#the 3 muses i plan to bring when im back will be added once i pick them up!
nightwhispcrs · 7 months
post-event / post-hiatus starter call !! i've been gone for what feels like a year so i really want to have fresh threads — don't be shy ! may increase the caps if i get drafts done early .
adam newman , 33 , young & the restless ( 2 / 4 ) — faith newman , drusilla keeble charlie dalton , 26 , dead poets society ( 0 / 4 ) — craig manning , 23 , degrassi ( 1 / 4 ) — marco del rossi eli joseph stock , 22 , along for the ride ( 3 / 4 ) — ally of wonderland , auden west , kiara carrera enjolras , 26 , les mis ( 2 / 4 ) — peyton halliwell , charlotte emily fred flintstone , 40 , the flintstones ( 1 / 3 ) — nigel thornberry irina denali , 28 , twilight ( 4 / 4 ) — eric northman , faye chamberlain , heidi volturi , laurent da revin jack shephard , 35 , LOST ( 1 / 4 ) — lexie grey katniss everdeen , 22 , the hunger games ( 4 / 4 ) — chris hartley , annie cresta , celeste kipper , a-xing lee jordan , 28 , harry potter ( 2 / 4 ) — ginny weasley , bill weasley max goodwin , 34 , new amsterdam ( 1 / 4 ) — kevin keller michael guerin , 31 , roswell new mexico ( 2 / 4 ) — ainsley whitly , lorelai gilmore monica geller , 27 , friends ( 2 / 4 ) — ji euntak , laurie strode naomi pierce , 32 , succession ( 1 / 4 ) — kenna de poitiers ramona flowers , 25 , scott pilgrim ( 2 / 4 ) — marceline , felicia hardy robin buckley , 24 , stranger things ( 3 / 4 ) — nancy wheeler , liv hawthorne , eloise roman roy , 36 , succession ( 2 / 4 ) — sam giddings , galadriel tucker mccall , 45 , young & the restless ( 2 / 4 ) — kallias , kendall roy zoe rivas , 24 , degrassi ( 4 / 4 ) — zoya nazyalensky , nimona , miles hollingsworth iii , victorie weasley
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second thoughts (legolas x reader)
The Fellowship of the Ring - Part 1
warnings: none (i think)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
a/n : so after writing it for the first time, rewriting it and then rewriting it again lol the first chapter of my canon lotr fic is here. not much legolas x reader interaction in this one, more of just an introduction to the series and the readers relationships etc. i also quickly wanna thank @falcor-thee-luck-dragon​ for being super supportive of this ever since i even mentioned it as an idea ily! im super excited for it and i hope you enjoy it, thanks for reading i love you and i hope you have a wonderful day<3 (also i guess let me know if you want to be added to my taglist)
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The journey to Rivendell was purely insufferable. Not only was it due to the time it took nor the saddle sore that you had endured, but to how the time had passed so quickly and yet so painfully slowly at the very same time. You had always loved to travel, but you did not seem to have any time at all to admire the vast amount of sights that appeared before you. In the blink of an eye they were gone, and the views became new for a brief second before they disappeared beyond what you could see. Your eyes were forced to stay focused on the road and the rider ahead of you so that the way would not be lost.
When you arrived at Rivendell, however, all of the annoyance that you had endured throughout the voyage seemed to simply melt away. There were no words for how you felt in that moment when you dropped from your horse, gaping at the infrastructure in complete awe. Always, you had associated elves with inexplicable beauty, but never would you have expected something as incredible as what lay before you. Quick to abandon your guide, you made sure to take your precious time when you strode through the decorative archways, following up the spiral staircase, marveling at everything your eyes could possibly muster.
It had hardly been long when your eyes travelled to seek out shards of a broken blade, sat on a bed of silk, a statue standing tall behind it. The concrete seemed to present it to all who passed. You dared not touch it, though a wave of tempt washed over your senses. The fragments made up Narsil, the blade of King Elendil, the one used by his son, Isildur, to cut the finger that held the One Ring of Sauron the Terrible during the War of the Last Alliance. The legend of the One Ring had faded into less than nothing over the years of its absence, but fear always struck you when you imagined the dreaded return of the Dark Lord. The longsword that lay in front of you belonged to the heir of Isildur, the King of Gondor, Aragorn Son of Arathorn. Your heart forever ached with hope that one day he would return to the White City and that the useless steward that held his place would once again be nothing more than just that.
You had scarcely noticed the figure sitting beside the balustrade until you had felt an uneasy turn in your stomach, signaling that someone was watching you. As you shifted your eyes over to the body in black, they fell upon a man with long, unkempt hair and a scruffy grown-out stubble that covered his face and neck. His arm was casually slung over the handrail, his lips drawn into a perfectly straight line and his eyes were fixed on you. The edge of his lips turned up as your eyes locked.
You blinked. “Aragorn! Forgive me, I was unaware of your presence; I would have come sooner.”
“It is good to see you, Y/N.”
“You, as well, mellon nin.” You clapped him on the shoulder. “I had planned to ride north a little while ago.”
“And I had planned to ride for the White City, until Gandalf called upon me.” Aragorn said, and your mouth turned up into a smile. Your eyes flickered up to the ceiling, once again distracted by the beautiful view.
“It is beautiful here. You are very lucky.” Aragorn gave you a small smile. “For why have I been brought here, Aragorn?”
He took a breath. “You will find out, soon enough. For now, you should rest. Your journey could have hardly been sparing.”
“Oh, alright.” You mused, now engaged with the thought of bed and sleep. He gently shook your shoulder. “Goodnight, Aragorn.”
“Goodnight.” He returned to his previous position; arm hung over the bannister as you ambled off in search of a place where you could find rest.
During your search, your feet treading across smooth slabs, and you came to a halt. There were small folk, talking to one another. They were speaking in the common tongue, and seemed half of your height, though you could not really tell from a distance. Fascinating, you thought. So far, the thought had not even crossed your mind that others might be here, besides yourself, Boromir and Aragorn and Gandalf, of course.
One of them moved toward the other, who was staring out among the balcony. The starrer turned, showed something in the palm of his hand and spoke.
“You’re right, Sam. We did what we set out to do.” He opened his hand and lowered his voice. What he said next could not be distinguished by your faint ears. “I am ready to go home.” He put his hand back into his pocket before it slithered out once again, only this time it was empty.
“And where would home be for you two?” You asked. They turned to look at you.
“The Shire, miss.” One said, the one called Sam.
“Hobbits! In Rivendell! How incredible. How curious.” Kneeling down to get a better look, Sam straightening his vest as the other kept a firm hand on his pocket. You noticed. “Do not fret, hobbit from The Shire. I am not interested in stealing from you. Or anyone else, for that matter. But perhaps a small piece of advice is, make it less obvious that you are carrying something worth taking.” The hobbit with brown, curly hair and bright blue eyes smiled sheepishly. You chuckled, standing. “Go to rest, hobbits. Get ready to go home, to The Shire.”
They bumbled off and a smile spread across your face as you continued the forage for somewhere to sleep.
The morning came quickly. The night had been comfortable, and you set out early to explore the inhabitancy that you had found yourself entering that day previous. A meeting had been called to finally reveal why your presence had been requested, and now, you sat on a chair in a circle, surrounded by some known faces and many unfamiliar ones. There were elves and dwarves grouped near each other, which would never be a good idea. One of the hobbits from the day before sat beside Gandalf. You were located between Boromir and Aragorn, two of your very good friends. Lord Elrond sat at the head of the circle. He stood once everyone had arrived.
“Strangers of distant lands, friends of old. You have summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it.” Lord Elrond began. He scanned those sat before him. “You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this one fate, this one doom.” He paused, turning to the hobbit. He brought his arm forth, inviting him.
“Bring forth the Ring, Frodo.”
By Elrond’s instruction, Frodo placed a golden ring on the centered table. Boromir muttered something under his breath. Then Frodo turned, and sat back in his seat, looking rather timid. You gave him a small smile before your eyes glued to the table and the item it held upon it. It called to you, whispering things in a language that you could not understand and subconsciously you were sure you did not want to hear what it was saying to you. How did a hobbit from the Shire receive a Ring of Power? What business did he have with it?
“It is a gift.” The voice tore you from your thoughts. Your eyes caught sight of Boromir standing beside you. “A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring?” You pursed your lips in disapproval. One who thought of using any of the Rings of Power is a fool.
“Long has my father, the steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay by the blood of our people, while your lands kept safe.” He looked at you, nodding, giving you the notion that you should be encouraging him. But you couldn’t help but think that Boromir sounded rather ill. Your eyes travelled to the floor for a moment before he continued. “Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against Him.”
“Do you know nothing of the Ring?” Your brows furrowed as you spoke, unable to contain your discontent for his words any longer. “It is because of Man’s weakness that the Ring survives. It is not safe in the hands of Men.” You spat unwillingly. You hadn’t expected your words to come off so aggressive. After all, you did not want to hurt Boromir’s feelings, just make him see sense. His eye caught yours and you gave him an apologetic look.
“It does not matter; you cannot wield it. None of us can.” Aragorn said. “The one Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master.”
“And what would a ranger know of this matter?”
“This is no mere ranger.” Behind Boromir someone stood. It was an elf. Some of his silky hair had been tied back into braids and a velvet cloak smothered his built body. His dark brows drew together as he spoke. “He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.” You studied him with curiosity, narrowed slightly whilst you scanned his presence. His eyes locked with yours for a brief moment before you turned them back to Boromir, who seemed to be staring at your friend in utter disbelief.
“Aragorn? This, is Isildur’s heir?”
“And heir to the throne of Gondor.” The elf finished and you looked at him as a way to avoid Boromir’s gaze. It was true. The White City that Boromir’s father currently ruled deserved to have their rightful King back. You could only hope that one day Aragorn would finally take the throne and restore the faith of Gondor once again.
“Sit down, Legolas.” Aragorn spoke in an elvish tongue. So, this was the infamous Legolas, you thought. Aragorn had spoken a lot of him to you in the past, but you had yet to meet him until this very moment.
“Gondor has no King. Gondor needs no King.” Boromir took his seat beside you, but you still refused to return his eye. Instead, you and the elf shared a look.
“Aragorn is right. We cannot use it.” Gandalf confirmed.
“You have only one choice.” Lord Elrond stood. “The Ring must be destroyed.” Silence fell among the space for a moment, before a dwarf shifted off of his seat, his fingers tightening around the axe beside him.
“What are we waiting for?” He rumbled, swinging his axe over his shoulder to slice the Ring with a roar. His blade ricocheted and shattered. His back became flush to the floor, his eyes wide in shock. You gasped, sitting forward in your seat to rush to help him. But before you could, the other dwarves appeared by his sides, steadying him.
Frodo clutched his chest when the dwarf’s blade collided with the Ring, as if the axe had struck Frodo himself. Pain seemed to radiate through his body. You looked to him, concerned. Gandalf had also noticed the hobbit’s reaction to the attempted destruction of the Ring.
“The Ring cannot be destroyed Gimli, Son of Gloin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade.” Lord Elrond looked around at the subjects once again. “It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this.”
“One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The great eye,” he made a circle with his hand, “is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this, it is folly.”
“Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed.” Legolas stood, once again challenging your companion. You agreed that the Ring had to be destroyed, there was no doubt about that. Venturing deep into Mordor, however, was an impossible task.
“And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it.” Gimli bellowed from his seat, eyes wide with hatred, fixed upon the elf.
“And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?” Boromir stood and you mirrored his actions, gently grabbing his arm, ushering him to calm down.
“I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf!” The words of Gimli, son of Gloin, had all of the elves standing in protest which quickly led to the dwarves standing in hostility too. The squabbling continued despite your attempts to calm it down. You took your seat, sharing a defeated sigh with Aragorn. Gandalf stood to try to diffuse the tension.
“I will take it.” A small voice against the yelling caught your attention. Frodo had stood, standing beside the table. You pulled Aragorn’s sleeve to get his attention, your brows furrowed.
“I will take it!” The disputing seemed to die down when he raised his voice and you shook your head gently at him. “I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though… I do not know the way.”
“I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.” Gandalf placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Aragorn stood from beside you, marching towards the hobbit, keeling.
“If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword.”
It was no question for you as you stood, kneeling beside Aragorn. “You have my knives.”
“And you have my bow.” Legolas moved towards the hobbit. The three of you moved behind Frodo. You gently rubbed his shoulder, sharing a smile with him when he looked up at you.
“And my axe.” Gimli raised his weapon in the air, joining you.
“You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the council, Gondor shall see it done.” Boromir gave you a smile and you were quick to return it. A yell echoed from behind, another hobbit running to join Frodo. It was Sam.
“Mister Frodo’s not goin’ anywhere without me.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“No, indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you, even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not.” A smirk tugged at Elrond’s lips and more shouts were heard from behind. Two more hobbits joined.
“We’re comin’ too! You’ll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us.” One said, slinging his arm around Frodo’s shoulders.
“Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission. Quest. Thing.” The other chimed in, raising his eyebrows. The other turned to him in disbelief.
“Well, that rules you out, Pip.” You giggled quietly at the hobbits, the one in the yellow waistcoat turning to grin at you before Lord Elrond chuckled slightly. His eyes scanned over the group before him.
“Ten companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.”
“Right! Where are we going?” The hobbit in the green coat, Pip, asked. The other, once again, stared at him in disbelief. Gandalf shook his head.
You were chatting aimlessly with Aragorn by the gates of Rivendell, where you had arrived only a few days previous. The Fellowship were getting ready to leave in the next hours, you had been preparing for days. Now, all that was needed was to get little extra items that could help along the journey.
Aragorn gave a smile to someone behind you and you turned, standing beside him. It was Legolas. You smiled at him and he returned it.
“Forgive me, my Lady, but I am unsure of your name.” He said.
“Y/N. Pleased to finally meet you, my Lord.”
“Legolas Greenleaf.” He corrected. “The pleasure is mine.”
“So, you are the infamous elf that Aragorn has mentioned to me so many times. I had begun to believe Arwen was no longer in his heart and you had taken her place.” Legolas and Aragorn chuckled at your joke. You gave Aragorn a cheeky grin before you caught sight of Boromir. “Please, excuse me.” He made his way toward you as you did the same. When you reached each other, he chuckled, shaking his head.
“You just cannot help yourself, can you?” Boromir said and you giggled. “I am proud of you. It was a brave thing to do.” You threw your arms around him, pulling him into a hug.
“Thank you for coming along, too. It will be nice to have Aragorn around and, of course, the others who I am yet to know, but I am very glad for your presence.”
“And I for yours.” He chuckled, clapping you gently on the shoulder. You gave him one last tight squeeze before making your way over to the dwarf. You stood silently beside him for a little time, while he mumbled things to himself that you could make out.
“Forgive me for interrupting you, Master Dwarf. I would like to know your name; I do not recall it from the meeting.”
“You’re not interrupting me, lassie. The name is Gimli, Son of Gloin.” Gimli responded, giving you a tight-lipped smile. You returned it with a genuine smile though you worried he was wary of you.
“Pleased to meet you, Gimli, Son of Gloin. I am Y/N.” You responded kindly. Not knowing what else you could say, your feet decided to take you over to the hobbits, one of which you had already met. Sam and the other two hobbits were tending to their respective packs that they would bring on the journey. Frodo was absent.
“There’s a girl?”
“Yes, there’s a girl, Pip. Did you not see?” The other replied.
“Stood beside Strider, she was.” Sam mentioned, earning a nod from the other.
“Are you talking about me, hobbits?” You drew your arms over your chest, one of your eyebrows raised, a smirk tugging at your lips.
“N—No, miss! We were just—”
“Then, what exactly were you talking about?”
They looked between each other. “Merry was speaking about you, miss. Talkin’ of how pretty you were, he was.” Sam admitted and your heart felt warm in your chest. Pip nodded to back up Sam’s claim and a light blush dusted over Merry’s cheeks. You smiled.
“You are very sweet, Merry. If I may call you that.”
“Meriadoc Brandybuck is my full name. But call me Merry if you please.”
“Alright, Merry.” You said softly.
“What’s yours?” Pip questioned.
“That’s a nice name.” Sam gushed and you could not help but grin. Who knew that a few hobbits could be so incredibly sweet? You pondered, ruffling their hair gently before you wandered off again, sitting by yourself this time.
It had been almost a week since the Fellowship had set off from Rivendell and all had agreed that a night stop was definitely needed. You and Aragorn had agreed that you would take the night watch for you did not get much rest even at home. It was not difficult for you to still function without much sleep. Before everyone went off to bed, however, they were shoveling food down their empty stomachs. You sighed, looking at the food spread. You were not particularly hungry though you knew you were going to have to eat something. Sam finished his own food and made sure Frodo completed all of his, plating up another portion and plodding his way over to you. He sheepishly held out the bowl to you, scratching the back of his neck with his spare hand. You gave him a smile, thanking him, taking the bowl before biting into the food. Sam took a seat beside you, making sure you would eat everything.
“You should really be eatin’ everything you can, Y/N. We wouldn’t be wanting you to starve.”
A breathy laugh left your lips. “I’m alright, Sam. You needn’t worry about me.”
“Not worrying, miss. Just making sure you’re alright.”
“Thank you.” Sam shared a smile with you. “And you? Are you alright?” He gave you a nod. You continued to eat until you had finished everything in the bowl. By that time, most of the Fellowship had settled down to get some sleep but Sam was still at your side.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He yawned, treading off to settle beside his master. You wrapped your cloak further around yourself, sitting beside Aragorn. Neither of you spoke for a while, rather just enjoying the other’s presence in a comfortable silence.
You do not remember much of how you and Aragorn had met, only that he had saved your life. He was known to you as Strider back then. There was a creature that attempted to attack you. You knew nothing of combat back then. He slayed the beast and brought you back to Rivendell. Quick friends you had become. Somehow, Lord Elrond arranged for you to be taken to Gondor. It was there that you would grow up. Boromir acted as your father since you had first arrived there. He was protective of you; you were the daughter he had failed to have.
“What are you thinking of, mellon nin?” Aragorn said in a whisper. You took a breath.
“Our friendship. And how I am glad to spend time with you once again before I make my decision.”
“Have you made it?” He queried, turning his head to look at you and you shook your head at him.
“It is not simple, Aragorn. How am I supposed to make a decision that affects the rest of my life and those who will come after me?” Another sigh left your lips and you leaned into Aragorn’s side.
“I could not describe the feeling when Arwen chose what she wanted. My heart ached with many feelings.”
“Arwen has something to choose for,” you mentioned. “Who knows? Perhaps I will meet a lovely fellow, be it man, elf, dwarf, or even, hobbit, and I decide that I want to spend the rest of my life with them. That would sway my decision quite a lot. I could not imagine being shipped off to the Undying Lands while my love stays on Middle-Earth. Nor would I want to wait for them to die and then hop on a boat to live forever. I am unsure, Aragorn.”
“You need not make any decision yet, mellon.” You continued to speak with your close friend throughout the night, whilst keeping close watch on your surroundings. However, what you did not notice was that a third member of the Fellowship was far from sleep and had in fact been listening in on your conversation.
Legolas rolled over, turning away from the two of you, his head against something that acted as a quite poorly pillow. He had not the slightest idea of what you meant, only that for some reason, you could choose to make your way to the Undying Lands. But this was something that man could not do, so why were you able to choose? He did not know. But he wanted to find out. He did not know why but you intrigued him. How friendly yet quiet you were. The timid yet confident way that you carried yourself. The knives that you held on your belt. He had not seen you use them yet, luckily, but he was looking forward to. You were the first woman he had seen since Tauriel who carried weapons. It was not common for a woman to be trained in combat. He pondered where you had learned, and if you were any good at all.
“The night is long, mellon nin. You should rest.” Aragorn suggested.
You let out a chuckle. “And leave you by yourself? You will need me to protect you from any danger. I will not rest.” Aragorn smiled at your words and gave you a nod. Your eyelids became heavy throughout the night, but you refused to give in to the temptation and the snores of Gimli were sure to keep you from any sleep that you could potentially get. Fixing your cloak around yourself for warmth, your eyes continued to search the space around you. Your ears perked up so to hear any sign of movement. You watched your breath exit your mouth and disperse into the crisp air. The moon was bright and tall in the sky. Hoping nothing would come in the night, you sighed and relaxed against the tree that you were sat up against though still keeping a firm hand on your knife belt. Aragorn pulled you into his side and you smiled. Your hand tightened around your belt.
“Goodnight, Aragorn.” You whispered, and you hoped it would be.
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
Just A Trim
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: blushy!dean because I’m a slut for blushy!dean. deal with it.
Summary: Hair can be a hassle, especially while hunting. The reader decides In a spur of the moment decision to cut it off.
A/n: as someone who has their hair cut short, I kind of get tired of reading fics where the reader is described as having long and flowing hair, so here’s a little twist on the normal. This one goes out to all my short haired readers. (Gif not mine, credit to owner)
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Why was hair so fucking annoying?
One minute everything is totally fine, and the next? It’s either tangled and knotted, or full of static, and it got dirty so. Damn. Easily.
And then you add the hunter factor to the equation and everything just worsens. It gives the monsters something to pull on, it constantly gets snagged on random things, and to be honest, you had lost count of how many times a monster latched on and took a decent size chunk out of your head.
To put it simply: hair was a fucking nightmare. Having it long was practically a death threat within itself.
You had just gotten back from a hunt with the brothers, muscles sore, eyes droopy, and missing almost an entire lock of hair from your head. Needless to say, the case was not a simple salt and burn.
Falling back into one of the wooden seats in the library, you let out a groan, your head falling back to rest on the back of the chair.
“I quit. Next time you find a case, just leave me behind. I’m tired of getting beaten up by spirits.”
“Oh quit your whining. It wasn’t that bad.” Dean fired back, dropping his duffel on the table and plopping down next to you.
“Oh, I’m sorry, were you the one that got decked by a woman in a Victorian gown? No, I didn’t think so. . . “ you mused, sliding lower in your seat, chin practically touching your chest.
“We told you not to go into the house alone.” Sam butted in, shrugging off his jacket and pulling out his laptop, no doubt already looking for another case.
“Here’s a plan; you two can shut up.” You nodded, heels sliding across the polished floor as you slid further down, fingers flexing against the armrests. You were ready to give up and just slide completely to the floor. The case had completely drained you.
“Aw, poor baby.” Dean cooed, patting the top of your head with a grin, “she’s in a mood.”
“Look what that bitch did-“ you whined, one of your hands going to your head to showcase the lock of hair that was several inches shorter than the rest. “She ripped out some of my hair.”
“I’m not supposed to laugh, right?” The Winchester trying hard to suppress the smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Giving him another glare, you punched him in the arm, watching him recoil slightly. “It’s not funny!”
“It kinda is. . .”
“Im sorry, are you asking to get hit again?”
Deans silence gave you an answer, and with that you relaxed back into your seat, slightly zoning out, suddenly deep in thought. A minute or two passed before you finally decided to just say: Fuck it.
Fuck long hair and all the problems that came with it.
“That’s it!” Quickly sitting up, you slammed your palms against the tables surface, making both brothers jumps at the sudden sound, Dean almost dropping his beer. Kicking back your chair, you paid no attention to their confused stares as you marched out of the library and down the hallway towards the bathroom.
Once you were out of sight, Dean whipped around to look at his brother, “what the hell was that?”
The younger Winchester only shrugged, raising his eyebrows, “hell if I know. Maybe she finally snapped and is planning your murder.” He joked.
“That’s not funny, Sam.”
“Kinda is. You know you could always just tell her how you feel instead of teasing her like a kindergartner with a crush?”
Deans eyes widened before he sent his brother another glare, “that’s a terrible idea. Never suggest anything like that ever again.”
“You bring that up again, and one day you’ll wake up tied to one of the trees outside the bunker.” Dean warned, threateningly raising a finger to point at him.
*. *. *. *. *.
Half an hour later, you stepped back out into the hallway, leaving behind a trash can full of hair clippings and flaunting a new look.
Your hair was several inches shorter, the ends just barley hanging past your chin, and tickling your face as you walked down the hallway. Your head already felt so much lighter. You had already run your hands through it several times, the abrupt ends making you smile.
This was the best decision you had made in a long time. Why it took you so long to do, you had no fucking clue.
It was still damp from when you had washed it, but it was already drying. That was another plus, it dried so much quicker.
A wide smile took up your features as you continued down the hall, shaking your head just for the hell of it, and watching the short strands fly.
Fuck long hair. This was so much more fun and easy.
Stepping back up into the library, you carded your hand through your hair once more, seeing that the boys had not budged from their spots. Always working. Why were they always working?
“Hey, you guys find a case yet?”
At the sound of your voice, both brothers looked up, eyes widening in unison, clearly surprised.
“Oh, wow.” Dean breathed, slightly shifting in his seat so he could turn his body towards you.
“Your hair- it’s so short.”
“Oh, good to know your not blind.” You mused, giving him a small smile, settling into your seat once more. “What do you think?”
“It looks great, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
Meanwhile, Dean sat speechless besides you, mouth opening and closing as he tried to find words.Your eyebrows knitted together in concern as you watched him. He was never this quiet. Why was he so quite? And why did he have that weird look on his face? The whole thing was worrisome.
It was like your voice snapped him out of his trance because he quickly blinked, sitting up straighter in his seat, “yeah, it looks- it looks good. Really good. I like it!”
In truth, Dean loved it. He had never seen you with short hair, but now that he had- holy shit. You looked so good with short hair. So good.
“Really? Thanks! I should have done it years ago.” You smiled, going back to run your fingers through your hair, “plus, now I can do this-“ you quickly shook your head again, your short locks flying across your face in a wild frenzy and making you giggle, your nose scrunching up in amusement. You looked like a child just then. So carefree and happy.
Dean absentmindedly reached over once your head had stopped moving, brushing the strands that covered your face back behind your ears. Why was it so soft too? He didn’t think hair could be that soft.
“Oh, by the way, I borrowed your electric razor.” You added casually, successfully making Deans eyebrows draw together.
Instead of giving him a simple worded answer, you shot him an amused smile, flipping your head forward to reveal the buzzed undercut beneath your short locks.
“Okay, wasn’t expecting that-“ Dean breathed, “what made you want to do that?” He questioned, letting a calloused hand run along the buzzed section above the base of your neck, the short hairs tickling his palm.
“I was feeling spontaneous.” You sighed, flipping your head back up and shaking your hair around again.
“Sam, Y/Ns hair is now shorter than yours!” Dean exclaimed, whipping around to look at his brother, who only glared at him in response.
“My hair is not that long.”
“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Sammy.”
“So you really like it?” You questioned again, gaining Deans attention once more.
“Yeah, it looks really good on you.”he smiled, casually moving to run his hand through your hair, clearly surprised when you leaned into his touch with a hum.
“Thanks. I was tired of monsters yanking on it, and it getting in the way.” You explained, shifting in your chair to allow yourself to card your fingers through his hair, “now I understand why guys keep it short. . . Except Sam.” You grinned, the two of you giving the younger Winchester an amused side eye.
Sam rolled his eyes, slamming his laptop shut, “okay, okay. I’m leaving. You two have fun running your hands through each others hair, and denying your obvious feelings for each other. I’ll be in the kitchen.” Sliding out of his seat, he was gone before a proper blush could even creep across either of your faces.
Both of your hands freezing in each other hair, completely being caught off guard by Sams words. Peaking through a few stray strand of hair, you looked at Dean, his eyes wide.
“Dean, do you li-“ your words being quickly cut off as he ruffled your hair, successfully putting a curtain of hair between you and him, so he could block the view of the blush creeping across his face.
“Hey!” You let out a light laugh, swatting his hand away, and blowing your hair out of your face, eyes locking with his. He was such a child sometimes.
“Do you like me?”
Dean let out a breath of hair, glancing away with a slight shrug, “Pfff n-no.”
“You’re a terrible liar.” You fired back, quickly tangling both your hands in his short hair and tugging him down to your level, firmly locking your lips againt his. There was a momentary pause from the hunter before fingers curled into your short hair, pulling you even closer.
“Yeah, yeah I am.”
The End.
@familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti​​​​​ @callmekda​​​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​​​​ @orphiceseum​​​​​ @andthatsmyworld​​​​​ @marvelfangirllll​​​​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​​​​ @gladiosamicitias​​​​​ @castielsangelsx​​​​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​​​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit​​​​​ @amendoise​​​​​ @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​​​​ @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl​​​​​ @neerness​​​​​ @totallyluciferr​​​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​​​​ @dolanfivsosxox​​​​@supernatural-ocs
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mochifics · 4 years
❝  something special  ❞  |  one.
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•  pairing:  im jaebeom x reader. •  genre:  romance, really slow burn, fluff. •  word count:  2.5k. •  summary:  it’s 2018, and got7′s hard carry 2 has begun filming. the company assigned you to tend to the two eldest members in the group all throughout the season, and you didn’t realize that being around them would be so... difficult.
author’s note:  another chapter?? with a new look?? u bet!! this chapter kinda coincides with the first episode of hard carry 2, in case you feel like watching that first (or after) reading the chapter. (-: i have so much muse for this, so i plan on updating it pretty often so sorry if it’s a lil short. <3
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It was raining.
Your eyes continued to admire the gloomy clouds scattered across the morning sky as the crimson cable car worked its way up a steep incline. The cameras were currently rolling as the members were on their way to their first photo mission stop in one of Hong Kong’s famous landmarks.
Heavy eyelids slowly fluttering shut, they abruptly open again upon hearing Yugyeom and BamBam belt out to what seemed like their own rendition of a song about roller coasters. The rest of the members were amazed by how high the cable car was going too, which caused you to laugh quietly to yourself in your seat. 
Things were going okay so far. Aside from the sudden rain, everything was still right on schedule, and the members seemed to be having a good time despite the weather.
Letting the plastic hood of your rain poncho hover over your eyes, you allowed yourself to relax again. But before you know it, you felt a soft nudge on your knee, causing your eyes to open once more and shift to the source. It was Jaebeom, who you almost forgot was sitting by himself on the long seat right across from yours. 
“Are you having fun?” he asked you warmly, which was more than enough to catch you off guard. What happened at the hotel was still engraved in your mind, and even the slightest remembrance of the mishap made your skin crawl in embarrassment. 
Nodding your head, you reciprocated his smile, even if you were feeling something completely different. “I am. Are you?”
“You sure? You’ve been looking like you’d rather be somewhere else,” he quipped in return. 
Hearing that had you rolling your eyes playfully, your hand hovered over your mouth to refrain from loud laughter. “Mr. Im, were you watching me?” But before he could say anything, the cable car came to a full stop. With the cameras off, the production crew announced for the members to step out, so Jaebeom only glanced at you and shrugged his shoulders as a response, a sly grin eminent across his lips. 
And with that, he was out of your sight.
After a small trek through escalators in glass enclosures, you finally arrived at the top of Victoria’s Peak. The weather’s finally decided to clear up at this time—skies were still riddled with gray clouds, but at least the heavy downpour’s stopped. You take a deep breath to admire the fresh air, allowing for the cool breeze to trickle your skin. 
“No, we can’t take the photo here—we have to do it down there,” you heard Jackson tell the members gathered up in a small area from afar. You quickened your pace to catch up to the platform that everyone was settled in, fixing the straps of the emergency backpack you were assigned to carry around.
Though before you could even stand still for one second, they were on the move again. “Isn’t it right here?” you heard Mark call out as his figure made its way down another pair of steps before the others followed suit. The camera crew quickly shuffled to catch up to where the members were standing. 
They didn’t exactly need you while they were taking photos, so you decided to wander off on your own for the time being. There was a fairly empty section not too far away, so you walked over to the area and stay there for a bit. Your palms rest on the cool metallic raining as you take the time to admire the view of the city before you. It was gorgeous. Even with the air littered with a light fog, you were able to bask in the scenery’s beauty. You then reached into your bag to grab your Polaroid camera to take a souvenir photo of the view.
Aligning the camera perfectly to your eye, you pressed the button. The camera’s light flashed and the photo printed soon after, and you take it between your fingers and shake it. 
“Need some help, intern?”
The words startled you for a moment, but you were able to regain your composure quickly. Turning around, your gaze met with Mark’s, who was standing right behind you, hands coolly tucked into the pockets of his coffee-colored slacks. Immediately you respond with a “no, I’m okay, thank you!” while waving your empty hand to emphasize your words. “Aren’t you supposed to be with everyone else?”
“We finished the mission, so everyone’s just taking pictures of each other,” he reassured with a half-grin. “But seriously, let me take a picture of you. Here,” both of his hands reached out to you, insinuating that he didn’t mind providing the extra help. 
It was one of those weird situations where both outcomes could be very good, or very bad. You didn’t want to be a bother by having Mark go out of his way to do something, but at the same time, you were afraid to hurt his feelings by constantly declining. So, you bit the bullet and handed him the camera.
With a satisfied smile against his lips, he began to take a few steps back to find the perfect distance for the view. Bringing the camera up to his face, he gave you a thumbs up, signaling that he was ready to snap the photo whenever you were. 
You didn’t want to showcase the flustered feeling taking over your entire body, so, you decided to try to act as relaxed as possible. You quickly remove the hood that was covering your head and quickly fix your hair before posing with a smile. Mark took it as a cue to slowly countdown, snapping the photo afterwards.
“I think you blinked,” Mark frowned as he took the newly printed photo, before giving it a shake. “Let’s take another one just in case.”
You wanted to protest, so badly, but didn’t have the heart to speak up and potentially cause unnecessary conflict. Then get fired for it. So, you murmured a quiet “okay” before leaning back against the glass barrier and posing again.
The camera flashed one more time, and Mark removed the second printed photo before shaking it. “Do they look okay?” you asked as you approached him. “Ha. I was right, you did blink in the first one,” he let out a laugh and showed you the final product.
You immediately groan at how bad you looked upon snatching both photos from his grip. The second one however, surprisingly was nice. It caught the view of the city perfectly, and you looked happy to be there. “Oh god, I’m just going to throw this one away—”
“Wait!” he interjected before you could even take one step forward, hovering over you from behind to quickly steal the photo again. “…I’ll keep it. It’s a waste.”
Failing to take it back, he was already being called by the other members to join them. The cameras were about to roll again as they prepare for their next stop, so Mark only looked back at you with a smile and waved goodbye, then running over to join the rest of his friends. 
And you couldn’t help but wonder over and over, why?
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
The trip to the next few mission stops were a blur. 
Shooting turned chaotic when the group reached the heart of the city for the second, third, and fourth stop. From the midlevel outdoor escalator to the infamous clock tower in In Harbor City, the crew wanted to film everything quickly to avoid drawing in a big crowd.
In some instances, it was too late. You spent most of the time out becoming this literal human shield—arms spread across as wide as you could while you kept up with the pace of both the crew and the members walking through the city. 
You didn’t think you were going to have to play security for a bit and act as a blockage that allowed space for the members to safely film without being bombarded by the fans. At times you even had to give a friendly push for the ones who eagerly insisted to get closer pictures of the group, and despite earning malicious glares from them, you did what you had to do. 
“Welcome to Disneyland!” Jackson’s cheery greeting was enough for you to snap out of your train of thought. Everyone finally arrived at the last mission spot for the day, which also happened to be your favorite. You’ve always loved visiting Disney parks. Despite you being there for work, you were still grateful for the opportunity.
“Where’s Iron Man?” BamBam added, glancing around his surroundings. You recalled that one of their tasks involved taking a photo with the famous Avenger, so everyone made their way to the area that held the Stark Expo. It was the area that held the Iron Man ride, as well as the meet and greet with Tony Stark himself. Apparently, the goal for the photo op was to have everyone pose like Iron Man, while BamBam posed like Black Panther.
After taking some time to navigate around the amusement park and Jackson asking many employees nearby for directions to their needed stop, everyone finally reached Stark Expo. An employee was there in the front to help accommodate GOT7 inside, giving them the perk to cut in line and instantly hop onto the ride.
“Do you want to come ride with us, intern? There’s room in there for you,” Jinyoung asked you as they waited for the camera crew to set up, arms folded across his chest. He always looked so chic, even in the most normal setting. 
“Yeah, join us!” Youngjae chimed in before you could even answer. He slung an arm over Jinyoung’s shoulders and looked at you expectantly. “You’ve spent the entire day running around with us, we want you to have some fun too.”
“Ah... If I wasn’t working, I’d definitely tag along. But you can tell me all about it later,” you said nicely, as an attempt to lighten the mood. You were instructed by the crew to stay outside and wait with everyone else, but was touched by the invitation anyway. 
Both Jinyoung and Youngjae frowned at the response. But as they were about to say something, they were being pulled inside the building. 
“We’ll say hi to Iron Man for you!” you heard Yugyeom call out last minute with his head poking out before going in, and it made you smile.
And just like that, the afternoon flew by. 
After spending the rest of the afternoon completing photo missions in the theme park (meeting Iron Man along with Mickey and Minnie Mouse), filming the first episode of Hard Carry was drawing to an end. To end the episode nicely, Jaebeom suggested for everyone to ride the most intense roller coaster in the park.
In the end, most of the members decided to go on.
“Man... just watching it makes me dizzy already,” Youngjae commented with a laugh. You, along with Youngjae and Jinyoung were resting right by the roller coaster the other members were riding, which gave the perfect view to see them when they pass by. 
“I bet we’ll be able to hear Jackson’s scream the most,” Jinyoung snickered before taking a small sip of the water bottle you bought for him prior. He then proceeded to rest his elbows on the wooden fencing in front.
“Mr. Wang doesn’t like roller coasters?” You wondered aloud, though not expecting a response from either of them. Your eyes were busy being fixated on the view of the ride in its entirety in before you, watching the carts zoom through the rails—its speed enough to have air waft through your hair each time they pass by your area.
“You know what, I’m actually not so sure where he stands with rides,” Jinyoung answered back, which earned a laugh from both you and Youngjae. “He doesn’t mind going on them, but when it starts, he literally loses it. So, I don’t know… Maybe.”
As Youngjae opened his mouth to add another comment, all your heads turned upon hearing the screams of very familiar voices. At a distance, you could make out the rest of the members on the ride. Yugyeom holding for his life, Jaebeom and BamBam flailing their arms out, Jackson holding onto Jaebeom for his dear life, and Mark casually laughing in the back. Both Jinyoung and Youngjae were laughing hysterically at this point, and it was incredibly contagious. It was hard not to join them in on the laughter.
A few minutes have passed since the sighting of the members, and the rest of the group along with the crew were finally reunited where you and the others were previously waiting. 
“Can we please go on another ride?” You heard Yugyeom endlessly plead to their management, even when filming has already wrapped up for the evening. “Just one more! Just one more and we’ll be done, we swear!”
“Yeah, I want to go on the scariest one in the park,” Jaebeom added in hopes to help the younger’s case, his frame leaning against the railing with his hands in his pockets. 
One thing’s for sure, you could already tell it was hard to resist to their charm. Judging by the look of their manager’s face, he was already close to giving into what they wanted. Besides, they deserved the break. They’ve just finished their world tour, and needed to enjoy their time in Hong Kong before flying back to Korea tomorrow night.
You watched the group go back and forth between their manager afar for a good five minutes, awkwardly standing as you waited for someone to give you further instructions on where to be for the evening. Soon enough management agreed to their cries, and gave them two extra hours to do whatever they wanted in the park before meeting back on the bus. They all celebrated their victory with loud cheers all around.
“Intern!” you lost your train of thought as you heard someone from their management call for you. Quickly, you look up and gave them your undivided attention as they explained where you’d be going for the rest of the evening. “The members are splitting up because they all wanted to go someplace different... can you look after Mr. Im and Mr. Tuan? Just make sure that they don’t get lost and arrive at the bus safely on time. Bring them to a nearby gift shop and have them change into different clothes and wear a mask, okay? See you all in two hours.”
Even though filming has wrapped and you were technically done for the evening, declining their management would definitely make you look bad. 
So, while you preferred heading back to the bus and taking that nap you desperately needed, you agreed.
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lovelybones81 · 4 years
Unthinkable *updated 1/16 (part 1)
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Summary: Seven years, three movies, two people, one story. But before they can get their happily ever after, Sebastian Stan and Camille Solis must learn to trust in each other and in themselves, before allowing the unthinkable to happen.
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Language, Angst, Mental Health, WOC lead character
Rating: NC-17
Writers note: AHHHHHH, okay Im reposting because tumblr decided that moodboard is “Adult content” so I’m just going to post without it. Here is part 1 again. 
Chapter 27 Between the Lines (part 1) 
 January 2012 New York City
 “I… kind of…need a favor.”
 Sebastian shut his book and tossed it gently on the coffee table with a grin. “What’s the favor?” He asked into the phone, lifting both feet up on the table to lean back against the sofa cushions.
 “You know how I was supposed to be flying out to Toronto for that meeting? My flight got delayed and I’m stuck.”
 “Stuck where?” he asked, stretching out one arm along the top of the couch.
 “Here? As in-.”
 “New York.” Camille stated in a small voice. “They aren’t sure when another flight will become available. Maybe in the next day or so.” She finished with a large sigh.
 Sebastian sat up straight as her words registered. “Wait-you’re here now?”
 He licked his bottom lip, his tongue sticking out as a nervous habit. It wasn’t like he was surprised she was on this side of the country. They had spoken a few days ago and she mentioned it. He even joked about her stopping by and saying hi, since they hadn’t seen each other in 6 months. She had laughed and rolled her eyes through Facetime, informing that the trip to Toronto was business. Of course he had laughed along, yet couldn’t help but feel a bit melancholy at not being able to see her.
 It was the second week of January in the New Year, and Camille had officially returned from the job in New Zealand, 3 weeks prior. The plan had been for them to meet up at the end of the month when Sebastian was back in Los Angeles. But maybe it would be sooner now. A lot had happened in between the last time they saw each other.
 “Seb? Sebastian-are you still there?” he heard her questioned nervously.  
 “Huh?” he answered back stupidly, blinking a few times. “Yeah, yeah. I’m still here. Sorry.” He added quickly, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.
 “I know that we had planned on seeing each other in a few weeks, but-.”
 “But you couldn’t wait until then, so you’re coming to see me now?” he quipped with a smirk. Already prepared for her snarky comeback.  
 She sighed loudly and he could almost feel the eye roll at his question. “Yes, that’s it Stan.” She answered back in a fake sweet voice, accentuating his last name. “I purposely asked Mother Nature to hit Toronto with a big snow storm so I could end up being stuck outside your apartment building in this freezing weather.” She deadpanned.
 He let her words set in for a split second, before hurriedly pushing himself off the couch, almost tripping on his own feet. “Shit!” he hissed.
 “What happened?”
 “Nothing, nothing.” He mumbled, phone resting between his cheek and shoulder as he stumbled toward his front door to grab his boots. “Are you seriously out there right now?” he asked dumbfound.
 “Yes.” She said with a jittery laugh. “And it’s fucking cold as balls!” she whined.
 “Why are you just now telling me this?!”
 “I was trying to!” she disputed back.
 Sebastian opened the front door, and stepped into the hall. The adrenaline taking over his whole body as he stepped into the elevator. “Did a taxi bring you?”
 “Yup, I’m wasn’t going to walk from La Guardia airport!” Camille stated in a matter of fact tone.
 He rolled his eyes, as the elevator door opened and stepped out. “I know that-smart ass. I mean, are you still in it?”
 It was remarkable how quickly they could switch on their relationship chemistry- the teasing and busting of balls. It was reassuring.
 “Oh.” She said stated in a tiny voice. “And no.”
 “Camille! It’s fucking 10 degrees outside!” he scolded, and stepped out into the cold himself, glancing over his shoulder and frowned when he realized the door man was nowhere in sight. He shivered and cursed under his breath when his body realized it was no longer in the warmth of his apartment.
 “Do you have any idea how expensive taxis are?” she yelped into the phone. “Besides I wasn’t expecting to stand out here for this long, but no one in your building opened the front door.”
 He hurriedly strutted down the few steps of his building and came to a quick halt when his eyes spotted her about 10 feet away. He let out a large breath-able to see it fly up into the air due to the cold. His stomach did a summersault, and his heartbeat slowed down as he walked toward her. She stood near the street, suitcase next to her, in a large velvet coat, hat, gloves and scarf. The scarf covered most of her face- the only visible part at the moment was the purple glasses.
 She hadn’t spotted him yet. She kept bouncing on her feet, and swaying from left to right -which Sebastian assumed was to try and keep herself warm. “Yes- I know how expensive taxis are.” He retorted, slowly making his way to her. He couldn’t help but snicker-she looked pretty hilarious standing there, her face barely detectable.  
 “What are you laughing at?”
 He snickered again. “You.” He answered.
 “Me?” Still swaying back and forth in her spot. “Why me-?”  A tiny squeak in surprise escaped her lips, when she moved to her left and found herself face to chest with him.
 Grinning from ear to ear, Sebastian distractedly shoved the phone into his front pocket and locked eyes with hers. “You look ridiculous.” He said through a chuckle, inches from her, reaching for the luggage. Her eyes and eyebrows squinted together. He didn’t need to see her whole face to know she was irritated. “What? No comeback?” 
 “I had one.” She stated, her voice muffled because of the scarf. “But I also need a place to stay. So...” shrugging in the process.  
 Sebastian snorted at her honesty, leading them quickly toward the apartment building. He wanted to give a proper hello- but he was more concern at the moment in getting them out of the damn freezing weather. “I could have picked you up.” Punching the code to let them inside.
 “I was in a taxi- trying to find a hotel to stay in- but everything is either full or too far from the airport.” She explained.
 “Oh- so I was your last choice?” he teased and pushed the elevator button. Then took a step back to let Camille walk in first. Once they were inside, she pulled the gloves off and unwrapped the scarf from around her neck and face, cheeks flushed .Those brown eyes boring into him.
 Had it really been 6 months since they’d seen each other? It felt longer, now with her standing next to him. Talking via phone and/or text was no comparison to being near her again.
 “Your hair is longer.” Camille mused, jolting him out of his thoughts as her fingers briskly ran through it.
 “Your hair is darker.” He detected and clasped his fingers around her wrist, as his thumb stroked the skin there. They locked gazes, and Sebastian spotted the unsureness in her eyes, as if asking the silent question of how they were supposed to be acting toward each other after all this time. Reluctantly, he let go of her wrist and murmured. “It looks good.”
 “Thanks.” she started in a nervous laugh. “Liz convinced me to do it. ‘New Year, new hair’ –according to her anyway.” Gnawing on her lower lip timidly. Silence settling between them. She cleared her throat and looked back up at him. “I’m not ruining any plans for you I am? I guess I should asked that before. I’m sorry-.”
 He interrupted only with a shake of his head and a small smile.  
 She blew air out of her mouth, trying to move a strand of hair out of her face. “Okay- I just want to make sure. Because if I am-just let me know and I-.”
 A tiny gasp left her mouth when he gently moved her hair behind her ear. “You’re babbling.” He observed with a smirk.
 “I’m not.”
 “You are.” He responded in a challenging tone, and instinctively stroked the side of her face. She blinked in surprise but didn’t pull away, instead she licked her bottom lip, eyes filled with questions. “Is it going to be awkward the whole time you’re here- or do we want to talk about the elephant in the room?” he blurted out without thinking.  
 “Technically- this is an elevator.”
 Sebastian moved his hand away and grimaced. “Really?”
 “What?” Camille blinked innocently, then added. “Also-I wasn’t aware there was an elephant in the room.” Wrinkling her forehead in confusion.
 “Are you sure? Because you’re acting weird.” He accused.
 “Me?” she squeaked, her jaw dropping. “I’m not acting weird-you’re acting weird.” She blamed. “I just need a place to stay. You’re the one talking about elephants in rooms and-.”
 “Camille- will you shut up for a moment?” He heard himself mumble in an irate tone. He knew what she was trying to do, and usually he was the one trying to change the subject. She looked stunned at his command. His narrowed his eyes, not backing down. She only glared. This was definitely not a good way to start things off between them. Shutting his eyelids for a split second, he tried to gather his thoughts. He sighed. “I’m sorry.” He pleaded and opened his eyes back up, his face softening when they locked eyes. “I didn’t mean to snap. I’m sorry.” He repeated.
 Camille shifted uncomfortably in her spot, lips pursed, and glare gone. Great, now he felt like fucking asshole for snapping at her. 
 “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea-“ 
 Sebastian shook his head hurriedly. “No-no-that’s not what I meant-.” He stuttered. Realizing he sounded like an idiot. 
 “What did you mean Sebastian?” She impatiently asked. 
 “Cam- you know I want you here.” He muttered, his cheeks warm all of sudden-even though it was about ten degrees out. “That’s not it at all...” 
 “Then why is this so hard-?” 
 “Because it’s you!” Once again, she looked stunned at his outburst. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but was unsure if it was okay to do so.
 She opened her mouth to speak, but the familiar sound of a phone ringing beat her to it. She blinked in confusion for a split moment. “Is that mine?”
 “Yeah.” Sebastian answered softly.  
 Camille clumsily reached for her purse. “Shit that’s probably Tia Yolanda. I was supposed to call her...” she mumbled. She pulled the phone out of her bag as it continued to ring. “Bueno?” She finally answered almost out of breath, but peeked over at him with an apologetic smile. He shook his head to let her know it was okay. He listened for a few seconds and then his thoughts began to wonder.
 He felt like a damn idiot. He wasn’t sure what the hell he had been babbling about. Arguing with her was not how wanted her stay to start. He peeked at her from the corner of his eye, a sudden calmness hitting the pit of his stomach as she talked adamantly in Spanish to her aunt. 
 What he had meant to say was: there shouldn’t be any awkwardness between them.
 What are you going to say Sebastian? That there shouldn’t be any weirdness because I’m technically single again? So it’s okay for us to jump back into bed? He thought lamely.
 He rolled his eyes at himself. Yeah, that didn’t sound tacky at all.
 But he wanted to be honest with Camille. Isn’t that what they decided back in July? Sebastian knew he didn’t owe her explanations- but this was different. He was sharing after the fact. He still wasn’t sure how he had ended up in a relationship for 6 months after the movie premiere- but he had. It had happened quickly, and when he had mentioned it to Camille-she had not acted surprise or angry. She hadn’t confirmed it-but he had a gut feeling- there was a sense of relief on her part.
 He jolted back to the present when the elevator dinged- indicting they had arrived on his floor. He pushed the button so the doors opened and lead Camille out. With the phone still to her ear, she followed quietly, listening intently to whatever her aunt was saying.
 “Si Tia-yo le digo.” He heard her say. “Ahorita? Okay-hold on.” She added in English and in an exasperated tone. “Seb?”
 He glanced over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow, as they now stood in front of his door. “Hmm?” He pressed his lips together to keep from laughing when he recognize the annoyed look on her face. She threw daggers with her eyes-in warning. His eyes widen in innocence as he mouthed. “What?”
 “Tia Yolanda wants me to thank you for letting me stay here.” She said through clenched teeth. Then spoke into the phone again. “Ya? Ya le dige.”
 Sebastian snorted, trying to keep his laughter at bay, as he unlocked the door and stepped inside, he closed it behind Camille. He understood enough to know the conversation over the phone was coming to an end. They said their goodbyes and Sebastian heard Camille sigh loudly behind him.
 “It’s amazing how quickly she can make me feel like a child when I don’t do what she asks right away.”
 “That’s what parents do.” He answered lightheartedly, as he kicked off his boots. “You hungry? I actually have food in the house.”
 “You do?” she teased, shaking off her coat.
 “Yeah, I know.” Rolling his eyes at the same time he took the coat, gloves, and scarf from her to hang up. “I figured I needed food- if this supposed snow storm is going to hit.” He added with a shrug, then nodded toward the kitchen indicating her to follow. In reality- the reason he had food was because his mother reminded him about it when they spoke earlier.
 “I’m not really hungry- but I’ll take a drink?” she suggested.
 Sebastian chuckled, walking toward the refrigerator. “Beer or wine?”
 “Beer, please.” She answered with a cheeky smile.
 He felt every part of his body warm up when he looked over at her. Damn-she was cute. He begrudgingly took his eyes off her and opened the fridge to grab two beer bottles. He truly thought time and distance would help dissolve his crush on her-but she just proved that theory was a lie.
 A crush? No-it was more than that- but Sebastian had decided to bury that way- at least for now. Maybe it was the reason he had been quick to get into a relationship with someone else. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t had fun while seeing Dianna in the 6 months they were together, but things with Camille were on a different level.  
 “Earth to Seb…”
 He blinked at the sound of his name, locking eyes with Camille. She sat in the stool across from him- the kitchen island between them. A worried look on her face and the beer in hand. He wrinkled his forehead in confusion-unsure how he made it over to her so quick. “Huh? Sorry.” He mumbled, cheeks hot.
 “I said- you did well on the new apartment.” She complimented, beer up to her lips, as her eyes wondered around the large open room that was his living room and kitchen.
 “Thanks.” Taking a sip of his own beer. “Emily did most of it. I just signed the lease. I haven’t had much time to do the research myself.” He confessed. It had taken him about a year-but he finally moved into a bigger place-with security (as Emily suggested)
 “It’s nice.” Camille murmured and placed her drink on the counter. Deafening silence settling between them. He wasn’t sure if he should speak. Instead, for the next few seconds, he watched her nervously tear the wrapper off the beer bottle.
 He shut his eyes for a split moment, but quickly opened them back up. This was ludicrous. They needed to talk, he hated this awkwardness/tension. He cleared his throat. “Listen-Camille-what I wanted to talk about was-.”
 Yet stopped when she swiftly lifted her head up and met his gaze. He swallowed. 
 Fuck- who are you trying to fool Sebastian? He thought to himself. 
 If someone would have told him that the person he had helped calm down from an anxiety attack two years ago in an empty room would have turned out to be so important in his life now- he would not have believed it. The image of her sitting alone, in those purple frame glasses, and tear streaked face was something he would never forget.  
 “Is this about you and Dianna?” he heard her ask.
 He blinked out of his thoughts and blurted without thinking. “Yes.” Startled when he realized Camille was now facing him.
 “Oh.” She murmured and shifted uneasily in her spot. “I mean- we did talk about being honest.” Biting down on her lips and not meeting his gaze-even though she was inches from him.
 “We did, and I want to be.”
 She sneaked a look up at him and wrinkled her nose. “So is this going to be a problem then? Me staying here? I mean-.”
 Sebastian scrunched up his nose in confusion. “Of course it isn’t. You know I want you here.”
 “That’s nice Sebastian- but I don’t want to cause any issues for you.”
 “Issues? What kind of issues?”  
 Taking a step back from him, she reached for her beer and shrugged. “For you and Dianna. She’s your girlfriend and I don’t want to-.”
 “Whoa-wait.” He interrupted with a hard shake of his head, eyes wide. Her words were not making sense. “You think we’re together?” he asked stunned and watched as she took a step back from him, leaning back against the granite island.
 She casually brought the beer back toward her mouth, meeting his gaze. “That’s what you wanted to talk about right?” Looking over his shoulder now, and nipped on her lower lip.
 “I mean- yeah talk-.” Stumbling on his words. Then stopped and snorted despite of himself. “We’re you not paying attention to our last conversation?” Referring to the last time they talked on the phone, when he clearly stated, things between Dianna had ended.  
 She put down her bottle and glared. “Of course I was!”  
 Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “Then where did you get this idea that we’re still together?” 
 “Because you just said so.” She reminded with a scoff. 
 “I never said that.” Taking another step in her direction. “I thought I made it perfectly clear where things stood between me and her?” 
 She licked her lips anxiously. “I-I just assumed things had changed and that’s why you wanted to talk…”
 “No- I just figured we needed to nip this awkwardness in the bud if you were going to be staying here-.”
 “So that we can jump back into bed?” she asked in a somber tone. Sebastian’s eyes widen in shock and felt his cheeks burn at her candor. He heard her giggle and at the same time locked eyes with him. “Sebastian- relax.”
 He glared, but felt the bit of his nervousness dissipate at her words. It was almost as if she had woken up when he confirmed his relationship status. Which is what he wanted- for them to stop tiptoeing around each other- regardless of the time spent apart. He hadn’t been sure how things were going to be once they were in the same room. 
 Camille continued to stare inquisitively up at him through her lashes, as if trying to read his mind. “It’s kind of adorable how quickly you get embarrassed.” She teased with a gently smile. He pouted but didn’t speak. She gripped the top of his shoulders for support, as she pushed herself up on her tiptoes, their noses inches from each other. “So- while I thought we needed to talk about the idea of you still being in a relationship-you wanted to make it clear that you aren’t in one?” she clarified.
 As she spoke, Sebastian kept his eyes on her lips, licking his own in the process. “I-I guess I wanted to explain how-I mean-.” He stopped, wanting to collect his thoughts. He wrinkled his forehead in concentration, then continued. “How I ended up in a-.”
 “Sebastian.” Camille said softly. “Stop.” Reaching out and gently cupping one side of his chin, so they were face to face. “We’re two grown adults right? We made an agreement. So no explanation needed. Ever.” She reassured.
 Instinctively he wrapped his arms around her waist and let out a sigh of relief as he pressed her soft body up against his. Having her back in his arms felt good. This is what he wanted-even when he didn’t realize it was what he wanted.
 “See? It was you acting weird.” She joked with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
 Squinting his eyes, he ignored her smartass comment, and rubbed the dip of her back effortlessly. “I know we talked about it- but I just didn’t want you to think I was expecting anything.” He answered sincerely.
 “Like wanting to get me naked again?” She asked inoffensively, batting her eyelashes. 
 He frowned and tilted his head to one side. “Camille.” He warned. 
 “What?” She snickered. “It’s the truth isn’t it?” 
 “Maybe.” He stated somberly. “But I’m not that crass.” Playfully puffing his chest out as he pressed a teasingly kiss on her soft cheek. 
 Camille tossed her head back to laugh, Sebastian chucked as well. “Oh-excuse me.” She mocked. Her face serious now. “Is this better? Is this what you wanted?” She asked, her fingers delving into the back of his hair. 
 He sighed, eyes soft. “Yes.” 
 “You think too much Ojos Azules.” Her eyes dancing with mischief.
 Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Looks who’s talking?” If there was one thing they were alike on- it was their tendency to overthink.
 “Exactly!” she scoffed. “Who do you think you are? Me!” Pulling away from him to reach for her beer.
 He just watched, and chuckled lowly, thankful how quickly they clicked. Six months later and they were still able to connect. It brought solace to his heart.
 She turned to face him, beer pressed up to her lips, eyes soft. He cupped one side of her face, unable to keep the smile away. Especially when she pressed her cheek more into his touch, eyes shut, pulling the bottle away from her mouth. Now that they talked-it felt okay to kiss her. He just wanted to make sure. He never wanted to go over that line. He leaned in close and placed a tender peck on her temple. He heard a small sigh escape her.
 She opened her eyes back up and met his gaze, then opened her mouth to speak, but her phone apparently was quicker and louder and ranged. She groaned loudly in annoyance. “It’s probably Liz. We need to figure out what to do about this meeting.” She explained. “I’m sorry.” She apologized.
 “Don’t be. I get it.” he reassured and handed the phone to her from the counter.
 “Thanks.” She said meekly, taking the device out of his hand to bring to her ear. “Hello?” Her tone business like. She smiled and glanced over at him. Sebastian could clearly hear Liz asking if she was with him. “Hmm? Yeah-he’s letting me crash on his couch.”
 He heard Liz laugh on the other line, followed by another question he wasn’t able to make out, but Camille rolled her eyes at him and sighed. “I’m hanging up the phone now.” She threaten. Sebastian raised a curious eyebrow, but Camille only waved a dismissive hand. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what type of question Liz had asked.
 He smirked and brought the beer up to his mouth, and just watched her move around his kitchen for the next few minutes on the phone. He frowned slightly as he remembered he hadn’t gotten a chance to kiss her. Yet - was hesitant to do so. He wanted her to initiate it. This wasn’t like back at the premiere in Hollywood, where she surprised him. No, this was completely different, they had been living separate lives for over 6 months- with other people.
 He blinked out of his thoughts when Camille walked past him toward her luggage. “Yeah- hold on let me get my laptop.” 
 He had a feeling this phone call was going to be long, chuckling, he opened the refrigerator and took out another beer. 
 “Huh? Wha-?” Sebastian mumbled as he jerked up from his bed at the sound of a thump. He blinked a few times toward the door, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the dim light in his bedroom.
 “Sorry.” She said sheepishly. “I kind of tripped on my own feet.”
 “Camille?” He asked with a yawn. 
 She stood awkwardly by the door. “Yeah?” 
 “Everything okay?” Running his fingers through his messy hair. “Why are you standing by my door like a creeper?” 
 “I was debating if I should haven wake you up.” She confessed with a light shrug. 
 “What time is it?” Rubbing his sleepy eyes with back of his hand with another yawn.
 “Almost two.” 
 “And you’re just now getting off the phone with Liz?” His eyes focused on her change of clothes-she wore a pair of gray sweat pants and long shirt, hair pulled up to the top of her head, glasses off.
 Her phone call had turned into a full long meeting. Which had probably been a good thing, because coincidentally his manager called and he ended up on the phone, figuring out his schedule for the next few months. But after he had gotten off the phone, Camille continued to conference with Liz. He decided to go grab the recent book he was reading, and change. He went into his room and somehow ended up passing out.
“Mmm, no.” Camille answered with a shake of head. “We got done about an hour ago. I figured it was time for bed when my laptop decided to die.” She paused. “I put my stuff in the extra room-I hope that’s okay?”
 “Yeah, of course.”
 She shifted from side to side. “I was going to try and sleep in the extra room so I wouldn’t wake you. I laid in the bed for a good 30 minutes but I couldn’t fall sleep.” She admitted with a sheepish smile. “Since I couldn’t, I tried the couch…”
 “But?” he pushed, pressing his back against the headboard, not feeling so groggy now that he sat up.
 “It’s cold.” She pouted, taking a step toward the bed. “I’m cold.” Her tone almost accusatory and crossed her arms in front of her chest.  
 “The heaters on.” He defended, but was unable to hide his smile. She made a face at him that clearly said: yea right. He cleared his throat. “What do you want me to do?” But extended his arm out for her and pushed the blanket off him, indicating for her to join him.
 “Share your warm blankets.” She shot back without hesitation, eyes shining. She let him tug her down to his level on the edge of the bed.
 “So you want me to keep you warm?”
 She shook her head. “I said- blankets.” Emphasizing the words.  
 “I come with them.” Yawning as he wrapped one arm loosely around her waist, gently taking her with him as he slid back into the abyss of blankets. She shifted in his arms, so her back was align with his front. He took the opportunity to reach for the covers and throw it over both of them. He heard her sigh and snuggle closer into him. Closing his eyes, he dipped his face into the nape of her neck, taking in her sweet scent. “I’ll keep you warm.” He promised.
 She relaxed within his arms and pillow. “Thanks for letting me stay here.”
 He snuggled his nose into her. “You’re welcome.” Giving her hips a light squeeze. “Did you and Liz figure out the meeting in Toronto?”
 She snorted. “Not really. She was able to get in touch with the VP of the company and they pretty much said it was up to us if we wanted to postpone. But we’ve been waiting on this for months now, so I think I’m just going to have wait it out.”
 “And hope a flight becomes open?”
 “Yes.” She murmured. “I hope that’s okay.”
 “Stay for as long as you want.” His heart feeling content for the first time in months. He pulled her closer to him-although he was sure there was no more distance between them. He found himself nodding off. His eyes fluttered open when he heard Camille’s steady breathing, softly his nose moved up and down her neck. “Hmm, I’m glad you’re here.” He confessed, eyes droopy.
 “Even if it was last minute?” she asked humorously.
 “Yes.” Placing a kiss behind her ear. “I mean the last time I got an unexpected visit from you- I ended up getting to bend you over a table...” He trailed off arrogantly.
 Camille groaned in embarrassment, shoving her face into the pillow. “Oh god.”
 He opened his eyes and snickered before pressing his lips to the back of her neck. “What? I’m not complaining about it!” He heard her giggles muffled into the pillow. Her laughter subsided and the room became quiet. Both laying comfortably in his king size bed, no words necessary. His eyes became heavy, his body easing into sleep…
 But his eyelids flew open again when he heard her sigh next to him. “Te extrane.”  She whispered shyly and in Spanish. Then lifted her head up to face him, her eyes darting back and forth, as if trying to read his thoughts.
 Sebastian didn’t need for her to translate, he understood. “Yeah?” he asked with a small smile. Camille gave him a tiny nod back.  “I’ve missed you too.” The tone of his voice serious, hoping those words could convey how he really felt. 
 Sebastian felt her body tense up for a split moment, as if understanding what he was truly saying, but she quickly relaxed back into his arms. After a few moments she reached out and stroked his cheek with her knuckles, heavy-eyed, but that did not stop her from pressing her soft lips to the side of his mouth for a sweet kiss. He felt the familiar electricity between them, even if the kiss wasn’t on the mouth. She nestled back into his arms and all Sebastian could think as he dozed off was how thankful he was she was back in his arms after so long.
 Camille groaned into the pillow, when she heard the vibrating of her phone. Without lifting her head, she blindly moved her hand up to the nightstand to turn it off, but her fingers couldn’t seem to grasp it. Finally after a few more seconds she heaved a sigh in displeasure and lifted her head up, frowning when she realized it wasn’t her phone making damn noise. Laying her face back down, she shifted her body to the left side and gently shoved Sebastian’s shoulder. “Wake up.” She mumbled, eyes shut. 
 Sebastian grunted, rolling over, his back to her. 
 “Sebastian...” she whined and peaked at him with one eye open. “Seb…” shaking his shoulder quietly. “It’s you.” As the phone continued its maddening sound.
 “What’s me?” he grumbled.
 “Let it go to voicemail, its dark-no one should be calling me right now.” He mumbled over his shoulder to her.
 “It could be important.” Camille reasoned, both eyes opened now. “And it will make the noise go away.” She added, eyelids heavy with sleep.
 She felt the bed move and heard him muttered and pick up his watch from the nightstand first. “It is 3:30 in the morning…” But gripped the phone and sat up slowly. Without looking to see who it was- Sebastian put the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
 Camille shut her eyes and nuzzled back into the warm pillow. Had they really only been asleep for an hour and half? That was not going to work, if she expected to function in the next few hours and try and get some work done. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she was until she lay down. As much as she wanted to give him a proper hello, she’d been afraid she would somehow end up falling asleep, besides it was late.
 But she did feel a lot better about things, after he had confirmed what she suspected- that things between him and Dianna were over. It had just been the anxiety taking over when they were in the elevator and he insisted in needing to talk.
 “Whoa, whoa, whoa-Ma, slow down.” She heard him say.
 At the words and concerned tone, her eyes flew open. She quickly sat up gazed over at him. He had sat up all the way, running his fingers through his messy hair, locking eyes with her. Camille raised an eyebrow expectantly, but Sebastian didn’t say a word. He didn’t need to-his facial expression said it all.
 He shifted and dropped both legs off the bed and to the floor, reaching for his wrist watch to put on. Camille couldn’t make out Georgeta’s words, but Sebastian finally spoke up after what seemed hours to her. “Yeah, yeah…uh-um okay.” Hunching over a bit as he continued to listen, his back to Camille. He exhaled. “Ma-I’m glad you called. It’s okay.” Pause. “Yes, I promise its fine.” Another pause. “Okay, okay, yeah that’s fine. Love you too.”
 Camille heard the click on the other end, signifying the call was over. She jumped out of bed and walked to his side. “Sebastian?” she asked cautiously as she sat down next to him. “What is it?”
 He cleared his throat and tossed the phone gently back on the nightstand, running the palm of his hand up and down his face. “My-uh-my stepdad had a-a stroke.” He stuttered, resting his face in both hands. “Mom was calling me from the hospital…”
 Her stomach dropped at his words. “Seb-I’m sorry.” Unsure of what else to say, but placed one hand gently on his arm.
 “She said they he’s with the doctor right now, so they won’t let her see him.” He continued. After a few moments of silence, he lifted his head up and met her gaze. “I-I have to drive up there and be there with her.” he stated.
 “Yeah, of course.” Camille replied as calmly as possible. He looked to be in shock, and she couldn’t blame him.
 “I need to pack some stuff-clothes- just in case.” He said to no one in particular, quickly getting up and walking toward his closet, a few moments later he walked back out with a small duffel bag. “I’ll leave you a key and you can stay as long as you need to.” He stated, as he pulled dresser drawers open and stuffed things into the bag. “I’m sorry.” He added with remorse and walked back into his closet, only to come back out seconds later, empty handed. “Shit- I meant to grab pants.” He muttered under his breath and turned back toward the closet. Camille gnawed on her lower lip and stood up as he came back out, holding about three pairs of jeans and shirts and tossed them into the bag. “I probably need to change too…” he mumbled, but instead walked toward his bathroom, only to walk back out, lost in thought and toward the bag again.
 Camille made her way towards him and the duffel bag on the end of the bed. She reached out and cupped his chin, gently forcing him to face her. His eyes filled with worry and uncertainty. “Hey- go get change, I can get the rest of your stuff from the bathroom.” She ordered softly. “Then I’ll grab some clothes so we can go.”
 He blinked out of his trance and shook his head. “Camille- you don’t have to-.”
 She stroked the side of his cheek and interrupted. “I know I don’t have to, but I want to.” Letting go of his face, as she took the shirts he had stuffed in the duffel bag and folded them neatly before placing them back in the duffel. “Besides it’s late and cold and you shouldn’t be driving by yourself.” She said firmly and made her way into his bathroom. “I’m not going to be able to sleep anyway.” Clutching on to the essential bathroom amenities he would need and walked back out.
 “Don’t argue with me.” She ordered with glare and tossed his bathroom things in the side pocket of the bag. “I’m going.” She asserted, not allowing him to dispute. “You need me, and we both know that if this was reversed you would do the same for me.”
 She watched him let out a large breath with a small nod and a grateful look. “I do need you.” He admitted and blinked rapidly, but looked away from her.
 Her heart squeezed at the way he looked at the moment, but said confidently. “I know- and that’s why I’m going.”
“Multumesc.” Sebastian’s mother said, taking the small Styrofoam cup out of his hand. 
 “Welcome.” Sebastian responded and sat down on the small couch next to her. 
 It had been almost three full days since he gotten the phone call from Georgeta about his stepfather’s stroke. When Georgeta was saying the words, they hadn’t registered and even as he tried to pack-it sounded unreal. He probably would not have made it to Rockland without Camille’s help. He had finished getting ready, while she got everything packed for the both of them. She offered to drive and he hadn’t argued, instead just handed her the keys. He didn’t speak the whole way, but it didn’t seem to bother Camille, even if the drive was over an hour long.
 They arrived at the hospital around 5:30AM, his mom sitting by herself in the waiting room. She had been surprised to see Camille, but Sebastian sensed she was also relieved he hadn’t been alone. She gotten up and met them with warm smiles and hugs. And just like he expected- she was calm and collected when she explained what happened. Apparently Anthony had an ischemic stroke. He had gotten up to get some water in the middle of the night, and when he got back to their room, Georgeta woke up to the water glass dropping and breaking.
 “Honey-you need to go get some rest.” He heard her say next to him, patting his thigh lightly.
 “Hmm? I’m fine Ma.” He answered with a pathetic smile.
 He hadn’t left the hospital since they arrived, mostly because his step-dad had been unconscious for the past two days. It had only been earlier that morning that he came to. The nurse and doctor had insisted it was normal, but they were going to keep an eye on his vitals. Apparently he was stable- which had been the only reason Sebastian had managed to convince Georgeta to go home and shower. It had taken a bit of pressure from both Camille and himself, but she finally agreed.
 “Sebastian- there isn’t anything you can do right now.” She said in a low voice. “You heard the doctor-he’s stable and just needs to rest- just like you and Camille should.” Giving a small nod toward Camille. She sat across from them in, her cheek resting on one folded arm, legs pulled up to her chest, Sebastian’s large coat over her, asleep.
 Sebastian’s whole body filled up with gratitude for the woman across from him. She had been there every moment in the past 72 hours. No complaining, just there for him and his mother, helping in whatever way she could. Even if that just meant sitting with him quietly. She stirred a bit, but did not wake.
 “Did she postpone her meeting in Toronto?”
 “Yes.” He responded and wrinkled his nose in annoyance. “Even after I told her it wasn’t necessary.” Giving her a quick glance. “She’s stubborn.” He added with a light chuckle.
 After they arrived at the hospital, Camille had gotten on the phone with Liz to let her know what was going on, and Liz had suggested they move the meeting, Camille had not hesitated to disagree. Instead of Camille trying to catch a flight, she was now stuck with him in Rockland County, New York. He had tried to convince her to take the car back to the city, but she refused.
 “Actually, it seems more like she cares a great deal for you.” He heard his mom say with a small smile. “And just wants to make sure you’re okay.”
 He didn’t respond, but peeked back over at Camille, unable to hide the smile.
 “Have you told her how you feel?” Georgeta asked knowingly. Sebastian jerked his attention back on his mother and wrinkled his forehead. His mother narrowed her eyes. “Don’t play coy with me Sebastian. It’s written all over your face.” She paused and peered over at Camille. “It’s obvious she feels the same way for you. Why else would she be spending her time in a hospital?”
 Sebastian licked his bottom lip nervously, unsure of how to respond. A part of him knew his mother was right, but the other part also knew it was just who Camille was. Finally after a few more moments of silence he spoke up. “It’s…complicated.” Running his fingers through his hair.
 “You can uncomplicated.” He mom said in a matter of fact tone.
 He glanced over at her and let out a hearty chuckle. “Mom-.”
 “What?” she interrupted. “Is it only complicated because you want it to be that way?” she challenged. He leaned back against the couch, not saying a word. “Honey- are you in love with her?”
 His heart fluttered at the questions, at the words. They hadn’t been said out loud. He had thought about it- plenty of times, but it was a bit unnerving to hear them out in the air. He gave Camille a hasty glance before locking eyes with his mother. After a bit of silence, Sebastian spoke. “She’s important to me mom. I hadn’t realize how much until recently.” Avoiding her real question.
 He sighed. “There’s isn’t any ‘but’.” He confessed with a cynical laugh.
 “You think she’ll run away scared? If you tell her how you really feel?” she guessed.
 He raised an eyebrow in admiration. “I guess that’s why you’re my mother.” He tried to tease.
 She laughed lightly. “I guess so.” She mocked with a funny face before she turned serious. “I’m just going to give you this piece of advice-don’t wait too long in telling someone how you feel, because you never know when it might be too late.” Tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Sebastian felt his heart wrench at her words, because he knew there was more to them.
 He pulled her into his arm and rubbed her shoulders soothingly. “He’s going to be okay Ma.” Sebastian reassured.
 She sniffed before giving a slightly nod. “I know, I know.” Lifting her head back up to give her only son a warm smile. She patted his cheek. “Go get some rest.”
 She glared playfully at him. “If not for you-then for her.” nodding toward Camille. “Hmm?” she pushed. He sighed in defeat. His mom’s smile grew wider. “Go take a nice hot shower and get some sleep. There should be leftovers in the fridge.”
 “What about you?”
 “What about me? You’ve already sent me home remember? I’ll stay with him tonight.” She glanced over at Camille. “She’s probably tired of sleeping in that chair.” Almost as if she was listening, Camille let out a small whine and shifted in the spot.
 He knew better than to argue with his mother. Instead he pecked her on the forehead and pushed himself up from the couch. “Fine, you win.” He stated dramatically.
 “Of course I did.” She said proudly with a wink.
 He made his way toward Camille, gently running his fingers through her lose hair. “Camille?” he whispered. “Wake up.” Sitting down on the chair next to her. She stirred, eyelids fluttering open. He couldn’t help but smile. “Hey.”
 Camille rapidly lifted her head up. “Everything okay?” Rubbing a hand over her sleepy face.
 “Yeah- yes.” He started, unable to keep his hand from moving a strand of hair away from her face. “Mom is forcing us out of the hospital.” Giving Georgeta a poignant look.
 Georgeta rolled her eyes at Sebastian, but looked warmly at Camille. “Go to the house and rest.”
 Camille stood up and stretched. “It would be nice to take a hot shower.” She mused.
 His mother gave him a look that clearly stated: I told you- I was right. He scowled. “Don’t gloat Ma, it doesn’t suit you.” He added mischievously.
@its-daydreamer23​ @janeyboo​ @peaceinourtime82​ @jhangelface0523​
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door -- Ch. 14
MORNIN LADS we’ve only got a few more chapters left to go and im getting Emo
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammichu @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael @1dluver13xx -- and, just for this chapter since it’s got Her Boy in it, im gonna tag @cruisingforcruiserweights :3c (lemme know if you wanna be added to my tag list!!)
Prev.: Ch. 1 ♡ Ch. 2 ♡ Ch. 3 ♡ Ch. 4 ♡ Ch. 5 ♡ Ch. 6 ♡ Ch. 7 ♡ Ch. 8 ♡ Ch. 9 ♡ Ch. 10 ♡ Ch. 11 ♡ Ch. 12 ♡ Ch. 13 ♡
As Neville had learned over the years, the annual family vacation was always a chore, mainly because no one could ever agree on where they wanted to go. Jen wanted to go to Paris (“You got money to buy plane tickets?”), Daisy wanted a road trip across the country (“Only if you promise not to ask ‘Are we there yet?’ every ten seconds.”), and Wade mostly just wanted to stay home and sleep (“And you get annoyed when I call you Wade ‘Lazyass’ Barrett.”)
This year, however, Wade was singing a very different tune with regards to how he planned on spending the summer.
“So you’re telling me that Austin has this cabin?” Neville asked one night as the two of them relaxed in Wade’s basement apartment, taking a slow sip of his drink. “Somewhere in the mountains?”
“That’s what he told me. Apparently it used to be his grandparents’ or something.” Wade was switching from channel to channel, eventually settling on some random paranormal show. Neville tried not to look too interested (it was a guilty pleasure interest of his, though he didn’t want Wade to know that). “It’s got quite a bit of room in it. He says he wants to take me there sometime.”
“Hmm.” Neville started to think (all while ‘coincidentally’ staring at the television screen). He didn’t want to invite himself to someone else’s property, but there was a part of him that was tempted to ask if they could have their vacation there. If it had a good amount of room and could house the whole group (including Mustafa, assuming he was able to come), then it might not be a bad idea.
“What’re you thinkin’ about?”
“Well…” Neville pursed his lips. “Y’know what, forget it. I don’t wanna intrude on you guys’ private time.”
“What, you and Moose wanna come? That’s fine! Leave the girls with a sitter or someone, the four of us could spend some quality time together, y’knowwhatI’msayin’?” At that, Wade nudged him with his elbow, and Neville gave him a shove.
“I’m not travelling up to the mountains to have a foursome, Wade.”
“What-- So then why even bother going?!”
Neville couldn’t believe how incredulous he sounded. “Most people don’t go on mountain trips with the intent to fuck all their friends.” He rolled his eyes, ignoring Wade’s “Because most people are cowards…” that followed his response. “I was hoping, if Moose and I are even invited, I could bring the kids too. Make that our yearly vacation.”
“I can’t see why he’d mind. He’s been dying to meet you. I’m sure he’d like to meet your children, too.” He leaned in closer, smirking. “And the man you looooove…”
Neville’s face went red, and he looked back to the television, taking a big gulp of his drink. “U-Uh…”
“What? You okay?”
“I’m fine, I just didn’t expect you to say that, that’s all… You caught me off guard.”
“I’m not being all that serious. Don’t couples casually say that they love each other all the time? It’s no big deal.”
“Um… Yeah, let’s go with that!” Neville forced a smile, staring down into his cup.
Wade took notice of his odd behavior, and he cocked his head to the side. “Okay, tell me what’s going on,” he said with a sigh.
“What? There’s nothing going on.”
“You’re acting like that again,” Wade pointed out. “I can tell when you’re worrying about something, especially when it’s Mustafa related. Go on, tell me what’s bugging you.”
Neville blinked at him, but he resigned quickly, desperate to get what he was thinking about off of his chest. “Well… I’ll be totally honest, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about if what I feel for Mustafa is actually love.”
“Does it feel like it could be love?”
“I… think it does?” He scratched the back of his head. “We… had this conversation about a month or so ago about whether or not he sees himself as being Jen and Daze’s father, and he said that he did. And, well… he might have made a brief reference to marrying me that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since.”
“For real?” Wade’s tone was softer now, and it sounded like he was genuinely happy to hear Neville say that. “God, you’re so head-over-heels for him, it’s unreal. How can you still be doubting if you love him if this is how you’re getting after the mere mention of marrying each other?”
“I’m so unsure because we still haven’t actually said ‘I love you’ yet. Not even after such a serious conversation…” Neville figured that, since a conversation like that involved their long-term future together, and since it had gone so well, at least one of them would have been able to work up the nerve and finally say those three words.
And yet, it hadn’t happened.
Something about that bothered Neville far more than it probably should have.
“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t actually feel that way. One of you just has to say it.”
“It’s not that easy! I gotta do it at the right time, I gotta practice what I’m gonna say beforehand because you and I both know that I’m gonna stutter if I don’t, I gotta do it when I’m least likely to be interrupted--”
“Hey, how about this,” Wade interrupted, putting an arm around Neville’s shoulders. “I’ll talk to Austin about all of us going to his cabin over the summer. You bring Moose along with us, and you can tell him while we’re there. Nothing says ‘romance’ like professing your love in the middle of the woods miles away from civilization.”
“You have a very interesting definition of romance, you know that?”
“Damn right.”
“And this isn’t gonna end up like the time you wanted me to kiss him, is it?” Neville was wary. “I remember you making those weird faces at me during dinner.”
“Nev, let’s be real -- if Austin is near me, I will not be paying attention to what you two get up to. All I can do is hope that you’ll do what you’re supposed to be doing. That, of course, being that you’ll tell Moose you love him.”
Neville knew that Wade’s schemes were more trouble than they were worth, but this one wasn’t the worst he’d heard. He envisioned him and Mustafa awake one night, perhaps sitting by a fire pit, enjoying the night air. Such a romantic moment would surely be the perfect time to finally tell Mustafa about how deep his feelings for him were.
“Alright, Wade, you’ve got me,” Neville replied. “I’m in.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Wade reached for his phone. “I’ll text Austin and ask him what he thinks. I get the feeling that this is going to be a very interesting vacation.”
“I don’t doubt that at all…”
The few hours that it took to drive up to where the cabin was would have been a lot more bearable had Daisy not been asking “Are we there yet?” every few minutes (though Neville had fully expected this, so he couldn’t act like he was surprised), but in the end they still made it. It was bigger than Neville thought it would be, with two floors, and even a back deck. I can see why Austin would want to bring Wade up here. Neville mused to himself when he realized that there was also a hot tub. I’m sure they’d be spending lots of time in there if it were only the two of them. (He tried to ignore the look Wade gave him when Mustafa said something about wanting to go in it one night.)
Neville was admittedly a little off-put by the sheer amount of woods surrounding the cabin, but this was yet another thing that he expected, so he had no right to complain. Still, though, he and the rest of his family were farther away from civilization than he would like them to be.
Austin had warned him against worrying, however, saying that there was “nothing to be afraid of, kid.”
“Is there anything even in those woods? Chipmunks? Bunnies? Sasquatch?” Neville responded, not taking his eyes off of the trees.
“Yes, yes, and maybe. And, well, bears.” At this, Neville’s eyes widened, and Austin gave him a pat on the shoulder, shooting him a big grin. “But hey, they’re just like big raccoons. They won’t bug you if you don’t bug them.”
“But what if one of us runs into one? What do we do then?”
“Mind your own business, that’s what.” And with one last wink from Austin, their conversation ended, and Neville had made a mental note to have a talk with the girls about not wandering into the dense brush without adult supervision (though he wasn’t entirely sure if any of the adults on this vacation were adequately prepared to deal with wild bears, least of all the pipsqueak that owned the property).
There were three bedrooms in the cabin, each with only one bed in it -- which was a problem to no one except for Jen, who was complaining about having to share a bed with her sister (“She snores, daddy!” She had said, a statement Neville admittedly doubted). After being informed that her only other option was the couch, her tune changed, and she was suddenly on board with sharing. Let’s hope Daze doesn’t actually snore. For her sake.
“So, what’s on the agenda for the next couple of days?” Mustafa asked Neville that evening following dinner once the two of them had returned to their bedroom, plopping down on the bed. “Other than avoiding bears, of course,” he added with a playful grin.
“Hey, don’t act like I was wrong in bringing that up,” Neville responded, sitting at the edge of the bed. “Last thing I need is for someone to go wandering off. Six people came to this cabin, and six people are gonna leave this cabin at the end of the week. No less. Or more, for that matter.”
“Damn, there go my plans of sneaking a bear into the trunk. Now I gotta think of a new birthday gift idea for you.”
“Very funny.”
“Look, I get why you’re worried, but I really think you can trust what Austin says about bears not being a real threat. We just can’t go out after dark.”
“You say this now, but I know you’ll get scared if you come across one.”
“That depends, am I alone?”
“That’s up to you.”
“Well, if I’m alone, the I’d definitely be freaked out. But if you’re with me…” Mustafa’s hand snaked over to Neville’s, and he smirked and added, “Well, I’ll just push you towards the bear and make a run for it.”
Before Neville could say anything more, he heard the sound of Daisy squealing, as well as some giggling coming from the room next door. “Oh, God, are they jumping on the bed?” The next sound they both heard was that of a thump -- which meant that one of them had probably fallen off the bed -- followed by even more laughter. “Oh yeah, they definitely are.”
“You can’t let them have any fun, can you?” Mustafa chuckled as Neville knocked on the wall, hoping that his message came across clearly through that.
“How fun can it really be if they’re crashing to the floor? Nothing against Austin, but I don’t think Mr. Mountain Man is adequately prepared to deal with either one of those kids when they’re injured.” Neville barely was, and he was their own father.
“About what you said before, though,” Neville continued, “I think Austin mentioned something about heading into a nearby town tomorrow and getting some supplies that we’ll need for the next few days. We can look around and see what other stuff is in the area.” Knowing his daughters, they were going to want to check out every local attraction and gift shop. And he also knew that his wallet would be begging for mercy by the end of the trip.
“I was doing some research the other night, and I saw that there’s this zoo not too far away. Maybe one day we can go there?”
“That’s a possibility.”
“Oh, and I was also thinking…”
While Neville wanted to pay attention to the other suggestions Mustafa had for activities, he was primarily thinking about one of his main goals for that week -- to find a moment to finally tell Mustafa that he loved him. That played a big part in why he even agreed to go to this cabin in the first place. He needed to pick an appropriate time -- not tonight, but maybe tomorrow? Maybe if they found themselves alone in that hot tub, like Mustafa had suggested earlier…
“Hmm?” All thoughts of a wet Mustafa were (unfortunately) driven from Neville’s mind when he spoke.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Of course I am!” He scoffed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Mustafa didn’t seem convinced by this. “What did I just say?”
Neville pursed his lips. “‘Are you listening to me?’”
This prompted Mustafa to give him a light smack on the arm, and he rolled his eyes. “Smartass.”
“Only for you.”
Neville had told himself to expect the unexpected when it came to this trip. As such, he wasn’t surprised by Daisy’s whining during the ride to the mountains, nor was he too surprised by how deep in the woods the cabin was.
And yet, somehow he was surprised by how difficult it was to find a moment alone with Mustafa.
As planned, on their first day they went into the local town and browsed the stores. Neville knew that he wasn’t going to get a chance to tell Mustafa anything important during this trip, especially since Mustafa was far too preoccupied with finding little knick knacks that had the name ‘Adrian’ on it to pay attention. (“Moose, what am I going to do with a light-up keychain?” “It has your name on it! The possibilities are endless!”)
The following day saw them going to the zoo that Mustafa mentioned. All in all it was a lovely day, and after finding themselves sitting on a bench for a few moments while the others were petting the rabbits, Neville thought he had a chance. Then a nosy peacock had showed up behind him, and Neville was too on edge from the way it was staring it him to work up the nerve to say ‘I love you’. I can’t escape my feud with fucking birds even when I’m on vacation.
Then they had gone on a nature walk through a park not too far from the cabin -- one that was still surrounded by a forest, but was supposedly bear free. If it were only the two of them on this vacation, then the little bridge that hung over the creek would have been the perfect spot. With the water gently flowing below and the sounds of nature surrounding them, Neville couldn’t think of a better moment.
It wasn’t just the two of them, however, which meant that this was another excursion where Neville wasn’t able to do what he wanted to do (especially not while Daisy was chasing Jen around with the various bugs she was finding in the mud).
He couldn’t even blame Wade’s meddling for his lack of alone time opportunities -- he had stuck to his word and left Neville to his own devices, instead preoccupying himself with whatever it was that Austin was doing. Though it pained him to admit it, Neville regretted letting him do this. If anything, having Wade around would be helpful -- he knew that he’d be easily able to clear out a room and give Neville and Mustafa some time to themselves. Why is it that no matter what I try to do with this man, somehow it ends up biting me in the ass in the end?
Neville toyed with the idea of asking him for some help, but he knew that would be difficult. He couldn’t even find a few minutes alone with his own boyfriend (other than the time they spent in their bedroom, which was not the place he planned on telling him something so important -- especially not with the strict ‘no sexual intercourse’ rule that Austin insisted on enforcing), let alone Wade.
Regardless of Neville’s plans, the fact was that at that moment Wade wasn’t helping him, and now there he was, resting on the living room couch with Mustafa, Wade, and Austin on their final evening at the cabin. It was getting late, both Jen and Daisy having ‘gone off to bed’ (Neville was fully convinced that they were planning on staying up for the rest of the night), and it looked like the four of them would be doing the same soon.
“What time is it?” Neville asked, looking through the nearby glass doors that led to the outside deck. He could barely see a thing in the darkness.
Mustafa lazily lifted his head off his shoulder, checking the time on his phone. “Almost midnight. Way too late to be up, since we’ve got a long drive home tomorrow,” he replied.
“Ugh, I almost forgot about that…” Wade complained.
“Nothing’s stopping you from staying here for a few more days, y’know…” Austin muttered. “I wouldn’t mind having you.”
“A fantastic idea!” Neville grinned, clapping his hands together. “Go on, Wade, stay here for another day. Or twenty.”
“Nice try. You’re not getting away from me that easily.”
Austin sat up, stretching. “We should be getting to bed soon, though. Last thing we all need is someone falling asleep behind the wheel.” He stood up, looking to Wade. “You coming?”
“Shouldn’t we wait until the fire burns out completely?” Wade gestured to the fireplace in the corner of the room. The fire wasn’t out completely, though it looked like it wouldn’t be lit for much longer. “Don’t get me wrong, I love you all, but I don’t wanna die in a blazing inferno with you. I’d rather my final moments be something a little cooler.”
Neville snorted. “Like what, dare I ask?”
“I dunno… Shot to death via laser beam?”
As Neville raised an eyebrow at this response, Austin asked, “So the three of you’ll stay up ‘till the fire goes out, then?”
“I guess so.”
Right as Wade said that, Neville realized something, and he snapped to attention. Austin was going to bed, and Wade was debating going with him. He and Mustafa would be left alone.
This was his chance.
“Moose and I can stay up,” he quickly said. “You guys can go to bed now. We don’t mind -- right, Moose?”
Mustafa shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”
“See? Don’t worry about it. Go to bed.” He shot Wade a look, silently praying that he understood what he was trying to say with that glare. Wade frowned, but he didn’t ask anymore questions -- and why would he want to, seeing as Neville and Mustafa staying awake meant that he could finally go and rest?
“Whatever you say.” Wade got up, putting an arm around Austin. “Night, lads.”
Once everyone had said their good nights, Austin and Wade left the room, Neville waiting until their footsteps had faded away completely before pulling Mustafa closer to him. “Thank God, they’re finally gone…”
Mustafa rested his head back down on Neville’s shoulder, grinning. “They’re probably about to go break some rules, if you catch my drift.”
“‘No fucking unless I’m the one doing the fucking’ was more or less what I got out of Austin’s little ‘adults only’ rules presentation from the other night.”
“Mm, I wish we didn’t have to leave tomorrow…” Mustafa whined. “I love it up here. I don’t wanna leave.”
“I’m glad you’re having fun.” Neville kissed the top of his head. “All I want is to see you happy.”
“Did you have fun, too?”
“Of course. Mostly because I had you with me, though.”
“Good thing I have summers off, huh?”
Only a few embers remained in the fireplace, and the room was growing dark, only a faint glow illuminating the two of them. The scene was romantic -- just romantic enough for Neville to finally say what was on his mind.
Just as he was about to, however, Mustafa interrupted him. “Wanna turn a light on or something? I can barely see.”
“You afraid of the dark, Moose? Aww… Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” He wrapped both arms around Mustafa, holding him tightly.
“I don’t need protection.” Mustafa wriggled his way out of Neville’s grasp. “I just don’t wanna hurt my eyes. Otherwise I’ll need glasses like your dorky ass.”
“Gee, thanks.” Neville nodded towards the glass sliding door. “Turn on the light for the deck, that should be bright enough.”
Mustafa stood up from the couch, walking over to the light switch on the wall. “Which one was it again?”
“Uh…” Neville vaguely remembered Austin mentioning which one it was, but he’d be damned if he could recall what he said. “Try the one on the far left.”
Mustafa did as he was told, and he turned it on, instead switching on the overhead living room light. It surprised Neville, who covered his eyes, which were hurting from the sudden brightness. “Turn that off!” He hissed, trying to keep his voice down so as to not wake the others with their stupidity.
“Sorry, sorry!” Mustafa replied, hurriedly shutting the light off and trying the next switch. “Ah.” Neville still had his eyes covered, but he assumed from this comment that Mustafa had finally found the right light.
“It’s about time.” Neville was giving his eyes one last rub when he heard Mustafa say something under his breath.
“B… Bear?”
“Hmm?” Was that supposed to be a new pet name for Neville or something? “What is it?”
“Bear!!” Before Neville could properly register what was going on, Mustafa was off and running, and he dived on top of him, nearly crushing Neville in the process.
“What do you mean?” Neville managed to shove him off, but Mustafa still held his arm tightly.
“Bear…” He once again said, pointing towards the glass door. Neville followed his gaze, and his jaw dropped when he saw what he was talking about.
There was a large black bear staring at them.
Well, fuck.
“Jesus!!” Neville gasped, and Mustafa held him even tighter. The bear seemed just as surprised as they were, and without hesitation it turned around and ran towards the treeline, footsteps booming on the wood of the deck, disappearing almost as quickly as it appeared. Neville quickly got off of the couch, running towards the door.
“What are you doing?!” Mustafa’s eyes were as wide as saucers.
“Checking to make sure the door is locked, obviously!” He replied.
“What, do you think it’s gonna try opening it?! Like a bear’s gonna see the door is locked and think ‘Well, shit, not gonna get in there any time soon!’?!”
The latch on the door was secure, and after taking a quick look at the front door in the other room Neville was able to determine that they were in the clear. No bears would be breaking in that night (hopefully).
He returned back to the living room, finding a very visibly shaken Mustafa curled up on the couch. “Moose?” Neville asked, concerned, sitting next to him. Mustafa latched on to him almost immediately. “He’s gone, don’t worry about it.”
“I-I wasn’t expecting that…” Mustafa breathed out, swallowing. “He scared the shit out of me.”
“I can tell.” Neville started to stroke his hair, gently. “It’s alright, though. We scared him off. He’s not gonna come back.”
“Did you hear those footsteps? That was a really big bear. Imagine the damage he can do with those paws?” Slowly, a smirk had begun to work its way across Mustafa’s face. “I can’t bear the thought.”
Neville blinked at him, and he let out a deep sigh through his nose, shaking his head. “You really just said that, didn’t you?”
“Oh, I did. Hey, if my puns are so unbearable, then you shouldn’t have invited me on this vacation.”
“Stop that!”
“I’m being bear-y annoying, aren’t I?”
“Weren’t you afraid only a few seconds ago? Can we go back to that time? So that I don’t have to listen to your silly jokes anymore?”
“Bear with me for a little bit, Nev, and let me have some fun!”
“Only I would fall in love with a man obsessed with puns.”
Mustafa’s giggles came to a stop, and he looked at him, Neville’s stomach clenching once he realized that he finally told Mustafa that he loved him. It came out so easily, so naturally, that he hadn’t even noticed at first.
Something else that came about very naturally was the fear that Neville suddenly felt.
“You love me?” Mustafa asked, sounding oddly unsure.
“I-- Well… Yes, I do. I love you.” It sounded even more genuine now that he’d said it a second time. “Why are you so shocked?”
“It’s just…” He clicked his tongue. “No guy’s ever told me that and meant it before. I’ve never been in a serious relationship like this. Wasn’t sure I’d ever be in one.”
“Oh…” Neville thought back to when Mustafa had first told him about the last boyfriend he’d had -- the one who cheated on him. He had mentioned something about their relationship being serious, and Neville had assumed there was talk of loving each other. Knowing how it all ended, Neville knew that clearly this ex didn’t mean a damn word he said, and he’d broken Mustafa’s heart.
And suddenly, Neville was overwhelmed with the urge to punch something.
“I truly do mean it when I say that I love you, Mustafa,” Neville said, intertwining their fingers. “You mean so much to me, and to the kids, and I… don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve made my life so much better.”
“Nev…” Mustafa looked lost for words. “You mean a lot to me, too. I can’t even begin to imagine not being with you. And both the kids and Wade have been so welcoming of me, I really feel like I’m apart of your little family.”
“Because you are, Moose.”
“I…” He seemed stuck again, but the words that he did manage to say were the ones that Neville had been waiting so long to hear.
“I love you, too.”
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serwynterwulf · 7 years
☯ Tell us all about your favorite muse you’ve ever written and why they meant so much to you.
Ok I can’t just pick one. So I’ll go with my top three with lil’blurbs from the 3 MMO’s I have Rp’d on.This came to be a taaad bigger then first though so Im going to put a read more bit here to not spam peoples feeds.  And ahead of time. Thanks for the ask and sorry for the delay! @neekaxiv
First off would by Bryt Nathal from Gw2 ((Art done by @dragonraider​ based on image here minus his optical aid of course))Bryt was a good break from a type of character I played in a while. At first when he was made he was pretty damn innocent to the world. A simple tinkering man from a Fishing Village out in Kessex Hills that was plagued by raiding naga and not so friendly waters if you swam too far. Little alone the Centaur Threat. Soon he fell in love and moved to the city, although that not so healthy relation did not end so well for him. Soon out of work and under legal contract that any of his lifework in tinkering or clockwork would have had him in court.Soon he was homeless living on the streets where most if not all of his once endless and boundless joyful energy was robbed from him and he was broken. Although through somewhat kind and shady friends he soon picked up the life of a mercenary. Using his skills with short blades and rifles for a simple life of blood for coin. I loved how in the two years i played him he changed completely all through RP.Second would be Thenardor Icesheild, in life known as Thenardor Moonshield. ((Sketch of Then and his younger sister by @sessionzeroart​ ))Back in Burning Crusade in WoW I played a Night Elf warrior that I rp’d as a highborn battle mage that did not see the end of that war, falling roughly half way through the campaign to stop The Betrayer, using his last breath to save his eldest child and his beloved. He had hoped he had saved his stubborn twins life but in the end. The two were inseparable. Thenardor’s strength in both might and magic and his twin Threnden ‘s cunning, tricks and plans. The two bringing down legions worth of enemies their friends would have said before falling.Although rest would not be a gift to these two fallen Highborn. Instead they found themselves in the Lich King’s service. They who, what, where and why it all came to be was unknown to them. And little did they care as they were more puppets in Arthas’ army of unholy knights. Then served willing as a killing, cold machine. It wasn’t till a good length in the Northrend Campaign his twin Thren and several other Ebon Knights help clear the Ice Mage turned Ice Knight’s mind. Now the two twins remember little of their past running into faces new and old. I love this characters story because I was able to bring back a good BC character, adding onto his story with a good friend. I still Rp him a little bit every now and then.And lastly, Braxis Wynterwulf the Viking Warlader of The Wulf Warband and head of the Coerthas family of his clan. (Image by same artist above.) I could ramble about Braxis all fucking day as he is one of my favorite characters to play. But I always go on about him here. But of course I had to least mention him. All these characters meant so much for me because how long and how damn good their story either was or are still today. Something always happens that keeps me interested in them or I am fully content with how their story concluded. Which sometimes I do not get to do with some characters which stinks. But for these three? Would not have it any other way.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
blurry | bambam
prompt: inspired by bammie’s instagram selfie hot dayum could i not contain myself, so i made an imagine abt it B) here it is if ya wanna get attacked by our bamchinja. c;  group: GOT7 pairing: bambam, you genre: fluff words: 3185 note:  sorry theres so many spelling errors its currently 3:18 am and im tired as heq ill edit this tomorrow thanku ㅠㅠ
“Dude, you got this.”
“Yeah, well, what if I don’t? Our asses are on the line here,” Bambam’s worried tone reverberates from your phone’s speakers. You have it on loudspeaker mode because you were in the mood for some mint chocolate ice cream. You just got home from classes today and boy was it scorching hot outside. 
“Yes, you do. And no, they’re not. You’ve been practicing nonstop for this comeback, Bam, I think you have it all down by now,” you repeat a little louder than usual as you open the freezer and take out the pint of sweet and cooling treat. 
Setting it down on the kitchen counter, you cap the lid off and start digging in with your spoon. “And why are you so nervous? You’ve never asked me advice on how to handle stage fright ever since we knew each other,” you comment through the melting of your favorite dessert inside your mouth.
“Are you eating ice cream from the pint again?” He suddenly asks, a tone of amusement lingering in his voice. You automatically hug the thing of ice cream closer to your stomach, eyes peering at the phone resting near you. “How’d you know?”
“Just a hunch.” You can just hear him shrugging smugly.
“You wish you were here,” you retaliate, scoffing as you take another scoop. You make sure he captures the sound of you scraping the soft and gooey substance of sweetness. You know you should be encouraging him right now, but teasing the boy you’ve known for quite a while now is always a treat in its own way. 
“I do. I do wish I were there,” he agrees somewhat seriously. You’re unsure whether he was talking about having ice cream or something else, but you brush it off, not wanting to think about such complications right now. 
You put the spoon down and attempt to bring the previous conversation back. “Really, though, Bam. You’re going to do amazing, as always. Don’t worry too much about it, alright?” You tell him earnestly. If Bambam had never asked for any reassurances with you before, maybe this time he really needed it. 
A slight pause occupies the air until you hear him exhale shortly on the other end of the phone call. “You’re right, you’re right. That makes me feel so much better. Thanks, fam,” he answers with a hopeful tone. 
Shaking your head, you protest, “No problem. And don’t ever call me ‘fam’ again, fam.”
“Would you like to be called something else then, hmm?” There he goes, back to his usual zany self which you can’t help but blush about…
Did Bambam just make you blush? 
“I would like you to call me when I’m not busy enjoying my ice cream,” you tell him, going back to eating your lunch for the day. 
“You didn’t even start eating ice cream when I called you in the first place!” Bambam interjects and you soon chuckle at his predicament. You hear a few conversations bubbling up in the background, even recognizing Yugyeom’s whining to one of the hyungs, maybe Jinyoung, you’re not quite sure.
You move your position to the couch, setting down your phone on the coffee table. You hear a distinct voice referring to Bambam and he responds, but you’re too focused on your ice cream to eavesdrop. 
“I have to go in a few. What’re you going to do afterwards?” He finally addresses you. You ponder his question until you realize you’ve forgotten something really important. 
“Shoot! I have a major presentation for my History class tomorrow!” Spoon hanging in midair, you slowly place the ice cream pint next to your phone, feeling guilty of even opening it up. 
“And you haven’t started on it yet,” Bambam muses. You groan in agreement and slap your forehead lightly. “No, because I thought it was happening next week.”
“Too distracted with me, huh. I have that effect,” the boy on the other end suggests, a smirk almost evident in his voice. You laugh mockingly, but the anxiety in you keeps rising. “Guess I have something to keep me distracted while you’re performing,” you conclude, probably feeding his ego even more. 
“That’s good, then, at least it’s not another guy,” he jokes and you roll your eyes. “Whatever, snake,” you shoot back. 
“Anyway, I got to go, we’re shooting in a few,” he tells you, almost begrudgingly. “Hey, I really appreciate you answering the call.”
You smile at his genuine reply. You rarely see this side of Bambam whenever you guys are together, or even just talking on the phone. You feel a sense of warmth in your heart, and you honestly don’t know what to make out of it. But you don’t let it get to you- not yet.
“Of course. You know I’m here,” you mutter softly. 
“And me too,” he chimes. Another voice, presumably Jaebum, informs him about getting ready, so you anticipate Bambam’s good bye. “Now I really need to go. I’ll message as soon as possible.”
“For sure, Bam. Good luck! You never fail to do your best,” you add, making sure he’s still reassured. Bambam thanks you again, and the call ends.
Now, onto cramming that damned History presentation.
Adding a few finishing touches here and there, you finally have a decent 10-slide presentation for your class tomorrow morning. Stretching your arms upward, you let out a relieved sigh, yawning in the process. Making sure that the file has been saved to your laptop, Google Drive, and USB, you turn your laptop off and trudge your way into the comfort of your bed. 
The digital clock on your nightstand reads 11:24 pm and you feel quite proud for completing a procrastinated project before the day ends, roughly speaking. You ease your way into the duvet, grabbing your phone to the side for a late night session on a few of your social media accounts. 
You go to your Messages and remember Bambam’s call from earlier. You wonder whether the performance was a success- it probably was, and Bambam just had cold feet, but you already texted him two hours ago complaining about History being your worst subject ever and how lucky you are it’s your first class of the day. You type a new text, informing him of your success nonetheless and hoping he had a fun time today as well. 
Before you can hit the send button, a chat bubble appears on Bambam’s end first. Your eyes widen at the screen and your lips part in surprise. 
“What the…” You utter under your breath, hands suddenly sweating at the sight of your phone, Bambam’s selfie showing on the bright screen. You squint your eyes to confirm what you’re seeing is right. 
You hit backspace on your keyboard and type a new message with quick and shaking thumbs. 
Wrong number, headass. 
He reads it immediately and your heart skips a beat. Your eyes cannot seem to focus on anything else other than the blurry selfie of a jet black haired K-pop idol. You find yourself mesmerized at his cerulean contacts and drawn to the straight and full pink lips. Breath hitching, you mentally urge yourself to stop giving in to your thoughts. 
Undeniably, Bambam broke every puberty challenge out there, and not a day goes by without you reminding him that- much to his satisfaction. But you complimenting him was always out of good faith as good friends, nothing more and nothing less. 
However, recently, things have been a bit blurry between the two of you. It doesn’t help that his constant teasing makes you more conscious of the type of relationship you guys are slowly developing. 
And this selfie isn’t helping.
lmao what do you mean that is supposed to be sent to my best friend
You share a room with Yugyeom. Just show it to him in person lmao
not himmm, my OTHER best friend. u. anyway, like what u see? ;)
WTF are you talking about, you never send me selfies before??? 
aww is it that bad, b? :,( it’s just a lil smth to motivate u with ur presentation. hows that going for u, btw?
Again, with the weird ass nicknames, Bam lmao? And you’re just a few minutes too late bec I’ve finished, but thanks for trying.
Also, no, it actually looks really good. :)
pshhh u like itttt bb ;) oh, hey thats great. u should go 2 sleep by now.
and really? don’t play me, bb :,(
It does! Your face is blurred, so it’s perfect.
wow bye
You chuckle to yourself at the playful conversation. Typical Bambam, but you still can’t help but be confused at any underlying message of all this. Or maybe there’s not any and your mind is just running irrationally due from the emerging crash of the caffeine. Maybe that’s it.
You think of sending him a meme- of himself, might you add- until he follows a new text. 
blurred like our relationship, right
Dropping your phone to the side, you bring a pillow pushed to your face and scream into its plush surface. You feel the heat coming off of your cheeks, chest heaving in and out as well. What was that all about? Has Bambam been aware of the unusual tension you, yourself, have been feeling towards him the past couple of weeks? Why is he speaking up about it now?
that was stepping out of the line of being corny. i’m sorry lol
You notice that he was trying to play it off cool, but now that you’ve gotten a signal from him acknowledging the uncanny stage of your relationship right now, you wanted to go all out. With Bambam, you need to know whether he’s serious about this or not. 
You retreat the pilow away from your face, flustered at the suddent flight response you just pulled off. You certainly cannot be this embarrassing once you confront him, that’s for sure. But realizing you might have been absent for a while, you gingerly take a hold of your phone and type a new message with a plan. 
When are you free, Bam? 
You need to discuss this to him in person. You need to see it in Bambam’s eyes. You see the typing animation show on and off as he’s probably contemplating on what to say to you too.
i’m free for a few hours after our morning radio interview
Perfect. I’ll meet you at the cafe near my university at 12. Sounds good?
yeah yeah ofc 
Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Bam.
you too. uhhh good night?
Good night to you too, Bambam. :)
“Headass, over here!”
A guy in stylish clothing, together with a black cap, black sunglasses, and black mask whips his head towards your direction. His tall stance and sense of fashion already singled him out from the lazily dressed college students surrounding the cafe right now, including yourself.
You end up sleeping three hours later after your conversation with Bambam, different scenarios of your meet up today forming in your head, some with good outcomes and others unspeakable. You couldn’t believe that you were able to set up a “date” with him with the intention of confessing the uncertainty you have in regards to affectionate feelings towards him. 
He walks over to the corner of the quaint little shop, a cold drink already in place before his seat. You don’t see his expression quite well, seeing that his whole face is covered with different kinds of masks, but you hear him chuckle as he relaxes in front of you, inspecting the drink shortly. 
“You know me too well,” he finally says, lowering the mask to his chin so he can take a sip of his favorite drink. You grin at your accomplishment, chugging the iced coffee you bought for yourself as to keep your nerves from taking over you- which was ironic since you’re gulping down more of what keeps you shaking right now.
“How was the interview?” You ask nonchalantly, watching his every move. Bambam glances up at you and nods his head, “It went really well. More enjoyable than your presentation, that I could say.”
Glaring daggers at him you counter, “Shut up.” He cackles at your response, and then the two of you instinctively easing into your normal conversations of mundane stories and brutal banters, almost forgetting about the original reason of you meeting him here.
But you didn’t mind, not one bit. You missed his physical presence. Just seeing a hint of his crinkling eyes from the shade of his visor is enough for you to feel comfortable around Bambam. He genuinely is the best person you know. You both never have to think twice about saying something potentially wrong, because the other would just use it at their advantage but at the same time turn it into an inside joke between the two of you. 
There was something that he declared which made you stomp your hand down the table in rejection. He chortles at your dramatic expression and casually lays his hand on top of yours. Your face quickly realizes this as you retrieve your hand back to your sides, squeezing it tight to stop it from trembling at the sudden contact. 
Bambam notices your discomfort and coughs awkwardly. “Sorry, sorry. I ruined it, didn’t I?” He admits, looking down in frustration.
“No, no, Bam it’s not that,” your attempt in fixing the matter at hand was futile, and you wish you have more time to stall, more time to just have mindless fun with the best guy friend you’ve ever had in a while. 
But seeing that your stomach churned and jumped in itself after a simple touch of your hand, you had to tell him how he’s made you feel. Or else you’re going to go nuts.
“What are we, Bambam?” You blurt out, eyes fixating on the empty cup of beverage sitting idly on the table. “And don’t make it out as a meme, ‘kay? I’m asking it seriously,” you follow up with a scrunched face, making sure that Bambam knows you’re done with fooling around. 
You peek at his face and he seems to be smiling shyly, hand that was once touching yours now scratching the back of his head. You find yourself wishing you never took it back. 
Shaking your head, you whine at your inner frustration. “I… I think I like you, Bam. And I don’t know why I’m saying this now but recently, you’ve been saying weird stuff to me that gets me all flustered and red and you can’t see that because we haven’t seen each other in a while, but when we do I try to suppress it just because I don’t you to think I’m weird or something like that but our conversation last night messed me up big time, and now I don’t know if suppressing it is going to help anymore and I just -”
You stop yourself from losing air in your system as you inhale and exhale. Your hands have been clutching themselves tightly on your lap and you let go to feel the blood pumping again. You’re afraid to look up and see a confused Bambam staring at you, but before you can contemplate any further, you hear a soft laughter resonating from him. And it wasn’t that of mockery, so you slowly turn your head to reveal a blushing adolescent boy before you, hands covering his eyes under a pair of expensive sunglasses.
 “Aw man, you beat me to it. Why do you always do that to me?” He complains cutely. You titl your head in confusion. 
“I was supposed to confess first. Do you know how ashamed I feel right now?” He takes his hands off his eyes as well as his sunglasses and you finally see his eyes. Glistening in hope and anxiety all at the same time, but the beauty in them never left. You are taken aback, but you try and keep it together as he gulps down and stares right back at you. 
“You always beat me to things, but that doesn’t mean I won’t confess anymore. Yes, I’ve been trying to get your attention more frequently because I’ve… developed feelings for you, and I didn’t know how to handle them other than be more annoying than usual.” His assessment of the situation makes you giggle, and it prompted him to keep going. 
“I was really happy I got to talk to you when I was feeling hella nervous yesterday. It made me confirm my feelings for you and that you make me comfortable in whatever situation we’re in. The selfie I sent you last night was just me trying to see if you kind of feel the same way, and I honestly didn’t know what to expect from there.” He brings his hands on the table and plays with them mindlessly, biting his lip as he looks down. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel frustrated by the way I’ve acted, I’m just a dumb adolescent boy who doesn’t know how to handle his feelings well. But I was honestly really glad we got to hang out today, you know I missed you a lot. So, I’m sorry if this ruins everything…” he trails off, seeming to want to say more but his tongue prevents him from doing so.
You keep your eyes on him, not exactly knowing how to respond correctly. He gives you a full minute to contemplate on your own before he looks back up at you, pausing with his hands and smiling sheepishly. “Any response from you would be great right now.”
“Shoot, I’m sorry,” you say, lips in a tight line. You think for another few seconds before finally making up your mind. “C’mon, let’s take a selfie.”
“C’mon, Bam. You have a better camera than mine, so go get your phone!” Your tone was firm but encouraging at the same time. He hesitates for a second but complies nonetheless. You scoot next to him, your arm slightly touching with his. You falter a bit, but you feel Bambam relax with your touch and you smile as you move in a tiny bit closer.
He positions the phone at the perfect angle and you see him trying out a few different expression before his thumb presses over the button. Your smile grows wider at the sight of him assessing himself, but you quickly peck the soft surface of his cheek and beat him to taking the selfie. 
Without waiting for his response, you snatch the phone away and inspect the picture. Content with the image, you show him the screen. 
He looks at with his eyebrows furrowed, but immediately understands and reveals a goofy grin. You nudge his elbow playfully before resting your head on your shoulder, already feeling at ease with your position.
“Not so blurry now, huh?” You ask him. He pats your head in response and squeezes your shoulder reassuringly, the touch of him making you want more.
 But for now, this is enough.
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a21hhh · 3 years
The CHP Group maintains a network of integrative practitioners across the Western U.S., functional later health plans and employer groups to offer integrative care. The report may be downloaded here.
70: % of Americans in the back self-denying-to-coarse symptoms of shakeup or depression who reported that one of the pinnacle three things contributing to their mental health concerns is loneliness or isolation. COVID-19 and Mental Health: A Growing Crisis, a spotlight relation published by Mental Health America. NCBTMB Announces Three-Goal, Three-Year Strategic Plan The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) recently announced its three-year strategic aspire focused in the region of three key goals:
Dolly Wallace 1. Board Certification: NCBTMB grows the community of Board Certified therapists by creating watchfulness of endorsed approvals value to therapists and stakeholders.
2. Approved Provider Program: Through the Approved Provider program, NCBTMB promotes and upholds the highest standards of continuing education.
3. Infrastructure: NCBTMB builds a solid and sustainable infrastructure to ensure bump of its indispensable programs and to recognition to adding together opportunities.
We are blazing approximately creating a community that supports fellow certificants and encourages added therapists to pursue endorsement, said Dolly Wallace, BCTMB, LMT, and NCBTMB president. It is our get-up-and-go that fellow smooth therapists will relationship us and be a share of that community which recommends and encourages ascribed tribute.
Fingerprints Required Soon in TX Texas daub therapists, school owners, instructors and smooth establishment owners must agreement their fingerprints for a national criminal records check by Sept. 1 to operate agreement once a statewide be responsive enacted in 2019. This is a one-period requirement. The prints will be used to check each persons nationwide criminal archives. For more opinion, click here.
Irene Smith, Hospice Massage Educator: 19462021 Irene Smith, CMP, an educator and developer of hospice smear and be nearby for HIV/AIDS patients, died the evening of April 4 at the age of 75. The act of death was cancer. Her death was announced by belt Trish Crawley a propos Smiths Facebook page.
Irene Smith Smith founded Everflowing in 2001, an supervision dedicated to studious outreach and teaching accomplished disturbing as an integral component to local anesthetic care. She plus ran Service Through Touch from 1982 until 1999, through which she created smooth programs for people lively as soon as HIV/AIDS worldwide.
Smith was born in Texas in 1946. She graduated from the Los Angeles School of Massage and began her smooth career in 1974. Smiths bio clarification that she taught health care providers and bodyworkers tactile preserve skills for caring for ill and dying persons and make[d] resource materials utilized by institutions worldwide. She authored the stamp album, Massage in Hospice Care: An Everflowing Approach. She worked as an accomplice to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, MD, for 10 years.
During her resolved days, in hospice herself, she was together along in the middle of caregivers. Smith wrote the gone declaration back mention to her Facebook page as regards March 10:
Dear beloved intimates  so many thoughts when me, however the primary thought is approximately the exaltation and cordiality you have shown me through this grow primordial of delightful shackle. Im held and soothed gone your acts of good flora and fauna, and cradled in your pretend to have a pedestal. Although I cannot unqualified to you each [individually], my position is that you locate yourself taking into consideration this community message. Words escape me but the feeling is that of physical lifted out of the darkness into the successful on the order of the wing of angels of which each of you are a feather. I would not alter one moment of my animatronics for it has brought me to this moment of swine consequently intensely cared for and loved. With all of my heart all the time, Irene.
Massage therapist Rhonda Steger, who scholarly about hospice daub via Smiths webinars, articles and website, wrote this announcement not far away and wide off from Facebook, reprinted here by entry, upon hearing of Smiths passing, Oh Irene  Youve designed as a upshot much to hence many people. Youve touched countless lives, including mine. You were my inspiration, my education and my muse. I could never have had the passion for hospice care without you. God readiness upon your Heavenly journey.
Smith was a frequent contributor to MASSAGE Magazine, writing upon hospice care and on the go in the health care feel.
Who Believes Health-Related Conspiracy Theories? Health misinformation upon social media threatens public health, as wrong viewpoints involve to the front tersely, accustom the authors of research focused upon who is most susceptible to online health misinformation.
Their research indicates a person who is susceptible to online misinformation about one health subject may be susceptible to many types of health misinformation, and individuals who were more susceptible to health misinformation had less education and health literacy, less health care trust, and more appreciative attitudes toward every second medicine, according to a condensation of the article, Who Is Susceptible to Online Health Misinformation? A Test of Four Psychosocial Hypotheses, published in Health Psychology, a publication of the American Psychological Association.
Could join up who is susceptible to online misinformation lead to more likeness for clients who balk at wearing a mask and optional accessory COVID-19-linked policies?
Americans are (Still, Very) Stressed A poll conducted by the American Psychological Association showed that in primeval 2021 U.S. adults had reported the highest bring out level back the to the front days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Stress in America: January 2021 Stress Snapshot was conducted by The Harris Poll upon behalf of the American Psychological Association.
Eighty-four percent of Americans reported feeling at least one emotion allied following prolonged emphasis in the prior two weeks. The most common were feelings of campaigning (47%), sensitive (44%) and enrage (39%).
Additionally, two in three adults (67%) said the number of issues America is facing is overwhelming to them. Those issues that respondents pegged as significant include the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (80%) and U.S. political unrest (74%).
Nearly a year into the pandemic, prolonged put inflection on persists at elevated levels for many Americans. As we battle to residence stressors as a nation, from unemployment to education, we cant ignore the mental health result of this global shared experience, said Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, APAs chief government overseer. Without addressing emphasize as share of a national recovery try, we will be dealing in imitation of the mental health fallout from this pandemic for years yet to be.
The APA recommends as emphasize-relievers taking a fracture from the news and social media, reflecting upon determined aspects of ones simulation, exercise, humor and staying linked to connections and intimates. (This declaration will mount happening: Get daub.)
$404.66 billion: Projected size of the global substitute medicine have enough maintenance by 2028, according to Grand View Research, growing from $100.04 billion in 2021. Groups Merge to Promote Integrative Health
Two groups focused upon integrative health care have announced the merger of their matter operations, once the intend of advancing integrative health care globally.
The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) represents 20 national integrative health and medicine organizations, schools and organizations representing declared world medicines, and emerging professions that are engaged in self-regulation or effective toward licensure. The Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health (ACIH) is full of animatronics in education, clinical care, research and policies that contribute toward transforming the health care system into one that emphasizes health and skillfully-physical.
The 부천 신중동 건마 mixture will formally bring the licensed integrative health professions of acupuncture and East Asian medicine, chiropractic, concentrate on-admittance midwifery, smooth therapy and naturopathic medicine into AIHM. It signals that professional silos are in intend of fact coming all along, said Tabatha Parker, AIHM government director.
Together AIHM and ACIH will have enough maintenance evidence-based education through conferences, e-learning, webinars and interprofessional fellowship in integrative health and medicine.
Massage Practice Awarded for Resilience
MINDBODY software company recently announced the recipients of its 2020 Visionary Awards. Bodywise Massage Inc. was awarded in the category of Consciously Evolving, an access category that acknowledges businesses that balanced safety and business acumen during the year.
The smooth practice is located in San Rafael, California. According to a assertion released by MINDBODY, Every period a auxiliary challenge presented itself, Bodywise Massage found a hermetic. When the event originally closed, the wellness studio offered distance reiki simulation healings. Then, since unaided outdoor massages were allowed, the matter renovated its courtyard to create a private treatment oasis.
The Visionary Awards celebrate those businesses that use Mindbodys product and have demonstrated adaptability, strength, purpose and community in the twist of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
One-Third of Patients Put upon Ventilator Report PTSD Symptoms Post-traumatic pull attention to weakness (PTSD) is triggered by a terrifying matter, according to the Mayo Clinic, and involves such symptoms as flashbacks, nightmares and rancorous breathing, as ably as uncontrollable thoughts about the situation. Massage therapy has been found functioning through anecdotal and scientific evidence to abet symptoms of PTSD and is employed frequently in be supple along along with U.S. military veterans and survivors of domestic harm and tallying trauma.
A scrutiny out of the UK, Post-traumatic put extinguish on disease symptoms in COVID-19 survivors: online population survey (cambridge.org), confirmed the hypothesis that PTSD symptoms were disproportionately elevated in those requiring inpatient position.
The authors noted, especially those requiring aeration maintain, compared gone those who had mild COVID-19 symptoms that had been managed at house  [and] these intervention-level differences controlled for relevant demographic characteristics, medical and psychiatric chronicles, as swiftly as background levels of demonstration and depression.
The authors noted that their screening tool was not definitive in determining if the formal definition of trauma was met coarsely speaking a persons COVID-19 experiences, or if PTSD symptoms had persisted for sufficient era to constitute PTSD rather than an adaptation aversion.
Collectively, these findings go into detail the importance of in the space of occurring survivors of COVID-19 infection for PTSD, they noted.
New Multicultural Group Seeks Founding Members A tally bureau that intends to the front uphill once the maintenance for tools and education to health-and-beauty therapies, subsequent to an emphasis upon diversity and multiculturalism, has launched.
Toshiana Baker founded the Network of Multicultural Spa and Wellness Professionals (NMSWP) in to come 2021 to retain multiethnic and multicultural health care professionals. She said NMSWP is needed because she found in her spa and wellness career that authentic diversity and assimilation were lacking. Baker has worked in spas as an esthetician and educator for 15-benefit years and after that founded SpaWorx, a spa-and-wellness matter consulting stubborn.
Toshiana Baker Baker said in an NMSWP press manageable that the increased incorporation watchfulness of racial inequities, disparities and lack of representation of people of color within the mainstream last year was the unadulterated nudge she needed to commencement NMSWP.
However, she subsidiary that the spectrum of representation in todays global marketplace goes on peak of race, and biting to the global population becoming predominantly multiethnic and multicultural.
We exaggeration to be roughly the issue of enlarged preparing and supporting the multicultural and multiethnic healers and practitioners across the whole disciplines to bigger apportion help to the multiethnic and multicultural client, Baker said. Anything less is incongruent and inauthentic.
A paid attachment is required to admission NMSWPs content and resources, which complement monthly video trainings and, interviews in the vibes of experts and vendor resources.
Study Says: Three Out of Four CBD Topical Products are Mislabeled Many reputable companies assuage the massage industry gone CBD topicals formulated for hands-upon sessionsbut as soon as than hundreds of companies now offering products to the general public, a optional accessory well-ventilated is live thing shone upon label-by the side of-ingredients discrepancies.
CBD scholarly platform Leaf Report recently enlisted a chemical analysis lab to test 40 popular CBD products and found that of the 40 topicals, 31 (77.5%) did not contain the amount of CBD claimed, taking into consideration most having more CBD than advertised.
Why would this be? Topicals are more hard to formulate, as they require the blending of CBD behind many additional ingredients; in addition to, CBD topicals often contain small amounts of CBD, which means that differences of even a few milligrams can have a invincible effect, according to a publication from Leaf Report.
To illustrate this, find a CBD cream to the fore 500 milligrams of CBD and other one after that 50 milligrams. A difference of 5 milligrams would fine-heavens the correctness of the first product by only 1% compared to 10% for the second one.
The best mannerism to ensure you are getting the amount of CBD you think youa propos buying is to check the companys third-party test results, which should be posted to the companys website.
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