#saving blogs; queuing things; the tumblr business
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Destiel Trope Collection 2021 | Day 6: Firsts
24 fics under the cut
Sometimes Things Just Work Out | @vampamber
Rating: General Word Count: 1,027 Main Tags/Warnings: arranged marriage, angel Cas, royalty AU, mistaken identities Summary: Castiel is not looking forward to being forced to marry this Prince Dean person. The angel had never met him, never even laid eyes on him. For all he knew, the marriage would be miserable. Now, this human who's trying to hide in Castiel's room? It made Castiel wish that he wasn't going to be part of an arranged marriage, because he was really starting to like this green eyed stranger.
Through the Night | @smokerdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,147 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel Out of the Empty, Soft Epilogue, First Times, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sharing a Bed Summary: The motel is the same as thousands of others Dean has stayed in over the course of his life, but it's different, it's better, because he is here with Cas.
The Report Card | @fpwoper
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,211 Main Tags/Warnings: First Time, Crack Fic, Blow Jobs Summary: The morning after Dean and Cas first fool around, Dean finds a honest to god report card.
Dragon's Den | @fpwoper
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,280 Main Tags/Warnings: First Date, Dragon!Cas Summary: Dean and Cas's first meeting is in a coffee shop they randomly chose. It's just... a little dragon heavy.
Taking one for Team Free Will | @fellshish
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,560 Main Tags/Warnings: First kiss, pov dean winchester Summary: There’s a spell that requires an angel’s kiss to work. Dean takes one for the team.
Cannibal Queen | @one-more-offbeat-anthem
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,683 Main Tags/Warnings: creature!Castiel and creature!Dean, first time, porn with plot, virgin Castiel, mild gore Summary: What's a zombie to do when he finds out his (pretty hot) roommate and best friend is a vampire? In the case of Dean Winchester, the plan is to convince said vampire that they should team up and heist slaughterhouses. But when a run goes wrong, there are some unexpected consequences...
A Sign of Affection | @clarrisani
Rating: General Word Count: 2,159 Main Tags/Warnings: First Kiss, Fluff Summary: Castiel learns that different kisses mean different things.
9x06 coda : I'm sorry | @allofmystudentsrunaway
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,288 Main Tags/Warnings: Mutual Masturbation, Angst with a Happy Ending, AngstEmotional Hurt/Comfort, fanfic gap Summary: fan fic gap first time.
The blonde-haired witch and the little push | @chaoticdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,830 Main Tags/Warnings: Case Fic, Witches, Oblivious Castiel/Dean Winchester, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Bed Summary: It’s not the first time Dean’s ever had to listen to someone referring to Castiel as “his boyfriend”, but it sure as hell is the first time he has to sit through a diner listening to a witch referring to Cas as his husband without even batting an eyelash, like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Which would be fine if it didn’t cause actual shivers to run down his spine. (or the one where a friendly witch gives Dean the little push he needs)
Every Part of You | @the-communist-unicorn
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,097 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Panty Kink, Married Dean/Cas, Explicit Sex (but non-penetrative so there's no top or bottom), References to Homophobia Summary: Cas discovered his husband's secret completely by accident, but now that he knew, he wasn't just going to let Dean shove it back in that shoe box like it was something to be ashamed of. Every part of Dean was perfect and beautiful, and Cas might have just discovered a kinky side of himself too.
Whiskey and Wifi | @celipuff
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,401 Main Tags/Warnings: Top!Castiel/Bottom!Dean, Dom Sub Undertones, Neighbors, Castiel Has A Panty Kink Summary: Cas may have lost a WiFi connection, but when he makes his way over to his neighbors house, he ends up gaining something much better.
At Last! | @chaoticdean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3,617 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friends to Lovers, Best Friends, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Airports, First Kiss, 5+1 Things Summary: Five times Dean kept his mouth shut, and one time he didn’t.
OUR FIRST TIME | @cooloddball
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,920 Main Tags/Warnings: Fluff and Smut Summary: Dean & Cas' first time together
Ghost Town Saints | @nothing-but-dreams
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,010 Main Tags/Warnings: College, House Party, Beer Pong, Marijuana, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Trans!Castiel, Supportive Dean, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: College is out for summer vacation, and that means Cas is back home with his family. Ever since he came out as trans, things have been tense, to say the least. After yet another argument with his parents, Cas needs to clear his head. Luckily, his best friend Dean is just a text away. Dean suggests the two of them escape reality for a bit and hit up a party being held at Ghost Town. As they drink and get high, they realize their feelings for each other run deeper than friendship.
It Started With Arousal | @vampamber
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,260 Main Tags/Warnings: ABO, angel Cas, alpha Cas, omega Dean, soul bonds, virgin Cas, porn with plot Summary: It was when Castiel violently slammed the demon into the wall mid-fight that he felt it. The bond he had with Dean ever since he pulled the omega out of Hell had been getting stronger lately, but this was the first time that Castiel truly experienced an emotion that wasn't his own. He had expected something like this to happen eventually, but there was no way he ever would have expected such a feeling at a time like this. Dean was… aroused? He spared a quick glance at the hunter, meeting green eyes but seeing nothing that might cause said arousal. When three more demons kicked through the door to enter the room and the fight, Castiel promptly forgot the confusing emotion. For the time being, at least.
Kiss Me | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,285 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Compliant, First Kiss, Humor, Friends to Lovers Summary: Dean’s spur-of-the-moment ideas aren’t always the best, as lots of people are able to attest. And his last one really took the cake. Because now he’s unable to forget the taste of Castiel’s lips and he’s got no freaking clue how to deal with this.
Kiss at the Drive-in | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,380 Main Tags/Warnings: fluff and smut, getting together, drive-in cinema, semi-public sex, car sex, non-penetrative sex, handjobs, shy!Dean, dirty dancing, implied Bottom!Dean Summary: When Dirty Dancing airs in a Drive-in Cinema near the Bunker, Dean really wants to go with Castiel. Of course only because Castiel’s education about movies is still bad. Not like it’s a date. Sadly.
Swayze Always Gets A Pass | @kingdumbass
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4,766 Main Tags/Warnings: Bunker Fic, First Kiss, Drunk Dean and Cas Summary: After Dean and Cas get into an argument over a case, Dean tries to apologize by asking Cas to Netflix and chill. Featuring: Cas the movie critic, his drunk friend, Dean, and Dean's tired brother, Sam.
Y Tu Dean Tambien | @a-mandala-rose
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6,909 Main Tags/Warnings: High School AU, Geek Dean, Closeted Bi Dean, Pan/Possibly Demi Cas, Referenced Homo/Biphobia, Low/No Angst, Implied/Referenced Consensual Underage Non-Penetrative Sex, Nothing Explicit, Happy Ending Summary: Dean Winchester has a crush. A great, big, secret, gay crush. Okay, more like a great, big, secret, bisexual crush, if we’re being technical. Either way though, the relevant word here is secret, because Dean lives in Kansas, which isn’t exactly known for its thriving LGBT community. In fact, he’s pretty sure most of his neighbors don’t actually know what LGBT stands for and he’d be willing to bet that if asked, at least a solid 10% would think it’s a sandwich. So yeah, nobody knows that Dean’s spent the past six months crushing on Cas Novak, the sexy junior in his Spanish II class, and it’s damn well going to stay that way. “Hola, Señor Winchester,” murmurs a gravelly voice in Dean’s ear, straight out his dirtiest fantasies and close enough to raise the hairs on the back of his neck, as Dean suppresses a shiver. The smirk on the mouth housing that goddamn sinful voice tells him that while he may have resisted the full-body shudder, his red cheeks did not go unnoticed by the boy sliding fluidly into the desk directly behind him. “Hey, Cas.” Nobody knows about Dean’s crush except for Cas, that is. Cas definitely knows.
Game of Survival | @sorajinsei
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8,317 Main Tags/Warnings: Suspense, Alternate UniverseThriller,Alternate Universe - Purge, Demonic Possession, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies Summary: Who's in the shadows? Who's ready to play? Are we the hunters? Or are we the prey? There's no surrender and there's no escape.
Talk Therapy | shara (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9,309 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Top Castiel, Bottom Dean Winchester, First Time Bottoming, Rimming, Communication Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, ALL the issues Summary: "Alright fine, you can put a finger in me," Dean says one night while watching Cas go down on him. Cas pops his mouth off Dean’s dick and stares at him. "I never said I wanted to put a finger in you," he says slowly, and then stops and tilts his head. "Do you want me to put a finger in you?" ~~~~ Dean comes to terms with this thing with Cas, and with himself.
Bind Me To You | @imbiowaresbitch
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 18,184 Main Tags/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Public Blow Jobs, Mild Kink, Condoms, Mutual Pining, Switching, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Anal Sex, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Light Bondage, One Night Stands, Strangers to Lovers, Teasing, Happy Ending, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Masturbation Summary: Dean and Cas meet in a one night stand, but lust, chance and eventually more bind them together.
Tempered Desires | @mattzerella-sticks
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 20,013 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Pandemic, Baker Dean, Dean has ADHD, Recreational Drug Use, Meet Cute, First Date Summary: Dating, sex, and finding love were the farthest things on the minds of both Dean and Castiel. There were more important things to worry about - namely the pandemic that swept across the globe and changed everything. Navigating this new environment was hard enough without adding romance. But fate never intervenes when you expect. From first meetings to first dates, we'll see how Dean and Castiel's relationship blossoms despite the circumstances.
Put That On A T-Shirt | @celipuff
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 21,524 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean’s First Time With A Man, Blowjobs, Top!Dean/Bottom!Cas, Semi Public Sex Summary: Getting blindfolded and blown by a random dude his girlfriend knew didn’t exactly sound like an ideal Sunday for Dean, until it actually happened.
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berestweys · 3 years
@queenofattolia did this and it seemed like the thing to do since i’m here today
1. why did you choose your url?
it’s a mishmash of a couple of words i intentionally spelled wrong. my own inside joke with myself.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i have a couple but they’re just for saving quotes or moody/aesthetic pictures i like. neither of them has any followers they’re just my own personal sticky notes.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
2011 i think? might have been as early as 2010 but i certainly wasn’t active until 2011.
4. do you have a queue tag?
i might have years ago but almost all my posts now are queued so it seemed silly to tag them that way. i should have a ‘i’m really here reblogging right this second’ tag
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
lauren was here. and all my tvd friends on lj were doing it so i shuffled along and did it too. i was very curmudgeonly about it in the beginning.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
7. why did you choose your header?
joanne sent me this junsu text post and it made me laugh so hard i decided to make it my header to make joanne laugh too. she followed suit by making hers shim, which made me cackle some more. things spiraled from there and now lauren and ranya’s headers are as equally idiotic as ours. friends make everything so much fun.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
i have no idea! how to even check? none of my posts have terribly many notes, so probably something from back at the height of infinite fandom? a few of those got 100+ notes.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
no clue. most of my mutuals are holdovers from lj days and a handful of inspirit/kpop friends.
10. how many followers do you have?
529. i’m guessing a fraction of those are still active.
11. how many people do you follow?
188. i do regularly cull them and unfollow inactive blogs. except for old lj friends’ inactive blogs, because if they ever return i will be here waiting. they will have no idea it’s me because my username has changed but that’s okay.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
you can safely assume a clear majority of anything even remotely funny that i reblog is my version of shitposting.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i’m not here everyday but on the days i am it can be a couple hours?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
like lauren, back in infinite heyday some people sent me rude asks, trying to start things. i just blocked them. i don’t give a shit about discourse and people’s opinions of me or my blog are none of my business.
i have on occasion replied in friends’ posts when someone is being rude to them. yelling at anons who bug my loved ones is satisfying.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i have all versions of this type of post blacklisted. i use tumblr for fun, not moral growth.
16. do you like tag games?
i love being tagged but i hardly ever actually do the thing i get tagged in. but being tagged feels like a friend giving me a hug.
17. do you like ask games?
no. maybe if i were here more?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
idk how to know that. maybe ranya? she seems to get a lot of asks.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
how would that even work???
20. tags?
be like me and do this if you want to!
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marrymeleoxxiu · 3 years
YSL Valentine’s Day
BamBam x Noona Reader 
Fluff / Slow Burn / Angst
Everyone can read. 
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I started stressing about Valentine’s Day on perhaps February 5th, the Friday after my newborn nephew was born. I was getting notifications about gifts for him on every email, pin-terest, places I visit online and I was thinking to myself, “Why not try to get him something.” I started window shopping around online that very day and during the weekend that followed. I spent some time on my couch in the living room around my parents, doing just this. I feel like I should spoil him with something extra special, like a YSL Men’s perfume because I won’t be with him on this day. 
 I decided on a whim to look up his favorite brand of YSL on an easily accessible store to me. I brought it up with my mom that week, that I wanted to get my brother and father something too. After pestering her about it for a full day, she said in a week we will go get them their gifts; Never happened due to other things happening and daily life getting in the way.  
 ----Time Skip----  (Messaging him)
But now that it's Valentine’s day In South Korea, on February 13th, I decided to send him a direct message just letting him know he’s on my mind today and that I wish him a Happy Valentine’s day. I kind of also share my thoughts to him on other topics involving him sharing more so I feel more involved in the relationship; not expecting a reply back. But he responds with a “Happy Valentine’s Day.” It makes me sincerely smile and my heart gently does a backflip. His girlfriend, me, confesses to him in a private message, “That you are all I need on this day and that I wish we could actually go on a date. That would be great.” But I understand how busy he is. Again, not expecting anything back. He or a friend posts an image of him and Jae-Beom.  I respond to it and then carry about my day, with my man and one and only on my mind. Once again, not expecting anything. I message a friend or two, feeling an extra dose of pining for him on this day.
 ----Time Skip----
I open canva after a while of internet activities with friends and decide during a lull of communication from everyone; to make something. The idea was graphics for BamBam and my tumblr blog; they are soon queued  and or sent directly to his direct messages in the moment after it’s been saved. I don’t hear from him for very many, many hours later. I’m sitting in my room looking at our chat, hoping to hear from him soon. Nothing comes in. I feel guilty and sad that I couldn’t get him the YSL perfume that I wanted to get him. I know it’s because he’s busy as an Idol for GOT7, and going through a process of change in his business life. Which I wholeheartedly support. But it still bothers me and makes me even more sad that he has not appreciated my gift. But then surprisingly enough a message comes in from BamBam saying “Yeah, I’m outside your house~! Happy Valentine’s Day~!”
My eyes go wide at the message, but I push myself quickly off my bed, barefooted and rush outside to greet him. Once outside, I try to get to him as quickly as I can, but he’s standing right outside my door. Our bodies full on collide into each other. I wrap my arms tightly around him. I am shocked and have no words whatsoever. My heart is beating a million miles an hour. He separates our bodies from the deep hug for a moment to bend down and kiss me right then and there, gently. I respond back with my own kiss. But I make my lips linger on his for a good minute. He then breaks the kiss and looks at me. 
“Wow, so cute and yet you really weren’t expecting me.”
 I blush and stutter my response. “Bammie, It is late. Y-you really shouldn’t have, but I’m so damn happy you’re finally here~! I-I love you s-so much~!” I feel so nervous and yet excited.  
He looks at me from head to toe. I’m wearing a blueish grey and pink leopard oversized sleep shirt and red and pink heart leggings. He pulls me towards him for another hug and I really don’t want to let go of him. 
“Are you going to let me in?” He asks. 
“Of course hunny~” I mutter gently against his chest. “I need to get you settled in, on the couch or my bed.” I wink at him, flirting. 
“Whichever one you’re parents will allow. I’m sure your mom is still awake. It’s going to be fun to meet her,” 
“Maybe we can get you in without a fuss. My dad wakes early also just like me.”
 At that, I grab his hand and bring him inside and close and lock the door. 
 To Be Continued?
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@kpopandvarieties​ Special thanks to Miss. Jenna for helping me for several hours on this. Fangirling along side me on google docs, totally acting a fool together. <3 I am so happy to have a friend like you.
@galacticbammie​ Just tagging you so you see this. <3
@key201303​ Tagging you too for same reason to view it. <3
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Mod News!
hello!! I have a few little things I wanted to mention to y’all and I figured it be best to do them in a post like this!
Note: this post is actually not that little and is kind of long, so I'm gonna list what I cover at the top and put the rest behind a read more so I don’t clog up your dash!
1: Header Poll News 2: A question I Have 3: About August and Masterpost 4: Thank you!!
1: Header Poll News!!!
Our current rankings are Kokichi and Nagito in the lead with 6 votes, then Chiaki and Kaito at 5 votes! I only plan on putting 5 characters in the header (though I may change that depending on the chosen theme) and its a pretty close race for the next character to hit 5 votes and reach top 5. Currently it’s a 5 way tie. (you can vote here btw if u haven't already!)
It’s a pretty close race in theme right now: 
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So I may hold a second theme poll with more limited options! (also thank you to the person who voted space, thats an excellent idea and I *will* save it for a future header)
also some personal notes: - to the person who asked if Kaede was in the listing: she’s not as she was in the July header and so not allowed in August header (to give other characters a chance to shine instead of the same 5 every month!)
- to the person who voted Hajime before I forgot to take him out of the list: I’m really sorry!!!
- to a couple people who voted for more than 5 characters: If that was a mistake, no problem I get it! don’t worry about it! If that was on purpose: please don’t do that, I'd like to polls to be fair for everyone. thank you!
Big thank you to everyone who has participated in the poll so far and who will in the future!
2: A question I have!
As y’all may have noticed, I try to promote Danganronpa Events from all sorts of platforms, including twitter, reddit, etc.
So, I was wondering: Should I make a Danganronpa Fandom Calendar Account on another platform (mainly thinking twitter right now or maybe a discord? not sure) I know asking this on Tumblr means a lot of the people on those other places won’t actually know about it, but I know there’s a lot of us on several platforms. I’ll reblog this post with a link to a straw poll so that you can vote!
3: About August and the Masterpost!
Currently, the only Mod here (me!) is a bit busy with some IRL stuff. It’s the same sort of stuff that caused me to be late on my Monthly Masterpost last month. So I wanted to reassure you guys that the August Masterpost is ready!! I haven’t posted it yet incase I hear of another events in the next few days, but it is scheduled and queued for August 1st! I still need to queue up the birthday’s (Fun Fact: I queue up the birthday posts at the beginning of each month because I’m actually really bad with dates) for August but I’m hoping to do that soon!
4: Just Wanna Say Thanks!
I really want to thank you all for all your support!! This calendar couldn’t exist without everyone who helps keep it running! Thank you to the people who send me events I would’ve missed otherwise! Thank you to anyone who has ever reblogged any of our posts (I read every comment on the birthday posts you guys leave and they’re always really fun) and spread the word of this calendars existence, Thank you to the people who fill out the polls and answer questions, Thank you to all of you who’ve let me know that you enjoy this blog, Thank you for reading this message, Just a big thank you all around! (And yeah, I know I say thank you a lot, but I really am grateful I’m able to run a community calendar and I want to make sure you all know that you’ve helped keep it alive just by being here)
Alright!!! Really long post over! I’ll see you in the reblog with the Strawpoll. Have a wonderful day/night/etc!!
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Ok so I started up an incorrect quotes blog and its so much harder than I thought. I was hoping you could give me some advice, considering how consistent your blog is in quality and post amount. How do you collect quotes? how many quotes do you have queued at any given point. help me obi wan you're my only hoe
Okay, so first of all I’m flattered that you’d come to me for advice! And no, the hoe thing didn’t offend me. It just makes me think of Carrie Fisher :’)
I think the first key to quality incorrect quotes is having a good understanding of the characters. Their personality, their voice, their relationships, etc. If you get that, you’re halfway to making quality quotes.
Before I even thought about starting up this blog, I had been submitting incorrect quotes to a Legends of Tomorrow incorrect quotes blog for a while. Doing that kind of gave me a feel for how the incorrect quotes thing should work, and I decided that the MacGyver fandom needed an incorrect quotes blog.
When I started this blog, it wasn’t easy. I started out with something like 5 queued quotes per day and not that much inspiration. That was way too much. Fortunately, though, I figured that out pretty soon and reduced my queue down to 2 quotes per day until I could really get into the swing of things, and it helped a lot. Once I got more of a queue built up and figured out where to get quotes from, I upped it to 3 quotes per day, and it’s been that way ever since.
So, how do I collect quotes? Honestly, mostly I scroll just through Tumblr a lot on my phone and take screenshots of anything that I think might possibly be useful. I follow a lot of fandom blogs that post about movies and shows that I haven’t ever seen, and that helps with the inspiration. I also occasionally go to other fandom incorrect quotes blogs and take screenshots of some of the quotes they’ve used. I’ve also used various writing prompt blogs and Wikiquote articles to help me find quotes. Right now, I literally have over 1,000 screenshots saved on my phone, and most of them are unused ideas for incorrect quotes. I also have a private playlist on YouTube that I use to collect videos that have excellent quote ideas. I also find inspiration from whatever I’m watching or reading at the time.
(I would suggest including the source for the quote as much as possible. If you look through my tags, I try to always tag the source for my quotes. If I don’t know, I just use the tag source: unknown. Then, if somebody recognizes where it’s from, they can let me know and I’ll change it.)
How many quotes do I have queued up at any given moment? It varies, but for me personally, I don’t like to get down below around 25 quotes in my queue. Because I queue 3 posts per day, 21 posts is an entire week. I’m usually really busy, between being a teacher and helping with my church’s youth group, so I like to have at least a week prepared so that the queue doesn’t run out. Recently, I was so busy this summer that for a while all of my quotes were submissions and reblogs, but fortunately the queue never ran out.
Currently, I have 68 posts in my queue. That will last me over 3 weeks with my system. I’ve had up to 200+ posts in my queue, and it’s gotten as low as 0 before. I try to look ahead when I know I’m going to be out of town or super busy and make sure my queue will last through then. I also try to sit down once a week or so and crank out a bunch of them in my queue from the screenshots that I’ve collected. Deleting the screenshots when I’m finished with them is such a satisfying feeling! 
My suggestion for your queue is to have at least 8 days worth queued up in advance, however many that means for you. (Yes, that means doing some basic math.) That will give you some wiggle room for that inevitable week when you have five thousand and one things going on and you don’t have time to do anything other than drink some coffee and eat a bagel and work. 
It’s a lot of work, and there’s definitely a bit of a learning curve involved. It’s not going to be perfect and amazing at the very beginning. When I first started out, I was ecstatic if I got 10 notes on a post, and even more so if one of those notes was a reblog!
I’d love to talk to you more about my processes if you want to come off of anon :)
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blueandgoldoffice · 5 years
None of my Asks are showing up and it's starting to make me upset..
Good morning, dear
Today is your lucky day; you’re going to get a behind-the-scenes tour of how things run at the Blue and Gold!
Hi! I’m Mother Maple - I’m Canadian, and I’m a mother. 
It’s just after 0800 here where I live in Northern Alberta (side note- when is the snow going to melt? It’s been on the ground for six months and three days, people. I’m over it) and my husband, recently returned from his third deployment and/or training mission in the last year and a half, has just gone to work. 
I’ve fed him and packed his lunch, and now I have to contend with the fact that my house is in complete chaos because there is army crap EVERYWHERE. (Seriously, they teach them how to be tidy in basic training, so why does my house look like a kit bomb went off in it every time he comes back from a trip?)
My high-needs toddler is still sleeping, thanks to daylight savings time, but he’ll be up soon and demanding breakfast. He will not stop eating until he goes to bed. And he likes his veggies and fruit chopped. (Already have a savings account devoted to feeding him as a teenager, heaven help me.)
Once he has his first protein fix of the day, he’ll be unstoppable. He makes Taz look lazy - and the mess he’ll make will make my husband’s army chaos look like dropped coffee next to an Atlantic oil spill. His current obsession is Lego, and boy is he good at it, but if he can’t find that one block that he needs, he will dump that entire bucket of Lego on the carpet and burrow like a Niffler until he does. 
At some point, I should probably eat something too.
 Pyjamas aren’t exactly day wear, either. 
Keeping my kitchen clean is something of a pipe dream at this point, but I should make an effort at that. I ran out of plates one day last week and it was not pretty. 
Oh, and Monday is laundry day - and one would think that wearing a uniform to work lessens the load but it actually triples it. Fun fact.
My next-door-neighbour recently had a hip replacement, so I’m taking turns with some of the girls to do her shopping. Hubby took the car to work, so I’m taking Shank’s pony to the shops. I’m also taking my kid, who likes to browse. 
So that’s just my morning and I won’t bore you with the rest of my day but you get the gist. 
Jandy has kids, too. And a full-time job. I would imagine that her kids, who are older and who outnumber mine, wear more clothing and eat more food. They probably tidy up after themselves though, so she does have that going over me. K is equally busy.
Recently I made a post on my own blog that mentioned that my therapist has put strict time limits on how much time I can devote to fandom - that is reading, commenting and blue-and-golding. I max out at one hour, but we prefer 45 minutes.
So - how we answer asks. I mostly dabble in lost fics, which are pretty straight forward. We either know them or we don’t. If we do, we link them up and put them in the queue. (We queue all of our asks because some days we have a productive fit and answer twenty all at once, and some days we don’t find anything and there’s really no need to publish evidence of our ineptitude all over Tumblr.)
If we don’t - well that’s when it gets fun. Obviously, our first step is a filter search. For example, we recently queued up an ask looking for a fic in which Jughead is a firefighter etc. I happened to know it off the top of my head, but it was well tagged so even if I didn’t know it, it would have come up under a simple ‘bughead’ ‘firefighter’ search.  (@transparentpicklezonklover your ask is queued)
Now, if it hadn’t been well tagged, we would have had to turn to Google which is sometimes a real pain in the back end. Per the firefighter ask, I would have searched ‘ao3 Jughead firefighter auction’ and received a whole lot of Captain America fic for my troubles. But no matter! We persevere, putting stranger and stranger combinations of words into that little search bar until it finally cracks and gives up its secrets. 
My record is six days of searching for a single fic. I saw it in my dreams. It was behind my eyelids every time I blinked. I even asked my husband, who wouldn’t know Bughead if he walked in on them in the bunker, if he’d read it.
Of course, sometimes we just can’t find it and we put it out to the audience, and someone invariably links it within three-point-five seconds, making us question just how inevitable our obsolescence is. (Just kidding, I actually love the community aspect of it and I feel all warm and fuzzy when people help us out.)
So. Your most recent ask is looking for Jughead visiting Hal in jail. It’s not a lost fic, but the principle will be more or less the same because I don’t know any off the top of my head. Which means searching for them - and filtering out all the FP in jail fics that come up first. I or one of the other mods will read, or at least skim, dozens of prison fics that come up on google (ao3 search has failed us, alas) to see which Riverparent is in jail (honestly though, they should all be in jail) and if Jughead or Betty does the visiting. Betty visits FP and Hal a lot, so we have to weed through quite a few. 
You sent your ask on Friday, and this follow-up yesterday. You gave us less than two days to answer an ask that will take literal hours to complete - when we already have 20 other asks in our inbox that were there first. 
I will also add that I posted this last time you were in our inbox decrying our delay in answering your asks. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt as a new blog, and took it as a teaching moment. 
You should also read this post that Jandy recently made on the same subject.
We will not respond to any further follow-up asks of this nature - particularly not from empty side blogs that seem to exist for the sole purpose of side-stepping our no-anons rule. 
If anyone truly believes that their ask has been lost - and we’re talking weeks of inactivity - please feel free to follow up (especially if you can provide more detail on which we thrive like ladybugs love aphids). We are here to help, and we don’t want to leave anyone out if it can be avoided. 
But, as I’ve said before, we are humans. We are not bots, and we only have so much time to devote to this. Please give us patience.
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Chris & Ellie’s Road Trip: Part 2
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer-Evans (OFC)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: language, graphic sex
Story Summary: Chris Evans and his wife, Ellie Spencer-Evans, drive from Los Angeles, California to their rental house near Atlanta, GA in April 2017. A good portion of the trip takes place on Route 66.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
This episode can also be read on AO3 and Wattpad.
The Chris & Ellie Bonus Stories Masterlist | Chris & Ellie Masterlist
Part 1
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Chris & Ellie’s Road Trip: Part 2
Day Four - New Mexico to Texas
April 23, 2017
With a planned eight plus hours of driving time, day four started at five am. Unlike their previous early start, Ellie made Chris get out of bed to take the dogs for their walk while she ordered them room service and ran a load of stuff down to the car.
By the time they had finished their jobs, their food had arrived and they sat at the table by the window and ate their breakfast. Pecan waffles for Ellie and chicken and greens for Chris, who was trying to stay on his diet for at least one meal a day.
Thirty minutes later, they were in the car and headed towards the Midpoint Cafe in Adrian, Texas, the halfway point between Santa Monica and Chicago. It was somewhat fitting that their last full day on Route 66 was also the middle day of their road trip.
The drive to Adrian, much like the previous day's drive, found them getting off and on I-40 as Route 66 separated and merged with the interstate. They made a pit stop about halfway through the drive and spent about ten minutes walking around with the dogs, letting them stretch their legs.
While Ellie drove, Chris put on their normal playlist and they sang along for awhile until he got bored. He and Ellie came up with games that they had played in the car as kids that they could still play now.  After ruling out the 'Slug Bug' game, he searched for questions for 'This or That'. He read each question aloud and then they both answered. Sometimes their answers matched: love over money, comedy over horror, and Twitter over Facebook. Other times it was opposite or nearly opposite: he said dogs, she said cats and dogs; he said evening, she said morning; he said snow and she said rain. The questions and their responses had them both laughing at and teasing each other.
Reaching Adrian, they filled up the gas tank and then had a quick bite to eat at the cafe. They took the dogs for a quick walk and potty break before they began the second leg of their day on the road with their final destination for the day being Shamrock, Texas.
Getting back into the car, they drove for nearly an hour before they reached Cadillac Ranch.  Chris took advantage of the fact that no one else was around and sped down the dirt road that led to the ten Cadillacs that had been buried in the Texas dirt and spray painted many a time by visitors. They took turns taking pictures with the cars and then managed to take the world's most awkward selfie with Ellie standing in front of Chris while he attempted to hold both dogs so they could be in the photo as well.
Getting back into the car, they made their way back to the main road and continued their drive. A car accident slowed them down and it took them nearly an hour longer to reach the town of Shamrock.
To kill the time while they waited for the accident to clear, Ellie went online and found some 'Never Have I Ever' questions and started at the first question and read them aloud one by one. Since they couldn't drink, however, they agreed to share the story if it applied. She learned that Chris had once made a fool of himself while trying to impress a girl he liked by skating backwards on his rollerblades, only to run face first into a tree when he turned around. The only thing that had saved his from being smashed in was the fact that his mom made him wear a helmet. Then Ellie had to tell Chris about the time she and Izzy had gotten stuck in the elevator at the library when she was ten and how for ten years after, she wouldn't use elevators. After awhile, they stopped using the questions and just started sharing funny stories. Some of the stories they had told each other in the past, but it helped pass the time.
When they finally reached Shamrock, Texas, their first stop was the U-Drop Inn, where they took a selfie in front of the iconic building and then another of the building itself then sent them to their families. Of all the places in the movie Cars that had been inspired by real places, none of them looked as similar to the real place as "Ramone's House of Body Art" looked like the U-Drop Inn. By the time they got to their hotel, they had videos from their siblings of their nieces and nephews expressing their excitement that Uncle Chris and Aunt Ellie were in Radiator Springs.
After a long day of driving, Chris and Ellie had picked up dinner to go on their way to the hotel. Knowing they still had to take the dogs for a walk before bed, they carried what they could up to the room and then collapsed on the couch to eat their dinner. Then they took the dogs for their walk and got everything else they needed out of the car.
Returning to the hotel room, they took turns taking showers and then watched an hour of SportsCenter from the bed before turning it off and going to sleep.
Day Five - Texas to Arkansas
April 24, 2017
Their last day on Route 66 started at 6:30 in the morning and it didn't take them long to do everything they needed to do before getting on the road. Getting onto the highway, they followed Route 66 into Oklahoma and through several small towns. Due to the early hour, not many of the famous roadside attractions were open as they made their way to Oklahoma City.
They passed the time listening to music and talking to Chris's mom on the phone. They had kept their promise to their mothers and had checked in every day, usually during their bathroom and food stops, because that was when they had the best cell coverage.
Their final planned stop along Route 66 was the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton. They arrived at the museum just as it was opening and spent an hour looking around at the different exhibits before they got back into the car.
Unlike other stretches of Route 66, the roads in Oklahoma were a lot narrower, almost terrifyingly narrow. More than once, Chris shouted out curses and threats to drivers who weren't considerate about how they passed on the other side of the road. It finally got to the point where Ellie told him to either get on the interstate or pull over and let her drive because he was going to give himself a heart attack.
As they got closer to Oklahoma City, Ellie searched for a dog park that she could drop Chris and the dogs off at while she went to grab them lunch. She located a park called 'Wiggly Field' that wasn't too far from the highway and had food nearby. She queued it up on her phone's map and then sat back in her seat, closing her eyes anytime she saw a car in the other lane.
A bittersweet silence fell over the car as Chris drove into Oklahoma City. They stayed on Route 66 for as long as they could, but, eventually, Chris had to exit the historic road as it started north and they had to continue east. They planned to find a long weekend during the summer to fly to Chicago and then rent a car to drive to Oklahoma City to complete the journey.
As Chris merged onto another highway, Ellie started the GPS on her phone and held it up so Chris could follow the directions to the dog park. The dog park was nearly empty when they arrived, which was to their advantage. Ellie helped Chris by putting Daisy on her leash and then walked around the car with her before handling the leash over. Chris gave her a kiss that was way shorter than he wanted to give her, but he had two dogs eagerly pulling at their leashes for a chance to run around.
Chuckling, he led the pups to the gated play area for four-legged park goers and let them off their leashes the second the gate was closed behind them. They both trotted off to do their business, with Chris making a note of where to go with the doggie bags, and then they started to run around.
By the time Ellie returned with sandwiches and food for the dogs, Daisy was resting at Chris's feet while Dodger was using up his puppy energy. He raced over to Ellie when she entered the gated area and trotted alongside her as she made her way over to where Chris sat on a bench. The dog eyed their sandwiches as Ellie took them out of the bag, but eventually gave in and ate the kibble that Ellie had brought in.
Once they had all finished eating, they stayed at the park a little while longer before they cleaned up their mess and got back into the car. Their destination for the evening was Van Buren, Arkansas which was just over the Oklahoma-Arkansas border, a little shy of three hours from Oklahoma City.
After filling up the gas tank and using the restrooms at a nearby gas station, Ellie got behind the wheel and got onto the interstate. Acting as deejay, Chris put the music on, selecting one of Ellie's favorite playlists as an apology for his "Masshole"-like tendencies on the road earlier.
Soon the opening chords of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" poured out of the speakers and his wife shot him an appreciative look before they both started singing along with the band. It wasn't long before they were both singing their hearts out and he may, or may not, have thrown in a few moves from his Jake Jensen role. Meanwhile, the dogs slept in the backseat, tired out from their playtime.
Thanks to a great soundtrack of carpool karaoke favorites, like Shania Twain's "Man, I Feel Like a Woman", Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" and Beyonce's "Single Ladies" to name a few, the drive seemed to take a shorter time than the eventual three and a half hours it took thanks to additional traffic. Their hotel proved easy to find and, when they inquired about nearby pet grooming, the person working the front desk made a phone call on their behalf to arrange a grooming for both dogs while Chris and Ellie went out for an early dinner.
By eight o'clock, Chris, Ellie and the dogs were all fresh and clean and relaxing in front of the TV in their hotel room waiting for Dancing with the Stars to begin. The show was a guilty pleasure for Ellie and had been for several years, but Chris had only watched a show or two a season until this year. Just last week, he, Scott and Ellie had been glued to the TV in the basement as the show had celebrated all things Disney.
The theme for that week's show was Boybands vs Girl Groups and Chris was well aware of his wife's love of boybands, especially. He grimaced slightly when Ellie excitedly slapped his arm when Nick Carter was announced as the episode's guest judge. She'd met the Backstreet Boy in March while on her post-wedding bachelorette party in Vegas with her three sisters and Chris's sisters.
Ellie found it hard to resist singing along to the songs as the stars and their partners danced. There were some dances they loved and others that were a mess. As per usual, whenever there was a cool dance move, Ellie would elbow Chris and ask if he could do that move and if he could show her. Chris rolled his eyes every time, not bothering to remind her that he was a tap dancer and not a ballroom dancer. It was a game to Ellie at this point, but the joke was on her though, because he'd already inquired into ballroom classes for her birthday in July. While he wasn't exactly looking forward to it, he had a feeling she would love it.
As the partner dances ended, there were two group routines: the boys as a boyband vs the girls as a girl group. Both group numbers were good, but the boy's dance left Chris laughing and Ellie fanning herself.
As the girls danced, Ellie turned to Chris and said, "you should be on this show. You know, for me."
"Not even if I lost a bet," Chris replied, shaking his head.
The results came, a few minutes later, and they were just as shocked as everyone else with who was sent home.
"That's in-fucking-sane," Ellie muttered as Chris flipped the TV to ESPN for an hour of SportsCenter. "In. Fucking. Sane."
Chris chuckled and smoothed his hand over her hair. "I know," he said. "I was watching, too."
Ellie shook her head, but relaxed into his embrace as they watched the day's sporting news.
As the segment came to an end, nearly an hour later, Chris turned off the TV and volunteered to take the dogs out while Ellie headed to bed. He returned twenty minutes later and put the dogs in their kennels before undressing and climbing into bed with his wife.
Day Six - Arkansas to Mississippi
April 25, 2017
The dogs' whimpers woke Chris from his slumber on the sixth morning of the trip. Stealing a quick glance at Ellie, he saw that she was still asleep and he pushed himself up. He threw on some clothes and then took the dogs out to go potty.
With two days left in their trip and just over eleven hours to cover, they were taking a lazy morning. So after returning to the hotel room with the dogs, Chris gave them food then undressed and crawled back into bed with Ellie. He was tempted to wake her up for a little morning action, but she looked so pretty asleep and he didn't want to interrupt her. He had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing when she mumbled something incoherently to him as he wrapped his arms around her.
Their alarm went off a couple hours later and they took their time getting ready for the day. They left the room with some ten minutes to spare before check out and took everything out to the car before Ellie went in hand over their keycard. Then they went through a nearby Starbucks drive-thru for coffee and breakfast and then they got onto the interstate.
With Chris behind the wheel, they took I-40 to Little Rock, where they stopped for lunch at an outdoor cafe after a pit stop for the dogs and the humans. Then, before getting back into the car, they took ten minutes to explore the area around the cafe to let the dogs stretch their legs before they started the next two hourish leg of the day's drive.
Having grown tired of listening to music, they'd queued up their favorite podcasts and had listened to them on the first leg of the trip. Chris's podcast tastes leaned more to the political while Ellie preferred the funnier ones. So when she took over the driving duties, she requested to listen to Anna Faris's podcasts.
As they left Little Rock headed towards Memphis, Tennessee, Ellie took over the driving duties. The drive was relatively smooth until a three-car accident twenty miles outside of Memphis snarled traffic and made their travel time for the day an hour longer. Because of that, when they got to Memphis, they made a quick pit stop, let the dogs eat and walk around, before getting back in the car and going through a fast food drive through for a snack to get them through the rest of the day's drive.
Chris drove the last leg from Memphis to Tupelo, Mississippi. Just from the way he was holding the steering wheel, Ellie could tell that all the driving was starting to wear at him. Looking for a distraction, she looked online for some fun questions and was about to give up hope when a result for a Tumblr blog caught her eye, with the title of "NSFW Questions." Curious, she clicked on the link and started reading the questions. Some were pretty tame, but others made her giggle.
"What are you snickering about over there?" Chris asked, his tone slightly annoyed.
"You sure you want to know?" Ellie asked, looking at him.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't."
"I found some Not Safe for Work questions," she replied with a wicked grin. "Some of them are really good. You wanna answer some?"
"Are you willing to answer them, too?" he asked, eyeing her.
"Why the hell not," Ellie replied. Looking through the list, she weeded out the ones that she didn't like before she asked, "Kitchen counter, couch, or on top of the dryer?"
"For what?" He glanced at her puzzled.
"I think it's asking either if you've had sex there or where you'd rather have sex," Ellie replied.
"Oh, probably the couch then," Chris answered.
"We've done the counter thing," Ellie reminded him. "And the dryer could be fun, but I think a washing machine on the spin cycle would be even more fun."
She shot Chris an innocent smile when he took his eyes of the road to stare at her.
"Keep your eyes on the road, Christopher," she told him. "Next question, a fictional person that you think would be good in bed." She smiled as her mind instantly went to Frank Adler, Chris's character in Gifted.
"You're thinking of Frank again aren't you," Chris accused with a shake of his head.
"Maybe," Ellie replied coyly. "Are you thinking about Mona from Who's the Boss?"
He shot her a glare that quickly dissolved into a chuckle. "I'm never going to live that down, am I?" he asked.
"Not when you admitted on national television that it was ad libbed," Ellie replied. "Where is one place you wouldn't have sex."
"Your parents' house," Chris answered quickly.
"We've had sex at your mom's house," Ellie stated. "What's the difference?"
"All the bedrooms are on the same floor at your parents'," Chris replied. "Everyone would know what we were up to."
"Fair point. Mine would be someplace public," Ellie said. "Ok, what was the weirdest thing that has ever made you horny?"
"Where did you get these questions? These are weird."
"Just answer the question, Evans," Ellie stated.
"Fine, Evans, probably watching you knit with those big ass knitting needles you have," he replied.
"You like watching me fondle my knitting needles?" Ellie smirked. "Good to know."
"What's your weird thing?"
"That video that Jeremy Renner's friend filmed of you at the Super Bowl," Ellie confessed. "I've watched that more than I care to admit." She rolled her eyes at the cocky smile that spread across Chris's face. "What's your favorite part of your body?"
"I like my eyes," Chris said, after a moment.
"You have nice eyes," Ellie agreed. "I like my mouth and my boobs."
"I like your mouth and your boobs, too," Chris stated.
"Which do you like better, my boobs or my butt?" Ellie asked.
"That's not a fair question," Chris complained. "I like them both."
Ellie laughed and continued through the list of questions. By the time they arrived at their hotel, they were both partially turned on from the questions they'd answered. They both knew, however, that there were things that had to be done before they could act on those particular desires, like take the dogs out and get dinner.
An hour and a half later, Chris pulled Ellie into the bathroom of their hotel room with him and pressed her against the counter while they kissed. Their hands quickly fumbled with each other's clothes and they quickly shed their many layers until they were naked.
Breathlessly, they parted and Chris moved over to the shower and turned it on. Once it was the right temperature, he held his hand out to Ellie and helped her climb into the bathtub before following her.
"I miss our big shower at home," Ellie said with a laugh after they kept bumping into each other as they washed up.
"Me, too," Chris agreed. "But we made this work in Texas."
"The shower was bigger in Texas," she reminded him. "It wasn't part of the bathtub like this one is." She motioned towards the water and they shifted positions so she could rinse the soap from her body and the conditioner from her hair.
Opening her eyes, Ellie found Chris leaning against the back of the shower and staring at her with lust-filled eyes. Licking her lips, she moved forward and pressed her body against his. Her mouth found his Adam's apple and she licked it with her tongue before moving onto kiss his neck. Meanwhile, her right hand slid down his body to his already hard cock. She wrapped her fingers around the erect organ and teased the head before beginning to move her hand up and down his length.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Chris cursed in her ear as her motions brought him closer and closer to his release.
Kneeling down, Ellie slid his cock into her mouth and used the combination of her mouth and her hand to bring him over the edge. He cried out a warning a second before it happened and she slid him from her mouth and jerked his cum onto her chest.
Helping her to her feet, Chris pulled her in for a searing kiss.
"Go to the bed," she told him. "I'll clean up and join you."
Climbing out of the shower, Chris dried off quickly before going into the main part of their hotel room. The dogs looked up from their dog beds and he pointed at them and said, "Stay." Dodger let out of a huffed sigh before dropping his head to his paws and staring at the wall. Daisy, on the other hand, quietly laid her head back on her paws and closed her eyes.
Hearing Ellie, Chris turned and smiled when he saw his wife walk out of the bathroom without anything on. Pulling her towards him, he gave her another long kiss before he led her over to the bed and positioned her on the edge. He took his time making his way down her body with his mouth and his hand, letting no inch of her skin go untouched.
He could smell her desire when he finally reached her heated core. Her legs parted and he licked his lips at the sight of her juicy pussy waiting for his attention. He started with his fingers; parting her folds and sliding his long digits between them. He saw her body shiver as his thumb teased her clit and heard her gasp when he pressed the softest of kisses on the bundle of nerves.
Ellie became very vocal as Chris's tongue slipped between the lips of her pussy and worked his fingers to bring her to a powerful orgasm. She felt it in her toes first and flexed her feet as every muscle in her body contracted.
Standing up, Chris palmed his hardening cock as he watched his beautiful wife come down from her climax. Joining her on the bed, he helped her up to the pillows and then he positioned his body above hers before sliding his cock into her.
Chris took his time, allowing her body to adjust to his girth before he began to move. Even then, however, he kept things slow and steady. They didn't have to be at the rental house until five o'clock the next afternoon and they were only a little over five hours away, which meant that they didn't have to leave the hotel until check out time.
He increased his pace a little bit at a time and remained in control of the situation until Ellie's throaty moans and little mews reached his ears. Then something snapped in him when she said, "more, Chris, more."
His desire took control and soon they were both panting heavily as he slammed in and out of her body. She held onto the pillow cases on either side of her and he had to grab onto the headboard to keep from falling over as her breasts swayed this way and that from his thrusts.
It was with a loud, guttural moan that he came inside of her, his body jerking several times as he shot his seed deep inside of her. His orgasm triggered hers and she cried out as her body stiffened and she came around him.
Chris collapsed onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Every inch of his body was in a happy tired state, but his eyes wouldn't close. He felt Ellie leave the bed and return a moment later. She tossed a wet washcloth onto his chest and he lazily cleaned himself up before dropping the washcloth onto the floor.
"I love you, Chris," Ellie said as she snuggled up against him.
"I love you, too," he replied. He turned his head to give her a kiss before turning his head back towards the ceiling.
They both knew it was too early to go to sleep, especially since they still had to take the dogs out one last time for the night. So Ellie turned on the TV and they watched a couple episodes of some show on Food Network before getting dressed and taking the dogs out.
They returned to the room shortly after ten and put the dogs in the kennels. Then they undressed and got into bed.
Day Seven - Mississippi to Georgia
April 26, 2017
The final day of their road trip started with an early morning wake up from two dogs who needed to go outside. Chris and Ellie were both a bit bleary-eyed as they threw on sweats and took the dogs out together.
Upon returning to the hotel, they got food from the continental breakfast bar and took it back to their room to eat. Instead of eating it, however, they stuck it in the mini fridge to eat later before they got back into bed.
When their alarm went off a couple hours later, Ellie ate breakfast while Chris showered. Once he was done, he ate breakfast while she showered. Once they were both dressed and ready for the day, they packed up their things and loaded up the car for the last time. Then Chris walked the dogs while Ellie went to check them out of the hotel.
They started the driving to their rental house just outside of Atlanta, Georgia shortly after 11:30 in the morning. Since Chris was more familiar with driving around their home for the several months or so, Ellie took the first leg of the drive from Tupelo to Birmingham, Alabama, where they stopped for a bathroom break and food.
For their entertainment, they put on their playlist again, but they didn't sing-along like they did the previous days. The week's travel was catching up with them and they were both more than ready to get to the rental house and be done traveling.
When they got back on the road, Chris was at the wheel and navigated them towards the house they'd rented near Pinewood Atlanta Studios. When they were an hour out from the house, Ellie call the studio assistant that was in charge of helping the actors and their families with housing while in Georgia.
The young woman, who introduced herself as Tiffany, was waiting for them when they arrived at the address she'd sent to Chris earlier in the month. She handed them the keys and then walked through the house with them, making sure they had no concerns about the house (they didn't).
After Tiffany left, Chris and Ellie let the dogs out into the fenced backyard and watched them run around happily. The four bedroom, three bathroom, ranch style, rental house was more than they needed, but it allowed for Ellie to have an office to work in as well as left them with two guestrooms for family members to visit.
They were getting ready to call the dogs into the house and out of the heat when Chris heard his name called. Looking to the left, he shook his head and smiled when he saw Robert Downey Jr. standing on a second-floor balcony of the house next door.
"Dinner is in fifteen minutes," Robert called. "Front door is unlocked. Let yourselves in."
"We'll be there," Ellie called back.
Robert gave her a thumbs up and then headed back into the house.
"Welcome to Hotlanta and the world of Marvel," Chris said to Ellie as he put his hand on the small of her back.
"There is no place I'd rather be than here with you," Ellie told him. She stood on her tippy toes to give him a kiss. "Now, go take some pain reliever because we both know that Robert's boys are going to want to wrestle you the minute you walk into the house."
Chris chuckled, but went to the bedroom to get a couple pain pills. He had loved crossing the country with Ellie and their fur babies, but he was happy that their traveling was done. He was also extremely happy that she was here with him. The last time he'd come to Georgia, to film both Captain America: Civil War followed immediately by Gifted, had been tough on them both and neither of them had wanted to repeat that. He was thankful that her job allowed her to work from home and from anywhere in the world.
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Want to find me off tumblr? I’m @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
My tag list is always open, just let me know if you’d like to be added!
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To everyone who follows and continues to like & reblog post I wanted to finally update everyone accordingly.
1: This blog is still alive & will continue. I’ve been busy with so many things I had to prioritize several things and put Tumblr as a whole on the back burner, but the love for the club is too strong and have kept up with our team. 
2: There will be changes coming to the blog specifically the ‘fuckyeahmanchesterunited’ url. There’s one already picked out, saved and just making a few changes in themes and updating pages, etc... 
3: I will be queuing up post from the last matchday posts (that we) made in order to catch back up as far as posts and videos. 
4: The url will change starting March 1st, and putting posts out in order to catch up by the time the squad features against Crystal Palace. 
Finally, I’d want to thank everyone who follows, likes, reblogs, and messages us and hope to get back to posting regularly. Also thank you to whoever convinced the club to FINALLY LAUNCH A YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!! (Subscribe HERE)
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Destiel Trope Collection 2021 | Day 3: Angst with a Happy Ending
39 fics under the readmore
Conditional Miracle | @vampamber
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,551 Main Tags/Warnings: season 12 finale, in-canon temporary character death, love confession Summary: Chuck can bring Castiel back to life, but only on one condition: Dean has to tell Castiel how he feels about him. Not that "You're family, Cas" stuff, but how Dean actually feels. A coda for s12e23 "All Along the Watchtower" (a bit late, but better late than never)
Sharp edges | @chaoticdean
Rating: General Word Count: 1,638 Main Tags/Warnings: Major Character Death, (although he does come back at the very end), Temporary Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt, Angst with a Happy Ending, Letters, Five Stages of Grief, post spn 15x18spn coda, Post-Episode: s15e18 Despair, written several months before the actual episode Summary: Castiel told him he loved him right before getting swallowed up by the Empty. Sam told him to talk, but words won’t come out, and really, how is he supposed to tell anyone how it feels to lose everything? So he writes. Letters on napkins, motel notepads, paperback books. He writes as he goes through every steps of grief, until finally there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
What the Water Gave Him | @mattzerella-sticks
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,794 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Canon, Implied/Reference Character Death, Sam Finds Out Summary: It was over. Chuck lost, Sam and Dean can live their lives how they want them. But their victory wasn't without losses. The biggest upset nearly taking Dean out of the game, happening so close to the final battle. Now he's on the other side, alive against all odds, but Sam knows he isn't happy. Not truly happy since the Empty stole his best friend. But there's a chance they can save him. A slim chance. A risk that Dean's willing to take despite every logical nerve in Sam's body screaming at him to look for better options. That threading a needle this small is too dangerous. That they don't have to take on another big bad, not anymore. That they don't have to risk their lives anymore. Dean is far past the point of listening. Dead set on this mission, Sam can only watch. And pray his brother proves him wrong.
A Classic Fear Of Rejection | @vampamber
Rating: General Word Count: 1,841 Main Tags/Warnings: pining, anxious Cas, Dean has self worth issues, love confession Summary: Castiel has been in love with Dean for almost ten years now. Ever since he'd raised the Righteous Man from perdition, actually. But Dean appears to be straight, so the angel just pined for him instead, fearing rejection. At Sam's insistence, Castiel finally admits his feelings, and it turns out that the angel may have been wrong about the elder Winchester's orientation.
The Things You Almost Say (But Never Do) | @wingsdestiel
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,967 Main Tags/Warnings: Light Angst, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canonverse, Season 11 Summary: Team Free Will hasn't been much of a team lately, and Castiel wishes that Dean would stop avoiding everything.
Forget Me Not | @imbiowaresbitch
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,932 Main Tags/Warnings: top Castiel/bottom Dean Winchester, Hurt/Comfort, Car Accidents, Hospitals, Amnesia, Temporary Amnesia, Therapy, Makeup Sex, Marriage Proposal, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: A tragic accident during an argument leaves Cas with a head injury and amnesia, but Dean is determined to stay by his husband's side, even when the memories that return are painful. Can they move past the memories?
Forgetting Your Blues | @amirosebooks
Rating: Mature Word Count: 3,440 Main Tags/Warnings: Season 12 finale fix-it, amnesia, temporary main character death, fluff and angst, getting together, openly bisexual Dean Winchester Summary: Dean Jones doesn't know his real name. He woke up on a public park bench a few months back with an empty wallet and a driver's license listing the name Dean Jones with his picture. The name doesn't feel right on his tongue, but he doesn't remember what part is wrong. The cop who found him in the park got Dean a job in a local diner. The diner feels comfortable to Dean. He understands the rhythm of the place, the ebb and flow of the people and food, even if he's clearly never carried a tray of hot plates in his life. He settles into his new life. He makes new friends. He takes beautiful women and men and people to his bed for comfort on long nights. He has nightmares about blood covering his hands. Who is he? Why has no one come looking for him? What has he done? Why did he fall apart when he saw a guy wearing a tan trenchcoat?
I NEED YOU | @cooloddball
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,675 Main Tags/Warnings: Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, Making up Summary: Sam is so done with Dean and Cas' bullshit. Time to get some things sorted out.
Even if the sky gets rough | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5,360 Main Tags/Warnings: Fuck Or Die, cursed!Dean, dubcon, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, First Kiss, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings Summary: Dean can’t believe he got cursed again. Only this time it’s a lot worse, because if he can’t find someone to fuck him… well, he dies.
spes alit et falit. | @celestialsilhouette
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5,524 Main Tags/Warnings: djinn fic, angst with a happy ending, first time Summary: ~hope sustains and deceives~ Dean wakes up with a gasp. He shoots up in his bed, panting, heart pounding, and wide awake. He grips the sheets in his hands tightly and swivels his head to look around the room, making a half-aborted movement to reach under the pillows for the gun he knows always lies there, the smooth metal familiar and comforting. He doesn’t recognize where he is.
Don't Call Me Demon | @angzlicas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,432 Main Tags/Warnings: Demon!Dean, MOC!Dean, Human Castiel, Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, Canon Compliant, Top!Dean, Bottom!Cas Summary: Dean’s shouting at this point, his eyes pure black again, and Castiel can feel the anger and panic tainting the room. It’s charged with emotion, even though most demons are incapable of feeling anything other than hatred and malice. It feels like fear. Or the one where Cas wants to take the mark from Dean
Life in prison | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7,084 Main Tags/Warnings: Hurt Dean Winchester, Dean had to steal food to eat, Dean had sex for money in this, Thief Dean Winchester, almost murderer Castiel, Semi-Public Sex, implied bottom dean Winchester, Non-Penetrative Sex, Soft Dean Winchester, almost rape (non Destiel), Angst with a Happy Ending, First Kiss, First Time, Alternate Universe - PrisonPrisonAlternate Universe, Prison Sex Summary: When Dean gets arrested for stealing food, he has to face prison at 21. He is scared and his cellmate seems a bit harsh too. Will he warm up to him eventually? Or could he even fall in love with a prisoner?
Four of Swords | @mattzerella-sticks
Rating: No Rating Word Count: 7,127 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Canon, Human Cas, Baths, Dean Winchester has Self-Worth Issues, Castiel Takes Care of Dean Summary: The Four of Swords, in the present position, means you don't want to interact with the rest of the world. Because of stress, you need to spend some time with yourself - unhealthy always being 'on'. That the healthiest thing to do is to escape. Dean might crave escape, but it's not something he thinks he can have. Something he deserves, even. After his and Sam's most recent hunt, this cancerous feeling has grown heavy and weighs him down. He cannot escape on his own, as best he tries. Luckily a guardian 'former angel' angel swoops in at his lowest. Helps pick up the pieces as best he can and lovingly put them back together. But he can only do so much. The rest is up to Dean. Can Dean take those final steps, say those final words, and finally free himself?
Free To Be Us | @imbiowaresbitch
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8,011 Main Tags/Warnings: Omega Castiel/Alpha Dean Winchester, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Switching, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Claiming Bites, Semi-Public Sex, Kidnapping, emancipation, broken bonds, Suicide attempt mentioned, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Strangers to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Dystopia Summary: In a Dystopian world, Alphas and Omegas are rare. So rare that they meet only at semi-annual, semi-corrupt conventions organized by Betas, all for the purpose of breeding. Dean is one such Alpha, prized more for his seed than for himself, and untouched. Raised to value the system, he's about to have his world turned upside down, and it all starts with a decadent scent.
Not Here for Me | @mattzerella-sticks
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 8,113 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Humans, Alternate Universe - 2000s, Gay Bars, Closeted Dean Winchester, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, references to Dean's bad childhood Summary: If he had the choice, Dean never would have stepped foot inside this place. But Sam was curious - and curious is a hell of a lot better than the depression that clung to him day after day since Jess left him. So Dean swallows his pride, joins Sam as his babysitter. So he won't get find himself in any trouble. Trouble, however, is more likely to find Dean. In the bowels of his personal hell, can Dean resist temptations that have plagued him his entire life? Or will someone descend and lend a hand, showing Dean that the darkness he imagined only lived inside his own mind. And all that he feared was not as he seemed if he let himself step out of the shadows of his past.
Bearing A Heart | @lockandk3yfiction
Rating: Mature Word Count: 9,421 Main Tags/Warnings: Female Castiel (Supernatural); Castiel in a Female Vessel (Supernatural); Genderbending; Pregnant Castiel (Supernatural); Possessive Castiel (Supernatural); Miscommunication; Running Away; Death Threats; Angst with a Happy Ending; Abundant Mention of Death pertaining to an unborn child Summary: Castiel believes she is becoming more human in the way that she sleeps and eats. It’s a repercussion of falling after all. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s what she gives up to maintain her relationships with the people that she cares about. But what if she shared more than a “last night on Earth” with Dean Winchester? When Castiel learns that she is bearing the heart of another living being, the angel decides to do all in her power to protect her child.
Take Your Human Charge To Work Day (WIP) | @pointyearedelvishprincling
Rating: Mature Word Count: 11,222 Main Tags/Warnings: mutual pining, fluff and smut, case fic, top!castiel/bottom dean winchester, canon typical violence, angst with a happy ending, love confession, castiel dream walking, memory alteration, Summary: Written in third person with alternating POV of Dean & Cas. Something's changed between Dean and Castiel. Dean asks Cas to take him along wherever it is the angel goes when he's not around the Winchesters. He's curious, that's all. No feelings involved. It'll be fun. Dean's ready for Cas to take the wheel on their adventure, but turns out some feelings aren't so easy to repress when it's just the two of you. Cas needs some time alone. It's a heavy burden hearing Dean's longing like a constant prayer while Cas is trying to resist his own feelings. Now he's stuck in LA on a case that could have taken him minutes to solve, and Dean is very distracting. Why is it they can only let their guards down when faced with losing the other?
Scentless | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 11,416 Main Tags/Warnings: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Abuse, Getting Together, Alpha Dean, Omega Cas Summary: Cas lost his mate and his scent a year ago when his scent gland was burned in order to brand him as a barren omega. Ever since then, he has been trying to pass as a beta, hiding his mutilated scent gland under the collar of his shirts. This works pretty well for him, until he meets alpha Dean Winchester, who turns his life upside down.
Mated (WIP) | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 14,721 Main Tags/Warnings: Falling in Love, Strangers to Lovers, Internalized Homophobia, Dean in Denial about Sexuality, Alpha Cas, Alpha Dean, Bottom Cas, Top Dean Summary: Of course, if Dean had known that it was possible for an alpha to mate another alpha, he would never have let himself get carried away and bitten the hot alpha’s mating gland in the throes of passion. It wasn’t like he was into alphas, after all… Right? Having accidentally mated the most awesome alpha, he might have to rethink some things about himself as he gets to know his mate and starts falling for him.
Scented | @destielshipper4cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 19,298 Main Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Past Abuse, Mpreg, Alpha Dean, Omega Cas, Top Dean, Bottom Cas Summary: Cas could not believe that a sweet and sexy alpha like Dean was interested in him—burned and barren omega, social outcast with an abusive ex-mate. To make their new relationship work, they have to figure out how to deal with Cas’ insecurities, society’s prejudices, and a surprise here and there along the way…
Tacoma | @ellis-park
Rating: Mature Word Count: 20,055 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon divergent, season 15 breakup, angst with a happy ending Summary: After an explosive fight, Castiel leaves the bunker and Dean decides to let him go. As Cas ventures halfway across the country on a journey to find himself, Dean reevaluates what he needs from life. And what he needs is Cas.
I Will Hang My Head Low | @andimeantittosting
Rating: Mature Word Count: 22,403 Main Tags/Warnings: Fairytale/Folklore AU, Sick Cas, Temporary MCD, Grief/Mourning, Boy King!Sam Summary: Dean Winchester gave up hunting when his brother became the prophesied Boy King of Hell. Now he ekes out a meager living, chopping wood for a nearby village, until one snowy night, he follows what appears to be a falling star, and encounters an injured angel. Afterwards, he tries to put the strange night from his mind. When he meets Castiel, a mysterious man with healing powers, they form an instant connection, and the more Dean learns of Castiel's powers—to heal, to protect, to purify—the more he begins to hope that Sam can be saved. But as they prepare to save Sam, Castiel grows sick, and then sicker still. Too late, Dean learns how much Castiel is willing to sacrifice for him. Inspired by the Decemberists' Crane Wife and the Japanese myth on which it is based.
The Awakening | Eggplant47 (A03)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 39,144 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe--Human, past child abuse (not explicit), past rape (not explicit), past child sexual abuse (just mentioned), Drug Use, Drunk Driving, Prostitution (past), Infidelity (not between Dean and Cas), Switching Summary: Dean Winchester had always lived on the surface of life, but a bump on the head and his young, blue-eyed brother-in-law are about to push him into the deep.
Lost Together | @imbiowaresbitch
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 40,551 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Lucifer (Supernatural), bottom Castiel/top Dean Winchester, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe, Witch Castiel (Supernatural), Familiars, Animal Abuse, Animal Death, Minor Character Death, Racism, Homophobic Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Depression, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, True Mates, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Explicit Sexual Content, Claiming Bites, Knotting, Mpreg, Happy Ending, Shapeshifting Summary: Castiel is a powerful Omega witch, but even his magic can’t save him and those around him from his ex, Lucien. When his familiar is brutally killed, Cas vows never to take another familiar because he can’t imagine risking another animal’s life. A wolf roaming his property has other ideas. Meanwhile, his new neighbour, an Alpha named Dean, is worming his way into his heart in a way that Cas can’t resist. Can the two souls overcome danger, broken hearts, and secrets together, or will they remain lost? Through tragedy and misunderstandings, Dean and Cas are destined to be together. But destiny’s road can be deadly.
The Driver | @friendofcarlotta
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 40,963 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Stunt Driver Dean Winchester, Getaway Driver Dean Winchester, Convenience Store Clerk Castiel, Waiter Castiel, Kid Fic, Single Father Castiel, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Inspired by "Drive" (2011) Summary: Dean Winchester is a mechanic and occasional movie stunt driver living in LA. Most people don't know that Dean also drives getaway cars for armed robberies. For months now, Dean has been nursing a crush on his neighbor, a single father named Castiel. When a violent turf war between Dean's boss and a rival gangster threatens to compromise the safety of Castiel and his son, Dean makes a choice that will change his life forever.
(You Don’t Have To) Say You Love Me | @darknessbound3
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 44,379 Main Tags/Warnings: Heavy Angst, Top!Cas/Bottom!Dean, Separation, Reconciliation, Pining Summary: Six months after Castiel walked out on a twelve year marriage to Dean, he decides it’s time for a divorce. Dean, on the other hand, isn’t so sure, and is willing to stop at nothing to win his husband back.
The (Un)Buried Past | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: Mature Word Count: 53,282 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Deaths, Gore and Blood, Angst, Intense Violence and use of guns, background relationships, Implied Smut Summary: After six years of living as a civilian, Dean has gotten rusty when it comes to defending himself. But, when the past comes knocking down everything in its way, Dean has to sink back into his old skin to get back what he wants. Ad what he finds out during the journey is not what he wants.
A Driver Worth His Salt | @thefandomsinhalor
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 67,844 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depiction of Violence, Mafia AU Vibe, BAMF Castiel, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean, Trauma Summary: The job is simple: drive the passenger a few times a week to yet-undisclosed locations and return with said passenger without fail. Be on time. Be discreet. And never interact with each other outside of work. Once twenty-year-old Dean meets the passenger in question—the sharply dressed and rough-looking Castiel Novak—he finds that abiding by those shady rules may be more complicated than he had anticipated.
All the Night Tide | @funnywings
Rating: Mature Word Count: 72,315 Main Tags/Warnings: Pirate AU, Golden Age of Piracy, Mythology and Lore, Temporary Major Character Death, Pirate!Castiel, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Kidnapped for ransom by his childhood best friend, Dean is eager to return home and escape the pirate ship that has become his prison. But when Castiel sets his sights on a dangerous new quest, Dean chooses to stay by his side, even if it means facing down Death itself.
help me get where I belong (WIP) | ravenkings (AO3)
Rating: Mature Word Count: 73,437 Main Tags/Warnings: alcoholism, substance abuse, referenced child abuse, referenced assault, extensive crafting Summary: Dean Winchester just needs to get through a quick three-month stint in rehab to appease his little brother, then he'll be back to boozing away the rest of his short, shitty life. Except he kind of likes the group therapy leaders for AA, he's getting way better at watercoloring, and the crazy-haired guy on the NA side of the ward keeps winking at him.
Missing | @kitmistry
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 93,025 Main Tags/Warnings: Slow Burn, Murder Mystery, Post-Breakup, Mutual Pining, Heavy Angst, Minor Character Death, John Winchester's A+ parenting Summary: Two years ago Dean Winchester broke his heart. Now he's at Castiel's doorstep, asking for his help, but there's nothing Dean can say that will convince Castiel to listen. Or so he thinks. Faced with the news of Sam's disappearance, he decides to put his anger aside and follows Dean to a rural town in Nebraska, where they end up tangled in the missing girl investigation Sam was looking into. With an unknown threat closing in on them and all the things left unsaid between them about to be revealed, Castiel and Dean race against time to find Sam before it's too late.
All the Reasons We Are Real | @charlies-secret-closet and @jupiticas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 96,466 Main Tags/Warnings: Slow burn, Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Fluff, Canon Adjacent, Sam Winchester Ships Destiel, Destiel Fluff, Abusive John Winchester, Suicidal Thoughts, Eventual Happy Ending, Blood and Injury, Charlie Ships Destiel, Self Worth Issues, Major Angst, You Will Cry, Summary: Sam is tired of it. Tired of the staring contests and the eye-sex and the 'standing two inches apart' thing. With a little help from Rowena and Heller-Queen-Charlie, Sam becomes the matchmaker: and tries to make his ship canon. Meanwhile, Cas is hiding a painful secret about a certain deal, and Dean is hiding his deepest truth. Until one night, when their long-awaited happiness becomes their greatest sorrow. Written in the original canon universe, this fic uses many canon scenes from the series to show that Destiel doesn't need fanfiction to be real. It has always been there, it will always be there, and it is REAL.
Twenty-Nine Steps | @scones-and-texting-and-murder
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 113,621 Main Tags/Warnings: underage, rape/noncon , PTSD, past child abuse, child sexual abuse, suicidal thoughts, repressed memories Summary: At the age of forty, Dean Winchester has a strong, loving marriage, a successful business, and a young nephew he absolutely dotes upon. He and Cas are living the kind of life Dean never thought was meant for him, one where the future stretches out before them, solid and bright. When a series of small and seemingly unrelated events coalesce into a larger, horrifying realization, he’s rocked to his very core. With so much of what he thought he knew about himself ripped away, he’s trapped between confronting the trauma of his past and believing he’s worthy of the life he’s built.
Still Breathing | @casbelieves
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 124,924 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con, Drug Use, Self-Harm, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Mentions of Suicide, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Reunion, Angst, First Love, Unrequited Love, Foster Care, Smut, Switch!Cas, Switch!Dean, Angst With a Happy Ending Summary: Castiel has no reason to trust anyone. As a teenager in the foster care system, he’s experienced horrific and unspeakable acts of violence and abuse that will haunt him for the rest of his life. When he arrives in Pacifica, CA, as the newest addition to the Singer’s foster family, the last thing he expects is to develop a deep and unbreakable bond with the boy-next-door, Dean Winchester. But Dean isn’t as in control of his own life as it seems, and the two struggle to navigate homophobia, trauma, and the pressures of an impending adulthood. When they meet again as young adults, eight years after their falling out, they are given a chance to rekindle a fire that never truly went out.
Patient Love (WIP) | @chaoticdean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 152,765 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Settings, US Navy SEAL Dean Winchester, Journalist Castiel, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, War Injury, PTSD, Grief/Mourning, Friends to Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Misunderstandings, Angst With a Happy Ending, Switch Dean/Switch Cas Summary: Castiel Novak is 27 when he suddenly loses his twin brother Jimmy, and his whole world turns to ashes. After 10 years as a Navy Special Warfare Operator, a battlefield injury forces 28-year-old Chief Petty Officer Dean Winchester to chose between being stuck behind a desk for the rest of his career or going back to civil life. Things are already complicated and painful enough as it is, but when former lovers Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak meet again after 10 years of radio silence and a galaxy of wounds and scars solidly standing between them, it feels like both a curse and a blessing has been placed on them both. Is there any hope in putting back their broken pieces together after a decade, and how do you deal with grief and broken dreams?
The Offering | @deans-jiggly-pudding
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 167,703 Main Tags/Warnings: Incubus!Castiel, AU - high school, John Winchester’s A+ parenting, rape/non-con elements, heavy angst with a happy ending Summary: As a pastor's son, Dean Winchester is expected to be all the things he's not: the church poster child, compliant with every plan his father has for him, and of course, straight. Fighting the confines of his father's faith and the control it has over his life, Dean is caught in the middle of a teen lock-in activity that will change his life. The boys accidentally summon an incubus named Cas, and his demands are clear. Dean discovers Cas to be everything he expected... Yet, even the darkest of creatures has secrets of his own. Can they be together, despite who they are, and despite everything designed to keep them apart?
A Ghost Story (WIP) | @valleydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 248,988 Main Tags/Warnings: Temporary Character Death, Alternate Universe - 19th Century, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Gardener Dean Winchester, Rich Castiel (Supernatural), Hunter Dean Winchester, Period-Typical Homophobia, References to Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide, Magic, College | University Student Dean Winchester, Ghost Castiel (Supernatural), Haunted Houses, Established Relationship, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Arranged Marriage, POV Dean Winchester, POV Castiel (Supernatural), Witch Hunters, Animal Death, Alternate Universe - Past Lives, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Mutual Pining, Slow Build, Secret Relationship, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Soulmates Summary: Castiel Novak has haunted his family's estate for 150 years, awaiting the return of his lost love. Upon their reunion, Dean Winchester learns of his past reincarnation. After the night of Castiel's resurrection, the two try to find out why they've been given a second chance. The answers may be hidden in the forgotten memories of Dean's former life - but sometimes the truth is better left buried.
Time Won’t Let Me | Aketch-22 (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 253,520 Main Tags/Warnings: Non Explicit Sex, Closeted Castiel, Hurt Comfort, Harry Potter Crossover, Angst and Feels Summary: Entering his 5th year of the Voldemort-controlled Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, muggle-born Dean Winchester is faced with the prospect of the Choosing - a ceremony where twelve students are picked based on blood status to participate in the Mudblood Games. In the Games, the tributes are transported to Purgatory. If you're the first to find your way to the portal out, you become part of Voldemort's world - and if you're not, you die. Will Dean, Sam, Castiel and the others be Chosen, or will they simply have to sit by and watch their friends suffer at the hands of the cruelest supernatural threat the trio have ever faced?
The Exceptional Bad Boy | @thedevil-is-in-the-details
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 329,619 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - High School, Bottom Castiel / Top Dean Winchester, Bottom Dean Winchester / Top Castiel, Past Rape / Non-con, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Alcohol Abuse / Alcoholism, Drugs, Suicide Attempt, Fluff and Smut, Tattoed Castiel, Depression, Anxiety, Self-harm, Stalking, Minor Character Death Summary: Again, they move to a new town and Dean is so sick of always moving around and always being the new kid at school. And he wants something better for his little brother Sam. But their father can't manage to keep a job for longer than two months. No matter where they are, there is one thing that is always the same though. Dean's reputation as bad boy. It was never a problem that there were already other bad boys because Dean was always the worst. But now, he has keen competition – Castiel Novak. Covered in tattoos, drinking, smoking, doing drugs, breaking other people's noses... Novak's reputation precedes him. But that he's still different than every bad boy Dean's ever met is pretty clear though, from the very first moment they meet.
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williamexchange · 4 years
What is SEO and How Does It Work?
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Search engine optimization, otherwise referred to as SEO, is a form of generating traffic from results on search engines such as Yahoo, Bing and Google. These search engines find results for you based on what you type in. What SEO marketing or writing may do for you is make your business appear in the primary results list based on a simple search. What makes SEO favorable for your business is also its cost efficiency. 
Paid search ads such as Google Adwords or Yahoo Search Ads or Bing Ads will cost money but SEO will generate free results.
SEO Goals
The best way to use SEO marketing is to first establish basic goals for yourself and your business. What is SEO going to help you achieve? What’s the objective? Do hits on your website translate into a monetary value through site ads? Or are you trying to generate traffic onto your site in order to increase sales for your product? Or are you simply trying to get your site to appear on the primary list in order to put the word out on your goods and services? Having a clear idea in mind as to how you’re going to utilize SEO will help establish your techniques around this goal.
SEO Content
Having consistent content on your site will help boost traffic. One helpful way to keep content appearing on your site is blogging. You can be creative and focus on a certain theme or idea. If you know your audience already, it’s even better. That way you can hold their attention and keep their curiosity about your site satisfied with consistent distribution of information. The best way to release content is to do so in a scheduled manner. 
Posting a new blog publicly once a day or twice a week regularly at the same time each day is recommended. Try using Microsoft Outlook from your desktop to directly publish a new posting on a scheduled basis. Another helpful tool is Google Calendar. Blog platforms such as WordPress or Tumblr also work. Items can be queued for releasing regularly.
You can even link them to your social media platforms to give your site an even bigger boost. Giving yourself ample time to produce content and have it stored will help you keep from panicking at the last minute. But be cautious not to plan things ahead too early. Sometimes changes occur in your marketing or scheduling process. If an item is queued for scheduled posting too far ahead, you might forget what you have queued for releasing, and miscommunication can occur. 
For instance being two weeks to a couple of months ahead is a decent time for prep but a detailed schedule for something set a year from now might be far too in advance. Content for blogs can be anything from written works (best to keep them short, tidy, entertaining, engaging, personable and informative), photographs (a consistent theme is helpful), videos, and curating links can work, too. Be sure to avoid lifestyle-related posts. These hardly generate traffic unless you’re a celebrity. 
For instance, avoid posting selfies or pictures of your afternoon tea. These can be saved for your own personal account. A business account should post content that is directly illuminating the audience more about your business as well as its goods and services.
SEO and Social Media
Having a decent storage of content to disseminate regularly is the best way to keep things going. You can choose to have a theme for your blog. You can also participate in hashtags themes for days of the week such as #HumpDay for Wednesdays, #tbt for “Throwback Thursdays” and #FF or #FBF for “Follow Friday” or “Flashback Friday.” Hashtags will increase visibility because you’re involved in a pool of data that is easy to find by a single click of a button on a computer, tablet or mobile device. You can easily link your posts to social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Check for options on your blog platform.
SEO and Site Analytics
Be sure to check your site analytics regularly to see how your site is doing. If you notice any patterns like which day of the week you get the most visits, or what hour in the day seems the highest for traffic, or what kind of content seems to attract viewers most, take copious notes and keep them in mind when you’re strategizing a marketing campaign. Study the successful postings and the postings that generate the least amount of traffic. This will help you understand your audience better, and you can narrow your marketing focus better.
SEO and Keywords
Be sure to use as many keywords as possible on written content. The more keywords there are, the greater the likelihood for your site ending up on search results. For instance, if your site sells houseplants, make sure “houseplants” are available numerous times so that it has a greater chance of ending up on the results’ list. You can be smart about using the keywords, too, so that it doesn’t seem strange or random. You can try using it in introductory paragraphs, use it under images, use it on a heading or on subheadings.
The more you use the keywords, the better.
More SEO Tips
When using links, be sure to get them from sites that have quality content. Never add links to messy sites. Be mindful of organization. An organized site that has logic and flow will help visitors feel comfortable.
Set up share-able links for easy sharing via Tweets, re-posts and comments. You can monitor comments, too, to avoid irrelevant spams or comments.
Be sure your site is accessible from not just desktops but also on tablets and mobile devices. Your visitor should be able to access your content from wherever he or she chooses to do so.
Don’t overdo keywords. If a keyword doesn’t logically make sense in a sentence, it’s better to leave it out.
Best of luck on your SEO marketing!
ADMS is the Local SEO company in St Petersburg, FL that businesses can depend on to help grow their online presence and secure a better search ranking.
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aligxrous-blog · 7 years
Hey, guys. I’ll be leaving the country next Saturday(29th @awokenbymadness ‘s birfday) for a week for a family vacation!! I’ve been having some serious issues with my muses lately and I think its because I want to make some fairly sizeable changes to Milo but I’m not sure how exactly to go about it (changing URL/almost everything on blog or just starting fresh on a new one.) I know some of you are probably like “GOD. NOT AGAIN MONSTER” cuz that's how I feel lmao. But I haven’t made any final decisions yet and may not for a while. But I think taking a step back will help me decide what would be best. I’ve queued up some replies and I’ll be popping on to answer any messages but if you need me you can reach me on my dis.cord (SaltMonster#2514 just tell me who you are). Though when I leave the wifi is spotty there so my messages will be sparse and I’ll be busy scuba diving most of the day. 
ANYWAY, I just wanted to give a heads up. I’ll still poke on here to save any drafts or things and I have tumblr on my mobile so next week you can still reach me by IM. 
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studyfeather · 7 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you had any advice for a newbie studyblr / bullet journalist ?
Hello there, lovely anon!! ♥ I actually joined the studyblr community pretty recently (just this month!) so I hope I can answer your question well /// !! Since I’m pretty new, there’s still quite a bit I have yet to learn myself! 
➸ advice for a new studyblr
Don’t be afraid to just start. 
Honestly! There’s no need to feel insecure about your posts, spreads, handwriting, picture quality, stationary - everyone in the studyblr community is so sweet and positive and helpful I begin to feel spoiled. I hope you do to!
Don’t feel self conscious about anything. You’re beautiful, wonderful, and perfect just the way you are. There is no better you than you!
Stop comparing your posts and blog to other people’s. There’s a lot for you to learn, and it won’t all come immediately. Notes, followers - it takes time. 
Reach out to other studyblrs!! 
Say hi, send asks, make friends! Make comments on other’s posts, send compliments or help where you can. Just being active in the community can help you get attention but also give you a wonderful time. A studyblr is to help you grow, and this is a great way to keep you motivated in doing so.
Along the same line, try to find ways to interact with your followers!
Tags, Tags, Tags! 
A lot of studyblrs will track a tag and will often reblog your content if you tag your original posts with it! You can find out what tag to put by checking out a studyblr’s page (for example, I track #studyfeather). You can make a list for yourself if that helps! (: But try not to be too overwhelming or overuse it. Maybe switch up which tracked tags you use from post to post. 
Make a tag for you to track! It would make sense that if you’re using tracked tags to make one for yourself to spread the love. 
Have a tag that is specific to your original content (mine is #featherpost)!!! It will make it nice and easy for those who come across your blog to find what you’re posting about. Having original content helps others have more interest in your blog!
A lot of what you are reblogging can serve as a resource for yourself. I like to reblog posts that inspire me, or have spreads I might try, masterposts, etc. If its important for you to find what you’re reblogging for later, make a tag system for yourself. For example, heres @ / studypetals’ tags page or @ / studyquill’s navigation page if you need any ideas. This is a great idea if other people begin using your blog as a resource as well. 
Take advantage of all the information you see. 
There are so many posts that address procrastination, time management, stress, note taking, school - anything at all - that is made available to you. It’s one thing to see the information, but it’s another to make use of it. (And don’t be afraid to share your knowledge either!) You can even make posts about trying out different advice if that helps motivate you to try something out.
Make an introductory post!
Help others get to know you better by putting together an introductory post! It’s never too late to make one, so don’t worry about making one if your blog has been up for a bit.
From what I’ve discovered, introductory posts tend to have the following information (not every one has ALL of this, it’s up to you what you’d like to add): name, age, school year, why you started a studyblr, your classes, some of your favorite studyblrs, other blogs you have (and other sites you’re on), any anything else you’d like to say/add. 
If you use tracked tags or tag studyblrs you love, it can help get your blog noticed! (:
Post original content!
I touched on this earlier, but this is so important. One of the best ways for your studyblr to succeed is posting your own work and sharing it to the community. You never know how many people will love it, be inspired by it, follow you from it, or contact you because of it.
Be fairly consistent in posting original content. I try to post at least once a week even though I’m pretty busy. It helps motivate me to keep my bujo and studyblr going! You can try out the 100 days of productivity or some studyblrs put together monthly study challenges you can keep up with. As an example, here’s a May Study Challenge I might try out!
In posting original content, make sure you link information you’re referencing to help others that much more!
Queue your posts!!
A great way to keep your blog active is to queue your posts. I have my posts queued at 10 each day and try to keep at least 20 posts in my queue at all times, in case a couple of busy days keep me from adding more. Some people unfollow inactive blogs - and this can be a way to prevent it. 
The only thing I don’t queue are original posts and asks, but it’s up to you if you decide to use the queue system or not!
➸ advice for a new bullet journalist
Real quick!! I would advise taking a look at the bullet journal’s official website to help understand the basics of bullet journaling. 
It’s designed to be quick and customizable way for you to keep information and tasks organized. A great way to make use of this (that I’ve found) is to make a key for each of your logs. You can see my key here. You can also search tumblr for bujo keys to see what others have come up with. If you do want to make a key, make it so that it works for you!  It can be as simple or detailed as you want, with or without signifiers, etc. If you don’t like this system, that’s just fine!
Discover different journal options and where to find them.
There is no set journal to use, however there are popular choices among the studyblr community: Moleskine, Leuchtturm1917, and Muji journals - but it is NOT limited to these. Working with a regular notebook works just fine as well! 
It’s one thing to find and purchase something online - but I like being able to find what I’m looking for in person. It saves shipping + handling costs, and I get to it immediately. And, sometimes, they can be cheaper too! I found my moleskine journal I’ve been using at Barnes and Noble, and have also seen Leuchtturm1917 journals at my school’s book store. (The temptation is real every time I walk past OTL) 
Your bullet journal is for you, so let’s make it that way.
A big part of having a studyblr is to help yourself in becoming more productive in learning and improving a lifestyle (or this may just be how I see it). So! There is no set format for you to use a bullet journal. It’s up to you to figure out what works best for you.
You can take inspiration from other people’s post to help experiment with different spreads and layouts. (Be sure to credit/tag if you do! Just to be safe.) 
You can find out different things that you can add to your bujo! Habit trackers, daily/weekly/monthly/yearly spreads, lists of things to keep track of (books to read, tv shows and episodes to watch, shopping/wish lists, bucket list, etc), anything you’re interested in. Depending on your interests and areas you wan’t to use a bujo to help you with, this can vary. If you want, you can test out different ideas to see if you like it or not. It will take time to find what you like, so don’t stress about it in the beginning. You’re just starting, after all!
There is always something for you to do, it’s just a matter of finding out what that is. If you need any help of finding something to do, feel free to message me! (As long as you don’t mind me asking a bunch of questions haha.)
Don’t be afraid to use pencil first when making your spreads.
Me being me, trusted myself to use pen right off the bat. Boy, do I regret that XD It got to the point where I purchased an erasable pen but I’m finding nothing can beat pencil before pen. But before you erase the pencil - make sure the pen has dried. I can’t stress this enough. I’ve gotten impatient multiple times and go ahead to erase, and instantly wished I hadn’t. You can try to find pens that prevent this from happening, but waiting is the best alternative. Something you can do is make a spread at night, and wait to erase when you wake up in the morning. You can keep your bujo open to the page you worked on for it to dry better.
You don’t need any fancy or expensive stationary.
Seeing the pastel highlighters, wide variety of pens and miscellaneous tools it’s easy to think you need to have it all but . . . you don’t have to have any of it. Especially if you are low on funds, don’t worry about getting anything new. Just work with what you have! I have been using pens I’ve owned for years and have hardly touched to see what I can do with them and am pleasantly surprised! I have a bunch of supplies that I have gotten for school that haven’t been used that I plan on finally putting to use. 
Your basic school supplies with notebooks, highlighters, pens and pencils, post it notes, can take you as far as you wish!
Having a difficult time coming up with a spread? Here’s some ideas! 
Try out different hand written fonts. This can include headers/titles and subheaders/subtitles. Try headers, banners, and dividers too! Here’s some different ideas: x | x | x | x
Give your spread a theme. Disney, movie, music, history, art, cartoon shows, books - anything at all! This can help with finding art to fill in blank spaces to give your spread some more interest. Here’s a post with a bunch of ideas you could use.
Colors! Try out different color combinations! Being an art student, I’m overly conscious of colors. They can help set a mood, evoke certain emotion, some colors work best with others (be smart when using complimentary colors), etc. Here’s a site that covers basic color theory. But . . . this is me being nerdy. This can take quite a bit of thought - but you honestly don’t have to (: !! It’s best if you stick to one or two colors within a page not to overwhelm what others are seeing, especially if you’re wanting to keep things minimal. If you want me to go deeper into this, and talk more about contrast and whatnot . . . I can make a separate post as not to clutter this one ♥
Make goals for yourself! This can be included in a habit tracker, but doesn’t need to be. They can be as small as going on a 20 minute walk each day during this week, being sure to stay hydrated, doing something with a family member or friend, completing or starting a big project or assignment, etc. 
Find some quotes and add them! Here’s some quote masterposts I’ve come across: x | x | x | x
When taking pictures, be conscious of lighting.
The best kind of lighting is natural lighting. Taking pictures outside (or inside) during the day will help your image quality! I know before I said picture quality doesn’t matter much, but this can be a simple and easy way to help improve your posts. 
If natural lighting isn’t helping you the way you want, you can take a look at different apps with photo editing capabilities or filters. I have a horrible app finding ability, and just use Photoshop (you can get PS CS2 for free here) or Clip Studio Paint to edit my photos. My favorite tool to use is the tone curve. However you can see this post to look at other options, like apps (it also links to other posts you can look at)!
Have a good time!
Honestly, I feel this is what it boils down to. As long as you are enjoying what you’re doing and continue to have a passion for studyblr related content, you’ll succeed. Don’t stress about it and take one post at a time.
I’ll start putting together a post of how I started my studyblr in case that may help as well! Thank you for asking, anon! Hopefully this helps, and that I was able to cover everything! T o T Sorry I kinda went on a bit of a tangent in some areas.
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languageloveaffair · 7 years
Hey everybody. I just wanted to update you on my life a bit!
I keep things pretty anonymous on this blog, so there are only a few public details about me. You all know that I’m a French translator, and I have a part-time job on the side.
I was recently offered a full-time job (not language or literature related) and I have decided to take it. For a number of reasons, among many: I’ll be turning 26 this year and leaving my parents’ plan so I’ll be on my own for health insurance (and it is known for being expensive in the US, but less so if you get it through a full-time job), I’ve been trying to get my freelance translation business to a stable place for the past 2.5 years, I haven’t truly enjoyed the part-time work I’ve done on the side, and I’d like to be earning more money (for my savings, for traveling, for eventually living on my own).
This means that I’ll have less time for other things in my life...But I’m intending on keeping my translation business going on the side (it’ll become an evening and weekend job). I will also continue with my language learning- I’m going to come up with a weekly schedule where I practice one or two languages per day (I’m learning 7 languages currently) in the evenings after my workday. And I won’t be giving up my tumblr (and my other social media), but I will be spending less time on here and queuing more posts for release throughout the week.
Just wanted to let you all know, see you around :)
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tikilimawmaw · 7 years
On the rare occasions that I care about my news feed, some things actually get my attention, aside from cute puppy gifs and stupid political fanaticism like wtf. Anyway, a “friend” shared this blog post about UPLB--my dear UPLB--and how uh-mazing that place is. I mean, I get it; it is a mystical, magical university (but not in a Hogwarts way) and, well, who could resist writing about, or instagramming it?
I apologize. I’m just at this point in my college life where I see everything under gray clouds, and I don’t mean the silvery kind. I mean dark, nimbus, let’s-do-relief-operations-after-this-storm, gray clouds. I hate that place, but every Monday when I return to the apartment there I’m always looking forward to walking the streets of Elbi. It’s weird.
Anyway, what I’m about to do is kind of a parallel narration according to the places described by the author/blogger. It’ll be a whiny, age-inappropriate sulking about how bad I feel in that wonderful place, but hey, I don’t know how to properly feel anymore. I need to do this.
(1 Baker Hall) The only fun I had in Baker Hall was Elbikon. Seriously. For one thing, the interior is very old--wooden steps, dramatic windows. Nothing wrong there; someone’s doing a splendid job on preservation (except that the temperature rises over unbearable degrees). Here’s the problem: the string ensemble of UPLB practices there. I hear violins, and I hate that. I hate missing the violin. It’s a piece of me that just doesn’t fit perfectly anymore when I try to get my shit together again. I mean, it fits, but not exact-o.
(2 Carillon Tower) For four years I’d lived in the same dormitory and every time I needed a jeepney ride, I pass by the Carillon Tower. It’s peaceful there; I hang around on my own and no one disturbs me because everyone else is too busy cuddling with his/her SO. It’s too peaceful actually, that all I could think about is that a pool of blood is too obvious at the foot of the tower. Besides, the gates are locked. No potential here.
Backspace. BACKSPACE.
(3 Student Union Building) Sigh. SU. Where do I even begin? Oh, wait, I need to get a number before I begin. Approximately 56 minutes before I get called. LIES! It’s like all you want to do there is rush in, get things done, rush out. But you can’t. Because you’re queued. The bathrooms are okay, I guess. I thought that SU was supposed to symbolize the university embracing the student, making them feel welcomed and that they are free to do whatever hell they want (bleargh). That’s funny, because I feel more welcomed by the river behind it. 
(4 Trees) I have this theory that the trees in UPLB are majestically large because they feed upon the souls and hopes and dreams of thousands and thousands of students, on-time and delayed, every semester. This may be only in my head, but I honestly feel like my energy is always drained when I’m there. Maybe that’s why Thursday is drinking day: so students can at least carry on through Friday and the weekends without feeling like shit. Me? I drink Mondays. And Tuesdays. And We--
(5 DL Umali) I don’t think I’ll ever walk the stage of DL Umali with pride and confidence ever again. I used to be a student achiever: college scholar and honor roll, promising GWA. I shake hands with the dean; I get a certificate. Now, I’m just a probationary student with nine failed units and one INC that all happened in one epic semester. Epic fail, that is. 
That’s not all. Our org holds our annual exhibit in the gallery at the basement. And I haven’t had any WIPs for a year. I can’t stress enough how I lost my will to draw. Recently, art has only been a way to calm me down. That’s great, right? At least I still have it. God.
(6 Nihon Koen) I think I’ll be seeing this torii regularly starting Tuesday. It’s a fun way to travel down from the UHS, where the psych is in TTh 2-5 pm. 
UPLB Tip #562: There are desperate pervs in pretty decent bathrooms. DO NOT give in to the temptation no matter how much of your life you’ve given up, because you can get sick. Or pregnant. Or worst, videoed. Besides, his dick was tiny.
(7 Thai Pavillion) Hang around this exotic gazebo every afternoon before dusk if you want to ogle at fit people stretching, and jogging, and basically all other things you don’t have the energy for, a.k.a taking care of your body. Plus, they have dogs. Dogs are one of the reasons I don’t let go.
(8 Freedom Park) Again, a haven for healthy people: F-park. Fit park. Food park. Fuck park. Whatever you wish: it’s Freedom Park. Here’s a tip: unless you’re a Jesus person, don’t sit on the benches alone. Or at least have the guts to say “no, I don’t wanna hear about the five things that I need to know to be saved.” And besides, sitting alone on a bench in front of a lot of parked cars for a few hours is creepy. There was this one time I thought this old guy in his car was actually watching me. I could take the attention but that just sounds really slutty. Try sitting at the grandstand instead. 
(9 Mariang Banga) It doesn’t matter what religion or cult you belong in: Mariang Banga is real. Ask permission before picking a flower, apologize for stepping on grass, always appreciate the weather no matter how insufferable it is, because she has power over this land, you mortal. (I still think she cursed me with a hole for a heart and a jelly for a brain.)
(10 Palma Bridge) There was a time in my early college years when Palma Bridge was called Sperm Bridge but I won’t give any hints. Get it? Hint? Like, odor? No? How about “call of the void”? “High place phenomenon”? Urge to jump? Still no? Good.
(11 Molawin Creek) This river is the same river I was talking about. It actually runs pretty far. In one of my stupid adventures pre destructive semesters, I tried to discover what was behind my then-dormitory. You guessed it: a forest. Hah okay, the river comes after it. There was this spot that I liked--clear and cold water, decently dry rocks, some shade, no one else around. Bathing naked was fun. But on my next adventure, I got lost, so uh-uh I’m not going back. Or will I? (I conclude that these adventures comprise a death wish.)
(12 Park behind humanities) Behind CAS Building is this construction where we get rubble from. And the mound of gravel that was never removed served as another seat for our tambayan, where I always feel so awkward. 
(13 NCAS) One question: how the hell can I get on the NCAS rooftop? Ideation aside, a top view of O-park would be nice. 
(14 Office of the University Registrar) Soon enough, the registrar will not include me in the list of officially enrolled students because ma’am, I am tired. I need a break. And probably my TOR.
(15 Hum/CAS) Pretend to be a younger batch if you look the part. I always do. It gives the illusion that I’m still full of hopes and dreams, and it’s a good excuse for asking about things that I should know. The three CAS buildings and Physci are the good places to do it. And Copeland gym. 
(16 Two roads diverged by O-park) Lots of walks to clear the mind // Beware acquaintances, tell them you’re fine. // Groups of friends walking, pretty intimidating // Cross the road, the other side is empty: your thing.
(17 Gamma SIgma) Yeah, well I always thought it was a shade for the CSB. Sorrynotsorry.
(18 Heritage Tower) My happy memories include playing UNO with my friends under the Kwek-kwek tower and reading the ridiculous vandals like “Jherehmie luv Ehllah 4rvr 24″. I have nothing against Jherehmie and Ehllah, but come on, that tower was [awfully] repainted. I miss the times when I don’t suddenly stop and stare at nothing while I play UNO or sing karaoke with my friends. It’s awkward; I catch myself doing it. Nope. Nope.
UPLB Tip #847: It never hurts to be observant. Get really observant until you’re almost being a stalker. But not really. There are always patterns for everything, and you just really need to be good at knowing them. For example, your crush. Your crush has a schedule; on TTh he walks out of this building at this hour, on WF he enters another. Where does he live? Which jeepney does he usually ride, kanan or kaliwa? Observation, not stalking.
(19 UPLB Gate) I’ll be back, I promise.
(20 CEM...thingy) Forget that weird piece of artsy nonsense, that buried building at the back with the swastika is the mystery. I never bothered to know the history, but hey, it’s dark, wet and eerie--must be zombies. 
(21 Raymundo) I always dub this as “not my turf”. Since I’m not familiar with it, I also have adventures here (just to be clear, adventure meant walking and exploring, nothing else). I’ll miss rolling under the gate after curfew and deciding where to eat (usually takes around 15 minutes).
(22 Never-ending bridge) Again, with the bridges. Look, it’s a long way down but the aesthetics are great. There’re these pretty purple (or were they blue?) flowers and a thick canopy of ferns and broad leaves. Die pretty.
UPLB Tip #1036: Don’t shut everyone out. Ever heard of “don’t burn your bridges”? Yeah, well if you’re that kind of person who possibly needs to utilize people in the future, then go. But geez is that all there is to connections, the utility? What about just having fun conversations together, and lunches and dinners? IMHO, the people you meet at your later years in college are more likely to become “colleagues” than “friends”. Unless he’s the one. Squeal.
(23 Forestry route) While the torii is my way down, this road takes me up to the psych.
(24 UPLB) I hate my house. I hate my school. I just want to be in between, in the journey. I know I’ll get to the two points at some time in my life but not now. A view from afar would be nice. “I’ll be there,” I would say, “just give me a moment to catch up.” I’ll be right back.
Welp. That was awfully long. So here’s the blog, again. Vivid pictures, beautiful words, I am nothing. 
Edit: She’s on Tumblr. OH NO.
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on-a-suga-high · 6 years
Ah good to hear! It's important to stay hydrated and an easy thing to forget! Also I understand, to be honest I've never really had the money for albums to begin with (I've only bought one before) nor posters so I don't even look from that perspective so I just find myself enjoying pretty pictures. But I can understand the frustration behind the four different versions of each album it's annoying. -Ray
I throw no shade at people who can’t afford albums! I am just a bit of a collector and I like collecting the physical albums because they’re often very pretty. But since wings I’ve been like nah because I just don’t want to go through the stress of hoping I ordered the right one. So I have been saving my money for other things!
I totally understand being busy, between balancing family, work, and my own personal projects, I find I don’t often have time to even be on tumblr. It’s why my blog is always permanently queued lmao. 
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dyernews · 6 years
Money at 30: Viraltag Review
As you may know, a few months ago I started my own personal finance site, Money@30. While I was preparing to launch — including setting up my various social media accounts — I was determined to find better social tools than the ones I was already accustomed to and really “up my game” for this new site. That’s when I came across Viraltag, a service that allows you to easily create and schedules social media posts across various platforms. Having now used and explored Viraltag for the past few months, I’m excited to share what this service offers, what I like about it, and where I think it could be improved:
How Viraltag Works
Once I signed up for Viraltag, my first job was to connect all of my social media accounts to the service. This included Twitter, Facebook Page, my LinkedIn business page, Pinterest, and Tumblr. There’s also support for linking an Instagram account, but we’ll get into that later as the workflow is very different from the others. Of course this being a social media tool review I think  in addition to this in depth written reivew a quick video review is also called for. So without further ado here are my thoughts on Viraltag.
Now that you’ve watched my video reivew lets dig into the details. If you’ve ever tried granting account access to various services before you’ll know how hit or miss it can be. Thankfully my experience with linking my social accounts to Viraltag was relatively pain-free. In each scenario, the process was very straight forward and made it easy to ensure I was connecting the page or account I wanted to. That said, the only account linking problems I’ve encountered so far involve expiring tokens, which require you to reconnect your account from time to time. Of course this is hardly Viraltag’s fault and, just like the first time out, reconnecting was a cinch.
Now, with all of your accounts connected, there are a few different routes you could choose as far as next steps. Personally, my next move was to install the Viraltag plugin.
Viraltag Chrome Extension
One feature that attracted me to Viraltag in the first place was the ability to create and schedule posts directly from the pages I wanted to share. On my end, this is achieved via the Viraltag extension for Chrome. Following a quick installation process, this extension now allows me to click on pretty much any image that appears on a site and turn it into a social media post.
Here’s how it works: basically, when you come across an article you’d like to share, you can hover over an image on the page to engage the Viraltag bug. Most of the time this bug will appear in the bottom right corner of the image but, in some cases, it will either appear too low to be clicked or may not appear at all. Although this can be a tad annoying in some instances, all is not lost — you can simply right-click on the image and a “Schedule with Viraltag” option should appear. Whether you click the aforementioned bug or have to utilize the right-click workaround, a Viraltag window should pop up on top of the open page.
If you don’t have Chrome or don’t want to install another extension Viraltag does offer an alternative, albeit not a great one. By adding a special Viraltag link to your bookmark bar, you can access the same scheduling window with a couple of extra steps. The first difference is that Viraltag will essentially take over the entire page you’re on when the bookmark link is clicked and present you with different image options it scrapes from the page. Once you select one of these, then that awesome scheduling window will appear. Overall this isn’t a terrible option but I vastly prefer the plugin myself.
Creating and Scheduling Posts
Now that I’ve covered my preferred method of reaching the Viraltag scheduling window, let’s talk about all you can do with this tool. First, atop the scheduling window is a list of all of your connected social accounts. To select an account you want to add a post to, all you have to do is click it so that it’s highlighted. Additionally, for Pinterest posts, you can choose which board you’d like to post to using the drop-down menu. Even better, you can schedule posts to multiple boards by continuing to select them.
Under your account list is where you’ll see an image and a text box. Depending on the site, this text box may be pre-populated with a description of the article or a headline. If that’s not the case or you just want to tweak the post, you can easily edit the text to your liking. Also helpful is that, if you select a Twitter account to post to, it will provide you a character count to ensure your text doesn’t get cut off. As for the image, that can be swapped out by clicking the square. This will launch a new window where you can upload images from your computer, Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox and more.
Once you have your selected image and text in place, I’d recommend paying attention to the section labeled “Source URL.” This will determine what link is shared when you post your content.
Note: While 99% of the time this box has the correct page link to the article I want to share, there have been times where I get the image URL inserted instead of the page URL. User error is also possible as, if you’re trying to share a blog post from a landing or home page, you may need to swap out the URL for a direct link to the article.
If you’re like I was until a few weeks ago, you could just hit “Add to queue” at this point and call it a day. However, as I’ve since learned, there are plenty of other great features to be found just below the Source URL box. On the left, you’ll see the word “Evergreen” with a circle next to it. Checking this circle will add the post to a list of content that can then be inserted any time there’s a break in your scheduling. This not only ensures you won’t have a lull in your social posting but also allows your best content to continually find an audience.
Another extremely helpful tool is the “clone post” option. This will allow you to tailor your posts to the various platforms they’ll appear on. As you’d expect given the name, when you click “clone post,” you’ll see a second scheduling window appear next to the first one. Additionally a magical little star will appear near the image. Clicking said star will launch a photo editor where you can reshape your chosen image and optimize it for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and other various dimensions. Beyond that you can also add frames, text, filters, and other fun to really make your posts stand out. By the way, should you require more clones, tapping the button will continue to load scheduling panels on the same page.
When you’re done crafting your post(s), you have a couple options for how you want to share it. One such option is to set a specific time you want it to go live. The other choice is to add it to your queue and have it post according to your setting (more on that in the next section). Personally I really enjoy the queue function but, if you’re dealing with something timely, it’s nice to know the regular schedule button is there as well.
Your Viraltag Dashboard
As I mentioned, I was really drawn to the idea of scheduling posts from around the web without having to visit a central hub. While Viraltag makes that possible, it turns out that making Viraltag that hub for content is actually super helpful.
When I first started using the service, I only created posts while on other sites. But then I realized I was really just frequenting the same handful of sites each day. So instead I’ve now added a number of RSS feeds to Viraltag dashboard, allowing me to create several social posts from one place instead of having to visit each individual site. And, of course, scheduling this way still gives you access to the same features as with the Chrome extension.
Using the Viraltag dashboard has also helped me add a bit of variety to me social posts thanks to its Explore and Circles tabs. In Explore, you can search various tags or keywords to find content that fits your audience. Similarly Circles curates posts from others users (you can submit your own content as well) that can be shared. Like with Pinterest group boards, these circles do have rules and some can get a bit crowded. Still, there is still great content to be found within Circles and they give you a chance to get your work shared.
Finally, in the Home section of Viraltag, you can see all of your posts. This includes a look at what you have scheduled, any drafts you have sitting around, what you’ve posted recently, as well as a look at any updates that failed to post for one reason or another. You’ll also be able to browse content you’ve marked as “Evergreen” that will be shared automatically if there’s an opening in your schedule.
Speaking of empty slots, this section will also allow you to edit your posting times for queued items. These times are specific to each account, enabling you to post more frequently on some networks than others. This is a must as platforms like Twitter are more receptive to multiple posts than, say, Facebook are. Additionally, if you’re unsure of what the best posting times are, Viraltag will make suggestions to help you build out your schedule.
The Viraltag App and Posting on Instagram
Like I teased earlier, Viraltag does have a way to schedule posts on Instagram that varies greatly from the normal process. In fact, if you wish to use the service to post to Instagram, you’ll have to download the Viraltag mobile app, which was built just for the task.
Creating posts for Instagram starts off pretty much the same way — using the extension, link, or dashboard to schedule a post. Unfortunately there a still a few things you’ll need to do before that scheduled post is actually live. First the Viraltag app will send you a push notification at the time you’ve scheduled the post for. Selecting this notification will then launch the Viraltag app and copy the caption for your post. It will also save the image you’ll be using and ask to open Instagram.
Once your device launches the Instagram app, it should default to the correct image, which is now saved in your camera roll as well. If you want, you can also apply the famous IG filters to the image before sending. With that done, you can tap the caption box, paste the text from your scheduled post (which Viraltag should have automatically copied), and finally post. Like I said, this process is far different and much more hands-on than any other social platform but, hey, it works.
The Pros and Cons of Viraltag
Now that we’ve covered most of what Viraltag can do, I want to talk about what I like about the service (a lot) and what I don’t (a little).
First up is a major pro: Viraltag makes it easy to maintain a presence across my social accounts and share great content with my followers. While I could schedule posts individually on different platforms, I love having the ability to do it all at the same time. Additionally, unlike with other automated social platforms I’ve tried — namely IFTTT — my Viraltag posts always look great and display exactly as I’d expect them too.
Another thing I love about Viraltag is that it gives me options as far as where I get my content from. While I’ve recently come to truly appreciate the RSS feed function for finding posts from my favorite sites, it’s great to stumble across a new blog/article and share it with just a couple of clicks. As a result of this combination, I honestly feel like the quality of the content I share on my social accounts has improved in recent months.
As far as what I don’t like about Viraltag, I have only a few minor gripes, the first being the app. I understand that Instagram makes it difficult for third-party platforms to post to it and, on that note, I think Viraltag has found a clever but understandably clunky solution. However, why is it that the app needs to be dedicated exclusively to facilitating IG posts? Why not add the option to view my schedule for other accounts? The description of the app in the App Store even makes it sounds like that’s what it offers and yet I can’t seem to find that functionality. (UPDATE: since this review was first posted, Viraltag has released a 2.0 version of their app, which now allows you to view your scheduled posts and even create posts on the go.)
Viraltag Pricing
So with all of these great features you may think Viraltag is going to cost an arm and a leg every month. However, at $29 a month ($24 a month if paid annually) for an individual subscription, it is a bargain. To get a similar set of features and site coverage you would need to subscribe to both MeetEdgar and Tailwind, which will at a minimum cost you $49/month for MeetEdgar and $9.99/month for Tailwind. Of course it is worth noting that, if you’re using Viraltag for your business, these fees can likely be written off of your taxes as business expenses. Even better, if you sign up for Viraltag today, you will get a 14 day free trial.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Viraltag has helped me up my social media game and allowed me to gain solid followers even as a new site. From the ability to schedule posts while surfing the web (do people still say that?) to automatically reposting my best content, the service has surely saved me a ton of time maintaining my accounts. Moreover, when I schedule content in Viraltag, I know they’ll look amazing on whatever platform I’ve selected to post them to. For those reasons and more, I personally and honestly recommend that small business owners, freelancers, and influencers invest in Viraltag for their social media marketing needs.
The post Money at 30: Viraltag Review appeared first on Dyer News.
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