#that you have conveniently chosen and provided details for
muffinlance · 2 years
Fellow Prisoner Li, Part 3: Subtle Zuko is Subtle
Continued from the original post || Read all chapters on AO3
Li, Sokka was coming to realize, had the worst sense of direction. 
“Where you going, buddy?” Sokka inquired, as one does, when one’s former fellow prisoner and current traveling companion was dragging the Avatar off into the forest by his arm. Given the kid’s excited bouncing, the arm grabbing was probably to keep him on the ground. Or at least, ground-adjacent. 
“Firebending training,” Li said. 
“Firebending training!” Aang beamed.
“In that direction?” Sokka clarified.
“Yes,” Li growled, as the Avatar continued to echo him, but with a hundred more years of pent-up enthusiasm.
“The direction we saw that big Fire Nation base in as we flew in?” Sokka further clarified. 
“Y— No. Pohuai isn’t this way. It’s—” their resident directionally challenged firebender looked in many other directions, before picking the one exactly opposite of where he was leading Aang, and pointing with the complete certainty of a gambler who couldn’t take back his chips. “That way?”
If we ever need to know where the nearest Fire Nation presence is, we just need to spin you in a circle and tell you to walk, Sokka did not say, because Katara was already pointedly glaring at him from over by the fire, projecting her sibling telepathy so hard he could practically hear the lecture she was rehearsing in her head. Something something be nicer, something something traumatized prisoner. Also, and more importantly: Li had started helping with meals. Particularly in the delicious delicious pan-searing of meat and fish (and, if Aang was to be believed, various fungi, which Sokka did agree needed to be lit on fire). Sokka’s plate could get suspiciously crispy if he upset their broiler’s delicate Shout-o-Meter. 
“And even if it is,” Li was continuing, because being wrong was an art form that he practiced diligently, “it’s easier to predict military patrols than random civilians. So this is better. For not being seen?”
“You,” Sokka said, ignoring his sister’s increased attempts to shut him up from across the camp, “really don’t think things through, huh?”
Their broiler let go of the Avatar, with a certain sulky slumping.
“...No firebending practice?” Aang also slumped.
“Yeah, no,” Sokka said. “We need to talk flight paths. I am getting really sick of that Zhao guy.”
* * *
“So,” Sokka said. To summarize. “We can’t travel in the Earth Kingdom, because you’re a firebender, and they would kill you.”
Their firebender nodded.
“We can’t go deeper into the Fire Nation colonies, because you’re banished, and they would kill you.”
Additional nodding occurred.
“All right,” Sokka said, with a great deal of patience. “Then we’ll just have to find a way to travel from here to the North Pole. Instantaneously. Without crossing any intervening Earth or Fire territories because that is the entire map.”
“We could go to the Fire Nation,” Li said.
“Li,” Sokka said, “remember the ‘thinking things through’ thing?” 
Li crossed his arms. “No one would expect you to go there.”
“Because we will be in the Fire Nation,” Sokka said.
“There won’t be wanted posters for any of us.”
“Because,” Sokka said, “we will be in the Fire Nation.”
“I don’t know why you even want to go to the North Pole,” Li shouted, throwing up his hands, and also a few sparks. 
“Explain that,” Sokka said.
* * *
The North didn’t teach women to fight. 
The North had not seen the look on his sister’s face upon hearing this, or they would know that women did not require tutelage in the concept, only the techniques.
* * *
“So where can we find a waterbending teacher?” Aang asked.
“You’re from the South Pole,” Li said. “Why don’t you get a southern master?”
Sokka exchanged a look with his sister. Then Katara spoke. “Li. We… don’t have any left. That’s why we left.”
“You might not have any,” Li said, “but the Fire Nation does.”
Oh no.
“They’re alive?” Katara asked.
“I don’t know how many still are,” Li said. “But there’s a prison in the southern isles, it wouldn’t even be far to fly if we go straight across the ocean—”
Oh no no.
“Li, buddy,” Sokka said, even as his sister and Aang were leaning towards Li and, by extension, his terrible idea. “We are not breaking into a prison—”
“Didn’t you already break out those earthbenders? Why not your own people, too?”
“Yeah Sokka,” Katara said, with a scowl she’d learned since Sokka had made the mistake of exiting his own prison break with a friend, “why not?”
Oh no they were doing this.
Continued in Part 4: Zuko Goes to the Time-Out Thinking Corner || Read all chapters on AO3
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captainbasch · 6 months
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:: Illustrative Nouveau Commissions ::
3/3 SLOTS OPEN Hello hello! It's finally time I opened some non-ych commission slots. They will be custom illustrative pieces with nouveau shapes, patterns, and flowers in full digitally painted colors. (I don't have any current full examples of this style but THIS would be closest!) PRICING: Head Shot - $200 Half Body - $300 Full Body - $400 + Highly detailed armor and extras such as large wings or heavily patterned clothes may add to the final price. - Any type of original character, any age, any magical race. - Clothes can be an outfit you choose or I can create a Mucha inspired outfit for you. - Flower type can be chosen or I will pick one that fits the character - Feel free to suggest patterns or motifs for your character
PAYMENT is made via PAYPAL invoice in USD Payment plans available ++ Email [email protected] with any questions or to order. You can also message me here if that is more convenient. ++ I will need: 1. An email address to send the invoice to 2. Your preferred way of being addressed when I post the piece. Ex: "This is a piece for NAME/USERNAME of THEIR/HER/HIS character." or let me know if you prefer to be anonymous 3. Which option you are ordering: "Head, Half, Full" 4. Appropriate reference images of your character for the option you are getting. If colors are extremely important, please include swatches or I will pick and choose based on the provided images. If you want a full body, please try to have at least one full body reference. If you do not have any full body refs, I can work from clear descriptions and reference images of the outfit you wish to have.
regular T.O.S. apply PLEASE NOTE: I try my best to work on these as much as possible but because of some physical injures I might need to take unexpected breaks, the extend of which will be unknown. Therefore, turnaround times can be anywhere from 1 to 3 months. If it takes anymore than that I will let you know! You can ask for a refund at anytime if I have not started your piece. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
Every watched anything by overly sarcastic productions on youtube? Been marathoning their detail diatribe videos and they seem like the kind of thing you'd be into, especially the ones that touch on comics/superheroes.
If that’s the one with the red and blue people, I think I watched the video they did on Frankenstein when I was reading that book for a history of horror class I took. I remember enjoying it. And I like their little avatars. Very cute.
The other thing of theirs I’ve encountered is that “If your Batman can’t comfort a child, you’ve written Punisher in a funny hat” tweet that went viral on here. I didn’t want to litigate it in the thread proper, but that delineation irked me because it conveniently elided how one of the most common methods of trying to make Punisher likable is to have him try to comfort children. In point of fact it’s kind of a boilerplate trait to give a hard-man character to make them likable. And from there you can sort of outline the differences in how it’s implemented with each character, because while Batman’s approach is rooted in empathy born from once having been that child, Frank’s is rooted in an ongoing sense of guilt at having previously failed to protect his daughter. And smarter works drill down the extra mile to point out how, for all his grief, you can infer from his chosen coping mechanisms that he probably wasn’t a particularly competent parent, and that Frank is painfully aware that he’s completely inept at addressing any problem a kid has that can’t be resolved via colossal violence, that he can provide the momentary catharsis of seeing your abuser or your torturer butchered, but nothing actionable in terms of rebuilding your life or moving forward, which is where the bulk of the work happens. All to say I thought the tweet was kind of flattening The Punisher in service of the immediate rhetorical point. But it is, like, twitter, so it’s a little bit like getting mad at your carrier pigeon for having a hard time ferrying War And Peace. Fundamental medium limitation, I’m sure I’m besmirching the depth of their consideration. I’ve hijacked your post in order to unpack this, I’ve been spinning these comparisons like gerbils in a washing machine ever since I saw the original tweet and boy did you finally pop open the lid to see if the colors were done.
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cybiirz · 9 months
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Gepard x Gn!Reader
Sypnosis : This celebration had been in the works for quite some time now. Everything was figured out until the very last detail, nothing would cause this event to go wrong. Well, a party isn’t fun without a party crasher right? Who would have guessed that both sides however, would come more than prepared. And when doing so, who would come out victorious?
WC : 3.1k (exactly)
WARNINGS (PLEASE READ) : Gepard is a little OOC in this. There will be a lot violence in this chapter and a fair bit of blood towards the end. I would also like to state that this is pretty much a filler fic. The only reason I have chosen to write this now is because I will be busy the next two days, and this idea has been on my mind for a while now. I wanted to show that I have chosen to go with a more independent reader and I believed a fight scene fic would be the best way. There is almost no actual interaction with Gepard and the reader, only for a very short time. This chapter will be optional to read but will be preferred if you do. I apologise for not adding more of his character, but I can guarantee that he will be the main event in the next! ALSO KIND OF BAD FIGHT SCENES WRITTEN UP AHEAD I THINK?
Read part 1 || part 2 || part 2.5 || part 3
Gepard’s little confession was certainly one that took you by surprise. Luckily, over the next few days, that thought had slowly dissipated from your mind as something else filled that hole instead. The night tomorrow was the viewing of some of Belobog’s most famous artefacts, thanks to the help of the History and Culture Museum. Pela had organised the majority of this event.
The only catch to this event was the fact that it was strictly only nobles, knights of high ranking and helpers specifically picked out by Cocolia who gained access to this event. There was one more thing that really made this little celebration stand out however. The dress code was surprisingly enough a masquerade ball, along with formal wear.
Why, you may ask? Because Cocolia was the one who would give the large speeches, and therefore be up on stage more. Mainly, heroic speeches, about the success of the guards who managed to push the fragmentum monsters back further, allowing the guards to progress more. It was actually quite a large step for the guards, so much so that many supplies had to be sent over in order to build entire new camps.
Now, masquerade, Silvermane guards, artefacts, how do they all link? Well, since this event was no doubtedly going to be in the newspaper for the next few days, Cocolia wanted to be the centre of attention, which is what caused everyone else to be wearing masks, whilst she would not. This would emphasise her more, that much was true. The formal wear would be a stark contrast to her as she had specifically requested that nobody else should wear the colour green, of any shade. And if anyone dared do so, they would immediately be banned from said event.
The artefacts however are linked towards the Silvermane Guards more than anything. The first helmet made, the first axe used to slay a fragmentum monster, so on and so on. But the one and only thing that stood out to you was the large chunk of geomarrow ore that would be displayed. Even just a small handful of that ore would provide enough money to feed an entire family for a week. Which is why you were dead set on carving part of the ore out for the Underworld.
There were about three problems, as expected, unfortunately. First off, your parents wanted you to attend the event, so you were officially put on the guest list, meaning you had to double cross this whole thing without anyone recognising you. The masks were convenient at least. Secondly, the place would be surrounded with guards, which only meant more planning on your part, and planning was one hell of a headache.
Last but certainly not least, Gepard was going to be there. It was assumed of course, but it only made it more difficult. Not only in having to sneak past terms, but also the fact that you had to do this pretty much right under his nose. Before never bothered you since he always came to the scene of the crime after you had taken everything, but now he was right there in the flesh. Not to mention he would be keeping a personal eye out for you as a friend.
All of those thoughts ran through your head as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Examining your outfit again, you tried to make sure the entire piece of clothing was in tip top shape. No wrinkles, creases, simply all prim and proper. You wore a short cape that reached your waist around your shoulders to hide the strap around your upper arm which contained a small revolver with spare ammo. The guards acted on instinct and all it took was a shot to the arm before they would back off. No one had to die tonight, that was never your plan.
After going over the full outfit, you grabbed the mask that sat on the wooden table top and placed it onto your face. Your eyes stared at the reflection as you considered yourself practically unrecognisable at this point. Eventually, you were brought out of your daze as you heard your mothers voice shouting for you. You rushed down the stairs as you began walking with your mother and father towards the Qlipoth Fort, as the event was going to be held there.
Before the three of you could go up the steps, you called towards your father to let him know that you had forgotten your family badge back at the house. He scolded you for a second before shooing you off to fetch it. Truth be told, you still hadn’t found the badge which you had seemingly lost, but it didn’t necessarily matter to you. After all, the old thing meant nothing to you, you couldn’t even be bothered to keep it in a good condition.
As you made your way home, you took a slight detour and went through an old alleyway which people mostly avoided at this late hour. There, you spotted a person who was your height and build as you greeted them. They handed you a bag as you moved behind a dumpster and got changed into the new set of clothes. After fixing your hair up into a different style, you handed your old clothes to the person. As you placed them into their hands you held them there as you spoke.
“Remember, you do not reveal your name under any circumstances unless you are with my mother and father. You needn’t worry about them, but if anyone asks you about how the family is doing, simply say that Cocolia is a good person and you wouldn’t be anywhere without her. Other than that, smile and wave, and be weary of the Silvermane Captain. His eyes and hair are recognisable, you know that. Avoid him at all costs, that’s all. Off you go,” You patted them on the shoulder as you texted Sampo a thank you and how you would also personally dismember him if this person was incompetent.
He simply sent one of his silly emoticons back with a little reassurance before you shut off the screen. After attaching the small gun back onto your arm strap, you made your way through the crowd and looked around for a way to get past the guards. You saw out of the corner of your eye a young chef who seemed to be wheeling a cake up the not too steep steps.
Pursing your lips together, you whistled for the oncoming chef. He quickly paused and looked to the right before you appeared on his left and pressed down hard onto his pressure point as he fell to the floor.
“I won’t ruin your cake bud, don’t worry,” You whispered down to the unconscious man. You quickly dragged him back to the alley way and threw on his ridiculously oversized coat and the toque as you left the mask on to conceal your identity.
After a surprisingly easy trip up the stairs, you nodded towards the guards as they nodded back and let you pass through. You brought the cake to the kitchen before sneaking off to the toilets. You threw off the old uniform and chucked it into a nearby bin before fixing yourself up and readjusting the mask.
Making your way out of the bathrooms, you stepped foot into the large ballroom. Everything here was neat and tidy, the decorations were simply so well done that they could’ve been straight out of a storybook. The food looked absolutely divine as did the people. Everyone had their own dresses, suits and the masks were to die for. And obviously the one face you could spot was Cocolia’s as she shook hands with a few of the guests.
Looking around, you spotted your temporary clone chatting away with a random person as you clapped for them internally. Suddenly, you spotted Gepard, he was hard to miss after all. He stood by the Supreme Guardian, keeping a watch out for any suspicious behaviour.
You pulled your eyes away from him as you slowly made your way over to the table which held all the food. You grabbed a glass and poured yourself a glass of Chardonnay. Walking away slowly, you made sure to keep your eyes on Cocolia and Gepard at all times. You saw the time and discreetly pulled your phone out and left one simple text.
Your impersonator had moved close to the coupe with the other which they were chatting with. You watched closely as another masked guest walked just behind them and quickly snagged a glass from the tower. The glasses of wine soon began to shake, which didn’t escape the Captain’s sharp eyes. Hearing him yell as he instantly pushed the clone out of the way along with their supposed date.
A smile creeped up onto your face as all eyes diverted towards the three. Still keeping a hold of the glass, you made your way through a side door as the guards rushed to check if there were any major injuries due to the outstanding acting of your other.
Making your way through the twisted hallways, you entered a dark room as the motion detector switched on the lights to brighten up the dark place. Looking around briefly at the artefacts, it was safe to say that they were not as impressive as you had hoped. Until your eyes finally landed on it.
There, placed conveniently in the middle, was the chunk of geomarrow ore, practically screaming at you to take it. You lifted your foot as you were about to take a step but quickly paused. “This seemed way too easy…” You thought to yourself as you quickly retracted your foot. Your hand reached for your gun as you held it by your side and began to walk towards the medium sized ore. Sure enough, there stood the Captain himself across from you, the only thing in between you two was the ore as he watched you, without his mask. He was accompanied by his giant weapon of a case.
“Ah! Captain, such a coincidence that we both wanted to take a look at these artefacts. Such deep meaning behind them, wouldn’t you say?” You asked with a smile as you placed the gun behind your back.
“It is over for you thief,” He stated boldly and straight. Soon enough, the rushing of footsteps could be heard as guards came running in through the doors holding axes, guns, spears, whatever you could think of, they had it. You raised your eyebrows as you looked around to see all of them in defensive positions.
“Wow guys, sure you brought enough soldiers?” You questioned no one in particular sarcastically.
“Like I said, it’s over, now do not make this hard for us and give up nice and slow,” His words were firm as a few officers began approaching you cautiously. You raised your hands by your head. This was just like the café, only more soldiers, more risk and certainly harder to escape from.
“Put down the weapon!” One of the soldiers screamed. Turns out in the midst of all the commotion, you had somehow forgotten of the very obvious gun in your hand. You let out a quick hum.
Six rounds, around 14-15 guards including Gepard. No reloads. You kissed your teeth after realising that you were going to have to be diligent with the bullets.
“Alright alright, I'll get on my knees…” You murmured as you slowly began to descend. The officers were pointing their guns to your head. Just as your knee was about to make contact with the floor, you swiftly pivoted on one foot as you shot each guard in their thigh as they cried out in pain.
You began to run whilst keeping your head low as multiple shots began firing at you. You swiftly ducked beneath a stand that protected you from the shots as you checked the gun.
4 more rounds.
Upon further observation, you spotted how there were only about 5-6 more soldiers with guns. The rest you could take head on. But you had to be careful. You were a thief, sure, but that didn’t mean you wanted to become a murderer for crying out loud.
You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts as you heard the grunt of a soldier who had snuck near you and was raising his axe. Your eyes widened as you swung your leg, swiping him off of his feet as he hit his head onto the floor, knocking himself out cold.
“You tryna kill me?!” You yelled at the remaining soldiers. Briefly, the sound of Gepard telling the officers to keep you alive filled your ears. Course he wants to, wants to lock me up for eternity.
You grabbed the barrel of the gun and sprung out of the case as you aimed towards another person, before a weapon fell and the officer held his shoulder crying.
3 rounds, a few more gunned guards.
You exhaled deeply as you peeked around the corner before hearing footsteps behind you. Out of reflex, you managed to roll to the side just in time as an axe came swinging down, slicing the wooden stand in half. Dramatic?
You raised yourself before delivering a kick to his abdomen, causing him to release his weapon and stumble back before you kicked him square in the head, sending him to dream to his heart’s content. Not permanently might I add.
Another shot was fired as you ducked down again. Still 3 rounds. But now, only about 9 guards, including Gepard. But it seems through this whole fight, he wasn’t dealing any blows. Good for you though, because if he did, this battle would’ve been over minutes ago.
You heard two of the soldiers closing in on both sides of you. One with a gun, one with an axe. Dashing towards the axed guard, he attempted to strike you before you turned to his other side. The other one pointed his weapon at you and was prepared to shoot.
Just as he pulled the trigger, you dragged the one next to you by the collar and guarded yourself with him. The bullet went straight into the soldier's arm as he wailed out like the others.
“No hard feelings!” You said nervously to the man on the floor before realising you still had another on your back. Raising the revolver, you shot at the officer. Unfortunately, it seems he chose to do the same. And due to the amount of precision in your shots, the bullets collided with one another.
The small bullets created an explosion of a miniature size, but it bought enough time for you. You ran towards the man and ripped the gun from his hands before knocking the barrel against his head.
Another guard ended up putting you in a chokehold from behind. You gripped onto his arm as you did your best to regain your breath before planting your feet. You grasped his arm as tightly as you could before flipping his body over and slamming him against the wall, his unconscious self sliding down to the floor.
You cracked your neck before turning around to spot another gunner charging towards you. Rolling your eyes, you shot him once again in the thigh. He fell just like the others. You checked the gun and spotted one more round left before someone aimed another shot towards you.
But it wasn’t one, rather two. Shit! You knelt down and remembered how there was one more guard than you had bullets. They were both standing next to each other which allowed you to go forth with this strategy.
You sprinted whilst keeping yourself low as you saw them hiding behind the stands. You leaped to the side and pointed the revolver towards them. Their heads turned towards you as they began to lift up their weapons. But you were faster.
You pulled the trigger as the bullets went through both of their sides as they held then whining out into the night time air. 3 guards left. All gunner guards down. Unfortunately now, you were also out of bullets. Now you had to rely on hand to hand combat.
Two of the guards began sprinting at you, pointing their axes at you. You kicked one of the weapons on the floor and caught it before blocking one of the officers' slashes. Lifting your leg up, you kicked the other in the side as he tumbled back. Whereas you had chosen to wrap your legs around the other's waist and flip him above you, slamming his head into the floor.
The kicked guard quickly stood up and saw his friend fade out of consciousness. Dashing towards you, he yelled about how he would end you as he reached his arm out. Tutting, you grabbed the reached out wrist and swerved him around as you placed his arm onto his back, as you held his free hand straight.
“You’re ambitious aren’t you?” You whispered into the man’s ear before twisting his arm. He shrieked and it almost pierced your eardrums before you let go and he held the injured body part. You stood up straight and gazed around for the final soldier.
In all honesty, you looked like absolute crap. Your clothes were slightly torn and the mask on your face was ajar. You adjusted it before he could recognise you. But the one thing that stood out, was that half of your face and your body had been dirtied with blood from the wounds of the soldiers. It was a whole murder scene, except it wasn’t. The officers crawled out one by one as they went to look for medical attention.
A slow clap could be heard from one of the doors before Gepard emerged from the shadowed doorway, holding his case.
“You certainly have talent, thief. It’s unfortunate you chose this path, even more unfortunate is how you look right now. But it matters not, as I will end this between us once and for all,” He stated as he raised his weapon, ready for combat.
Reaching up your hand, you wiped the excess blood off of the corner of your lips before retrieving one of the axes left on the ground. You slammed the end of the weapon down before pointing it towards him and you spoke in a low and serious tone for once.
“So be it Captain. If it is misery you have chosen, then allow me to bestow that upon you, Gepard…”
A/N : Whoohoo, third fic finished. I had so much inspiration to write this since I just rewatched suicide squad and birds of prey, so you can only guess who inspired me to create this. But I hope that the idea of a strong reader has come across well here and I apologise if this is not the type of reader you like. One day I will make a soft reader but I do not see many strong inserts being written so I decided to try and be one of em. Anyways, any critiques, feel free to leave and I will respond ASAP!
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
Hogwarts - An Explanation
Hi! this is me forming a schedule to detail how i imagine daily life would consist of in Hogwarts! (because im a nerd and this is what i choose to do with my time)
Note: that this schedule is not canonical, it's something im using for a fic and probably will use in future ones, although highly based off of canon information that we have about how Hogwarts works, not all of this is accurate,
I also give anyone who wants to use this full permission to!
Here is a time table i created of how a weekly schedule for a First year would look like:
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- I'm using a Block and Period system for this, as to not be confused, Periods are specific to each day where as Blocks are specific to each class!
- All meal periods are school wide, although attendance is not mandatory (except for the feast once first arriving on sept 1st)
- i am also using a system where the days switch off as in a A day and B day schedule, with Wednesday being a day where they have all of their classes
- A day consists of A Block-D Block, each Period is Two hours long,
- B day consists of E Block-H Block
- I Block is the Astronomy class which takes place at a different time than other classes, so it isn't included in this, it is shown three separate times in the chart but the student should only have this class twice a week at most
- On a Wednesday, or an All Block day, they have all blocks, though the class periods are only one hour long instead of two hours like on a normal A and B day
- Class hours go from 7:30am-4:30pm everyday
- Curfew is from 9:00pm-6:00am, though this does not apply to students who are in Astronomy between these times
- Curfew on Saturdays and Fridays (although not said in the chart for convenience) is from 10:30 pm-6:30am, as it is the weekend
- All meals are at the same times everyday besides weekends, where the periods of availability of food in the Great Hall is longer than usual although starting at the same time
Now, the Block Schedule:
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- In the charts above, i have an example of how these blocks work, the first chart shows First Year, the second, Second Year, and then the Third, well...you can kinda guess
- The classes that are highlighted with grey are the main courses that every Hogwarts student are required to take each year:
- Transfiguration
- Potions
- History of Magic
- Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA)
- Charms
- Herbology
- Astronomy
- These classes stay in a students schedule every year, if we look at the chart that shows the First Year schedule, it has Flying as one of the classes:
- When you are a first year you are required to take one class of Flying, although it is an extracurricular course without an O.W.L. (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) exam,
This is what the first chart looks like filled out using this block system:
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- Going back to the previous charts, In the second year chart I have removed Flying and replaced it with a Study Period, you can see that theres is another one of those there already as well
- Once entering their third year, a student in Hogwarts gets to pick from a selection of electives, two of them to take (these classes, although having O.W.L. exams, do not require you to stay in them, and you can drop these classes whenever)
- Care of Magical Creatures (CMC)
- Divination
- Arithmancy
- Muggle Studies
- Ancient Runes
- These, plus the required courses make up all 12 O.W.L.'s
- The hypothetical student used in the third year chart has chosen Divination and CMC as their electives, so they replace the once Study Periods with those classes
- Although they lose Study Periods, they are provided time after classes and on the weekends to complete school work and study (during exam season I imagine that teachers provide students with being able to use whole periods to study for that specific class)
- A student has until their fifth year to start thinking about O.W.L.s and change electives if needed or wanted
- On the other hand, because of this system of scheduling, it makes wanting to do more than two electives difficult, if not impossible
- This is is seen with Hermione in poa where Mcgonagall spoke to the ministry and was able to give her a time turner so she could attend all of her classes
- Using a time turner (in this situation to get all 12 O.W.L.s) would most likely, look something like this:
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(sorry for the weird cropping on this one)
- The blocks that have two classes would be times where a student would have to use a time turner to go back in time and do a class after finishing the first one because of the classes overlapping
Then, there's extracurricular classes:
- Flying
- Quidditch
- Art
- Apparition
- Muggle Art
- Frog Choir and Hogwarts Orchestra
- Ghoul Studies
- Magical Theory
- Music
- Muggle Music
- Xylomancy
- Alchemy
- These classes are ones that usually take place outside of the normal school hours, on weekends or after school on weekdays
- These classes do not have any O.W.L.s and are usually low effort compared to other classes
- The extracurricular are mostly similar to after school clubs in other schools
- Apparition would have an exam at the end of 7th year to determine if a student is allowed to apparate.
- There are most likely more of these although these are the ones i could find canonical relevance for
- In a schedule, these classes would be mentioned as extra blocks & be placed at their respective times:
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- These two schedules are more similar but i'd imagine that students 5th/9th period blocks would be at different times depending on the class
- In the beginning chart the ones that are highlighted in a lighter grey are extracurricular classes
- There are a few things I may edit in to these schedules that i haven't right out of laziness, such as Hogsmeade times on those weekends, and different things like that, how Hogwarts holiday weeks works for kids who stay at the school in the holidays, and what houses have which classes together (so i may make an updated version of this schedule at some point)
you're free to ask me questions if you have any, id be glad to answer them, thanks for reading my slow descent into madness because of times and scheduling for a school that doesn't exist!
lets hope im good at explaining things lol
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Efficient Solutions: Same Day Dumpster Rentals for Your Anchorage, AK Needs
Welcome to our Same Day Dumpster Rentals service in Anchorage, AK your go to solution for prompt and efficient waste management. We understand the urgency that often accompanies the need for a dumpster, whether it's a sudden home renovation project, a commercial cleanup, or any other situation requiring quick disposal.
Why Choose Our Same Day Dumpster Rentals?
•Rapid Response: Our commitment to providing same day dumpster rentals ensures that you can tackle your project without unnecessary delays. We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to waste removal.
•Versatile Dumpster Sizes: No matter the scale of your project, we offer a range of dumpster sizes to accommodate your specific needs. From small residential cleanups to large construction sites, we have the perfect dumpster size for you.
•Affordable Pricing: We believe in transparent and competitive pricing. Our same-day dumpster rentals in Anchorage, AK, come with straightforward rates and no hidden fees. You can trust us to provide cost-effective solutions for your waste disposal requirements.
•Local Expertise: As a local service, we have a deep understanding of Anchorage's waste management regulations and requirements. This ensures that you receive a service that aligns with local standards and guidelines.
•Easy Booking Process: Our user-friendly booking process makes it simple and quick to secure a dumpster for your project. With just a few clicks or a phone call, you can have a dumpster delivered to your location on the same day.
How It Works
•Contact Us: Get in touch with our friendly team either through our website or by giving us a call. Provide details about your project, and we'll guide you in selecting the right dumpster size.
•Confirm Booking: Once you've chosen the appropriate dumpster, we'll finalize the details with you, including the rental period and pricing. Our transparent process ensures you know exactly what to expect.
•Same Day Delivery: With everything confirmed, we'll deliver the dumpster to your location on the same day, ensuring you can start your project without delay.
•Efficient Waste Removal: Fill up the dumpster at your own pace, and when you're ready, simply let us know. We'll promptly pick up the dumpster and ensure the waste is disposed of responsibly.
Our Same Day Dumpster Rentals in Anchorage, AK, provide a hassle-free and timely solution for your waste management needs. Trust us to deliver the right dumpster, right when you need it. Contact us today and experience the convenience of our prompt and reliable service.
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sepublic · 1 year
            Since forever, I’ve gone with the idea of the Tower of Tears being a fairly imposing structure, with its interior being even more ominous; Dark, deathly cold, filled with mist and ice. And every now and then, you find the ghastly silhouette of an Escapee looming, frozen and jagged with their struggle of horror preserved in stasis for all time.
         But now that I think of it… Perhaps a ‘friendlier’ vibe and aesthetic would make more sense? It’d make the Wayvrens’ decision to trust the Tears much more sensible, after all… Magical tears are a big thing in fairy tales, and in a lot of fantasy media, they’re a useful resource.
         So instead of this grim and dark structure, the Tower of Tears is something straight out of a fairy tale; A beautiful, glistening, crystalline spire, fountains running all over. The inside is like the Great Fairy Fountain from the Legend of Zelda, a sparkling, magical place governed by a kindly protector, a motherly figure of supernatural quality. This is the leader of the Tears, their queen, whom I’m still workshopping all of the details of her character, including her name…
         But I could see this Tear presenting herself as a helpful fairy goddess, here to assist the heroes in their quest; Oh, you need help defeating these evil threats? Well have I got a resource for you, my own magical tears! I’ll store them in very pretty crystal vials, see. Open the vial and pour my tears onto your defeated opponent, and they’ll be perfectly preserved! From there, you can bring them back to my tower, where I’ll protect them as long as you need; You can trust me! I’ve served Good across many generations, and it seems you are the latest heroes I’ve been waiting for!
         The Queen of Tears would function almost like an NPC to the Wayvrens in their various quests; The kind who hosts a peaceful hub area for you to rest and keep track of your progress, all of the bosses you’ve defeated, etc. Instead of being frozen in jagged crystals, the Escapees are preserved in ice spheres resembling snow globes, how nice! It’s a very calming aesthetic and vibe, which hides the dark truth that are the nightmares the Escapees regularly go through, in order to establish a link between them and the Tears’ creator.
         You know how in a lot of videogames and fantasy media, there’s this side character who basically shows up to give the heroes a quest and support them, providing whatever they need? And it’s taken for granted, never really questioned in-universe because it’s a game, so you take it for granted as the player to trust them, because there are obvious Doylist reasons? The Tower of Tears and their warden protector are exactly that.
         Those theories you see about how the old man who gives you the sword at the start of the journey, the NPC who provides exposition, all of them secretly being evil and manipulating you into doing the dirty work for them? Those theories about Glinda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz, actually tricking Dorothy into taking out her rival, so she can rise to power? The Queen of Tears is THAT character.
         And the second-generation Wayvren siblings, they just accept it! Because hey, they’re Chosen Ones with a sacred background, of course there’s going to be some convenient fairy goddess who takes care of the finer logistics and aftermath of fighting evil! Complete with magical items that allow us to subdue enemies without having to kill them, how wonderful… Which makes it all the more hilarious and embarrassing when the Wayvrens figure out they essentially got conned by a scam artist, who tricked them into gathering a bunch of ‘toys’ for her child. Granted, that doesn’t sound so malevolent... I wonder if that’s why the fallen Wayvren destroyed the Tower of Tears, because they figured out the truth.
         The more I write this out, the more sense it makes, because the Wayvrens are those classic fantasy heroes who go on quests, only for there to be a darker underside to this classic story as certain elements are questioned, and reality hits… I’ll probably go through with this idea, but I will miss the more ominous, medieval take on the Tower of Tears. However, this makes way more sense, because a question I had to ask myself was how the Queen of Tears convinced the Wayvrens to trust her, an anomaly of a complete stranger, with the most dangerous villains in the world?!
         Plus, the Queen of Tears presenting herself as a kindly matronly figure makes sense because to her, that’s exactly what she is! She really believes she’s here to provide care to the child who made her, to provide a wonderful fantasy for them. Because as I said, she really does mean it when she concurs with the Wayvrens about finding a proper time and place for the Escapees, where they’ll be loved and accepted. When you believe your own lie, it’s so much more confident and easier to convince. If you pointed out this is technically a prison, she’d make a face and politely insist you avoid such negative language.
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marhabahaji · 11 months
The Ultimate Guide to Umrah Visa: Everything You Need to Know
If you're planning to embark on a sacred journey to perform Umrah in Saudi Arabia, one of the foremost things you need to know is the Umrah visa requirements. Obtaining a Umrah visa is a crucial step in making your pilgrimage a reality. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the essential information about Umrah visas, including the application process, required documents, fees, and important tips to ensure a smooth application experience. So, let's dive in!
Visa Requirements for Umrah in Saudi Arabia
Before applying for an Umrah visa, it's important to be aware of the basic requirements set by the Saudi authorities. Here are the general prerequisites for obtaining a Umrah visa:
1. Valid passport: Your passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of your intended departure for Umrah. Make sure your passport has enough blank pages for visa stickers.
2. Return ticket: You must have a confirmed return ticket.
3. Vaccination certificate: You need to provide a vaccination certificate for meningitis, as required by the Saudi Ministry of Health.
4. Proof of relationship: If you are a female under the age of 45, you must be accompanied by a Mahram (a close male relative) during your journey. The proof of relationship, such as a marriage certificate or birth certificate, should be submitted along with the visa application.
Documents Needed for Umrah Visa Application
To complete your Umrah visa application, you will need the following documents:
1. Completed Umrah visa application form: This form can be obtained from the Saudi Arabian Embassy or Consulate in your country or online through their official website.
2. Passport-sized photographs: Attach two recent passport-sized photographs with a white background to your visa application.
3. Passport copy: Attach a clear copy of the information page of your passport, including your personal details and photograph.
4. Confirmation of hotel bookings: Provide a copy of your confirmed hotel bookings in Makkah and Madinah for the duration of your stay.
5. Non-refundable flight reservation: Submit a copy of your flight reservation or ticket showing your itinerary for Saudi Arabia.
6. Vaccination certificate: Include a copy of your vaccination certificate for meningitis.
7. Relationship proof documents: If you are a female traveler under the age of 45, provide the necessary documentation to prove your relationship with your Mahram.
Process of Applying for Umrah Visa from India
If you are an Indian national wishing to apply for an Umrah visa, follow these steps:
1. Choose an authorized Umrah agent: Select a reliable and authorized Umrah agent approved by the Saudi Arabian Embassy or Consulate in India. They will guide you through the visa application process and assist you with the required documentation.
2. Complete the application form: Fill out the Umrah visa application form accurately and legibly. Make sure to provide all the necessary details and attach the required documents mentioned above.
3. Submission through the agent: Submit your completed application form and supporting documents to your chosen Umrah agent. They will review your application, make any necessary corrections, and submit it on your behalf to the Saudi Arabian Embassy or Consulate.
4. Application processing time: The processing time for Umrah visas can vary, but it usually takes around 3 to 5 working days. The embassy will review your application, verify the documents, and issue the visa if everything is in order.
5. Collecting the visa: Once your Umrah visa is approved, your agent will notify you. You can then collect your visa from the agency or have it sent to you through a courier service.
Seamless Online Umrah Visa Application
To streamline the visa application process, the Saudi government has introduced an online portal for Umrah visa applications. This online system has made it more convenient for applicants to submit their documents and track the status of their application. Follow these steps for an online Umrah visa application:
1. Visit the official e-portal: Go to the official website of the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah and navigate to the "Umrah" section.
2. Create an account: Register your personal information and create an account on the portal.
3. Fill out the application form: Provide all the required details in the online application form. Make sure to enter your information accurately, as any discrepancies may lead to delays or rejection.
4. Upload supporting documents: Scan and upload all the necessary documents, including your passport copy, flight reservation, hotel bookings, and vaccination certificate.
5. Pay the visa fee: Make the payment for the Umrah visa fee through the online payment gateway provided on the portal.
6. Submit the application: After completing all the necessary steps, submit your application online.
7. Track the application status: You can monitor the progress of your application by logging into your online account. The portal will provide updates on the status of your visa application.
8. Collecting the visa: Once your Umrah visa is approved, you can either download it from the portal or collect it from the designated visa collection center.
Umrah Visa Fees and Payment Methods
The Umrah visa fee varies depending on whether it is your first-time or repeat visit, and it is subject to change. It is advisable to check the current visa fee at the time of your application. The payment methods for the Umrah visa fee include:
Online payment: If applying through the online portal, you can make the payment using a debit or credit card.
Payment through an authorized agent: If applying through an Umrah agent, you can pay the visa fee directly to them as per their specified payment methods.
Important Information for Umrah Visa Applicants
Here are some crucial details you should keep in mind when applying for an Umrah visa:
The Umrah visa is valid only for a specific period, typically 30 days. You must complete your pilgrimage within this duration and return to your home country.
The Umrah visa does not allow for any side trips or visits to other cities or countries. You are expected to focus solely on your religious activities during your stay in Saudi Arabia.
It is important to abide by the rules and regulations set by the Saudi authorities during your pilgrimage. Non-compliance can result in penalties and legal consequences.
Understanding the Umrah Visa Validity and Duration
The validity and duration of the Umrah visa can vary based on several factors, such as the time of the year and the specific regulations set by the Saudi government. Here are some key points to understand:
Umrah visas are usually issued for a specific period, typically 30 days. This means you must complete your pilgrimage within this timeframe and return home.
The Umrah visa is typically valid for entry into Saudi Arabia within a set period, usually within the month specified on the visa. Make sure to plan your travel accordingly to utilize the visa within the specified period.
During the holy month of Ramadan, the Saudi government may extend the Umrah visa validity to allow visitors to perform Umrah during this special time. However, it is important to check the specific regulations and requirements for Umrah during Ramadan.
Tips for a Smooth Umrah Visa Application Process
To ensure a seamless experience while applying for your Umrah visa, consider the following tips:
Plan ahead: Start your visa application process well in advance to avoid any last-minute complications or delays. It is advisable to begin the process at least one to two months prior to your intended travel date.
Seek assistance from authorized agents: Consult authorized Umrah agents or travel agencies who are experienced in handling Umrah visa applications. They can guide you through the process, help you gather the required documents, and ensure smooth submission.
Double-check your documents: Before submitting your visa application, thoroughly review all the documents to ensure accuracy and completeness. Any errors or missing information may lead to rejection or delays.
Keep copies of all documents: Make copies of all the documents you submit for your Umrah visa application. These copies can serve as backups and can be helpful in case any issues arise during the process.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Umrah Visa
To avoid potential delays or rejections, be mindful of the following common mistakes when applying for a Umrah visa:
Submission of incomplete application forms: Ensure that you fill out the application form accurately, providing all the necessary information. Incomplete forms may be rejected.
Incorrect or expired passports: Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months and has enough blank pages for the visa sticker. An expired passport or insufficient blank pages can lead to visa rejection.
Inadequate or unclear supporting documents: Provide clear and legible copies of all the required supporting documents. Unclear or incomplete documents can result in delays or visa rejection.
Non-compliance with visa validity rules: Be aware of the validity period mentioned on your Umrah visa and make sure to plan your travel accordingly. Failure to abide by the validity rules can lead to visa cancellation or penalties.
In conclusion, obtaining a Umrah visa is an essential step towards fulfilling your religious obligations. By understanding the visa requirements, following the correct application process, and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey to perform Umrah in the blessed cities of Makkah and Madinah.
Remember to always consult authorized Umrah agents or travel agencies for the most up-to-date information and guidance on the Umrah visa application process. Plan ahead, gather all the necessary documents, and embark on your sacred pilgrimage with peace of mind.
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echeckplan · 9 months
Accepting Electronic Checks in Your Small Business: A Comprehensive Guide
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In the ever-evolving landscape of business and finance, staying adaptable and responsive to emerging payment trends is crucial for the success of small businesses. One such trend that has gained traction and offers an array of benefits is the acceptance of electronic checks, commonly referred to as eChecks. If you're a small business owner looking to broaden your horizons and enhance your payment options, this comprehensive guide is here to demystify eChecks, providing insights into what they are and, most importantly, how to seamlessly integrate them into your business operations.
What is an eCheck?
An electronic check, or eCheck, is a digital version of a traditional paper check. It enables businesses and customers to conduct transactions electronically, making it a convenient and cost-effective payment method. Instead of writing a physical check, the payer enters their banking information online, and the funds are transferred directly from their bank account to the recipient's account.
Why Accept eChecks?
Cost-Effective: eChecks are often cheaper than credit card transactions because they have lower processing fees, making them an attractive option for small businesses.
Reduced Fraud Risk: Electronic checks are more secure than paper checks as they involve encryption and authentication processes, minimizing the risk of fraud.
Faster Settlement: eChecks typically clear faster than paper checks, improving your cash flow.
Convenience: eChecks are convenient for both you and your customers, as they can be processed online, reducing the need for physical paperwork.
How to Accept eChecks in Your Small Business:
Now that you understand the benefits of accepting eChecks, let's explore how to implement this payment method in your small business.
1. Choose an eCheck Service Provider:
Start by researching eCheck service providers. Look for companies that offer competitive pricing, robust security features, and user-friendly interfaces. Some popular eCheck service providers include:
Compare the fees, features, and compatibility with your existing systems to make an informed choice.
2. Set Up Your Business Account:
Once you've selected an eCheck service provider, create a business account. You'll need to provide your business information, banking details, and contact information.
3. Integrate eCheck Payment:
Depending on your chosen provider, you may need to integrate eCheck payment into your website or point-of-sale system. Many providers offer plugins or APIs to facilitate this integration. Ensure that the payment process is user-friendly and straightforward for your customers.
4. Educate Your Customers:
Inform your customers that you now accept eChecks as a payment option. Include this information on your website, invoices, and any other customer-facing materials. Provide clear instructions on how they can make payments using eChecks.
5. Test the Process:
Before fully launching eCheck payments, conduct a few test transactions to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Verify that funds are deposited into your business account as expected.
6. Monitor Transactions:
Regularly monitor your eCheck transactions and reconcile them with your accounting records. This will help you stay on top of your finances and quickly identify any discrepancies.
7. Maintain Security:
Security is paramount when dealing with electronic payments. Ensure that your eCheck service provider has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive customer data and financial information.
8. Provide Excellent Customer Support:
Offer reliable customer support for any payment-related inquiries or issues. Promptly address customer concerns to build trust and confidence in your eCheck payment process.
Embracing eChecks as a payment option in your small business can enhance your payment processing capabilities, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. By following these steps and choosing a reputable eCheck service provider, you can seamlessly integrate eCheck payments into your business operations and provide added convenience to your customers. Stay up to date with the latest payment
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pololoveechi · 1 year
The Best Fine Jewellery You Can Buy Online
When it comes to finding exquisite fine jewellery, the internet has become a treasure trove of options. With just a few clicks, you can explore a vast array of stunning pieces without leaving the comfort of your home. In this article, we will delve into the world of women's jewellery online in Toronto, highlighting the best options available for those seeking elegance, craftsmanship, and convenience.
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The Convenience of Online Shopping: Shopping for women's jewellery online in Toronto offers unparalleled convenience. You can browse through a wide range of collections at any time, compare prices and styles, and make a purchase with ease.
Diverse Range of Styles: Online retailers cater to various tastes and preferences, ensuring there is something for everyone. Whether you seek classic elegance, contemporary designs, or unique statement pieces, you'll find an extensive selection of styles to suit your personal aesthetic.
High-Quality Craftsmanship: Reputable online jewellery stores in Toronto offer fine pieces crafted with exceptional attention to detail. These pieces are created by skilled artisans, utilizing precious metals, gemstones, and intricate techniques to ensure superior craftsmanship and durability.
Customization Options: Some online jewellery retailers provide customization services, allowing you to create a one-of-a-kind piece tailored to your preferences. From selecting gemstones to choosing metal types and engraving, the possibilities for creating a personalized jewellery piece are virtually limitless.
Transparent Information and Reviews: Before making a purchase, online platforms offer detailed product descriptions, images, and often customer reviews. This transparency empowers you to make an informed decision and have confidence in the quality and authenticity of your chosen piece.
Competitive Pricing and Exclusive Offers: Online retailers often provide competitive pricing due to reduced overhead costs. Additionally, you can take advantage of exclusive online discounts, seasonal sales, and promotions, making your jewellery purchase even more affordable.
Conclusion: Women's jewellery online in Toronto opens up a world of possibilities for those seeking the finest pieces. With a wide range of styles, exceptional craftsmanship, customization options, and convenient shopping experiences, the online marketplace offers a gateway to discover and own breathtaking jewellery that complements your unique style and personality. Embrace the convenience and luxury of shopping online, and let your jewellery collection shine with elegance and sophistication.
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sendmoneywithcc · 1 year
A Comprehensive Guide: How to Send Money with a Credit Card
In today's digital age, Send Money With Credit Card has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and security. Whether you need to make a payment to a friend, family member, or a business, utilizing your credit card can provide ease and flexibility. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of sending money with a credit card, while highlighting important considerations to ensure a smooth and successful transaction.
Understanding Credit Card Payments
Before diving into the process, it's essential to have a clear understanding of how credit card payments work. Credit cards serve as a line of credit that allows you to make purchases or transfer funds up to a predetermined limit. When you send money with a credit card, the amount is typically charged to your credit card balance, and you will need to repay it according to the terms of your credit card agreement.
Benefits of Sending Money with a Credit Card
There are several advantages to using a credit card for money transfers. Firstly, it provides a convenient and accessible method, allowing you to send funds from anywhere with an internet connection. Additionally, credit cards often offer fraud protection and dispute resolution services, adding an extra layer of security to your transactions. Furthermore, using a credit card for money transfers can also enable you to earn rewards or cashback, depending on your credit card's rewards program.
Factors to Consider Before Using a Credit Card for Money Transfer
Before proceeding, there are a few important factors to consider. Firstly, check if the recipient accepts credit card payments, as not all individuals or businesses may have this option available. Additionally, be mindful of any transaction fees or charges associated with sending money with a credit card, as these costs can vary depending on the payment platform or service you choose. It's also crucial to ensure that your credit card has sufficient available credit to cover the desired transfer amount.
Online Payment Platforms
To send money with a credit card, you'll typically need to utilize an online payment platform that accepts credit card payments. Some popular options include PayPal, Venmo, and Stripe. These platforms provide a secure and user-friendly interface for sending and receiving funds.
Setting Up an Account on Payment Platforms
To get started, create an account on your chosen payment platform. You'll need to provide the necessary personal information and link your credit card to your account. The platform may require verification of your identity and credit card details to ensure security.
Sending Money with a Credit Card
Once your account is set up, follow these steps to send money with a credit card:
Select the recipient and the amount you wish to send.
Review any applicable transaction fees or charges associated with the transfer.
Enter the payment details, which may include the recipient's email address or account information.
Verify the transaction details and ensure everything is accurate before proceeding.
Complete the transaction by authorizing the payment with your credit card.
Safety and Security Measures
To ensure a secure money transfer, it's crucial to take safety measures into consideration. When using online payment platforms, make sure the website is secure (look for "https" in the URL) and that you are on the official platform's website. Protect your personal and financial information by using strong, unique passwords and enabling two-factor authentication whenever possible. Be cautious of phishing attempts and suspicious emails or messages requesting your account details.
Sending money with a credit card offers convenience, security, and flexibility. By understanding the process and considering the necessary factors, you can ensure a smooth and successful transaction. Remember to choose reputable payment platforms, review transaction fees, and prioritize the safety of your personal and financial information. With these guidelines in mind, you can confidently send money with a credit card, simplifying your financial transactions and benefiting from the perks offered by your credit card provider.
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oneworldcable · 1 year
Shine Bright in the Kitchen: Aluminum Foil's Essential Role in Food Packaging
Introducing Shine Bright in the Kitchen's Aluminum Foil for Food Packaging – the ultimate solution for all your culinary needs. With its exceptional quality and versatile applications, our aluminum foil is here to revolutionize the way you store, cook, and serve food. From preserving freshness to enhancing flavor, our product is a must-have in every kitchen.
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Unmatched Quality and Durability:
At Shine Bright in the Kitchen, we take pride in delivering only the highest quality products to our customers. Our aluminum foil is crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring its exceptional durability. Made from premium-grade aluminum, it offers superior strength, tear resistance, and heat retention capabilities. Whether you're wrapping leftovers, baking, or grilling, our aluminum foil will withstand the rigors of everyday kitchen use, providing you with reliable performance.
Preserve Freshness and Flavor:
One of the key benefits of using aluminum foil for food packaging is its ability to preserve freshness. Our foil acts as a protective barrier, shielding your food from moisture, oxygen, and light, which are the primary culprits behind food spoilage. By securely sealing your meals and ingredients in our foil, you can extend their shelf life and keep them tasting as delicious as the day they were prepared. Say goodbye to wasted food and hello to long-lasting freshness.
Versatile Applications:
The versatility of our aluminum foil knows no bounds. Whether you're storing leftovers, wrapping sandwiches for a picnic, or marinating meat for a barbecue, our foil can handle it all. Its pliable nature allows it to conform to any shape, ensuring a snug fit around your food items. Moreover, our foil is oven-safe, making it ideal for cooking and baking. From tender roasts to perfectly baked potatoes, our foil helps you achieve culinary excellence with ease.
Effortless Convenience:
We understand the importance of convenience in the kitchen. That's why our aluminum foil is designed for effortless use. The roll design allows for easy dispensing and tearing, ensuring hassle-free handling. Whether you need a small piece or a large sheet, our foil provides the flexibility you need. The convenient packaging ensures that our foil remains neatly organized and protected, ready for whenever you need it.
Eco-Friendly Choice:
As champions of sustainability, Shine Bright in the Kitchen is committed to offering eco-friendly solutions. Our aluminum foil is 100% recyclable, making it an environmentally responsible choice. By choosing our foil, you contribute to reducing waste and promoting a greener future.
Trust and Confidence:
When it comes to your kitchen, we understand the importance of trust and confidence in the products you use. Shine Bright in the Kitchen has a longstanding reputation for delivering excellence, and our aluminum foil for food packaging is no exception. We prioritize your satisfaction and strive to exceed your expectations with every purchase. With our foil in your kitchen, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have chosen the best.
Experience the Difference:
Say goodbye to subpar food packaging solutions and embrace the brilliance of Shine Bright in the Kitchen's Aluminum Foil for Food Packaging. With its unmatched quality, versatile applications, and dedication to sustainability, our foil is a game-changer in the world of culinary preservation. Elevate your cooking experience and discover the countless possibilities our foil brings to your kitchen. Visit our website Owcable at to learn more and experience the difference for yourself.
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Right Garage Door For Your House
When it comes to the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of your house, one element that often gets overlooked is the garage door. While it may seem like a minor detail, choosing the right garage door can significantly enhance the curb appeal and functionality of your home. In this article, we will explore the importance of selecting the right garage door for your house and provide some valuable tips to guide you in the decision-making process.
Curb Appeal: Make a Lasting First Impression
Your garage door plays a crucial role in creating a lasting first impression of your home. It is one of the first things people notice when they approach your property. Therefore, it is essential to choose a garage door that complements the architectural style of your house and adds to its overall appeal.
Consider the architectural design and style of your home. If you have a traditional or classic house, a garage door with raised panels and a timeless design can add elegance and sophistication. On the other hand, if your home has a modern or contemporary style, a garage door with clean lines, minimalist design, and glass panel inserts can create a sleek and stylish look.
Color coordination is also important. Select a garage door color that harmonizes with the existing color palette of your home's exterior. You can choose a color that blends seamlessly with the façade or opt for a contrasting color that creates visual interest and adds a pop of personality.
Functionality: Convenience and Security
Beyond enhancing curb appeal, your garage door also serves a vital function in providing convenience and security for your home. When selecting a garage door, consider the following factors related to functionality:
Insulation: If your garage is attached to your house, consider choosing an insulated garage door. An insulated door helps to regulate the temperature inside the garage, keeping it cooler in summer and warmer in winter. This can have a positive impact on energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs.
Material: Garage doors are available in various materials, including steel, wood, aluminum, and fiberglass. Each material has its advantages and considerations. Steel doors are durable, low-maintenance, and provide excellent security. Wood doors offer a natural and timeless appeal but require regular maintenance. Aluminum doors are lightweight and corrosion-resistant, while fiberglass doors are durable and can mimic the look of wood without the maintenance requirements.
Security Features: Your garage door should provide adequate security for your home and belongings. Look for features such as sturdy locks, tamper-resistant hinges, and a rolling code technology for the opener. Additionally, consider adding extra security measures such as motion sensor lights and a security system for your garage.
Ease of Use: Convenience is key when it comes to operating your garage door. Opt for a door with modern features like remote-controlled operation, keypad entry, and smart home integration. These features make it easier to open and close your garage door and provide added convenience for your daily routine.
Professional Installation: Ensuring Safety and Efficiency
Once you have chosen the right garage door for your house, it is crucial to have it professionally installed. Garage door installation requires specialized skills and knowledge to ensure safety, proper operation, and optimal performance.
Hiring a professional garage door installation company will ensure that the door is installed correctly, with precise measurements and proper alignment. They will also ensure that all safety features are in place and functioning correctly, minimizing the risk of accidents or malfunctions.
Additionally, professional installation saves you time and effort. Garage door installation can be a complex process, involving heavy lifting and intricate adjustments. By relying on experts, you can avoid potential pitfalls and enjoy a hassle-free experience.
Maintenance and Care: Prolonging the Lifespan of Your Garage Door
To keep your garage door in optimal condition and prolong its lifespan, regular maintenance is essential. Here are a few maintenance tips:
Lubrication: Regularly lubricate the moving parts of your garage door, such as hinges, rollers, and tracks, to ensure smooth operation.
Inspection: Inspect your garage door periodically for any signs of wear or damage. Check for loose hardware, frayed cables, or misaligned tracks, and address any issues promptly.
Cleaning: Clean your garage door regularly to remove dirt, debris, and corrosive substances. Use a mild detergent and a soft cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the surface.
Weatherstripping: Replace worn-out weatherstripping to maintain proper insulation and prevent drafts, water infiltration, and pests from entering your garage.
By following these maintenance practices, you can extend the lifespan of your garage door and ensure its reliable performance for years to come.
Choosing the right garage door for your house is crucial for enhancing curb appeal, functionality, and security. Consider the architectural style, color coordination, insulation, materials, and security features when making your selection. Professional installation and regular maintenance will ensure proper operation and prolong the lifespan of your garage door. With careful consideration and attention to detail, you can find the perfect garage door that complements your house and adds value to your home.
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What Are The Things You Should Know About Mobile Notary Service?
The mobile notary, sometimes known as traveling notaries, can be an officer who travels in order to spots in order to accomplish the notarization process. A mobile notary meets with the client. The mobile notary service is tasked with verifying the identity of the signer, witnessing, and then putting his signature and stamp on the document. He also checks the authenticity of all documents and ensures that no signer is definitely under any compulsion or risk.
Uses of Mobile Notary 
A mobile notary is best in property transactions. They may be hired for any documents that require notarization. Typically, they are hired for transactions that require multiple parties to sign a document. They are extremely ideal for closing mortgage transactions across state borders.The Mobile Notary documents that need to be notarized will give you support for different types of individuals. Documents that want notarization include power from attorneys, custody agreements, vehicle title applications, trusts, deeds, medical documents, and wills of long distances.
Advantages of Mobile Notary
Let us find out the different sorts of advantages of a Mobile Notary:
Mobile Notary is very Cost Effective:
The mobile notary is a very affordable service. Their fees are largely determined by the laws of the express. Their maximum payment can also be given the green light by the jurisdiction in which they can reside. As a high-level entrepreneur, you are able to hire to handle finances at affordable rates. 
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Mobile Notary helps in saving your time:
The Business Owners find it hard to locate time and energy to show up throughout the notarization process. Your mobile notary service is definitely available at the chosen time of the day and allows the business enterprise owner to pay attention to his business.
Mobile Notary used to Improve Better Flexibility:
Mobile notaries provide companies that are oftentimes out of business hours. In an emergency, their services are liked. This will generate it very convenient for business people to carry in with they do the job.
Mobile Notary helps to Improved Client Approval: 
Clients are certain to accept the velocity in the notarization plan of action. A mobile notary will save you the time and money of the client.
Do Fast and Efficient Transactions with Mobile Notary:
Your mobile notary simplifies the entire notarization process by notifying the appropriate authorities which helps you in finishing transactions much faster and more efficiently. 
A mobile notary is one who will notarize your documents at your convenience. In recent years mobile notarization services have really been gaining popularity in a variety of industries. If you can't locate a public notary, you ought to contact the Notary Public. If you are looking for the best Mobile Notary Service then, look no further than ELK GROVE NOTARY which offers fully licensed, insured, bonded, background cleared with D.O.J., and loan signing certified. For More Details visit:-  www.elkgrovenotary.com
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lundgreenbland0 · 2 years
<h1>Critical Illness Insurance Cowl In South Africa</h1>
Peace of thoughts that you simply and your beloved ones will have the financial safety you need must you be identified with a critical illness that will require you to make way of life changes. At PPS, we now have improved and enhanced our Critical Illness Cover offering to maintain tempo with the continuously evolving world of drugs and be positive that we provide our members with relevant and effective cowl. We have enhanced our base definitions for both existing and new members, without a change in premiums or charges. Reduce the shortfall between the value of non-public medical care and how much your Medical Aid pays. The premium depends on the person insured's age, gender, smoker standing, and well being in addition to the premium sample chosen on the outset of the coverage. The plan you select determines the critical illnesses and conditions that are coated. It pays the school charges when mother is ill and can’t work and pays off the house when dad passes away. We believe that all South Africans deserve peace of mind and financial safety against illness, disability and dying. Call us to seek out out which of 1Life’s inexpensive, easy and convenient merchandise is right for you. Once 1Life has received the entire documentation wanted to assess the claim, it may be paid out within 10 working days. This method, you'll have the ability to take care of healthcare and different miscellaneous bills with out draining your savings. Some types of most cancers will not be covered, while chronic diseases are also incessantly exempted. You may not be capable of receive a payout if a illness comes back or if you endure a second stroke or coronary heart assault. So, like all type of insurance, ensure to read the coverage fastidiously. If ACI Benefit paid is the identical as the Death Benefit, the policy will terminate on fee of the ACI Benefit. To know extra in detail about ACI Benefit, terms & circumstances governing it, kindly refer to the sales brochure. ACI Benefit term could be equal to policy time period or 30 years or (75-Age at entry), whichever is decrease. It's an insurance coverage that helps protect you should you turn out to be critically ill during the coverage term. It pays out a tax-free lump sum that you have to use nonetheless you want – whether that’s to help cover health-related costs, month-to-month bills, or misplaced income while you get better. It also can supplement the amount your Medical Aid contributes, or even be used to pay your household bills while you bear treatment or recuperate. Critical illness insurance can alleviate a variety of the financial fear within the event that you turn out to be too sick to work. It provides some flexibility in that you need to use the money paid out as you want to cover a wide variety of potential needs. critical illness insurance child Jason injured his right hand in an accident and was unable to return to his job as an orthopedic surgeon as a end result of he could not perform surgical procedure. Due to his medical training, he was in a position to return to work as a family medicine doctor. Because of this, he receives the coverage's full primary monthly benefit, along with the revenue he receives in his new position. There are other forms of illness insurance you'll find a way to take out similar to revenue safety insurance. Critical illness tends to be a less expensive method to defend your revenue against illness and incapacity nevertheless it does have some drawbacks and limitations. Provides you and your kids with cover when contracting a serious illness, affected by a specific condition, or present process a specific medical procedure. To keep away from any such situations, you'll have the ability to go for the Waiver of Premium Plus Rider together with the Critical Illness cowl.Under this Rider, all future premium funds will be waived off by the insurance company. Thus, even if you can not proceed paying the premiums, your critical illness cover continues to act as your security internet. There are alternative forms of critical illness insurance to the lump sum cash payment model. The Critical Illness Insurance cover provides you monetary security in opposition to various life-threatening well being circumstances similar to kidney failures, cardiovascular diseases, and most cancers. The critical illness insurance cover includes a lump sum fee in case you're identified with a listed illness.
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amyrastore3 · 4 hours
Embracing Elegance: The Rise of Potlis and Clutches in Wedding Fashion?
In the ever-evolving landscape of wedding fashion, accessories play a pivotal role in elevating one's overall look. In recent times, there has been a noticeable shift in preferences, with girls increasingly choosing potlis and clutches to complement their wedding dresses. This blog delves into the reasons behind this trend and explores how these accessories have become essential elements in a bride's ensemble.
Versatility in Design : Potlis and clutches come in a myriad of designs, ranging from traditional and ornate to contemporary and minimalistic. This versatility allows brides to find the perfect accessory that complements the intricate details of their wedding attire, be it a traditional lehenga or a modern gown.
Convenience on the Big Day : On the wedding day, convenience is key. Potlis and clutches offer a practical solution for carrying essentials like lipstick, tissues, and a mobile phone. Their compact size ensures that brides have everything they need at their fingertips without compromising on style.
Modern Twist to Traditional Attire : For brides who wish to infuse a modern flair into their traditional attire, potlis and clutches provide the perfect opportunity. Opting for a contemporary accessory can effortlessly update the overall look, making it more in tune with current fashion trends.
Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal : Potlis and clutches serve as statement pieces that enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the bride. A well-chosen accessory can act as a focal point, drawing attention to the intricate details of the wedding dress and adding an extra layer of sophistication.
In conclusion, the choice of potlis and clutches for wedding dresses goes beyond mere practicality – it's a style statement and a reflection of the bride's personality. As these accessories continue to gain popularity, brides are embracing the opportunity to curate a look that seamlessly combines tradition with contemporary flair on their special day. When it comes to wedding accessories there is no brand better than Amyra, then either it be wedding clutches, potli bags, vintage purses or bucket bags. They have a wide collection of wedding accessories & below are some suggestions you can explore from their wardrobe :
Options You Can Explore In The Clutches & Potli’s Category Of Amyra
As there are a lot of options when it comes to ethnic clothing. In the same way, there are a lot of
options when it comes to wedding clutches & potli bags as well which are as follows:
Perla Capsule Clutch
The Perla Capsule Clutch features an exquisite design that exudes charm and sophistication. Its intricate detailing and elegant aesthetic make it a standout piece that complements various wedding ensembles. Crafted with precision using high-quality materials, this clutch reflects The Amyra Store's commitment to superior craftsmanship. The meticulous attention to detail ensures a durable and timeless accessory. Whether you're a bride, bridesmaid, or a wedding guest, the Perla Capsule Clutch effortlessly enhances your overall look. Its versatile elegance makes it suitable for various wedding themes and styles. And when it comes to quality no brand can beat the quality of Amyra designer clutches. And if you are looking out to explore the wedding collection of Amyra then you can check it out at designer clutches for wedding. 
Aza Capsule Clutch
Transform your wedding look with the exquisite Aza Capsule Clutch from The Amyra Store. This luxury designer clutch is a testament to sophistication and style, adding a touch of glamour to your ensemble. As it boasts a unique and eye-catching design that complements various wedding outfits. Its distinctive pattern and detailing make it a standout accessory. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this clutch reflects the impeccable craftsmanship synonymous with The Amyra Store. The use of high-quality materials ensures durability and longevity. Whether you're attending a traditional ceremony or a contemporary celebration, the Aza Capsule Clutch effortlessly adapts to different wedding themes. Its versatile elegance makes it a must-have accessory. And when it comes to quality no brand can beat the quality of Amyra designer clutches. And if you are looking out to explore the wedding collection of Amyra then you can check it out at designer clutches for wedding. 
Tia Sequin Potli Bag Peach
The exquisite sequin detailing adds a touch of glamour, making it an ideal accessory for weddings, parties, or festive occasions. Carry your essentials in style and make a statement with the Tia Sequin Potli. Explore our collection of luxury embroidered potli clutch bags to find the perfect match for your distinctive style. And if you are looking out to explore the wedding collection of Amyra then you can check it out at luxury potli bags and embroidered potli bags. 
Apart from the above designer clutch for weddings, there are many other options, which you can explore in the category of luxury potli bags, womens bucket bags. If you are looking for such products. Then Amyra Store is a one-stop solution to buy accessories related to the wedding such as bridal clutch online india or buy vintage purse online.
To know more: https://www.theamyrastore.com/collections/luxury-designer-clutches-for-wedding-online-india
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