#that’s what happened to Anakin in the prequels
gch1995 · 11 months
Luke should have killed Vader in ROTJ. He should have cut off Vader's hand then said "you betrayed your friends, the Jedi who raised you. You broke Obi-Wan's heart and caused him to live in exile. You killed my sister's family and killed my mother and my aunt and uncle. And now you're going to pay the price, Anakin." And then Luke kills him.
Luke absolutely would have had every right to despise Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker for all the atrocities he committed, enabled, and/or participated in against him, his adoptive guardians, his sister, Obi-Wan, the rest of the Jedi, and many others. I haven’t come across anyone in the Star Wars fandom who genuinely believes that Luke and Leia were in the wrong to have serious issues with their biological father’s atrocious attitudes, behaviors, and crimes. Not even those of us who are Anakin/Vader stans believe that his two children were somehow entitled to just blindly accept and forgiven him for every terrible thing he did to them and many others throughout the galaxy. Of course, they weren’t. Just because Anakin had a tragic backstory, constantly suffered under shitty circumstances of compromised agency under abusive, corrupt, and oppressive authority figures, felt guilt, and eventually felt inspired to at least partially atone for his sins by killing Palpatine to save his son’s life, it doesn’t mean that we think that invalidates all the loss, pain, and suffering he directly caused to both his children and many others throughout the galaxy by victimizing them as Darth VaderIt’s also true that he occasionally committed acts that he knew were wrong of his own volition. He also has occasionally committed crimes against some of his victims out of a personal desire for cathartic release, freedom, protection, and/or vengeance that he wasn’t pressured into doing by corrupt and oppressive authority figures. He occasionally made bad choices that he knew were wrong for himself.
Anakin became a horrendous villain, and, while the compromised agency and shitty circumstances that got him to that point in the first place aren’t his fault, it’s also true that he always retained enough rationality and conscience to know the core difference between right and wrong and feel guilt. Everyone in the fandom agrees that none of Anakin’s many victims were entitled to ever forgive him for his crimes against them throughout the galaxy. We just want it to be understood that it isn’t just his fault alone that he wound up becoming and remaining such a horrible villain.
That being said, committing murder or hurting someone for hatred and revenge vs hurting and killing in self-defense are two different things. While it is true that you are completely in your right to take a stand against abuse, crime, and oppression for freedom and protection, there’s also a line between doing what’s necessary to survive because there’s legitimately no other choice in the moment versus being willing to stoop to that adversary’s same level out of anger, hatred, fear, and revenge. In the prequels, we saw that Anakin went dark and struggled to come back because he fell into the same mindset as those who hurt him and those he loved of “Two wrongs make a right” and “I’ll coldly and indiscriminately commit and enable systematic abuse, crime, and tyranny as necessary ‘for the greater good’ if the authority figures, community, mentors, and politicians in these broken systems I serve tell me to because they don’t offer me much opportunity to feel adequately safe and supported standing up for what’s right within it in battle, anyway, since that would mean taking a risk to trust the other side.”
The feelings of anger, fear, and hatred from constant abuse, oppression, and trauma that never got fully resolved are justifiable on Anakin’s part. Palpatine, Watto, the Tusken Raiders, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Qui-Gonn Jinn, his other elders and mentors in the Jedi Order, and the Republic government he got recruited to serve before he could even have the opportunity to properly understand what he was being signed up for as a child definitely did both enable and/or perpetuate completely acts of systematic abuse, crime, elitism, oppression, and violence against him, his mother, his people, the clones, and their own recruits for their own benefit. Whether their intentions were pure or evil doesn’t matter. They caused a lot of harm and trauma.
It’s the horrendous actions that Anakin becomes willing to take in response to avoid having to deal with confronting those issues bravely, honestly, and honorably that are the problem. It’s not easy for him to do the right things, he has good reason to be angry, and you can make a valid point that many of the crimes he ends up enabling and perpetuating as an adult are things he learned from personal experience as a victim and witness of them from a young age.
Anakin is always at least partially oppressed by a corrupt authority figure. Palpatine pressure him to turn to the dark side by encouraging him to act vengefully to try to avoid and quash those feelings of anger, fear, and hatred that adversaries or potential threats trigger in him, rather than dealing with them. The Jedi he served under weren’t as harsh in their methods and intentions as the Sith. That “greater good” defense mechanism is something Anakin picked up from their teachings to justify doing terrible things out of fear of the unknown and pressure of corrupt authority. Their desire to have control to avoid the dark side and recklessness went into abusive territory multiple times throughout the OT and PT sagas because they became too afraid to actually take the risk to be the heroes for the galaxy they presented themselves as. They usually played the role of heroes in the old Jedi Order when they believed doing so benefitted their dictatorial military superpower organization’s ability to have total control in regards to all force-sensitive individuals and matters in the galaxy, their public reputation, their role as the Republic’s army, and their security. Otherwise, they ignored many of those in need, enabled, perpetuated whatever abuse of power and crime benefitted their “greater good.”
Nonetheless, as an adult Anakin became guilty of wrongdoings when he repeatedly decided to respond to all his anger, fear, and insecurities hypocritically by stooping to the same awful levels as his adversaries did with him and worse throughout his life. Thus, he actually res cycle of systematic abuse, crime, oppression, and vengeance continues with him because he decided to take the easier path of following it.
When Luke was in altercations with Darth Vader where there seemed to be no other way out, he would have been completely in his right to immediately end the duel by swiftly killing his father in self-defense when he had his light saber poised with the threat to kill him. Sure, by the end of ROTJ, we know Anakin’s heart wasn’t really in it to kill Luke for Sidious, if he refused to turn, but he was still threatening to. However, once Luke disarms Darth Vader/Anakin of his mechanical arm and lightsaber, he has the advantage over his father. The self-defense law can only be used when there is absolutely no other way to escape or survive under an adversary or threat in an active altercation. After disarming Vader, the immediacy principle of the self-defense argument is lost for Luke because he’s mitigated the threat of him. It could no longer be the justified as theonly thing he could do to survive because there was no other way to stop him in their altercation when .
What’s more, Luke doesn’t even attempt to kill him out of a sense of duty or protection at all at that point in ROTJ. Luke starts taking a needlessly cruel route by briefly choosing to start beating his disarmed father up with his fists out of feelings of anger and a desire for revenge when he gets the upper hand, which is why Sidious points out “Yes, yes, you’re becoming like him.”
While we’re never obligated to forgive, trust, or take back those who hurt us terribly in relationships, it is also true that most adults who grow up to be enablers and/or perpetrators of abuse, crime, and tyranny against other people had to have the influence(s) to be that way built up from within them over time in relationships with others, which often began throughout their childhoods or very young adulthoods. Hurting people will become increasingly willing to hurt others needlessly, as they have been hurt by others, if they repeatedly decide to deal with their anger, insecurities, and trauma under shitty circumstances and adversity by stooping to the same level as those who hurt them to try to maintain and take control back because it’s easier than taking a risk to do the right thing by being vulnerable.
Luke caught himself before it was too late when Palpatine pointed out he was “becoming like him,” but giving in to an desire for control, revenge, and/or security by stooping to the same level as those who hurt you when faced with the opportunity to do so because it’s easier than actually taking the risk to address those issues and face them bravely, honorably, and openly, is what creates very angry, broken, controlling, dangerous, hateful, and insecure abusers and criminals down the road. They see that it’s such an easy feat to commit acts of “necessary” abuse, crime, and revenge to immediately avoid and shut down anyone or anything that acts as an adversary or potential threat to themselves or those they care about, but they only gain a short-term sense of catharsis in the heat of the moment. In the long-term, though, their anger, depression, hatred, insecurities, and trauma hasn’t actually been resolved at all by their decisions to stoop to their adversaries levels to completely avoid, control, and/or destroy everyone and everything that causes those issues in the moment. Instead, they end up making things worse for others around them, and end up hating themselves more in the long run. Yet, they keep allowing for and doing terrible things that can/could allow them to avoid conflict in the short-term as the years go on because it becomes an addiction that keeps getting enabled by others in Star Wars until Luke comes along. It’s what happened to Anakin in the prequels. It’s what happened to the overall Jedi Order and Republic of the prequels with their increasingly obsessive and unhealthily “greater good” and “us versus them” mentality.
No one in the SW fandom on here has ever blamed Luke and Leia for having serious issues with their biological father’s many atrocities, regardless of his constantly tragic and shitty life circumstances. Aside from the fact that they see he’s Sidious’s attack/guard dog, for the most part, they never even witnessed all the abuse, loneliness, oppression, and trauma he experienced before he fell to the dark side. Even with that, though, the point is not that Luke and Leia are supposed to excuse Anakin for all of his crimes and wrongdoings because he is their biological father who they eventually learn suffered constant tragedy under lifelong shitty circumstances from which safely escaping was always compromised. The point of Luke ultimately choosing to stop angrily and vengefully beating Anakin/Vader to a bloody pulp before he can kill him after he gains the upper hand in their duel in ROTJ is about breaking the generational cycle in his predecessors of enabling and perpetuating rampant “necessary” systematic abuse, oppression, violence, and vengeance without much hesitation at all costs to gain short-term catharsis, peace, and security against any and all conflict or potential conflict, which actually led to greater conflict in the long-term instead because they all became too afraid to actually risk doing the right thing most of the time under pressure with shitty influences and limited to nonexistent healthy support options outside of these broken systems they grew up in and got recruited to serve under pressure until then.
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casieyfran · 1 year
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"The kinda shit obi wan have to tolerate in the prequels"
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mearchy · 2 months
I know there are ardent Mace Windu defenders on here so can you guys explain why Mace Windu Did That with the Boba Fett situation. That is a genuine question and my biggest hang-up, I’m desperate to understand his thought process. Like, it would be considered a radically conservative move HERE in OUR WORLD to decide that a deeply traumatized 13 year old raised by a criminal who was then guided by a gang of adult criminals into committing acts of terrorism should be thrown into a HIGH SECURITY ADULT PRISON for YEARS as a punishment. How does Mace the monk in the religious order of justice not step in even nominally and go “hey this doesn’t seem wise or just. In fact this is deeply immoral. Why don’t you put this kid in a high security rehabilitation clinic. Why don’t you get him some therapy.” In fact if I remember correctly (?) Windu actively endorsed this course of action. In-universe explanation?
(Not an invitation to argue that trying kids as adults is morally right if what they’ve done is Bad Enough so they can be punished like adults. Because a) you’re wrong and b) shut up. Go read about prison reform. That’s not what I’m asking.)
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imaybeabear · 2 years
A summary of my feelings regarding star wars:
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mollysunder · 2 months
Sometimes I think about the end of Padawan Lost arc and I'll remind myself that Anakin wasn't just apologizing to Ahsoka but to Shmi too. He couldn't save Ahsoka like he couldn't save Shmi. Even without the nightmares he must have been thinking, "It's happening again. It's happening again. IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN", because once more he's in a position where he has no power to save his loved one. At least in Shmi's case he knows where she is in theory, and felt something wrong. With Ahsoka, Anakin's completely in the dark from start to finish, he can't find her, can't feel her, all he knows is something bad DID happen but has to wait to hear something.
Even the end doesn't really provide any comfort because sure Ahsoka and the others were rescued, but it was out of pure luck Chewie's transmission worked. If the transmission hadn't gone through she and the other younglings were going to be brutally tortured, killed, and then turned into trophies. How do you hear any of that and not feel absolutely useless to the suffering of your charge? From Anakin's perspective, this must have been history repeating itself, but worse, because instead of being ignorant, he was powerless.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 2 months
Revenge of the Sith ends after Padme tells Anakin she’s pregnant
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willowcrowned · 6 months
“Making anyone over the age of 8 watch tcw should be forbidden” okay, but why?
because it’s bad in the way only bad kids shows can be. and then it’s also bad in fifteen other ways
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deadfictionalpoet · 8 days
padme stop flirting with that silly jedi and flirt with ME instead
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the way people on tik tok are talking about the ballad of songbirds and snakes is actually embarrassing like they have no media literacy whatsoever
people are literally saying that if you like Snow as a character you’re a bad person as if that isn’t the entire point of the book
like we read the book from Snows point of view, he’s written to be charismatic and interesting so that the readers can relate to and understand his point of view. that’s what makes it even more frustrating and upsetting when we see how bad a person he becomes
if you go into it seeing him as a bad person, then that makes it way less emotionally engaging because you’re EXPECTING him to be a bad person, that means that every bad thing he does doesn’t carry any impact
it also just takes away from the character development for everyone else!! like they’re essentially saying that people are either good or evil and you can’t have any grey. which then means that the ‘good’ characters haven’t had to work at being good. it means that the characters who are being killed for sport who choose to stay kind, to stay good, haven’t actually done that because hey worked at it, but just because they were born good?? when in reality you can look at how Snow was raised in an environment where yes he was poor but he was privileged and told he was special because of where he lived - which is what makes him a bad person in the end - he thinks he’s better than people in the districts
it just takes away any real life lessons you can learn from the books like the fact that class inequality can impact how people can empathise with each other, or the way you could look at the capital vs the districts as a metaphor for racism, seeing Snows privilege from being raised in the capital as white privilege because although he was poor after the war, he was still from the capital so he can’t fully understand what the tributes from the districts felt, he thinks he can understand their hardships because he was also poor as if that’s all there is to it
it’s like these people think the only characters you can enjoy and the most pure, ethical characters, and anyone who enjoys reading about complex villains are themselves bad people.l
anyway i have lots of feelings about the hunger games and how people on tik tok are reducing it to the most basic tropes when it is so much more than that, and suzanne collins is a way more interesting author than they’re giving her credit for and i feel like i haven’t explained myself well AT ALL but i care about this so much i just had to vent
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lukeofe · 9 months
I can't sleep tonight, so I'm using this as an opportunity to do something extremely productive and rewrite Ep 2-3 Anakin's dialog to be less creepy and over-the-top and still be in character for a teenager struggling with his emotions.
This is just my personal headcanon based on what I like and didn't like about his character in AotC mostly. I wanted to portray him as sympathetic but still flawed, so his fall to darkness hits that much harder.
•Ep 2:
(Elevator scene:)
Anakin does not tell Obi-Wan his thoughts about Padmé. When asked about his unease, he deflects, saying it's probably some confusion in the Force. Obi-Wan reminds Anakin to be mindful of his feelings. He hides the necklace Padmé gave him ten years prior in his hand.
("Ani?... my goodness, you've grown!")
Anakin, awkwardly: And you... You've stayed about the same.
Padmé chuckles at this, not realizing Anakin was only half-joking. In this rendition, she does not still see him as the young slave boy from Tatooine, but he doesn't realize that until later.
("We will find out who's trying to kill you, Padmé. I promise you.")
Obi-Wan puts his hand on Anakin's shoulder, silently telling him to cool it. Anakin relinquishes, slumping back into his seat. After the conversation is finished, Obi-Wan talks to Anakin alone.
Obi-Wan: Anakin, we will not overstep our mandate. Our responsibility is to ensure the Senator's safety only. We can do that and no more.
Anakin: Why? Would finding this assassin not ensure her safety?
Obi-Wan: Perhaps. But that is up to the Coruscant guard for now. Your thoughts are clouded today. What troubles you, my young Padawan?
Anakin: I'm sorry, master. It's not important, I just... it's been ten years since I last saw senator Amidala. I'd all but forgotten how... beautiful she is. I wasn't expecting it, is all.
Obi-Wan: Focus, Anakin. Do not let your feelings cloud your judgment. Remember the Code.
Anakin, dejected: ...Yes, master.
[Anakin hasn't thought about her every single day for the past ten years, and he doesn't comment on how she's 'forgotten him' because... ew.]
(Padmé retires to bed:)
Anakin watches Padmé walk past him to her bedroom. He's flustered, trying to work up the courage to speak. Behind his back he holds the necklace she gave him all those years ago. He calls out to her, and she stops to talk to him. He fidgets with the necklace behind his back for a moment, unsure whether or not to show it to her, before fully concealing in in his fist once R2-D2 enters. He simply tells her to inform R2-D2 if she needs anything. His feelings will stay concealed for now.
[Anakin isn't implied to have spied on Padmé using her security feeds because... ew.]
("I am truly thankful to be his apprentice.")
Anakin: But at times I feel he's too harsh. He reprimands everything I do, everything I say. I wish in those moments he'd respect me more. Maybe then I could actually become the Jedi I know I can be.
Padmé: All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we'd like. It's how we grow.
Anakin: But I am grown!
Padmé: No one ever really stops growing, Ani. We're always learning, always changing. To grow is to be alive.
They share a moment, lost in each other's eyes.
Padmé: I have to finish packing. I'll meet you here when I'm ready.
Anakin: Of course, my lady.
Anakin watches her leave the room for a few more moments, before averting his gaze to the view outside.
[Anakin does not mention remembering Padmé's beauty in his dreams to her on the ship to Naboo because... ew.]
(On Naboo overlooking the river:)
Anakin: I don't like sand. It's coarse, it's rough, it's irritating, and it gets everywhere. It was all over my home on Tatooine. When my mother and I lived there as slaves, it seeped into every crack and crevice of our home. It was a constant reminder of our imprisonment. But here? Here's different. Here's everything soft and smooth...
Anakin turns his gaze from the rolling hills of Naboo to Padmé.
Anakin: ...and beautiful.
They share a kiss for a few moments before Anakin breaks it abruptly, stiffening and looking over the hills and river once more.
Anakin: I apologize, my lady. I've overstepped my mandate. Please forgive me.
Padmé puts her hand on Anakin's. He looks at her again.
Padmé: I forgive you.
(Scene in firepit room:)
Anakin: The life of a Jedi doesn't allow for many pleasures. In fact, it forbids most of them. Being here with you now... I've never felt this way before. I'm afraid. I thought I knew my feelings. And in a way, I suppose I do. You make me feel strong and weak at the same time. I want to be with you. If you feel these same conflicting things, please tell me. I need to know I'm not the only one.
Padmé: I... we couldn't. Regardless of how we feel about each other... I'm a senator, and you're a Jedi. We'd be doing something forbidden to both of us.
There's a pause. The moment is tense.
Anakin: We could keel it a secret. No one would have to know. Just us.
Padmé: We'd be living a lie. One we couldn't keep, not for long. One that might destroy us. Could you live like that, Anakin?
Anakin: ...No. You're right.
(After Shmi dies:)
Anakin tinkers with a gadget in the Lars homestead. Padmé enters, with a tray of food and some blue milk.
Padmé: I brought you food. Thought you might be hungry.
Anakin: Thanks. The shifter on this drive engine broke. It's an easy fix.
Padmé: You've been fixing things all day.
Anakin: It's soothing to me. Life seems so much simpler when I'm fixing things. I'm good at it. At least, I ought to be.
Padmé: There are some things in life you can't fix. You're not all-powerful.
Anakin: That's not a good enough excuse. If I'd felt her pain sooner, if I'd searched for her faster, if I'd-
Anakin is fighting tears. Padmé rushes to his side.
Padmé: Anakin! Its alright.
Anakin falls to his knees. He lets the tears flow.
Anakin: I thought about her every single day after I left her. I had dreams about coming back here... about setting her free. Those dreams, those memories, kept me going. They were the reason I endured the hardships of my Jedi life. Now she's gone. And I have nothing left to give me hope.
Padmé: That's not true. Think of Obi-Wan. Think of how strong and wise and brave he is. Think of C-3P0 and R2-D2 and how loyal they are. Think of me. If you need a shoulder to rest your head on, I'll be here for you.
Anakin puts his head on Padmé's shoulder. They stay like that for a while, Anakin silently weeping.
There is no mention of Anakin's slaughter of the sand people. It's a part of the story only Palpatine will hear.
[There is no mention of Anakin desiring to be the most powerful Jedi or anything like that. His desire for control is portrayed with more subtlety]
•Ep 3:
("You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master.")
Anakin: ...what?
Anakin looks around at the council. They are all glaring at him. They see the simple act of his bewilderment as defiance, or at least that's how he silently interprets it.
Anakin: ...I...
Mace Windu: Take a seat, young Skywalker.
Anakin reluctantly sits without much complaint, though the concern and dejection on his face says enough.
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munadyke · 9 months
ok. sometimes I just want to listen to people talk abt star wars but the youtube results are all men and I refuse to do that to myself. found myself on a reddit thread of good sw youtube accounts/podcasts and it's like....for one dollar name a woman:/
#CRINGE or whatever#but like i am thinking abt themes of fate and agency and the way they change across series and how certacertain characters exist outside#the narrative etc and i just wanna talk abt rebels and how its such a fantastic follow up to tcw/the prequels in terms of its core cast and#the fact that their only commonality is that they chose to be a part of the rebellion as opposed to the characters of tcw that are stuck in#this perpetual loop of following orders and uplifting those in power & feeling as though everything in their lives are destined meanwhile#there were so many opportunities to stop the end destiny (if u will) of the prequels if only they werent so blind etc but at the same time#you have characters like maul and ahsoka who exist outside of these power structures (one by choice and the other not) and when it comes#time to change anakins fate together ahsoka cant do it bc shes refuses to see the truth#and then this is directly paralleled at the end of rebels s2 where it takes kanan being literally blinded for him to see ezras pull to the#dark side bc until then kanan (the last remaining jedi) still clings to the beliefs and structures that raised him. he cant see/understand#ezra bc he refuses to view the world outside of the lens of his jedi training he has to be blinded to see the world around him in a new way#ofc this is all happening while ahsoka and anakin meet again and we see what could have happened had kanan failed to change#idk something something the illusion of choice under capatalism & 2 party systems leading to facism#something something rebellion/change comes from the ability to question authority and find individual purpose#noooo idea where im going with this shit at the end i promise i understand facism#see this is why i need to listen to other people talk abt it i am just spewing nonsense in my tumblr tags!!!!
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 year
Me when the Anakin and Obi-Wan brain rot hits me again
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oathskeepers · 2 years
I'm already tired of star wars dudebros whining about Obi-wan being "weak" and "a coward" and that the duel was bad only because they have the emotional intelligence of a wooden spoon and the only things they understand are action scenes and are bored by deep characterization
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zyphnn · 2 years
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the hayden christensen renaissance is now 
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void-tiger · 2 years
Me: surely someone’s written a few missing/extended scenes for Kenobi, right?
Me: aHA!! Found one.
Me: …
Me: …buddy, those words to Leia were about Padme, not Anakin. Not everything is about Anakin. Anakin weeps like a festering wound. Padme is being able to remember with a bit of hope and healing.
[closes fic.]
#tiger’s musings#…my biggest Gripe with SW and the fanbase is how EVERYTHING just HAS to be about Luke and Anakin#Kenobi is legit acknowledgling Yes Ben’s Hurting (and fixated) on that#then taking a massive swerve to the right to focus on LEIA (and indirectly the Organas and Padme) instead#and. y’know. ewan mcgregor’s listed as a producer. he’s not Just reprising his role and starring in the show#he gets to have actual creative sway (which. y’know. lets him really dive into things beyond which acting choices he can get away with)#and how Little Leia is portrayed is definitely a love letter to Carrie Fisher.#I’m sure she’d be so proud to see how a younger version of her character is being portrayed#(it’s also Definitely thumbing its nose at Lucas wanting Padme primarily to be a Doomed Love Interest First#(and Badass Senator who is ALSO clever in a crisis and handy with a gun second)#(and well. a general I Appreciate You to Natalie Portman. who has NOT been treated well by Lucas or Disney/MCU as Jane Foster#(like. Taika kiiiinda had to convince her to come back after how she was treated#(and in general? actors often get pretty close when working together on a franchise as long as Natalie and Ewan have#(both their characters got treated far better in TCW than they did in the prequels#(hayden wasn’t treated well (or given any good directing as a very YOUNG actor) either. Ewan kinda had to convince him to reprise as well#(if I’m remembering the Buzz correctly.)#(anyway. point is. nothing is canon except what’s stated/implied In The Canon#(BUT. stuff that happens off set? you BET your ass it influences things.)
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sithbian · 1 year
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