#the characters not the irl ppl yall
beanmochiii · 5 months
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new hyperfixation time merry christmas
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lynximpact · 1 month
i really do loathe shipping at this point bc any time a new show or game or Whatever comes out the tag is full of whatever 2 charas people want to fuck the most and like. fucking nothing else. can you people get a grip and actually engage w shit
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starlooove · 2 months
Always will fill me with rage when white Ppl make hcs or fics about their white faves saving Duke cass or Damian from racism (or cass saving herself with a punch and no genuine emotion about it bc she’s a Girlboss 😝 😆) and then they demonize Damian 24/7 only say ‘Duke is on day shift’ in their fics or literally have cass as some walking talking fighting doll that teases her brothers sometimes. Like it’s genuinely y’all don’t think it’s racism unless it’s a slur. Can’t tell me what internal or implicit bias or even what a microagression is and u wanna talk on racism.
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nyxi-pixie · 1 year
the most important thing abt noah coming out is that the people going 'hehe how does our fav strAIGHT frat boy play that fucking gayass so well??😱😱' had to stfu😁👍
#its annoying when people do it abt anyone tbh#that was so fucking irritating lmfaoooo#me omw to remind the masses of hets and chronically online 12yr old queers whove never met a gay person irl that we're not a monolith🤩#it doesnt escape my notice that yall say it more violently the second anyone so much as iMPLIES that they mighy not be straight#'speculating is bad' yes! but shockingly! yelling to the moon + back that them being not straight is impossible is not the best alternative#and perpetuates every dumbass stereotype#im so tired#also if you say hey maybe stop insisting theyre str8 for no reason every 5 seconds for a cheap joke abt the queer character they play#then everyone immediately is frothing at the mouth holding a chainsaw to ur throat#def not indirecting anyone w this😟#i dont even remember who it was but someone was always putting those stupid noah straightest man in the world jokes on my dash#n i just used to stare at them like holy shit u guys are gonna be shocked when u encounter gay ppl outside of the internet.#my tags ran away from me again#but i hope u guys Hear Me on this shit bc this happens w every celebrity ever#and then ppl turn around and pretend the problem was ppl thinking they might be queer#instead of ppl refusing to believe theyre anything other than straight#anyway.#am a little late to posting abt him i know😔 have been so ia here recently but i saw it when it happened and am vv proud of him#<33 just to get a little of track at the end here#but yeah hes lovely and i wish people who were insisting he was straight would understand him as an examole that gay ppl arent all the same#but they wont cos they immediately turn to going 'omgggg our fav slayqueen i always knew hehehehe he just looks so fruitsalad'#heed my warnings i am a conduit of rage and violence and one day im going to use it on those ppl#oh fuck this was so many tags i am an unrestrained tag menace#a tennis if you will#aha like the game#anyway#byler#(<- it isnt but this is where i was seeing 'Straight Frat Boy Noah could never be gay' posts so.)#(not most of you tho<333 just a few)#right im going back to reading this 700k word fic from another fandom when will i return to tumblr?? who knows. not me
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fourteenth-seat · 2 years
not to be ranty or anything but if i see you avoiding paion and writing exclusively with white and/or lighter-complected muses, i might unfollow bc i don't jive w colourism and antiblack muns ✌🏾
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snekdood · 2 years
ppl grant more nuance to cartoon characters than they do real people, lol...
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sugusoneandonly · 29 days
Hey guys this is a (un)friendly reminder that the mha characters (and other anime characters) are still very much minors who haven’t even graduated yet.
“Aged up” aged up my foot that mf is 16 and in school theres no canon timeskip n half of them dying 16
No canon timeskip ?? they’re physically 16 they look 16 and don’t play “they look older” when yk damn well half the teenagers irl look older than they r too js say yall are p*dos and sexualize teens
“Its fiction” its fiction my ass too bc guess what??! Ur desires aren’t fiction rn since it’s physically in the 3D and in ur digital footprint 💕
bc why’d i look “mha x reader” , nothing more nothing less, up only to see some wack ass bs ab “smut - mdni” and look to see the character themselves is a fucking minor too 😨 i thought we figured this out in 2021…like ur js contradicting urself now
Like please get a goddamn grip and conscience and some therapy and maybe even a lawyer bc why is ur mortgage paying self drooling over a bunch of traumatized teenagers..🐁
Anyways theres my ted ed talk if ur offended imma assume ur the subject of this post and ur a sicko that can’t handle the fact they’re grown w grown ppl responsibilities 💕💕
And yes im heated and pressed bc wtf is this sick ass bs that’s normalized. We caught that yato bitch and some of yall still didnt learn🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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vvh0adie · 10 months
watching my friends leave tumblr is really sad
you literally can't win
at this point the writer's strike should just be a cultural movement
like ppl are writing for FREE and you're complaining about turn out rate and shit
we have lives and some of us (HELL ALL OF US) have some form of mental illness, so we can't be fucking cogs all day and churn out fics.
writing is suppose to be therapeutic and writers want to share that with you to ease the tension of this hellscape we live in
but some of these readers and even fellow writers are taking it too far with the bullying
like its mean and nasty. you don't know what someone is going thru.
instead of asking for updates how about check and see if your writer is mentally stable to do so. that right there is a booster, to have someone say "are you okay?"
and then the whole accusations of favoring a certain member/character. if that person is my muse or safe space then of course imma write for them. most solo writers i see don't even talk bad about other people. its a SOLO account. think of it as a shrine blog of writing if that helps. they're not there to trash, just share their writing for other's who might also share the same muse.
then you have readers who can't separate fiction from reality. just because someone writes a character with irl people faceclaimed onto them doesnt mean they actually think that person would be or do those things irl. i'll be the first to say that i only gave my characters bts faces cuz thats who im attracted to and they're who i imagine would be casted to play my characters.
then IN THE YEAR OF 2023 we still have ppl making fun of their peers writing and also THE FACT THAT ENGLISH MIGHT NOT BE THEIR FIRST LANGUAGE? that's nasty asf. majority of us dont even speak 'proper' english as our first language no way. you only shooting yourself in the foot. don't act like you dont have beta readers... like what are yall on?
and anybody who gets on THAT BLOG behind anon is an opp. not just to the writing community but in how you interact with the world all together. yall don't know how to talk to people anymore? it may have started as a place for critique and accountability but no one is bringing receipts or critical thinking anymore. its mainly for drama and not rehabilitation. yall serious scare me in how we'd see the reality of social change applied to the real world. like i'd be more scared to let yall around the prisoners with minor offenses cuz yall act like its the end of the world and that change cant happen. yall give nobody room to change ignorant stances but ignore the real egregious shit because you honestly dont have the bandwidth to take on actual fascist views.
also the plagiarism has got to stop too. if you need writing resources just ask. but practice makes perfect. so you're gonna have to write yourself. you may not like your writers voice but you will feel shitty in the long run when you don't feel like its you putting those words on the paper. it literally just prolongs your inferiority. make something you're proud of and don't hurt your fellow writers. we went thru the process just like you. we earned it. and most of us aren't gatekeepers, we will help you.
like its really tuff being on here sometimes. cuz if you not being hounded by readers its your own community praying on your down fall.
we have to do better.
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mourninglamby · 3 months
lots of ppl in my inbox asking me my thoughts on continuing to make art of the dsmp characters and how I feel about the recent developments in the fanbase/with the people. I will definitely answer those soon but I want to put together a very concise document about my thoughts on both dsmp as fiction and the irl people who write for it. I have a lot of thoughts I don’t feel comfortable airing out in the form of a post. Give me a lil bit yall
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xxxtoony-brosxxx · 6 months
Tw grooming/unalive/self harm mentions
Here to discuss two of my groomers from the past
Aka MiloIsHere on discord idk what their user is here on Tumblr and Unicornlilac
Yes these are old things
But still I'm going to talk abt
Yes I heard Unicornlilac had unalived themselves idk how long ago
Ppl also tend to forget nsfw rps with minors is low-key grooming if they didn't consent to it, or can lead the adult to bride the minor to do nsfw rps Abt themselves, which unicornlilac did at one point to me
Info under the cut
Idc if I get attacked by my currently alive groomer or his pals, either I'll argue with or ignore yall
Also if u want, y'all can reblog and share
But for unicornlilac:
They were in their 20s, I think like 22 maybe
I was 16, they sexualized my OCs, one basically a child, the ogs know my boy Strawco, yes, him and Gearshift did a ton of the deed bc it's what they pressured to do, especially Ezy when I first made him, Ezy was also sexualized by them, with several Bendy clones at once
There's also them asking me out, I was 15 just turned 16, they kept implying to date, low-key even mentioning having sex and meeting up irl
Ofc I turned that down, but they did make jokes abt how we would do it bc as most of u know, I'm trans, so they were trying to talk abt how we'd do it and pointing out how I didn't have a dick
They even mentioned to me how they dated someone who would have been my age at the time (16) but they broke up 2 years prior
Making that person 14 years old, idk their story tho or how long unicornlilac was with them, just might be before they turned 14 for all I know, I can't provide evidence for this bc unicorn deleted everything and I had blocked them prior to that
For Milo (who I have evidence for):
Tons of NSFW rp from them, didn't really talk much outside of the NSFW rp, they never asked if I was ok with the rp, just went ahead and did it, I only went with it bc I was a ppl pleasing traumatized wreck that broke my own boundaries for it, (y'all would know I wasnt fond of my characters being referred to suggestively if y'all remember when I was upset with ppl calling Ezy a man whore, stuff like "hot" or "handsome/pretty" was fine tho), remember ppl, if they don't say yes, that doesn't mean it's not a no, it's a no until they say yes, I was 16 at the time, they were 17 going to be 18, and continued when they turned 18, i believe Milo is abt 19/20 now
Sexualized Ezy (only time they rped was for sexual rps between him and Don), had a drowning kink, I only figure out bc they did a water demon rp with their bendy and mine on a non NSFW channels in a server, only stopping when I said my boy doesn't need to breathe and is Aroace so if that's a turn off so they stopped so fast, weird if that's just a reg rp
Plus I've heard they did this type of rp many ppl, not just me, even ones that included choking and cutting
Lied about their age in different servers and dms to do nsfw rp
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So if he claimed to be 18+ before/around the time of May, 2021
U were lied to
Many adults were lied to abt their age just to do nsfw rps
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Got upset when someone didn't include their bendy in a work with different Bendys and my Ezy, which was a surprise gift we didn't know abt
And got upset when they weren't in it and seem to take pride in being messed up in the image above, didn't feel guilty until I pointed out that's not something to be proud of
I know they contacted the artist abt it, idk how they did but for all I know it probably came off as pretty rude
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Only apologized to me to keep shipping, if I hadn't mentioned what I did, they probably would have continued abt the shipping rather than a really apology I low-key eventually pressured but still didn't seem sincere tbh and took a "I mess everything up" approach
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This was stuff on my old phone I got from Google photos, when they took a joke too seriously there and started to guilt me for it, yes I did spiral so I know I over apologized but they didn't say they forgave me until this last message and told me to not make it into a self blame thing on my own server that everyone knew was a joke, and when asked not to make that joke I apologize and we dropped it, the only one that escalated was Milo
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Doesn't ask if I'm up to rp, expects me to comply
When ignored
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Tries again
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The way they questioned the ban from my server seems pretty passive aggressive, probably nothing big but included anyways
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Also this is old from my old discord acc
He asked what bbc was, I made something up tbh I didn't know what it meant back then
Don't know why he turned it on me
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Um why???
When exposed for all this one someone else's server he started angrily (or so I'm told) questioning who did it and had threatened to self harm over it, I heard from ppl it was a way they guilted ppl to listen to them
I wasn't the only one he groomed but I'll leave it up to the ppl who were victims to step up if they see this post
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This is an idea that came to me in a dream and please please read it or I might cry bc I couldn’t get to sleep for ages after this
edit: link to the poll: https://www.tumblr.com/literatureisdying/737806048436568064/you-better-vote-yes-yes-no?source=share
edits I am making now after writing the original thing at 1am are in italics
(there is a tl; dr at the bottom under the cut but I highly recommend reading he notesapp word vomit first bc uhh it provides context and it’s a bit funny)(however if you can’t understand the big block of text please dm me/ send me an ask and I’ll explain the whole thing more concisely)
I would like to preface this by saying I am writing this at 1am in my notesapp 
Okay guys I had this weird ass dream where basically @literatureisdying (im sorry you’re the main character 😭😭) made this freaky timed poll where you had to click either yes or no and there was propaganda and everything like atlas was very much on the yes team but some ppl (@bassguitarinablackt-shirt maybe??? also uhh hi new mutual im sorry im crazy &lt;33) were VERY much no (im talking fulling pinning a gigantic image of the word no to their blog etc. and I wasn’t sure what the poll was ab so I went to vote and bc I can’t make a decision to save my life I closed my eyes and frantically tapped at the screen until I clicked an option, I clicked yes, and apparently I wanted smth from atlas in this dream (no idea what) and an the website gave me an option after I voted to request this from atlas (??) so I did and then I went back to tumblr to try and figure out what the poll was about and I got the impression it might be whether someone has a crush on someone (I immediately when to yk who but it might not be) and yeah but I FUCKING WOKE UP BEFORE I FIGURED OUT WHAT THE POLL WAS AB so all im saying is atlas you must create this irl it doesnt have to have a point it can just be all of us being weird as fuck and doing propaganda and being dramatic and adamant and just pure chaos for a week as we rally for our side uhhh ty for reading this ALL imma try sleep now I’ll post this in the morning ig
Tagging some ppl + summary under the cut 
Tl; dr: So basically I want atlas to make a timed poll where we either vote yes or no and then have chaos for a week as we try to advocate for our side
@gently-decaying-flowers @imslowlydisintegrating( I think you guys and asher and atlas were sorta presence in my dream idk probs bc of innocent sin)
@svnflowermoon @tellme-o-muse (you two are away from tumblr atm so lots of <33333 and if you come back and this is what we’re doing yk what we’re talking ab) @bookscorpion73 @astraeasparrow @zzzzzzzzzee @mandythedino @giveuthemo0n @recklessandyoung(yall have to join you have no choice) abs uhhh idk if I should tag more ppl but I will if this flops bye
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starlooove · 9 months
My whole issue with Gwiles is that when it comes to relationships with white girls and black boys specifically yall strip the black character of their identities just to prop up the white character and have the black character be OBSESSED even if it doesn’t make sense.
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blkgrlangst · 11 months
glad ppl are talking about black characters (specifically blk female characters) and audiences/writers refusal to put them in romantic relationships again with the bear because this shit bleeds into real life some of y’all can’t see black ppl (even your black friends) being capable of love or in anything besides a platonic relationship (hell even being the main character in media + irl) and that’s fucking dehumanizing and WEIRD
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
spot that meets a autistic reader, that is talkative to themselves, but has poor social skills because (lack of good parenting + bullys, but is very smart and loves art and engineering, and dreams to be a scientist one day.. it could began as the reader first feared him over an awkward moment? to opening up about themselves and the reader's obsessive fascination over him. two very talented ppl that only wants to be appreciated, respected and loved...💔
idk is it to much?? bruh I'm trying to be creative😭 I'd be happy with whatever happens!. aNd TaKe yO tiME!! On irl things and beloved spotty <3
Spot w/ an autistic reader!
Rubs my autistic little hands
Feeling a lil drowsy but I wanna chuck this out before I fall asleep for (possibly) the next 7 hours :3
Not proof read we die like Peter Parker <\\3 we are sleepy and tumblr wont let me save drafts for asks <\3
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Obligatory "I like this character so I'm hcing him to be ND like me" touch
He gets it
I think to help make the whole thing less jarring, or whatever, is that you may have known each other vaguely before the collider incident
You weren't a scientist at alchemax, more like.
Well shoot I just forgot the term but like, you work there, but you dont do hands on experiments, not experienced enough yet
Maybe, idk
Obviously you don't work there anymore after the collider blowing up, so... you're looking for a new job
You knew about Jonathan, but you weren't friends
You had also heard rumors about what happened to him but you kinda dismissed it as cruel rumors surrounding his death.. I mean no one could've survived that explosion.. right?
So imagine your surprise when you end up almost getting robbed by spot
Can you blame him? He hasnt found another job since the accident and hes probably living off of pity handouts; likely homeless
Now hand over the wallet!!/j
No but on the semi likely chance that you manage to defuse the situation, given Spot sucks as a criminal, you just bluntly ask if the whole
Rumor thing is true
I mean obviously it is but confirmation is important
After a few more chance encounters, you guys both finally decide to properly sit down and talk
Its tense and awkward at first since 1. How does one even act around someone like spot? He's vulnerable but also trying to do the whole. Revenge thing... And 2. Hes desperate for human interaction and it SHOWS, it's almost uncomfortable actually
But you both trudge past it and make it work
One meet up turns into two then three; then you discover how much hes struggling and
Now you're roomates
Oh my god they were roommates/ref
Anyways, that's the set up!! It kinda felt wrong to just. Jump into it without some explanation on how yall end up in the same area consistently
Doesnt mind that you mumble to yourself, he probably does the same thing. From muttering things to keep his train of thought to having a personal monologue, I wholeheartedly believe he does the same thing
Hs understands how it feels to be. Not treated very good, he likely wasnt the most respected in alchemax so it's not uncommon for the two of you to have vent sessions where you both let it all out
You ask him about his journey to becoming a scientist and not so subtly ask for advice on how to get into the field; and touching onto the whole human interaction thing, hes more than willing to talk your ear off about his entire career history
On the chance you dont want to do physics stuff, and you wanna do another branch of science he's all ears on listening to you ramble, may even lend a hand in getting you to where you need to be career wise
Yall do at home experiments as bonding stuff
Look if spot can make a mini collider in some building then I can only imagine the type of shit yall get up to at home
Oh? You're still curious about.. him? Of all things, him?
He never thought anyone would look at him with interest; usually its disgust or fear, or both
Hes hesitant at first because what if you discover something that'll totally change your view of him?
Takes (some, a little) coaxing
Bro caves fast, he misses physical touch
"So like, these holes-" you proceed to just. Dip your entire fist into a hole and watch said fist pop out from another hole
The demons are telling me to make reader like
Make it a game to try to throw stuff through his holes but I feel like that would be really mean, no one likes stuff getting thrown at them
Please dont throw stuff through his holes :(
Random but like
Idk if this happens with yall but
If someone stims do yall. Like stim back
Like I have vocal stims and mess with my hands; and sometimes my friend will be prompted to stim if I stim??
Idk but yall do that
OHOH before I post this if you're both comfy with physical touch please please please hold him, it's been so so long since someone has hugged him and he really really needs it :(
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v-love · 4 months
TLDR: it’s really not that serious if you like coriolanus snow when he was young or not. it’s a book, it’s not real, let people live in a moderately ethical way (there’s no way to truly be ethical imo). THIS WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR REAL LIFE!!!!
before any of you bring up, “but it’s abt the principle‼️‼️”, let me remind you once again that ITS FICTION. if this was real life, of course people wouldn’t like Coriolanus either way. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is pre-president Snow btw so when you bring up all his victims from the original Hunger Games trilogy, it’s invalid when speaking abt young Coriolanus. those haven’t taken place yet, pls be so fr and have perspective.
and do not get me started on “the message of the book and series”. some ppl just want to fucking read. leave people alone and let them have these beautiful imaginations. yall are literally shutting down the fandom of the main character of the damn book, like what are we doing??
let’s keep the same energy for all the messed up ppl some of you simp for!! <33 (no, but all pettiness aside i really do think we need to calm down. it’s not that serious, it’s just a really good book series that doesn’t actually have that big of an impact in your outside world, irl life…unless it did/does then that’s great! luv that for u! 😽)
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ctenophora · 2 months
The art community is literally dying
Recently I have seen way too many fanartists get hate for the way they draw/head canon characters from shows and its actually ironic when its mlp, because its supposed to be a show about friendship and kindness yet the people who "claim" to be defending them are always down right disrespectful and rude as hell.
having fun and making headcanons have lost its meaning in why people do it to the point people are so mad that a character that is portrayed with headcanons seems like its the worst thing a person can do to a character. it always has to be what they look like originally. the fact y'all have the audacity to be so racist, transphobic, homophobic and fatphobic over a headcanon, you guys need to log out and shut up.
it is honestly so annoying to me that no one can make art without some asshole tracing over their art work, or calling it a caricature. or making fun of it.
in a few years we'll all be twiddling our thumbs asking ourselves why fan art isn't around anymore? it's because of the hatred people are experiencing today on social media. YOU ARE GOING TO CAUSE THAT.
you guys forget why headcanons exist. why headcanons are just for fun. YOU do not HAVE to agree with someones headcanons YOU also do not HAVE THE RIGHTS to make fun of that persons headcanons, or say its wrong unless it is truly HATEFUL in anyway.
If YOU are so mad that you think your favorite wouldn't look like that DO IT YOURSELF. Everyone and their mamas have pen and paper, draw how you think your favorite would look and mind your own business. these talented artists sit here and spend days working on something that they relate to and hope other people do too just for people to criticize them unasked. why is that still happening today? if No one asked for help don't give help its so simple. keep words to yourself a child could follow this easier than grown ass adults can.
Theres always something wrong when people hate on someones art. we cant project anymore, we cant be inexperienced anymore, we cant show representation anymore. its always gotta be "They wouldn't look like that!" "why do they look like a man" "they look ugly"
or even worse telling people to die, and causing them to go private. have we not learned from pass situations!? so many young artists get depressed and broke down over comments that hurt their mental because you couldn't even keep something to yourself.
if you claim to actually be helping people, actually look to the people who whitewash poc characters, or make an originally plus size person thin. look at the actual problems instead of some random artists who wants to see their favorite look like them.
I literally was on twitter and someone drew pinkie pie plus size and with PCOS and everyone thought she looked like a racist caricature because "No black girl looks like that" congratulations welcome to earth. people look like that irl. people are so scared of someone being unconventionally attractive, its actually embarrassing how slow the progression of accepting people for how they look is going. we've gone no where. you people will always judge someone and know nothing about that person.
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that other person on TikTok did not deserve their art getting traced over a bunch of times, y'all will get so scared over women having hair, welcome to how the body works hair and muscles exist on women too, women can look masculine and still identify as a woman, have we not learned from gender non comfirmity, and pronouns don't = gender tiktoks? have we also not learned from "Art lore" y'all are so disgusting, and hateful.
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and Tina from kid vampire yall will be so scared over Tina being black or not being white, for why? the creator literally said they don't care. let people have fun. LEAVE THAT LITTLE GIRL ALONE AND LEAVE PPL WHO HC HER BLACK ALONE TOO. I promise you Tina is not about to jump out of the screen and say thank you. once again headcanons exist for a reason.
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AND the fancast Rapunzel literally sit down and hear yourself right NOW.
for years through stories princesses have always been portrayed from a different culture in there own way, there was a German Rapunzel, a black Rapunzel a Korean Rapunzel, an indian Rapunzel. and so on
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even Cinderella, a bunch of stories have been retold for different cultures for different people all around the world. it is not that serious.
your childhood is not being destroyed over some fancast, innocently made. wake up wipe off those crocodile tears and go into research on why you feel so much hatred for black and brown kids possibly getting representation in media.
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