#that box is for Clothes not Cats
altruistic-meme · 2 years
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he thought he was helping me 🤣 he wasn't, but I appreciate the attempt nonetheless 🥰
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sunshineandlyrics · 6 months
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Has 🎅🏼 Louis started to send out his Christmas presents already?
Stephen Monaghan (Sane Communications) who was behind the 28 Clothing drop 2 campaign posted this on his IG story (14 December 2023) x
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feluka · 11 months
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silly baby in his silly box
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sunbedo · 3 months
last night i dreamt i held you (stardew valley 1.6 update for console) in my arms.....
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haika-98 · 2 months
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Draw Your Outfit - Haika's Useful Shirt
Useful shirt from the Curiosity Box
Posted using PostyBirb
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ok so daisuga and they live together and Suga absolutely hates mosquitoes. whenever he sees one he goes apeshit trying to kill it. at first it starts with randomly trying to grab the mozzie out of the air, then he's clapping loudly trying to squish it, and when that doesn't work he goes feral like a cat trying to get a laser. he's jumping over things and diving under things, knocking things over. meanwhile Daichi is just sitting drinking his tea or w/e, and not phased. when Suga finally gets the mozzie Daichi applauds him, like 'well done.' Suga dubs mozzies his personal nemesis, Daichi is 'meh' about them
Thank you for the ask, and sorry for the long wait. Please never be afraid to send a message, even though I'm a slowpoke.
Suga goes feral when there're a mosquito in the room. Daichi had put nettings in the windows in their room, since summer is hot and they need air circulation. He doesn't like them, but he isn't as bothered by them. If he gets a sting, he treats it with a warm cloth and tends to forget about it. He is more worried about Suga, who tends to scratch them, until he gets an open wound.
Sugawara has tried everything. He goes trough insects-prays when they are on a hike and needs to live with that sticky residue on his body the whole day. He buys an mosquito-coil to hopefully keep them away and buys everything he deems somewhat useful in his war against them. Daichi wants him to not use money on useless shit, but this is a war in his mind. That is why, once he sees an mosquito in the room when he literally uses the coil as incense, he gets so upset.
He hears them buzz and then he can't rest until the thing is dead or out of his house. Daichi is no help, but at least he gets a little bit of praise from him when he kills the intruder. Sugawara wants to get a cat or chameleon that can haunt them, but Daichi says that is stupid reason to get pets.
He doesn't smell like chemicals in the summer for them still to come towards him!!!
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Suga: It was an mosquito, Daichi 😎
Daichi: Mmmmh-hhhh 😗(not convinced).
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actual-corpse · 2 months
Putting off doing chores because KY heat is a special kind of hell.
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softlyhoax · 6 days
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Is there anything more unsettling than your four cats staring in the same direction down the hall, only for you to later find a spider on the back of your bedroom door?
"Aww, what are you silly little guys doing over-? GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY, IS THAT A BIG HONKIN' RECLUSE???"
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scribbling-dragon · 2 months
sometimes I think about my years as a scout. and then wonder how im still alive/sane
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furrilondon · 11 months
Behind the scenes 🐈‍⬛
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enekorre · 8 months
I was browsing the sale sites animal section amd now i want all animals. Someone was selling a bunch of shrimp! I do have a tank but nothing else...
My quail are laying on eggs now too, i really hope she doesn't get bored. This time it's the tame one, so i have high hopes for the potential chicks.
I just want a farm. There was random bunnies and guinea pigs and even a turtle that people are essentially just giving away bc they got bored! I saw sheep 🐑
I can't have sheep in an apartment but i can have shrimp. Also, i eat a lot of shrimp. If i could grow edible ones and get a stable population going... That would be nice.
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munamania · 7 months
woke up to just a single little piece of cat shit on my floor that i had to take care of obviously and i dont know if it's cause my cat got irritated during the night and acted out or if she genuinely just struggles with how tall the stupid thing is (i need to get her a regular one for here fr this one was supposed to help with catching litter and etc but it just creates way more problems) but you can imagine that when she was immediately lovey dovey with lydia it was like a stab to my heart a bit
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I don't even like makeup (not just because it goes against my religion's standards of modesty to go out wearing it, but also long before that, because I think it's uncomfortable/cakey/makes my very sensitive skin break out/the industry itself and society often exploits women's insecurities and makes a lot of people uncomfortable with going outside with their natural face, feeling like their natural look is "ugly"... I don't like that), I don't typically use anything other than sunscreen (skin cancer is not a joke and the ozone layer isn't what it used to be) and lip balm (... without it, dry lips crack and bleed and take foreverrrr to heal), but ALL that said, there are some brands with such pretty packaging, I'd consider buying it just to admire it. I haven't done it yet, because I'd feel like it's a waste to buy and never use it, and I'm pretty sure those are usually expensive, but...
Too-Faced's pretty vintage artwork packaging and cheeky titles kind of reminds me of Anne Taintor's humorous edits of artwork (mostly 1950's advertisements)... I've bought a kiddy perfume for the cute bottle (with a plush bunny head!) once! I don't enjoy many perfumes either (apparently, I'm asthmatic, just very mildly so...), most perfumes bother me, I like very light and faint floral or fruit scents, I don't usually like those things either and don't wear them out. BUT even if there aren't many I like, there's a lot that's pretty to look at. I guess I just see them as more trinkets. ^^;;
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yumichikah · 1 year
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grumpyfaceurn · 2 years
anyways is 35 too early for a midlife crisis? asking for a friend
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