#that gm prequel fic
floreleine · 17 days
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@janansammy87 made a wonderful moodboard for my GM prequel fic, more specifically for the first part A Number Of Firsts!
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bakurasilver · 1 month
hello I am so curious about all of the WIPs but I'd love to hear more about Wout and About - being bratty on the bus <3
Sooooo way back when I was the world's most devoted shipper of Julian Alaphilippe/Tim Declercq (which I still am, even though they're on different teams now. There are like ten or so pictures of them where neither of them Julian is making a face.) but this was obviously not going to be a pairing which Took Off 😭. Reading other people's work (back when we had at most one fic a month) got me vaguely into the possibility of Wout/Mathieu, and I had a tentative go at writing them as the B Couple in a Julian/Tim fic (one of the others on the list), but then I saw them actually racing, and how could anyone not love Wout!! And despite how much this season is affecting their rivalry (also the media being constantly all, Wout Is So Useless), he and Mathieu will be linked forever in rl, let alone in fanfiction land. And whilst I think real Mathieu is way more 'no thoughts head empty' than my version of him, he's just so narratively honed that it's almost unrealistic he actually exists. He's just the perfect shape to project almost anything onto.
Then I had a just super pornographic dream about them, and thought, well, I don't even have to edit this, beyond removing Guillaume Martin (who was wandering around entirely bored by sub!Wout kissing dom!Mathieu's feet... I keep writing GM into the corners of things I shall never publish, knowing this will make no one laugh but me, but whatever shenanigans are going on with the main couple, he'll just be around and so wearily disinterested in their love life.)
But in this random bit of porn they were using hand gestures to continuously convey consent, and I couldn't help but wonder why. So I started a prequel to answer a question no one but me had, which is what Feeling bratty on the bus is.
The plot, such as it is, is Wout is grumbling on the team bus that sometimes he wants to push back against what Mathieu tells him to do for a while but does still ultimately want to be obedient, only Mathieu always halts procedings because he doesn't want to do anything Wout's not enthusiastically consenting to. Sepp Kuss (That's me, putting the dom into domestique! which I still think is one of the funniest lines I have ever written) then gives him a lecture about how it's okay to be a bratty sub, but Wout needs to explain this to Mathieu, as clearly neither of them have done any research. He attempts to give some examples from his own entirely offscreen relationship with Brandon McNulty (I'm still convinced this is a ship which has potential, but I do Not know enough about either of them to write it), but Wout is Inspired, and runs off to message Mathieu.
Mathieu does some research before the bus gets to the hotel (why is he there? Reasons! Why is he suddenly such a fast reader? Well he can read, he just doesn't!) and they go up to the hotel room, where Wout freaks out at being emotionally vulnerable. Mathieu tells him it'll be fine, even if Wout doesn't know how to say any of the above out loud, and that all Wout needs to do is find a way to let him know he's still super into what they're doing. Hence, the hand gestures. They then cuddle, and Wout takes a nap, exhausted by Having Had Feelings.
It's basically done, but also probably the least sexy BDSM-adjacent fic ever written (I don't think they even talk about sex, apart from in the vaguest terms). So I'm just not sure the world has any need for it, but sometimes I have an urgent need to read, Wout Was Having A Difficult Moment But Then Cuddles, hence why it's still sat there <3
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thissugarcane · 1 year
new chapter: “anger doesn’t mend a broken heart”
anger doesn’t mend a broken heart (but neither does forgiveness if you ask for it): chapter 30
look look, yet more updates! as always thank u @twilightarc-gm for the tireless beta and plot doctor duties, the likes of which deserve all the medals in the universe for my *waves hands* disaster plot.
Fandom: cql/mdzs (mostly cql).
pre-chengxian, wwx pov. tagged jiang cheng/wei wuxian because that's what I see, but they don't even kiss. (spoilers: jiang cheng spends a good 75% of this fic unconscious.) chengxian prequel! really it’s wwx pining over unconscious jiang cheng and reconciliation fic.
Summary: Wei Wuxian makes up with Jiang Cheng, the Jiang sect disciples, Lotus Pier, and Yunmeng. ...just not in that order.
chapter 30 - this time round, the plot (literally) thickens. the minor sects get involved and yu lizhen does not murder anyone, which really, she does not get enough credit for.
(i have such trouble figuring out how to format these fic updates on tumblr, omg)
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lilolilyr · 2 years
16,17, and 28 for the fanfic end of year asks?
16: fic(s) you completed this year
According to Ao3, there are 115 completed works from 2021! Tho around 50 are one-shots of just around 1k long or less, so they were more likely written in one go and idk how 'complete' some of the open ended ones are, other than me not wanting to write any more for them xD
I did complete the TOG college AU and vampire series that I had started the year before!
17: fics you’ll continue next year
Umm I'm not sure there are any? Possibly my Secret Santa fics for AQ and Milippa if I don't finish beforehand, GM and B&W have later deadlines so I haven't even started yet...
There are a bunch of old WIPs I'm always thinking about finishing ~maybe some day~, but from this year there are no real WIPs on Ao3, I did get slightly cleverer in time xDxD
Only think maybe, the AQ no dreams series that I only completed one part for... and I'll probably write more fics for my Gunpowder Milkshake series, the vampire and the prequel one, but no concrete plans yet
28: longest fic you read this year
Oh dear, I can't filter my history so I haven't the foggiest! Probably something Mirandy tho, there are a bunch of great series there that have wordcounts going into the millions
Thanks so much for the questions <3<3<3 this was fun :) hope you're having a nice day!
End of year asks: fanfic | TV | books | general
Ask me something, I'll ask something back!
Personal post - do not reblog
(but feel free to chat with me in the notes ;))
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hayjeon · 7 years
Girls Like You (ft. Jeongguk)
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→ badboy!jk, jock!au, prequel (part 2) to You Who [M] (part 1 here) → 8k words, (lots of fluff, slight smut, tiny bit angst)
A/N: Yay! Thank you everyone for enjoying the badboy!jk couple! You Who was my first fic to get to 1k notes, and after uploading the prequel pt. 1, I reached 1k! Thank you everyone again, I’ll be following up with a post soon! :) 
In the meantime, go check out my other tae fic, Give and Take, that I uploaded as another surprise :) It’s a similar au that I wrote before this prequel, so I think you guys’ll like it! 
You woke up with raging headache and you squinted your eyes at the sun shining through your blinds as you sit up. Grabbing your phone, you see the time 10:42 am along with other texts from Jihyo and Jungyeon. Groaning, you thank the stars that its Saturday morning and you have no other obligations today. You walk over to the kitchen and grab yourself a cup of water and chug it and rub your eyes. 
Your roommate walks out and laughs at your state. “Rough night?” 
You squint at her. “Oh god, I don’t even remember how I got home.” 
Nayeon frowns at you, “You don’t? I was next door, and I heard you talking with Jeongguk. Seems like he put you to bed then.” 
You scrunch your eyebrows. You distinctly remember going to get drinks after Jeongguk told you about the divorce, but everything after the moment you left the food truck was blurry. You gag, and clutch your mouth as you run to the restroom and empty your stomach into the toilet bowl. Nayeon just follows you silently and pats your back as you cough. “Damn, haven’t seen you get drunk in a really long time.” 
You groan, flushing and grabbing your toothbrush. “Ugh, I remember why I hate drinking, I’m a fucking lightweight and hangovers suck.” 
You finish brushing your teeth and grab your phone to send Jeongguk a quick text as you eat your cereal. 
[To: JK, 11:01 AM] Hey, thanks for bringing me home last night. Ugh, I have a horrible headache :( 
Usually Jeongguk is quick to respond, but even after finishing your cereal and getting out of a long hot shower, your phone is silent. You assume he’s busy with practice and reply to Jihyo and Jungyeon. 
[To: group message, 11:32 AM] Hi, im awake
[From: Jihyo, 11:33 AM] good morning sleeping beauty, it’s been a while since u woke up so late
[To: gm, 11:33 AM] Sorry i got shit drunk last night :( and i passed out until now
[From Jungyeon, 11:33 AM] uh WTF with who? tfti 
[To: gm, 11:34 AM] jeongguk
[From: Jungyeon, 11:35 AM] ugh I told you to be careful of him! what if he like convinced u into sex or something?!
[To: gm, 11:35 AM] ugh shut up he even put me in bed, relax
[From: Jihyo, 11:37 AM] just be thankful it wasn’t his bed
[To: gm, 11:37 AM] omg its not a big deal stop
[From: Jihyo, 11:37 AM] its so obvi u like him, we’re just trying to protect you.
[From: Jungyeon 11:38 AM] ya...heard from lisa today that the rumor is true. he humped and dumped jennie the other night 
[From: Jihyo, 11:38 AM] omg... srsly, why do you even like him? 
You set down your phone with a groan, curling up in your sheets, feeling a bit sick again at the reminder of the fact that Jeongguk did not see you as anything other than a friend. Which explains why he was okay with tucking you in with no problem and fucking a gorgeous girl like Jennie. You sighed as you closed your eyes. 
Jeongguk growls as he benches another five pounds on his personal best. Gritting his teeth he lifts the bar once, twice, before clanging it back on the original position, his phone lying discarded next to him. What a fucking joke. 
It was just his luck that you were too drunk to remember what exactly had happened. Just his luck that he ended up falling for the one girl that was exactly the kind of girl who deserved more than guys like him. You understood him, you were independent, kind, real, smart, sassy, funny, and everything he’d wanted in a girl. But he was the kind of guy who did one-night stands, who ended up unknowingly winning the bet on who got to fuck Jennie first, played football and was forced to attend huge parties where he got piss drunk again and ended up waking up with a ranging headache and an unknown body naked next to him. Rinse, and repeat. 
He never intended for it to become like this. What started as just getting accustomed to the team and its dynamics ended up in him developing an ego much too big for him to control, and a sex drive that he indulged too much. And now, it was too late. For once, he’d found something he wanted to prove himself to, pouring into his studies to impress you and convince you that he wouldn’t fuck you over like other athletes, and going lengths to salvage a friendship with you instead of scaring you off with the rumors of him being a fuckboy. The actions he did were genuine, he loved being able to walk you home to spend just a few more minutes with you, and tried his hardest to never miss your food truck nights. Whenever he saw you struggling with the huge textbooks, he found it natural to just sling his football bag over his shoulder and grab it from you, the thankful gleam in your eye when you smiled at him a much more than generous prize for his actions. 
You were different. You were honest, yet kind. You were funny, but still he found it so easy to just spill all his thoughts and concerns to you. You were so, so smart and diligent, and he really thought it was your most attractive feature, how driven you were on accomplishing something. And most important to him, was the fact that you knew him. He’d scrolled through your other texts that night, seeing how you defended him against your friends’ quite valid accusations about him. And his heart sank when he realized you harbored feelings for him since a while ago, feeling that he returned but was too much of an asshole to own up to. 
Because you truly deserved better. 
He was pumping again when Shownu walked up to him, offering to spot him. Jeongguk nodded and continued pumping the bar. The older boy commented, “Hey, so, you know that girl you’ve been hanging out with recently? Y/N?” 
Jeongguk pauses, “What about her?” 
Shownu grins, “Well Wonho and I have a bet going on to see which one of us can a nerd’s virginity first. And since you know this girl, wanna hook me up?” 
It all happens way too fast. Jeongguk slams the bar down in its place and gets up from the bench and lunges at Shownu, landing a hard punch straight on the linebacker’s jaw and kneels on top of him with his hands at the collar of his shirt. “Don’t you fucking dare to try that shit with her! I’ll fucking kill you!” He yells out, shaking the guy. 
The other guys training in the gym run over, grabbing the quarterback and yanking him away from Shownu, who’s bleeding from a busted lip. Smirking he taunts Jeongguk. “Why, you like her or something? Ha! Should’ve known your style was a cutesy little quiet nerd like her.” 
Jeongguk lunges again, but Jimin is there to pull his arms back. “Yo, bro, quit it. If coach sees, you’ll be off the team.” He mutters, and Jeongguk calms down, breathing heavily. He yanks his arms away from the boys and stomps towards the locker room. 
Jimin looks at Shownu who smirks at Jeongguk’s retreating figure. He’s never seen the younger one so angry before. “Not cool man.” He glares at the linebacker before jogging after Jeongguk. 
He finds the younger player sitting on the locker benches, his head in his hands. 
“Hey, bro, you ok?” He sits besides Jeongguk and waits for him to respond. 
“I’m fine.” He grits out and Jimin frowns. “Uh, well, you’re clearly not, so I’m not gonna leave until you tell me what’s been up your ass this whole time.” 
When Jeongguk doesn’t respond, Jimin carefully tests the waters. “Is it... is it Y/N?” 
Jeongguk stands up, grabbing his towel and heading towards the showers. “I don’t want to talk about it hyung.” 
Jimin watches him leave and glances at his phone on the bench. In the lock screen is another unopened message that Jeongguk probably hasn’t seen yet. 
[From: Y/N, 12:43 PM] Hey, are you ok? Can we talk? 
So he gets an idea and swipes the message open, using the quick reply option to text back a response before tucking it into the pocket of Jeongguk’s duffel bag.
[To: Y/N, 12:44 PM] Yeah, meet me at the game tonight. We can talk after. Wear my jersey.
You’re a bit giddy at the thought of finally going to one of Jeongguk’s games. Apparently, according to Nayeon, getting invited to a football player’s game wa a pretty big deal. In addition, wearing his jersey was also a pretty clear sign of interest. A glimmer of hope was in your chest, because Nayeon also mentioned that no girl had been invited to Jeongguk’s games, and better yet, he’d never invited any girl to wear his jersey before. 
Not even Jennie. So you smile as you check your hair, curled to perfection, once last time and smooth the jersey over your jean shorts. You’d paired some regular black converse with the look and a white t-shirt underneath the jersey to make the emerald green and yellow colors pop. Turning around, you smile at the large 58 with “JEON” stitched over it. Someone had dropped off the jersey at your door, and you suspected it was the one who lived three floors up. 
You check your phone and text Jihyo and Jungyeon that you’re on your way as you hitch a ride with them to the game. They, despite being quite studious, were still into the football games and went often. So you decide to sit with them. The bleachers are already packed when the three of you arrive, and Jihyo breaks off to go buy your snacks, and you and Jungyeon go to find some good seats. Thankfully, theres a small space for the three of you pretty close to the middle front, and you plop down before someone else can get it. 
Jihyo returns and you three chew on your nachos and hot dogs happily as you watch the game. You avoid their prying questions about your jersey and watch as Jeongguk literally owns the team. The stands erupt in cheers as he scores another touchdown, and he doesn’t even give them a glance as he runs back to center. You scream along with them, pumping your fists into the air and yelling his name. 
But he doesn’t even look your way, though, you note with a disappointed purse of your lips. 
Maybe its because he’s so into the game, you think, and you stand up to go to the restroom when halftime is called. 
You’re standing in line for a refill of your drink per sans Jihyo’s request, when someone taps you on your shoulder. You whirl around to see someone in a jersey with a helmet on so you smile widely. 
The figure whips his helmet off and only then, you recover from your excitement and realize that this guy is shorter than Jeongguk and has a different number on his jersey. A handsome guy, with red lips and sweaty black hair smiles down at you. “Hey, Y/N right?” 
You nod hesitantly, gripping the cups in your hand. Since when did football boys know your name? “Uh, yeah. And you are?” 
He tucks his helmet under his arm. “Wonho. Nice to meet you. What brings you here? Jeongguk?” 
You nod, biting your lip as you take his outstretched hand. He holds on a little too long for your liking. “Um, yeah.” 
He smirks down at you, licking his lips. Other people in the line are glancing at the receiver chatting up the girl who had Jeongguk’s jersey on. “You guys dating or something?” 
You frown, “Uh, no, but it’s none of your business.” 
He holds up two defensive hands. “Woah, my bad. It’s just because I wanna get to know you a little better. How about you come to the afterparty?” 
“What afterparty?” 
He cocks his head as he hears a whistle, signaling for him to make his way back. “Basically, this team here is good, but we beat them every single year. We have parties whenever we win, and Jeongguk will be there too! You should come! Just hitch a ride with anyone and they’ll be going to Seokjin’s house. That’s where the party’ll be!” 
When you hesitate, he just throws another smirk at you as he jogs backwards. “See ya there!” He turns and runs towards the pit. And you step up to your spot in line, confused, but a little excited. 
As expected, your college’s team wins with an easy victory, and the crowd erupts in cheers. Jimin yells into the mic about the party, and the football team disappears into the pit. You try to follow, to try and get a conversation with Jeongguk and congratulate him, but you’re swept away by the rush of people getting out of the stands and into the carpools to Seokjin’s party. Sighing, you give up and hitch a ride with some girls from your math class to the house. 
It’s a huge mansion, the frat house, and is already booming with music and drunken people are dancing lewdly when you enter. It’s your third time at a party like this, and you recall why you haven’t forced yourself to come again to something like after the second. Parties like this weren’t your thing, and you hated how hot and claustrophobic it felt and how loud these things were. 
But you tack on a smile as you see the football boys getting out from their trucks in the parking lot a few minutes later, freshly showered and greeting the guests with handshakes and loud cheers. Before you can spot Jeongguk though, Wonho, from earlier jogs up to you with a wide smile. 
You can’t help but feel a tiny bit cautious around him, something about him was so off-putting. But he greets you politely, and smiles as he maneuvers you away from the entrance of the house and towards the kitchen. You look back to try and catch a glimpse of Jeongguk, but he’s quite insistent, so you let him guide you away. Leaning against the bar, he asks, “So how are you liking the party.” 
You bite your lip as you eye the dance floor and the overflowing drinks. “Um, I just got here so...” He notices your hesitation and smiles, “Well, then you gotta drink!” Ignoring your protests, he walks away from the counter, claiming to grab you a drink. You watch him leave with a pout, wanting to just go find Jeongguk. 
You sit down on a stool, observing your surroudings. The large living room has been converted into a dance floor, the DJ on the second floor bouncing along with the crowd to a loud beat that’s ringing in your skull. You can see couples giggling and jogging up the steps to hide away in one of the countless rooms, or making out furiously in the corners. In the dining room, there are boys who are chanting, “Drink drink drink!” at the new frat boy recruits, holding the poor kids above their heads as they stick a tube into his mouth and force him to chug the bag of beer. On the dining table, some people are doing body shots. You cringe as in the den you can see some guys whipping off their shirts and girls giggling as they remove theirs too in a game of strip poker. 
Was this the kind of world that Jeongguk enjoyed when he wasn’t hanging out with you? You frown as people elbow you and bump into you as they drunkenly stagger towards the dance floor, regret rising in you as you strain your neck to see where Jeongguk is. But he’s nowhere to be found. 
Actually, he’s sitting in the living room, in a corner where a few couches are clustered, sipping on his drink as he boredly ignores the chatter of the annoying girl next to him. He shakes off her arm when she gets too close, and rolls his eyes when she leaves with a huff. Jimin notices and plops down next to him. “Bro, you feeling better after the game?” 
Jeongguk finishes off his cup with a glare. “What are you talking about?”  
Jimin is drunk, clapping Jeongguk on the shoulder. “Well, you won, and Y/N was there to see it and all!” 
Jeongguk whips his head to him. “What did you say?” 
Jimin laughs again, too drunk to see his mistake. “I invited her to the game since you were too much of a little dramatic pussy to actually invite her yourself. She wore your jersey and everything!” 
Jeongguk stood up, knocking Jimin off his balance. “Where is she?” But Jimin was too drunk to respond, and passed out against the couch. 
“What the fuck?!” He grits out, grabbing his hair in frustration. There was a reason why he didn’t invite you to these things. It was because he didn’t want you to see how dirty these things were, and definitely after hearing what Shownu said the other day, didn’t want you fifty fucking feet near another football player. 
Yugyeom, one of the nicer boys from the team pipes up from the corner. “I think she’s here, Jeongguk.” He says lowly, and Jeongguk gapes. “How the fuck did she get here?” 
Yugyeom shrugs. “Not sure, but I saw her in the kitchen with Wonho hyung.” 
“Fuck!” Jeongguk surges up and out of the living room with a start, and storms into the kitchen. He sees Wonho leaning into you with a smirk and offering you a cup and he runs up and knocks the red thing out of your hand before you can lift it up to your lips. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He seethes at you, and he hates how his gut clenches at your face that splits into a bright smile like a fucking thousand christmas lights. “Jeongguk!” You exclaim, as he surprises you. “Uh, Wonho here invited me.” 
He turns to the smirking older male. Stepping up to him, he snarls, “You do anything to her, I’ll fucking kill you.” Wonho eyes the drink on the floor with a smirk and Jeongguk realizes with anger that the bastard had probably spiked the drink in order to win the bet. Glaring up at the male, he grabs his collar and growls, “I swear to god, you and Shownu better call off that fucking bet right now or I’ll make sure you won’t be able to say anything with that dirty little mouth of yours.” 
You jump up and grab onto Jeongguk’s arm, trying to pry him off of Wonho. “Jeongguk! Jeongguk, stop, it’s not a big deal! He was just being nice!” 
Wonho just sleazily smiles and yanks Jeongguk’s hands off of him. “Hear that? I was just showing her around. No need to get your panties in a twist man.” Patting his collar off, he assures the collecting crowd that everything was okay before winking at you and walking towards the cheerleaders. Jeongguk tenses up and pulls you behind him when he winks, and when Wonho disappears out of sight, turns to you with a glare. He sees you wearing his jersey, and wonders how the fuck that fell into your hands and how fate had messed up and dragged you straight into the trap that he was dreading on you witnessing. 
He grabs your wrist, ignoring the way you look up at him in slight fear, and drags you outside, where it’s decently quiet, away from prying eyes. 
“Ow, Jeongguk, let go!” You hiss as he finally lets go of your hand. You cradle it to you, the skin there red from his tight grip. He’s angry, and you’re not exactly sure why. 
“What’s your problem? You’re the one who invited me here and you’re acting like a little ass right now!” You yell, tears pricking your eyes. 
He visibly softens at the sight and steps up to try and comfort you. “Y/N, I’m sorry, that wasn’t me. One of the hyungs sent the text to you as a joke and dropped off my jersey to fool around with me.” 
Your heart sank at the words. He was angry because he didn’t want you here, didn’t want people like you mixing in with his friends. He watches as your expression falls and realizes how you misunderstood his words. 
“W-wait, Y/N, I didn’t mean it like that, wait,” He reaches out for your hand again, but the angry tears are already falling and you wipe them away with your hand before glaring up at him. You whip off the jersey, leaving you in only your white t-shirt and tearily croak out, “No, Jeongguk, I get what you mean.” and turn away and run down the sidewalk towards the bus stop. He catches the jersey and groans as he turns to run after you, but suddenly the music gets louder and his teammates rush him. 
They lift him up on their shoulders and throw him around, “Cheers to the quarterback! Drink! drink, drink!” They shove a shot into his hands and cheer as Jeongguk downs it, but by the time he comes back out and looks for your figure, you’re gone, the bus stop empty. 
What he doesn’t know is that while you were waiting at the bus stop, you were waiting for him too. One word, one action, and you were ready to apologize. But then you’re hugging yourself as the weather gets a little too cold, and someone walks up to you. 
“Well, isn’t it Y/N? The bitch that’s been dragging our Jeongguk-ie around on a leash.” You look up to see Jennie and her posse of girls glaring at you in their cheerleading outfits. 
You stand up, frowning. “Excuse me?” 
Jennie rolls her eyes. “Don’t play dumb with me, bitch. You call him your best friend and always try to get him to go on your little food truck dates. The entire school knows by now. What a joke.” Her friends titter as she smirks and continues, crossing her arms. 
“Let me warn you. Stay the fuck away from him. You know he’s been missing out on some of the parties because of you? And because of that he’s also been missing out on getting to know the team and the cheer squad. And it’s all because of your stupid little dates and you dragging him to the library. Give him some space, and stop making his life into a little charity event.” With that, she turns on her heel and walks away. The bus pulls up with a screech, and you clamber on, numb and still reeling in shock. 
You plop down on the seat, exhausted, and curl up in the corner and try to press yourself into as small of a ball as you can manage. Because the tears were coming, and this time, there was no one to hug you and make them go away.
Jeongguk wakes up again, recognizing the guest bedroom of the frat house, groaning as he rubs his eyes. It was 4 AM, and next to him a girl was passed out. With a glance at her face, he recognizes her as Rose, one of the girls from Jennie’s friend group and groans, realizing that this was going to cause ten times more drama than he wanted. Rolling out of bed, he grabs his clothes, a can of beer, and his phone and runs out, stepping over sleeping bodies and puddles of beer to get out of the house.
Last night was a mess. After you left, he threw himself into the alcohol, unable to man up enough to give you a call or even get in a taxi and try to find his way home, where he knows you’ll be. Because despite wanting to reach out and hug you close and reassure you that he’ll never hurt you again, is the nagging reality that literally, good girls like you deserved so much more than bad boys like him. 
So he digs his hands in his pockets against the cold breeze and begins briskly walking towards home. By the time he reaches the area, the sun has begun rising and he swigs back the drink and stumbles up the stairs towards your apartment. 
He collapses against it, forehead against the cool metal of your door, and bangs on it, yelling your name. 
After his drunken antics, two girls open the door, that he recognizes through his haze as Jihyo, your close friend, and Nayeon, your roommate. They glare at him with squinted eyes, clearly having been woken up by his fuss. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jihyo hisses. She makes a move to shut the door, but Jeongguk grabs the handle and yanks it back. “Please,” he mutters, “I need to see her.” 
Nayeon shakes her head. “She hasn’t been able to sleep all night because of you. Don’t you think it’s right to give her a little space?” When he doesn’t respond, she tries to close the door again but he slumps against the frame, croaking, “Please, please.” When they don’t budge and just glare down at him, he begins yelling drunkenly into the hall behind them. “Y/N?! Y/N! Please, please, let me explain myself!” 
Jihyo and Nayeon try to wrestle the door from him, and you emerge, your eyes red and puffy from crying. He stops and freezes when he sees you, and you walk up to him, and your friends disappear into the bedrooms to give you some spac. 
“What do you want, Jeongguk?” You whisper, and his heart sinks at the way your voice quivers. 
“I’m sorry. I never wanted to let you see me like that there,” he mumbles, still reeling from the drink. “I never invited you cause I didn’t want them to make bets on you,” he slurs, and you frown. 
“Jeongguk, what are you even saying?” 
He groans, slumping against the doorway. “’m just really scared of loosing you, that’s all...I really, you’re really m’ best friend ‘nd I like--” he slumps completely, and you scramble forward to catch him. Groaning under his weight, you steady yourself and call out to Jungyeon, and together, you both manage to shove him into the elevator and walk him to his apartment before letting him collapse onto the couch. He groans and mumbles your name and turns over, and you straighten up, glaring down at him with nothing to say. 
Jungyeon groans, “I swear I’m gonna fucking neuter him if he even comes across my sight again. You don’t deserve to be hurt like this, Y/N.” At the last thought, the water works begin and large tears roll down your cheeks. She coos, “Aww, Y/N,” and holds you to her as you sob again, unsure of how to feel. She guides you out the door and tucks you into your own bed, watching as you cry yourself to sleep for the second time that night. Looking at the time, it was already way too early in the morning to go back to sleep, so she shakes Jihyo up and storms out of the house with a glare of determination. 
“Okay, spit it out Park Jimin,” she snaps, crossing her arms at the frightened boy. “Or else I’ll literally grab the scissors over there in the cashier’s cup and jam it down your crotch.” Jimin glances nervously at the said cup and shakingly crosses his legs, cupping his family jewels. 
“W-what’s going on?” 
Jihyo rolls her eyes. “Oh, you know what’s going on. Why did you prank Y/N like that? We know you sent her the text with Jeongguk’s phone.” 
He recalls the incident and winces. “Oh shit, my bad. It wasn’t supposed to happen that way.” 
Jihyo glares, leaning forward with a glare. “My bad? My bad is what you say when you come and go to sleep before I even get a chance to take my pants off. My bad is what assholes like you say when you make a tiny mistake, not screw someone’s entire reputation and life over!” 
He holds his hands up in defense. “Okay, okay! Jeez, you’ll never let me live down that moment ever, won’t you?” Sighing, he leans forward. “I only sent that text to her because Jeongguk was being a little pussy. He clearly likes Y/N.” 
Jungyeon stops, “Huh?” 
Jimin nods, “He got really mad when Shownu and Wonho made a bet on who can get into a nerd’s pants first. So when Shownu asked Jeongguk to set him up with Y/N, he flipped.” 
Jungyeon curls her lip in a sneer. “You guys are literally, so disgusting.” 
Jimin nods sheepishly. “Well, I wasn’t part of it, so...yeah. But anyways, Jeongguk really likes her but he mentioned that he can’t make a move because he doesn’t want her to get a bad reputation from him. Did you guys say something to him that made him think like that?” 
Jihyo frowns, “Uh...well like we do tell her that she deserves better than him, like, practically everyday.” 
Jimin groans. “Of course you do. And you literally convinced him to back off from Y/N, when all of us know that they really like eachother.” 
Jungyeon and Jihyo exchange guilty looks. “Well,” Jungyeon pipes up, “Jeongguk isn’t really doing a great job of convincing us he can treat Y/N better otherwise, so, there’s that!” 
Jimin shakes his head. “Trust me, he’s a really good kid. It’s just that when he’s with the team, the older guys sort of pressure him to drink and go get girls and it just sort of happens.” He shrugs, “That’s the entire environment of the team. But trust me, Jeongguk is one of the more conservative ones and has started sleeping around less with anyone since he started hanging out so much with Y/N. The whole Jennie thing was a mistake. He does it often when he gets stressed out or mad.” 
Jihyo sighs, “You can’t expect us to think a guy like that is okay for our friend, do you?” 
Jimin shakes his head. “You know, I can’t convince you that he’s good enough for Y/N. Cause to be honest, from what I’ve seen, she’s a great girl and practically no one I know is good enough for her.” Your friends nod in agreement. “But what you have to do is trust her, that she likes Jeongguk for a reason and keeps him around for a good reason.” 
They exchange looks as they nod slowly, uncrossing their arms. 
“Hey, Y/N,” someone calls out, and you break out of your thoughts while sitting alone at the library. It felt too empty and cold there to get any work done anyway. When you catch sight of Jimin coming your way you sigh and turn back to your work. 
“Woah, hey, hey. Please just give me a listen. Let me explain myself.” 
You turn to him with a tired expression. “Explain what?”
He sits down, facing you with a solemn expression. “I-I just wanted to apologize.” 
You lift your eyebrow and he continues. “I didn’t mean to make it seem like a prank. Jeongguk had just been moping around all day and not confronting his feelings for you and so I just wanted to help him out a little. I had no idea he wouldn’t notice you were at the game, and no idea you would come to the party.” 
You run a hand through your hair. “I don’t really care about the text thing Jimin. I’m angry because of how Jeongguk acted at the party and how he’s just treating me like I don’t belong.” 
He sighs, leaning back in his chair. “Don’t you understand? You don’t belong.” He raises a hand to stop you from cutting in as he continues, “You’re so much better and kinder and smarter than all of us, and people like us don’t deserve to hang out with girls like you. That’s why, Y/N, that’s why he didn’t want you to come to the party, because guys like Wonho were betting on who could get you into bed the fastest.” 
“Th-they did what? A bet?!” You stutter, your breath coming out in short gasps. 
He nods, “Yeah. They’re the seniors on our team so no one really says anything about it but they’re really douchebags.” 
You think to how oddly nice Wonho was to you and scoff. They were really trashy human beings. 
He leaves with a final statement. “Trust me, Jeongguk cares for you. But sometimes, people like you deserve better, so people like us try to stay away.” 
Jeongguk stares down at the jersey in his hands, it still smelling slightly of your natural scent, and he fists the material as he grits his teeth. He missed you like crazy. Jimin had woken him up this morning and told him what chaos he made at 4 AM in the morning at your house and Jeongguk was so fucking pissed because even if he tried to, he couldn’t stay away from you. 
“C’mon team, let’s go!” The coach yells and whistles and Jeongguk shrugs on his original game jersey on with a grimace, pulling on his helmet and mouthguard. He jogs out with his team, the stands erupting in cheers as the team runs out. 
The team huddles and the coach reads out instructions for their plan of attack. Jeongguk was on the offense again this time as the quarterback. He zones out a bit as they yell coordinates, and Jimin pats him on the back. 
“Hey, Jeongguk, you okay?” 
He shakes his head, and Jimin pats his helmet. “Hey, do your best okay? She’s here.” He jogs away as Jeongguk whips off his helmet and mouthguard, and he turns around and scans the bleachers filled with people. 
But there are too many people in the stands, and he can’t find you and his coach yells his name before he can jog over to see where you are. 
You watch him from the sidelines, a hat stuffed over your eyes as you watch him hesitate as his eyes scan the bleachers. You duck your head even further until he runs off and joins his team and look back at him, the blaring 58 zipping across the field to take center position. Jimin had told you that Jeongguk was avoiding you because he felt like he wasn’t good enough, and if he was telling the truth, you were here to give Jeongguk one last chance.
All you wanted was some honesty. Because he probably had no idea how much you loved him, and how much you were willing to forgive everything he had done as long as he was willing to work with you. 
Your mind wanders as the game progresses, drowning out the cheers and screams from the stands. You pick at the holes on your jeans as you watch the game progress, and get up to grab a drink. You step down the metals steps and slowly make your way to the concession stand, making sure to keep your cap low over your eyes. 
Suddenly, a hand grabs you and whirls you around. You gasp in surprise as you spin around to see Wonho smirking down at you. 
“Going somewhere?” He sleazily grins down at you, scanning your body shamelessly. 
You yank your wrist out of his hand and face him with as fierce of a glare as you can muster. “Get the fuck away from me Wonho,” you hiss.
“Ooh, feisty,” he mewls, an arm slipping around your waist. 
But you grab it and crack his fingers towards his wrist, and he yelps with a growl, and tries to get out of your grip, when you kick him right in the crotch. Jeongguk had once taught you to aim there in self defense. He groans and falls to his knees, clutching at his balls. “What the actual fuck,” he groans and glares up at you. You glare at him, and grab your drink and walk away with a smirk. “If I ever catch you doing shit like those stupid ass bets again on other women, I’ll quick you so hard you’ll never be able to fuck again.” 
You walk out to the bleachers, expecting to see the game proceeding as usual, but no players are out running and are huddled at the corner of the field. You tap a girl who’s whispering with her friends. “Hey, I’m sorry, what happened?”  
“Jeon Jeongguk got hurt!” She exclaims, pointing at the huddle. “The other quarterback ran into him really hard and he’s not getting up. 
You drop your drink as you sprint towards the middle, but the fence prevents you from from running onto the field. You watch desperately as players and medics scurry around Jeongguk. 
“Is it a concussion, coach?” One of the players asks. 
The medic shakes his head. “I don’t think so. But I have no idea why he’s suddenly so weak.” 
Jimin scrambles down and pats Jeongguk’s cheek. “Hey! Get up! Y/N is here! You can’t give up right now!” Jeongguk opens his eyes and pants heavily. Jimin helps him sit up, “There you go, she’s right there!” He points towards you and you watch as they yell something at Jeongguk before helping him up and point at you. You’re confused because you can’t hear anything, but Jeongguk nods at whatever Jimin yelled and gets up slowly, grabs a drink, and then faces you. 
Everything stops, when he finally sets his sight on you, and he can see the worry on your face from halfway across the field. You’re gripping onto the fence and straining to see him. He musters up his courage, ignoring the way he was winded when the other quarterback slammed a bit too hard. But he was okay, and seeing you made everything even better. He smiles, and waves at you, and you burst into tears at the sight, relieved that he’s okay. 
With that, he turns and grabs his helmet, his members encouraging him as he joins once again on the field. 
He leans down, hands coming down to grip the grass. He remembers how you looked at him, desperate to see if he was okay. Jimin grunts out something, “Go get her, Jeongguk!” And begins yelling out instructions for the team. “Alright, 62, hike!” 
“Right right right!” “Lets...go!” “Hold your block, hold it!” “Go!” 
The whistle blows and the players rush at each other as the timer begins. Jeongguk grunts as he runs with the ball straight towards the goal post, and players jump and fall behind him, trying to grab his tail. His linebackers slam into the other boys, their shoulders slamming against shoulder pads and grunts echoing across the field. 
He yells as he strains his legs to run as fast as he can, the time ticking as the game draws to a close in a few seconds. Grunts and yells echo behind him, but he can’t think of anything else as he runs and runs towards the two yellow bars in front of him. He tumbles as he runs past the white line on the grass, and the bleachers erupt in cheers as he makes it past the yard line the moment the clock buzzes 0. 
But he drops the ball and doesn’t stop running, making a U-turn from the end of the field to come running straight to the bleachers. His teammates yell out for him, jogging after him towards the bleachers, but he doesn’t stop, because he has his sights on you. 
He whips off his helmet, and finds you behind the fence, which he hops without a blink, and waits until he’s in front of you. You’re looking up at him with trembling lips and teary eyes, and he smiles down at you, you’re seriously the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. 
He runs the last few steps and grabs you by the waist, lifting you clear off the stands and pressing you to his body. You begin crying, blubbering as he spins you and sets you down on the dirt of the field and leans down to hug you, a strong arm wrapped around your waist to keep you from collapsing and another pressed on the middle of your back, pressing your chest to his. 
And he sets you down, ignoring the whoops and hollers behind him. He cradles your cheek in his hand, leaning down to smile at you. You blubber, “Are you okay? You’re feeling okay? Jeon Jeongguk, I swear you had me worried sick I thought-” 
He smiles and whips off your cap, swoops down, interrupting your crying, and presses his lips hard against yours. You gasp into the kiss as he swipes past your lips, moving his lips against yours with desperation and joy and happiness. He grits against your lips, his smile so wide he can’t kiss you properly. “I like you, Y/N. No, I think I love you. And I’ve been so stupid because I don’t deserve you. But I also don’t ever want to see you walk away from me again. I’m gonna fight for you.” 
You smile up at him, tears still streaming down. “A-are you sure?” 
He smiles, leaning down to capture your lips in another breathtaking kiss. 
“I’m so sure.” 
It’s the night of your one-year anniversary with Jeongguk, the first week of senior year, and you’re currently at his house to work on a group project together.
Correction: you’re currently making out with your boyfriend on his couch, the assignment forgotten on the kitchen table. 
He groans as you perch on his lap and peck his lips teasingly, his hands coming up to grab your waist as a warning. You giggle and hold his cheeks as you lean down to press your lips hard against his, dipping your tongue against his lower lip and then nipping at it, earning another warning. “Y/N...” 
You smile as you wrap your arms around him, and situate yourself a little more comfortably on his lap, while, is currently trying his hardest not to spring up a boner at the feeling of you wiggling your ass into his lap. His hands are on your waist though, and his body betrays him because he subconsciously digs his fingers into the small of your waist and presses you closer against his chest. He practically melts at how soft you are and how warm you feel against him, and tries to hold himself back. Even though it’d been a year since you’d made it official, and a blissful year at that, he’d been careful on how far you two went. He knew you had boundaries that you were careful about, and never wanted you to feel pressured into taking your relationship a bit further. 
But with the way you kissed him and pressed your breasts to his chest and wiggled your hips against his crotch, his dick was saying otherwise. 
“Fuck, Y/N, if you keep this up, I’m not gonna be able to stop,” he groans as he distracts himself by kissing down your jaw, licking hesitantly at the crook near your ear, making you sigh above him. 
You hesitate, thinking about how hard you thought about regarding taking your relationship with Jeongguk further. You were still a little scared, because you’d initially wanted to take it to the next step a while ago, but you also wanted to go slow. And on this night, when the moon was high up in the air and some stupid episode of some TV show was blaring in the background of his house, you were way, way too much in love with this man underneath you to think about anything else. It was the perfect moment. 
You lean down, kissing him desperately. He groans again, and you detach from him, smiling down at him and thumbing his swollen lips and giggling at his blushing cheeks and overblown pupils. 
“I-I think I’m ready.” 
“W-What?” If possible, his eyes get even wider and his cheeks blush scarlet red as he gapes up at you.
“I love you, Jeon Jeongguk.” His hand comes up to swipe your hair away from your face, and he smiles. “I love you too. Are you sure?” 
You lean down and wrap your arms around him, smiling as he lifts you up and carries you towards his bedroom.
In this moment, when his arms are around you and you’re in just your pajamas and he in his, everything feels so right. 
“I’m so sure.” 
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hii-raeth · 7 years
Hii! Here comes my questions for the FanFic Ask Game! Be prepared for I love reading answers from writers. ^^ So... C - F - G - H - I - L - N - O - P - U - V - W - Z, pretty please! Aaaaannnnd because I'm a little brat, could you also answer the question E for the fic "Uneasy Lies the Head" (I've tried, guys! xD)? Thank you very much! Take care!
Wow, that’s a boatload of questions! Thank you for asking >D 
C: What member do you identify with most?
Member is a bit vague, isn’t it? Unfortunately, I don’t know any authors well enough to identify with them. Characters are different story, but even then there are too many characters that I relate to in some way for me to name all of them. Whoops…?
E: If you wrote a sequel to Uneasy Lies the Head, what would it be about?
Wouldn’t you like to know ;) all I will tell you is that it involves brand-new technology, an old family secret, and carrying grudges. If that isn’t cryptic, I don’t know what is…
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Almost forgot this one!  probably because it's very hard to answer... I actually think dialogue might be one of my weaker points. I'm having a hard time remembering everything I've written, but I like the one between Sasuke and Kakashi in chapter 12. 
When I look back on it I think I could've refined it a bit more, but I still like the general idea of these two emotionally constipated people talking about big themes.I feel like that’s... an incredibly vague answer.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? 
A bit of both. I write most of it chronologically so I don’t make big mistakes in continuity, but if I have a clear scene in mind for a future chapter I will write it whenever I feel inspired.
H: How would you describe your style?
A little bit wordy… Not anywhere near as elegant as I’d like, but I think it is occasionally funny. I hope it is, anyway.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
I suppose I do. For one thing, I tend to completely focus on one character per fandom- I rarely read anything that isn’t about them. Some of these characters are from pretty bad shows…
As for writing, I can get a little bit carried away when it comes to my favorites… I try to limit it, though!
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Not as often as I should. Usually I go back months later to edit it, but by then it will be too late for most of my readers. I am trying to learn from my mistakes with this new story.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Of my own stories? Definitely Thunderstruck and its many unwritten sequels. I’m still pretty happy with the concept, but writing it turns out to be harder than I thought it would be.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
A little bit of both. I want to have theme for my main character and a general idea for plot. Everything else happens pretty organically. For example, in Uneasy, Kakashi’s theme is allowing himself to be vulnerable and letting his friends help him, the general plot idea is ‘someone tries to kill him and,very shady reasons, tries to blame it on others. The plot changed quite a bit after that.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
A little bit of both. I was definitely a gardener for Uneasy Lies the Head, but Foundling was completely planned. I’m hoping the next story will be a combination of these two.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
DK, Nezu, Ki and GM from @anbu-legacy​ spring to mind. That’s… four people. Err. Let’s ignore that for the moment. I also really liked sna back in the day. There are many others, but I can’t recall all their names. I feel bad about that 8′)Things that appeal to me, though: writers who can find a balance between emotion, comedy, and realism. These people have that down to an art form.
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Better yet, what if their original authors were to write a sequel or prequel? (Just to clarify, I totally understand dropping a story if it’s no longer right for you or just can’t do it anymore. I just don’t think I could do justice to most of my favorite stories, because my style is different and therefore not the style I enjoyed so much.)
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
Specific is good, but they shouldn’t be too specific, either. I should still be able to come up with a few things myself. If a prompt is to general, it might not work either, though.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
I don’t go looking for it. I prefer not to read about my favorites dying at all (Kakashi in particular), but I can stand other characters’ deaths. It should be for good reason, though, not just random death for shock value. I don’t usually write it because I only tend to write about characters I really like. That makes things a little bit harder.
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floreleine · 2 years
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The Room Is Spinning
Prompt fic for @linguini17 - short version rated G on tumblr here, more on Ao3
1.4k E, no warnings, post-canon Madeleine lives AU, smut & humor
Summary: Madeleine has indulged in a few glasses of wine, and Florence takes care of her.
Taking prompts for fic and moodboards!
~ Reblog fic to support writers ~
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floreleine · 2 years
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Beside an Embrace
Anna May x Florence x Madeleine smut
3.5k rated E, pov Anna May, no warnings
This is my @gunpowder-milfshake-discord gift exchange gift for @marzipanilla! I hope you'll like it :D
Summary: Anna May enjoys being with Florence and Madeleine - she gets all the benefits of a relationship, but also more time to herself while the other two are together.
Setting: quite vague as it's pwp, but can be seen as pre-canon, either before Scarlet joins them the first time or after she has left again
My GM tag list - lmk if you want on/off it: @verbumproxen @my-gaydar-is-on-point @geek-goth-gay @forestcircle @badwolfkaily @sapphic-stress @change-the-rules @yelowjackets @songbookff @phoenixhalliwell
Header pics are free images from unsplash & pexels, search keywords 'lesbian sex' if you want to go look for them
Read the fic on Ao3, or read it in the right order with my other GM prequel fics!
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floreleine · 2 years
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Missing Pieces of the In-between
A Florence x Madeleine (Floreleine) Gunpowder Milkshake fanfiction
This is a follow-up story to A Number of Firsts (3k Explicit here - 2k clean/T here), but you can read it as a standalone as well.
3k, rated T, no warnings
Summary: Madeleine moves into the library, and she and Florence find out that they have more in common than they had thought.
Reblog fic links to support writers!
Image sources:
Stone, background (edit by me)
Floreleine manip by @my-gaydar-is-on-point, used with permission
Prompt me | discord | prequel series
read 'Missing Pieces' on Ao3
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floreleine · 3 years
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An Eternity Ago
The librarians have two unexpected visitors.
Ships: Floreleine & ScarletMay, hints to possible future ot4 (up to interpretation)
Summary: A year ago, Scarlet left Anna May for a man - but when her partner is murdered, she goes back to the library, bringing her infant daughter with her.
Wordcount: 5k in 4 chapters
Rated T, no warnings
Reblog fic links to support fanfic writers!
Poster manips by @my-gaydar-is-on-point, used with permission! Baby pic from unsplash.
My GM tag list - lmk if you want on/off it: @verbumproxen @my-gaydar-is-on-point @geek-goth-gay @forestcircle @scissoringsappho @badwolfkaily @queencalanthes @nightwhite13 @sapphic-stress @change-the-rules @sarah-fiers @songbookff @phoenixhalliwell @noelevangilinecarson
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floreleine · 3 years
That GM prequel fic...
Or rather, those GM prequel fics that all vaguely fit into one universe! (I'm saying vaguely because I did not go back and look at all of them again to make sure they actually fit before adding new ones, but the vibe definitely more or less matches)
I might make an Ao3 series out of them yet, but for now here's the correct order to read the one-shots if you want to go through them chronologically:
Madeleine joins the librarians
A Number Of Firsts (Ao3 3k Floreleine E or censored on tumblr 2k T here)
Missing Pieces (Ao3 3k Floreleine T)
Floreleine getting caught, tumblr ~1k M
Chain around your Neck (Ao3 2k T humour)
Madeleine withdrawing, tumblr <1k
Three Words (Ao3 3k T - Madeleine getting ambushed in the library)
Deep Wine Red (Ao3 2k Floreleine E)
Scarlet (and Sam) join the library
An Eternity Ago (Ao3 5k T Floreleine & ScarletMay + baby Sam)
You Need To Be Quiet, tumblr <1k E
Touch yourself for me, tumblr <1k E
Coffee Shop, but not AU (Ao3 <1k T humor)
Darkness Creeping In (Ao3 1k Floreleine M + kid Samantha h/c)
Darling Madeleine (Ao3 2k Floreleine E)
After Scarlet and Sam leave
Good Luck Kisses, Promise Kisses (Ao3 1k T - established Floreleine seducing Anna May)
Beside an Embrace (Ao3 3k E librarywives ot3 smut, POV Anna May)
Wasted Time (Ao3 ScarletMay 1k G)
Not What She Expected (Ao3 ScarletMay 1k T)
The Room Is Spinning, tumblr <1k floreleine
Hold me Closer (Ao3 Floreleine/pre-ot4 1k T)
Killercule smut, tumblr <1k ot4 E
This list is also for me to see which are still marked 'tumblr' - these, I want to look at & add to before posting to Ao3 :)
Taking prompts!
Moodboard, moodboard
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floreleine · 2 years
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A Number Of Firsts
Clean version (2k T - kissing, some violence) below the cut; E-rated version (3k, explicit sex, graphic violence) on Ao3 linked here
Warnings in the tags!
Florence is shooting her way through the men who had tried to hold her captive.
It’s a mess, there are so many of them – she knows there are even more than she can see right now.
The leaders at the other end of the hall are hiding behind a container, waiting for her to run out of bullets, but Florence knows she only needs to get to the workstation in the middle of the hall – there’s a thick iron chain hanging down from the rafters, probably meant as a crude pulley, but it doesn’t seem to be bolted to anything, so…
She has almost reached it (and indeed almost run out of bullets) when suddenly, the noise of the fight is coming from the other side of the hall, from behind the container.
What is going on?
Florence jumps over a table, grabs the metal chain and grins manically when it comes down.
She is going to go and find out.
There is a woman on the other side of the container, and while Florence has no idea who she is or what side of the law she is on, for the moment they definitely have a common enemy:
She has knives and daggers and fights against the men around her, ducking and using their bodies as shields when some of them pull guns, desperately screaming and snarling – she really is desperate, Florence notices: no matter how much she is still fighting, this woman doesn’t expect to make it out alive.
She could use her as a distraction to make a run for the door.
She has no idea who the stranger is – might be a cop, might be someone from the Firm, might be a number of people Florence wouldn’t consider worth saving if she has to risk her own neck in the process.
But right now, it’s just a beautiful woman fighting as alone as Florence just had against a number of men too great for her to take on, men Florence knows for a fact don’t deserve to be saved – and Florence makes her decision without even really thinking about it, swinging the chain and choking a man, who’s in the process of taking a gun from the ground.
The other woman looks up, stares – then has to return to the fight immediately because someone comes at her with a knife.
Florence makes her way through the room until she is in the middle of it together with the stranger – they end up almost back-to-back, and oh they fight well together, almost as good as Florence does with Anna May – perhaps they could get even better, over time, since Anna May is so focused on Scarlet nowadays.
They keep fighting together, back-to-back then side by side, and they take down every single one of their attackers before stumbling outside.
Florence knows that she is bleeding from a wound in her side, as is the stranger from a number of cuts and scrapes, but none seem too dangerous at the moment, and as soon as they are far enough away from the Warehouse, instead of checking their wounds or doing anything else sensible, Florence is acting entirely on instinct and leftover adrenaline as she turns towarda the woman and gives her about a second to pull away before she kisses her fiercely.
The stranger doesn't pull away, and they kiss until they run out of air, and then barely pull apart at all.
“Damn, you are something,” Florence gasps, still standing pressed against the other, leaning her forehead against her shoulder to breathe.
She can see and feel the woman blush at her words, her entire neck and probably her face turning hot and red. “Thank you?” she replies. “I – my name is Madeleine.”
Florence pulls back a little to look at her again. "That was a good fight, Madeleine," she grins. "Where are you going now?"
"Oh, I - nowhere, really," Madeleine replies, seeming a little caught off guard. Florence tilts her head, then smiles.
"Will you come home with me, then? If anything, our wounds need cleaning."
Madeleine nods in agreement, and they get moving.
They make it to the library in no time, and Madeleine looks around in awe while Florence drags her through the huge entrance hall and into a living room that is still part of the library but mostly just used as a break room for the librarians.
Once they are in there – away from the high ceilings and the many books – Madeleine's focus snaps back to her, and she blushes when she realizes they are still holding hands.
There's a couch in the middle of the room, and Florence pushes Madeleine's towards it.
There is a small, bleeding cut from a knife on Madeleine's beautiful neck, and now that the adrenaline is wearing off for Florence, she is a little concerned about it, wants to get her patched up as quickly as possible. She moves to get to the first aid kit, but before she can turn around, Madeleine catches her hand again.
"Wait! I - what's your name?"
Her name... it would be clever to tell her a lie, but for some reason Florence doesn't linger on the thought of telling Madeleine an alias.
"Florence," she replies. "It's Florence."
Madeleine repays her with a beaming smile, as if she understands the significance of Florence telling her the truth. Then she looks down and gasps.
"You're bleeding!"
Florence blinks a little confused. "So are you."
"I know, but you're bleeding like a stuck pig!" she indicates Florence's ribcage, and Florence winces when she pulls up her shirt and can't help but agree – the gash in her side is longer and deeper than she had thought and bleeding quite freely over herself her clothes. Madeleine gets up and reverses their positions with surprising strength, and while Florence realizes that she is more badly injured than Madeleine, she still feels the need to protest.
"Wait – I won't fucking bleed to death, and you don't even know where anything is!"
Madeleine laughs, a beautiful, melodic sound, and Florence immediately knows that she needs to hear more of it. "Just tell me, then! You need stitches, Florence – let me patch you up, then I will let you walk around again."
Florence grumbles under her breath but she leans back against the armrest of the couch. "First aid kit's in that cupboard - if something's missing, there's probably at least disinfectant, needle and thread in an Austen or something in the third row of the library."
Madeleine stares at her for a moment, then turns and goes to check out the first aid kit in the cupboard. "Medicine in the books?" she asks, sounding a little wondrous. "What is this place?"
Florence feels her heart start to beat faster, and it takes her a moment to realize that it is because Madeleine really has no idea who she is, where they are. That’s always a concern, when someone tries to get in her favour – that they are only doing it in hope of protection from the neutral party of the library.
A moment later, Madeleine comes back victoriously with the supplies to patch Florence up, first wiping away some of the blood and disinfecting the wound, making Florence hiss.
While Madeleine starts with the stitches, Florence looks down at her brown hair with a frown. "How come you haven't heard of the library?"
"Hm?" Madeleine looks up for a moment before turning back to her work. "Oh... I'm not from around here, and also I'm not, um, really involved in, um, anything criminal? Really? I mean, I suppose I got bored only reading about interesting things in stories, and I taught myself to shoot and studied martial arts... But I still never really did something, until last autumn a girl disappeared from my town, and I figured out who was behind it..."
"These smugglers," Florence hisses. "I knew they were smuggling people – I didn't want to give them supplies from the library, and I figured that's why they tried to kidnap me, maybe to demand a ransom from Anna May – colleague – but there was something else, wasn't there?"
Madeleine blushes sweetly as she snips off the excess thread and places the first aid kit onto the coffee table behind her. "I might have managed to free most of their last shipment? I'm sorry if that made them think you were behind it, but I'm not sorry I did it."
Florence stares at her. "That, I believe immediately. Apology accepted, for what it's worth." then she frowns. "and, what – after setting the girls free you thought you'd go on a suicide mission to their headquarters? Or did they catch you?"
Madeleine shivers a little as she stands up from the floor – she looks smaller somehow, even as she is standing while Florence is still lying down, curling her arms around her front as she stands there, vulnerable, in the nude.
"They would have just gone after other girls instead. I wanted – I needed to put an end to it. And if I – I mean, yes, I didn't exactly expect to make it out again, but I figured, I didn't really like my old life much anyway, I might as well die for this new one?"
Florence stares at her, then she carefully sits up, making sure to test each movement slowly so as not to tear the stitches. She raises her right hand and strokes over Madeleine's hips, pulling her close, and Madeleine comes willingly when Florence pulls her into her lap.
"That was – intensely stupid, and I'm not withdrawing the diagnosis of suicide mission."
Madeleine shivers in her arms, resting her head against Florence's shoulder, and Florence presses a kiss to hers. "You can’t just throw your life away like that, just because you were bored without the action! But –” she gives Madeleine a sharp look – ”you seem to like the library..."
Madeleine's head snaps up. "What are you..."
"I won't let you go on any solo missions, if we work together," Florence tells her. "I frankly don't think you're quite stable. But – I like what I've seen of you, in the fight and afterwards –" her hand strokes over Madeleine's back, trying to show her what she means about this connection between the two of them without putting it into words, thinking it much too early for declarations of feelings and the like.
"I think I could talk Anna May into at least giving you a trial period – if you think life in a library that has almost as many guns as it has books is going to be exciting enough for you."
Madeleine is staring at her with wide eyes, and then she leans down and presses her lips clumsily to the corner of Florence's mouth. "I – yes! Yes, I would love that – I don't think I could bear to go back home, and I don't really have anywhere else to go..."
Florence smiles up at her, raising her hand to stroke through Madeleine's soft hair – it's her left hand, and raising her arm is pulling at the stitches a little, so she can't hold it up for long, but while she does Madeleine is leaning into the touch.
"Then it is settled," Florence whispers, ignoring the fact that she still has to convince Anna May, and that she still barely knows the woman in her arms. She can be convincing when she wants to be, she has rarely asked Anna May for any favour in the past – and she feels that she knows enough, when Madeleine leans down to kiss her again, gently and mindful of the injury she stitched up.
"Agreed," Madeleine murmurs.
Florence smiles, feeling more relieved than she would have expected. How has Madeleine managed to become so important to her in a matter of a few hours?
Pushing that thought away, she helps Madeleine sit up, stroking over the cut on her neck as she does so. It has stopped bleeding, but it is still not a welcome sight, a wound that, on this part of her body, is so close to being fatal if it had been just a little deeper.
“Let me take care of this for you?”
“Huh?” Madeleine touches her neck herself, looking a confused and a little terrified when her fingers come back red. While Florence doesn’t like to see her in distress, she is still a little glad – after all, it means that Madeleine doesn’t truly want to throw her life away.
“You'll be fine, don't worry," Florence reassures her. "And you patched me up, now let me return the favour and take care of you, yes?"
Madeleine looks away from the blood and smiles back at her. “Thank you - I would like that.”
Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
Continue reading my prequel fic series - part 2 is here!
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floreleine · 3 years
not sure if youre still taking prompts but i would love to see the 'hiding their face in the other's neck' or 'hugging while slow dancing' prompts with floreleine <3<3 (also i love your work!!!)
Aww that you, I'm happy to hear that <3 always love making something for someone who rly enjoys my stuff :D
Here's the fic on Ao3, 1k T, it's a follow-up on two Scarletmay ficlets that I linked to on the fic, but I think it can also be read on its own if you're only here for Floreleine :) it does have kind of future ot4 vibes - as that wasn't part of the prompt, I'm posting a 'clean' shorter version below the cut!
BTW thanks for 50 followers!!! <3 and how appropriate is it that I've started posting on here again properly right after hitting that number? Not that it was timed on purpose xD but I think 50 is almost the entirety of this smoll fandom, so I'm extra happy y'alls are here!
"Morning," Florence mumbles as she stumbles into the kitchen and sees Madeleine already at the stove, cooking porridge. Uh-oh. The last time Madeleine had attempted this, they had had to throw away the entire pot (not just what had been in it), and the kitchen had smelled like smoke for a week.
Under the guise of giving Madeleine a morning snuggle, Florence steps behind her and tucks her chin over Madeleine's shoulder. So far, it seems the food hasn't been burned yet, though that might be because the heat is on so low it will take ages to cook at all.
"I thought you don't even like oatmeal," she murmurs against Madeleine's cheek and pokes a finger into the pot, then licks it - yup, still cold and pretty bland.
"I don't usually," Madeleine agrees quite happily. "But when you make it, you somehow manage to make it tasty every time, and I was already up and wanted to make breakfast for you, and there weren't any eggs left..." Ah. Boiled eggs are the only thing Madeleine rarely manages to burn, so Florence supposes that explains the switch to porridge.
"I appreciate it," Florence says and presses a kiss to Madeleine's cheek, then steps away from her and yawns. "But I'm up now, so how 'bout you let me take over..."
Madeleine pouts, knowing full well that Florence just wants to save the meal from her as she doesn't trust her cooking. And I have many reasons not to, Florence thinks drily as she takes the spoon from Madeleine and turns up the heat. "Get me the cinnamon from the spice rack?"
"Sure," Madeleine chirps as she bounces over to get the spice, even turning on the radio a little as she comes past it before she dances back to Florence. Florence frowns at her out of the corner of her eyes. Sure, Madeleine is often fully awake as soon as she gets out of bed (unless she is sleep deprived because of a mission or, more often, because she spent the entire night reading), but this is a little excessive morning cheer even for her.
Turning back to the food, Florence adds a few pieces of fruit and some more spices before turning the stove on low and turning around to Madeleine, who has her eyes closed and is swaying to the quiet radio music with a wide smile on her face.
Florence smiles at the sight, and once she is sure the porridge won't burn, she walks over to her and pulls her into her arms to slow dance together.
Madeleine smiles even wider, and without opening her eyes she starts to lead their dance, turning in Florence's arms before she takes her hand and spins her around as well.
Florence has to laugh as she narrowly stops Madeleine from dancing into the fridge. "What's got you so chipper so early in the day?" she asks her with a raised eyebrow.
Madeleine opens her eyes and beams at her, then hurries over to the kitchen door and closes it quietly so as not to be overheard before stepping back into Florence's arms.
"Scarlet and Anna are getting back together! Or they already are, I can't be certain, but if they aren't yet, they'll soon be a couple again, I'm sure of it!" 
Florence is surprised. This is news to her. As far as she had been aware, Scarlet was still only approaching Anna May when absolutely necessary, afraid of her as if Anna May was a wild animal that could attack at any moment -- and from the looks Anna sometimes gave her, that might not have been so wrong an assessment. 
"How'd you figure?" she asks and squeezes Madeleine's arms.
"I saw them! I went to ask Anna where all the food went or whether she was hiding any, and Scarlet was in bed with her, snuggling together, Anna May was even asleep even though it was way past seven!"
"Good for them," Florence says slowly and, as she thinks about it a bit more, a small but honest smile lingers on her lips. "Good for them," she repeats and turns back around to the stove to stir the porridge while she keeps holding Madeleine's right hand in her left. "And for us, if they can manage to work a shift together again, we'll be free more often at the same time." 
"That's what I thought," Madeleine nods happily and snuggles into Florence's arms once Florence turns back around to her. 
"Mhm." Florence strokes over her hair, enjoys the feeling of Madeleine's warm breath against her neck. They have started to sway in tune with the music again, and it feels nice to be so comfortable and close to Madeleine. "I just hope they won't have any more screaming matches while they figure themselves out."
Madeleine shakes her head and presses a kiss to Florence's neck.
"Oh, I don't think so. They looked pretty cozy together already."
"Mhm, I hope you're right." Florence presses a kiss to her girlfriend's hair. Either way, she's not too worried, as long as she has Madeleine.
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floreleine · 3 years
For the Gunpowder Milkshake short fic ideas
Perhaps Madeleine gets ambushed at the library when it's just her there and Florence arrives to find her unconscious and the men who did it trying to rob the library, so Florence kills the men (maybe with her chain?) And quickly takes Madeleine to the bedroom and tries to remain calm as she attempts to wake her up and assess the damage. Only when Madeleine wakes up, she has to comfort Florence who breaks down?
(Don't feel pressured to write this or anything, just thought it would be interesting. Love your writing ❤️)
Aww thank you so much! <3
This took me ages to get back to and I still only have the first part now, but I'll ads the Madeleine comforting Florence for Ao3 one of these days, promise!
~1k, T for canon typical violence
Madeleine is tired. She has worked a double shift in the library because Anna May is away for the week and Florence had to go to a meet just when she was supposed to take over from Madeleine, and while she had been able to stay up for longer than this in her youth, now having to stay awake and alert for so many hours in a row is taking a toll on her.
At nightfall, Madeleine has started doing inventory instead of staying at the front desk, knowing that if she sat down, she might fall asleep, and she can't risk that without completely closing the library first - and that would be bad for business, the librarians pride themselves on their reputation of being available at (almost) all hours.
Pushing a heavy tome back into its place on the shelf, Madeleine can't help swaying forward and leaning her head against the book's spine. She will just close her eyes for a moment - she'll hear when the front door opens, for sure...
What feels like a moment later, there is a sudden movement next to her, and while Madeleine's quick instincts allow her to duck away from the first blow, the second lands as intended, and she falls down to her knees - then, everything goes dark.
Florence twists her head to the left with a satisfying cracking sound, then repeats the movement in the other direction. She is exhausted and feels incredibly stiff from sitting in an uncomfortable chair bend over paperwork for so long, but she is also glad that it is over and the negotiations went well.
Is this how people working in office buildings feel like every day? She is glad that she won't ever have to find out. Even front desk duty is always an annoying chore to Florence, she's quite happy to leave it to Anna May or Madeleine whenever possible, and takes her guns to be cleaned or chains and knives to polish when she does have to sit at the desk.
Now, however, she is happy to get back to the library - even if it means taking Madeleine's place at the front desk for a bit while the other gets some sleep. It's home, she (hopefully) won't have to discuss business with any idiots unless they have certain clients come visit, and Madeleine's desk chair is a lot more comfortable than those at the diner... Plus, she will get to kiss Madeleine hello before sending her off to bed.
With a smile, Florence pushes open the door of the side entrance - and immediately knows that something is wrong.
If asked, she couldn't even say exactly what gave her the idea - just a feeling, a change in the air, and she takes her small handgun and slips the handle of knife into her left hand before she creeps forward, staying in the shadow of the high shelves as she slowly moves further into the library.
Madeleine isn't at her desk, nor is she by the ladder on a shelf where she must have been doing inventory or looked for a book to lend.
There are voices coming from an alcove - stranger's voices, and Florence quickly moves closer so she can understand what's being said, putting away her knife and slipping a chain out of its hiding place between two shelves instead, careful not to let it rattle.
"...what we need, but what about her?"
"What about her?"
"We can't - she's seen my face, at least! She'll know it's us! We're in deep shit with the boss if he -"
"We're in deeper shit if he finds out we killed a fucking librarian, he does business with them!"
At the word 'killed', Florence sees red. She doesn't care that it looks like they are inclined not to kill a librarian right now - they considered hurting Madeleine, taking her away from her, and that is all she needs to know.
It doesn't take long.
Florence sees Madeleine on the ground between the trespassers, haphazardly tied up at her wrists and ankles, and her eyes are closed - and she is filled with such worry and rage, her opponents don't even have the time to react before they are riddled with bullet holes, strangulated with her chain around their necks or, in the last case, stabbed with a knife that had been aimed at her.
She will take care of Madeleine, protect her, always.
Anyone who gets in her way will have hell to pay.
Please reblog :)
Lmk if you want to get tagged when I post the follow-up, and feel free to send more prompts!
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floreleine · 3 years
Hi 👋
Could I request the prompt - Madeline pushing florence behind her to protect her please?
Thank you 😊
Hi! I'm not sure this is quite what you were looking for, I did aim for it to be more exactly Madeleine pushing Florence out of danger, but then this kind of... happened xD hope you'll still like it, and feel free to send another prompt regardless, though as always no guarantees as to when I'll manage to write something!
<1k, rated G, no warnings
Madeleine stares outside the window, watching the woman on the other side of the street.
She is pacing back and forth, but her gaze is always returning to the library, and Madeleine is sure that whatever she is after, it has something to do with her place of business.
The woman is carrying something in her arms that might be a hastily thrown together bundle of... books, if she is looking to make an exchange here. She is no-one Madeleine recognizes though, probably doesn't have a library card, and they haven't gotten a call from any client referencing someone new lately.
Perhaps that is what the woman is waiting for, why she is pacing so anxiously - it might be impatience, waiting for a call telling her that she can go inside now, that she has been recommended to them. It happens, last minute calls or visits by a messenger of one of the local organizations, telling them that an assassin or other visitor is coming to town and they can vouch for them, asking the librarians to make sure to give the mercenary whatever they might need, reassuring them that payment will be swift and secure.
After going down the street all the way to the corner, the woman stands there for a moment - not moving her hands, she still hasn't gotten a call - before she seems to make a decision, turning on her heel and practically storming in the direction of the library door.
Madeleine stands completely frozen for a moment before she jumps into action, running down the stairs to the library foyer where it is Florence's shift right now - Florence, who has no idea that someone without a reference is about to barge in, someone who looked so determined, she might try to take what she comes looking for with brute force if she isn't allowed to make a deal –
Running down the stairs two at a time, Madeleine arrives at the foyer right as the door swings open.
She sees Florence's head snap upwards from where she had been going through the inventory list at the front desk, but Madeleine knows she might not be quick enough to arm herself or jump for cover, so she keeps running, drawing the small handgun from its holster at her waist and jumping in front of the desk when the stranger steps into the room, her hands on the small bundle in front of her –
She isn’t pulling a weapon, but maybe just because she is already looking at the business end of Madeleine’s gun.
"What is -" Florence asks in confusion, also pulling a weapon out of its hiding place and looking around Madeleine's shoulder at the intruder.
Madeleine keeps her hold on the gun steady and points it at the woman who is looking at her with a wary gaze. "Put down your weapons. We don't make deals with people who plan to rob us, and we do not deal with people who don't come recommended in the first place," she hisses.
The stranger pulls out a knife and two guns from her clothes and places it on the floor, but she keeps holding onto the bundle in her arms.
"And that?" Madeleine asks, pointing at it with her gun.
The woman flinches. "I can't-"
“Now!” Florence barks, also jumping into action, and the woman slowly turns the cloth to the side –
Suddenly, the quiet is interrupted by the wail of a small child.
Madeleine freezes.
Now this is not at all what she had expected.
Behind her and Florence, the door to the basement snaps open and Anna May steps into the room.
This has a ScarletMay part 2 now! 1k, G, no warnings
Part 3 & Part 4 - each 1k, T, no warnings
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floreleine · 3 years
Idea for a prompt: ScarletMay's first kiss after Scarlet returns? Like after they've slowly reconciled a bit
Hey, thanks so much for the ask! I actually thought I had written this before, but apparently I got lazy and ended the last fic before the kiss - still, as I already had that reconciliation fic, I decided to add the kiss scene to that one now, so maybe read this first (1k G ScarletMay) if you haven't yet :) and then here's the new one, also directly posted to Ao3:
Not What She Expected (1k T)
They don't exactly talk about things a lot. But they make it work.
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