#tcoaal angst
senseichaos · 5 months
Andrew secretively groping your ass whenever you're around. No matter where you are or what you're doing. You could be at a restaurant and he'll hike his hand up to cup your ass as you sit. He'll poke at it and pinch it when you are teasing.
Casual sadism would fit him well, I think. Randomly planting a small smack to your thigh just to see you squirm.
"sorry baby, you know I love to see my princess squirm,"
He didn't mean it, and you knew that.
You'd let him pinch you whenever he felt. Sometimes he even did it as a reprimand. You say something out of line at dinner with Ashley? He pinches your thigh so hard you can see the outline of his nail imprinted on your thigh for weeks.
He isn't all bite, though. He'll cuddle you softly and ruffle your hair. He'll tell you how much he loves you every day, even if you're fast asleep. He'll fuck you slow, He'll fuck you fast. And most of all he'll fuck you good.
"What a good girl, letting me open up that tight hole of your again and again,"
"What'd I do to deserve such a naughty princess?"
Sometimes you wonder who the Andrew was before you met him, how he was when he was 'Andy'.
He was mean, you could see it. He didn't get angry at you often, no. But one day after shopping you'd walked in on a scene: Andrew was holding Ashley by the neck as he yelled at her, telling her to stop being stupid, and that he'd kill her.
After that day Andrew did seem more distant, and you couldn't deny that.
But perhaps he'd come rolling back.
He would, right?
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little-ghost-bunny · 2 months
Just take my wallet
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suicidal-coffin-boy · 7 months
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She's so me
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silvermoose · 3 months
Fanfic I wrote about The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Originally on reddit, then Ao3.
It was late, so fortunately there was no one around. He backed up his car so it was a good distance from the bridge.
I should be able to gain enough speed to go straight through the barrier. Drowning would be hard, but he had his seat belt on to keep him in place, and the windows open to make it easier for water to enter the car.
He cleared his mind of all thoughts. It was surprisingly easy now, he was calmer than he had been in… well, ever.
He hit the gas. The car raced forward, through both lanes towards the water, and crashed into the barrier, which didn't move an inch.
“Fuck,” he screamed out loud. “FUCK!!!”
The car was damaged, badly, but he was still able to back it up to try again. He gave himself more distance this time.
This should break the barrier, he thought, and slammed on the gas pedal. It lurched forward, but stalled, and lurched forward again. The crash had fucked something up, and the car would not gain traction.
“FUCKING HELL,” he screamed. He tried to back up again, but the car no longer moved smoothly, only in short, jerky motions. He banged his head on the wheel and let the horn go for a few seconds before lifting his head back up.
He could jump, sure, but he was too good a swimmer to stay down. If only he had the Christmas light or ropes from his parents, then he could tie a rock to himself for weight.
Fine. Police I guess. He started driving on the road again, as normal as he could given the damage to the car. He'd find a Police station soon enough, or maybe he'd get pulled over and could confess his sins on the spot. But as he drove, he decided against it; being arrested wasn't what he wanted, not really. Prison would only take him from his sister, and despite, well, everything, he didn't want that.
He found himself driving mindlessly, stalling and stopping every couple of minutes. He wasn't sure why or how, but he ended up back at his parents, which was as good a place as any.
He got out and opened the front door; they hadn't bothered locking it when they left. He went back to the car, opened the trunk, carefully picking up his sister's lifeless body. He wasn't particularly strong, but she wasn't particularly heavy, either. He carried her across the threshold and laid her gently on his parents bed. He closed the door to the house but left the trunk open, left the front door unlocked. He left the gun, since he had already emptied it long ago. Surely one of the neighbors would get worried by the sight and call the police; when the officer entered, he would go for their gun. Suicide by cop wasn't as clean as driving off the bridge and drowning, but at least their bodies would be together. He lay down next to Ashley.
“I'm not sorry,” he said to her. “This has been a long time coming. I only wish I had thought this through better, so you wouldn't have to wait so long.”
He could have used the cleaver, sure. It was good enough for the warden, good enough for the woman from 302. But its frequent use had likely dulled the blade, and he didn't want to suffer. That's why he didn't use it on Leyley, either; besides, she was too beautiful, he didn't want to ruin that. The marks around her neck from his hand left him guilty enough as it was.
They wouldn't bury us together, he suddenly realized. Even if he got the cops to shoot him, they would still separate them. Different graves, hell, maybe different cemeteries. Or cremate them separately. He went back to see her, with the cleaver this time.
“I'm sorry, Leyley, but this is the only way I can be sure”
He didn't want to; this might be the most peaceful he had ever seen her. But he had to, and deep down, he knew she'd be fine with it. He was almost tempted to laugh at how used to this he was, but he took more care of her body than he had the cultist or his parents. As he made the soup, he didn't bother adding any spices that might make it taste better; he wanted it to taste the same way her soup had tasted. When he was done, he wrapped her bones in the nicest sheet he could fine and held them close. When it was ready, he sat down to eat it. He ate around the potatoes and carrots and onions, he wanted to make sure he had all of her in him
No cops had arrived by the time he was done. Andrew grew impatient, he just wanted to be with her again. He took matters into his own hands.
“911, what's your emergency?” “I killed my sister.” “You… killed your sister?” “And the neighbor. And the warden. Ate the cultist. Killed and ate my parents, after we sacrificed them to the demon. Well, I guess my sister was the one who killed them. Oh, but I killed the hitman and stole his car. And Nina, when we were kids. And I think that's everything.” “Okay, sir, and when was the last time you took your medication? Do you have any with you now?” “What? No, I'm not on medication. This all actually happened. I need you to send an officer to arrest me.” “Okay, and are you seeing or hearing anything else unusual?” “... no.” “Okay. I can send an ambulance over, but it will take about 20 minutes.” “I need a cop, not an ambulance!” “I'm sorry, sir, but policy dictates we don't send cops for mental health crises. But don't worry, I promise our EMTs will take good care of you.” “... fine.”
He gave dispatch his parents’ address and ended the call. When the EMTs saw he wasn't lying, then they would call the police and he could go from there. He walked out the front door with Ashley's bones and sat on the pavement. He lit a cigarette while he waited, but put it out moments later.
She hated that I smoked. He waited until he saw the ambulance come down the street, lights and siren off, and he held her bones close to his chest.
I'll see you soon, Leyley. I'm coming home.
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ang3lofdivinity · 4 months
Can we have Andrew and Reader have a life after the events of the game (In the Bulletless Decay route)?
Reader would be an exchange student who would have gone to stay with the Graves family, but in the end she ended up being another 'victim' of the game's circumstances.
She would be a type of person who was indifferent to almost everything, cold-blooded, with somewhat sociopathic tendencies but with a kind heart.
Okay, let's do this, after Ashley's murder, Andrew and Reader finally got fake teeth and moved somewhere far away, but with all the recent traumas and along with the fear of being abandoned.
Andrew started to have possessive tendencies, a little clingy, toxic, manipulative towards our 'poor thing' Reader and that would result in them having children in the future, to keep her trapped in the coffin with him.
❝𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧❞
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Relationship(s): (somewhat)yan!andrew x fem!reader
Format: Headcannons + some stories
Genre: ANGST. A bit of fluff?? + Yandere(?)
Warnings: spoilers for tcoaal, yandere themes (toxic behavior, non consensual kisses and such, etc), marking, smoking, swearing, blood, death.
A/n: Ty so much for this first ever request!! Other warnings will be tagged in this post later on, ofc.
Also, fair warning to all of you, my dearest readers; if anyone or yourself is acting like this in real life, please get some professional assistance as this is not healthy. This is a work of fan-fiction. Thank you.
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Andrew didn’t know all of this would happen, let alone know he’d meet someone new
He and his sister had planned to rob their parents after killing that murderer within the woods where Andrew used up all of Ashley’s bullets in her gun!
How (absolutely not) lovely.
For you? You were living somewhat in Elysian.
You were a college student, a pretty good one too, so much so because you got a scholarship to get into the college in the first place, that being a huge achievement since that was hard and not only free!
But then again, you didn’t really have anyone to stay with..
Before Mr and Mrs Graves offered, of course!
Your parents died at a young age, and you learned how to take care of yourself from that age as well
Yet.. you couldn’t feel anything for them, you felt lack of empathy, you didn’t even shed a real tear at their funeral when you truly wanted to
You felt crazy and something akin to depersonalization came over you, and it stayed there within you for months, or well you entire life
You were taken into an orphanage until you became 18, moving somewhere else to start fresh where you became an exchange student
During your time in the orphanage, you still had school.. and you did that well to the point where you colleges were almost begging you to join
But you first needed somewhere to stay while you finished your studies
And thankfully, the Graves gave you the offer to stay with them (which you took)
You’d cook, clean after your own messes, do chores, keep quiet unless it was a severely bad issue, wouldn’t be around during their.. ‘personal playful time’, and pay them for staying there
In return, they kept you fed, helped you with clothes (specifically Mrs Graves), and the most important of all; let you stay there and finish your studies
You worked some extra jobs outside of college to pay for the Graves and to continue your studies, etc
You usually slept on the couch or at the table from studying, not like you got much sleep at all since you practically overworked yourself
Speaking of college, you didn’t have many friends because of your “weird behavior”
I’m talking about the fact had a lack of empathy for others including yourself
You were impulsive
You lied a lot
You were a bit manipulative
You ignored most rights and feelings of others
And the cherry on top, you were aggressive with most people
All factors of your sociopathic tendencies and personality
You had started going to therapy to try and fix that, and it somewhat worked..
Keyword: somewhat
You found out that you had a much more.. softer side so to speak
There wasn’t much you could do about your sociopathic tendencies but to mask them
And you did just that
Cutting to the chase here though, you were out for the day getting some ingredients for some cookies for you along with Mr and Mrs Graves
And if you had any extras, you’d give some other people within the neighborhood.
You got all of your items, went to the register and payed for all of it before packing them all into bags and leaving
The store wasn’t too far from the Graves house, so you would just walk to and from the store
One your way though, an odd sense of apprehension took over you.
It.. was just super weird
You had to stop for a few seconds on your walk and just, shudder
And this wasn’t normal
You pressed on nonetheless, making it to the house
When you unlocked the door, taking out your key and opening the door all the way- you saw Mrs Graves on the couch in deep though
However, the atmosphere was palpable
Something wasn’t right.
“Good evening, Mrs Graves.”
She didn’t respond, only looking up at you in pure fear.
“Dad??” Someone called from kitchen
..Dad? What.
Mrs Graves slowly got up as a perplexed look came across your face, going into the kitchen
She said something you couldn’t hear before she approached you
“(___)..” she started
Before you knew it, two people walked out of the kitchen
One was a woman with cherry blossom pink eyes, the same as Mr Graves. She wears a black top together with a visible black brassière, light grey shorts, and a yellow pendant hanging from a black choker. Her hair is uncombed and tied at the back in a ponytail
Then the other was a man with emerald green eyes like that of Mrs Graves (just darker) who was pale-skinned with black uncombed hair, like the woman’s and a black, slightly over-sized jumper with light grey ripped pants.
“..meet my two children, Ashley and Andrew.”
Safe to say you were genuinely so shocked
“..Good evening. I’m (___), it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You spoke solemnly, a blank look on your face.
“Nice to meet you too..” the male suddenly spoke as he looked somewhat.. stunned and mesmerized by who knows what.
“What he said.” The girl rolled her eyes inconspicuously (or at least tried to), but you saw it. You always managed to catch onto small things like that.
From then on, it was somewhat.. odd living with the two newcomers.
You crashed over at a close friend’s house for a while as Mrs Graves tried to figure everything out, but a little bit after that Andrew gave you.. small little gestures here and there, like he was asking for you to stay.
And sometimes you did.
On those times, he would try talking to you after a lot of awkward silence in between you both.
“..(___), right?” Andrew quietly asked you, looking over at you.
“..Mhm.” You managed to utter back as you refused to meet his eyes as eye contact wasn’t.. all that comfortable
“You.. go to college, what profession are you working on?”
“Law. I’m thinking about becoming a lawyer” you quickly replied back.
“Let me guess, you were a psychology major?”
“How did you-“ He stuttered over his words, baffled by yours.
“You just seem like that kinda person to be interested in that major” you calmly stated.
You two had a long staring contest before Andrew spoke again for the both of you.
“I’m pretty fond of you..”
“Any particular reason why?..”
“You’re kinda like… somewhat the opposite of my sister” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“Don’t like her all that much?” You raised an eyebrow.
“It’s- not that..”
“What is it then?”
“..We’ve only had each other for.. so long. As long as I can remember. My- our mom forced me to take care of Ashley when I was 7 because she had me when she was 15 and felt like I was able to take of a 5 year old Ashley. That,, didn’t go well. Shes attached to me at the hip and I can’t get rid of her now.”
“Maybe try. Point out every little thing shes doing that makes you uncomfortable, tell her how shes made it feel like what it is shes doing normal when it’s not.”
You returned to slowly eat your food while Andrew just, stared.
“..Thank you” he suddenly spoke as you gave a small nod.
Tapping your foot for a few seconds as you pondered about what to say next, you sighed softly and turned your head to him.
“Want some?..” you motioned to your food.
He, although astounded by the request, accepted.
He didn’t even bother grabbing another fork and just ate from yours..
Moving on from this however, you two bonded over a lot of things you thought you probably never would.
Interests (mainly him liking things that you liked), personalities, dislikes, likes, etc.
And due to this, you started hanging out more with each other!
And his sister obviously showed that she didn’t like you because of that.
“Oops” she’d say as she spilled over your drink, ate your food even after when you caught her multiple times and told her to stop, dropping anything she had in her hands onto you, it was just.. sucky of her.
And whenever you tried anything even defending yourself, she went crying to Andrew!!
“I’m sorry.” He would mumble to you and give you a hug for his sisters acts while she stared daggers at you.
This went on for a while until one night—
“Get up” a harsh voice echoed quietly as you were violently shook from your slumber. You had passed out after studying for hours on end for your exam next afternoon.
The room was filled with a scent of blood, and the food you all had from earlier. The zephyr wafting
“H-huh?” You drowsily said, wiping the drool away from your mouth and looking around as a hand reached up to your head and slammed it down onto the wooden table, creating a loud thud as you winced.
You wanted to yell, scream, fight back. But, with the moonlight shining through the curtains of the windows and illuminating your surroundings, you saw Ashley holding a gun.
Your breath hitched as you chewed your bottom lip as you waited for Ashley said something else.
“I didn’t say to speak, dumbass. Keep fucking quiet.” The girl groaned as you heard footsteps approaching.
“Ashley!! I told you not to touch her! You have already taken our parents lives— but not hers. You can’t, Ashley.” Andrew’s familiar voice echoed throughout the kitchen, sounding demanding.
“Oh? So she matters more than me now? YOU CARE MORE ABOUT HER?” She started raising her voice, almost loud enough to alarm the neighbors as he slapped a hand over her mouth to shut her up.
“KEEP YOUR FUCKING VOICE DOWN.” He whispered yelled as he furrowed his brows together. She pried off his hand with a furious look, gritting her teeth together.
“Oh, don’t wanna admit it, huh? WELL FUCK YOU!” Ashley got closer to Andrew than anyone would be comfortable with as she pointed the gun at him.
“.. damn, crazy bitch.” You whispered to yourself and giggled, before you even knew it she had the gun pointed at you next.
And she got close to pulling the trigger before—
Theres blood everywhere.
Andrew had killed his sister with the cleaver he had been clutching in his hands so tight that his knuckles turned white.
You didn’t even know what to say anymore..
“..what did you both do to Mr and Mrs Graves?” The question slipped past your lips even though it wasn’t the moment to be talking about any of this when someone in-front of you has been murdered.
“It’s.. nothing”
“Andrew- what did you do?” You asked, adamant on prying out an answer from him.
No answer.
Who knew that this little encounter would lead to both you and Andrew cleaning up the body of his dead sister.
But, nonetheless, he took a shower to clean up from the blood that splattered all over as you turned to washing both of your piles of clothes within the washer and dryer.
No sign of Mr or Mrs Graves at all.
You laid out some clothes from him from Mr Graves; A baggy sweater, some baggy light grey pants, some really old converse shoes you’d thought he’d fit in.
Surprisingly, they did!
Like Father like Son. You guess
Being that those shoes are when Mr Graves was just a teen to young adult.
Nonetheless, you two decide to have a conversation about.. what to do now.
Which was… off putting
“I can pay for most of the house bills. I have a job after all… though- I would have to find out how to get the police to believe that the Graves gave the house to me.” You spoke. Hands resting one over the other in your lap.
Andrew was in front of you while you were seated on the couch, your head felt.. dizzy about everything that he and his now.. non-available sister did.
The Graves weren’t the best, but they weren’t the worse while you knew them. So why?..
He told you everything about them that happened in his childhood, and you just… felt a bit disgusted.
“We could just.. move into a less expensive place.”
“True. Until I graduate, of course. Then I could get us into a much bigger and nicer house.” You chimed in, a faint small on your face.
“I can also help you get a job, Andrew”
He seemed.. surprised.
“I can also see if I can get you back into college. I can truly believable story about why you dropped out.”
Andrew stayed silent before he slowly dipped his head down low.
“Why.. are you helping me so much?”
A quiet gasp left your mouth, your lips agape as you fidgeting with your fingers. You paused to take a moment to yourself.
“..I feel bad for you. You deserve much more than this world offers.”
Safe to say he cried a bit. Thanking you profusely.
He also told you a bit about having to dump the bones of Mr and Mrs Graves, along with Ashley.
So you went just as the sun was beginning to rise, and chucked the bags out into the lake, with the three skulls.
The two of you then just… sat in the car for a bit, processing what you two just did.
“..not really but just,, go ahead…”
The car then drove off, you hugging your knees as you stared out the window.
And that’s when the two of you started bonding more and moved in together!!
Of course, the police got into contact with you more than once about the deaths of Mr and Mrs Graves, and you told them you knew nothing as you tried to make yourself seem sadder than you were about the situation.
Nonetheless, living with Andrew in the apartment you bought wasn’t too bad.
You quickly graduated your college, now getting a job as a lawyer.
Andrew himself got a job somewhere, thankfully well paying.
You two managed to move shortly after you both were doing well enough on money as he expressed that he wanted to go back to college, to learn psychology!
You didn’t see any harm in that, and decided to help him pay for the expenses.
Maybe you shouldn’t have though.
Eventually, during your time together, he’d start commenting on some of the outfits you wore.
“..That looks a bit too short”
“The color doesn’t match you”
“It exposes.. maybe a bit too much”
You of course questioned further why he was acting like this when he wasn’t even dating you, making him reply; “I’m just.. worried about you”
So you shrugged it off.
Then the gifts started.
Romantic ones.
Flowers you loved, stuffed animals, jewelry you liked, etc.
You found it.. admiring.
Andrew started getting more touchy too.
Even if you didn’t want it.
He apologized for that of course, before going back to touch you more.
This was all before he proposed the idea that you two should start dating.
Of course, for mainly appearance looks.
But you didn’t know the truth, nor the mistake you’ve made.
It only took a little more time before Andrew started getting more and more possessive over you.
He would always have some form of physical contact with you, started saying you could only go out with him, until it changed you couldn’t go out at all besides for work.
Even then he would secretly have a tracker on you always to make sure you were always where you said you were.
You tried to object to his actions, before he started making excuses for his behavior.
“Do you know how many men would drool over you??”
“I’m just trying to protect you.”
He would then cajole you to place down the subject.
Now while you were at home, he was all handsy with you, even being bold enough to start giving you hickeys and markings in very noticeable places.
And he was far too good at manipulating you that you would start standing up for yourself.
The final straw was when he got you pregnant.
You sobbed for days, you never wanted children.
You eventually tried to get him out and break up with him.
But he threatened you all too well.
“If you do this, i’ll make sure to ruin everything you have, you wouldn’t want to raise that child all by yourself?” “You wouldn’t live without me”
So you sucked it up, and couldn’t even get rid of the child either since you were too afraid.
Genuinely afraid
So.. now you’re trapped with him forever in this rose covered coffin. One where the roses are wilting and have poisonous thorns so you may never leave again.
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Woah, this took— much longer than I expected. But, i’m alive!! Ty all for reading and I’ll be sure to try and update more!
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julysn · 3 months
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fanfic ideas
(i would totally write these if i felt motivated. but i don’t. so now u have to listen to me.)
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fandoms i had in mind: south park, unwind dystology, tcoaal. but these can be used for any fandom.
a/n: HI HELLO i would like to see these happen. so im dumping it on YOU. you’re welcome. most are x reader focused bc i have wrote those all my life, but u can switch these up idgaf
writers i see u sprinting at me from a mile away. it’s okay. slow down bookie. it’s okay i’m here.
ALSO IF YOU USE THESE GIVE CREDIT FOR INSPO 🙏 just put my user somewhere visible on the masterlist/notes or tag me 😉 it’s not that hard pookie
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# south park ──
and yes u can use these ideas for any other piece of media. just give credit i am BEGGING 😭🙏🙏
— … unwind au. HELLO DO WE SEE THE VISION WTF?? cmon guys. stan and kyle being connor and hayden WTF DO U GUYS SEE IT wjat. kyle as connor definitely they’re pretty similar imo
— fingerbang au where it has four separate endings for the main four. but y/n is a stylist/manager/makeup artist (if u need it.. look up kpop fics for inspo)
— instead of tolkien and his parents moving in across tegridy farms, it’s y/n. yeah that’s all i got
— doubling down except heidi’s y/n, and y/n doesn’t get back with cartman.
this was one i attempted writing a WHILEEE ago but never really. yk. got the hang of it.
but basically to sum the idea up, it’ll be the entire doubling down episode except extended. like, it could play it longer and extra scenes (ex. extension of the dinner scene where they make fun of cartman to heidi, every scene in the montage written out)
— childhood best friends to enemies to lovers where y/n had a big fight w the love interest days before they moved. but then they move back to south park and (not surprisingly) they got a glow up and they’re hot now! so everyone tries to flirt w them but the love interest catches their eye and they’re still enemies ofc but they catch feelings
— this is more of a oneshot, but y/n asks someone (or a set of people) to get matching sanrio pajama pants. yeah. do whatever stinks
— high school au. where y/n is a sad emo loser and the love interest is popular. and they lose a bet and have to ask solemn little y/n out but y/n says yes so the love interest is like “….. im gonna break up with them after three months.” but (spoiler alert) THEY FALL IN LOVE!
bonus points for angst w happy ending. like y/n finds out about the bet or something and then the love interest is like “NO PLS. I NEED U. U DONR GET ME” and they’re vulnerable and desperate and y/n’s like “okay! 😊😊”
idea. hi. i have idea. y/n gets bullied for dating love interest so they’re protecting sad little y/n bc they feel bad and it’s really cute and love interest thinks “…….:…. why is y/n kinda cute.”
— angel y/n who is pure and innocent but NOT NAIVE! please do not make y/n sound like how those 2013 wattpad fics would’ve made her sound. demon love interest.
is it just me or y/n is a separate entity. she’s banging every character in existence like what. also i’m not religious so i wouldn’t really know about this stuff
# unwind dystology ──
— au where risa isn’t in a state home and she has cool foster parents. and she has to babysit lucas but one day she meets connor bc he’s home (shocker!) and they become friends and he slowly stops being away from home to see her 💘💞🩷
— au where y/n gets hired to be connor and risa’s bodyguard. and risa has her gay awakening so connor and y/n get to know each other and fall in love!
— blind date hayconrisa. how will this happen? idk ask urself
— high school au. again. why am i so obsessed w high school au’s IM BARELY EVEN A FRESHMEN DAWG 😭 but anyways fake dating haycon. like maybe connors trying to escape from his admirers so he agrees to fake date hayden.
— mermaid risa x sailors connor and hayden. i live laugh love hayconrisa.
— jackson wang party and hayden gets DRUNK (boy u are not old enough to be drinking!) so connor takes him home and takes care of him
— rockstar au. do we smell it
— guardian angel hayden who is never serious to the point connor’s like “….. are u seriously my guardian angel wtf”. but haycon. i lov haycon
— risa or hayden has to tutor connor bc his dumbass is failing every subject (high school au)
— underage smoking + shotgun kisses in the graveyard…,,…. hayden somehow gets weed so he shares it w connor and risa and maybe haycon/conrisa shotgun kisses oneshot. hear me out hello
— yo chat can we get some more unwind angst w happy ending
— greek god/goddess au? dunno how that’s gonna work but i just came up w it
— LOVE BAND AU. connor being sad emo guitarist with a hot keyboardist girlfriend
— au where lev did clap at happy jack…,…
# tcoaal ──
i cooked way too hard w these. someone better write one of them and tag me (we’ll get married in a gorgeous cathedral if u do… 🌝)
also IK THESE ARE MORE FLESHED OUT THAN MY SP AND UNWIND ONES! it’s bc i prefer multi-chapter tcoaal fics
— me trying not to mention unwind au whenever i think of writing fics for other fandoms. NO BUT SEEEEE it would work so well. like maybe the graves parents wanna unwind ashley and andrew somehow finds out so him and ashley run away (andrews.. uh, 17? and ashley’s 15 prob. u gotta know the unwind lore for this to work)
maybe they’re like starkey when he killed that juvey cop. maybe they do kill juvey cops. maybe
— 1980s AU OMG where it takes place in the united states (did europe have a lot of arcades back then? but anyways. the united states had more arcades so let’s just say it takes place there) and andrew is the sad emo loser at the prize counter.
and y/n is babysitting for some kids when she (not specifically fem reader but i have a habit of using she/her when talking about y/n…) decides to take them to the arcade bada bing bada boom
and the two meet at the prize counter and they hit it off really well despite andrew being an absolute ass. and the kids are like “….. are they flirting” so then y/n begins to take them to the arcade more often to see andrew 💞💞🩷💘💘💞 and they get to know each other outside of him being at work
— nsfw ashley x y/n x andrew threesome smut where they take turns FUCKING y/n RAW!
w/ plot: ashley and andrew are both head over heels for y/n and they’re arguing over who gets to have you because.. um. idk. and then y/n shows up somehow and she’s like “guys what—“ and they immediately begin flirting with her
so she’s like “i like the both of u WANNA SEX” or something (cmon im not good at porn w plot) so they… yeah. they BANG!
— government detective/officer y/n who gets sent to track down the graves siblings. she finds them w a colleague and is sent on an undercover mission to somehow befriend them, get close to them and lure them into a trap where they get arrested
but in the process (surprise surprise) she falls for them! and there’s four separate endings. one for if y/n picked to save andrew, one if y/n picked ashley, one if y/n picked both and somehow kept her job and one if y/n eventually hid her feelings and just let both get arrested!
maybe even some epilogue chapters for all of the choices. like for the first two it’s y/n getting spooned/spooning the other as they talk about what would’ve happened i’d they didn’t escape (bc y/n was smart and made the one who got caught walk in front) and the remaining sibling doesn’t know that y/n still works for the gov’t.. for the third one maybe y/n moves in w them and they’re all poly now? dunno. still thinking. and for the last choice maybe y/n felt guilty and went to visit them in prison to confess but they’re both extremely pissed
smut for this one would be crazy 😭 “technically i’m getting paid to get closer to them so it won’t matter if i let them make me cum right” typa sex idk
also. maybe y/n’s getting cornered in an alleyway by some creep and as she’s about to try and strike andrew and ashley save her! and that’s where the attraction starts because she’s like “wait.. they kinda have morals.. like kinda”
— now hear me out i might b cooking w this. rock band au. ashley does drums, andrew guitar, y/n something else maybe singer bc she’s a talented queen. and they’ve all been friends since childhood and ashley doesn’t really have a problem w y/n bc she hasn’t made romantic advances on andrew and occasionally lets the two hang out bc yk. ashley. anyways something something something idk
— i have one thing on my mind. catgirl + catboy ashley and andrew who both meet y/n as she’s their parents’ neighbor who’s smoking on her porch. and they approach her for some reason maybe andrew wants a cig and y/n is the funniest person alive so they both grow a liking to her
love love love catgirl ashley killing her victims and then poking them with her tail as andrew just stands there like wtf
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freddys-kineria · 4 months
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what can you order ?
well , heres the menu !!
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will do ! :
canoncalls ( open ! )
source name must be included along with who you're hoping to find and any boundaries you may have :D
kinfessions ( open ! )
confess something kin related ! ( non-kin confessions are also allowed & open ! )
timeline questions ( open ! )
you'll get some questions about your source to answer !
id packs ( closed )
you'll get names, pronouns, xenogenders, & titles themed around anything ! i unfortunately wont do usernames , sorry ! you may request for only specific things out of the pack as well :)
xenogenders ( open ! )
you can ask for xenogenders surrounding a topic/theme/character/etc. ! you can also request for one to be coined , but please make sure it wasnt coined already.
moodboards ( open ! )
you'll get a collage of images surrounding a character, aesthetic, theme, etc. ^^
stimboards ( open ! )
icons ( open ! )
you'll get a few icons of whatever ! please specify if you'd like a specific shape, tint, etc. or any other aspects! if you're requesting pride icons/icons with flags, please send the links to the flags ^^
kin edits ( open ! )
ill edit images of your kin(s) to look like how you remember yourself !
playlists ( open !, only 4 media im familar with )
you'll get a playlist (youtube, spotify, soundcloud) based around anything ! please specify if you'd like a music or video playlist for youtube ^^
headcanons ( open ! , only for media im familiar with )
you'll get headcanons for any characters/dynamics/ships you ask for! you can specify the type of headcanons as well ! (angst, funny, romantic, identity, etc.)
ships ( open ! )
get stuff related to ships ! this can go along with any of the previously mentioned things or you can ask for some art or an edit :D (this is self-ship friendly btw!!)
might do :
pretty much anything else !! just ask!
media im familiar with :
- fnaf , ddlc , the walten files , eddsworld , vocaloid , mlp , undertale , scott pilgrim , undeniably canom fnaf timeline , class of 09 , hazbin hotel / helluva boss , various youtubers , dsmp (i dont support dream nor any of the other problematic ppl in it) , yan sim (i dont support yandev) , blueycapsules , bluey , minecraft , garten of banban , blue story (victaton) , lps , the owl house , evan survival au , pandoras curse , other fnaf fanworks , danganronpa , etc. !
media im semi familiar with :
monster high , lps popular , ever after high , poppy playtime , most fnaf fangames , sucker for love , tcoaal
if theres a media u want a playlist/headcanons of that isnt listed above, dont be afraid to ask if i know it ! ^^
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theres not really a blacklist or whitelist :D if you have questions abt what u can request and what not, send an ask !
no sources are blacklisted, but i may need more info on ones i dont know much abt!! ^_^
canoncalls & kinfessions are always open !
i will refuse any requests that make me feel uncomfortable.
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Welp- I was gonna do this anyway, but the confirmation was nice
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What I will write:
Yandere Stuff
Just be specific with what ya want, it’ll help a lot <3
What I won’t write:
Smut (I can do suggestive scenarios and implied, but full on is something I’m not comfortable with)
Tickle headcanons or anything of that realm. Sorry dudes, not my cup of tea
Just be respectful when requesting and I’ll get to you as soon as I can. Look forward to requests dudes <3
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silvermoose · 3 months
Fanfic I wrote for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Originally posted on Reddit, then Ao3.
Being able to be openly affectionate with Ashley was one advantage to quarantine, Andrew had to admit. Even when their parents lived with them, their mom was always giving them disgusted looks, or making snide comments to them. Now he didn’t have to watch over himself, trying to be cautious about every interaction they had. He could interact with his sister without feeling judged about it. Everything felt natural, and he could be himself.
This changed after they started having sex.
He became much more self conscious, in a way that he never was before. Even buying condoms had become an ordeal. In his past life, he would just pick some up when he got cigarettes. He didn’t care who saw him, because he didn’t care if anyone knew that he was getting laid. It was different now.
He tried not to go to the same place twice, and never went with Ashley, lest someone realize how similar they look and make the connection. Each trip had him on the brink of an anxiety attack. They had discussed other options, but getting a prescription for the birth control pill would start a paper trail, and the consequences of pulling out were too dire. So instead Andrew dealt with the fear and shame of being found out every time he went to the pharmacy. He also stocked up on pregnancy tests out of paranoia; It got to the point where Ashley was used to just taking one every few days as a matter of routine.
“You know how that’s not how it works, right?” she said the third time, as she handed him the test with one blue line. “It doesn’t show you the moment you get pregnant, it only shows after a few weeks.”
“It’s either this or your demon trinket, and I’m not sacrificing anyone else if I can avoid it,” he said. He checked the box to confirm that yes, a single line meant ‘not pregnant’.
While She didn't mind at first, it got tiresome after a while. So she stole a pen from the front desk while Andrew was out. When it was time to take another test, she drew an extra line on it.
“Hey An-dy,” Ashley sang to him, holding out a test with two blue lines on it.
Andrew puked. Violently.
“What the fuck, Andy?” Ashley screamed.
“You're pregnant?? How did this happen? We were so careful! Ashley. I don't think we can do this.”
“Well, then it's a good thing I'm not actually pregnant, Asshole. It was a joke. I drew on the extra line.”
It took a minute for Andrew to register what she had said.
“What? What the fuck, Ashley, why would you do that to me??”
“I didn't think it would make you puke! Did you ever puke after having sex with one of your floozies??”
“It's not the sex, Ashley,  it's the thought of having a baby!”
“You think I'd be a bad mother.”
“No, I think it's a bad idea to have a child when both parents are unemployed, on the run, and oh yeah, they’re siblings!!!”
“It's not like anyone knows”
“Really, Ashley? You think that no one ever looks at us and sees how similar we are? Which features we share? The same mannerisms we have? That’s bullshit.”
“Is that why you never show affection to me in public? That you won’t kiss me or hold my hand? You’re afraid some stranger will judge you?”
“If they notice us enough to judge us, they notice us enough to report us, Ashley.”
“We’ve been out in public a lot without anyone saying anything!”
“Not while we were fucking!  Going out in public is hell. All I think about is people seeing through me, realizing I'm the freak that fucks my sister. And when I'm alone with you, I feel better. I feel happy. I feel like I’m home. I reinforce that they’re right .”
“Oh, so I make you a freak?” She yelled, more angry than hurt.
“Ashley. Leyley .” he said gently. He embraced her and kissed her hair. “You don’t make me a freak. You make me happy. I can’t live without you. But I don’t know how much longer we can go on like this. It seems inevitable that we’re either going to get caught and arrested, or killed, or something else, but we’re going to be separated, and I don’t know what I will do with myself if that happens. I don’t want to lose you.”
“And I don’t want you to leave me.”
He closed his eyes and held her tighter.
“What do we do, Leyley? To be free?”
“Let's ask the trinket,” Ashley suggested. “We still have one vision on this thing.”
It seemed like such a big ask. Up until this point, the trinket had primarily worked when it wanted to. But it was right about the hitman, it had been right about them sleeping together, so he agreed to give it a shot.They slept together that night with his arms wrapped around her, holding the trinket between their hands.
Robbing the pharmacy was easier than it had any right to be, but that was the advantage of having demons on your side. The place was remote and had only one pharmacist, so when they went in Andrew simply locked the door behind him while Ashley held the gun to the pharmacist.
“Don't be stupid about this, and you can live,” she said. The pharmacist nodded. “We want sectional. All of it.”
“Sectional? Is that what it’s called, Ashley?”
“ Leyley . And yeah, something like that.”
“Something like that? Seconal, Ley. It’s Seconal.” He shot Leyley a look, but she only smiled and blew him a kiss in return.
The pharmacist brought them their entire stock of pills, which wasn’t a lot, but would be enough. The Graves then bound and gagged the pharmacist and left him behind the counter, a rare act of mercy for them.
In the car, Ashley popped open one of the beers they had bought earlier and handed it to Andrew.
“Not while I'm driving!” He said, and tried to wave it away.
“What do you care? The vision showed we’d arrive safely.”
“I need to be able to chisel properly.”
“Why? Does it matter how nice it looks?”
“You know what? Fuck it, you're right.” Andrew took the can from her and took a swig.
They had a good buzz going by the time they arrived at their destination. Ashley was initially against the idea, but Andrew convinced her that if it was in the vision, they should do it that way. Plus, since their parents' bodies were missing, there was no actual grave. No Coffin. Just a tombstone with the word GRAVES on it, with their parents names and dates of birth below it.
Andrew chipped away at their names and dates of birth as best he could until it only had “GRAVES” on it. It looked alright, considering how much alcohol he had. Ashley laid out a blanket over the area in front of the tombstone, and they sat down on it.
“Okay,” Andrew said, as he poured the pills into two piles. “I guess it doesn’t matter how much we take? So we’ll each take half. Then lie down and stay on your back.”
“On my back so we can go out with a bang?” Leyley teased. 
“I'm serious, Leyley. If you puke everything up, it won't work.”
“Being on my back will stop me from puking?” she asked. She took the pills and followed it with some more beer.
“Yes,” Andrew lied. The reality was that if either of them threw up while on their back, they would choke on it; being on their sides meant they might survive the ordeal. 
“In your vision, what was death like?”
“Peaceful,” Leyley said. “It was just us, here, then a feeling of warmth and heaviness. I woke up from the vision with a sense of peace.”
“I hope that means hell is nice,” Andrew said. “Look up at the stars with me.”
“Very romantic.”
“It is, actually. Author Mary Shelley supposedly lost her virginity on her moms grave. Romeo and Juliet died in her family’s crypt.”
“You always knew how to bring the romance,” Leyley said, her voice somewhat unsteady. Romantic, not romance, Andrew almost corrected, but now wasn't the time. He was starting to feel dizzy and didn't want those to be his last words to her. 
“I love you, Leyley.”
Leyley didn’t respond, and Andrew didn’t want to risk moving his head to look at her. Instead, he reached his hand out to hold hers. He felt his muscles grow weaker and weaker, and he couldn't keep his eyes open. As his breathing started to slow, he felt himself overcome with a sense of peace and calm.
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silvermoose · 3 months
Fanfic I wrote for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Originally posted on Reddit, then Ao3.
The sex was good, sure. Hell, it was great; that wasn’t the problem. But things had changed; she used to tease him and relished in breaking down his barriers. They had no more barriers, which changed the light touching of him trying to steal a moment of intimacy to him grabbing and pawing at her body. The sex was good, sure, but the teasing, the chase, the dance was gone.
It used to be cute when Andrew would have nightmares and crawl into bed with her. She would be sleeping when she felt him gently nudge her, asking her to move over. He would climb in and she would wrap her arms around him. Sometimes he would cry, sometimes he was silent, and sometimes he would just ask her, “Am I a bad person?” She would stroke his hair and coo at him and he would take comfort in her arms until he was asleep again.
It was different now. She knew he would always be there, in bed, whether he needed her or not. Sometimes before her, taking dominance of what was once her space. He would hold her and sleep through the night, and she could hold onto nothing but herself. He wanted her now, but did he need her?
Sex gave her the leverage she wanted, and she knew he would always come back. That was the important thing, that she had Andrew.
He fucked her.
She loved it all; the biting, the hair pulling, the marks on her body that she would have for days afterwards. They were at it so often, she always had some kind of mark on her. But she kind of wondered if he enjoyed it; afterwards he would have the same downcast expression that he had had after their first time. It had also become harder and harder to distract him from it.
“Want to go to the balcony? I need an oral fixation, it can be a cigarette, or it can be something else...”
“Yeah, a cigarette would be great.”
… okay then.
When they found a place that they could stay long term, it was another shady motel, with another balcony. She could have pushed for something nicer, he'd do it for her. But there was something comforting about the lack of permanence, that they hadn’t surrendered to “settling down”. The balcony was another comfort; it was a constant that she had grown used to.
Andrew lit a cigarette, took a drag, and passed it to her. She then took a long drag and slowly exhaled the smoke. That was something new that she enjoyed. What used to be time wasted now became time together, where she could join him on her terms.
There was a calm silence on them, which was a change from the chaotic energy that used to engulf her. She didn’t know where it came from or how long it had been there; she wasn’t used to it. She didn’t know if either of them liked it.
“Do you still love me?” He asked, looking not at her but at the view in front of them.
“Do you love me?” She asked in turn. She didn’t look at him either, staring into the space off the balcony instead.
“Always have.”
“You’ve never said it.”“I tried to show it.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Fine. I love you, Ashley.”
“I love you too, Andy.”
It had slipped out so naturally, she hadn’t even realized it. It was only when she noticed him staring at her that she thought to ask.
“Is something wrong?”
He looked at her intensely. “You don’t love me. You still love him.”
She didn’t have an answer to that.
“What will be the next adventure of Andy and Leyley?” Andrew smiled weakly at her, but his eyes betrayed his hurt.
She gave him a weak smile back.
“I think Leyley died.”
“Mm? When did that happen?”
“I don’t know.” she answered honestly. It had been so gradual she didn’t know when it had happened. Or maybe it was happening now.
“Next adventure of Andrew and Ashley?”
She had to think carefully about what she wanted, something she still wasn’t used to. “Wanna do something mortifying again?” she asked. She managed to give a coy smile along with a set of “Fuck Me” eyes.
“Sure,” he said, crushing the butt of the cigarette in the Ashtray. He walked inside without even making eye contact.
Sure? She thought. But it didn’t bother her. It meant she still had him. He was still here.
Andrew was here now. And he was here to stay.
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