-like drabble, jumping into a universe where Taichi is a simp for cheesy musical movies (declare it canon) and he and Koushiro are very much Troy and Gabriella. And Mimi opens the multiverse with her deliciously shameless questions. Lowkey inspired by this post here. Happy readings! And happy Taikouvember! &lt;3
x X x
Start of something new?
Movie night. Theme was cheesy musicals. Taichi’s pick.
Obviously he went for the High School Musical trilogy.
“Really?” Mimi had asked, eyebrow raised in surprise. But before she got a response, he had already pressed play.
And now they were seated on the couch, Mimi sandwiched between the boys, at the start of something new the first song. On her left was Taichi, slouched away in his sports clothes. On her right she found Koushiro sitting decently straight, taking in as much detail from the movie as he could.
It was ridiculous to her how no one had yet pointed out the elephant in the room.
So Mimi sighed and decided to blatantly ask what no one apparently was ever going to do anyway.
“Do you have any idea how much you two are 'Troyella-coded'?”
“What?” Taichi asked, the obliviousness seeping through. It made Mimi roll her eyes.
“Mimi-san, could you elaborate on that?” Koushiro asked politely. However, she could hear his nervousness.
“No need,” she said as she pointed at the cheese unfolding itself on the television in front of them. She then mumbled to herself, but loud enough for them to hear; “Just kiss already and it will elaborate itself.”
To which Koushiro started to blush madly.
“If we’re really ‘Troyella-coded’ like that, you will have to wait till the end of movie two for us to kiss. It takes them that long.” Taichi nonchalantly fired back, though his light pink-colored cheeks gave his not-so-obliviousness away.
These two… The rest of the night, all Mimi could see was Taichi’s face glued on Troy’s and Koushiro’s on Gabriella’s. And how much she craved for a Troyella and Taishiro (very proud of the ship name she came up with for them) crossover AU.
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droshawoluv · 2 years
For a while I've been thinking of putting words why Digimon Adventure 2020 doesn't make me want to be super invested into it (but still entertained) and it all boils down to: it doesn't make me cry lmao.
I love that, I love being invested in that and characters having emotional rollercoaster everywhere and traumatic backstories or memories and then I am crying along Taichi feeling a deep rooted guilt because how almost killed his own sister, or how they see Digimon get brutally killed and instead of being scarred for life they are like "oh no...anyway off to victory!"
But I have to admit it's nonsensical fun and just a good time at points, which is what I want for every time the destined children are together (which is another issue, when they join they split, when they reunite they are drifted away, when they make it back they are drifted away again). But when it happens, there are fun moments just like every Mimi and Joe episode 🤣 (is the potatomon a reference to Joe singing "Kaze no fraido potato"? Because that's make it a 10/10)
It's frustrating maybe if the OTT plot in the real world appears and gets solved in between the main journey, are we fighting Devimon or are we helping the NASA, or both? Why is Omegamon appearing so much? When did their Crest meaning have to do with something? + the timing or moments or reason behind every new evolution may give that "eh that wasn't as satisfying". But if I look it just as the silly fun and COOL AS FUCK animations and moves, then I have fun myself! Accepting that I won't be crying just of imagining what a character may feel, and see them do stuff made it to me to enjoy it more, I like the wild digimon leveling up because survivor of the fittest type of thing, and they do show nice relationship between each other (in fact, one of the best moments are when there is no ISS crisis AND they are still together as group):
Taichi being a source of support and encouragement to Koushiro, the siblings relationship, Taichi and Sora being that 1-2 leading combo and being the reliable parents. Yamato being that cool tsun tsun but not annoying dude. Mimi is always queen in every universe. Joe using Zudomon hammer what the fuck go off king. Cute things to catch up from that.
And also, the fact that I don't have to watch the same attacking animation 17890 times through the show is so important. Imagine Digimon Adventure or Tamers with these animations, is insane. I thought the warpevolution was already cool, seeing Wargreymon appearance not the first, but the second time show an animation that was the coolest evolution animation ever in that technical stuff.
In summary, a lot of things to not care about the whole of it (so far, chapter 40 already), but taking bits individually (that you may completely forget because it's irrelevant to the big scene) is actually cool! Some I can remember off the top of my head are
Mimi chan kingdom; Joe and Gomamon speaking before Ikkakumon evolution; Yamato having a small "wow these bozos are caring about me and supporting me? Is this...FRIENDSHIP?" bc you know, his crest and all; the way MetalGreymon evolved, like, is not better than the OG of course, but I mean how he was fighting a bigger dude and for MANY times they were trying but not giving up, as in, showing their courage, made sense; Lillymon and the whole nature defeating the machinery of Andromon; Holy Digimon being special and focusing on that; Tailmon fears and struggles up to its Angewomon evolution (MarineDevimon was a good idea to put there); the one solving the ISS crisis being Koshiro not just in knowledge but in action trusted by his friends and leader Taichi; Taichi and Sora playing football together heck yeah cuties show how well you both combine for everything and be cute in front of my salad (they are making it on purpose, Taichi gets trapped and immediately the Love emblem shines to evolve to Garudamon).
Is there a Team Light and Team Hope coming apparently? That's cute. Looking forward to it.
Anyway, just wanted to write about it for so long since I have that "ok I get where this is heading and it's to not make me cry" feeling but I have different thoughts, not mostly bad or anything.
Should start making Gifs of these moments I loved.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Hey Alex,
you wanted ships to write, so I shall give you ships to write:
Daisuke x Ken: 10
Mimi x Miyako: 25
Ed x Xenk: 7
Raine x Eda: 18
Taichi x Koushiro: 48
Luz x Amity: 24
Greta x Sypha: 44
And to finish this up...
Daisuke X Ken
Mimi x Miyako
Taichi x Koushirou
Ed x Xenk
Amity x Luz
Eda x Raine
Sypha x Greta
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ashxketchum · 3 months
Lots of Digimon news today!!
But for me the most important bits are all the new merch content I can turn into graphics! (Poll at the bottom of the post)
We get new Paint War themed art (Previously had a similar theme for Tri)
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A bigger Taichi solo version.
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And a vertical version!
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A3 GraffArt style featuring the kids in party wear.
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And most importantly, we now have a decent quality of full sized version of the previously released Food Sharing art!
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Icons, lock screens, Tumblr headers, I’m about to go crazy on the weekend 🥰
Please vote for otp content you want to see (my own otps will be featured regardless, top voted will get featured based on the number of images i need to complete a set)
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bagerfluff · 2 months
Maybe Prom Isn't So Bad
Older Izumi Koushirou x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - Prom
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“No Taichi. I’m not going to prom”, Koushiro said.
This was the fifth time Koushiro’s said it and if he has to say it again Koushiro is going to hit Taichi over the head. As you may have guessed tonight was the most valued and anticipated night of a high schoolers life, prom.
Well, most valued and anticipated is you weren’t Koushiro. Koushiro had no plan to go to prom. Why would he? He had no date, not that it matters.
Koushiro would much rather spend time at home with his laptop. Just the thought of spending an entire night with people with bright lights and drunk kids made Koushiro shiver.
So no, Koushiro had no plan to go to prom.
But Taichi had other plans. He wanted Koushiro to go, why, because apparently Koushiro couldn’t ‘stay at home during this monumental moment’. Koushiro thought he could.
Nothing really important happened during prom. That’s what Koushiro’s data said. Nothing was going to happen and the things that happened weren’t going to be anything more than laughs in the future.
It’s not like you met a life partner during prom.
But no matter how many times Koushiro said no, Taichi kept trying to convince Koushiro to go. Taichi had a habit of putting his mind to something and never stopping till he dies trying or it works.
That was something Koushiro admired about Taichi, just not right now. ‘“Come one Kou, what's the worst that could happen?” Taichi asked from his position on Koushiro’s bed.
Taichi was laying on Koushiro’s bed with a fake sad smile that Koushiro couldn’t see because his gaze was on his laptop. Taichi got up from laying to sit crisscrossed in the middle of Koushiro’s bed.
“Come on Koushiro, everyone's going to be there” “Why does that mean I have to be there”, Koushiro countered. It wasn’t like the team didn’t meet every Friday to hang out.
“Because it will be fun to hang out”, Taichi was whining now. “But we did that yesterday. Yesterday was Friday. And since there was no school that means Koushiro could spend the entire day on his laptop.
A perfect day if you ask Koushiro.
“Maybe if you go you’ll see Y/n”, Taichi teased. Koushiro blushed but he refused to let Taichi see that. Who was Y/n? They were a student in Koushiro’s home room.
They talked everyday and Koushiro liked talking to them. They were one of the few people to listen when Koushiro started rambling. They were pretty too. That’s how Koushiro developed a crush on Y/n.
How Taichi found out was a mystery, but Koushiro didn’t like it. Just the thought of seeing Y/n made Koushiro’s heart thump in his chest. Y/n were kind, funny, pretty, and confident.
Also all of the things Koushiro wasn’t
Koushiro now wanted to say yes, but that was illogical. There was no way to find out if Y/n was going to the prom. “There is no way to know if Y/n is going”, Koushiro said as he got back to typing on his laptop.
He hadn’t even realized he had stopped when Taichi mentioned Y/n. “You could ask them”, Taichi asked in that stupid teasing voice. No. That was stupid. Koushiro couldn’t and wouldn’t ask Y/n.
That would look weird. Plus, why would it matter if Y/n was going to prom. It’s not like anything would happen. Plus if something did happen it would make things awkward when Koushiro saw Y/n on Monday.
So no, “I’m not going”, Koushiro thought and said.
Taichi sighed and got up off Koushiro’s bed. “Well I have to leave, but at least think about it. It starts at nine so if you are going make sure to get a suit or something”, Taichi said before leaving.
The last thing Koushiro heard was Taichi closing Koushiro’s door. Koushiro sighed, finally, Koushiro could work in peace. But when Koushiro looked at his screen he found he couldn’t focus.
He kept thinking about the prom and Y/n. Koushiro let out a groan and smacked his head on his desk.
Guess Koushiro was going to have to find a suit.
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“Omg yes I’ll help you”, Mimi yelled and Koushiro wished she didn’t.
Koushiro didn’t need the world knowing he was going to prom. After Taichi left, Koushiro found that he couldn’t stop thinking about prom. So Koushiro decided that he was going to go, but he was going to leave if anything didn’t happen.
Which means Koushiro was going to leave within the first hour. But Koushiro didn’t have any suits or something, as Taichi said. So Koushiro thought about who could help him.
He didn’t want his mother or father knowing that would be a problem. Koushiro couldn’t do it, no way, talking to the store clerks got Koushiro nervous. So Koushiro went to his friends, and that led him to Mimi, and that led to Koushiro standing outside a suit store or something with Mimi.
“Just leave it to me”, Mimi said with a grin that scared Koushiro. Mimi then grabbed Koushiro’s hand and started dragging Koushiro though the store. Koushiro could only notice a few things as he was dragged at the speed of light.
There weren’t many people in the store. Most of them were around Koushiro’s age. Koushiro knew that they were also shopping for prom stuff.
This store sold just about anything a teenager needed for any formal gathering. Dresses, makeup, shoes, and suits. When Mimi finally stopped, she and Koushiro were standing in front of a bunch of suits.
Everywhere Koushiro looked there were suits.
They looked different from each other. Each suit had a different look, one or two things that made them different from the other. It all made Koushiro nervous. Koushiro felt his palms sweat and his face got a little red.
Mimi dropped Koushiro’s hand and started looking through suits. It was all still a little much from Koushiro. He was thinking about seeing Y/n in whatever they were wearing.
And Y/n seeing Koushiro in what he was wearing. Koushiro’s face got more red. This was all too much. Koushiro wanted to leave, this was a bad idea. Koushiro should just go home and go on his laptop.
And maybe make Mimi promise not to tell the others about this. Koushiro turned around and tried to walk out. Koushiro felt something touch his shoulder.
Koushiro didn’t have any time to do anything before he was turned around and a suit was pressed in front of him. Mimi was looking at Koushiro and the suit with a quizzical look on her face.
It made Koushiro more nervous.
Koushiro couldn’t see the suit that well, but from what he did see, he didn’t like it. It was too formal. Koushiro preferred more comfortable clothes, clothes that flow.
Koushiro knew that would be a problem. “Nope!” Mimi yelled again, catching the attention of more people. That just made Koushiro's hand sweat more.
Mimi put the suit back on the rack and went back to looking through them. Koushiro sighed and glanced to the left. That’s when something caught Koushiro’s attention.
It was a suit, obviously.
But what really caught Koushiro’s attached was the vest that was on the suit. It had a V cut that was showing off a tie. One side was folded over the other and the side that was folded over was cut to kinda look like a triangle.
There were four pockets. Two on one side, two on the other. One was placed near the top and the other was near the bottom. Each side looked the same as the other.
The vest was a dark red, a maroon red if Koushiro was remembering correctly. The dress shirt under it was white and the tie was black. Koushiro liked it. Koushiro liked this vest.
Koushiro walked over to it and stood in front of it. Koushiro heard Mimi make a sound of confusion when she realized Koushiro wasn’t there. But she found Koushiro and walked over to him.
Koushiro felt Mimi look over his shoulder at the vest. Mimi gasped and reached over to take the vest off the rack. Mimi pulled it to her and put a hand on Koushiro’s shoulder so she could turn Koushiro around.
Mimi pressed the suit to Koushiro’s chest and this time Koushiro was a little happy about it. After a few seconds of staring at Koushiro and the vest Mimi looked up at Koushiro and smiled. “It’s perfect”, she yelled. Koushiro didn’t mind that she yelled, he smiled.
Maybe prom was going to be fun.
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This was a bad idea.
Koushiro was standing outside the school and nine ten. Koushiro was kinda looking forward to this after he got his suit. Koushiro was wearing it and Mimi was right, it did look good on him.
Koushiro knew why he was here, he really wanted to see Y/n. That made Koushiro’s face go red, he started fidgeting with his bowtie. But what was Koushiro going to do when he saw Y/n?
It’s not like Y/n or Koushiro would confess. Koushiro didn’t even know if Y/n liked him. Oh how did Taichi talk him into this? “Koushiro!” Speaking of Taichi.
Koushiro turned around and looked at Taichi. He was walking towards Koushiro with Yamato by his side. Taichi had a big smile on his face while Yamato had a small one.
Once Taichi reached Koushiro he wrapped his arm around Koushiro’s shoulder and continued walking into the school. Dragging Koushiro into it against his will.
Yamato said nothing and Taichi said everything. “So you did come, I knew you would after I mentioned Y/n”, Taichi whispered the last part and Koushiro was glad for it.
Koushiro blushed more but he was thankful for the fact that the school was dark. They were using the gym as the spot for the dance. Everything was dark, except for the lights on the walls and roof.
They were dim and colorful, but they gave Koushiro a little headache. Koushiro could barely see anything but he saw the crowd of teens. They were dancing to the music that played in the background.
Koushiro didn’t know the song but he didn’t really like it. Koushiro looked around. There were tables on the right and a table full of drinks and food on the left.
The long table with the food and drinks had some teachers standing there giving out food and drinks. There to hand out stuff and to make sure kids don’t spike the drinks.
Koushiro might not go out much but he has watched TV. That was really it for the prom. Koushiro still had no idea why people found this ‘cool’ or ‘amazing’.
Taichi patted Koushiro on the back, “Hope you find them”, Taichi said before leaving. Koushiro glared as Taichi left. Koushiro stood there for a good few seconds before deciding to sit at one of the tables.
The tables were small circles, only a few chairs. Koushiro didn’t mind, he sat and placed his head in his hands. Then Koushiro did what he always did, he watched people from the corner.
It was boring, Koushiro wanted to leave.
His friends found him a few times. They talked to him for a bit before leaving. Koushiro was mostly daydreaming, was it daydreaming if it was night, or was it still daydreaming since you weren’t asleep?
“Never thought I’d see you here Izumi”, Koushiro looked to his left to see Y/n standing. You had on a normal suit, but you looked perfect.
With a small smile on your face and confidence radiating off you as you walked to Koushiro. Koushiro had to look away so you didn’t see his blush.
“Well I am”, Koushiro said. You sat down in a chair, “Looks like you’d rather be anywhere else than here”, you said. Koushiro nodded. You were right, but Koushiro couldn’t leave. Koushiro had found you, or more like you found him.
But still, it wasn’t like Koushiro was going to do anything. “Come on”, you got up and stuck your hand out to Koushiro, “I know the perfect place”. Koushiro looked at your hand.
Were you asking him out? Did you like him? What was happening? Was Koushiro thinking too much about this? You let out a laugh. “You're thinking too much Koushiro. Just come on. I know you want to leave”, Koushiro grabbed your hand.
His palm immediately started sweating. You started walking out of the school and Koushiro followed you. The stars and moon were out and it looked beautiful.
It was more peaceful outside and Koushiro immediately kept better. His headache was going away and he relaxed, despite the fact that you were still holding your hand. You took him to the beach, or near the beach.
You took him to a walkway that stood near the beach. There was a railing that allowed you to look at the beach and the sea. You stood and leaned against the railing and let go of Koushiro's hand.
Koushiro felt sad that you let go, then he felt awkward that he felt sad. You looked out on the sea and Koushiro did the same. The sea moved with the moon and the wind moved with the sea.
It was much better than the prom.
“So why did you go?” You asked. Koushiro looked confused at you. You looked at Koushiro, “You didn’t like the prom, so why did you go?”
Koushiro looked away and blushed. It seemed like the blush never left Koushiro's face since he got here. “I wanted to see you”, Koushiro whispered the last part.
You smiled and moved closer to Koushiro, “What was that darling”, Koushiro looked at you with side eyes and an even deeper blush.
Koushiro was sure that he matched his vest by now. “I wanted to see you”, Koushiro whispered but you heard it this time. You smiled, “go thing I wanted to see you too, how about a date tomorrow”, Koushiro smiled.
“Yeah”, Koushiro stuttered. You laughed, “You're cute when you blush Kou”, Koushiro blushed again. Koushiro looked back at the sea. Koushiro felt your hand on top of his.
Maybe prom isn’t so bad.
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sisiofthemultifandom · 11 months
My Massive SHIP LIST
The following is a LONG list of all the ships I enjoy from a moderate to an extreme amount and have probably looked at fanfiction for at some point. Keep in mind this doesn't include every movie and/or show I've ever watched and I may make edits to this at a later time. Godspeed you unfortunate witness.
Agents of SHIELD
Coulson X May
Daisy X Lincoln
Fitz X Simmons
Bobbi X Hunter
Mack X YoYo
Caitlyn X Vi
Oliver X Laurel
Roy X Thea
Diggle X Lyla
Barry X Patty
Wally X Jesse
Caitlin X Ronnie
Kara X Mon-El
Alex X Maggie
Brainy X Nia
Attack on Titan
Eren X Mikasa
Falco X Gabi
Bertdholt X Annie
Ymir X Krista
Levi X Hange
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Katara X Zuko
Aang X Toph
Sokka X Suki
Aang X Katara
Bolin X Korra
Avengers (MCU)
Steve X Natasha
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Jane
Wanda X Vision
Peter Q X Gamora
Scott X Hope
T’Challa X Nakia
Matt X Karen
Luke X Jessica
Peter P X MJ
Bucky X Sarah
Ben 10
Ben X Julie
Kevin X Gwen
Guts X Casca
Ichigo X Rukia
Uryu X Orihime
Tatsuki X Orihime
Gin X Rangiku
Toshiro X Momo
Boku no Hero Academia
Izuku X Occhako
Todoroki X Momo
Bakugou X Kirishima
Eraserhead X Present Mic
Trevor X Sypha
Alucard X Greta
Class of the Titans
Jay X Theresa
Atlanta X Archie
Critical Role
Percival X Vex’ahlia
Vax’ildan X Keyleth
Scanlan X Pike
Sylas X Delilah
Fjord X Jester
Beau X Yasha
Caleb X Essek
Imogen X Laudna
DC Comics
Clark X Lois
Bruce X Selina
Diana X Steve
Barry X Iris
Wally X Linda
Hal X Carol
Carter X Shiera
Oliver X Laurel
Arthur X Mera
Constantine X Zatanna
Dick X Barbara
Tim X Stephanie
Garfield X Rachel
Conner X Cassie
Kate X Maggie
Hank X Dawn
Garth Ranzz X Imra Arden
Nura Nal X Thom Kallor
Jo Nah X Tinya Wazzo
Val Armorr X Princess Projectra
Kara Zor-El X Querl Dox
Lar Gand X Tasmia Mallor
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro X Kanao
Zenitsu X Nezuko
Giyu X Shinobu
Taichi X Sora
Koushiro X Mimi
Takeru X Hikari
Takato X Jeri
Rika X Ryo
Izumi X Junpei
Disney Animation
Mulan X Shang
Eric X Ariel
Simba X Nala
Tiana X Naveen
Tarzan X Jane
Rapunzel X Eugene
Hercules X Meg
Aladdin X Jasmine
Doctor Who
11 X Clara
Dota - Dragon's Blood
Davion X Mirana
Shinji X Kaworu
Fairy Tail
Natsu X Lucy
Erza X Jellal
Gray X Juvia
Wendy X Romeo
Final Fantasy
Zack X Aerith
Cloud X Tifa
Squall X Rinoa
Tidus X Luna
Lightning X Snow
Noel X Serah
Noctis X Luna
Fire Emblem
Byleth X Dimitri
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed X Winry
Roy X Riza
Ling X Lan Fan
GI Joe
Snake Eyes X Scarlett
Kouga X Kaoru
Ryuga X Rian
Raiga X Mayuri
Ken X Jun
Domon X Rain
Shinn X Stella
He-Man (OG Continuity)
Adam X Teela
Adora X Sea-Hawk
Duncan X Sorceress
InuYasha X Kagome
Sango X Miroku
Sesshomaru X Kagura
Kohaku X Rin
Mark X Eve
Kamen Rider
Hongo X Ruriko
Godai X Ichijo
Shoichi X Hikawa
Shinji X Miho
Takumi X Mari
Kenzaki X Hajime
Yuuto X Airi
Wataru X Mio
Tsukasa X Natsumi
Shotaro X Tokime
Ryo X Akiko
Eiji X Hina
Gentaro X Nadeshiko
Ryusei X Tomoko
Haruto X Koyomi
Kouta X Mai
Kaitou X Yoko
Shinnosuke X Kiriko
Gou X Reiko
Takeru X Akari
Alain X Kanon
Emu X Poppy
Sento X Banjo
Kazumin X Misora
Gentoku X Sawa
Sougo X Tsukuyomi
Aruto X Izu
Fuwa X Yua
Touma X Kento
Rintaro X Mei
Keiwa X Neon
Kingdom Hearts
Kairi X Sora X Riku
Aqua X Terra
Lea X Isa
Roxas X Xion
Riku X Namine
Lucifer X Chloe
Maze X Eve
Magic Knight Rayearth
Hikaru X Lantis
Umi X Clef
Fu X Ferio
Marvel Comics
Steve X Sharon
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Sif
Hank X Janet
Reed X Sue
Peter X MJ
Wanda X Vision
Jean X Scott
Kitty X Colossus
Rogue X Gambit
Rachel X Kurt
Black Bolt X Medusa
Clint X Bobbi
Bucky X Natasha
Matt X Elektra
Luke X Jessica
Warren X Psylocke
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien X Marinette
Alya X Nino
Naruto X Hinata
Sasuke X Karin
Sakura X Rock Lee
Neji X TenTen
Shikamaru X Temari
Ino X Sai
Choji X Karui
Gaara X Matsuri
Kakashi X Might Guy
Asuna X Kurenai
Tsunade X Dan
Yahiko X Konan
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Haruhi X Tamaki
Yu X Rise
Chie X Yukiko
Kanji X Naoto
Ren X Makoto (or Kasumi if we're going with Royal canon)
Power Rangers
Tommy X Katherine
Jason X Trini
Adam X Tanya
TJ X Cassie
Andros X Ashley
Karone X Zhane
Leo X Kendrix
Carter X Dana
Wes X Jen
Cole X Alyssa
Taylor X Eric
Tori X Blake
Trent X Kira
Sky X Z
Doggie X Kat
Nick X Madison
Mack X Rose
Casey X Lily
Dillon X Summer
Ziggy X Dr. K
Kevin X Mia
Mike X Emily
Troy X Gia
Tyler X Shelby
Eddie X Vesper
Marv X Chloe
Amelia X Ollie
Ranma ½
Ranma X Akane
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena X Anthy
Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin X Kaoru
Ruby X Penny
Blake X Sun
Weiss X Marrow
Yang X Weiss
Jaune X Pyrrha
Ren X Nora
Qrow X Summer
Sailor Moon
Usagi X Mamoru
Ami X Zoisite
Rei X Jadeite
Minako X Rei
Makoto X Nephrite
Minako X Kunzite
Saint Seiya
Seiya X Shaina
Hyoga X Eri
Shiryu X Shunrei
Shun X June
Ikki X Esmeralda
Deathmask X Aphrodite
Aiolia X Lyfia
Yato X Yuzuriha
Sasha X Tenma
Koga X Yuna
Souma X Sonia
She-Ra (Netflix Version)
Adora X Glimmer
Catra X Scorpia
Star Wars
Obi-Wan X Satine
Anakin X Padme
Ahsoka X Lux
Luke X Mara Jade
Han X Leia
Finn X Rey X Poe
Din Djarin X Bo-Katan
Super Sentai
Ryu X Kaori
Sasuke X Tsuruhime
Chisato X Kouichirou
Shun X Miku
Yuri X Tatsuya
Yosuke X Ikkou
Isshu X Nanami
Mari X Ban
Sen X Umeko
Doggie X Swan
Sakura X Akashi
Masume X Natsuhi
Rio X Mele
Sosuke X Miu
Chiaki X Kotoha
Takeru X Mako
Alata X Eri
Hyde X Moune
Marvelous X Luka
Joe X Ahim
Daigo X Mikoto
Tokatti X Mio
Hikari X Kagura
Yamato X Sela
Amu X Tusk
Lucky X Hammie
Balance X Naga
Keiichiro X Tsukasa
Sakuya X Umika
Koh X Asuna
Bamba X Asuna
Shigeru X Sayo
Tarou X Sonoi
Sword Art Online
Kirito X Asuna
The Dragon Prince
Callum X Rayla
Amaya X Janai
Lion-O X Cheetara
Bengali X Pumyra
Optimus X Elita-One
Arcee X Hot Rod
Bulkhead X Wheeljack
Silverbolt X Blackarachnia
Ken X Mari
Shiro X Matt
Keith X Allura
Lance X Pidge
Hunk X Shay
Winx Club
Bloom X Sky
Musa X Riven
Flora X Helia
Stella X Brandon
Tecna X Timmy
Layla X Nabu
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dnofsunshine · 2 years
wholesome headcanons (digimon edition)
i’m doing this for haikyuu on my kagehina blog and after reading Onee-chan by @patamon, i’ve been inspired to do it for my chosen bbys so here it goes:
daisuke teaches ken how to cook; you’d think it’d be the other way around, but if his mother isn’t around, ken resorts to depression meals. this becomes daisuke teaching the rest of the 02 kids cos hikari can barely boil water, miyako relies on her family’s convenience store snacks, takeru’s diet consists of mainly tv dinners unless he goes to yamato’s, and iori just wants to learn to help out his family
takeru starts calling sora Nee-san at like 12—it’s an accident at first but then he just continues to call her that and sora’s secretly warmed by it
you can’t tell me koushiro doesn’t game on like Steam or something, he really enjoys puzzle games. he’s secretly competitive and loves online play.
the chosen share acct info for many active subscriptions/streaming services and it’s kind of the perfect set up:
youtube? somebody has premium, there’s only 5 or 6 profiles available so they share
taichi prbly pays for crunchyroll
amazon prime? hahah yep many addresses are saved
netflix? hulu? mimi prbly pays for that
if someone is having trouble financially or they’re like “hey guys sorry we’re gonna have to skip this month for [x subscription], money’s tight” someone else is like “nah fam i gotchu, don’t worry abt it” 
food delivery services for groceries and/or dining?? yamato prbly pays for that specifically to ensure his little bro gets some nutrients when he’s not available to cook 💙💛 (also he supports daisuke teaching takeru learning how to cook but requests frequent updates and pictures so he knows takeru isn’t getting hurt)
nintendo switch online? xbox game pass? someone has something; takeru prbly spends a lot of time gaming with hikari and taichi/yamato like to make bets on mario kart
also pirating galore 
the chosen have a discord server that started for digital world-related things but evolved into a chaotic mess of digimon/pet pics, tv show/book/anime/manga/music recs, memes, school/homework help, advice, and other random shenanigans
so many memes. yamato & jou are tired
koushiro gets a dog. yes i know i wrote abt this already but i can’t stop thinking abt koushiro being a lonely kiddo and his mom knows
food is a great way to bribe someone—jou with coffee, takeru & hikari with sweets, koushiro with tea, etc.
hikari has a massive sticker collection, she hoards them the way taichi hoards video games
miyako is not above commissioning fanfics from takeru; she writes them herself too but gets a lot of writing pointers from takeru
mimi has a big following on social media and she pulls a lot of the other chosen into it, including an exasperated jou, a very confused koushiro, and ofc famous rock icon Ishida Yamato
after (prbly accidentally) learning that ken suffers from depression, the older chosen create a separate chat for mental health <333 they’re always finding ways to spend time together so nobody is lonely (lookin at you, takeru)
should i do a part 2?? any requests for certain characters or relationships (platonic or otherwise)?? please let me know, this was fun!! 
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} (+Adv ~ Tri + {Side} / {A.U.} Adventure: [2020 Reboot]) ~ AMV [Anime Music Video] - Tomodachi no Uta {Song of Friends} (sung by: Nanami Kashiyama) {from originating series: Kagerou Project} featuring DUO/O.T.P/Poly-ships: - {Main} KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi (Mimi x Koushiro x Taichi); - (Heavily Implied) KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy] / DEAD and SEEK (short edit) / Headphone Actor (Full version Preview) / Otsukimi Recital [TaiKou+Chosen] / Shissou Word [Never-Lost Word] [(Yamatox)Sora(xMimi)(xJou)]+[TaiKou]+[Chosen] / My Funny Weekend [Mimi+Hikari+Chosen] / Kusanagi Attention [(Ken x)Miyako(x Hikari) (xDaisuke)+Mimi+02 Chosen+Advs Chosen (+TaiKou)] / Shinigami Record (Short Edit) [(+2020!)TaiKou] / [KSHRO’s]? Theory of Happiness [Adv~Tri TaiKou + Special Appearance] / Imaginary Reload (Music Edit Ver. 2) [Adv Chosen+2020 Chosen] / Children Record Re:Boot (Music Edit) / Children Record (Nijisanji Cover version)
Digimon Adventure{s} Franchise © Toei Animation & Bandai
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work * Please do not re-post, re-distribute, edit, or use my specific editing of any work in this series without asking my Permission! I do not allow my works to be re-produced for any usage, including A.I.!
There are some spoilers for Tri (mainly Ketsui); {as well as a much smaller ‘moment’ of Mimi & Sora from “Kyousei”}; a scenery spoiler from the very opening moments of “Kizuna” also included (No character is shown!), as well as scenes from DigiAdv 2020 Eps 49~50, which feature an important mid-end series (second-to-last big) battle. The 2nd to final scene included has audio left in (though I still have to add in subs); of that battle’s aftermath; {the enemy itself is not seen in this}
This A.M.V. is part of the “A.M.V.s Route” of my Digimon Adventures Koushiro Izumi-centric, semi canon compliant A.U.s series; REPEAT?_VERSE (Please note all notes on that series if you choose to view it!) This one is an A.U. spin-off of sorts, with a pretty, “calm” song, and can easily be watched as a stand-alone!
A fan-translation for the song (not by me) can be found here! You may want to read the lyrics first before watching!
Side ships, AMV specific notes, & Lyrics/Translation under ‘read more‘!
also featuring - {as Poly, Friendship or Side-shipping}: -- Michi / TaiMimi (Taichi x Mimi); -- JouMi (Jou x Mimi); -- YamaMimi (Yamato x Mimi); -- MimiSora (Mimi x Sora); -- MiMei (Mimi x Meiko); -- Yamato x Jou x Mimi x Sora (YamaJouraMi); {as canon-compliant!} - (so long as KouTai is still included somewhere, regardless of combinations above involved)
{Other Original Notes}:
This A.M.V. is currently technically incomplete; I’m aiming to see if I can add in a few finishing touches; (as well as sub-titles!) However, as this has already taken me 1 hour and 45 min or so of editing, along with another full hour of simply previewing; (And this was made during in-betweens of a large storm near my area on top of that!!); Those finishing touches may have to wait just a bit longer, so hopefully this pre-view can suffice!!
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I walk home alone in this transparent city.
In the depths of these tearful eyes, my vision blurs, and I can’t see.
Within this scenery that never changes, I found something precious to me.
I don’t want to lose it, so I’ll carry it with me forever.
Ever since I met you, so many radiant and gentle words have piled up over TIME.
They’ll always be here.
I look back on today, that was full of smiles and dreams, while holding your hand.
Yeah, I fell down and cried yesterday, even if it’s embarrassing to remember…
This “LIGHT” is so small, so blurry.
Yet it SHINES so softly, so KINDLY.
- Mimi, about Mimi’s Friends {in this A.U.}
{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS [SPECIFIC] SHIP/O.T.P (KouTai/Taishiro); [along with] (this work) KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi and etc. listed Poly-ships; please remember + respect this when interacting please tag only while including ship names and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you! } (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship names!!)
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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digitalworldbound · 2 years
Digimon & AO3/Fandom Statistics
While on the Fandom Stats website, I got curious and did some research about the Digimon Fandom!
Disclaimer: These statistics will only be accurate to the Archive of Our Own website, and will not include statistics about the fandom on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Fanfiction.net
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When searching for fanfiction about Digimon on AO3, there are a total of 6,616 underneath the general "Digimon- All Media Types" tag. This is not a fair representation of the total numbers of Digimon fanfiction, as there are FIFTEEN Digimon categories an author could label their story under.
Listing from highest number of fics to fewest fics, these other categories include (as of Nov. 5, 2022):
Digimon - All Media Types: 6,619 fics
Digimon Adventure Zero Two: 2,637 fics
Digimon Adventure: 2,037 fics
Digimon Adventure tri: 1,043 fics
Digimon Tamers: 602 fics
Digimon Frontier: 575 fics 
Digimon Xros Wars/ Digimon Fusion: 172 fics
Digimon Savers/ Digimon Data Squad: 150 fics
Digimon Universe - Appli Monsters: 125 fics
Digimon Ghost Game (Anime): 89 fics
Digimon Adventure (Anime 2020): 73 fics
Digimon V Tamer 01: 50 fics
Digital Monsters X-Evolution: 16 fics
Digimon NEXT: 12 fics
Digimon D Cyber: 2 fics
After inputting all of this data (aside from the “Digimon - All Media Types” tag, as this tag can reference all Digimon media) into a graph, it is clear to see which characters the fandom tends to favor:
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(Some of the numbers are really small - I’m so sorry!)
Digimon Adventure Zero Two takes the lead, while Digimon Adventure follows close behind. Between the two, there is only a difference of 600 fics. These numbers are unsurprising, as most Digimon official events revolve around the Adventure and 02 cast!
According to the Fandom Stats website, fanfiction (specifically AO3) in the Digimon Fandom heavily gravitates towards General Audiences, with a total number of 2,551 fics using this tag. Other tags include: 
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(Graph found on Fandom Stats) 
While Teen and Up Audiences have 2,214, Mature and Explicitly tagged fics have a combined 1,307 fics. 
Now, onto the pairings! Though 35% of the fics are general, the other 65% of fics include some kind of romance! 
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(Graph found on Fandom Stats)
In the lead, we have M/M relationships at 33%. Of these 2,155 fics, 29.7% are Daisuke/Ken! Taichi/Yamato are a close second at 22.5%. (Taichi/Koushiro comes in at 7.5%, and Daisuke/Takeru is last at 6.2%.)
With 1,889 fics, F/M relationships share 29% of the total non-general fics. Of these, 18.6 percent are Takeru/Hikari! Sora/Yamato cover 17.7%, while Taichi/Sora covers 8.6%. Lastly, we have Mimi/Koushiro at 7%.
I couldn’t find any statistics on F/F, Multi, or the Other categories, but I will try to search in the future.
On the Archive of Our Own website, the fandom shows clear favoritism in characters and pairings! Now, I wish there was a way to factor in data from Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and FanFiction.net. Let me know if you have any ideas!
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aph-japan · 14 days
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure/02/tri. x P e n d i n g T r a i n (2 0 2 3) + P A R O D Y {Inspired} - Taichi as Y u u t o Shirahama {"S a v e as many L I V E S as you can... in my P L A C E!"} - Yamato as N a o y a Kayashima - Meiko {tri./Kizuna} as S a e Hatano - Sora as M a o Higuchi (Yuuto's 'R E A S O N to K E E P G o i n g') - Koushiro as D a i c h i Yonezawa {"I W A N T to be more U S E F U L!" - Yonezawa} - Mimi as R e n a Watabe - Jou as Shodai K a t o - Takeru as T a t s u y a Kayashima - Daisuke as K a z u m a Eguchi (Koharu's Partner) - Hikari as K o h a r u Sato (Kazuma's Partner) {"She saw right through me. It's reassuring."} - Miyako as Hiroko T a c h i b a n a {"You're A M A Z I N G, Tachibana-san!"} - Iori as M a s a r u Kajiwara {"A... k i d?"}
- Daigo {tri.} as Kota T a k a k u r a/Yuuto's Senpai {"Dream big!"} - Maki {tri.} as Kayoko T e r a s a k i; {"P l a n A will A L W A Y S F A I L."}
- Ken as K a t o's {T e a c h e r}
Cap'd by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Copy} {Do Not R e - p o s t} {Do Not Re-produce Without Permission} (Please A s k to U s e / S h a r e!)
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dutchforstrangers · 7 months
Taishirokoura x possibilities - "What if" pt. 0 (author's note)
For @taikouvember 2023 - Day 2: Past, Present & Future + Day 6: Brave Knowledge, Unexpected Impulsive Love & Curious Courage
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A/N: Taikouvember means Taishiro, buuuuuuut I couldn't let the chance of finally writing for my all time favorite OT3 involving Taishiro slide. So I took the freedom and wrote a Taikoura songfic piece! And before I dump it, it needs a little explanation.
What if?
This little young-polyamory story will be about Koushiro, Sora and Taichi struggling with their feelings towards each other -being completely oblivious or not wanting to admit/commit- and how they have (not) acted, are acting or would like to act. How fear about the unknown, fear to fall and fail, holds them back from acting.
How one stayed, the other stands still and the last one wants to run, towards a future with them.
A story about finding motivation. About the possibilites of an 'unexpected and impulsive love' that takes 'brave knowledge' and 'curious courage'.
I could publish it as one post, but that could be a little much, so I decided to cut it into four parts: Part 1 - Koushiro (and Yamato) Part 2 - Sora (and Jyou) Part 3 - Taichi (and Mimi) Part 4 - Taikoura
Wishing you all happy readings in advance! <3
The song used is "What if" by Cody Fry:
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reliablejoukido · 7 months
Curious what you would consider your most obscure ship(s)? I lowkey ship Ruki x Izumi, so that’s probably mine on account of being a crossover ship.
So my only ships are from Adventure series, since I'm most familiar with those. As many of you know, I ship Jou/Taichi. I guess that wouldn't be the most obscure, but it's certainly not one people think about. I also ship Takeru/Koushiro, which is even more obscure. I like the idea of Takeru having a crush on him that kind of comes to a head when Koushiro is a 3rd year in high school and Takeru is a 1st year. But maybe I would call those rarepairs and not necessarily obscure ships.
I do also ship Jou/Taichi/Mimi if that counts?? I don't think a single other person ships that. It's kind of chaotic.
But without a doubt, the most obscure thing I ship is Daisuke/Michael. I'm one of only 2 people who have written for it on AO3. I find it to have a lot of untapped potential and I wish more people thought about Daisuke/Michael. Daichael. Misuke. I have no idea what it should be called lmaoo.
Thanks for this ask! I love talking about shipping, if y'all didn't already know.
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