ryanvgates · 11 months
Terraform staying current
Problem Depending on your CI/CD story for terraform and the sensitivity of your environments, you may need to apply terraform changes manually. The challenge that can happen is that changes in terraform may not be applied. This creates a challenge when you do try to apply a change but see historic changes as well that were never applied. Solution The first step is to understand what changes…
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basilpaste · 2 years
once again having chrysanthemum thoughts, as is custom when i fixate back on omori.
i talk a lot about it and have a very rambly work on ao3 but i dont really talk about the plot. and thats because when i made it, omori was still relatively new so most aus were... pretty direct swaps. so i just kinda followed the crowd despite not entirely wanting to.
all this to say: stranger exists. and i mean stranger as in stranger. theres a sunny equivalent to stranger that exists, but he uses... a different name. because hes... Something Else entirely.
a line in the game thats always stood out to me a lot was "on that day, when you became nothing, i was split in two". and i understand it probably means how sunnys perception of basil changed. but its also how basils perception of himself changes, here.
chrys is 'omori'. he is the monochrome manifestation of self loathing. stranger is, well... stranger is not that. because stranger was always the path to the truth. to break from the beaten path, he is not basils guide, though. nor is he the mirror of chrys, exactly. though where chrys is everything basil hates about himself, stranger is everything thats left. the parts that are still there but have become so distant, so foreign, they may as well be someone hes never met.
the stranger also gets a spotlight in the story. and this is mostly because i do not like the sharks or slime girl arcs and wanna just... shhh. but also: its valuable. stranger is much less fantastical than chrys is. he is in faraway. in the garden or the treehouse or a hidden space in the park. or a stump. theres no mari with stranger. just people that could be. and the people that could be get larger with each day out of the house. new chances. a new beginning rather than an eternal memory.
what is it people say, after all? "dont be a stranger."
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m4lfunction · 15 days
introduction: you're free to send your d/scord, ims are also fine. under the read more, i've included additional information about nam beomsu. his application/profile is here.
specific to beomsu, his physical body struggles to survive despite his caretakers' extensive support (i.e. including but not limited to his care for his collapsed lung [tended to] and 24/7 monitoring due to tachycardia).
his primary caretakers are his parents who previously worked as medical tech researchers. they both decided on virtual death when they were given notice of beomsu's health conditions. they currently work for terraspace as deployment specialists.
terraspace has leverage due to this. beomsu is usually fine and feels the occasional pressure on his body and/or moments where he struggles to focus. when the lag "first" occurs, beomsu rightfully assumed that it was just a reaction he was having to terraspace's maintenance and updates.
lifestyle: lives minimally. he works as a mechanic for professional motorsports + can fix just about anything. he specializes in car modifications (both vis and functional) and races on the side. the peak in his income is from tournament wins and the occasional gambling associated with racing. the rest of his funds are from his parents' operations in the outer world.
specific to his car mods, he understand and works with some developers to alter the code and wiring behind certain car parts and products—of course, all within the guidelines of motorsports.
personalitywise, he's a stubborn and determined guy. he knows that in reality his body is cooked so he's a willing victim to terraspace's methodologies. morally, he knows that there is something wrong with terraspace's service—call it intuition—but presents himself as a happy consumer as a means to survive.
doesn't talk about his glitch and doesn't plan to. the twelve minutes of slow time is hard on him mentally. gentle-natured/quiet unless when racing.
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
The Midnight Sea
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Look, more Spelljammer stuff! SJ5E is only a few weeks away now, and the collaborative setting my friends and I have been building up in anticipation of it is really taking shape. So I'd like to share some things about the Midnight Sea!
The planar cosmography of the Midnight Sea universe is a little different than prior 5e canon. As stated in the previews for Spelljammer 5e, all wildspace systems are pockets of material plane which exist within the greater astral plane, though our homebrewing efforts have resolved to address the Feywild and Shadowfell as parallels to these material planes. The celestial and infernal planes, meanwhile, border the astral plane directly and mark the outer bounds of the known universe (the galaxy shown here), arranged in a loop to form the collective outer planes. The outer planes are represented by prominent constellations that form a sixteen-part zodiac used to navigate the astral sea. By contrast, the elemental planes exist at a lower energy state than the rest of the planar system, while the ethereal plane exists in a higher energy state than the rest of the planar system. Both function, therefore, as a sort of hyperspace and subspace pairing with normal space. Being the source of magic, the ethereal plane lends its energy to the lower planes via the Weave, which is then harnessed to fulfill the extreme energy cost of interstellar travel: the technomagical process of spelljamming.
The Midnight Sea is a galaxy, specifically our galaxy: what we would call the Milky Way. Indeed, the inhabitants of Terraspace (the fantastical version of our solar system) do call it the Milky Way! However, unlike our galaxy, it is the only galaxy in this universe, and its constituent star systems -as pockets of the material plane gestalt- possess mildly varying physical principles based on their location relative to the outer planes. At the center of this galaxy lies a supermassive black hole, the Cataract, about which swirls a vast region of distorted spacetime called the Maelstrom where the planar boundaries are weaker, strengthening the influence of interplanar magic on the local systems. Four major systems bear notable influence from one of the four primordial elements, while a fifth has a strong manifestation of the Weave and an unusual connection to the outer plane of Arvandor, and a sixth is so deep within the Maelstrom that the Material, Feywild, and Shadowfell planes blur together. The outer edge of the Maelstrom is a hub of interstellar civilization, but venturing deeper is quite dangerous.
The systems seen on the map here are all major systems; there are thousands more unseen in this representation. Many of these major systems are original creations (like Terraspace) or pulled in some way from the depths of the Spelljammer 3e fan website (like Banesun), but in the spirit of WotC's recent trend of linking their MtG settings to the DnD settings, we have included a few prominent MtG "planes" as part of bespoke systems: Theros lies in Nyxspace, Amonkhet lies in Godspace, Ravnica lies in Guildspace, and of course Dominaria lies in Gatespace. Though the map may look rather bare now, we expect to fill out the map more in time, as we sail the stars of the Midnight Sea.
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terrascapehq · 18 days
hi there! i was wondering how more people are born to work as part of the terraspace system if it is virtual.
hello, thank you for your question! individuals are born in the outer world and are plugged into the system at birth. we've outlined the process of applying for a child in this ask! essentially, a couple wishing to conceive a child would need to submit an application and consent to having their reproductive cells harvested. once their application has been processed, their cells are harvested, fertilised, and developed into a fetus in incubators that simulate the womb. the full 9-month duration of development will be observed, with carers and doctors at standby to ensure the smooth progression of development. following birth, the infant will be plugged into the system, their avatar will be generated, and they will be delivered to the couple who requested for them. their childhood, teenage life, and adulthood will then continue in terra similarly to what we see today! we hope this makes sense, but please let us know if there's anything else you'd like us to clarify! ♥
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revel-wallpapers · 6 years
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Terraspace Mountains Snow Sky Planets Stars Comets(1920x1200)
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technodreamweaver · 6 years
I am reading this really fascinating book called Witchcraft and the Web which I picked up from my local library on a whim and it was written in 2001 by a person name M. Macha NightMare and it’s just... a treasure.  Like honestly I want to keep this as a reference book on my nightstand it’s just so delightfully niche and right up my alley.
Anyway even though the book is massively out of date, it is so far out of date I would venture to call it a history book and it’s so COOL to see the state of the web from 80s-00s preserved in this text.  The history of the start of WitchVox is in here.  And a lot of the big names from the 90s.  And the history of how Paganisms was introduced at the religious summit of the late nineties and how at the time this book was written it was just beginning to be taken seriously as a religion by the world.
And I love how the author highlights the different sides in the community that think online workings are just as magical as offline workings and those who don’t think that.  And it does it in a way that isn’t accusatory or wrong, just the author saying “people tell me that this works but I am old fashion and just don’t feel my magic manifesting that way” and it’s so great!  Just wow!
I want this book to be required reading for all tumblr witches and otherwise just to get a sense of the history of our community.  I might be biased because the author has worked with Starhawk, who’s other books I adore as well.  They’re also both part of the reclaiming collective, which I feel kind of drawn to.    But wow there’s just so much history here.  And also it’s adorable how in the footnotes, NightMare explains basic internet concepts like ISP and “Lurking”.  
I would even consider this a scholarly text, and goes into the debate of whether or not the internet is like the realm between the worlds or not, talks about how internet has given accessibility to disabled witches, while also talking about how Earth based religions emphasize, well, the earth, and cyberspace is so ephemeral.  Also talks about how to keep yourself safe online and how to avoid scammers and others.  Talks about the The Advanced Bonewits’ Cult Danger Evaluation Framework (a seriously good resource).  Brings up conversations around what does intimacy mean on the internet where you are missing context but are able to talk to more people and ugh i just love this.
Okay--some excerpts and notes below the cut:
* Does cyberspace equate with Upper or Lower world, rather than the middle world.
* how does a move towards a virtual medium for ritual reconcile with what we often claim is Paganisms admirable emphasis on immanence, on the body, on the actual earth.
* If you’ve worked succesfully in cyberspace, do you think it’s because you were already bonded in terraspace?
* do you think it could have worked as well with someone you’d never met?
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maximaxoo · 7 years
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#Space #Art: maybe on a distant #exoplanet, "Terraspace Recycling" by sanmonku http://ift.tt/1QUy1eg via @deviantART
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jaidevsingh121 · 5 years
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yummyummy-404 · 6 years
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Mystery Sunrise at 8.26 a.m. C by terraspace Performing Arts
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
Okay kids, strap in. Uncle Spy has some worldbuilding to lay on ya.
So the new Spelljammer 5e was announced a few months back, releasing in August (it's just turned June as I write this). Since then my friend and I have been gushing about it and planning some stuff around it, but one of the things that always struck me as disappointing about original Spelljammer was how... boring the Forgotten Realms solar system (Realmspace, where Abeir-Toril lies) was. It's much smaller than our solar system: eight planets, and only one of those is explicitly a giant planet (Coliar, said to be a "gas giant" but really more like a small ice giant). Two of them (Garden and H'Catha) aren't actually planets either, just constructs the size of dwarf planets. Two other planets are just ocean worlds, one with a sargasso sea around its equator and the other full of rocky atolls. Only two planets have any moons at all, to boot. Simply put: there's not a lot to look at, really. I'm hoping the new Spelljammer canon will retcon this and give Toril a larger, more varied solar system with more giant worlds and moon systems.
HOWEVER, there's another factor at play here. I made a character who's a space bard, directly inspired by all the filk I've been listening to lately. The problem is... a good chunk of that filk either A) uses names (planets, programs, people, etc) specific to real life space exploration and/or B) is rocketpunk instead of sailpunk like Spelljammer is intended to be. That got me thinking... I'd had a vague idea for a rocketpunk alt-Toril in the back of my mind for a while –a universe where the magical beings of the Forgotten Realms had reached the stars not through magicked-up sailing ships with atmosphere bubbles, but through magicked-up classic rockets– and this seemed like the perfect excuse to deploy that idea and start hammering it into a more coherent shape.
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All of this added up to... well, something! Behold, my attempt to have my cake and eat it too: Terraspace.
This map was made using the template/assets developed by DeviantArt user slimysomething.
Terraspace is a fantasy version of our solar system within the wider Spelljammer setting where elves and dwarves and beastfolk all sing the rocketpunk blues. The Apollo Program exists as part of their history, but Apollo 13 was fine because of hasty Purify Air enchantments and some innovative abjuration. Dragons funded the Space Race. That sorta bullshit. Also, spiced up the solar system with a little idealism, as you can see; part of that was also me leaning into old Golden Age pulpy SF concepts like Jungle Venus and Pyramids of Mars. I don't thhhhhhink this counts as a new worldbuilding project,,, yet? Stay tuned I guess.
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jaidevsingh121 · 5 years
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yummyummy-404 · 6 years
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Mystery Sunrise at 8.26 a.m. A by terraspace Performing Arts
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yummyummy-404 · 6 years
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Mystery Sunrise at 8.26 a.m. B by terraspace Performing Arts
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yummyummy-404 · 7 years
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Flight of the swallow by terraspace Performing Arts
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yummyummy-404 · 7 years
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Departure of the birds by terraspace Performing Arts
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