#the boyz kpop fanfiction
sunshyni · 4 months
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Changmin × You | w.c: 1.2k | avisos: nenhum, family friendly na área!
context: você faz parte da família mais rica da região litorânea em que Changmin mora. Na véspera de ano-novo ele te convida para uma festa mais interessante do que a que seus pais organizaram, e você descobre que não existe nada mais doce do que virar a noite ao lado dele.
notas: eu 'tava tão obcecada pelo Changmin desde “Babydoll” que me senti muito feliz com esse pedido assim que ele chegou (não sei se executei bem o que tinha em mente, provavelmente não KKKKKK Mas enfim). Eu claramente me inspirei em “Outer banks” pra desenvolver isso, porque com toda certeza o Changmin é um pogue e a personagem principal é uma kook KKKKKK Mas é isso! Espero que vocês gostem dessa bomba!
boa leitura, docinhos!🍊
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— Como assim o sol já tá nascendo? — Você sussurrou para Changmin que deslizava o dedo pela tela do celular, procurando em sua playlist favorita uma música diferente da que estava tocando, para ser reproduzida baixinho nos fones de fio que vocês compartilhavam deitados no colchão inflável da espécie de “batcaverna” que existia nos fundos do mercadinho dos pais de Juyeon, que dormia serenamente no sofá antigo ao lado de vocês, com uma manta fina envolvendo-lhe enquanto o braço esquerdo estava pendurado para fora do móvel.
Após alguns segundos de deliberação, Changmin enfim escolheu a faixa e “Babydoll”, de Dominic Fike, iniciou com seus primeiros acordes de guitarra.
Com cuidado para não arrancar o fone do seu ouvido, Changmin se virou no colchão, mudando sua posição, ficando de frente para você e repousando o celular no espaço entre seus corpos. Ele destinou uma rápida olhada para a janela alinhada ao colchão de vocês estendido no chão, contemplando os primeiros raios de sol que ultrapassavam o vidro e iluminavam seus rostos, aquecendo a pele num jeito agradável.
— Estamos oficialmente virados — Changmin afirmou fechando os olhos por alguns instantes para abrí-los novamente e te sondar de forma demasiada atenta, fazendo uso do mesmo volume de voz baixo, com a diferença de que ele esbanjava uma rouquidão que fez seu corpo se arrepiar deliciosamente.
Os olhos dele estavam direcionados exclusivamente para você e não transpareciam nenhum sinal de cansaço, embora vocês estivessem alí desde que os fogos de artifício anunciando o ano novo se cessaram e Sunwoo teve a brilhante ideia de beberem um bocado no esconderijo de Juyeon, você abarcou a ideia, mesmo sabendo que certamente teria problemas com seus pais mais tarde.
— Por que eu estaria? Foi a melhor noite que eu já tive em muuuito tempo — Você achegou o corpo um pouco mais ao dele, fazendo com que os rostos ficassem a – no máximo – uns quinze centímetros de distância, mas Changmin não se afastou, pelo contrário, continuou encarando seus olhos com uma diligência extrema. Changmin tinha te salvado de uma noite de ano novo tediosa, ele fazia parte do grupo de funcionários do bufê que a sua mãe contratou para a grande white party no jardim da casa de veraneio, que a sua família possuía naquela região litorânea.
— Tá arrependida?
Vocês se conheciam por um histórico extenso de olhares furtivos na areia da praia principal, mas nunca haviam trocado uma palavra sequer; Até Changmin interromper sua conversa com um parente velhote e antiquado, questionar se você estava interessada num lance mais animado para que assim que conseguisse seu consenso, entrelaçasse os dedos com os seus e te conduzisse até a festa anual que os três amigos organizavam em toda véspera de réveillon.
— Só gostaria de estar vestindo algo mais confortável — Você apontou para o seu próprio visual, um vestido branco curto rodado Calvin Klein que te deixava com um ar jovial e inocente, o gesto chamou a atenção de Changmin, que desceu o olhar para o seu corpo, não de forma descarada e desinibida, se tratava mais de conferir pela milésima vez a sua roupa e sorrir de um jeito tão caloroso que ele poderia competir com aqueles raios solares sem um pingo de medo da derrota.
— 'Cê tá linda — Ele disse, desviando o olhar para qualquer canto do ambiente que não fosse você, numa tentativa falha de disfarçar as bochechas que adquiriram um tom de vermelho púrpura, provocando em você uma vontade insana de apertá-las como se ele fosse uma criança fofa — Se você quiser, eu posso te emprestar alguma coisa do Juyeon, mas já vou avisando que ele não é tão estiloso quanto eu.
Seus lábios se curvaram num sorriso completo quando ele te deu essa oportunidade implícita de contemplar as roupas sociais que ele vestia devido ao código de vestimenta do bufê, infelizmente o colete, a gravata borboleta e os óculos da noite anterior haviam sido descartados, mas a visão de agora era tão boa quanto a de antes, o colarinho aberto juntamente com os dois primeiros botões da camisa social amassada igualmente abertos te incitava o desejo de desbravar o que existia por trás daquele tecido sóbrio.
— O que você acha que vai acontecer quando voltar pra casa? — Ele questionou e você se livrou do fone, fazendo-o copiar o movimento para pôr o celular fora do colchão, se aproximando de você sem a intenção no processo, ocasionando numa agitação na sua barriga que se parecia muito com nervosismo e ansiedade. Você engoliu em seco, esperando que não estivesse transpirando igual uma boba na frente e tão próxima de Changmin.
— Provavelmente eu serei deserdada. Minha mãe superestima demais esse tipo de evento — Seus pais odiariam saber que você estava perambulando com a “ralé”, mesmo que estivessem sempre muito obcecados em auxiliar pessoas de classes inferiores a sua apenas para conseguirem reconhecimento e fama de bonzinhos, o que não condizia em nada com a verdade e com o mundo que eles idealizavam. Você tentava todos os dias se desvincular daquela grande farsa, mas nunca teve a coragem necessária para agir contra seus progenitores e adotar seu próprio ponto de vista, não até Changmin segurar a sua mão e te fornecer toda determinação necessária — Mas esse palácio aqui tá livre, né? Juyeon não vai se importar.
— Você é mais do que bem-vinda — Um sorriso iluminou ainda mais a feição de Changmin que foi retribuído por você da mesma forma, ele se aproximou um pouquinho mais de você compartilhando da sua mesma respiração cadenciada, os olhos castanhos alumiados pelo sol que te fazia ter certeza que as pupilas dele estavam dilatadas, certamente iguais às suas.
Você alternou o olhar entre os olhos e lábios de Changmin por alguns segundos até tomar a iniciativa e unir os lábios nos dele num beijo casto e rápido, o bastante para provocar um barulhinho característico que fez Sunwoo – jogado numa poltrona – se mexer, mas jamais acordar.
Você cobriu a boca com a mão, mas Changmin não demorou muito para retirá-la dali, sorrindo ao mesmo tempo que avançava para cima de você com a mão imobilizando seu pulso suavemente, finalmente te beijando ao passo que sua mão livre tirava os botões da camisa de Changmin de suas casas, lentamente, os lábios ocupados em corresponder ao beijo vagaroso, quase preguiçoso, mas que fazia seu baixo-ventre se alvoroçar em expectativa enquanto Changmin encaixava o corpo no seu na melhor forma que podia, parecendo gostar da forma que sua mão exploradora tocava-o em todas as partes possíveis de alcançar.
Juyeon provocou um pequeno escândalo se remexendo no sofá, o que fez o beijo terminar mais rápido do que o previsto e Changmin esconder o rosto coradinho na curva do seu pescoço, só para abafar uma risadinha um tanto quanto envergonhada. Você tomou o rosto dele nas mãos, beijando-o devagar, com medo de causar aquele mesmo estalar da primeira vez.
— E se eles acordarem? — Você perguntou, e ele revirou os olhos de uma maneira nada sutil mas muito doce, os cabelos curtos e revoltos na manhã espetando-lhe a testa levemente, Changmin soltou seu pulso para acariciar sua cintura suavemente, dando passe livre para as borboletas no seu estômago permanecerem habitando lá por tempo indeterminado.
— Relaxa, eles não vão acordar — Changmin assegurou dando-lhe um selinho breve — Só quero ficar de chamego com você pelo resto do dia.
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oracle-of-dream · 10 months
Fanfic Masterlist
Started: 08/17/2023
Updated: 06/12/2024
Total Works: 44
Accepting Commissions: DM for requests!
Photo Finisher Yechan - 82Major Jeno - NCT Dream Woong - AB6IX Mingyu - SVT
Appreciation Posts Jeno, Jaemin, Soobin, Wonbin, Riwoo, Shinyu, Matthew, Juyeon, Sunwoo, Riize
Yandere TXT
Soobin The Palm of His Hand Your Admirer
H. Kai Dumb Bunny
Yeonjun Boy Toy Getting Close
Taehyun We're Even
Jay Something Special
Jake A Bedtime Message Dinner Date
Jungwon Jungwon's Birthday Gift
Heeseung Working Hard
Jake DSL Him or Me
Sunghoon Frame by Frame Cocky Guys
Jay Favorite Seat Slow Day CEO's Bodyguard
Enhypen Under Pressure A Desperate Drink
TBZ (The Boyz)
Sunwoo The Cuite At The Carwash
Eric Regular Maintenance
Jisung Snapshot
Jeno The Boy Next Door The Boy Next Door pt2 Photo Finisher
Anton Love 119 Sungchan Unexpected
Anton x Wonbin Alone Together Pt. 1 Wonbin Hotel Hookup Sungchan Mr. Trainer
OT7 Sweetness, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
BND (BoyNextDoor)
Leehan Under the Nite Lights
Leehan Home Sick
Leehan Nothing but Bad News
SKZ (Stray Kids)
Lee Know A Dark Opportunity
ZB1 (Zerobaseone)
Taerae Submissive and huh?
Winwin Dinner with Friends
Xiaojun Never Really Alone, 2
SVT (Seventeen)
Wonwoo Stress Relief
Mingyu Photo Finisher
MISC Idols
Myungho - 8Turn Stuck
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cloverdaisies · 11 months
sunwoo! x reader! bartender! ʚїɞ suggestive ! tbz short imagine!
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description: “i fantasize about it all the time if you were mine.. ♪” there was something about your coworker that made you want him, maybe it was his cherry red lips or every charming word that slipped from them - whatever it was, you couldn’t resist. ʚїɞ
member: sunwoo x reader
genre: short! mildly suggestive!
Darkness drew over the city, the night lit up with booze and bass lines blasting from every bar in the quarter. The bar you worked at particularly was the space for pre-drinks, with sober party goers coming to drunken themselves up before filling up the clubs later in the night.
Every night you signed yourself in, checked the list of other staff working and everytime you saw Sunwoo written in scruffy hand writing on that sheet your heart beat just a second faster than usual.
Irresistibly attractive, he seemed to be a favorite amongst every customer to waltz through the doors and it’s not hard to see why. With his messy hair, a jaw that could tear paper, dark eyes that produced the most seductive stare and lips that could kiss the most perfect mark on another’s skin. He was probably some reincarnation of the devil’s favorite persuader.
The bar didn’t look particularly busy despite it being a Saturday night, it was usually lined with drunkards begging for another pint but tonight there was only a few customers to serve.
“Hi.” You walked onto the bar greeting Sunwoo, as he was pouring a pint of beer into a glass from one of the pumps. You observed his hands, the veins running up them, leading to his thin long fingers which were wrapped around the beer glass.
“Hello.” He replied with a bright tone, briefly looking up to send you a smile as he carried on serving customers. It was a gorgeous grin that sent serotonin running wild around your brain, everything else in your body urging you not to just collapse right there and then.
Since tonight didn’t seem to be getting any busier, whilst Sunwoo served you grabbed a mop to wipe down the bar before a possible rush came in. You began swiping up the bar, managing to get every spot but under the shelf where Sunwoo was stood.
“Can I just get where you are?” You asked politely, he replied with a quick “sure thing” as he was still between pouring a drink. He stepped back hand still under the beer pump finishing the pint, you slid past him to mop the missed patch, almost stopping your whole pulse, he placed his free hand on your waist as you got past. A light touch that sent warmth, running through every stream of blood in your body. You could feel the silver bands of rings wrapped his finger make contact with your spine, it felt like magic.
With red ears, you quickly finished up the job and put the mop back in its place, fighting every instinct within you to not just grab his shirt and pull him into the back and put all this pent up tension to rest.
For the rest of the night, the bar continued at a slow pace, which was unusual for a Saturday. However it only meant you could close up earlier, an early bed time wasn’t on your list on complaints at all.
The door swang open last minute, causing yours and Sunwoo’s attention to move to the entrance where a girl in a pretty pink party dress sauntered in confidently.
“Hey baby.” She sat on the front of the bar stools, opening her purse and asking for a quick pint to which Sunwoo huffed out in frustration.
“What’s wrong with you? We’re going out tonight, cheer up. Jeez.” She shook her head, as he pulled out a glass to pour. You felt nothing but anger pool at the bottom of your stomach, acknowledging how she’d spoke to him like dirt.
“I told you already, you can go out. I’m not going anywhere.” Before she could reply to that statement, the ale pump began dropping and spurting. “Ah shit, we’re out of ale, I gotta go change the keg.” Sunwoo sighed as he checked the pumps, needing to have them ready for the morning staff to use.
“I’ll come take out the old barrel.” You followed him down to the cellar, conveniently the only place in the entire bar without cctv attached to every corner. Plus moving one of those massive metal barrels tended to be a two man job anyway.
“Is that your girlfriend?” You scoffed, sitting on top of one of the crates in the drinks cellar, it was enjoyable watching how he made the heavy lifting look as if it was easy, the way his muscles flexed poking out of his short sleeved shirt.
“Unfortunately.” He replied briefly, trying to focus on the job at hand but miserably failing as he caught sight of the way your legs looked, your skirt having rode up as you sat down.
“Then why is she your girlfriend if it’s unfortunate?” You taunted him, with a laugh, trying to make light of the fact he was letting himself be dragged around like a poor dog on a leash.
“Ehh. She wasn’t always like that.” He dusted off his hands, standing up straight to look at you with those familiar piercing eyes.
“Mmm. If you’re unhappy you should let her know.” You simply suggested, watching him roll his eyes as if he hasn’t heard that statement a thousand times already.
“You don’t think I haven’t?” He cocked his head, giving it a crack, which exposed his neck in the most attractive way you’d ever seen a man move.
“Do better.” Your voice dropped to be more sultry, taunting him again as you jumped down from the crate to your back against the metal shelves behind you.
“Better?” He laughed in annoyance walking closer towards you, with slow daunting steps that raised your pulse to the maximum, anticipating the worst you backed as much as you could up to the shelf.
“I think I could do much better right now.” He was dangerously close, so close you could feel the warmth of his fire chest the fresh scent of his breath and cologne mixing into to this masculine heat that sent all of your natural instincts wild. You looked up at him with your sparkling eyes, that sent him into heaven every time he caught.
“Fuck sake. I can’t do thi-” Before he could finish that unforgivable whine you grabbed him by his collar and smashed your lips on to his. Fire sparking between you both, hips crashing into one and others as he firmly gripped on to your waist his hands threatening to travel lower. All of your fantasies about this man, coming true in one moment, as things began to get more and more heated.
You broke things up, looking up at him with awkward eyes that only riled him up more, it took everything within him to tear himself away from you, you were absolute poison to him, you only made him more and more weak every time he laid eyes on you.
“You’re gonna kill me one day.” He grunted, smiling slightly towards the end of the sentence, a sly smirk that drove you wild. He was a dangerous case, you knew that from his every move, however it was impossible to resist.
a/n: how i feel after writing this! 😵‍💫 DIZZY… he’s more delulu than us… fr… also ari better release fantasize ik she’s kinda cancelled atm but that song is absolutely unreal… i’m a sucker for anything with a britney sound… KIM SUNWOO YOU WILL KILL ME MF!!!
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hinaaspanda · 1 year
shall we dance? | l.jy
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pairing: hiphop dancer! lee juyeon x ballerina! fem reader
warnings: 18+ content, swearing, mentions of alcohol and falling asleep after getting too drunk lmao 
genre: rivals(ish) to lovers, fluff, angst if you squint, smut: fingering, breast worship (idk what it’s actually called, he just kinda spends his time on that area hnagdja), cowgirl, praise
wc: 9,381
Lee Juyeon was never someone you considered as a teammate. Sure, you were in the same dance team, but your minds and personalities were worlds apart from each other. He was stubborn and childish, while you strived for perfection; it was a match made in hell. So imagine your reaction when your dance instructor appoints the two of you to work together at the school’s annual dance fesitval! Will the two of you survive?
a/n; hi again! I’m back with my first ever fic for the boyz! i had to write abt my bae juyeon omg fhkdufhusgf. it’s just in time for juyeon month too! anyways, enjoy!
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God was testing you, that was for certain.
“Do either of you have any questions?” Your dance instructor gazed at you with doe eyes, genuine curiosity plaguing her features. You, meanwhile, were fighting every urge to scoff right in her face. As a matter of fact, you did have just one question. 
What the hell was going on?
“We’ll be fine, Mrs. Kim. We won’t let you down!!” A second voice peaked through your ears. A voice that irked you beyond belief. That voice in question? None other than the personified headache on two legs—Lee Juyeon. The man you’d be trapped with for the next week, choreographing a dance in a genre you knew nothing about. Hesitance lining your frame, you nod to your instructor before she concludes the meeting and escapes the dance practice room. On the outside, you appeared calm and collected, hardly disheveled by the current news. Inside, however? You were screaming and panicking. 
To fully relish in the horror of the situation, you have to understand how much of a nuisance Lee Juyeon really was. The two of you could not have been further from each other. You see, Juyeon was not one to care for perfection—to say he was tardy would be an understatement. The hip hop major would show up to team practices on his own terms, which usually meant about 20 minutes past the actual start time, complete with an iced coffee from the convenience store down the street. He would never fail to spend the rest of your joint practice time fooling around with his little goons, cracking jokes that deserved an eye roll—if not more. You, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than perfection. You worked your ass off for a seamless, perfect performance every time, and Juyeon would do nothing but taint that. 
You and Lee Juyeon. A ballerina and a hip hop dancer. There was no doubt you two were worlds apart. So, how the hell were you two supposed to work together?
A groan spilt from your lips as you pivoted, turning away from your so-called dance partner. This was all just some sick, torturous dream. None of this was real. Soon, you’d wake up in your comfy bed; in a reality that didn’t involve this duet of nightmares. 
“y/n! Wait up!” His voice peaked in your ears again—nails to a chalkboard. “Where are you going?”
“Where do you think? I’m going home!” You spat, pivoting back to face him. “Do you really believe we’re gonna be able to work together? We’re complete opposites, Juyeon. Knowing us, there’s no way we’d be able to co-operate. And don’t even get me started on that insane deadline! How are we supposed to get anything done in 5 days?” 
Juyeon inches closer to your figure, his hand clinging onto the nape of his neck. “Look, I’m not too stoked for this, either, but it wouldn’t hurt to try and work together.”
You choke, expecting anything but that response. Since when was Juyeon so willing to cooperate? “Are you serious?”
Juyeon nipped at his lips, pausing. His eyes bore through you—there wasn’t a joke in sight. “Almost everyone in our team gets along—except us. It’ll improve our overall teamwork.”
You gulp. Juyeon’s caught you tongue tied. Were you even listening to the same man you knew 5 minutes ago? You look up at the dancer, finally granting him the light of day. His eyes, however, were already on you, practically piercing through your skin. 
“I promise, y/n, I won’t let you down.”
His words; they were weird. He’s said that exact phrase already—to your dance instructor after she bore the two of you the bad news. Nevertheless, this time felt different. They felt more genuine. Could you really trust him?
You gulp once more. “Fine.”
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As you sat on the bus ride home that night, you gaze at your phone. Your digital calendar was littered with timestamps and reminders; the chaotic schedule you and Lee Juyeon had planned for this god forsaken performance. It was funny, the conception of this small schedule was already enough to spark an argument between the two of you, with him deeming it to be completely useless. May it be the first argument of many.  
Your chest, meanwhile, began to tighten at the thought of him. Today alone, it was as if he’d changed over night, flipping on his head like an airplane in turbulence. In the three years you’ve known him, you’ve never seen him so considerate, so thoughtful. It made you queasy, sick to the stomach. 
Would you even be able to survive?
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Juyeon’s car was stuck in the parking lot. 
It wasn’t because of poor weather conditions or a case of bad traffic, however. On the outside, everything was fine. Completely normal. And yet, Lee Juyeon couldn’t be bothered to set his car in reverse and drive out of his cramped parking spot. The reason?
Lee Juyeon was stuck on the thought of you. 
He wasn’t really sure why, if he was being completely honest. In his mind, you were worlds apart—aside from dance, there was absolutely nothing tethering you two together. The y/n he was familiar with was the definition of uptight and cranky, rarely uttering a word to the people she was supposed to regard as teammates, apart from maybe one person. It was as if the concept of ‘fun’ or ‘relaxation’ were unavailable in your robot itinerary. Your only hobbies consisted of endless practice—hell, you practically lived in the studio—and scowling at Juyeon every time he called you by his nickname. 
It was weird. Despite all of that—your reputation and bitter attitude—Juyeon found a burning sensation creeping in his chest every time he thought about you. Every time he walked by the studio well after practice was finished for the day, only to see the cheap lights still flickered on, with your figure still on the dance floor; it was as if motivation burned through his chest. When it came to you, Lee Juyeon didn’t feel the urge to slack off, to skip practice for the day. 
He didn’t want to let you down. 
Juyeon cleared his throat, adjusting himself in the driver's seat. Motivation. Yeah, that’s it. That’s all it was. It explained the sudden urge to even go through with this performance in the first place. It explained the burning sensations in his chest. Pushing his car shift forward, Juyeon backs his car out of the parking spot he’d been loitering at for what felt like an eternity. The lights of his dashboard blinded him, sending his sorry ass back to reality. A reality where he wasn’t constantly thinking of you. The stone cold princess from another world. 
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First practice and Juyeon was already driving you insane. 
The ivory stained fabric crashed onto the ground, but your fingers were too limp to give a damn. 
“You want my number?” You quizzed over your shoulder, too lazy to properly face the boy lacing up his shoes. “What for?” 
“I dunno, so we can, like, plan stuff or something?” Juyeon suggested, too busy admiring his own features to spare you a glance. You watched as he lifted a hand to gently stroke his jaw, a self asserting smirk lining his lips before finally giving you the light of day. “Shouldn’t we be, like, talking more for this thing?” 
Lacing up your hair away from your face, you shot eagle eyes at your reflection. You wanted to ignore Juyeon’s words, how they were beginning to convince you. And yet, for some reason, you were struggling to do just that. Without hesitation, you curl your body into your first stretching warm up of the day. Never in your life did you think Lee Juyeon wasn’t right. He never was.
“I didn’t know you were so keen on communication” You huff, rolling your eyes. You refuse to make eye contact with Juyeon, though it was something you’ve been struggling with lately. 
“Well, I happen to think communication’s key for good teamwork!” the dancer boasted, completing his arm stretches as he sauntered towards you. “What if things change at the last minute, and you have no other way of knowing? Wouldn’t that just make you more stressed?”
Pausing your stretch routine, you nip at the skin of your lips. Only now did you notice a particular figure standing practically flush against you. Your shoulder mere millimeters before his chest. His head dipped close to your cheek, with barely a sliver of space in between your two frames. You barely noticed all of that. And yet, you did almost immediately notice the deep resin of Lee Juyeon’s voice cradling your ear. 
“We wouldn’t want our princess getting stressed, now would we?”
Your heart was racing—unwantedly so. What was with that switch up? And don’t even get started on that very new, very weird nickname. You felt your breath shorten, quickening with each second you spent trapped in Juyeon trance, his territory. You were frozen, only managing to move by small increments as you slowly turned to face him. Gazing at your dance partner, you couldn’t help but notice how fast the skin of your cheeks flared up. How quickly your mind drew to a blank. Where on earth did this new Juyeon even come from? 
And why were you hesitating to run away?
"W-what are you—" you stutter out, your voice a hush.
Suddenly, a wide and devious grin stretches on Juyeon’s face, his eyes turning into full crescent moons. He huffed out a chuckle before quickly bending down to grab a pen from his bag. You were still so frozen, you didn’t even have the willpower to disobey what he said next. 
“Give me your hand,” He requests innocently, a complete 180° from how he was just 5 minutes ago; pure evil. Still not fully out of your trance, you shove your limp hand towards his chest, practically spacing out as he cups your palm in his giant hand. Juyeon scribbles the pen onto your skin, the friction tingling against you—but you didn’t have the resolve to admit you were ticklish. Finally, he lets go of your hand, the lack of warmth lingering in your brain a little longer than you thought it would. Sealing the stationary back up, Juyeon shoots one final grin your way before tossing the pen back in his bag. You glance down at the back of your palm; 10 digits and a poorly drawn heart right beside it. You scowl, though it was really only to hide your rapid heartbeat. 
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“I’m gonna kill Professor Choi, just watch,” Kim Sunwoo grits through his teeth, holding his head in his hands as he continues to drown in the sea of physics homework. You watched as he slowly regressed further into the floor, the layers of worksheets giving him actual, attainable pain. Your own stack of unfinished assignments was nothing to scoff at, either. With your brain too occupied with the dance festival performance, you had just a sliver of time to actually sit down and work on your assignments. 
You watch as Sunwoo trudges upwards, sludging to your kitchen and opening your fridge as if it were his own. He pulls out an emerald can, cracking it open on just one hand. “I’d hate to be in your shoes, though. How do you even balance all this with dancing?”
“Please, don’t even get me started” You leaned back, your arms holding you up as you stretched from your criss-cross position. “That dance festival is more of a pain in the ass than you could ever imagine” 
“Oh yeah, right. How’s that going, anyways?” 
Your best friend's words had the audacity to summon your brain, to reel your thoughts back to the first practice you’ve ever had with Lee Juyeon. The way his figure was mere millimeters away from yours, his breath grazing your cheek. The way his hand practically swallowed yours whole as he wrote his number on your palm—against your better judgment of staying out of touch. The cheeky little smile he shot at you before wisping away, beginning his stretches. It all stained your brain, plagued you with a madness you couldn’t explain. An unfamiliar swirl danced at the pit of your stomach, as graceful as you would during a dance practice accompanied with little to no sleep the night before. Lee Juyeon was making you sick
You gulp, The crescents of Juyeon’s eye smile in particular staying in your mind for longer than you anticipated. Suddenly, the rubbery texture of an eraser crashing into your nose jolts you awake. “Oi, y/n!”
Clearing your throat, you sit up straight. You needed to get those thoughts out of your head. Fast. “Right, yeah-”
“You’re falling for that Juyeon guy already, I see,” Sunwoo smirks, his eyebrows wiggling infuriatingly. Your eyes spill from their sockets, jaw dropping to the floor. 
“What? No! Are you crazy?” You sputter, fidgeting and spazzing like a tree struck by lightning. You chuck your pencil case straight towards his chest; a reflex for his stupidity. Your brows drill to the center of your forehead as you whip your head towards your beloved best friend’s direction. “How do you even know he’s my partner?”
“My lab partner, Jaehyun, rooms with him,” Sunwoo takes a swig of his coke before diving back into his worksheet—or more accurately; his phone. “I guess Juyeon talks about you a lot. I heard he already made his move on the first practice,” Sunwoo said through giggles.
Your chest tightened, that same image of the dancer swimming into your brain. Did he actually talk about you? And why did that even matter?? You steal Sunwoo’s drink, dipping your head back to take in the whole beverage in one fatal swoop. Crashing the can down onto the table, you clear your throat again. “He didn’t make his move okay? He just asked for my number.”
“Well, did you give it to him?” Sunwoo leaned in, curious.
You paused, your breath stuck in your windpipe. You gulped again. “No, are you kidding?”
Almost immediately, you shoot up from your spot on the floor. Stretching your back, you zoom to the kitchen, embarrassment cringing in your chest. You weren’t really sure why you lied. Maybe you were just in denial. Or maybe you just wanted to forget it all. You rummaged through your pantry, diving head first into the snacks you barely even remember purchasing. At least now they served some purpose. You pull out some cheese puffs, obliterating them within seconds. One thing you were completely sure of, is that Sunwoo was anything but right. 
You were not falling for Lee Juyeon. 
Back at the table, moments before Sunwoo contemplates actually trying to get some work done, a ping pops from your phone. Curiosity overtook him, and seeing as though you were busy digging a hole through your pantry, Sunwoo took it upon himself to open your phone. A silver bar falls from the top of your phone screen, the name sending Kim Sunwoo to the heavenly gates of pride. 
Lee Juyeon [7:58 pm]: what time u showing up for practice tmr?
Your best friend was a grinning idiot for the rest of the day. 
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Juyeon wasn’t at all surprised when he heard music playing from the practice room already. He knew exactly who was in there, practicing to perfection. 
He stopped himself just before the practice room doors, his eyes trailing your reflection in the mirror. You were so focused, you couldn’t bother to notice his figure standing right at the door. He leaned against the wall, watching as you moved to the delicate music, your footsteps so nimble they hardly touched the floor. His eyes followed you at every twirl and wide-legged jump you performed, his chest tightening at the sight of you. 
Lee Juyeon was in awe. 
Toying with the velcro strap of his gym bag, Juyeon’s eyes were physically incapable of leaving you. He wanted nothing more than to watch you dance, to thrive on the dance floor. The burning sensation in his chest soon sunk down, fluttering just above his stomach. Without realizing, his heart raced every time you twirled to the music. Juyeon gulped. 
Was he falling for you? 
Slowly, Juyeon took a step into the practice room, chucking his bag into the closest corner he could find. 
He wasn’t so sure anymore.
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Currently, you have about eight days left before the performance. 
And yet, you were distracted as ever. 
The music rummaged through your brain like a gofer to dirt—drilling holes into the parts of your brain that stored its logic and critical thinking.  Sweat beaded from the crown of your head—it was natural, considering you’ve lost count of the times you’ve practiced your routine. You twirled into Juyeon’s embrace, your hand in his as he spun you below his arm. The two of your bodies; a well oiled, factory grade machine as you danced under the starry night of the studio room. Effortlessly, each limb guides one move into another, as your two figures near the end of your performance. 
You two halt your movements, standing still in the center of the wooden tiled floor. This practice was the utmost crucial; it was the first time you and Juyeon would practice the high point of this whole performance, the main event—the lift.
The act in which one dancer, usually the stronger, grabs their partner by the waist and lifts them above the air. It’s an incredible feat that only the most impressive dancers can truly surpass. Nervousness overtook you, your skin freezing to ice. You’ve never dared to do something so rash, so bold in the entirety of your dancing career. 
Could you even do this?
“Are you ready?” A voice chimes in, shocking you awake. Your eyes shoot to the mirror to see Juyeon ghosting your back, his chest flush against your shoulder blades. You gulp, taking extra notice at his hands; most innocently placed at either side of your waist—bare, due to your haphazard ability to get ready in the morning. His fingers felt rough, callous against yours, a metal ring stationed at his middle finger sending more chills down your skin. “y/n?”
A lump jumps out of your throat. For whatever reason, your vocal chords seemed to be sealed shut, no words sliding from your lips in response. Not thinking much of it, your dance partner chuckles at your silence before pulling his hands away from your skin. Something your chest twinges at the loss of his touch, but you chose to ignore it. Juyeon moves to stand right in front of you resting a hand on top of your head as he sends you a smile.  
“Don’t worry, I got you, okay?” Juyeon boasts, curling his bicep in a flexing position worth all of the eye rolls on the world. “I worked out extra just for this, you know.”
You hated how easy his words made your stubborn eyes peek at his figure. Your breath hitched, only now noticing how muscular Lee Juyeon really was. You already knew he towered your stature, but only at this very moment did you realize just how built his shoulders were. Your eyes glided down to his hands, equally—if not more—muscular than the rest of his body. The exact same pair of hands responsible for holding you by the waist, sending your figure soaring through the air. An image of that exact occurrence replayed in your mind like a broken record. 
With your cheeks flushed beyond belief, you snap your head around, concealing your pathetic figure away from the stupid hip hop major. “Shut up, Juyeon.”
One hesitant nod was all it took before Juyeon’s hand latched onto your waist once again. You gulped. It was a perfect fit. With one last glance at you, Juyeon shoots your body into the air, lifting your frame over his head with his arms. You couldn’t believe it; you were soaring amidst the puff of clouds, defying all of the pitiful limits of human nature. You were flying, it was amazing. 
Until it wasn’t.
In about T-minus 10 seconds, reality shook you to your core. You were, in fact, 6 feet in the air, with nothing but a pair of oddly strong hands tethering you to the ground. You were going to die, undoubtedly so. Your body shivered in fear, your hands reaching for Juyeon’s like it was a life source. “Wait—put me down!”
Within seconds, Juyeon listened, propping you back down to the ground. Your body was flush against his, arms knotted around his neck as one of his forearms clung tightly around your waist—never daring to let go. Your heart was jumping out of your chest at the near-death experience. Juyeon’s eyes never pull away from you, worry and fear swelling in each pupil. It was as if all of the immaturity and childishness you associate him with had disappeared from his being, leaving an actually soft, and caring character in its wake. “Oh my god– are you okay!?”
Due to your life literally flashing before your eyes, only at this exact moment did you notice how close you and Juyeon were. Mere millimeters hung between your faces, his raspy breath grazing your skin. Only now did you notice how tight Juyeon kept you against his body as you hung from his neck. An uncomfortable swirl stared at your stomach again, your chest beating rapidly. The two of you stood still; just like that for what felt like ages. The music that accompanied your practice session slowly fading away. It was just you and him. Nothing else in the world surrounded your two frames. 
A part of you, however, didn’t completely mind it. 
You clear your throat, your two figures jumping apart as you did so. What the hell were you thinking? You hated Lee Juyeon. Everything about him; from his work ethic to his stupid eye smile. Your eyes drill to your feet, realizing that you have yet to answer Juyeon’s question. 
“I’m okay.”
You expected the boy to start teasing you. Maybe he’d comment on how ungraceful you were—very unnatural for a ballerina. Or maybe he’d start laughing at you. It was a normal thing to anticipate. But was anything ever normal when it came to Lee Juyeon?
You already knew your answer. 
Cotradictingly, Juyeon’s palm gently patted the crown of your head, lightly ruffling the locks of your hair. He shot you another eye smile—a ray of sunshine you needed to protect yourself from. “That’s good, I’m glad.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Why do you care so much?”
His eyes never managed to leave your gaze. “Come on, is it so weird that I care about my dance partner?”
You pull your gaze away. “Yes.”
With a soft chuckle, Juyeon flicks your forehead. “Well, too bad. I care about you, dummy.”
You stayed silent. Why was your heart fluttering? 
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Checking the weather app was simply useless, not with the rain droplets crashing into the walls and windows of the campus lobby. 
You looked through the glass, defeat pulling your shoulders further into the tiled floor. Bussing home in this weather would be near to impossible with the harsh showers. And what makes it all worse? A quick check on your bus app only lets you know how late your designated bus is; approximately 20 minutes. 
The jingle of keys creep up from behind you, summoning an eye roll almost immediately. You didn’t even need to turn around to know who the owner of the metal even was—it had Lee Juyeon written all over it. You scowl, hugging your body as you continue to face away from him. He probably was only here to flaunt how unfucked he was, a strong contrast to how fucked you were. 
“How are you getting home?” Juyeon speaks up anyways. Typical. 
“Bus.” You murmur, turning to him. “Look, if you’re here to tease me or something, save it. I’m not feeling it.”
“Woah! Okay, for your information, I wasn’t planning on teasing you.” Juyeon throws up his hands in defense, as if you held him at gunpoint. “In fact, I was gonna ask if you wanted a ride.”
Your eyes lit up for a second. A ride. Protection from the outdoors. It was everything you’ve ever wanted. You clear your throat. No. This was Lee Juyeon. It didn’t matter if he was being considerate, or sweet even. This was anything but what you wanted. You needed to get a grip.
“I’m alright, thanks,��� Your voice was soft, hesitant.
“You sure?” He quizzed, your silence overwhelming him with his answer. He huffed a sigh, pausing before unzipping his bag and rummaging through the fabric. “Suite yourself, but you should at least take this.”
Dropping his gym bag, Juyeon inches closer to you. For a split second, his arms wrap around your frame, sending a sharp inhale through your chest, your chest which had already felt tight since he first moved closer to you. His warmth lingered in your mind. The sounds of crashing rain began to fade away—though the skies never cleared up. It was as if you were hallucinating, moments away from losing your mind. After a few seconds, he opens up his arms, draping fabric over your shoulders. It was an instant warmth. 
“What’s this?”
“My jacket—you’ll freeze to death if you go out like this!”
You glance down at your outfit; a cropped sweater made from some cheap fabric, and leggings summoning anything but warmth. Your partner was right, you weren’t prepared in the slightest. “Oh… What about you?”
You gulp. Since when did you care?
“I’ll be fine. I’m driving anyway. Plus, I’m still pretty hot from practice.”
You felt a specific heat creep onto your cheeks, until you realized that Juyeon was only talking about sweating. You idiot. You hide behind the fabric, eyes trailing the ground. “Uh, thanks.”
He pulls your—or, more rightfully, his— hood over your head, patting the crown gently. Meanwhile, you couldn’t help but feel this weird swirl at the pit of your stomach. “Take care, y/n!”
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Currently, Juyeon’s friends were congregating on his couch. The objective of this meeting? Planning the house party that was set for this weekend, the last thing on the list being who they were going to invite. Though Juyeon had his own, more personal objective; to stop thinking about the most recent practice with you—it’s been plaguing his mind all afternoon. And he was failing. Pathetically. 
“What about y/n? Should we invite her?” Juyeon heard his own voice through his confused ears. His mind—all proper reasoning—was clearly lacking behind; he could tell from the confused stares that were plastered on all of his friend’s faces. Clearly, Juyeon missed the memo on “close friends only” being this party’s apparent theme. Could anyone really blame him, though? In his very weak defense, he was too caught up on the thought of you to listen.
“Park y/n? Your dance partner for that festival thing, right?” Lee Jaehyun, his roommate and best friend, cocks an eyebrow; perplexed beyond belief. “You sure? I heard she's a little weird.”
Juyeon grew the slightest bit bitter at his roommate’s words, though he couldn’t explain it. 
“Oh yeah,” Ju Haknyeon, another one of Juyeon’s friends, chimed in, his back leaning into the plush of the beat up couch. “She’s in my psych. class this term. She’s always got her hand up like her life depended on it, bro. It’s kind of creepy, if you ask me.”
Juyeon could feel his knuckles tensing. Who was he to call you creepy? 
Kim Younghoon, the last of Juyeon’s clique, leans forward, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth like a complete mouth. He didn’t even bother to swallow before chiming in. “I heard she’s a total pain during your guy’s dance practice—Changmin’s told me a few things, anyway. Is she always so bossy around you guys?”
A flame rose in Juyeon’s chest. His friends were making it infuriatingly clear; they didn’t know jack shit about you. With his hands subconsciously rolled into fists, Juyeon rose from the couch, towering over his careless friends. In all honesty, it took Juyeon every fiber of his being to not punch the living daylights out of each and everyone of them. Though, again, he couldn’t pinpoint the reason. 
“Okay, no, you guys got it all wrong,” Juyeon began, startling the three boys below him. “y/n’s none of those things! She’s not weird or creepy, she’s just smarter than you could ever dream of being. She’s confident and strives for the best. And when it comes to dance, no one on that team has the strength and power that she has—she's one of the best dancers I know!”
Juyeon’s voice grew soft. Gentle. “y/n—she’s amazing.”
Juyeon didn’t realize just how out of breath he was until he finished his little performance. His body just acted on its own; a habit he’s seemed to have picked up since he got to know you. His three friends were practically in shock, their jaws grazing the carpet they stood on.  
“Damn dude—I didn’t know,” Jaehyun muttered in a hushed voice, genuinely terrified for his life. “How come you got such a soft spot for her?”
Juyeon nipped at his lips, his chest rising. Though he didn’t know why.
He gulped. Who was he kidding? He’s known the whole time.
“‘Cause I like her.”
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“You don’t get a choice young lady!” Sunwoo’s voice peaked a little too powerfully through your phone’s speaker. You winced at the volume, though he couldn’t care less. “You’re going to that party!”
The party in question? The house party, located at the Lee Juyeon and Lee Jaehyun residence. The reason why you were so hesitant in going? The one and only Lee Juyeon giving you a personal invite, of course. 
You didn’t have a clue at what sick game Juyeon was trying to play with you. To your understanding, this last minute performance should have only kept the two of you as close as coworkers from a typical 9-5 would be. You had no intention of keeping in touch with the childish and irritating dancer, absolutely none. So, why should you even consider saying yes to that absurd invitation. And besides, with certain recent events still replaying in your mind unwillingly, you thought it best to avoid seeing the hip hop boy for more than you needed to. You knew all of this, but why was Sunwoo so slow on piecing it together? 
“Why are you so pent up about this?” You groaned. “You care about that party more than I do!”
“For starters, going to any party’s going to increase your chances of making more friends. And, like, you can’t only have one friend in uni, y/n. That’s kinda sad.”
“You’re literally that friend, asshole,” you mutter, seriously considering changing that notion right now. 
“Doesn’t matter, you need to go out more! Live a little! Life isn't just about school and dance, you know?” Sunwoo sounded genuine, though his next words were a complete slap in the face to that notion. “Plus, you can be my wing-woman so I can get a date at this party.”
You groan, drowning in Sunwoo’s infuriating chuckle. Minutes before you were about to hang up on him, unsolicited, your best friend chimes in again. 
“And besides… I have a sneaking suspicion you’re starting to warm up to that Juyeon guy.”
You choke, not once expecting that name to come out of Sunwoo’s mouth. You hate to admit it, but you weren’t so sure if Sunwoo was wrong anymore. You never looked at him with the same fury you had just a couple of weeks ago. He never showed up late to your practices and actually took in the feedback you gave him. You could barely recognize the guy, and you weren’t sure how to feel about that. The image of his stupid eye smile pops in your brain again, and you huff a groan. 
“What makes you say that?” You ask anyway, practically swimming in denial.
“‘Cause you, Park y/n, have finally stopped denying it.” Sunwoo answered, a smug grin swiping across his face. Shit. Could he really see right through you so easily? “The old y/n would’ve shut me up immediately, you know.”
You gulp. How stupid were you? “Shut up.”
“Guess it’s settled!” Sunwoo practically jumped for joy, you could sense it through the phone. “I’ll pick you up at 8!”
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Note to self: never listen to a word Kim Sunwoo says. It’s a lesson you learnt the hard way. 
You push through the seemingly endless wave of university students, the stench of booze drilling through your nostrils. The neon lights pierced your eyes, you were convinced you were about to go blind. Though, you figured going blind wouldn’t have been so bad at the moment; you wanted nothing more than to unsee the poor puking freshman on your right, or the horny couple making out on your left. And worst of all? It seems that Kim Sunwoo had just disappeared into thin air; you couldn’t find him no matter where you searched. 
This was bad. Really bad. You see, Sunwoo wasn’t lying earlier when it came to not having any other friends. In fact, you were currently drowning in a sea of unfamiliar faces. You contemplated how the hell someone could know so many people. You, on the other—more unfortunate hand—only knew one other person. A person that could’ve gone to the moon and back by now; you’d be none the wiser. 
You clung onto the red solo cup as if your life depended on it. In reality, you knew one other person at this house party.
But was your heart ready to face him?
Truth is, your mind hasn’t stopped wandering to the image of Lee Juyeon ever since that last practice. The way he held you in his arms, lifted you in the air; it all stained your brain. The way he danced with you; elegant and graceful. His form and vigor when he completed each and every step of your routine; it never failed to give you butterflies. The way he reassured you at every sliver of worry that shined through your brow, or the way he protected you from such small things like the rain. He was there to comfort you; to shine a sliver of sunlight your way. To make your grumpy ass, smile, just once.
Maybe it was working.
A glimmer of bronze liquid shot down your throat. It burned. What were you thinking? Falling for Juyeon? You couldn’t. 
So why were you sitting on his goddamn couch? At a house party he invited you to?
Another big gulp slides down your throat, your tongue numb to the taste this time around. 
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Before inviting you to the party, Juyeon contemplated your alcohol tolerance. It was natural, considering the amount of booze set aside for the party was nothing to scoff at. However, once the party was nearing its end, and with only a few people left at the Lee Residence—Juyeon definitely had an idea or two. Though your napping figure on the couch was a dead giveaway. 
Your figure only took over ⅓ of the couch, your body curled into a ball as your head rested on the back of the furniture. Your knees were tucked into your chest, your arms wrapping around them like the ribbon to a Christmas present. Red solo cups were littered around the floor and around you, most toppled over; all of them empty. Who knew you were the type to drink so heavy? Juyeon swiftly stripped off his zip up, draping it over you on instinct. 
The more Juyeon looked at you, the more his heart pounded. 
Juyeon placed himself on the couch—right beside you. The weight of his figure pulled yours further down, your head dropping down onto his shoulder. Juyeon’s face ignited, he’s never felt more happy to be in a room without people. He leaned closer to your frame—it was warm, toasty. Your breath reeked of booze, but for some reason, it didn't matter right now.
He stared at the way strands of your hair fell between your eyes, your eyelashes that could sweep the sky. It was something he never witnessed during your practices, mostly because you wouldn’t give him the chance to be near you. You were so stoic and cold normally, seeing you so soft and delicate was beyond new. You made his heart flutter. He couldn’t help but notice how soft your lips were, how they practically glistened under the living room lamp light. 
He wanted to kiss you.
A snore pushes from your figure, jolting him awake from his delusion. You hand, practically limp, inching closer to his so innocently. 
He couldn’t kiss you. Not like this.
“Oh my god, there you are!” A voice pops up from Juyeon’s right. The figure of a sophomore—presumably Kim Sunwoo appears. He turns his attention to him. “Hey, sorry about all this. It’s y/n’s first time at a party like this… I should’ve been more careful.”
“No worries,” Juyeon smiles. His hands ghost your shoulders, a tremor in his movements. “She’s, uh, safe with me.”
“I think our ride’s gonna be here soon, could you maybe gimme a hand?” Sunwoo runs a hand through the nape of his neck. Juyeon only nods, his attention rushing back towards you as he senses a soft touch grazing against his finger. 
It was you, fidgeting with his fingers in your sleep, completely unaware. 
God, you were killing him.
Gently, Juyeon shuffles around, picking you up from the couch in a way so desperate to not wake you up, and follows Sunwoo out the door with you in his arms. 
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You were about to make your way into the dance practice room for your final practice that week when an image stopped you in your tracks like a deer in headlights. It was Juyeon. He beat you to the practice room, rehearsing his part of the routine before you even showed up. 
You caught your bag moments before it hit the floor. You would have never expected someone like Juyeon practicing extra. Hell, you were surprised he actually showed up to your scheduled practices to begin with. 
You found yourself stepping back to watch Juyeon dance. Your eyes were in a trance, spellbound by him. You couldn’t get over how fluid and elegant, yet powerful his movements were. It didn’t matter how much of a slacker he was, one thing was for sure: Juyeon never lacked in a performance. Your chest tightens at the sight of him as you gulp. You couldn’t seem to take your eyes off of him and his skin tight black shirt, with gray sweatpants hung snug at his hips. Nor his hair, practically drenched of sweat as it hung over his eyes. 
Why couldn’t you stop looking at him?
Were you actually falling for him?
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A water break. A calming water break. That was all you ever wanted. Instead, you got your mind split eight different ways. 
A sudden warmth ghosted behind your shoulder. Juyeon’s chest brushes right up against your shoulder blade, his palm lightly clinging onto your waist as he slithers past you to grab his water bottle that was right beside yours. Your skin jumps straight into goosebump hell, sparks skidding off of the surface—fireworks. Juyeon’s hands were warm to the touch, a stark contrast to your frozen figure. You hated how soft his skin felt. Your heartbeat skyrocketed, your systems rebooted. All because of a little touch. You’re pathetic. 
“Excuse my reach,” he said, infuriatingly innocent.
You wanted to scream at him. You drank your water instead. 
After moving away, the two of you stood in silence, only the music of your performance looping every now and then. You thought it was normal—considering you’ve practically spent your entire time at school hating this man, it was natural you didn’t have much to talk about. Though, clearly, Juyeon thought it peculiar.
“Are you alright? You’ve been awfully quiet.”
You snort. “You say that like we talk often.”
Juyeon looks away from you. “Well, maybe I want us to talk more.”
Your heart was thumping rapidly again. You grip onto the fabric near your chest as an effort to slow down its pace. A failed attempt, anyway. The pit of your stomach fluttered at his smooth words. You, however, didn’t give way to his request, staying silent as you gulped down more of your water. Maybe then Juyeon would stop shaking you up so much.
“Oh, wait—stay still, y/n,” Juyeon’s voice popped in your ears once again. You watched as his hand swerved up towards your forehead. You felt his fingertips brush up against you, the back of his hand sliding down your cheek as he detangled strands of your stubborn hair. He huffs out a chuckle, eyes never leaving your sight. “You’re hair’s a little wonky–”
You weren’t fully recovered from the last unwanted touch from Lee Juyeon, circa 2 minutes ago. That was for sure. You’ve had it. You’ve had enough of his teasing. You needed answers. With your chest still ablaze, you swat Juyeon’s hand away, leaving the boy all doe-eyed and confused. You ball up your fist, pivoting to stand right in front of him. To stand your ground. 
“Just stop!” Your voice boomed. Your chest heaved as your eyes drilled through his. “What the hell are you doing?”
“What do you mean, I’m just—”
“I’m not just talking about this, I’m talking about everything! Why the hell are you so sweet to me? Why do you go out of your way to take care of me? Are you trying to toy with me or something? God, you’re driving me insane, Juyeon!” You utter, defeated.  You fiddle with your sleeves, steam practically poofing from your ears. 
Juyeon huffs a sigh from his chest, slowly taking steps around your agitated figure. “For your information, I’m not just toying with you.” He gazes at you from the reflection of the dance mirror, his voice traveling from behind. “I do genuinely care about you, y/n. I want to be sweet to you, I want to do all of those things. I like you, y/n”
I like you, too, you thought.
Though in reality, you choke, your heart caught in your throat. You couldn’t seem to look away from him as you gulped. “We can’t like each other, Juyeon,” Your voice was a hush. “We’re too different. We’re worlds apart.”
“I’d move worlds just to have a chance with you.” Juyeon rasped, his voice cradling your ear.
Your eyes widen. Your heartbeat was overpowering your ear drums. All you could hear were the constant thumps of the muscle. And all you could think about was Lee Juyeon. Suddenly, that same warmth cocoons your shoulder blades and your chest tightens. From the reflection on the mirror, you watch as Juyeon’s fingers brush against your wrist, moving down to your fingers. You watched as his left hand stayed with yours, as his right switched paths and landed on your bare waist. Your breath hitched. 
“Juyeon, we can’t…” You practically whimpered, not having the strength to finish. 
Juyeon’s lips were mere millimeters from the shell of your ear. “Are you sure?” His right hand suddenly lifts and begins to trace small shapes against your waist, his touch tingling you beyond belief. His left hand lifts your limp wrist right up against his lips. Instead of looking at your reflection, Juyeon looks right at you—the real you—before his voice drops to barely a whisper. 
“Make me stop, then.”
Juyeon kisses your wrist, pulling away your sleeves as he peppers soft kisses against your skin. With his right hand, his strokes against your skin grew stronger and wider, his index toying with the hem of your cropped shirt. You squeeze your eyes shut, your face flush as your stomach flutters. Your head was spinning, you rested it on his collarbone. You couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Don’t stop.”
Chuckling, Juyeon drops your hand, his palm cupping your cheek as he spins you to face him. Your breaths grew shallow at the sight of him. His eyes deepened as they gazed into you, pierced through you. You watched his breaths falter just like yours, picking at his lips and gulping before he speaks again. 
“Can I kiss you, y/n?”
That's all it took for Juyeon to dive into you, encasing his lips into yours. It was rough and rugged. As if he’d been restraining himself for years, maybe even centuries. With one hand still cupping your cheek, another one of his hands cross your back, pulling your figure up against his chest. Your hands, which were once clinging desperately onto the fabric of his sleeves, now roped around his neck. Your hand snaked towards his head, your fingers toying with a lock of his hair. On command, Juyeon grunts, his grasp around you tightening. His hold on your lips tightened with it. 
Butterflies exploded at the pit of your stomach. It was as if a burdening weight had been lifted off of your shoulders—you were practically floating in the air. You didn’t have to hide anymore, you didn’t have to run. You could say with pride. 
You liked Lee Juyeon.
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“That was amazing, you two!” Your dance instructor beams as you and Lee Juyeon saunter back into the dressing room, heaving and sweating. The two of you had just finished your performance for the school’s annual club festival; a standing ovation. Your dance instructor was jumping with joy, swiping through the unfocused pictures she took of the performance with her phone and her unstable grasp. After mumbling something about letting the school newspaper know, and giving the both of you quick hugs, she runs out the door—leaving you two alone. 
Your eyes gaze upon the vanity mirror, eyeing your performance dress. It was covered in loose red sequins, you were a shimmering flame. A few detached sequins were scattered atop your shoulders—and Juyeons. They most likely came off while dancing, jumping onto his black, tight fit blazer, complete with red accent pieces and a particularly low set neckline, exposing his bare chest. You wouldn’t be lying if you said you had snuck in a look or two. Juyeon looked too good to pass up. 
Besides, it seems like he’d say the same thing right now. 
Juyeon’s eyes drilled through you. His figure slowly inched closer to you, his hands hugging the edges of your waist once he got close enough. It seems as though it was his favourite place to hold you—and you didn’t mind. It gave you butterflies every single time. His lips traced your jaw, peppering a small kiss before whispering in your ear. “You look beautiful, y/n.”
You hum a chuckle, sliding a hand up his chest and around his neck. “Too bad my dress is coming off soon.”
Juyeon’s eyebrows shoot up to the sky. “That was bold.”
You smack his shoulder. “Not that! I meant that the dress isn’t mine, dumbass. I’ll have to change out of it before I leave tonight. You, too!”
“Oh right.” Juyeon deadpanned, pouting before a light bulb buzzed from the crown of his head. After his steps cause you to move backwards, Juyeon lifts you slightly and plops you on the surface of the vanity desk. With his hands on each of your thighs, Juyeon leans forward, his face barely a centimeter apart from yours. Your lips, just breaths away from his. “Maybe I can be of some assistance?”
“You’re so dumb, Juyeon.” You punch his chest with no actual force. In truth, you wanted him, right then and there. You ball up his collar into your fist, pulling him in for a kiss. A groan lifts from your chest as you cling around his neck. Juyeon moves closer to you, ever so slightly spreading your legs apart. His hands, still on your thigh, trail up the skin, his fingers peeking through the hem of your skirt. His touch elicits another moan from your lips, making you pull from your kiss. 
“Juyeon” You whimper. 
Juyeon cups your cheek. “Not now, baby. I can only have you for myself. We need to go somewhere private.”
Your breath hitched. “Then take me home.”
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Your skin was on fire as Juyeon laid you on the plush of your bed. Lee Juyeon was cruel—giving you a taste of him right before making you wait. Juyeon leans into you, deepening the kiss, a hand sinking down into the mattress beside you. His tongue swipes at your lips, demanding for an opening. You grant it, his tongue dancing inside the walls or your mouth. It slides against yours; a performance of bliss. You moan, your arms clinging from underneath his shoulders, your grip growing tighter. You weren’t going to let him slip through your fingertips. You weren’t going to lose him. Not again.
Juyeon’s hand wandered mischievously, his touch teasing you. One hand pressed against your bare thigh—it didn’t take him much to get you in just a shirt and panties. He traces your skin slowly. Painfully slow. His other hand slipped underneath the hem of your shirt, moving straight to the swell of your breasts. He took your breast in his large hand, massaging your skin. He takes your nipple in his fingers, swirling the tip with his pads. It sends your head spinning, your back arching and your chest pushing closer to him. You mewl at his touch. You needed more.
Your lips pop apart, swollen from the pressure. Juyeon wouldn’t dare to look away from you. His hands move again. 
“Does this make you feel good?” His breath was hot and heavy—it burned against your lips. You barely muster a whisper. “Yes—more.”
He pressed another hand right on your other breast, playing with your nipple. It sent you soaring, dirty noises lifting from your lips. It was a sight for sore eyes, seeing you so pent up just for him. Juyeon replaces his hand with his lips, peppering kisses all over your breast. Claiming it as his own. He takes his sweet time, leaving love bites and hickeys trailing up and down your skin. His lips envelope your center, his tongue swirling your hardened peak. Your moans grow louder as you grip a lock of his hair—sending him into overdrive. He groans into your skin, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
His hand was merely centimeters away from the place you needed him most. Your core was throbbing, aching for his touch. It soaked the wimpy fabric. You grip his hair harder, growing irritated from how much he was teasing you. Juyeon only snickers, lightly pressing into your clothed folds with his thumb, sending shockwaves down your body. “How bad do you want me, baby?”
You subconsciously jut your hips forward, pressing his thumb ever so slightly further into your core. You were getting restless. “So bad, Juyeon. I need you—everything.”
After teasing your clothed core, Juyeon pulled over the wet fabric, leaving your pussy bare, open. Slowly, Juyeon pushes a finger into your core, his pad dancing in your walls. You sharply inhale at the length of his fingers. Fuck, his hands were big. His calloused knuckles grazed your insides. A moan jumps from your lips as Juyeon pumps in another finger—filling your core up more. The thrusts of his wrists grew faster, your walls coming in tighter, moments before collapsing at his touch. You prop yourself up, looking down to watch the dirty image of Juyeon’s hands fucking your pussy mindless. Juyeon pumps a third finger, curling all three of them as he reaches deeper inside you. Your core was throbbing as you failed to stifle all the dirty noises leaping from your throat. 
You instinctively thrust into his hands, making him reach more. though you didn’t need to try too hard; not with Juyeon’s long fingers fucking you deep already. Juyeon’s lips swipe at your jaw, peppering kisses and tracing his tongue around your skin. You were convinced you were seeing stars. But you knew Juyeon wasn’t done just yet. Juyeon’s thumb begins to swipe circles around your clit. It was the same motion your head was spinning in from the bliss of his touch. 
Your walls tightened around his fingers, his thrusts grew rampant and primal. You threw your head back—your body was out of your control, now. It was all his. 
“Juyeon,” you said his name without realizing.  
“That’s it, baby. Cum all over me.”
And you did. With one last groan of his name, you came undone by his fingers. Your juices coated his palm, as well as a little pool in between the wrinkles of your innocent bedsheets. After gaining just the smallest bit of consciousness, you look up at Juyeon. A tent of fabric propped up right below his torso. 
 Just then, you had an idea. Gathering up all of your strength, you pushed Juyeon down into the bed. You climb over top of him, his clothed bulge rubbing against your raw pussy. You pressed a hand down his chest, dipping your head to whisper in his ear. “Can I ride you?”
Juyeon groans, gripping onto your hips. “Fuck, yes.”
You tug down at his waistband, and the two of you work together to pull down his pants. His length reveals itself, throbbing at a stiff peak. It caught you tongue tied. There was a reason his hands were so big. You couldn’t help but lick your lips as you unrolled the condom. The latex summoned a groan from him, his finger digging into your skin. You positioned your entrance at his tip, a stark inhale running through your chest as you finally sunk into his length. Yours and his moans intertwine, dancing in the night sky as you began your slow thrusts. 
Juyeon’s cock grazed against all of your walls, the friction was driving you insane. He filled you up, fucked you deep. He throbbed into your walls, exploring you deeper than you could ever imagine. You wanted, no, needed more, thrusting faster into his length. He was hitting all of your spots, he was perfect. Lewd noises circled around your bodies; your skin slapping into each other, the premature juices webbing in and out of your core, the repeated calling out of each other’s names. Juyeon’s grip on your hips grew tighter, his forearms tensing to bring you closer to him; to bring him deeper into you. Your thrusts grew dirty, readjusting yourself to get more power in each thrust using your feet. Juyeon brings a hand behind you, palming and massaging your ass. 
You could feel your walls clamping in again, tightening around his cock. Clearly he could feel it, too. It was obvious with the way his hips push forward, his head drilling into the pillow. Though it wasn’t long until you had your head thrown back—drowning in ecstasy. 
“Fuck, you’re tight, y/n.” Juyeon rasped in between grunts. Though you were too busy in your own world. You only mewl, thrusts becoming messy and unpampered. “Your pussy feels so good, it fits my cock just right.”
Juyeon sneaks a mischievous finger to rub your clit again. He drilled against your sweet spot, your mind trapped in a haze. A dream just with Lee Juyeon. With one last conjoined moan, the two of you crash into each other, cumming in unison. Your hot juices overflow, pooling between your two figures.
Exhausted, you plop beside him. He greets you with his signature eye smile—one infecting you personally as you smile back at him. He encases your frame in an embrace, his forehead wiggling into the crook of your neck. “You did so good, baby.”
You embrace him back, butterflies forming in the pit of your stomach. “You dummy.”
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loverseon · 2 months
SOUL SWAP .ᐟ masterlist coming soon ᯓ★
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pairing female reader x ???
genre royal au, fantasy, kinda mystery ish
synopsis you wake up in a bedroom thats not your own. curtains that arent your own, bed thats not your own. a life thats not your own. no one around you seems to take you very seriously when you try and explain that youre… not exactly who they think you are. but hey, who are you to complain when everywhere you look theres a handsome man who wants you?
word count tbd (around 30k+)
warnings angst, fluff, themes of death, suggestive (tbz being sexy what can i say) cursing, slow burn, gradual pairing reveal, will add more tags as we progress
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teaser one moodboard playlist
part i. the dream of the golden bedroom
part ii. the hero of the first water
part iii. the saviour of the fallen
part iv. the master of the wild
part v. the commander of the gods
part vi. the ceremony of the conqueror
part vii. the end of the beginning
part viii. epilogue: the princess of stars
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a/n shakes u by the shoulders ohhhh its happeninf its happeningg
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glorianamultistan · 1 year
i need a sangyeon male reader ff from u maybe a continuation it keeps me alive!!! ☹️☹️
Hi @innieplanet thank you for requesting and sorry it took so much time to finish it. I wrote something new and not a continuation I hope you like it.
Sangyeon x Male Reader
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I do not own the pic.
Slipping down the sofa slowly, there, between the coffee table and the sofa, one could not easily tell by looking whether it was Sangyeon who was trying to hold both of them up or y/n, who in the trance of liquid kisses wasn't even aware of the slippage, trying to pull the older closer.
Both seemed to be following the same route from afar, at least that is what Sunwoo thought when he yelled at them to stop before their managers come.
Y/n was not a celebrity, just a friend; that is how Kevin introduced him to the group, but the body language between them left a lot of room to be discussed by Sangyeon with Kevin before rushing to conclusions.
As it turned out, y/n was really just a friend, with a love for delicate skinship. Kevin did all he could, hugging, kissing on cheeks and forehead and practically sticking y/n on his lap for most of his visits.
There is always an ambiance of cheerful playness when y/n is invited by Kevin to spend time with him. All the other members, especially Juyeon and Eric started liking y/n company too.
Yet, Sangyeon was always too self-aware around y/n, somehow he was always trying to understand the body language of the younger and the broken Korean he spoke.
Soon Sangyeon realised that it was not some misplaced enchantment he had with y/n; he had started liking the younger; his shy and bubbly antics, his clumsiness and all made Sangyeon want to keep the younger close to him, in his arms, and all these thoughts were making him lose his sanity.
This overwhelming feeling that Sangyeon feels every time some member comes a little too close to y/n irks him.
It happened that one day while most of the members were out on schedule, Kevin asked y/n to come to their dorm and did not mention this to Sangyeon who was the only one present in the dorm.
He saw y/n through the door camera and opened the door with a nervous smile 'Kevin is not here yet.' 'I know hyung but he said I can wait for him as he will bring a present for me.'
Both of them sat awkwardly on the sofa and Sangyeon started the conversation to keep the atmosphere bearable for the younger, somehow during the conversation, y/n shifted closer to the older and was being hugged by him.
It was just how y/n's presence worked, skinship was necessary. But then suddenly Sangyeon realised his hand was around the younger's shoulder and he looked down at y/n typing on his phone.
As he looked up, the proximity was too much, too close; the face of the younger was so clear in front of him, mesmerising. Y/n felt like he was watching a book unfold through the older's eyes, the eyelids, the lips, the face, so close.
'Y/n I really need to ask you, are you single? Are you sure none of the other members like you romantically?" Whisper, Sangyeon did nothing but whisper to not let the moment go to waste, 'No, we are friends hyung.' 'Thank god.'
And this is how the kiss was confirmed and how they were in the situation in which Sunwoo found them.
They both stopped kissing but y/n hid his face in the elder's neck as Sangyeon hugged him. 'Hyung, you really need to let him go; we can not let the manager hyung see you like this.' 'Ah! Did Sangyeon hyung finally make a move!?' Kevin entered the dorm with Juyeon and Eric.
'What?' 'Oh hyung, we have been watching you look at y/n in not-so-subtle ways, so I asked him to come over to make it easy for you.' Kevin said while going towards the kitchen.
So, it was all planned, but the other fact was that Sangyeon was just made aware that he was not subtle while looking at y/n. He looked down, y/n sitting in his lap, looking down. 'Did you know too?' 'No, I thought Kevin was joking because you are my bias.'
Let's just say that it was not going to be easy for Sangyeon to control himself anymore.
P.S.:- If you liked it, you can support me by buying me a coffee; link's on my page.
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cherryhak · 9 months
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Tired - Ju Haknyeon
Pairing. Ju Haknyeon x gn!reader
Genre. Fluff | bf!haknyeon taking care of tired reader | established relationship | lots of head kisses | overall fluff
Warnings. None (?), mention of food
Wc. 598
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A tired sigh left your lips as you stepped into your shared apartment. Today was a long and exhausting day and all you wanted right now was to drown yourself in your lover's arms.
Speaking of which, Haknyeon's head peeked from the hallway and once he took in your tired apparence, he immediately walked to you and engulfed you into a warm, welcoming hug.
"Tired ?" He asked against your hair, one of his hand soothingly rubbing circles on your back.
You quickly relaxed in his embrace and a sigh of relief escaped your lips.
Too tired to make any coherent sentence you simply hummed in response to his question.
His lips lingered on top of your head for a few moments, planting soft kisses to your crown until he pulled away from the hug, still holding onto your shoulders as your arms lazily hang around his waist. He stared at you with loving eyes and his hand made its way to your face to tuck a foreign strand of hair behind your ear.
"Did you eat ?"
You shook your head no causing a small pout to appear on Haknyeon's lips and you couldn't resist but plant a small peck on them.
"You should" he said
"I don't feel like eating, all i wanna do right now is cuddle and sleep"
His pouty lips quickly turned into a smile at what you said.
"Okay then, go take a shower and join me in bed ?" He asked with a tilt of his head
"Sounds good to me" you smiled back
He pecked your lips one last time before letting you go upstairs to get some fresh clothes and take a warm shower.
After a solid 20 minutes of enjoying the feeling of luke water trickling down your skin and relieving all the stress and exhaustion your body accumulated throughout the day, you decided to step out of the shower and get ready for bed.
As relieving as the shower was, your body was still extremely tired and your eyelids felt heavy. Needless to say, you were totally consumed by exhaustion.
Entering your shared bedroom you saw your boyfriend under the sheets, patiently waiting for you.
He stretched his arms out for you to join him which you immediately did ; slipping under the covers and pressing your tired body against his warm one, your head resting on his chest as his hands came up to burry in your hair almost immediately.
"Feeling better ?" He asked softly
"A little" you answered tightening your arms around his body.
Kissing the top of your head, the both of you let the silence take over the room. The only sound you could hear was his heart beating against his chest and his soft breathing.
"Tell me about your day" his soft voice broke the silence
"It was horrible Hak, i don't wanna ruin the mood" you mumbled
"It's okay just tell me. I wanna hear it"
You laughed quietly and complied, ranting about how annoying your co-worker was being and how a certain customer made a scene about her iced tea being too cold (which seemed to be the funniest thing Haknyeon has heard in a while from how hard he laughed at it)
After some time, you words started to get slurred until you stopped in the middle of your sentence and fell completely silent.
Haknyeon looked down at you only to find you fast asleep on his chest.
With one last kiss to your head, he turned off the bedside lamp, wishing you a goodnight and joined you into dreamland.
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papermatisse · 9 months
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† An Anthology of the thoughts which keep me up at night.
† My contribution to October (and possibly November lol). There's only one that is pure fluff; everything else is horror.
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I. Stranger || Byun Baekhyun; body snatcher
II. Into the Woods || Yoon Hyunsuk; fae
III. Don't Look Back || Kim Junmyeon; automatonophobia
IV. Solace || Bae Jinyoung; scopophobia
V. Perchance to Dream || Lee Sangyeon; somniphobia
VI. Deadend || Yoon Jeonghan; persistent predator
VII. A Rigid Dichotomy || Kim Yonghee; mind control
VIII. Whispers in the Dark || Kim Sunwoo; possession
IX. Enter Bedlam || Oh Sehun; Eldritch
X. Security Blanket || Choi Seungcheol; demon
XI. Beckoning || Joshua Hong; siren
XII. Rainy Day || Ji Changmin; astraphobia
XIII. The Somnambulist || Park Chanyeol; somnambulophobia
XIV. Portrait of a Man || Lee Juyeon; Gothic
XV. Lore || Kwon Soonyoung; vampire
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© papermatisse, 2023. please do not repost, copy, or translate any of my works here on tumblr or any other other platform
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jinisnuggets · 3 months
ιт'ѕ ¢αℓℓє∂ кαямα
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᴶᵘʸᵉᵒⁿ ˣ ᵍⁿ/ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᴳᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᴬⁿᵍˢᵗ, ˢᵐᵘᵗ?
ᵂᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: ¹.⁵ᵏ
ᵂᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ˢᵘᵍᵍᵉˢᵗⁱᵛᵉ, ˢʷᵉᵃʳⁱⁿᵍ, ᵈᵒʷⁿ ᶠᵃˡˡⁱⁿᵍ ʳᵉˡᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢʰⁱᵖ, ˡᵃᶜᵏ ᵒᶠ ᵃᵗᵗᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿ
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ᵇᵃⁿⁿᵉʳ: @cafekitsune
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Your boyfriend, who was majoring in becoming a doctor… really couldn't take a break from his studies.
Although you were younger than him, you had already graduated completely and we're moving on to the next chapter of your life.
Yes maybe you were still listening to music on your headphones as you logged into Minecraft to play with some of your SO’s friends (which was honestly one of your favorite things to do), you still couldn't help but still feel like you really did take huge step forward now that the next part was finding a job to maintain yourself and move out of your dorm, having the freedom to create your own rules.
However he was just…
“I'm bothering you?” You heard your boyfriend say still looking at his assignments.
“I don't want you to take it badly- it isn't that you're bothering me but I feel like we can never hang out or go on dates anymore.”
“I know I'm sorry babe- I'm really trying my best, I promise once this is over I'll have more time for you.”
“Take your time! But just try to make a bit more time for our relationship, like lets get a us night where we can watch a movie or a drama... I don't know but let's do something.”
A slow smile formed on his face as he turned around to look at you, nodding softly with some of the most innocent eyes.
“I'll see what I can do.”
Leaving the room, you brought yourself to the couch which sat peacefully in the living room, slowly laying down and taking your phone out of your pocket.
The more you thought about it the more you realized you really were truly lucky to have someone like Juyeon next to you. For as far as you could remember Juyeon always had that reputation as a guy who was hard to date, not even because he played hard to get, but because he just naturally wasn't interested in having a relationship.
A man who was so focused on his studies and truly rarely felt affection towards anyone, it really did make a perfect combination. Truthfully you enjoyed all those qualities of the man who you often saw in your dreams, good human being, handsome, studious, and open to trying new things. He was someone who could easily be trusted even by those who had trust issues, like yourself.
The furthest memories of your crush on him went all the way back to middle school, when you were 13 and he was 14. You were never the type who just glanced at someone and declared them your hallway crush just so you could find a brand new one 2 days later… when you had a crush it was damn serious, and anyone who knew you would say the same thing.
Juyeon was one of those guys who had pulled you into their game of catch, and you weren't complaining because at the end of the day… it was you who won, which had a guaranteed winning percentage of 0% at the time, now that you were in your 20's you often laugh at your younger self.
You couldn't remember when things began going downhill in your relationship with Juyeon, all you knew is that it was during college, both of you played a part in that and no one could deny it. Although it upsetted you, you could never bring it up due to his busy schedule, so today that he stayed in the dorm in order to complete his work, you took the opportunity to talk with him about it, which didn't go as expected but at least it was said.
But you just had a gut feeling that nothing would change… and for some reason it just really bothered you.
You found yourself standing in front of his door, late but still early, you had to be quick because it was a school night, and you completely knew that after the first move was played there was no going back.. it was worth thinking if what you were doing was okay, but you just wanted to tell your lover that you really needed his attention and would do anything for it.
Bringing your eyes to the fixed person in front of you, you brought yourself to ask “Do you want anything?” as you held a glass of water above your appeared to be empty hand, taking a sip before placing it on his side table that was full of his folders and books.
To your surprise… well you didn't know if you could say that when you fully expected it- Juyeon was sitting on his bed, laptop on lap with notebook on his side.
“That's kind but no thank you, I am okay for right now. If you want you can come join me for some time”
You smiled and nodded as you realized your boyfriend hadn't forgotten and took into consideration what you had said earlier.
Maybe there wasn't a need to go so far..?
Juyeon focused on his laptop as you leaned on his shoulder, resting your arm on his waist and looking at the screen in front of you, you really were lucky to find such a green flag- however, the fact he prioritized his studies so much was bothering you… a lot more than you thought it would and part of you felt guilty for that… especially because he was so passionate about becoming a doctor and you limited that experience for him. You really couldn't help feel this way, but you always found a way to reason with yourself.
Before you realized, your body had acted for you and you had unconsciously closed Juyeon’s laptop and threw it to the side.
Glancing at your boyfriend who started at you with a confused stare, mouth opening as if he was about to make a comment on your behavior, you interrupted him before he could speak, “Don't you think that's enough work for today..? Babe..?”
Juyeon chuckled awkwardly before responding “Y/n- I can't rest until I finish my assignment.”
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend's response, slowly turning back to look at him with a bored and somewhat offended glare.
“Seriously Juyeon, what's up with you? You have a total of 4 years to complete and earn your degree! There's many people who have managed to complete it without an issue and no need to overwork themselves so much. Why can't you be like them?”
Juyeon slowly lifted his head to look at you as he noticed your angry tone.
“Look I'm sorry, I get why you're mad- I haven't been prioritizing you and I sincerely apologize for that. I promise I'll do better.” You heard him respond, although he had a bit of annoyance scattered around his voice, he truly was sincere and truthful.
That wasn't enough for you however.
“If you're gonna tell me that then start to prove it.”
You didn't intend your voice to sound so aggressive, but you definitely did put yourself on top of him with your tone.
“I promise I will- just give me time. Tomorrow I'll invite you out for dinner and I'll take you shopping.”
“Juyeon- I don't want any of that.”
Voice low and monotone, waiting for your boyfriend's response, who was lost looking into your deep colored eyes.
“Then what do you want me to do?”
Smiling, you slowly brought yourself closer to him, kissing him slowly, making sure to deliver all of your love through that one, simple, long kiss.
“What was that for-..?” He asked, with a small smile forming on his face as he laid down pulling you on top of him. If there was a better opportunity to carry on with your plan, the best time was to do it now.
“Listen Juyeon, I don't want you to spend your money on me... What I want is you.”
You couldn't hold yourself from topping him who looked so innocent at the moment. You sat him down on the bed and started kissing him, you knew he loved when you were the first to initiate a romantic moment, which caused you to slide your hands down his chest and into his waist which was proportionate to the rest of his body. Slowly traveling your hand to his stomach and massaging his abs, bringing your hand under his shirt.
“Shit- you're really doing something to me…” he said, with an out of breath voice as he groaned ever so slightly, slowly the feeling of his hardened bulge became more obvious.
You brought yourself down, wrapping your mouth around him and his pants, you could hear his moans becoming louder and his covered dick twitching.
“Fuck- I'm close…”
And those were the words you were waiting to hear, because at the sound of them you lifted yourself from his bed and walked down to the door as he stared you down with a visibly confused look on his face
“You're just gonna leave me like that?”
Responding, you muttered “It’s called karma.” as you opened the door, waving goodbye and goodnight to your panicked boyfriend.
On the way back to your room you just really couldn't help but laugh, how funny it was to see him get a taste of his own medicine.
Guess Karma really did exist.
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jaestrz · 1 year
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 - 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨 김선우
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𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: kim sunwoo x afab reader
≡;- ꒰ ° he was constantly putting you first in every single situation. It was a sign to let people know how much he loves you.꒱.
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Sunwoo is very careful with what he does especially when he’s around you. Even more when he needed to make a decision with every move he made. One of his biggest habits is putting you first. he wouldn’t hesitate or starts complaining when you’re struggling or needing something that requires him to move a lot even if he’s in the most comfortable position in his life.
he cares for you too much to start caring about his own self.
so knowing how his attitude would act, you try to at least make the most minimum struggle as you could so he could stay at his own spot. Even if that means you accidentally cut yourself with a knife, you really didn’t want him to know until you were able to stop the bleeding and put a bandage on it so he worries less. So to begin with, you would rather die than putting a lot of burden on him even if he wants to climb up a mountain just for you to struggle less. He was Kim Sunwoo after all. Not surprising. But living with him was more crucial when most of his cabinets are the same height as him.
He was a literal giant. Everything in the apartment is hard to reach unless with the help of a stool.
genuinely sucks. That maybe hurt your pride a little.
You already knew the purpose to as why he was putting you first which you could easily understand but at the same time you were starting to think if taking care of you was hard. The last thing you want to see was an upset Sunwoo when you injured yourself.
Cutting things? Sunwoo. Taking stuff from a damn high cabinet? Sunwoo.
at this point he conquers the kitchen cutting duties when you’re cooking something that requires knife skills.
So you did things without him acknowledging it. At least you tried. Without Sunwoo you would probably end up at the hospital with bruises and cuts on a daily basis. you winced when you felt the sharp object accidentally skinned in your finger, blood trickling at the tip of your finger. The knife hit the surface of the counter due to your sudden drop.
Sunwoo was in the bedroom. He could definitely hear that.
“Are you okay baby? Did something happened?” His voice was getting nearer and nearer.
if there was something you’re grateful of, it’s by the fact that Sunwoo is very the calmest person. It’s hard for him to react to something unless he saw it as a ‘oh this one really hit my emotions’ kinda stuff. He doesn’t talk much nor nags when something he doesn’t like happens. He just try to solve it out while processing what had happened.
“You’re not mad are you?” You asked. Maybe you don’t really trust your instincts enough. Sunwoo was hard to read by facial expressions. he knew how much you also cared about what he feels. “i’m not but next time please call me to do it instead hm?” He gently cleaned your wound and when you winced in pain Sunwoo stopped for a moment and comforted you. Your heart melted at the sight of his eyes focusing on your minor injury. You don’t think you could think of the cut anymore when Sunwoo’s here.
after he was done, he put things away before turning his attention back to you. His arms wrapped around your waist from behind your back with his chin rested on your shoulder.
“what is my baby making?” He asked.
“tteokbokki. Are you okay with it?”
he mostly helped you with it which will forever stay as a precious memory together. Laughter and giggles filled the kitchen. and when it was done, the both of you shared a plate to eat (why two when you can use one?). He prefers it that way.
You get tired easily. so when he saw how you silently yawn, he knew it was time to rest. It was getting pretty late. You ended up going to bed while Sunwoo gets things done quickly before joining your sleeping figure. His heart mealy at the sight of it.
he planted a kiss on top of your forehead.
“goodnight love. Sleep well.”
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idyllic-ghost · 1 year
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title: private, not secret
pairing: sunwoo x reader
synopsis: you go through a normal day with your secret private boyfriend, sunwoo, and remember all the great times you've shared together.
warnings: none
genre: fluff, established relationship, secret relationship
word count: 2k
rating: pg
Chills spread across your arms as you started stirring awake. You tried to crawl back under the covers without opening your eyes, but you had to give in eventually. When you did, you turned around to try to find your boyfriend. He had spent the night, and you were expecting him to be beside you now - except he wasn't. His usual side of the bed was empty. Instead of Sunwoo, there was a teddy bear. Its fur was worn, but the button-eyes were still shiny. The bear was cutely tucked in under the covers, and you smiled at the sight.
It had been about a year since you had gotten that teddy bear. Sunwoo won it for you during a carnival, and you have kept it ever since. You pick the bear up and hold it in your hands, grazing your thumb against the fur, and remembering the day you got it, and how you named him.
Walking down the road away from the carnival, the two of you were watching the sunset at the edge of the horizon. In your hands was the teddy bear, and you were playing around with its paws.
"Thank you again", you say with a small smile, "You didn't have to."
"I wanted to", Sunwoo shrugged and pushed his hands into the pockets of his jacket, "Have you named it yet?"
"Hmm...", you watched the bear carefully, "I'll name him Sunwoo."
"So you're replacing me?", he gasped and faked being offended.
You giggled and looped your arm around his. Sunwoo looked around but quickly relaxed once he noticed that no one was around. He leaned toward you and pressed a chaste kiss on your temple.
"I'm not replacing you", you explained, "He'll stay with me when you can't."
He looked at you with a slight pout that formed into a smile, and he pulled you in a bit closer.
"You're so cute", he mused.
You put the teddy bear back in the bed and pulled the covers over him just like Sunwoo had. In the sudden need for breakfast, you put on some more clothes and walked into the kitchen. There he was, mumbling along to the lyrics of whatever song was playing - you weren't really paying attention to it.
"Good morning", you smiled and leaned on the counter beside him, "I liked the tucked-in teddy bear."
"I thought you would like it", he hummed and grabbed a pot of coffee he had just made, "Do you want some coffee, sweetheart?"
You hummed and grabbed a mug for yourself. Sunwoo poured you some coffee and you held the cup to warm your hands. The two of you usually drank iced coffee, but it was a hassle to make in the morning. Sunwoo wrapped one arm around you and snuck a kiss on your cheek.
"Aren't you cheeky today?", you chuckled.
Sunwoo pointed at his cheek and leaned toward you, and you rolled your eyes before pressing a kiss to his cheek as well. You let go of the mug with one hand to brush out some hair from his face. He gave you a lovesick grin and pointed toward his lips before pouting slightly. You caressed his cheek and brought him in for a kiss. It was short and sweet, just enough for this morning. When you pulled away, Sunwoo tried to pull you in again, but you put your hand on his chest to stop him.
"I need to get ready", you explained as he pouted, "And so do you, you know?"
"... do you want to meet up after you're done for the day?", he asked, "We can go to that little café again."
"I'd love to", you sighed, "But I don't have the time today"
"But wouldn't you rather get iced americanos with me than do boring paperwork?", he suggested and wriggled his eyebrows.
"You make such a good point", you whined, "I can't, though"
Sunwoo finally complied and the two of you started making breakfast together. As usual, after sleeping at each others' places, you ate breakfast together, got ready, and started walking to the metro.
The two of you walked with a good amount of space between you. You loved Sunwoo, and he loved you, but neither of you wanted to tell the world about your dating life - let alone your friends. To the rest of the world, you two were just very good friends. Sure, people had speculated and joked around before, but you always denied it. Neither of you had talked about coming clean about your big secret, even though you had been dating for a few months now. You looked over at Sunwoo. He noticed and looked back at you, and smiled.
"What's up?", he asked.
"Nothing", you shook your head, shaking away the thoughts you were beginning to have.
When the two of you arrived at the metro, you began walking a bit closer. The station was full, as usual, and you didn't want to lose each other. In the masses of people, Sunwoo sneakily put his hand in your jacket pocket - intertwining his fingers with yours. You looked over at him with a knowing smile, but he pretended not to notice.
It only took a few minutes for the train to arrive. There were no seats available, so you had to stand. Sunwoo let you stand closest to the wall, while he stood in front of you like a shield from the rest of the people. Your hands held onto the pole, his over yours, but his pinky finger started going astray. Sunwoo slowly started moving his hand to cover yours. He wouldn't look at you, but his smile was growing bigger by the second. However, his stop was next, and soon he had to get off the train. Sunwoo finally looked at you, mouthing a "goodbye" before stepping off the train.
In the middle of the day, just after lunchtime, you received a text from none other than Sunwoo. The day had been boring so far, but now you were hurrying off to the bathroom with a gleeful feeling in your stomach. You weren't allowed to look at your phone if you weren't on a break, but if no one knew you were then how could you get in trouble with your boss?
sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: i miss you
Attached to the message were two pictures; two mirror selfies with cute poses. You had to stop yourself from squealing in the bathroom.
you: did i not pay enough attention to you this morning? sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: do you like the pictures?
You rolled your eyes at the text. It was so like him to act all innocent. It made the fact that people didn't know about your relationship even worse. Whenever he would tease you and then act all innocent in public, you couldn't even complain about it. Given that, you had developed a perfect technique to make him regret his actions. Teasing him back.
you: what pictures? sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: did they not send? you: i don't know, baby sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: are you messing with me? you: now why would i do that? sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: y/nnn you: whaaat? sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: you're not even going to compliment me a little bit? you: fine... you're very cute babe, but please don't interrupt me at work sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: why not? you like it you: mostly because we agreed that we wouldn't do this sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: i'm a rule breaker, baby you: just wait until i get off work, please? sunwoo(✿˶’◡˘)♡: fine
After turning off your phone, you walked back out to your desk. The two of you had agreed to not disturb each other at work, it was a part of your whole deal. To not have to go public, you didn't want to risk people accidentally finding out at work. Meaning no phone calls, no visits, and even no texts - unless there was an emergency. The two of you knew each others' schedules, so you knew when you could and could not text. It was something you had discussed when your relationship started getting serious.
"We should talk", Sunwoo murmured against your hair.
You were laying on top of him, covers wrapped around the both of you. One of his hands was on your back, drawing soft circles on your skin with his fingers. The room was dark. It was early in the morning, but the blinds were drawn to keep the sun at bay.
"About what?", you hummed, practically still asleep.
"Us... what this is", he took a deep breath, "What we want to do with it"
You moved around and managed to get up to lean on your elbows. He looked up at you, a slightly pleading look in his eyes. You could tell he knew what he wanted.
"What do you want it to be?", you asked.
"... I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with", he caressed your arms gently, "But I like you, a lot, and I wouldn't mind if we were something more than we are now."
You leaned down and kissed him softly, and he smiled against your lips. It was a silent promise. While you did have to talk about it, it was nice to know that you were on the same page.
Toward the end of the day, just when it had gotten dark and the streetlights had turned on, you arrived home. You took off your shoes and turned on the lights. With tired steps, you walked towards your dining area to throw your back on one of the chairs there - as you usually did. However, when you looked at your dining table, you noticed a piece of paper there. A letter with a small red heart drawn on it. You immediately opened it and took out the note.
I wish I could be there with you every night, but even though I can't, I want you to think of me. This note is a reminder of my love for you <3 Dream of me XOXO - Sunwoo
The letters were quickly scribbled down, but every word was still beautiful. You pulled out your phone and took a selfie with the note held up next to your face. In your message, you wrote "thank you for the note, Sunwoo! you better dream of me too", and quickly sent it away. For a moment, you put your phone down to go change... but something felt off. In a matter of seconds, you got a message. It was from one of your closest friends and read "ummm... i think you sent this to the wrong person?" with a flustered emoji. Your eyes widened once you realized that you had sent the picture to your friend instead of Sunwoo. You did the first thing that popped into your head. You called Sunwoo.
"Hi, baby, are you home? Did you get my note?", he answered.
"I might have fucked up", you admitted immediately, "I got the note, it was super sweet by the way, and then I was going send you a picture but I managed to send it to the wrong person!"
The two of you started freaking out together, trying to figure out what to do next. But after some time, both of you started receiving a lot of texts - all of which were asking if you were dating. Your friend had obviously spread the news. You were doomed.
"I'm sorry, Sunwoo", you whined, "This is all my fault"
"... maybe it's a good thing", he murmured.
"A good thing? Do you want them to know?"
"I wouldn't mind", he said carefully, "I mean, if you don't mind then I won't. I think it could be nice to not have to hide anymore."
"Are you sure?", you almost whispered.
"I'm sure", he said and as if he could read your mind he added, "... do you want me to come over?"
"Please?", you let out a nervous chuckle.
"I'll be right there", he answered, "Wait up for me?"
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scarletseoul · 2 years
I only started watching the World Cup to support Croatia and South Korea, but dayummmmm Cho Guesung 😍
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Please tell me I’m not the only one who thought he looked like Juyeon from TBZ in this clip ⬇️
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The urge to write NSFW one shots for Guesung is strong…. But I’m not really down with sports fans so I don’t know if they would be as forgiving for that sort of content as other fandoms.
What do you guys think? Should I add him to my writing list or keep it in the drafts?
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chiiyuuvv · 10 months
hiii i saw your post asking for requests and i’m just wondering if i can request a hunter scenario where his s/o is doing his make up ? or them doing the lipstick trend ifykwim (the one where they have kiss marks all over their face and stuff) thank you so much !
Full, symmetrical. The way they were naturally pouty and inviting made his heart skip a beat. They felt soft and were soft. The way it would fit his perfectly made him want to slow down, enjoy the moment as the world came to a stop, the way they moved in syn-
"HUNTER!! Are you staring at my lips again??" I squint my eyes, watching the tall boy quickly turn his head, his cheeks red. "What..? Of course not love.." he answers after a while, avoiding my eyes as he scrolls on his phone. "Why would I ever do that.." he mutters to himself, glancing at me.
"Hmm.. it's just that.. well, you've been doing it all day." I cross my arms, watching him nervously looking around the room as I pass him a plate of food. "Thanks.." He mumbles, digging into his food as I sit in front of him, sipping some of my drink.
The room falls to a comfortable silence, the sound of chewing only heard as we enjoy our food. "The foods really good," hunter breaks the silence, chopping up some of the food with a knife as he circles it around my mouth, feeding me. I hum, opening my mouth to consume the food. "That's only because.." I stop to chew, covering my mouth as I continue.
"I added poison." I wink, making hunter chuckle. "Poison?"
"Yeah, it takes really good right now but that's only a side effect — once midnight strikes you'd be passed out."
"But what about you? You're eating the food too."
"I only put it on your plate.. mine is poison free."
"That may be the case.. but I just fed you some food from my plate. That means your affected too."
"Hunter!!" I gasp, holding onto my stomach. "Y-you knew from the start.. YOU'VE BEEN PLANNING THIS!!" I yell playfully, pointing my finger at him as he lets out an evil laugh.
"Haha!! You have fallen into my trap!" He cackles as I pretend to fall back in my chair, putting my hand on my face. "Just as I predicted.." he gets up, carefully picking up my body and laying me on the couch nearby.
My eyes closed, I feel his hot breath fan my face before he backs away for a second. "Hunt- AHH!!" I scream as he peppers my face with kisses, finally stopping at my lips to kiss me for a few seconds.
"W-what was that for?!" I sit up, my face red as I watch him grin happily. "All according to plan." He claps his hands I look down shyly, suddenly seeing a white flash.
His giggles fill the room as he takes a picture of me, my face red from blushing and large kissing marks. "Did you steal my lipstick?!" I hit his arm playfully, my lipstick sitting on the coffee table. "Look how cute you are~" he changes the subject, swiping the screen to show different photos of me.
"Y-yahh!! Delete that hunter!"
"But whyy?? You looks so CUTEE!"
"If I give you cuddles would you delete it?"
A/n: after reading this I realized it was no where near what was requested😭 I tried to put my own twist to it since their is already a story exactly like this (the request they wanted)
Still, I hope you somewhat enjoy this imagine and thank you for being my first request.
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cloverdaisies · 9 months
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description: LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPAR TMENT: "the court hear by sentences that sunwoo kim, will face up to 6 months and 10 days in prison with no chances of parole on charges of vandalism along with the dealing and possession of Class A substances."
Sunwoo Kim returns to campus after being released from juvie but has the old him ever changed? still smoking, drinking and partying with his insane friend group. juvie didn't scare him one bit. It's been 5 months since Y/N, introverted, clever and pretty, moved to LA. She's only heard rumors of sunwoo kim. the young criminal who no one wanted to get on the wrong side of, the news of him coming back was the buzz of the entire campus.
An unexpected encounter brings two opposite people together...
genre: fluff, angst, drama
member: sunwoo x you
chapters: 30
online community: @deoboyznet
a/n that’s right !! after an amazing idea from the lovely @winterchimez 🫡 i will be reposting the beloved juvenile from my wp page to tumblr bc. i just feel after all these years she needs to escape the trap of wp and be reloved by people who haven’t read her yet 🤍
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chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chaoter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
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bus-stop-to-kpop · 5 months
Son of Hermes (Lee Hyunjae x Reader)
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Pairing: Lee Hyunjae (The Boyz) x fem!Reader
Genre: demigod!au, Camp Halfblood!au
Summary: You're the first Aphrodite Kid that successfully used Charmspeak on Hyunjae, now he wants to figure out why that is
Word Count: 3,379
A/N: I wrote this in 2021 and never uploaded it, but I thought since the Percy Jackson series is out now, you might like it :) Enjoy - Admin J
Hyunjae is a well known son of Hermes in the camp. One of the biggest troublemakers in Camp and due to the fact that he often hangs out with the Aphrodite Cabin, they are mostly the subject of his pranks. Whether it is putting hair dye in shampoo or hiding makeup, he wasn't scared of the Aphrodite kids. As long as he had been in Camp Half-Blood none of them had ever successfully used charmspeak on him, which led to him claiming he was immune to it. New Campers often assumed he was a son of Aphrodite, as you had to admit he was handsome and he had no shame flaunting it, but then they suddenly meet him in the Hermes cabin. Hyunjae is one of those demigods that spends the whole year in Camp, so he has lots of friends even in other cabins. He's just very talkative. During the times that the kids are gone from camp for school there are often little matches between the older demigods. Hyunjae usually sits out of them, he doesn't enjoy fighting, but that doesn't mean he's bad at it. He loves playing in capture the flag, usually he's the one to lay some traps and play tricks on the other team.
Not a lot of Aphrodite children stayed in Camp for the whole year, but you did. One day you were sitting on the porch of your Cabin, having a little talk with your siblings Chanhee and Younghoon, when you spotted Hyunjae already walking towards the Demeter cabin holding a little bottle in his hand. You assumed he was trying to pull a prank on them.
"What do you think you're doing?" You called out to him and caught his attention, so now he was coming over to Cabin 10. "What do you mean Y/N? I'm not doing anything?" he didn't even try to hide the bottle of shampoo, you guessed there was hair dye in there. He had played the same trick on you and your siblings a while ago, the light red shimmer in your hair still obvious when sun was shining on your hair.
"Don't lie. What were you trying to pull?" you questioned him further. For a second his eyes seemed to widen and then words spilled out of his mouth, "I was trying to prank them with putting hair dye in their shampoo." You blinked a few times. Had he just admitted what he was trying to do? Usually he just denied everything.
"Don't do that! Just go back to your cabin." You groaned annoyed with Hyunjae's behavior and waved him off. On every normal day Hyunjae would have started to argue, but he just turned around and walked back to his Cabin. "If you want to dye someone's hair so bad, dye your own." You shouted after him, still perplexed by his actions. "Did that just happen?" Chanhee snorted, hiding his laugh behind his hand. "What's wrong with him, he didn't even argue." Still looking into the direction that Hyunjae had walked off to. "You're asking that when you're the one who used charmspeak on him?" Younghoon also laughed, while leaning onto the door way of the Cabin.
Quickly turning to look at Younghoon, "I did what?" Never once in your live had you used charmspeak before, at this point you were sure you were one of the Aphrodite kids that couldn't use it, so how could you have used it on the one guy that kept on bragging being immune to it. "This is great! I've got to tell Sunwoo and Changmin about it." Chanhee stood up still laughing and you watched him run off to find his friends from the Ares Cabin.
You were still gaping at the revelation of the fact that you actually were able to use charmspeak. "Should I apologize?" you asked Younghoon unsure of what to do. "Why? You did nothing wrong, you stopped him from pulling a prank." Younghoon assured you that you did nothing wrong, but you still felt some guilt for unknowingly using charmspeak on Hyunjae.
Later that day during lunch Eric, another Hermes kid came up to you, "Y/N, did you really charmspeak Hyunjae?" Your red cheeks already gave away the right answer. "It wasn't on purpose. I didn't even know I could use it!" you defended yourself. Eric laughed at you trying to wave it off, you looked really guilty. "Don't worry! He deserved it." Eric smiled trying to calm you down.
"By the way, where is Hyunjae? Is he trying to sneak into one of the Cabins again?" you tried looking for Hyunjae, but he was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't unusual for him to miss lunch because that was the time he normally pulled his pranks, but after getting caught this morning you didn't think he would try again. "He has been in the washroom for the past few hours, i don't really know what he's doing." The young Hermes boy stated before leaving.
The day was ending with a campfire, where the remaining campers were having some fun grilling marshmallows and other stuff, just using the last few days of summer, before autumn would hit the camp.
You were sitting beside Younghoon and a girl from the Hecate Cabin who were happily feeding each other roasted marshmallows, on your other side Chanhee was eating crackers from a small bag offering one to you once in a while. Listening to Kevin and some other Apollo kids sing campfire songs and the sounds of nature from the forest. Your attention was on the fire, at least until you heard footsteps approach. Hyunjae entered the little place together with some of his friends from the Hermes Cabin, his hair was now shimmering in light blond, which was a big contrast to his usual dark brown. "Oh god! That's my fault I made him dye his hair. But why does he look so good?" You shook Chanhee's arm in shock, not even realizing you had spoken the last sentence out loud until Chanhee broke into laughter. "I don't think he minds it. If he hated it he probably would have already been at your cabin to complain." Changmin who was sitting next to Chanhee told you. You let your eyes follow Hyunjae who was sitting down a little further away from you, but quickly pretended you didn't when you made eye contact as he sat down.
You tried your best to avoid more eye contact with Hyunjae, but somehow still caught yourself glancing into his direction once in a while. As Changmin said, he really didn't seem angry, he was constantly joking around and laughing with his friends, even once singing a duet with Kevin while lightly swinging from side to side. When the night came and it got dark, you felt yourself grow tired and yawned a few times before excusing yourself and making your way back to the Aphrodite Cabin. Before you could reach your cabin though, someone grabbed your arm and pulled you to the pier with them.
When you came to a halt and the person turned around you realized it was Hyunjae. "You used charmspeak on me earlier, didn't you?" he hissed at you and his eyes looked you up and down. You hand went up defensively, "It wasn't on purpose, I promise. I didn't even know I could do that." "You're telling me you never did that before?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow, as if he was challenging you. "No really. It was the first time I ever used charmspeak."
Hyunjae looked intensely into your eyes, trying to figure out if you were lying to him or not. "No one was ever able to use charmspeak on me. Why would you be the first?" He questioned. The way he worded it made you angry, as if he was looking down on you and your siblings. "How am I supposed to know?" You argued and ripped free from his grip on your arm before leaving him stand alone on the pier. Who did he think he was? Speaking down to you like that? Sure, it wasn't nice of you to charmspeak him, but it wasn't like you did that on purpose. He probably was scared you would ruin his reputation, but it's not like you went around bragging about the fact that you had charmspeaked him.
The next morning when you came into the dining pavilion to get breakfast, the Hermes table was already filled with campers. You could feel Hyunjae's eyes on you, but when you gave him a side glance he looked away and went back to the conversation he was having with Eric. Sitting down, you wondered what they were so actively arguing about, but you couldn't hear their voices from where you were sitting.
"Honestly I don't get it, who is she that she can just charmspeak me like that?" Hyunjae groaned as his eyes followed you, at least until you glanced at him, that's when he looked away. He tried to not seem startled, but honestly he was. "Do you think it's because you like her?" Eric asked, curiously looking at his brother.
Hyunjae choked on his drink when he took in Eric's words. "What do you mean?" He coughed, "I don't like her?! How would you come to that conclusion?" Eric snickered at his puzzled expression. "Hmm, let me think." He started in a teasing voice, pretending to be thinking hard, "When Y/N came to Camp, she was all you could talk about. Sometimes when she and her siblings are at the beach you stare at her and it's hard to get your attention again. Ever since Y/N was determined as a daughter of Aphrodite, you started pulling pranks on Cabin 10, before you just said it wasn't fun because they didn't fight back. I think you're just trying to get her attention."
Hyunjae was baffled, he was lost for words. He had never realized how obvious his behavior was, but now that the younger Hermes son had told him, he was a bit embarrassed. However he had to admit, that everything Eric had pointed out was true. Even when he pulled his hair dye prank on you, he was completely mesmerized at how beautifully you had pulled off the red hair. Sure as a daughter of Aphrodite you were always pretty, but to Hyunjae you stood out more than any of your siblings.
"Stop spreading this bullshit!" He said jumping up from his seat with bright red cheeks, before running out of the pavilion, leaving a snickering Eric behind. From your seat a few tables away you wondered what had gotten Hyunjae so flustered, but also didn't care enough to walk up to Eric and ask him.
Later that day when you were playing a card game with some of your siblings in your cabin there was suddenly a loud signal noise ringing through camp. It surprised you, the last time you had heard that signal was quite a long while ago, if you remembered correctly it had been your second year of camp back then. "Y/N, what is going on?" One of the younger cabin residents looked up at you. "It's fine, were just having some visitors. Let's go greet them." When you went to the front of Camp you were already met with a bunch of other Campers from other Cabins.
In front of the campers was a group of girls all carrying a bow and other weapons. "Who are they?" Younghoon's girlfriend from the Hecate cabin whispered to you. "The Hunters of Artemis." You whispered back, but before you could say more the group of girls parted and a small girl with an enormous aura walked up to the front. The Campers started to bow down in front of her, the power that a goddess held.
It was your second time seeing the goddess Artemis outside of the field trips you sometimes made to Olympus, but the power she held was only growing stronger with time. Chiron, one of the authorities in Camp, walked up to her and shortly bowed to her, before leading her away from the bunch of Campers to have a talk. The crowd around the Hunters also thinned out, but a lot of Campers stayed close by, still eyeing them suspiciously.
"Come on, let's go back too." You heard Younghoon say to his girlfriend and it snapped you out of your trance as well. Together with Younghoon, his girlfriend and Chanhee you went back to the Aphrodite Cabin. "Who was that girl? Why did we bow to her?" The Hecate girl asked curiously while holding onto Younghoon's arm. "Artemis." Chanhee spoke and she gasped. You giggled, remembering your reaction had been the same when you first saw her.
At lunch Artemis had already left. Chiron announced that her Hunters would be staying at Camp for a little while, as Artemis had something to take care of on Olympus. "That means we'll be playing capture the flag again right?" Chanhee groaned, not even trying to hide his hate for the game. Right then Chiron announced the Capture the flag game would take place in the afternoon. Chanhee groaned again clear disgust on his face.
Before the game started all the Campers met at the fire place to plan a strategy. The whole meeting was led by Sangyeon from the Zeus Cabin and the head of the Athena Cabin. "So we need someone to attack, I assume the Ares Cabin would like to do that?" Sangyeon asked and the cheers erupting from the Ares kids was enough to answer his question.
"The Hermes Cabin will lay traps, but always walk in pairs of two! understood?" The head of Athena ordered, nods and murmurs from the Hermes kids followed until one of them spoke up, "If we split into groups of two we need one more person." "I think Y/N could join Hyunjae!" Eric called out. You looked up, surprised at your name being called when you hadn't expected it. "Would that be okay with you, Y/N?" Sangyeon asked. Now that all eyes were on you, you couldn't just deny despite the weird look on Hyunjae's face.
This was how you found yourself a bit later, trailing quietly behind Hyunjae as he was putting up small traps throughout the forrest. "Wait a second!" Suddenly you felt like you had heard something behind you. Hyunjae turned to look at you, it seemed like he wanted to say something but seeing your concentrated face he kept it to himself. When you felt a shift in air, you quickly pulled Hyunjae behind a tree with you. At the moment you didn't care about how close the two of you were standing, or that he had his hands on your hips, as an arrow hit the spot that the two of you had been standing just seconds before.
Peeking around the tree you saw one of the hunters come out from behind a tree not that far away, her bow was stretched as she looked around to find her targets. "We need to get her into the trap." Hyunjae whispered, his lips close to your ear and you agreed. Lightly you pushed him off you and jumped out from behind the tree, to get the hunters attention. You were quick enough to dodge the arrow, as Hyunjae was just staring at you from his hiding place.
"Come on, don't you want to hit me? Why are you so slow?" You taunted the girl, gripping your little knife tightly. If there was one thing you trusted in, it was the fact that you had a quick reaction time. Dodging the girls arrows you lured her closer to the trap and it didn't take long for her to get trapped in it. The fact that she tried to break free only made her get tangled in the ropes more.
"Let's go, what are you waiting for?" You called out to Hyunjae who was still scanning over the girl in the trap, as if he couldn't believe it had actually worked. He sprinted after you, knowing that when the game was over someone would get the struggling girl out of there. "That was really impressive Y/N. I didn't know the Aphrodite kids could fight." Hyunjae said as he caught up with you. You rolled your eyes, there it was again. A prejudice about the Aphrodite Cabin being lazy and bad fighters, you hated it. Sure some of your siblings weren't interested in learning how to fight, but you were still demigods, just like everyone else you had battlefield instincts.
"You shouldn't be so simple minded. It's not like all we do is look pretty. We have some talent as well." You argued as you pointed to a spot for him to put up another trap. "You are pretty though." He whispered while working on the trap. You weren't sure if he intended for you to hear it, you weren't even sure if he was talking about you specifically or all of your siblings as a whole.
After the trap was set up the two of you continued your way through the Forrest. When suddenly Hyunjae grabbed the sleeve of your shirt, "Can we take a short break?" You nodded and leaned against a tree as you watched Hyunjae take a seat on the mossy ground, not even caring that his clothes would get stains.
"Hey Y/N?" Hyunjae looked up at you with big eyes. There was something weird about his facial expression. "I think I like you." When Hyunjae blurted out these words in the middle of the woods, you almost choked on your own saliva, but suddenly you realized something, "Is this your way at getting back at me for using charmspeak on you?" After all he was a son of Hermes, they were known for their tricks. Was that the reason why Eric had recommended you to go around with Hyunjae? Was he in on this plan?
Hyunjae put his hands up defensively, "What? No! I'm being genuine here." "Yeah, right." the sarcasm was obvious in your voice as you crossed your arms in front of your chest, embarrassed for your heart beating this fast and almost being fooled by Hyunjae's antics. "Listen Y/N, I know this might sound a bit weird right now, but I also only realized this morning. Eric said that maybe you were able to charmspeak me because I like you and, well, that kind of opened my eyes." He scratched the back of his head. The blush on his cheeks made you believe he was telling the truth, but you were still looking at him with a bit of doubt.
"Can I try something?" He asked as he stood up from the ground and lightly cleaned off the dirt from his pants. "What?" You scanned him up and down, still a bit wary. "Close your eyes, please." Hyunjae requested as he moved closer. Even though it took you a while to follow his request you closed your eyes eventually.
That's when he pressed his lips on yours. The initial shock almost made you push him away, but something in your heart told you to enjoy this kiss to the fullest, so you kissed back. A loud noise made you pull away out of shock, breathless but with a new kind of feeling in both your stomachs. It took you a second to realize that the noise was the signal that the game had ended.
"Hyunjae?" said boy looked at you shyly with a blush still spread over his cheeks, "I like you too." For a second you thought you had broken the poor Hermes boy, as he was staring at you without moving or saying anything, but when you had offered your hand he quickly grabbed it.
Together you walked out of the Forrest, to be met with your fellow campers celebrating the win over the Hunters. When Eric saw you coming out of the woods, while holding hands and blushes spreading over your faces he couldn't help but smirk about the fact that he was the reason his brother had finally acted on his crush.
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boyzcatchingfire · 2 months
Summer Basketball ~ *Lee Juyeon*
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Summary: You're enjoying an evening stroll when you notice a couple boys from your university playing basketball. You can't help but watch...
Pairing: Lee Juyeon X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 772
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @samepoisonsamevine @kpop-will-kill-me
A/N: I wrote this when it was 80 degrees out and was dreaming about summer. Which is weird because I don't like summer.
It started as a walk around the beach. It was a beautiful night and you didn't want to spend the evening cooped up in your apartment. Besides, you've been studying your ass off for mid-terms, and the beach was only a short walk away from where you lived. As you slipped out of your apartment, you thought you would walk a couple miles and then return home to get ready for bed. Through all of your planning of your spontaneous walk, you weren't anticipating taking a detour on your way home.
But as you walked along the beach past the boardwalk, you heard a group of boys yelling to each other. Craning your neck to get a better look, you realized that you knew them, as they went to the same university you were currently attending. A small smile tugged at your lips as you watched them play basketball on the court next to the beach. The group of boys in question were the rowdy type, as they were always pulling pranks or doing something active around campus. It was no surprise to find them outside playing around.
You couldn't help but pause in your walk as you watched them play. You had to admit, they were pretty good. There weren't many missed shots and when there was, it was because the other team was really good at defending. You were much of a basketball fan to begin with but you found yourself drawn to their playing, instead of the walk that was your original plan for being outside.
You didn't know how long you were standing there watching when all of a sudden one of the boys noticed you and waved you over. At first, you played dumb and looked around before you pointed to yourself. He laughed and nodded before he waved once again for you to come over. Though you were cautious about approaching them, you didn't feel like you were in any danger as you got closer. If anything, you couldn't help but feel more intrigued as to why he wanted to speak to you.
Through the fence, he gave you a bright smile. "Hey, are you enjoying the game?"
You blushed and nodded. "Yeah. You guys are really good."
He chuckles. "Thanks, although don't tell Eric. He's already got a massive ego. I'm Juyeon by the way."
Nodding, you reply with your own introduction before adding, "Well, it was nice to meet you but I really should get going."
"Oh." You were surprised when his smile dropped. "Do you have to go so soon? I mean, I know this is kind of a cheesy thing to say, but when I noticed you watching it felt like I was playing better. At least stay till the end of the game. I want to rub this victory in my friends' faces."
A giggle almost tumbled out of you, but you held it back to give him a small smile. "I think I can stay for one game. Just as long as I don't have to play."
He shook his head. "You won't have to, I promise. Although, do you mind if I introduce you to my friends? Some of them don't take too kindly to outsiders."
"Oh, if I'm going to be an imposition-"
"No!" Juyeon almost shouted, his eyes wide and frantic. "No, I mean, please stay. It would mean a lot if you would stay."
His words and his actions tipped you off to the possibility he might have an ulterior motive. Crossing your arms over your chest, you give him a small smirk. "Is it because I helped you play better or because of some other reason?"
His cheeks erupted in pink at your words and he began to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. "Ah, well, you see, the thing is, I, um, ah hell." He shook his head. "Look, I've seen you around campus a lot and just, well, you've caught my eye. I was hoping, since I noticed you watching, I could maybe convince you to stay so I could learn more about you. But saying this all out loud... I know I sound creepy but I'm not trying to be, I swear!"
This time, you do let your giggle out. "I'd be lying if I said you hadn't caught my eye as well. Yeah, I'll stay. Just for you."
With the biggest grin ever, he grasped the fence separating the two of you. "Thank you. That means a lot."
"You're very welcome." You blush as you add, "And I hope I live up to your expectations."
"Believe me, you already have."
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