#talking about this bc I want to draw it!! but I have no energy rn ..
swordmaid · 11 months
trying to sleep but this concept has taken a hold of me … thinking about jb first kiss .. but brienne initiating ! jb doing something and their close to each other. in my head jaime is wrapping her arm with bandage like his gold hand is elevating her arm, his left hand is wrapping gauze while she’s holding the roll with her unoccupied hand so he doesn’t drop it (teamwork!!!) but that seems so complicated but I like the idea of them working together on stuff like that ?? and another scenario I’m thinking of is something similar but instead of bandages jaime is sewing something up his left hand is holding the needle and thread while she’s just holding the thing he’s working on bc between the two of them I like to think jaime would be better at sewing anyway unimportant kind of but I was thinking of jb first kiss where brienne initiates … except she tries to but backs out but like comic panel where their heads are close together and he’s busy with something and she’s just looking at him .. at his lips .. he looks up catches her staring and she looks away flustered wanting to leave bc now she’s embarrassed but she can’t and he’s like ? Ok 😳
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
throws a book at the wall i'm SO fucking tired of putting emotional effort into relationships only for it not to be reciprocated
#trying so fucking hard not to resent someone i really like rn.#they're going through a hard time and obvi i'm glad they feel comfortable coming to me for support.#but also... :( to have that be the only thing we really talk ab anymore...#miss them i guess. wanna talk like we used to.#nd to send support and an expression of how i rlly empathize bc i'm going through smth similar and get no response...#idk. sadbad. working on not letting those feelings fester#i just cannot be therapistfriend. i am Not therapist friend in most situations!!!#the problem is that i am a very good listener but not super approachable in that way to most people?#so i end up with one or two people with really big constant problems every year or so who put All of that onto me.#and i try SO fucking hard in my relationships with people i care about.#and that's SO much energy and emotional investment into their problems and it just isn't sustainable.#especially when i'm not getting it in return.#idk i probably just need to tell them what i'm feeling about. open and honest communication ftw#i'm sure they'll get it if i say 'i've had a lot of relationships in the past that devolved into me being the vessel for people's issues...#...and it's turned into me resenting them over time and i really don't want that to happen with us.'#'just need you to talk w/ me about other things sometimes' y'know?#i'm already drawing a lot of boundaries so that i don't throw myself into comforting and placating and facilitating someone's feelings#which DOES make me a good listener. but i can't be sacrificing myself for that. not rn anyway.#god but also i just want to have a fucking conversation sometimes is that too much to ask#i get that ur having a hard time emotionally but you could at least respond to the easy upbeat messages that i send you#specifically TO facilitate easy upbeat conversation that doesn't require emotional effort from you#or like. initiate conversation Ever when it's not around the negative situation u want to talk to me about. you know.#it's okay. i'll talk to them. just feeling frustrated.#i'm going to get bled fucking dry if i keep putting so much of myself into relationships without receiving anything in return#valentine notes
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chierry · 1 year
damn depression is actually like. kicking my ass pretty hard
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sleepsentry · 4 months
Hi i love your billford art soso much and im not confident enough to reblog it rn bc people im friends with have been weird about me shipping it and im not ready to defend myself just yet but i still want you to know that your art!!!! Is so great and i love how you draw ford so scrungly and bill is a creature and i think you are really cool ok gbye
It's a shame to feel shame over something so "trivial" for lack of a better word.
I'd argue that's all the more reason to reblog and share, if people are going to be wierd about something objectively harmless, that's on them.
I've noticed not many people reblog my billford art and sometimes they do but don't add any tags, as if they're quietly embarrassed by enjoying something that's percieved as "sacrilegious" to the commonly accepted interpretation.
Rather than make me upset or insulted it makes me a bit sad honestly.
To hell with that! Enjoy yourself! Reblog and share and proudly tag whatever it may be!
And if you're friends are gonna make you feel bad about enjoying a thing that they don't like, then they need to learn to be less petty.
*climbs down from soapbox*
Thank you for the ask.
I hope you'll feel less ashamed of a simple personal preference eventually.
There's more dramatic and serious things worthy of that kind of thought and attention, so please don't lose your time and energy feeling self conscious over ships and fiction.
I know from experience that it's very difficult to do so, but it's genuinely never worth the energy and time lost to what often ends up being simple schoolyard bullying.
And maybe talk to your friends about not losing their time and energy to making others self conscious over differences in opinion. ^^'
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readreactrant · 2 months
Thanks for answering my ask. I love reading your answer. You have no idea, how happy and excited I feel when you said, "It's okay to ask again because I love talking about my fav ships".
Because I have been blocked by someone, and before they block me they said that 'I asked too much and it's annoying.' I was like, 'If you mind, please just say that and I will stop asking for sure, I thought you don't mind', but they still block me...
So, if you don't mind, can I ask, what do you think are Gojo and Yuuji’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
If you want to answer the questions above with Drarry, Ereri or MikaYuu's dynamics, I don't mind....
Thanks if you want to answer @readreactrant and sorry for my long ask.
hihi dnana, super sorry I took so so long to get to this one in particular, I got backed up with work and school haha. And I'm so sorry to hear that, they definitely blew it out of proportion and that's kind of a bit immature on their part. Rest assured I love getting asks and hearing opinions, they fuel my yaoi passion (✷‿✷)
I'd love to answer for the other ships but I think I've only got energy for Goyuu rn lol. And damn am I gonna have to rack my smut filled brain for this one. I've never really been taken by any of the jjk characters cuz on the first watch, to me it was just like any other shonen. Reading a lot of what the fandom had to say over the last few years has definitely changed my opinion.
Gojo and Yuuji were definitely the first two characters that stuck out to me most in the series, (mostly bc of that almost kiss but oh well (✿ ♡‿♡). They both definitely oozed main character energy and I never completely saw Gojo as just the 'super powerful sensei' there always felt like there was more to him and when story began to focus a bit more on him I wasn't totally surprised.
Overall he's a commanding presence, and enigma in his own right and I admire how much he cares for his students. I wouldn't call him a perfectionist because of he was many of the adult characters and megumi wouldn't have so much of a issue with his attitude. But his definitely to be the strongest definitely stems from some deep drive to be what the jujutsu society needs him to be. And that I think is one of the sadness things about him.
Which is kind of where Yuuji kind of comes in. Like any regular person after watching jjk 0, I couldn't help but look for parallels between Yuuji and Geto. Not purely because of their connections to Gojo but because of their personalities which are quite similar. But where Geto's WAS a quiet kind of optimism and support Yuuji is more open, more rooted in the world around him. I'm not particularly fond of happy-go-lucky toxic positivity protagonists but there's about Yuuji that doesn't quite reach those extremes. He's kindness and slight hero complex is what leads him to assume the weight of the world his shoulders but the very admirable thing about him is that he doesn't break, no matter how weak he is in the face of it all because, undeniably, unlike other protagonists, you can't trust plot armour to work for him. All you know is that Gege doesn't want him happy.
What draws me to them as one of the best ships in the show tho, aside from the yummy teacher/student dynamic, is how cute the look together. Sue me but there's something inherently attractive about their color pallette and height difference. They're so funny and goofy together and Yuuji's ability to match other's energy and brighten the atmosphere is definitely something Gojo deserves to have around more frequently. Similarly I think Gojo's experience with Geto can help him reach out to Yuuji in times the younger male needs to understand not everyone can be saved. There's also this personal thing of mine where I view them as, Yuuji admires Gojo's strength, Gojo sees Yuuji's potential as someone to stand with him at the top (not like Yuuji gonna be topping in any other aspects of ya know what I mean).
All in all, it just makes me so happy seeing the two of them together, there's a lot of potential their dynamic and personalities leave up to exploration. Being teacher and student I also think there'll be a lot of nuance to their relationship if they did fall in love.
Thanks for coming this far, I'll probably edit this later but my brain feels so fried right now but really wanted to answer this ask cuz I've been lazing around trying to find an answer to "Why DO I like goyuu". The truth is tho, you don't need a reason to want to see two characters together.
BUT a ship is always nicer when their personalities and height difference go great together, I don't make the rules ¯\(◉‿◉)/¯
Thanks for the ask dnana and I'll hope I'll be able to do the other ships some other time but I hope my answer satisfied you ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
Tysm for the tags @monacobasedgirldad @schumigrace @fernandoalonzoo sry im a bit late getting to this lol
Are you named after anyone?
My great great grandmother(I think??), though she was named Katarzyna, and I was born Catherine, but go by Catie obviously(this lowkey annoys my mom lmao, especially bcs if I were to have a nickname, it was supposed to be Cate.)
When was the last time you cried?
Today, over classical music. I think I cry at least once a day 😭 I am very emotional
Do you have kids?
Nope :)
What sports did you play/have you played?
I played soccer when I was a kid. Also does marching band count?
Do you use sarcasm?
All the fucking time, literally constantly. And also we sarcastically bully each other in my family, so I have to pull myself back from accidentally insulting people 😭
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmmm, I feel like ive done this tag game before bcs I remember writing this exact answer. But usually I notice if someone is a good conversationalist or not. Like do they like to lead the convo, do they like to listen to the other people, do they talk too much, too little, are they awkward about it? It's just very interesting to me, bcs I think that kinda thing really does instantly show you if you're going to be compatible with a person(as a friend or more etc.) Cause I talk a lot a lot, and I think it's difficult to get along w people who are untalkative but also people who talk an equal amnt if not more djkfkglg.
What is your eye color?
Just brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies definitely. I mean im not opposed to a happy ending obviously, but that's not really what im always looking for in a movie, I guess? Rn I'm trying to think of my top movies, and man, not a lot of them have happy endings 😭 But I literally just watched two horror movies the past wknd so! Even though they make me paranoid
Any talents?
I think I could go on a rant about anything if you gave me a bit of time. I really think I can just talk endlessly. Is that a skill? Or is it just annoying..? But yeah I'm not sure, but I think I'm pretty good at absorbing information and being able to go on and on about it.
Where were you born?
America rahhh 🦅🦅 I like my state a lot even though I feel like all my peers keep saying "ugh I don't want to be in [insert state] anymore" Smh how dare you
What are your hobbies?
Mostly drawing! I draw both F1 fanart(pretty much all selfmade AUs tho) and ocs. I like writing lore and worldbuilding and meta, but not really writing itself. I like reading fic and watching movies as well. And I think one of the main things I do these days tbh is read about history and keep up with politics. I get more and more involved with it as the days go by, but unlike drawing, I don't really have an outlet for it sigh sigh. So that's why a lot of AUs involve history and random other things, bcs its fun to involve my interests with each other!
Do you have any pets?
Yes I do! Two cats and two dogs. The cats are named Jin and Frank. Jin is basically me in cat form, he's so anxious 😭 and Frank is like my brother, he's such a little bastard who loves to hiss all the time. My dogs are named Maisie and Ruby. Maisie is a menace to society, but she is also the most beautiful dog ever, so I forgive her. Her name makes me laugh bcs she's named after this book character, Maisie Dobbs right? So her name tag says Maisie Doggs
How tall are you?
Around 5'4
Favorite subject at school?
Politics >:) But I'm pretty interested in philosophy as well rn. Unfortunately my love for foreign languages has been slipping in the semester or so, bcs my professors on that side kinda suck. So I've been putting more energy into my other major, and now all I can talk about is history, politics and philosophy, etc etc. It's just a lot of fun and very interesting to me!
Dream job?
Man, sometimes I wish I could just be a student forever, I just want to keep learning all about the world and other things. But I'd like a job that's not too static, something that pushes me out into the world a bit, maybe smth in the government or like a non-profit idk yet!
Ahhhh I'm doing this a bit late so I'm not sure who's done it yet, I feel like mostly everyone has :,) I tag anyone who's interested, like seriously I'd love to see people's answers who I haven't yet!!
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pogostikk · 10 months
Info dumping rn cause I can’t seem to draw anything and I needed to engage in my au somehow.
There’s a lot I’d like to draw in my au that I haven’t been able to, particularly how Steven would entertain himself on Homeworld. He’s a small human in a giant palace with no purpose to busy himself with, of course he gets up to things when he’s not with Star.
And this was stuff he did before Connie, she had no idea how good at sneaking around Steven was till later.
Obviously it would be hard to get around without being noticed, I think Steven also wouldn’t enjoy the gawking stares when he wasn’t being picked up and brought back to (Star’s… Quarters? Chamber? I dunno) his room. But also occasionally some gem would get brave and be like oh wow Star’s “pet” is so adorable let me go say hi! Which is also uncomfortable bc who wants to be dehumanized?
Anyway getting off track here, Steven would be able to get around by going through secret pathways that led pretty much anywhere, I’m calling them the Pearl Pathways for now. I got inspired by the servants’ staircases, which were in Victorian houses of certain sizes. Apparently they were used because servants were expected to be out of sight when they were moving around (I haven’t done much research). Which is messed up, but I feel like gems would have a similar opinion of pearls. So I broadened the concept. And I think Steven would totally be allowed to enter them. Orchid probably introduced him to all the local pearls, and they could understand his experience of needing/wanting to stay out of sight, so he became a bit of an honorary pearl and was allowed entry. Which btw, pearls aren’t allowed to explore any hobbies or have any fun, so I imagine they get by by sharing all the tea they gather from standing by their gems all the time. And Steven totally gets to hear all the gossip, he knows all about the “scandalous” fusions, and the opinions of higher ranking gems that would never be spoken otherwise. If he was desperate and needed something done, he’d have blackmail. Lol
I honestly think Steven could befriend anyone, and with all those secret halls, I bet he found his way to those sentient gems made into architecture. The show never talked about them much, but I think they were harvested gems used to build the palaces or something of the like. I bet they get bored. And I bet they enjoy Steven’s company and laugh at all his corny clown jokes.
When Steven isn’t traveling the palace talking to pearls or architecture gems (I don’t know what else to call them), I honestly think he’d be reading. Orchid definitely taught him gemglyph. So he’d sometimes just read up on gem reports or the empire’s history on his (organic-accessible) screen.
And then when he gets bored of doing that he’d go find Star and beg him to hang out with him. And Star wants to hang out with Steven, he really does, but he can’t afford to neglect his court and god forbid anger the other diamonds. So then Star would see if Spinel could hang out with Steven. And that’s like a last resort because they kind of trouble they could cause could be catastrophic.
Steven is a total extrovert and overall just loves getting to know people. Star is the exact opposite, he doesn’t enjoy talking to people much but I also wonder if introversion and extroversion would even exist in gems? Like I bet they have their preferences regarding socializing but do they have like levels of energy that is based on how much they interact with others? Either way, Star isn’t a big fan of big groups of ppl or making tons of friends, he’s just a workaholic and his work involves talking to tons of gems. He doesn’t mind Steven’s presence though. Sometimes he’s not up to chatting endlessly or even hearing Steven go on talking from subject to subject (he can be up for it tho and it happens), and they’ll just do their own thing in each other’s company.
Anyways I’m done ranting now, if you made it this far congrats I hope this was somewhat entertaining.
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writingmoth · 2 months
wip questionnaire
thanks @worldstogetlostin for the tag!!!
rules: answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
probably the concept of a god of the forest saving a villager from the wild hunt. i didnt have loifa or rowan created, mind, just the vague idea of a god interrupting mischievous fairies who were about to kill/kidnap/do gods know what to a village boy who made a very stupid mistake. the whole scene is now an interlude in fantasy romance wip.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
no clue, honestly. shout out to queen's deception from the destiny soundtrack though, it'd have a similar vibe.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
from fantasy romance wip? im risking being obvious here, but its between loifa and rowan. probably rowan, i think. the boy is just trying SO hard and loifa is just SO much to deal with. tbh he has older sister energy and i sympathize with that.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
that's a very interesting question. my wip is mostly inspired by the fifth season and ffxiv, but in very different ways, so it's hard for me to say that ppl who liked both would like it. bc you know... fantasy romance wip is a romance (allegedly!)... and the fifth season and ffxiv aren't...
(well, ffxiv is if you try hard enough but)
let's say i wouldnt be surprised if someone who liked nettle & bone and the cruel prince also liked fantasy romance wip. id expect that person to be aroace and/or queer in some way though, ngl.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
the middle!!! and the length!! it's kinda bizarre just how much needs to happen and how i need to fit so much into a standalone and i still have no middle to speak of?? like how does that even happen
also, you know... the romance.... :(
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
lots of animals!! or beasts in general. good honest folk (cows, horses, sheep just minding their business and being slaughtered for no good reason by Things) and the mischievous crowd (carnivorous deer, three eyed owls, said Things), etc. no little guys to speak of so far, though.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
on foot. there are only like two horses left in the marrow (the village) and they are working horses, so they arent used for travel/getting around.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
(through blood, sweat and tears) [the beginning of] the middle!!!!
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
weird magical forest + god/mortal relationship + tiny town/village energy + secrets + the aroace lens. basically.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
id be very contented if i finished it honestly :(
tagging @i-can-even-burn-salad @treesandwords @duskforged @ anyone else who wants to try!!
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one last taylor swift post. her current flame that was pr analyzed to death by her millenial team that has one gay dude for diversity points as soon as she felt the first stir of attraction. which def happened while she was still with that ugly british dude LOL. he probably cheated on her first but ofc she can’t let her general fans find out she’s also one bc of the constant need to always be seen as a victim and never as the predatory business savy megalomaniac she really is even though she wants to promote a bad girl image with the 1975 dude 🙄… she can’t even fart in peace without swifties analyzing the shit particles like tea leaves for who she’s currently fucking. the consequent internet meltdown by her parasitic fans which was probably one of the biggest draws to getting with milquetoast edgelord twat healy cause she for sure hates them and wants her space from the constant scrutiny even though that is quite literally what her and her team most utilized to reach the heights she has including her current career high even though she has meltdowns any time something negative is said of her due to her obscene ego. obv i’m not immune bc i like talking about her gay flings but i like all gay celeb gossip in general and also why i’m interested in her bc you dig one inch beneath her carefully constructed pr top soil and realize she would be one of those serial killer nurses if she wasn’t famous. and don’t even get me started on the dykes that STILL think she’s a lesbian, that was an acceptable thought in like 2014 maybe. massive cope to think she isn’t just bi and likes fucking dudes too instead of the every man she breathes near is in a full blown bearding situation with her like she’s an old hollywood starlet or something. even then she wishes, they had 20x the balls size than she ever will. shoutout katharine hepburn. more on her predatory ways ie the olivia rodrigo situation where she went beast mode on her for riding her coattails a little during SOUR like she didn’t do the exact same thing with tim mcgraw LOL. literally sicced her $2000 an hour or whatever tf lawyers on olivia for copyright which took a significant chunk of royalties for some of her biggest hits off of the album and then got paramore’s team to do the same 😭 and then pretended like nothing new was written in 2012 for red like it isn’t the most obvious crying over olivia blowing up and using her name a bit for promo. olivia could have gone the lorde way where she could have organically gotten closer to her and then had to have painfully extracted herself from taylor’s grip so either way it would have ended badly in between them (also she def got with lorde for a bit, parts of melodrama start clicking in place when you realize that). the most fragile ego in the game which is also why she barely ever lets other women feature and if they do they get sent directly to background vocals except phoebe bridgers but i attribute that to the bpd spell phoebe casts over pathetic people. just a constant pattern with her. katy perry, lorde, her girl squad, her former men where she surrounds herself with underlings whose energy she can feed off of till they obviously turn against her control freak ways so then she casts them off to the wolves (her fans) and also the reason she’s stuck stunting with the haim sisters. will be awaiting her and healy’s breakup for their epic public battle of personality disordered egos. i know she has more testosterone than he ever will and will try to absolutely pulverize him in the public’s eye but she’s so overexposed rn i sense another fall from grace due to it. amen 🙏
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u3pxx · 1 year
do you have any tips for the first time taking commissions? also, your artstyle is delightful, i love the bright colors and linework !
thank you! i'm no expert so i'll only be talking about my own experience and what i did when i opened commishes last year :^]
1. set up your pricing, samples, and tos ok this one's kinda obvious bc you gotta show people info on what stuff you could draw and how much will it be! you could either make a carrd or info document for this. feel free to look at other artists' info docs/commish carrds too to see how they formatted theirs so you could get an idea.
as for pricing, i think looking at how other artists' price their work too could help in deciding how your gonna price your works. i personally looked at other artists who i think have a similar style to how i draw and factored in how long i usually work on something when pricing my stuff.
2. establish a limit/amount of slots for commissions the last thing i wanted to happen when opening commissions was to be overwhelmed, thus, making me unable to start on any work bc of task paralysis, i didn't want to bite more than i can chew so i made sure to know and limit how much stuff i can draw.
i limited myself to 8 slots, under it are 4 slots for sketches, 2 for both flat-colored drawings and shaded drawings. i knew drawing with colors would take a lot more time so they're in a lesser amount compared to sketches which i confidently think i could do quicker.
of course, as you grow more confident with your workflow/process/speed, you're free to have more slots or no slots at all! even make a waitlist or something.
3. communicate clearly with your clients got busy and can't work on your commission at the moment? tell it to your client! people are nice and pretty understanding when life gets in the way so don't be shy or embarrassed to say that you can't work on their piece right now. be clear too or even give an estimated date of when you can continue it.
4. make a form where people can submit commish requests i didn't do this the first time so communication with clients took a lot more time and energy than needed, so make life easier for yourself and make a form that asks everything you need to know about your client's commission: the commish description, number of characters, reference pictures, style of drawing, etc.
here's a video on making commission forms that i thought was pretty helpful! once again, feel free to look at other artists' forms too to see how they formatted it and such.
here's mine as a lil example:
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that's really all i could think of rn, hope this helps anon :^Dc
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Me: "Oh, I've got all these ideas, I'll write about these."
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure addiction:
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Anywho, time to talk about JoJo OCs under the cut that'll happen eventually:
BTW starting at part 3 they all get 1 power cause Goldsboro blood or smth I just wanted to
Part 1: The Sun and the Mask (Don't know how I feel about this title)
Basic background to other parts cause I want a developed character backgrounds cause I swear I wasn't high when I wrote out these characters but it looks like I was
OC: Rebecca "Becca" Goldsboro
Lemme put it this way; if it wasn't 1890 and she knew diddly-squat about the LGBT other than "SIN!" She would be Trans-masc. Jonathan is the only one nice to her too.
Part 2: Roses and Bubbles (I'm working on the title plz leave suggestions cause it sux rn)
Cesear Zeppeli x OC
OC: Rose "Rosy" Goldsboro
Yeah, she just kinda vibin and occasionally saying sus stuff.
Part 3: Lightning (Title also sucks! I'm coming up with them as I write this :D)
Jotaro Kujo x OC
OC: Kasumi "Misty" Goldsboro
Crackhead energy. 1000% crackhead energy. And with a fast af electricity stand called Blue Lightning. Also in a band, cause... why not. Weird power is that she can like see dead ppl in her sleep but like... important to plot ppl. Like her grandfather, Cesear.
Part 4: Angel with the devil's eyes (This one kind of works ig???)
Josuke x OC
OC: Usagi Goldsboro
Crackhead energy 2: Electric Boogaloo. Also will murder anyone who talks shit about her friends on site, but you would never fuckin guess it cause she's got that petite Kawaii girl energy. Her stand is called Pink Thunder and it yells really loud. Her dad works out of country (Italy, hint hint nudge nudge). Weird power is that sometimes she'll just sit down to draw cause she's an artist and she'll draw past events (Bonus: Jotaro saw her just randomly doodling Kakyoin right after he died and that was... and experience.)
Part 5: Red-eyed hacker
Giorno x OC
OC: Georgia Silverthorne
Chaotic Gremlin + Crackhead energy 3: Syrup Village Arc. U totally thought she wasn't a Goldsboro, didn't you? Yes, but actually no. Her mom is Usagi's. She's just raised mostly by her mom who's incredibly abusive and she doesn't know who her dad is. Also it's "Red-eyed" bc everyone else so far and continuing on has bright ass Green eyes and hers are red. Normal eye color is boring. Her stand is called Techno Glitch and it's like normal stand, but it has to be programed by hand from a floating computer cause it sounded cool in my head so I said "yeah that." Weird power is that she sorta sleepwalks into the other 2 living Goldsboro's heads, like Usagi'll be dreaming and the 2 knew each other for a long time cause they have the same mom and stuff and Georgia will go "Ayo, what u dreaming about?" And Usagi will jump like 6 feet in the air.
If you can't tell by the length of that wall of text, she's my favorite
Also I'm skipping part 6 cause Jolyne is literally Kasumi's daughter, we don't need to sweet home Alabama this stuff
Part 7: Oh, to be young again
Johnny Joestar x OC
OC: Lucie "Lucky Lu" Goldsboro
Has that "popular yet still a good person" energy rarely found in my generation, or at least just in my school. Her stand is called Boomerang, and I'll let you figure out what it is. Only thing is that it's a person holding them, not an actual boomerang. Also 110% horse girl energy, but not in a cringy way Her weird power is that she has an insane amount of luck, hence her nickname.
Part 8: Rock n roll all night
Gappy x OC
OC: Rin Kaneko
Crackhead energy 4: Tsuzumi Mansion Arc, mixed with small but noticeable amounts of Undertaker from Black Butler and Hu Tao from Genshin. She just woke up next to Gappy, no memory of the last 2 months, and went "Ima just follow around this dude and help him remember his shit first." Her stand is called Ragged Glory and it's a guitar, but it doesn't just play music if you pull the strings, nonono, it also generates a random effect from a defined list because I only have so many sides on a die, and it's great. Her weird power is that she is well aware of the TimeLine reset in the end of part 6 (The one that left me crying cause all my Husbandos are gone now) and the memories and experiences of our past characters live in her and just surface at random.
I might make one for JoJo lands, depends on how I feel about it, dunno
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honeybyte · 4 months
So I know that you love to talk about your OCs. So I had a question about OCs in general and figured I'd ask. I have two little guys rn, they've existed for a few months now. I am currently obsessed with them in a way I haven't been able to achieve with my other attempts. But when I drew them it was just a silly attempt to make characters loosely related to some fan art that was so far from canon it had become something else. And now I have these two characters Soliel and Amaris (I suck at naming things😭) but they're evolving. So now I'm kinda redesigning them? Their outfits and proportions really as again they were made on a 2 am whim. So here I ask:have you ever changed one of your characters designs? Like a full on reboot kinda thing? A more gradual change perhaps? Have all your amazing sixty some characters stayed fairly similar since conception? I'm curious as to how your creative process works in this regard as I don't see many artists talk about changing characters and I feel like I'm never satisfied with what I make.
P.s. I really enjoy your art and I'm sorry I don't have enough energy to show it as often as I want
OOH okay so 1) im so happy that you finally found some lil guys to be obsessed w ! its a lot harder than people think to design smth you're really passionate abt (and even harder to name them, you picked good names!)
2) i absolutely have changed every oc i have roughly a dozen times
some just evolve that way -- the more developed they get, the more tweaking gets done so that something makes sense or their story affects them a certain way and now they have a new scar they didnt have before (super small example). stuff like that. i have ocs that i built, retired, and dragged back out of retirement to redesign or tweak in some way. i have ocs who look completely different from how they were originally.
i think Agnes is my best example of ocs that have completely changed as they evolved. she was originally a political mercenary and goliath's keeper. now she's a sweet academic
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Lovelace is another good one! the tweak looks less drastic but she went from a self-love cupid to a robot
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ultimately, what it comes down to is this: am i interested in what im making? is it something that makes me really think abt what it is that im doing, do i wanna draw for it in the first place? if the answer is a resounding "no" and stays that way, i usually retire the character, if not the whole verse.
Lovelace as a cupid didnt interest me at all, so she disappeared within days of her creation BUT. when i wanted to add another character to red heron (Yuma, another retired design), Lovelace went with him. Yuma was already a robot, but redesigning Lovelace? now that was interesting to me. esp bc i was obsessed w Killbot! by chloe moriondo at the time, i had this image of Lovelace w faulty wiring. the idea that she was a sweet little girl who's tampered w and turned violent really gripped me long enough to make her a lasting character in red heron, along w Yuma.
tldr; i change and retire and reboot ocs all the time. it's not abt getting it perfect, it's abt what interests you, and if your interest in that character is high enough, they'll usually adapt to what it is that you're creating. overall, have fun with your creations! they'll follow you longer if you do
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
Blog Rules + FAQ
I've been wanting to make this for a while because I feel like some of you don't have manners (I'm talking about you anons 1-8) and it's hurting those who I'm trying to accommodate (and me ??? bc y'all annoying as fuck, go suck a cactus)
this list will be updated as i go so please refer to this post if you ever want to know something regarding this blog
I don't have many rules bc honestly, this blog is both a joke and a safe space. but the most important rules that I implement are :
the anonymous function is there to accommodate those who want to interact but don't want to reveal themselves or don't have their own account so they borrowed someone else's account and just do not want to out themselves. so, if you have any complaints, comments, critiques, writing suggestions or even straight up hate comments, do it to me off anon or else that's you giving me your consent to absolutely obliterate the fuck out of you and I'm not even kidding when i say i can be SO MEAN when i want to be
that being said, if you do have genuine questions or confusion or even want me to elaborate on some things, do consider the words you use and their connotations. there's a difference between "i don't think this makes sense" and "i don't quite understand this, what does this part means?" or "you're offensive" and "i feel like the word you use is rather insensitive" and I would GLADLY make a 2 page essay to explain my thought process because i know that sometimes the things i say can rub some people the wrong way even though i don't mean it. but for the sake of the shit i wrote like to imitate real conversations between characters esp in terms of like how close and comfortable they are with each other (the kind of relationship hey have), I'm risking myself offending some of you but that's why i am beyond willing to explain myself if y'all ask bc let's be honest, i can't post an explanation after EVERY post when no one is complaining.
tone indicators (/j, /hj, /gen, /affectionate) are never wrong esp if you and i haven't established a relationship bc there are some anons and some blogs that i interact with a lot and we are aware of our relationship alr
keep in mind that these rules exist to protect myself and the anons who genuinely do want to interact with my blog as anons. if you break any of my rules or if you cross me in any sort of way, i have god, an emoji creature that creeps the fuck out of everyone i know, and the fact that I'm a virgo with nothing to lose on my side, so you WILL get wrecked one way or another.
that being said, here are some of the FAQs i got.
q. do you do requests?
a. no, i'm not taking requests. between my series and the recurring ideas that randomly pops up in my head, i don't have the time and energy and frankly i don't want to disappoint. BUT !! if someone sends me an unsolicited request and it ended up inspiring me, i might do it but i'm not promising anything
q. do you only write for ateez?
a. rn yes, but it seems like I'm gonna start writing for xikers ??? and even though most of their members have reached legal age, i am currently not comfortable writing mature/rated stuff for them yet. rn I'm even still incorporating them into my ateez fics as to familiarize myself and i even have this baby!xikers and dad!ateez au thing i made with my friend so for now, that's the best i can provide
q. do you write yandere or darker themes?
a. it depends. i'm still struggling to label certain stuff ??? like i'm still familiarizing myself to the concept of CNC and kinkier stuffs and I'm still expanding my knowledge. that being said, i draw the line on the sexualization of : rape, incest, drugging, bestiality, (and more to be added bc ngl i can't think of anything else rn so I'll get back to you on that)
q. are minors allowed to interacy with your blog ?
a. absolutely, anyone is welcomed. but for the sake of safety and me not being cancelled, if you are a minor, please do not react with my mature stuff or the mature stuff i reblog. I'm putting a lot of trust in yiu guys so please DO NOT betray my trust
q. what apps do you use for your smau ?
a. i use Twinote and Fake Chat which are on android (google play) but idk if it's available on apple store
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well since today is apparently a RANT POST kind of day, im gonna type up some thoughts ive had on vanitas ive wanted to get out of my system (i dont like him)
i realize expending energy on smth negative doesnt help anyone, but its the sort of thing ive had eating at my brain, and im hoping writing it down will allow me to stop thinking about it so much lol (luv having ocd alongside being autistic)
i do not understand the love for vanitas. i really dont.
and im not talking about fans who like him bc hes edgy sora. theyre villain fuckers. i get that.
i mean i dont understand how many people legitimately think hes a sympathetic character with more depth than just, like, being an asshole.
and before anyone says anything, yes, i know the bbs novel goes into his backstory, and makes it really tragic.
but kh3 did absolutely no job whatsover of incorporating any of that into his scenes in the game. he just comes off as the same big asshole that caused nothing but pain and suffering for the wayfinder trio in bbs
like all of the members of the real organization had some sort of redeeming moment before they died again, except for him. to me it felt like he just flipped off ven and sora and went, ‘haha fuck you guys i LOVE being darkness and i LOVE being evil see yall fucking later’, even as sora was trying to reach out to him
(yes i realize theres smth involving the translation of this scene, but im just gonna go off the english dub rn)
and. it sounds really petty. and a sign i might take shipping too seriously.
but i keep thinking about this shit because tumblr keeps recommending an artist on here that draws so/vani + vani/ku + so/ri/vani
and i cannot wrap my mind around those ships at ALL
even besides vanitas having soras face, why in gods name would a pure, sweet, innocent boy like him want to date just. the biggest douchebag??
and riku??? the one desperately in love with sora???? THAT riku??? dating a boy who looks like sora but is the exact opposite of him in terms of personality???????
its like. doing a disservice to both of their characters to have them involved with him IMO. like why would they ever. theyre so much better than him. they DESERVE better.
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again. i know its just shipping and i know ppl are having fun. i recognize theyre not hurting anyone. and they often make up aus specifically to fit their ships. but i just. 
i do not get it, man. vanitas sucks.
(its worth mentioning i am bitter also bc i always see ppl call xion [my fav female character and like second or third fav character overall] the most pointless/shoehorned character in kh. and i just wanna be like. excuse me, have you SEEN vanitas???)
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raeygina-george · 7 months
Every third remaining ask from the game
ill just answer the whole thing in one. LONG ASS POST GUYS
💖Favourite thing to draw
WAVY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
💯Favourite piece(s)
you get a sneak peek of the art project im working on yay. the perks of putting up with my bullshit <3
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some of these i like more than others but as of rn these are the pieces i show people who haven't seen my art. my makeshift portfolio, i guess
🌈Favourite colour palette(s)
i think this is obvious enough if you look at my previous answer, but pinks, oranges, purples, and blues!
🤴Favourite OC(s) to draw
oooh yikes. to DRAW???? i never draw my ocs... i really like kyrie's design but i've never drawn her outside of that so i feel like she'd be really hard to get right..... idk i mean i guess saturn????????
🎨Favourite artist(s)
i dont have a lot of these, but i like hanacue, aidairo, and milkie2's art styles (these r just what i could think of off the top of my head)
✒Favourite medium 
i like gouache cause im a whore bitch
📏Medium you’d like to work with more
gouache because im not typically a traditional artist and every time i sit down to paint i just end up suffering for like an hour before i finally accept the fact that i cannot save this little kitty from its fate of looking like a vaguely animal-shaped blob. such interactions further repel me from the world of traditional art. im taking a painting class soon though so i'll just get my act together then
💭Go-to subject matter
humans?? usually just like. smiling. not doing anything too interesting
💜Drawing staples
i don't know exactly what this means but if it's an art piece of mine, it's got pink in it
💬What you’d like to draw more of
i'd like to draw more like backgrounds and animals? there's a shit ton of stuff i wanna improve with my humans but idk i've been wanting to branch out a bit more for a while i just haven't had the time or energy to draw more than like 1 of my blorbos a month
😂 Funniest drawing
i play tee k o with my family (you) so i draw stuff for that that's silly. WAIT HANG ON
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this isn't my funniest drawing but it's what i have
❓Weirdest drawing/drawing with a weird process
im doing an art telephone w my friends that i might post when we're done? i can't post it now cause that would ruin the fun but yeah
🕑Drawing(s) that took the longest
uhhhh i mean earlier in my drawing journey i took forever to draw and i really hated drawing bc i took a super long time to draw and i didn't like anything i made and no one else liked anything i made so it was just like wow i spent all that time for nothing. still glad i did it though bc that era was still an important step in my art development. anyways as for more recent pieces uhh. my piece for the yorknew auction took a while, mostly because i had 0 time or energy and it was a really involved piece
👑Favourite fictional character(s) to draw
as you will see, i really like drawing lust from fmab
👿Least favourite fictional character(s) to draw
i've found out that unfortunately drawing olivier is not very fun for me. so sad cause i really like her
👔Design process for [x] character 
oh my god guys ask me about my magical girl designs and i will go insane i will type up a whole essay. i'll talk about kyrie cause i like her a lot
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here's the design! so she drowned (or rather, was drowned by someone else) at 16 after being stalked for a couple months and eventually kidnapped. not exactly the lightest story, but bc it was so traumatic her brain erased the memories, and she doesn't find out the real cause of death until much later in the story, when kye comes across a guy who lived in kyrie's town and gets the full story.
her outfit is themed after ophelia for. obvious reasons. i looked up paintings/common interpretations of ophelia and found that she was commonly depicted in a white and gold dress with reddish-brown hair half up. oh, and flowers. so i ran with that. the white streaks in her hair were actually not part of the initial plan, but when i was using the bucket tool it left blank streaks and i just thought it looked nice.
for the flowers i chose forget-me-nots because she loses her memory, and then the hands on the skirt represent her fight to stay alive (both while drowning and before) and how she reached out for help in the months leading up to her death but no one answered. she's also, in a way, reaching for her lost memories, who she used to be, etc etc. the blue thingy in the back was initially supposed to be a mermaid tail as like. a single callback to the little mermaid (and the fact that she was a really good swimmer, so it's ironic that she drowned), but i took the mermaid aspect out & added in the two eyes.
the eyes are like. the feeling of being watched. the eye at the front will always look at kyrie no matter what, and the eye in the back will look at anyone else it can find, as if pleading for help. i just noticed the bracelet? not sure why that's there. probably just for fun. anyways the ring with the star on it is from a play called 'the princess who had no name', which is about a princess with amnesia who's trying to find out who she is and where she came from.
and finally, the weapon! it's meant to be a sparkler, like the little fireworks yk? it's a callback to the very first draft of her character from like 2 years ago, back when the kyries shared the name lylie instead & i had written absolutely nothing about her character. but i was reading through the old plot/character info a while ago and i found out she apparently really liked fireworks??? that was like my only piece of info about her. i figured since she'd changed so much it was only fair i put a little something from her roots. but the sparkler can also represent how 'bright' she appears to be; people are drawn towards her, for better or worse.
📆Earliest fandom you did fanart for/first fanart
the first fandom i remember like really being hyperfixated on was.... miraculous ladybug................. BUT i didn't make any fanart for it, so instead you get the very first real piece of art i ever made on my computer :)
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shoutout to me for drawing those wings by hand. i didn't know how to use the flip tool so i just spent like 4 hours trying to make them symmetrical. and now i can't even remember how to draw butterfly wings. smh
HOLY SHIT WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED. BACK WHEN YOU FIRST SHOWED ME FAIRY TAIL I DREW HAPPY A COUPLE TIMES. I DONT HAVE ANY PICS BUT THAT'S DEFINITELY EARLIER THAN THIS. oh my god and don't even get me started on my warriors phase. wow i guess i've been making fanart since forever lol
this post is already too long. no
📝Process for [x] drawing 
my general art process is idea > rough sketch > real sketch > lineart (if applicable) > coloring > rendering > SHADE THE FUCK OUT OF THAT THING > send it to my friends and say 'anything else i should add 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺' > add a little more shading > done. you can ask me for more detailed instructions, i'd be happy to give a more in-depth tutorial about something specific
✨Inspiration for [x] drawing 
uh idk i do a lot of redraws. lately i've been doing redraws + asking friends for cool poses + looking at stock images for inspiration
💚Things you like about [x] drawing
i'll go with that aubrey piece from one of the earliest questions. i like how the emotions came across in both her expression and the coloring, and how much more fluid the pose is. i think the shading & rendering is neat. overall it's a big improvement from the piece i was redrawing so im really proud of that & it's nice to see how far i've come in a relatively short amount of time
⏳Things you’d do differently with [x] drawing
using the same drawing, uhh... idk there's some stuff with the proportions that like. sometimes looks fine to me and sometimes looks off? i really just eyeball anatomy and stuff so it's not always particularly Good. i like the colors i have here but they're not the colors i was intending to use. i didn't really know how to draw the jacket and everything i did with the top just looked strange so they're not As Detailed or 'good' as they probably could be? there's parts where i got lazy and all that but all in all i really like this drawing and nothing big really jumps out at me, these are all just nitpicks
💌Some favourite feedback on art
hmmmmmmm i really like the few like. paragraph responses i've gotten. i appreciate every single comment i get but like when people rave to you about your art???? that's so nice. i can't really pick out a critique i've heard that super super helped me off of the top of my head, but there's power in knowing what you can do better next time
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sneakyspades · 4 months
ok yknow what im just gonna straight up vent about work rn bc i ran out of tags on the other post
its become such a fucking shitshow down there jesus christ i cannot fucking stand it anymore. communication doesnt exist, i dont even remember the last time back of house had a fucking meeting. the owner pushed for us to stay open during a blizzard where it was a wind chill of -40. i mean holy fuck, the city said dont travel unless its an emergency
i had issues on sunday that i wasnt sure about, but our chef was out of town doing a show with his band, and our sous chef was sitting at the bar in the restaurant a good 5 or 6 beers deep by the time i ran into this problem. i asked the other supervisor (who agrees with me that this is a shitshow) and he wasnt sure either so we straight up guessed
i only make 15 an hour despite having been there for a whole fucking year, because i only get supervisor pay when im clocked in as supervisor. which is a measly 8 of my 40 hours. but god forbid i dont act like a supervisor for all 40 hours
insurance is unsustainably expensive there. my coworker who makes 13.50 an hour takes home *more than i do per paycheck* at this point. and he works 32 hours! i havent taken home more than 750 a pay check since getting insurance! i used to be grossing 1000! IM LITERALLY PAYING 175 DOLLARS EVERY PAY CHECK! AND THATS ABOUT TO GO UP TO ALMOST 180 WHEN I TURN 27! im not making any fucking money! im not getting any savings!
not to mention they fucked up my insurance not that long ago! i was told at the doctors office and the pharmacy that i had zero coverage! but they were still taking money from my fucking paycheck for it! like holy fuck i shouldve talked to goddamn lawyer about that instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt!
i was 110% fine with making 15 an hour and doing nothing but pizzas. because the trade off was that i could cut out early, i could trade shifts, if i got sick it wasnt fucking everyone else over. but now i cant do any of that. i have to close on saturdays, dont get home and in bed until 1:30 some nights, and then have to get up and go do a 10 hour shift every sunday. every weekend! every fucking weekend! and im the only one that does that anymore! im not the only one doing a double on sunday, but im the only one who has to close the night before. and because im just exhausted by the end of a sunday, my mondays are practically wasted because im catching up on sleep!
i like. cant fucking do this anymore. i cant think of any reason why im still there. i could go worl at fucking sams club in the bakery, start at the same wage (if not more), have *less* responsibilities, be doing something i want to do, and they close at 8 every day. i dont think theyre even open on sundays!
why am i still working there? its not sustainable for me anymore. my body is fucked. its falling apart ahead of schedule. i cant even open my door in the morning because of carpal tunnel. im 26 and when i crouch down i cant always get back up. the other night my ankle just started popping every time i turned around. what am i doing? what am i doing. i dont know.
i dont even have energy left over to draw. or make stained glass. or even do a discord call. the last time i had an actual date with my partner was, what, like 4 fucking months ago? i dont have any energy left over. im using it all for a place that i dont enjoy working at anymore, and i know i wont get better hours. our sous chef has been here since the place opened and he only has night shifts. the only day he doesnt is sunday. which is 8am to 3pm.
our new hire has sunday-monday off. why cant i have that? i want a weekend day off. its not gonna happen in this industry. its not gonna happen in this kitchen. i cant do this for the next however many years,
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