#the colours are wonky but shrug
skelliko · 7 months
★- Tokyo revengers
- cute, little, not so subtle things they do to show that they like you
featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, Baji, Inui, rindou
-honestly some of these aren't even hints they're just straight up green flags-
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°- kazutora hanemiya
• he'd innocently tap his fingers or pat his hands on you to a certain beat of a song, on your shoulders, head, knees or arms. he'd do it out of nowhere and without a warning and it'd last between a few seconds to a minute
• sometimes he'd tease you with small annoying acts, that could go from from taking your pens and pencils and holding onto them in his grasp as you try to take them off from him but fail, or taking your work sheets that you need and making little origami boats all with a mischievous smile.
• he'd do anything with you, but only if it's just the two of you and he'd make that clear. you only have to ask once if he wants to join you in something or if you need help with anything, but if you ask while you're in your group he'd be reluctant and always make an excuse for it to just be you two
• when you're both doing something mischievous in school like cheating or going in places you shouldn't be, if you both get caught kazutora takes the fault and would try to get you out of detention, (despite him blaming others for certain things if it revolves around actual punishment he doesn't point to someone) though if your still dragged into detention then kazutora would throw a little note at you and try to humor the situation
• his love language is physical touch and quality time
°- chifuyu matsuno
• he'd hand write little sweet notes while you're there and watching chifuyu write and pass it towards the corner of your desk but then act like he didn't do that, "oh what's that?" "hm, who's that's from?" all with a good poker face
• he'd ask the question "if I were a worm would you still love me?"
• whenever you mention that you were out late at night he'd become a little protective and insist that next time when your alone at night to message him and he'd accompany you, that's exactly what happened. every time you're out and it's late he'd comes over to the location that you sent on his motorbike to safely take you home - like Baji though he'd use that as a slight advantage to feel a hug from you but he won't admit it
• when you'd talk about manga he'd slip up a little about "that character reminds me of you" and then the character is the most gorgeous, most likable and so like you that you hadn't even thought of comparing yourself to them until chifuyu mentioned it that sometimes it got you thinking into how well he takes notice of some things about you.
• his love language is acts of service and words of affirmation
°- Baji Keisuke
• whenever he walks past you in hallways or even if you're both in your separate groups and accidentally meet in public, he would bring his hand up to pat the top of your head once while walking past ya and not say anything about it but hold a grin
• he'd always try to bring you out on his motorbike just so you could wrap your arms around him and he's admitted to that before, "I just like it when you hug me" he said that with a small shrug and a confident smile. sometimes when the road is all clear he purposely speeds up just so he can feel your grasp get a little tighter and become closer
• in lesson or if you're trying to help Baji with some work he'd lean over to your page and do a quick little drawing. one of them was of the two of you as stick figures, holding hands above your heads. other drawings he'd done is wonky, unsymmetrical stars and flowers, very rare occasions mainly at the end of the lesson he's quickly do a tiny little heart at the very bottom corner but only if you weren't paying attention.
• whenever Baji comes across a cat, either a stray or an outdoor cat he'd take a picture of it and send it to you with a text, sometimes you'd be compared to the cat, "you if you were a cat" "it has your eye colour" "the cat has the same personality as you" "I bet you both would get along great"
• his love language is quality time and physical touch
°- Inui seishu
• he would straight up stare at you, without saying anything he'd shamelessly look at you and admire you, a lot of the time with a small smile and if you catch onto him and ask him about it he just shrugs and carries on looking at you
• out of nowhere, rarely, when hes behind you he'd be holding your favourite snack and hold it behind the back of your head until you turn around to notice it, sometimes if you take too long he'd crinkle the package to make you notice
• he'd fix up your hair for you, if the wind blew it and made your hair to be a little off than how you want it to be then he'd move the strands for you without saying anything
• he'd observe you and remember everything, not once did he forget any little detail about you, your temporary favourite colour for the week, what you ate last Thursday at 2:37pm, that one scene in an episode of a series that you mentioned last month that inui was so far behind in watching but then brought it up that he got up to that part, it's as if he keeps note of everything
• his love language is acts of service and quality time, a bit of gifting
°- rindou haitani
• whenever you're both together, for even a brief moment, if he sees a flower outside in the grass, concrete, over someone's garden fence or even on someone's private property he will pick a singular flower and then pass it to you (he expects you to keep it until you both part) and it'd be a large variety wherever you both go out, it's hardly ever be the same flower and he makes sure of that
• at some point he let you try on his white gloves that he uses to fight people with and someone else saw that and asked him if they could also try it on and rindou went, "no fuck off" with no hesitation whatso ever, even his mood switched up a little but then immediately went back to smiling at how the gloves were a little bit too big on you
• if you're both together and walk past a group of guys he'd place his arm around your shoulders and keep you close, his reasoning was so that they don't try to hit on you knowing damn well your a single and a free person (someone's protective?)
• he loves to braid your hair, long or short doesn't matter. he's braided his brother's hair before and even though it took him a few tries to get it right he wouldn't miss a perfect opportunity to try and braid yours if it means to get close to you
• his love language is acts of service and gifting
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orangflowalober · 5 months
Mint Tea and Honey (suck)
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Pairing: Nishimura Riki x Reader
Genre: soft hours, established relationship
Summary: soft hours with bf!niki, spent with drinking tea (that you don't like) and playing games
Word count: 577
Warnings: mentions of drinks, namely tea
Riki stood at the counter staring at the two mugs full of hot liquid waiting for it to cool down. He watched the two different colours in the mugs swirling within the mugs, listening to the sound of his girlfriend’s frustrations with the game she was playing.
A particular banal cuss shook him from his reverie and made him smile.
“Always so violent,” he grinned.
“Like you’re any better!”
He giggled and hovered his hand above the rim of the mugs, checking the temperature. Seeing that they were a normal, if slightly warm, temperature he picked them up and walked into the living room to join his girlfriend on the couch.
He watched you sitting with your hands in your lap, a joystick in your hands, eyes trained on the TV screen in front of you. 
When you heard him approach, you looked at him when he entered, before returning your attention to the game in front of you.
“What’s that?” you asked, fingers rapidly hitting the controls.
Riki leaned against the couch and took in your appearance.
You were wearing one of his hoodies he’d blackmailed you into wearing, your hair fell against your face, framing it, without covering your beautiful eyes which were filled with awe of the game you were playing.
“Tea,” he responded finally.
Hearing that, you side-eyed him.
He smiled seeing your reaction and you put pause on your game before you turned to face him.
“What kind?” you asked with a suspicious look in your eye.
He grinned, ready for that question.
“Mint,” he smiled, full of teeth, “the kind you like.”
You blinked. That slow blink, when you’ve been caught off guard.
“I made myself green tea, if you want to try it?”
You made a face at the mention of any other kind of tea.
“Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll stick to mint” you picked up your mug.
You glanced at the boy next to you as you held it in your hands.
“It’s not hot.” it wasn’t a question.
“It’s not,” he repeated after you.
Your face took on that blank look that only appeared when you were surprised he did something you liked. 
With the realisation that he probably stood in front of the tea for long enough for it to have cooled down you took a sip, your ears and cheeks becoming slightly pink.
As soon as the tea reached your taste buds you froze, barely swallowing the liquid in your mouth.
“Did.” you began slowly, “Did you put honey in this?” a particular kind of contempt in your voice as you said the word honey.
His eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah, why?”
Your lips pursed and you looked away and then back at the tea as if it had wronged you somehow.
“No reason,” you sighed and turned to him with a wonky smile, “Thanks for the tea Riki.”
Then Riki’s singular brain-cell connected the dots.
“You don’t like honey.” he gasped.
“No, I don’t” you agreed with a shrug, “How’d you figure?”
“I think your sister told me once… but I forgot” he scratched the back of his head.
You only grinned.
“I’m not surprised she told you, but seriously,” you told him as you returned your attention back to the screen and resumed the game, “It’s fine”
Then you side eyed him again and he burst out in laughter, pulling you in a hug and watching you play the game, consistently commenting on it with you.
My dearest girls: @ch3rryc0smos & @janaicetea
if anyone wants to be a part of the taglist send an ask <3
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libraryofloveletters · 6 months
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Aaron Ramsdale x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cheesy aprons, Aaron is more interested in eating the cookies than helping, some bad frosting, the two of you are sweeter than the cookies.
Word Count: 661
Author's Note: okay this is my first time writing aaron, I don't know if anyone will even read it but here you go anyways lmao
Aaron can’t help himself when he comes home from training and finds you baking Christmas cookies.
A year tradition; Christmas cookies lined the counters of your kitchen and dining room table.
You always baked cookies for your coworkers, to take to your nieces and nephews and for Aaron to hand out at work. Somehow you always ended up with nearly 400 cookies by the end of the week, slowly parceling them off and sending them to who they needed to go to.
Aaron wasn't shocked to find the house smelling like a bakery when he returned from training, in fact he sort of expected it. You had dragged him to the store over the weekend to get everything you'd need; flour, butter, eggs, sugar, chocolate, icing sugar, milk etc.
Your red apron tied around you, it was the one he had made for you. The Arsenal logo poorly painted onto the front with Mrs. Ramsdale on the top left of it.
He quietly walks over to you, his arms snaking around your waist as your back is turned to him.
"Aaron!" You jumped, smacking his arm lightly. "You scared me!"
Your husband laughs, his chin on your shoulder. "Sorry love," he's quick to kiss your cheek, making up for it. "How's the cookie making going?"
"Slow but it's going." You tell him, swatting his hands away from the hot tray you had on the counter. Aaron pouts a bit but he mumbles an okay when you push his hand away.
"Can I help?" He asks, watching as you frost the cookies carefully. He was always in awe of your skills; every colour mixed to the extra shade you wanted, the lines perfectly straight and you free handed the figures you put on the cookies.
You nod, stopping your frosting momentarily to dig out a apron for Aaron seeing that he was still in his training kit; kiss the cook - some cheesy apron he had picked up after he bought a bbq last summer.
He shrugs off his sweater, putting the apron on and letting you help him tie it. "You have to promise not to eat the cookies." Your finger pointed at the man.
His index finger makes an X over his heart, "I swear to god, I won't eat them."
You nod, satisfied with his commitment to the cookies when you start telling him about the different kinds; peppermint chocolate, gingerbread and sugar cookies.
"You can do these," you set a plate with 4 snowflake shaped gingerbread cookies in front of him. "Just make the lines and do the little edges like this," you show him one of the cookies you had frosted already; the lines making up the lines of a snowflake.
"Okay, easy enough." He nods to himself, carefully holding the piping bag you handed him.
Aaron is careful, his hands steady as he does the first line. He looks up as your cookie and back at his, pleased with himself before he starts on the other line. It takes him a few minutes of pure focus to finish the cookie but he seems to have gone wrong along the way.
the lines are all crooked and a bit blurred together, perhaps he put too much pressure and they merged.
He decided to take the easy route out, picking up the cookie and taking a big bite out of it, the frosting on his nose. You heard the noise and turned towards your husband to see what he's done.
"What happened to not eating the cookies?" You asked him, hands on your hips.
"I didn't."
"The crumbs on your face and the frosting on your nose say otherwise," you reach up to wipe his nose off with your thumb. Aaron smiles, shrugging. "It looked wonky, baby. It didn't look like yours but it tastes fantastic."
"That's because I have years of practice," you tell him, reaching up to take a bite of his cookie. "But it does taste good," you mumble, mouth full of cookies.
Aaron laughs, pulling you to him for a kiss.
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worldsunlikemyown · 8 months
Mogtober 2023 #6 — The Gossamer-spun Garden
Brilliance Amadeo’s first flower in the Gossamer-spun Garden was no masterpiece. No testament at all to the great Weaver she became. Brilliance, barely seven at the time, had Woven a sunflower — wonky petals, colours slightly off, no fragrance. But she’d been proud of it, so very proud. Even years later, she called it her greatest achievement. 
Ezra didn’t like the thing he’d made. Yes, thing it was, because it didn’t even slightly resemble a bluebell. The shape was wrong, and the texture even worse. 
   Brilliance gestured to her own first flower, and shrugged. 
   “But yours was nice,” he insisted. “This isn’t.”
   “It’s imperfect, just like mine,” Brilliance argued. “And there are a great many imperfect things here. But they have heart in them — that’s why they’re so very beautiful regardless.”
   Morrigan visited that Ghostly Hour one day, over a century later, and felt that she, too, had needed to hear those words. 
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fastwiemagie · 11 months
Come on a little day trip with me!
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Sometimes during summer we always visit our distant relatives who beautifully renovated my maternal grandma's childhood home. The couple who lives there now is so sweet and they also have a bunch of adorable cats!! So, it's always a good time when we visit them.
They made sure to preserve parts of the original structure, for example the foyer's stone floor is still using the original floors that were laid down inside the entrance of the farmhouse! Their builders excavated all the stones, cut them to the same thickness (they were all wonky beforehand) and carefully replaced them in the same pattern (marked beforehand). The living room includes the wall that used to be in the cow's quarters. (There was an addition made.) I love all the old and original details that have been preserved and lovingly enhanced!
For day trips I always like to come prepared and lay all my things out on the table, so I can see that I've though of everything and will want for nothing! For this little trip I'm going both ways per train, so I brought things to keep me entertained on my journey as well.
Unfortunately I only found little sleep before this particular trip and used my train journey for napping instead of knitting or reading... but well, I was prepared at least!
[id] Pic 1: A spread of things that could be needed for a day trip: a light purple backpack to store all the things in, a purple triangle scarf with fringe and a braided decoration, a golden crocheted shrug, a pair of golden coloured heart earrings on a piece of cardboard with an ear printed on it, a light blue pouch with a raccoon on it (has a lil hairbrush in it), a pastel-turquoise and white coloured scarf with a geomgetrical pattern on it, as well as flowers and butterflies, a dark green tote with silver coloured foerst animals and mushrooms printed on it (containing knitting stuff), a big water flask with a galaxy print on it in purples and pinks, a pouch with a very light pink fabric on top and white curdoury with red flowers at the bottom (holds granola bars and candy - think emergency snacks!), a green patterned chubby pouch, a slim dark green pouch, a schedule that says "Der Wille war da, aber ich hab ihn wieder weggeschickt" (translated from the german: "the will was here, but i've sent him away" which was a funny christmas present from my mum, a folded up fan and a novel ("The long earth" by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter) You can also see a sand-coloured little shoulder bag, the perfect addition to store vablubles in combination with the big backpack for all the other stuff. [/id]
[id]Pic 2: A close-up of a young, fat, white woman with glasses and a long brown braid sitting on a train. You can see multiple dark-blue covered chairs behind her, like they are typically found on trains. It's a bit chilly thanks to the train's air conditioning and thus the woman is wearing the golden crocheted shrug over her pink-and-purple dress. In the close up you can also see her bronze-coloured pentagram necklace. [/id]
[id] A young, fat, white woman with glasses and a long brown braid over her shoulder is posing happily in her relative's garden. The picture of her is mirrored, so she seems to be posing with her identical twin and the part of the house visible behind her forms into a little cottage. She's wearing a long handmade dress, made from pink (a colour like raspberry icecream) and bright purple linen. The purple bodice has silver metallic thread in the fabric and the pink skirt part (which is cut like a circle skirt, but without the pointy bits cut off) has golden metallic threads. You can't really see them well in the picture, only some shine and glinting to the dress. The pink skirt has a purple cotton underskirt. You can see she's wearing a necklace but don't really recognize what kind. Cream/sand-coloured sandals with cut-out details in the leather strips finish off the outfit. [/id]
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uwukillmenowowo · 28 days
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 [Tokyo Debunker X F!Reader]
[ 4 | Academy] 『🖤』
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Key's for the story: Insert - Narrative - And then she stared at her reflection in the mirror [Insert] - Author speaking - [Eyyy there- wazzup readers] "Insert" - Talking - "Hey there!" [But can also be air quotes] 'Insert' - Thinking - 'Dame he's cute...' "Insert" - Whispering - "I- I messed up..." [But can also be an emphasis on a word/phrase, or flashback] (Insert) - Inner mind..? - (Deadass doesn't know how to explain it here) *Insert* - Action - *Sighs with their head down*[INSERT] - Magic - [OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!] or [IGGNAIM!]
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 3 | Stars] 『⭐』
[Book 0] The Academy of Ghouls
[Chapter 4] Chaotic Academy Number 2
{Your POV}
We got off the train and when my feet hit the station's platform I gazed up at the academy. "This is Darkwick Academy?" I tilted my head. "We stepped through the gates of the Galaxy Express and were greeted by a warm fall breeze. The ground seemed to stretch for miles, and were surrounded all sides by think woods. Stone paths lines with colourful flower beds snaked across the lush grass. A glittering fountain stood in the center.
'Yeah... This is probably only half as big as Night Raven's.... and that's a bad thing... I WAS HOPING TO BE HOOMMMEEE!' I bit my lip to hold my thoughts in. "All right, let's get you patched up first. You okay to walk a little further?" I nodded because I actually used a healing spell on the train. I just couldn't heal it all the way because of the glass imbedded in my flesh.
As we crossed the grounds, cats in hats emblazoned with Darkwick's insignia darted busily around us. I awed and took three photos of each cat and giggled. "You like cats?" I nodded. "I have a lot of friends that are into cats. I got it from them." Haku chuckled. "Yeah, understandable. The chancellor's a big fan." I could tell by the cats' relaxed expressions and glossy coats they were well loved and cared for.
"Eh..? Why is there a lamppost on a bench..?" Not even next to it- It was ON the bench. Like- PURPOSEFULLY welded onto the bench... "Sure is. Wouldn't you get tired standing around all day?" I just hummed. "Yeah but if the post was on the side they people will have more space." I sweat dropped and scratched my cheek. Haku hummed. "I guess I can't argue with that logic..."
I didn't expect such a unique and peaceful atmosphere. I felt a knot in my stomach loosen slightly before it tightened even more. 'Looks can be deceiving... I leaned my lesson with Octavinelle... Scarabia too... and Pomefiore... Oh please be a somewhat normal school!'
We entered the main hall and I wowed. 'It's smaller than Night Raven's but it's as elegant as Royal Sword' I thought as I took more photos without Haku looking. A vast hallway lined with marble pillars stretched out under an ornately decorated ceiling. The embroidered carpet felt soft beneath my sneakers. "oh- Watch out for that shadow. It's a tickler" I looked down and saw a shadow rather close. "A wha-??? O-Okay?" I shrugged and stood by Haku's side so I didn't get lost. 
We proceeded carefully down the hall. "Right. I think Professer Nicolas said he was in the counseling room. I followed Haku into a room. "Sir?" Haku called out. "Come in!" Is this Professer Nicolas? He looked like a normal doctor. I sighed in relief, thankful that they weren't wacky or wonky.
"Hello" I waved. Unsure of how to actually respond to my new environment. We entered a comfortable lounge with warm wooden walls. A fire crackled merrily in a fireplace in the center on the room, sending shadow dancing across the walls. 'So cozy!' I thought and smiled. "[Y/n], right? We've been expecting you." I hummed and nodded slowly. "I'm Nicolas, Professor of Anomalous Medicine. It's a pleasure to meet you, [Y/n]"
I almost felt my soul leave my body. 'ANOMALOUS MEDICENE?! AHH! IT'S PRACTICALLY NRC BUT LESS MAGICAL!'  "N-Nice to meet you..." I stammered. "Professor Nicolas is a teacher here. The cut's on your right leg, right?" I nodded. "Could you show me?" I hummed and showed my injury. 'My socks got ripped too... I'll use magic later~' I thought as the professor examined my leg. 
"You poor thing. This must be painful... Take a seat on the sofa. Could you breathe this in for me." He handed me a small, old-fashioned silver box. There was a bed of wooden chips inside. I leaned over it, and the sweet scent of apple pie tickled my nose. "Waahh~ Cinnamon? And is that willow bark and ginger?" I took another sniff and chuckled. "Will-o-wisp as well?" With these ingredients they must be making it so that I don't feel pain to whatever the professor was gonna do.  But as I looked up, they both gave me shocked looks. "You already know what this is? I thought you were a normal civilian." I flinched. 'Oh sugar! I said too much!'
I chuckled. "F-From comics?" I tried to lie but Haku called me out. "You can't smell something from a comic." I sweat dropped and bit my lip. Thankfully, the professor stopped Haku. "Now now, it's quite alright. Maybe it was one of those scented books for kids?" I chuckled and shrugged. "Anyways, the effect should have taken hold by now. Let me know if this hurts." Professor Nicolas removed the lid from a small vial he was holding. He tipped some of the pink liquid within onto his fingertip, and gently smeared it on the cut on my ankle.
I bit my lip hard. "Yup- That hurts." I clutched the couch pillows hard. "Hmm... It shouldn't." The professor gave me a stern glance. "There's probably still glass stuck inside." I groaned. They gave me even more shocked stares. "Glass got stuck?!" They both yelled. I nodded. "Yeah, umm... Taiga?" I looked to Haku and he nodded. "Yeah, Taiga picked up a lot of glass and as his gun fired it, one of the pieces ricocheted and stuck itself in my leg. I was in slight panic so I just ripped it out of my leg but since it was broken... some shards might still be..."
The professor sighed. "Haku, could you grab Professor Hyde for me?" Haku nodded before leaving. "[Y/n]" the professor then looked at me. "Now, could you please tell me where you heard of Will-o-wisps before?" I bit my lip. "Sir, with all due respect I do not think you will believe me." The professor just laughed, not mockingly, but in an "I'm confident" way. "I do not think so. I work here after all." I giggled at his statement. "Haku won't be here for a few minutes right?" The professor nodded so I reached into my blazer for my wand. "Please do not tell ANYONE What I am about to show you."
The professor nodded and I took out my wand. He gave me a shocked look. "A-An anomoly?" I chuckled and shook my head. "I do not know what you mean by that. Because I'm from a different world." Professor Nicolas stared at me even more shocked. I hummed and decided to use a small spell to prove it. "[Laugh With Me!]" As I flicked my wand, the gem at the bottom of my wand glowed yellow before turning back to it's normal color. "What... happened.?" Professor Nicolas asked.
I smiled and then stood up, causing the professor to stand up too. I waved, the professor waved back. "I... I can't control my body." The professor exclaimed in more shock. "This is magic. Magic from... my old world" I reminisced about Twisted Wonderland. "Magic? It's nothing like a stigma... Impressive. But could you please let me go now?" I nodded and canceled the spell.
"So.. you're from another world. You have magic instead of stigmas..." I nodded and put my wand away. Just then, Haku arrived with a shady-looking man with a black blindfolded, who I assume it Professor Hyde. "Ah! There she is! The infamous witness!"  He had a bright smile upon his lips as he swaggered into the room. He walked in a circle, as though inspecting me, before folding his long limbs onto the sofa across from mine. "Looks like a regular girl to me. It's probably a side effect of the anomaly."
I hummed. "I presume you're Professor Hyde?" Haku then stood behind me. "He looks like the kind of person you'd cross the street to avoid, right?" I giggled. "You're setting a bad example for you students, professor Hyde." Professor Nicolas and Professor Hyde are like Professor Crewel and Headmage Crowley... but in a less strict way.
"Ouch. Who'd cross the street to avoid a catch like me?" I laughed and covered my mouth. "See? The little lady gets it~" I covered my laughter more. "Buuut can't argue with Professor Nicolas, though..." The white haired professor then leaned forward with his hands in his pockets, meeting my eyeline. "Hyde, at your service. I teach Anomalous Biology and no one cares more about our precious students than your truly." I smiled and nodded. "Okay." 'He is like Crowley! This is pretty cute.'
But when I saw Haku and Professor Nicolas staring unsurely at Professor Hyde I thought, 'I'm not supposed to take him seriously am I..?' "Anyway... could you examine her leg? She has some glass shards in it and I've just finished extracting some medicines so I don't think it would be wide to check myself." Professor Hyde nodded and checked my leg. "This may hurt a bit so grab a pillow and hug it tight." I nodded and the white haired professor grabbed a tissue before gripping my leg tight. 
I flinched. 'How does this help?!' I thought and hugged one of the pillows tight. "There we go. All done." I opened my eyes and saw my leg bleeding a lot, but the shards were on the tissue he was holding. 'Did.... did he just force my leg to start bleeding so that the glass shards would squeeze out..?' "Professor Hyde!" Nicolas stated as he grabbed a clean cloth and dapped it on my leg, cleaning the blood. "Hey~ It worked?" Professor Nicolas bonked Hyde on the head and then he grabbed the same pink liquid again. "Tell me if it hurts this time."
I nodded and he smeared it on my cut again. This time, the cut completely closed and I felt no pain. "There. Okay, I've finished treating [Y/n]. Are you going to hold the counseling session now?" Hyde nodded as he stood besides Professor Nicolas. "Bingo. Sooner we figure out why the matches don't work, the better." Professor Nicolas gave me a stare and I just nodded.
He hummed and gave a slow nod. 'Good, he'll keep it a secret' I thought. "So how about it, [Y/n]? Let's have a little D&M, just the two of us." I was a bit confused so I looked to Haku for assistance. "They want to do a psych eval before they take you to see the chancellor." "That's what I said, isn't it?" I lightly laughed at Professor Hyde's confused expression. "It's really not..." Both Haku and Prof. Nicolas said.
Then they both left, leaving me and Professor Hyde together.
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 5 | Quiz] 『❓』
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Too Late - Seven
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summary: You’ve always secretly pined over Eddie Munson, your best friend, but when you find out he’s dating Chrissy Cunningham, you reach your breaking point. you seek comfort from Gareth, your second best friend. you figure out he’s got a crush, but you don’t know who, you were determined to figure it out though. but he was determined to keep his feelings for you locked away forever. but plans change, right?
too late masterlist - find next chapter there :)
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Wednesday afternoon rolled around. You were walking side by side with Chrissy, on your way to her house. You had never been before, it was safe to say you were nervous. You decided not to tell her too much about yesterday's experience with Gareth, you thought it would be too personal to share. Though, you did tell her some things. 
“And then I took my shirt off and he took off his.” You smiled, walking sideways to face her, “It was really nice… and comfortable.” 
“Go Y/N!” She cheered, grabbing your hand and swinging it between you in excitement. 
“And, this Friday we're gonna take another step. I don’t know what yet, but we decided just to let it happen naturally, you know?”
“That's a good idea, you sure you're okay with it being so soon?” 
You nodded, “Yeah, actually. Well, I’m a little nervous, but I think it’s just first time nerves, you know?” you sighed, a soft smile resting naturally on your lips, “I feel really comfortable with him.” 
“That’s good.” She squeezed your hand, “Though, just because you set a date to do stuff, doesn’t mean you actually have to do it if it ends up feeling wrong.” 
You nodded, “Yeah… I know.”
“Good.” She grinned, pulling out the keys to her front door, “Now, how much money you got? Can we splurge on a couple sets?” 
You blushed, “I have a fair bit saved up… never had to spend any on weed before.”
She giggled, “Benefits of a drug dealer best friend.” 
“Not any more I suppose.” you shrugged, your demeanour dropping, “But anyway, I think I can buy a couple.” 
“Mum will drive us there in ten.” 
“Okay,” You sighed, looking at yourself in the wonky mirror of your small, brightly lit changing room, “it’s on.” 
“Can I see?” She called from the other side of the curtain. 
You tipped your head, sliding your hand over the fabric of the panties you were trying on, “Yeah, come in.”
She smiled and dipped inside the curtain, careful not to open it too much and expose you to the entire dressing room. She looked over your shoulder at your reflection and smiled. You turned back to her, a little unsure of yourself. She grabbed your bra strap, adjusting it to give you a little more lift, and then the other one, making sure they were even. 
“It looks great.”
“You sure?” you bit your lip.
“Absolutely, he’s gonna flip his shit.” 
You laughed, “Maybe…”
“Come on.” She shook her head, “Not only are you standing here in a really sexy set of underwear, it’s in his favourite colour. He’s gonna lose it.” 
You swallowed tracing your finger over the loose lace on the underside of your bra. It was emerald green, the cups were a see through mesh, decorated with floral lace pattern for some coverage, but if you looked close enough you could faintly see your nipples under. It was quite low cut, and pushed your breasts up a lot. It did look quite nice, though, you were a little unsure, nerves flying. You weren't just buying a set of underwear, you were buying it for him, and you wanted to make sure it was right. The panties matched, the waistline on the hip was just a strap, just about as thick as your bra straps, the fabric covering your ass and cunt was a mesh like the bra cups, the extra lace only covering your most private areas. 
“Did you wanna try on the garter belt?” she held up the flimsy piece of fabric. 
“Isn’t that a little advanced for a virgin?” you quirked your eyebrow. 
“Well, you don’t have to wear it the first time,” She shrugged with a smile, “but when you get a bit more… into it.” 
Your face blushed red, “I mean… okay?” 
You stepped into the belt, and fixed it to sit just above your belly button. It had two thigh garters already attached, and you wiggled them around till they sat right. 
“What do you think?” 
‘Yes.” She nodded, “If you think you like it, one hundred percent, yes.” 
You looked at yourself, tugging at the lace a little, “How much is it?” 
“Uh, the whole set will cost you eighty dollars.” she smoothed the tag on your back. 
“Shit.” you thought for a moment, “Okay, why not? Save it for a rainy day?” 
“Exactly.” she smiled, “You still want to get the black one too?” 
You looked at the black lacy set you had previously tried on, this one was more like a bralette, and the panties were a lacy g-string. You quickly checked the tags, “Yeah, I’ve got enough money for it.” 
“Yay.” She clapped her hands together, giving you some privacy to change back into your own clothes. 
After changing, you collected your belongings, clutching the underwear tightly in your hand. You rubbed your thumb over the green lace and smiled. Chrissy was right, you knew that, he was gonna lose it seeing you in that. And holy fuck did the thought get you wet. 
Once arriving back home, you dropped the bag down on your dresser. You were sitting in your bed, already dressed in your pyjamas, comfy little shorts and the shirt you stole from Gareth. You were lying on your stomach, sketch pad in front of you, your Corroded Coffin mix playing, your pen mindlessly drawing a picture of Gareth. There was a soft knock on your door, and your mother called out your name. You didn’t look up, continuing to draw as you replied, 
“Come in, I’m decent.” 
“You have some guests.” She smiled as she pushed open the door, walking back to the kitchen to continue the dinner prep. 
You looked back over your shoulder to find the boys… all of them standing in your doorway. You took a second to process Eddie's unexpected appearance before smiling wide. You grabbed your pillow, sitting it over your sketchbook to save yourself the embarrassment and you sat up. 
“Come in,” you waved your hand, “what brings you to my humble abode, kind sirs?” 
They shuffled into your room awkwardly, Gareth shutting the door behind him. They stole a few unsure glaces at each other, mouthing things, some form of communication you couldn’t quite grasp. You furrowed your eyebrows. 
“Ah, hello?” you cleared your throat, “Look, I’m glad to see you lot, but I was kind of chilling out. And I swear if you're here to have a deep heart to heart where I will inevitably cry, can we please postpone? I’m in a good mood.” 
“We're not.” Eddie spoke quickly, his gaze falling desperately on your eyes. 
You looked at him for a moment, your heart dropping a little, he looked like shit. His skin was paler than usual, his hair was a tatted mess, there were massive bags under his eyes and they were slightly red.
“Eddie.” you whispered, “You okay?” 
He forced a smile, “I am now.” 
Your eyes fell to the ground, and then to Gareth. He looked discouraged, fighting between crying and clawing Eddie’s eye’s out. 
“Well don’t get too comfortable.” you were quick to hide your emotions away, he couldn’t know how much you were hurting, “Why are you here?”
Your change in tone cut him deep. Gareth wasn’t sure what to feel. Eddie shook his head, chasing his thoughts and feelings away, pulling his hands out from behind his back and presenting you with a small little rectangle, terribly wrapped in old Christmas paper, a pink ribbon tied around it. 
“Happy birthday, prin- ah, Y/N.” 
You glared at him, “Now you want to appreciate my birthday?” 
Gareth stepped forward, snatching the gift from his hand and walking over to you, sitting beside you as he dropped it in your hands, “It’s from all of us.”
Your eyes widened, you looked up at him, body erupting with excitement, “The recording studio?” 
He smiled and nodded, “Yup, freshly recorded this afternoon.” 
“Ah!” you jumped up and raced over to your speaker, ripping the paper off the gift and shoving the tape into the player, “I’m so excited.” 
You pressed play, and there was a strong guitar riff to begin with. You looked on the back of the tape case to find the song list, the first song was an old one, one of your favourites, Death Row. It didn’t have any meaning, it was just metal music, but it was fun to listen to, and you could dance to it. You began to bop your head and tap your foot along to the beat. When the drums came in you looked over to Gareth, smiling at him softly. 
“It sounds fucking amazing.” you gushed, banging your head a little more now, “Proper quality.” 
“It was really cool to record as well.” Jeff chimed in. 
“Yeah, totally awesome.” Grant grinned, “We have to do it again.” 
“Next time, invite me to come watch.” You smiled up at them all, “This is so cool.” 
You were a few songs into the tape now, and you had all settled in comfortably into your room. Jeff and Grant were sitting on your floor in a quiet discussion about whether the bass or guitar sounded better in this particular track, you and Gareth were laying on your bed together, on your stomachs and you were showing him some of your sketches… Well, everyone was comfortable except Eddie. He sat at your dressing table, knees pulled up to his chest as he just stared at you and Gareth. 
“No…” you laughed softly, quietly conversing with your boyfriend, “I just do it for fun.”
“You're always telling us we could make some money off the band,” He smiled, “why can’t you make money off these?”
“Because I’m not serious about it, Gar Bear.” you shook your head, flipping the page, “Plus - and I mean you no offence - I just don’t think many people are interested in buying drawings of you.” 
He blushed ridiculously, glancing over at you with wide eyes before grinning back down at the page. He drew his finger lightly over the blue curve of his nose. 
“This is really good.” 
You smiled, “Really pretty, you mean.” 
He rolled his eyes playfully, “Fine… it’s really pretty.”
You grinned, your leg wrapping around his mindlessly, “He admits it, I’m shocked.” 
“You did me a lot of justice.” he gestured to the page. 
“Nuh uh.” you shook your head, “Just drew you super realistically.” 
“Hey-” Eddie’s voice made the both of you turn your heads. 
He couldn’t bear to look at you with Gareth. With another best friend. He hated the thought of you replacing him with his best friend, or even with his girlfriend. And he hated that, for some reason unbeknownst to him, you were seemingly flirting with the drummer. He hated that a lot. 
“Yeah?” you rolled onto your side, back pressing up against Gareth's shoulder to get a better look at him. 
“I’m sorry-”
“Eddie, I said I wasn’t in the mood.” 
“Can you just let me fucking apologise? Please?” his eyes looked so desperate. 
You stared at him for a moment. You knew better than to give him the satisfaction, to give him your time, your energy. After the way he’d been treating you and the band - the way he treated Chrissy - you wanted to hate him with every fibre of your being. But one look at those fucking eyes and he was pulling you back in. He was your best friend, your oldest friend, your closest friend since elementary school. You didn’t want to lose him, even though he was rude, abusive, and a little manipulative. He was still your best friend, the person you loved most in the world, even without the romantic feelings. You couldn’t help yourself, you wanted to hear his apology. You wanted your best friend back. 
“Okay.” you breathed out, and he was taken aback, half expecting you to say no and tell him to fuck off. 
Gareth looked over at you, jealousy and hurt panged at his heart. He thought you would say no, he thought you would tell Eddie he didn’t deserve that. He knew you deserved better than his shitty best friend. But fuck, the way Eddie looked at you in that moment, the way you looked at him - he trusted you with his whole heart, if you said your feelings for Eddie had dissipated then he would be stupid to argue, but maybe, just maybe Eddie still had feelings for you. He thought those feelings had gone away years ago, when he bumped into Chrissy after Hellfire one night. But maybe he lied. Or maybe those feelings had come back. And maybe yours were coming back too, and the thought of that made his heart shatter. He bit down on his lip, tears threatened to spill from his eyes but he didn’t let them. He hid his face away and just listened, torturing himself all the more. 
He swallowed, “I’m- I’m so sorry.” 
“I really can’t lose you, Princess-”
“Eddie, I thought we fucking settled this?” 
He gritted his teeth, “I don’t care!” he stood, “I don’t care. I don’t. I’ve always called you that, you are my fucking princess. If I want to call you that, I can!” 
You nodded slowly, “So why did you say it to Chrissy?” 
He took a small step back, “I- I don’t- I was trying to…” he looked around the room, it felt like the walls were closing in, “I don’t know.” 
You sighed, “I felt - feel, replaced, Eddie.” you sat up, “You found a better version of me, one you could kiss, and that got you hard and you moved on.” 
“No.” you shook your head, “You found someone who wasn’t a freak, and you left me in the dust. All that false conformity crap you preach biting you in the ass.” 
“She’s not better than you, I promise.” 
“Tread lightly, Eddie. She’s my best friend now, and it you say some fucked up shit I’m gonna tell her.” 
He swallowed, taking a second, thinking of what he could say, “She just- she wanted me.” 
You sighed, “Yeah, and you have wanted her for years. I don’t understand.” 
“I focused on her because she really wanted me.” he shook his head, “She wanted to spend every moment with me, and she- she appreciated me. She still does. And for some reason, she doesnt find me gross and she wants- she kisses me.” 
A tear slipped from your eye, “Okay, but that doesn’t mean you leave us-”
“She wants me!” He stepped a little closer, “She wants me, and you don’t. She treats me like I am someone, none of you do that.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“None of you treat me like she does.” 
Your eyes fluttered shut for a moment and you stood up to reach his eyeline, or as much as you could given your height difference, “Where the fuck did you pull that idea from? We have done nothing but love you, Eddie.” 
“Bull shit-”
“Bull shit my ass!” you shouted, “Everything I have done since fucking middle school had been in your godforsaken best fucking interest!” you shoved at his chest. 
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Gareth was up and standing beside you now, anger seething through him, he pulled you back a little, stepping between you and Eddie, “She has done nothing but love you man, and you constantly just treat her like shit.”
“Maybe recently a bit-”
“Nah man.” Gareth shook his head, “You have always treated her like shit.” 
Eddie leant forward, teeth gritted, his face close to Gareths in an attempt to intimidate, “Give me one fucking example.” 
But Gareth just shoved him back, “Do you ever notice when she’s sad, unless she's actually crying in front of you or telling you word for word that she’s hurting? Do you ever take an interest in her interests- and not metal, or anything that you're interested in too- do you ever look at her art, do you ever take the time to actually tell her how great she is? How about that time, I think it was three years ago now, when Carver was being a dick to both of you and instead of telling her that ‘no, she’s not getting fat’, you told her to lay off the chocolate shakes.” 
Eddie took a step back, only now realising that he’s not the best friend in the world. 
“Yeah,” Gareth nodded, “There’s fucking more. Do you remember that party in middle school? The one where we all played spin the bottle? Remember you told me that if I landed on her, I shouldn’t kiss her anyway, because apparently she was a really shit kisser? And remember when she so clearly was into you after you did kiss her, and you just brushed her off and kissed a bunch of other girls right in front of her? And then, when her feelings for you developed, and she constantly flirted with you, you refused to acknowledge her. But still, you told every guy that looked her way that she was yours, and that they weren't allowed to ask her out- heck, I’m not even allowed to compliment her.”
“I’m-” He looked back over Gareth's shoulder at you, “You didn’t-” 
“You always called her a slut when she’d dress up nice in hopes of getting another guy to notice her because you never did.” He shook his head, pointing a finger against Eddie’s chest, “And who was there to pick up the fucking peices? Me. Because I know she deserves better than the shit you constantly put her through. Do you remember on her sixteenth birthday, she invited Joel Neils to her party because he had asked her out on a date the week before, and when you found out, you told him to get lost. And when she came crying to you about being dumped out of the blue, you told her it was because she wasn’t good enough for a guy like-”
“Okay,” you grabbed Gareth’s arm, pulling him back, “Gareth, that’s enough.” 
“No it’s not.” He pulled out of your grasp, “He deserves to know all the pain he’s caused you over the years-”
“He deserves to know how much he was hurting you, whilst you continued to call him your best friend, whilst you continued to love him. He deserves to feel worse pain than you did.”
“Gareth, please-”
“He’s right.” Eddie’s voice cracked. 
You looked at him longingly, your gaze falling back to Gareth. You had never seen him so angry. He took a breath. 
“Jovi, the day you came to me, and told me that you were in love with him, my heart fucking broke.” He turned back to Eddie, “Because I hated that you put her through all that pain and suffering, said all those horrible things to her, and she still loved you. She still put you up on this pedestal and worshiped the fucking ground-”
“Gareth please.” You tugged at his arm again, teary eyed. 
He went to turn back to Eddie, to continue scolding him, but the sadness in your eyes had his mind blank. The only thoughts now in his head were to make you comfortable again. 
You shook your head, “I don’t want to hear it.” 
“It’s true?” Eddie asked, and you both switched your attention to him, “You do… love me?” 
You rubbed your forehead, “I love you, as my best friend.” you sighed, “But your making it really, really fucking hard to love you at all, Eddie.” 
His heart sank.
You turned to Gareth and leant in to whisper in his ear, “Give me a minute alone with him? I’ll just let him say what he wants to say, sort our own shit out.”
He looked at you, then at Eddie, then at you again, “You want to be alone… with him?” He swallowed the lump in his throat. 
“Not like that.” You squeezed his arm softly, “He’s clearly holding back his honesty with you around, I’ll tell you everything, I promise.” 
He was hesitant, his eyes glassy, he licked his lips. You brought your hand to his cheek, your cold hand almost stinging his warm skin. You brushed your thumb along his cheekbone, the tip dusting over his bottom lashes. You smiled reassuringly, 
“I’ll call you if I need back up.” you booped his nose, “You can be my knight in shining armour.” 
He nodded, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. He grabbed Jeff and Grant and led them out of the room, closing the door behind him. You turned back to Eddie. 
“Full honesty, right now. You have two minutes. You talk, then I will tell you what I’m feeling. No questions asked, just blatant honesty, please.” 
He took a deep breath, preparing himself to speak, “I’m sorry. I am really, really fucking sorry. I know I’ve fucked up everything about us, about my friendships with everyone. But I’m trying to make amends, I really am. I- I still have my hesitations about you and Chrissy being so close. I don’t like it, and that’s a fact. But, I think I can come to terms with it. I tried calling her today, to apologise, but she wasn’t home again. I’m gonna call her tonight, go to her house or something. Properly apologise. I need her just as much as I need you, I realise that now. I’ve said some pretty fucked up shit, I know- but, Y/N-” His breath hitched, “Did I really hurt you like that?”
You shied away, “No questions.” 
He swallowed, “Fuck, I did. I did, didn’t I? Fuck. I didn’t even- I didn't know. I was just- I don’t know what I was doing. I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry, for everything. Please, you mean everything to me, princess. Fucking everything…” He dropped to his knees in front of you, a shaky breath leaving his lips and he wrapped his arms around your legs, pressing his tear stained cheeks into your flesh, “Please, please forgive me. Or at least find it in your heart to move on, give me a second chance? I’ll be better. I will never say that shit again, fuck- I’ll do everything I can to fix this. I’d do anything for you, I swear. I swear on my fucking life. Please. I need you. I need you so much-”
“Eddie stop.” You reached down to pull his face back from your knee, the tears on his cheeks and the purely wrecked look on his face split your heart in two. 
“I’m-” He sobbed, “Please.” 
You took a few deep breaths, “You're a dick.” 
He nodded profusely, “I am, I’m even worse, I know.”
“You're rude, you're manipulative, you're controlling, you're abusive.” you sighed, sweeping a hand through his greasy locks, “You broke my heart.” 
“I’m- I’m so sorry-”
“Sorry isn’t going to fix anything.” 
You scolded yourself for sympathising with him. You didn’t know why your heart still beat for him. It was purely platonic now, that you knew, that you were sure of. But still, he hurt you more as a friend then he did as a love interest. But the blatant fact remained; you missed your best friend more than fucking anything. 
“If you can show me that you mean it, that you really are sorry, and that you're trying to change- to fix yourself…” You swallowed thickly, “then I will forgive you.” 
His eyes widened, his jaw hung slack and he looked at you with deep hope and adoration, “Really?” 
You hated yourself, “Yes. But you really have to prove yourself.” 
“I- I will, I promise.” He hugged your legs so tightly. 
You swept your hand through his locks again and looked over at the collection of pictures hanging on your wall. Your eyes fixed on a photo of you and Eddie in your last year of elementary school. You were both happy and smiling, playing in the sand pit together. You missed those simpler times, when none of this shit happened. You looked back down at him. 
“Still no princess, please.” You hummed and he peeled away from your legs to look at you, “I don’t like it anymore. It feels- horrible.” 
His heart sank, but he nodded, bringing himself to his feet, “Can I please hug you?” 
You sighed, “Yeah.” 
He pulled you into a tight embrace, and the moment your head pressed up against his chest, all your emotions came flying out. Your lip quivered and you began to cry, hot tears soaking into the fabric of his shirt. You missed this - him. You squeezed him tighter, burying your face deeper into his chest. He cradled your head with his hand, his face pressing down into the crook of your neck, subtly taking in your scent - something he so desperately missed. His other hand gripped around your back tighter, his fingers twisting into your (Gareth's) shirt. You both sobbed there for a while, a good three minutes at least, almost an entire song playing through in the background. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple, something he often did when you needed comfort, or before you went to sleep, or whenever you cuddled. It was a gesture that always made you feel so warm and fuzzy, but now it felt forced, unnatural, wrong even. And whilst it felt safe to be so close to Eddie again, you were definitely right about one thing, Gareth was much more comfortable, both physically and emotionally. You pulled away, taking a small step back and sheepishly wiped your tears. Eddie did the same. 
“I really missed you a lot.” 
You scoffed, “That’s your own fault.” 
You chuckled softly, “I know. I’m an idiot.” 
You just nodded and walked over to your door, swinging it open abruptly. Grant and Jeff fell through the doorway into a heap. You looked down at your feet, where their heads rested on the floor and furrowed your eyebrows. 
“You seriously fucking easedropped?” You deadpanned them. 
“For Gareth’s sake.” Jeff mumbled. 
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. You stepped over their bodies and walked down the small hallway till you found Gareth sitting at the dining room table, nursing a mug of tea with your mother. He was slumped on his elbow, a frown on his face, eyebrows knitted together, his lip pouted. Your mum sat with the paper in hand, glasses on, sipping her own tea. 
“Hi.” You smiled at him softly. 
Gareth looked up at you desperately, a little unsure in his feelings. Your mum lowered her paper and pulled her glasses down slightly to look at you over them. She had a lot of sass in her voice, “You're seriously not still in love with him, are you?”
“No mum.” you groaned. 
“Always thought he was trouble. I told you-”
“I get it.”
“You should always listen to me, your mother knows best.” 
“Yup.” you nodded, trying to get her to leave. 
“What did I say about Eddie? That he was troubled. Was I correct? Yes.” she shook her head, “What did I say about Gareth?”
He stiffened a little. 
“I said he’s a sweet young boy, and a much better match for you.” 
You groaned, “I get it. You know everything.” 
She pointed a stern finger, “Attitude.” 
“Can you please give us some privacy?” you glared at her. 
“You still don’t listen to a single thing I say.” 
“Mum, I don’t need you interfering in my relationships.” you pressed, “I can decide who I should and shouldn’t like on my own.”
“Clearly you can’t if your going back to Eddie-”
“I’m not going back to Eddie!” you shouted and walked over to snatch her paper away, “I’m perfectly happy with Gareth-”
“You admit it!” She exclaimed, an excited smile on her face.
“You already knew.” you shook your head in disbelief. 
“Yeah, but you didn’t admit it.” 
“You only ever asked before it happened.” you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, “Now can you please give me and my boyfriend some privacy?”
She looked at you for a moment, then over at Gareth, and then back at you, shaking her head, “No.” she scoffed, “I know what that means-”
“To talk! Mum.” you groaned, “To talk. Were in the loungeroom for fucks sake.”
“Language.” She pressed and snatched her paper back from you, “Teenagers.” she shook her head and left the room. 
You slid down into the chair behind Gareth and pressed your head against his shoulder, letting out an exhausted groan. He swept some hair behind your ear. 
“Did you ask them to eavesdrop?” you mumbled. 
“No actually,” he laughed softly, “but they insisted.” 
“Naturally.” you hummed and lifted your head back up to look at him, “Sorry if I freaked you out.” 
He shrugged. 
“Really, I’m sorry.” you grabbed his hand, “Promise I’m yours, one hundred present.”
He smiled halfheartedly, he wasn’t sure if he believed it, the idea a forign dream to him, “What did he say?” 
“Uhm,” you blew a little air out of your mouth as you thought, “he just apologised a lot, begging for my forgiveness or a second chance. Said he’s gonna fix things with Chris, which he better, because she actually loves him-”
“She’s doomed.” he nodded, and you raised your eyebrows, a coy smile breaking your lips, “All who fall in love with Edward Munson are inevitably doomed for heartbreak.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved his chest gently, “Yeah well, at least I had you to pick up the pieces.” 
“And I’ll be there if he does it again.” 
You gave him a warm smile, “I’m not gonna let it happen again, but thank you.” 
He shrugged, “You can never be sure.”
“I can.” you mindlessly drew little patterns on his arm, “The only one allowed to break my heart from now on is you… and Bon Jovi.” 
He laughed, “Yeah, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. I think if anyone's heart gets broken, it’s gonna be mine. Cant see myself wanting anyone else, ever.” 
Your mouth fell slightly agape, your heart fluttered, and your eyes practically turned into hearts.
“Fuck- too much?” His cheeks blushed a deep red and he stiffened in his chair, “Sorry.”
You shook your head and swept some hair back from his face ever so sweetly, “No, just enough.” 
You leant over to press a soft kiss to his cheek, “Back to the homewrecker in my bedroom-”
He snorted. 
You grinned, “I ah..” you bit your lip, a little nervous of how he would react, “I told him if he can prove he’s sorry, and actually tries to fix everything, then I’ll forgive him.” 
Gareth scratched the back of his neck, “You- you want to forgive him?” 
You shrug, “Maybe.” you sigh deeply, “He’s my best friend.”
He nodded slowly, “If you're sure, but…” he swallowed, “I swear if he does anything to hurt you again-”
“You’ll defend my honour?” You smirked. 
He shook his head, “I’ll fucking punch his brains out.” 
You tipped your head, shaking it slightly, “You will do nothing of the sort. I don’t intend on visiting a prison an hour away every two weeks just to see you. I’m not jail girlfriend material.” 
He laughed, “Okay, I won’t punch him- or I just won’t get caught.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Enough of that. Also, thanks for completely outing me to Eddie.” 
His eyes buldged, “Oh my fuck-”
“Yeah.” you nodded with a sarcastic smile, “Did me a solid. Now he knows I had a thing for him- a big thing for him. That’s gonna go straight to his head.”
“Oh fuck, what have I done?” He pulled at his cheeks, “He’s gonna be insufferable.” 
“Yah huh.” you nodded, “You did that. Remember that.” 
He took a deep breath, “So many regrets.” 
“Y/N darling?” Your mother called out from the kitchen, “Dinners almost ready, boys have got to go.” 
“Okay!” you called back and turned to Gareth, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead as you stood, “Let’s go kick them out.” 
He followed you to your room, and you pushed the door open to find Eddie holding up that new green bra. Your face burned red and you flung yourself at him, tackling him down to the ground and snatching it from his grasp.
“What the fuck, Eddie?” you exclaimed, crawling off him and trying to discreetly stuff the damned thing back in the bag. 
“Why the fuck do you have that?” He stood. 
“Have what?” Gareth asked. 
“Time for you all to go!” You opted for a conversation change, walking over to Eddie and pushing him towards your door. 
He was stronger, and stepped away from your grasp with ease, turning back to Gareth, “A fancy bra-”
“She’s a chick. Of course she has a fancy bra.” Grant added, grabbing his backpack off the ground. 
Gareth just stood there a little embarrassed, trying to force away the thought of you in your underwear. He didn’t need an erection right now. 
“Not her.” Eddie scoffed, “She gets no action-”
“And whose fault is that?” you pressed, pushing him towards your door again, “Maybe I have benefited from your absence, Munson.” 
“Not enough for that.” he pointed to the bag again, “That is quality stuff right there.” 
“Chrissy told me to buy it!” You tried to cover your tracks, you didn’t want Gareth to know you were buying things like that for him. 
“Ah huh, sure.” Eddie muttered, “Chrissy told you to buy sexy underwear, and a garter-” 
You slapped your hand over his mouth, “Can you fucking keep some things to yourself- Christ. I am clearly embarrassed.”
“All the more reason to tease.” He smirked. 
Gareth was a flustered mess, hands resting together ‘innocently’ over his crotch, lips pursed. 
“Get out. All of you, now!” You shook your head and finally shoved Eddie out your door, “You're on thin ice, Munson. Didn't think you would be going through my shit.”
“I bumped into the table and it fell out- not my fault.” He grinned, “Though I’m not compl-”
You slammed the door in his face, “You have a girlfriend, dick.” 
You turned to face the other boys. 
“Mum said you all had to go, not just Eddie.” you walked over and hugged Jeff and Grant, “Thank you for the tape. I love it.” 
“No problem.” Jeff smiled. 
“Our pleasure.” Grant added. 
“Now leave the room so I can kiss my boyfriend goodbye.” 
They nodded suit and clambered out of the room, finding Eddie in the main space. You turned to Gareth, each of you entirely embarrassed. 
“Is that why you asked for my favourite colour?” He grinned. 
You pressed your palms into your eyes, “Fuck.” 
He laughed nervously, “You- you didn’t have to.” 
You looked up at him sheepishly, “I know.” 
He took a little step closer and poked your shoulder, “You brought underwear in my favourite colour.” 
“Shut up.” you groaned and leant down to rest your head against his chest in shame.
He stroked your hair gently, grinning to himself, “You gonna wear it Friday?” 
You looked up at him, “Look who’s bold now.” you smirked and he shook his head in embarrassment, “Maybe, might wear the other one. Whatever works best with my outfit.” 
He nodded, “Well, whatever you wear, it’s gonna look great.” 
You smiled, a new wave of confidence washing over you, “It will.” 
He nodded and played with the fabric of your shirt, “Can’t believe you stole my favourite band tee.” 
You raised your eyebrows, “I can’t believe you lent me your favourite band tee.” 
“Can you blame a guy for making you wear his favourite things just to gain some remote sense of relationship with you?” 
You smirked, “I suppose I can’t. I’m gonna steal another one on Friday.” 
“Steal them all if you want, I love this look on you.” 
You giggled and leant in to give him a soft kiss, “See you tomorrow hot stuff.”
He blushed and kissed your nose, “See you tomorrow, darling.” 
You got a call from Chrissy last night, it was around ten pm, and she was calling from Eddie’s trailer. She had perched herself up on the counter, legs kicking against it as she told you how Eddie had chased her down and profusely apologised. You told her how he came apologising to you too, but she already knew that, he had told her. She ended up staying the night at his, and you scolded her for running back to him so desperately. She said she couldn’t help herself, she really did love him. They had a proper date planned for Saturday night, a fancy dinner and a surprise Eddie had set up for her. She planned on telling him then. You were a little unsure for her, but she was determined to tell him. 
Gareth drove you to school again this morning, these little car rides with him quickly becoming your favourite parts of the day. Eddie hadn’t shown up to school today, and neither did Chrissy. Jeff and Grant assumed he was spacing out on you guys again, but Gareth and you had a little more hope. You tried calling his trailer after the fourth period, just to check on them, but there was no reply. You hoped for two things; one, they had really crazy makeup sex that went for hours and hours and they just slept in, or two, they had just gotten a little lost in their feelings and needed a day to talk it out. There was always a third option of them getting into another heated argument, but you didn’t hope for that one. It was now lunch, and you walked out of your history class and over to your locker. You shoved your things in there quickly, heading to the cafeteria. You were so very hungry. You walked with your head down, a few worries in your mind about Chrissy, and you bumped right into someone. They were walking backwards, turning and running in your direction at full speed without even noticing that you were there. Now, you were in a heap on the floor. You squint your eyes shut with the slight pain caused by the fall, your back hitting the floor harshly, the person falling on top of you. But a familiar smell caught your attention. Your eyes flickered open to find Gareth extremely confused on top of you. You both laughed. He placed his hands on either side of your head, hovering over your, taking his weight off your body now. 
“Well hello there.” He grinned. 
“Funny bumping into you.” you laughed softly. 
He looked around for a moment, there were no students in the hall, other than a few strays with their heads buried in their lockers, a fair distance from you. He looked back down at you, bringing his lips down onto your’s. Your hands rested on his shoulders, your fists balled up the fabric of his shirt and you pulled him in a little closer. 
“You know,” He broke the kiss, his lips still hovering right above yours, “if we were to walk past us right now, we would probably gag.” 
“Awh,” you booped his nose, “but I like when you're on top of me like this.” 
Well that went straight to his dick. You smirked at the blush in his cheeks, the redness in his ears, and the very obvious feeling of him growing hard against your thigh. 
“Are you trying to kill me?” 
“Absolutely not.” You muttered, “If I killed you, then you’d never be able to take that new set of underwear I bought for you off me.”
His mouth fell slack, he hesitated a moment before jumping to his feet, reaching a hand down to help you up. He held your hand tightly and began to walk down the halls, dragging you along behind him. 
“Gar Bear,” You smiled, shuffling forward a little faster to catch up with him, “where are we going?” 
He turned to you, walking backwards as he spoke, his other hand finding yours now too, “To my car.” 
You raised your eyebrows, “Oh we are, are we?” 
He bit his lip and nodded, “You can’t say stuff like that and expect me to just go to lunch like nothing happened, darling.” 
You giggled, “You know I’m not gonna actually get you off?” 
He smiled, “I know,” He pulled his keys out of his pocket, hastily unlocking his car and opening the backseat, “doesn’t mean you can’t give me something to think about when I’m laying in bed later.” 
Your jaw dropped slightly and you climbed into the backseat of his car, “Well if you're gonna think about this when you touch yourself…” you leant up against the door on the opposite side, opening your legs a little and hiking your skirt up just enough, “then you gotta give me something to think about too.” 
He swallowed thickly, his pupils dilated, taking all of you in. He sat on his knees, closing the door behind him. He was on top of you in a flash, pulling you down to lay along the bench seat, hovering himself over you much like before. His lips latched onto yours, immediately pulling you into a wet, opened mouth kiss. 
“I’ll give you something to think about.” He muttered, his hips grounding down against your core. 
You let out a breathy moan, and he started to assault your neck with kisses, sucking and bruising your skin. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist and you tipped your head back, allowing yourself to make as many lewd noises as you wanted. He grabbed the base of your shirt, pushing it up and over your tits so he could kiss your chest. Your hand sifted through his hair, holding him down between your breasts as he sucked at your soft flesh. He pulled your bra down just a little, your nipple threatening to peak out at any moment. He massaged your breasts over the fabric, but he could feel your heardend nipple through it and it was fucking killing him. He ground against you again, dragging his clothed cock slowly up your cunt, sending desperate shockwaves up your spine. 
“Fuck Gareth,” you moaned, “I don’t want to wait till Friday.” 
He groaned, his teeth sinking into your breast as he nibbled at the skin. 
“Fuck.” you moaned again and thrusted your hips back up against him. 
He took a risk, moving his lips from your breasts, down your stomach. He grabbed the hem of your skirt and flipped it up, his eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw that wet patch in your purple cotton panties. You looked at him longingly, nerves flying through your body. You wanted him to touch you so badly, but you still had your hesitations. You were stuck. He slowly leant back down, pressing a delicate kiss to your inner thigh, his face already so close to your heat. He was throbbing like fucking crazy. The look in his eyes was something you hadn’t seen before. It was dark and lust filled, he looked at you so intently, never daring to break eye contact. He kissed your thigh again, this time a little higher. He alternated between kissing each of your thighs, inching his way closer and closer to your cunt. He watched you, taking his time, taking it slow, making sure you were okay with what he was doing. You bit your lip. He pressed a last kiss right beside the hem of your panties, drawing it out, holding himself there for a while longer. He pulled back slightly, settling himself perfectly between your thighs, mouth salivating with a need for you. He could see that wet patch growing out of his peripheral, he could feel the heat radiating off of you, but he didn’t move, not yet. You swallowed thickly, unsure of whether or not you should let him. You licked your lips, your head clouded from all rational thought, body pumping with desire. You nodded slowly, and he smirked. He leant forward, pressing a hard kiss on the wet patch on your panties, right above your hole. You tipped your head back, already feeling an obscene amount of pleasure. He kissed a little higher, and then a little higher again, and then he kissed your clit.
“Oh fuck-” A glutteral moan escaped you, and holy shit were you horny. 
“Was that-” 
“Yeah, right there.” you nodded, and he kissed you there again, “Fuck…” 
“Shit.” He mumbled, “I’m gonna fucking cum in my pant’s in a second.”
You panted and he pressed his thumb right on your clit, applying more and more pressure ever so slowly. You moaned again, and he began to rub a slow circle right where you needed. He leant forward and licked up your clothed cunt, lapping up any taste of you he could from over the fabric, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he did, your hole clenching around nothing pathetically. 
“Need more.” you breathed out, “Please.” 
“Since you asked so-” 
There was a sound of a car door opening so close. You both froze, and Gareth looked up to see some jock climbing into his car right beside you. He quickly pulled your shirt down and hovered his body over the top of you. You both waited in silence for the guy to leave. And sure enough he got out of his car again and headed back to school, seemingly having forgotten something this morning. Gareth smiled and you threw your head back against the door. 
“Not at school.” you sighed. 
“Not at school.” He agreed. 
“Fuck me.” you groaned, sexual frustration radiating through your body, your pussy still aching. 
“Planning on it.” 
You smiled softly, cupping his face in your hands, “Those ten seconds of you touching me then is definitely better than anything my vibrator has ever done.” 
He blushed, and it was adorable. He ducked his head down to your chest, hiding himself away. You loved how embarrassed he could get. I mean, he just had his face between your legs yet he gets all flustered at the mention of your vibrator. Completely adorable. You were definitely gushing to Chrissy about it later. 
“You're not free tonight, are you?” you lifted his head. 
He shook it, “Nope.”
“Fuck.” you sigh, “Guess we have to wait till tomorrow afterall.” 
“Guess so.” He grinned and kissed you so deeply.
“Okay, you gotta stop.” You shoved him away from you with a smile, “You know how turned on I am right now, you're just teasing me at this point.”
He laughed, ears turning red again, “Maybe I like teasing you, darling.” 
Friday rolled around far too slowly. You were pumped full of nerves and excitement. Today was gonna be the day you could really show Gareth how devoted you are to him. You had no fears, no doubts, only boundless energy. You hopped into his car, the air thick and buzzing with a naturally happy energy. Gareth however, well, he was not feeling the same. No, he was terrified. The constant thought of not being able to please you, of doing something wrong, of scaring you off. He was excited, don’t get me wrong, you were only the girl of his dreams after all. But that's exactly why he was so scared. He had been waiting years for this, the idea of you actually being any sort of physical with him was a perfect dream, a shameful thought, unrealistic. He just wanted it to be as good for you as it was inevitably going to be for him. He was already curating a list of horrible, off putting thoughts that he could think off when he would be on the brink of cumming too fast - if it even got to that, he would probably attempt to avoid that all together today, focus solely on you - like the thought of principle Higgens in nothing but a ballerina's tu-tu, all wrinkly and old and gross, or Eddie.
Speaking of, he didn’t show up at school today either. Chrissy had said some asshole had come and smashed a window on his trailer last night, so he was busy dealing with that today. 
“Yeah, we totally had makeup sex.” Chrissy grinned, fixing her makeup in the mirror, “Though, it wasn’t as mindblowing as usual.” 
“Oh,” you walked out of the bathroom stall and over to the sink beside her to wash your hands, “well that's shit.” 
“Yeah.” she shrugged, “He’s usually pretty kinky, but, it was so vanilla,” 
“Too much information.” you grinned,  “Do you know why?” 
“I think he was just tired.” she smiled softly, “But he’s still acting a little weird.” 
“Hmm…” you dried your hands off. 
“Yeah, I think part of what he had said last week was true… about me fucking everything up.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “I highly doubt that-”
“No, I mean…”  she wiggled her head, thinking of the best way to word what she was thinking, “like, for him personally. I think he’s very conflicted in his feelings at the moment, and with me being around he doesn’t have the same dynamic with everyone anymore… things are different. And he just doesn’t like how it’s worked out, and he’s blaming me for it because it’s easier than blaming himself. And that only leads to more arguments.” 
“That’s…” you nodded slowly, “pretty fuckin’ wize. Shit.”
She shrugged and walked towards the bathroom door, “Yeah, I just hope he figures his shit out, properly, soon.” 
“Me too.” you sighed.
You followed her out of the bathroom and through the halls until you bumped into Gareth and the Hellfire boys. You both settled into the group, and Gareth was quick to put an arm around you as he carried on his conversation. 
“Is Eddie coming to the party tonight?” Jeff asked Chrissy. 
“Well, considering he would do anything to scam free fancy booze off of Harrington, I’d say yes.” She shrugged, “But I don’t know for sure.” 
“Seriously,” Dustin groaned, “everyones going, why can’t we?” 
“Don't you like… twelve?” you asked. 
“Fourteen actually.” He sounded so confident. 
You snorted, “Yeah, no. You're not coming, kid.” 
“Harrington specifically told you not too.” Gareth added. 
“Come on! I want to go to a party!” 
“It’s not PG thirteen, kiddo.” you ruffled his hair, “Senior parties are far too grotesque for your innocent little eyes.” 
“I’m not innocent,” he scoffed, “I have a girlfriend.”
You laughed, “Ahh, so sweet.” 
“Asshole.” he murmured and you kicked him in the shin.
“Oh, Chris,” you turned to her, “Don’t let Eddie get too drunk tonight if he comes. He’s the most difficult drunk.” 
“Yeah…” Gareth nodded, “Have fun with that.” 
“He can't be that bad.” she shook her head. 
You and Gareth both looked at each other and laughed. 
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electromignion · 11 months
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Bridgewater doodly doodles part 2: Vipin & Olivia 🫶
I’m really going back to traditional doodles so I thought as I already Jeremy, I could do Olivia and Vipin!! I love them way too much jdjdjd
As usual, headcanons/explanations after the read more!!
Headcanons time: Vipin and Olivia have matching couple necklaces (hence Vipin having the letter “O” and Olivia having the letter “V” I found the idea super romantic and it went well with the little hearts charms representing their love for each other <3) kudos to all the Vivia/Vipia/and so on and so forth (they definitely should have an official ship name)! <3
Vipin has a matching smiley badge with Jeremy who can be seen here, Vipin has made them himself (he bought a badge maker and planned to use it a lot) and to me Vipin likes smiley faces; I thought about it since that fanart because Vipin has as his avatar a smiley face (it’s a very small detail on Jeremy’s phone and it happened twice in my fanarts here and here)
Vipin also has an UFO pin because he probably found it cool and cheap, if the drawing was in colour it would sparkly; and there’s an alien inside the ship! (Very Fox Mulder core as well), and he has an owl badge… because it’s an owl, I don’t have more explanations about it rather than Jeremy wondering why Vipin bought it and Vipin would shrug saying “Well… I prefer self-deprecation sometimes, Jeremy”
He also has a Bridgewater State University t-shirt which is a real existing one (you would be surprised at the AMOUNT of BSU merch existing, it’s incredible)
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And to finish, I know it can’t be seen very well but Olivia has earrings/piercings at the ear, I feel like she would be the kind to have some, I see Olivia as somebody a bit rebellious in the soul so yeah (it’s 5am I’m sorry my explanations are wonky and English isn’t my first language 😩😩💔)
+ Olivia has a strand of hair which seems lighter than the rest of her hair because I headcanon her as having some dyed hair!! (Like her purple strand of hair in this fanart)
Also I’m sorry for the quality, the paper of my sketchbook is extremely bad because it’s super cheap; so it makes little paper fibre which end up clinging to the lead of my fineliner pen (it’s a 0.1mm) so it gets coloured in black so it gets ink where it shouldn’t and it gets slightly worse as the paper absorbs the ink way too much as well so small details get lost a bit sadly 😩 (and good paper is way too expensive for now krjfjfjf so y’all have to bear with my crappy paper)
And I’ll never say this enough but thank you so much y’all for your continual support; it means SO SO SO much to me, SO much, and yet I’m so bad at this app that I still am not able to answer to y’all when you reblog my stuff, but please know that you always make my day and soothe my heart and make me want to keep going; so lots of love, thank you 💜💜💜
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downtowns-universe · 2 years
OCtober - day 8
 “No way!”
They were looking up at the building towering in front of them, seeming to defy gravity.
“How does it stay up like that?” Chris asked.
Jack shrugged.
“I don’t know, magic?”
“It has to be.”
The Matrix, it was called and it was Risoon’s pride and joy. He’d seen it once before, so he wasn’t as awestruck as Chris, but still the sheer magnitude of it was enough to make him dizzy.
The Matrix was constructed out of square compartments, stacked seemingly haphazardly on top of each other like a wonky block tower built by a child. There were four “pillars” rising up out of the ground, which carried a larger structure of square blocks, their sides often barely touching. Despite its unstable-looking exterior it stretched impossibly high, topped by a single stack of blocks reaching for the sky which looked like it could collapse at the slightest breeze.
Each compartment was brightly coloured and covered in different patterns or even artworks. One was painted to look like it was completely covered in ivy, another featured a dragon in flight. Others were covered in more abstract decorations, or what looked like children’s scribbles.
“Why would anyone build something like this?”
“You don’t like it?” Jack grinned.
“I love it – but why?”
“I believe it was a community project. People got to design a cube and stick it somewhere – but this is Risoon we’re talking about, so of course they went a little crazy with it. And so the city had a project on their hands that became a little more challenging than they’d anticipated.”
“Okay, that’s hilarious.”
“I’m glad you think that way, because we’re going to go inside.”
“Yep. Come on, let’s go, we’re already late.”
Chris followed him towards the entrance, a twinkle of excitement in his eye.
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jadedgods · 6 years
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female awesome meme ♡ 2/10 supporting ladies: max mayfield (stranger things)
“i could be your zoomer.” 
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petrichorin · 6 years
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Clearly you're misunderstood Like pagans in the house of God
for @shachaai​ and @hoofae​; (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。
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jaeyunverse · 2 years
seasons in the sun (teaser)
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PAIRING(S) | lee donghyuck x fem!reader (ft. jeno and jaemin)
GENRE(S) | fluff, crack, enemies to lovers, summer camp au
WARNING(S) | profanity, lots of banter (and i mean LOTS), annoying kids, mc’s moral compass is kinda wonky but she makes up for it by being funny, jeno is her cousin + all warnings to be added in the full fic!
SUMMARY | camp beaver falls and camp saltwater have had an intense rivalry for more than a few decades, so when a fight breaks out between the two establishments, the respective head counsellors, you and lee donghyuck, decide to hold a championship to once and for all decide who’s the best. the minor hiccup? both of you are sore losers, huge cheaters, have little to no morals, and will do anything to obliterate your competition to emerge victorious. let the games begin.
EST. WORD COUNT | probably 12k-14k (i’m at 5k right now)
EST. RELEASE DATE | hyuck’s birthday week hopefully!! maybe his birthday if i’m rlly lucky and finish on time LOL
TAGLIST | @notbeforelong @rikiflowers @w3bqrl @saucytaehyung @corosetadpole @mochisnlix @allorysayshi @kdyism @hiqhkey @angel-hyuckie @markleeisdabestdrug @j4kesworld @db-fics @timetoten @vantxx95 @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @iwonzzi @sunshine-skz @baekhyunstruly @ja4hyvn @fairybangtan @ily-cuz-i @iioyous @oatmealcreampies @njmverse @tyongf-sunflower99 + send an ask if you’d like to be added!
AUTHOR’S NOTE | hiii i’m very excited for this fic!! i started it a year ago for jungkook and then abandoned it and have picked it up again after realising it wasn’t half bad :”) i hope you guys look forward to it <33
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Donghyuck’s eyes shot to yours, his jaw locking and fists clenching.
“Y/N,” he growled.
“Yes?” you sing-songed and batted your eyelashes at him. “Need anything?”
“Are you out of your mind?!” he yelled, then checked his voice when he realised four dozen children were witnessing the scene. “Why were you stupid Beavers beating my campers? Why didn’t you intervene? They were about to beat each other unconscious!”
“Oh, come on, Hyuck!” You waved him away and sauntered towards him. “Beat each other unconscious? Stop exaggerating. My kids barely did anything. It’s not my fault yours are—” you cupped your mouth with your hands to make sure the campers couldn’t read your lips and whispered in his ear— “pussies.”
Seething, Donghyuck whirled on you. However before he could say anything, you moved away to stand in front of your campers like a barrier and continued,
“To answer your second question, I didn’t intervene because it was my campers showing your campers their place. And as far as I’m concerned—” you shrugged— “that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”
“Bup bup bup!” You raised a finger to silence Donghyuck yet again. “Don’t even try to lecture me. I’m pretty sure you only intervened because your Fish were getting their backsides handed to them.”
“What? No!” he burst out at last. “I intervened because it’s my fucking job as head counsellor! And they’re not Fish, they’re Sharks, you little piece of shit!”
“Oops.” You grinned in victory. “Not doing your job too well, are you? You just cursed in front of four dozen kids.”
Donghyuck’s face drained of colour. His eyes darted around the crowd and a nervous, yet apologetic smile graced his lips.
Sorry, kids, his demeanour seemed to say. The campers seemed unimpressed.
“And just so you know,” you began, picking at the non-existent dirt in your nails. “A shark is a type of fish. But I imagine they don’t teach that in Goldfish camp over there, do they?”
Donghyuck’s answering groan was like music to your ears.
“Leash your kids,” he finally said through gritted teeth. “I don’t want them attacking my campers again.”
He turned around to leave your camp, the children of Camp Saltwater in tow. The crowd shifted to make way for them.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Hey!” you called, and the crowd moved back into place again. You felt your chest inflate with pride.
Donghyuck slowly turned to face you again, exasperation evident on his face. “What?”
“Why should I leash my campers? It’s your kids who left their camp and wandered too far.”
Realization dawned on Donghyuck’s face. “Why were you on Beaver Falls grounds?” he demanded from one of his campers. “I told you to not enter anything that houses trash.”
Your gasp echoed through the parking lot and into the woods. The crowd stirred, and the boys behind you cracked their knuckles. “What did you just say?”
“Exactly what you heard.” Donghyuck looked at you once again, a sweet, saccharine smile on his lips.
You narrowed your eyes at him and lunged forward. “You little piece of—”
“Woah, there.” Jeno finally stepped between the two of you. “No need to fight in front of the campers.” A pointed look at you. “Let’s settle this in a peaceful way.”
Donghyuck snorted. “Yeah, I don’t think your rabid Beavers know what peace means.”
“Really? My campers don’t know what peace means?” you scoffed. “Fancy hearing that from someone who punched a guy just for breathing last year.”
Oooooh went your campers.
“That’s sick,” one of the girls whispered. Jaemin laughed from the sidelines, still making no effort to get involved.
“You know what?” Donghyuck fumed and stomped towards you, stopping only when there was less than a foot’s distance between your figures. “Why don’t we check if your untrained dogs can actually participate in a championship and beat my Sharks, or if picking fights is the only thing they’re good at.”
“Goldfish, Hyuck, not Sharks,” you guffawed. “And stop being so delusional.” Taking a step forward, you brushed away an invisible piece of lint off his shoulder and whispered with a mocking smirk, “You don’t wanna initiate a challenge you can’t win.”
Donghyuck tilted his head to the side and gazed at you with dark eyes, his answering smile nothing short of absolutely wicked. “You’re on.”
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proserpina-magnus · 2 years
ALSO this is extremely terrible because I wrote this in like 30 minutes between Tik Tok breaks. So literally beware because I haven’t written in literally a month. 
Happy Birthday (L.E)
Prompt: the marauders (+ co.) plan a surprise birthday party for Lily, but the real surprise is up in her dorm. 
Reader: GN 
Word count: 1.5k 
Warnings: food, dancing, kisses, hints towards sex at the end, lily is my literal gf so i dont want anyone hating on her, comment to add more. 
you squinted as you focused on the task at hand, your movements careful as they can be. You looked back with a satisfied grin, a pretty marble cake decorated with fluffy icing- it was made of whipped cream, because lily found the regular icing too sweet for her liking. Then in rainbow colours sat a.. very wonky, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY’. You couldn’t stop grinning, having to convince the house elf’s to let you in their space and use their things was a bit tricky but luckily it all resolved in the end. 
“How is it?” James asked, walking into the kitchen with Sirius trailing behind him, he came up behind you and peered at the cake. “It’s bloody gorgeous!” He says as Sirius tilted his head to try and read from
upside down. 
“It’s a bit wonky..” he says, James glaring and sending a smack to his head. “Hey! Just saying,” he whispers and rubs the back of his scalp, sulking ever so slightly with a pout on his lips. 
“I’d like to see you do better,” you huff, putting away the ingredients you were using as Sirius mimicked you behind your back. “Oh I can!” He exclaims which has you rolling your eyes. 
“Guys guys!” James says, hands raised between the two of you to stop an obvious argument heading way. “Remus is setting lily up for the surprise, we have to get the cake to the common room before she gets there,” 
“You’re right,” 
“Of course I’m right, now let’s go,” James says, picking up the cake carefully as you flick your wand and some invisible force begins to clean the rest of your mess. You were edging in nerves, excited for your girlfriend's birthday surprise party you and Remus conjured up. 
You all talked on the way to the common room, passing by portraits who were very curious on what the cake was for. But a lot of them had already known it was for Lily, and most of them had already wished her the happy birthday she deserved. 
“James! Don’t fucking drop it,” you hiss, taking the cake as you set it up on the table near the sofa’s. Peter was relaxing with his gift wrapped neatly, Sirius and James present scattered near the floor as Mary was bouncing up and down. “Is she here yet! Is she here yet!” Mary asked as Marlene set a hand on her shoulder, “sorry, she had too much juice,” she explained as Dorcas laughed.
“She’s almost here, I think,” you say, trying to listen for Remus’s and Lily’s footsteps but coming up short. You light the candles, hoping the wax doesn’t melt until they get here. There came a knock at the common room portrait, a signal that Remus was here and everyone should hide. 
Like mice, everyone hid in the dark. Peter crouched on the couch, Sirius behind a pot of flowers. James managed to sneak with Marlene near a wall, Mary huddled to the ground with Dorcas. You were under a desk near the back, all of you eagerly trying to watch as Remus opened the portrait. 
“Why’s it dark in here?” Lily asked, flicking her wand as the torches and lamps lit the room. It was the middle of the day on a Saturday, how come the common room was empty? “Rem, are you going to kill me?” She asked, looking back at him as he shrugged. “No lils, course not I love you,” 
“Okay..” she says, and walks further in as everyone collectively screams happy birthday and jumps out. Lily had a mere heart attack, moving back towards Remus with her hand on her heart. “Merlin! What the bloody hell guys?” She gasps, smiling slightly as you present the decorated rooms. It was rare for lily to curse, but it was something you could enjoy once in a while. You liked that she let down her guard around you and the others. 
“It’s a surprise party!” You say, Peter nodding as you showcase the room with lily flustered. She hadn't expected this, she looked towards Jame thinking he was the culprit of this plan. “I didn’t set this up, _____ did,” he grins as lily looks towards you with all the love she could muster. 
“Oh Merlin _____, thank you;” she says, though she made it very clear previously that she did not enjoy surprises. She liked her order and planner, when something contradicted that she grew a bit unorganised and lily hates being unorganised. But you figured she needed a good surprise once in a while, “Rem helped too! And the others of course,” you say, walking over with open arms as lily embraces you tightly. 
“thank you guys,” she gushed as you took her over to the cake, she had a big grin as she looked at the desert. “I really don’t need this,” she sighs and Sirius nudges her closer. 
“Don’t be so silly, Lils, blow out your candles and wish I’m gonna be a rockstar,” Sirius explains, Mary holding her camera as she waits eagerly for lily. Everyone sends Sirius a small glare, Remus shaking his head at the antics of the group. 
“Alright alright,” Lily rolls her eyes, blowing out the candles as everyone claps. She was thankful they hadn’t sang happy birthday to her like they had this morning at breakfast, the whole great hall was clapping along. “Happy birthday!” You say again, excited as you fall atop of her on the sofa and hug her close. Her arms wrap against your waist, hugging you close as she kisses your forehead. 
“Enough with the sappy shite, gifts!” Sirius says, moving all the gifts to the table as Lily looks at them all. “Guys.. seriously I don’t-“ but she was cut off by everyone groaning and telling her to open them. You switched your position to rest beside her, knees over her lap as you strain to rest your head against her shoulder. 
A good few hours went by, the cake was gone and everyone was about dancing and singing to their heart's content. Lily was wearing one of her new gifts, which was a green silk dress you had bought and convinced her to change into. She was practically putty by the end of the party, all the love and affection made her feel so warm towards her friends. 
Your arms linked around her neck, her hands against your waist as you both sway to the music that invades the room. Lily’s eyes are shut, her forehead pressed to your own as she glows in the low light. You can only admire her pretty lips, cheeks rosy and bright as it mixes with her warm complexion. your hand moves from around her neck to the front of her face, gently pushing past the dark loose strains of red behind her hair, her eyes open at the feeling of your fingers grazing her cheek.
“Did you have a good birthday?” You whisper, lily holds a smile at your question. She leans down, eyes fluttered shut as she kisses you just barely with a gentle press. In most cases she wouldn’t really kiss you in public, not even with the comfort of her friends around; she liked it private, containing her love for only your eyes. 
“I had a wonderful birthday. Thank you,” she replies, pulling back as your lips pucker and at the loss. you hum, enchanted by her answer as you stroke her hair. “It’s still not over, you have to open one more present,”
Lily looks around a bit confused, hadn't she already opened all the presents given to her? “Where is it?” She pondered, eyes back on you as she saw your small mischievous grin. “Upstairs,” you shrug plainly, trying to be nonchalant despite having a pool of thick excitement in your belly. lily quirks an eyebrow, a slight grin forming as she hints towards what you propose. 
“I’ll be waiting, you go wish everyone your thanks,” you say pulling away, leaving a small kiss against her cheek as you slip from her fingers and head up towards her dorm. She has a small imbedding smirk, watching as you flaunt your bottom up the stairs. She quickly turns and heads to the first person she sees, explaining her thanks. But half way through all her friends, she realised it would have been easier to just make an announcement towards everyone. But of course she was too excited to get upstairs, a whirl in her lower as she hoped the suggestion in your voice meant what she thought it meant. 
After bribing James to stop talking, kissing him on the cheek for her thanks as Lily hurry’s towards the steps with Mary and Marlene laughing- knowing exactly why she’s in a rush. She tries to remain calm, walking slowly up the steps before she turns out of gaze and bolts it to her dorm. Her hand on the handle, twisting and opening the oak door as she closes it behind her with an eager bam. 
Her eyes speculate the scene, leaning against the door she just shut with a gulp. Her mouth hung open, gripping wood to try and balance herself. “M’merlin baby,” she whispers, her lips parched as she licks the soft flesh. She knew she was going to have one hell of a night.
Part… two? 
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judeswhore · 3 years
chilly the tooth fairy - mason mount
number 1 from the dad!mason prompt list; losing their first tooth
providing u with uncle ben!!! based off this photo bc he’s too cute
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"Ben do you wanna wobble my tooth?"
"Wren, you can't just ask people if they wanna wobble your tooth." Mason chastised, tugging lightly on one of her pig tails. She pouted and batted his hand away, an act so much like yours that Mason couldn't help but grin. She bared her teeth for Ben so he could see and he leant forward to gaze at her.
"Look at you getting all grown up." He tapped his finger under her chin and she grinned in response, tongue darting out so she could wobble her front tooth with it.
"Dad said I'm gonna be taller than you soon." Ben's gaze lifted to Mason's who just shrugged innocently.
"She's gonna be gangly."
"No she's not, you and (Y/N) are both tiny." Mason shoved Ben's shoulder at this as Wren laughed, pulling again at her tooth until Ben lightly gripped her wrist to get her to stop. "Your teeth will grow wonky if you keep doing that."
“They will?” Wren shuffled in the seat next to Mason, eyes darting between him and Ben who was sat opposite, the three of them stuffed into a booth at a local ice cream shop. Ben nodded but Mason shook his head.
“No, Ben’s being silly.” He pointed down at the menu in front of Wren, tapping against it. “Decided what you want?” She nodded enthusiastically.
“A chocolate sundae! With the flake and wafer.” Ben raised his eyebrows at the face Mason pulled when his daughter turned away.
“Your mum will kill me when we get home.” He grumbled but Wren shook her head, leaning across the table to steal the coloured pens that Ben was hoarding.
“No she won’t. She loves you too much.” Ben grinned and Mason hummed as he pushed out of his seat.
“I’ll take a strawberry sundae, Mase.” Ben told him, leaning back in his seat.
“Why are you such a child?” He disappeared towards the queue leaving Ben to watch over Wren who was still pushing her tongue against her tooth.
“Can you help me colour this in?” Wren asked, gaze flickering up to meet her uncle’s who nodded in response and patted the seat beside him.
“Come sit here then, trouble.” Grinning the little girl jumped down from her seat and scrambled to sit beside Ben, tucking herself happily into his side. “What is it?”
“A lion.”
“Why is it blue?”
“I didn’t have brown.” Ben tilted his head at her and couldn’t help but think that she really was just a carbon copy of Mason personality wise and the older she got the more she started to look like him too.
“Could have used yellow.” He told her, brushing a strand of hair from her eyes as she leant against the table, blue pen gripped between her fingers.
“I didn’t want to. Can you colour the grass?” Wren handed a green pen to Ben who just nodded, colouring around the places she wasn’t, careful not to get pen on her arm.
“Mum said that if my tooth falls out the tooth fairy will give me money.”
“Did she? How much money?”
“Twenty pound.”
“Your mum said you’d get twenty pound?” Ben asked unconvinced that that was something you’d actually said.
“Yeah, so I hope my tooth falls out today. Look how wobbly it is.” Wren sat up on her knees to once again show Ben her wobbly tooth. His lips tilted into a grin and he leant in to whisper to her.
“Wanna know a secret?” She nodded quickly, dropping her pen down against the table top. “You have to promise you won’t tell anyone. Not even your dad.” The little girl nodded again, pig tails bouncing around her head as she held her pinky finger out in Ben’s direction.
“Pinky promise.” Ben’s heart melted at the little action, hooking his own pinky around her much smaller one as he sent her a smile. “What’s the secret?”
“I’m the tooth fairy.” Wren narrowed her eyes, gaze turning exactly like the look of disbelief Mason often gave his friend.
“No you aren’t. The tooth fairy is tiny, like Tinkerbell.” She argued and Ben shook his head, biting into his cheek to stifle his amusement.
“This is what I look like during the day.”
“Prove it.” Wren folded her arms across her chest and stared pointedly up at Ben. He wiggled his eyebrows at her and pulled his phone out of his pocket, thumb scrolling through his camera roll. He stopped at a photo and placed the phone down on the table where Wren immediately picked it back up, frown furrowing her brows.
It was a clear photo of Ben dressed up as a fairy for some costume event but Wren giggled anyway.
“You look funny. Why do you look like that?”
“I told you, I’m the tooth fairy.”
“No you aren’t.” She shook her head, prodding playfully at his stubbly cheek. “You aren’t pretty enough to be a real fairy.” Ben gasped dramatically and folded his arms over his chest, turning in his seat to face away from her.
“You just won’t get any money when your tooth does fall out.” He told her and Wren pouted, prodding his cheek again.
“Yes I will.”
“No you won’t.”
“My dad will make sure I do.”
“He just will.” Wren poked at Ben’s neck in an attempt to tickle him but he wrapped her up in his arms and squashed her against his chest, his own fingers tickling her sides until she was giggling uncontrollably and trying to squirm away.
“Ben, please don’t kill my daughter.” Mason stopped at the edge of the table, two sundae’s in his hands.
“She’s a little devil.”
“Am not! Ben is lying about being the tooth fairy.” Wren wriggled out of Ben’s arms and slumped against the table as Mason sat down. “Why is there only two?”
“Because I’m sharing with you.” Wren’s lips tilted into a pout.
“I don’t want to share.”
“Wren, you never eat it all yourself. I’ll have your leftovers.” Mason slid the two glasses across the table and Wren immediately went for the wafer, little fingers grabbing at it before Mason could. Mid chew she turned to Ben.
“Can I have a sleep over at your house?” Ben raised his eyebrows in Mason’s direction.
“Shouldn’t you ask your dad?”
“Dad, can I sleep at Ben’s house? I want him to show me how to play the piano.” Mason dipped his finger into the top of the ice cream, grinning when he daughter swatted his hand away.
“If Ben wants you to.”
“I don’t mind. I have a shed I can put her in if she gets too annoying.” He playfully flicked her ear before digging into his own ice cream. With her free hand Wren started colouring in again while Ben and Mason made conversation about the upcoming matches.
“Oh.” Wren’s hands flew to her mouth and both Mason and Ben startled, Mason’s stomach dropping as he leant over to her.
“Wren, what’s wrong, baby?” Her eyebrows furrowed but then she pulled her hands back, a gap toothed grin on her face and her little tooth in the palm of her hand. “Oh my God, I thought you were choking. Look at that!”
“It fell out!”
“And you didn’t swallow it!”
“Ben!” Mason chastised, handing a napkin over to Wren. “You wanna put it in there and show mum?” She nodded in response, placing the tooth into the napkin and letting Mason roll it up.
“Look! I can stick my tongue in the gap.” She showed them this, that bright smile not once leaving her mouth and Mason knew she’d be showing everyone for the next few days.
“Tooth fairy has to give you twenty pounds now.” Ben told her, using his napkin to wipe the little bit of ice cream on the corner of her mouth.
“Twenty pounds?” Mason frowned between his friend and his daughter, clearly confused about where she’d gotten that idea from.
“That’s what (Y/N) told her.”
“I’m bloody sure she didn’t.” Mason stole a wafer off Ben’s sundae and then grinned pointing it in his direction. “Anyway, aren’t you the tooth fairy, Chilly?” Mason shared a look with his daughter and Wren’s cheeky smile was identical to his, so much so that Ben cringed away.
“Can I have my money now?”
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jchnstones · 2 years
Mason Mount | Are we Friends?
In which y/n crosses paths with mason for the first time after weeks of not talking after their breakup, and, as old feelings resurface, the uncertainty of just friends is clarified.
T/W: (18+) smut! teasing, oral, fingering, sexual tendencies etc.
note: besties omg this the first piece of smut I’ve ever written pls I hope it’s okay 🥺 I know it’s a little short but I’m trying to find my bearings ahhh anyways i would absolutely love feedback & I hope you all enjoy regardless <3
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THE SUDDEN appearance of ben interrupted the ease of staring at mason from across the room. hand wrapped around a glass of whatever the waiter served you as you entered the room, your eyes were glued to the boy who stood, mid conversation with a group of his teammates, all dressed in a plethora of different coloured suits, accompanied by ties and bows. mason held a flute of champagne in one hand, the waving in the air as though he were explaining something, deep in the conversation. face serious, his eyebrows tugged inward as the pronunciation of every other word he spoke sent his dimples to the surface of his cheeks. he looked so beautiful when he was passionate.
“Earth to y/n?” Ben speaks, a hand waving in front of your face causing you to suddenly snap out of your trance. “are you okay?” he nods, brows raised. “ben,” you finally acknowledge, head jolting away from mason and to the boy stood in front of you. ben’s hair is slicked back with what you thought was way too much gel, a few loose wisps of hair shaping his face. His cheeks glow, as usual.
“hey.” you perk, forcing a smile. ben lifts his head, eyes scanning the faces around the room until he finds mason. he nods, sighing as his hand drops from your body and back to his side.
“why don’t you just go and say hi? he doesn’t bite.” ben points in masons direction with his own glass, your eyes follow. you shrug your shoulders, sighing. “I don’t know. isn’t it a bit soon?” you tip your glass back, lips around the brim as the last drip of champagne runs over your tongue. placing the empty flute on the table to your side, your chest deflates. “he misses you too, you know.” ben utters, lips perched together.
The breakup wasn’t messy, but it certainly wasn’t easy. you and mason had been together for almost six months when the distance got too much to handle, resulting in you calling it quits way earlier than you wanted to. after pining after each other for two years, you’d had him and lost him all in the space of half a year. there was so much love, but it was extremely hard being away from him so often. you’d thought ending it was the right the to do. With no kicking and screaming, the relationship ended with well wishes and an occasional exchange of messages.
“I’m just not sure he wants to be friends anymore.” folding your arms in to each other, you retain the glance at mason once more. you wish he’d run right over to you, tell a joke about the shade of lipstick you wore and how it was his old favourite. perhaps you’d joke about the time his buttons were wonky or the time he spilled beer down his front before going on stage at a ceremony.
“you’ll never know if you just stand gawping at him, will you?” bens elbow digs into your side, pushing you slightly causing you to take a step. You furrow your brows, nudging him back, a laugh leaving his mouth. “I’m right though, aren’t I?” He continues, almost patronising. you nod reluctantly, agreeing with him. “I guess so.”
“I’ll come over with you if you want?” ben holds his arm out, prodding you to take ahold of it. you hook your arm to his, lips pressed together forcing a smile. You could feel your heart beating overtime, hands starting to tremble as the two of you prance across the room to the group who huddle together by the drinks stand.
“mase.” ben says as he lets go of your arm. mason wraps his arms around bens midriff briefly, pulling away after a hurried embrace. ben greets the others, reece, kai, kepa. then a small silence.
“y/n, how’ve you been?” kai asks, shooting you a reassuring smile. the boys hadn’t fallen out with you since the split, keeping things neutral between both you and mason. “Good thanks. No Sophia tonight?” “unfortunately not. she’s a little sick so kept herself at home.” Kai nods, taking a small sip from his glass. you could tell they felt just as awkward as you did, with glances being shared from across the huddle.
“you still came then,” mason finally starts. the sound of his voice sent waves of dread over you, anxiety flooding your stomach. “I wasn’t sure you would, considering- well. you know.” he snickers, his fingers running through his hair. he’s yet to place his eyes on you, scared he’ll read the upset that sits on your face. “couldn’t miss the free buffet,” you giggle, hands holding each other nervously. “it’s good to see you.”
“we’ll give you a minute.” reece affirms, his usual adorable smile appearing on his face. he jerks his head to the side, gesturing for the others to follow after him. before leaving, ben places a hand on your shoulder yet again, leaning into your ear. “I’ll just be over there if you need me.” he assures, giving you a gentle squeeze. before you know it, you’re left alone with mason, who is readjusting his blazer with his hands. those hands. the ones that once were wrapped around your ‘pretty little’ throat.
now you’re closer then you’ve been for weeks, you can see every minuscule detail once more. his hair had grew a little, mason leaving it a little longer than usual on the top. with his stubble freshly shaven, you could see the cluster of red patches brushes against his skin. his lips shone as the light bounced off of them, making them seem just as, if not more kissable than before.
“Look, mase-” you start, mason shaking his head “it’s alright, y/n. honestly. we’re friends now, that’s alright isn’t it?” he ensures, smile reaching his eyes. he steps closer, fingers looping loose strands of hair behind your ears.
"but are we still friends?" you press. champagne swills around his glass, splashing up the sides. he moves his eyes from your his fingers, slowly scanning your body before he reaches your eyes. from the heels on your feet you so badly hated wearing, to the soft skin on your legs, up to your short, velvet black dress, and finally to your eyes he was once so madly in love with.
"well, I don’t think friends don't look at each other like that." you mumble, snapping your attention away from his flushed face. as your own cheeks grow heated, you fixate on the hustle behind him, trying to distract yourself from the growing warmth rushing to your clit. how could just a look send you so crazy?
he wanders closer, the pad of his finger brushing up your forearm. the sudden light touch sends shivers across your body, little shocks pulsating through your veins. "well then, what do friends look at each other like?" he questions, breath ricocheting off of your neck. he moves his fingertip to trace over your jawline, thumb brushing over your lips as he does so. you refuse to look at him, afraid he'll make you melt in an instance.
"I said," he mumbles, teeth almost grit together. he grabs your cheeks between his fingers and thumb and moves your face to look at him, a stern look smothered across his face. "what do friends look at each other like?" your faces are so close that you can almost taste every word that comes out of his mouth. you swallow, taking a heavy breath. "mase, not here." you manage to snap, eyes completely locked to his. he bucks his hips, bulge pressing against your body. your body jolts at the act, a quiet moan leaving your lips.
mason titters, pleased with himself. continuing to hold your gaze, he pulls his hand away from your face, leaning his mouth closer to your ear. “follow me, but don’t let anybody see us.” he whispers, words spiralling around your mind. you nod, taking a deep breath. heart racing, you watch as he wanders off into the distance, smiling at guests who walk past as though nothing is abnormal. after waiting until he’s further enough away, you follow, reaching a side door to the hall you were just in. perhaps a storage cupboard, about the size of a toilet cubicle.
as soon as the door is shut, mason pins you up against it, hands either side of your body. face blank, he stares right into your eyes, burning red flush across his skin. he’s seething, just as much as you are. perhaps he’d missed you in more ways than one.
“do friends look at each other like this?” he mutters, smile growing. hesitant to move, you stay still, searching for whatever answers you could find behind his eyes. only inches apart, masons stare falls to your mouth as he proceeds to lightly run his tongue over your bottom lip, slipping it into your mouth as he presses kisses against you. with each kiss, his force against you gets harder, the bristles of his freshly trimmed beard scratching at your skin. passionate.
eventually pulling away, mason kicks off his shoes desperately unbuckling his belt, he steps out and away from his trousers. standing in nothing but his briefs, his hard cock throbbing underneath the material, he unbuttons his cotton shirt, stripping it off. he throws it across the tiny room, instantly placing his hands onto your body. his hands make their own way up your body, squeezing your boobs making you breathe out small moans in desperation. he trails his fingers to the hem of your dress, tugging it up hurriedly. “off.” He demands. you lift your arms up, mason stealing kisses in between pulling the velvet over your head. he drops the dress to the floor, Leaving you stood in nothing but your bra and underwear. “my favourite set,” he admires, the memory of the same thong and bra he’d bought for your birthday sprawled on your bedroom floor only months ago flooding back. “almost as if you knew we’d end up here”. he brushes over the lace that dangles from the bra, fingertips trailing down from the middle of your breasts, across your stomach and over your waist.
falling to his knees, mason starts to tug at your underwear with his teeth, leading them down over your thighs. snickering, he lets go, watching as they fall around your ankles.
after you step out of them, mason lifts your leg up over his shoulder, heel resting against his back. with only one foot firmly on the ground, you knew this would be hard to stay upright.
“You’re already so wet for me baby,” he states, lips parting to reveal your bare clit. he moves his fingers closer, brushing against the sensitive area. gasping, your back arches against the door, eyes closing. mason proceeds to press his pads to your clit, rubbing his fingers softly in circles and he warms up. he watches as you flinch with pleasure, smug grin plastered on his face.
his motions get faster progressively, your whines getting louder as he speeds up. “Quiet baby. Don’t want anybody hearing us do we?” mason stares up at you, questioning. you shake your head hurriedly unable to speak. pressing your lips together to contain the volume of your moans, you run your fingers through his hair, gripping him closer to you. his fingers slip into you, hips bucking once more. as the pace picks up, you ride his fingers into a rhythm, every thrust hitting the right spot. his thumb rubs circles over your clit as his fingers continue slide in and out of you.
“is that good?” He asks, watching as you whimper against him.
“y-yes, mase. so fucking good.”
he proceeds to replace his thumb with his tongue, swiping it across your slit before pressing on to your clit. he brushes it slowly at first, his fingers still at pace inside of you. insides full of all kinds of emotions, your legs shake, threatening to buckle from beneath at the new sensation of mason latched on to you. luckily mason had a hold of you, in more than one way.
“faster.” you beg, the feeling of your orgasm coming close. mason hums against your clit, the vibration from his laugh adding extra pleasure. his fingers pick up pace, tongue flicking faster over your clit as his eyes flick from your face and back to his actions, making sure he’s doing everything right according to you.
“mase I’m gonna cum,” you breathe, head thrown back against the door as your nails grip his now messy hair. your ride into his face, pleasure rippling all through your body. gasping, you slow down the pace of your thrust, mason slipping his fingers out of you. he stands, eyes catching yours as he proceeds to place his fingers in his mouth. he licks your juices off his pads, grinning as he does so. “you taste so fucking good.” he says, standing in front of you.
“but I don’t think we’re finished here.” You mutter, eyes studying his hard cock in his briefs. you hum, stepping forward to press your palm against his bulge. mason whimpers, hips jolting back with the shock.
“back against the door,” you demand, moving so he slips into the warm space you were placed only moments ago.
mason now pinned against the door, you waste no time devouring him. you tilt his head with your thumb, lips sucking on the skin of his neck. teeth biting, your tongue runs over the spot, sloppy kisses accompanying. mason hums, soft moans echoing down your ear. fuck. there was just something about mason being verbal that turned you on, his grunts and gentle moans powering over your body.
“wanna see those sloppy rep lipstick stains against my cock,” mason mumbles, eyes closing with pleasure. his head presses against the wood, lips slightly parted as his breathing gets heavier the lower down his body your kisses get. you pause as you get closer to his shaft, causing mason to snap his eyes angrily down to you. “don’t stop now,” he pleads. tilting your head forward, your puppy dog eyes gape up at him as your tongue runs over your bottom lip, teeth tugging at the skin. “please,” he begs once more, fingers running through your hair.
“do friends look at each other like this?” you mimic patronisingly, pouting. mason breathes, unsure whether or not to say anything. Instead, he moves his hand across his chest, the feel of your hand wrapping around his cock sending vibrations across his body. you start to pump him slowly, pre cum already leaking from his tip. “we haven’t even started yet baby,” you mumble, fingertip lightly doing rounds on his end. leaning in to him, you softly press kisses down his length, lipstick already staining against his skin. you slip him in to your mouth, a little bit and then all at once.
mason hums, head leaning back once more from the pleasure. he bucks his hips, pushing himself deeper into your throat, creating a comfortable rhythm. one hand pressed against his thigh, the other wraps around the latter of his cock, pumping him as your head bobs back and forth. “so fucking good princess.” he breathes, fingers gripping your hair tighter. he glances down at you, mouth glued around him. lipstick smudges across your face, the same colour smudged across his dick. “look so beautiful.”
his moans encourage you to work faster, your eyes peering back up at him as they meet his. as you both hold the contact, masons lips part slightly, eyebrows raised. “getting closer,” he breathes, his thrusts getting deeper. his cock crashes against the back of your throat, causing you to choke slightly as his pumps get faster. you clasp your lips tighter around him, the pressure making his eyes roll. continuing the pace, you twirl your tongue around his tip, tasting every last bit of him. you’re reminded of the countless other rendezvous that ended in this incident, but he never felt quite as good as he did right now, deep in your mouth. perhaps the idea of being “just friends” made this feel better, both knowing secretly that you’d not been able to keep one another out of each other’s mind.
“fuck baby, I-I’m gonna cum,” he announces, body shivering as his climax comes close. he grunts with every further pump, your hand joining your other around his shaft as your mouth moves away from him. twisting his shaft the final few times, cum oozes from his cock as he lets out one louder, longer moan. realising his volume, he clamps a hand over his mouth, grumbling into his fingers. you watch as he shudders, shoulders deflating as the rush arrives and leaves in an instant. “that was incredible my angel.” he pants, catching his breath.
you stand, pressing your body against his. bare skin touching, you cup his chin with your thumb, lips lingering above his. “I wonder what just friends would say about that.” you whisper, smile reaching your eyes. you plant a carefully kiss against his lips, then again, and again. perhaps you’d kiss him forever, never let him go again.
“I still love you,” mason stutters between the kisses, hands wrapped around your waist. “I know,” you reply, pulling away from him. The pads of your fingertips trace over his jawline, warmth radiating from him. “I love you too.”
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vanilla107 · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Boy Savior
Pairing: EkkoJinx (Timebomb)
Words: 2753
Summary: Ekko watched the blue braids disappear into the night and he stepped out of his hiding spot. It was his birthday and he knew what she did on his birthday. She always remembered and without fail, delivered every year. 
He opened the box and his heart ached as he looked at the cupcakes, each one lined up in neat little rows, with bright green icing and pink and blue sprinkles
Tags: Fluff, A Sprinkle of Angst, Childhood Memories, Reminiscing, Jinx canonically bakes so you can’t tell me that she doesn’t bake in her spare time, the cupcake she made in the last episode was so good too??, Jinx makes cupcakes 
Read on AO3:
Jinx hummed softly as the oven dinged, and she opened the door to retrieve the cupcakes. They were a perfect golden brown and she smiled as she put the tray on the cooling rack.
“Icing…icing…icing,” she muttered before retrieving the butter dish and opening it. She inspected the butter, a pale yellow, and she smiled before shaking the whole block into a bowl. She got out the icing sugar and vanilla essence before eyeballing the measurements and whipping the mixture together until a fluffy white icing formed. She flicked some icing with her index finger and licked it off, tasting it before nodding happily.
"He doesn’t like sweet things!" yelled Mylo from her left side.
“Shut up,” she mumbled and the voice was quiet.
She took out the cupcakes from the cupcake pan, placed them on the cooling rack, and giggled, her tiny confectionaries all lined up. Jinx hopped to her food colouring collection and rolled a few of the tiny bottles in her hands before deciding on the green.
The colour of Firelights.
The colour of his hoverboard.
The colour she associated with him the most.
She mixed the colour in till it was bright green, eye twitching in concentration. She wrestled with a piping bag as she spooned icing into it and groaned in frustration when it popped.
“Sevika, I keep telling you to get the good quality baking shit! This is why I don’t like you!” she yelled, even though Sevika was far from her lab.
She transferred the icing into another bag with a little more caution and sighed in relief when it didn’t pop. She put the icing in her mini-fridge, waiting for the cupcakes to cool and she strolled to the other side of her lab to tinker with a grenade.
It was almost laughable how she was making cupcakes, sweet treats for anyone to enjoy, on one side of her lab but on the other, she was making weapons of mass destruction. An hour passed and she stretched before heading back to check on the cupcakes that were now cool enough to be iced. She got the icing out of the fridge, twisted the piping bag, and cut a hole at the tip before starting on the first cupcake. The pattern she was going for was a little wonky but she was out of practice so she shrugged her shoulders and moved to the next one. As Jinx iced each cupcake she got lost in concentration to get perfect swirls of sweetness. She debated adding sprinkles because she wasn’t sure if he’d like sprinkles before rolling her eyes.
“Who the hell doesn’t like sprinkles?” she laughed before grabbing her pink and blue sprinkles and gently tapping a few on each cupcake.
"Maybe he doesn't like sprinkles. Maybe you don't know him at all", whispered Mylo and she shook her head, ignoring him.
She gazed at her cupcakes proudly, giggling at the vivid green icing against the vanilla sponge and she grabbed the one that had wonky icing and took a bite.
“Oh, shit!” she mumbled, forgetting that the cupcake had a paper wrapper on and was greeted by a mouthful of paper and cake.
She slowly removed the paper from her mouth and peeled the rest of it away before taking a proper bite. She closed her eyes as she leaned against the counter.
Part of her felt stupid for continuing the tradition but another part of her felt it was necessary. She had been friends with Ekko for years before Silco adopted her and had celebrated his birthday with him almost every time. His parents always managed to scrape together enough money to buy him a cupcake and he shared with her every single time, much to her protests. The cake was usually dry and the icing too sweet but she was happy he always chose to share with her. She’d stick her tongue out at Mylo when he’d complain about it because he annoyed her and it felt nice to not be teased or made fun of for once.
The last time she had celebrated with him, he didn’t show up with a cupcake. He said that his parents couldn’t afford one that year and she was sadder for him because it was the one thing he always looked forward to on his birthday.
That had stuck with her, even after Silco told her it was them against everyone else.
Even after Sevika threatened to kill Ekko when they got into a fight and Jinx had nearly shot her right then and there.
Even after Ekko told her that they were on different sides and that because she was working with Silco, they were enemies.
She still baked him cupcakes every year.
She baked at least nine because nine was better than one, and the cupcakes they had when they were younger were dry and too sweet and she made them perfectly.
He deserved cupcakes that were perfect on his special day.
“Make me a cupcake!” Mylo taunted her and she gritted her teeth before finishing off the first cupcake and grabbing another one, ripping off the paper wrapper and throwing it behind her.
She aggressively bit into the soft sponge cake and buttery icing, Mylo’s words louder than before.
“You’re not even friends anymore! Quit fooling yourself. This was a waste of time!”  
"Stop it," she hissed.
The cake became a pasty mush in her mouth and for a moment she struggled to swallow it before she rolled her shoulders back and tried to still her shaking hands.
"You’re the enemy to him! Enemy! He doesn't give a shit about you! Why would he care?"
Jinx only crammed another cupcake into her mouth, tears slowly dripping down her cheeks and the sweetness on her tongue only tasted bitter.
She hated that he could be right. She was the enemy to Ekko…but he still cared, right? She swore at herself because she didn’t need self-doubt.
Not on such an important day.
Stupid idiot Mylo. Stupid, annoying Mylo who made fun of her and everything she did. Claggor was quiet but he never spoke up when Mylo said mean things. He was too quiet in her opinion.
"Admit it. You miss him. You miss what you once were with him," Mylo said and this time, he sounded like he pitied her which only made her feel worse.
So she cried. She cried until her throat was raw and her eyes were swollen.  
She allowed herself to cry, to scream, and to miss the one boy who showed her kindness before feeling slightly sick after all the sweetness she consumed. She dragged herself to the sink to drink a glass of water, hoping it would somehow make her feel better, and washed her face to get rid of the tears.
Jinx stared at the cupcakes on the counter, each one shining under the lights and she sighed before packing the remaining ones in a box with wax paper. She didn’t know why she cared so much. It was dumb and stupid but if she didn’t do anything, it would only nag at her until she was taking out the ingredients to make the cupcakes.
She left her lab, the smell of vanilla fading until she was underneath the night sky of Zaun, the first few stars peeking out.
She ran across rooftops, carefully balancing the cupcake box in her arms before landing a few hundred meters away from the Firelight base, on a rooftop of an old factory. She knew if Sevika and Silco ever found out she knew where the base of the Firelights was, Sevika would most definitely kill her, but it was her little secret and she could keep it that way.
She never knew if Ekko found the cupcakes. For all she knew, she could be baking them for a ghost but the cupcakes were always gone when she went back the next day and she always left them pretty close to the Firelight base, so it would be nearly impossible for him to miss.
Part of her wanted to stay, to see him and to halve one cupcake and share it like they had when they were kids, to laugh underneath the stars and point at the constellations. She had always made up her own whereas he'd correct her and she'd roll her eyes because he thought he was so clever but he was. The only difference was that they were older, not really friends but not loathing each other entirely, and the cupcakes wouldn't be dry or too sweet because she had made them for him.
Those days felt like a million years ago and she held back her tears as she gently placed the box down.
"Happy Birthday, Boy Savior," she whispered.
She knocked on the box twice as if she was knocking on a door before turning around and sprinting into the darkness and not looking back.
Ekko watched the blue braids disappear into the night and he stepped out of his hiding spot. It was his birthday and he knew what she did on his birthday. She always remembered and without fail, delivered every year.
He opened the box and his heart ached as he looked at the cupcakes, each one lined up in neat little rows, with bright green icing and pink and blue sprinkles.
He remembered how confused he was the first time it happened. He came home from a long day of recruiting people for the Firelights and was about to pass out on his bed when he saw a box of wonky-looking cupcakes sitting on his bedroom windowsill at his parent's place. Jinx had signed her name in crayon with a note attached simply reading ‘Happy Birthday’ and at first, he thought it was a cruel prank. But the handwriting was proof and he remembered how he had shared his birthday cupcake with her every year. The only other people who had known about that were Mylo, Claggor, and Vi and it was safe to say that they wouldn’t have spread that information to anyone.
And so, like clockwork, every time his birthday rolled around he’d find a box full of cupcakes.
Initially, he thought that maybe she was trying to poison him but after halving one of the cupcakes and running various tests on it, it was poison-free. He had so many questions to ask her yet all he did that evening was eat two cupcakes in silence.
This tradition was between Ekko and Powder. Not Ekko and Jinx.
But then again, he had always shared his cupcake with Powder on his birthday. But she was Jinx now and instead of his parents buying a cupcake for him to share with her, she baked at least nine...all for him.
Was she trying to tell him something?
And he always felt conflicted but he couldn’t help but look forward to it and every year, she managed to outdo herself.
One year, she had made chocolate cupcakes but to his surprise, she had added an insane amount of chilli to the cupcake and no matter how hard he tried to stop the heat traveling from his tongue to his throat, it felt like his body was on fire for the rest of the evening.
Another year, she had rigged a glitter bomb to go off as he opened the box. He had glitter on his hair for weeks. At least Scar and the children found it funny and the cupcakes were still good.
He inspected the green cupcakes in front of him before looking back at the empty space that Jinx had left a mere few minutes ago and the same questions that plagued his brain every year when he was in this position.
Did she ever check if he got the cupcakes? Or was she just hoping he’d find them by chance?
She made them every year and dropped them off relatively close to where he lived or was at a specific time…so was she just hoping he’d see what she had done?
Did Silco or Sevika know about this?
Wasn’t this crossing some sort of boundary?
Then, like he did every year on his birthday when Jinx would leave him cupcakes, he ushered his thoughts away before picking up a cupcake and nibbling the sponge and icing, checking for any sort of surprise. He found that it tasted like a regular cupcake (and not like chilli or anything suspicious) finally took a  bite into it, chewing thoughtfully, before sitting down on the factory rooftop overlooking the skyline of the Lanes.
He was surprised to find that these cupcakes were probably the most normal she had ever made. It wasn’t until a firelight landed on his knee, the neon green lighting up his pants, that he realised that the bright green icing was representing that.
“Firelights, huh?” he smiled before eyeing the pink and blue sprinkles.
Was that supposed to represent her? He knew her nails were often painted pink and blue.
He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't sense  
“Cupcakes from your girlfriend?” Scar asked, and Ekko froze as Scar took a seat next to him.
“I can explain-”
“-That she delivers cupcakes every year on your birthday?”
Ekko was quiet, his stomach rolling in anxiety. Scar was a comrade who he greatly respected. What was he supposed to say now that he caught him?
“Look, I know I shouldn’t be giving into my feelings of teenage angst and eating cupcakes from Jinx. I know that I’m dumb for having feelings for a girl that works for Silco. I know she’s killed so many of us…” Ekko whispered, guilt creeping up on him. “But this is the one time of the year when I feel that…she still cares and it’s not just bombs and bullets with her.”
Scar hummed and Ekko looked at the cupcake in his hand, icing slightly lopsided because of his first bite.
“If she really wanted you dead, she would’ve put more chilli in the buttercream that one year,” Scar said with a small smile and Ekko’s jaw dropped open.
“You…you knew about the chilli cupcakes?” he yelled.
“Yeah, you were really bad at hiding your pain so I did some snooping in your office for medicine and then I came across the box of cupcakes on your desk. Didn’t take my nose long to realise that the cupcakes were tampered with for a lack of a better word. I knew none of the kids had made you cupcakes so I put two and two together.”
Ekko laughed loudly before finishing off his cupcake.
“Thanks for looking out for me...and for keeping this a secret.”
“You look out for all of us Ekko and I know you’ve had it rough. I am concerned about this… thing you have with her, but I trust that you know what you’re doing.”
Ekko didn’t have the heart to tell him he had no clue what he was doing but he nodded. He offered Scar a cupcake and he declined. They talked for a little about strategy and organising a soup kitchen for the hungry in Zaun before Scar left him to go back to the base.
He could only wait and see what Jinx did and he knew it wasn’t going to be pretty or sweet like the cupcakes he was eating but he could count that at least count on his birthday every year, she cared enough to bake him cupcakes as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
He took a third cupcake and stared at it, the icing and sprinkles dim underneath the moonlight before he carefully halved it with his fingers. He put the other half down in its paper wrapper next to him before looking at the stars and taking a bite of his half. He remembered how many birthdays he had spent with her, sticky sweet icing on their tongues and light in their eyes as they talked about everything and anything.
He had thought about grabbing her arm as she walked back into the darkness and asking her to stay. He wanted to share his birthdays with her again. She was all he ever wanted...but there was too much at stake at this point.
So for now, he'd eat his half and wait for the day that he would have the courage to ask her to stay.
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