#but hell yeah i got some free boxes!! i think it was only like 6 of them and i only brought 3 inside with me
altruistic-meme · 2 years
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he thought he was helping me 🤣 he wasn't, but I appreciate the attempt nonetheless 🥰
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slasherbvnnie · 1 year
Could you possibly do a jealous Stu x reader? Maybe where Stu and Tatum are still together, but Stu is actually cheating on her with reader. And Randy gets a little flirty and touchy with reader, unknowing that reader is taken by Stu? Im fine with anything else for the plot- sorry if this isn’t the best, I’m still new to requesting!
I hope this is to your liking, I’m waiting on my ride to go out tonight and wrote this in like 6 minutes… if you want a continuation feel free to ask! Dirty Little Secret
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A short and angered breath had left your lips as you stared to your left side, trying to block out any of the noise Randy was currently making in your direction. You blocked out the words he was saying to the best of your ability, you were doing a great job at it up until you felt his hand on your shoulder. Your eyes stared at his hand before moving to his face, his voice suddenly coming in clearly.
“Come on, just one date. I promise it will be well worth your time, I’ll take you to that restaurant you’ve been mentioning,” he offered as you laughed a little. “No offense Randy but we’re just friends. If i saw you as more I would have accepted the other hundreds of times you offered to take me out,” you said as he placed his other hand onto your waist, boxing you into the closest wall.
You frowned as you looked up at him, moving your hand from the strap of your backpack to his hand on your waist, pushing it off of you before he quickly moved it back. “One little date won’t hurt, who knows, maybe you’ll change your mind. And let’s face it, the perks of free rentals with dating me will be well worth it,” he joked slightly, moving closer as you put your hands onto his shoulders. You were about to push him off before a stronger hand grabbed his neck and flung him off of you.
“In your dreams, Meeks. Stay off of her before I rip those hands of yours off. I may not be the killer but I will sure as hell become one if you lay another finger on her,” you heard the familiar voice threaten, looking up to see Stu. It was rare to see Stu as angry as he was now, even when he was mad he usually played it off well, but this time his face was flushed with anger and you could see the veins in his forehead threatening to pop as he stared Randy down.
“Okay, okay. It’s not like shes Tate or anything,” he said, which only angered Stu more as he walked closer to Randy, pushing his index finger against his chest. “You’re right, touch either of them and you’re dead. Think about touching them, dead. If i so much as catch you breathing next to them again, dead. Don’t even make me warn Billy about you being around Sid, you’ll be a deadman as soon as he picks up his phone.” Stu said in a monotone voice, scaring both you and Randy since he was always so lively. Once Randy got the message and walked away, Stu went to your side and placed a hand on your cheek.
“You okay?” He questioned as you nodded, “yeah, you’re really scary when you’re angry, you know,” you said with a nervous laugh. “I’m not angry, well, a little. I’m jealous he can touch you like that in public,” he admitted as you scoffed slightly and brushed his hand away. “Well i’ve already told you how you can fix that,” you said as you began to walk away from him, Stu quickly followed behind and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You said it yourself too that you didn’t want Tate or Sid to be mad at you if I broke up with her just for you. Besides, I know how turned on you get knowing we might get caught,” he said as he pulled away from you, making you flash him a little smile.
“Are your parents home for the night?” You asked as he smirked, “business trips,” “Tate?” “At Sidney’s, projects due tomorrow for chem,” he said as you held your hand out to him, gladly accepting your hand into his. “Let’s head to yours then,” you hummed. “Only if you promise I get to send Meeks some pictures of what he’s missing out on.”
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend with my thoughts on Tuesday's episode and some other thoughts I'll get to. So the episode was amazing, emotional, so well acted, and basically hitting every kidnapped lover trope in the book to great effect. Slow, horrifying realization by their other half that something is wrong when no one else thinks so. Team up between them and a close relative who grounds them so they can crack the case. Kidnapped lover has a chance to escape but doesn't take it because it lead to
the other getting hurt. Performing CPR on the kidnapped lover because they FUCKING DIED!! Truly a glorious fanfiction come to life and I loved every moment of that part. It goes without saying that I would have gladly traded less Owen for more 126, but the TK and Gabriel team up was amazing. The serial killer aspects were pretty minimal so I didn't need to skip anything (ngl, after seeing the cookie thing in the preview i was terrified), hell Trudy was deranged but kinda sweet. So here we come to my salty thoughts so feel free to ignore if you want. As much as I loved the episode, it was hardly part of any sort of arc for Carlos, if we can even say that there was one. Aside from the basic setup, nothing in it relied on the previous 3 episodes. You could have had Tarlos fight for any reason and Carlos get kidnapped on a case and it would have played out the same way. So if there is any sort of arc for Carlos its in the previous 3 episodes, and I'm having trouble seeing it. An arc (to me) is character has a problem, things happen, resolution has character come out stronger on the other side (see the top tier Buck tsunami arc, Buck feels useless without his job, he saves Chris, discovers he has value to others outside his job.) So what was Carlos's arc? It was supposedly confronting his past but that didn't really happen. He's there for Iris when he thinks he hadn't been, but he would have been for any friend who went missing. If it was about confronting his reasons for getting married shouldn't we have seen a conversation with his parents? Right now the marriage thing isn't even necessary as backstory, we already knew Carlos had these issues in S2. If Tim was going to introduce 5 million plot holes with this info it needed a payoff. Maybe more will be said later in the season, till then i feel like 4x04 is a beautiful work of fan service to vaguely justify Tim's poorly thought out/executed headcanon.
Hello my friend and I'm sorry I'm so late getting to this! My mom had some issues at work and then got sick and then I got like, a weird (for me) amount of energy to Do Something Productive and spent about 6+ hours yesterday sorting The Box Of Important Papers I have been throwing shit into for years and I couldn't stop or I would never start again and it would remain half-sorted for the foreseeable future. But now I've got some time before I start anything else (or just lay around and read/recover for the rest of the day)!
The Tarlos of Tuesday's episode was sooooo so so good! We got delicious angst without being an over the top serial killer torture fest (and yeah Trudy was enabling her son but you can't look at the way he talked to her and tell me he wasn't abusing her and she wasn't just waiting to be the next one he killed the second she failed to "prove" her love for him. Also, am I the only one that assumed when she said his dad "left" and he burnt himself dissolving "something" that he murdered his dad? ANYWAY), we got some truly beautiful lines from both TK and Carlos about their love for each other, and Rafael really just acted his heart out all episode. I loved every minute of their stuff this episode. I was particularly thrilled with the TK/Gabriel scenes and the way he and Andrea just were SO happy to see TK even without Carlos, and were prepared to just have him over to hang out for a bit was SOOOO sweet and speaks volumes about how much closer they have grown. We love to see it! And the parallels to Carlos and Owen looking for TK when he went missing?! *chef's kiss* Get you a father in law who will listen to your concerns about their child and take them seriously and will follow your lead when you Know Something Is Up.
And honestly, Owen had some lines that did make me laugh! I actually think him and O'Brian play off each other really well and I enjoy their reluctant team up. I am just ABSOLUTELY bored to tears with this stupid storyline for them. One is a fire captain and the other is a motorcycle cop! HOW are they both just being totally removed from their first responder world to push this whole boring ass FBI investigation that, from a lot of the comments I've seen around, no one could give two shits about. There are SO MANY procedurals on that revolve around these investigations and a couple other "firefighter" shows that are more about the soap opera level drama than the fun/occasionally serious and painful rescue calls. The 911verse has always stood out for being different, more hopeful and fun, having drama but not being A Drama, and being full of fun and interesting rescues that tie in with what the main characters are going through. And both shows losing their way SO early in their runs is...disappointing. And frustrating that the people in charge have gotten a lot of feedback about what fans AND the GA tune in for (cool/fun emergencies! Some drama but not too OTT, focus on our main characters and their relationships to/with each other!) and have decided they would rather be like every other show out there than to deviate from what they personally want to do because the audience enjoys something they don't think is The Thing Everyone Should Be Enjoying This Much. (Or worse, turn those earnest things that people loved about the show into a joke because they resent their audience and fanbase that gives their show longevity and keeps it trending and pulls in new viewers for some reason. 🙃🙃🙃) ANYWAY, I am READY for this Owen storyline to take a back fucking seat to literally anything. I've been re-watching season 1 and the difference in TK and Owen's relationship then and now is so disappointing to see. I know Ronen said he and RL have a really good TK/Owen episode (or scene? I don't fully remember) so I'm looking forward to that but I really, REALLY need to see more emergencies and first responder moments on this *checks notes* show very specifically about first responders doing their jobs. VERY excited for Marjan to get a storyline this week!
As for your salty thoughts, I'm with you. I don't *hate* the "Carlos married Iris" storyline but it definitely could have been handled better/more seamlessly (especially watching season1 again and the clues they COULD have dropped without revealing what was going on but didn't), and honestly was not needed as a set up for this episode. Actually, as much as what we got was good, I personally think it would have been better being an entirely separate thing from Iris. Like, if they just wanted to have Carlos getting hurt and TK teaming up with Gabriel to find him, they could have cut the whole thing about Iris going missing and put more emergency calls into episode 3 and had TK and Carlos still in a tiff because they're both stressed about Iris not signing the divorce papers yet, and then had Carlos get trapped while at work on a call! He could have been trying to save someone, hell it could have even been Iris! And we could have seen him talking to this person (even BETTER if it was Iris!) about all this love he has for TK and about TK's love for Gwen, and fighting to get out but not quite being able to make it, and even going into cardiac arrest and needing CPR! He still could have been off-duty with no one knowing he was involved at first so TK could still have the talk with the 126 and the call to Grace, and a moment with the Reyes parents and the ultimate team up with Gabriel. I just think there was a way to tie it more into the premise of first responders while still keeping all the good stuff we got!
And you're right about it not really being an "arc" because we...didn't actually get that much from Carlos about HIMSELF. We got the scene where he first tells TK about being married and why he did it, but we still know NOTHING about if they had a true wedding and told everyone or if it's something that they did privately and it came up later when she disappeared, we have no idea if everyone in the family knew it was a sham wedding or found out later, we still don't know when they decided it was cool to date other people and if they ever lived together, or how Carlos felt about watching his best friend start to change and become someone he didn't recognize, we know NOTHING except it is a Thing That Happened and they didn't get a divorce before she disappeared because ??? "reasons" (even though no one batted an eye about her having a long-term relationship with someone else), then she was presumed dead, and then it was because the US healthcare system is a joke. We didn't get to delve much into Carlos' side of things, just hear his version of Iris's side of things! And as you said, if it was about him confronting his past, WHERE was a talk with his parents?! Where was the discussion about his choice to do this and what they did or didn't say or did or didn't know about it all?!
I'm hoping we get some more in the coming weeks because we still don't have a resolution to this arc since Iris still has not applied for an annulment or signed the papers, we haven't seen Carlos talking to his parents, and we didn't get a big growth moment or anything because we didn't get to see TK talking to anyone about how he was trying to be supportive but he was really reeling from the news and wanted to make sure Carlos felt supported and loved but he also needed to vent about it. Like, the only conflict is about if it can happen soon enough for the wedding in 8-ish weeks, because everyone is on board and everyone is fine with things. IDK it just feels like if this was going to be a big thing, it needed to be A Big Thing which you can do without the people in the couple being awful to each other, but you do kind of need to allow them to have big and occasionally messy feelings, and TALK about those feelings, and show some change from the start of the arc to the end. There was never any really true conflict here, so there is...nowhere to grow from. I don't hate this, I just think it could have been handled a little better and more interestingly but SO MUCH TIME is going to this Owen arc that everything else is suffering instead of giving this plot some room to breathe and filling up the time with more emergencies, and giving Owen a more central arc later on. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
As always, thanks for your thoughts my friend! I'll be working on our song ask next!
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ltleflrt · 1 year
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I posted 10,303 times in 2022
That's 1,219 more posts than 2021!
925 posts created (9%)
9,378 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,372 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#destiel - 1,838 posts
#spn fanart - 1,735 posts
#ltlequeue - 1,450 posts
#ltleramblings - 983 posts
#tma - 755 posts
#spn - 696 posts
#tma fanart - 587 posts
#lolsnort - 513 posts
#castiel - 404 posts
#jonmartin - 401 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#and his pink tongue flicked out to catch the cream he’d just revealed made other things in dean’s body tighten
My Top Posts in 2022:
Desperately trying to keep my clown nose in the jar.
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493 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
I want a Supernatural video game. Something old school SNES side scroller style.  But most importantly, I want it to start out with Sam as the playable character, and then Dean becomes a playable character, and then you can switch back and forth. When Castiel shows up in the game, he’s not a playable character, he’s a special attack that Dean can summon.  And Sam’s special attack would have something to do with his demon blood powers.  And then around the season 6 era, SURPRISE! CAS becomes the playable character for a while, and then for the rest of the game, you can switch between the three of them except during story beats where it has to be one of them specifically.
There’s a whole Wayward DLC too.
705 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
This whole backlash against printing fics irks the fuck out of me, and I got some shit to say about it. Mostly "Fuck You" but here's some nuance:
On the surface, I understand where the naysayers are coming from. It's a legitimate fear that making a profit from fanworks will bring down the C&D Hammer on fandom. I get that. Do not put on the One Ring, or you'll risk the Eye of Sauron.
But here's the thing. Fuck capitalism. Fuck digital only. We're living in the digital dark ages, and 100 years from now huge swathes of our history, fact and fiction, will be lost to our descendants because there will be no physical copies of our lives for them to find in old libraries and boxes in the attic, etc.
Creators deserve physical copies of their creations, and so do the other people in the world who love them.
I don't want to profit from letting people print my fics. That's why I use Lulu, since they have an option to set zero profit and make the links hidden so only fans in the know can get a copy. Other printing sites I've looked at in the past don't have those options. In fact, the first time I ever even thought about printing one of my stories was when I won NaNo for the first time and one of the prizes was a coupon for 3 free printings of your story. HELL YEAH, that's a copy for me, a copy for my beta, and a copy for the artist who made the cover for me. Perfect! But I ended up not using that coupon, because the site required I set a profit margin, and did not have an option to make it private. Ummm, no thanks. Not worth the risk. And even though the profit margin could be set as low as ten cents, I did not want to make ANY money from my fic, because I know that would be breaking Fair Use rules. I found Lulu instead, and decided to let other people get copies too, because I'm nice. And if I don't, it's not like I can stop them from doing it themselves, no matter how much I'd rather they not do that.
But that's not good enough for the Reporting Trolls. Their argument is that it's not possible for it to be completely profit free, since Lulu makes a profit on the printing costs and the shipping carriers make a profit off the shipping costs. Someone is making a profit, and that's unacceptable, even if that someone is not Me, The Person Who Made The Printing and Shipping Worth Paying For.
I would like anyone who thinks that to delete your accounts where you read fanfiction. AO3, Wattpad, FFNet, LJ, Dreamwidth, hell even Tumblr for the short ficlet stuff that only gets posted here. Because even if the website it self isn't profiting, (AO3 for example), the companies that sold them their server hardware made a profit. Since utilities are privatized, the electric company that runs those servers are making a profit. IF YOU PRINT IT ON YOUR PRINTER AND PUT IT IN A 3 RING BINDER, the paper, printer, and ink manufacturers made a profit from your dinky little print out. The companies that build all the parts for your computer or your smartphone made a profit on your portal to the internet, who profits from your monthly subscription, just like your electric company profits from the power it takes to run your pc or charge your phone battery. IT'S A SLIPPERY FUCKING SLOPE, AND YOU NEED TO LEARN WHEN TO BACK AWAY FROM THE LEDGE.
We live in a Capitalist Hellscape, and if a company could figure out how to charge you to breathe and for every single beat of your heart, they'd fucking do it. So get off your goddamn high horses with this "wELL SoMEonE iS makINg PrOFit" bullshit. Or if you truly believe that, shut off every account you own, turn off your utilities, and go live in the woods and make up your own goddamn stories, which you can only share orally to the local wildlife. They give kudos by biting you and giving you rabies.
(not to mention; these assholes don't go after fanartists who are ABSOLUTELY making a profit off their work. but noooo, Flirty can't format a fic for print and allow other people to pay for the printing service and shipping, while never seeing a penny of that herself, despite all of the GODDAMN WORK I HAVE PUT INTO IT, WRITING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE INCLUDED FUCK YOU VERY MUCH. fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufucky--)
977 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Good Touches: A list compiled by Martin K. Blackwood
Hold his scarred hand. He can still feel the warmth.
Brush the wispy hairs escaping his bun from the back of his neck to get a soft smile.
The wrinkle on his forehead will smooth out if you kiss it.
Kissing his face anywhere has the same effect. Also brings out a smile. Especially lots of kisses right in a row.
Run your fingers through his hair after he takes it down before bed, and he’ll push against your hand like a cat.
(collect more evidence that Jon Is Actually A Cat)
Pull his feet into your lap. Ignore his protests, don’t tickle, just hold them till he relaxes.
That little space at the base of his spine, just below the waistband? Pet it.  Kiss it. Yes, that’s probably purring you hear.
(Jon IS Actually A Cat)
He’ll pretend to sleep if you nudge him onto his belly and stroke his spine.
On a good day, you can trace his scars. Remind him that he’s beautiful so that he has more good days.
1,308 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Chuck Won theory supported by the CW falling and taking more alternate universes down with it.
1,476 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag part 19
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So last nights gameplay in the beginning was a disaster. I was on the left side of the sea by Tulum and went down to challenge a fort and I got my ass kicked. I tried several times before giving up, I wasn’t ready like I thought. I ended going back to my main base and upgrading some stuff and then going to a different fort that was easier. Then I did a Naval Contract and called it a night. At least I got some thing done. I have learned my lesson. Anyway, here is what I did.
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I was feeling confident after last night’s win, that I went straight down to Fort Chinchorro. There was only four defenses, so I thought it would be easy. It was not.
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The actual fort I think would have been fine, but there were Frigates and Brigs that would suddenly come, like 8 of them, so that plus the mortars from the fort, would kill me. But I kept trying, thinking I got it figured out. I did not. I tried about 6 times and then I ran out of mortars and was almost out of the heavy shots, so I made my retreat.
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I ended up going to my hideout in Great Inagua where I repaired my ship and bought ammunition. I also had enough money to upgrade my swivel strength.
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And since I still had some money, I went around my hideout to do some upgrades. I found one of my crew who wanted to put a brothel. It was a little on the pricy, but I had enough and bought it.
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Now one of the old buildings was going to house the dancers that were now on the island. I could hire them for free if needed.
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There was one more on the beach. The crew wanted a place to hang out and wanted a Campfire. It wasn’t as much and I bought it.
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Now the people on the island have somewhere to relax and get drunk. I could also hire drunk pirate groups for free now
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There was another upgrade point and I followed it up to the manor in the study. There was a box of blueprints on the table and it said I could upgrade the outside of the manor. Hell yeah!
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It looks so much nicer now! Brand new. There was another upgrade available for the grounds but I didn’t have enough money. It will have to wait.
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I then went over to the cage where the Assassin garb was and unlocked the locks. I still need one more though.
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I then set sail and took over some ships along the way to get some materials. I then came upon another fort and the map said it was part of the Medium difficulty. I should have started over here...Anyway, It was Fort Navassa. There were 9 defenses and only two small ships to take care of. I could just keep going around it, destroying the defenses.
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I then went inside and took out the officers and then the Commander, and now Fort Navassa was now under our command. That was so much easier.
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With the fort now mine, it revealed a lot of new areas I haven’t been to yet and some treasure.
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I first went around the fort to get the chests and animus fragments. Then I accepted the Naval Contract “Blind Justice.” The merchant said that they wanted to get justice against a criminal masquerading as a Captain sailing a British Man o’ War. I had to take him out.
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I first went looking for some treasures that were above where I needed to go. Then I went to the green area where I found some ships that was the escort. I had to sink them. They were easy enough.
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But then the Man o’ War came into view. It’s such a huge ship. I stayed way from it and used Mortars. And when it got close I bombarded it with my heavy shots. And I won. Yay!
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I then boarded the ship and took care of the crew. I was then given the option to repair or send to my fleet. My ship was nearly destroyed, but I sent the Man o’ War to my fleet.
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And with that, the mission was done. (Naval Contract: Blind Justice - Complete).
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I went back to Fort Navassa and repaired my ship. I also had enough materials to upgrade my broadside cannons. Yay! 
That was where I ended last night. The battles against the first fort took up a lot of time. But at least everything else went right. I should have just checked to see the difficulty, I just assumed all the sections to the south were Hard. Oh well. I know now. I have one more Naval Contract to do to finish the Fort. Then I have some islands to explore and treasure to collect. But that’s for next time. Until then. Happy Gaming!
0 notes
tirsynni · 2 years
Hello, can we talk to you about our lord and savior "wishing people would stop making Leon a selfish drunk who can't drive"? We also have a free pamphlet "And stop making Leon Ada's whipping boy" if you're interested.
It's frustrating, to say the least. This limits two complex parts of Leon which I completely adore.
I've written repeatedly about why I don't think Leon is an alcoholic. The most we've seen him drink in canon was in Vendetta, and that was on vacation following a traumatic incident in an appropriate place. That fits with Leon. This guy rarely directly addresses problems. Bad shit happens to Leon and he does his best to not think about it. He throws himself into his mission or he takes a vacation and hides with alcohol. In that case, Leon isn't addicted to alcohol. Alcohol is a deliberately used tool in a controlled environment for a specific effect. If he wasn't on vacation, he would probably be throwing himself into his next mission.
The bit about the bad driving... C'mon, people. Yeah, Leon has terrible luck with vehicles, but hell: the fact that he survived each crash is pretty important, as is the fact that the only time Leon actually crashes a vehicle is when he is using his motorcycle as a weapon against Arias. Every other time, there were some pretty significant BOW interference. I'd like to see anyone drive when a BOW is throwing itself at you and tries to eat your head. Leon has never crashed something out of lack of skill, nor is he ever actually seen driving badly. If he crashed, it guaranteed there was a BOW involved.
And the Ada thing? Where the hell did that whipping boy thing come from? Seriously? Have you seen their interactions? They have a lovely complex relationship with the acknowledgment that while sometimes their goals are connected, they are overall on opposing sides. Leon will aim a weapon at Ada. Leon will deliberately work to keep things out of Ada's hands. Leon is incredibly duty-driven. Helena in 6 repeatedly encourages him to go after Ada, and nope. Leon focuses on the mission. On the times they're on the same side (ish), it's mutual life saving and mutual assistance. Leon has shown that he is willing to go against Ada if necessary, and Ada has shown that she is willing to take time away from her goals to assist Leon. Hell, Leon won't even say he trusts Ada. The reason he stands between Chris and the woman they thought was Ada wasn't specifically to protect Ada. It was to protect a witness who could provide information regarding Simmons's crimes. When it came time to separate, he didn't go after Ada: he allowed Chris to hunt her, fully aware that Chris planned, at the very least, to slap cuffs on her.
Adults can drink without being alcoholics. The only time he was reluctant to assist in a mission was when Chris and Rebecca charged him on his vacation and ordered the guy to drop everything to help them. The only time we see Leon wreck a vehicle is under exceptional situations. There is absolutely mutual respect between Leon and Ada, with the clear understanding tat if it became necessary, they would actively oppose the other.
I adore complex, clever, fucked up Leon who nonetheless always tries to do the right thing, and it's frustrating to see these tropes over and over again in fandom. It seems like one person saw the actual canon and then canon got lost in a game of fanon telephone where only these basic tropes survived. The characters get relegated to boxes, with most of their actual characterization buried under the mess. Allow characters to be multifaceted. Allow them to be complex. Recognize that adults can do adult things, like drinking, without it equaling alcoholism.
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libraford · 4 years
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The short version: We had a serial thief at the flower shop. She’s retired recently and I think that due to Covid she really means it this time. 
The long version? hoooo boy, here we go.
This story, and others, are viewable on Tablo
There are rules and there are rules.
In dealing with shoplifting in retail, there are rules on how one engages with a thief. The handbook, if there were one, would consist of a single word. 
Don't pursue, don't interrogate, don't accuse. Let them take the merchandise, let them get away. Let them return the Cricut machine for an equivalent amount on a gift card to be exchanged once again for drugs. 
Let them. 
There is no handbook on how to handle Flower Thieves. Prior to working in a flower shop, I never thought that this was a problem. 
Life is surprising. 
 I'm sure some of you have figured that out by now. 
The Flower Thief is notorious, and she has a system. There are days when you simply know that she's going to be in. 
"Break the heads off the flowers before you throw them away," Grandpa will say. "She's going to be here tonight, I think." 
And sure enough, she would be. At 6:45, a quarter til we close- the Thief would announce her arrival. Loudly. 
"Heeeeey, baaaaaaby!" 
The very first time I encountered the Flower Thief, she came in through the back door. 
"Oh Hiiiii, Darlin'- ain't seen your face around here: you must be NEW! I'm Wren, you know- like the bird? Well, Kyle and I have an agreement that I come and work for y'all sometimes. You should take out this trash, it stinks to high heaven. Anyways, nice talkin' to ya, see ya later." 
I may only be a little bit psychic, but I've spent enough time around liars to know insincerity when I see it. Kyle, at the time, was the manager of our store and I have it on record that he's tried to throw her out of the building once or twice. 
While I was taking out the trash, her pile of purchase became so tall it towered over her. I watched Clark massively undercharge her for the sake of getting her to go away. 
She has a pattern.
She comes in during the design classes because she knows that when there's twenty people in the store, there's not enough people to watch her and make sure she's not stealing. "There's a class today," she asks as if it's not literally every Tuesday. "Don't worry I know you all wanna get out of here on time." 
The Flower Thief announces her presence in a grand way and then makes her way to the back to grab a trash bag or an empty box and then proceeds to bury any spare parts she finds in the cooler in the trash bag, hiding them under the things that she's actually buying. 
After that, she checks the garbage cans for things we might have thrown away that will last another three days and stuffs them underneath her other ill-gotten goods. 
Just when you think she's finished, she'll go through her pile of flowers and say: "You know what? I don't need this eucalyptus." And she'll go back into the cooler with it, stuff it in her purse, and walk back to the register. 
And when she's all done being sneaky, she asks one of us to come ring her out. 
This is the part that no one wants to do. Because ringing out the Flower Thief means haggling with the Flower Thief. 
"Oh baaby, you know I don't pay those prices." 
"Oh baaaby, I only pay $19 for roses." 
"Oh baaaaaaaaaby, those carnations were on special." 
She'll talk you down to under $100 with a sob story: 
"Oh baaaaby, you know I'm donating this spray to the family. It's for that woman you know- you know the one. She got herself murdered a couple nights ago? Two children and she was pregnant too! Pregnant! Can you believe it? Who murders someone with child? What's the world coming to? So I need a good discount to make sure we treat this family right because they got a looooong road ahead of them." 
"Oh baaaaaaby, you know this one's for that car crash over on Cleveland Avenue? I hear he was taking care of his dying father himself, so it's such a shame for him to go first like that." 
"Oh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaby, this is for that little boy that shot himself, isn't that sad?" 
Thank you, Sister Mary Loquacious. 
And you nod because you don't want to come off as an uncaring sociopath. And while you're nodding and adjusting the price for her sad, sad consequence and mulling over how good she is for donating to these people in their time of need, she steals some greens from the trash can and sticks them in her bag. 
She hands you crisp $100 bills. You check them and she makes jokes about how she printed them this morning. They're legit. Counterfeiting isn't why she went to prison. 
What she went to prison for was drug trafficking. 
"Do you need some help," you ask, trying to be a good citizen. 
"Oh no, I got it," she insists. "I'll make it in two trips. I'm stronger than I look!" 
And don't you dare get caught looking to see what she put in the bag or she will give you one hell of a lecture. 
By the time all of this has passed, the class will be over and there will two minutes left in the work day. She's spent thirty-seven minutes in the store. Your register is unbalanced because now you don't have enough small bills to balance it and only have one $100 bill to get you through tomorrow. 
And that's why there are rules. 
On occasion, a new person will break the rules not knowing that there's rules. One such occasion was when Clair decided to be helpful. 
"You know what? I don't need this eucalyptus," Wren said. 
"Oh! I'll put it back for you," Clair suggested. And before Wren could protest, it was out of Wren's hands and nowhere near her purse. 
It was mentioned to Sage, who only worked for us one summer, that Wren had failed to pay for something and she immediately chased her out into the street. 
Wren drives very fast. 
If you cross her too many times, she'll make sure you never forget it. One day, she stomped her way in through the front door, angry. 
"You ain't treated me better than a damn THIEF," screamed the Flower Thief. 
Grandpa, who was helping Blue make a wedding bouquet at the time, departed from the desk. "Beg pardon?"
"A thief! You been treating me like a thief ever since they made you manager and I'm sick of it! I see you bringing in your henchmen, following me in the cooler, chasing me down the street. Treat me with some damn respect." 
Words were exchanged. They were not kind. We thought we'd seen the end of her. 
But she was back one week later, doing the same damn thing. 
So now there are rules. 
If you make something and there's an excess of flowers left over from the pack, you have to make something out of the leftovers or she'll pick through them and stuff them in her bag. 
If you cannot make something out of them, you must throw them out. 
If you throw them out, you must break the heads off first. 
The trash cans must be emptied every night before 5:00. 
We do not keep trash bags in plain sight. 
Break down all empty boxes, or she will use them in place of trash bags. 
Do not leave any food or drink where she can find it. 
Do not leave any half-used rolls of floral tape where she can find it. 
Do not let her know anything about you- lest she use it against you. 
If you speak of a Thief, you summon a Thief- speak quietly, and never her name or you invite trouble. 
The basic rules one makes when dealing with pests. Or fairy-folk.
There are rules and there are rules and there are rules. 
If you want to keep a pest away, you make these sorts of rules. But if you want to get rid of a pest indefinitely, you have to remove their food source. And Wren's food source was her discount. 
You start exercising your right to say 'no' to a customer in small ways. 
She saw a bunch of carnations in the trash and said: 
"Oh baby, these are still good! I'll take them off your hands for you!" 
"They've been sitting without water for hours." 
"They're still good!" 
"They were out in the sun." 
"Oh baby, I've been working with flowers for 40 years and I know that these will still be fine for a couple of days!" She picks a bunch of them out of the trash and shoves it in my face. "See, it's still stiff- it's still good!" 
"Okay," I said. And before I could stop myself: "Full price."
Her eyes just about popped out of her skull. If it were just a little bit colder, I would have been able to see steam coming out of her ears. 
We stared at each other for about a minute, waiting for the other to flinch. She took the bunch away from my face and threw them back into the trash. While she was in the cooler, I took the liberty of snapping the heads off of them and burying them further into the garbage. 
And so began a war between the flower shop and the Flower Thief.
She came in: every single night. And each night, she got me. 
"Oh no, baby! These carns are supposed to be 39 cents a stem. I can bring up the email." 
"Sure." She brings up the email. "I see that they are 39 cents but... this was for Saturday." 
"Yea, and I bought those carns on Saturday and you charged me full price!" 
"You didn't buy these on Saturday. You bought them Friday." 
"Well I didn't know that they'd be on sale, so I need them for that price because I didn't know they'd be on sale." 
"The sales are one-day only. I can't adjust a sale from Friday to reflect Saturday's sale... on Sunday." 
She made a noise that reminds me somewhat of a cement mixer. 
 And again.
"I got a bad banner last time, can you print me a new one?" She shows me the banner in question. It's white. The 't' and the 'h' in 'mother' ran together. 
"Okay, I need it to say 'Beloved Mother' and I want it in pink." 
I print it. I ring her up $5. 
"Oh baaaaaaby, no, that one should be free." 
"Grandpa said- banners start at $5." 
"Oh, but you sold me a bad one last time." 
"We haven't sold you a banner in three weeks. How long have y'all had that body sitting in your cooler?" 
She grumbled, and paid. 
 And again. 
"I swear you been workin' every night this week! You must be tired," she said, nerves plain in her voice. "When do you get a day off?" 
"When the work is done." 
"That ain't what I'm askin'. When's your next day off, baby?"
"I stop working when the work is done, Wren." 
She narrows her eyes, which is a fun change from them bugging out of her skull like a fruit fly. "You don't ever get any days off?" 
"When the work stops, I rest."
 And again. 
"I'll be in and out, I know y'all want to get out of here on time," she said- announcing her presence to the entire class. She piled her stuff across the register counter and Grandpa began ringing her up. 
"Oh baby..." 
"No. We're doing away with the discounts." 
There are twenty people in the workshop for the class and Grandpa doesn't want to make a scene. She pulls her into the back, and I choose to make my instructions louder to mask the sound of them yelling. 
"So you're going to take your hypericum berries and you're going to cut the stem to about ten inches-" 
"How can you do this to me?" 
"And you're going to slowly fill the vase with these berries to kind of set the shape of the arrangement." 
"After all these years and this is how you treat me?" 
"Fun fact- you might know hypericum berries as their more common name: St John's Wort! St. John's Wort has been used as a medication for depression prior to modern medicine." You see- I, too, have taken notes from the Chattering Order.
"You can't do this to me," Wren said, stamping her feet like a toddler.
"But I wouldn't recommend eating them. However, they do smell somewhat like baked brown sugar." 
Stamp, stamp, stamp. 
Wren threw herself into the cooler and began putting a bulk of her flowers back. 
"This is robbery," I heard her say to Grandpa at the register. 
"Is it now?" 
 And again. 
She came in and immediately reached for a half-empty box of oasis bricks (the green sponge material that we use to hold flowers.) She said few words to me, few at all. She talked to Carrie about how she was going out to the country for awhile, to take care of her nephew's property. She needed to stock up. And oh- don't worry about it, she knows what she's doing. She's part of The Family.
She is in no manner of speaking, a member of The Family that owns this shop. Not even a third cousin. 
I saw her beeline for a rose I'd set in the trash. I picked it up, opened my mouth, and bit the head off of it. She stood in the middle of the workshop, absolutely stunned. 
Rose petals have the vague texture of arugula, by the way. Slightly sweeter, though. Tough to swallow in one go. 
She ran back into the cooler and didn't talk to me. 
I began taking down numbers. 
27 bricks of oasis. One pack of roses. Ten calla lilies. 1/2 pack of assorted greens. 
I punched the numbers in to the register. As if sensing something was amiss, she emerged from the cooler. 
"$54? What do I have that's $54?" 
"The oasis. They're $2 each." 
"Oh no baaaaaby, they're $1." 
"I can text Grandpa and ask her." 
"... that won't be necessary. Why are you charging me $22.50 for roses? You know my prices by now!" 
"22.50 is the price for a pack of roses." 
"22.50 is everybody prices." 
"Welcome to 'everybody.'" 
"I ain't paid a price increase in 7 years!" 
"The price of milk went up, Wren. So does everything else." 
She was seeing red, I knew it. There's a vein in her forehead that pops out when she's angry and it's the same shape as the river that runs through my home town. She sized me up, as if wondering if she could take me. 
I'm 256 pounds of 4H beef, and I have a knife. Try me. 
"I'm gonna call Kyle on this." 
"Do it." A lifetime of retail has made me immune to 'I'd like to speak to the manager.' 
She grumbled and put things back. Carrie offered to watch her, I held up my hand. 
"Can you do something for me  on these carns? They're the last pack in there and they're lookin' kinda ratty." 
"9.50's the regular price." 
"Regular price is $14." 
"No it ain't." 
"Is today. You're taking our last pack and we need those for funerals." 
She put them back. 
She gave me a credit card. It seemed fake, but it ran. Every time I see here, she's got a different card. Did she print this one this morning, too? At least she stopped trying to sell me on Bitcoin. As you can see, it made her incredibly wealthy. 
She gathered her things and left. "Guess I'm getting the rest of my flowers from KROGER!" 
There are things you want to say. Like... I hope they enjoy your company just as much as we do. Or: Haven't graced them with your presence in awhile, huh? But at the time, it was better just to watch her leave with her minuscule bunch of flowers. I get a choice in where I loan my voice. 
Not here. 
Is it over? Nah. She'll be back for another round. But one day she'll finally retire in the way that she's always threatened to. And then? Then it can be as over as it ever will be. 
It is shocking to come from a history of retail, where you're not allowed to even hint at the idea of a customer being wrong, where you have to override every single price change to get the scores up, where you have to just let them steal your things and pull the wool over your eyes... 
... to flat-out telling someone 'no.' 
It's such a great word. 
There are rules and there are rules. 
And there are thieves that the rules are made for. 
And there are words like 'no.' 
And all those things are magic in very human ways. 
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professorspork · 3 years
it’s the Kentucky Derby this weekend! I know exactly one thing (and one thing only) about horse racing: those animals get the most ridiculous names in the world.
there was obviously only one place my brain could go with this, so I now present to you:
The Potential of 2021 Kentucky Derby Horses as Names of RWBY Weapons, Ranked
Known Agenda
A strong contender! Kind of in the vein of Due Process; definitely evokes that distinctive RWBY feeling of being vague but menacing word salad. Perhaps some kind of pen that turns into a billy club? or a gun-gun 9/10
Like the King
ugh -5/10 no courage of your convictions. Don’t be like the king, be the king! This is your morningstar-cum-trebuchet-cum-beretta! be proud of it!
Brooklyn Strong
Perfectly good punchline to a stucky joke; meh name for a weapon in a world where Brooklyn is not a place 0/10
edgy Huntsman Academy students who buy their weapons from Hot Topic name them things like this and then use them to asymmetrically cut and style their bangs 3/10
was going to say “sturdy but boring” and give a relatively high score because this is a very Mr. Teeth sort of title but then I thought what if it’s a butterfly knife disguised as a crucifix? Grimm don’t flee from holy symbols but I do want to give credit to the vibe so that goosed it over the top, 11/10
O Besos
Kisses! and Pyrrha’s weapons are Greek, so why not a Spanish title? a weapon named after a kiss feels very gay, and the O makes me think circle shape so yeah these are nesting chakrams for sure 8/10
(oh god there’s so many more of these, did you know there’s TWENTY HORSES in the Kentucky Derby? that feels like too many horses!!!)
Now this is exactly the kind of shit we’re looking for. Much like Myrtenaster, I had to google this to know what the hell it is. A kind of window, apparently! love the inherent threat of defenestrating your enemies 15/10 especially if it’s a mandolin that’s also a mandolin  
Medina Spirit
can truly only be the name of a horse (or maybe a fancy cigar brand, or a yacht); resists all attempts to apply it to a weapon. -10/10 but it doesn’t care because it’s free like the wind. 
Hot Rod Charlie
Excellent name for a member in Junior’s dumb gang back in Vale (remember Junior?) but not a very good name for a weapon. Bonus point for evoking the idea of a transformer-esque weapon that’s also a vehicle, though! (*cough cough* Yang Rebuild Bumblebee And Do This Challenge) anyway 1/10
Midnight Bourbon
can’t believe Willow Schnee was actually a Huntress and never told her daughters! 4/10 bc it’s still a bad name for a rapier, try harder Willow
Dynamic One
gonna give this 6/10 for the psychological warfare of your enemy always waiting for the moment when you suddenly pull out Dynamic Two
...does the periodic table of elements exist on Remnant? this would be a hilarious name for a flamethrower seeing as helium is not flammable 2/10
Hidden Stash
ngl I love this name so much. so many options! sounds like a compact makeup case that turns into a cache of nukes or something. or what Sun and Neptune called their cop mustaches when solving crimes. 20/10
Essential Quality
you know how when you get a pet from a shelter they have a sad shelter name and you have to give them a new one with more personality? this is the kind of name that comes with store-bought Atlesian weapons 0/10
Rock Your World
almost certainly one of many names Yang considered for Ember Celica along the way, but not even she could pull it off -100/10 
King Fury
Finally, a king that calls itself a king! the ONLY thing this could be is brass knuckles that spell K I N G  F U R Y over the fingers and turn into spring-loaded katar blades and also revolvers. not sure why this isn’t on the show yet 50/10
Highly Motivated
this is the comment Weiss got next to every grade she ever received at Beacon, though the prized “pleasure to have in class” always eluded her. it gets the same score she always got in her late-for-a-test stress dreams: why-can’t-you-be-more-like-Winter/10
Super Stock
-3/10, sounds like a discount grocery store despite the fact that “stock” could evoke either the part of the gun or the restraining device. Better name options for a RWBY weapon that’s half gun stock and half stock-stock include Tacitus (2019 Third Place @ Kentucky Derby), Empire Maker (2003 Second Place), or Shackleford (2011 Fourth Place)
Soup and Sandwich
Perfect name, no notes, 10000000/10, dual-wield machetes and no explanation given if I had my druthers
Sadly “Midnight Bourbon” already cornered the bourbon-themed market here, so we must come up with a new angle. I like the rhyme-y nod to the bubonic plague, but I’m not sure how one would weaponize that? Unless we go full Cordelia and have a box with PLAGUE written on it and chase people with that. Actually no that’s sensational 10/10
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fictionalfics · 3 years
I had an idea. Could you do a crossover thingy where Aizawa has a daughter and she goes missing and he comes in the next day looking worse than normal and then the broadcast gets sent out and Aizawa sees his daughter in it and he gets either happy she’s alive or sad because she’s in a war?
This is s great idea! I’ve never written a parent fic before, so this is quite a challenge. Hope it came out okay!
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Title: Not This Time
Pairing: Dad!Aizawa x Daughter!Reader
(Gifs not mine)
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“Aizawa-sensei’s been sleeping a lot more than usual, have you noticed Iida-kun?” Midoriya looks at his classmate expectantly as they make their way to the dining hall.
It was true, their rugged teacher had been sleeping in class a lot more lately. He had barely greeted his class before the yellow sleeping bag made its appearance. 
“I’m sure its nothing, Deku,” Ochako chimes in, “This is the first time in a while he’s taught a full class. Besides, you know who he has to deal with.“
Midoriya chuckles as his friend gestures to Kaminari, Bakugo and Kirishima - they didn’t mean to be, but they were one of the main sources of trouble in class 1-A.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Back kick. Block. Jump, kick, dodge. Bend the knees, feet to the floor. Breathe, start again. 
The thick material of your scarf is tight around your palms as you dodge attack after attack. You hold your hand out and erase the enemy’s quirk, before landing a swift chop to the neck. Another one down. You handcuff them as fast as you can before dodging a beam of light. It just catches you ear, the scent of burnt hair becoming more intense as you roll to the side.
A stakeout operation gone wrong. A local gang that turned out to be something much bigger. You were fighting a war that had nearly run its course, and this mission was meant to be one of the last. That was, until your stakeout partner revealed she was working for the other team, a double agent. 
That left you in this mess. You wished your dad was there with you right now, but he wasn’t. He’d taught you to cope on your own, you told yourself. You’d manage.
Three days. No text, no call, no you. Shouta had waited in the living room all night, sipping coffee to stay awake. It had been three days since you walked out the door with a great big smile on your face, saying goodbye as you left for work.
Ten years ago, the seemingly heartless man had taken you into his care after saving you from your burning orphanage. The hero saw himself in you, especially since your quirks were so similar. He trained you himself, teaching how to use the capture rope alongside your fists.
You had enrolled in Shiketsu High, in order to separate yourself from your dad, and started your work studies with a mid-ranked but successful pro in your second year. 
Shouta was extremely proud of you, and made sure you knew it every single day.
But it was unlike you to stay out for days at a time without contact. The first night wasn’t so bad - maybe she’s at the bar with friends, I’ll see her in the morning, he thought to himself.
You weren’t there in the morning. He put it down to you staying over a friend’s house - he was up pretty early after all, so you’d be home later.
Nope. Nothing. He continued to make excuses up for you all night, and all the way into the morning too, only grabbing an hour’s sleep before leaving for work.
When he came home to an empty house for the third day in a row, he started to panic for real. Texted you every hour, on the hour. Called a couple of times. Called your workplace, to no avail.
6:30 on the clock. Shouta chugged the rest of his coffee and slung his work bag over his shoulder as he noted it was day four now. Work was going to be a long one.
Your ears rang as your former partner delivered another slap to your face.
“This would be over so much quicker if you told me where the boss is being held hostage, Y/N. You’re making this so hard for yourself!”
“Go to hell.”
A scream held back in your throat, your teeth grind together as you fight through the pain. The edges of your vision began to go black, and you almost considered telling the gang everything.
Shouta’s thumb was over the send button when he heard your name on the local news. 
Y/N Aizawa missing in action. Something about a fight against a gang, an ambush they said. No other details could be released for citizen safety.
The hero didn’t even realise he’d slid off the couch to kneel in front of the TV. Missing in action. He rested his forehead on the box, his hair sticking to the screen due to static.
Missing. You were missing.
His legs carried him to the agency you worked with. His voice demanded to see your boss, begged for the details of your whereabouts.
They wouldn’t tell him. “We cannot release details to the public, its for her safety as well as theirs,” your boss told him.
Shouta argued that he wasn’t the public, that he was a hero like you.
“There’s nothing more we can do, I’m afraid.”
The ropes had begun to bite into your wrists as you hung from the ceiling. After deciding the initial interrogation was obsolete, the gang had taken you to a new building and strung you up. Your feet could almost touch the floor, but had given up trying to get free an hour ago. Possibly. You didn’t know how long you’d been there. You were sure you’d stayed awake, but even blinking felt like it took days in that dark room.
You strained your ears from information.
Move........found.....kill her.......risk? No......stupid.....
There wasn’t enough for you to piece together the crumbs of information. You were sure you were going to die at this point. So much potential, a great future ahead of you.
No, you can’t think like that! What would Dad do in this situation?
You couldn’t answer that one. Instead, you hummed a lullaby to yourself - your favourite that he used to sing to you if you’d had a nightmare. This entire situation was a bit of a nightmare, so you thought it was appropriate.
The door opened before you, the bright light bringing tears to your eyes.
“She’s gotta be alright Shou, she’s tough! Besides, didn’t you go MIA all the time?” 
Hizashi did his best to comfort his friend, handing him a small glass of whiskey, which Shouta drank in one. He slammed the glass to the table with a dull thud.
“That’s different Yamada. I knew where I was, and I was never gone for long. I don’t know where she is, and it’s been nearly a week.”
The blond runs his palm down his face, not wanting to admit the he feared the worst too.
“She’s a hero Shou, bad things happen. You know the dangers and she does too, she’s not dumb.”
“Another whiskey please.”
Hizashi refilled Shouta’s glass, and the liquid disappeared as quickly as he’d poured it.
“She’ll be okay Shou.” 
Your arms were freed of their painful restraints as your friends occupied the gang and, summoning as much strength as you could, dragged yourself to your feet, using your peer as a crutch. Your head turned to watch your team take on the four or five people that had taken you hostage, silently celebrating as you limped to the exit.
“Sorry we took so long Y/N, it took us a while to figure out where they’d taken ya!”
A tired chuckle escaped you as your co-worker apologised. “At least you’re here now.” Your response wasn’t completely a joke, but you couldn’t blame them. This gang was good at hiding.
“The whole operation is gonna be extended, thanks to the newbie. We had no idea she was a double agent- it’s gonna set us back to square one!”
Double agent. You scolded yourself for not catching on in time. “I’m sorry, I should have figured out sooner. Now the entire mission’s been compromised.”
Your peer sat you in the back of an ambulance that had come along with the police.
“Don’t beat yourself up silly! Even us pros didn’t know, there was no way a student could have guessed!”
The fight was over relatively quickly, thankfully. After the criminals were handed over to the police for interrogation, you were escorted back to the agency to be patched up, and report to the higher-ups.
Eraser didn’t immediately jump up when the front door creaked open. He was a hundred miles away, trying to convince you to take a day off instead of going to work. You’d be home with him that way, smiling as you cooked your favourite meal in the kitchen. That smile... How badly he missed it.
He felt the couch sink next to him.
“Sorry I’m late Dad, I had one hell of a day at work!”
Dad? He snapped back to reality as the words sunk in. He looked to where the voice came from - his eyes traced it back to you. Covered in cuts and bruises, dark circles adorning your eyes, but you all the same.
“Y/N!” The dark haired man jumped up and lifted you into his arms. You giggled and squeezed him back, giddy with relief.
“Y/N Aizawa, you are grounded forever! What the hell happened to you?”
He set you down on the couch as you began to explain as much as you could, without giving away classified information.
“But I’m here now! I’ve got about a week to recover, because I wasn’t injured too badly, plus they did hold me in the recovery room for a day.”
“A week?” His shoulders slumped at the thought of you fighting. “They’re sending you back out there?”
“Yeah. The mission isn’t over yet, we have to dismantle them completely.”
Shouta ran a hand through his hair, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Promise me you won’t go missing again.”
“I can’t. You of all people should know that.”
“Humour me.”
Breaking eye contact, you sighed, before looking back at your father and smiling as wide as you could. “I won’t go missing this time Dad. I promise.”
“Good.” Shouta patted your head before standing up and making a beeline for the kitchen. “You’re still grounded forever.”
“But Dad!”
“No buts!”
“Even if I make you some coffee? Maybe cook some yakitori?”
“I may reconsider,” he chuckled. You always knew your way to his heart.
He loved his daughter so damn much.
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Destiel Trope Collection 2021 | Day 6: Firsts
24 fics under the cut
Sometimes Things Just Work Out | @vampamber
Rating: General Word Count: 1,027 Main Tags/Warnings: arranged marriage, angel Cas, royalty AU, mistaken identities Summary: Castiel is not looking forward to being forced to marry this Prince Dean person. The angel had never met him, never even laid eyes on him. For all he knew, the marriage would be miserable. Now, this human who's trying to hide in Castiel's room? It made Castiel wish that he wasn't going to be part of an arranged marriage, because he was really starting to like this green eyed stranger.
Through the Night | @smokerdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,147 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel Out of the Empty, Soft Epilogue, First Times, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sharing a Bed Summary: The motel is the same as thousands of others Dean has stayed in over the course of his life, but it's different, it's better, because he is here with Cas.
The Report Card | @fpwoper
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,211 Main Tags/Warnings: First Time, Crack Fic, Blow Jobs Summary: The morning after Dean and Cas first fool around, Dean finds a honest to god report card.
Dragon's Den | @fpwoper
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,280 Main Tags/Warnings: First Date, Dragon!Cas Summary: Dean and Cas's first meeting is in a coffee shop they randomly chose. It's just... a little dragon heavy.
Taking one for Team Free Will | @fellshish
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,560 Main Tags/Warnings: First kiss, pov dean winchester Summary: There’s a spell that requires an angel’s kiss to work. Dean takes one for the team.
Cannibal Queen | @one-more-offbeat-anthem
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,683 Main Tags/Warnings: creature!Castiel and creature!Dean, first time, porn with plot, virgin Castiel, mild gore Summary: What's a zombie to do when he finds out his (pretty hot) roommate and best friend is a vampire? In the case of Dean Winchester, the plan is to convince said vampire that they should team up and heist slaughterhouses. But when a run goes wrong, there are some unexpected consequences...
A Sign of Affection | @clarrisani
Rating: General Word Count: 2,159 Main Tags/Warnings: First Kiss, Fluff Summary: Castiel learns that different kisses mean different things.
9x06 coda : I'm sorry | @allofmystudentsrunaway
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,288 Main Tags/Warnings: Mutual Masturbation, Angst with a Happy Ending, AngstEmotional Hurt/Comfort, fanfic gap Summary: fan fic gap first time.
The blonde-haired witch and the little push | @chaoticdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,830 Main Tags/Warnings: Case Fic, Witches, Oblivious Castiel/Dean Winchester, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Bed Summary: It’s not the first time Dean’s ever had to listen to someone referring to Castiel as “his boyfriend”, but it sure as hell is the first time he has to sit through a diner listening to a witch referring to Cas as his husband without even batting an eyelash, like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Which would be fine if it didn’t cause actual shivers to run down his spine. (or the one where a friendly witch gives Dean the little push he needs)
Every Part of You | @the-communist-unicorn
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,097 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Panty Kink, Married Dean/Cas, Explicit Sex (but non-penetrative so there's no top or bottom), References to Homophobia Summary: Cas discovered his husband's secret completely by accident, but now that he knew, he wasn't just going to let Dean shove it back in that shoe box like it was something to be ashamed of. Every part of Dean was perfect and beautiful, and Cas might have just discovered a kinky side of himself too.
Whiskey and Wifi | @celipuff
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,401 Main Tags/Warnings: Top!Castiel/Bottom!Dean, Dom Sub Undertones, Neighbors, Castiel Has A Panty Kink Summary: Cas may have lost a WiFi connection, but when he makes his way over to his neighbors house, he ends up gaining something much better.
At Last! | @chaoticdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3,617 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friends to Lovers, Best Friends, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Airports, First Kiss, 5+1 Things Summary: Five times Dean kept his mouth shut, and one time he didn’t.
OUR FIRST TIME | @cooloddball
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,920 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff and Smut Summary: Dean & Cas' first time together
Ghost Town Saints | @nothing-but-dreams
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,010 Main Tags/Warnings: College, House Party, Beer Pong, Marijuana, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Trans!Castiel, Supportive Dean, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: College is out for summer vacation, and that means Cas is back home with his family. Ever since he came out as trans, things have been tense, to say the least. After yet another argument with his parents, Cas needs to clear his head. Luckily, his best friend Dean is just a text away. Dean suggests the two of them escape reality for a bit and hit up a party being held at Ghost Town. As they drink and get high, they realize their feelings for each other run deeper than friendship.
It Started With Arousal | @vampamber
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,260 Main Tags/Warnings: ABO, angel Cas, alpha Cas, omega Dean, soul bonds, virgin Cas, porn with plot Summary: It was when Castiel violently slammed the demon into the wall mid-fight that he felt it. The bond he had with Dean ever since he pulled the omega out of Hell had been getting stronger lately, but this was the first time that Castiel truly experienced an emotion that wasn't his own. He had expected something like this to happen eventually, but there was no way he ever would have expected such a feeling at a time like this. Dean was… aroused? He spared a quick glance at the hunter, meeting green eyes but seeing nothing that might cause said arousal. When three more demons kicked through the door to enter the room and the fight, Castiel promptly forgot the confusing emotion. For the time being, at least.
Kiss Me | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,285 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Compliant, First Kiss, Humor, Friends to Lovers Summary: Dean’s spur-of-the-moment ideas aren’t always the best, as lots of people are able to attest. And his last one really took the cake. Because now he’s unable to forget the taste of Castiel’s lips and he’s got no freaking clue how to deal with this.
Kiss at the Drive-in | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,380 Main Tags/Warnings: fluff and smut, getting together, drive-in cinema, semi-public sex, car sex, non-penetrative sex, handjobs, shy!Dean, dirty dancing, implied Bottom!Dean Summary: When Dirty Dancing airs in a Drive-in Cinema near the Bunker, Dean really wants to go with Castiel. Of course only because Castiel’s education about movies is still bad. Not like it’s a date. Sadly.
Swayze Always Gets A Pass | @kingdumbass
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,766 Main Tags/Warnings: Bunker Fic, First Kiss, Drunk Dean and Cas Summary: After Dean and Cas get into an argument over a case, Dean tries to apologize by asking Cas to Netflix and chill. Featuring: Cas the movie critic, his drunk friend, Dean, and Dean's tired brother, Sam.
Y Tu Dean Tambien | @a-mandala-rose
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6,909 Main Tags/Warnings: High School AU, Geek Dean, Closeted Bi Dean, Pan/Possibly Demi Cas, Referenced Homo/Biphobia, Low/No Angst, Implied/Referenced Consensual Underage Non-Penetrative Sex, Nothing Explicit, Happy Ending Summary: Dean Winchester has a crush. A great, big, secret, gay crush. Okay, more like a great, big, secret, bisexual crush, if we’re being technical. Either way though, the relevant word here is secret, because Dean lives in Kansas, which isn’t exactly known for its thriving LGBT community. In fact, he’s pretty sure most of his neighbors don’t actually know what LGBT stands for and he’d be willing to bet that if asked, at least a solid 10% would think it’s a sandwich. So yeah, nobody knows that Dean’s spent the past six months crushing on Cas Novak, the sexy junior in his Spanish II class, and it’s damn well going to stay that way. “Hola, Señor Winchester,” murmurs a gravelly voice in Dean’s ear, straight out his dirtiest fantasies and close enough to raise the hairs on the back of his neck, as Dean suppresses a shiver. The smirk on the mouth housing that goddamn sinful voice tells him that while he may have resisted the full-body shudder, his red cheeks did not go unnoticed by the boy sliding fluidly into the desk directly behind him. “Hey, Cas.” Nobody knows about Dean’s crush except for Cas, that is. Cas definitely knows.
Game of Survival | @sorajinsei
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8,317 Main Tags/Warnings: Suspense, Alternate UniverseThriller,Alternate Universe - Purge, Demonic Possession, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies Summary: Who's in the shadows? Who's ready to play? Are we the hunters? Or are we the prey? There's no surrender and there's no escape.
Talk Therapy | shara (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9,309 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Top Castiel, Bottom Dean Winchester, First Time Bottoming, Rimming, Communication Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, ALL the issues Summary: "Alright fine, you can put a finger in me," Dean says one night while watching Cas go down on him. Cas pops his mouth off Dean’s dick and stares at him. "I never said I wanted to put a finger in you," he says slowly, and then stops and tilts his head. "Do you want me to put a finger in you?" ~~~~ Dean comes to terms with this thing with Cas, and with himself.
Bind Me To You | @imbiowaresbitch
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 18,184 Main Tags/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Public Blow Jobs, Mild Kink, Condoms, Mutual Pining, Switching, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Anal Sex, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Light Bondage, One Night Stands, Strangers to Lovers, Teasing, Happy Ending, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Masturbation Summary: Dean and Cas meet in a one night stand, but lust, chance and eventually more bind them together.
Tempered Desires | @mattzerella-sticks
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 20,013 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Pandemic, Baker Dean, Dean has ADHD, Recreational Drug Use, Meet Cute, First Date Summary: Dating, sex, and finding love were the farthest things on the minds of both Dean and Castiel. There were more important things to worry about - namely the pandemic that swept across the globe and changed everything. Navigating this new environment was hard enough without adding romance. But fate never intervenes when you expect. From first meetings to first dates, we'll see how Dean and Castiel's relationship blossoms despite the circumstances.
Put That On A T-Shirt | @celipuff
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 21,524 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean’s First Time With A Man, Blowjobs, Top!Dean/Bottom!Cas, Semi Public Sex Summary: Getting blindfolded and blown by a random dude his girlfriend knew didn’t exactly sound like an ideal Sunday for Dean, until it actually happened.
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
Self Indulgent Shigaraki Nonsense Part...6??
Tomura Shigaraki x Pregananant reader series
A/N: Dude I'm not even close to being done, I really love writing this series. It's a whole lot of fun to see Shigaraki have a normal domestic life with the reader. Like damn. I'm thinking of writing a one-shot where the reader doesn't keep the pregnancy and its reader and Shigaraki going through the motions of that in their relationship because I'd like some more diverse fanfic out there. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Descriptions of childbirth. If you want you can honestly skip this part.
Your contractions started early in the morning. Around 2am you felt the familiar cramp in your stomach that pulsed. At first, you thought it was another false alarm. You had been having a lot lately, but they just kept coming. They weren't long, and they weren't super painful yet either. They just made you tense and pause for breath. You shuffled out of the bathroom and looked over to the sleeping form in your bed.
There the father slept peacefully. You gazed upon his gentle features tucked underneath layers of scaring. You had wondered if the baby would take after him. If they would have that cute little beauty mark on his chin. You suddenly realized You'd be finding out soon enough. You laid back down beside him and closed your eyes in an attempt to get a few more hours of sleep before you had to prepare.
Mostly everything had been prepared beforehand. Your Midwife, a kind woman by the name of Mae would be on call at all times. Once contractions started getting regular, you were to call her. Apparently, Mae was well known amongst villain and crime families. When Tomura first brought her, you were surprised there was even such a thing as a Villian Midwife. But the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. Underground villains and criminals needed their own help. Accountants, lawyers, employees, etc. With Villians becoming more and more popular, it was no surprise that you weren't the only villain family.
Mae was a professional, the best at her craft. She'd delivered hundreds of babies without issue and you would be her next case. She practically took over the house with everything she did. Helping to put together a nursery and everything you could have ever needed. You decided on natural water birth. Something that made Shigaraki unreasonably nervous. If anything went wrong, he was prepared to call every villain doctor he knew of. Hell, he'd send for you to be airlifted to the nearest hospital if necessary.
The pain woke you up again. The intense ache coursing through your body. You let out a strained breath as you sat up in bed. Your partner jumping to life with a jolt. You chuckled through the pain when you saw his wide-eyed expression.
"You okay?" He asked, his wide eyes filled with concern. You've never seen him so visibly worried before. So doting. You continued to laugh as the pain passed.
"Yeah it's just, the contractions, they're getting worse." You took deep breaths as you sat up in bed. Resting your head against a tower of pillows. Tomura sat up to get a better look at you.
"Should I call Mae?"
"Um...no I don't think that's necessary yet."
"Have they been regular?"
"Well, every ten or so minutes."
"I'm calling Mae." He turned away to get up and reach for his phone before you stopped him.
"No! Not yet. I can wait. I don't wanna bother her." His expression turned dark.
"I'm calling Mae." He ignored you, leaving the room to call the midwife. You huffed in frustration. Really, you felt fine. It was like a bad period cramp. There was no need to panic. "She'll be here in thirty minutes. I'm preparing the tub."
"No, Tomura wait, please. That's not necessary. I'm not even remotely close yet. Just hold on a few more hours." Tomura looked away and back down the hallway. He shifted from side to side before entering the room again and sitting on the edge of the bed beside you. His eyes glued to your thighs. He reached out a gloved hand and placed it on your knee, running his hand up and down your thigh.
"Don't try to tough this out." He told you.
"I won't." His eyes shot up to give you a knowing look.
"You need to tell me if anything goes wrong. If anything feels even the slightest bit off."
"I will. I promise." You reassured him. Bringing your hand to grasp his. He pulled his eyes away to look down at your hand and squeeze back.
"This is really what you want? It's not too late, Mae could bring it to be adopted. We could go home." Tears filled your eyes. No. You've come so far, done so much to prepare. You're not giving them up now. You shook your head.
"No. I can't do that. I've come too far for that now. That isn't my home anymore." You tore your hand from his to cup his cheek. When you looked back up, you could see tears forming in his ruby-red eyes. He looked scared. His bottom lip starting to quiver. "You are." You told him. He let out a defeated sigh and rested his head against your belly.
"You better not hurt her. You hear me? You better be good to her." He whispered. Your tears finally fell down your warm cheeks. You quickly wiped them away. You loving ran your fingers through his hair, petting his head. The sweet moment only to be interrupted by the sharp pain of another contraction.
"Fuck!" You cursed as your hand tightly grasped his shoulder. His attention snapped up to you, tears running down his face as he watched. Soon the pain passed as you took deep breaths. "Do you think, you could time my contractions for me?" You asked as it eased.
And so the hours upon hours of labor began. At first, Mae recommended you stand and move around to lessen the intensity of your pain. So now Tomura watched you shuffle around the house as you groaned and cursed. He timed every contraction, put the blow-up pool together, and set up towels by it, made you raspberry leaf tea because he read somewhere that was helpful.
He counted the seconds until Mae arrived. When the doorbell rang he promptly stood from his seat on the couch and quickly went to open the door. There stood the short old woman with a large smile plastered across her face. Her six arms holding a plethora of bags and boxes of necessities and pleasantries. She left one hand free just to greet him with a wave. He looked behind to watch the car with his own men drive away, and then again around the yard.
"Don't worry. There's no one but me, honey." Mae reassured as she pushed past him and into the house. You watched her waddle in as a contraction began to fade. Her attention leaving Tomura far behind and devoting it entirely to you. You watched Tomura grunt before looking back out the door to check one more time before closing and locking it. "I mean really, think about it. What woman in her right mind would use this time of all times to call the heroes on you. How cruel would I be!" She chuckled as she set her things down.
"You'd be a fool not to. A time like this would be perfect. We're alone and vulnerable." He growled behind her.
"And end my career just like that? No sir! I've worked too hard to get where I am just to let you dust me! Now let's see, you said on the phone contractions were regular?"
"Oh, well, not really. They're not that bad. Maybe every fifteen, ten minutes, give or take. Right?" You looked up at Tomura as he starred down with a cold expression.
"Her pain varies, but the timing is growing consistent." He corrected. You huffed in annoyance.
"Alright well let me just check the baby's heartbeat before we do anything else, okay? The last visit everything was fine, but we can't be too careful now can we, Dad?" She addressed him. A cold metal stethoscope glided across your skin as she silently listened. "Good, strong heartbeat. Everything looks good right now. Let's keep you active for now and monitoring those contractions, okay? Dad? How are we doing on preparations?" She turned back to look up at Tomura with an unbothered stare. He glared down at her.
"I've prepared the pool and towels. I'll add the warm water when we're getting closer."
"Oh good. That's more than most Dads do. You got a planner here don't ya?" She turned to you and smiled.
"Heh. He's a doomsday prepper." You joked. Tomura did not find this amusing, but Mae gave a kind giggle.
"Well, at least he's smart, huh?" She spoke as she shuffled away and back to her cluster of items. You looked up at Tomura and watched his expression soften as his eyes met yours. You gave him a kind smile.
"Something like that." His eyes narrowed on you for a moment, only to relax again when you chuckled at him.
Contractions came and went. Getting stronger and stronger by the hour. Now they were getting closer and closer. They started at 2am, it was now 9 at night. Tomura helped you undress to get you into the warm water of the pool he placed in the living room. Mae moving furniture aside and setting up her tools and everything as you stepped into the warmth of the bath. It allowed your tense muscles to relax, forcing a moan of relief from your lungs. Tomura knelt down behind you, his gloved hands never too far behind.
He watched you closely, all of his attention focused entirely on you. His right hand reaching out to rub soothing circles across your bare back. You closed your eyes shut as you groaned, another contraction grabbing ahold of you.
"That's it, good job. Don't forget your breathing, focus on your breathing. Dad, don't forget to do the breathing too." His eyes flashed up at Mae before going back to you.
"C'mon Y/N, breath with me." He instructed, his hand coming around to lay flat against your chest as you laid back against the pool. He felt your chest rise and fall with each deep breath. "Good. Again." He continued firmly. Another contraction struck, sending a jolt of pain throughout your entire body. You coiled back in pain, your face scrunching into a painful grimace.
"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!"
"Okay! Okay! Let's check you again see how far you're along okay!? Just breath."
"Just breath." He repeated.
"I'm breathing! I'm breathing!" You shouted back in frustration.
"Okay we're getting close you guys, we might be ready to push here in a few minutes." You panted as the pain subsided again. Tomura's attention came back down on Mae.
The birth itself felt like a pain-fueled blur. An intoxicatingly painful bender of sounds and colors. You couldn't focus or think straight, the pain rattling your head in your own skull. He watched you bark and huff and cry out. Something he knew very well. For a moment it took him back to the long and painful Dr's visits. The pain so unimaginable he grows hot with rage at the idea you might be feeling even an ounce of pain at all. Pain he caused.
You swung your head back to plant it firmly on his shoulder, your hair wet with sweat and water. He holds your hand tight, willingly letting you crush it with your own strength. It's nothing to him. He presses his lips into your temple. Wishing with all his might he could go back in time and change things. You're panting, you're body is growing weak, your hand is losing its grasp. Your shoulders are relaxing. No. No. This isn't right. You're not supposed to be this weak now!
"Almost!" Mae's voice shouts with gusto. He rests his head against yours before he lets out a weak and exhausted sigh. His voice rattles in a sad and begging tone.
"C'mon Y/N. You're so close." He says softly. Your body coils back as he feels your muscles spring to life once again. Your lungs filling with air before you let out a shrill, horrific battle cry. Only for it to abruptly be replaced by another. Your body drops limp in his arms once more as he feels you panting. Mae gives a triumphant cheer and proceeds to tell you how well you've done. How it's all over.
"Hello, little one!" The old lady chimes brightly. Tomura keeps his eyes shut tight as he presses his head against yours. He hears their loud, harsh cry. He knows it's over. He knows there is no going back. Once he opens his eyes and looks at them, at that little monstrosity, it'll be all over. Maybe you'll see the truth when you see it. Maybe you'll finally understand and come home with him once and for all.
"Both of you, open your eyes! Look at him!" Mae orders. The harsh and intense pain subsided, left with a dull ache, renders you exhausted. You hardly feel you have the strength to open your eyes, much less move. You pull your head up, feeling the weight of it on top of your neck. Heavy and pounding. You pull your eyelids apart to look down, your vision blurry at first. The harsh light blinding you for a moment before the shapes you see sharpen and become reality.
"Tomura, look." You whisper. His hand squeezes yours, he's gently shaking. You turn to watch him slowly open his eyes, and turn his head. In Mae's arms, a rather small and wrinkly infant cries. It's nearly blue skin, changing as it screams. Its face quickly becoming red with expression. It's no monster. It's weak and helpless and unaware. It's so small, it's half the height of his forearm. Its little hands, balled into fists, swat at the air as its legs coil back to its torso.
"Say hello!" Mae jokes. With a weak smile and laugh you oblige.
"Hello!" You coo. Tomura relaxes as you look back at him with a kind and elated smile. His gaze never leaves the child as Mae prepares him to be placed on your bare chest. Its crying soon subsides as it curls up under your chin. It's crying being replaced with little huff and sniffles from you. He leans back and away to watch the two of you.
He's in shock it would seem. As he sits back to watch you, he feels a tightness in his chest. He feels a wave of somber relief wash over him. His thoughts were gone only replaced my emotions.
"Dad?" Mae calls to him. "Dad?" She calls again. The third time he turns his head to look at her with a wide-eyed expression. She chuckled at him. "Would you like to cut the cord?" She offers, bringing him closer and instructing him how. He does so, quickly turning his attention back to the two of you. You look so peaceful. So happy. His gaze trails down to his child.
He watches his balled little fists press themselves against your chest, its expression turning relaxed and calm. Its little head covered in a rich black mess of hair. What color are its eyes? He wonders.
You turn your head to look up at him with that sweet adoring smile. His heart raced in his chest. He is overwhelmed and yet at this moment, nothing is happening. Time has slowed and has become irrelevant to him. The way you look at him. He feels like he's done something right. Like he's being praised for a job well done. He feels wrong about it. He should be making you feel that way. So, he tries.
"A boy?" His voice is hoarse and shaking. You nod your head. "A boy."
"A healthy one at that! Those lungs!" Mae jokes again as her arms go about working to clean and manage the space. You gently run the pads of your fingers against his small little back. His skin is so soft and smooth.
"Give me your hand." You requested.
"What?" He spat in shock.
"Give me your hand." You repeat firmly, your fingers gently spelling out the word: Mom, on his little back. Tomura reaches out a gloved hand. You reached out and removed the glove, taking his middle finger and gently directing it to the baby's back. "Gently." You tell him. Pressing the pad of his finger to his son's soft back. With this, you gently spell: Dad, repeatedly. Until he understands and continues to spell it himself along the baby's back. Very careful, and delicate. Tomura rests his head on your shoulder as he continues, slowly drawing the word. Allowing for a safe and intimate moment between the three of you.
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five-rivers · 3 years
Danger First
Chapter 6
@pocketramblr another :)
Shouta trudged back to the staff break room. His counseling session with Midoriya had lasted a little over an hour, so while there were still teachers in the building, many of them had left. With the exception of semi-retired heroes like Recovery Girl, everyone working here had two full time jobs. Hizashi, despite his carefree air, had even more than that in the form of his radio show. Hizashi had probably left with the students.
But Hizashi wasn't either of the ones he wanted to talk to. Not today.
He opened the door. Three, no, four teachers were there, but Snipe didn't count, seeing as he was completely passed out on one of the couches with his gas mask half off. He must have had an early shift patrol today, poor sucker.
Nemuri was there, too, with most of her hero outfit on. She was applying her hero-grade makeup (water proof, resistant to three common contact poisons, and guaranteed not to react badly with mace).
More importantly, Kan and Yagi were both there, poring over papers on the same desk, no less. Shouta walked up to the table and looked down at sheets and sheets full of incomprehensible numbers.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
'Don't tell him!" said Kan, urgently. "This is going to be my class's leg up on Aizawa this time around."
"Haha! Good one!" Yagi slapped Kan's back, and apparently even in his skeletal form he could pack a punch, because Kan had the air knocked out of him. Before he could recover, Yagi continued, "I'm making personalized nutrition plans for his class!"
"One of my undergraduate degrees was in nutritional and health sciences, after all!"
Wow, there was a lot to unpack there, but Shouta was more than happy to leave it in its box. He had other fish to fry and topics to interrogate. Small talk requirement fulfilled, he moved on.
"How well do you know Midoriya?"
Yagi blinked and put down his pencil. "Moderately so? We met about this time last year and have been meeting regularly since then."
So, so much to unpack.
"Ah, he... impressed me, I suppose? He was involved in the bodysnatcher incident last year."
That was an understatement.
"He had a lot of heroic spirit!" continued Yagi. "But... not so much in the, ah, body category. I thought it would be a shame, a waste, really, if he wasn't able to pursue his dream, and a hero school prep course wasn't really in the cards for him, considering his quirk status and the timing... And I did have this degree..." He waved his hands vaguely at the table. "I just gave him a little help."
"What brought all this on, anyway?" asked Nemuri. "Midoriya is the little green haired kid, right? One of Chibiida's new friends?"
"If you keep calling him that, I won't be held responsible for when he snaps and attempts murder. But, yes, that's Midoriya."
"He told me I was the best teacher he'd ever had."
Nemuri started laughing.
"Oh," said Yagi. "I'm glad the two of you are getting along so well."
"I think he's pulling your leg, Shouta," said Nemuri, coming over to pat him on his shoulder. "Man, I didn't think a friend of Chibiida's would have it in him. Such youth!"
"I cannot even begin to tell you how much he wasn't."
Nemuri's laughter died off.
"Judging from some comments he made today," said Shouta, "not to mention the discrepancies between his record and his observed behavior in the classroom, I'd say he's been the target of severe quirkism in the past, particularly from his teachers. Did he ever mention anything like that to you?"
Yagi's face darkened and the mood in the room grew much more somber. "Not in so many words, no. However... some of his comments about his teachers disturbed me enough to bring it to the attention of the Musutafu Educational Services District, but as an unrelated stranger without concrete proof..."
("You can use the acronym, you know," muttered Vlad.)
"You're telling me they ignored the number one hero."
Yagi made a face. "I didn't go to them as All Might. Can you imagine the media frenzy if I did that? I didn't want to paint that kind of target on young Midoriya's back."
That was fair, actually. If largely-anonymous Shouta had enemies, All Might had ten times as many. Not to mention supposed fans.
"Other avenues of inquiry were also fruitless," said All Might, countenance darkening. "I asked some of my police colleagues, but they don't have full discretion over the direction of their investigations, and, again, if I were to use my weight to move them... It would get out, and people would wonder why I was so concerned with an apparently normal middle school."
"Did you try talking to Nezu about it?"
"No? Why?"
Shouta reminded himself that although Yagi was an alumnus, he was also very new as a teacher, and was as of yet unfamiliar with Nezu's more interesting traits.
"I'm going to," said Shouta, "and you're going to come with me." He turned to Kan. "Have you heard anything from Bakugo about quirk discrimination?"
"All I've heard from him are explosions, threats, and some kind of complex I don't have nearly enough psychiatric training to- They're from the same school," he realized.
Kan pinched his brow. "So, the sweet shy kid you keep gushing about-" Both Shouta and Yagi attempted to reassure Kan they weren't gushing, "-and the demon brat are from the same school."
"That is what their records say," agreed Shouta. "Did you know, Yagi?"
"Oh, that they knew each other? Yes. Actually, I was rather under the impression they were childhood friends, as Midoriya ran out to help him during the bodysnatcher incident."
Shouta grunted. It was possible. He hadn't seen the two of them interact, at any rate.
"I'm going to Nezu with you," said Kan, standing up. "No matter what else this hell school did, they deserve to suffer for inflicting Bakugo Katsuki on me with those recommendations full of lies."
"Why don't you just expell him if he's that bad?"
"Because he's talented, hardworking, and hasn't actually broken any rules except for the swearing. He's just a pain I wasn't prepared to deal with and will probably contribute more to my hearing loss than Yamada by the end of the year."
"Wait, wait," said Yagi. "What exactly are you expecting Nezu to do in this situation?"
"Well," said Nemuri, who still hadn't left yet, "let's just say there's a reason hid name is 'god' in the staff group chat."
Terrible did not even begin to describe how Izuku felt when he woke up. His skin was static. His mouth was dry in a way that hurt. It felt like a siren was going off in his brain, and also like it was too quiet. He wanted to both run all the way to the school and hide in his closet.
This, of course, left him paralyzed in bed.
He hadn't felt remotely like this since the first time someone had left spider lilies on his desk at school. What was wrong with him?
No, that was the wrong question. All signs pointed to him having Danger Sense. He was in danger. And also immobile in bed.
With a great deal of effort, he turned to his bedside table and grabbed his phone. The clock in the corner read 4:42. Far too early to call anyone. And yet...
With shaky fingers, he navigated to Mr. Yagi's contact information and pressed dial. To Izuku's surprise, it only rang once.
"Young Midoriya? Is something wrong?"
The sound of his voice loosened the terrible knot under Izuku's breastbone. "I- May-maybe? I don't- I don't know, I think so."
There were sounds of movement on the other side of the line. "What happened?"
"I just- just woke up, and I- I think it's Danger Sense. It- Something bad is going to happen."
"I'm on my way. Is your mother with you?"
"N-no. She's at a- at a tech conference in Tokyo. She won't be back until- until tomorrow. Mr. Yagi, I don't- I don't think it's something here. I think it's later... at the school."
There was a pause. "My boy, are you quite sure?"
Izuku's laugh was just a little hysterical. "I mean, I'm- I'm pretty new to this, but..." he'd like to think his flight or fight reflex would have a more constructive response to am immediate threat. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you up, I should have waited-"
"Nonsense! Forewarned is forearmed, and time is one of the most valuable resources a hero can have! I'm still picking you up, I'll just-" Mr. Yagi coughed, "-take the car instead."
"The car? You mean Hercules!?" The excitement was enough to free Izuku from his paralysis and propel him into a sitting position.
"Well, yes, but, my boy, how did you know? I don't think I've ever mentioned the name in my interviews..."
"But you did! In one of your American interviews. It was for a local station and you and Mr. Shield were on together."
"But those were in English."
"I know! When I found out about them, it really motivated me to work on my English! I think I could probably pass the Level Two fluency test..."
"Young Midoriya, have I ever told you how glad I am that you aren't a villain?"
"Hikage, did Danger Sense ever make you feel this bad?" asked Nana as Yoichi fussed in the background.
"Super Anxiety made me feel this bad all the time. Sometimes, it made me feel worse. I got used to it."
Nana let out a sigh of relief. It sucked to Ninth right now, but if it was normal for the quirk...
"That's good, then," said En. "Not for Ninth, obviously, but if that's just how the quirk works, he'll be able to figure it out. What did it usually mean, when you felt like this?"
"Generally, that someone was planning on killing me in the next few hours."
Dead(er than usual) silence.
"Ah," said En.
"You know," said Nana, "sometimes the kinds of lives we led slips my mind, but then the universe is always real happy to turn around and slap it back into me."
Yoichi started screeching.
"Do you feel any worse now that we're here?" asked Mr. Yagi after shutting Hercules down.
"Not really," said Izuku. He slumped down in his seat and looked away. "I'm sorry, I dragged you out of bed and this is probably just a stupid pointless meaningless panic attack..." He felt tears begin to prick at the edges of his eyes. He was so stupid. And selfish. All Might could be out helping people right now. Or taking care of himself (which, according to Recovery Girl's comments during their training sessions, he didn't do nearly enough of).
"Hey, hey, there's no need to cry, it's alright."
"Because you're here?" asked Izuku with a sniffle.
"Well, yes, but also, even if it was 'just' a panic attack, I'd still want to be here for you." He reached across the central console to pat Izuku on the shoulder. Then his face twisted into something rather sheepish. "But on the subject of panic attacks, something did occur to me on the way here."
Izuku looked back down at his knees. "What is it?"
"This is the anniversary of the day we met."
Izuku... had known that, actually. Waking up as he had had driven it from his mind, but the date was marked on his calendar. He'd even gotten All Might a gift, although he hadn't yet talked himself into being brave enough to give it to him, and with what happened today, it would most likely languish in his desk drawer for an indefinite period of time as the idea of giving it became progressively more awkward.
"My boy? I can't quite make out what you're saying. You're mumbling."
Izuku clapped his hands over his mouth. "Sorry."
"It's quite alright. I'm just an old man with hearing problems."
"You're not old! It's... I just- I just don't see how- how that's connected to this." He gestured at himself in all his vaguely-trembling glory.
"Young Midoriya... you almost died three separate times that day. That's traumatic. And sometimes anniversaries are... reminders."
"I only almost died once?"
"The first time with the sludge villain, grabbing on to my leg- and I don't think I ever apologized for telling you to let go, I was just so surprised- and then the sludge villain again."
"But I only almost died the first time..." He trailed off as Mr. Yagi gave him a look. He'd thought his mother was the only one who could give looks like that... "Do you really think this is connected to that?"
"I don't know," said Mr. Yagi. "Do you feel like it might be?"
"I don't know," said Izuku. He bent over and knotted his fingers in his hair.
"Do you think it might help to stay home today?"
"No!" yelped Izuku. "No," he repeated, trying to calm his racing heart.
"Alright, alright. Never fear, my boy." Mr. Yagi gave him another steadying shoulder pat. "In that case, let's go into this with the assumption that this is danger sense, and it is attempting to warn you of a real threat."
"Okay," said Izuku. He rubbed at his eyes. "What do we do first?"
Mr. Yagi tensed and looked up at the top floors of UA. "Well..."
"Hm!" said Nezu. "That is something of a conundrum! The extent of your quirk is unclear, and it is not properly registered, so we cannot go through the official routes we normally would for a warning given through a precognitive or clairvoyant quirk, even given that we are aware of One for All and the probable nature of Danger Sense."
Nezu knowing about One for All had been a bit of a surprise. In retrospect, maybe it shouldn't have been. All Might would have had to tell Nezu something so that Izuku was allowed on campus before he was really a student, and seeing as how All Might was originally teaching here to find a successor... well, it made sense. Izuku just wished he'd been told.
How many other people knew was a question for later, however.
"Your inexperience with the quirk and other circumstances further complicates the matter."
"Sorry," said Izuku.
"Whatever for? It isn't your fault." Nezu did not wait for an answer. "Then there is yesterday's incident to consider... You say you felt something with the reporters?"
"Y-yes, sir."
"Hm. Yes. Toshinori, I so believe you have a contact who could clear this up much more efficiently."
"I know," said Mr. Yagi. "He isn't picking up his phone."
"You don't think-?" started Izuku.
"No, no, he just hasn't been speaking to me lately."
"Oh? I was under the impression you had been communicating with him regularly since returning to Musutafu."
"He thought I would change my mind about something I didn't change my mind about, apparently. It doesn't matter. What else can we do?"
"A good number of things, luckily. Midoriya, I am going to make a series of phone calls. I would like you to tell me if the sensation you are experiencing changes at all while I make them."
"Yes, sir."
Nezu began methodically going through Izuku's list of teachers, warning them that something 'like yesterday' might happened and going over lesson plans and safety procedures. Nothing really changed. Until Nezu called Thirteen.
(Oh, gosh, they were going to go to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint on a field trip today? That was so cool!)
But after Nezu talked to Thirteen about checking safety systems, a little bit of the tension he'd been holding onto leaked away.
"Interesting," said Nezu. "Perhaps we should reschedule rescue training until-"
Izuku dove for Nezu's garbage bin.
"-or perhaps not," mused Nezu as Izuku expelled the meager contents of his stomach.
It was a good thing he hadn't eaten breakfast.
"Hikage," said Banjo. "I'm sorry for calling you a dead-eyed emotionally stunted bastard with a warped sense of humor if this is what you had to put up with all the time."
"You called me a dead-eyed emotionally stunted bastard?"
"Not to your face, but yes."
"Well. It isn't as if those things aren't all true..."
"I'm okay," said Izuku. "That just... felt bad."
"No cancelations in that case," said Nezu as Mr. Yagi hovered.
"Y-yeah. Oh gosh, now I know how Uraraka feels..."
"Perhaps you should stay home-"
"No! I can't! That would be..."
Nezu held up his hands- paws? "It was merely a suggestion. Can I offer you some tea?"
"Yes, please," said Izuku, voice catching uncomfortably on his raw throat.
"I do have a few more calls to make. Do you feel up to staying, or would you prefer to head down to Recovery Girl? Or perhaps even the cafeteria? I imagine you haven't eaten breakfast."
"I'd like to stay."
"Very well." Nezu picked up his phone again. Izuku could just make out the click on the other end when it was picked up. "Am I a mouse? A dog? A bear? One thing's for sure! I'm the principal!" There was laughter on the other end of the line. "No, not at all! I am in fact calling for you, Tensei. Or should I say, Ingenium? I'm aware this is last minute, and you were planning on taking the day off- How do I know? It was quite simple, really- but between the break-in yesterday and a tip I received this morning regarding a threat to the school, I would like a few more hands on deck than usual. Why, yes, you can stay with your brother's class. Do try not to tease Shouta too much. He has a reputation to maintain." After a few more pleasantries, Nezu hung up. "Midoriya?"
"I... think that's better? I'm sorry, it's hard to tell what could be the quirk and what's just me feeling bad."
Nezu nodded. "In that case, I do recommend that you head to Recovery Girl's office. My other calls will be similar, and the other heroes will not be with your class."
"Why not?" asked Mr. Yagi.
"Because Midoriya's reaction to the field trip being canceled suggests that the danger may not be limited to himself or his class. Oh! And one more thing. Midoriya, I noticed that you put in some costume alteration requests. Naturally, most of them will not be finished until some time next week, however, some of the support items you mentioned are fairly common. If you have time before the field trip, you should pay a visit to Power Loader."
Izuku hadn't expected it, but he did feel much better after eating, despite his continuing sense of impending doom. It was also about half an hour from the beginning of homeroom, so he had the time to go to the support department and check if they had anything he could take.
He hoped they had grappling hooks. Izuku had always wanted a grappling hook.
Mr. Yagi took him most of the way there, but students had started to arrive at this point, and Izuku convinced him to go prepare for classes (and hide in the staff area so that no one would wonder why he, a skeleton man not recognizable as a hero, was at the school). Before too long, Izuku stood in front of a rather sturdy-looking metal door. He hoped this was the right one.
He raised his hand to knock just as something crashed into him. Ah. This was it for sure. The way he would die. The danger he had foreseen.
No. Wait. Never mind. He was fine, just on the ground.
"Oh! There was a person there! You okay?"
"U-um," said Izuku, sitting up and rubbing his head. "I'm fine, just a little startled."
"What're you doing here, anyway?"
"I- I'm here for... support... gear?" He sort of trailed off as he looked up.
It was the intense pink haired girl from the other day. As he watched, her expression changed from one of mild concern to calculating interest.
"Support gear, you say?"
Shouta answered his phone as he walked down the hall. "Nezu, I've already done every security check I can think of that'll fit-"
"Not quite why I was calling, although I can see why you would think so. One of your students needs to be rescued from the support department."
Shouta changed direction without missing a beat. "It's Midoriya, isn't it?"
"Why, yes."
"Did you send him down there without warning him?"
"Yes, again. You know me so well!"
Shouta hung up.
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souichioneshots · 3 years
Adult Souichi x Reader (2 day fic; day 1)
uhhhh idk
i was thinking about why souichi would even bring reader home and i figured there needed to be a 'logical reason' for him to do so.
So i wrote this???
its part 1 of the 2 day fic and also a slight introduction of who reader is?? idk idk
please enjoy
(oh shit forgot to mention, this fic only makes sense if you read the binzo x reader fic I wrote!!! ehehe sorry)
When Souichi was first introduced to you, he was told that you were a creature like none other. In simple terms, he was explained that you were a 'wild-cannibalistic witch'. But not just any ordinary witch, you had the ability to take and give power to others. Sort of like a vessel of power. But, because of your instability, you were passed from master to master, never staying with anyone for long.
With the fangs you were sporting, there was no way Souichi could doubt you had cannibalistic tendencies. They weren’t as large in number or as long as his son’s, but they still looked like they could cause quite a lot of damage nonetheless. However, the ‘vessel of power’ part was not something he’d ever heard of before. He was extremely skeptical.
However, all his doubts about you quickly disappeared when you physically touched him.
When the seller was explaining something to Souichi, he had accidentally gotten a bit too close to the cage you were held in. When you reached your hand out and grabbed his wrist, he was terrified that you would try to rip it off. But you did nothing of the sort. A tingling sensation surged through his hand as you looked at one another, almost like he could physically feel the power flowing through his veins. He knew then and there that he had to have you.
The seller then explained that although you were able to transfer power to others, it would only be possible when you were truly happy. A light would become ever so slightly visible in your eyes, indicating your preparation to do so. However, there was also a downside. If you were ever displeased, the counterpart would be drained of their own power, and in extreme cases, of their life force as well. Souichi was finally able to understand why you had been passed around so many times now. But he was determined to get more powerful, so he took the chance and purchased you. If anything, he could just throw you away if you ever became a danger to him.
When he first brought you to his haunt, he expected you to have a bit of a hard time adjusting to his lifestyle. However, you settled in quite quickly.
His older brother and sister were extremely displeased by his sudden addition to the 'family', but they soon came to like you. He often wondered if you had used your power in secret to make them feel such a way towards you.
His son, Binzo on the other hand… He decided to make your life a living hell. He would pull on your hair and tear up your clothes whenever you got too close. Perhaps it would have been a better idea to put you in a different room. But unfortunately, Binzo’s room was the only one properly equipped with chains to hold you back from running away. For now.
Although he could feel a bit of your power transfer into him whenever you ran your hands through his hair or held onto his hand, it wasn’t enough. It was nothing like the first time you two had touched. He wanted to feel that sensation again. He wanted to see how much more powerful you could make him.
That’s when Souichi decided to pull you from the haunt and treat you to a little pampering. That’s something you obviously never experienced before. Hopefully, it would make you happy enough to give him the power he so craved.
Souichi watched from the sofa as you looked in the mirror and shook your freshly cut hair side to side, your new dress also flowing in the air. Although you still had your mask on, he could tell that you were smiling widely.
Even though all the things you two did today made you happy, it didn’t last long. Every time you would be pulled away from Souichi so you could get your hair done, or be fitted for clothes, the light in your eyes would quickly fade away. Leaving you to be a nervously, low growling mess. He needed to figure out a way to make that light come back and keep it there long enough for him to harness your power.
“What time do we get the Kimono again.” You asked as you took off your mask.
“Around 4.”
“And then we go back home?”
He laughed through his nose at the word “home”. You had only been with him for a couple of weeks, yet you already considered his home yours. He wondered if you assimilated this easily into your other old master’s lives.
“Yeah. We go home tomorrow.”
Although he had initially planned on only going out until the afternoon, because the kimonos he had ordered for you wouldn’t be ready until the next day, you two were forced to stay overnight at a local hotel.
His eyes followed as you walked around the spacious room, examining each and every item. You picked up and put down the phone multiple times, and swirled around the desk chair until you couldn’t walk straight.
He could swear that he heard you say Binzo’s name as you played around by yourself. For someone who got tortured by his son daily, you wouldn’t shut up about him. During the entire time you two were out, you mentioned Binzo over 20 different times.
“What’s this?” You asked, tapping your long fingernails on a black glass box.
“A TV.” Souichi responded.
You repeated the word with wonder. “So… Is it like a black mirror or?...” You brought your face up close to it, examining your own reflection.
Have you really never seen a TV before? Souichi figured with the number of times your seller mentioned you were passed around, you would have been a bit more knowledgeable about the world.
Grabbing the remote from beside him, he turned the TV on. Souichi laughed as you jumped back and growled at the tiny people that suddenly appeared in the box. “Relax. It can’t hurt you.” He said as he took out a cigar from his suit jacket and lit it.
Souichi's eyes stayed glued to the TV as a large duck-like character reported the current weather. It had actually been a while since he watched tv himself.
Finally calming down, you cautiously walked over to the couch and took a seat next to the older man. Souichi passed you the remote, allowing you to flip through the channels. You barely stayed on a single one, curiosity forcing you to examine what each channel had to offer. However, due to you both staying in a hotel in a small town, you only got CS channels. In other words, 6 channels. 7 if you counted the channel with NHK’s giant logo asking its viewers to pay to watch. For some reason, you seemed to like that one the most.
Starting to feel a bit bored, Souichi turned his head to the side and called for your attention. Your eyes quickly shut as he released the smoke in his mouth onto your face.
A smile prematurely grew on his face as he expected you to turn away and cough from the smoke, but you didn’t. Instead, when your eyes opened, a small light was visible in the depths of your pupils.
You actually liked that?
Souichi’s hand snaked down to touch your exposed thigh. The light started to glow brighter. His hand tingled as you looked up at him with pleading eyes, asking him to do it again.
Bringing the cigar to his lips, he gathered up smoke in his mouth.
The smoke he exhaled towards you briefly dissipated as you breathed it in. A look of content spread across your face as the man repeated this action once more.
Souichi's eyes moved down to look at your slightly parted lips. He knew he shouldn’t…Your teeth, although nothing compared to his ex-girlfriend, were dangerously sharp, and if you misunderstood his action, there was a possibility he might get hurt.
But he just wanted to try this once…
Taking his hand off your thigh, he grabbed your chin and moved your face closer to his. Taking a quick puff from the cigar, he blew smoke into your mouth. As the smoke escaped you, Souichi pressed his lips against yours.
His free hand moved back down to your thigh, traveling further into your dress as he gave you small pecks. Your own hand moved onto his suit pants, copying his motions.
Your small hand briefly rubbed over the bulge in his pants, causing him to let out a shaky breath. He hadn’t been touched by someone like that in so long.
Souichi’s head felt like it was spinning. His entire body was tingling from the sensation of being in contact with you.
Could this be the feeling of power transferring into him?
A small whine escaped your lips as he pulled away. Your body leaned forward, pleading for him to kiss you again.
Looking at the cigar still burning in his hand, Souichi spoke to himself. “I wonder…” He moved the cigar to the tips of his fingers and, with confidence, threw it in the air.
Souichi’s eyes widened in surprise as it suddenly disappeared. He had never been able to successfully do that before. Souichi spoke in an excited voice, asking if you saw what he had just done. However, you didn’t reply.
The smile on his face quickly faded as he looked upon your tired face. Your eyes were on the brink of shutting and your head nodded back and forth lazily.
“Maybe I went a bit too fast…” Souichi said, worried that he might have pulled the power out of you a bit too suddenly.
Picking you up from the couch he placed you on the bed.
Souichi waved his hand in the air, making the cigar appear once more. A wicked smile spread across his lips as blew smoke down onto your resting body.
Getting power from you is gonna be easier than he expected.
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rivers-rambles21 · 3 years
The one with the ring
Part 9 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Summary | Reader and Bucky become friends after he saves her from  a creep in their apartment building. Each chapter explores a different point in their friendship - very slow burn!
Warnings | 18+ only, Smut in later chapters (this is a slow burn), swearing, unprotected sex, oral sex, (later chapters)
Chapter 9 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
As the weeks went by Bucky slipped further and further into his own personal hell.
You’d asked if he could show you how to use some equipment at the gym and help you with the weights. Working out is the easy part but seeing you in your gym gear? That was a different level. Your leggings clung to your every curve and it took every ounce of Bucky’s willpower not to stare at you - he did however notice other men in the gym didn’t have the same consideration so he made a point to stare back until they averted their gaze. 
You’d found you enjoyed boxing more than you’d anticipated. Bucky had suggested it after you’d had a difficult day at work and wanted to relieve stress. He never engaged in fighting with you but he did help with your form and footwork.
Rather selfishly though, he saw it as an opportunity to touch you at every chance he got. Whether it was how to grip your hand for a punch, moving your hips to help your footwork or blocking your attacks. He couldn’t get enough. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, trying to tape your hands up. 
Walking over to you, Bucky took one of your hands in his and began taping your hand up correctly. It had become a common routine which neither of you were interested in stopping. 
You tried your best to not sigh as he gently stroked your palm before taking your other hand, repeating the process. 
“What do you mean?” He asked, his eyes not meeting yours. 
“We don’t have to, but I know what it meant to you - the shield-” 
“He never should’ve given it up.” He replied, interrupting you, holding onto your hand which was now taped up. He gently rubbed his thumb over your palm, almost hypnotized by the tape covering it. “I’m going to go see him, I might be gone for a while.” His eyes finally met yours as he gazed back at you. You couldn’t help but notice the sadness in his eyes. You’d become used to his usual broody resting bitch face, especially during the morning (safe to say Bucky definitely isn’t a morning person) but this broke your heart. You knew he had his demons, despite him being generally quiet on the subject and you also knew Steve’s departure had hit him hard. You were hoping one day he’d open up more to you but you didn’t push it. 
“I understand… I’ll miss you though.” You smiled at him although it didn’t quite meet your eyes. Having Bucky in your life filled a void that had been missing for as long as you could remember; he was the only constant you had. 
“Yeah?” He smirked back - inside he was gleaming. 
“Whether you like it or not Buck, you’re my friend” His smirk faltered at the mention of being your friend “plus I’ve only just started bulking up! All this hard work will go to waste” You flexed your arm, attempting to show off your progress, causing him to chuckle. 
“C’mon doll, show me what you’re working with” He let go of your free hand, not realising he’d been holding on all this time and reached for your boxing gloves, throwing them your way as he climbed into the ring. 
You spent the rest of the afternoon together, heading to your local coffee shop after finishing up at the gym. Although he’d quickly gotten to grips with modern technology, he was still a bit shaky on booking flights so you helped him make the reservation and booked a hotel room for him. 
On your walk back to your apartment building you chatted about what he could expect flying commercial - a first for him and took the time to reassure him he wouldn’t be recognised. 
“Can I text you whilst I’m away?” He asked, trying his best to sound as casual as possible. 
It was at that moment it dawned on you that you didn’t even have his number, you’d both gotten so used to your routine of popping by each other's apartment whenever you hung out. Although admittedly, you both always found yourself hanging out more at yours since he wasn’t big on owning furniture.
“Of course, here pass me your phone and I’ll put my number in” Bucky tried not to sigh in relief as he reached into his jeans pocket, retrieving his phone. Despite you both growing closer the past few months, he still felt nervous around you, scared of being rejected. 
“Oh god you’re one of those” You groaned, staring at his 15 unread notifications. “Can I get rid of them?” You asked as the little red icon taunted you. 
“Go for it doll” His metal arm snuck around your waist as you continued to walk through the busy streets of New York, Bucky doing his best to help you dodge the crowds of people ahead as you focused on his phone. Bucky justified his arm around you as purely helping you avoid being barged and walking into people but he knew deep down it was just another opportunity to hold you close. “Spiderling ….. Spiderling. ?You ignored Spider Man?! He’s messaged you a few times, can I read them?” You asked, staring up into his baby blues. He glanced down at you and nodded before focusing back on walking you through the streets of Brooklyn. 
There were a few more messages which had gone unread, a couple about picking his brain for a history paper and another about upgrading his arm. 
Hi Mr Barnes, it’s Peter Parker, do you have five minutes for a chat?
However, one caught your attention. 
Are you ignoring me because I beat you? It’s okay to admit a 16 year old bested you Mr Barnes :D 
“Bucky did you get your ass handed to you by a teenager?” You giggled, rereading the message as the man beside you held the lobby door open for you. 
“Okay first off he didn’t beat me, I let him win. And secondly -” His nose scrunched up as he tried to think of his second point, failing miserably. 
“Wow, James Buchanan Barnes got beaten up by a sixteen year old and yet he has the audacity to criticise my footwork.” You teased, pressing the button for the elevator. 
“In my defence, as soon as I knew how young he was I held back. By a lot” Gesturing towards the empty elevator that had arrived, he followed you inside and pressed the button for your floor. “And then he caught me off guard with his sticky web thing and it all went downhill from there.” 
You covered your mouth trying your best not to laugh, imagining the man in front of you getting caught in one of Spider Man’s webs, struggling to get free. 
“Whatever Buck, you lost to Spider Man.” You finished putting your number in his phone and handed it back, chuckling to yourself. “You should call him sometime though, it sounds like he’s going through it.” 
He gestured again for you to leave the elevator first as the doors opened in front of you, swiftly following on your heels. “I’m not his babysitter.” He responded, pulling out his keys. 
“And I’m not yours but I still listen to your shit.” You smirked at him, leaning against your door. 
He responded with that stupid tongue thing he did, licking his lower lip before smiling back at you. God what you’d love to do with that- You shook yourself out mid thought, knowing where your mind was leading would only end in another night of frustration. 
“How long do you think you’ll be gone for?” You asked, the conversation turning more somber. 
“Hopefully not too long doll… come here.” He held his arms open and you pushed yourself off your door without hesitation, falling into his waiting arms. Your face was pressed against his hard chest, your arms snaking around his waist as he held you against him, his biceps curling around your shoulders, gripping you tightly. Ever so gently, he placed a kiss in your hair, his lips lingering slightly longer than they should’ve. A few moments later, you both released one another, trying to avoid the cold feeling overcoming you as his warmth left your body. 
“I’m expecting a souvenir y’know” 
“Of course” He replied back, chuckling as he pondered just how he was going to cope without you.
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 5)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Avengers doing domestic things.
A/N: A silly chapter before some shiii starts going down. Also I’m posting two chapters because I really hated this one.
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𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳
𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴' 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴
"Come on it's not that hard just up and over." Bucky once again demonstrated to Sam how to throw the knife over his arm and catch it. Wanda had her feet kicked up on Y/n's desk painting her nails and Y/n was watering her plants on her office window seal.
Sam took the knife from Bucky and attempted to do what he showed him but failed which caused the knife to fall and slide across the floor. He muttered a few curse words and picked it up. Sam once again flung the knife up, he went to catch it but Y/n was quicker snatching it out of the air.
"No more throwing knives in my office, you're going to cut off your fingers, and IM the one who's going to have to stitch them back on." Y/n hissed.
"Oh come Y/n don't be a buzzkill you should trust me," Sam exclaimed.
"No, I'd trust a sketchy party clown for hire who likes to take 'bathroom brakes' more than you." Wanda scoffed.
"Don't you guys have a job to do? People, to save instead of bothering me?" Y/n put her hands on her hips.
"Don't lie to use doll we know you like having us around." Bucky grinned.
"No, no I don't. You guys are like cockroaches in a shitty Brooklyn apartment that no matter how hard you try you just can't seem to rid of." Y/n waves the knife around in her hand pointing to the three Avengers.
As much as Y/n loved her newfound friends they were distracting and caused her to get little work done, though Tony probably wouldn't care as he was the number one slacker, Y/n still liked to pull her own weight.
Y/n walked back around her desk and plopped down next to Wanda, she took the nail polish and began to do the nails that Wanda couldn't.
Bucky rolled his eye "Anyways, when are you going to move in?"
"Well, Tony said I could hook the SHIELD trailer onto my car and I have everything packed I just need someone to help me move." She shrugged.
Wanda perked up and grinned "I'll help, I've always wanted to see the apartment that you're found enough of to drive an hour and back to every day."
"An hour? I thought you lived in Brooklyn." Sam said.
"Nope." Y/n popped the 'P' "I live in Hell's Kitchen."
Bucky frowned "That neighborhood with all those vigilantes?" Y/n just nodded.
"Well, I and Buck will help." Sam put his arm around Bucky. He tried to shrug it off and Sam pulled tighter.
Y/n thought for a moment, it would definitely help to have more than one other person to do the heavy lifting, and anything she didn't want anyone seeing was packed away so it could work.
She shrugged "Okay we can go we I get off which is in about 30 minutes."
Y/n stood up "But in the meantime, I need to work and I can't do that with dumb and dumber around." She started to push Bucky and Sam out of the room.
"Oh come on Y/n don't be like that." Bucky teased.
She gave the final shove "Wanda and I will meet you by the first-floor elevator in 45 minutes."
Both Sam and Bucky opened their mouth to protest "Bye." Y/n waved and slammed the door.
"Men am I right?"
Y/n scoffed "You're telling me."
Wanda and Y/n stepped out of the elevator to see Bucky and Sam leaning against the wall waiting for them. "Boys." She nodded. Y/n and Wanda began to walk over to the front desk while both men trailed along like lost puppies.
Y/n put both arms on the desk and leaned forward. The blonde at the desk looked up with a smile, it dropped for split second, so slight that if you weren't watching you wouldn't have noticed.
"Dr. Y/l/n what can I do for you."
Y/n put on a fake smile and curiously narrowed her eyes "Teresa right? Well, Tony said the trailer was already hooked up to my car I just needed someone to let me into the garage."
"Of course, when you hear buzz head right on."
"Thanks!" She exclaimed.
Y/n turned around and her smile immediately dropped, she walked back over to Wanda and the boys, and they all started to walk to the garage.
"What's her problem?" Y/n nodded over towards the desk.
"Teresa? Well I know she used to be a high-level SHIELD agent but requested to be moved to the front desk, it was a pretty big deal. It happened just right before you started working here actually." Sam told her.
Y/n hummed and opened the door leading to the garage. They walked toward the back and stopped in front of a grey 2010 Honda Civic.
"Here's my baby." She made jazz hands to show off her car.
"This is your car? Being friends Tony Stark I assumed you'd have something newer." Bucky joked.
"I call shotgun," Wanda yelled hopping into the passenger seat.
30 minutes into the ride Y/n and Wanda are screaming blank space by Taylor Swift on the top of their lungs while Sam and Bucky are crammed in the back seat trying not to cringe at their 'god awful' singing.
Another 20 minutes and Y/n pulls in front of her apartment. The car was barely at a stop when both men scrambled to get out Wanda chuckled and Y/n just shook her head.
They went inside of the building and once again crammed into the elevator. "You have a really shitty apartment," Sam stated matter of factly.
Y/n rolled her eyes and stepped out of the elevator the three Avengers followed suit and walked behind her while she lead them to her apartment. Y/n pulled out her keys and opened the door.
"Welcome to my humble abode."
Bucky was the first one to step in, he felt something rub against his leg and meowed. He looked down to see a white fluffy cat with emerald green eyes. The cat meowed again and stretched its paws onto his pant leg. Bucky smiled and pick the cat up. The cat immediately began to nudge into him and purr. Bucky turned to Y/n.
"What's his name?"
Y/n arms were crossed and was leaning against the doorway with an amused looked and her face "Her name is Alpine."
"I forgot you said you had a cat." Wanda squealed.
Y/n chuckled at the redhead and started to walk down her hallway "Alright we only need to grab the boxes and the furniture in my room. Matt said he could take the rest of the furniture and use it for his law firm."
Bucky's face slightly fell and his heart skipped a beat "Matt is that your boyfriend?" Bucky tried to sound as though he was genuine even with the sick feeling in his gut.
Y/n felt as she could sense some slight jealousy in his statement. She got a quick sensation of butterfly's and started to feel a little hope at the possibility that he could be interested in her but she quickly shoved that thought down.
"No, no, you could call him a childhood friend." She breathed.
Bucky's heart began to beat normal again and the wide smile was put back on to his face. Wanda walked over and pulled the cat out of Bucky's arms. Alpine snuggled into Wanda falling back asleep in her arms.
"Well, what are you boys standing around here for, get to work," Wanda exclaimed clapping her hands to show she was serious. Y/n chuckled and both men began to pick up boxes.
Y/n and Wanda sat on the couch watching as Sam and Bucky brought boxes to the car. Y/n and Wanda smirked at each other as they watch Bucky and Sam lift her bed. Seeing the way their muscles move definitely a sight for sore eyes. After an hour of talking and moving they were finally done. Y/n stood up off the couch and stretched her arms.
"Guys that was hard work."
Sam scoffed "All you did was hold the cat while watching us doing the heavy lifting."
"Whatever," Y/n murmured.
"Wanda, why didn't you just use your powers?" Bucky asked.
"I was holding the cat." She shrugged.
Both men rolled their eyes in sync "Will you guys stop whining if I buy you food?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.
"I would never say no to free food." Bucky grinned.
Bucky woke up to the feeling of vibrations on his chest, he peeked an eye open to see a blob of white fur. Alpine noticed he was awake and nudge her face against his scruff, he chuckled and sat up.
"How did you get in?" He looked over to see his door still closed and locked, he frowned.
Alpine gave him an innocent look, he lightly nudged the cat to push her onto the bed. Bucky stood up and grabbed his pants, he put them on and grabbed Alpine.
"I've got to bring you back to Y/n's room mommy probably misses you." Talking to a cat wow a new low Barnes He scoffed at himself.
Bucky opened his door and walked the far distance of three feet to Y/n's door and knocked. He heard a muffled come in. He walked into her room to see her going through her boxes. She looked up, saw him, and smiled.
"Hey, Bucky what's up."
"I think this belongs to you." He chuckled nodding toward Alpine who was curled up like a baby in his arms.
"Where did you find her?" Her eyes lit up at the sight of her car.
"Actually she found me first I woke up to her laying on me."
"I think someone's got a crush." Y/n teased.
She grabbed Alpine then she noticed what he was wearing, rather the lack of what he was wearing.
Her eyes traveled down his toned chiseled abs landing on the sweatpants laying low in his hips just above his V line.
"Y/n?" That snapped her out of her trance.
"I'm sorry what were you saying?" Her eyes darted back up toward his face.
"I was saying I'm going to make breakfast do you want some." He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. Y/n's face instantly flushed oh my god he totally caught me checking him out.
"Uh yeah, sure."
Part 6
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: In which Mina Ashido gets sick of the pining turned avoiding, so she decides the best course of action is to steal the Janitor’s keys and lock her idiotic friends in a closet until they sort themselves out. 
WARNINGS: kissing, pining, stealing, references to events in season three, damn?
A/N: i was considering using another gif and realized that bakugou’s hands literally SMOKE after he uses his quirk
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This was the last straw.
Mina had been observing Bakugou for a while now, and she had determined a few things. First of all, Bakugou does care, he just has his own weird way of showing it, his concerns were laced in with his insults in an attempt to prevent others from noticing that he cared. Even though he would complain about the presence of Mina and the rest of the Bakusquad, he’d never outright kicked them out of his room. And when they needed help, with anything, he’d be there. Studying happened to be something they did together frequently, and though Bakugou insisted on insulting them every five seconds, he was actually a fairly good teacher. Then again, Bakugou also sought to be good at everything.
The second thing Mina had noticed was that actions like this were far more pronounced whenever he was with Y/N L/N. It seemed the girl made him, ‘soft’ to put it simply, not that Mina would ever say that out loud, seeing as she wanted to live to see another day. But it was clear in the way he encouraged the girl, pushing her to work as hard as she could, and yet when she overworked, he was there to keep her from the edge. It had been pretty obvious the day he’d offered Y/N his lunch because she’d forgotten her own, and sure, his offering was couple with a few insults about how foolish she was to forget her meal, but it was an offering nonetheless. 
It was then that Mina began to wonder if Bakugou could feel things other than anger. She’d tried to ask him herself, but he’d simply blushed furiously and begun cursing her out. So, Mina hatched her plan to try and get him to admit feeling something for Y/N. She’d send Kirishima to ask him about it, only for the boy to come back with holes blown into his clothes by Bakugou’s infamous explosions. Then, she’d tried to get Kaminari to hit on Y/N, to gauge Bakugou’s reaction.
That didn’t end well for Kaminari.
Prior to beginning her effort to bring the two together, she’d gone to Y/N to determine if the possible feelings were mutual. Though the only answer she got was, “I don’t see why it matters, Mina.” Which Mina had a feeling meant, “yes I do, but I doubt Bakugou would like me back since he has his sights set on being a hero.” Not that Mina needed confirmation, she just would’ve preferred it, though the few times Y/N had offhandedly mentioned Bakugou in conversation were confirmation enough. 
But no, watching Bakugou, seated closely beside Y/N as he explained the homework that had baffled her, Mina knew that whatever Bakugou felt for Y/N, it was far from platonic. He hadn’t cursed, hadn’t called her an idiot or some other crude name, hadn’t teased her for not understanding the concept they’d been learning in class all week. No, he’d simply told her to shut up and listen as he explained. If Mina had made such a request, he would’ve told her to start paying attention in class, or to quit being such a damn idiot. 
This, this was the last straw. Now, this definitely wasn’t Mina’s brightest idea, I mean, who in their right mind would lock Bakugou Katsuki in a closet? Nobody. And yet, there Mina stood— with keys she’d asked Sero to... borrow from the school janitor— ramming the keys into the keyhole and locking the door behind Bakugou and Y/N. Mina refused to watch the pair pine for each other any longer. If they wanted to simp for each other mutually, then they would do it as a couple.
Also, Mina just loved to play matchmaker with her friends. 
“LET US OUT OF HERE RACCOON EYES.” Bakugou called out, fist ramming against the door as he glared at the girl through the door, not that this was possible. 
He could hear Mina begin to laugh as she simply replied, “sort yourselves out and then I’ll let you out.” All the subtle hints of their true feelings disappeared after Y/N accompanied Midoriya and his friends to save Bakugou, Mina was fairly sure that Bakugou was avoiding Y/N at this point, though she couldn’t come up with a good reason why, aside from the kidnapping itself. So now, she would force them to make up, and hopefully confess their feelings. 
The tension was getting tiring for everyone in their class. 
This only serves to anger Bakugou more, and Y/N seems to take notice of this as Bakugou feels her hand come to his shoulder, he can’t help but hate the way he relaxes as he turns to see Y/N, shaking her head, “Calm down.”
“Yeah, Katsuki, we’ll be back in an hour. Have fun, lovebirds.” Mina could vividly recall the day Y/N had accidentally called him by his first name, the boy’s cheeks had become a bright red, but when Y/N tried to correct herself, he shut her down almost immediately. And yet Mina couldn’t even remember the last time the two had even acknowledged each other now.
These words earn a growl frmo Bakugou, who is moving backwards to aim his palms at the door, hoping to activate his quirk and blow the door down, only for his back to hit Y/N. “I don’t think using your quirk would be the best idea.”
“Well do you have a better idea?” She was right, if he used his quirk, it could easily do more harm than good. Bakugou wasn’t sure how reinforced the doors of the school were, especially in light of all the recent attacks, he also didn’t want to pay for any damage he did. That and he could easily end up harming Y/N in the process.
She exhales deeply, hands moving to his shoulders to force him to turn around in the small closet and face her. “We wait until someone comes by, the janitor will definitely be looking for his keys.” 
Bakugou evades her gaze he turns to glare at the locked door once more, “what if no one comes by and we have to wait for those idiots to come back?” Y/N shrugs, looking behind her before moving to sit on the ground, just for Bakugou look back to her incredulously, “what the hell are you doing?”
“Getting comfortable.” Y/N brings her knees to her chest, resting her head on top of them as she continues, “it’s not like she’d free us until we sorted ourselves out.” The words come out harsher than Y/N intended, but she was annoyed at the way Bakugou had been treating her recently, the way he was obviously avoiding her.
The boy before her grimaces, but settles down against the door nonetheless. The closet isn’t that large, Even with his knees bent, there still isn’t much space between him and Y/N, who had taken to staring at one of the many cleaning products in the room, rather than him. “There’s nothing to sort out.” 
A bitter laugh escapes Y/N as she returns her gaze to him eyes narrowing, “you’ve been avoiding me for weeks and there’s absolutely nothing to sort out?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He grumbles out, averting his eyes from her cold gaze. 
And suddenly Y/N is grabbing one of the boxes of tissues on the shelf beside and and throwing it at Bakugou, hitting him square in the chest because of his spread legs. “What the hell?”
“I’m gonna keep throwing stuff at you—” She picks up another item, this time a spray bottle, “until you are honest with me.” Comes her response, throwing the item, only for Bakguo to catch it, placing it down beside it.
Y/N is already moving to grab something else off the shelf as Bakugou begins to protest, “hey—Hey! Cut it out.” Y/N is already throwing an unopened bottle of hand soap, which Bakugou dodges, glaring at Y/N as he hears it hit the door behind him. “Y/N, I swear if you—” she doesn’t break eye contact as she reaches beside her for another object, only for Bakugou to launch himself forwards and grab her wrists to prevent her from continuing her assault. “Stop.” There’s a tone of finality in voice, but Y/N disregards it as she begins to speak.
“You ready to talk yet?” She makes an attempt to yank her hands from his grasp, but Bakugou’s grip remains firm as he holds her. “Because I am sick of this, Bakugou.”
He pauses, brows furrowing as his grip on her wrists loosens and he releases them, “what did you just call me?”
“Your name.”
Bakugou is scowling now, falling back into a seat, though he’s no longer pressed against the door as he replies, “that’s not my name and you know it.” 
Y/N can’t help but scoff, “first names are reserved for people who you care about.” He’d barely been interacting with her these past few weeks, ever since his kidnapping. Y/N had a feeling that had something to do with his behavior, but she’d assumed he had needed space to process, until space turned into Bakugou avoiding her entirely. She’d confided in Mina about the possibility once, and the girl had simply told her to confront Bakugou. 
That was easier said than done.  
“Do you really think I don’t care about you?” He asks, disbelief clear in his voice as he watches her, “Y/N, you could’ve died going to save me like the damn idiot you are. And what would I have done?!” 
Y/N inhales deeply, bringing her hands to her face as she begins to speak once more, “Bakugou-”
“Don’t call me that.” He snaps, looking away from her, silence engulfs the pair as Y/N stares at him, still processing his words when he decides to continue, “I thought things couldn’t get any worse, but seeing you there? ” Bakugou runs a hand through his hair, tugging at it as he contemplates what to say next momentarily, before looking back up at Y/N, “I’ve never felt more horrified. So don’t you dare say I don’t care.”
Y/N is about to respond when the small light above them began to flicker to nothing, effectively darkening the room. Y/N can hear Bakugou rise to a stand, hand coming to the wall and ficking the light switch a few times, only for nothing to happen. Her breath hitches as she grabs the edge of one of the shelves, rising to her feet as well. “Do you think the power went out?” 
Y/N can hear the way Bakugou inhales shakily, causing her to reach out for him, hand meeting his chest. Y/N could’ve sworn she could feel his heart beating as her hand fisted at the material of his shirt in an attempt to bring him closer to her. “You don’t think it;s an attack do you?”
“It’s not, this is just an old light.” She assures, pulling him closer, something Bakugou doesn’t fight. “Bakugou.” Y/N mutters, trying to garner his attention, she can’t see his face right now, and he seems to have gone completely silent save for his breathing. “Bakugou,” she repeats, brows furrowing from his lack of response. “Katsuki, listen to me.”
A hand comes to her arm, grasping it tightly, “what?” 
“Your quirk— do you think you could make an explosion small enough to light up the room and not cause any damage?” Seeing as they were in a room filled with highly flammable chemicals, it was a gamble, but Y/N had a feeling this would do more good than bad. 
He doesn’t respond, simply removing his hand from her and taking a step back, Y/N can hear a small crackle as the room lights up spottily, small explosions at Bakugou’s fingertips. His brows are drawn together, attention focused on his hand that was now lighting up the room, 
Y/N found herself bringing her hand to Bakugou’s forearm as she moved closer, causing him to look up at the small explosions faltered. “See?” She mumbled, “we’re safe.” Y/N is rubbing small circles in his arm as she looks up at him, meeting his eyes.
“You don’t know that.” 
 Shaking her head, Y/N replies, “are you calling me a liar?” She brings her free hand to the back of his neck, hand tangling with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I didn’t say that.” He grumbles, the small explosions now steadily brightening the room. “And be careful, idiot.” Bakugou tries to pull away from her, worried that the explosion could harm her, but Y/N doesn’t accept this, grip on his hair tigtening. 
She scoffs, eyes narrowing as she looks around the room for something that could help them escape the closet, to no avail. Y/N fails to notice the way Bakugou’s eyes trail over her, watching as her face is lit up by the glow of his explosions. When Y/N turns to look back at him, she doesn’t expect his eyes to already be on her, and can feel the her cheeks warm.
Their eyes lock and and Y/N finds herself moving closer to Bakugou, he makes no attempts to stop her this time, but Y/N can see red blossom on his cheeks in the glow of his explosions, which were beginning to become more infrequent. It’s not until the explosions come to a stop entirely that Bakugou presses his lips to hers, his warm hand coming to her side as he pulls her closer. 
Y/N’s hand leaves his hair to grip his other arm, just for Bakugou to force them to switch places without his lips leaving hers. He forces Y/N’s back against the door, only for her to pull away, mouth gaping open as Bakugou’s lips find their way to her neck as he breathes heavily. 
“That was a very sudden change of pace.” Y/N mumbled, a small laugh escaping her. 
Bakugou grunted in reply, playfully biting at Y/N’s neck and causing her to swat at his chest gently, before looking back up to her, not that either of them could see much. Despite this, Bakugou’s hand finds its way to Y/N’s face gripping her chin as he brings her into a much shorter kiss, “you’re my girlfriend.” 
It wasn’t really a question, mostly because Bakugou wasn’t asking, but it wasn’t a demand either. Even though she couldn’t see him, Y/N could practically feel Bakugou’s eyes burning into her, awaiting a response, whether it was an agreement or not. 
“Okay, Katsuki.” 
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A/N: well that escalated quickly, also i hate editing kjashkjdahskjdh
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TAGLISTS[lmk if you wanna be added or removed via reply or askbox]:
BNHA: @shawkneecaps​​ @beifongsss​​ 
BAKUGOU KATSUKI: @hadespleasesteponmyneck​
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