#the where they cry cuz they think one of them will die deserves their own category
kazucee · 2 years
Two types of Solangelo fans when the book cover was released:
"OMG LOOK AT THEM THEY'RE SO INLOVE *giggling and kicking feet up*"
"why the fuck is Will wearing SHORTS. in TARTARUS."
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soapybutt17 · 7 months
Coldest Night
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Summary: What if your worse nightmare has come to life?
Character: John Price x F!Wife!Reader. Simon "Ghost" Riley. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. John "Soap" MacTavish.
Word Count: 1,702
Chapter Warnings: Angst. Character Death(s). Life threatening injuries. Mentions of blood loss. Mentions of violence. Major Spoiler for MW3.
A/N: To the anon that sent me the request, just know that i know you had good intentions, but i am not over mw3 and what they had done to my boy Soap and now i'm just down right sad again. didn't go into too much detail for soap's part cuz the wound is still fresh and my boy did not deserve what happened to him. :'(
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John “Soap” MacTavish
The day that you had learned Soap was KIA, you had fallen to your knees in the middle of the base and had sobbed your heart out. Johnny had always had a special place in your heart. Out of the three, you had worried about Soap the most knowing how his tendency to act brashly had ended with him more injured than he needed to be.
You mourned his death worse than anyone else in the base. You were the one that had to make the call to his family, letting them know about Soap’s passing. How it had been so hard for you to hold the tears as you listened to his parents crying through the other line. You still held a level of professionalism as you explained to his family the next step that was needed to be taken and you would be helping them all throughout wherever they may need you.
Early on, a part of you would begin to blame each and every single one of the boys. They had made a promise to you that they would keep an eyes on each other. But they broke it, you had unfortunately displaced most of your anger towards your husband, who’s already filled with guilt knowing Soap had died under his command, Soap had died saving him from Makarov.
But slowly but surely you began to heal, learning that you should not have blamed anyone of the boys for what has happened—especially your husband. The man was already plagued with his own guilt, Survivor’s guilt as the therapist you had forced all three of them to take had explained. You had your own guilt, knowing if only you had been there for the mission, you could have made difference. But at the end of the day, there was no use thinking of the what ifs. It was about learning to move on.
It was in Soap’s death that you and your husband have decided to retire. The fear of having to lose either Gaz or Ghost haunted you both. It was no a decision either of you would be willing to make any longer. You couldn’t in your conscious allow another meaningless death because of a war be on either of your hands.
Even as the years has passed since Soap’s death, you had never forgotten the man and all the memories that you had shared with him in your time as part of the Taskforce. You were still mourning just as much as your husband, but it was slowly but surely getting better. It had also become your mission of constantly checking up on the two boys, proud that they’ve gotten themselves promoted as Captain and Lieutenant respectfully. They had both deserved it, more than either of them would believe, Soap would have been their number one support should he still been alive to witness it all.
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Simon “Ghost” Riley
“Don’t you fucking die on me, Riley!”
Even as hard as you try to keep the wound covered, Simon was losing so much blood that you were slowly but surely doubting if he would be able to make it. It was stupid of him to take the bullet to save you. Completely and utterly stupid of him to do this to you now when he finally has a life to live.
“You deserve to live, you’ve got the Captain and the little princess waiting for you back home.” Simon gasp, even as hard as he tries to be strong, pain was very well written on his masked face.
Your hands dug further onto his stomach where the bullet wound resides. All of your medical training has faded from your mind as panic continued to settle. Tearing your sleeves off, you placed it onto his stomach, hoping it would add to the gauze stopping the wound from bleeding further out.
“You fucking deserve to live too.” You snapped, radioing back up again. A single tear was shed as you were given an ETA of an hour.
Simon might not make it in an hour.
“I want you to promise me something, Rookie.” He coughed, his shaking hand slowly pulled off his mask revealing his pale face, and blood loss was slowly but surely manifesting. “Promise me that you’ll bury me in my home town, not as Ghost, but as Simon Riley.”
You sobbed, knowing what his request had entailed. His past that had once haunted him all throughout his life and his career. He was ready to leave it all behind and live and die finally as the man behind the mask.
“Bury me with me Mum and brother.”
“Okay.” You nod, sobbing now as he clasped onto your hands pulling it away from the wound on his stomach.
“Thank you for being the Mum I thought I could never have again.” He whispered cupping your cheeks with his bloodied hand before his hands fell and his eyes closed.
Death had taken him from you and all you could do was sob, shaking him awake, ignoring the voice of your husband and the rest of the team that had grown concern that your sobs would notify their enemies of your whereabouts, but it truly didn’t matter. You’ve lost Simon, your boy. The man that you had loved like he was your own, and the man you had promised your husband to protect when you had agreed to go on this mission with him.
You had failed Simon, just as much as you had failed to keep your promise with John. You would never see yourself ever stepping back onto a mission again after this. You had vowed to yourself never to because of it.
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
“How is he?”
It’s been three days of no sleep for you. You had refused to leave the confinements of the cold plastic chair that was situated outside of the hospital room where Kyle was in. No one, not even your husband could coerce you into leaving your place outside of the room.
John, Soap, and Simon had begun taking turns in giving you food, coffee, or change of clothes. But nothing could truly make you leave your position until you were sure that Kyle was stable and as far away from any sorts of danger.
But you should have expected something like this to happen. A mission gone wrong would always end with someone getting compromised. You were thankful that it was just an injury—as severe as it had been for the past few days, it was better than dealing with a funeral and paper works that come along with it.
You were still shaken up after you’ve been notified that Kyle was compromised. You dropped everything and made your way here in the hospital. All thoughts of work and your obligations were placed in the backburner until you were certain he was going to be alright.
“Stable.” The Doctor’s single word had washed all the relief onto your body. It was all you needed to know.
“Damages?” You inquired.
“Broken collar bone and hairline fracture to the skull, but they will heal. What I want him to focus more on is healing the few bullet wounds to the stomach he dealt with. We were able to remove most of the bullets and fragments, but we will not be certain about any underlying damage until after he wakes up.”
You nod. In the years of knowing Kyle, you know he would be able to get back from this, but knowing the damages that he had to endure because of this mission, there was this fear that just doesn’t seem to leave you. What if there was something wrong that would change his life in a way that no one would help him with.
“When will he be able to wake up then?”
“When he is good and ready.”
You nodded, thanking the doctor for the update. Slumping back onto the chair, you sighed resting your face onto your hand. Only now did you feel the fatigue and lack of sleep finally get to you.
“How are you holding up, Darling?”
Looking up, the sight of your husband was a welcome comfort for you in this very moment. He sat beside you with his arm immediately wrapping around your shoulder. Only now did you also come to realize the shiver that run through your body at the lack of coat.
“Better than Kyle is.” You muttered.
“He’s gonna be alright.” John’s reassurance did nothing to you in the moment, but you held onto it still. Every single reassurance that was given to you, you would take.
“I hope so,” You muttered. “He was supposed to be on drill duties next week.” You hoped a little humor could ease away your worries.
“And he still will when he wakes up.” John reassured with a chuckle. “I’ll make sure of it, My Love.”
“What if he doesn’t come out of this the same way?”
“Then we will help him adjust to the civilian life should it be the choice he makes for himself.” He answered immediately. “We will not know for sure, but whatever happens, it is our duty and our responsibility to make sure all three of those Muppets are well taken care of whether they still work for us or not.”
You nodded understanding very well what he was trying to say.
“I just can’t stop worrying about him. I don’t know how he’s doing right now and what he’s feeling.”
“I worry about him too.” John admits sighing. “But we will resolve nothing if all we do is worry about him and the other two.”
You nodded. Only now did you realize that for the past few days, your husband had allowed you the time to take it all in. How one member of your team being compromised as Kyle was right now would not be the first time that it would happen and you were certain it would not be the last.
You had your duty just like John did. With Kyle now in the clear, it was only time for you to regroup and deal with the mess you’ve left behind in the base.
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moonlightazriel · 1 year
Son of the Darkness VI /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Hidden for so long The court of shadows thrived, and things were great until the high lord's death, now the next in line should assume the crown of high lord of shadows, will he accept his duties?
Warnings: Mentions of funeral and death.
Word Count: 1,4K
Notes: This was hard to write cuz i had a massive writers block, my writing is making me really insecure and this sucks.
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Y/N stared at the golden crown atop Azriel's head, her eyes shining with tears, it was like the world had stopped spinning, her breath was caught in her throat as she stared at him, she could see her shaking hands, as she tried to gather the necessary strength to do what she had to. Her mind clouded with all of her childhood memories, the happy times she shared with him, how he guided her in the dark times, she was scared, what would she do without him? 
She breathed deeply, getting ready to stand, her feet carrying her body until she stopped in front of Loralen's door, her heart was beating fast, her head was spinning and her whole body was shaking, she feared opening that door and seeing his dead body.  Her hand slowly pushed the door open, he was laying in his bed, like he was sleeping, a happy expression covered his features, and his chest didn't move anymore.
She walked to his side, her shaking finger pressed to his neck, trying to find a steady pulse, anything, but she found nothing, her knees failed and she fell, burying her head in his cold chest, the thick tears running down her cheeks as she clung to him. He was her father and yet again, she had lost one of the few people she loved, she could feel her heart splitting in two, being torn apart in her chest, the pain suffocating.
Evanore was the first to move, her tiny body rushing through the corridors as she ran after her friend, the door was slightly open, and she poked her head inside, finding Y/N crying over the High Lord's dead body, she felt sad for her friend, Eva was now the only family she had left, she slowly walked inside, crouching on her side and running a hand over her back, Y/N's head snapped up, her red puffy eyes landing on Eva and turning to the door, where Azriel stand.
“Don’t.” She warned him, and he looked down, the whole room was covered in a thick blanket of shadows, his own afraid to touch it. He looked up again, noticing that they were coming from Y/N’s hands, he wondered what would happen if he stepped inside since Evanore seemed just fine between them. As if she had read his mind, the blond rose her arm and she saw the pendant glowing protection. “Your powers.” She whispered and Y/N looked up again.
Azriel watched as the shadows retrieved back to her palm, the room clean like they weren’t there mere seconds ago, that was impressive, her red eyes laying on him once again and she got up, like she remembered something, running past him, leaving him standing there confused. 
“She’s going to work on the funeral.” Eva said getting up again.
“She should rest, he was important to her.” He followed the blond to the corridor. 
“Good luck telling her that.” She turned to Azriel, grabbing his wrist all of sudden. “I’ll make you a protection pendant as well, so you won’t die around her.”
“What do you mean?” He asked curiously, he didn’t knew she had powers, specially deathly ones.
“She’s able to take people’s senses away with that power, but when she wants, she can take everything, until you cannot breathe anymore, when she goes through traumatic things, they get out of control and it takes only one step into her shadows for you to die.” Azriel shivered, she was full of surprises, wasn’t she?
The next few days were a blur in everyone’s mind, Azriel barely saw Y/N as she got the council ready to crown him and the funeral. The ceremony was beautiful, and he couldn’t help to think that this was what his mother deserved, everyone reunited to say their goodbyes to the High Lords, feasts were held in the whole court to celebrate him, and in the end, his body was burned in a huge funeral pyre. 
Azriel looked at himself in the mirror once again, Rhysand and Cassian helped him get dressed, all of them wearing official Court of Shadows fashion, helped a lot that the colors matched the Night Court’s outfits, so they were somehow comfortable in them. He never dressed so fancily in his life, not even in the times he had come to Hewn City, it felt weird but he didn’t hate it. He was wearing a black suit with some golden details, his cobalt siphons adorning his chest and arms.
“Let’s crown you then.” Rhysand said and smiled at his brother, the onyx crown atop his head shining in the sunlight. The bat trio walked to the designated area in the Manor where the meeting with other powerful faes, responsible for helping around the Court awaited. Feyre was talking with Evanore and Y/N, Azriel’s eyes quickly landed on the female, she was wearing a simple black dress with a deep v neckline, the pendant in her neck glowing slightly in blue, and she had some more jewelry, her hair was down, completely straight and she was wearing a silver headpiece, the cobalt stone in the middle making his heart beat faster. 
“High Lords!” She greeted them, bowing to him and Rhys. “Lord Cassian.” Cassian rolled his eyes at her and she smiled at him. “It’s going to be just fine, I’ll pretty much handle everything, there’s nothing to worry about. Are you ready?” Azriel nodded and she opened the doors.
The room was filled with so many different people, men, women, old, and new, Evanore rushed to sit with Rune, and Y/N led them to the spare table that was facing the others. Azriel sat in the middle and she sat on his right, all the eyes watching him curiously. 
“The council of the Court of Shadows welcomes Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court.” They bowed to him. “Feyre Archeron, High Lady of the Night Court.” They repeated the gesture in a sign of respect. “ Cassian, General of the Night Court and Lord of Bloodshed.” They bowed to him and Cassian smiled proudly. “And Azriel Malthalion, son of Eletha Malthalion, grandson of Loralen Malthalion, heir and High Lord of the Court of Shadows.” Y/N finished, Azriel looked around the room, most looked satisfied with him, but some looked angry. 
“Yet to be.” Someone said from the crowd, Az spotted the old male sitting in the back, he was wearing all black, expensive jewelry, and had long black hair. He got up, the picture of arrogance as he started to walk around the table. “Can we trust a foreign male to care for our people when he doesn’t even know us?” He questioned. 
Azriel knew his doubts were valid, they didn’t know him, and they didn’t have any motives to trust him but he was ready to try, to meet his people, and to make this work, he wanted to be a good High Lord for them, and he would be. He noticed how many people had brushed that man’s question off, and that made him curious, he was about to say something when Y/N opened her mouth.
“The same way you were trusted to take care of the people in your zone Lord Ilipetor?” Some people laughed under their breaths, including Evanore and the witch besides her. “I think it’s correct to say that every member of this council remembers what happened when you asked Loralen to be independent and to take care of your zone. Poverty, hunger, war, and death, we all remember this stain in our past, so I don’t think you’re fit to say what’s best for our people when Loralen himself wanted his grandson as the High Lord.” 
The man looked like he was about to combust, but he didn’t argue when he got back to his seat. Rune got up, all the attention on the older witch as she bowed to Azriel. “Loralen talked to me, he wanted my help to locate Lord Azriel so he would take his place as the High Lord, it was his last wish and no one should argue with that.” She looked at Ilipetor. “He should just be crowned so we can focus on what matters, the upcoming war.” 
Rushed whispers started to travel along the table, all of them agreeing with Rune, the court needed its High Lord, and all of them knew, deep down, that Azriel would be good for them. Y/N got up, and walked to the back of the room, the golden crown in her hands as she handed it to the first male on the table, the held the crown with one hand while the other he used to drop some kind of powder in the piece, whispering something the crown glowed brightly, then he handed the crown to the person on his side, the procedure was repeated until everyone had done, Y/N was the last one to do, then she walked to Azriel, placing the crown on his head, in the place that it belonged. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
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im rewatching Moon Knight while I embroider, so I figured why not post about it!! I still haven't unlocked the gif ability everyone on here seems to have, so I'm just gonna have to describe everything without proof. this is gonna be an in depth, long, and rambly post, so you can read the rest after the cut if you'd like!!
episode 1: the goldfish problem
so a lot of this episode is establishing Steven and the situation that he's in. it's kinda sad cuz on the surface level, he has a nice life. he's got a job, a big flat, he calls his mom pretty often. but when you look deeper it gets sadder. the main thing that sticks out is how lonely Steven is
JB doesn't know his name, the only person he can talk to is a statue person that doesn't respond back, his boss is mean. he's so lonely in fact that he accepts a date with a person he doesn't really know to a STEAK HOUSE.
(I have my own theory about how that was Jake who was trying to be nice and get a date for Steven?? maybe?? bc it's highly unlikely that marc, who has a wife, would do that. and even if you tried to argue that marc did it for Steven, why would he then go and make him miss it?? plus, I'm certain he knows that Steven is a vegan. which also makes you wonder why Jake didn't notice that detail, but I digress)
(side note number two, Steven is good with kids and I'll die on that hill. the scene where he's explaining things about mummification to that little girl?? answering her questions patiently and excitedly?? yeah, he's a hit with them, I promise you. and not just when he's talking about his Special Interest. also the foreshadowing of that girl asking him if it sucked to get rejected from the field of reeds?? I'm sickkkk)
and ofc, there's the main issue of steven falling asleep in his bed and waking up in the middle of nowhere without a clue as to how he got there. I'd like to take a second to commend Stevens intelligence here!! anke restraints, sand around the bed, tape on the door?? I would never even think of these things.
either way, none of it works and he wakes up in the middle of goddamn nowhere, injured and hurting at that!! (even if khonshu fixed it, he still sounded like he was in pain for a while there). people are shooting at him, he's so so desperately trying to give this strange man (who he just witnessed kill a woman mind you) the beetle but he can't, and all the while a strange voice is berating him every two seconds. again kudos to Steven bc I could never. I would have been crying the moment I heard the gunshots.
(Jake theory again. I'm so certain that a lot, if not all of the car stuff was Jake. I love marc, but I refuse to believe he could manage those car skills, while shooting at ppl, while on the a narrow road of a fucking mountain. nahhhh that was all my boy Jake)
(also note that when Steven first woke up in the grass after Marc?? jumped and fell fourish stories?? khonshu called him a worm. and then further specified and called him "the idiot." I firmly believe that khonshu calls Steven AND Jake worms/parasites, it's just that Stevens the idiot and Jakes the competent one ig)
and waking up after all of that like nothing happened must have been so frustrating. I know Marc was just trying to protect him, but instead Stevens just being gaslighted and facing psychological warfare. so everywhere he goes he's faced with signs that he might be crazy or he might not be. ex: gus suddenly having one fin, the time being wrong, Marc appearing in the mirror and talking to him completely unhelpfully, khonshu FUCKING TORMENTING HIM FOR NO REASON, but also the burner phone he found, harrow being real, and the dog creature I can't remember the name of!!
so much of this episode was Steven being scared and unhappy and overwhelmed and it makes me sad!! he's so precious and sweet, he doesn't deserve to be going thru any of that.
(also I'm never ever gonna get over the cinematography and thematics of the mirrors in the museum bathroom. first of all mirrors cool. second, the hints at his multiplicity thru the infinite images of the bathroom, but with Marc in only one of the reflections. I'm gonna be fucking sick)
so yeah!! those are most of my thoughts. I know that pictures and gifs are a huge part of making a post Not Boring and I'm gonna use them as soon as I learn how istg
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
hi! ive been noticing your posts for a while now and ive been thinking about getting into rain world... would you mind telling me a bit about it? if not that's okay! im just curious cuz all these characters you've been drawing look really really good and it's kinda getting me hooked!
hmm hmmmm.... well what could i say... i'll talk about what i love about it because rain world is a wonderful game that i will never stop recommending to people, i think
i adore how "unfair" to usual game standards RW is. it makes it feel like there isn't really a point when you can call yourself a pro, when someone else can call you a noob after youve familiarized yourself with the controls. there isnt really an measurement of skill, sure you can look into some absolutely insane movement techs but the wonderful thing is that they are, at the end of it all, not important
i adore that the moment you accept the fact that this is just how this ecosystem works, you get to find such strange kind of joy out of it. i adore that the game is so loose about so many things including its lore because i can look at this "accept it when you die to become happier" thing and say that it could potentially mirror what the characters in the game (Ancients) should have figured out
i adore the religion in the game, the fact that it takes inspiration from Buddhism, i adore the karma symbols, what they mean, how they are written, how i can interpret them. the fact that i can look at this game and see something so very close to my own believes about life makes me so so happy
i adore the settings, the design, the vastness of the world both pictured and not, the impossibilities hiding in this world. the feeling of everything being so much it makes me want to cry everytime i take in how simply Giant the iterators are
everything is so big but small at the same time. the most breath-taking things become common and insignificant. the most insignificant things affect the most significant, holy ones, reducing objects and people of Unimaginable power and importance into nothing but desolate scrapheaps of nonsense. and yet these unnoteworthy scrapheaps circle back to being something precious but only to us. even though hes a wrackage, even though he is nothing more but trash now, we still love him because unimpressive things deserve to be loved too
i like to think that with some things in this game, something whispers "you're nothing. i love you. what happens to you affects me. you are nothing and i hope others will see the worth in you and love you too"
i adore the designs, i adore the glow of the overseer in the dark in the Monk campaign, i adore and fear the power of the rain, Moon's and Pebbles babbling and buzzing of their innards. i adore the glances we get of their cities, of the past, of the dead yet dear culture, whispers of history, the form of writing, even those stupid ads in Metropolis
i love hearing the opinions of both Moon and Pebbles. hearing from Suns makes me smile even though i want nothing else but to square up with them. thinking of No Significant Harassment and his easy humour even in such a place- his seemingly endless care, his struggles, anger, despair, mischievousness- the confusion and helplessness of something like them, a god brought to his knees- another glorious hard to comprehend impossibility
rain world is so wonderful and the more deeper you try to think about it and figure out what's happening where, why and how the more fun it is going to become
the best thing with RW you can honestly do is just dive in there and make your own opinions on all of these things. i hope u'll be able to take my wonder with you and use it to develop your own unique ideas of it!
n here's two fools vibin together
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theangelyouknew · 10 months
So you put post-season Crowley and Kraken Blackbeard in a room... What do you think would happen?
I definitely wasn’t expecting to write this today. Thank you so much for this question.
Doesn’t matter how he got there, how they met. What matters is they HAD met. Crowley found himself in The Kraken’s room with the door locked and plenty of alcohol. Even if they ran out, he’s a demon. He’ll miracle up some more. Who’s gonna stop him?
Crowley lay sideways on the chair, his long legs hanging over the arms of it. He had Stede’s red velvet robe wrapped around himself, with a bottle in one hand. “Who do they think they are?”
“Fucking self righteous pricks. Think they’re better than us.” Ed grunted as he drank from his own bottle. He was wearing Crowleys coat and sitting on the floor next to the chair.
“Psssh your Stede? Sssstede Bonnet? He doesn’t even deserve you. Doesn’t know what he left behind.” Crowley’s voice was a touch more snake like than usual as he spoke because of all the alcohol. “Where iss he now anyway?”
“No fuckin idea.” Ed shrugged as he took another drink. “I’mean rumor has it he was mauled by a jungle cat and some such but I know him. He’s out there. Fucking. Who knows.“
“Yeah but how do you know?” Crowley raised an eyebrow.
“Cuz it was my fuckin thing. I said I wanted to die by jungle cat.. then he does?” Ed’s eyes watered at the thought. “Selfish fucking prick.”
“Oof.” Crowley groaned and sat up a little. “I could find out for you. I’ve got connections, you know. And I’m not even public enemy number one in hell yet. I can see if he’s down there.
Ed brought his hand up to pinch his eyes to try and stop himself from crying. (It didn’t work) “Stede’s not goin to hell, mate. He’s too soft for that. He belongs up there. In heaven.”
Crowleys eyes softened as his own tears began to form. “No, not heaven!” Talking about Ed and Stede got his mind off of his angel. “Fucking arseholes leaving us to go to heaven. ANGEL! I NEED YOU!”
Ed looked up to see his new friend clutching the bottle to his chest in agony as if he couldn’t breathe. He reached up a hand and put it on Crowley’s thigh.
Crowley flinched for a moment then relaxed to the touch. Nobody but his angel had intentionally put a hand against him before.
“Fuck em. We don’t need them..” Ed sat up straighter and climbed to sit on the chair, somewhat on Crowley’s lap.
Crowley looked up to Ed in confusion for just a moment. He didn’t have time to react before Ed pulled him into a kiss. Crowleys arms flailed a bit, and both of them broke apart rather quickly.
“Sorry sorry. I don’t know why I did that.” Ed sobbed harder and slid off the chair again.
Crowley sat up proper and buried his face in his hands. He sighed and said, “I mean I might have done the same thing.. but I want my Angel.” He put a hand on Ed’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“I just want Stede..” Ed sniffled and tried to wipe his tears away even though they were still flowing. “I wanted to hurt him.. but not like this.”
They drank more and talked about how much they missed their daft, good hearted blonde men. They would go from bits of rage, to talking about their favorite things. They drank until they passed out in each others arms. Not in a romantic way, but as though they’d been friends or even brothers who’d known each other all their lives.
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
hello again, rivetra anon here
that sounds like an interesting angst too! like levi and petra were able to patch their relationship but this time its them vs the world (not really the world but like someone whose not them that is trying to break them apart haha) so yeah i think that's a great idea too. but personally I would like to see levi actually make an effort and fight to keep petra in his life. I mean ever since, petra was the one who made the effort in their relationship and now that she's had enough of it, I'd like to see her going away from Levi and so he's gonna be the one to make an effort now. Like I was thinking of this scene when Petra hands in her resignation letter or something and Levi asks why, then Petra just smiles with sad eyes saying 'I've had enough of war' and slowly she takes off the ring and puts it on Levi's table and says as she looks at him one last time 'and pain' then she leaves and Levi will like idk um desperately try to apologize and make her stay (we don't usually see levi breaking down so i think it would be nice to see him break down for a woman) but Petra is like she can't take it anymore. So she leaves and um maybe goes back to her father's house and then weeks later, Petra's dad will be banging on Levi's door asking him for help because something bad happened to her like he knows that Petra and Levi are through anymore but he doesn't know where to go and ask for help since the MPs are not really reliable lmao and so yeah we go to the scene where Levi finds Petra in the underground, a victim of human trafficking and prostitution and lying in her own blood because she was actually pregnant with Levi's child and after seeing that state of Petra, Levi goes berserk in the underground. Then maybe after that, after all that has been said and done they will be able to fix their relationship but Petra isn't anymore how she used to be like she was once full of life and vigor but now she has become an empty shell of who she used to be but despite all of this Levi vows to love her no matter what and yeah happy ending ಥ‿ಥ
but there's a part of me that wants to see petra die hahaha and break levi hahaha but i think its too cruel and they deserve a happy ending too
Whatever you decide to write, I know it's gonna come up great <3
BRO LMFAO I THOUGHT ABOUT KILLING HER TOO AHAHAHAHAH but then i realised, you can't have angst and suffering if you don't have people to inflict that suffering upon MUAHAHAHAHAHA
ok yeah your idea is kinda better, I'll totally write it like this, and mksdnjrbheuijw I LOVE writing PTSD and Petra's gonna have lots of it later on like imagine Levi's tryna touch her and she's flinching away like mdkenjrhiw I LOVE WRITING THAT SHIT, MAN, angst is what I write best. Or she can even have nightmares in the nights and eating problems and sudden moments of crying that literally come out of nowhere.
Like she can be just sitting, doing nothing and suddenly, she's crying (it's totally a thing when you've been through that kind of trauma) and Levi's losing his mind cuz he knows what she's been through - he knows it first-hand because his mom went through it and it's a nightmare to go through this again.
And since u agree with them losing a child Imma def do it, I love writing Levi who's going feral and losing his stoic and calm behaviour.
I've noticed all snk fans just want to see Levi at his worst and at his best at the same time because he is a man that in the series and the manga barely shows any emotion so we fans really want to explore how angry, sad, happy, in pain, heartbroken Levi looks and sounds like. And honestly the same stands for Erwin and Zeke and all those characters that hide what they think and feel all the time.
I was thinking Miche helps Levi find her (cuz Miche is everybody's best bro) so they go together in the underground and start looking because before she left, I wrote a scene of Levi asking Miche to be his best man in his Petra's wedding
Funnily enough he's gonna be the best man at Erwin and Nat's wedding too (if it ever happens eheheheheheheh) MICHE IS EVERYBODY'S BEST BRO OK?
here take a sneak peek, anon
“For fuck’s sakes, I miss for two months, and Captain grumps is fucking engaged, AND MY BEST FRIEND IS FUCKING MARRIED AND HIS WIFE GOT TAKEN, like I just missed two months how did you guys manage to fuck everything up without me in such a short time…”
Miche continued his long, long, long monologue. Erwin was by his desk, reading through the notebooks that they had recovered from Dr Yeager’s basement.
Levi rolled his eyes. “Are you going to be my best man, or not?” Levi interrupted Miche’s long monologue, but he kept going.
“Wait, wait, I haven’t finished talking, and what about the state of the world like is it-” Miche cut himself when he realised that Levi had just asked him to be his best man?! Levi???? Levi hated him, didn’t he??? “Me? You want me to be your best man???” He must be joking.
“I could ask for Hange, but I don’t want them to set my wedding on fire.”
“So, you trust me not to set your wedding on fire?”
Levi looked at him for a moment. Contemplating this. “This is a terrible idea, isn’t it?” He wondered out loud and Miche laughed.
“Fine. I’ll be your best man, and I’ll make sure to set your wedding on fire.” Miche said sarcastically.
Levi rolled his eyes. “Fuck off.”
“I love you too, buddy.” Miche scratched his head. “Damn, I’m gonna have to ask Nanaba for the wedding rings. I’m clueless when it comes to that stuff.”
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send-me-a-puffalope · 2 years
Legacy vampires can only be killed by someone they love.
“Is my heart safe with you” like literally is it. Because if I give it to you you’re my Achilles heel (GREEK MYTH REFERENXE!!!!)
Legacy’s can only die *if they want to*
Legacies can only die while they’re broken hearted
Etc I could go on forever about killing legacies
So imagine some angsty ass shit.
“Cal- I’m sorry. I love you.” Juliette pleaded, the pure silver tip of Calliope’s spear burning against her skin. Juliette barely even notices the burn, she’s too distraught, tears streaming down her face.
“Don’t say that.” Calliope responds, her own hear breaking in turn.
“Do it. Cal. Stake me. It’s okay. You want to kill me. Do it. I won’t stop you.” Juliette’s thoughts are ablaze, her mind running a thousand miles an instant, and yet, she couldn’t help but recall Juliet, in a similar position as herself, blade pressed to her chest, as she is faced with the reality of never holding her lover again, letting the dagger strike, for a life without her, is not truly worth living.
Calliope’s mind splits, her inner voices arguing, you still love her, one argues, you can’t do this. She turned Theo! Another voice shouts. She destroyed your family. Stake her. She deserves it! It’s not like she’ll die anyway. Choking back tears, Calliope lets the spear sink in, and watches as the red blood leaks from Juliette’s broken heart.
Ao. In terms of other theories. I think that cal’s mom is gonna go to Juliette, thank her, maybe even take her family out of the hunters guild. But cal is still gonna be determined to bring the legacies down. And it’ll build tension. Cuz they’ll see eachother in school. And Jules is still just heart eyes in love fuckin crying everytime cal glares.
And then something crazy is gonna happen and cals gonna be in danger. And Juliette will save her. Possibly at peril to herself. And cal will be mad about it.
Apollo is gonna not too fast but pretty soon decide that Juliette can’t be that bad. She saved Theo! Even after Apollo got him killed. And that Theo is still their brother vampire or not. Vampires aren’t all evil. Because my brothers one. And if they’re not all evil… then…
But I think maybe around 1/3rd or halfway through the season depending on how many more seasons they commit to, cal and Jules will get back together, BUT a legacy vampire. Who is a real threat. Will emerge. And. Wait. I scratch that.
At like. The climax of the plot. Before our star crossed lovers reconvene, there’s gonna be a thing. With the legacy vampires. Where someone really evil needs to be killed. And Cal and Jules will have to do it together. Which means Jules will tell cal how to kill a legacy. Even though cal still wants Jules dead.
All the while. While they’re broken up. They’re still sharing dreams. So there’s scenes like
Cut. They’re making out. Cal stumbles back. WHATRE YOU DOING HERE
Cut. They’re on a date. They’re being all lovey.
Thank u for listening to so so so much bs
EXACTLY!! Thats what im thinking too!!! I feel like more likely they're gonna do smth with the Emerald Malkia being killed being the thing to kill vampires, however I think its infinitely more moving to have Legacy vampires' weakness be love since it seems like Margot and Juliette are the exception compared to other Legacy vampires, being the ones to chase for love rather than power and tradition.
Bestie. have you checked out the First Kill tag on ao3 cause my bestie Cal wrote some ANGSTY ASS FICS AND I REREAD THEM EVERY DAY AND ITS INSANE (every unworthy thing and dwell upon thine eyes). Actually, if you dm me I'll send you all the fics I've been obsessing over. The First Kill gays really went heavy on the angst in their fanfics.
I feel like they're building up for Oliver to be the true villain, despite his "arc" in season 1. Him revealing his monster army to Theo at the end of ep 8 feels like leading up to him taking over Savannah altogether. In my mind, Oliver is just as manipulative and power hungry as Elinor, he just refuses to admit it. Idk if Jules will actively pursue for his death but I love the idea that you brought up. Jules trusting in Cal the knowledge of how to kill her and her family and the conflict that'll inevitably bring.
THE DREAM THINGGG,,, brings me back to fanfic hellooooo. I've read at least like 5 fics with them seeing each other in their dreams after ep 8. Insane.
PLEASE!!! Talk to me more, in I'm in a First Kill discord and the amount of thoughts we have. I am constantly knee deep in First Kill theories and god I'm so invested. At this point, I've read so much fanfic that it is hard to tell what's canon and what's just a popular headcanon LMFAO.
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atherix0 · 2 years
hello again, i come back here bc for some reason it's less scary than commenting on ao3 LMAO NEW SCAR LORE DROPPED WHO ELSE CHEERED!! of course he's an elf, it makes so much sense now ahhh. but also he's half human........ i feel so bad for him, he knew this whole time that his own magic limitations will kill him eventually :( and that's why he doesn't want people to get close to him because he doesn't want them to hurt when he's gone, i'm not crying at all . he's such a good character oh my goddd i seriously love him so bad. also grian not sleeping for three days straight and looking at his glyph the whole time:( he cares abt scar so much man. that scene where he's talking to grian at the end made me emotional, he's never really had someone care about him him this much until grian appeared in his life :( sorry this is just a scar love letter tbh lmaoo, i would take a bullet (or in this case a dagger) for him the way you write all the fantasy lore and the little details makes me insane btw, all the stuff about how magic works and how different magical creatures act is so interesting to read :D AND YAYYY MUMBO AND GRIAN KISSED!! (while scar was literally dying) gay people win hehe. they are so soft with each other... mumbo casually calling grian "love" is so cute oml i care about them a lot<33 mumbo being like "yeah i don't care about scar at all" and then doing his best to save scar's life after he almost got killed, he's actually a softie on the inside . and scar and mumbo decided to start over, gay people win again!! it made me sad when mumbo said they hate each other and scar got all quiet and told him he doesn't hate him, mumbo doesn't know that scar loves him ahhh. i hope they get some boy best friend bonding time soon, they deserve it hehe also seeing that you updated the series made me so happy, i'm infected with the brainrot now i have to think about them All the time. as always i'm looking forward to next updates and i hope you're doing well and not overworking yourself too much!! <3
Ha, I can understand that, commenting on AO3 makes me so anxious like jkgfdjk
NEW SCAR LORE NEW SCAR LORE let me tell you every time I write Scar Lore(TM) I get so happy because I love writing about him <3 He's my boyy <3 Haha I tried so hard to drop hints that he isn't just human without outright saying "yeah mans ain't human" and the closest I came to that was Grian actually asking Mumbo "Is Scar human?" cuz Grian is very perceptive (*cough cough*) and something didn't add up for him lol- And yep, he knew this whole time poor boyo... Hahaha now I wonder where he got the idea that it's better to have never loved at all than to love and lose... >:) Grian has lost so much he can't take losing someone else and he's gonna feel guilt about this for the rest of his life </3 hahaa Scar may have had some people in the past he could talk to... buuut teenagers are not the best about things like this, and their coping mechanisms mayy have had a rather negative effect on Scar, in the long run... hehe but that's a story for the future~ AND SAME I would die for this man (which is how you know I am absolutely giving him a happy ending, also because I hate bad endings)
Hhh thank you~ I'm one of those "if they're all the same then what's the point" writers so it's important to me that they all act differently <3 I mean come on what's the fun of writing about an Avian, a half-Elf and a Vampire if I can't even be like "cultural differences my beloved <3" and also throwing (future) boyfriends into the deep end of Elven culture lmao let me tell you how soft I am about the first time Scar lets Grian play with/brush his hair-
I am so feral when people call their S/O "love," it's one of the endearments my ex gf used (and we're still on great terms so the endearment isn't ruined for me and it still makes me so soft haa <3) and I definitely knew I wanted Mumbo to use it hjfgdskjfdsj <3 ALSO yes first kiss on the low after a stress-filled adrenaline-rushed terrifying moment, always the best <3 haha
Mumbo's the Vampire who mourned a bird he hadn't even known existed three seconds ago, there is no way that man wouldn't have done whatever he could to save Scar <3 B/c he might not like Scar at this point but Scar certainly hasn't done anything worth dying over so- AND YEAH STARTING OVER it's literally the only way these two can go forward cuz their relationship is already negative ten steps back, Scar why <3 Oh and yes I cackled deviously as I wrote that Mumbo: I know we hate each other but Scar, who literally has a massive crush on Mumbo, big enough that Grian picked up on it just from brief mentions of Mumbo: Excuse me what But also Grian's feeling guilty about it u_u Like "oh I'm a terrible friend" hjfdskjfds but as we find out eventually Scar is not only oblivious but he doesn't have a jealous bone in his body... Meanwhile Grian and Mumbo are both very jealous people hjfgdsjk which will be fun in the future when Scar has absolutely zero awareness about people flirting with him, I freaking love this oblivious half-Elf man- Since deciding to post the story this way, rather than all at once (which, with how vastly different in tone/conflict some of these sections are, is I think a good thing-) I have been writing so many bonding scenes for them because I need them in my life <3 It takes a bit for them to actually get past the old habits but they're gonna try dangit <3
No worries! I'm not overworking myself, writing is a passion of mine and writing is one of my favorite things to do during my breaks/before and after work, so <3 Only thing I have to watch out for is my eyes hjfdsjk <3 Thank you so much, I'm really happy you're enjoying this story! They live in my head rent free <3 I'm having so much fun writing it, and I love to hear any brainrot or theories/predictions or anything you want to share <3 I'll try to resist giving out too many spoilers~
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obscure-imagines · 3 years
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*Horror genre/smut warning*
-He’d be very tentative to catch feelings for anyone because he’s a very depressed boi
-quiet guy is hard to get to know, especially after an apocalyptic event
-Even if you’re survivors together, he’s just kind of going to be floating around quietly, so if you want to get to know Hyunsu, you’re going to have to make an effort
-Hyunsu is drawn to beautiful things, things that inspire hope (music, kids, etc...) and he can enjoy pleasurable things for a time, but Hyunsu is always terrified that good things will be torn from his grasp, so he never wants to let himself love something too easily
-Boy has his found family, so being accepted by his loved ones would be really important.
-It would be the elder survivors like Han and Gilseob who notice the connection between you and Hyunsu first
-i’m talking hard core pining, long looks, Hyunsu’s eyes finding you any time you enter a room, but you’re both oblivious to each other
-It’s a tough situation because Hyunsu is still treated like a monster at times, and people are obviously scared of his dark side
-Hyunsu can’t even imagine getting close to you, for fear that he’ll hurt you
-his monster alter ego even toys with him by mentioning you sometimes, further increasing the poor boys anxiety
-He’d get growingly agitated any time you have to put yourself in danger, and always ends up going places with you just to make sure you’re protected
-it starts with him just kind of shadowing you when you head up to your apartment for something one day
-the building is pretty much safe, but when you catch Hyunsu out of the corner of your eye, you almost have a heart attack, which he apologizes profusely for
-he goes with you to your room and is kind of awkward at your door because you’re a pretty girl and he’s about to go into your apartment, even if it is a post apocalyptic world, boy has manners
-He’s also just very big and tall, so even though he kind of hunches over, he sticks out like a sore thumb in your apartment
-he’s so quiet, but once you find something you both mutually enjoy to talk about, he begins to loosen up
-he continues shadowing you, he’s pretty much your designated monster survival partner 
-at dinners you start to eat together and everyone is low key hoping you both work out, but are also worried about what it could mean for you if Hyunsu turns full monster out of the blue one day
-He’s very hesitant to allow you to touch him, so you’d have to start small
-like maybe you offer to help him clean up some residual blood left on his skin after he’s healed from a fight
-Hyunsu all but holds his breath while you wipe his skin
-big uwu boy, heart eyes to the extreme
-he honestly just needs a good cuddle and one day, after a particularly rough event where you almost die, Hyunsu is too tired to be in full control of himself, so when you crawl into bed with him, wrapping your arms around his frame, Hyunsu allows himself to enjoy it
-the biggest soft boy is the small spoon sometimes cuz he really needs it
-he falls asleep in your arms and it’s the most peaceful sleep he’s had in maybe years
-when he wakes up, he rolls to cuddle against your chest, still half asleep and unaware of what he’s doing until he can hear the beat of your heart under his ear and realizes you’re not just a pleasantly warm pillow
-boy practically jumps out of the bed and needs to be pulled back into your embrace
-if you start massaging his scalp and holding him to your chest- he’s going to die, like, he’ll never be happier
-He craves your cuddles like nothing else in the whole world, and allows himself more and more to be happy when he’s with you, and to be with you often
-seeing him smile is so odd, people are shook
-the first day you grab his hand in front of people makes his heart melt
-the two of you are simply waiting for dinner, and you grab his hand, playing with his fingers casually
-you don’t even notice how impactful the gesture is
-after dinner, Hyunsu finds himself swept away by the key men of the group, Han thinks it’s all very cute, Gilseob agrees with Han but he’s worried like Eunhyeok that Hyunsu could be a danger to you. Sangwook is just there because they dragged him along
-Hyunsu is still worried he could hurt you and you notice him pulling away after his discussion with the guys, which leads to him fully communicating to you all his fears about being a monster and not being good enough for you
-squash all his anxieties with a kiss
-Hyunsu will melt against you, your lips are the best cure for his busy mind
-if you tug a little at his hair boy will be whipped forever
-once he opens up to you, he’ll tell you everything
-time spent cuddling and just talking
-tracing his scars and kissing them, telling him you’ll never leave him
-him being worried about becoming a monster but you’re so determined he won’t- and you won’t let him try to avoid you for your ‘own safety’ so he’s pretty much just stuck with loving you and accepting that you make him happy and he’s allowed to be happy
-helping him cut his hair and being shook by how much younger he looks
- “do you like it?” he wants to make sure you still like his new hair
-he’s so much more boyish- it honestly makes it worse when his hair is short because people have been straight up offering him up to really hard jobs because he ‘cant die’
-like, you’re going to be fiercely protective of this boy, just as he is of you
-yeah he’s the one that ‘cant die’ but if someone tries to be even slightly mean to him, you’re jumping in and throwing fists
-’oh? you guys think it’s a good idea to sacrifice him to the military/government for our survival? time to meet my fists’ you’ll jump in swinging i swear to god
-you would probably be down to fight Eunhyuck on the daily for how he treats Hyunsu like his watch dog/hound
-low key everyone is prepared to wake up and find you and Hyunsu just gone one day
-he looks at you with the biggest heart eyes, like, boy is so in love with you and anyone can see it
-he’s going to cherish any time with you
-nights are for cuddles and memorizing your face in the moonlight that comes through the windows
-will find you cute little gifts, like, if he knows you like certain books or stuff like that he’ll keep an eye out for things to amuse you when he’s looking for supplies 
-being way too fucking cute. like. this is an apocalypse and this man is just out here being a full fucking simp for you im-
-be careful as he gets more in love with you though because if someone threatens you, his monster side will pop out
-you’re feeling fragile one day and someone says something rude about Hyunsu and ‘how much time he has left’ and when Hyunsu finds you crying, his eyes go black and his monster side demands you tell him who he has to go kill for you
-after that, you can be certain his monster side won’t ever hurt you, which makes Hyunsu feel a lot more relaxed
-boy finally lets you touch him for longer than like five minutes because he’s not scared of loosing himself when he’s with you anymore
-ok, let’s be real, ya’ll would find ways to fuck even during the apocalypse
-boy deserves it. he DESERVES IT I TELL YOU
-soft honey boy, starts so soft, so much kissing and foreplay
-you’d really have to initiate things going farther than just kissing, and he’d worship you if you undressed for him
-10/10 will tell you he loves you while buried completely inside of you
-lots of gripping and passion, breathless kisses, hand holding and finger squeezing
-let him burry his face in your neck
-the sweetest aftercare filled with cuddles, hugs, kisses, and sweet words of affirmation
-he’s super shy about petnames, but you pet your ass that this big soft boi is going to let ‘jagiya’ (honey/sweetheart) slip every once and again.
-super shy about pda around other people, but you purposefully like to show how much you love him to make everyone else think twice about being mean to him or prejudice because he’s ‘infected’, whatever that even means.
-stealing his massive clothes
-taking care of him in ways that count, like making sure his depression doesn’t get the better of him being able to complete basic tasks, like cleaning him after a fight and making sure he eats properly
-being Hyunsu’s proof that humans can live with monsters, because you’ll never let him go and you love him
-i mean, not even going to lie, 10/10 Hyunsu would make living in monster world worth it
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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spacedlexi · 3 years
am curious what are your top violentine hcs
ok i wasnt really sure how to answer this since idek what headcanons people out there have? so i'll just list things i personally think about. if this doesnt satisfy your question feel free to ask me my feelings on specific hcs
read more cuz i cant just keep things short and simple
- love that thing mary kenny said about how violet likes to be the big spoon unless shes had a nightmare or has trouble sleeping. i bet clem being the little spoon makes her feel safe when she sleeps in a way she hasnt felt in nearly a decade of sleeping out on the road where she could die at any moment. i wonder if there was ever an incident tho where clem could feel vi against her back in her sleep and woke up ready to fight someone, cuz in the early days of living at the school im sure she'd still be getting over her immediate fight or flight reaction to everything
- related to the last one i think once aj gets old enough clem would move into violets room (and tenn would move into ajs room. every night is a sleepover (yes tenn is alive in my hcs 😔 and no one is maimed))
- i know clem is technically The Leader now, but vi was doing a good job before clem took over, and since her relationship with clem helped her get over herself a bit and now she outright cares for the school group (instead of caring but pretending she doesnt to avoid getting hurt from loss again 🥺), i think theyd definitely lead together. clem is still #1 but violet is like her right hand/second in command. if the group splits up for whatever reason (hunting/scouting/investigating passing groups) then they each take leadership of each group (unless they feel like going fishing together 🥺). they definitely makes plans together. up in the office. sometimes they share the chair (its a huge chair have you looked at that thing)
- again since tenn is alive in my hcs i love the idea of clem+aj/vi+tenn one little family within one big family. if tenn and aj are like playing or drawing vi and clem are watching like a couple of doting parents 🥺💕
- they stole that horse from the raiders so sometimes they go on little rides together around the school, checking defenses. but also just to get some time together alone
- vi gets help from the others to help jury-rig a pully system on the bell tower so clem can get up there again. they make so many intricate home alone style traps i think they could do it. i think clem would cry shdfks. and it would mean that much more to her that everyone helped make it
- violet became very confident in her relationship with clem throughout the last 2 eps so i think they wouldnt shy away from being cute in front of everyone lmao especially as the years go by
- after a number of years together i think theyd like to make things more "permanent". the only signifier of their relationship is the pin vi gives to clem (which is so cute on its own god i love that pin ("so you never forget that night" "i never will" SHUT UP THEYRE SO CUTE)). i thought maybe violet would whittle like a pair of wooden rings but thinking about it more i think they would just make new pins for each other. the pins are kind of their thing. clem would still keep wearing the og star pin, but she'd also get a violet flower pin, and violet would get a clementine pin 🍊💜
- related to the last one, louis would catch violet making her pin for clem and turn it into a whole big thing. because its boring living in the apocalypse and he wants to make this fun. clem would be on board with it and violet would agree if thats what clem wants. so theyd have a little "wedding" with the school kids attending. tenn and aj collect flowers and you know omar would make some big, extra fancy meal.
- idk if this counts but do you ever think about how during the last ep violet gets forcibly split from clem+aj and has to go back to the school by herself, and hours go by and clem and aj havent made it back yet... and how violet probably went back out there to desperately look for them, thinking they were dead and blaming herself for just leaving them there... she mustve been so devastated and scared and angry. i bet she was the first to see aj pushing that wheelbarrow back to the school and just started crying and sobbing if she wasnt already. SORRY TO END THIS ON A SAD ONE but i think about this 😭 ....................
- related to the last one i bet violet spent so much time next to clems bed just hoping and praying that she would wake up. her and aj were probably there as much as they could be. and maybe would even take turns watching over her before she finally woke up. i bet all the other kids would come in to check on her too. they all love clem so much 🥺 you love to see it. its what she deserves. i bet rosie would be under her bed too like she was when aj was putting up the collectibles at the end
ok thats all the ones i can think of atm
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kurlyfrasier · 3 years
Love Unknown (Part 1)
My dearest, most patient Nonny (you know who you are). I give you; PART ONE of your request. I hate that you’ve had to wait such a ridiculously long time for your request, so I thought I’d go ahead and give you the first bit. I hope you enjoy! Also, you never specified if you wanted the Reader and Raph to be in a relationship already so I hope you don’t mind that they are not in one at the moment.
Pairing: Raph x Reader
The Request (includes obvious warnings): its about angst, (spoiler), fight, blood and (spoiler again). ok, raph had a fight with reader so he say bad things to her, so he listens music (ZAYN & Sia - Dusk Till Dawn) because he was sad and crying but she could never hate raph, so after raph... (I’m leaving this part out of the request so there’s not so many spoilers) ....so he goes to reader and they make up. (possible trigger warning in tags that I took out of this request; may have to expand tags to see it)
A/N: I actually don’t watch any of the TMNT series’ so I know nothing about Destructor X (I’m assuming that’s who you wanted as the villain. I had to look it up). So, I took the liberty of changing the villain to one I know a tiny, itty bitty bit more about. I sincerely apologize if this ruins it for you. Also, this is a first draft.
Disclaimer: I own no TMNT anything, nor do I know any NYC geography, song belongs to Zayn & Sia, and last - but not least - Nonny owns this lovely, specific request! Honestly, I could do SO MUCH with this and it was hard to choose how to go about it. Last thing, I promise: If anyone thinks of a better title, PLEASE SHARE IT cuz I am terrible at coming up with titles.
Word Count: 1189
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Raph fell onto his bed with a loud huff, body trembling from the hours-long workout he just finished. Yet, he was still angry - at himself more so than you. The words he spouted at you in a jealous rage- He shook his head, barely hearing the music blasting through his overly-large headphones as he recalled you wrestling with Mikey. His hand hovered, prepared to rip his headphones off, when the song changed to one you must have added to his playlist. You always did silly things like that; instilling bits of yourself into the turtles lives. They all loved it. 
Especially him. 
Especially on the days when you weren’t able to come visit.
Today had not been one of those days, but he had ruined it minutes into your visit.
His arm landed heavily next to him. Savoring the song, he closed his eyes. Unable to stop himself from falling for you even harder than he already had. A tear escaped, sliding down his cheek. Everything about the song reminded him of how he wished he could be with you. How he wanted to be there with you from dusk to dawn. How he wished to watch the sunrise with you. How he wished he had the right to touch you as the song implied.
“Something’s wrong,” Donnie whispered to Leo, pointing to a large screened device as Raph walked into the dojo, ready for patrol. “Her phone suddenly disconnected and I can’t pinpoint her on the GPS.”
Raph froze at his brother’s words, stomach sinking. He had a gut feeling they were talking about you. 
“Has she ever turned off her phone before?” Leo asked quietly, voice calm.
“Never,” Donnie emphatically shook his head, looking more worried by the second. “I’ve explained to her that she has to make sure her phone never dies and she nevers turns it off. Otherwise, if something happens…” He let the sentence hang.
“It’s possible (Y/n) forgot to charge her phone and-”
“That wouldn’t happen Leo!” Donnie whisper-shouted, shooting daggers at their brother. “She’s more responsible than that.”
“I know, I know,” Leo raised his hands in surrender. “I’ll go check her apartment and make sure everything’s okay.”
“What about R-”
“Don’t say anything until I get back,” Leo turned on his heel to find the very brother he was hoping to avoid, eyes widening slightly before forcing a neutral expression once more.
“Where ya goin’?” Raph asked, feigning nonchalance. Inside, he was raging, blood deafeningly pumped through his veins.
“Just getting some fresh air before we head out on patrol, is all,” he lied, making his way out of the dojo.
“I call bull,” Raph stated, eyes cold as he challenged their so-called leader, grabbing his brother’s arm in a vice-like grip. “What’s going on,” he growled out.
“It could be nothing, Raph. Calm-”
“(Y/n)’s phone is off,” Leo snapped his head in Donnie’s direction to find him marching their way. “Last I saw, she was headed East on Michigan Avenue.”
“A couple of hours ago-”
“And you didn’t think to wake me!?” Raph released Leo to shake some sense into Donnie. He may have been a genius, but he could be a real dunce sometimes. “What if somethin’ happened to her! Huh!? What then!?”
“I thought-”
“It don’t matter what ya thought, Donnie!” Raph roared, shoving his brother away, causing him to stumble to the ground.
Next thing Raph knew, he and his brothers were topside, rain beating down on them in torrents as they headed East on Michigan, but he didn’t feel the cold. His only thoughts were of you; your scent, your hair, your laugh, that spark in your eye when you were up to something - or angry, now that he thought about it. Point was, if anything happened to you… he would never be able to forgive himself. Heck, he wasn’t sure he would live. You were his sunshine on his darkest days, the one thing he looked forward to most was seeing your smiling face. Not that you knew this, especially after your fight earlier in the day. 
One thing he knew for certain, on top of all that, was that he would never deserve you.
He was a monster. Something he proved all too well earlier that day and he wouldn’t be at all surprised if you hated him for it. Even he knew that he blew up for no good reason. 
You were drenched, and not from the sprinkle of rain that hit you- how long ago was it now? You didn’t know. It could have been minutes. It could have been hours. The warm, thick liquid dripped down your temple from the last blow Karai had given you with the butt of her tanto blade. Eyes closed, you let out a groan, head pounding from the memory.
They had left you; the lowly Foot Clan soldiers and Karai, but you knew they’d be back for more. Considering how silent you were about the turtles whereabouts, you basically guaranteed yourself a nice, long torture. Karai just had to go get her ‘tools’, as she called them. Personally, you thought her fists, feet, and tantos were enough. 
Opening your eyes, you sought a way to escape. Not that you had any luck so far ridding yourself of the deadly tight ropes tying you to the hard, metal chair you sat in. Still, the thought of escape had you squinting into the darkened room. The only light was when lightning struck in the sky, seeping through the windows close to the ceiling. There were a few open, allowing the booming thunder to roll easily to your ears and rain to drip down the walls. Stacks of boxes surrounded you. If they weren’t too terribly heavy, you might be able to move a stack to create a makeshift staircase to the windows. You wriggled, but it only seemed to tightened the ropes at your wrists and ankles.
With a deep breath you thought of Raph. He was your best friend. If you were to die tonight you hoped he knew you didn’t hate him. Knowing him, that’s exactly what was running through his head. He was so passionate about everything he did. He felt everything so much more than you did, it seemed. Except for maybe one thing; your love for him. Nothing he ever did or said would ever turn your heart away from him. Granted, you did wonder what shot him off this time. He almost never took his anger out on you unless you did something dangerous; like try to follow him on patrol or go through dark alleys or- Well, the list went on. You did like pushing his buttons, but you liked how much he worried over you even more. 
The small smile that crept onto your lips faded the moment Karai slammed open the door, making a grand entrance with a wheeled table covered in objects that reflected the bit of light that now lit the room, giving it an almost romantic glow. It was a small fight to stop the laugh that bubbled in your throat.
Part 2
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hooray for open ask box! how about Martyn, or Etho, or Ren seeing Skizz’s ghost on the altar?
hell yeah i love writing about Skizz, even in death :D
cw blood, dead body
Less than a day after Skizz’s abrupt death, Martyn returns to the crastle alone, with a sombre mission. His stomach drops when he sees Skizz’s body hanging upside down over the ramparts, exactly where it fell the moment Skizz died. It’s horrifying to see the blood still dripping down the walls of the crastle, the gaping wound in his chest clearly visible.
An arrow shoots into the ground at his feet just in front of the drawbridge, causing him to stop.
“What business do you have here, Red Army scum?” snarls Bdubs’s voice.
Martyn carefully lays his sword and shield on the ground, before standing back up with his hands raised to show he’s no longer armed. “I come in peace and I come alone.”
A pause follows this.
Martyn looks up and finds Bdubs’s face just visible through a slit window. Another face can be seen through the slit window just to the left but this one is less visible, so Martyn can’t identify who it is. He suspects it might be Impulse.
“What do you want?” Bdubs demands, though his voice is less hostile than before.
“All I want is to retrieve Skizzle’s body so we can bury him.”
Another pause.
This time, a different voice comes from the castle: “His body stays here.”
“Scott-,” Martyn begins.
“No, I’m not budging.” Scott’s voice is full of grief and anger. “He killed my husband and my friend. I want his body displayed exactly where it is. You’re lucky Grian and Bdubs talked me out of slicing his head off and displaying it on a stake.”
Nausea rises in Martyn’s throat at the grisly image. “Please,” he says, almost begging. “He died in battle just like Timmy and Cleo; he deserves a proper burial. We… We need to say goodbye to him.”
“Do it here,” Scott snarls, “cuz I’m not budging.”
Bdubs’s face disappears from the slit window, but his voice is still just about audible to Martyn on the ground. “Scott, I think we should give them Skizz’s body.”
“What?!” Scott’s voice snaps back. “Why would you even consider that?! Don’t you care that he murdered your best friend?!”
“Yes, but I’m not thinking of Skizz,” responds Bdubs. “I’m thinking of Cleo. She’s been avenged already, Scott. Jimmy’s been avenged. Do you really think either of them would want us to deny him being laid to rest, despite everything he did? What’s the purpose of that? Skizz is dead, Scott, and seeing his body on display is only going to remind us of our losses every time we look at it. In order to start healing, you gotta let go of your anger.”
Bdubs’s voice cracks and he says something else that Martyn can’t quite hear.
Martyn waits anxiously, wondering what will happen. He’s half expecting Scott to just shoot him there and then, or at the very least destroy Skizz’s body out of bitterness and anger.
But eventually, the door to the crastle opens and Bdubs appears, holding a crossbow at his side. “You can come in and get it,” he says. “Tango will help you take it back to Dogwarts.”
Martyn lets out a quiet sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
As he crosses the drawbridge, Bdubs gives him an odd look. “You’re really okay with walking into the enemy base on your own with no weapons? What if this was a trap and we just killed you right here?”
“I did consider that possibility,” Martyn admits. “But I decided that my mission is more important.”
Bdubs nods slowly. “Okay. Fair enough.”
Martyn follows Bdubs up to the first floor, where Tango is already starting to pull Skizz’s body inside. Now that he’s closer, Martyn can see that Skizz’s eyes are still open, so he kneels beside his body and gently closes them.
“We can use one of the coffins outside to transport him,” says Tango, his voice low and serious. “And you can keep it to bury him in.”
“Thank you,” says Martyn. “After we bury him, you’re welcome to visit his grave whenever you wish.”
“What about me?” Impulse asks quietly, standing on the upper staircase.
Martyn turns and looks him dead in the eye. “Like I said. Tango, you’re welcome to visit anytime.”
Impulse blanches as Tango nods gratefully.
It takes the two of them less than ten minutes to carry the coffin to Dogwarts. As they get close to its walls, Etho and Ren dash out to meet them.
Etho takes the burden from Tango, who steps aside to a safe distance, keeping a wary eye on Ren.
“Thank you for returning Skizzle to us,” Ren says, all hints of his former fake accent and overly dramatic tone gone.
“Of course. I hated seeing him left up there like that.”
“I know you can’t give anything away but can I just ask… how’s… how’s Impulse?” Etho asks hesitantly.
Tango briefly makes eye contact with him but has to look away. “I wouldn’t hold out any hope that he can be saved if I were you. He wasn’t just there when Skizz died; he watched him die and did nothing to help or comfort him. There’s no coming back from that.”
“Oh my god…” Ren breathes out, suppressing a shudder. “How did this happen, Tango? What turned him into such a monster?”
“Trust me, Ren…” Tango turns to face Ren, a sombre expression on his face. “...I wish I knew. Anyway, I’m gonna head back now. Give him a good sendoff.”
“We will,” promises Ren. “Thank you.”
Etho and Martyn carry the coffin into Dogwarts and to the site that they have already picked and prepared for the burial. All three of them lower the coffin into the freshly dug grave and then kneel down beside it: Etho to the left, Martyn to the right, and Ren directly in front.
“Today, we celebrate the life of our good friend and loyal ally Skizzleman,” Ren begins. “Right from the start, even before he fought for us in battle, he proved himself a dedicated friend to Renchanting. He provided me with shelter when I was nothing but a lowly travelling merchant. His leather made the book that created the first enchantment table we ever used. And his cobblestone helped build the walls of Dogwarts that still stand to this day. He took care of us, he fought for us, he killed for us, and in the end, he died for us.” He addresses the coffin directly. “Thank you, Skizzle. For everything.”
He clears his throat. “Does- Does anyone else have anything they want to say?”
Etho nods and gently tosses the allium he’s holding onto the coffin. “Nothing special, just… Thank you, Skizz. For always being there for me.”
“I have some things to say,” says Martyn quietly. “I honestly didn’t think much of Skizz at first. I thought he was a nice guy but not someone I could see myself even being friends with. But he became so much more than that. We shared the same drive, the same passion and commitment to our convictions. When the two of us were out there fighting, it was like we’d known each other for years. But most importantly, he would always put his life before others, even mine, and even after he turned red. He was fun to be around and he always made me laugh.” His voice cracks. “I’ll miss you, Skizz.”
Twirling the tulip he brought from outside, he drops it into the grave, on top of Etho’s allium.
Ren wordlessly starts to scoop dirt over the coffin, and Etho and Martyn join him. Finally, once the coffin is properly covered, Ren plants his flower - a poppy salvaged from Skizz’s destroyed home, over the top of it and sits back.
After a moment, he starts to sing softly: “Fill to me the parting glass, and drink a health whate'er befalls. And gently rise and softly call: good night and joy be to you all. But since it fell unto my lot, that I should rise and you should not, I gently rise and softly call: good night and joy be to you all.” (this song is The Parting Glass, sung by The High Kings)
This breaks the dam. Martyn hurriedly rises to his feet and flees towards the altar, tears falling freely from his eyes. He drops to his hands and knees in the centre of the stone platform, hanging his head and crying openly.
He hasn’t cried like this in a very VERY long time. It’s just so unfair to him that Skizz, one of the kindest people he knows, is gone so soon from the server. There’s so much he wishes he could have said back there. How he blames himself for not stopping Skizz from charging in there, how much he dreams of slaughtering Grian for taking Skizz away from them, how he wishes it was him who died instead. But he couldn’t manage it.
A chill suddenly runs down his spine, causing him to involuntarily look up.
His heart skips a beat.
Standing a few blocks away on the altar is the ghostly image of Skizzleman, back to normal except for a slight magenta tinge to him. He’s smiling kindly down at Martyn, his eyes sparking with a kind of energy that he hasn’t had for a long time.
He holds out his hand to Martyn, who hesitantly reaches for it. Despite not being able to touch it, something helps Martyn to his feet, some kind of invisible energy.
Martyn gazes into Skizz’s face and manages a smile. “Goodbye, Skizz,” he whispers. “Good luck.”
The words “you too” echo in Martyn’s ears, not spoken by anything of this world.
“Martyn,” calls Ren’s voice. “Are you coming?”
Martyn automatically turns to look at Ren. “Yeah, I’m coming.”
When he looks back, he’s alone on the altar.
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slasherwife · 4 years
🐻Oh, I stopped to think, how the Slashers would react to their S / O being a witch who reincarnated (doesn’t remember the past life, except how she died.), She does rituals (using some potions, animal bones and blood itself). to raise and control plants and a power related to his death (possibly fire) and have nightmares about his death that usually have phantom pain and vision (in the midst of flames and smoke for example.) kisses from Brazil 🐻
Slashers react to a witch s/o
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How do the slashers react with you doing tarot, moon rituals, playing with energies, making potions and doing spells?
🌹🌛🌕🌜🌹how do they react to you controlling the elements and getting forewarning of his death?
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas is lowkey intrigued?
Doesn’t even know what this stuff is??
He’s pretty much clueless, but that doesn’t mean you can’t teach him
If you tell him you’re a witch I have a feeling he’ll be taken aback
“B-but the Bible says—“
“No no, the Bible was originally Aramaic, Tommy— and ‘witch’ in Aramaic meant poisoner, my love. I never poison anyone.” 💖💕💖💕
That should do it 😊
Anyway he will still be bewildered a lil bit, just peepin around the corner watching you doing a tarot reading like Ow0 wot
Will catch animals for you to use for rituals
Do you need human bones too? Cuz he’s got you covered 😊💕
But hearing of your past life death? Seeing you play with fire and plant energies? How the universe practically bows to you? He sees you completely different.
He was standing on the back porch, watching you walk towards him as the grass waved to you and the trees bent in your favor, and he never wanted to be apart from you 🌹😊
You are a starlit goddess, sent to him by mistake— and he thinks you belong to the stars above or in the clouds~~ anywhere but his dark, sad home 😓💖
If you have nightmares about his death, he will go under your wing —begrudgingly— under your constant protection
He doesn’t believe too much of your visions, but he hates seeing you upset and his dark goddess doesn’t deserve paranoia 🥀😓
Jason Vorhees
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Whatever Jason thinks, he at least acknowledges at his zombie phase that he isn’t exactly considered natural either.
Tbh you guys would be a total power couple 🤗🥺💖
He would be probably more understanding of your occupation than Tommy, and would embrace you fully 😊
Like “I knew my y/n was special. I knew it!” 😊💕
He doesn’t like that you use animal bones though. “Why the poor animals y/n?? Use human bones instead— here.”
He thinks you have superpowers hah
He loves when you raise the plants to be alive again— it’s like you keep it spring all year and he loves it 🥺💖💕💖🌷
Will be happy that you have them so you can protect yourself if need be 😊
Once you tell him about your past life death and how you can manipulate elements and that you’re getting forewarnings dreams of his death... he won’t be too worried.
First off, any thought of you dying in general is caused him literal physical pain. So he didn’t like you talking about that 🥺💕
You controlling the elements, Fire? He will follow you anywhere hon’. 7’1 immortal zombie legend murderer and powerful sorcerer/ess/witch? Biggest power couple 💕🙌🙌
And then lastly, the only thing Jason will worry about from your dreams is how you will manage with out him. That’s literally it 😂🥺💕💖
He knows he will come back eventually, you can’t kill Jason forever— he physically can’t stay dead lol
He will sheepishly miss all the crazy sex you guys have been having, but you stop your worrying! Jason’s like “my poor bab don’t be so scared— I’ll always come back!” 💕💕💖💕
Michael Myers
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Will 1000% pretend your powers don’t interest him.
But just know that he’s peeking around the corner when you absent mindedly play with the candle’s flame while mixing a clarity potion, literally on his toes 😂💕
He loves to be around you when you’re doing candle work, making a potion, practicing controlling the elements— because you exert this powerful and foreign energy aura that’s comforting to him 😊💖💕🥺
Another slasher that will go on a midnight trip of catching animals for you because “ANYTHING FOR YOU, MY GODDESS— 😫💖💕💖💕”
But you wouldn’t even ask for it, he would see you making spell charms or bags with animal bones in it—
And then next thing you know he drops a sack of birds and a goat next to you and walks away???🤭
Do I know where he got the goat?? No I fucking do not xD but it kinda stank so you had to drag it out the back door and get to work 😣
And then obviously he’ll give you human bones as well lel 💕
He likes hearing of your past life death, he thinks it’s cool lol 😊💖
Getting forewarnings of Michael’s death? K.
He wouldn’t be bothered really, but he obviously doesn’t want to die— he’s too stubborn for that 💕💖
This is the only time he will ever listen to you xD barely
Basically like “too bad—I’m going out tonight. But I’ll ‘be careful’ or whatever the fuck you said.”
Another huge power couple btw 🙌💖💕
Bubba Sawyer
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He thinks you’re so cool 🥺
He’ll think your tarot readings are a game and he’ll pick up random ones and look at them
(He likes the pictures) 😖💖
He’ll be so curious, like snooping around when you’re doing a ritual, snuggling up against you when you’re saying an incantation—
He’s like a cat💖💕
Oh you like animal bones? What a surprise! His house is literally full of them. 😶🌷
Ya you have an endless supply of animal bones— you won’t ever run out 😂💖💕
You died in your past life? WHAT? Why? *crying*
He will snuggle you all night when you tell him that 🥺
Also thinks you’re a goddess that was sent to him and can NOT wrap his head around the fact that you two met by chance 🥺💖
Cherishes you every single day and will probably be super clingy because you’re just his strong woman who deserves everything for the queen she is— *INHALE* yeah. 😖😖💕💕💖💖
Wait. What? You dreamt of me dying? What abt you will you be okay my little blueberry muffin??
He won’t careeee but at the same time he wants to stay with youuuuu😖💖💕
Just so he can stay alive to be with you, he’ll do everything you say to stay safe and will follow every protocol much to Chop Tops annoyment. 🤷‍♀️😊💕
“No, sorry—Y/n says I can’t do that.”
I love you two together, it gives me the feels 🥺💕💖
Bo Sinclair
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Ooooh niceeee
Lowkey interested but probably won’t show it 😆
Like u do u— don’t know don’t care as long as you keep making me pbjs
Prepare for bewildererd looks when he walks in on your using blood/bones for a particular ritual 😳
Like you’ll just be sitting on your bed with your eyes closed, holding a black candle trying to banish negative energy and he’ll walk in—
“Want me to leave...?”
He’ll probably come home one day with an animal skull or something like, “babe I found this owl beak... you want it?” 😂💖💕
He’ll probably tell Lester to catch something while he’s out and about, and then take it and tell you that he got it for you all by himself😂💕
Lowkey scared of you sometimes
He’s not scared of blood, but like y are u using it..??
Tried not to piss you off too much so you hex him or something xD 💖💕
You: *manipulating fire and wind out back*
Bo, walking in on it: bitch what the fu—
If you tell him you’re getting visions of his death, he’ll probably be super skeptical and give you it a smartass remark— probably ask if you’ve been smoking the mugwort too 😳😶
But if you persist on it— he’ll get frustrated but will listen to you because he doesn’t like seeing u upset 🥺🌷
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Bitch wtf u doin?
So confused— explain now
This little shit will go through all of your stuff and take what he thinks is cool and will probably piss off your deities (if u have deities) 😂
You’ll have to make him apologize and have him give it back~~which I wish you the best of luck w 😂💖💕
You’ll just be minding your own business when Brahmsie is looking at your things—
The he legit looks at you dead in the eyes and takes your dragon figurine and disappears into the walls, much to your panic 😓😶😶
But since you can do all this stuff, now 3x more scared of you even tho you’re a small bean in comparison to him— 😳💕🌷
You threatened to hex him if he didn’t start actin right and he started being nice real quick 😂🙌💕💕
Where did u get that blood? 😶😳
Using animal bones? Use the dead rats y/n! Duh!
Bonus for him if he manages to sack the grocery boy and take his bones too 😶💘
If he finds you controlling the elements and sees u controlling fire.... he leaves immediately dont you know he’s terrified of fire??
Yeah uh he demands in a shaky voice that you stop doing that or else ☹️😶he doesn’t like fire at all
But that’s okay cuz you’re still the fuckin coolest person hes ever been w! 😆💘
Wait wut...? You’re saying I’m gonna die? UWU SAVE ME Y/N I DONT WANNA DIEEE
He will literally get so scared when you tell him you’re getting forewarnings of his death, and will go under your wing definitely the most willingly 😅💓💓
Whatever, more cuddles for him! And some other things 😏
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I hope u liked ittt! Sorry I’ve not the time to post ANYTHING lately— it took me 5 days to finish this one because of how busy w school I am— but I hope you like it!! 💖💖
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se3, ep11 (part 1)
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Breaking toxic bonds & accepting healthy ones isn’t a miracle. A bond that started with love could end up chained & toxic, another that started wrong could’ve become the joy of a life time. You can do it. Break the cycle of abuse & stand up for yourself, it is easy yet so difficult, you aren’t alone, tho, loved ones stand nearby cheering. Be kind on yourself, otherwise you’ll throw your life away. Life isn’t just happiness & joy, it’s also sadness & loneliness. Break free from the shackles that held you down. Embrace life & Live.
-Tohru’s “ I’m okay” mask is finally shattered! (the Importance of kyo’s rejection for her development):
This is the last part of tohru’s character development! The last few eps were abt her role in Akito’s redemption & their similarities. she staood up for herself & choose a path away from her mom while keeping her mom’s memory in a healthy manner. No more planning my life according to mom’s wishes, no more talking to mom ‘s picture 24/7. Now, I’ll plan my life & move forward even if it is with the guy mom said she cant forgive. even If it is without him, I’ll move forward. I love him so much, yet I won’t force our bond & let go. So easy yet so difficult!. tohru doesnt know anything abt kyo after her fall. All she remembers is his heart-broken face as he wept beside her. Those tears on his face, she caused them. He cried cuz it is too painful to see her hurt. She was a burden to him! tohru restored to her old coping mechanism of pretending “ i’m Okay” & smiling. She did so numerous times before. Always worked. No one noticed. Except him. Se02, ep7. he urged her to show her true fears. Now, she’s faced with a pain so big she can’t pretend no more. the pain of loosing him. She cried in front of yuki! The smile & chatting abt chores couldn’t conceal the running tears! Yuki’s first time seeing her like that. Se01, ep14, yuki wondered how could tohru smile after her mom’s death. She can’t pretend no more! She’ll have to wear her feelings on her sleeve! cuz it IS ok to do so! She tells kyo to give her a moment to compose herself. She couldn’t lie & pretend like she did with yuki. Here she either run away or just try to compose myself! I LOVE THAT! This way, whenever kyo/tohru fight or have any misunderstanding in the future as a couple, you’ll know tohru won’t just bear it & pretend, “ i;m okay” No! she’ll talk to kyo & express herself! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! It gives her so much strength as a human & I’m happy all the obstacles & set backs in kyo/tohru’s romantic journey has led them to be better ppl little by little to build healthier & more realistic love! 
-The mechanics of writing a compelling slow-burn romance:
1. Igniting the romantic feelings slowly: Slow burns don’t work with love at 1st sight. It must first sparkle naturally, slowly & subtly. Both kyo & tohru repeatedly stated they don’t know exactly when they first fell in love. The author’s decision to create an environment where the two live together is a genius way to start & nurture their romance quietly & subtly. Kyo was tricked to stay in shigure’s house while tohru had to stay cuz she had no home, Natural reasons that force the two to spend days together & get to know each other gradually.
2. Dynamics of their personalities: For slow burns to work, the two characters need to be similar yet opposites! Kyo & tohru are both kind, endearing, innocent, good at chores, independent & hardworking. They both have history with their mothers that is filled with love yet traumas. However, tohru is calm yet prefer maneuvering around subjects, can’t stand up for herself, reads ppl easily, tends to trust ppl easily & disregard herself. Kyo is fierce, strong, tends to distrust ppl, despite ppl loving his spontaneous character, he has hard time figuring out if they’re mocking him or teasing him, very straightforward with his words & actions. The similarities helps them understand each other, however, the differences creates chances to clash & come even closer thro various situation. Ex, se01, ep2, kyo apologizing for hitting her head with the table which created the situation where she needed to confess she always loved the cat zodiac! It is HER gush of emotions that struck kyo. ppl really want my friendship? the cat is loved? Thro those difference they learned to better themselves so they won’t hurt the other, kyo toning down his anger for her, tohru desiring to know him even more as he becomes even more awkward.
3. Creating natural, realistic  & convincing obstacles that prevents them from being together:  This is the most important part! Slow-burn is two characters in love & cant be together despite everyone wanting them to be! if the reason that stops them from uniting is trivial, stupid, one-sided, can easily be solved, then the slow-burn would be a fillery & no one would cheer for it! Takaya-san is a genius!
Kyo can’t be with tohru cuz he thinks (a) he killed her mom! we saw thr flashback, he could’ve saved her & couldn’t save her. It was a split of a second difference & he hates himsef for NOT trying! that split of a second also prevented from thinking of better ways to save her than holding her! it happened to fast, he couldn't think of a better alternative cuz this was his 2nd time loosing someone (b) his mom’s sucide being pinned as his fault created this immense guilt & defeated feeling that “ no matter what, I just cause death & misery! There’s (c) too!, he knew tohru! thinks she deserves the world & cuz he didnt save her mom, he watched tohru talk to a freaking picture for two years! heck! he is the only one who can see thro tohru’s “ i;m okay” mask, so in se01, ep 14 in the grave yard! kyo wasnt the only one who is sad! tohru was too! & kyo could tell! (d) her mom’s death is the reason tohru is accepting shigure’s offer to stay with them rent-free in exchange of doing housework! (e)? he saw her confess crying her heart out abt missing her mom so much that she imitated her dad! so tragicly sad! (f) he saw her die in his nightmare!! how can he accept her love,now? Perfectly orchestrated obstacles! 
Tohru, unfortunately, in the anime it wasn't that clear due to shortening her backstories & trauma in se03, ep6. But she too couldn’t see herself confessing love to kyo. Tohru is has low self-esteem, always thinks she’s a burden to others, an orphan who just wants her mom, so scared, lonely & sad! we the audience believed the mask! we saw her work her motherly charm yuki, isusuz, kisa & believe her issues are not that deep.  tohru wont cry for herself but shed rivers for others! grief is so ugly it broke her! I cant let go of mom, must keep her always in my heart, such a hard emotions to write & I believe 100% the director couldn’t understand her grief & decided to split ep6 between her, kyo, isuzu & shigure. But Tohru struggling to confess to kyo is no laughing matter. ppl who are grieving find it the hardest to live after the loved ones die. they wont mostly commit suicide, they are alive, but they arent living. they just go thro the motions & live for the sake of those around them but not themselves. Tohru deciding to confess to kyo is her deciding to live for herself.
4. Writing a perfect psychologically & emotionally packed climax: I dont need to explain how perfect kyo’s rejection of tohru in se03 ep9 was. How much we felt for him yet were mad at him. He we were “ ugh! kyo no!!!! I mean I get why you do that , but you idiot no! come back! poor kyo! He was just so sad & broken! OMG he’ll kill himself after finding tohru’s injured body!! he totally would! his nightmare came true! But Tohru reached him! she wanted him to be okay! he wont kill himself but still feels hella guilty! but so utterly in love with her that his instinct upon seeing her come to life after near death is kiss her! Perfect display of psychology & emotions! filled with right, wrong, sad, happy, guilty, innocent! basically so human~ As the audience you MUST have this mixture of feelings of wanting to hug him so bad cuz this boy has been killing himself for years now yet want him to stop & just see that he was a good boy afterall. Tohru is THE best girl & if the audience are cheering for kyo to be with her, kyo really deserves her! The only problem is for kyo to see that now.
5. The Perfect wrap up of all romance: If you make your audience suffer the slow-burn this long, you gotta reward them good! & Takaya-san delivered! Just like how the entire romantic story is realistic, the reunion must be as realistic too! Tohru is hurt by kyo;s words. Facts remain his words were hurtful to her. I love that was addressed! tohru gets to tell her side, too! If you love someone, you are bound to be hurt by them as much as be happy with them. Simply cuz they matter so much to you! you arent one person, but two ppl coming together. Kyo must work hard for this confession. Must run & chase her. Must earn her proper! He gets on his knees, I cant express how important that is! he is way taller than her, Imagine apologizing while she looks way up & he looks down? He gets on his knees & apologize like a man, for every mistake, all while not loathing himself. He aint going back to that deep abyss again. He did wrong by her & he is owning up to his mistakes. Give me one chance. I’m not gonna force you with persistence or guilt you into taking me. Give me ONE chance cuz i deserve it & no more. The choice is yours. She asks to confirm, he shows her, they kiss, they hug, they are rewarded with a blessing from the heavens! One of the most simple yet emotionally fulfilling confessions in anime!
- Hugs over kisses: (And her kiss hugs her & the curse was lifted):
Prince charming kisses the princess & she wakes up~ they live ever after~ except furuba is all abt “ eternal ever after is not true, real life is where the real love is”
Kyo kissed tohru once, she didnt wake up, she didnt even think he loved her back. didnt even remember the kiss.
Kyo hugged tohru once. se01, e024, He initiated it, tohru was all in tears, surprised, happy & so utterly in love. he called her name for the first time ever, for a brief moment, they both connected, they both comforted each other. The rain stopped, he became a man not a monster, she got him back. She got her kyo that she fought for with none other than kyo himself.
kyo hugged her again, se03, ep6. They both initiated it. He made the first move, pulling her just a little closer, she made the second move & hugged him hard, he transformed, it was a moment were they both connected, both so sad & broken, both feeling needy for the other, both desperate for the other, both just living the moment. the result is them coming closer, her wanting him more, him realizing her love, there is no escape. Admit it. she loves you. You can tell.
Kyo hugs her again today. He asks permission. No spur of the moment feeling. But a long lasting permission to be together. To hug. He wants to hear her acceptance of his cursed body. “ is ok to hug you? this body will cause you pain as it wont be able to fulfill your wishes of constant hugs & intimacy”. She responds, permission granted, for love, for hugs, for a life long acceptance of you as a whole. weakness & strength, sadness & happiness. I accept you all in better & worse! we’re invincible. Why? cuz we understand love isnt magic. It is a path for us to walk together~~~ reward curse break!
Every time kyoru are closer it is a hug. The one thing the zodiacs cant do. A hug. They can kiss. But cant hug. comes this Zodiac Ruler girl so lonely, away from ppl, so sad, meets a cat boy who comes to the house she’s living in, a house away from ppl, the boy is drawn to the girl, However, when the boy needed to leave, the girl was able to let go despite loving him, the boy comes again, this time wanting to stay, the girl accepts the boy. They both accept the realistic reality of life. Embrace the obstacles & the achievements, celebrates the weakness above the strength. Both so imperfect. Both so endearingly dumb! that’s why the girl’s hug broke the boy’s curse. The girl’s acceptance of the cat broke all curses.
Side Note:
Kyo’s confession is so kyo! so straightforward, so direct, & so physical. He’s on his knees, holding her hands, looking at her eyes. “ i want to be WITH you. If I’m gona live, I want to to do it with you & no one else! cuz I love you” that’s it. That’s all.  So sincere & so romantic!
it is crazy how different tohru & kyo are now after the confession! she stood confidently & happily & said “dont you know, I love you!” all while teasing him, her giggle is so girlish & cute! my girl is a happy woman in love! long buried the angelic mother image of se02! YES! also, kyo’s happy face is love! Dude! when was the last time he smiled so freely? Did he ever do that? He smiled in se01, ep4 with kazmua, but not like this! T_T. my son is healing~
Kyo’s “ i wont ever feel afraid if you’re with me” is a huge growth from his “ I want to protect her” mindset. Now he realizes it is two-sided mutual desire. She gives him strength as much as he does! <3
I dont like open eye while kissing, but here it is so perfect for tohru in this moment! cuz she spent days thinking kyo rejected her & even ran away as soon as she saw him, now he’s not only confessing, apologizing, admitting she is his life, but also kissing her signaling they’re romantic couple. kissing on lips is so personal, what more evidence she needs? still, her thoughts? “ it’s like a dream?” aww~~~ tohru~~~ my precious girl! she just cant believe all her suffering is over, now? She was just practicing “ i’m okay” smile & now she’s an official girlfriend to the man of her dreams? He just bent da kneeee~ go for it queen!
yuki’s face when tohru cried is exactly what I meant of “ allowing yuki to have strong facial expressions”! XD these types of faces humanize yuki so much into the teenage boy he is! Unfortunately the anime team only sees him as the pretty prince in most times. That’s why fave yuki is when he’s with kakeru. He becomes so un-princly as he should be.
Speaking of yuki, I see you anime team~ postponing his moment into next ep so him & machi wont be overshadowed by the long awaited kyoru!! While this defies the perfection of all cursed zodiacs breaking on the same ep making akito’s breakdown less perfect & poetic, I take it as the anime team admitting they underdeveloped yuchi & decided let’s give them more screen time & not putting them in close distance from any couple. A week later ep is enough with lots of time. I dont mind at all, I’m just saying more time after/while confession is not what i was hoping for~~ sigh~ At least I hope yuki would say sth along the lines” all this time I was looking at you, i realized i love you” to imply he was thinking of her as a lover not his kindness for someone he helped. I just dont want their love to be sudden simply cuz yuki needs happy ending. oh well~ I’m sure whatever it will be, the anime will give it utmost attention.
That sad moment when kagura wasnt allowed a moving image. lol. girl was given a still image that didnt even move with the breeze! T_T
Not gonna lie... the scene with kazuma & kyo was underwhelming. Why the wide shot? I mean you dont need budget for that. Just give me a closeup from the waist up with kyo head buried in kazuma’s chest. Dont need to waste budget on kazuma’s face, either.... do the old trick of hair covering eyes & show me glittery tears~  why the awkward shot of kazma towering in his own house! how tall is this man & why cant he he fix his roof?...lol
Also, shigure, you got scars man... who can hurt shigure? akito? gotta be her. I dont think hatori scratches...lol.. Aya? nah~ too busy with Mine! yup, akito... another steamy night? could be, she’s changed as he wish now. But scratching a face is weird while..um..kissing? a quarrel? but why? I bet she wants him now & we know he wants her....
More on part 2! especially abt the curse’s lore~
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