#taken by dodge
filthy-empire-jcink · 2 years
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H E R O • S M I T H 
Age: 32
Faction: Creed
Power: Telekinesis
Other: Augment Arms
Wanted Ad: Sense8 meets Stranger Things 
Face Claim: Dane Dehaan
Q U I C K • B I O
waking up with no memory from before the end, hero was raised in the labs from the get go. he developed his power of telekinesis early on and quickly became an asset. he started questioning the org's methods as he started to develop brain damage due to overusing his power. to try and curb his attitude, they augmented his arms to better control him. he escaped, leaving behind his 'sister' and joined the creed to try and take down the org.
F A S T • F A C T S
as stated, hero has brain damage due to his power, thus making him prone to angry outburst. his augments are messed up as well due to tinkering from his close friend at the org. he spends his time keeping up with his training, reading, or playing memory games to try and retain what he has. hide and seek is often a taunt of his.
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ariadne-mouse · 2 months
Alert: this is a very stupid post and not to be taken seriously.
So when it was revealed the first attack on Keyleth was Ludinus trying to test drawing out Vax, folks were pointing out that Ludinus would have had to stay up to date on Vox Machina romances in order to have the information to make that plan, which is very funny. I posit an additional hypothetical: if the preliminary attack had accidentally been fatal for Keyleth herself (I say accidentally because Ludinus would want to wait to execute the plan in full later, so wouldn't have killed her then) then Ludinus would have lost his bait and would have to figure out another way to draw out Vax.
And you know what that means. Matchmaking. Get the sad bird man to fall in love again so he can threaten the new person. Ludinus using every iota of his skill in manipulation and patience and influencing of events to set up Situations, and he needs it because as a celestial champion Vax is not just walking around into your average coffee shop. He becomes the king of tropes. He reads trash romance to get ideas and runs into Caleb at a naughty book store in Rexxentrum and it's very awkward for both of them. With centuries of experience and villainy, HOW has it come to this-
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eddie comes out as a trans woman and stevies internally like. uh oh.
and then eddie's like yeah im still pretty butch tho so i don't think im gonna like. femme it up too much. and then stevies like oh thank fuck. i mean you do you and i always love and support you but if you went Full Femme you'd literally be nancys twin and i wouldnt have the strength to withstand robins bullying if she found out i ended up dating a carbon copy of my ex
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fandomsonmysleeve · 5 months
the picture of Jack and Belle that shows up when you go to play an episode of The Artful Dodger is so beautiful
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liquidstar · 8 months
honestly does anyone else think that the what:if routes are perhaps telling us that some sort of collision between subaru and reinhard is just inevitable in nearly every route
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fumiko-matsubara · 1 year
Puey stays AU: 3E Civil War Arc
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There's a strong cultural trait amongst Filipinos called "Utang na loob", which simply means "being deeply indebted to someone's kindness to the point of obligation to return the favour".
Puey would have so much "utang na loob" towards Korosensei because the teacher was the one who saved his family, and essentially saving Puey himself as well since his family is his reason to keep living.
I don't think he has any more reason to genuinely want to kill the man who had changed his life for the better, especially after learning that he is just as human as any of them all are. I think Puey would take any chance to return the favour.
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chocolatewoosh · 1 year
My dad said outright he's not interested in seeing Spiderman Across the Spider-Verse and then in the same sentence asked me if I wanted to go see Elemental in theatres 
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daz4i · 10 months
being the only cousin over 18 that's still single but avoiding questions about it by also being The Mentally Ill cousin so no one expects it from you anyway 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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gothamcityneedsme · 5 months
just beat the boss referred to as 'the awakened god' on my first try babey
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
ya'll i'm sick
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 10 months
Want a terrible psychic spidersona to add to the pile but 1) it wouldn't be very spidery 2) unless i lean into parts of the spiderverse lore i think is baloney however i love terrible doomed seer characters i cant stop making them i love a little guy who should on paper be just as surface average as every other parker but They've Seen 👁👁 and it's Changed Them. I think there's a natural 50/50 that it would hate Soup for starting drama and undergoing spiderness Intentionally On Purpose and interfering with its primary advantage or love Soup for tearing that fabric of horrors apart and declaring freedom (though obvs I'M biased). Its spider sense is like extra foreboding and rather than sensing only immediate danger it has a vague sense of EVERYONE'S suffering so i think other Parkers kind of tick it off.
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benevolentcannibal · 1 year
gear 4 snakeman bout to have me acting unwise in zoro's holes
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nighttimedaydreams · 2 years
So I know I’ve finally behind on Dracula Daily, but I just read the entry for Oct. 3 and got so excited when Jonathan tried to use his Kukri knife
on Dracula, sure it failed, but just that attempt to say “I’m not yours.  You don’t have a hold on me, leave me, my friends, and my fucking wife alone!” Which was very cool, and I’m just sitting wondering how many other people across so many years have had the same sort of thoughts.
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a-ginger-snaps · 1 year
NEW WEBSITE ALERT I’ve updated my illustration portfolio and reclaimed my old domain name!! Go check it out! 
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angrybatgaming · 1 year
And bow back to regular screenshots (taken BEFORE the danger shrimp incident)...
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I spent a little money to get the shell necklace and Earth cape. Only around $6 - 7 total, so not bad. And it's SUPPOSED to be going toward a good cause, so no regrets! I like the little sprouts on the back of the cape! 💚
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Didn't know there was a shrimp near the Forgotten Ark until I heard it snarl on the boat ride there. Has it ALWAYS been there? Or just for the daily quest? (I completed that quest with a different shrimp.)
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SPACE WHALE! Or... nudibranch! It makes me think of certain sea slugs.
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And this spirit memory/quest conclusion in Treasure Reef was just so darn cute.
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