#thats just a theory. a mia theory.
lesbianspeedy · 7 months
anyways. thinking always about mia never wearing a skirt or dress again after her first issue.
thinking about her almost always having her hair in a ponytail after her first issue. (and the few times she doesn't, its when shes at home and particularly stressed out. when ollie was lying to her about joanna, after her diagnosis, after red hood. this was all on purpose to ME)
thinking about her fingernails, painted black in her first issue, being painted pink or red every issue after
thinking about her in her crop tops and cargo pants. in pink shirts and jeans. in jackets and sneakers and too-big tees and pyjamas. in the safety of wearing clothes for no one but herself
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autismprotocol · 3 months
TMAGP Theory Board (Episode 8-9)
Hi guys sorry about the missed week of theory crafting my schoolwork has been extra demanding and I haven't been able to get around to updating the board until now so here's the updated board
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Episode 8 especially was insane so I'm gonna break the episode breakdown into two sections.
What Happened in Episode 8: Running On Empty
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New Norris Statement! it's been a while since we heard from our buddy and he did not disappoint. though there's not much to say story-wise this was just a cool incident report I loved the way they described the Lonely as a constantly hungry entity. I also noticed that the pattern of Norris's statements having to do with lost love continues to be true. it's much more subtle than his previous two incidents but the statement giver does mention losing his wife because of divorce. which I believe still follows the pattern I've theorized is taking place. 
Something up with Alice. She seems more depressed and serious than she usually is in this episode. (through episode 9 I think I know why but I'll get to that later. I don't believe she is completely in the dark like some of the newer employees and after hearing about Gwen's promotion she is getting suspicious. we have yet to know if Alice knows what's happening. but her behavior in this episode might give us a hint about how naive she actually is.
Colin is Absent. After his freakout in EP 7, Colin is MIA. according to Lena, he's on a mental health break but I would not be surprised if that is a lie.
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Gerry and Gertrude are Alive!! Probably the most exciting development in this episode was meeting an alive Gerry Keay and Gertrude Robison. Sam is on the hunt for info about the Magnus Institute after the emails Jon has been sending him and he and Celia end up meeting Gerry who in this universe is considerably more happy and lives with Gertrude. I'm interested to know what role Gertrude plays in this universe is she at all connected to the Institute? I definitely think something is up with her because of the way she tries to deflect Sam's question to Gerry.
Celia Lore. after the meeting with Gerry leads to a dead end for Sam, Celia asks him to help her with her mystery. "I'm trying to look into... Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation" More proof for this Celia being from from Archives. why else would she be looking into other dimensions specifically if she wasn't trying to figure out what happened at the Panopticon. (Remember as far as we know Celia before the change in Archives was just a normal person she had no connection to the entities or the Institute.) when Sam asks, she says it's for her friend's podcast but I think she's lying. or not telling the full truth.
Georgie Barker Perhaps? speaking of the friend. our last reveal of the episode is Georgie in protocol. I don't think she is from Archives because Georgie appears after Jons's sacrifice in MAG 200. 
And thats it for episode 8 so im gonna move on to Episode 9
What happened in Episode 9: Rolling With It
Sam is back to filling out onboarding paperwork but the questions on it are strange. asking about past traumas, how many dead things you've seen recently, and the infamous question why? similar types of questions that appear in TMA job interviews.
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A Magnus Statement!?! After Celia tells Sam she can't find anything at the Magnus Institute Sam considers cutting his losses and letting it go. But then Chester without any prompting begins reading a Magnus statement incident to Sam. I still believe Chester is Jon and he acts as a mentor to Sam trying to keep him safe by providing him with bits of the answers he's looking for. (this way Sam won't be in danger of looking for answers elsewhere and maybe he won't be targeted by this unknown force that had killed RedCanary and driven Colin to extreme paranoia.) the statement reveals that the institute collected and stored artifacts much like the Institute in Archives. 
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What's the deal with the Institute? the statement Chester shares this episode is pretty standard Magnus stuff, magic fear dice is just another Thursday for TMAG enjoyers. but what I found most interesting was the pre-statement info. What does this viability survey mean? viable for what? I and my roommate have a kind of joke theory that the Institute in this universe is a hub for training and creating new avatars but now I'm starting to think this might actually be the case. I think they are looking for people who have the potential to become avatars as subjects. for the agents, they might be employing avatars to work for the institute and the catalyst has to be finding an avatar that can complete the ritual and bring the Change. The unknown statement giver in this episode can't be a subject because they are already claimed by a power from the dice (still unsure what power it is ) they have low potential to become an agent because based on the end of the statement they now want nothing to do with the dice stepping away from their identity as a fear avatar and then dying. and for some reason, the institute must see some potential that this individual can serve as a catalyst for the ritual. I'm hopeful we'll get another avatar statement and maybe we can revisit this Viability survey again 
Gwen's First assignment. Gwen gets her first Liason assignment and it has brought up a major player from the protocol ARG. Mr Bonzo is this weird mascot character that showed up multiple times in the ARG that was launched back in the fall of 2023. Gwen is tasked with delivering an envelope with a name and address to Nigel Dickerson someone who according to Gwen is known for Mr. Bonzo. Basically, I have no idea where this is going but I definitely think it must be important. 
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Poor Alice. Alice meets with Teddy to catch up. Nothing story significant happens here but we do learn that maybe Alice still harbors some romantic feelings towards Sam.
The Ruins. After her conversation with Teddy Alice is approached by Sam with a request. He wants to go to the old Magnus Institute ruins and wants Alice to come with him. This is definitely a bad idea but she agrees and that's where we leave off
and thats it for now. The story is getting so good and I'm already attached to all the characters so im terrified to see what Sam and alice dig up at the ruins (Sam clearly didn't heed the warning of the RedCanary)
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static-valkyrie · 5 months
Okay, okay, Hazbin Hotel thoughts from episode six:
What if the reason Alastor hates Lucifer is Because he's on Lilith's leash?
We don't know what happened during the seven years they've both been MIA, so we don't know what's happened, but the obvious implication is that they're connected. Add in Husk's comment about Alastor's leash and Bam, we have a very clear very likely connection.
Next we have little hints: Lucifer and Lilith are no longer together, we don't know why or what their relationship is like, but we can probably presume it's not good. So, while she's away, Lilith acquires Alastor, and at the point of the Pilot orders him to help her daughter.
Also note that Alastor showed up in the Pilot Right After Charlie tried calling her Mom for support.
Hence why Alastor is even willing to participate in this thing he doesn't believe in. It's begrudgingly at first, by this point he's getting kind of attached in his own way, but I bet it was initially an order.
Then Charlie calls her Dad for help. And for some reason Lucifer is the Only person we've seen Force Alastor to break composure. He's had slips before, but never Breaks(aside from the confrontation with Husk which is also probably relatw imo). Alastor is trying to get under his skin (and succeeding lol) but we have no clue why this is the only being that has caused this kind of reaction from him.
Idk, thats just my theory
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lightleckrereins · 3 months
Have you heard the news? Apparently Hannah said on tiktok they are reusing old costumes. She is orange, Naomi is teal and Gabriella is silver because an existing pink doesn’t fit her and I guess they don’t want to go look at the black ones :/
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First of all so sorry for going MIA for two weeks in the middle of peak six chaos time. Life got crazy (read been drowning in work, working like crazy in cosplay for a contest and battling a bad cold all at once).
Second I'm throwing this all together because answers overlap.
For once I actually saw the bits of the live(s) everyone is talking about. The things we know for a fact are: current WE alts will wear alt costumes made for previous alts for their second covers, those costumes have been altered to fit them (to quote Hannah) properly, Hannah will wear orange, Naomi will wear teal and since there wasnt an alt costume that fit Gabriella well enough she will be wearing a silver swing costume.
Six has a very long history of reusing costumes (I really need to make part two of that post). And the reason is generally obvious: debuted earlier than expected, no time to make a new costume, only wearing it for a very short period of time, fits well enough to wear full time, etc. Giving new life to costumes that were worn for only a handful of times, are in great condition and fit is a really good reason. We have been saying alts wearing altered costumes was a possibility since cast change. And at one point things pointed to them having different ones as a sort of emergency backup (orange for Naomi and pink for Hannah).
It is a good plan.
As for what they are getting and why. All black costumes have been worn by queens that had only black and for long periods of time so those are likely all too broken down and retired. It is the same case for silver but those have a stronger construction and the way Hannah phrased it says they tried all alt costumes before considering silver. I don't think they aimed for having different colors for all of them since second covers are meant to be for emergencies only and in theory who goes on for what character could be moved around to avoid duplicates (we know there will be shows with duplicates because this is six but that is not the plan). So Gabriella could have ended up with teal/orange/pink its just that nothing fit well enough.
And why do I keep saying "fit well enough"? Because I think they are aiming for a post lockdown AUS situation. They got a great mix of Zara's costume being a perfect fit for Cristina, Chiara inheriting Ella's costumes and despite not wearing the pants outside of promos and tech the top and shorts were a great fit, and Madeline wearing a slightly altered version of Jen's teal costume. On all three cases there are small signs that the costumes weren't made for them but you need to look very closely at photos to notice which means it wasn't visible from the audience. And I think thats what will happen with the WE alts. Costume team would have gone through the full costume stock to find what fits best with some alteration. We will definitely look at every milimeter of those costumes to search for the alteration points. But the audience won't know someone has two holes of net less or a new waistband and thats what matters.
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sewagedrowning · 1 year
Cults, apocalypse, and death - chainsawman theorycrafting
This I'd not a yoshida = death devil theory I promise
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-Notes - Must read
-Organization? Thats kinda sus.
-Y2K is back in style!?
-Yoshida p1
-Death doesn't knock
-Yoshida p2, Fake saw edition
Important notes :
- this was made BEFORE 121
-Im referring to death as they for this. Though I think they will be female for a few reasons that matter for the story.
-This theory has 2 split sections when it comes to the orginization mostly because the end point is the same either way. But it's still different.
-Also, apologies if this is messy. It's my first full meta, and its gathered by rants I had with my brother. And I lost the draft for this.. 2 times so.
A lot of this theory is riding off of this one ; please give it a read. By u/domilea
To summarize, though. All 4 horsemen desire a specific type of love. Conquest desires familial connection, War desires romantic love. Famine desires self-love, and death desires the love of humanity. These desires tie in directly to there powers, while they feed off of fears. They also feed off secondary emotions, being the ones santa listed as the only emotions a human needs.
Conquest - Worship, controls those below her. She desires familial love, something between equals, which by nature she couldn't have due to her need to be above.
War - Guilt, weaponizes this feeling by using objects or people. She desires Love, or romantic affection.
Famine - Admiration, Gives humans power without being paid for the contract, Wants to be able to love herself without external validation.
Death - Pity, Powers unknown, their our mantle piece for this post so we will get to them. Later
So this theory serves to answers a few things
-Yoshida : Who is he, what does he want, what does his organization want?
-Death : who are they, what do they want.
- fakesawman (impostor for short purposes) - who are they what do they want.
Yoshidas is a weird guy. In his return in part 2, he reintroduces himself, stating how he's a part of an organization tasked with protecting denjis identity. Also, he would be creepily stating he would use force if he needed to. Following that conversation, he seemingly stalks denji and tries to set him up with Asa to no avail.
In part 1 he also remarks on being a 3rd rate devil hunter although he's quirky corrected by kishibe as being overly humble. He also says being hit by quanxi later on would kill him. But this is seemingly untrue.
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He comes off as dishonest at best and incredibly fake at worst. It's almost similar to makima but somehow even more mysterious.
And of course, the odd mention of death later in the aquarium.
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I say odd because besides makima, yoru, and Kiga. Nobody has mentioned a primordial fear, let alone a horseman. We could just play this off as a weird coincidence, though. Besides that, mentioning chainsaw mans erasure ability is incredibly strange. He would have had to learn this from somewhere. It's not easily available information. But even then, I doubt he was told by kishibe despite being public safety. Sense kishibe is both MIA and not one to readily give up information. So where else did he get it?
Like mentioned earlier. He brinng up this mystery group while on his date with denji. And that their not evil, quote the contrary, as they want denji to live a peaceful life. As such, keep his identity a secret. Which is odd sense they seemingly dont really connect. Even if denji revealed his identity to the world, what would that change? People after chainsawmans heart were able to hunt him down easily before. Knowing his name and face wouldn't change all that much beyond make his life more of a hassle. But why do they care?
I believe that the organization doesn't care. Not about denji specfically anyway. dont even think the organization is as big or organized as yoshidas claiming. To being able to slip under public safetys nose, especially makima's, is strange. If they were a segment of public safety or the government, Im unsure why they would stay hidden up to now. Especially as during international assasians, their goals would have aligned. That is assuming that this group wasnt formed between parts 1 and 2 which seems impossible as it's only been a few months at best.
So, I dont think this group actually seeks to help denji. Rather somethings in it for them. Denji revealing his identity would be actively harmful to them or whatever they seek to do.
So, what would denji's reveal cause beyond denjis hope for fame?
Route 1 . Or the simple one
The organization is run by kishibe and allies to prevent a makima esk situation from ever occurring again. Specfically the prevention of the apocalypse Denji revealing his identity would fuck this up as it would give and potential horsemen a path right to chainsawman.
Route 2. The complicated, long one.
It would demolish public fear for starters. Alot of chainsawmans current fear is backed on the worry's and fear of the what if's surrounding his identity. The rumors, the lies, the damage hes capable of. Learning hes some high school boy, makes him a whole less scary.
Theres 3 other reasons I think organization wants denjis identity secret
1.) Keep chainsawman in his current power strength for.. Something.
2.) the fear of chainsawman is fueling something else. Its not a reach to say devils in similar veins are fueled by the same general fear (bomb & nuclear bombs, Katana & knife, Spider & bug).
We know chainsawman was quite the icon in hell, having his own followers in hell. And seemingly now in the real world within the student council. Yoshida himself also refers to himself as a fan while talking to asa.
I believe this mystery orginization are also fans. Real followers of him, in the same way makima idolized him, and adored him to obsession. While makima wanted him for her own goals, I believe this group truly idolizes him. And like the followers from Hell and makima, they want to start the day of reckoning
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What the fuck is the day of reckoning?
The apocalypse
The details of how to do this are murky. But from makimas attempt we can tell you need chainsawman, specfically his heart I assume and his angels. I think a third requirment exists though.
The precense of the apocalypse. Fuji has alreayd repedebly touched on the horsemen so its logical to assume at some point they will start the apocalypse. Especially sense our heroine of the part seeks to retrieve the nuclear war devil and wage a war.
For this day of reckoning It would make sense for a horsemen, or multiple to be present. The more the worse the apocalyptic event. Sense each horsemen simply represents a "factor" of the end. Which also makes me think them coming together is the apocalypse itself, or the trigger. Who knows.
That's brings reason 3.) For keeping denjis identity "secret" they want to use him as bait. Bait to draw the horsemen out and together. Making the hunt less difficult.
If we refrence the bible, as chainsawman has done on multiple occasions ; Before the Last Judgment, all will be resurrected. Those who were in purgatory will have already been purged, meaning they would have already been released into heaven, and so like those in heaven and hell will resurrect with their bodies.
So id assume doing this would, literally, open the door to hell and revive the devils from hell, causing a ammerganion, judgment day-esk situation
Ironically enough if we look at a timeline
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(U/SkinFlower on reddit for the visual) part 2 is placed,, just in time for Y2K. A historic event I doubt fujimoto would look over. Meaning fear over the apocalypse. The end. *death* would be at a drastic increase only getting worse over time. Possibly making death at their strongest state. And, with 3/4 horsemen already on earth in close proximity. What would be a better time to start the apocalypse.
But I hear you. What kind of seemingly humans would want to start the apocalypse? Simple. A group that believes that doing so would be virtuous. Or benefit them and the rest of humanity. A doomsday cult-esk situation in which they believe doing so would 'assend' them or bring them to their God. Or I suppose in this situation their hero. And by relation death. I'll explain further, but first;
It seems the popular theory at the moment is that yoshida is death. I initially agreed, sense this theory in particular has been in the works sense,, around the fight with yuko. But as I sat down to write it l down and time passed. I found it not adding up both from a meta perspective and in universe
1.)It wouldnt make sense motivation wise. Protecting denjis identity. Suggesting denji eating him. Keeping tabs on denji. Its confusing if he is death. What would he be gaining from it?
2.)His powers wouldn't make much sense. Octopi don't have any sort of connotations with death particularly. And so far powers have been sticking very closely to their theme.
3.) Makima not recognizing him and requesting him is weird. While this could go both ways (requesting because she knows he's death) I doubt it.
4.)The earrings is a lackadaisical argument. Majority of characters in CSM have some sort of earrings.
5.)"He looked at famine" This is one of the comments that holds more weight but I don't think he knows her because there siblings or something. Family didnt seem to know him either.
6.)Death has never died, Obviously. If they are indeed a primordial fear anyways. They would have to be in hell currently.
7.) It would be painfully obvious. Fuji's not always one for subtly but its almost so obvious I think its just a red herring.
Death Doesn't knock
I believe death and pochita use to be friends or allies of some sort. It would make sense. Death would benefit directly from the fear caused by pochitas chaos. And I guess at some point they had a falling out. To keep the religious themes going fuji seems fond of. think Lucifer & God's situation. Kicking off the battle between the horsemen and the hero of hell.
Its been a while but lets recall that death's emotion is pity(one of the only emotions a human can have, symbolized by a dead fox according to santa.) One from watching humanity suffer, A suffering that can only end in death And she depends on their suffering to live. What a conflicting dilema. And despite Their apparent rivarly. Imagine death's opinion on a being like themself who also cannot die yet still suffers? And despite this pity and love, empathy for humanity and others. death cannot be with humanity without harming them. She cannot comfort them. She can never express her love without fear. Instead their stuck watching this continous cycle of death and suffering around them. Especially in their own sisters. Atleast famine and Yoru considered them family(despite makima & yorus apparent grudge). Unlike death, Makima Yoru and Kiga CAN die and be on earth for who knoes how long, leaving death behind until they return and are killed in hell again. Over and over. Unable to help. Unable to do anything. Trapped in hell forever. That would drive anyone crazy don't you think?
If death wishes to end suffering, there would be a way for death to both end human suffering and their own lonely existence. Start the apocalypse, end humanitys suffering by killing them all, death included. And end the cycle once and for all.
Or forcing chainsawman to eat her and her sisters without killing humanity. Forcing them to be cursed with immortality. Both work. The reason I'm more hesitant on this option, however, is it's repetitve with makimas' original goal.
The method to do this would be to gather her sisters up, fight chainsawman, take his heart, And then start the apocalypse.
To do this, death used a proxy on earth. As far as we can tell, hell, the devil can go back and forth between hell and earth. And seemingly works with the darkness devil. So I don't see why death couldn't. The reason for them not going themself, of course, is poor timing. Similar to gun devil, death being on earth would be call for disaster. Which isnt quite the goal.
So, using a proxy death aimed to gather followers of chainsawman, if it's route 2. convicing them of the plan and how it would allow them to be with their "hero". (Or immortality. )And have them gather everything needed. Including; their sisters
Or if the group is akin to route 1. It's similar. Just them being more mislead then anything.
This plan, and them being the cults "leader" would explain yoshida making terms with death. But wait.. How are they even communicating with death if their still in hell? As seen with the hell devil, such is possible with a contract. So what contract?
Contracts and such
Enter the eldritch, chaos, unknown, or lovecraftian devil. Pick your poison. It doesn't matter really. Or what I believe to be yoshidas real contract.
Chainsawman is a very inherently lovecraftian story. something i want to write about later. But i think yoshida being contracted with the "eldritch" devil of sorts makes sense. Specfically one based on nyaelathotep, a devil worshipped by the orginization mentioned previously, or one that is captured.
Nya is described as so ;
tall swarthy man
Nyarlathotep as "evilly intelligent
nocturnal, tentacled, bat-winged monster
Nyarlathotep seems to serve these cults and take care of the deities' affairs in their absence
Aswell as a shapeshifter (depending on who is telling the story.)
Sound familair?
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Within lovecrafts works Nyarlathotep serve the cults of the outergods take care of the deities' affairs in their absence. More or less serving as their messenger, or, a spy.
Beyond amusment or wanting to assist one of the horsemen as one of their "allies" (similar to wars weapons) Yoshida could have also contracted them via a ritual of sorts
Or them simplying liking him for one reason or another (which seems more likely by the way yoshisa uses them freely)
Basically being death's proxy would also make the "evidence" of him being death still make sense.
Yoshida part 2 : Imposter amongus
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While preventing chainsawman from getting axed by one of our apocolyptic femne fatales I think yoshida has a secondary goal is to find the horsemen and keep a eye on them once they revealed themselves
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Putting himself as our antagonist (for now.) A mirror of makima for asa. As hes directly in the way of asa and yorus goals. As I mentioned earlier though, I don't think he's actually an 'antagonist'. To yoru and asa? Maybe. Especially if we continue the theming of shadowing part 1 with its arcs (prolouge, bat, eternity).
But to denji, no. Even if the organization turns out as crazy as I expect. Like I said, I think he's morally gray. And I don't think he's being entirely dishonest, despite how apathetic and untrustworthy he tends to come off. And like apathetic morally gray anti-heros tend to be ; he is probably our fakesawman
Yea that came out of nowhere didnt it.
Referring back to the contract theory, hypothetically it should allow him to shapeshift and even if that's wrong. Octopus are famous for camo anyway. It would also explain why is arms are bleeding. Because hes simply mimicing. Its not actually his power. But why would he do this, Simple. Vigilante justice to keep the public (and devils) afraid and on their toes while giving denji down time. Especially if he's apart a group that believes they are upholding some sort of delusional "justice".
-It could also be that yuko was a active threat. To both denjis "peaceful life" and denjis identity.
-It could also be something against justice specfically. Beyond his own personal seemingly lack of morals (in part 1 claiming he didn't care about what happened as long as he was paid.) It could also be that justice stands in his and the organizations way. Causing chaos around the school in a possible attempt to lure out chainsawman. Which could hold more weight if they are indeed working with famine.
-It could also be to rile asa up. Get her to slip up as the war devil so he can confirm her identity. Or get her on his side of taking his heart.
I dont think yoshida is telling the truth fully. And think his story runs alot deeper than we think. Especially the orginization also dont think the theme of apocalypse, war, and csm timeline is a coincidence.
I really like part 2 and I can't wait to see how it progresses.
Death is a running trend in chainsawman obviously, In universe its everywhere. And theres a running theme on how people deal with death. How people grieve.
What they will do to forget,
run away,
Ignore it.
Maybe you can rehabilite the other horsemen like nayuta. But death can not be changed. And what is humanity without death? Its apart of life. Santa asked denji a question that stayed unawnsered. Can you imagine living with death constantly stalking you? Well, he kinda has. This makes confronting death a very interesting dilemma, and her a very interesting antagonist for him to face. Sense the only solution is directly facing them. And even then, I dont think their the final boss. Because sometimes, there are things that are scarier than death.
Or maybe I just need to listen to the song.
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addicsvt · 3 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny!!!!
ty anon for asking <333 and sorry to all the moots i missed 😭😭
@welcometomyoasis shu + jeonghan def something like fated soulmates? invisible string theory kinda thing! Like you bump into him once and suddenly you start seeing him everywhere! or like an online best friend you meet accidentally while going on vacation.
@kikohao mia + minghao!!!! omg def like bestfriends to lovers. like one day ur going ice skating with him or something (spoiler to an upcoming fic 😈) or like your walking in the park when he confesses to you so randomly??? and thats so unlike minghao you think that he's joking but he's not.
@jeonghansshitester i feel so bad for not knowing your name 😭😭😭but you + jeonghan! like you both are drinking together and he confesses that he likes you, and you kinda just go a with the high? and the day after he's suddenly your boyfriend now
@haecien cien + minghao strangers to lover trop def!!! you and minghao would be green-tea drinking buddies?? HELP like you randomly meet at an artwork shop one day and he compliments your drawing, you both exchange numbers and start talking a whole bunch and you both end up confessing during one of the sessions?!?
@amxlia-stars amelia + joshua childhood bestfriends trope!! you and shua promised to marry each other in kindergarten, forgot about it and continued as friends until highschool when he suddenly brought it up and now your both dedicated to finishing that promise.
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twopoppies · 1 year
just a random thought but I see all these people tweeting about how in 2023 they’ll be a friendship’ narrative and they’ll be seen together as part of the seeding. (Feel like this ‘theory’ floats about every year) and I’m like, yeah that ain’t happening anytime soon and tbh thats ok.
H & L seem like they want to remain quite private anyway. Like I’ve seen others say, I think a lot of these ‘Larry moments’ in 2022 were more little gestures for each other than for fans. I don’t know why any of the boys not publicly acknowledging each other means they’re sworn enemies. We knew Niall saw Louis at Glastonbury due to a fan pic, but Niall never posted a selfie with Louis in his Instagram posts he does every month. He KNEW posting something like that would cause engagement and hype and his likes would probably be through the roof but he didn’t, almost like we weren’t meant to know they hung out. Same with Lou and Harry. Think of all the times they’ve been Mia together and would have hung out. Their mannerisms and gestures these past few years are too creepy for them not to have been in each others lives still, regardless of whether people believe they’re together romantically or not. I’ve always hated this enemies narrative, it just seems like a lazy take but 🤷‍♀️
Yeah. The enemies narrative was stupid af. But it worked to turn fans against larries. Which was a big part of what 1DHQ wanted.
And yeah, that friendship narrative theory is… not happening. I just don’t think either of them is interested, at this stage, in some big public coming out.
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viralvava · 1 year
To reciprocate, a four-whammy: Hector, Isaac, Barok and Klimt for the character bingo <3 (and Isaactor if you want to lmao)
oh wow another four whammy. luckily for you im physically incapable of shutting up
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first of all, hector! he is very neat! in a similar category for me as sypha i think, which is "very awesome but i dont think about them too hard" however i have read all your thoughts on him and they are also cool so i will label him Good Character. no need to explain lack of fandom trust on the cod boys (thats what flanderisation is for also, netflix)
i find funny the idea of him being sort of like trevors unwilling sidekick in dynamic, forcibly added to the friend group after curse of darkness and sadly unable to escape 😔
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isaac! i also dont think about him very hard but he is a fun villain and hilariously down bad for dracula so definitely carrying the underrated cv villain scene. also he sweeps netflix isaac, obviously. what a chad tbh i can get behind an unapologetic manwhore of such a calibre
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barok... i STILL need to replay tgaa but barok is so fucking cool!! hes tied with godot for my favourite prosecutor (godot being my favourite main series aa character) and i love his silly ass courtroom animations... also I LOVE FLAWED CHARACTERS YES KING BE OBVIOUSLY IMPERFECT AND IN NEED OF SELF-IMPROVEMENT GO GET THAT CHARACTER ARC!!! literally did nothing wrong except for all the racism ig but once again WOOO FLAWED CHARACTERS
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KLIMT YAAAAY I LOVE KLIMT HES MY FAVOURITE TGAA CHARACTER (she says about the character who died 10 years before the games and has only implications, words from others and a will for his personality). i love him so much hes such a failgirl i think he deserved to commit even more murder honestly. also the fact that everyone was completely willing to believe he fucking ate a ring just straight up. how obviously insane was he. how bad was he at acting like he wasnt violently unstable... also my soft spot for prequel generation tier characters helps place him high in my books (you know, like mia and diego / girouette mmzx / etc etc, that kind of character)
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isaactor i dont have many thoughts on that could go in the bingo so i straight up just did isaac/trevor instead. im sorry
ISAAC/TREVOR not actually something i ship, because i instead prefer to use all of the material to further my trevor angst agenda (im simply built different u know). BUT i can absolutely see why people like it + the obvious implications for it, + maybe if i read it and it was well written i would get on board...
- hot in theory is a question mark because im not actually attracted to men but i can see why someone who is would find it hot, hypothetically?
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marunalu · 2 years
Okay time for a crack theory. Like everyone else Im wondering where izuku is and why it takes him so long to arrive in ua. The last time we saw him, he was flying over the pacific ocean back to ua. This alone takes more then enough time already, but we also saw a group of unknown objects flying towards izuku. 5 dots if Im not mistaken.
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To be fair, its not clear if these people are friends or foes. But it says "a mysterious THREAT draws near" so that sounds clearly more like enemies. Also izuku seems more alarmed then surprised.
So lets say for a moment these approching dots are afos minions or maybe even high end nomous, then its certainly no wonder why izuku hasnt arrived yet. If these are 5 high end nomous, then that means big trouble even for izuku! And now here comes my crack theory. There is an other character we havent seen for a long time: kurogiri!
Kurogiri was last seen as a prisoner in tartarus, but after the jailbreak all the people inside managed to escape, but we have ZERO information of kurogiris whereabouts, so what if afo took him with him. Because I really cant see afo just leaving kurogiri in tartarus, he is far to useful. And we know afo escaped inside a helicopter holding a tartarus guard hostage. So its absolutely possible that he took kurogiri with him (I mean, afo even did took his own chair with him).
So what if, one of these dots is kurogiri or he just can wrap himself there and the dots are someone else and he kidnapps izuku?! And thats why izuku is still mia right now! Because he was already wraped somewhere else?
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alarrytale · 8 months
Thats the thing. There is no larry blog that claims all they have are facts. They all say that in their opinion this happened or that but they don't attest to it being a fact. Gabi and Amy always said everyone can choose what to believe because neither Amy nor Gabi could prove it was definately a fact. Gabi had the most extensive archive on all things larrie on her tellmethisisnotlove blog. Those who claimed they had facts like Angela - later said they lied about it and left fandom.
Hi, anon!
Exactly, we don’t all agree on all the facts. And some facts are more important to some, and the same ones are less important to others. We put different weights and importance on the facts. But summed up, there are enough facts for every larrie to support the theory that larry is real. There are also facts that everyone agrees on, some even antis have to admit are facts. Here are some indisputable facts;
the fact that harry and louis have complimentary tattoos
the fact that h and l used to live together in princess park
the fact that h and l saw ed sheeran play in manchester and louis got a lyric saying 'we saw ed in manchester, i held you while he played'.
the fact that harry said louis was his first real crush and that he said gender is 'not that important' when asked what he looks for in a partner.
the fact that louis tweeted always in my heart harrystyles.
the fact that bearding and pr relationships exists in hollywood as a mean to closet and promote celebrities.
the fact that h and l both have a tendency to go mia at the same time, when they are in the same country.
the fact that there are hundreds of rumours about them being a couple.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, but all these things are just facts. No one can disagree on these facts. However, how you interpret these facts, can vary.
Here are some facts that some take as facts, but others (mostly antis) don't:
louis singing 'i love him, i hate it' in bty in his last few shows.
harry wearing louis' umbro jumper for the second time
h and l was behind rbb and sbb and was able to speak through them, educate fans on lgbtq+ history and closeting, forshadowing stunts to soften the blow for fans.
Here are some facts that larries disagree on:
louis speaking through his t-shirts and skulls forshadowing stunts.
Bluegreening from h and l
song lyrics and what they mean
In this last category i don't care if you believe everything or nothing. It really doesn’t matter. I doesn't change the existance of any of the other facts. There is way too much plausible deniability to ever state any of it as a confirmed fact either way. It holds less value as a fact, than the other facts, even if it's true.
Some people claim to have actual proof of larry being real (have seen them being affectionate together in person). Some of these stories checks out (speaking for myself here). But even if we got new information, and some of these facts turn out to not be facts after all, there are still too many other facts proving the theory that larry is real. The base of facts our theory leans on is just too strong.
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witchlightsands · 2 years
vampire academy theories
i have so many thoughts all of the time. book spoilers ahead because i’m basing a little bit of my theorizing over how they may incorporate the book’s storyline. spoilers up to episode 5, the most recent one as of writing this
1) I don’t think victor is going to be evil. They’re working extremely hard to make him a sympathetic character, and its shown he cares for Sonya and for Lissa- I doubt he would allow Lissa to heal him, knowing how important she is to balance in the council, since we know he wont let sonya do it. i also think it would be bad form for peacock to purposefully cast victor as a gay black man and write him as a strong positive influence only to go SIKE BITCHES. that would make me sad.
2) i think jesse is going to turn into a strigoi. his presence wasn’t very important in the books, and thus he’s replaceable or set for a storyline change. he’s also been shown to have a fascination with drinking blood in a way thats different from the other moroi characters, for whom its just part of life, but jesse actively enjoys it and seeks it out, with silver and harassing meredith. i also think the scene of him and silver in the car was very tense in a way that a sex scene wouldn’t necessitate, so i think he’s going to end up killing her and turning strigoi. also silver is a sex worker in a semi mainstream media this woman is not going to get to live and silver sweetie i am so sorry.
3) i think in the next few episodes, sonya is going to try to bring back mikhail- i think she’ll be so full of grief and darkness that she’ll seek him out and try to bring him back, and only succeed at bringing him back to life as a strigoi. since we as an audience know that strigoi have consciousness and attachment to their still living loved ones, its possible he will then turn her, or her grief and the influence of spirit will end up causing her to turn strigoi to be with him and make the darkness stop.
4) i think the season finale will be rose and lissa running away from the academy, instead of being at the beginning. here, we have a glimpse of what their life was like before the book, mixed in with some of the book’s plotline, and they’re setting it up to be stressful and awful, like how it was supposed to be right before they left. i think the show is doing this for pacing and interest reasons, since its more interesting to watch characters in a magic world than not, but near the end of the season something will inspire a book-like run away sequence, and lissa and rose will flee.
5) this one is practically already canon, i just think we’re going to get explicit confirmation, probably during a mia/meredith scene: i think mia’s a lesbian, andre knew, and he was her beard. in exchange for political goals, she was going to marry him so that he could have a respectable wife and people wouldn’t pry into his personal life, and she wouldn’t expect loyalty of him, since we know andre is a playboy.
6) i’ve seen some things floating around about a new character, sasha tanner: i don’t know if she’s actually real, but i’ve found some resources on it, so i’m going to continue as if she’s a real character. i think if sasha is real, she’ll be taking the role of jill as lissa’s half sister. i think this would be way more interesting, since she’s obviously a younger dhampir sibling of mikhail’s, and the council is very biased against dhampirs. it’d be interesting to see how a dhampir dragomir would or wouldn’t contribute to lissa’s blood quorum, and if lissa would accept her at all. it also makes more sense for this to be true if we get to learn more about her character.
7) i think christian will be the one to kill his parents, probably using his magic. this would tie into his book character arc of wanting to use magic to fight the strigoi as moroi to help the guardians, and would be a great conclusion/climax to his show plotline of being unsure about reaching for them or if they truly care about him even though they’re monsters.
um i may have more next week if people want to hear more of them i just think about vampire academy Non Stop
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
omg okay that's adorable. more thoughts on obsidian and his mom if you have any more to give?
yknow i dont think i have any more ansa bits but i have his bio mom's info and other things. warning of spoilers
>current working name is vuriiaaz, which means dawn, essence, mercy
>scales were a mix of white and red but tbh i should just bite the bullet and draw her in dragon form
>supported alduin's right to rule tho not rly his tyranny. he kinda lost his marbles a little after his wife was murdered, as you do when ur a god. her perspective was akatosh's ability to rule was compromised, so. if you cant be king it goes to your firstborn (alduin) and also alduin as really strong, and if you're strong then you're right to dragons. this was also before they hooked up so it wasn't bias or power seeking (though that might have played a part in it if she was LMAO)
>duty was supposed to be preventing and fixing time wounds and dragon breaks as akatosh foresaw those being an issue. was supposed to be in charge of all the ladies doing that as he quickly realized some organization might be good for that. uhhhhh then she died. bet akatosh was mad abt that come the huge ass first era dragon break huh
>yknow i havent considered yet what killed her. like ive covered she was purposefully murdered but uhhhhh im working on that. uncle shenanigans are more funny to me so thats what i have in my brain all the time
>had her most loyal priests take the eggs individually to hide them away, fearing if they were altogether they would be found and destroyed. was right and most of the dragon priests over time were hunted down with the eggs destroyed.
>one hid away in a tomb though attempting to hatch the egg for an heir to alduin's reign. didnt work since alduin was MIA from the elder scroll and vuriiaaz was kinda not alive and one of the parents has to be around to hatch it
>dragon eggs are surprisingly hard to destroy so i think they had to be like. destroyed via magic
>pre-hatching the dragons are in a weird form of soul stasis. if not actively incubated they just kinda remain temporarily frozen. then start back up again once they are. this means there can be wildly different incubation periods ranging from like, months to decades, usually around a couple of years as dragons have shit to do.
>obsidian doesnt know why he doesn't have siblings. kinda bummed abt it. but could you imagine ansa juggling multiple dragon babies that would be hilarious they would burn down riften if she left them alone too long
>baby dragons stay little for a relatively decent amount of time. when theyre like, teenagers they are still half the size of big dragons. then their power starts to really grow as they master their thuum and they hit a massive growth spurt and become Big (adult) dragons. sometimes they can be stuck in their awkward teenage phase for decades or even centuries in theory but they wont get big until they learn and mature. this makes it in theory convenient to carry them around but ansa is probably gonna learn that convenient for a dragon is prob going to quickly become not convenient for a mortal.
>until dragons become adults they aren't given the same rights as adults. still have to listen to their parents, and are their parent's responsibility. if someone's kid offends someone higher up, it'll be their parents paying for it. dragons are strict on hierarchy after all. this also means little ones and teenagers can't seriously challenge anyone, not even other little younglings, though you will see them practicing with their voice or sometimes bullying younger ones
>typically dragons wait until all their babies grow up before having another clutch, if they wanna. there are exceptions like if a clutch is very small, a lot of dragons have died recently, etc. it's just hard to juggle like 5 kids with more on the way. though its not uncommon to wait until the first clutch is like, teenagers to try for another round of babies.
oh wait i have an ansa fact:
>has no memories before the age of 5. she isn't bothered by this whatsoever and thinks this is totally normal, to the horror and confusion of everyone else.
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it's been a bit because college and the horrors and actually yeah thats really all but. great ace attorney brain dump time. currently just met the 3 witnesses in trial day 1 of resolve case 4
i would like to buy ryunosuke a stiff drink (of tea. or sake. either works) this has been a week and a half or so of just. a lot. my man.
will admit it. i like van zieks. he may be the worst, but he's grown on me like some kind of mold. mold man. also i think ryunosuke likes him (begrudgingly) so its fine. (ryunosuke also might be too nice for his own good, but that's a whole other thing)
greg :(
he was going to go to Paris to protect Gina :(
the picture of him, Klint and Barok... smiling... :(
i think Greg is the first AA character death of a major character that does not serve as the opening turning point of a game (rip mia/kazuma (not dead but)) and so I was Stunned. Shook. Bamboozled. like you really get to know him. the epic highs and lows and then. he's Dead.
what was he doing though???? are we going to learn horrible dark secrets in this trial?????????
and why was Van Zieks investigating him...
i have a bad feeling about all this
okay. herlock. um. yikes.
he's been more unhinged lately. more douchey. i trust he has good? reasons for his lying and evasiveness and like. his attitude, but. y u like this bro. can you say one nice thing about ryunosuke without immediately making it about yourself?
truly the fics out there must... need to finish this game. do not ask who i ship.
also we still don't know his connection to the Professor Case. my crack theory is Mycroft. and Mycroft being another victim, but I have literally no evidence but vibes.
red hair herlock was kind of a look tho. go off.
okay so the red haired league is one of the actual sherlock stories i kind of remember. in it, the whole job thing was a setup to get this ONE redheaded dude consistently out of his house, i think so they could search it??? okay i dont remember the reasoning, but. fascinated to see how it works out here.
Bepo -> Sandwich. I assume that's a consequence of his perjury? from the last game. got fired and such? idk
also okay these are disjointed but i have two facts
1. reaper thing is statistically real. and bad.
2. van zieks does not know what the hell is going on there (apparently)
fascinating. he quit prosecuting like 5 years ago-was it because of the Reaper? although he never seemed too bummed about the whole thing (till Albert. lol)
but the Reaper for McGilded was Audrey- so are all the rest of them connected? or not?
ryunosuke is going thru it
kazummmaaaaaaaaa talk to your friends this vagueness is infuriating just... trust us. pls. man. stop the mixed signals :(
my thought is he wants to defend his father? clear his father's name?
other thought is that either He or Herlock will be the final defendant. i think???
Stronghart is the final villain and i will bet money on that. misguided sense of justice, woot!
im unsure if Genshin actually did it. i will not be surprised if the game makes him innocent in the end, but i honestly kind of think it might be more interesting to not take the easy way out. he did it. and now Kazuma and everyone else has to grapple with that. but idk. i think i trust them to do the path they pick justice
conclusion: dont know Shit. must keep playing
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berryunho · 1 year
HI BESTIE its me san anon hehe i’m back
i got down with the flu so i.. caught up on some sleep recently hence why i went mia 💀 who knew someone could sleep like 18 hours a day? not me that’s for sure
ANYWAY i read that RANDOM ASS THE ANSWER CHAPTER AND I??? am shook. my brain is so big bc this was exactly what i was thinking of in that weird theory of mine (but it’s not all and . i somehow think u might have another similar thing in mind) also i’m SORRY I KEEP FORGETTING ABT THE PPT HEKSHFJD but since apparently i have a bit more time for san… it’ll happen once i have my shit together fr this time
also i’m glad korea is treating u well !! and i’m SO sad u couldn’t get tickets to that festival 😭 maybe there’s resale tickets??? AND aren’t music shows like… free or something if u have enough merch.. or isn’t that the case anymore… anyway ppl are saying atz cb around may/summer sooooo???? take the chance bestie
love u mwah mwah
OH EM GEE welcome back !!
ACK ! sorry you had the flu that shit sucks hghglsjdfkdjf i also sleep like 24/7 when i have the flu so mega relate lol but i hope you're doing better !! ??
but omg yeah ....... its okay i think ill be able to get some somehow JSKDJFKJKSFLJ lol but ....... yeah i think so ........ im waiting patiently for atiny 4기 to drop bc ...... im not an official atiny ... [glass shattering noises] but i WILL be purchasing as soon as it drops since im in kr and the shipping wont be $50 .... god damn but YEAH ... if there is a cb ... i will be doing everything in my power to partake in every event that happens ....... but i have this sneaking suspicion that they're gonna announce their cb for like. the week after i leave. bc thats just how things work for me . KLJSALFKSDJFL BUT HOPEFULLY NOT lol if i leave korea not having partaken in a fansign .... idk what ill even do w myself . like how else is yunho supposed to fall in love w me ... LKJASDLKFJSDFLK JK BUT FOR REAL IM ABOUT TO FALL TO MY KNEES IN FRONT OF THE KQ BUILDING TO BEG FOR A CB BEFORE JULY BC I CANT . I HAVE TO HAVE THE FULL EXPERIENCE . OR ELSE WHAT AM I HERE FOR . besides the whole growing as a person learning things making friends experiencing another culture pfffttt BUT ANYWAYS YEAH
MWAY ILY I HOPE YOURE FEELING BETTER !! drink your water and eat fulfilling foods ... <33
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Chris apparently "I want what Sherry and Leon have" and went about it in the worse bad way (Sherry Birkin is in RE2 and she has powers/ lowkey abilities after being infected and cured of it) Leon and Sherry did see each other in RE6 (but somehow avoided mentioned Claire... thats bs I'll just say that)... also the "we have a clear shot line" is so much worse now and the "you're needed Eveline" is bad... side note I love how goofy the memory attached to the bottle in the Winters House is
In a way I find it kind of hilarious what they're doing with Chris, because unless any later games involve the Winterses in any manner, I won't even bother learning anything about the rest of the games, and it might be there where Chris might get some development on his very questionable decisions in RE8 and the DLC. So I'll be left with the thought that Chris was an insensitive idiot for no goddamn reason and I'll never look back in anything RE because I'm just not invested enough in the rest of the franchise. And I'm pretty sure Capcom knows there are people who are exactly like me and who they'll lose if they just shrug off Mia and Rose and instead have re7 and re8 as a mere stepping stone for Chris' character fallout. I just kind of find it ridiculous if that was what they were going for. Otherwise they made Chris an insensitive idiot for no goddamn reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And yeah omg I was a little disappointed the post credits scene didn't show it was actually Ethan walking towards the car, but the whole scene has a whole new light now with what we know of the DLC. Rose willingly working for Chris' team but they still have a sniper trained on her at all times?? With Chris' questionable behavior, it's not a stretch to think he might have actually become a villain by this point and full-on using Rose (and betraying Ethan's trust and last request to him). And the Eveline part... Because Rose saw with her eyes what Eveline tried to do, and them "joking" about it? After she had spent her childhood being bullied for her powers, now willingly using them to help them and they still bully her about it?
And that is supposed to be the end? Oh Capcom you silly little goose :)
Like honestly even after my first impression of the DLC I wasn't sure they would do a Chris corruption route... But honestly all this would be a pretty good setup for that. Maybe that's why he's keeping her away from Mia, to alienate her from any family and make her feel unwanted and unlovable, practically making Eveline 2.0 but this time making Rose trust him... I mean the other guy did call her Eveline to her face... Maybe it's more than just a joke, maybe they call her that because that's how they see her 🙃 then I'd say it's a very good thing Rose keeps some parts of her powers a secret from Chris.
I mean that's all just a theory, I don't know anything about the other games and their story, I may be overestimating the writers and/or seeing things that aren't there. I am sorry Chris fans. I'm just having Thoughts™.
That memory with the bottle is pure Ethan cheesiness. "She just cannot get enough of this stuff! :D" in casual sappy Ethan fashion. His other memories are cute and emotional or just him wondering how she'll be like when she grows up, and this one is just "Look at my baby girl she loves drinking milk isn't she amazing!!". God idk what they're doing with Chris and what I'm supposed to think they're doing, but with Ethan they knew what they were doing and they knew what we wanted. He barely has any spoken lines and he expresses so many emotions in his words, I love him so much 🥹
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book-tease · 4 years
Kato is wlw and that’s all i have to say about this season right now
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