#thatd be cute
pigeontuxedo · 28 days
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a silly little crew of friends
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sanchoyo · 11 months
ok yeah the comic was good but the lack of ANY danielle was VERY funny to me. I know they were juggling a lot of characters but no quick mention of her or glimpse is like. is she still just 12 and homeless traveling the world completely alone, probably not going to school still. wdym vlad is taking dark danny in while he alrEADY HAS A CANONICAL DAUGHTER HES NEGLECTING???? SHES jUST. SHES OUT THERE BRO. and I 100% understand her not wanting to live with him after how he treated her, but shes not even living with the fentons?? she was NO WHERE TO BE SEEN
just. very funny. hope some fanfics remedy this 💀
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noornight · 8 months
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Jamikali ft a very clingy kalim
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shkika · 1 year
I really like your headcanon that Saint is actually just Sliver, because it fits really neatly into both canon and non-canon imo
like, challenge 70 isnt actually canon, but it's awesome to imagine that the battle was actually symbolism for Saint fully abandoning their previous life as Sliver, to instead become... well, the Saint they are
and then of course, Rubicon. since Saint ascends Sliver in challenge 70, even though it's not canon, it gets you thinking. because when you ascend Pebbles or Moon, they're in the Rubicon chamber, but not Sliver. so I like to think that Sliver's not there because Sliver isn't Sliver anymore, she's Saint now
OH I think I had a post about the exact same thing yes!!! Love LOOOVE your analysis. It’s probably very clear I’m a sucker for those.
I am incredibly affectionate for the idea that challenge 70 is symbolic. It’s… hard to let go of who you were and it being a pretty difficult battle is just good to me. It’s Saints final challenge and all that!
You also bring up the point of the little room Saint goes to lacking Sliver which aa! I don’t think every iterator that ends up there would share that room? (I don’t think sliver is in the void either she’s gone, she’s saint). I think Pebbles and Moon do, because they are in one way or another connected! They share a dream.
I’d like to think you can share a dream with whoever you want though. The robots deserve a happy ending after all.
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royaltea000 · 10 days
How (if at all) has Temp changed after the whole "being burned at the stake because the french were salty" deal
Well for one I think he has a big fear of fire now naturally and (I forget to draw this constantly but) burn scars over half of his body not just on his face. He’s kinda self conscious about em and has his bad confidence days but he’s learning how to love himself more these days and it’s getting better :)
I also wanna go the really angsty route and say that because of the smoke inhalation damage to his lungs - he can’t sing beautifully like he used to and even his speaking voice is raspier and a bit quiet now
He and France are very cold and barely civil to each other now - everyone knows not to leave those two in a room together alone. More often than not Gil ends up being the default mediator between em lol
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shan-helsing · 11 months
need an episode in s5 w laz finding like. a long lost twin of sean or some RIDICULOUS fucking thing where laz isnt DIRECTLY snogging sean. and sean is so fucking oblivious about it, like laz is kissing a guy who looks EXACTLY LIKE YOU BRO. PIECE IT TOGETHER.
the whole scandal probably ends with sean being hypnotised to forget again. but it's funny to think that sean is immune to hypnosis like guillermo after the one billion hypnosises that the vamps did to him.
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
(psssst) Can we hope to see some Naruto pairings in "Ghibli edition" (crossover) ? OwO
Ooh I don't know... Can we?? >:3c
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thxnks4themrms · 2 months
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ratislatis · 1 year
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"a tribe of cats" like warrior cats. its a mind palace series. they destroyed my 13-year-old warrior cats obsession
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lupon · 2 years
I really want to know the story behind Wills sombrero
Did he find it in some second hand store?
Did he win it at the fair?
Was it a gift from someone?
Did he need it for a prank?
Was it for a costume?
Or was it just because he's a silly little guy?
Did his friends ever wear it?
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neechees · 1 year
How about a native woman and her Egyptian husband? I’d like this.
That would be good as well :)
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Do you wanna be in the dress or the mask
the mask
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zinofghast · 25 days
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almost summer whoopee
- check reblogs for colored ver
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hon3ym1lktea · 2 years
I think. Sometime in the next few days ill make art and actually post it.
Like. Idk. Try to experiment and stuff. Im not gonna post much fanart because ive got permanent OC brain all the time but its ok because ill make fuckin uhhh
Tags for that. Put in...the names and stuff.
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shkika · 10 months
I was wondering, did you ever say anything about vultures and miros birds ? I can't find any post of yours about it
No because they are very weird (and horrifying for the miros birds) creatures. While it's assumed most everything you see in rainworld is a purposed organism descendant, it's never that OBVIOUS. Vultures having their uh... Weird jetpack thing so they can fly. And Miros Birds have metallic legs and I believe a metallic beak?
And like. Since it's been around a hundred of what I believe are years, I doubt those are from the time the Ancients were alive. But they can't be descendants, since they can't just... Be born with jetpacks and metal legs (also i hardly see Miros Birds reproducing, they seem driven by an urge to murder (can you tell i don't like Miros Birds much ?)) So would that mean an iterator created those ?
I always assumed Five Pebbles created the Miros Birds (because they seem to have been made very... rushed ? it feels like birds who got slapped on a metal beak and metal legs forcefully (which is why they're horrifying to me) and because it doesn't feel that ooc for him to create an ANTI LIFE PURPOSED ORGANISM) but apparently he has a line about them being horrible things (which is true but weird to say if you created them specifically to be those horrible things) so maybe I was wrong about that?
But the who is the freak modifying birds to kill me (and everything else that lives) ?! Also why are vultures coming when they see the light of a vulture grub ? HOW DOES ONE FUSE A VULTURE AND A MIROS BIRD IS THERE A CRAZY ITERATOR WHO'S HOBBY IS CREATING ATROCITIES OR ARE THEY REPRODUCING AND BEING BORN WITH METAL PARTS ?!
So many questions... And no answer...
(sorry for starting to ramble in your askbox i'm a world building nerd and i love the rainworld creatures but on my way to find each one's purpose i realized how weird the birdies were and you are my lore/world building reference,,)
There are a bunch of obviously unnatural animals in rain world!
The cyan lizards move around like little jets with teeth and pop like balloons.. aside the robotic noises. The leviathans have an actual hydraulic press as a mouth, centipedes are living capacitors and so on.
Let's discuss vultures and Miros Birds individually!
I am very confident in saying that Pebbles did not make them!
They are made to be scary and very very aggressive, because they are actually guards and server a very important role. Take a look what Pebbles has to say!
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The Memory Crypts are a burial ground that is very very sacred so I imagine all Miros creatures were created to protect the place. They are deaf, but have crazy good sight which is perfect for the long linear stretch of the Memory Crypts.
I can only assume Miros vultures aren't much different. Extremely aggressive guards.
As for normal vultures I'd assume perhaps they are there to monitor the surface creature populations. Maybe even carry goods around?
I believe they are also killers, because of the way they were made capable to move on land and squeeze through impressively small places to catch prey. They also have a mask system which tells them not to kill each other!
Not to mention king cultures are basically normal vultures, but even better hunters. It'd be interesting to imagine those things living in flocks perhaps.. with kind being either leaders or a completely separate lone species.
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saetoru · 2 years
sometimes i wanna use a new color besides my gray for all my writing layouts but i get nervous with the commitment SOBSOB
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