#that by now i’d have a home of my own. instead of so many hopes languishing in boxes.
juno-infernal · 5 months
okay nm i took half an adderall, put on my fluffy black bathrobe, switched the music to goth and new wave bops and now the world is full of beautiful possibility again
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emocheol · 25 days
seventeens pet name for you
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loves to be a caretaker so having you be his baby is natural.
he’s always holding you in his arms, almost like he’s trying to protect you from the world and keep you to himself.
when you’re tired you actually get into baby mode and he loves doting on you, knowing that you won’t fight him on it.
“baby, don’t worry i’ll do that for you”
“baby, come give me a kiss”
“baby, i missed you so much”
“baby, you know i’d do anything for you”
sure, he’s the angel of seventeen but you’re his angel.
always says that you were sent from heaven just for him because of how perfect you are, hence an angel.
when he sees a new picture of you he’ll screenshot it and draw a halo over your head and send it back to you with a text that says ‘your halo is shining so bright, my angel’ (love makes him cheesy)
“angel, let’s stay in bed today”
“angel, can you do my hair?”
“angel, i hope you know im obsessed with you”
“angel, you’re the only one for me”
such a classic and gentle name, just like joshua.
he loves you so much the only word that he can think of when it comes to you is love.
if anyone calls him a simp he will gladly own that title because, duh, you’re his partner! of course he’s gonna simp over you!
will do whatever you want at the drop of a hat. he’ll even suggest cancelling his schedules if you want him to stay home, you decline but quite literally have to push him out the door to leave.
“love, come cuddle with me”
“love, i hate every second that i’m away from you”
“love, let’s get matching outfits”
“my love, you’re so perfect”
actually spent a lot of time contemplating what your pet name should be. he didn’t want to get it wrong!
tested way too many names over multiple weeks, seeing if they rolled off the tongue, but none of them did.
finally lands on sweetheart, when he says it for the first time he knows he’s found the perfect name.
now he barely says your name, saying that sweetheart encapsulates your entire being.
“sweetheart, want me to do the dishes?”
“sweetheart, can you read me a story?”
“sweetheart, do you know how much i love you?”
“sweetheart, you’re my favorite person of all time”
soonyoung thinks you’re sweet like honey, so he just has to call you that!
you have the same nickname for him which results in all your friends pretending to gag when you both start calling each other honey. they say it’s sickening, sickeningly sweet
likes to dote on you, would wait on hand and foot if you told him to.
“honey, do you need anything before i leave?”
“honey, i’m home!” (his favorite phrase)
“honey, let’s go on a date tonight”
“honey, you’re the sweetest person in the world”
has always thought that pet names were cringe but when you started calling him every sweet name under the sun he knew he had to come up with one for you.
landed on the classic ‘babe’, he says it flows well, its natural when he’s talking to you now.
doesn’t want anyone else to hear him call you it, so he usually sticks to saying it at home or whispering it to you.
“babe, stay by my side, i don’t want anything happening to you”
“babe, don’t get up yet it’s too early”
“babe, you wanna see my new game?”
“babe, i adore you”
another natural caretaker, loves to be the big strong man in the relationship so naturally you’re his baby.
gets salty when you try to dote on him since he knows he should be doing it to you instead.
landed on it because you were pouting once and he said the resemblance to a baby was uncanny.
“baby, you don’t have to stay at the studio with me”
“baby, get some sleep”
“baby, let’s stay in tonight”
“baby, i know i don’t show it as much as i should, but i’m eternally grateful for you”
claims that their song ‘darling’ is about you to try and make it special (it was just a coincidence but you’ll take it)
says you’re like a sparkling jewel, so perfect, so enchanting, and so darling
always talks to you in the most endearing tone, he can never be mad at you.
“darling, what do you want to have for dinner?”
“darling, let me take a picture of you”
“darling, don’t forget to call me on your break”
“darling, you’re so precious to me”
loves to bake you desserts and say something like ‘a sweet for my sweetie’.
thinks you’re so sweet and lovely that sweetie is a given name for you.
food is his love language so he’s always making you meals and sweet desserts.
“sweetie, try this new dish i made”
“sweetie, give me a kiss before you go”
“sweetie, give me a bite of that”
“sweetie, you’re it for me”
this man is simply obsessed with, so so utterly in love, hence the name love.
everyone swears they can see hearts in his eyes when he looks at you or talks about you.
couldn’t think of a good name for you so he went to his friends being like ‘i’m so in love with them but i can’t think of a pet name! wait… love!’
“lovie, don’t forget about me :(” (you’re just going to work for the day)
“love, do you want to come to karaoke night?”
“lovie, i’m your favorite guy, right?”
“my love~, i wrote this song for you, wanna hear it?”
yes, his nickname for you is his last name. no, it’s not weird! he’ll call you mrs./mr. boo because he can’t wait until you have his last name.
when some calls for ‘boo’ you both turn around, thinking it was for you. this just makes you both laugh and look at each other like you had a little inside secret that no one else understood.
he’ll always say it with literal hearts in his eyes.
“boo, have a good day at work”
“my boo~, i miss you”
“boo, do you want to go have a spa night?”
“my boo~, i love you to the ends of the earth”
also thinks pet names are cringe so he settled on the most obvious and classic one.
but then actually he starts to like it (to his horror), and starts to call you it all the time.
only ever calls you babe now, and will be salty if you call him by his first or middle name.
“babe, get ready i’m taking you on a date”
“babe, i got you a present you’re gonna love it”
“babe, we should get a cat to be the ring bearer at our wedding”
“babe, you know i love you, right?”
you originally started calling chan ‘honey’ first.
he always got so giddy whenever you said it that he decided he was gonna start calling you that too, to make you feel as special as he did.
thinks it the most special name in the world and if anyone makes fun of it he’ll go to war over it.
“honey, let me show you the new dance i learned”
“honey, did you get a haircut? you look beautiful as ever”
“honey, let’s stay in bed today”
“honey, you’re my everything”
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a-little-unsteddie · 7 months
stuck in your throat || a/b/o
hi so today is @lexirosewrites’s birthday today and like,, idk three or so weeks ago she followed me (hi lexi <3 happy birthday <3 hope today has been fun <3) and to celebrate both of those things i started writing an omegaverse fic, and i wanted it done by today but it is grew a mind of its’ own and now it’s much bigger than i thought it’d be so instead of the full fic, have a snippet <3
again, happy birthday lexi <3
“Hello?” Steve answered, having learned to not open the call with who was answering without knowing who was calling from one too many scam calls
“Is this Steve Harrington?” A soft feminine voice asked, taking Steve by surprise.
“May I ask who’s calling?” Steve asked, not willing to concede his identity until he knew it wasn’t someone looking to sell him ‘Alpha Pills’ or something just as ridiculous.
“Of course! My name is Chrissy Cunningham, you sent in an application for being a full time nanny and tutor?” She responded with a cheerful voice. “I can’t <i>really</i> go much more in depth without an NDA being signed.”
Recognition zapped through Steve’s body and he sat up in his seat. “Oh! Yes, I’m Steve. Um. I’d be happy to sign an NDA, just may I ask why?”
“Yes, you may! My client is a big fan of privacy and only agreed to hire someone if they were under an NDA for the protection of their pup.” aaand all of Steve’s anxiety surrounding the NDA pretty much melted away. Sure, maybe it was a bit much to do, and sure, now he was dying with curiosity to know just <i>who</i> he had ended up applying to, but the knowledge that the NDA was for the protection of the pup soothed any anxiety Steve had originally felt about signing an NDA. In fact, it kind of made his omega perk up. He shook off the feeling, focusing on Chrissy.
“That’s actually really relieving to hear,” Steve said with a laugh. “When or where can I sign the NDA?” he questioned, wondering when Robin would be home so he could tell her.
“Well, first, you and I will do a preliminary interview, just like any other job interview. Then, if all goes well, I’ll send you an email containing the NDA for you to review and sign,” Chrissy explained clearly and cheerfully. “After you sign the NDA, my client will perform an in-person interview and then we’ll go from there.”
“That all seems pretty straight forward so far,” Steve replied, standing from where he had been lounging on the couch. He walked to the kitchen, where he and Robin had put up a magnetic whiteboard calendar to fill with each of their schedules and plans. He grabbed the blue marker, his color, and prepared to jot down when they’d have the interview.
“Perfect! Happy to hear it,” Chrissy said with an audible smile.
“When will the interview with you be?” Steve asked, biting his lip as he stared at the calendar, which had sparsely been marked with his blue marker, even since starting this job hunt. Robin’s plans were in red, and was much more abundant due to having three part time jobs.
“Well, as soon as possible, really. If you’re available now, we could take care of it right away.” the woman responded, sounding like she was walking into another room.
“Oh!” Steve exclaimed, recapping the marker and returning it to the pen holder. “Yes, of course. I’m available now.”
“Perfect!” Chrissy’s voice sounded from Steve’s phone as the omega walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. “So, starting off pretty easy here, what made you apply for this position?”
Steve thought back and grimaced at the reminder that it was Robin who had submitted his application to this particular job. He wasn’t about to admit that, though, and quickly found a more appropriate response.
“Well, I love taking care of pups, and I just got my teacher’s license a month ago,” Steve explained, which wasn’t a lie, so he figured it was probably as good of an answer as any. “I also saw that this job traveled, and my best friend thought that it’d be good for me.”
“Yes, that was going to be part of this conversation, too. So, you’re obviously alright with the traveling, then?” Chrissy asked and Steve heard what he thought could be pen scratching as she wrote notes. He swallowed thickly, suddenly anxious about what she was writing. He decided to ignore his anxiety, even as his scent soured around him with it.
“Oh, yes, traveling is more than okay,” Steve agreed immediately, “but it’s more important to me that I’ll be taking care of a pup, if I’m honest.”
This statement seemed to pique Chrissy’s attention, as the writing stopped for a moment. “Why is that?” she eventually asked.
Steve winced, wondering if he should be up front about it or not. If Robin were here, she would insist that he was honest. He decided on a half-truth.
“I’ve always wanted pups, and a lot of them,” Steve admitted, fidgeting with a loose piece of thread on the couch. He switched which arm was holding the phone, as he had started to get a little sore from holding it up for so long. “But I don’t have a partner, so I can’t really have my own right now. I discovered through babysitting for one of my neighbors that I have a knack for taking care of pups.”
The scratching noise was back as Chrissy listened to his responses. Steve was nervous he wasn’t doing well, but figured that it wasn’t going bad if she wasn’t suddenly calling the interview short.
“Your resume says that you’re good in high stress situations,” Chrissy said after a couple seconds of silence as she wrote down whatever notes she was taking. Steve briefly wondered if he should be doing the same thing. “I’m going to give you an example scenario, and you’re going to tell me how you’d respond.”
“Sounds simple enough,” Steve agreed, trying not to let his voice betray how anxious he was.
“For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say the pup’s name is Rosie,” she informed him before she continued to describe the scenario. “You’re taking Rosie to the park, when suddenly there is a crowd of people surrounding you and you lose sight of her. What do you do?”
Steve thought the scenario was odd, but not ‘out there’ enough to alarm him. He thought about his answer for a moment before replying.
“I would try to follow her scent, first, because that will usually lead me to any pup I’ve babysat. If that doesn’t work, I will call out for her. If the situation is bad enough, I would contact the authorities, and either you or Rosie’s father.” he paused for a second before continuing, trying to make sure he covered all of his bases. “But honestly? If Rosie is small enough, I would have rather carried her once I saw the crowd, or hold her hand, for the reason of lowering my chances of separation.”
Silence that’s only broken up by the scratching of pen against paper followed, and Steve was suddenly anxious that he answered incorrectly. He answered what he would do if it were his own pup, but what if that wasn’t right? What if he wasn’t cut out for this job?
“Alright, next scenario,” Chrissy said, moving swiftly onto the next one without commenting on his answer; Steve didn’t know if he preferred her not acknowledging it or if he would prefer to be told his answer was shitty up front. The next few scenarios were just as oddly specific, but Steve answered them exactly as he did the first one. He tried to not overthink his answers too much because between each one there would be a stretch of time that Chrissy used to presumably write his answers down.
“One last question and then we should be good to move forward.” Chrissy said a good twenty minutes of questions later. “When would you be available to start working?”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, surprised that he was seemingly, maybe being offered the job. “Um—immediately. I would need time to pack, but other than that, I’m free.”
“Wonderful,” Chrissy said cheerfully. “Alright, now it’s your turn. Do you have any questions for me?”
Steve hummed, trying to go through his usual list of questions he asked during interviews that hadn't already been answered and came up empty. “Not at the moment, but I’ll make sure to write any I think of down, if I do.”
“Perfect! So, I will consult with my client, and I have a few other applicants that are interested, but so far, you are my top pick, but I don’t make the decisions,” Chrissy laughed, as if Steve was in on the joke. He laughed with her, not knowing what else he should have done. So, maybe not a job offer, but it sounded promising anyway. “I will be in contact in a few days, three at most.”
“Sounds good, thank you so much for considering me, Chrissy,” he responded with a smile, hoping to leave one last good impression.
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“So how did you know?”
“Know what?”
“Y’know, how did you know.”
“Dingus, I’m gonna need you to spell it out for me here, the Russians did a number on how many of my braincells are actually working.”
“How did you know that you liked girls?”
Robin Buckley immediately pushed herself up so she was resting on her elbows, head tilted to catch Steve Harrington’s eyes in the low light of their hospital room.
They weren’t originally even going to go to the hospital, if Robin was being honest. They had just wanted to slip away back to their respective homes, but then Melissa and Richard Buckley caught wind that Robin was hurt. Then the both of them realized that Steve’s parents (if Robin has to use that term to describe them) had less than zero intention of sending anyone to pick up Steve.
Then EMS made the light suggestion of both of them probably needing to go to Hawkins General Hospital… and well, while Melissa and Richard did tend to lead toward more natural remedies… one couldn’t fix a concussion or a drugging with an unknown substance with essential oils and hope.
“Robbie? Did you OD over there?” Steve had himself up on his elbows, easily mimicking Robin. That’s the thing that makes the inside of Robin ache, that he’s so like her. She knows that she’s an only child, knows that, but sometimes Steve’ll just… do something and it makes her question it. Makes her wonder how she spent so long without him, without another brain and two legs and arms and so much hair. “Robbie?”
“No, I am still alive.” Robin slowly spoke, before she let out a soft sigh. “Why do you ask?”
“Like-” Steve huffed as he shook his head from side to side, before he used the one hand that was free from the pulse monitor and saline drip to card through his hair. It’s sleep ruffled, and if he uses product (Robin is sure he does), it’s for sure gone. Steve looks up though, and his eyes are so earnest that it causes something to hurt inside of Robin. “never mind just ignore- fuck - just ignore me.”
“I couldn’t ignore you if I tried, you idiot.” Robin let out a huff, and she winced as the PICC line in her arm shifted as tilted to be able to fully face Steve on her side. “But I just, dingus, this is out of left field for even you.”
“How so?”
“Did you even know that, that people like me even existed until a couple of hours ago?” Robin kept her voice soft, especially as Steve huffed out an indignant sounding sigh. Robin sighs though, and then she cards her own hand through her hair, and forges onward. “I think I’ve just… always known.”
“Yeah like-” Robin shrugged, a careful movement of her shoulders. “When I was like, eight? My uh, parents sent me to this camp thing- like summer camp kind of like what Dustin went to? But with, y’know, with the swimming and archery and dude I was fucking awful at it.” Steve let out a soft and watery laugh at Robin’s rambling, and that gave Robin enough power to continue. “But we uh, had these like songs we had to learn? And there was this uh, girl counselor there that had to teach me because you know, that was her job.”
“Yeah, and uh. She couldn’t have been older than I am now but man…” Robin let out a slow whistle, and allowed herself to fully melt into the hospital cot she’s laid up on. “All I could think was that I just wanted to be with her. Like not even kissing because I thought kissing was gross then, still do now kinda but anyway- I wanted to like, hold her hand and shit. Do the cheesy stuff I’d seen in the movies, y’know?”
Steve huffed out his own laugh, and he tilted his head to lean against his pillows instead of facing Robin. Robin watched though, quiet for once, as Steve swallowed once and then twice- before he cleared his throat.
“I knew it existed before you.”
“Girls liking girls.” Steve’s voice is barely above a whisper, even as Robin can hear him gulp in a lungful of air. “And boys liking boys.”
“You did?” Robin kept her voice quiet, gentle, as coaxing as she could- especially when she could see Steve’s throat bob. “Dingus?”
“I…” Steve doesn’t continue, and that’s enough.
Enough to Robin that she pushed herself up, and ignored the pain that ricocheted down her spine like needles. Ignored Steve’s hurried ‘what are-’, as she stumbled out of her hospital bed and right to Steve’s. She made sure to drag her IV pole and the monitor with her, situating it as best as she could next to Steve’s. Robin huffed quietly as the pain trickled down her spine, and she couldn’t help but smile as Steve curled his hand carefully around her wrist and tugged.
Robin got comfortable, let Steve fret over her as best as he could, his fingers only ever-so slightly trembling as he made sure that the line in her arm wasn’t kinked up. They were pressed close, side to side and hip to hip, and Robin tilted her head down until it was rested on Steve’s shoulder.
“Wanna keep going, Stevie?”
“I…” Steve huffed again, a small indignant noise that Robin mimicked.
They sat like that then, just the two of them for a moment, before Steve continued slowly.
“I’ve never, told anyone this- like I’ve told Tommy H. so much shit about me - but this is… Robin this is different.” Steve speaks in a hurried and stilted way, like he’s stringing together bits and pieces of sentences, and it shouldn’t work.
But it does because he’s Steve and she’s Robin.
And truthfully, Robin likes that. That they’re Steve and Robin. SteveandRobin. RobinandSteve. Likes that the two of them are so in tune that even her own mother didn’t want to separate them.
That had to mean something in the end, didn’t it?
“Tell me, whatever… whenever.” Robin murmured as she turned her head so she could press a soft kiss to Steve’s shoulder. The hospital gown is thin enough she can feel the heat of his skin from up under it, and that’s grounding. Grounding even as Steve drew in a shaky breath, audibly swallowing again. “Whenever you’re ready, I’m here.”
“I didn’t uh, notice Tammy in Ms. Click’s class or uh, you for a reason.” Steve slowly spoke, eyes wet, and Robin can hear his sniffle as he tried to reign his emotions back. “Ms. Click made him sit uh, right by her desk at the front of the room.”
And oh.
If that doesn’t immediately settle something that just usually writhes around in Robin’s chest.
“Him?” Robin is gentle, gentler than she thinks she’s ever been.
“Uh, yeah… Eddie Munson?” Steve huffed out an almost dry laugh, the only thing that he does that ever remotely reminds her of his time as his high school “King Steve” persona. “He uh, got this bat tattoo right before that year’s Thanksgiving break and all I could do was just… gawk at him.”
“And then what?” Robin knew she was pushing, searching for information, but she can’t help it. Not when Steve is right next to her, hip to hip and thigh to thigh. Not when he’s like her. In all the ways that matter.
“I went home and screamed into my pillow.”
Robin immediately smacked Steve’s thigh with the knuckles of her left hand- grinning in triumph when Steve let out a squawk of laughter.
“Eddie Munson?”
“What about him?”
“He’s… he’s a total dud!”
“No he’s not!”
“He stepped in my mashed potatoes once! That is totally total dud material!”
“No way!”
“He wants to be like, like a metal singer!”
“He has a band! Dreams!”
“Do you even know if he can hold a tune?”
“Well, no-”
“Total. Dud.”
Robin grinned wide as Steve launched into a very quick defense about Eddie, and she decides then and there that Steve and her? They’ll be just fine.
Especially if she can get Eddie to come into Steve and her’s orbit just a bit, to see if the crush is still there.
Because while Robin may not have all of the gay knowledge in the world, there is one thing for a complete certainty that she knows.
The black hanky that Eddie kept in his pocket?
Robin chuffed to herself, before she tilted so she could lay on her side- nose tucked into the place where Steve’s neck and shoulder met.
Right before she falls asleep though, Robin does a very important thing on a mental whiteboard.
You Rule: 1
You Suck: 0
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hope you all enjoyed! truthfully think this is one of my favorite things i have written. love platonic stobin. <3
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jazzyoranges · 8 days
Sam carpenter x reader with the song birds of a feather by Billie eilish maybe friends to lovers
Birds of a Feather
Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: you and Sam are best friends. until you aren’t
Words: 8k
A/n: ok we kinda went off script with this one but i’d describe this as friends to lovers with a few bumps. is friends to not friends to lovers a trope?
A/n 2: i have something to confess. i’ve never seen scream 5. that might be very evident in this
Warnings: intoxication, usage of drugs, Richie Kirsch, Sam deals with some hard shit, crying, ghostface aftermath, not a warning but Tara is a cutie, mention of a dead parent, maybe ooc sam cause i’ve never written for her and probably should’ve made a less lengthy fic so i could get a feel for her character but wtv 🤷‍♀️
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“Hey- What the heck! What was that for, Sam!?” The young boy yells when Sam pushes him off the swing
“You jerk broke my friend’s crayons. She really liked them!” Sam points a finger at the boy, who’s now dusting himself off
“Yeah? What’re you going to do about it?” He smiles a wicked grin. At least, what would be considered wicked in kindergarten
“I’ll never let you on the swings again!”
“I don’t see your name written on it!”
“That’s cause you’re stupid and can’t read!”
Tears well up in the young boys eyes. He blinks them away, running to tell on the teacher him and Sam share. Sam didn’t care, he deserved the insults anyways
“Sammy? What did you do to Carlos?” You run up to Sam, who’s glaring at the back of Carlos’ head from her seat on the swing
“I pushed him. He broke the crayons your dad gave you!” The Carpenter pulls you into a hug, not wanting to let go
“I know he did Sammy, but it’s not nice to push people” You reciprocate the hug, pulling back a bit to see Sam’s face and how her forehead was wrinkled with her eyebrows furrowed. You thought she was cute like one of your stuffed animals
“It’s not nice to break something that doesn’t belong to you! I did it because he was mean to you”
“You’re going to get in trouble! Mrs. Poppy doesn’t know you were trying to protect me”
“Then I’ll tell her, and Carlos will get in trouble too”
“Samantha Carpenter.” Your teacher’s voice was stern. Nothing like the sweet teacher you were used to. You backed away from Sam’s hug but you don’t go far. You hold her tiny hand with your own and make sure to stay close, rubbing her hand in hopes of comfort
“Is it true you pushed Carlos off the swings and said some mean things?”
“Yeah, but he was being mean to (Y/n) first! He broke her new crayons her dad got her! Mrs. Poppy, (Y/n) was really sad” Your dad couldn’t get you many new things due to being a single father. Especially new school supplies. Usually you’d reuse the crayons you didn’t lose or break from previous years or borrow some of Sam’s
On most days you took the bus home with Sam while your dad was off working his ass off to get you dinner every night. Your dad and Sam’s dad were good friends so Mr and Mrs. Carpenter didn’t mind taking care of you until your dad was able to pick you up from their house. Luckily you two lived in the same neighborhood. Some days you thought all of the stars aligned for you and Sam to be friends
“Is this true?” Your teacher shoots a look at the boy next to her. While your teacher was the nicest woman you ever met, she had a deadly glare. You were happy you weren’t on the receiving end of that stare
“Carlos if I find out you’re lying, you’re going to be sharing the same punishment as Sam.” Mrs. Poppy seems to calm down a bit, entering her nice teacher mode once again
“F-Fine! I did break her crayons” Carlos pouts, crossing his arms
“Thank you for telling the truth, but what you did was wrong. You also did something wrong, Sam. Instead of pushing Carlos off the swing, you could’ve told me and I would have taken care of it” Your teacher bends down to look at the two kids in the eyes
“Sorry, Mrs. Poppy” Sam and Carlos say in unison
“Thank you, you two. I know you two are good kids and know what’s right”
Your teacher leaves with Carlos next to her and you can hear her faintly ask why the boy broke your crayons in the first place
“I like having you as a friend, Sammy” You hug the girl, who’s long since stopped swinging
“I like having you as a friend too, (Y/n)!” Sam beams. Her smile was one of your favorite things ever
“Can we play house?”
“Yeah! I’ll bring my bear next time so she can be our baby!”
“I can’t believe you can name your sister!” You were over at Sam’s house a few months after her baby sister was born. You didn’t know what to call Sam’s little sister considering… she didn’t really have a name. It was up to Sam to pick a name but of course she was a Carpenter, wanting the best name for her sister. As a result, her baby sister had no name
Until today, that is. Sam was finally making a decision today
“I don’t know what her name is going to be yet” Sam reaches out a finger to her baby sister who happily grabs onto it with curiosity
“She likes you a lot, huh?”
“She knows I’m her sister”
“Maybe I could help you come up with a name! What’s your favorite letter?”
“I like the first letter of your name but I don’t want it to be that! I need to think of something different”
“I know you’ll think of a wonderful name, darling.” Sam’s mom strokes her on the head as she rocks the small baby in her arms
“Do you have another favorite letter?” You ask
“Uh… I like T?”
“What about Triceratops!” You giggle
“Her name can’t be Triceratops, silly!” Sam smiles
“(Y/n), those aren’t names” The now older Carpenter giggles along with you
“What about Taylor? Oh! There’s a girl in our class named Thalia?”
“I want it to be different, though! I like those names but Tara needs to be special.” Sam’s eyes go wide in surprise. Maybe her brain just knew her baby sister was supposed to be named Tara
“Tara?” You repeat. “That’s a pretty name! Hi little Tara!” You wave at the baby in her mom’s arms
“Is this official? Is Tara your choice, Sam?”
“Yeah! Tara is a nice name. She looks like her name would be Tara”
“She does, doesn’t she? Such a pretty name you chose, Sam. Honey, come here! We have our daughter’s name!” Mrs. Carpenter yells for her husband
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Sam smile so wide before
“Hey, Sam?”
“What’s up?”
“Aren’t you scared of middle school?“
“No, why would I be? Middle school should be scared of me” That was your Sam alright. The most fearless person you knew. As far as you knew, she was scared of absolutely nothing. Not even the dark. Which is why you were reluctant to stay outside on your trampoline after sunset. Which is also why you were curled next to Sam as she pointed out all the different stars
“What if we stop being friends?”
“Don’t be stupid, (Y/n)” The Carpenter pinches your cheek and you yelp while giggling, shoving her hand away
“If we stop being friends, which we won’t, I promise I’ll let you have all of my stuffed animals”
“Woah, really?”
“Yes, really
“Every single one of them?”
“Yes, every single one of them” Sam rolls her eyes
“Even Ghostie?” Ghostie was the panda stuffed animal you got Sam for her eighth birthday. Technically your dad bought it for her but you picked it out
“What! You’re not supposed to take a gift back, I like Ghostie”
“Well, you can give me all of your stuffed animals and I’ll just give Ghostie back to you”
“That makes no sense, why wouldn’t you just let me keep it?”
“Cause then you wouldn’t have given me all of your stuffed animals and kept your promise”
“You’re weird, (Y/n)”
“Hey, so are you! That’s why we’re friends”
“Yeah, I guess so” Sam giggles
The sliding door to your house opens and both you and Sam turn to look who’s there. It’s your dad
“Hey, girls! Sam, your parents are leaving now. Best you go with them, eh?”
“Okay! Thank you, Mr. (Y/l/n)” The Carpenter waves to your dad
“Wait, let me go with you inside! It’s scary out here”
“Sam! What if we get caught out here?” Your words held concern but you couldn’t stop laughing as Sam dragged you under the bleachers
“Shhh! They’re gonna catch us!” The Carpenter put a hand over your mouth and put one over hers so she’d also stop laughing when both of you sat down on the underside of the bleachers where the grass was
Both you and Sam were currently in seventh grade but there was an eighth grade couple that was constantly terrorizing the younger kids. Sam being Sam, she wanted to end their reign.
How did she want to end their reign? By breaking the two up. Sam slipped a note in both of their lockers about meeting to break up during one of their classes, causing both of them to skip. Your job was to lead a teacher to their meetup and if everything went right, then they would be successfully broken up and in detention.
Both of you hear footsteps and see the couple at the meetup spot. The teacher wasn’t far away, all you had to do was rile him up a little and run away. Did you feel a little bad? Maybe. But in your defense the couple was always making out in the hallways and made everyone passing by uncomfortable. For gods sake, it was middle school! Not high school
You and Sam were far enough away you couldn’t hear them but their body language was enough for the both of you to understand. Your plan was going perfectly. You and Sam were more the vigilante type, not the heroes or the villains
The couple exchanged pointed looks and flailing arms, hopefully arguing about the note. You and Sam wrote… not the nicest things in there
The teacher eventually arrives out of breath but the couple is too busy yelling each other to notice how he’s standing over them. He looks to clear his throat and to their horror, they stop fighting. Success!
“Yes! We did it!” Sam says a little too loudly from the position you two were in. Their heads turn in your direction and you know you’re caught when the teacher stars walking towards you two
“Hey! What’re you two doing there under the bleachers?” His ragged voice yells
“Sam? What’s wrong?” You run to the Carpenter, who’s outside under a tree eating her lunch. Usually she’d wait for you but today seemed different
“Get away from me, (Y/n).”
“Sam, don’t be like that. You know me, you can tell me what’s wrong.” You and Sam didn’t share too many classes in eighth grade. Even then, your friendship still didn’t seem to falter. You’d still hang out after school and help each other study. Sam lashing out at you was never really a problem you two had
“No! You don’t know anything.” Sam shoves you away when you try to put your hand on her shoulder. “You’re useless.”
“Sam, you don’t mean that. Please just tell me what’s wrong?”
“You wouldn’t understand. You don’t understand anything.”
“Yes I do! We always talk to each other, Sammy. Even if I’m not going to understand, I can still listen”
“Don’t say that stupid name.”
“I thought you liked Sammy?”
“See, that’s the thing with you! You’re always so stuck in the past. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”
“You’re not being very nice right now”
“Yeah? Well you can deal with it.” The last thing you expect Sam to do is push you onto the ground into a patch of dirt.
“We’re done. I’m not your friend anymore.”
“Sam- we can talk about this” Tears pool in your eyes. You try to get up but all that happens is a crawl
“We can’t. You’re weak and pathetic and can’t do anything without me.”
Sam doesn’t look back when you say her name through tears. Sam doesn’t look back when she hears a few laughs and whispers directed at you. Sam doesn’t look back.
“Heyyyyy (Y/n)!” Sam’s voice slurs over the phone. It was almost one in the morning, what the hell was this girl doing? Not to mention this is the first time she’s even talked to you since middle school. And yet, you still answered without hesitation. Damn you really needed to grow a backbone
“Sam? What’s going on?”
“Nothingggggg whut’re y’doin?”
“I was trying to go to sleep then you called me. Where are you?”
“Why’d y’wanna know? You’re not my momma!”
“Are you drunk? Sam, you’re underage!”
“No fun… I’m wif my friends! We at a partayyy!”
“Whose house are you at?” Grabbing your keys, you race to the door. Your dad was asleep and you only had your learners permit but you couldn’t just hang up on your Sam like that.
“Uh… Tristan? He’s in our uh… what class is he in?”
“Math. Tristan from math, got it” You knew where he lived. You tutored the guy as requested by his parents but he paid you more money to stop coming to his house than his parents did for your tutoring business. How could you say no to free money?
Thankfully he wasn’t far. Thank god for that, you weren’t one to drive at night
You go faster than you hope but luckily you don’t get pulled over. You really didn’t want to go to overnight jail and face your dad the next morning but surely he would understand the circumstances you were in. He knew you, he knew Sam, he knew the devotion.
At least that’s what you told yourself on the way to Tristan’s house
You could hear the house blasting bad music from about four blocks away. It was a wonder how the police hadn’t shown up yet. Unless he paid off them too. You wouldn’t put it past the guy
Were you invited? No. But in all the movies you’ve watched - said movies being Mean Girls - random people just showed up and nobody cared enough to kick them out. So you walked up to the door like you were invited and instantly started looking for Sam
The music was so loud you could feel it in your lungs and couldn’t hear your thoughts. You couldn’t imagine this was the scene Sam was willing to put herself in but then again you hadn’t talked to her in years. Maybe under all those layers she was a party animal at heart
You internally laugh at the thought. Like hell Sam’s actually a party animal
After a bit you find Sam snorting some drug that probably shared the name with a sexually transmitted disease. Grabbing the sleeve of her shirt, you drag her out of the house while her friends groan and call you a party pooper.
“Hey! Wh- what’s wrong wif you!?”
“We’re going home, Sam. I’m taking you home”
“No! T-Tara can’t see me. Wanna go somewhere else…” Sam struggles against your grip. She’s always been stronger than you but in her intoxicated state you could probably carry her like a sack of potatoes if you tried hard enough
“Fine, I’ll take you to my house. You can spend the night”
“Noooo, wanna party…”
“We’re going home, Sam.”
In all of your years of friendship with Sam, she’s never seen you so stern before. The Carpenter keeps her mouth shut for the rest of the car ride.
After lots of trial and error, you eventually get Sam out of your car and into your bedroom with much difficulty. Thankfully your dad was the heaviest sleeper you knew. You search for a shirt and shorts that fit Sam, ignoring her protests of not wanting to sleep
Against your better judgment, you now have your intoxicated ex-best friend in your bed as her sobriety was nowhere to be found
“Why did you call me, Sam? Even in your state I know you couldn’t do that on accident”
“Ugh, friends made me. Wan’ me t’call my first crush”
“What?” You’re taken aback. Did you hear her correctly?
“Tired… m’sleepy”
You sigh, bringing your hand to Sam’s face to stroke her cheek. Your heart breaks when the older Carpenter leans into your hand like a touch starved cat. You wished things would go back to normal but Sam was stubborn. She wouldn’t let you in no matter how many times you tried.
“Go to sleep, Sam. I hope I’ll see you in the morning” You’re only met with small snores
You wanted to hate Sam. You wanted to hate Sam with all your heart for pushing you away and not even looking at her sister anymore
You wanted to hate Samantha Carpenter so badly but you couldn’t
It’s nine thirty in the morning when you hear a knock at your door. It was a Saturday. Who the hell was up this early? Rubbing the sleep from your eyes and attempting to smooth out your hair with your hands, you begrudgingly walk downstairs to the door. Your dad was at work already and usually you weren’t up at this hour
Looking through the peephole, you don’t expect to see Tara Carpenter in tears at your door.
“Hey what happened, sweetheart?” You bend down to meet Tara’s eyes. They were red and puffy, evidently showing she was crying a lot. And a lot before she got to you
“S-Sam, she-“ Your heart broke when Tara couldn’t let out even a few words without hiccuping and sniffling
“You can tell me later, darling. How about we drink some juice and you can tell me what’s happening, yeah?”
“No! S-Sam’s…” There seemed to be a never ending amount of tears flowing. “She’s gone, (Y/n). She’s gone and she’s gone for good.” Tara runs into your arms, staining your shirt with her tears.
“What do you mean, baby?”
“M-Mom said Sam left a-and isn’t coming back…” Your heart breaks when Tara’s breathing gets quicker and isn’t able to catch her breath
You pick up the younger Carpenter, taking her to your couch. Tara’s on your lap and you’re holding her just like her mom probably did when she was born. It was something your dad always did, even when you got older. Sometimes people just needed to be babied no matter how old they were.
So you start rocking Tara. She’s holding onto you like you’re the only thing keeping her alive and you move her ear to your heart. Placing her head under your chin, you hum a tune that was familiar to you. A lullaby your mom always sung to you before she died
You kiss Tara’s forehead with tears in your eyes. You saw how Sam changed and you couldn’t help her. You knew this day was going to come and you couldn’t stop it. But how could you?
When Sam looked at you with such hatred and anger, you’d wonder if she was still the same Sam that pushed Carlos because he broke your new crayons. When you saw her high out of her mind with people that didn’t care about her, you’d wonder if she was the same Sam that watched the stars with you on your trampoline. When you looked at Sam all you could see was what you two were. Was your Sam even still in there there?
You felt disgusted with yourself. You could’ve done something and yet you did nothing.
You’d never see best friend again and Tara would only remember her sister as hateful and unloving. Memories of Sam would go sour until you only had Tara and Tara only had you as a reminder of who Sam used to be.
When the younger Carpenter sees you also crying, she somehow manages to hug you tighter than she already has. What a lovely girl Tara was.
“A-Are you okay, (Y/n)?” The brunette says in a small voice
“Can I be honest with you, Tara?” You earn a nod from the small girl
“No. I’m not okay. But you know what? I’ve got you and you got me. Thank you for telling me.”
“Mom says she isn’t coming back. Sam didn’t talk to me a lot but I miss her.”
“You’ve got such a big heart, Tara. Did you know that? Please don’t ever lose it for me.”
“Will Sam come back?”
Your breath hitches and for a second you’re left without words in your throat and without knowledge about the future.
“Yes… she’ll come back. Sam just doesn’t know it yet.”
Tara’s mom comes storming in a second later with an out of breath angry expression that slowly softens when she sees how her daughter is nestled in your arms
“Tara, you can’t just run away like that. You made me so scared, you know I can’t run as fast as you” Her mom presses a kiss to her forehead
“I had to tell (Y/n), Mom! She’s Sam’s best friend and she deserved to know”
Her mom brought a hand to Tara’s face to wipe a few stray tears. With her other, she placed on your shoulder with a small nod. Sam was gone. She was gone for good.
Sam spends her first night away from home in her car in a neighborhood she didn’t recognize. The first night Sam leaves, she holds Ghostie in her arms and hopes it’s enough to keep her safe.
“You’re hiding something”
“What?” You and Tara always hung out ever since Sam left. Her mom hasn’t been the same since her husband walked out. You offered to be one of Tara’s caretakers to help her mom with the load of being a single mother without Sam or her husband’s support
Your dad wasn’t home very often but every now and again he’d give you random tips on how to raise a teenager. At least, tips he used when he raised you. At first he was skeptical of you taking on the role of caretaker at such a young age but when you employed Tara to use her puppy eyes, it was a losing battle for him.
So Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Tara was all yours. You’ve been doing this since you turned eighteen and could confidently drive without being nervous at all. Also mostly because you couldn’t be her guardian in the eyes of the law under eighteen
There was a void in Tara’s heart and while you couldn’t fully replace her sister, the least you could do was be there. Which is how you knew something was up when she started picking at one of the things she loved so dearly. Your cooking.
“I know you’re hiding something, squirt”
“You’re crazy, I’m not hiding anything” Tara scoffs
“Hey, I’m not decades older than you. I know when you’re lying” You hated pulling the ‘I used to be your age’ card but now you’re realizing how effective it is when you’re only six or seven years older than Tara
Tara throws her head back, groaning in what seems to be frustration and covering her face. You can’t hold back your snicker. The younger Carpenter was always one for theatrics
“You don’t have to tell me but I could really help you, you know? With how super knowledgeable I am, as you know”
“Knowledgeable my ass, you didn’t know your microwave had a popcorn button until I told you”
“In my defense, I heard you’re not even supposed to use the popcorn button for popcorn”
“Then why is it called a popcorn button?”
“I dunno. Maybe the same reason why Greenland is called Greenland”
“Deception. The guy who found Greenland named it that cause he wanted more people to come over. I bet he was lonely”
“Why do you know that?” Tara says in between laughs
“No clue, but we’re getting off topic!” You smile. “The point is, you shouldn’t feel like you have to keep secrets from me.” You reach over to pinch Tara’s cheek and she tries to swat your hand away, ultimately failing. “Well, big secrets. If you cheated on a test or something I don’t care that much”
“Thanks, (Y/n)”
“No problemo, squirt”
So now you were back to silently eating dinner except for your TV playing some sitcom Tara liked. You could handle the quietness. Even if Tara didn’t want to tell you, at least she knew you were there to listen. That’s all that mattered
“(Y/n), I think I like a girl.”
“What was Sam like?” Tara says out of the blue. “I was thirteen when she left but she didn’t really talk to me. What was she like… before that?”
It was another weekend night that consisted of spending time with Tara. The question catches you off guard
“I don’t think you’d believe me, squirt”
“Well I wanna know anyways. Even if i believe it or not”
“Did you know Sam named you?”
“She did?”
“Yeah, Sam named you Tara. You were unnamed for a while before she came up with anything.”
“Mom said she was mean. Is that true?”
“I mean yeah, but not entirely. When you’re friends with Sam, she’d be the nicest person you’ve ever met. Hell, she’d probably kill for anyone she loved. But when someone messed with a person she loved, nothing could stop her from making her loved one feel better”
“I wish I could’ve experienced it.”
“Trust me, you did. You just don’t remember it. One time when you were little, a kid that was around Sam’s age at time pushed you into the mud at the playground and Sam was furious” You laugh
“You cried and Sam could hear you from where we were playing soccer. She found him and kicked his ass so hard he crawled back to his mommy so we took you and booked it out of there”
“She did that?” Tara covers her mouth laughing, failing to cover it up
“I remember it like it was yesterday, squirt. Sam gave you a piggy back ride and you were giggling the entire time we ran home.”
“Fuck, Tara! Shit, I came as fast as I could. Are you okay? Oh my god, of course you’re not okay.” You barged into Tara’s hospital room without any concern of who else was in there. You took her face in your hands and scanned for anything wrong until you brought her into a bone crushing hug. “Sorry, stupid question. Holy shit I’m so happy you’re alive, squirt. I am never letting you out of my sight again. Okay maybe in the future I will, but the future is not now! Right now I’m never leaving you again.”
“You’re such a fighter, you know that? Holy shit you must’ve been so scared. Tara you’re the strongest person I know, did you know that?” There are tears in your eyes threatening to spill. You don’t even notice there are other people in the room.
“Deep breaths, (Y/n). I’m okay. Look, I’m right here” Tara takes one of your hands and puts it against her heart. Your eyes can’t hold in your tears any longer. When you cried, you rambled. Tara was ready for the storm.
“Fuck you’re such a sweet girl, Tara. Even when you’re lying in a hospital bed you care about me. I don’t know what monster would do this to you! He obviously doesn’t know what a blessing to this world you are. Please promise you’ll never let anyone stop you from being the beautiful sweet girl you are.”
There it was.
You felt a hand rub your back and your arm. You assumed it was Tara. Until you heard a hum that wasn’t Tara’s. Until you realized this person had rough hands. And oddly smelt like…
“Sam?” Your head whips around
“Hey, (Y/n). I… I missed you.”
“Sam?” You let go for a second and bring your hand to her face. Not in a cute or romantic holding-her-cheek-way, no, you pinch at her cheeks and nose with a questioning look. You poke at Sam’s forehead and nose, still probably in disbelief. Yeah, you were still her (Y/n).
“Please don’t tell me both of you are dead and I’m actually in a psych ward and this is all a dream” You whisper and you can hear Tara laugh behind you
“No, this is all very real.” Sam smiles, taking your hand off her face and gently putting it back by your side. Your eyes go wide and you whip around to look back at the younger Carpenter
“Tara, can I take my attention off you for a second? Will you be okay?” You whisper, knowing damn well Sam could hear you
“Yeah I’ll be okay, (Y/n). Go hug Sam.”
You press a kiss against Tara’s hairline and immediately after, launch into Sam’s arms. Tara could feel it again, you were going to start crying and rambling.
“Sam, I can’t believe you’re here! Well of course you’re here. I always knew you’d come back! I knew you wanted to come back. I don’t know why you left, but I hope you achieved your goal and came back because you missed us. Also I’m really mad at you but for the sake of time we can discuss that at a later time.”
There it was.
“You two are close, huh?” You don’t notice there’s a man with curly hair in the room and you raise an eyebrow at Sam
“Yeah, very close” You say
“Sorry, I should introduce you two. (Y/n), this is my boyfriend Richie. Richie, this is (Y/n). My…” Fuck. Sam couldn’t just say you were her best friend after all these years. After she made your life shit, was she even allowed to call you her friend? What if-
“Best friend. Happy to meet you, Richie”
“Likewise” He smiles. There’s a pang of a certain emotion in your chest you can’t quite place
“Well, I’ll be going now. Feel better soon, Tara” Richie waves at the younger Carpenter and gives Sam a kiss before he leaves Tara’s hospital room
“Do you know if my friends are visiting soon?” Tara asks you. Sam doesn’t know how to feel when she sees Tara treating you more like a sister than her. She knew it was wrong. Sam had no right to be treated like a sister after she just up and left all those years ago
“Amber told me she was getting some of your things from her house. The twins are coming over right now, okay? I think you’ll feel better when you see them”
Sam felt like an alien watching you and Tara talk. Watching you two was like watching everything she’s missed. Sam missed almost all of Tara’s high school experience. Arguably one of the most important times to have an older sister. She shouldn’t have been jealous. She wasn’t allowed to be jealous after all she did to you and Tara
“How’re you feeling right now? Anything I need to tell the doctors?”
“No, I’m feeling okay”
“Hey, can I talk to you outside, (Y/n)?” Sam says almost above a whisper
“Yeah, of course.” You turn to face Tara as you walk out her room. “See you in a second, squirt. Don’t run away” The brunette rolls her eyes at your words
“Guess I owe you all my stuffed animals, huh?”
“You still remember that?” You raise an eyebrow at the girl
“I do. I owe you an explanation, don’t I?”
“An explanation would be appreciated” You weren’t mad at Sam per se, just very very very disappointed. Mostly at yourself for letting her leave
“You remember when I yelled at you that day in middle school? I said I didn’t want to talk to you or be your friend anymore? It’s not an excuse, but I have an explanation.”
You nod along to Sam’s story, listening close
“The night before I yelled at you, I found out my dad wasn’t really my dad. I was going through my mom’s diaries I found in the attic and it was the worst thing I’ve ever done. I.. I found out I was-“ Sam doesn’t realize she’s crying until she chokes on her words and your expression falters. Sam remembers you were always good at comforting people
She’d always get bruises and scrapes when she was younger but you were always there to make her feel better. Fuck, she can’t remember why she would ever leave you. You were the perfect best friend. Always an inviting smile and open arms that were ready for hugs. The only one that stuck with Sam through whatever happened.
Sam was at her lowest of lows when you picked her up that night during the party. She remembers wondering why she’d put you so much pain and worry. She smoothed out the wrinkles on your forehead while you were asleep and felt guilty she was probably the cause of them. That night when you picked up Sam from that party and you had your arms wrapped around her, Sam asked herself why she would ever push you away. She loved everything about you. She loved you.
In her drunken state she remembers wanting to fade away into your memory. At least then you’d remember the Sam that played tag with you and not the one that snorted or drank away her pain. It was the same night she decided to leave everything behind. She decided to leave you behind
But Sam was selfish. She wanted you to tell her not to go. To come back into your arms and for you to tell her everything would be okay. That it didn’t matter she was the bastard child of a serial killer. It wasn’t her fault her dad left. Reassuring her you and Tara would love Sam the same. In a perfect world Sam would’ve still been Tara’s sister and you would’ve been her-
“Hey, look at me. You don’t have to tell me. If this is hurting you so much then I understand why you wanted to run away. What matters is that you came back. You’re strong for that” You pull Sam into your arms, letting her cry into the side of your neck.
Sam didn’t have the heart or the voice to tell you it wasn’t the story making her cry. She feared her voice would fail her and drive you away again. Sam would tell you why she left later
But right now, Sam was happy to be able to bask in your arms once again.
“Hey, (Y/n)?”
“Mhm?” You and Sam were back at your house getting some things Tara wanted
She requested the teddy bear Amber got her for her birthday, a blanket from her bed, and something better than hospital food. You decided to whip up something quick and simple you knew Tara liked. Frozen orange chicken from the store and fried rice
“I think I can tell you about why I left now.”
“Are you sure? I’m not gonna force you to tell me if it hurts so much to say, Sam”
“No, you of all people deserve to know. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m the same person that said all those horrible things to you and just never talked to you again without explanation.”
“Hey, don’t worry about all that. It’s in the past now and I know you’ve changed. I forgive you-“
“No, (Y/n). You can’t forgive me. You can’t make excuses for me and talk to me like we’re best friends again when I ignored you because I was mad at myself and- and-“ Sam chokes on her words and can’t hide it when you glance at her.
“Oh, Sam…”
“No, you can’t forgive me yet. I betrayed your trust. You can’t forgive me.”
“Sam, I accepted your apology when I saw you in Tara’s hospital room. Whatever you were going to say, I already knew I’d forgive you all the same.”
“Stop saying that, (Y/n). You don’t always have to be nice, you can be mad too.”
“But it’s true, Sam. If I’m mad at someone, I’m mad at myself for not fighting for you harder”
“How can you still look at me even when I left you. Years of friendship, all down the drain because I couldn’t handle being the bastard child of a serial killer that broke her family apart.” You turn off the heat to your stove, walking over to where Sam was curled into herself and sitting near the bottom of the staircase
Taking a seat next to her, you drape your arm around her shoulders and attempt to get her to rest her head on your shoulder. Sam doesn’t let you and fights back.
“Samantha Carpenter, you have been gone for five years. One-thousand eight hundred and twenty-five days, not including leap day. You aren’t allowed to push me away again. If you really want to say sorry, you can start by letting me in.” You take on a faux-mad tone and it seems to work
Slowly, the older Carpenter leans into your shoulder with a sigh. She makes herself comfortable and looks at you through her eyelids. It was weird. Five years out of Woodsboro and four years away from you, yet you still opened up your arms like nothings changed. It was odd. You were odd.
“What’re you thinking about?” You’ve always had a knack for reading Sam’s mind. Whenever she got quiet and her heart looked like it slowed, she was probably thinking
“What about me?”
“How I don’t get you”
“What don’t you get about me?”
“I haven’t talked to you in nine years, I show up unannounced, and you’re still acting like we’re best friends even after all this time. I can’t tell if you’re the nicest or weirdest person ever.”
“Can’t I be both?” You smile, trying to lighten the mood. You realize it doesn’t work when Sam shies away from your gaze
“Well, I can be honest. I think it’s because I’m selfish.” That makes Sam look at you again so you decide to keep going
“Of course I’m… disappointed you broke up our friendship and you left without telling me and left your sister and I to believe you were never coming back,” The older Carpenter winces at your words but you don’t let her stop looking at you. Even as you avoid eye contact and place your gaze somewhere else.
“But there’s a part of me that wants everything to go back to normal. I know we’re going to have to talk about it. About us and about why, but right now I think what we need to do is be there for Tara. She’s in the hospital after being attacked by a serial killer and the last thing she needs is her older sister and her best friend fighting. We can do all the yelling and crying and screaming later.”
Taking a breath in, you look back at Sam who’s already looking at you. I’m makes your heart flutter in a way you don’t understand.
“And maybe that’s my excuse. Maybe I never want to cry or yell or scream at you. Maybe I’m putting off the inevitable because I don’t want you to leave again. Maybe Tara is my excuse for not being mad at you. Maybe I’m holding out hope for someone that doesn’t exist anymore. We’re different people than when we were in middle school. I don’t want to cling to a person that doesn’t exist anymore yet here I am, clinging to someone that doesn’t exist like she’s my lifeline. But in all honesty, I don’t think I could stay mad at you for too long. Even if I tried.”
“Yeah.” There’s a silence that passes between you two. You can’t tell if it’s awkward or comfortable silence. You hope it’s the latter
“Do you get me a little more?”
“Well, not entirely. But I think it’s a step.”
“Yeah. Steps are good, aren’t they? Keep you healthy.” Sam smiles at your stupid joke.
You don’t miss how Sam still reminds you of looking like one of your old stuffed animals.
“What was Tara like?”
“What do you mean?” The question catches you off guard. The Carpenter sisters seemed to have that in common
“I missed a lot of her life. What was she like?”
“I don’t think she’s changed a lot. Tara is a sweet girl, she’s got a good head on her shoulders and a good heart in her body.”
“But that’s probably not what you’re asking. Tara was… distraught when you left.” You pick your words carefully. “She ran away from her mom just to tell me you left. She said I deserved to know since I was your best friend. It took a while for her to want to let go of me me. It’s when I knew I just couldn’t let her stay like that forever”
You shakily sigh before continuing. You’d have to acknowledge the elephant in the room eventually and you decided it was going to be now. “I know I’m not her real sister. I hope you’ll forgive me for taking a role that was supposed to-“
“Are you kidding?” Sam quickly cuts you off when she registers what you’re saying. “If anything, I’m happy it was you.” The Carpenter lifts her head up from your shoulder to look at you. To really look at you. “I know she has a good person to look up to. I’m happy you two are close.”
You’re about to respond when your ringtone goes off. The same ringtone you had in high school. Some Evanescence song you remember religiously listening to in school blasts from your phone. Usually it was Tara who found it embarrassing when you had to answer it in public but this time it was you with the reddened cheeks. Scrambling to find your phone in your pocket, you pull it out to see it’s Tara calling you
“Hey squirt. What’s up?”
“Are you guys going to hurry up anytime soon? I’m starving”
“Yeah we’re leaving just now don’t worry about it”
“Okay but my stomach is currently eating itself”
“You’ll live. I’ll see you soon, yeah? Don’t go running anywhere”
“At least I don’t run jokes into the ground until they’re dead… pun not intended”
“Hah! Proof you’re taking after me whether you like it or not”
“Whatever, I’ll see you soon. Run red lights if you have to”
“You got it, boss. See you soon” You pocket your phone, getting up from where you’re sitting. Offering Sam your hand, she takes it and you help her up too
“C’mon, our little girl’s hungry. That’s something you should know, she’s got an appetite the size of an elephant and a metabolism as fast as a cheetah” You smile, putting Tara’s food in a lunchbox you had in a random cabinet somewhere
Sam doesn’t trust her voice to do anything but break so she laughs at your comment and you both leave your house
Sam thinks our little girl has a good ring to it.
“Oh my god. Tara? Sam?” You narrowly avoided the police yelling at you to get away and the caution tape that prevented you from coming any closer. What used to be a house that held fond memories had been replaced with one that only caused you worry. You couldn’t lose both Tara and Sam. You couldn’t lose your favorite girls.
Sam texted you to come over to Amber’s house. That it was a Ghostface emergency and the speed in which you jumped in your car rivaled The Flash himself
“(Y/n)!” Sam’s voice. You run to the sound, dodging and weaving through the paramedics and police officers telling you to leave
Sam finds you with bags under your eyes and your hair a mess. It looked like you were in your sleepwear. Even though you were just in a band tee and plaid pajama pants, Sam feels the need to wipe the blood off her face and clothes to look a little presentable. You always had that effect for some reason
“Sam.” You breathe a sigh of relief, running into her arms. Your choked sobs reach her ears and it’s the saddest sound she’s ever heard. Sam squeezes you tighter. Maybe if she did she’d never want to leave again
“You’re back and you almost left me again. Don’t you know how mad I would be if you died?” Pulling back, you put both of your hands on Sam’s cheeks like you did so many years ago. “You- you-“
“Hey, shh… I’m here. I’m here, sweetie. See? I’m here and I’m never leaving again.” Sam leans her forehead against yours, putting your hands around her waist so she could wipe the tears away from your face.
“I’m here, yeah? We won. They’re gone now, (Y/n).”
“How’re you sure?”
“They’re dead. Both of the Ghostfaces are dead.”
Sam leans in, awfully close for someone who’s just your best friend. Your mind instantly goes to her boyfriend. You know what’s about to happen so you back away, a little weary. The Carpenter furrows her eyebrows looking a little sad, oddly resembling a kicked puppy.
“What about Ric-?”
“Don’t say his name, it’ll ruin your perfect mouth” Sam cups your cheek, running her face over your bottom lip
You have to fight your body to not get hot at her words and actions. “Yeah but- he’s kind of your boyfriend. Where is he?”
“Ex-boyfriend actually. He’s dead, I killed him.”
“Oh. Am I right for assuming that’s a god thing?”
“Very good. He was one of the Ghostfaces”
“One of? Who’s the other?”
“I think Tara should be the one to tell you”
“Well, I didn’t like Richie to begin with. He gave me an odd feeling”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Sam leans in closer to you, a ghost of a kiss hanging in the air waiting to be taken. Sam smiles against your breath and for a fraction of a second you think your heart has stopped beating.
“He got to kiss you before I did.” Something snaps in Sam when you kiss her. A craving she’s always had, a certain desire finally being filled, or maybe even her dreams coming true.
You hold Sam like she’s about to leave again, pulling her impossibly close. You’re never letting her go again. It’s Sam who pulls away first. She’s out of breath but you lean in to steal more kisses before she smiles against your lips and it’s an image you never want to forget.
“Please, you two have to stop doing this.” You whisper, your eyes going wide. “Where’s Tara?” You pull away from Sam, whipping your head around like it’s going to help you find her quicker
“C’mon, she’s over here. Be careful, don’t squeeze her too hard”
“I’m going to squeeze that girl until she knows how much I love her.”
“You might break one of her ribs, darling”
“Squirt, you’re alive!” You run to Tara as her head whips in your direction. You can feel tears pool in your eyes once again and you’re okay with letting them go.
“(Y/n), I was so scared. A-Amber she- she tried to kill me.”
“What? Amber? Amber as in, your girlfriend?” You say shocked, taking Tara’s face in your hands to look at her
“A-Amber and Richie, they-“
“How about we tell (Y/n) what happened later? We need to make sure everyone is okay, including ourselves. (Y/n) can wait, right?”
“Oh I can wait alright. I’m the best at waiting. You can tell me about it when you’re feeling better”
One of the paramedics call over the Carpenter sisters and by proximity, you tag along. A man is ushering them in an ambulance and you’re also about to hop in before he stops you
“Ma’am, I’m sorry but we can’t let you into the ambulance. We don’t have enough space.”
“That is my little girl and that is my girlfriend. I will either be running every single red light, hang on the top of this ambulance, or so forgive me god for what I’m going to do.”
“O-Of course, Ma’am. You can ride in the ambulance.”
“Thank you, sir. You made a good decision today” You pat his shoulder, taking your seat near Sam. You sling an arm around Sam’s shoulders and reach out to hold Tara’s hand.
“Girlfriend, huh?” Tara weakly smiles, looking between you and her sister.
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mrwavellswaps · 2 months
Possess, Hypno, TF:
Ched Uzor, Dane de Bruin, Brandon Harding
Mmmmm three incredibly hot options here. All ones I’ve thought about a lot so it’s gonna be difficult to decide between them but I’ll do my best 😈
First of all I think I’ve gotta Possess Ched Uzor. I mean come on how could I not!? He’s an absolutely massive hunk of a man who’s tall as fuck and has biceps that look bigger than his own head. Speaking of which, he’s incredibly handsome with strong masculine features and a great beard which I always love in man. Not to mention I’d love getting to become someone of a different race and getting to see what it’s like to be an enormous black stud. All that said, how could I possibly resist stealing all that??
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I would probably wait until he’s at the gym to do it. Hopefully at a time where there isn’t too many other people around to see what I’m about to do. Then when he least expects it I’ll jump straight into his body. Running up to him and allowing myself to slip inside his body like a ghost. He’d probably grunt and convulse for a moment as I takeover but it won’t be long until I’ve suppressed Ched’s consciousness and assume full control of his hulking body. From there it’ll be a challenge to not get a massive boner with my new fat black cock in the middle of the gym while I finish off his workout. But knowing me I probably won’t be able to resist slipping into the changing room cubicles or the gym showers to bust a huge nut.
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Now as for who I’d hypnotise, once again it’s a very tough choice between Brandon and Dane. Both are hot hunks that I would love to have under my control. However I think I just have a tad bit of bias towards Dane. Anyone that’s followed me and my stories for awhile will know why. In the end I can see myself using Ched’s influence and identity to get into contact with Dane to set up a meeting and gym session the two of us can do together for Instagram.
Once the two of us meet up however, instead of shaking Dane’s hand, I’ll grab his head and immediately implant the hypnosis inside of him. Watching as his expression goes from shocked, to dazed, to blank as his eyes glaze over and his body relaxes. His mind and free will crumbling at my touch and permanently turning him not only into my perfect gym parter but my personal fuck toy as well to test out Ched’s cock on. Or rather my cock heheh
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But that said, it looks like I’m going to be transforming Brandon Harding. Once again I��d probably use my new online status as Ched to get ahold of him and as soon as I do I know exactly what I’m gonna do. Brandon is of course a huge muscle monster as well like Ched. Dare I say he might be even bigger. However that won’t be the case for much longer. As soon as Brandon and and meet, I’ll plant a secret little bit of transformative magic inside his body that’ll activate as soon as he falls asleep. When he heads home or to a hotel later that day, he’ll find himself yawning excessively until he falls asleep on the couch.
That’s when it’ll happen. All of that huge ridiculous muscle will begin to shrink and soften as a mild layer of fat takes its place. He still retains some muscle but now he’ll look more thick than buff. However I’ll make sure to a little extra fat to his ass to make it huge and bubbly. Can’t wait to see what he’d think when he wakes up afterwards. I hope he at least appreciates the fat ass I’ll grace him with.
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That said, it would be a shame to let all that muscle I drained from him go to waste. Maybe I’ll have it transfer over to my new body instead. Making the one and only Ched Uzor look even more massive than before. Hopefully knowing that I’ll put his muscle to good use will be enough to put him at ease but somehow I doubt it hahahaha!
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creamiecoups · 1 year
dessert - jeongcheol x reader
part one.
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↠  summary :  although being the personal assistant for two CEO’s who own a huge company seems hectic and stressful, it had its own perks if both men were head over heels for you that they didn’t bother fighting on who would get to keep you in the end. Anyways two is always better than one right?
that is until you meet one of their very good looking buisness partners Jaehyun, sparking an idea in you to flirt with him to piss off the boys...but you’re too late to realise that it was, indeed, a bad idea.
↠  pairing : seungcheol x jeonghan x reader
↠ warnings :  swearing, smut, dom!seungcheol soft dom?! jeonghan, use of pet names, heavy degradation, rough fingering, slight choking, use of toys, cum play, seungcheol is very mean, reader is a brat, mentions of alcohol, dacryphilia
↠ word count : 5.3K words
↠ author’s note : and finally after more than a year i posted yay!! I’m so sorry for the long wait as i know many ppl have been sending me messages asking me when I’ll be back, but I’m here now and will finally start being more active here i promise hahah
i thought I’d post this one shot first with part one, and I’ll post the day I have finalised for part two.
until my next update feel free to send me reqs and until then, enjoy ;)
part one part two
It really did start of as a joke.
Well, it always did…but this time, part of the reason was because you were bored out of your mind and needed something to do that would at least keep you entertained.
And so, because of that 'stunt', you were currently situated in the bathroom, Jeonghan's hands wrapped around your neck firmly.
"Baby, what were you trying to achieve back there?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a little.
"I don't get why you're mad, all I did was go on my phone," you replied, rolling your eyes before you heard him click his tongue.
"Don't roll your eyes at me...I wouldn't have cared if you just went on your phone but sighing every two fucking minutes and tapping your feet on the ground so fucking hard was not necessary," he spat, gritting his teeth as you realised he was really mad.
"I was bored okay? I don't even get why you guys bought me here it's so boring...can I just call a taxi and head home first, please?" You begged, making him inhale sharply before glaring at you.
"No, you're staying here until we're done," he shot back, making you sigh.
"Anyways....your lucky that was just one of my aquaintances...but now, Seungcheol and I have serious matters to discuss with a possible business partner, you should know how important this would be for us so I advise you, stay put and enough with the bratty attitude."
"Fine, can you at least let me get my earphones from the car?" You asked, making him sigh angrily.
"No, look, if it helps...we'll finally be having dinner so you can stuff your mouth so you won't be bored anymore."
"I'd rather have my mouth stuffed with something else though," you whispered, leaning up to peck the side of his lips with a smirk.
"Well maybe if you behave well for us, you'll get what you want after we're done," Jeonghan replied.
"Okay, I'll be good until then," you replied cheekily, a smirk spread across your face.
"Good, now come, Seungcheol is probably waiting for us."
Both of you walked out of the bathroom, making your way back to the bustling restaurant that the company had rented out for the night to hopefully affiliate with other organizations.
"Hey," Seungcheol greeted you with a big smile, as you sat between him and Jeonghan.
You gave him a smile, before bowing slightly to the man opposite you.
"So this must be your assistant? I've heard a lot about you," the man said, making you smile.
He looked around your age, and you had to admit he was pretty good looking.
"Well I hope good things," you said, a chuckle leaving your lips.
"Of course, I've heard your very good at your job, care to come work at my company instead? My assistants still learning and he's a bit...well, slow in his work and plus, it'll be nice to have a pretty face walking around," he said, giving me a smile.
"Well that wouldn't be too bad, I'll think about it," you joked, as you instantly felt Seungcheol's hand grab your thigh under the table.
"Anyways, let's order before we get into business, what do you say Jaehyun?" Jeonghan asked, making you smile.
he had a nice name.
"Yes of course, I'll call over the waiter," Jaehyun said, before winking my way.
I smirked, suddenly having an idea in my head.
After everyone ordered their food, they began to converse casually about their achievements in their respective companies, which to you just seemed like boastful remarks.
You yawned softly as you felt Seungcheol draw slow circles into your thigh, something he usually did unconsciously while talking or resting.
"Would you really move to his company?" Jeonghan whispered in your ear, making you smile.
"Why not, it'll be nice to have a change of scenery," you whispered back, as you heard Jeonghan chuckle.
"If only he knew half of the time your bent over our study table getting stuffed with our cocks because you were too needy to even function when we asked you to get a job done," he chuckled lowly, making you clench around nothing.
"Fuck off."
"Language princess, you would be in a great deal amount of trouble if Seungcheol heard you," Jeonghan whispered, before pulling away.
You cleared your throat, before turning your attention to whatever Seungcheol and Jaehyun were talking about.
The food finally arrived after a while, making you sigh happily as you looked down to the pasta you ordered.
You almost moaned with how good it tasted, as you were glad you could eat since most of the reason you were bored was because you were hungry.
"You like it?" Seungcheol asked, making you nod.
"Hey we ordered the same thing!" Jaehyun pointed out, making you chuckle.
"We did, it's so good right?" You asked him, giving him a sweet smile.
"It is, I would say I might order it the second time but the portion is so huge," Jaehyun said, laughing as you joined him.
"Let's talk business now, shall we?" Seungcheol said, a smile on his face as you felt his fingers grip your thigh tightly.
"Ahh right yes, that is why we are here."
You sighed internally as you realised that was your queue to back out since you wouldn't really understand as it wasn't your place to join their conversation.
And either way, it was boring.
"Hannie," your whispered in Jeonghan's ear, while he was busy listening.
"Later Y/N, we're busy," he mumbled, his eyes darting between Seungcheol and Jaehyun as they discussed an important matter.
"But Hannie this is important," you whined, feeling his hand make it's way to your thigh.
"Y/N stop," he warned, slapping your thigh softly, making you squirm in your seat a little.
Once it was Jeonghan's turn to speak, you turned to Seungcheol.
"Cheolie, can I go to the bathroom?"
"Later," he whispered, as he didn't even bother glancing at you.
You sighed angrily, pushing their hands off your thigh before speaking out loudly.
"Jeonghan would you be kind enough to move as I need to go to the bathroom?" You asked, tilting your head to the side as Jeonghan stopped talking to look at you.
He hesitantly nodded, before standing up to let you get through.
You gave him a big smile before walking towards the bathroom area, your lips turning into a smirk as you knew you probably ticked them off.
After you were done you opened the bathroom door, about to walk out before you saw someone push you back in quickly before they were pinning you to the door.
You looked up, your lips curving into a smile when you saw Seungcheol's angry eyes.
"What are you trying to do?"
"I don't know what you mean?" You replied back, looking at him cluelessly as he gritted his jaw.
"Jeonghan spoke to you about staying put and being obediant before right? So what are you doing now?" Seungcheol drawled, as you shifted your legs, his deep voice not doing any good for your already wet panties.
"I got bored...and you both were completely ignoring me," you sulked, pouting as you looked up at him with your big eyes.
"We both told you that you could go to the bathroom later right? So why did you still decide to ask again?"
"It's just the bathroom! I was so bored I was literally applying my mascara again just to avoid your boring conversations."
"Pull up your dress," he suddenly spat, making you look up at him in confusion.
"I know a big reason why your so bored is because your needy little cunt in probably dripping right now...you think I didn't notice the way you keep shifting?" He asked, chuckling as he watched you slowly pull your dress up.
"Tell me baby, what has you so needy right now?" Seungcheol whispered in your ear, one of his hands moving down your body before he was cupping your heat.
You instantly let out a whine as you let go off your dress to hold onto Seungcheol's broad shoulders.
"I-I.....just wanted," you stuttered, bucking your hips up into his touch.
"You wanted what? Attention?" He asked, as he slowly rubbed you over your panties, the thin material already sticking to your skin.
You nodded your head, making Seungcheol chuckle darkly.
"You're always so needy for us aren't you? Constantly need someone showing you attention...but you really couldn't go a few hours without being cock hungry hm? Didn't Jeonghan fuck you a few times this morning while I was out?" He asked, making you quietly moan as he drew circles on your covered clit.
You nodded once again, making Seungcheol click his fingers.
"Use your words baby."
"Y-Yes...yes he did," you quickly said, as you felt him move your panties to the side before his fingers were pushing flush against your entrance.
"Fuck your so wet," he groaned, bringing his coated fingers up to his lips.
"So tell me, your still needy even after Jeonghan fucked you only a few hours ago?"
You nodded your head feverishly.
"Cheolie....touch me please," you whined, making Seungcheol chuckle.
He plunged two of his fingers into your seeping entrance without warning, making you throw your head back as you moaned loudly.
"Quiet down, we don't need all our employees knowing how much of a dirty little slut you are for me now do we?"
He started at a fast pace, nothing you weren't used to as he was normally rough with you im comparison to Jeonghan, not that you cared anyways.
"Cum nice and sweet on my fingers okay?" He whispered, adding a third finger before he was curling them when he knew he hit your sweet spot.
Your toes curled as you leaned into his shoulder to muffle your sounds.
"Your such a fucking needy little girl baby, you've been fucked all morning and now your still so needy when we haven't even gone home yet," Seungcheol whispered, lightly pecking your shoulder blade as his fingers pumped in and out of you.
"Ch-Cheol....need...more," you whined, making Seungcheol laugh.
"Oh no princess....your not getting dick that easy. You'll have to wait until we get home, so until then...hopefully this shuts you up," he whispered, as you felt your release edge closer as you clenched down on his fingers.
"That's it baby, cum now," you heard Seungcheol say, as you felt your release wash over you, making you moan quietly, as you shivered.
He pulled his fingers away from you before bringing them up to his lips to suck them clean. You watched as you suddenly felt empty, making you whine softly.
"I have to go now, make yourself look a bit more presentable and come back soon okay?" Seungcheol said, pulling your dress down before leaning in to peck your cheek.
"You were so good for me, I'll consider rewarding you when we get home," he whispered, winking at you before he was moving you away from the door so he could leave.
"And baby? Enough with the flirting, don't think we haven't picked up on that....don't let me find you warming up to Jaehyun again," he warned, making you smile at him.
"I won't, I promise."
"Oh your back, I thought you went missing," Jaehyun joked, as you sat in between Seungcheol and Jeonghan again.
You laughed a little, before reaching forward to grab a glass of water.
The night progressed as the men around you continued to converse about their companies and what both of them could bring to the table if they were to affiliate.
Soon it was time for drinks, making your ears perk up as Seungcheol offered to get the drinks for everyone.
"What do you want to drink?" Seungcheol asked you, as his hand on your thigh slowly rubbed circles into your skin.
"Champagne is fine," you replied, making him nod before he was walking towards the bar after taking the other two men's order as well.
"So Y/N....have you thought about my offer from before?" Jaehyun asked you, making you crease your eyebrows at him.
"Offer....what offer?" You ask, tilting your head to the side a little.
"To come work with me....these two surely can do things without you I mean...they have each other! But my assistant is downright a rookie and pretty useless so...if you're down too, I'd love to have you," Jaehyun said with a smirk playing on his lips.
"I'll think about it, maybe....what do you think?" You directed the question to Jeonghan, your faux innocent eyes shining at him as you felt his hand grip your thigh tightly.
"Sorry Jaehyun..." Jeonghan trailed off, before his eyes were on the man across him.
"But I can't give away our most trusted employee, she does her job well and so no, we will not be giving her away to you."
Jaehyun chuckled as his eyes fell to mine.
"Well isn't that a pity... I was looking forward to appointing you as my personal assistant," he said, before Seungcheol came back with our drinks.
"So...what have we been talking about?" Seungcheol asked, as he handed me my glass of champagne before sitting down.
"Jaehyun wants me as his assistant, thought it would be fun but Jeonghan thinks I do my job so well," you say, smirking as Seungcheol's eyes darkened.
"Is that so? Well if you'd like, I can send through a list of capable people who could fill in the role if you're hiring?" Seungcheol asked, as you felt Jeonghan's hand on your thigh move up higher.
"Ah no, I really was joking...but I will comment, you both are very lucky," Jaehyun said with a smile, as you playfully winked at him.
Now that, ticked the both of them off completely.
Seungcheol stifled next to you as he eagerly changed the topic, as he soon conversed with Jaehyun about business, while Jeonghan leaned in to your ear.
"You've really done it now princess, spread your legs," he whispered, his warm breath hitting your cheek as you took another sip of your drink.
"And if I don't?" You dared to ask, as Jeonghan simply smiled at you before leaning in closer.
"Spread your legs," he repeated, making you gulp.
You hesitantly spread your legs as you felt Jeonghan's fingers instantly press against your sticky clothed core.
"Did cheol make you cum earlier in the bathroom? Your so wet," he whispered as you bit back a whimper.
"Y-Yeah, he f-fingered me," you whispered, as he scoffed.
"And your still acting bratty? Hm..." He trailed off, before you saw a few other men come to join you three on the table.
"Seungcheol?" Jeonghan called out to him, as he turned to look at you both.
"Yeah?" He asked, his eyes trailing down to you.
"Try to keep her still while you talk," he muttered, as your heartbeat accelerated.
"W-What are you g-going to do?" You stuttered, as Jeonghan smiled at you.
"You want to wink at a man in front of us? Then let's show him how much of a whore you are for us in front of him," he chuckled, as you felt Seungcheol's hand grab your thigh tightly before you felt Jeonghan's fingers push your panties to the side, his fingers making direct contact to your heat.
Your body jolted instantly, as you tried your hardest not to throw your head back from the delicious contact, and if you thought that was painful, when two of Jeonghan's fingers plunged inside of you, you knew it was only going to get worse for you.
"Stay still, eyes open...more investors have joined now so we'll be conversing more, stay quiet and take what I give you, or you won't like what happens next," Jeonghan spat near your ear, making you nod feverishly.
Your eyes flew to Jaehyun, who was too busy talking to the middle aged man next to him to notice you, as you suddenly took in the fact that everyone around you were too busy to even pay attention to you both.
Jeonghan's fingers stilled in you, making you instantly slump in your seat as you looked towards him.
He was smiling like a little bitch, so into a conversation with an unfamiliar guy next to him that no one would even think he was doing something so dirty and sinful under the huge table.
Your eyes darted towards Seungcheol who was looking through an important document, his eyebrows furrowed as his hand was gripping your thigh tightly so your legs were spread enough for Jeonghan to access.
"Cheol," you called out, your voice coming out almost in a whine making him look at you.
"What?" He spat irritatedly, making you frown.
"When can we leave?" you whisper, as you heard his jaw clench tightly.
"Didn't I warn you earlier not to be a brat?" He shot, his eyes throwing daggers at yours.
"Hannie won't please me properly, I can't take it anymore," you whine back boldly, as you felt his fingernails dig into the skin of you thigh in anger.
"Yeah?" Jeonghan responded, his eyes falling on Seungcheol.
"Move your fingers, and give her what I gave you earlier, she doesn't seem to know how to follow orders," he spat, making Jeonghan nod.
"What?" You ask cluelessly, before you felt the sudden emptiness as Jeonghan withdrew his fingers from your sopping entrance.
maybe you should just behave
"Han wait...I-Im sorry I'll stay still from now on," you quickly mumbled, making Jeonghan chuckle lowly.
"Ask cheol, you should know he doesn't tolerate your shit but here we are," Jeonghan said, before you felt something hard and long poke your entrance.
a fucking vibrator.
Your eyes widen before turning to look at Seungcheol who was listening to a conversation intently, that was until you started tapping his arm.
"Cheol N-No.... I-I'll be good I promise, please," you whispered.
"Have it on medium setting, we'll see how she takes it," He said, his words obviously being directed to Jeonghan as he completely ignored you.
Your heartbeat accelerated as you felt Jeonghan slowly ease the dildo into your entrance, the cum slick from earlier providing an easy slip as he pushed it right into you, making you grab the table tightly.
Knuckles turning white and thighs clamped together, you sat there for for what felt like hours with the quiet buzz of the vibrator making you feel as if the entire room was spinning. It was perfect to ease the ache you had, but it wasn't enough to get you to cum, especially since both the boys' hands weren't on you anymore.
Your head lolled towards Jeonghan, soft pants leaving your pretty glossed lips as your long manicured nails taps against his white dress shirt eagerly.
"Hm?" He hummed, glancing at you only for a second.
"I-It's too much...I wanna...c-c–"
"Y/N," Seungcheol suddenly called out, making you stop talking.
You turned to looked at him, lips pouty and eyes filled with need as it took Seungcheol his all not to grab you by the hair and fuck you on the table in front of everyone.
Which he would eventually get around to doing tonight, but just not now.
"Can you go get me another glass of champagne, please?" He asked sweetly, making you shake your head softly.
"I-I can't...g-get up–"
Seungcheol chuckled softly, cutting you off as he leaned in to your ear, his hand on your thigh once again.
"I wasn't really asking, get up and go get me what I asked for, slut," he spat, making you squirm in your seat.
"You're a dick," you whimper out, before standing up shakily.
With all the strength and self control you could muster, you pushed past Jeongham before carefully walking towards the bar.
Walking around in heels with a fat dildo snuggled in your pussy? this was definitely not how you saw the night going but here you were.
"O-One...g-g Champagne," your words slur as the bartender looks at you in concern.
"Miss are you okay?" he asks in concern, making you nod feverishly.
"Mhm...just get...champagne," you mumble as he nods before pouring a glass on the sparkling liquid.
"Here have a glass of water...you look really flushed...are you gonna be sick?" He asked.
"No..no...but thanks for the water," you finally say a sentence without stuttering, so you pat yourself on the back mentally.
"No worries Ms, please do sit down until you finish your water though," he said, making you hesitantly nod.
You slowly sat down on the barstool, sucking air through your teeth as you felt the vibrator nuzzle into you more.
"Would you like anything else?" The bartender asked, as he gave you a glass of water.
"N-No....I'm good with...with water," your words slurred slightly as you both the glass up to your lips with shaky fingers.
"Are you here alone?" The bartender suddenly asked, as you realised he had been staring at you this entire time.
"N-No I'm...I'm here with a few business... people...I'm sorry for stuttering I just don't feel so good," you babbled on, completely unaware of the pair of eyes burning into your back in rage.
"That's completely understandable, you don't need to say sorry but I do think you should go rest," he said, before leaning over the counter to touch my forehead.
"You're burning up Miss I don't think you should be drink–"
"Get up we're going home."
You shakily turn around to see an angry Seungcheol standing in front of you, his top two buttons undone as his eyes left yours briefly to look at the confused bartender in front of you.
"Yeah she's had a bit too much to drink," he spat shortly, before grabbing you by the wrist and yanking you off the bar stool.
"Cheolie careful I'm in heels," you whine out, but he doesn't seem to hear or care as he walked out of the restaurant, his grip on your wrist never faltering.
"W-What about Jeonghannie," you hiccup, trying to keep up with Seungcheol's pace in your painfully high heels.
Suddenly you felt the vibrators speed increase, making you buckle your hips as a moan left your lips, causing Seungcheol to laugh.
He opened the passenger seat door before practically throwing you in, as you heard the door shut loudly before he was getting into the drivers seat.
"You've really done it today princess....you've found numerous ways to push our buttons and now I'm gonna make sure this type of behaviour will never be repeated from your end, ever again," he spat.
"Cheolie too much," you whine, spreading your legs shamelessly as your hands came down to pull the dildo out of you.
"Ah, ah...that’s staying in there since you decided to act like such a fucking child today I had to leave an important conversation early and now Jeonghan has to do all the work....why do you think so?" He asked, turning to look at you.
"Mm.....I-I don't know," you whimpered out, making his eyes darken.
"How many times did I tell you to stop being a brat today, hm? I even went out of my way and fucked you with my fingers to get you to shut up...so why did you continue to piss me off in front of everyone? And then when I told you to go get me a drink, I found you shamelessly eye fucking that bartender like a whore," he growled, grabbing your jaw tightly as you whimpered, clenching down on the dildo.
"I w-wasn't–" your words were ripped out of your throat when his hand landed down on your aching pussy harshly.
"Don't fucking lie to me, you think I wouldn't notice the way you were talking to him? And the way he wanted to fuck you so bad," he chuckled, as he pulled up your dress so he could eye your soaked underwear.
"Take it off, come on."
You bit down on your bottom lip as you came hard almost quietly, your head lolling to the side as soft pants left your mouth.
"Aww did my baby just cum?"
"Y-Yeah," you mumble out, your lips parted as Seungcheol removed your underwear.
"Your being so so disobedient today Y/N...why's that? I was talking to you about something and you decided to cum? Is that what I've taught you?" He spat lowly, as you watched him bunch your underwear into a ball before pushing it into his pocket.
"M' sorry....c-couldn't help it," you whimper out, tears spilling from your eyes at the overstimulation.
"S-Seung...cheol...the v-vibrator please....too m-much," you hiccup again, as Seungcheol's hand threads through your hair.
"We're alone now baby...that's not my name," he spat into your ear.
"Although I'm starting to think I should make you call me that in public, so everyone around you including you remember who you belong to."
His voice was ten times deeper than usual, which only made you ten times wetter than you already were.
"Would you like that baby?" He asked, his free hand resting on your thigh as you whined.
"Take it out p-please," you whimper out, making Seungcheol sigh.
"Answer my question first doll,” he groaned, his hand in your hair rubbing your scalp slowly.
"No that's embarrassing," you scoff, as he chuckled lowly.
"Why's that? You love disobeying us in public so maybe that will help you remember your place, what do you think?" He asked, eyes narrowing on you as you hesitantly shake your head.
"Che- Daddy no...please," you whine, as you felt his grip on your hair tighten painfully.
"Hmm...I'll think about it..now, spread your legs and be good," he spat, making you instantly comply as you wanted nothing more than having that damn vibrator out of you.
Seungcheol's fingers circled around the part of the vibrator that was sticking out of you, causing you to whine as your eyes pleaded at him to remove it from you.
"You want me to take this out baby? Too much?" He asked with a pout, tilting his head to the side as you nodded eagerly.
"You know what was too much? Your attitude with us today, so take what I fucking give you or I'll have to bring out your collar....do you want that princess?" He asked, making you shake your head as he smiled.
Your body jolted suddenly as Seungcheol grabbed the dildo, roughly thrusting it into you as you choked out a moan.
"Hold up your dress," he shot, as you whimpered from his rough ministrations, but nevertheless obeyed.
Your shaky fingers moved your long evening dress out of the way, bunching it up to your chest to give Seungcheol a better view.
"S-Slow down oh my g-god," you managed to make out, as Seungcheol scoffed.
"You don't make the demands here princess, I do, so why don't you sit here and take it...understand?" He spat, removing the dildo out of you before turning it off.
You breathed out a sigh of relief, your eyes closing only for a second before you felt three of Seungcheol's fingers push into you without warning.
"Fuck Seungcheol....fuck!" You screeched out, your body jolting as his fingers only went rougher at your words.
"What have I said about swearing?" He spat angrily, making you whimper out a weak apology he wasn't going to take.
"You use this pretty mouth of yours for all the wrong reasons baby," he added, fingers pinching your bottom lip.
"I-I'm sorry daddy," you whisper meekly, making him hum.
"Don't swear again, okay?"
"O-Okay," you whisper back, as his fingers stilled in you.
"Okay what?" He spat as you whined, clenching down on him.
"Okay daddy," you muttered quickly, before Seungcheol resumed the rough pace he had set for his fingers.
"I-I'm gonna c-cum daddy," you pant, throwing your head back as Seungcheol pulled on your hair.
"You don't cum until I say so," he drawled, making you shake your head as a smirk played on your lips.
"I want to cum...it's t-too much," you bite back, looking up at Seungcheol's amused face.
"Oh you're still being a brat?...I'm not Jeonghan baby, you know I won't give you any chances so watch what you say to me," he shot, fingers pulling at your hair making you wince.
"It hurts stop," you whine out, wishing Jeonghan was here to help sooth you like he always did.
Every time you did something wrong, it was Seungcheol that would get furious and punish you until dawn, but Jeonghan preferred to teach you in much more gentle ways.
"Than learn to behave," he spat, stuffing two more fingers into you before curling them up.
The stretch was incredibly delicious, as your eyes rolled to the back of your head before a long moan left your parted lips.
"Daddy please...I need to cum," you desperately whined out, as Seungcheol's fingers only went rougher and unbelievably faster.
"A no is a no, you're not allowed to cum until I tell you to," he spat, all four of his fingers curling in you as you felt the heat rush to your throbbing pussy.
"Please I c-can't," you whine, the soft pants and squelching sounds coming from you only urging Seungcheol on as it took all of his self control not to drag you into his lap and fuck the living daylights out of you until you were reduced to nothing but tears.
Before you could even warn him, or yourself, you felt the knot in your stomach snap as you came hard all over his fingers.
You moaned out in bliss, the feeling taking over your senses as your body spasmed.
"Are you fucking serious?" He spat angrily, yanking his fingers out of your soaking entrance with a loud pop.
“I couldn’t help it, you kept pushing it a-and–“
“I’m not gonna take any of your bullshit, you should know that by now. I’m not Jeonghan to listen to your pathetic little excuses,” he growled, pushing his soaked fingers into your mouth roughly, causing you to gag and whimper in pain.
“Suck them clean whore,” he spat condescendingly, as you softly suckled on his fingers before he was pulling them out.
“Now sit back properly, pull your dress down and put your seatbelt on, we’re leaving,” he spat, pulling away from you completely as he started the car.
“No I want to wait for Hannie, you’re mean,” you whine out, refusing to put your seatbelt on.
“Don’t make me repeat it, Y/N….you either put it on yourself or I do it for you,” he growled angrily making you huff.
“Can we at least go back in to get dessert? I didn’t get to try the strawberry cake cheol please,” you whine, holding onto his arm as your tits pressed into him.
He sighed angrily before grabbing your jaw tightly, slightly pushing your cheeks together as his burning eyes bore into yours.
“Tonight was my last fucking nerve. You know I’m not gentle like Han, so yes princess I am mean, and brutal. So you’re in for a rough night… I hope you’re ready.”
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shxtodxroki · 5 months
𝙽𝚘𝚝-𝚂𝚘-𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊
Summary: Your past friendship with Satoru Gojo is ancient history by the time you’re both well into your teaching years, the man a mere memory from your past you can’t help but reminisce on more often than you should. But when Christmas-time rolls around and you get roped into a faculty Secret Santa event alongside your sister school, your not-so-secret Santa causes old, unresolved feelings to resurface, and gives you a chance to finally rehash and truly release them. 
Warnings: Swearing, some angst, this fic was written as a gift so it’s a fem reader instead of my usual gender neutral reader! There’s also a few small descriptive details of the reader’s personality/likes since it’s targeted towards the person I wrote it for, but there are NO physical descriptions of the reader! Geto, Nanami and Haibara are also all teachers in this! (Nanami and Geto work w/ Gojo in Tokyo, while Haibara works w/ reader and Utahime in Kyoto!)
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 6.8k
Note: This fic is a gift that I wrote for @planetnini for this JJK secret santa event! :D Hi Nini, I was your secret santa! :D I had a lot of fun getting to know you and chatting with you through asks throughout this event, and I hope you like the final fic I made for you! I tried to take into account some of the things you told me and personalize it a bit, and I’d love to know what you think! <3 Happy holidays Nini and anyone else reading this, if you celebrate any holidays around this time of year then I hope you had a wonderful time, and even if not, I hope you’re having an amazing end of the year! :D
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The scent of the town-famous bakery always managed to fill you with a bittersweet sense of nostalgia, memories flooding your senses as flashes of bright blue eyes and teasing grins flashed behind your eyelids in response to the familiar scent. It makes your stomach twist in mild discomfort, pushing the fond childhood memories that spring up back into the crevices of your mind where they belong as you feel a small, long-residing pang of longing.
He had always loved sweets.
Being friends with Satoru Gojo, the honored one who took Jujutsu society by storm from the very moment he was born, was an experience you reflected back on far more often than you’d ever admit out loud. Considering how long it had been since the two of you last had any significant contact, it would seem odd to admit just how often your mind still wandered to him, to the many soft moments and bright memories you shared in adolescence, and to the one true best friendship you had ever known. People have come and gone through your life in waves since then, and you’ve had dear friends who meant the world to you, but nobody could ever come close to the role Satoru had once filled, the way he made your heart feel so full of affection and love that it just might burst. It was the kind of friendship you felt you would only find once in a lifetime, and thus the kind you could never forget. Maybe it wouldn’t sound that ludicrous after all, but you still kept this longing to yourself, and most days, you managed to dull it to a gentle simmer beneath your ribcage as you went about your days.
You have other things to focus on now. A job and your loved ones and the upkeep of your home, all essential parts of your daily life that keep you from lamenting on the mere wisps of memory of the boy you knew. Knowing that he wasn’t far away, living a life far busier than your own but in the same profession at your sister school, did come with the occasional urge to reach out, to reminisce or catch up or ask why your whole friendship had fallen apart in the first place. But you’ve always managed to resist the urge, to fight back the desire to reach out and pry yourself away from the open yet long-ago unfollowed Instagram page on your phone (though not always without help, you had to thank Utahime for keeping you from your nostalgic urges every now and then). 
So with all the work you had put into moving on from a friendship you honestly should have long ago, you would admit (at least to yourself) that you were less than excited to find out that you’d be participating in a winter retreat with the sister school where Satoru now taught at. You were even less eager when it was revealed that there would be a staff-wide Secret Santa event between the two schools, and as the days counted down towards the trip, you found yourself wishing that the universe would cut you a break just this once and give you anyone else besides Satoru to buy a gift for. You knew so little about the person he was currently, now that so much time had passed between the two of you, and truthfully, you had no clue if he even remembered who you were at this point. The sting of realizing that he didn’t remember you was a pain you truly didn’t long to feel, and having to get a gift for your former best friend under such uncertain conditions was simply a fate you wished to avoid at all costs.
“Quit glaring, you’re drawing attention to you, and me by proxy.” You mutter to your best friend as she glares daggers into the back of the man you wished to avoid. Luckily for you, the interaction was anything but uncommon for the two, so it was unlikely to truly draw attention to either of you. Yet it still wasn’t a risk you wanted to take, not wanting to face even the slightest possibility of being forced to suffer through awkward small talk with the man who had once known all your deepest secrets.
“How did that idiot manage to become a teacher? His students would be better off with a fucking rock as an instructor, I swear to god.” Utahime grumbles back from beside you, paying no mind to your words as she continues glaring at the man from afar. Her disdain for the man was amplified when you told her of your shared past, but she had held a strong dislike for him from the moment the two had first interacted at school functions, leaving you hopeful that he wouldn’t be phased from the typical distant hostility and annoyance he received from your best friend. These days, Satoru Gojo rarely managed to spare you as much as a glance, and it had been years since he had uttered your name (a fact you were ashamed to admit you had been keeping track of, in the brief and meager conversations the two of you had shared over recent years). The feeling of being forgotten stung deep in your bones, but you outwardly portrayed the same level of unbotheredness and nonchalance he did whenever the two of you would be put in the position to briefly interact, so most of your colleagues (including Satoru himself) were hopefully none the wiser to your inner predicament.
“Alright, everyone come draw a name! And there’s no switching or re-draws unless you pick yourself!” You suddenly hear Suguru Geto’s voice echo through the room, sounding controlled and put-together as always as he drew you from your reverie and back into reality once more. It didn’t take long for the air to grow stuffy as all of the evening’s attendees crowded together around the bag of names, the small crowd still managing to tightly press together as everyone crowded in to select their recipients for this year’s secret santa event. 
Some were more eager than others, but the process was still able to remain somewhat orderly as everyone pressed together and took turns grabbing a folded up paper from the bag. The rotation went counter-clockwise, and you watched as your coworkers and fellow faculty went one-by-one until the line reached Utahime to your left. As she plucked a name from the bag, you blurted out a quip that wasn’t meant to particularly be hidden, but one which you really only intended for her ears as a small grin made its way across your face.
“Thank god Gakuganji’s off on business this year, imagine what a nightmare it would be to buy a gift for him.” You laugh at your own comment, watching your best friend’s face light up in acknowledgment of the joke before opening the slip of paper in her hand. The voice you hear responding to you, though, is much lower than that of your friend’s, and the sight of her mouth not moving causes your stomach to drop as you suddenly grow aware of the presence to your right.
“God, I think getting a gift from that geezer would be worse. He’d bring five dollar socks and expect ‘utmost gratitude’.” His voice felt like honey coating your ears, deep and smooth as the scent of his cologne suddenly engulfed your surroundings. You couldn’t believe you had let his presence slip out of your awareness, that you had been oblivious to him standing right beside you even if only for a few moments. You were so used to being tuned into his movements during gatherings like these, doing your best to avoid him whenever possible and to maneuver your way subtly through awkward small talk on the occasions where avoidance wasn’t possible. And yet here he was, appearing beside you without a shred of awareness on your part. And he was joking with you causally, as if the history between you meant nothing to him at all.
He may not remember your history at all at this point.
You could feel heat rising to your face at the thought, the painful stab of acknowledging that you may not have meant as much to him as he did to you causing your form to grow rigid where you stood. You knew you shouldn’t still be so affected by him, so in tune to everything he did and so easily reactive whenever he was near. His quick remark to you showed that he held no similar reservations when interacting with you, and it had been plenty of time to let go of the torch you had been carrying. But you were the one who left the friendship with unresolved feelings you never got the chance to express to him, with an attachment deeper than just friendship. And he obviously wasn’t, which was clearly why he had managed to move on so much faster than you had.
You were thankful as you realized it was your turn to pull from the bag, eager for a distraction so you wouldn’t have to think of a response to Satoru’s remark. You needed to calm down, and hopefully you could occupy yourself with thinking of potential gifts for your recipient through the rest of the night rather than putting so much energy into a man who wouldn’t reciprocate. Your hand plunged in and out of the bag in a flash, just desperate for any name that wasn’t Satoru’s, and you let out a soft sigh of relief as you read the name inscribed on the paper in your hand.
“Yu Haibara”. 
Thank god, fate seemed to be on your side this time. Not only did you not pull Satoru’s name, but you were close enough with Haibara, as you saw one another nearly every day, to comfortably pick out a gift you knew he’d enjoy even without the list provided to you. He was easily one of those you were closest to among the participants, second only to Utahime, and despite the melancholy that had been simmering within you throughout the evening as thoughts of Satoru filled your mind, you felt a sudden wave of confidence and excitement as you thought of what you could get him that you knew he’d love. Perhaps this was what you needed, to stop focusing so much on a long-dead friendship by instead putting that energy into pursuing closer friendships with those you cared about now. This was going to be the Christmas to turn around your attitude, you were sure of it.
And in the self-improvement spiral you sent yourself down in that moment, for once you missed the small, almost imperceptible yet genuine smile that crossed Satoru’s face as he pulled a name of his own from the bag.
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The next morning, as you woke up and stepped out of your hotel room for the morning after dragging yourself out of bed at the sound of your alarm, you found yourself nearly falling face-first into the floor as you tripped on an unfortunately-placed object directly outside your doorway. The fall caused you to let out a shriek as you braced for impact, and though you were luckily able to catch yourself before you crashed, the event still left a small, tired scowl on your face as you pulled yourself up and took a glance at the item that had nearly left you bruised and sore first thing in the morning.
The sight in front of you, however, quickly melted your annoyance into curiosity as you saw a soft, pale yellow bag obstructing the walkway outside of your hotel door. Your mind was racing for a few moments as it tried to catch up with the morning’s events, and when you were eventually able to recall the secret santa exchange that you had signed up for the night prior, you felt a small giddiness bubbling within you as you grabbed the small bag by it’s handles and returned with it in hand to your room. Perhaps you could forgive whoever had left the bag in prime tripping position, as the excitement of receiving your first gift of the week outweighed any prior frustrations you held.
You opened the bag expecting a small gift to start off the exchange, maybe flowers or a nice snack. Your secret santa had only had hours between the choosing of the names and this morning, after all, and you would perfectly understand choosing to go light on most of the gifts even without the rushed nature of this first morning. So when you stripped the bag of its tissue paper only to be faced with a brand-new copy of a new game you had mentioned in your list of potential gifts, you couldn’t fight back the widening of your eyes in surprise. A brand new game surely wasn’t cheap, and to get it at such short notice felt like nothing short of a miracle. (Or incredible effort on your Secret Santa’s part). Taped onto the game was a note, short and simple:
“You’ve seemed extra stressed the past few days, so why don’t you take the day off and relax? Kick your feet up and have fun playing your new game ;)
- Secret Santa”
The note gave little away of the one who had left the gift, yet their kindness and effort was clear in both presentation and product as you grinned to yourself. Fate truly did seem to be on your side this holiday season, as you had seemingly been blessed with the loveliest secret santa in all existence. While the gift was much more than you had expected, and you had barely even gotten a chance to wake up that morning, you were quick to shoot a text over to Utahime telling her to come over to your room to share your excitement with someone. Though you unfortunately couldn’t play the game yet as your secret santa had advised, since you hadn’t brought your console with you on the trip to Tokyo, you still wanted to enjoy the gift in some way as you silently sent your gratitude towards your mystery gift-giver. You’d have to thank them when they finally revealed themself on Christmas eve, but for now you’d wait for your best friend to arrive so you could brag about your exceptionally generous secret santa and the gift you couldn’t wait to try out once you returned to your cozy home in Kyoto at the end of the week.
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On the second day, you thankfully did not wake up to a tripping hazard outside of your door, leading you to assume your secret santa would drop off your gift later in the day. Honestly you were thankful that it wasn’t left first thing in the morning like the day prior, as you had accidentally overslept after staying out a bit later than usual picking out a gift and writing a fun note for Haibara for day one of your secret santa exchange. 
You had offered to chaperone a sightseeing day around Tokyo for the students (one the Tokyo students would also be attending, though more on the basis of shopping than sightseeing) alongside Utahime and two Tokyo instructors, and after sleeping through your alarm, you were already short on time as you scrambled to get ready and meet your students on time. Having a gift to open would have only added to your hassle, and now you could look forward to receiving one at the end of the day instead as you rushed to the meeting spot, just barely making it in time.
Utahime and all of your students were already waiting, and you watched as your best friend’s face drew into a small smile as she saw you approaching. Your eyes quickly caught sight of Satoru and Suguru standing beside her, seemingly the volunteers to chaperone the Tokyo students for the day, but you were determined to stick to your new outlook of no longer fixating on Satoru, so you forced yourself to brush past his presence even as he mocked and teased your best friend beside you. The four of you set out with the students in tow, allowing Suguru to lead the way as a Tokyo native (and out of a lack of trust in Satoru’s navigational skills), and you did your best to stop your mind from drifting to thoughts of Satoru as you tried to keep your students engaged and having fun, while also taking some time to chat with Utahime and scan the area for potential gifts for Haibara.
You made many stops throughout the day as you passed through various shopping districts and interesting stores, and it brought a smile to your face to watch your students interact and have fun with one another as well as their sister school peers as they spent the day shopping and chatting altogether. The poor kids were faced with the monstrosities of the Jujutsu world on a daily basis at such a young age, and it warmed your heart to at least be able to give them the chance to simply have fun and act like teenagers every once in a while. For today they weren’t Jujutsu sorcerers in training, they were just kids hanging out with their friends, and the thought made you smile as you, Utahime and Suguru hung back and watched the kids do their shopping and sightseeing (as Gojo had turned his attention from Utahime to Megumi Fushiguro for the time being, much to the young boy’s chagrin.
The day was long and covered quite a bit of land, taking you all through the streets of Tokyo as you reminisced on your youth and saw places you hadn’t visited in years, since leaving Tokyo for Kyoto to become a Jujutsu instructor and get away from your (admittedly not that dramatic) past. Sure, the nostalgia of it all did bring memories of your childhood with Satoru to the front of your mind on occasion as you passed a shop that the two of you used to always visit with your allowance money, or a favorite restaurant you would visit together on special occasions.
 But you managed to keep your focus on the students and enjoying the night out rather than letting yourself drown in the memories, and you were proud to say you even managed to be friendly and courteous to Suguru despite your usual awkwardness around your former other half’s new best friend. You were so focused, in fact, that you failed to notice when Satoru’s watchful eyes fell on you and refused to leave as he saw you interacting with his best friend with ease, or the way his expression faltered into an unreadable look at the sight.
As the sun begins to set, and all the adults begin to discuss plans to turn in for the evening, you catch a brief whiff of a scent that sends you hurdling back into your adolescence full-force, your common sense momentarily leaving you as you step out of the ongoing conversation and quickly make your way to a place which was once your sanctuary, your home away from home in your younger years.
Your favorite bakery, a small, family-owned shop whose delectable treats you hadn’t tasted in years was still standing in the same spot it always had been, and the scent of the pastry that had been your favorite since childhood made its way to you as your eyes widened at the sight. You were so caught up in trying to keep yourself from drooling at the delicious scent that you failed to hear your colleagues approaching behind you, nor the way Satoru’s eyes were trained on you once again with the slightest hint of guilt reflecting in them.
“Mmmm, looks yummy.” Utahime praises as her eye lands on the pastry you had been staring down, the two men beside her nodding in agreement. You allowed yourself another moment to stare at the delicacy inside of the shop before turning to face your comrades, though you felt your stomach do a small flip as you finally registered the way Satoru’s gaze seemed stuck on you, and the unreadable look on his face. 
“Yeah…. Sorry guys, I just got a bit distracted. We should be heading back to the hotel.” You mumbled out your apology as you returned to your spot beside Utahime, trying to ignore the way thoughts of Satoru once again flooded your mind as you tried to make sense of his strange expression, or the unusual silence he was now emitting. 
But there was no way that bakery brought back the same feelings for him that it did for you, and you weren’t even sure if he remembered the time the two of you spent there so long ago at all. You were sure he had long-forgotten your love of that specific pastry as the years had passed, or the way he used to always steal a bite from you whenever you bought one for yourself. Those days had long passed, and you forced yourself to shake off his sudden change in attitude and assume it was a coincidence as the four of you saw all of your students to their sleeping quarters for the evening, before parting ways to get ready for bed yourselves. 
Though you were a bit sad to see the sight of an empty doorway as you made your way back to your hotel room alone that evening, you felt your heart rate pick up a bit a your mood turned to something more hopeful when you heard a quick knocking on your door as you finished up your skincare routine for the evening. Of course, your elusive secret santa was gone by the time you opened the door, but the scent that practically smacked you in the face as you reached for another pale yellow bag suddenly had your stomach twisting and turning once more as you felt your suspicions begin to raise.
And as you suspected, inside of the bag you were met with the same pastry you had just been admiring less than an hour prior, the sight making you a bit less happy than it usually would despite your gratitude for the gift as you began to realize that your secret santa had to be one of the other three people you had spent the day with. And despite your hopes that things weren’t as they seemed, the note taped to the side of the bag only caused your heart to sink further as it practically spelled it out for you, so early into the week of secret santa exchanges.
“These have always been your favorite, and now you have a whole batch all to yourself, so you don’t have to share. Though, I wouldn’t mind if you’d be kind enough to slip me a piece ;)
- Secret Santa”
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You spend most of the third day - another free day, thankfully - relaxing and trying to distract yourself watching all of your favorite movies and TV shows, doing practically anything to try and keep your mind away from your discovery last night. You did end up eating the pastry that you had received the night prior (at first the thought made you shiver, as the treat felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds with the loaded memories packed within, but the temptation had eventually been too strong to resist as it’s sweet scent bombarded your senses) but you were making it a point to stay in your room for the day unless one of your students needed you, determined to avoid Satoru as you ignored your emotions rather than attempt to process them.
The note he had left the night prior seemed to indicate that the self-depricating idea that you had clung onto for so many years of him forgetting your friendship was in fact false, and the thought alone had your head swimming with conflict and served to bring up more heartbreak than the reality you had created for the state of your relationship with him over the past ten years. 
If he had forgotten about you, drifted off to other friends and bigger responsibilities until your bond faded from his mind, it would at least be a pain you were used to. A pain you had desensitized yourself to through the years of pining and pondering of a friendship long lost within the seas of time. But the thought that he may still remember it all, could still recall the afternoons spent together and the secrets shared, seemed to hurt much deeper. Because that meant he had chosen something else over those memories, that they seemingly hadn’t meant as much to him even with the images still fresh in his mind.
It was a painful stab to the gut you weren’t quite ready to acknowledge, so you were content to play the fool for now as you distracted and tried to deceive yourself.
When another swift knock sounded out from the end of your room, late in the evening once more (just after you had returned from your brief venture out of your room to deliver Haibara’s gift for the day), you were truthfully hesitant to open the door at all. You were currently clinging on to plausible deniability that the note from yesterday may have somehow been a coincidence, that Satoru may not be your secret santa after all. But given how willing he was to completely give himself away as early as day 2, you had a feeling that you wouldn’t be able to live in denial for much longer once you saw what your secret santa had left for the third day. 
Nonetheless, you eventually worked up the courage to rise to your feet and slowly make your way to the door, staring down the baby-blue bag standing in front of you as if it were a weapon of mass destruction. A few minutes of deep breaths and self affirmations later and you were slowly, carefully removing the tissue paper from the small bag, only to be faced with a sight that instantly caused your eyes to sting with fresh tears.
A mint green DSI, and a small collection of games. An artifact you thought you had lost long ago, likely forgotten amongst some move between houses.
You barely even noticed the tears falling down your cheeks or the way your heart seized in your chest as you reached for the note, hand over your mouth in both awe and devastation as you read the inscribed words.
“Sorry this one isn’t new, I wouldn’t mind spending thousands on you but I thought you’d prefer this. You left it behind, and I haven’t quite found the time to return it yet. Figured you’d enjoy ;)
- Secret Santa”
This was a confirmation of every thought that had been spinning within your head over the past 24 hours, and as you held one of your favorite childhood toys in your hands for the first time in over a decade, you felt more conflicted than ever on how to handle your relationship with Satoru, or what your feelings for the man were at all any more.
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The following days went by in a similar rhythm, though the gifts thankfully became simpler and less nostalgic as time went on. (You weren’t sure if you could handle another late-night crying session as the result of any particularly thoughtful gifts).
Day four had left you with some typical teaching supplies, as Satoru had heard you complaining about the lack of traditional lesson plans within the Jujutsu education system and your desire to teach your students at least some of the things they’d learn in a typical Japanese high school environment over a faculty-wide dinner. 
Day five, he had gifted you with some skincare products he noticed were running low after showing up unexpectedly at your hotel room in the middle of the day, pleading with you to let him use your bathroom since he had forgotten his room key inside and Suguru was asleep. The two of you hadn’t spoken much, as he was quickly in and out of your room, but he breathed out a silent sigh of relief once he was securely outside your door as he thanked the universe that you hadn’t thought too deeply into his excuse. It would look pretty ridiculous of him to be insistent on the chance to see you for a moment if you had realized that he didn’t need to stay in a hotel in the city he lived in, after all.
Day six had been the most difficult for you to process since the emotional roller coaster of the third day, and it had been the catalyst for you to finally cave and explain to Utahime what you had discovered about your not-so-secret santa, and what he had done since your revelation. You had done your best to keep her out of it, as you knew she wasn’t particularly fond of Satoru on his best of days and had listened to many of your previous venting sessions about your forgotten friendship with Satoru prior to this exchange. But when you saw what awaited you in your bag on the second to last day of the exchange, and the note that accompanied the gift, you threw your efforts out the window as you finally sought advice from your best friend.
In the bag you were greeted with a complete collection of the Haikyuu manga and a small collection of high-quality lip balms (a collection you had been growing well before you lost touch with Satoru), along with a note much lengthier than the others.
“I don’t know if you’re still all that into this series, but I know how much you loved it when we were younger. Figured this would be better than that body pillow I always threatened to buy you, hopefully you’ll read through them and get to ‘experience the story all over again’ or whatever it is you nerds say.
The lip balms I remember you loving for some reason, but I’m hoping tomorrow I’ll give you a reason to use them. We’re supposed to reveal ourselves anyways, and I’ve got some things I’d like to say. So if you’re willing to listen to an idiot like me blab on about feelings and shit for a while, meet me at our favorite bakery tomorrow night at 7.
- Secret Santa”
You knew that you’d have to face him at some point, as you did eventually have to reveal yourself to your secret santa and exchange a final gift to one another. Yet you were unsure if you should go to this meeting or not, if you were ready to face Satoru’s feelings and demand the explanation you deserved for what had happened so long ago, especially in a place that held such sentimentality to each of you.
You had expected Utahime to talk you out of it, almost hoping she would as you went to here and finally explained to her what had been going on throughout this secret santa exchange. Truth be told, you were terrified at the thought of all your feelings for Satoru possibly being laid out in the open, and were hoping she would give you an excuse to bail.
Unfortunately, she did the exact opposite of what you had hoped, and encouraged you to meet with him in the hopes that you’d finally find some sort of resolution for the feelings you had been carrying in your soul for so long, and that they’d finally either be laid to rest or be given a chance to flourish into something much better for you. Curse her and her rationality, and the way she always had your best interests at heart.
It took nearly a full minute of standing outside the small bakery, your heartbeat ringing through your ears like timpanis ringing through your bones, for you to work up the courage to open the door and step inside, pulling off your winter attire as you glanced at the cozy Christmas eve decorations lining the walls. The bakery was quiet on such a late hour the day before a holiday, and it was easy to spot Satoru (early for once, a fact that made your heart flutter the slightest bit in your chest) at a cozy table in the corner, the same table the two of you frequented throughout your pre-teen years. He didn’t even try to hide the way his eyes lit up at the sight of you, overjoyed that you had actually shown up as he waved you over to your table. His greeting, however, was incredibly lacklustre compared to the week-long build up of tension and emotions between the two of you as an effortless grin spread across his lips.
“Hey.” Was the only word that fell from his lips as you sat down across from him in the booth, the same careless attitude that had always emanate from Satoru’s very being coming off of him now. But this time you refused to play along, refused to ignore the way he had tugged on your heart strings all week long and make casual, meaningless conversation the way you always did. 
“Don’t ‘hey’ me, Satoru. You know why I’m here.” You start, face fixed in a stern expression as you fought hard not to let your anxiety peek through onto your features. “Obviously I know you’re my secret santa, but I think we have bigger things to talk about here. Specifically, the way our friendship fell apart.”
Satoru wasn’t surprised in the slightest by the way you jumped straight into the heart of the conversation, he had seen the tension building on your face all week long as you received gift after gift from him. Hell, his own feelings had been much more difficult to contain than usual, with his desire to be close to you, to have you back in his life once more growing by the day. But Satoru was nothing if not unable to admit his emotions seriously, so his relaxed grin remained as he did his best not to let his heart get the best of it.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I did say I had things I needed to tell you.” He ponders gently, taking a bite of a sugary cream puff laid on the plate in front of him before meeting your gaze with his aqua eyes. “Look, I was an asshole teen, and everything that happened was on me. None of it had anything to do with you.”
Now it’s your turn to be shocked, completely amazed that the Satoru Gojo who had never apologized once as a child was currently admitting complete fault. You were stunned into silence at his words, though your face suddenly showed a layer of openness to his explanation as he continued on.
“When we got to high school I got so wrapped up in making new friends and advancing my technique and all that shit. Honestly, I was a total jerk back then, I dunno if you’d have wanted to hang around me anyways.” He laughs at the remark, but you could tell that this was the real Satoru, briefly peeking through his walls that seemed to melt so easily whenever he was around you. “Plus I had always kinda liked you, but it never really seemed like you felt that way about me. So I used my new friends and my status as a way to not have to talk to you, I was just hoping that it would give me a chance to get over whatever weird crush I had because it would just be pathetic for you to find out about it. But then it went on for longer than I realized, and by the time I figured out how much we had drifted, my pride wouldn’t let me admit why I stopped hanging out with you in the first place. Dumb, I know, but that’s really all it was.”
Satoru seemed so casual throughout his entire explanation, as if he was simply recounting his work day rather than delving into the intricacies of his thoughts and feelings and the reasons why your friendship had fallen apart. And his reasons were stupid, a part of you loathed the way younger Satoru had been so stubborn in refusing to communicate his feelings that he split the two of you apart as a result. Yet another part of you felt so incredibly thankful that the split hadn’t been because of something you did, or because he had stopped caring. It was the most idiotic behavior you had ever heard of, yet you were quick to find it in your heart to forgive him when you heard the next words that fell from his lips.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, though it was clear enough for you to hear amongst the white noise of the bakery as he tried to hide the bashful look on his face at his words. It wasn’t often that Satoru Gojo apologized, and in fact it was a sight you had never seen from the man in all your time together, and it took everything in you not to interrupt him with words of forgiveness as he continued on. “I considered doing something lame, like pulling a “your gift is me” or some shit, but I got you a real gift instead. I’m just gonna say that I know for a fact that I loved you back then, and I’m pretty sure I do now. So take this gift, and I’m just the bonus, if you’re willing to take it.”
You were practically on autopilot as you took the final gift of the week straight from Satoru’s hands, no longer hidden beneath any bags or bows as your entire body felt as if it were on fire from within. You were completely unable to muster words at the moment as you took in everything you had just heard, trying to fit what he had said into the puzzle pieces of your own emotions as you glanced at the two tickets Satoru had given you, tickets to a concert for your favorite artist. 
“Hopefully you’ll let me go with you, but if you decide to kick my ass to the curb and never speak to me again, then you can at least bring a friend.” He told you as he carefully watched your reaction to your final gift, though Satoru was unable to fully hide the way panic spread throughout his entire body like a plague when he noticed tears streaming down your cheeks in waves. Before he could get another word in or even ask you what was going on, though, your eyes met his once more as your voice wavered with emotion.
“You are a complete idiot, Satoru. I spent years missing you and breaking my own heart thinking that you had just forgotten about me completely, that you didn’t remember out friendship at all. I thought my feelings would just be stuffed down and elft unsaid forever.” You chide him as your tears pour out, though the way your hand sets the tickets on the table before reaching out for his indicates that you have more yet to say. 
“You’re just lucky that those feelings hadn’t been stuffed down into nothing yet.” You continue as you sneak your hand over to interlink your fingers with his, relishing in the genuine surprise that took over Satoru’s face at the warm feeling. “And the fact that you actually apologized to me for the first time helped too.” You add on, squeezing his hand gently in yours in order to prompt him to look into your eyes.
“.....Does this mean you do want the bonus?” The man in front of you mutters out after a moment, clearly feeling overwhelmed with how emotionally charged the moment is as he tries to lighten the atmosphere with a joke. And it makes his heart sing in his chest when he hears your sweet laughter in response, a sound he had missed most in all the years apart as the both of you began leaning in from across the table.
“......Yes, I guess I do want the bonus. It’s Christmas eve, after all.” You respond with a smile, before taking charge of the moment as you press your lips into his. The kiss is short and sweet, and you know you’ll have to take the relationship slow as you re-learn each other’s personalities and quirks now that you’ve grown into adulthood. Its’ obvious that it won’t be an easy process, that you’ll both have to put in the work to make the relationship work and move past the mistakes of adolescence. But you also know that there will be plenty more kisses to come, because if your childhood friendship with Satoru and the torch you still carried for him left you with anything, it was the knowledge that, to you, Satoru Gojo was worth the work if you could wake up to that gorgeous, smiling face every morning.
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A/N: It’s kind of crazy to believe that it’s already the end of the year, and that this will probably be the last thing I write and post this year. I’ll release a longer post being all sappy over the new year later, but for now I just want to say that I’m so happy I found the motivation and excitement to return to this blog this year and branch out into so many fandoms, I’ve had so much fun writing and posting here and I look forward to continuing in 2024! Thank you all for reading this and any of my other works you’ve read this year, I’ve really appreciated the support and I hope I can continue posting good writing in the future :> 
Taglist: @ace-lavender
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stickymolasses · 6 months
omgg if you’re comfortable, can you write about reader calling harry “theo” after his middle name? i feel like he would blush so bad, his face would be all red 😊
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an: hello anon! this is such a sweet ask, i'm giggling and kicking my feet omg. it’s christmas day for me, happy holidays to all! i hope we’re all eating good food and spending time with family and friends. <3 
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summary: You and Harry are resting in your bed and you call him a nickname he hasn't heard in a while. pairing: harry osborn x reader warnings: making out, cringe <:
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The evening ushered in a tranquility that had eluded both you and Harry for quite some time.
A slight crack in the small window above your bed allowed a gentle breeze to permeate the room. While many might argue that the air in New York City carried a sharp and unpleasant scent, it smelled of new beginnings to you. Describing your life in the city proved to be an indescribable experience. 
You gaze up at Harry, lying on your bed. He looks like a dream, his eyes half-closed and glazed with the allure of sleep. Your right hand rests on his bare chest, while the other is delicately woven through his. 
His ginger hair is slightly overgrown, falling over his forehead haphazardly. He hadn’t been able to get a haircut lately; the holidays were approaching, and his barber was packed with appointments. You’ve been trimming his hair for him, but you're afraid to go too short—God forbid you ruin his beautiful hair. He couldn’t care less about his hair's appearance, though, as long as you're running your hands through it gently.
You swipe your hand over his forehead to smooth out his unruly hair, allowing you to see his eyes more clearly. His green ones flutter towards your own and rest there.
The two of you pause for a moment. The city is surprisingly quiet, with no traffic or drunk college students, just the two of you breathing in time with the wind outside your window. Your chests rise and fall together.
“What do you think you would be doing right now if we hadn’t met each other?” You speak, breaking through the silence you had accumulated. Harry moves a piece of hair behind your ear and lets his hand linger on your face for a while.
“I’d probably be in my own bed at home, dreaming of being here instead,” he smirks.
You scoff and let out a small chuckle, “But you wouldn’t know I exist! How could you possibly dream of me?”
“I’m sure I’d find a way,” he says, matter-of-factly.
“Well, I think I would be at the movies.” Harry laughs at your answer, a real laugh, from the bottom of his chest. The sound of his happiness always makes you feel warmth in your chest.
“What’s so funny?” You sit up on your knees, looking down at him, still laughing. His laughter is contagious, and you join him in his fit. 
“Just you, always so sure of yourself. If you told me you were born with vampire fangs and blue skin, I would have no choice but to believe you.”
“Well, it’s just one of my many charms.” Harry laughs again, swiftly pulling you back down to lie with him. You wonder how he’s gotten so strong over the past couple of months.
He pulls you into a warm kiss, slowly trailing down to your neck and lingering there for a moment. You feel his breathing below your ear, and it elicits a shiver to run down your spine.
“Can I stay here tonight?” He says your name, dripping with want. It causes you to let out a gentle moan. 
You suck in a sharp breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
“Of course you can.”
He smiles wide and kisses you again, this time harder and needier. He bites your bottom lip, and you gasp, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. 
You part to allow yourselves a moment to breathe. There is barely any space between the two of you, the gap between your lips just enough to speak in a whisper.
“Anything for my Theo…”
Harry blushes a red you have never seen before; it may not even exist on the color wheel. He swiftly buries his head into your neck and groans, embarrassed.
“Nobody has called me that since the third grade.” It comes out muffled, barely audible, but you heard it.
“But it’s so cute!”
“Who names anyone Theopolis anyway? What was my dad thinking…” He separates himself from you and flops on your bed, placing a pillow over his face.
“I think it’s a beautiful name. Very regal, like a knight.” You lean down and remove his pillow-shield, kissing his nose.
“A knight… Your knight in shining armor.” His blush fades, and his smile returns.
You fake a sigh and shake your head, “What am I going to do with you, Theo?”
Harry groans again, much louder this time, and swiftly launches a pillow at you.
“I am never going to stop calling you that.”
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an: i wrote this pretty quickly so pls forgive me if it's shit lol. i had fun writing this, though. let me know if i have any errors or anything inconsistent that you notice. i fear i may be the only one still writing harry osborn ps5 x readers LMFAO. let me know if your interested in me writing for any other characters. i can write any spiderman character (age appropriate, of course) and pretty much any marvel character. i am not a huge mcu fan, but i will write for loki if anyone is interested in that. anyways, long author's note sorryyyyyyy! happy reading!
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bucketsofmonsters · 2 years
Proper Etiquette - Part 2 (Final Part)
cw: safewording, loss of virginity, vaginal sex, oral sex, mention of multiple partners, size kink, non-human genetalia
male demon x fem reader
word count: 7k
part 1   part 2
Your leg bounced nervously up and down, your thoughts racing too fast for you to be able to keep yourself still. You had to let your anxiety out somehow and when you were trapped in these small quarters, moving your leg up and down was the best you had. 
You couldn't help but jump every time the carriage bumped over something on the path, the tension deep in your gut absolutely unshakable, no matter how many times you tried to snuff it out. 
You could feel your husband's eyes on you as you sat there, your leg tapping up and down restlessly, and you looked up to meet his gaze. “What’re you looking at?”
His concern was evident, his eyes following your fidgeting and scanning your face. “What are you so worried about?” he responded, his voice soft and measured. 
You shrugged, not sure you even had an answer. You weren’t scared the way you used to be, Rygel had long since extinguished that fear, but the anxiety remained. It was just all so new and strange, you weren’t sure anything could make your trip to such an unfamiliar place less daunting. 
Rygel had given you plenty of time to adjust and prepare to leave your home, leaving it entirely up to you when you would head back to his kingdom. But as the weeks passed you knew you couldn’t stay forever. Eventually you’d have to return to Rygel’s home, to your new home. 
Your goodbyes hadn’t been as tearful as you’d expected. For so long you’d known that you would get married off, it was almost a relief to finally know where you were going and not have the distant threat looming over your head anymore. 
For the most part, you couldn’t have been happier. You’d always assumed that marriage would make you miserable, that it would just be another duty you had to endure, but instead you felt happier than you ever had before. 
None of that took away from just how unknown your future was. Rygel had done his best to explain it to you but it was all so different from what you were used to, it was hard to wrap your head around. 
Your gaze had drifted back out towards the window as your thoughts had started to swallow you up again but Rygel quickly brought you back to the present, his hand grasping under your chin and gently pulling your gaze back towards him. 
“You can talk to me, you know,” he said, his hand shifting to cup your cheek. You couldn’t help but lean into it, the physical affection more than welcome. 
“I know. It’s just silly, I don’t want to worry you.”
“If it’s troubling you, I’d like to know about it.”
You weren’t used to this, to people caring so much about how you felt. “I’m just nervous, I’ll be fine.”
“Is that all?” he prodded. 
You nodded, hoping that would be enough to ease his concern. You didn’t like making him worry over you, especially over something that felt so silly. 
The hand that was cradling your cheek fell to your waist and before you understood what was happening, you were being pulled towards him and shifted onto his lap, his arms settling around you as he buried his head in your hair. 
“Well, I can’t let my little wife be nervous all on her own, what kind of husband would that make me?”
You couldn’t help but squirm a little at the sudden movement, letting out a giggle. You practically melted into him. His touch had so quickly become comforting and now you couldn’t imagine life without it. 
You tried to remind yourself that there’d be more of this there. Rygel had said that his people were more comfortable with physical affection than yours were and you let the thought ease your mind a little. No matter what happened, he would be by your side.
No matter how many times you reminded yourself of the thought, the pit in your stomach never quite went away.
 You let out a sigh of disappointment as the carriage rolled to a stop, snuggling further into Rygel in a futile attempt to keep him there with you. He made no move to get out, allowing you to trap him there for now. 
“We can stay in here if you want but I promise the rooms inside are more comfortable,” he reasoned with you.
You hated that he was right. Besides, as much as you wanted to hide in here forever, you did need to leave eventually so with a sigh you got up and prepared to see your new home for the first time. 
The second you set foot within the castle walls you noticed was that everything there was massive. No longer was it Rygel bumping his horns in doorways and not fitting in beds, now you were the one out of place. You’d come to terms with the size difference with Rygel, he had come to feel safe, but here everything was so daunting. 
You practically tripped over your own feet as you tried to take everything in at once, intent on gathering your bearings as quickly as possible. 
Rygel’s hand on your back was grounding, something familiar while you grappled with something so new. 
You let out a sigh of relief as Rygel said, “Let me show you our room.” You knew he could tell just how overwhelmed you were and you couldn’t be happier at the prospect of just getting some rest with him for a while. You were too wound up to do anything anyways, getting the chance to sleep sounded ideal. 
You should’ve been trying to take in all the paths of the castle as you were led through them but it was all too overwhelming. Eventually you just tried not to pay too much attention to your surroundings, deciding that figuring this all out was an activity for after you rested. 
Other than the size, the rooms here didn’t look all that different from what you were used to. You supposed it was probably better this way, if one of you had to be in a place not built for them, at least it wasn’t the one who was constantly hitting his head anymore. 
Unlike in your old room, the beds here had more than enough space for Rygel. He hadn’t been kidding when he said you’d be drowning in bed space. You had to hop to get up on it and you heard him snort behind you at the sight. 
You didn’t even take your clothes off, just needing to lay down for a while, collapsing on top of the sheets. 
He didn’t press you on the matter, taking a minute or two to get situated before you felt the bed dip beside you as he sat down. 
Before laying next to you, he pulled a blanket over you. Next to him and in this bed you felt so unbelievably small. This whole place made you feel small. You wondered if this was how Rygel had felt before, when his surroundings didn’t fit him, a painful and constant reminder that he didn’t belong. 
The extra room didn’t make any difference, when he laid down next to you he was just as close to you as he always was, practically pulling you on top of him as he went to sleep. 
Your day had been too long and too stressful for you to not pass out almost immediately. 
You woke up after Rygel did, a rare event. Usually he was the one trying to pull you back under the covers and convince you to stay just a few minutes longer but now he was already getting ready when you woke up.
Your rose to join him with a yawn, your heart telling you to just bury yourself under the soft blankets again and sleep through the day. Instead, you pushed the thought aside and got ready. 
He helped you lace up your corset as you got dressed beside him. He’d insisted on it lately. You were fairly certain he just wanted to help and no matter how much faster you could get it done on your own, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop him. 
There had been a steep learning curve, he wasn’t used to dealing with things so small, but his hands had grown gentler and more precise since you’d met.
As he finished tying the best bow he was capable of, he said, “There’s a meeting to discuss some policies soon.”
“I hope it goes well.”
His brow furrowed. “Are you not coming?” He quickly corrected course, careful to not push you too far. “Unless you don’t want to. If you don’t want to be involved that’s fine, I just thought…”
You hadn't even considered that there was a chance you’d be allowed to be more involved in things over here. Back at home you’d never even been permitted to hear about anything official, let alone sit in while it was discussed.  “No! I’d love to be involved. I just didn’t expect it, I guess.”
You probably should have seen it coming, with everything Rygel had told you but you just couldn’t fathom it. Everything from before was working against you alongside the fact that you were a foreigner here, the idea that you’d be involved with anything hadn’t even crossed your mind.
As you arrived at the meeting, Rygel’s hand never strayed from your waist, the heavy presence endlessly comforting. You tried your best to take in your surroundings without looking lost and confused, although you were certain you were failing. 
You didn’t miss the glances that came from others there, the whispers that happened after they set eyes on you. They were familiar, you recognized them as the ones that had been directed at Rygel when you’d been home. 
He seemed just as discontent with them as you had been, shooting glares at anyone he noticed whispering behind your back. 
You had to jump to get up on the chair and as much as you tried to not let it affect you, a pang shot through your chest. Nothing here was made for you, you didn’t belong here and everyone could see it. 
The discussion started immediately. You’d never sat in on one of your father’s meetings but you were certain that this wasn’t how they went, with people talking over one another and getting into little debates. 
It was hard to keep track of everything, trying to make sense of places you’d never heard of and references to discussions you’d never had. It felt like they were speaking a different language. 
As everything wrapped up, you understood no more information leaving that meeting than you had going in. The only thing you had gained was confusion and frustration with yourself.
“They don’t like me.” You said it with a sigh, still trying to keep your tone light. 
“I didn’t like you at first either,” Rygel reasoned with you in the now empty room. “They'll come around, trust me.”
He wasn’t wrong. You’d been wary of Rygel at first too, it wasn’t fair to expect them to accept you immediately. Still, you’d be lying if you said it didn’t sting. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts as his hand snaked around your hips and he pulled you into a quick kiss.
“Come on, there’s no one around,” he said as he nuzzled into your hair, pressing kisses into your forehead. “Am I not allowed to kiss my wife? Besides, you could use the distraction, I hate to see you worry. You know,” he prompted, “you can explore this place if you want, little princess, maybe that’ll help get you out of that troublesome little head.” He placed another soft kiss into your hair as he spoke.  
You stayed glued to his side. refusing to leave the comfort of his presence and shook your head adamantly. “I want to stay with you.”
You didn’t leave his side for the rest of the day, not that he seemed to mind. You were a welcome distraction from anything he was doing, using most of his time to dote on you.
You decided to call it an early night. You still weren’t quite comfortable showing affection like this in public but even your limits were being tested. 
You’d spoken about it before, about how he wanted to wait until you got settled in here before you tried anything beyond what you’d already done. That had seemed so far away, you’d almost pushed it from your mind but now here you were.
Not that you hadn’t been involved in other ways. Rygel couldn’t seem to get enough of you, figuring out what you liked, how to undo you. You hadn’t been shy either, he’d been a fantastic teacher and you more than enjoyed learning. 
But this was something else entirely. The two of you were just having fun, exploring each other. This felt more important and serious, like you should be nervous about it, and that was one expectation you felt prepared to meet. 
You’d heard so many stories, about how you’d bleed your first time, about how it would hurt. You’d even heard of men who would get upset if their wives didn’t bleed. You couldn’t make sense of it, the idea that one would have to hope to be hurt to prove their purity. 
You knew your prince wouldn’t care about that but still, the thoughts plagued you. This wasn’t something new you were discovering for the first time with him, this was something you’d been very nervous about for a very long time.
Would it hurt?
You couldn’t imagine Rygel would ever knowingly hurt you but if human men were supposed to hurt, then surely Rygel would. You knew exactly how big it was, you were intimately acquainted with it in fact. You could barely fit it in your mouth, you had no idea how it was supposed to fit inside you. 
Whenever he noticed you staring and saw that you were spiraling he snapped you out of it, kept you in the moment, but he couldn’t always be there to snap you out of your anxious spirals and you’d worried about it more than you liked to admit. 
This time, however, he was there. It didn’t take him long to notice the state you were in once you’d reached your chambers and he quickly swept you off your feet, tossing you gently on the bed before sitting beside you.
“What did I say about talking to me, little one? What’s going on up there, hmm?” His hand captured your jaw, tilting your head to the side to inspect you. 
You allowed him to, more than happy to let him move you around to his heart's content. 
“You said we wouldn’t do anything until we were here.” Your words were hushed, like you were convinced that someone was listening in. 
“I just meant I didn’t want to do anything on that tiny bed, wanted room to move. We have that here.” He moved over you as you spoke, as if proving his point, pining you to the sheets. “But,” he continued, “we don’t have to do anything you don’t feel ready to do.”
It was hard to think straight with him pinning you down like this, it was a miracle you were able to form words at all. “I’m ready.”
“Are you sure? You look like you’ve gone all hazy on me already.”
You shook your head in protest, refusing to speak and let your voice betray you. 
“I’m going to be so careful with you, I hope you know that. You’re so small, I’m afraid I might break you. I have half a mind to let someone smaller than me go first, open you up a little.”
Your face immediately flushed. “I… um…”
He laughed, as amused by you getting flustered as ever. “Come on, use your words,” he prodded, teasing you further as you opted to instead bury your head in his neck.
“You’re being mean,” you protested, still hiding your face, refusing to let him see just how flustered you were. 
He was having none of it, gently pulling you away from him so he could get a good look at you. “There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s what we’re supposed to be doing, isn’t it?”
“I’m just nervous,” you explained, hoping he’d understand that it absolutely wasn’t his fault. 
“We don’t have to, we can wait as long as you need.” He was always so patient, maybe too patient.
“No! I want to!” You winced at how loud you’d gotten in your protest. 
He just chuckled. “Someone’s eager.” The humor left his face and his tone grew more measured. “The second you want to stop, you tell me, are we understood.”
You could tell exactly how serious he was, responding with a steadfast, “I will, I promise.”
As you reassured him, he leaned over you. “I’m going to fill you up, little one, how does that sound?”
You let out a whine that was already bordering on pathetic and he hadn’t even touched you yet. Maybe eager was right.
Not that he had any room to judge. It didn’t take long before he was pulling off your clothes, desperate to get to you. You helped as best you could between frenzied kisses. 
It didn’t take long before you were spread out before him, doing your best not to get self-conscious and try to cover yourself. It was a habit that was difficult to break but Rygel had done his best to reward your efforts.
“There you go,” he said as he nudged your legs further apart. “Let me look at you.”
He didn’t waste any time, his hand immediately running up your leg to rub your clit while he pressed kisses into your inner thighs.
One finger pushed inside of you as his head raised to lap and suck at your clit and already you felt filled. The most you’d managed to take before was two of his fingers and you knew how much bigger his cock was. You really weren’t sure how you were going to manage it. 
You didn't need to worry about that yet though. Rygel’s pace was slow, carefully working you open as he edged in a second finger. You couldn’t help but bear down on him as he whispered into your skin for you to relax.
Even the warm air from his mouth caused you to arch up into him. No matter how many times he did this with you, he never ceased to be able to unravel you completely. 
And then he pulled away, looking down at you eagerly. 
“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice gentle. 
You nodded, your stomach a knot of nerves that you couldn’t seem to unravel. 
You almost backed out the second you felt his dick press against you. You knew exactly how big it was, you couldn’t imagine fitting any of that inside you. 
And yet you pushed on. You wanted it over with, to have your first time behind you already, to be able to escape these nerves that you seemed perpetually stuck with. 
You couldn’t show any of this to Rygel, you knew that he wouldn’t continue if he knew the state you were working yourself into so instead you tried to push through, to convince yourself that once he was inside you’d be alright, encouraging him along. 
Barely the head of his cock pushed inside and you were already feeling the stretch. 
You tried so hard to be brave, you really did, but he was so big and this was so new and it was all so overwhelming.
“Stop, it's too much, I can’t,” you blurted out, your head spinning. You knew that if you sat there and endured it feeling like this he’d never forgive you. You both needed to stop, you couldn’t go on like this. 
He pulled out immediately, searching for signs of pain in your face.
Tears started rolling down your cheeks immediately, upset that you’d backed out. You sputtered out some apologies as emotions overwhelmed you.
He pulled you into his chest, muttering kind words to you in that soft tone reserved for when you got panicked like this. “Hey now, don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong. You did exactly what I asked you to do, you were so good for me.”
You sniffled, knowing he was right and yet still feeling like you’d let him down. 
As you got a hold of yourself and calmed down properly, you pulled away and managed to ask, “What about you?”
“Don't worry about me, I didn't hurt you did I?”
You shook your head as a reassuring smile graced your face. “It’s my fault, I just started worrying again.”
“Thank you so much for telling me.” He sounded so proud of you and you almost started sobbing again, sinking into his embrace and letting yourself drift off, your head still buzzing with an ever-present anxiety.
You woke up and it was still there. You’d managed to obtain a stress headache in your sleep and your heart immediately started racing as soon as you got up.
Rygel stirred below you, his arms still wrapped around your waist.
“How are you doing?” he asked, looking down at you through hooded, sleepy eyes. 
Not good. But you couldn’t say that and have him worry over you again so instead you attempted to pull away from him, muttering. “I think I need some air.”
He didn't let you leave, his arms remaining firm around you. “What’s wrong? Please talk to me.”
“I just… this place is too much. I don’t belong here, Rygel.”
“I understand how you feel,” he promised, his arms loosening so you could break free and turn to face him. 
You weren’t convinced. “I don’t know…”
“I felt just as out of place in your kingdom as you do in mine.”
“But you knew you’d be coming home.”
It finally hit you just as you said it. You couldn’t run, you were here forever, even if they just kept hating you, no matter how out of place you felt. 
“I’m going to go to the library.” You blurted it out on instinct. That had always been your go to place when you felt out of your depth at home, it didn’t have to be different here. Perhaps at least your panic zones could be the same, the one thing you carried with you.
“I can come with you.”
“I’m okay, I’ll find it on my own.” You didn’t give him the chance to voice the protest that you knew was seconds from leaving his lips, instead opting to just leave, offering what you hoped was a reassuring smile as you slipped out the door. 
With a little trial and error and asking a few people for help, you managed to find your way there. It had more books than your library did, every wall stacked to the top with information. 
You weren’t certain where to start but you did the best you could, trying to sort through the sections and managing to find a few maps and history books in your escapades, certainly enough to start learning. Maybe at this rate, you’d even be able to understand some of the things people were saying and you wouldn’t be quite so useless in the next meeting. 
Determination washed over you as you continued, refusing to take a break and intent on learning as much as you possibly could. It was the best chance you had at feeling like you fit here, stuffing your head with all the information you could find.
You were there for hours and hours, how many exactly you couldn’t say. Everything else melted away, the incoming exhaustion barely even on your radar. 
Regardless of whether you noticed it or not, said exhaustion certainly tested your spacial awareness. He probably wasn’t sneaking up on you and yet you practically jumped out of your skin when Rygel appeared seemingly from nowhere and said, “Need any help?”
You shook your head as the shock faded, eyes falling back to the map you were studying. “No, I just need to figure all this out.”
“You don’t need to figure it out on your own.”
“It’s the fastest way to get it done,” you reasoned. “I have to learn fast if I want to know what anyone’s talking about, to be even somewhat useful.”
He immediately caught on to what had sent you spiraling into this map-infested nightmare. “I brought you so you could learn, no one expects you to be an expert on your first day here”
“No, I need to prove myself.”
“Proving yourself isn’t worth working yourself to death. Besides, you don’t need to prove shit to anyone.”
You could tell he was upset, it was written all over his face. Not at you, probably at himself if you were being honest which broke your heart. 
Before you got the chance to reassure him and tell him not to worry about you, he had already grabbed your hand. “Come on.” He pulled you away from your books and you looked up, confused.
“I promised you we’d have fun when we got here, that’s what we’re going to do. Besides, we have flowers to plant.”
You couldn’t say no to that, he looked too excited for you to even consider it, so you let him pull you out of the castle, making a quick pitstop to pick up the pot of yellow flowers he’d brought with you. 
You’d been too overwhelmed with everything going on inside to take in what was outside the palace so as he dragged you outside, you saw it all for the first time. 
There were plants here, it wasn’t the barren wasteland you’d imagined, but he hadn’t been lying when he’d said there weren’t really flowers. The plants that were there were dark greens, grown out and untamed. It was a far cry from the neat, colorful garden you were used to. 
Still, there was something about it. It was clearly wild but there was something nice about the sprawling vines and trees, taking up exactly as much space as they wanted to. 
As you took in your surroundings, Rygel was planning besides you. “Let’s plant them by the river, I was told they need a lot of water.”
You nodded, agreeing with the assessment. “Yeah, they do. There’s a river near here?”
“There is, you’ll love it.”
He was more than happy to carry the little pot of flowers he’d brought all the way from your home and lead the way.
The river was green too, matching the terrain around it.  The rocks were all covered with moss and the water was a muddy sort of green, so dark that you had no idea how deep the river was. The ground could be inches below the surface or miles deep and you’d be none the wiser. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen a river like this, so deeply colored and Rygel was right, you loved it. 
You’d notably forgotten shovels or any gardening tools, or more accurately Rygel had forgotten them considering you’d been kidnapped from your spot in the library. He didn’t seem to mind, content to sit down and start digging out a space for them in the mud with his hands. 
You hiked up your dress and knelt down beside him, doing your best to keep your skirts clean. 
He looked over at you, holding your bunched up skirts in your hands and snorted. “A little mud won’t kill you.”
You responded to his teasing with a pout. “I don’t want to make a mess.”
“You’re not going to help me?”
That got you, you couldn’t refuse that. With a futile attempt to prop the loose skirts of your dress up, you leaned forwards and tried to help him. 
With the hole mostly dug, you got the chance to plant your flowers. You were as careful with them as possible, trying to make sure everything was perfect and that your little slice of home would be able to thrive. 
You sat back and admired your work, the yellow flowers contrasting against the dark greens behind them. 
“Do you like them?” Rygel was looking over at you, eagerly awaiting your response as his eyes flitted between your smiling face and the flowers he’d managed to bring for you and you just couldn’t help yourself, crashing your lips into his. 
He reciprocated eagerly and you both immediately got caught up in it. You barely even noticed him leaning you backwards until your back was pressed to the soil. You could feel the mud pressing up against you through your clothes but you couldn’t quite bring yourself to care, instead preoccupied with the overwhelming amount of affection you had for him. 
Rygel was getting as close to you as possible, pressing desperately against you, and on instinct your hips rolled up against his. You felt his lips tick up in a small smile at your movements, although he refused to pull away from you. 
His patience wasn’t infinite, though, and before long the both of you were eager to get back inside. 
As he stood, you leaned back fully into the mud with a sigh. “Well, now my dress is definitely ruined.”
“Good. The first of many if I have anything to say about it.”
He stuck out his hand, pulling you to your feet the second you took it. 
As soon as you were inside the palace walls the adrenaline started to fade and embarrassment started to kick in, worrying that every passing person was judging you for the state you were in. 
The more people you passed, however, the more you noticed that the only stares you were getting were the same as the ones from before. 
“I told you they wouldn’t care.” Rygel said as soon as you entered your chambers, clearly seeing the realization that had dawned on you when your pace had slowed on your return and you had let go of some of your tension.
“They were still staring.”
He dismissed the idea quickly. “That's because you're a little human, not because of some dirt. That’s probably the most normal thing they’ve seen from you since you got here.”
You’d already started working on removing your muddy clothes and in an unusual turn of events, Rygel didn’t rush over to help. As helpful as he’d become with putting your clothes on in the morning, he always seemed even more eager to get them off.
Not today though. Today he headed off to the bathroom to do who knows what as you pulled yourself out of your dress, trying not to mess up the floors too badly as you made a pile of your dirty clothes. 
When you finally cleaned the mess into a neat little pile, you ducked your head into the bathroom, wondering what he was getting up to. 
He gave you a toothy grin above what you quickly recognized as a bubble bath. He beckoned you over, grabbing onto you and plopping you into the bath as soon as you were within arms reach.
You moved forward, leaving room for him behind you and he quickly took the hint, the warm, soapy water rising around you as he sat. His chest was pressed to your back as you relaxed into him.
A sweet scent filled the room and he started to clean you, wiping off all the grime. You made a move to help him but he quickly swatted your hand away before returning to his mission, his hand rubbing up and down your legs. 
It didn’t take long before you were clean again, although that didn’t stop his hands from roaming across your form. “Told you getting dirty wasn’t such a big deal, it’s all fixed now.”
“My dress is still a mess,” you reminded him gently, although you didn’t really mind. A dress was a small price to pay for moments like this.
“There will be more dresses,” he reassured you.
As you leaned back into him, you couldn’t help but run through the events of the day and your mild panic from earlier. Your voice was soft and timid as you finally convinced yourself to ask, “Does it really not bother you that I don’t know anything about this place yet?”
“Of course it doesn’t. I barely understood what a garden was when we met, we both have blind spots.”
“I just don’t want to let you down,” you admitted
“You couldn’t if you tried, little one. Just relax for me, everything you need to know I will help you learn, alright?”
“Mmhmm.” Your stress from before was melting away and the warmth and the sweet smells were lulling you to sleep. He didn’t prompt you further as a silence fell over the two of you, his hands still ghosting across your skin as you focused on the feeling of his breathing, his chest rising and falling behind you. 
You didn’t even realize you were nodding off until you were being woken by being gently dried, opening your sleep lidded eyes to meet Rygel’s with a smile. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to pass out on you,” you muttered, the warm air in the room still leaving you drowsy.
“I don’t mind, I’m just glad to see you relax.”
“I’m always relaxed around you.”
He chuckled. “If only that were true. When it’s just the two of us, maybe.”
You conceded the point, although you still weren’t sure if he knew just how much peace he brought you just by being near. You mind had been racing nonstop for most of your life, with him is was the quietest it’d ever been, like your body was just now learning how to let its guard down
Rygel wrapped you in the soft towel and carried you gently to the bed as he looked for something for you to wear to sleep. Historically, he did prefer sleeping in the nude but you could tell he didn’t want to push you right now.
He only had a towel around his waist and your eyes traced over his broad back up to his horns, the ones that made his silhouette all the more intimidating. You remembered just how frightened you’d been when you first saw him, his horns and his inhuman skin and his large stature. Now you couldn’t muster anything but affection while looking at him. 
“Can we try again?”
He turned to you, his search immediately forgotten. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. You just felt so sleepy and calm and he was so handsome, it had honestly never felt like a better idea. Maybe this was how you were supposed to have felt on your wedding night, absolutely infatuated and relaxed and wanting more.
He wrapped his hands around your thighs and pulled you softly down the bed towards him. “I still need to prep you first.”
You had no protests and he pulled the towel off of you and immediately buried his face in your core. You hand wrapped around his horns, still needing something to hold onto no matter how many times he did this. 
He chuckled into you, the vibrations sending a chill up your spine as he said, “Look at how wet you are already, is all of this for me?”
You frantically nodded, not sure if you were capable of words right now. 
Two fingers slipped inside you and you pushed your hips up into his hand, wanting more. You couldn’t even think about the stretch right now, the need for him all consuming. You could barely keep track of what was happening, a mess of sensations consuming you as his fingers moved inside you while he sucked at your clit. 
Instead of letting it be overwhelming, you let yourself go, gave up on the thought of being able to make sense of it. Just let yourself feel and get swept away by the pleasure building in your stomach. 
All too soon, Rygel pulled away, his face covered in your slick from you grinding up on him. You moved your hand down to touch yourself but he caught your wrist before you could, studying your face as he held you back from what you needed. 
“Do you want to touch yourself or do you want me to touch you?”
“You,” you whined. “I want you, please.”
He lined himself up, giving you ample time to back out but instead you pushed up against him again. 
For the second time, you felt the head of his cock pressing into you and your hands gripped the sheet beside you, something to anchor you as he pushed inside. 
He pushed in further and you did your best to relax. He cooed at you with every inch he pushed inside, his hand rubbing your clit as he moved. The stretch stung a little but it wasn’t hard to focus instead on how good it felt, on his movements against your clit and the delicious friction of his cock against your walls. 
Every time he paused you thought surely this must be all of it but time and time again, after you adjusted, he kept pushing inside you, your walls straining to accommodate him. 
Finally, his pelvis sat flush with yours and he stilled completely, giving you all the time you needed. You took a deep breath, hands fisting the blankets as you adjusted to his size. Your head was buried in his chest, your deep breaths fanning over his skin.
“You’re so big,” you whined, that the only thought you were capable of at the moment. 
He just grunted and you could feel how labored his breathing was, his chest heaving above you. 
“Can I move?” His voice was strained.
You nodded and attempted to pull him towards you, praying he’d get the message. 
The thrusts started slow, pulling out a little just to push right back in and be fully seated inside you again. It was as if he couldn't stand to go too far, to leave behind the tight heat of your cunt. 
The more he moved, slowly and patiently in and out of you, the more the pain faded. The pleasure was no longer just a distraction, it was all you could feel. 
As you fell into the pit of pleasure, Rygel’s pace picked up. His movements were measured and careful but you could feel him chasing his own release, his desperation clear. 
He rubbed up against that perfect spot inside you and that combined with being filled almost pushed you over the edge on its own. As soon as he heard the strangled moan leave your throat, he began pushing into that spot with every thrust, determined to make you come. 
As his movements sped up, that tension from before returned with a vengeance, winding tighter and tighter, but you needed more. 
Your legs hooked up around him as best you could. “Faster,” you pleaded
He obliged happily, pulling almost all the way out and then thrusting back in. That combined with his hand relentlessly playing with your clit pushed you over the edge, your body rolling up into his and forcing him impossibly deeper as you came. 
His hand left you as you came down from your orgasm, his thrusts still coming as he let out a grunt, your walls squeezing him in the aftershocks of your orgasm.
With one final, hard thrust inside of you, you felt him flood your insides, pulling you up into his chest as he did. You could feel the pounding of his heart as he emptied himself inside of you, getting you as close to him as he possibly could. 
He pulled out of you and the emptiness almost felt foreign now as you clenched around nothing.
Rygel shifted beside you, looking at you expectantly. “How do you feel?”
You felt like you were almost in a daze. “Amazing,”
His hand reached up to touch your face. “Not so scary anymore?”
You leaned forwards to kiss him before pulling away so you could study his face, his eyes still trailed intently on you. “Not so scary anymore,” you confirmed.
You reached your hand down between your legs, feeling his cum dripping slowly out of you onto the sheets. You pushed some back inside you, already missing the sensation of being filled. 
“You made a mess of me,” you said, pulling your hand up to your mouth to clean the cum off of it as even more of the seemingly endless supply he’s pumped into you spilled out onto the bed. 
His dark eyes looking up at you with all the adoration in the world, the sight matched only by the fondness in your own. He pressed kisses into your stomach, a giggle escaping you as he did.
 “Don’t worry, I’ll clean you up.”
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grey342 · 7 months
I love your writings on Bradley!! And I wanted to ask if you could write about Bradley who comes out with the Reader who is a model and famous. Bradley is crazy in love with her and very possessive!
Bradley Cooper x famous! reader
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synopsis - Bradley and his girlfriend go to an event for his movie when, one of his co-stars make a move on her.
warnings - Possessive! Bradley, guy being kinda pushy (ew) and dirty talk (barely any so don’t get excited 🫣).
authors note - Ah my heart you guys are too sweet 🤭, I love this request so much. I had to add this photo because he looks TOO fine and I thought it fit the theme :) So sorry this is coming out so late but I hope you love it!
please do not steal my work - belongs to @grey342
Brad’s gonna kill him.
You’re at an event with your boyfriend Bradley for his new movie. As soon as you got out of the car people were going crazy: Girls screaming, paparazzi and interviewers calling your names, trying to get one second of your attention.
You pair have been dating for a long time now.
It all started when he was invited to a runway show you were modelling in. Your very first one as well. He sat front row and couldn't take his eyes off you the entire time. This didn't go unnoticed by the press.
It was everywhere. "Bradley Cooper in love with new runway model!", "Brad getting heart eyes over new model!" and many more.
You ignored these articles as you assumed he was like every other famous person you knew. Selfish, big headed and ignorant. You didn't want to mix with people who behaved like that, modelling was your main focus and if people didn't like that, they knew where the door was.
He tried asking you out numerous occasions but you were very strong willed and always said no. Until one day, you finally gave in and said yes. And it was the best night you had in a while.
You soon realised that he wasn't like other people you had met, he seemed very down to earth and caring. You couldn't help falling for him.
Now here you are years later, happier than ever with a boyfriend who treats you like a goddess.
Bradley is so obsessed with you and he is not afraid to show it. Like last week, a brand invited you to the launch of it's new product and obviously you took him with you. Instead of being in the photos with you he was standing with the paps taking his own photos of you. As soon as you got home he made you pick your favourite one, it's now printed and inside his wallet.
You love each other so much and the world loves it to. Every week there's a news article about you and the fans love it.
You walk together hand in hand waiting to get your photos taken when you notice him staring at you.
"What?" You say softly.
"You are so beautiful sweetheart." He’s completely captivated by you. You feel your face heat up and you look away from him. Even after all these years, he could still make you blush like a teenager.
You get called up to have a photo by yourselves and with the main cast. You notice one of Brad's co-workers staring but you think nothing of it. When your done having your photos taken, you walk over to the bar and dining area.
Brad being the gentleman that he is offered to get your drinks and sent you over to a tall table to wait for him.
You pull out a compact mirror from your purse checking your appearance when you see the same man from earlier walking over to you. He has a grin from ear to ear plastered in his face. He swoops around to the other side of the table and leans on it, trying to act like he’s not posing.
“Hello there beautiful.” He flirts.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” You try and hide your smirk when you see a falter in his facade.
“No but I’d sure like to get to know you.” He says suggestively, looking you up and down as if you were a piece of meat.
“Oh really?,” he nods, “I don’t think my boyfriend would like that very much.”
“Boyfriend? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. Where is he?”
“Right behind you.” You have to stop yourself from laughing when you see the look of absolute fear on the man’s face.
“B-Brad I did-”
“Care to tell me why you’re harassing my girlfriend?” He cuts him off. If you weren’t in this situation right now you would throw yourself at him because of how sexy he looks. He’s always sexy but there’s something about him being possessive that really gets you going.
“If I had known I’m so-” You smirk over the fact that he’s digging himself a deeper hole.
“Oh so, since it’s MY girlfriend you’re apologising but if it was any other innocent women you would have no issues pouncing on her.” The man looks lost for words.
“I- I-” He stutters.
“I-I,” Bradley mocks, “ if I catch you anywhere near her, or any other woman here I’ll make sure you’re carried back to your hotel room. Got it?” He’s merely inches away from his face now.
“Loud and clear. I’m sorry.” He apologises towards you. Bradley watches him and when he’s far enough away he turns his attention towards you.
“Are you okay honey?” He asks, his eyes full of concern.
“Yes I’m fine,” he looks at you not convinced, “ really I’m okay.” You place a tentative hand on his arm and squeezed in a soothing manner.
“Good.” He leans down to give you a tentative kiss on the lips. You go to deepen the kiss when he pulls away.
“You wanna get outta here?” He asks with a smirk.
You respond by grabbing his hand and dragging him over to the valet, he laughs. You smile on response and lean up to his ear.
“That was so sexy, as soon as we get home i’m ripping your clothes off..” This makes him laugh harder. When the car arrives your shoving him in, eager to go home and show Brad how much you love him.
185 notes · View notes
lostdreamr-blog1 · 1 year
Bradshaw's Date
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Summary: Bradley’s younger sister has a date, but will he approve?
Warnings: None besides fluff
Word count: 1.6k
Part 2 here!
A/N: So sorry for being MIA recently. So many of you asked for the flipped version of Seresin’s date, so here we are! Hope you enjoy!
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It was days like today where you wish the apartment hunting was more of a priority. Living with your brother has many, many ups, but now there was one major flaw in your slow move to find your own place.
“Hey Roo. How late do you think you’ll be at work today?” You placed a piece of bread in the toaster and lazily glanced to your brother who was drinking coffee, attention solely on his phone.
“Not too sure. Why?” You kept your back to him as you replied, hoping he wouldn’t see through your response.
“No reason. Had plans tonight and didn’t know if you would be here when I left.” The bread in the toaster popped up, making you jump. You heard the chuckle behind you and turned to roll your eyes.
“It’s like a damn jack in the box for adults.” Bradley heard your mumbling and smiled as he got up to put his cup in the sink.
“I think it’s going to be a regular day. Mav said we were running some drills but nothing serious. I’d say we will be done around dinner. Who are your plans with?”
He didn’t miss the way you tensed at the question but played it off like he was clueless. Bradley could read you like a book which is why he knew your plans were with someone you didn’t want him meeting.  
“Ah, just this guy I met. We are grabbing a few drinks and that’s it.” You put butter on you toast a little too violently for it to seem casual.
“You think I’ll like the guy?” You nearly dropped the butter knife at that question. Would your brother like the guy? Absolutely not which is why you are trying to get out of there before he gets home.
“Possibly. But do you think you would like any guy I brought home?” You heard your brother snort in response.
“Fair point.”
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Bradley pulled into his driveway from work, getting home around the time he had originally said. He went to get out of his car but stopped when he saw a truck pull in behind him. Jake had gotten out dressed in jeans and a nice shirt, but he couldn’t wrap his mind around why he was standing in his driveway.
“Are you lost?” Jake gave him the smirk that one day he was going to knock off his face. Nothing got under his skin more than the guy who thinks he’s better at everything than you.
“Honestly I was trying to beat you here but damn, you drive faster than you fly.” Jake leaned against his truck as he waited for the pieces to click.
Bradley glanced up to the house and then back to his teammate. “Absolutely not. Get back in your truck and leave before I make you.”
He expected some push back or a witty remark, but instead Jake ran a hand through his hair looking like he was trying to figure out how to approach things.
“Listen man. I have sisters and I know exactly how this feels. You don’t want any guy within 20 feet of her, especially someone like me. But don’t think I asked her out for this to be a one-time thing. Your sister is special and grateful as hell that she would give me the time of day. She’s not someone you toss aside. She’s someone you work your damn hardest to prove that you’re worth her time and I’m not taking a single second for granted. At least let me take her out tonight and if she hates it or you still aren’t okay with it, I’ll back off. Sisters are something special and I would hate if a guy got between me and mine.”
Bradley didn’t know what to say. Everything in him wanted to throw him out and tell him to never look in your direction again. But damn did his words make sense. Before he had a chance to respond, he heard the front door shut.
“Well, if this doesn’t teach me to get my own place, I don’t know what will.” You walked down the steps of the house to the two men having some sort of standoff in the driveway. Jake offered you a small smile that almost seemed nervous. But your brother met your gaze with a look that told you he was beyond pissed.
“Grind your teeth any harder and your mustache might fall off.” You didn’t miss the cough that came from Jake trying to cover up a laugh, but Bradley wasn’t amused.
“Any guy. You could have gone out with any guy, but this is who you settled for?”
You saw the small flinch Jake made out of the corner of your eye and you knew trying to joke your way out of things wasn’t going to work.
“Listen here, bird boy. I am not settling for anyone, nor would I ever settle. You of all people should know that about me. And you would think me going out with one of your teammates would be better than some random stranger I picked up at a bar. If anything were to happen, you know exactly where to find them.”
Bradley nodded his head at the last statement. “Damn right I do.” You fought the eye roll and settled for a sigh.
“What’s the problem then?” Those words seemed to stop your brother in his path. It was a simple question really, and you were willing to listen to every concern he had. But you were met silence and Bradley opening and closing his mouth like he was some sort of fish.
“Well?” To your surprise, Jake had stayed quite the entire time. You knew the reputation he had, and it was one of the reasons why you were nervous for your brother to find out. But the guy standing in front of you wasn’t trying to force his way into the conversation or talk his way out of a corner. Instead, he was letting you handle things and offered supportive smiles when needed.
“It’s Hangman. I shouldn’t have to have more of a reason than that. You’ve heard what he does to people. He hangs them out to dry and what is stopping him from doing that to you?”
You heard what your brother was saying, but his own worked up opinion of his teammate was clouding his judgement so much that he failed to notice the decent things about Jake.  
“Answer me this. If you were getting chased down by a plane I’m not supposed to know exists, who would you want racing to get there in time?” You saw a small smile form on Jake’s face as he waited for his teammates answer, but it never came.  
“Next question. You say he only cares about himself, but did you ever think maybe he was trying to make everyone around him better?” You watched the frustration grow on his face as you gave him one final question.
“Would you really think I would date a pilot after everything that’s happened unless I saw something in him? I might have been too young to know dad, but I saw the loneliness mom went through.” The last question was a bit of a low blow, but Bradley needed to understand that you weren’t dating Jake as a game. You knew the risks that came with it but there was something about him that made you want to take those risks.
“I just don’t want you dating at all.” Bradley’s voice came out quieter than it was before, but you knew you had gotten through to him.
“And now we have the real reason.” Your brother gave you a confused look and you smirked at him.
“Just because you aren’t getting laid doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me.” The color drained from his face as he stepped back and shook his head.
“Oh god. You can’t say things like that. Jesus, how does a guy come back from that?” You were laughing at this point and your brother wrapped you in a tight hug.
“I don’t want to see you get hurt. Dad would kill me if he knew I was letting you go out with a pilot.” He pulled back and you smiled at him.
“But mom would be thrilled. She always said the top gun guys were something special.” You stepped out of his embrace and walked over to Jake who pulled flowers out of his truck.
“You ready to get going, sweetheart?” You looked over to your brother for confirmation that this was okay.
Bradley held out his hand to Jake. “You bring her back by 11 or I’m calling Mav.” Jake shook his hand and gave him a single head nod.
“Sure, thing Bradshaw. Your sister is safe with me.”  
Bradley stepped back towards the house and watched as Jake held the door open for you. The smile you had on your face was genuine happiness and he couldn’t help but smile as well.
Headlights flashed through the house, signaling that the two of you were gone. Bradley picked up his phone and called Mav. “Hey man. Can you do me a favor? Hangman just picked your Goddaughter up for a date and I was wondering if you can make his life hell for me tomorrow?”
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A/N: Thoughts? Comments? I love to hear from you all!! Tag list is open. Please let me know if you want to be added or taken off! Thanks for reading!
Tag list: @sunlitsunflowers @dempy @mamaskillerqueen @luckyladycreator2 @atarmychick007 @angelbabyyy99 @bobfloydsgf
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garoujo · 2 years
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you’d grown used to your boyfriend getting himself caught up in stuff, good thing you’re there to help.
♱ warnings — f!reader, stuckage, exhibitionism, shinichiro gets himself stuck while he’s working at the shop, creampies. ꒰ word count : 3k ! ꒱
♱ note — hewo ! welcome 2 my first post of kinktober yay . i hope you guys enjoy this & the rest of the stuff i have planned <3
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shin : you comin’ down to the shop t’day, baby? need y’re help <3
you always were, you don’t know if it was how hot you thought your boyfriend shinichiro looked working on bikes that had you accepting his invitation everytime, or if it was just your desire to see your boyfriend at any opportunity you could.
but you could never say no.
you’d told him about how sexy you thought he was as he worked, his hair mused and hands slick with oil, gaze heavy and drowsy despite the way it softened when it met yours.
you can still remember the way the confession had made shinichiro swell with pride at the time, grinning all bright and proud and the sight of him like that made your own heart warm because he was really was cute, and all yours.
the bike shop is quiet when you arrive, wearing one of the pretty little skirts that always make your boyfriend’s cheeks dust a little pink — the kind that distracted him from his work and turned his attention to you instead, but maybe that’s what you wanted today.
you let your gaze drift from the parts that lay across the walls, tv in the corner playing some bike commercial that garners your attention for a few moments as you let yourself sway on your heels. there was a certain comfort that came with the store itself, it was clean but rugged and had a certain air to it that was very much like shinichiro that made you feel at home.
you’re only snapped from your daydream by a clash of something metal through the back followed by a spit curse, one that you’ve heard too many times from your boyfriends lips and the sound makes a giggle sound from your own before you follow the source.
but he’s not in his usual spot beside the bike he’s been tinkering with for the last few days, and you frown with a huff before you call for him. “shin? where are you?” you call, pausing at the silence that seems to linger before his voice sounds from deeper into the garage and you turn on your heel.
“shit. ‘m in here, baby.”
you want to laugh when you finally find shinichiro, his body is shuffled under the tiny entryway underneath a suspended truck — his overalls tied around his waist as he lays on his back, oversized shirt pooling on the ground beneath him before you’re leaning down to peek underneath.
“shin?” you grin as you let yourself drop to your knees, and you watch the way your boyfriend features seem to soften at the sight of you when he turns. “hey.. y’look real pretty, angel.” he drawls, his compliment drawn out and slow, sounding unbothered despite the way he’s sweating and covered in oil.
ofcourse he still looks absolutely perfect and attractive.
you watch his eyes flick down to the way you’re bent over to look at him, tiny little skirt bunching around your waist before he quickly turns his head away, clearing his throat with a lazy grin and trying not to think about the view he could have from behind you.
“what’re you doing? you work on trucks now?” you trail off as you watch shinichiro’s gloved fingers work with his tools, propping your chin up against your palm and the bewildered look in your eyes makes him laugh when he glances back at you again.
“nah, he’s a friend of gramps so said i’d take a look. dunno, figured it can’t be too different from a bike.” you pout at him, and it only makes his grin grow. “it’s a real pain t’ crawl outta here when i need my stuff though, baby. can y’hand me my tools when i need ‘em?”
once again, shinichiro does a bad job of glancing over the swell of your thighs in your skirt and you try hard to ignore the simmer of something warm you feel twist in your stomach — knowing you always have his undivided attention everytime you walk into a room.
“is that what you needed help with? you’re so lazy, unless.. sano shinichiro are you stuck right now?” you tease, eyes narrowing at the way your boyfriend suddenly seems to avoid your gaze. “pfff, nah.” he is, you can tell by the way he’s not looking you in the eye but you decide to save him the embarrassment. “just needed an excuse t’ see my baby, ‘s all.”
you did always like when he let you help out, and he knows that. rolling your eyes, you make your body move to stand up straight before you’re skipping over to sit on the floor where his legs rest. “well, what do you need shin?” you sigh with a hum as you watch his pretty abdomen twitch and twist with every movement he makes underneath the truck.
“gimme a sec, baby. jus’ gotta—fuck, don’t think that’s meant’a look like that.” his words are followed by a very alarming grinding sound and a long, drawn out sigh from your boyfriend that makes you giggle. “quit laughin’ at me, can still hear from under here y’know.” the way his words are spoken through a pout only making you laugh even louder.
but by the time shinichiro eventually calls for you to hand him a tool you’re already bored and needy, it feels weird to spend this much time with your boyfriend without his hands on you — or atleast being able to feel his touch given how touchy he was.
“shin~ im bored, when will you be done?” you groan— you hate how childish you sound but you’re still tossing and turning as you try to get comfortable — fiddling around with the metal tools that you’ve organised neatly infront of you too many times to count.
“nearly there, baby. can y’hand me my wrench.” shinichiro asks with good nature, but he’s been telling you he’s nearly there for almost an hour and you’re feeling too touchstarved to hide your frustration now. his voice is rougher with drowsiness, he’s probably tired too but you can’t deny the way it makes your thighs rub together with need.
you feel his hand smooth along your skin when you let the silence linger with a pout on your lips, but then you get an idea when you take another slow glance over the lower half of his figure that’s not concealed under the truck.
this is a desperate situation, you’re absolutely bored and you don’t think you can stand another second of it.
“can feel y’ poutin’ at me, come on don’t be like that — promise, ‘m almost done.” he hums with another affectionate squeeze to your thighs, and your eyes almost roll back in delight at the smooth touch before you decide to put your new plan into action.
with a deep breath, you let the pinpricks of arousal burst along your thighs when you pick up his tool — deliberately leaning onto shinichiro when you reach underneath the truck to hand it to him despite his outstretched hand that’s waiting.
you let your palm rest and curl along his thigh, a little too high up for it to be just coincidence and you feel his muscles twitch under your touch when you press harder, grazing it higher when you hear him exhale shakily from his place underneath the truck.
you know you’ve already gotten to him when you still feel the weight of the tool in your other hand, the image of shinichiro’s eyes fluttering closed as he bites back a moan making you squeeze your fingertips into his skin before you watch the first throb of his cock bounce behind his sweats.
“shit, watch y’re hands, baby. y’re gonna make me fuckin’ hard.” he sighs, taking the wrench from your fingertips a little too quickly as he lets the touch linger a little longer when you exhale.
“sorry shin..” you feign innocence, releasing your grip on his thigh to let your hand trace featherlight touches higher along his bulge, making his abdomen tense when it jolts. “just thought you must be sore under there.”
“fuck—what’s gotten’ i-into ya.” shinichiro grits, you can hear that he’s biting hard on his lower lip to stifle a groan when you let your fingertips dance just short of his cock, he’s half hard and basically begging for you to help him out. “what do you mean, shin? i’m helping.”
your fingers graze teasingly along the base of his bulge and you hear him groan softly at the soft pressure of the touch, hips jolting to chase more of the intoxicating friction before he’s hissing behind clenched teeth.
“this ain’t fair, baby. fuck, can’t fuckin’ feel ya from here.” shinichiro’s muffled whimper makes you feel too warm under your clothes suddenly, and the next sinful, lingering squeeze of your fingers around him makes desire twist thick in your stomach when you feel him thicken and throb against your palm.
you can basically already imagine the look on his face, the flush on his cheeks and the pinch of his brows, the way his forearm is probably resting over his blown, heavy eyes. you can tell that he’s panting softly with the rise and fall of his abdomen, lower lip most likely sucked between his teeth.
you’ve barely touched him, but you know shinichiro’s already a mess.
“y’re a real tease. y’know that, angel?” his words catch at the end when you deliberately tighten your fingers around his bulge, giving it a rough stroke against your palm before you pull your hand away entirely, earning a long whine from your boyfriend who’s still stuck underneath the truck.
“h-hey.. what’re ya—“ he grunts when he feels your fingertips graze against his abdomen, tucking under where he’s tied his overalls around his waist before you’re pulling the knot undone and pulling down his sweats after, just enough to have his cock springing out to slap against his stomach.
finally seeing shinichiro’s cock makes your mouth water before you’re hooking your thigh over both of his — letting yourself straddle his lap while you let the fabric of your skirt bunch around your waist.
“i want you, shin.” you gasp, and you watch his abdomen twist with a shock of pleasure when you wrap your hand around the base of his cock, giving it a few languid pumps before he’s groaning and meeting every twist of your wrist with an eager hump.
“yeah? shit—you know i can never say no t’ my baby.” his words are low, wound so tight with anticipation despite the way he still wishes he could see you right now.
shinichiro can imagine how pretty you’d look lifting your hips to pull your panties to the side, his lips parting to grind out a groan when he feels your thighs shuffle up to straddle his waist followed by the first swipe of his cock through your folds.
he really should be embarrassed, he’s stuck underneath a truck in the back of his bike shop, while his pretty little girlfriend humps and rubs her slick cunt all over his cock. if waka or benkei were to see him like this they’d bully him about it for the rest of his life.
but then you’re catching your clit against the head of shinichiro’s cock and the pretty little whisper that drips from your lips makes his mind blank, and suddenly he couldn’t care less if the fucking world were to walk in right now because all he can think about is the way your cunt feels when you finally sink yourself down on his cock.
“holy shit, bet y’look r-real fuckin’ pretty right now.” god—he knows you are.
he can hear the way you moan and twitch at the thick spread of him, his body twisting to look between your bodies — the peek of your cunt just visible above his cock, and shinichiro swears he’s in heaven.
he can see just above his own hips, but that’s enough for him to see the peek of your puffy folds spread for him, that’s all he needs to be hypnotised by you. he lets his head fall back against the concrete just as he watches your hips finally press flush against his, taking your time to adjust to the stretch as his cock throbs inside of you.
“you’d be able to see if you didn’t get yourself stuck, dummy.” you tease followed by the first real bounce of your body against his, raising your hips until only the top of shinichiro’s cock is resting inside of your cunt before you’re sinking back down onto him.
“y-yeah, yeah.. lecture me later, baby. mmmm, fuck—y’re pussy f-feels too good right now.” your mind feels cloudy with the low rumble of his voice, and shinichiro’s feels hazy with how good you’re fucking him. your boredom completely melting out of your body now that you’ve gotten what you wanted most, your boyfriends body rocking seamlessly along your own.
the muscles in shinichiro’s toned body shake beneath you when he grinds his hips up to meet yours, deliberately rolling his pelvis upwards to graze along your puffy clit. the head of his cock slides along every one of the swollen spots inside of you, and he’s really wishing he could swallow those pretty sounds you’re making for him right now.
but his cock feels like it sparks something along the nerves in your body, letting your fingers graze between your thighs to roll your clit in sticky circles as the other takes a slow, handful of your breast through your shirt. you try to imagine your fingers as his, letting yourself indulge in the warmth that he always seemed to make burst along your thighs.
“can feel y’ squeezin’ around me, princess. hnnn, y’re gonna make me fuckin’ cum.” shinichiro grunts, and you’re surprised at the way he still seems to keep a pace given his current position. everytime he grinds his cock into your slick cunt it feels like it reaches even deeper.
your pace stutters as he pushes against something sensitive inside of you, your body grinding closer—needier into his and he feels like he can barely breathe with how consumed by you he feels.
“well you were taking too long, shin.” another languid roll of your hips and another needy squeeze of your cunt across his cock makes him moan loudly, choking on your name as his own fingertips twist in his hair and fuck—he wishes it were your hands instead.
but shinichiro only fucks into you more even more eagerly, one of his palms reaching to squeeze around the flesh of your thigh as he listens to the way you cry for him. another sweet groan kicks it’s way from his chest followed by another needy coax of your walls and he swears you must be trying to milk him.
his body almost curls in on itself in bliss with the way you’re bouncing on his lap, every push of your cunt feels like it makes his vision white and he wishes he could pull you closer to bury his sounds in the crook of your neck instead of the back of his forearm.
“aint complainin’ bout it now, baby. got what y’ wanted di’nt ya?” you hear him grumble, words buried into the back of his elbow as he almost bites down on the skin. he can feel tears prick at his lashes, can imagine the way you’re rubbing so desperately at your puffy clit — probably in time with the way you’re squeezing around him and it’s driving him insane.
maybe it’s the lack of some of his senses that only makes his pleasure burn more intense along his nerves, his carnal need to look at you—touch you as you fuck yourself dumb on his cock.. but knowing he can’t makes his cock throb with another silky squeeze of your cunt around him.
“fuck, angel. ‘m gonna cum.. mmmm, feels too fuckin’ good—shiiit.” shinichiro’s breathing hitches as he curses, eyes screwed shut as his hips twitch and stutter beneath you before he’s cumming thick and warm inside of you.
every bounce of your hips makes his lungs quake and it only takes a few more flicks of your clit underneath your fingers before you’re following him off the edge, the warmth he fills you with helping dig your orgasm out of you.
the back shop is filled with both of your mixed moans, small whimpers of eachothers names that break off into something weaker as your pleasure rocks through you, every connection of your hips growing wetter, louder than the last.
your movements finally come to a halt when your thighs burn and a mixture of both your orgasms is smeared along your thighs and shinichiro’s pelvis, watching your boyfriend twitch when you finally release him from the milking compressions of your cunt with a long sigh.
“holy shit.” he huffs, breathing heavy as he tries to catch his breath and hisses when he reaches down to try and tuck his cock back into his sweats. you let yourself roll off of his lap to relax, hearing a few spat curses to your side as your boyfriend struggles to duck out from underneath the truck, but you still find it in yourself to laugh when you finally see the first peek of his face a few minutes later.
he’s flushed to his chest, dark mop of messy hair stuck around the sweat that gathers across his hairline and his eyes are a little wet, probably from desire as his hooded, drowsy gaze sends you a fond look and he’s finally pulling you against him.
“the hell was that all about, baby? would’ve finished sooner if y’just told me you were horny.” shinichiro hums, pressing wet kisses along your cheeks and lips that makes you grin when they tickle your skin. but when his arms hook around your waist, it’s almost too easy to melt against his chest despite the mess he’s covered in.
“you were taking too long.. but you fixed it, right?” you hum, turning to blink up at him from where he’s got you pressed against his chest.
“nah, might’a made it worse.. i dunno. ain’t my fault i got a bit distracted.” shinichiro laughs before he’s leaning down to press his lips against yours with a fond hum.
“not that i’m complainin’ bout it, angel.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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cecilysass · 2 months
Shine On (2/16)
Read on AO3 | Tagging @today-in-fic
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Chapter 2: Nice Catching Up
Farrs Corner, Virginia Eighteen days later February 20, 2015
Mulder meant to finish the job before she came over. But it got away from him, like everything seems to these days.
So when she finally comes back—the long-anticipated visit home—there are still stacks of books all over the living room, all these untidy towers of hundreds of books. Cryptid encyclopedias, profiling and behavioral analysis monographs, texts about mythology and religion, science, art, language, history. They’re everywhere, chaotic, precariously balanced, piled, heaped, stacked.
“In the middle of a project, Mulder?” she asks as she walks in, gazing blankly around the room.
“Yeah,” he says with forced enthusiasm. “I’m finally reorganizing the books.” He says this like reorganizing the books is something they’d long planned to do, instead of a recent, impulsive middle-of-the-night idea. “I’m organizing them by topic so I can find things more easily when I need them. Good idea, right?”
“Sure,” she says, staring warily at the piles. He hopes she’s not noticing how many of her books still remain in his collection. “Good idea.”
The way she says this chills him, because it’s just so polite. The same distant tone of voice she used sometimes way, way back, when they were brand new partners in the Hoover building.
“Can I take your coat, Scully? Did you want something to drink?”
“Oh,” she says, running her palms anxiously down the front panels of her sleek pale blue coat. “I don’t think so. I don’t mean to stay long. I just need that box of bedding.”
“It’s right there,” Mulder says, gesturing behind a tower of books. “Behind the psychology section.”
“Right,” she says, craning her head to see it. Her eyes meet his again, and they’re soft and reluctant. “Then… I should probably go.”
“No,” he calls out quickly. A furrow appears in her brow. “I mean … please. Scully. Just stay and have a drink. You haven’t been home in so long.”
“It’s not my home any more,” she points out softly.
“I know,” he replies. “Really. I’m not confused about… anything. I just want to talk to you. Sit down for a bit. I have tea. Or that apple cider from Trader Joe’s you like.”
She seems to hesitate. “There are books all over the couch.”
“I can move them. Hold on.” His voice is calm, but inside he’s churning. He moves to the couch, begins moving books. “Just stay a while.”
Her lips lift into that small, closed-lip smile he’s missed so much. “Okay. Just a little while.”
She’s clutching her mug of tea, telling him about work, and he can’t help but notice how physically straight and formal she is right now. It almost looks like she’s bracing herself, worried the couch is going to trap her somehow, like it’s going to try to bundle her up in his Aztec blanket and hold her there.
Mulder doesn’t like this body language. It looks too much like she doesn’t live here anymore.
“So things are really much the same at Our Lady of Sorrows,” she finishes. “Some good days, some bad.”
“It sounds like overall you’re still satisfied at the hospital then,” Mulder says.
“Yes,” Scully says, nodding. “I’d say that’s accurate. I wouldn’t rule out doing something else someday though.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, Mulder,” she says, another tiny smile. “But you know. You have to stay open to extreme possibilities.”
He returns her smile. “And uh… all the other parts of your life are good, too?” He can’t bear to ask her any more directly than that. He picks up his own mug and takes a sip to give himself something to do.
She bites her bottom lip. “Yes,” she says. “Yes, I have a nice new house. Very contemporary. I get together with friends from work occasionally. I see Mom regularly.”
He wonders what she means by “friends from work.” He knows what it meant back when they were “friends from work.”
“What about you, Mulder?” she asks. “What are you doing these days?”
“I told you,” he says. “I’m reorganizing the library.”
“Besides that.”
I miss you terribly everyday. I spend hours cataloging each one of my mistakes. I ponder all the big questions, like: is there any future where I might be with you again? Is there any alternate reality where I could have made you happy? Is there any world where we have our son and live together as a real family, and that grief that’s always in your eyes isn’t there?
“I write articles,” he says. “I’m thinking about a book.”
“That’s great, Mulder,” she says. Again, that false encouraging tone.
If she still lived here—if she was still his Scully—she would have considerably more to say about these messy piles of books and this aimless underemployment. She would have some dry comment. She would be suggesting constructive ideas. She would be pushing him to do better.
This Scully sounds like a stranger. Like she has no place in his life to have an opinion. Like she has no place in his life to care.
There is an awkward pause.
“Well,” she says. “I think it’s probably time I take off.”
“Oh yeah?” he says. Don’t beg, he tells himself. “You sure?”
“Yes,” she says, looking around for a coaster on the coffee table and setting her mug down. She stands up, smiling courteously. “It’s been very nice catching up with you, Mulder.”
The innocuous sentence hits him like getting socked in the stomach. He feels his face flushing red hot. He swallows, unable to politely respond.
“Okay,” he says, too shortly. He stands, too. “Sure. Ever so nice.”
She’s lifting her coat from the coat rack, but turns around to regard him stoically. She seems to debate asking her next question. “Is there a problem?” she says carefully.
Mulder hesitates. He knows he shouldn’t say anything else. Just let her go. Let the visit end pleasantly. “No,” he says with effort. “I … guess not.”
“Did I say something wrong?”
“No, it’s only …” No. He just can’t hold it in. “Look, I’m sorry,’” he snaps. “It’s just … it’s fucking hard to hear ‘nice catching up with you, Mulder’ come from your lips.”
“It is nice catching up with you.”
“We didn’t used to be people who ever had to catch up,” Mulder says bitterly. “We used to know everything about each other, we used to be everything to each other, and excuse me if I just can’t stand talking to you like we’re old college chums.”
“You invited me to stay and have tea.” Her pitch has dropped a full octave. “You suggested we talk. I was doing what you asked me to do.” Her voice breaks midway through her sentence, and he realizes she’s got tears in her eyes. She closes them, evidently trying to calm herself. “I have to go, Mulder.”
“Yeah,” he says, his voice trembling. “Yeah, okay.”
“I… I’ll see you, all right?” she says, practically a whisper.
“Will you?”
Someday there will be a last time, he thinks. A time visiting him will just be too much trouble. A time she’ll decide her attention is better spent on other things, on other people.
“Of course,” she says. She walks over and picks up her box of bedding. “Of course I will. I always will.”
He watches her turn and hurry out the door. He remains frozen in place near the couch. He doesn’t trust himself to do anything to respond. Not to say good-bye, not to walk with her to the porch, not even to wave. He might do something unbelievably stupid, like tell her he still loves her. Or try to stop her from leaving. Or shout obscenities at her in anger.
Instead, he focuses all of his energy on listening. He listens as her car door opens and closes, her engine starts. There is the rough clatter of her tires down the gravel drive. Faintly, he can hear her car door opening and closing again as she lets herself out the gate and closes it up again. Then finally there is the sound of the motor of her car growing gradually more distant. Far away from him again.
Mulder lets himself sink down again on the couch.
In a flare of angry self-hatred, he kicks the towering pile of novels nearest him. They tumble sloppily into a messy heap on the floor. He watches this destruction morosely and thinks about how good she smelled.
He wishes he’d remembered to wish her a happy birthday.
About thirty feet outside, between two bushes, Jackson sits, hugging his knees, his back pressed uncomfortably against the wooden frames of the side of the farmhouse. Between the branches of the bush he has a clear view of the red-headed woman driving away.
It’s not a very good hiding place. All day long, since he arrived this morning, he hasn’t had to worry too much about hiding. The man inside—the man who lives here— has been distracted, concerned about the woman’s visit, thinking almost nonstop about what she’ll say and do. Jackson’s been able to circle around the house cautiously, trying to examine everything with his eyes and with his mind.
Which is good, because he’s nervous.
Just now, if the red-headed woman had looked up towards the house as she rushed out the door—if she’d turned back to give it one last careful look—she’d easily have seen Jackson there, crouched, watching furtively at the side of the house.
But she didn’t look back. Not even once, quickly.
She only wanted to get in her car and go, go, go. Her mind was so loud Jackson didn’t even have to really use his shine. Her mind broadcast inside his brain without him trying at all.
Jackson watches her car closely, holding his breath, until she’s completely driven away, until he can’t see any sign of her car anymore.
She’s pretty, Jackson reflects, even for a mom-aged lady. Her car is nice, fancy, like she’s got some money. And even though she’s not a kid, even though she’s an adult, with an extremely complex mind— it’s easy to know her thoughts. The easiest it’s been for anyone he’s ever met.
What’s really weird, though, is that with her, it’s really more than thoughts. Something strange was happening with Jackson and her feelings, too.
He felt these little explosive bursts of her emotions, wracking his own body unexpectedly like fireworks and then quickly fading. That’s never happened before. It’s interesting, but it’s also upsetting, like having your own emotions pushed aside by someone else. Her feelings fade, but they don’t entirely go away. They leave a kind of residue for a minute or two.
And just now? She was very, very upset, in about fifty different ways Jackson can only barely sort out. She was angry, for one—angry at the man inside for not being fair to her. She was really guilty, hoping she’s doing the right thing by leaving. She was sad, so sad, wishing she could go back inside and be with him again. Jackson wonders why she doesn’t just go back. He felt her wishing hard for something she thinks is gone now. She’s grieving it. Almost like you grieve for parents that have been shot.
And mixed up in all of this, Jackson feels how much she loves the man inside the house. That’s just this big, enormous feeling, like a tsunami of emotion. More than he can cope with, really. It makes his head hurt. He rubs his temples slowly, trying to massage the feeling away.
Jackson knows who the woman is, of course.
He recognizes her, at least her mind. He wonders if that’s why he is able to feel her feelings and see her thoughts so easily.
It feels weird, seeing her. He always thought that if he ever met his birth mom, he’d want to talk to her right away. But he doesn’t have any urge to chase her down the driveway and introduce himself.
He’s just so afraid. It’s hard to understand, because closed adoption or not, he thinks she’d want to talk to him. In his visions, she’s usually calling for him—not his name, but a name he somehow knows is supposed to be him. So he thinks she wants to see him. She seems to want it very badly, at least sometimes.
But what if when she looks at him, it’s with the same huge sadness she’s feeling about this man inside the house? What if it isn’t what he imagines, meeting this woman? He doesn’t want all that right now. He can’t handle it.
Besides, he’s not supposed to see her. That isn’t why he came. She wasn’t the name he was given.
He doesn’t recognize the man inside, the man she fought with a few minutes ago. When he reaches out to poke his shine into this man’s mind, it’s like a forest at night: it’s dark, disorienting, full of paths that lead unknown directions. He sees a few things he understands: the woman’s face, their conversation just now, the man’s devotion to her, his anxieties. But he sees lots he doesn’t understand, too. The man is very complicated. And broken, Jackson thinks. He has cracks that make his thoughts difficult to follow.
He knows the man’s name. Fox Mulder. He wishes he knew more about who he was, exactly.
Because that’s the man he’s supposed to see.
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tismrot · 7 months
ARE YOU A CROWLEY? Hello, how are ya? Let’s be friends.
I, too, started out as a loud, emotional child who was into ✨SPACE✨. I’d ask questions wherever I went - some adults found it endearing that a four-year-old asked the types of why’s they didn’t have answers for, others asked me to shut up, be quiet. I realize as an adult I asked a lot of uncomfortable questions, having no idea i shouldn’t.
Home life was turbulent. My dad had the same issues as me, probably, but his generation never talks about anything, and he became an unpredictable, emotionally distant and sometimes explosive presence. The words he used to call me still hurt, way more so than any bruise he left. Mom smoked cigarettes in the kitchen, reading difficult books instead of daring to look at the difficult lives we all had. It was the 90s, after all. Nobody ever did anything about problems.
I should have been sent to some sort of screening, of course. But I was a girl, and hyperlexic. Diagnoses were for boys who couldn’t spell their own names, who threw chairs at teachers and brought knives to school.
My anger issues and social naivety, as well as unconventional intensity of interests, alienated me from my peers. I usually played alone, even though I was extremely extroverted. I was bullied relentlessly until I moved away for high school. There, I was only shut out, I didn’t have anyone yell things after me anymore. It was a freedom.
All my friends, from early childhood until now, have been the other misfit freaks. Some of us were extremely damaged, but all of us had baggage. I’m only friends with a few of them still, we all had dramatic lives and quite many of them are now dead, in self-imposed isolation or have managed to turn their lives completely around (which means they cut out me). Self-imposed isolation became my way of dealing with my past, and I’ve cut out a lot of people. I don’t judge anyone for deciding I wasn’t the friend they needed. I’ve done dumb things, I’ve made bad choices.
I was extremely extroverted, happy (despite the anger), motivated and creative. After family, school and life happened, I became a socially paranoid, bitter, arrogant mess. I said I hated people - the truth was that I suspected they all hated me. I self-medicated with (almost) everything I could get my hands on (but I preferred stimulants), until I got stimulant prescription medications - I’ve stopped doing everything else and life is very predictable. I’m healthy and reliable, I can talk about weather with strangers on bus stops, I don’t always say the weirdest thing one could say in any given situation (and realize only two days later). I work out to stabilize my hEDS (the connective tissue disorder that made me walk funny, sit funny, move in strange ways, made everything hurt all the time), I read up on traumatic family dynamics.
Would be boring if I didn’t still vividly remember where I’ve been before.
So. Seeing Crowley on screen actually DID something to me. I know, fatal brainrot, but I see myself in him. Whatever he does in the show, I get it. I see parallels to my personality, my neurodivergencies and my trauma. It feels affirming and I feel represented in a way I didn’t know I needed. I mean, it’s almost uncanny/silly - I, too, wear only black, have a thing for snake themed jewelry (for years, not related to Good Omens at all) and I almost always wear sunglasses (light sensitivity). It’s dumb, almost, but it’s true. I dressed up as him recently and only had to buy the lenses - all the rest, including the sleeveless turtleneck body, was already in my closet.
(Oh, and ✨Flex Time✨, kids absolutely dig me. They climb on me and tell me beautiful and horrendous things from their lives without apprehension, and adults often don’t like that. I talk to them like I’m a kid myself, I don’t try to be above them. I work with kids now, and the other adults always send me the stink eye, but the kids apparently need to talk and I hope I’m making a positive impact in their lives.)
And the best part? Via Tumblr I’ve learned that my experience isn’t unique. So many of us see ourselves in Crowley, for these exact reasons. I love that about us!
So. Are you a Crowley? Let me know. Add me. Let’s be a group of the all of us.
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(GIF: Accurate depiction of me watching Crowley In The Beginning, him not understanding how questions could be dangerous - then remembering how many teachers absolutely hated my precocious, arrogant, eight-year-old ass for always raising my hand to ask something that would reveal how little the teacher actually knew, and I had no idea that was what was happening until I tried to be a teacher myself and actually ENJOYED having kids ask me weird questions).
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halfmylife · 1 year
I Waited For You
Pairing Uhtred x Reader
Summary You have loved Uhtred for some time but when he finally tries to move on from Lady Aethelflaed, he chooses another woman.
Warnings angst (I’m not sorry)
A/N I had this idea a little while ago and thought I’d write up some angst
Finan had been the one to break the news to Uhtred and he could hardly believe it. You had made it quite clear that by the end of the day you would no longer be in Rumcofa. Uhtred would not have it. Panic started to settle inside of him as he stormed towards your lodgings. He could not lose you, you were one of his oldest and closest friends. Never would he understand why you wanted to leave so suddenly.
He barged through your door, without even bothering to knock. There was no time for such pleasantries. The sudden bang didn’t even startle you, you had been so stuck in your own mind, packing whatever you could that you almost pretended as if he weren’t there.
Maybe it was easier that way.
“Finan told me you were leaving, tell me it is not true.” His gaze followed you around the room as you stuffed everyone of your belongings into sacks. There was little for you to take other than clothes and a few keepsakes but you packed it nonetheless, wanting nothing to do with this place.
“It’s true.” You didn’t bother to look up at the man who stood in the doorway watching you. There was no time for a conversation, let alone time to listen to his poor excuses.
“Why? You cannot leave, Rumcofa is your home.” What a joke. Rumcofa was never your home. Finan and Sihtric had managed to settled down and have a family so it had become their home. Uhtred had somehow managed to make this his home despite all odds but it have never been home to you. Uhtred was your home.
“It was but not anymore.” No longer was he your home, not after everything. It hurt too much to even look at him. Time and time again you had given everything for him and where had it gotten you? Far away from family and alone.
“You cannot go, you won’t be safe anywhere.” That was always his answer. Maybe when you first met he would’ve protected you, you used to be defenceless but now after years on the road and living with them, you had been taught a great many things. Protection was no longer a necessity to you.
“And what would you have me do? Stay?” You threw your final clothes into the bag, tying it shut far too aggressively. “I have been here too long.”
“Stay here.” Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him step forward. “Stay here for me.”
“For you?” Finally you looked at him and you regretted it instantly. His eyes were searching your own, hoping to find answers that were no longer there. “Uhtred that is all I have done. All these years I have stayed because of you. All these years I have waited for you.” You tried to hide the shake in your voice as you spoke but it became more evident as more words fell from your lips.
“Waited for me?” He shook his head, confused. Had he truly been so clueless? Had you not given him everything?
“Are you truly that blind?” The sadness soon turned to anger as you looked at him. All this time you had been there for him, displayed your affections so openly only to be turned away over and over again and he had no idea?
“Y/N tell me what you speak of, please.” He begged, stepping forward once more. You could take no more, the confession spilling from you before you could stop it.
“From the moment we met I have had eyes for no man except you. I felt like you were the second part of my soul, the piece missing from my own broken heart yet you never felt the same.” This time your voice did not shake but the tears in your eyes gave your heart away. “I watched you fall for Gisela and I kept my distance, swore I would not destroy your happiness over jealousy. Then when she died I stayed with you in your grief. I abandoned my heart to fix your own and thought that maybe in time you would feel something instead your heart found Lady Aethelflaed and mine was left more shattered than before.”
Once the words were out they hung in the air, taunting you in the uncomfortable silence. It practically scorched you the way he looked upon you. It was pity. Even now whilst you confessed it all, he only pitied you.
“Y/N.” His voice was barely a whisper but you didn’t want to heart it.
“No Uhtred. I have waited so many years. I kept my distance and remained kind for your happiness because I cared only for you. I thought after her vow of chastity that you might move on and you did.” The last few words were venomous as you spoke them and you remembered hearing how he had spent his previous evening. “Except it was not me. It was the tall woman you humped.” All that time you had waited only for him to go running to a woman he hardly knew. Had you not been there for him every time?
“I did not want to.” Part of you wanted to believe him, that perhaps he truly didn’t want to hump the woman and it was part of the process of moving on. How was that supposed to help?
“Is that supposed to make me feel better, Uhtred?” You snapped, not caring for any reason or excuse he had for humping the woman. Whether or not he wanted it was no longer a concern to you.
“What do you want me to say?” His voice started to rise to match your own but in his eyes remained the confusion and the sadness dancing together like old friends.
“Nothing. I do not care for your words anymore.” Words could not undo the damage. Words could not mend a broken heart. There was nothing that Uhtred could say to make you change your mind. “I have broken my own heart for you too many times and I cannot stay any longer to do it all again.”
“I have no feelings for her.” You didn’t know if that was worse. It wasn’t about what he felt for the tall woman. It was about loving someone who never loved you back. “Does that make you feel better?”
“No it does not.” You sighed. The tears threatened to spill from your eyes once more but you blinked them away. “Nothing you can say will make me feel better and you cannot change my mind.” That was it. You grabbed your bag and headed for the door.
“Please.” Uhtred managed to grab you by the bicep, stopping you in place. “I have lost too much I cannot lose you too. I need you.” You knew how much he’d lost, you had been there for all of it. Every time he mourned it was your shoulder he cried on, every time he was angry, you were his voice of reason but that didn’t matter anymore.
“Do you need me to mend another broken heart? Do you need me to fill the emptiness others have left?” That was all you had done and still it was not enough for him to love you. You snatched your arm away from him, shaking your head as you took a step back. “I won’t. I won’t be a third choice that has been by your side all this time only for you to disregard again. I cannot do this any longer.”
“Y/N, don’t go.” He called out to you as you marched out the door, he was quickly behind you, still calling your name as you headed to the stables.
“It’s too late.” You said quietly as you secured the bag onto your horse. It took you a moment to steady your breathing before you looked at him again. “Perhaps in another life I might’ve been your love but I have not been blessed with such a fate.”
No it had been a curse. It was a curse to fall for a man who only ever had eyes for another woman. You had watched him fall in love so many times but it was never you.
“There is still time.” He stepped forward cautiously, taking your face in his hands. It was gentle and warm. Everything you had ever wanted was in his hold yet you wondered if he even meant it.
“I have wasted so much time waiting for you.” You spoke in a hushed voice, the confession feeling like a dagger through your heart. “I have loved you Uhtred in all these years but you’re not mine and you never will be.”
Tearing your face away from him, you walked the horse from the stable and out into the open. You never looked back, not even when he called your name. No more would you wait for him. Your peace had been spoken, a weight off of your shoulders. Perhaps now you could find your happiness or perhaps you had just left it behind.
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