#thats what happens if they drop it at 3 am and im still awake
jokerstrider · 6 months
I love making poor financial decisions
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raethethey · 1 year
must fucking terrifying nightmare ever.
《《was falling asleep in a sleeping bag/tent and dad walked by to give me smth to fall asleep better. said it was his restless leg syndrome meds. called it torrent??. i had like 7 of them in my hand for some reason. he thought he dropped one on my pillow and tried looking for it. searched under my pillow too. i said i need water to take these. so i get up and cant fucking see a thing. start walking on a sandy path. hes nowhere to be found anymore (i only ever saw his hand). my sister randomly pops up in front of me and is now leading me on this path. i grab a stick and start putting perpendicular ditch marks into the path to tell me where ive been. sister comments, says she does the same thing. we eventually come up on a bend in the path (my vision is a little better i can see the sand and trees around me). i say wait a sec. i know where i am. i turn around and happen upon and old building. looks kinda like a tiny church/the building where you would rent these kayaks and paddle boats at a vacation spot i know well. suddenly the entire vacation spot appears and im standing on the beach i know very well. but the kayak shack is still a bathroom. i cant see anything inside but i know the toilet is there smwhere. i try turning on my flashlight on my phone. it turns on for a split sec and then never again. as i sit on this toilet i wonder to myself, i need to get to the shop/game center this place has for some internet bc its the only place with some stable wifi. and for some reason thats when i realise im dreaming. so i finish using the restroom and walk out (now holding a lot more stuff?? sunglasses, a blur which i can only identify as my hanquokka stuffie bc its blue and brown, a bag that usually holds my money, earplugs, and rocks and crystals, and smth else. as my sister and i make our way back to the tent i was sleeping in i say 'im dreaming' to her. shes like lol no you arent. and i say 'yes i am. youre wearing sunglasses in a pitch black area. i need to wake up. watch this' and all of a sudden the sandy path we are walking on is actually a dock and theres a large lake in front of us. i fucking leap off and she freaks out cuz why the fuck would i just jump into a lake in the middle of the night holding all this important shit?!. a flash scene happens and shes now standing over my dripping body, assumingly done resecitating me. i still know im dreaming. then that reality fades out and another fades in. im now in a supermarket like a target or ikea (never been in an ikea btw) and im being dragged around by what i can only assume are my parents in this reality as a cat (who i look at and just know is actually my sister) drags a cart behind her that has a large portrait of smone (a king george i think) in the cart. my parents (keanu reeves and jamie lee curtis with a fluffy auburn bob haircut) are fighting as they pull my arms to where they want me to go. im resisting bc i still know im dreaming. i start shaking my head violently. a ringing in my ears starts and i am now experiencing the dream world in 4d instead of my usual 3rd person pov. and i can feel my real head moving just a tad. i start shaking more violently and the dreamworld "moves farther away and gets smaller" (kinda like if you were watching a youtube video on your phone right up against your eyes and then moved it away to arms length)》》 i am now awake. groggy as fuck and hot and sweating. i open my eyes and check the time: 3:34 am. i turn on my phone. blinded by the bright light knowing i need to write this out for some reason.
so yeah it wasnt even all that terrifying of a nightmare it was just terrifying in the sense that i knew i was dreaming and couldnt wake up for the longest time. i lump it in with my nightmares because i didnt really have control over what was happening. (i can lucid dream 80% of the time. 19% of the time i have no dreams. that 1% are nightmares)
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baroquebucky · 3 years
lover is a day
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a/n: hi pals !! here is a sort of angsty but fluffy fic inspired by another cuco song ! i cant believe tfaws is over i miss them already :[ lyrics in bold ! srry for any typos </3
buckys mind is racing all the time, you’re there to slow him down
word count: 3.1k
will you love this part of me?
Bucky tried his damn best to keep you out of the avenging part of his love. He never introduced you to the team, only telling Steve about you and Sam finding out because he stole Buckys phone and you just so happened to call him.
You saw the trends on Twitter, seeing the videos of your boyfriend easily take down seven men in a bar in madripoor. You tried your best to not watch it, knowing he wouldn’t want you to. Curiosity getting the best of you, you clicked the trend, mouth dropping as you saw the way he fought.
His eyes were cold, he moved like it was second nature to him, it was frightening to see how easy it came to him.
You jumped as your phone vibrated, an incoming call from bucky pausing the video. You hesitated before answering, putting on a bright smile and trying to forget what you had just seen.
“hi doll face” Bucky smiled, you heard the thumping of music in the background.
“hi buck, are you at a club?” You questioned, a smile on your face as he let out a sigh, rolling onto his back on the couch he was on.
“I’m at Sharon’s place, she has this whole museum club thing going on” he explained, your eyes wide at the mention of the agent.
“Sharon? like Steve Sharon? Sharon from shield?” You questioned, bucky smiled at your interest, nodding along to your words, quickly replying when he realized you weren’t on FaceTime.
Bucky kept you in the loop, not wanting you to get caught off guard if anything were to happen. He just made sure you were never in danger and no one knew about you, as much as he’d want to shout from the roof just how much he loved you.
“that’s the one, I’ll explain when i get back” he spoke calmly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands as he put you on speaker.
Bucky talked about some movie he wanted to watch, your mind drifting back to the video, your heart thumping in your ears.
“doll?” He asked, his voice echoing in you room.
“what, sorry i got distracted” you replied, trying to play it off. Bucky frowned, his heart sinking at the realization.
“you saw it” he spoke simply, moving to sit up on the couch again, his eyes focusing on the floor.
You wanted to lie, say you had no idea what he was talking about. But you couldn’t, mouth opening only to close seconds later.
“I never wanted you to see that part of me” he spoke, you stayed quiet, letting him talk.
“Doll, I’m not him anymore i promise” he hesisted, “Zemo made me do it and i didn’t think i would- i just im gonna go” he spoke, hanging up quickly, heart heavy.
Furthering my distance from you
Bucky was never the best at speaking his mind, always too caught up in his own thoughts to say what he felt, thinking it never mattered and he should keep to himself.
You texted him right after, telling him to please take care, that you loved him. He didn’t reply.
It wasn’t for another couple days when he came home, entering quietly trying to not wake you up in case you were asleep already.
He set his bags down softly, entering the room and expecting to find you curled up. Buckys heart raced as he looked up to see you staring at him with a smile on your face, getting off the bed quickly and throwing yourself onto him.
“i missed you so much james” you whispered, squeezing him slightly as your arms wrapped around him.
“y/n i-” he began, pushing you back softly. You let go reluctantly, knowing he wanted his space.
I’m okay as long as you keep me from going crazy
“Bucky, it’s okay” you replied, stopping him from going down a rabbit hole if you didn’t. You looked at him, the light from your bedside lamp only slightly illuminating the room.
“i know thats not you anymore, sometimes you have to do something’s to get stuff and i get that angel” you spoke, looking at him softly, slowly grabbing his hand and squeezing.
“i still love you bucky, with all my heart” you smiled, wishing you could see the way his cheeks flushed at your words.
He looked up from the floor, you could barely making out the way his lips turned up in a small smile.
“do you really?” He whispered, stepping closer so that your faces were only inches apart. You nodded, eyes flickering to his lips after a couple of seconds.
“I love you more doll” he replied, ears burning as you pulled him in for a kiss, holding the collar of his shirt to pull him closer.
You pulled away with a smile on your face, looking at him for a second before throwing your arms around him, holding him tightly. Bucky wrapped his arms around after a second, placing a kiss ontop of your head, never wanting to let you go.
You can’t get by with a lie
Bucky shot up, sweating and breathing heavy, looking over to see you stirring slightly at his movement.
“buck?” You mumbled, eyes still closed as you turned opening them slightly to reach for the super soldier. You placed a gentle hand on his vibranium one, looking at him with your fuzzy vision.
“nightmare?” you mumbled, sitting up and looking at him, his chest still heaving as he shook his head.
“no it- I’m fine” he spoke, “Cmon let’s get back to sleep” he smiled tightly but you shook your head, looking at him sternly.
“James we talked about this, please, talk to me angel” you looked at him, now fully awake and wanting to help bucky through his nightmares. He hesitated, sighing and fiddling with the edge of the blanket.
“okay” he nodded, heart racing as you helped him through his nightmare. You reminded him how he had changed, how he was a new person and he was trying his best to make amends.
“You’re okay, you’re here and you’re free” you spoke, hugging him tightly and stroking his arm soothingly. Bucky nodded, closing his eyes and focusing on your beating heart.
Funny thing about you is you read me pretty well
You clenched your fist, wanting to throw your laptop across the room as your work frustrated you once again. Your breathing was heavier and you let out a small sigh, not wanting to alert bucky.
After a couple more minutes you felt the tears pricking your eyes, squeezing them shut in hopes they would go away.
You got up quickly, heading toward the kitchen to get a drink of water, leaving bucky alone in the room. He turned to look at you, noting how fast you were walking and the way you were breathing shakily.
Bucky gave you a minute, waiting to see if you’d come back. When you didn’t return he followed you, seeing you staring out the cup in your hand with intense focus.
“doll, what’s wrong?” You looked at him, putting a smile on your face and shaking your head.
“I’m fine buck, just thirsty” he frowned, walking towards you and pulling you into his arms.
“i know you too well for that to work on me doll” he sighed, stroking your back softly as you but back tears, finally letting a sob out. “let it out doll I’m here.”
Me and Mr. Heart we say the cutest things about you
Bucky smiled at the way you jumped for joy when you saw a dog in the park, immediately talking his ear off about how you had always wanted your own.
“don’t you think we should adopt? I think we’re at that point y’know?” You smiled, starry eyes as you turned to look at him.
Never in his life had he felt more in love, he thought of how perfect you looked, with slightly messy hair from the wind and a stain on your shirt from the time he accidentally splashed paint on you.
He felt the world around him fade away, focusing only on you and your words, rattling off some facts about people with pets being happier in an effort to convince him.
Bucky thought of the way you had always cared for him, living him with all you were. He thought of how you were the most caring person in the world to him, how you were the most radiant person in the room no matter what.
He loved you so much and all he wanted was to make you happy.
“I’ve always been a cat person” he teased, loving the way you rolled your eyes with a playful smile on your face.
“we could get a cat, they’re calm and sweet” you nodded, taking his hand and pulling him towards the parking lot.
How could bucky say no when you looked so excited?
You held the white cat in your arms a few weeks later, a huge smile on your face as he purred into your touch.
“welcome home alpine” you smiled, setting the cat down and letting him explore.
Buckys heart grew in his chest, you seemed so unreal. You were everything he ever wanted and everything he ever needed. And you were all his.
You looked at bucky, a smile on your face as he picked up the cat, setting him gently on his lap.
“thought you were gonna get us a dog the whole time we were there” he spoke, looking at you as you stared at the pair, standing across the room and putting away some cat food and toys.
“you said you were a cat person” you replied, “plus you’re happy right?” You questioned, walking over and sitting down next to him, reaching out to scratch the back of Alpines ears.
“very happy doll” he smiled, eyes settling on the cat in his lap, wanting to place kisses all over the now sleeping feline.
“then I’m happy that you’re happy” you smiled, kissing his cheek softly, letting your head rest on his shoulder and enjoy the company of your now two favorite boys.
My lover is a day I can’t forget
“Do you remember how we met?” You asked suddenly, bucky smiled as he recalled the memory.
“doll it’s 3 am” he chuckled, the streetlight sneaking in through the curtains as you two lay in bed.
“so you don’t” you huffed, turning so your back would face him. Bucky smiled at your reaction, quickly turning you back around to face him.
“of course i do doll” he replied, a soft smile still on his face, “why?”
“what did you think of me?” You wondered, wiggling a bit to get more comfortable. You had a small smile on your face as he began talking.
“i thought you were too nice, they got your whole order wrong and you still ate the whole thing” he smiled.
Buckys eyes had immediately landed on you when he entered the small diner, seeing you smiling with a couple of your friends.
Steve was insistent on getting him to go to more places and this was #1 on his list.
“so those are my favorites you can always look through the menu though i guess” steve smiled, noticing his friends focus on you.
“thank you!” You smiled at the waitress, taking the dish from her, turning to your friends as soon as she left.
“i didn’t order this” you grumbled, your friends insisting you send it back.
“but what if she’s having a bad day already? and this is the last straw? It’s fine i can just eat it it’ll be fine” you shook your head, taking a bite and making a face.
“send it back y/n!” Your friend persisted and you shook your head, you were so stubborn.
“it’s not that bad!” You smiled, eating the whole thing, “wish it was the other one though” you giggled as your friends rolled their eyes.
Bucky kept glancing over at you, trying to not make it obvious. Steve decided against saying anything, making easy conversation with his best friend.
You hit your friend gently, a blush on your face when your eyes had landed on the two super soldiers.
“okay don’t be obvious” you began, “that’s steve rogers and bucky barnes?” You whispered, your friends all turning and looking at the table.
Bucky had just so happened the be glancing over, making eye contact with you, his face went red as he saw your whole table staring at the pair.
“You were so shy, you didn’t even have the guts to say hi” he teased and you punched him softly.
“you didn’t say anything either in my defense” you smiled, fiddling with his dog tags.
You turned back quickly, slapping a hand on your face as your friends laughed. “I said don’t be obvious did i not!”
“didn’t you say you would die for him? You talk about him almost everyday” your friend teased and you hit her, face burning.
“shut up! they’re super soldiers what if they hear you” you snuck a glance at their table, seeing the way bucky had a small smirk on his face and Steve was holding back a laugh.
“i hate you guys, i really do” you mumbled, “should i say sorry? I feel like i should say sorry right?”
“You just want an excuse to give that man sex eyes” another one of your friends spoke up and you rolled your eyes.
You snuck a glance at bucky making eye contact, you gave a small smile which he happily returned, waving slightly. You waved back, quickly turning back to your friends as your heart raced.
You and your friends paid and left not long after, Steve and bucky following a couple minutes after. You said your goodbyes in the parking lot, giving them tight hugs.
“you sure you don’t want a ride?” They had asked and you shook your head, waving her off as you walked to the bus stop down the street, sitting on the bench and scrolling through your social media mindlessly.
You looked up as someone sat next to you, giving them a small smile before realizing it was bucky. Your eyes went wide and you froze, eyes focused on your now locked phone. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
You glanced at bucky, face flushing when you made eye contact.
“you were so charming, i still don’t understand how you could be so calm” you spoke, looking at him as he let out a snort.
“i was shitting myself the whole time doll” he laughed, “I’m surprised i didn’t fuck up the moment i opened my mouth.”
“I’m bucky” he smiled, extending his had for you to shake. You smiled back, shaking his hand before replying, “I’m y/n.”
You were quiet for a second before turning to face him again, “I’m sorry for my friends in the diner, they can be a bit much” you chuckled, fiddling with your phone in your hands.
“don’t worry ‘bout it, I’m flattered honestly” he replied and you cocked your head.
“oh?” You replied, confused at his response.
“I mean to have a pretty girl like you thinking about me? An honor really” he spoke smoothly, a charming smile on his face as he looked at you.
“i- well- uh, thank you?” You let out a breathy laugh, and he smiled at you, moving onto another topic of conversation.
Next thing you knew the two of you were sat together on the bus, laughing as you two exchanged stories and talked about your interests.
“this is my stop” you frowned, not wanting to end the conversation yet. Buckys heart raced, debating on wether or not he should make a move or not. Steve would surely have his head on a spike if he didn’t.
“i- well, if you want i can walk you, it’s dark and i don’t want you in any danger” he spoke, stumbling in his words.
“I’d love that buck” you smiled and he looked at you with a grin on his face, following you out of the bus.
The evening air was cool, it felt nice against your flushed skin, a smile on both of your faces as you walked towards your apartment. The sound of your laughter filling the open air.
You arrived at your apartment building, exchanging numbers and saying goodbye, already looking forward to see each other next time.
“can’t believe you walked me back” you giggled, butterflies in your stomach as you remembered how flirty he was that night.
“i never told you but i had actually driven to the place” bucky blushed, “Steve had been busy earlier so we met up there” he laughed as your mouth flew open.
“so you had to go all the way back to get your car?!” Bucky smiled bashfully, “you even paid to take the bus!” You squealed, sitting up quickly and leaning against the headboard.
“I wasn’t gonna let public transportation stand between me and the love of my life!” Bucky replied quickly, sitting up next to you.
“you barely knew me!”
“i wanted to get to know you! that was the whole point” he shot back, a smile on his face when he noticed how flustered you were.
“you did all that for me” you looked at him fondly and he nodded.
“and I’d do so much more for you now” Bucky smiled, kissing your cheek softly before moving to your jaw and then your lips.
“I love you so much doll” he whispered, pulling you into his arms. You let him wrap himself around you, holding you closely to his chest.
“i love you more lovely” you replied, placing a soft kiss on his bicep. He held you for a couple more moments before letting go, letting you move back to his side and lay on his chest.
“you do so much for me doll, you keep me grounded, you make me happy, you keep me from going crazy, wish i could do the same” he mumbled, his fingers scratching at your scalp and making your eyes flutter shut.
“you do all that and more for me too james, you just never realize” you whispered, yawning as he continued his movements.
“how about we go to sleep, and I’ll tell you all tomorrow just how much you do for me, yeah?” You mumbled, opening your eyes slightly. Bucky nodded, laying down and getting comfortable, moving so that he could spoon you, draping an arm around your waist and pulling you to his chest.
“goodnight lover boy” you mumbled, he smiled at the nickname.
“goodnight dollface” he whispered, kissing your neck softly before closing his eyes, hearing alpines soft purring from across the room.
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ambria · 3 years
better off // Sirius Black
Sweetener x Marauders
play ‘better off’ by Ariana Grande <3
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pairing: sirius black x reader
word count: 1.4K ✨
warnings: ANGST, siri being a sad boy :(, HEART BREAK! a couple of curse words?
A/N: omg I literally cried writing this because I hate sad endings but I couldn’t really end this one on a good note because of the song. I TRIED but then it wouldn’t make sense so IM SORRY!
I also tried to keep the genders as neutral as possible.
My love'll have you fall to your knees
Who would've thought that Sirius Orion Black would fall in love with someone. And that person just so happened to be you.
But you had been hurt too much in life. And a relationship was something you didn't want. It only caused heartbreak and you would rather save yourself from that.
You and Sirius Black have a sorta-relationship, well a friends-with-benefits one. One strictly with no strings attached. But I don't think he got the memo. And to be honest neither did you.
You had fallen for the Black boy, and so did he for you. But you were not about to let him in and risk pain.
Steering clear of any headaches to start
And if we're being honest
You made it clear to him that this wasn't love. Just a quick fuck to blow away any frustraions. But as the months went on you both started to slowly fall for eachother. But you were way more better at hiding it.
I'd rather your body than half of your heart
Which leads to where you are right now. In bed. With Sirius. In his dorm room while his friends are out.
You’d just got done with some mind blowing sex, but thats all it was. Sex. With a boy whom you have fallen for.
You don’t stay and talk, so you quickly pick up all of your clothes and start to get dressed. You rush out the door with nothing more than a ‘Bye. See you later’.
Which he wouldn't admit, hurt him because he thought you didn't care. But what he didn't know was that was far from the truth.
Sirius stayed awake in his bed, after you left, staring at the ceiling. The only thought going through his mind right now is how much he loves you and wants to be with you.
But we can't always get what we want, right?
Or jealous-ridden comments
The next day during breakfast in the Great Hall, Sirius is sitting with his group of friends, the Marauders.
As he's eating he sees you making your way into the hall. He keeps his eyes on you the whole time and sees you walking over to the hufflepuff table. He furrowed his eyebrows wondering where you're going.
The thing he sees starts to make his blood boil,
You are kissing a hufflepuff on the cheek.
Sirius glares at the poor hufflepuff the whole time you're over there. All of his friends give him sympathy looks knowing how much their friend loved you.
After watching the sad reaction on Sirius’ face James speaks up,
“You know it's kind of ironic that you, Sirius Black, have fallen in love with someone. You're literally known as the school playboy”
That come when you let in them feelings
That I don't want
That snaps him out of his little love struck trance,
“You're right. I am Sirius Black. I can have anybody I want.” He smirks, cockily. James laughs.
Remus shakes his head and mutters,
“Not everyone.” Referring to you, and Sirius heard him which makes him glare at his werewolf friend.
I never let 'em know too much
Hate gettin' too emotional, yeah
What he doesn't know is that you are slowly trying to distance yourself from him and move on. You know what they say ‘get over somebody, while getting under someone else.’
But you don't know that you're hurting the boy while doing it.
I'm better off without 'em
I'm better off being a wild one
At night you stay up. Just looking at the ceiling and thinking about life. Maybe a life with Sirius, but then you remember that you are no good for him. That you're broken and that he deserves and could do way better.
Sirius is doing the exact same thing in his dorm as the boys sleep. He tells himself that he's no good for you and that he's broken and you deserve more. He tries to deny the fact that he should start moving on, but he can't think of life without you so he keeps hope that one day you can finally be together.
Go on and face it, I'll never be ready for you, ready for you
I swear my love is a curse, make you handle my shoes
You and Sirius are having a night on the astronomy tower. Something completely new to you guys, you thought it would be cool. To have sex, under the stars. Ironic right?
You guys are in the middle of a heated makeout session, but Sirius' mind is somewhere else.
You're kissing down his neck and he suddenly stops you. You look at him confused,
“What is this? What are we?” he nervously, asked. You look at him weirdly but still answer,
“We are friends, obviously. Who occasionally fuck. That's all we are and that's all we’ll ever be.”
Every word breaks your heart but it also breaks his. Not that either are aware of the others feelings.
“So thats it just a ‘quick fuck’?” He said, sadly. You roll your eyes annoyed,
“Where is all of this coming from? Come on.” You go back to kissing his neck and unbuttoning his shirt.
Let's put them topics to bed and go
Fuck on the roof, just to say that we did it
After you both are done you quickly get dressed again. He is staring at you while you get changed. You're buttoning up your shirt when he decides to speak again,
“Are you sure that's what we’ll ever be?”
‘No. I want more.’ You thought but saying that would mean admitting your feelings and you don't want to do that.
So you just look at him like you're annoyed and play your part,
You keep insisting I listen to your proposition
I dismiss them all, no offence, yeah
“Did you catch feelings? Cause if you did that breaks the whole point of this arrangement and we can't do this anymore.” His eyes go wide,
“No- No. I didn't.” he denied, “I’m just making sure you don’t.”
Again those words break your heart but again it also breaks his too.
You nod and walk down the tower to get back to your dorm.
Sirius stands there looking up at the sky and one thought goes through his mind,
‘It's time to move on now’ he collects his things and makes his way down the tower.
Steering clear of any headaches to start
And if we're being honest
When you get back to your dorm you see that your friends/roommates are still awake talking. When they see you and your disheveled state they know what just happened.
“So how was the sex?” One of them asks. You look at them bewildered,
“How do you know?” They just ignore your question.
“When are you going to tell him you love him.” You looked shocked as they all nod their head in agreement at the question asked.
“I- I don't--’’ You stutter out,
“Yes you do. Don't even deny it. Tell him before it's too late.” They all make sounds of agreement before they all head to bed and go to sleep.
I'd rather your body than half of your heart
Or jealous-ridden comments
You sit on your bed and contemplate what your friends said. As you start thinking more and more on it you know that you need Sirius. One thought hits you,
‘I love him’
At that you jump up from your bed and gather your shoes and rush out the door.
That come when you let in them feelings that I don't want
I never let 'em know too much
You run around every corner in the castle searching for the boy hoping he didn't go back to his room yet. You knew that he liked to stay out before going back for a bit.
As you keep going you remember that he likes to sit by the black lake and watch the moonlight reflect on the water.
You rush off to the Black Lake. As you are looking around you finally see him in the distance standing by the lake.
You smile and start to make your way over to him.
Hate gettin' too emotional, yeah
As you get closer your eyebrows furrow. He seemed to be talking to someone but you keep making your way over to him
Your jaw drops and your eyes start to water. Your heart breaking into a million pieces.
There he was. Sirius Black kissing someone else.
So that I'm better off not being around ya
Taglist: @blackpinkdolan @padsfirewhisky @poulterfilms
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shyrose57 · 3 years
YOO BROTHERS ANON BACK FROM THE DEAD? My phone started to fucking die half way (like extreme lag, keyboard stopped working at times, sudden shut offs, etc) and I was too scared to work on this in fear it'd get deleted. But im fucking back and have a new phone so I was able to finally finish. Plus after I finished the Brothers AU stuff I decided I hated Tip of The Iceburg AU lore and wanted to redo it so held off til I got that mostly done. I'm also trying to redo From Future to Past a lil bit but thats going slowly and decided I already waited way to long. Some other stuff happened as well like falling out of the fandom (Breath of The Wild and Linked Universe I got into and am actually still kinda in) then getting tossed back in but, anyway there's some smaller details I left out of Rans time living in the wild but everything here is the big stuff. 
Keep in mind most of this happens when he's just 13. And he never acknowledges or treats his trauma, leaving it to build and affect him more and more over time. 
When Ran first steps out of Mizu and into the world, he has nothing but a sword at his back and a book with little information on how to survive at his hip. The book really only provides him how to make certain things (like tools) and some basic information (Spiders are passive in daytime, how to farm, and basic information about each nether biome). The book acts more like a brief overview of the overworld and little information on how to survive than an actual survival book. Because of this the book is basically useless, Ran eventually uses it as a way of marking down notes and ripping out papers to cover wounds and tie things. He quickly learns that sleeping in high places (like a tree or a hole in a mountain) is the safest possible place to sleep, as no mobs or people can get him. Though due to the nights of constant screaming from mobs, his own internal fighting, and eventual hunting, he develops insomnia and paranoia. Leaving him unable to close his eyes in fear of being ambushed, believing himself to be forever unsafe and in danger. When he does manage to sleep he keeps his weapons nearby (like in his hand or under his pillow) and jumps awake at the slightest sound. 
He moves around constantly, never staying in one place for more than 2 weeks. He eventually finds a snow biome and after seeing the little amount of mobs and knowing the snow is to deep for any sane human to try to travel through, he decides to stay there for a entire year and a half before moving again. During this time he grows both physically and mentally. He goes from being a small, lithe 5'5 13 year old to being a strong 6'7 15 year old. He also uses this time to come to terms with what happened and swear revenge against Ranbob for everything he's been through and everyone who's died. Even when Ran came to terms with what his brother did, the promise "Ill never abandon you." Continues to ring in his head, which does nothing but fuel his hatred, believing his brother has been lying to him ever since he was a child. While also growing his knowledge on the world and his survival knowledge, becoming an almost perfect survivalist. 
When he was first alone and dealing with all the emotions brought upon him, he finds out he's hunted very suddenly. He first approached Raq (who he didn't know at the time) when he was desperate and fresh out of Mizu, asking him if there's any nearby town or city or really anything. Raq pretends to want to help Ran and let's him stay at his camp, giving him food and a warm place to sleep. But its 2 full days later, deep in the night when Raq finally trys to attack him, aiming to incapacitate him. But Ran is able to escape him and run away but not without a injury. 
During the fight Raq manages to hit him, specifically on his left ear. He manages to cut deep, but not deep enough, leaving the top of his ear just barely hanging on. Ran runs away and actually has a bit of a head start due to him tripping Raq. But Raq manages to follow/track him, due to the blood flowing out of Rans ear. Ran eventually realizes Raq is tracking him by the blood trail he's leaving, so he stops, steals himself, and rips off the remaining part of his ear, barely holding back a yell, then Ran pushes his hand down on the wound and continues to run. Raq finds the ear and simply hums, intrigued by the lengths Ran will go to escape, before turning around, deciding to let Ran escape this time, because he knows he'll see him again. Ran continues to run, terrified and borderline crying due to the fear and pain. For the next 3 days he believes he is still being followed by Raq so he continues to run, never resting until he eventually collapses from exhaustion. His ear eventually heals over but never grows back, it becomes a reminder of the fact he is being constantly hunted by people and will never escape them. 
Ran encounters Raq a total of 32 times during his time living out in the wild. And every time Ran manages to get away, though sometimes more injured than others. Eventually it gets to the point Raq greets Ran like a old friend. After their 3rd encounter Raq starts to bring others with him, eventually he has 5 others helping him hunt Ran. Though Ran grows and is able to either outwit them by using traps or is just simply able to avoid them most of the time. Though he still gets hit at times, once he made a mistake and a trap failed, leading to him getting stabbed and passing out cause blood loss.
The Nether is less than kind to Ran but kinder than the overworld. He gets shot a lot from both ghasts and skeletons. And almost falls into lava multiple times. He gets stabbed and trips more times than he can count. But he actually manages to make acquaintance with the Piglins he meets due to him being polite to them and giving them gold for nothing in return. He actually is close enough to them to get directions for free and is even given resistance potions when Ran states he is leaving and not coming back as a farewell and stay safe gift. He ends up staying in the Nether for much longer than a normal person would and becomes adapt at traversing and surviving in it. It almost becomes his safe spot because the hunters have never followed him into the Nether. He would've lived there if he could, but due to the heat he isn't used too and the fact he just despised Ghasts more than the hunters, and they were everywhere in there, he didn't stay. But would often vist. Eventually he found netherite which he quickly covered his first and only diamond sword with. His sword also had the enchantments, sharpness 2, unbreaking 3, and sweaping edge. Over time and use the enchantments dimmed, only faintly remaining. At this point Ran had to flee his snow biome house due to a sudden attack, leaving behind the materials he needed to fix the enchantments and his sword. So he abandoned using it, but kept it cause it helped him through years of fighting, he can't exactly drop and leave it.
Extra stuff I couldn't find a way to fit in:
-Ran manages to find a village but actually gets kicked out cause he punches the blacksmith for upping the price of an iron sword.
-Ran slowly grows more cold, uncaring, rude, and harsh over time due to trauma. He doesn't realize he became this way due to untreated trauma until he arrives to The Pit where Watson is able to help him start to slowly heal. Which is why he becomes more open and joking in The Pit because he feels safe and loved. 
-When the group leaves The Pit he becomes cold and hard again due to habit. Its his way of subconsciously defending himself.
-His body is covered in scars due to the hunters and his brushes with mobs. 
-Ran knows how to tailor his own clothes and has made many different kinds of clothes, all designed for certain biomes. 
-Ran never farmed, he always hunted.
-Ran never really built anything, instead he preferred to dig into the side of a mountain or make shelter in a cave. Its only in the snow biome did he actually build a house. And even then it was very clearly meant to be a temporary house. Though he did end up living there longer than he intended. 
-He was at first extremely reluctant to kill, but was forced to kill hunters and animals multiple times. To the point he became almost numb to it and wouldn't hesitate to kill if he was threatened. 
-He would sometimes dream about his family only for it to end with them being slaughtered, which really messed him up and he would just lay in bed mindlessly every time it happened. These dreams still happen. 
Also a edit to when the brothers met in the Pit, Ran actually gets his hands on a broken trident accidentally left in the arena (its the front end only, and the middle spike is shorter than the rest due to a error when being made) and ends up tripping Ranbob then stabbing the trident into the ground over him (if that makes sense?), actually trapping Ranbob, with the middle spike just above his throat, leaving him unable to move unless he wants to cut his neck and trapped on the ground. 
Tip of The Iceburg:
So Karl's watch is still damaged. And Isaac is still the one to convince him to seek help from the others. But midway through the meeting Phil speaks up, mentioning how he found a book in a ruined village that had a replica of Karl's Watch etched into the cover, but is in a language he's never seen. After passing it around the table no one recognizes it. Everyone's discouraged until Foolish suggests they look for the other Travelers (what ima call the Tales people) and maybe one of them will know. Eventually, with picture pinning of supposedly who could be in their world, they all split off into groups to look. Ran is still the first found, but when he's shown the book he actually confirms a part of it is in a old enderman language that fell off long ago, he's able to translate half of that section but says that Ranbob, who studied old languages much more thoroughly than Ran can do the rest (cause here their still brothers but nothing in Brothers AU happened). Giving everyone hope. Eventually Ranbob gets found and translates the rest, but a great amount is still untranslated, which is a problem. So now its a journey of finding more people and mixing languages to find out the rest. 
A sudden twist to the story happens when Billiam joins, and due to his experience with the egg is actually able to translate a random page in the back of the book (the egg made its own language to prevent its plans being discovered). Where they find out the egg is what broke Karls watch, because to it humans are nothing but entertainment, and it gets joy seeing them suffer and wants to mess with their lives. When it gets revealed to the rest of the SMP what the page says, everyone gets pissed. And even when its found how to get the Travelers home they refuse to leave until the egg is destroyed, a few are mad at it and want revenge, others are scared and want to try to prevent it from coming into their time. Karl eventually relents and lets them join in making a plan to take down the egg.  
Also have some fluff scenarios with the brothers since its been a while:
-There's two types of resistance potions in their world, fire resistance and water resistance. The latter of which the brothers have memorized how to make. Their friends do not know water resistance exists. Which leads to the brothers pranking their friends by drinking some then jumping into a lake. Giving Watson a heartattack and making Isaac sob. The two quickly reemerge seeing their reactions and calm them and reassure them. After the explanation you can bet they got a talking too and where grounded. 
-Ran teaches Ranbob to fight!
-Ranbob teaches Ran to fish, Ran complains the entire time. 
-Ranbob responds by threatening to teach Ran how to farm. Ran stops complaining after that….mostly
-Everyone has found the brothers either asleep against each other or one asleep on the other at least twice. 
-*insert Arthur get out of the tank meme but instead it's Ranbob trying to get Ran out of a tree so he can greet people.*
-Ran has his first night in years without a nightmare! 
Now something else I'm planning to work on soon: What happened to Ranbob after Ran left Mizu?
I hope me sending stuff is still ok after so long of sending nothing. 
Good to have you back, Brothers Anon! And sorry to hear about your phone, that sounds like it must've a day.
Brothers AU:
I see we're back to Traumatize The Brothers Time, fantastic.
The fact that Ran has these items on him is interesting. Did he just have them with him when he was fleeing? Did he have the time to grab them? Was he preparing ahead? What led to him having these useful tools on hand when he was forced to flee?
How does he fare with mobs, being a mob hybrid himself? I think it's somewhat been implied that he's good with Endermen, but what about others?
How do the gladiator gang go about helping with his insomnia and paranoia, if they are aware of it?
What's it like for him during his time in the snow-biome, since he's there for awhile? Does he make a more-permanent camp/shelter? Do anything particularly interesting?
Poor Ran! That must've been quite the shock for him, and I imagine it didn't help his trust issues.
How does he get to the Nether? Does he have a base there? What do the piglins think of him, and vice versa? How does the Nether life effect him overall?
What happened to those materials left behind? Where they discovered? Does he manage to go back and get them on the roadtrip? Do they visit his homes on the trip?
How does the group react to his sudden change when they're leaving? What kind of clothes does he make? Does he ever make some for the others? Does he enjoy it, or is it just because it's necessary?
How do the fishermen feel about the close call with the trident, and what happens to the weapon?
Tip Of the Iceberg:
I don't remember if this was mentioned before, but was it Karl's watch that caused the issue then? Who wrote the book? Does the egg have a connection with them?
How do they fare with their plans to take down the Egg(and potentially the Eggpire, if that's a thing here)? How do those with previous experience with Egg feel about this, and what part do they play?
Fluff! At long last!
I love how their thought process went to that. 'We can make water resistance potions, lets jump in a lake in front of our friends'.
That sounds like it should be entertaining.
Ranbob knows how to farm?
That's such a funny mental image. 'Ran, get out of the tree, you have to socialize'. 'Hissing'.
Yay, good for him!
Ooo, what?
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secretsniper3 · 3 years
Part 8: Boxed up..
I wake up, pussy glistening with the morning itch thats going to stay longer than Id like, before coming here and becoming a slave I would scratch that itch when I woke up, but now, it just sits there dully, I hear moans and slight gagging coming from the bed, my Master is awake and taking out his morning wood on my sister slaves mouth. Finishing in her throat my Master gets dressed and I hear a knock at the front door, my Master leaves to answer it leaving us both in the room, me locked in my cage and my sister lying on the bed. Returning after some time my Master stands my sister up as she teeters on her toes unsurely, and I am let out of my cage, I crawl up and lick my Masters shoe without thinking, "why did i do that?" I think.
Leading us both downstairs Im greeted with 2 large boxes in the main hallway, paying no attention to my curiosity we are taken to the feeding cocks and we are both set to suck away and get our morning meal while my Master has some bacon and eggs, I barely remember what bacon tastes like but Im sure I like this mixture more. Greeted with the familiar burn in my pussy I know Im in for another fun day, at least I hope as my eyes gaze behind me to the 2 boxes, I have a odd feeling 1 of those boxes are for me.
Hearing my Master open a large box I hear something pulled out and placed behind the box, out of view. Filling up on my cum slush I release the cock and turn to meet my Master, my tongue aiming straight for his shoe again without any control I circle his feet and pull back puzzled. Clearly Im accepting my role as pet… damnit, my Master looking down at me with a smile, “Good Girl” he says and I light up at the sound, actually jumping a little as my ass wiggles, my sister slave now complete with her morning meal turns around and is taken by my Master to the other room, setting her on the treadmill once again she begins to walk on her likely throbbing toes endlessly as my Master turns to me and brings out a Hitachi and sets it on the floor, then gets 3 smart vibes and walks back to my sister, moaning as she feels her pussy lips exposed and part to accept her Masters gifts, her pussy is covered by the latex and my Masters presses a button, to be met by immediate moans of pleasure, only seconds later turn to cries and screams as the toys auto turn off as she nears climaxing, clearly still being punished for yesterday’s orgasms.
Watching carefully as my Master turns the Hitachi on, Im told to sit and stay on it, my clit landing directly on the tip Im brought to the edge and as commanded I stay, pussy desperate to cum but I know better than to cheat and raise up off the vibe, bound as I already am itll be difficult to hold myself over it anyway so why fight it? Watching my Master pull foam and straps out of the boxes Im puzzled by the shape of the foam, I cant make out from 2 rooms away what its supposed to be. Turning to move a small table closer to the boxes, he put a tray with plugs and toys of various sizes as well as many bindings and masks. Walking back to me I watch as Master takes me by my leash and leads me to the TV and sits down, pulling his cock out as he begins to watch his shows, taking my place between his legs I take his cock into my mouth and begin sucking away.
Hearing my sister cry as she walks my Master turns the volume up to drown her out, pushing me back he inserts a vibe inside my pussy and turns it on, squirting juices out instantly as Im pulled back onto his cock to continue sucking, cum flooding down my throat I swallow every drop, and continue to deep throat my Masters cock, as he pushes my head to his base and holds me there, feeling more cum bypass my mouth and empty directly down my throat, swallowing is no longer a option its a way of life now.
Pumping several loads directly down my throat I gag occasionally but he doesnt stop fucking me, till the movie is over. At last Im pushed off my Masters cock as he puts his cock away, I have been on edge for days now, only time my arousal is low is when Im sleeping, hovering right on the edge my toy making short work of my senses as I land there, chemically blocked from having a orgasm, my moans seems endless till a hard smack to my face sends me off balance and I fall on my side, left to right myself my Master goes back to the mystery boxes and continues removing foam mats. Reaching my “feet” I crawl out and watch my sister moan as she walks, the loud buzz coming from her pussy as it visibly spasms under the latex, I can see her lips twitching uncontrollably, shes desperate to cum, and so am I. Smiling to myself I continue watching as she moans and walks in her ballet boots, her toes surely on fire at this point since she cant stop walking. Taking in her predicament I hope I have another chance to make her cum without permission, denying her future orgasms even more, next time I'll make her cum more than twice!
The vibe inside me has remained on high speed this whole time, I highly doubt my sister could hear my vibe through the thick latex and her own moans, I turn and leave her to her slice of hell and I pant, crawling to my Master, I want to feel him inside me, I want him to stir my pussy up with his cock. I lick his shoes and as he looks down to me from the side of the large box as I roll onto my back and present my needy cunt to him. Smiling down at me “Does the little pet need its pussy played with?” he asks, panting and moaning at his question is all I could manage as he rubs my moist slit with his shoe, massaging my desperate pussy as he says “Remember, bad girls dont cum” he says looking to my sister slave, “good girls cant cum” he says as he rubs my clit drawing another moan from my lips, clearly Im the good girl and likely wont be cumming again for quite some time..
Clearly done removing the foam, My Master moves over to my sister, releasing her from the treadmill he leads her to the box, lifting her up he lowers her into the box and begins to strap her down nice and secure. Hearing moans and groans as toys are put into the box, most likely inside her body, they all seem to match the eggs master put in her earlier, clearly ment to torture her holes with more edging, I sigh both from the pleasure my toy is giving me and from the realization that she isnt going to be cumming anytime soon either. Finishing up the restraints my Master puts a foam lined lid on the box, sealing her in, I dont know whats going to happen but it cant be fun for her.
After nailing the box shut Master grabs my leash and moves me to the other box, whatever he did to my sister slave, Im going to find out personally. Lifting me inside Im greeted with a foam wall that moulds to me when I press against it, amazed at the way it does this Im not looking as Master pushes large inserts inside me, nowhere to run in the box I can only moan as Im almost impaled on the toys, moaning louder when Master turns them all on, my ass has a long intruder, worming its way inside me, every inch moving around, my pussy and urethra buzzing harshly and my clit sucked into a cup and surrounded in vibes I would have cum 5 times in a heartbeat were it not for the chemical torturing me.
Laid on my side Im bound to the foam floor, a latex mask is pulled over my face and secured tight, my only source of air being the tube attached, foam pads are pushed between my limbs, propping them open wide, I can only watch as my Master looks at my fear filled eyes. “Were going on a trip to a new home in the countryside, dont want my pets getting hurt in transit now do i?” My Master informs me with a smile, placing more foam over my body, covering me completely in spongy foam, a soft tap signals the severity of my new isolation as that was my Master nailing the lid closed. Im going on a trip, I dont know where it is or how far away Im going, but I dont really have a choice now Im sealed away, my toys teasing me, holding me at the edge of a orgasm I'll only have in my wildest dreams, Im almost scared of the day I do get to cum again.. A new home to cement my new life as a Slave.
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secretsniper2 · 3 years
Part 8: Boxed up..
I wake up, pussy glistening with the morning itch thats going to stay longer than Id like, before coming here and becoming a slave I would scratch that itch when I woke up, but now, it just sits there dully, I hear moans and slight gagging coming from the bed, my Master is awake and taking out his morning wood on my sister slaves mouth. Finishing in her throat my Master gets dressed and I hear a knock at the front door, my Master leaves to answer it leaving us both in the room, me locked in my cage and my sister lying on the bed. Returning after some time my Master stands my sister up as she teeters on her toes unsurely, and I am let out of my cage, I crawl up and lick my Masters shoe without thinking, "why did i do that?" I think.
Leading us both downstairs Im greeted with 2 large boxes in the main hallway, paying no attention to my curiosity we are taken to the feeding cocks and we are both set to suck away and get our morning meal while my Master has some bacon and eggs, I barely remember what bacon tastes like but Im sure I like this mixture more. Greeted with the familiar burn in my pussy I know Im in for another fun day, at least I hope as my eyes gaze behind me to the 2 boxes, I have a odd feeling 1 of those boxes are for me.
Hearing my Master open a large box I hear something pulled out and placed behind the box, out of view. Filling up on my cum slush I release the cock and turn to meet my Master, my tongue aiming straight for his shoe again without any control I circle his feet and pull back puzzled. Clearly Im accepting my role as pet… damnit, my Master looking down at me with a smile, “Good Girl” he says and I light up at the sound, actually jumping a little as my ass wiggles, my sister slave now complete with her morning meal turns around and is taken by my Master to the other room, setting her on the treadmill once again she begins to walk on her likely throbbing toes endlessly as my Master turns to me and brings out a Hitachi and sets it on the floor, then gets 3 smart vibes and walks back to my sister, moaning as she feels her pussy lips exposed and part to accept her Masters gifts, her pussy is covered by the latex and my Masters presses a button, to be met by immediate moans of pleasure, only seconds later turn to cries and screams as the toys auto turn off as she nears climaxing, clearly still being punished for yesterday’s orgasms.
Watching carefully as my Master turns the Hitachi on, Im told to sit and stay on it, my clit landing directly on the tip Im brought to the edge and as commanded I stay, pussy desperate to cum but I know better than to cheat and raise up off the vibe, bound as I already am itll be difficult to hold myself over it anyway so why fight it? Watching my Master pull foam and straps out of the boxes Im puzzled by the shape of the foam, I cant make out from 2 rooms away what its supposed to be. Turning to move a small table closer to the boxes, he put a tray with plugs and toys of various sizes as well as many bindings and masks. Walking back to me I watch as Master takes me by my leash and leads me to the TV and sits down, pulling his cock out as he begins to watch his shows, taking my place between his legs I take his cock into my mouth and begin sucking away.
Hearing my sister cry as she walks my Master turns the volume up to drown her out, pushing me back he inserts a vibe inside my pussy and turns it on, squirting juices out instantly as Im pulled back onto his cock to continue sucking, cum flooding down my throat I swallow every drop, and continue to deep throat my Masters cock, as he pushes my head to his base and holds me there, feeling more cum bypass my mouth and empty directly down my throat, swallowing is no longer a option its a way of life now.
Pumping several loads directly down my throat I gag occasionally but he doesn't stop fucking me, till the movie is over. At last Im pushed off my Masters cock as he puts his cock away, I have been on edge for days now, only time my arousal is low is when Im sleeping, hovering right on the edge my toy making short work of my senses as I land there, chemically blocked from having a orgasm, my moans seems endless till a hard smack to my face sends me off balance and I fall on my side, left to right myself my Master goes back to the mystery boxes and continues removing foam mats. Reaching my “feet” I crawl out and watch my sister moan as she walks, the loud buzz coming from her pussy as it visibly spasms under the latex, I can see her lips twitching uncontrollably, shes desperate to cum, and so am I. Smiling to myself I continue watching as she moans and walks in her ballet boots, her toes surely on fire at this point since she cant stop walking. Taking in her predicament I hope I have another chance to make her cum without permission, denying her future orgasms even more, next time I'll make her cum more than twice!
The vibe inside me has remained on high speed this whole time, I highly doubt my sister could hear my vibe through the thick latex and her own moans, I turn and leave her to her slice of hell and I pant, crawling to my Master, I want to feel him inside me, I want him to stir my pussy up with his cock. I lick his shoes and as he looks down to me from the side of the large box as I roll onto my back and present my needy cunt to him. Smiling down at me “Does the little pet need its pussy played with?” he asks, panting and moaning at his question is all I could manage as he rubs my moist slit with his shoe, massaging my desperate pussy as he says “Remember, bad girls dont cum” he says looking to my sister slave, “good girls cant cum” he says as he rubs my clit drawing another moan from my lips, clearly Im the good girl and likely wont be cumming again for quite some time..
Clearly done removing the foam, My Master moves over to my sister, releasing her from the treadmill he leads her to the box, lifting her up he lowers her into the box and begins to strap her down nice and secure. Hearing moans and groans as toys are put into the box, most likely inside her body, they all seem to match the eggs master put in her earlier, clearly meant to torture her holes with more edging, I sigh both from the pleasure my toy is giving me and from the realization that she isnt going to be cumming anytime soon either. Finishing up the restraints my Master puts a foam lined lid on the box, sealing her in, I dont know whats going to happen but it cant be fun for her.
After nailing the box shut Master grabs my leash and moves me to the other box, whatever he did to my sister slave, Im going to find out personally. Lifting me inside Im greeted with a foam wall that moulds to me when I press against it, amazed at the way it does this Im not looking as Master pushes large inserts inside me, nowhere to run in the box I can only moan as Im almost impaled on the toys, moaning louder when Master turns them all on, my ass has a long intruder, worming its way inside me, every inch moving around, my pussy and urethra buzzing harshly and my clit sucked into a cup and surrounded in vibes I would have cum 5 times in a heartbeat were it not for the chemical torturing me.
Laid on my side Im bound to the foam floor, a latex mask is pulled over my face and secured tight, my only source of air being the tube attached, foam pads are pushed between my limbs, propping them open wide, I can only watch as my Master looks at my fear filled eyes. “Were going on a trip to a new home in the countryside, dont want my pets getting hurt in transit now do i?” My Master informs me with a smile, placing more foam over my body, covering me completely in spongy foam, a soft tap signals the severity of my new isolation as that was my Master nailing the lid closed. Im going on a trip, I dont know where it is or how far away Im going, but I dont really have a choice now Im sealed away, my toys teasing me, holding me at the edge of a orgasm I'll only have in my wildest dreams, Im almost scared of the day I do get to cum again.. A new home to cement my new life as a Slave.
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Fly | Route Selected: N. Yuu
genre: mafia au
warnings: violence, guns, blood
word count: 3.2k
Fly Masterlist
Tumblr media
“I..I choose him”
You made eye contact with the short man with a blond streak in his hair
The distaste in his voice was evident
It was so silent in the police precinct that you could hear a pin drop
Daichi cleared his throat to try and cut the tension
“Ok well if thats your choice then thats that. Nishinoya, make sure they get home and get them to work tomorrow. Dismissed”
Nishinoya nodded his head
“Yes, sir.”
You were surprised that he had little objections about it
But you were soon pulled out of your thoughts when he roughly grabbed your wrist
“Stop daydreaming lets go”
He let go once the car he called came for you two
And as soon as the door closed and the car was moving he pinned his arm against your neck, almost choking you
“I dont know who you are or what youre doing here but i swear to fucking god if i think youre going to hurt anyone here then i will kill you. Nod if you get it”
You nodded your head as fast as you could and he backed off of you
You were too terrified to say anything after that you basically tried to make yourself as small as possible in your seat
After about ten more minutes the car finally arrived at your apartment
“I’ll..um..see you tomorrow nishinoya. Oh im y/n by the way!”
He just grunted and waited for you to shut the door
After he left you went to your room and just fell onto it while taking a deep sigh
Just what have you gotten yourself into?
Nishinoya was at your house at 8:00 AM sharp. He was leaning against the hood of it, checking his watch every two seconds waiting for you
You knew he was there but your nerves refused to let you go down there
Only when you two made eye contact from your window did you know that you had to go
“Sorry im late!”
He said nothing as he got into the car
The car ride was awkward to say the least
You could hear your own heartbeat, could he hear it too?
You were so caught up in your thoughts that didnt even realize the car had stopped
You snapped your head toward him
He rolled his eyes
“We’re here so get out already”
You undid your seat belt and tried to keep up with him
Where were you exactly? You looked up at the building in front of you to see ‘Sawamura Inc.’ plastered on the front of it
Your eyes widened, you were working here now?
“Get your ass inside”
Noya brought you out of your thoughts once again and you hurried yourself in
You were then stopped by an intimidating looking man
“Hey im asahi and ill be training you today.”
Between nishinoya and him you didnt know who was more intimidating
Actually it was nishinoya, dont know why you even had to ask yourself that
But despite asahi being the one to train you, nishinoya never left your side
You could practically feel his eye burning holes into the back of your head the entire time
This continued on for weeks
Nishinoya always made sure you were within his eyesight
You were printing some charts out for suga and noya was leaning against the doorway
“Nishinoya, can i ask you something?”
You took his silence as approval
“Dont you have other work to do? Im sure that you probably have better things to do that just watch me run errands for everyone”
You were right, he did have other things to take care of
But you were his number one priority during the day
“I can just take care of my other things at night. I was ordered to watch you so i am. Besides you chose me so if you have a problem thats your own fault”
You shook your head
“I dont have a problem with you, dont misunderstand, i just hope that im not being too much of a hindrance to you? I just mean...i know you didnt ask for this so..im sorry if ive caused you any problems”
You took the stack of papers from the printer and turned towards him with a smile on your face
“But thank you for taking time out of your day to watch over me, whether you were ordered to or otherwise”
You walked out and he just stood there for a moment processing your words
He just scoffed
Why would you be thanking someone who threatened to kill you only a few weeks ago?
You were strange
He thought it was weird that you had absolutely no sense of danger
But hes noticed a ton of weird things you do over the days hes been watching you
How you scrunch your nose when you dont understand what youre doing
Or how you play with your fingers when youre nervous
All of these little actions were so annoyingly cute--
Wait no. not cute. 
Definitely not. He had to focus. You could still be a threat to the mafia and he wasnt going to let anyone, no matter how cute they were, hurt his family
But watching you interact with the rest of the mafia made him feel as if he didnt have to be as hard around you anymore
He thought it was funny how you teased kageyama sometimes actually
And he almost wanted to join in on the fun
But he knew his place
Right now was one of the rare instances that nishinoya wasnt on you
So you turned your head to asahi who was sitting across from you doing his work while you had the chance before noya came back
“Hey asahi?”
He looked up at you
“Whats up y/n?”
You fiddled with your fingers
“Does nishinoya not like me? I mean i can understand since i take up a lot of his time but i feel like theres a wall between us that he wont lower no matter how much i try and talk to him”
Asahi just let out a deep sigh
“Thats not surprising. He...hes slow to trust. Out of any of us here, hes probably been with the sawamuras the longest. His loyalty is unparalleled”
You nodded along as you followed his words
“Then..i guess ill just have to earn his trust!”
That didnt happen for a couple more weeks though
It had happened when some grunts that worked in the office barged into the break room to get some coffee
They had shoved you out of the way to get to the counter
Luckily nishinoya caught you before you could fall
“God can you believe Daichi is pulling out of the shiratorizawa alliance? What a dumbass move”
“Yeah maybe hes going stupid in the head. Knew he wasnt cut out for this”
They both started laughing and you could feel noyas arms going stiff
You stood up from the ground before noya could jump in
Both of them turned their head towards you with scowls on their faces
“You got something to say?”
You kept your gaze firm
“Actually yeah, i do have something to say. Daichi is a good boss and he always does what he thinks is right for everybody. If he thinks that pulling out of the shiratorizawa alliance is whats best then i trust him on that and you should too! I mean, you two work for him! Dont you think you should show him a little respect?”
They just both busted out laughing
“Respect? For him? Hes nothing without his father. He never wanted anything to do with us anyways. Hes a weak bastard”
“Yeah well at least hes a better man than you two will ever be”
Maybe you provoked them too much
“You wanna say that again bitch?!”
You raised your hands to cover your face bracing yourself for the impact
But you opened your eyes when you heard their strangled voices cry out
“Dont touch them”
Nishinoya was in front of you, the man who was gonna hit you on his knees with his wrist in noyas hand
A sickening crack heard in the room
“Leave. I dont want to see either of your faces here ever again”
Both of them scrambled out of the room as fast as they could
You let out a shaky breath
“Thank you nishinoya”
He turned towards you with his hands in his pockets
“It was nothing. Just doing my job”
After that he wasnt as abrasive with you anymore
Talked to you more at work
Even joined in on teasing kageyama with you!
It made you smile every time he helped you with something as simple as bringing you a drink in the morning
Seeing you smile in the morning started to be something he would look forward to
He trusted you more now
And eventually it led to him knocking on your door at 3 AM on a friday night
You opened the door to your apartment still only slightly aware of what was happening
You immediately perked up at the sight in front of you
Noya looked like he was about to collapse from the amount of bruises and cuts on him
“Can i come in?”
You quickly got him inside and sat him down on your couch
“Um stay here and undress ill go get my first aid kit
He just nodded his head as you ran off
Once you came back you poured some alcohol on a rag and went for the bigger slash on his side
But you stopped at what you saw
He had so many scars
You unconsciously brought your hand up to one of them and ran a finger over it to which he shuttered under your touch
You pulled your hand away and focused again
“Sorry, this might sting”
You saw his face grimace and his hand tighten around his shirt
“Did that hurt too much?”
He shook his head
“No its fine keep going”
Once you were done disinfecting and bandaging all of his wounds, you laid him down on a pillow so he could rest
“Oh! Let me go get you some water”
But once you came back he was already asleep
You set the water on the coffee table and grabbed a blanket from your room and laid it on top of him
You sat on the ground next to him just taking in what had just happened 
He looked so different when he was asleep but still just as handsome
You slowly fell asleep with your head leaning against the edge of the couch cushion
Noyas eyes slowly opened due to the cracks of sunlight coming through the window
When he turned his face he was only a hair length away from yours
Which startled him so he shot up from the couch which made you bolt awake
“What is it? Whats happening??”
You looked around looking for the fire only to see that noya had woken up
“Oh good morning nishinoya. Sleep well?”
You stretched your arms out and yawned
“You can take a shower if you want. Ill go get you a towel”
He was about to object but you left too fast
He stood up and looked around your apartment and saw some photos on a shelf
He picked up the frame to see a young you, probably around five or six with two adults sitting beside you
Your parents
He suddenly realized how...ordinary your life must have been
He snapped his head towards you and put the photo down
“Cmon ill show you the shower”
You had a smile on your face that made his heart do something weird
He didnt understand it
After he got out you were sitting on the couch with your first aid kit
“Do you need help rewrapping your bandages?”
He nodded his head and made his way toward you to sit down
You started wrapping him up, trying to be careful not to irritate his wounds
He just stared at you
Normally someone would be curious in this type of situation
So why werent you saying anything?
“Are you not going to ask any questions?”
You just kept applying ointment
“No, unless you want to talk about it but i know it doesnt really concern me as im not..officially in the mafia with you guys. What happened is your business, i know you handle your jobs at night since youre busy dealing with me during the day”
He was kind of shocked at how understanding you were
His hand reached out on its own and pulled you into a hug before he knew what he was doing
You froze as soon as he pulled you in
Just what was happening?
You both slowly pulled away from each other, hints of reds and pinks covering both of your cheeks
“Im done wrapping you up so I’ll um go shower now. If youre hungry feel free to look in the kitchen for something to eat”
You rushed off with a hand covering your face
Noya sat there confused
What had gotten into him?
He put his shirt back on and left before you could come back out
He wasnt being himself and needed to leave
Monday came around and you hadnt seen or heard from noya since saturday morning
You were shocked to see that he was gone when you had come out of the shower
But at the same time you were relieved to see him gone after that awkward moment together
Noya had picked you up like usual though and he acted like nothing had happened
So you decided to just follow along and did your job as usual
It was kind of awkward between the two of you
The only thing breaking the silence between you two was nishinoyas phone notification going off
“I have a meeting with daichi. Ill be back later”
You nodded your head
“Ill be here”
He quickly left the room and you let out a sigh
Noya quickly made his way to daichis office, clutching the area above his heart
Why did it race around you now?
You didnt even do anything
You were just...there
“God what the hell is wrong with me?”
He ran a hand through his hair
You on the other hand finished all your tasks for the day
You looked at the time...only half past two
There was a bakery right around the block, maybe you could pick something up real quick for everyone
So you went on your way grabbing only your wallet since it was so close
As soon as you turned the corner though you felt something was wrong
You picked up the pace, hoping to get to the bakery before anything happened
But as soon as you picked up the pace so did your stalkers
You yelped when you felt someone yank on your arm, pulling you into an alley
“Someone help! Nishinoya!”
You tried to kick whoever was holding you
“Shut them up we need to get out of here”
A white cloth came over your mouth and you were quickly unconscious
Itd been hours since noya had last seen you and he could feel his stomach dropping
Where the hell were you?
Kageyama said he last saw you finishing up a report for suga and suga said he received that hours ago
Noyas foot wouldnt stop tapping the ground, he couldnt sit still and everyone around him was starting to notice how antsy he was
“Hey noya whats up?”
Asahi was just trying to get noya to calm down from whatever was bothering him
“I havent seen y/n since my meeting with daichi. For some reason my chest gets tight when i think that something bad mightve happened to them. When they smile my heart races and i cant stand the idea of anything bad happening to them”
Asahi just let out a deep sigh
“Nishinoya, have you ever considered that you might love them?”
He...loved you?
Suddenly everything made sense to him
How he caught himself smiling whenever he saw you teasing kageyama or how when he woke up that morning in your apartment he wanted nothing more than to wake up like that every morning
He loved you
A ringing sound echoed in the room and noya pulled out his phone
An unknown number
Unease settled in him as he answered the phone
“This Nishinoya?”
His hand tightened around his phone
“Yeah. Whos this”
“Meet us at the warehouse on 6th near the port in thirty minutes and come alone. If you dont then itd be a shame if something happened to y/n”
Noya could hear your strangled whimpers before the phone call ended 
His blood ran cold
“Asahi..someone took y/n”
His voice was low and feral, it sent chills down asahis back
“I'm going ahead. Bring backup ill send you the details”
Nishinoya grabbed his jacket and left the building 
His feet hit the ground as soon as he got there, he couldnt care less about his own safety right now
The cold metal pushed against his hands as he opened the door to the warehouse
He felt his heart stop once his eyes landed on you
Blood ran down your face, your beaten body limp on the floor
“Took you long enough. They werent as fun as we thought they were going to be. Glad you got here before we broke ‘em”
Noyas jaw tightened as he instantly recognized them
How dare they touch you
He had shown them mercy the day they almost hit you in the break room
But now he knew that was a mistake
“What do you want with me?”
They both had disgusting smiles on their faces
“You got us kicked out of the mafia, something that was important to the both of us. Of course we had to return the favor, though we’ll be taking them”
The man gripped your chin and noya saw your eyebrows twitch from the discomfort
“Dont touch them!”
Red flooded noyas vision
He hadnt felt this amount of rage and fear in a long time
But as soon as he moved one of them had a gun pointed at him while the other was on you
“Theres no way you can win this. Just sit and watch”
“Is that what you think?”
Noya turned around at the sound of daichis voice
Hed never been so relieved to have backup before
In their shock the karasuno mafia quickly got the upper hand against the two former members
And as soon as noya could he lifted you into his arms and wiped away the blood on your face with frantic movements
But you slowly grabbed one of his hands and intertwined your fingers with his
“Thank you for coming nishinoya”
His lips quivered as tears flowed down his face and onto yours
“Im so sorry y/n”
You shook your head
“Its not your fault noya. Please believe me when i tell you that”
He nodded his head and tried to stop his crying
“I love you so much y/n. You wont ever have to go through this ever again, i promise”
His brought your hand up to his lips and he kissed your knuckles
“I love you too, noya. Now cmon, lets get home im really tired”
He lifted you up and carried you out, not bothering to talk to anyone as he left and no one talking to him either
For the first time karasunos guardian had something else he wanted to protect
And he was going to love and treasure you for as long as he was alive
taglist: @the-ironic-me​ @multisun​ @my-mass-hysteria​ @sugawsites @youbloodylegendyoudidit @sinthxy @celamoon​ @tinymouth @fait-de-fleurs​ @tsukifanbase​ @69owo​
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ivyuns · 4 years
love again ❆✰
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lee minho
genre: angst / fluff 
word count: 2.4k
warnings: drugs + language + a bit suggestive + a few grammar mistakes (this was written at 5 am plz i cant) 
A/N: why do i keep having dreams of someone who i used to like :(
nonidol!minho x fem!reader
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taking a picture of the scenery of paris in front of you, smiling of how well it came out, a real smile this time. hearing a voice call out your name, you turn around as your smile dropped, seeing someone who you didnt ever wanted to see. lee minho was his name.
it started as you two were young and in love with each other back in high school. you two we known as the toxic couple. not because you two were bad for each other, but because you did everything together: drugs, alcohol, getting high, sex, you name it. other than those, you two had another side of being soft. the romantic dates and the funny days shared.
the time you two hung out as best friends everyday, making everyone in school thinking you two were couples. the night where minho took you star gazing late at night after having a fight with your mom and ended up kissing you and asking you to be his one and only.
til your mom found out that you did drugs and drank underage because of minho. she forced you to break up with him and you felt like shit. you called him to meet you at the park you two always went to and left the house to go see him.
arriving at the park and sitting on a bench with the winter breeze around you in your light cardigan. feeling something on your shoulders made you feel tense til you smelled where the owner of the jacket is. lifting your head up, a tear fell from your eyes. minho’s eyes soften as he took a seat next to you and wiped the tear away.
“y/n, whats wrong love?” minho asked. “m-min, we need to break up”. minhos eyes widened from your sentence. “b-baby what happen? is everything okay at home? please tell me”. sighing and standing up as you took off minhos jacket off of your shoulders and gave it back to him. “just know that i still love you forever and always and we’ll meet in the next life” and left him.
minho sat there in shock, not knowing what just happened. it felt like a big part of him just left him.
the next week at school, you werent at your seat. you were nowhere found in school. you were just laying on your bed, feeling total shit. feeling nothing to do but just cry to sleep. your mom made you do online school to stop you from seeing minho and his friends. you phone made another noise as you sighed. looking up to see your phone on your nightstand, you see 44 missed calls and 64 messages from minho. tears falling down even more, you ended up falling asleep with a worried minho waiting for you at school.
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and that was the last time you ever saw him, you first and last lover. his cousin, who was your best friend had kept in touch with you and told you what minho had done during the breakup. inhaling and consuming drugs, overdosing on drugs, drinking more and going crazy while yelling your name and wanting you to come back into his life.
minho eventually got over the breakup in a year. looking at the memories you gave him, he had the urge to call you names you didnt like him saying. his cousin passed by his room and heard him saying things you hated being called. knowing it was about you since his cousin had knew you before minho so of course you told her everything.
feeling hurt and angry about what she told you, you felt yourself growing apart from him. why still love him after he called you those names? you gave yourselft sometime to heal and feel better about yourself.
now here you are now 3 years later, visiting your dream city, france. you always wanted to come here when you and minho were a bit older but things didnt work out.
turning around after hearing minho called you, he ran over to you. looking at your figure, he can tell you lost too much weight but still had the perfect brown eyes with your hair recently dyed to light brown and your fashion senses that changed. only with you in a black top and baggy tan pants with black converse. god how much did he miss you.
a few minutes after not talking, you figured he just wanted your attention after he searched you everywhere in paris when his cousin gave him updates on you. walking away from him, he quickly grabbed your wrist. “y-y/n, can we please talk?” you made him let go of your wrist and continued walking to your hotel.
minho quickly ran in front of you and stopped you. “please y/n, what did i do wrong?” you sighed and looked up at him. “maybe if you werent so psycho, you wouldve known.”
minho stood there and thought of what happened. was it when you broke up with him? no, it couldnt be your fault. when he called you more than enough? no. when he was about to propose to you and run away with each other? no way. you two broke things before he could even ask.
‘shit’ he thought. it made him realize. he was too angry at some point and called you names that you hated being called and point out your insecurities. he knew someone was outside his door at the time.
facing back reality, he sees you still in front of him. “figured out now, mr lee minho?” you crossed your arms and a little smirk formed on your face. even after years, you still cant stop loving him. minho takes your hand and drags you to a park to lay under the sunset, watching to stars as it turns dark. remembering from your high school days.
laying down with you in minhos embrace, you whispered a ‘i love you’ to minho and fell asleep after missing the warmth of minho. minho, who smiled after you fell into your slumber and pulled you closer to him. “i love you too y/n”
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a few hours, you woke up to nobody in the park but you and minho in the dark. noticing you were still in minhos arms, you got up and woke up minho. minho opened his eyes and saw your panic face. “minho, where are we?!”
minho was fully awake now. looking everywhere, he couldnt remember where or how he took you to this area. “god minho if you werent such a dumbass. youre lucky that my phone works fine here” you said as you gathered your stuff and grabbed minho’s hand, forcing him to get up and follow to directions on your phone to where your hotel was.
minho just smiled and walked close to you. “you havent changed a bit y/n” he says. you stopped walking and turned around which resulted minho bumping into you. “youre really asking for a slap are you?” minho quickly shook his head a no and you turned around and began walking again.
opening your door to your hotel room, minho was full in daze. everything was decorated beautiful just for a hotel suite, or thats what minho thought it was. “you can sleep on the couch here, ill be upstairs if you need anything” you said and head upstairs where your room was after giving him an extra toothbrush and toothpaste and other necessary items.
“wait y/n!” he calls your name and you turn around to walk downstairs. stopping at he last step of the stairs, minho walks towards you. “can you actually stay down here. i-i mean like so we can catch up on stuff like you know?” you knew he just wanted you to stay down here since he couldnt be alone.
“ya, youre just trying love me again arent you minho?” you joked as you poked him. minho scoffed and went to sit on the couch. “as if”. walking towards the couch and sitting next to minho, you lift your legs onto the ottoman. “im just joking min, of course ill stay here with you” you say to him and looked at him with a happy smile. minho smiles also after hearing you call out his nickname youll call him during your relationship.
hugging you waist, minho leans towards you as you get lost in his sparkling eyes. he lays you down and kisses your lips. at first, you wanted to pull away, but after missing his kisses, how could you resist it? 
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a few weeks had gone by and you two had returned to korea as a couple again. another 3 weeks and you moved in with minho after getting kicked out when she found out you found minho. with no hesitation, you facetimed minho about what happened and let his loving girlfriend move in with him.
moving your belongs into his apartment, you felt nauseous. going to the toilet to release the sickness, minho puts down a box and runs over to your side after hearing disturbing noises from the bathroom. “baby, what happened? are you okay?” minho says and tries his best to comfort you while he lifts your hair into a ponytail so its not in the way. “i-i think im-”
tears started streaming down your face as thoughts ran past your brain. what if he doesnt want the baby? is it too early? were still in our early twenties. you were cut off by minho hugging you. “its okay baby. we can check and see in the morning. lets go head to bed, i already got the last box.” nodding your head, minho leads you to the bedroom with his arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest, both slowly falling asleep.
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waking up first thing in the morning, you turn and see minho still asleep. going to get ready to for the store. most importantly, for the pregnancy test.
walking back into the apartment, you immediately go to the bathroom and take the test. waiting for the test to give out the answer, minho wakes up to you not next to him. grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he goes to your contact and texts you.
my baby <3
where are u ?
hearing the familiar notification bell, he sighs as he realize you didnt take your phone with you. getting up, minho goes to the bathroom and sees you with the test in the palm of your hands. he goes up behind you and hugs you and to see the test come back with positive.
with the biggest smile on his face, minho turns you around to face him. “you dont know how happy i am y/n” “but minho, how are you not mad?” you pulled away from the hug with a confusion look on your face, “shhh, just pretend i wanted this to happen in the future when we dated.” minho back hugs you, facing the bathroom mirror.
you see minhos hands rubbing your stomach. “its been our dream to have kids and get married. and ta da!” turning yourself around, you hug minho at a better position. “thank you minho for loving me back and not leaving us, i love you so much”. minho leaned in and put his forehead on yours. “i love you more than you do baby” and gave you a loving peck.
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END <3
yes another minho fic bc this was sitting in my drafts and i dont know where this was heading to hehe
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Part 3.
Summary. Iwazuimi thinks up an awful idea to help Kentarou get his anger out.
Warnings. Vomit, chipped tooth, blood. Sad boi Kentarou
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Kentarou walked with you still in his grip till you were off school grounds. The cold air stung your legs and all you wanted to do was lay down.. and check what that cracking noise was. Kentarou dropped his grip on you and your hand went straight to your mouth to rub at your cheek in little circles, fuck it hurt..
After a minute you decided to just reach in and see if anything was broken, your jaw ached from having to open up so wide but you ignored it. Kentarou watched you with a tilted head and twitching eyebrow. Oh please, he thought. As if you broke any..-
When he watched you pull out a chipped tooth his fingers reached out to you for a minute making the veins in his hands dance around against his skin. The wince your body did when you pulled it out sent a chill up his spine. Oh shit, oh fuck. Why. Dammit. The look you gave him was fake, he knew it. He could see it in your eyes you wanted to break down right there.
You waved your other hand around assuring him it was fine, unsure if you should talk or not. You needed to get home though, and fast.. Kentarou watched you limp for a few steps till you almost fell. He caught you and pulled your arm over his shoulders and grabbed your side with his free one helping you steady.
“Just tell me where your damn house is” was all he said too you.
You felt relieved slightly but.. everything still hurt. You guided Kentarou to your home and you had to make up some story for your parents when they saw the state you were in; swollen cheeks, ripped knee high and holding your stomach. You told them some thug tried to rob you and Kentarou saved you. They believed you and before they could thank him he already left.
Kentarou was already down the street far away from you, hurting you. God damn it this was not helping his anger. If anything it made it worse. He pulled his phone from his pocket dialing , when Iwazuimi answered he punched a brick wall. “This isint working. I chipped her god damn tooth .” He growled leaning into the cold hard building staring at his now bloody knuckles watching the blood trickle down the lines in his fingers dripping down to his wrist slithering to his elbow. “I was so angry ..seeing her in those fucking thigh highs. I know everyone was looking at her” he rolled facing the brick wall running his nails along it waiting for Iwazuimi to say something.
Iwazuimi was quiet while his friend unloaded on him. Yeah, this was a awful idea why did he come up with this Iwa-Kun you dunce. They would be in real hot water if you told anyone but you really seemed like you wouldint do that. “Kentarou, i need to tell you something about her.” There was a long pause on both ends if you dont count Kentarous endless heavy huffing and puffing. After a long thinking session Iwa-Kun spoke up .
Kentarou grabbed his side, he felt very hot all of a sudden, his head heavy and his throat felt like it had a heavy piece of food in it. He heaved a few times trying to steady his breathing but it was no use. He was down on his knees staring at the vomit on the ground in front of him , his phone on his lap. He coughed a few times and leaned forward grabbing his phone , his free arm above his head his fingers in his buzz cut. He felt like total shit and now his stomach was aching hard from rejecting his lunch. A few tears fell from his eyes down his cheeks . “She likes watching.. me play..”
Iwazuimi had to go fetch Kentarou himself because he really could not get home himself right now. Seeing his friend in such a state. The Mad Dog as Oikawa called him, was on his knees hunched over his own vomit crying into the cold cement unable to pull himself together. The fact that you enjoyed watching him play made him sick to his stomach. You enjoyed someone as mean as him, as pushy.. as abusive as him. You were not a chew toy. You were a gift . A god damn gift.
Iwazuimi pulled his friend up handing him some water that he sipped and spit back out to freshen his mouth for the time being. He leaned on the third year all the way home not saying anything at all. He wasint gonna talk and Iwazuimi was not going to force him. The whole walk home he tried to think about what to do to make this up to you .. if he even could.
Iwazuimi took the time to reflect on this whole event that he caused. You were so innocent and shy, not a bruise to be seen on your body, should he tell Kentarou that youve been wanting to approach him? Maybe. But now was not the right time, and it might mean more if you say it yourself. He got Kentarou home safe and sound and Iwazuimi went home himself. Both boys thought long and hard about this whole situation.
The next day you were in so much pain all over; your stomach was on fire and you had a bruise on your left knee and right cheek. You wanted to wear thigh highs but it was probably not a good idea.. You did though use make up to cover up your purple cheek. You fixed your hair and left for school , heart beating fast. The whole night you were awake thinking about what happened. The look he had on his face when he saw you stumble along looked pained and shocked as of he was thinking “i caused that.” Was he okay? Was he sad…
Kentarou avoided you all day; dodging you whenever he saw you or giving you an angry look whenever you locked eyes. You were limping and everytime you tried to walk towards him he just took off in the other direction blending in with the crowd of other teens. He was no where to be found at lunch either, not at his usual spot with his team eating a melon bun. He would be at practice though. And you were gonna ask him if he was okay.
After school you walked slowly towards the gym holding your stomach rubbing tbe giant bruise you had on it. You were in so much pain but you had to ignore it for now. You were almost there.
When you did arrive Oikawa was coming up behind you passing you with a smile on his face and a slightly purple nose. He dipped down to your height grinning at you. “Y/n chan! How can i help you?”
“Kawa.. is..” god you needed to sit down.. “Kentarou here..”
Oikawa tilted his head looking over his shoulder raising his voice. “Iwa-kuuuuun!!!!”
“Dont call me that!!!!!!!” He yelled from the gym.
“ is Mad Dog -Chan in there?”
“He went home sick!!!”
Oikawa looked back at you and rubbed your head. “He went home sick y/n chan.”
“O..ok..” you swayed.
“Hes a little mean though, id pick another favorite player , im available.” He smiled at you.
You fainted in his arms and Oikawa almost didint catch you. He cursed yelling into the gym and everyone ran out , Iwazuimi picked you up in his arms and the Coach told him to bring you to the infirmary.
You woke up to see Iwazuimi leaning iver the bed with his hands in his hair . You reached out touching his arm and within a second he looked up sighing with relief. He grabbed your hand with both of his apologizing over and over.
“Uhm. .. Iwa..Kun..”
“Y/n i am so..-“
“Is .. he really sick..”
“He threw up his lunch , he was eating too fast but…..”
Iwazuimi told you about last night, he left out Kentarou crying but he told you about him vomiting and needing him to help the poor guy home.
“Will.. will he be okay for the game?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“He avoided me all day..”
“I know y/n. He mostly hung around with me today.”
“I dont.. regret any of this.”
Iwazuimi lowered his head into his arms, still holding your hand. “You think you can change him”
“I can try.”
“Hes a good person.. its just stuck under his tough exterior.”
You rubbed his hand with your thumb. “I know, ill find it”
Your parents had come to pick you up and you were given heavy medicine and ordered to lay in bed all day and tomorrow. The game was the day after tomorrow and you prayed you would be okay to go. You would not be at school tomorrow either…
Slowly you pulled your phone from the night stand opening it up to see no messages. Should you..? You opened up your contacts staring at his name for a long few minutes, you were shaking a little. It was just a text. Thats all. Its not like you would see him soon anyway. You took in a deep sigh sending out a text.
🎾i wont be at school tomorrow. But i will see you at the game, i hope your doing okay.
Kentarou was in bed staring at the celing. Watching you limp around the damn school broke his heart into tiny pieces. The fact that he caused such pain to you, someone that enjoyed watching him play. Someone who always had a smile on their face when they asked how his day was… He rolled over squeezing his pillow in disgust. He hated himself, who he was, what he put you through. His phone buzzed and it was Iwazuimi texting him telling him what happened today which broke him even more. God damn it, and Oikawa of all people . He didint reply but he did get another text, from you this time.
His body sunk down and felt very heavy, after everything he put you though, giving you stupid rules, ripping your thigh highs, shoving you into the wall, making you faint at school from kicking your stomach. And chipping your god damn tooth.. you still wanted to make sure he was okay. ..
The text he sent you made you cry instantly, why.. why.. you wanted to be near him, hear him out. Make him feel better..
😡Stay away from me.
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Reddie going to on a date to the fair...only if you want💗
*i took me so long to write this, there might be some errors sorry*
- def like last summer of them all being in derry
-their 18 and richie is moving to LA and eddie is going to NY
-richie knows his time with eds is running out and hes been a lot more clingy than usual
-eddie knows it too and hes been spendig a lot more alone time with his favorite trashmouth
-eddie HATES change so he has regular panic attack just thinking of being away from the losers (especially richie) 
when he gets the panic attacks he usually just throws himself onto richie and starts playing with his shirt
richie started seeing a pattern and lets him calm down, he tries rubbing his back or making him laugh
when eddie isnt with richie when he has one (which tends to only happen at night) he will sneak out of his house and go to richies (richie now leaves his window open for eddie bc of it )
the losers part ways in about 3 weeks 
so for the past week eddie has been sleeping at richies everynight, he waits for his mom to go to sleep and goes directly to richies house
they usually just lie in bed somewhat cuddling 
they both know theres this unspoken thing between them but no one acts on it
the second to last week of  August theres the annual Derry summer fair. The losers have been going there since forever and its like the best part of the summer for them
they usually all go together for a whole day and stay to watch the fireworks then head to mikes farm for a sleepover/bonfire 
one day richie cant take it anymore and calls bev, he just kinda blurs out that he loves eddie and bev starts laughing 
“yeah we all figured you guys love eachother”
“wait you guys? you think eddie loves me too?”
“well none of us spend every night cuddling, and holding hands and sitting on each others laps” 
“you guys noticed that huh”
“omg you’re such a idiot sometimes rich”
“idk what to do though, how am i going to live without eddie”
“you guys will see each other, dont worry, we promised each other annual trips and we all come back to derry for the summers right? You guys will see each other eventually”
“but i can barely stand being without him for a day. You remember last month when his mother didnt let him leave the house bc he coughed? I was freaking miserable that day and i made everyone else miserable too.”
“well rich, i dont know what to tell you, youre going to have to find a way to survive without him, you guys can still call each other when your in school. Its a temporary move, you guys can live together or whatever after college”
“i need to tell him how i feel, i cant just leave without telling him”
“I think thats a good idea, let me know how it goes”
the next day the losers go to the fair, end up causing too much trouble (like always) and then went back to mikes farm. they all got drunk and very emotional, lots of crying bc they were all moving. some promises were made about calling each other at least once a week and plans were made about visiting each other during the thanksgiving holiday and taking a spring break trip together. (their all going to NYC for thanksgiving to see the christmas tree and probably going to LA for spring break)
during the sleepover richie and eddie and sleeping next to each other, richie reaches out to see if eddie is awake and as soon as richies hand is on eddie back, eddie turns around and puts his head on richies chest. 
“eddie do you want to go back to the fair with me tomorrow?”
“yeah we can go back , i think mike would like that bc he was totally smitten with that gir-
“no i mean just you and me”
“just you and me....uhh um okay that sounds like fun”
after eating breakfast at the farm they make up some weird excuse to why they couldnt hang out with the other losers and both leave (richie somehow said he needed to buy a cat)
-once they get to the fair theres this kinda awkward silence between them. Richie tries to make stupid jokes but all hes getting from eddie is nervous laughter
“hey eds whats wrong” richie says as he grads eddies hand
“i just, idk what are we doing?”
“well were at the fair, its this big fun thing we do every year”
“i know what a fair is you idiot, i mean why did you only want to come with me”
“bc i wanted to spend the day with my little eds!” (richie def pinches his cheek)
“dont call me that! god im so not going to miss that nickname when college starts”
“stop lying to yourself  my little spaghetti, youre going to miss not hearing it everyday”
they end up walking around trying some of the games.
eddie spotted a Koala that he really wanted and richie set out a mission to win it
he ended up spending like 20 dollars on tickets bc he kept losing the game. but when he finally got it, the look on eddies face made it all worthwhile
eddie decided to name the koala trashmouth for his knight in shining armour that got him in the first place
richie melts
eddie also named him that bc richie TOTALLY loves to koala hug eddie (and thats also why he wanted the koala in the first place bc he thought of richie when he saw it)
eddie gets them both candied apples
richie drops his after two bites
so they end up sharing eddies
at the end of the day richie insists on going to the ferris wheel
so they go and they sit right next to each other, eddie head on richies shoulder and finger intertwined 
they stop at the top and richie thinks its now or never
“hey eds, i need to tell you something and i dont want you to say anything, just let me finish”
“hm okay”
“you know how a couple of years ago you told me you loved coming to the fair because being here with your friends made you so happy. And that you absolutely loved coming on the Ferris wheel because being so high up and seeing the beautiful view of the town at sunset made you feel at peace and so whole...”
“yeah i remember that”
“well thats how you make me feel”
richie is playing with the hem of his shirt and every second that eddie doesnt say anything he starts shaking more and more
eddie sits quietly, in shock, and finally starts to process what richie says. he is quickly distracted by a tapping noise coming form richie
he looks at richie and sadness overcomes him, hes never seen richie look so nervous and scared in his life. the only thing he wants to do is hold him tight and thats exactly what the does
the second eddie takes richie into his arms richie just starts sobbing. the relief of the secret and the reality or their situation was just too much for him to handle
“shh shh ‘chee its okay, please dont cry baby”
“ i just, i dont know how im going to survive without you, youre my bestest friend eds and i love you so much..”
“i love you too richie, so much, why do you think i always sneak into your bedroom? all the panic attacks? its all because i keep thinking of college without you”
“why did we wait so long? i should have told you when i was 14, fucking hell Tozier always says stupid shit but never the right shit”
“richie stop youre not stupid, I should have told you, i just didnt know how. I know we waited too long but im so happy it happened this way. I dont think it would have worked out if we had told eachother sooner, we were so young. Now that were moving out of this shit hole we get to be ourselves and we can make this work” 
“but youre going to be so far away...”
“ill come visit you and i you can come see me, ill call you every night, this is going to work, i know it is bc its us and i know were meant to be together” 
“promise you wont forget me when im in LA”
“how can I ‘chee, you’re literally all i think about”
“wow okay this is getting really cheesy so can i just add a bit more cheesiness and kiss you at the top of the Ferris wheel?”
“ ugh okay but only since were already here and i dont think i can wait a minute longer”
richie cups eddies face and kisses him passionately 
this is definitely a story they will share with their kids in the future ❤️ 
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leviathiane · 4 years
this is going to be a long-ass post i am so sorry to Everyone! i take a lot of notes.
So, as You specifically know (as well as all of my lovely Soggers) I take a LOT of notes. Obsessively. I write fucking everything bc i have very little memory and very much paranoia. This results in literal Piles of notes. Raw planning, on paper, on my phone– doodles of scenes im brainstorming, bulletpoints, entire SCRIPTS– it’s all there but scattered (I’ve got scenes planned in the margins of my goddamn anthropology notes and deciphering it was a NIGHTMARE) 
I won’t even upload all the photos of my writing notebook, because itd be like 50 pages of illegible nonesense. but heres a couple of planning phase pages. (may be hard to read, I dropped this notebook both into some tidepools, into a creek on campus, and accidentally leaked my waterbottle onto it in my backpack :/) 
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if you can’t tell already, yes they all look exactly like this. Some are even more illegible, because I wrote them with the notebook half under my actual class notes. Because i wrote most of them in class. During lectures. And pretending very badly that i was not doing exactly that. (pay attention in class please i got away with this bc i was filling up elective units) 
I’m also flat out MISSING a large portion of my notes bc some of it? isnt even in the damn notebook. its on a sheet of binder paper, or on the empty back of an assignment. I’ve now lost most of those notes, but the ones i do still have are just as (even more, actually) indecipherable chicken scratch: 
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Wow, how clean and tidy and easy to follow! i am in hell. 
and this doesnt mention the PAGES and PAGES of outlines that are on my laptop, and the pages of outlined scenes that are on the notes app of my phone. if i put them all, you would have entire chapter spoilers up to the very end of the story so i cant post a lot of them– and also theres just a goddamn lot of them. currently i have 16 pages of outlining. There are no spacing breaks. It is a solid 16 page block of text. Looking at it gives me a migraine. 
some assorted notes which i have dredged up from the deleted parts of the main draft google doc go all the way back to when i started Wror in June and they are Barely more readable than my handwriting on sheer account of: articulation is not my strength. These include: 
“Ch 8 plan: sabo gets trained specially, awakens his armament haki, beats ace in a bunch of spars and proves himself to be anything but vulnerable. The boys are like “we fucking recognize that technique ryu taught you before us!!” and goad ryu into finally starting them both on basic haki training, just to awaken it, since sabo already has. Also this is the chapter that ace finally confronts ryu for his devil fruit after ryu confirms that some devil fruit users can’t be hurt without haki and ace immediately catches onto that and tries to slam his pipe through ryus head. It doesn’t work, ryu catches the weapon with a haki covered hand, to avoid turning to flame with hit and ace just gets frustrated and accuses ryu of hiding his devil fruit, because he remembers what he saw in grey terminal and that now that he has seen haki he can distinguish it from what he saw and he’s sure no one could do what ryu did. He calls ryu a hypocrite for coddling them even after telling them to stop coddling sabo and ryu has to sit them down and explain that yes he does have powers and he has been hdiing it and explains his reasoning. However instead of understanding th eboys just get fired up and say they don’t wnt to be scared of fire, especially not when it means ryu isn’t taking them seriously in a spar. Ryu finally agrees to start them on desensitization training for fire trauma. Fire desensitization training happens on the beach, so that they have water nearby in case things get out of hand. At some point ace gives ryu a considering look and is just like “if you have a devil fruit that means you can’t swim either right?” and ryu is basically just like “lmao yeah” and then ace immediately attempts to drown him. Lots of murder attempts in ace’s department toget his older brother to be less of an idiot with little success lol(extra: ace tried to attack ryu earlier both to confirm that ryu has a devil fruit that would force him to use haki to hide it, and because he now knows that he CAN’T hurt ryu without haki and as thus can’t beat him and make him admit he’s awake without being good at haki.)” [chapter 8] 
“Small sabo lost his hat and goggles in the incident and while he doesn’t remember having them future sabo notices he looks uncomfortable and keeps touching his hair and head. Ace yells at him for it thinking he bandaging are bothering him and that he can’t touch them but little sabo just comments that something about it feels wrong. Luffy blurts our that he had a hat, like luffy does, But he doesn’t now ace begrudgingly mentions that they can’t get a new one in town. Future sabo doesn’t even hesitate and just plops his own hat onto his younger selves head. It clearly too big for him, and almost falls over his eyes but he grins up at future sabo and is like “wow!! Thank you! I’ll take care of it till I have one of my own” and creates a paradox like Luffys own hat. The footsteps younger sabo has yet to fill. This HAS to happen AFTER the talk where they explain that future and past sabo are both the same person, to give little sabo that pressure.” [chapter 9]
“(Right after this older sabo takes them down to the ocean so that they can play a little and desensitize themselves and immediately fucks himself over when he goes weak in the water bc he somehow fucking forgot his own devil fruit again and now even younger sabo is on his case about not letting him near the fucking ocean that little goddamn HYPOCRITE—) )” [for chapter 9]
“Ch 9 plan: they finally leave dawn island. Starts with the boys getting a haircut after training and luffy mentions how long it’s been since they’ve last needed a haircut, giving sabo and ace time to point out that it’s been 2 months now since ryu joined them, and that sabo was completely healed by now. The boys are now aware of the basics of haki, and while luffy hasnt awakened either yet ace and sabo both have a little bit of weak armament haki. (sabo won’t awaken observational haki until he gets his memories back) ryu tries to sneak off into the city to steal a boat but his brothers refuse to leave him behind and keep sneaking out after him, not wanting him to go alone and saying that since he’s been training them they’re clearly stronger and he needs to let them do this. Ryu eventually just lets it go because why the fuck not it’s a dream and they make him feel better. They get the boat out on open ocean and finally fucking sail out, cheering loudly, ryu struggling to make them all calm down but also not really trying. He’s happy as shit, and they’re all so excited and happy and sabo dips a hand into the waves and then smiles so fucking wide and tackles ryu so violently they both nearly tip into the water and it’s just very very good. “ [also for ch 9] 
** I flat out dont Have any outlining from before chapter 6, because i only started actually outling chapters after that. i tend to just sit down and Write up until i hit a plot point or writers block and then am forced to actually think it through and plan rather than letting it come naturally. thats also why the quality and editing is better in later chapters despite everything being written within the same time frame. 
besides entire chapter outlines, there are the scene specific phone notes like:
“(ADDED) Right after they leave dawn, when sabo is sure they’ve gotten enough of a head start, he calls Garp. He doesn’t say who he is, but that all of the boys are safe and happy with him and has them all talk into the phone to assure him that they’re fine. Garp is honestly just pissed off he doesn’t know who’s calling and when he asks sabo just laughs and says a disobedient brat before hanging up. “
“(ADDED) TO EXPAND ON CH 3: sabo gets offered the chance to go with dragon, and he hesitates on the offer to go through with his previous life with the family he’s made in the revolutionary again. He almost agrees, because the bought of losing them in this lifetime is near excruciating but reminds himself swiftly that it’s no place for his brothers and not what they’d really want, and he wants selfishly to be with them as long as he Can until he “inevitably” wakes up. The boys are visibly relieved by this, especially ace. (Sabo gets asked who he is by dragon, who wants to know more about the stranger with his son, but dragon has always been quicker to make connections no one guessed and he just smiled knowingly at sabo and tells him he’s sure the other will have no trouble finding them if he’s in need. Sabo in turn warns him to keep Kuma close, and to look for a slave girl named koala.)”
I have…. many of these. I have Many of Everything. 
finally, i have scene doodles. if i hit a bad writers block it usually helps me to sketch scenes or the character designs to regain my grip on what the hell is happening in the plot– Breach of Intention has character design sketches, pakcbond has MANY scene sketches, even some of my nsfw has some sketches. my wror skecthes arent Good of course, I am an art teacher for children and that means i am more often explaining the color wheel and brush techniques over drawing perfect human replicas– and i just dont really make a lot of fanart? ive never drawn sabo before but i sure have a bunch now. i wont include close ups because they genuinely suck but heres an example pic 
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So… yeah thats about everything. this is a VERY long post and yet i only included like maybe ¼ or 1/5 of all the notes i have dbskhjgfkjadns lmk if anyone wants more (or notes for my Other stories, which contain NO WHERE the same absurd amount of shit that wror does.)
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supergirlimagine · 5 years
Lost & Found pt. 5
Heeeeey Guys! Alright so this has been Real! I had the best time working on this with the one and only @baked-bean-bekah! So this will be MY last Part for this Series. She’ll be leading us out with the final Part sometime next Week! Be excited! I Really enjoyed putting this together and thanks to everyone who showed us some love! We really appreciate it and are Glad you guys liked it, we shall see how this ends! Thats it from me✌🏽
Thanks for Reading🖤
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The DEO is busy with Agents and IT personal scattering around. The latest attack had everyone on high Alert. In the Middle of it all, Maggie stands with Alex and Supergirl, looking at the Screen in Silence. A Picture of you was pulled up. A scared young child with a lost expression in her eyes, your baggy hospital gown making you look way to thin. You held up a sign that read: Subject 9473. Alex breaks the Silence.
"Brainy. Find Project Shockwave and tell me about it."
"I am not sure if we can access said File, Director Danvers. It seems to have been filled away as..Classified.”
"Then find a way, Agent Dox.", her order left no Room for argument.
Brainy ducked his head and works his fingers over the Tablet for a Few Seconds, just like that, the File showes up on the Screen. He starts rattling of the Details.
"Project Shockwave. A Cadmus experimental trial which had its Participants, from an unknown Planet of Origin, compete against each other to test their Strength and Stamina. The goal of the Program was to understand and then Convert the Subjects Abilities as a use for an never exhausting Power Source, meant for all Electronical Devices. Ultimately, the creation of Weapons with electricity currents, that would be stronger than any Man made machine, would come to be. Although, it looks like the Test Subjects were unable to meet the criteria in all but one cases and deceased shortly after Initiation of the Program. The dissection of the Subjects proved that...-"
"Okay. We get it." Maggie cuts him off, having heard enough.
"What about Y/N?"
Brainy lookes at her confused. She cleares her throat and shifts uncomfortably.
"Subject..9473?", she clarifies.
"Oh, yes. It looks like this Test Subjects was brought into the Programm as a young Child and was monitored and tested throughout Adolescence. Said Subject is known to Produce large amounts of Energy, which were successfully converted into Electricity. With excessive testing and training, the subject was later able to change it's monocular structure and Teleporte through any Electrical current. For safety reason, the Subject was held in Isolation. Held in a Glass Cell, surrounded by Water as it was one of the few ways to disciple the Subject. Power blocked devices were placed around it's Wrists at all times. Furthermore,..-"
"That's Enough. Thank you.", Alex cut him off this time, starting to feel sick to her stomach.
They hade somewhat of an Idea of what had happened to you, but were never able to get the full story. You had refused to tell all of it and they decided to stop pushing.
"Get the Alpha Team ready. We are moving out."
Without spearing another glance, Alex turned around and headed for the Armory. Supergirl close on her toes, determination strong in her features.
"Danvers! Wait." Maggie caught up with a few quick steps.
"Where do you think you’re going?"
She whipped around quickly and looked at her Finance.
"I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago! I'm taking down Cadmus and then finding Y/N."
She made a move to leave again, when Maggie grabbed her Arm.
"Wow. Hey, Stop. You don't even have a Plan or any Clue on where to start. Let's think this through!"
Alex started getting irritated.
"No! Listen, Sawyer. I don't care! All they do is hurt People and use them for their own gain. I'm so sick of it! This ends tonight!"
Emotions were running high and Maggie matched her frustration.
"There is no point in running in there blind! You are going to get yourself hurt! Lets take a step back. I know you’re angry..-"
"I'm not Angry, Maggie! Im furious! They hurt the People I care about! Y/N is out there alone right now and probably terrified! If you would've just..-"
Maggie let go of the Brunettes arm and looked at her with raised Eyebrows.
"If I would have what, Danvers?"
"If you would have just stayed behind with her! Like I told you to!" Alex was close to shouting at this point and heavy Silence followed her Outburst.
Immediately, Alex felt guilty as the hurt expression crossed over her Lovers Face. She avoided her eyes in Shame and continued in a low voice.
"I'm Sorry. No, this is not your fault in any way. Its Just..If I would've been better and faster and paid more attention to her. I'm supposed to be the Director. I'm supposed to know these things. This is on me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let my anger out on you."
Maggies facial expression softened and she pulled Alex to the side when she saw her eyes starting to water.
"Hey, Alex. This is not anybodies fault, especially not yours. We will get her back and we will get justice, but not like this. I can't lose you too. Please."
Alex looked up now and stepped closer to Maggie, almost whispering the next words.
"I know you’re right..I'm just.. I'm scared''
Maggie tilted her head to the side, flashing her Dimples with a sad smile.
"I know, Babe. Me too."
It's been two Days since the Attack and two Days of you being back on the streets. You had not eaten or slept. You were constantly looking over your shoulder, frightened by every small noise. Using you Powers after such a long time had taken a lot out of you, but you couldn't afford to rest just yet and debating your next steps wasn't an easy task. Your brain was telling you to get out of town, leave this Place behind and find somewhere far away where they wouldn't be able to get to you. But there was a tightness in your chest, a hollow feeling creeped through your veins at the thought of leaving this City behind. You had never felt this before, like there was something that had made you want to hold on. You let out a sigh at the realization of how much you missed them. That's what this Felling was. You wanted nothing more than to go back Home and cry in their Arms and never leave their sides again, but that would be too dangerous. What if Cadmus found you there or worst yet, punish them for helping you? You had never felt this torn, because for the first Time since you could remember, you felt like there was something worth fighting for, like you had a chance at a happy and normal Life. Letting to ine good thing in your Life go just seemed like something you couldn't handle. The Rain was coming down heavy and you were trying to find cover in some Alleyway. Just as you were rounding the corner you saw a Tall Man towering over a frightened Young Woman. He was yelling at her.
"Give me your Purse! Now!"
She handed it over and you saw a Knife clutched in his fist, as he went through her Stuff. For a split second you wanted to turn around and just walk away, but that's not what Maggie and Alex would do. They are Heroes and they help People, so you should do the same.
"Hey!", you yelled and started to run towards the Guy.
He turned around just in time to see your eyes start to glow and Electricity forming in your Hands. He looked at you wide eyed, dropped the Purse and ran in the other Direction. You came to a stop in front of the scared woman, not thinking it was worth it to chase after the Guy. When you bent down to gather her Belongings and hand them back to her, you suddenly heard a voice yell behind you.
"NCPD! Freeze!"
You stoop up and turned around with the Purse in your Hand, this was bad.
"No!" You looked at the Officer with a shocked expression, understanding what this must look like.
You still had the woman's Purse in a tight grip and your eyes where glowing a pale blue, sparks still running along your finger tips.
"I'm helping!" You yelled back through the Rain.
The gun remained pointed in your direction so you turned and looked at the Lady, pleading with your eyes to back up your story, but all she did was stare at you in Horror.
"Keep those arms up!", the wavering Voice of the Officer made you turn your Head back around.
"I'm going to come over there an put these cuffs on you!" He reached behind him and pulled out a heavy set of cuffs.
You knew those and knew they would dampen your Powers.
"Please! Listen me..-"
"No! Just keep you Mouth Shut and no sudden Movements or I WILL shoot!", He mostly kept his composure, but it wasn't hard to tell that he was new and probably just as nervous and scared as you were right now.
You choose to not push any further, you could see this going sideways. The Cop slowly walked over to you, gun still raised and pointed forward, the Rain around you making it hard to see. The Lady standing off to your side finally seemed to snap back into her surrounding. She made a move forward and tried to make the Officer understand that this was all one big Misunderstanding. The sudden movement startled you enough to look around and put one arm out to let her know you had it handled. The next part happened so fast, you are not even sure it happened at all.
"I said don't move!" thats the last thing you heard before the deafening sound of a gun shot rang through the Allyway. The familiar sensation of Pain ran up your Leg, before the ground came up to meet you.
"Sawyer?" Maggies voice came out raspy and heavy with sleep.
They had been up for the most part of the last couple days. Looking for you and for a way to take down Cadmus and get you back safely. It was around 3 am now and they had just fallen asleep on the couch, surrounded by research and anything else that could help them.
"What?" She was standing just half a second later.
Fully awake now as Alex was slowly opening her eyes.
"Where is she?!" She raised her voice and Alex was at her side this time around already, trying her best at listening in on the Phone Call.
"What?? What do you mean she..- You know what! Nevermind We'll be there in 15min."
She hung up her Phone and walked over to the Front Door, where Alex was already putting on her shoes.
"Who was that? Where is she? Is she ok?"
She asked as she handed her Finance her coat.
"That was my work." Alex was just as confused as Maggie now.
"She's at the NCPD extraterrestrial Holding Cells."
They both shared a look and rushed out the Door, everything else forgotten.
You sit on one of the benches inside a small basement Cell. Your hands still locked in those awful Handcuffs behind your back. The bullet had only grazed your leg and it bleed a little bit, but they had wrapped it up with some gauze and had you sit down and wait for...you don't really know what you were waiting for. All you know is you were cold. You still had your clothes on which were damp from the rain and stuck to your body in an uncomfortable way. This was not how you thought this Night would have gone. Suddenly, a familiar voice cuts you out of your thoughts and you perk up to see where its coming from, your heart suddenly racing. It sounded like the quick steps were coming from just around the Corner.
"Where is that Rookie?! He freaking SHOOT her?? What the Hell is going on here?"
The Officer who had fired at you stood up from his Chair outside the Cell where he was watching up. You heard him gulp as he straightens up and braces himself.
"Please. Detective, we need you to calm down."
They were getting closer.
"Don't tell me to calm down right now! Just get me to her!"
You looked up just as they rounded the corner and your eyes immediately lock with Maggies, which made her she stop in her tracks. Alex was close behind her and you heard her sigh in Relief, when she saw you sitting there. The world stopped for a second as the three of you just stared at each other.
"Open the Cell.", Maggies voice came out calmer, but still not with the same amount of Compassion it usually carries.
"I'm sorry Detective. There are protocols. She's dangerous and I can't just..-"
The Rookies next words were cut off by him being slammed against the Wall behind him. He had at least half a foot on Maggie, but she was still holding him against the Wall, her Forearm pressed against his throat.
"Listen Buddy! You are going to open this Cell for me. Right. Now." Her voice was low and dangerous, there is fire in her eyes.
"I suggest you don't say another Word. I'm not even close to being done dealing with you for shooting at my kid! You don't even want to know what you got coming if you don't open this damn Door!"
She let go of him and he looked at her with wide eyes, too scared to even move.
He stuttered out a quick 'Yes Ma'am' before stumbeling over to the Door and fumbling to unlock it. The second it was open, Alex rushed inside and wrapped you in her arms.
"Oh my god! Y/N! I'm so sorry! I should've look after you better! I'm so glad you're alright!" She pulled back and held your face between her hands, forcing eye contacts as she clarified.
"You're alright, yes?" Hey eyes drifting to your wrapped leg.
You nod and can't help but lean into her touch. You close your eyes and smile a little. You never thought you'd ever miss another's Persons touch, but you sure had.
"What happened Y/N? Why didn't you come back?", Her voice sounded hurt and you tried to sit up and reassure her, but the cuffs made moving around hard.
"Take them off." Maggie was standing slightly behind Alex and had her arms crossed over her chest.
She had barely finished her sentence when the Rookie came over and had you unlocked. Alex now gave you a proper Hug and you could feel the love and worry radiating off her. You looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with Maggie, dread made it's way into your stomach when you weren't able to read her expression.
"Give us some Space." She instructed without breaking your eye contact.
The Rookie and other Officer, that had led them down there, were out ther so quickly, you were sure they were the ones with Power. Maggie finally seemed to Relax. Alex let you go and started to examine your Leg, not caring about the protest that you were giving. It was silent for far to long for your liking and you started to get anxious. A single Light bulb was hanging from the ceiling of the Cell, it flickered and your eyes shot over to it. For a split second, you thought about just zooming out of there.
"Don't." Maggies voice was still sharp, but also soft and it held no venom, like it had with her Colleges.
You turned your head in her direction, ashamed that she knew what you were thinking of.
"You hate me now?" It was meant as a question, but came out more like a statement.
"No! Y/N..That's not." The detective let out a heavy sigh and moved closer to you, kneeling down to be eye level and put her hand on your thigh.
"I'm just worried. You were gone and we had no Idea where you were or if you were Okay."
Alex looked up from where she was making sure your Leg was fine and the bleeding was controlled.
"We were so worried about you.", she added to the conversation.
"I'm sorry. Had to leave. Too Dangerous for you." You look at them with watery eyes, the events from the last couple Days finaly catching up with you.
"I'm....My Powers", you almost spat that word, hating what it made you.
"My Powers are Bad, like me. I'm Bad Person", it came out broken and just above a whisper.
There was no need to hide anything from the two of them anyways, they would always know.
"No! Hey..Don't say that Y/N!" Maggie picked up your Chin and made you look at her.
"You are not Bad. You are one of the smartest, funniest and kidest People I’ve ever meet! Even after everything this World has done to you, you still give it so much Love. Its amazing to witness and be a part of. You are good, you have a good Heart. Just because you have these gifts, doesn't mean you are bad."
Alex was holding your Hand and nodding along with what Maggie was saying.
"She's right. For the short amount of time I was lucky enough to have you in my Life, you have only made it brighter."
Tears were making their way down your Face.
"You mean it?"
"Yes. Of course we do. And Y/N..It's okay to be scared sometimes, but you don't have to run anymore. You don’t have to be guarded. I was scared too when you were gone, but as long as we all stay together, we’ll be fine. I promise you. Forever."
You guys had finally made it home. You were unsure if you should've gone with them at first, but that was out of the question for them. Some more protest followed as Alex stitches up your Leg and you were now laying half on Top of her and fast asleep on the couch. She was playing with your Hair and was softly soothing you everytime you flinched our let out a whimper in your sleep. A comfortable silence was in the Air.
"So...", Alex looked up at Maggie with a knowing smirk, her hand never stopping the soft motions over your head.
The brunette was sitting at your Feet and was Knee deep in Files that was spread out across the Table. They still had to find a way to stop Cadmus.
"What, Danvers?" She didn't have to look up, to know exactly what Alex was playing at.
"Your kid, huh?" Maggie stopped writing and put down her Pen to look at the two of you.
Her features immediately softening at the sight. The quick, witty comeback dying on her lips, as she took in the scene in front of her. This was Perfect and everything she never knew she wanted.
"Yeah.” She reached over you and grabbed Alex hand, letting the Moment take over, nothing but love in her eyes.
“She’s ours.”
Alex gave her Hand a soft Kiss and looked down at your sleeping face and nodded.
"She sure is."
A frown took over her Face, thinking of what they were facing next.
"What if they take her?”
"Hey. No, don't worry. They won't. I will fight with everything I have for our Family. I know you will do the same."
Maggie made sure her Tone showed Alex how serious she was about this.
"Yes. I’m oing to be right there next to you.”
Alex whispered as she moved some stray hairs from your exhausted Face.
@thatcrazybookwormgeek @mysterious-teen-blogger
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transgressivehug · 5 years
your brain makes up my world and its running out of memory so it just reuses data for faces, interactions and environments
braile books
neverending skyscrapers
talking to spirits
I realized I was dead three days ago when I no longer had incentive to drink water, sleep or talk to anyone.
the end of our days comes slowly where the framework of the universe starts to corrode but so do you, so you are mentally unable to differentiate new reality from old. people look different, less complex. more like a doll that speaks back in trite sayings, then repetitive symbols, then agreements solely then a restless humming sigh, growing and growing until all that you hear from others is sheer white noise.
you can wake up and find that there is no one else alive.
losing teeth
insides made of thread and being pulled out of me
night fog
some serious contemplation on depression and how it works. there is some sort of satisfaction from pain both physical and emotional. (we are naturally adjusted to pain in our natural environment as a product of hunting.) depression comes from a consistent enjoyment of this satisfaction
i dont want to sleep because ill snap back into the cycle. i will wake up to late and feel bad or i will wake up early and feel bad so instead i just stay awake and feel okay. ill eventually have to give in though, it will always happen.
eco terrorist
im with the woes of those without problems
ill fill that hole with sickly (redacted)
ill still feel sore when i leave the store
i cant talk to no one
my friends just wanna break me
check my phone and now see them leaving
clothes to patch up my bleeding
all i see is white light.
i only ""had wealth
now i am my real self
until then
what i know for certain
i just want to hurt them
i just want to hurt them
injuries from a friend
they just want to love
10 years but its just not enough
i want to be alone
and when i hear you cry on the phone
i want to be alone
when i see how i couldve gone
i want to be alone
when i hear silence then a sob like glass broke
i wish i could be alone.
hyper reality and post-truth
tooth gloss
one quarter of the screen being blinding huge and loud but beautiful like the sun and the rest being perfectly boring and mundane
night blindness
a tiny echo throughout the entire world that slowly grows in feedback to become deafening hiss then a massive rumble reflecting off of the sky like non stop thunder
a day where nothing important happened.
the news just went blank or showed a burning log or the anchors sat around twiddling their thumbs and painting their nails waiting for something to happen.
once when you are in your mid forties. while you are in your home. you will turn off the lights and reach around in the darkness for your familiar furniture but when you go to touch them your hand falls through the place of the object. you realize it isn't there. you search for another but cant find that one either. you notice that your vision isn't adjusting to the dark at all. it is just pure black. with nothing to grasp for or even feel besides the ground you start to walk around but nothing comes in front of you. the living room, kitchen, bedroom, basement you were just in has now become completely baron. you are able to run in any direction completely freely. eventually the ground you step on starts to add friction. even just tapping your feet in place gives your shoes/socks/feet some extra adhesion to the ground. this negatively affects your speed as you attempt to run further and further away from where your house once was. the adhesion ends up with you tearing bits and piece of the cold ground and tracking them onto your feet. it feels like you are stepping through gravel, then wet sand, then mud until walking becomes a chore and you must eventually stop running. once you stop you feel like you're almost being pulled back by a million small spider web strands hooked to your back. you sink into the ground and becomes the dirt. this is death.
warm tar spilling from the gaps in the ceiling and filling up the room one drip at a time
breathing in water and mashing our hands into one joint.
your fingers come to a point
bodies of light
at the bottom of everything there is only your perception
bolt cutters to your achylies
killing everything i touch
the fear of falling backwards onto a nail
computer souls
transgressive hug
i spill over (thoughts)
yell in water
virtual reality - all senses doubled
siamese twin surgery
negative light & positive light
becoming both girl and boy
the universe as it is unperceived
untouched the by machines of cognition
there are two worlds
you are always in and will always will be in the unperceived world.
a circular room with a ever lasting ceiling filled with webs stretching from one side to the other. condensation filling up the threads and dripping down and down until you have drops at the floor hitting at the speed of your blood flow. the drips are thoughts in your head
unborn as verb
leg with green blue purple and yellow bruised flesh sinking into skin in patches on knee, shins and one freshly applied to top of foot. scabs attempting to dam streams of warm red wet. cuts from toe to thigh, shine and drips let to rest on skin as beads. the ankles bitten thoroughly.
i pick who i date and i get good grades.
i walk around this park alone and think wow thats all that there is to it all.
i know how to live.
the frog that breaks its own leg to use the bone stub as a weapon
media made by terrible people and which its worth comes from interpreting the author
dismantled radio towers in untouched forest
you are driving home late at night and you are going down a road that you've gone down for years but the scenery changes without you even noticing to a foreign town and you realize that your home and the people you know are gone without a trace
getting stuck in a loop with your mind never telling you to stop
shard of glass in my chest
the longer it stays
the sharper it becomes
bubbles form in my muscles
and pop
hide in public
voluntary solitary confinement
drip feed
born without a body
drink BPA
i live in my BPA
a continual struggle of perception.
wisp: translucent like a fish but with green blue or pink tint. delicate beings with long legs, human with a set of seed sprout green wings and young vines wrapping along them. small fish-like frowning mouth.
wisps play in among the threads and fuzz on the iris. fluttering inside pulls up pure light like a snow globe for those who grew up in hell. they love to feed from the black pupil, globs of jelly acidic and sweet.
light has two speeds. quick light being the same as ours and slow light roughly the speed of a an uncomfortable worm squirming around until it can find a recipient it can crawl into and die
transitioning into a girl naturally.
the feeling of a wine glass in the hand. opaque liquid that leaves no stain on the glass like shiny shiny mercury which tastes like lychee.
crystal makeup jars with single drops of hue so pure the vision in your eyes flips and overwrites into pure white iridescence.
sharp jewel décanters filled with alcohol which tastes of warm mint tea and nothing else.
the best art analogies are to cuisine and the best cuisine analogies are to sex.
the sound of winter wind screaming through naked tree branches. there are few moments when spirits can be pulled up through the ground and into the reaching fingers of the tree in order to tell the world their now everlasting suffering. they tell their story in sheer
seeing your own death.
relapsing forever.
what a fucking cope.
recoiled when i touched his hand.
the vestigial mind, only unlocked using meditation.
infantile, pathetic.
imaginary friend:
to see your parents cry.
their costumes fail.
you can never sleep the same.
the doe will shake off its afterbirth in a shiver.
you are two.
obédience to a stranger
she controls everything i do
i am unaware, this deep love ive sacrificed my understanding of. i am just a passenger in my own mind, she is the me which i have no bearing over but she is also the part of me who i have influence over, like my body, she controls my lungs and heart. she is wise and i trust her with my life thats why she controls my vitals and essentials. anxiety is a result of disagreement among her and i, she can struggle and control my body but it takes lots and lots of effort on her part.
this is the guiding reason as to why those who are sociable tend to be happy with themselves. they can understand how to communicate with themselves by talking to others.
being in love with someone else is just a way to embue another vessel with your inner opposite spirit, they can mimic your own soul.
every night you give up yourself fully to your partner
they do not need to be the opposite sex
death is becoming entirely your spirit, the side of you which is unconscious. she is connected (or at least can be) with the rest of the world. in death you are forced to become the rest of your spirit.
the only way to die without suffering is with the acceptance of your loved ones. they are part of you and
the second half is embodied in rest, and stagnation. the inner most desire. those who have no will power are those who have succumb to their second halves. their second half will at the highest stage try to completely devour you. you will kill yourself.
dreams are an attempt at communication from your second half. sleep in the conventional idea of science seems completely irrational. this is the most important reason for sleep.
a man in a suit his being is amorphous and pitch black.
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omeliashepherdhunt · 5 years
Good for Us
Ch. 2
Amelia drove Owen to the airport so that she could tell him goodbye without the kids needing their attention. Ten days. He’d only be gone 10 days. She could make it with 3 under 3 for that long, right? Single parents do it for years. Plus Andrew Deluca would be staying at the house with them so she wouldn’t really be alone. Deluca was her favorite colleague, one of her best friends, and like a younger brother to her. They named their second son Luca in his honor. She’d make it through the 10 days just fine.
“Okay, text me as soon as you land and FaceTime me and the kids once you get checked in at the hotel.”
“I will babe. Keep me updated on how things are going. If anything happens I’m just one call and one flight away.”
“I know. It’s gonna be okay. Just think of the reuniting sex we will have when you come home.”
Owen’s cheeks flushed crimson just at the thought of that but he was interrupted by the intercom doing the last boarding call for his flight.
“That’s my cue. I love you and you’re beautiful. Take good care of our babies.”
“I will. I love you too. Have fun and learn a lot. Be safe.”
“Will do.”
With one last hug and kiss, Owen walked down the terminal and was on board his flight.
It was just after they finished dinner by the time Owen FaceTimed Amelia.
“Hey you. It’s been a while.”
“I know. I checked in then they had this meeting we had to be in. They catered food too so it took a while. I’m just now relaxing in the hotel room.”
“Well we just finished dinner. Andrew made spaghetti and meatballs.”
“Oh, he’s not working?”
“No. Don’t you remember? He was at the house with the kids so that I could drop you off. I make his schedule anyways. Say hi!”
Amelia turned the phone away from her to show Deluca holding Lyla while the boys played on the floor.
“Hey Deluca, what’s up?”
“Just hanging out with this cute little lady. Don’t have too much fun in Utah.”
“Yeah. No girls in your room after dark.”
The camera was back on her and she internally cringed when she saw his unamused facial expression.
“Amelia, that’s not funny. You know there’s not going to be anyone in my room.”
“It was a joke, Owen. Do you feel okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Tired.”
“I can call you back tonight when the kids are bathed and in bed, okay? Get some rest. I love you.”
“Love you too. Give the babies an extra hug and kiss for me. Talk to you later.”
The FaceTime call was disconnected at the same time she tossed her phone down with a little more force than she intended.
“You okay, Shep?”
“Yeah. I can tell when something’s wrong with him and it bothers me when he just says that he’s fine. Anyways, will you mind sitting with the boys while they’re in the bath so that I can get together their pajamas and diapers?”
“Not a problem. I’m here to help.”
The house was quiet. All three kids were asleep in their cribs, Deluca retreated to the spare room, so Amelia decided she’d get into her pajamas and lay in her own bed. It was so weird without Owen beside her. It was as if their bed tripled in size.
Amelia decided to call and see if he was still awake. Utah was only one hour ahead of Washington so there was a decent chance they could chat.
The phone rang three times before he answered. By the rasp in his voice, she knew he had been asleep.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You’re fine. Everything ok?”
“Babies are asleep. Deluca is in his room. I’m laying on our bed being sad it’s so empty.”
“Yeah. It’s weird here too. I’m not a fan of sleeping alone anymore I guess. Got used to a beautiful woman to wake up to.”
“What am I gonna do without morning sex?”
“Same thing I’ll do. Handle it myself. Literally.”
Even states away, he could make her blush like none other.
“I’ll let you know how that works out for me. I’ll let you get back to sleep. Just text me whenever you have a free minute. Good night O.”
“Good night babe.”
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diigbydog · 6 years
you answered my riddle
Riddler (x Female!reader?) oneshot 
word count: 1842
A/N: hi guys! this is my first time writing ed, and first in a long time writing a fic, so i am looking forward to what you all think! i hope you all enjoy! it dosnt get very romantic but there is scenes of tension and implied interest! i may do a follow up if people want one!
It had been a normal day at the club. It was around 9pm on a friday night and the club was packed with patrons, tables were full and the dancefloor was lively. I had worked there for around 3 months now and every day was the same, different people but same routine. My colleagues are nice, and we tend to joke about particularly extravagant customers. The customers usually behaved themselves, even the criminal ones. A local band was playing on stage, they were better than most acts we've had in the past, But unfortunately they were interupted by 3 loud gunshots coming from backstage.
Suddenly, four armed men wearing masks charged onto stage pushing the performers onto the dancefloor  "Alright, everyone stay where you are! dont move!" one of them demanded as he pointed his gun to the ceiling and let off a few more warning shots. Their guns turned to the crowd of terrified gothamites. A chuckle could be heard, followed by "good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Im afraid tonights entertainment has been altered slightly!" I focused on the figure walking onto stage, it was a tall man in a stunning green suit and black bowler hat, the riddler, without a doubt. "- you're all going to be my entertainment now!" He chuckled into the microphone. I hadnt moved from the spot i was in when the first gunshot was fired. I couldnt seem to move yet my eyes were fixated on him. He continued to spew his selfcentered nonsense, carelessly waving around the pistol in his hand "now i dont want to hurt any of you lovely people, but im affraid unless the bar staff give me all of the cash out of the register, oh and answer my riddle, well you will all have to die, and we dont want that now, do we?"
I felt my heart beat faster as he jumped off the stage and started to carve a path through the crowd, directly towards me, one of his masked goons following close behind, empty  cloth bag in hand. As he got closer i slowly raised the empty tray, that i was holding, to my chest, clutching it with both hands. A smirk spread accross his face as he pointed the gun at me and purred "c'mon now dear. Dont keep me waiting." 
Nodding, i backed up towards the bar, placing the tray down next to the register. Riddler hopped up and sat on the countertop, speaking once again into the microphone as i opened the cash register and stepped aside to let the goon do his work. "Now whilst this lovely young lady is getting my money. Lets see if any of you can answer my riddle! Three tries to get it right! and if you dont?" Another gunshot into the ceiling. 
By this time it was just plain irritating, so i plucked up some courage and interupted before he sould announce his riddle "Y'know riddler if you wanna leave here alive you might want to stop shooting the bloody ceiling, it'll fall down before you've finished running your mouth" i instantly regreted speaking as his head spun violently to stare at me, a look of suprise on his face. I could see his teeth grinding, as if he wanted to say something horrible, but he just smiled sarcastically and muttered "thanks for the heads up, darling," 
  "now where was i, ah yes! my riddle!" he said, slowly turned his head back to the crowd "A most delicious thing, it can be given but cannot be kept. Some awake from it after they've slept. It is the moistest and softest butterfly wing, But when it is the last even it can sting." 
He looked at the faces of the crowd. Confused, fearful, and contemplating their careful answers, whispering between eachother. I watched as the masked man took out the last of the cash from the register. The riddle wouldnt stop repeating in my head. As I looked to the crowd to see if anyone had an answer, a man stood up and raised his hand. "You sir! What may your answer be! Remember, you all only get three tries!"
"Cake? The answer is cake." The man stuttered "its delicous and soft. But can be bitter if its a leaving present!" 
The riddlers face turned from an amused smirk to pure anger "NO!" He widely strode over to the man who had now fallen to his knees in fear "CAKE?! WHO WAKES UP DUE TO CAKE?!" I look away as he strikes the man over the head with the base of his gun, knocking him out.
Riddler brushed himself off, sighing in frustration, slowly striding back to the counter, making eyecontact with me. I felt deep down that i knew the answer, and i couldnt let these people die, i could wait until someone else goes to answer, but then if i was wrong i would have to watch him shoot up the building, atleast if i got this wrong he would knock me unconcious. so i timidly raised my hand. 
"so, you think you know the answer, 'ey?" He grinned as he leant over the counter, resting his hands under his chin. 
"Yes. I think i do." "Well then, please, " he continues to repeat his riddle once more, making sure to emphasise each word of importance. "what. am. i?" "a kiss. Thats my answer, a kiss" 
a long pause ensued as he turned round, straightening himself up and adjusting his hat. i felt as if i couldn't breath, i had no idea what would happen if i was wrong. then he spoke up.
"well, you are all safe, congratulations!" i let out a relieved sigh, i could breath again. Police sirens could start to be heard in the distance, riddler and his men start to head back to the stage "aaaand that is our call to go boys! I bid you all farewell! sorry for the inconvenience" And with that, riddler and his goons dissapeared backstage.
-1 week later-
Everything was back in order. The ceiling had been fixed and our doors were open once again. The only thing that was different was that the manager provided all employees with switchblades, for self defence of course. 
Today it was my job to clean out the storage room(aka the basement). we store everything down there, from non perishable food to extra seating, and it was my turn to organise it. "Now where to start" i muttered to myself, deciding after some contemplating to start with the largest items and making my way to the smaller ones. 
Around 2 hours into my mission, i heard the door to the basement creak open, i thought nothing of it as it was probably one of my co-workers looking for a new chair, it wasnt uncommon for a customer to request an extra one. But as the footsteps got closer i realised i didnt recognise the click of heels on the stone floor (no one i work with wears heels, were on our feet all day, why would we suffer through heels!) Fearing the worst i grabbed my blade out of my back pocket and turned round, pointing it at the unknown figure.
As i focused, i realised that edward nygma, the riddler, had returned once again. Although this time, instead of his dazzling green suit, he was sporting some matte black heeled dress shoes, fitting black trousers, a shirt with rolled up sleves and a form fitting waistcoat. Not to mention the extravigant black tie, deccorated with green question marks.
"Riddler" i shakily said, standing my ground as he walked towards me, stopping just infront of the blade i was holding . 
"Hello again-" he glanced down, his hands reaching up to gently prise the blade out of my hand, admitely i was not fighting back, i was far too intimidated to fight back. "Thats enough of that. Im not here to harm you, y'know" he said, in a somewhat comforting tone. I took one step back, distancing myself as he was admiring the blade "atleast your boss isnt cheap, this is a nicely made knife" he looked up at me "now, if i give you this back, you promise to calm down?" He softly asked, gently holding the now closed switchblade out to me. 
I hesitated, but nodded and accepted his offer, letting out a small sigh as i put the blade back into my pocket.  Riddler calmly sat down on a nearby chair, crossing his legs, making himself comfortable "Now, isnt that better" he smiled. I stay silent. "you can talk yknow, im not going to bite!" "I just still dont quite understand why you are here..." i paused, not knowing how to reffer to him "Please, call me edward" "right, edward, why come back alone?" "well, to see you of couse!" "but....why? that dosnt explain anything" "you answered my riddle, plus, ive been fascinated with you since you started working here." me? yes i have seen edward in our club with oswald cobblepot in the past, and i have served him but fascinated? "well...im flattered, i really am, but fascinated? how?"
"well ive never seen you loose your temper, even with oswald and his demands, its quite impressive" he explained, uncrossing his legs and leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees "i wandered if you would tell me more about yourself?" i smiled and blushed, slowly starting to get back to my work, talking as i go "im afraid there isnt much to tell, im not that interesting, deffinately not compared to you and your company" 
Ed pulled himself out of his chair to stand close besides me, handing me a fork to add to my pile "oh quite the contrary, anyone with saint's patience like you must have something interesting to tell" looking up into his eyes i saw the determination he had to make me talk, i knew we couldnt talk here, there was too much risk, considering the camera that was placed in the far corner of the room, currently not capturing eds presence. i turned my body to face him as i took the fork out of his hand, thumb slightly brushing his fingertips.
"well,ed, if you really want to know more, i think we should meet some other time, im sure you wouldnt want anyone knowing you were here, would we?" i said, gesturing over to the camera. 
His face dropped as he realised the risk "i suppose you are right, give me a time and place and i'll be there." 
"wow, you are determinded, aren't you? fine, meet me near the lake in the park, tomorrow at 7:30, deal?" i cannot belive i just suggested that. "we have a deal. i shall see you then" i cannot belive he just agreed to that. and with that, he skipped up the stairs, 2 steps at a time, stopping at the top to turn round, smirking at me once more before shutting the door behind him. 
Until then, Mr.nygma.
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