#the fact that is ya is worrying me but we'll see
tenrose · 2 months
Back on my Steampunk bullshit
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postmortemnivis · 3 months
nobody knew simon’s name, his cold glances penetrating souls whenever someone on the force even dared to call him by his first name. he preferred it this way. he wasn’t the kind to blend personal life and work, he didn’t want to look at himself in the mirror without his mask and still see a murderer. his hands were clean, protected by the gloves ghost slipped on each time he reached base. it was soon that the other soldiers almost forgot his name, agreeing that their lieutenant was indeed a ghost.
that was until your worried voice called for him.
you didn’t know of the ghost identity, it had never even crossed your mind that your simon, your sweet and caring boyfriend’s personality would switch into a cold blooded killer as soon as he set foot at base or in the field. of course he never mentioned it with you, he sporadically talked about his job and his missions. you knew he was a strict lieutenant, but you had been kept away from more by the person with the skull mask and balaclava.
“simon?” you asked for the third time the receptionist. she apologetically looked up at you and shrugged. “oh cmon, simon riley. i know for a fact that he’s here. please, i need to see him.”
“i’m very sorry miss but…” the woman shook her head again, “let me call the captain.”
you sighed and sat down by the waiting area until a man walked in and talked to the woman.
“who’re you looking for?”
you stood up. “simon. simon riley.”
you shook your head, almost clueless. “no, simon riley.”
“yeah, that’s him…” he said, “he’s training the recruits now. shall i deliver a message?”
“no, i need to see him personally. i wouldn’t have come all the way here if it wasn’t important, captain.”
you'd seen price a few times, simon's loyalty to the man was almost like a dog's one, always following orders and rarely complaining. he often talked about him when he was at home, all he shared with you about his threatening job was the friends he made along the way: johnny, kyle, price, gary, nikolai. he'd often go out for a pint—or two—with johnny and kyle, who also occasionally would come to your shared apartment for dinner with their temporary girlfriends.
"follow me." price sighed. you eagerly followed him, as close as his shadow, and the courtyard came into sight. dozens and dozens of soldiers in scarlet training uniforms were running laps of the immense open space under the pale sun, and that's when you spotted a tall and muscular man in black tactical gear. hell, he was hard to miss.
"another lap, smith!" his mancunian accent was stronger than his will to neutralise it. "if my gran was alive she'd be faster than ya."
you'd recognised the voice, of course, even if it was much harsher than usual, but you couldn't recognise him.
you realised, that was ghost. his cold eyes were studying each of the recruit's tired and red faces, his arms behind his back as he barked for five more laps for the ones who didn't look sweaty enough. even his voice was different, but what shocked you was the black balaclava with the white skull drawn on top.
you'd seen the mask once or twice over the years, shoved on the bottom of his duffle bag or drying on a windowsill, but you've never given it much thought, why would you?
"si?" you asked, standing directly behind him as price stood a few feet from you.
his head snapped in your direction at a worryingly fast speed, his eyes immediately becoming soft, then confused.
"what're you doin' here?" his voice spoke, much sweeter.
you kept staring at him, not recognising the man you loved.
he immediately grabbed the crown of the balaclava and yanked it off without a second though. holding the black piece of clothing in his hand, both of them came to cup your elbows, drawing you closer to him.
"love?" he called you.
still at loss of words, you reached to the balaclava and twirled it between your fingers.
"love, talk to me." his voice sounded worried.
he shook his head. "simon, love."
"we'll talk about that at home." you raised your eyebrows, attempting a smile.
he looked at you impatiently, his fingers brushing up and down your forearms.
you fished in your bag a small plastic bag and gave it to him.
this wasn't like one of the times when he'd forget his lunch at home so you'd drop by and give it to johnny so he'd give it to an always so busy simon ghost; he could see it in your eyes that this was something more.
he unwrapped the plastic bag that you had rolled up on itself. his eyes looked brighter than ever when he took with shaky fingers the finally positive pregnancy test.
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moon-fics · 11 months
Hi! Any chance you’d be open to writing an angsty Ghost fic? I’ve had the idea that because they’re relationship is secret (both on 141) they give each other 3 taps to say I love you. Somehow the reader gets mortally injured and because they can’t speak they cradle his face in a hand giving him 3 taps. 🥺 I know this is really specific so feel free to change anything if you feel like writing it! :)
A/n: My first request and I love it🥺 I literally do this with my partners!! This is gonna be so cute thank you for the ask!! Please feel free to return!
Warning: Swears, mentions of blood and injury, angst
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The moment you knew you loved Ghost was when you were tending to his wounds. It was a rough mission and both of you needed patching up, Ghost insisting you get fixed first. There's no arguing with him when it comes to survival.
He's sitting upright in his desk chair, the moonlight shining through the window. You can see the white of his mask reflecting the light, his eyes are shadowed by his mask.
Your hands barely touch his skin while wrapping a bandage over his cut arm. You're so focused on ensuring the dressing isn't too tight you completely miss his gaze that's locked on you. You tie off the bandage, reaching for some bandaids from his medical kit. He got lucky on this mission, he doesn't need stitches.
Once you finish you unknowingly tap his leg three times, getting to your feet. It doesn't even enter your mind that he might know what something so intimate. From the amount of time you've spent with him you've only known him to be reserved and cocky, you've never seen a soft side to him.
"Any other injuries I should be worried about?" You ask, picking up the first aid kit and closing it. Your eyes finally meet his and your breathing stops. There's something in his eyes that makes you wonder if he somehow knew what you meant when you tapped him.
"No." He responds, his voice raspy from screaming into his com all day. You nod, assuming he'd want you to give him privacy. He usually needs a day to rest after a hard mission, tonight is no different. At least, that's what you think, meanwhile, Ghost is barely holding it together in front of you. "You and Soap goin' out for drinks?" He grumbles, leaning back in his chair, spreading his legs in a relaxed position.
"Probably, I'm not really in the mood but knowing Soap he's gonna drag me down to a bar somewhere." You shrug, placing his medkit on his desk. You're tired and you know alcohol will only add to your pain in the morning, but Soap can convince a grumpy old man to smile.
"I'll join ya." He keeps his tone low, almost uninterested. You're not sure why he's showing interest in spending time with you and Soap. He spent a whole week never leaving your side and he still wants to be around you.
"Whatever you say, LT." You smile, following him to find Soap.
You think back to that moment, when you secretly confessed your feelings to Ghost. You can't help but laugh at how stupid you were to think the man who knew more about body language than you did about, well, anything. It's a fond memory, the moment Ghost knew he shared those feelings with you.
Even now as you bleed in Ghost's lap, you still smile at the memory. His frightened eyes stare into your slowly dulling ones. You wonder if this is how it all ends if your life story is slowly coming to a close.
"We'll get you patched up and you'll be sent home." Ghost assures you and himself. Your vision is getting blurry and there's darkness creeping in. You want to believe him, the man you love. However, the numbness in your fingers is reminding you that he's wrong. "I know for a fact you'll be hanging this over my head for at least a year." He tries to lighten to mood, but you can't laugh.
You know that he'll blame himself by the end of the day. He'll break everything in sight and then himself. You took the bullet for him, you jumped in front of a loaded gun and got shot. You can't give him a reason as to why other than the fact that after the night out with Soap, he tapped your hand three times before going to bed.
You can tell you only have minutes, maybe just one, before you lose everything. You can barely lift your arm, and shakily reach out to hold Ghost's face. His mask feels so foreign in your hands after months of getting to know his skin.
As silence surrounds you, you force yourself to move your index finger. Tap tap tap.
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mukbangg · 5 months
Billy and an ex-outlaw reader who has a bit of ptsd? If you’re still in the market for prompts :)
Omg I have so many of yalls prompts writings in progress....trynna write between school and work. Nonnie, iiiii dk if this is written right might make part 2.
(Me writing during work: you write porn w the same hands you serve coffee ?)
Jesse and his boys were old acquaintances of yours.
Though you never did ride with them, you've crossed paths with their lot quite a few times. What started out as a rivalry had turned into more like friendly competition before you had earned their respect by saving their asses more times you can count.
But when your crimes had caught up to you, resulting in much bloodshed involving your family back at home well...you werent eager to get back in business.
Fact is, you've left your past behind and settled down a little way off a lone town, behind a beautiful spread of a meadow.
A cozy barn, small and snug.
Just like your momma had always wanted.
So when a familiar group of cowboys come trotting through the meadow....let's say you werent all that pleased.
You tip your hat at the blonde astride his horse.
"Well, look who's alive,"
He laughed, swinging off his horse and sweeping you into a crushing hug. You softened with a sigh, patting him on the back.
When you'd decided to settle, he'd kicked up such a fuss, mad that you decided to leave in your prime.
You were like the gang's little sister, or maybe an annoying cousin that swings by every now and then.
"Here lemme introduce you to-"
You were suddenly aware of the towering fella who had emerged abruptly from the group. Dark curls peeking out from his hat, broad shoulders and a rugged air to him, he was a handsome one. But what takes the cake was his piercing blue eyes, fixed unwaveringly on you.
It would be intimidating if not for how subtly they raked over your body.
"Eyes up here cowboy,"
You mutter to the man lowly, gripping his outstretched hand in a firm shake.
"Replaced me so soon, jesse?"
You turn back to the blonde, raising a brow at him.
"Well doll, Billy heres quite the gunslinger, maybe even better than ya,"
You swat playfully at his chest, a round of laughter rising from the group. Jesse chuckles, before he shrugs, kicking at the ground. You know that look.
"So my boys and I need to lay low for awhile and well..."
He raised his brows at you, a sliver of a sheepish smile on his lips.
"Hell no, jesse, you know I'm out,"
You huffed, shaking your head firmly. Annoyance rises like a whip in your chest, you alway were quick to temper.
"You know that, after what happened...."
"Aw c'mon, just a couple o' weeks? We promise we wont bring you no trouble, we'll even help out-"
You held up a finger, trying hard to maintain your stern facade.
"I cant risk it, such a large group of men, oh I swear to god-"
"Using the lord's name in vain-"
Jesse attempted at a joke before swallowing his words when met with your burning scowl. His group stirs uneasily behind him.
"Just a week?"
Billy's voice rang out. He steps forward, blue eyes pleading as a warm smile crack over his lips. You sighed, ready to turn down his offer.
"Towns people talk, what if they see y-"
"We'll do chores, we'll earn our keep, surely you can use the rest, miss? It's a big place to take care of,"
Now that, was tempting. Your barns not huge but you're only one person, and the day passes quick when you busy about with the chores. And to add on, a group of men you trust does put your worries at ease.
Living away from town always had the threat of robberies and whatnot, especially for a lone girl like yourself. You've hidden pistols everywhere in the house, one slung around your hip, though you're never sure if you'd be able to pull the trigger on someone when it comes down to it...
What a joke, you used to be one of the most feared outlaw with an aim as true as the sky is blue.
Now you cant even stand the sound of your door slamming.
You finally relented, clicking your tongue with a jerk of your head to allow the group to flood into your house.
They cheered and hollered, Jesse and slapping Billy on the back before heading in.
"G'job butterin' her up Billy boy!"
"Y'better believe I'll be working the lot of you to your bones!"
You huffed after him, before turning back to Billy.
"And you! I swear t'God if any of yall give me trouble I'm coming for you first!"
He leans close, tipping his hat at you with a smirk on his stupidly handsome face.
"Your wish is my command, pretty,"
Billy brushes past, leaving you all flustered and red in the cheeks , with a looming dread that you've got more than a few rowdy cowboys to worry about.
What did your momma used to say?
Butterflies in your damn stomach.
(Haiii I'm lowkey bad at story stuff might make a part 2...? If yall want? Gimme some ideas what you wanna see in part 2 if you want)
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elliesleftboob · 15 days
maybe we have more in common than you think part 1
Warnings: more fluff and angst, but still 18+, cursing, dealer!ellie, mean!ellie, alcohol and weed usage.
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As a kid you always loved dinosaurs, always expressing your love for them as you showed your parents fun facts about the Spinosaurus, but as you got older you lost your passion for it after Ellie fucking Williams bullied you for a presentation you had done in Highschool- you never liked Ellie but you were friends with Dina, Jesse, and Cat so you forced yourself to like her...
"hey" your roommate Dina says to get your attention, taking out your headphones you turn your attention away from the computer sitting in front of you. "Watcha doinggggggg?" Her voice hyped up, you knew she wanted something, she was always like this when she wanted something from you.
"what do you want?" You look up at her with a slightly worried expression, you never knew with her- last time she asked you for something was to go pick Ellie up after she had a panic attack on weed and she couldn't drive, but you wanted to see what she wanted.
"wanna come to Jesse's tonight?" She moves closer to toy with your hair- you sigh, whenever Dina was going to Jesse's to smoke, Ellie was there.
"will Ellie be there?" Your tone soft and slightly tired of asking this question.
"yeah but! So will Cat and I promise we'll make sure that she doesn't bug you"
You groan loudly.
"c'mon, you've been studying all day" Dina grabs the pillow and slams it on your back making you giggle loudly. "Fine-"
"yes! I love you!"
"yeah, yeah, lemme get ready" You get up and shower- keeping your hair down as you put on your baggy jeans, just mentally preparing yourself for the horror it is to sit in the same room with Ellie- memories crawling back to when you were younger
1 year ago -
"why do you even bother?" Ellie says to you, you turn your attention away from your phone to look at her "what?" you chuckle nervously.
"I mean like, you, yourself. Why even bother with college? you don't do anything anyways, always in your room doing fuck all"
You look at her in shock
"And you like dinosaurs still it's fucking childish" she laughs, tears swelling in your eyes as you look at your phone, she always does this when you're alone with her you think to yourself- "I- uh" your voice cracks "you fucking crying?" she frowns, you excuse yourself to the bathroom as you cry and cry, you weren't sure how long you had been crying for but obviously it was a long time.
"can I come in?" a familiar voice says, knocking at the door, you sniffle and unlock the door- eyes red from crying, nose red, and face flushed "Oh sweetie" Dina says, pulling you into a big hug, you sobbed in her arms for a few minutes before regaining yourself and calming down-
"what happened?" she says, Ellie looking at you and shaking her head, you knew she didn't want you to say so you just look at Dina and stay silent "ellie" you whisper, only loud enough for Dina to hear.
The rest of the night was silent, it was filled with Dina screaming at Ellie and telling her to stop bullying you and to stop being a dick, you always appreciated Dina but you felt like a little kid who couldn't defend themselves.
Present day
Yet again you are alone with Ellie in Jesse's living room when Dina went to get food with Jesse...
The silence was so loud
"you smoke?" Ellie says, trying to break the tension 'no' you quietly reply back.
"if you were wanna smoke, let me know" she looks at you "Ellie, what are you trying to do? If you want to bully me again just fucking say that instead of playing nice"
"I'm not, I'm trying to be nice Jesus" She lights her joint and you cover your nose as the smell of weed hits your nose-
more silence
Dina: sorry, it's taking so long- will be home in 15, everything going good with Ellie?
You: ya, she's tryna start a convo with me lol idk what to say
you turn your phone off and turn to Ellie, a very stoned Ellie who is looking at the lava lamp.
"you good?" you ask and she just laughs "yeah, man. I'm good"
you bite the inside of your cheek and nod, she turns her attention to you.
"Dinosaurs are cool man... I don't think i ever told you that shit" you giggle "what?"
"The Spinosaurus, that shit is sick! What's your favorite Dinosaur?"
this was unexpected, was it the weed? Maybe she wasn't a total bitch- but it's Ellie, too good to be true
"Uh, I'd say Stegosaurus or Triceratops, they're peaceful creatures- they mean no harm" you smile at Ellie and she moves closer, she's funny when she's high.
"I like the indoraptor" she blurts out, you frown "they are cool, dope as shit"
"that's.. Not a real dino els, it's a hybrid"
"the fuck is a hybrid?"
"I assume you watched Jurassic world part 1,2 and 3?" she nods "It's a hybrid of the Indominus rex and velociraptor genome" she nods even more, "interesting" she's lost in thought, you roll your eyes and chuckle.
"what's your number?" Ellie mumbles, the shock on your face, makes her blush slightly "pardon me?"
"What is your number" she says more clearly.... You think about it some more and give her your number- and that's how you started hanging out, she would come over to yours whenever Dina wasn't around or you'd go to hers when Jesse wasn't there- you'd watch her get high and play video games, just enjoying herself, you'd gossip about everything, for fuck sakes you even found out how much she loved Dinosaurs and talked to her about that or she'd ramble on about astrology, it felt like she was truly your friend until one night when Cat, Abby, Dina, Jesse, you and herself where all hanging out and Dina brought it up and Ellie denied it, you pulled her aside to talk to her.
"Ellie what the fuck?" she chuckles slightly as you manage to push her to the wall, obviously angry, she puts her hands on your shoulders to make you feel smaller "not like we were ever friends"
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a:n, sorry it's so short! It's my first time writing in this fandom! Lmk if you want a part 2
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amm479842356 · 7 months
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Timothee was never a very popular kid. He was always the kid that everyone either hated or liked. He was at the top of his class and on the chess team. Worst of all, he was made fun of for being gay. The jocks always thought it was funny to pick on him. He hated them so much. He was absolutely revolted by the thought of ever even being friends with one.
One day Timothee was sitting is in the gym locker room when the most annoying of the jocks came in, Jake. "Yo wassup bro" Jake said. Timothee had just made a B+ on his math exam and wasn't happy about it. "Go away" he said. "Oh we got a hero, now do we? We'll see how long that lasts." And with that, Jake whistled for his bros.
Timothee tried to make a run for it but one of Jake's friends grabbed him. "Where do ya think you're going, nerd?" He was forcefully sat down and the jock put leather restraints on his legs while another put them on his hands. Finally, a strap was put on his neck and with that, Timothee couldn't move.
He could hear the other jocks laughing. Jake turned the lights off and said "Night, bro." "Why would he say br-" and with that, he heard a loud hissing sound and when he looked up, he saw it. A gas pouring out from the ceiling. He started to get dizzy and right before he passed out, he felt a sharp jab in his neck.
When he woke up, he wasn't in the locker room, but in what looked like the Janitors closet. "What the fuck? Where am I? Wait, why did I say that, I know where I a- I- uhh I kno- I don't know".
Timothee went home and continued his night like normal. He got a shower the next day and while getting ready for a wedding, something weird happened. "Bro I don't know what to wear." Normally Timothee always picked out the perfect outfits, not to mention the night before. "Whatever, must have forgot." He put on his clothes and thought nothing more of it.
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The next day. Timothy was at school and he had a quiz in Alegebra. He knew everything super well. "Ima fucking ace this shit. Huh? Why di- uhh whatever, I'm ready for this shit." Except when he finished, he got a C-. "Wait what!? I always get a- wait, I got a C. That's fucking good."
When Timothy went to gym something felt weird. Normally, he would sit in there all period but for some reason he wanted to get dressed, so he did. He took all of his clothes off and before he could put anything on, "Yooo dude wassgood?" said Jake. Normally, Timothy would've been disgusted to hear his voice but for some reason, he wasn't.
"Wassup bro. Bro? Why would I say that? What's happening to me? Wh- ats up?" Timothy had completely disregarded the fact that he said bro to Jake for the first time in his life.
"Come workout with me bruh" Jake said. Timothy had never worked out in his life but that didn't stop him from going. Timothy got in the weight room and suddenly all the lights went out and there were spinning spirals all around him, followed by the same hissing noise. He feinted.
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When Timothy woke up, he was surrounded by all the jocks he once hated. "You're name is Tommy" said Jake, followed by a snap. Tommy didn't know why the fuck Jake would try to tell him something he already fucking knew.
Tommy didn't remember anything after that...
"You're iq is lower than anyone else's. You're straight as fuck bro. You love football, wrestling, and baseball, cause you play them all dude. Your dick is so long bro. You fucking hate school. We know what's best for you. You love to get sweaty as hell like real men. Your pecs are so fucking big. We're your bros. You got the tightest bubble butt ever dude. You only wear compressions clothing bro." Said all the jocks and followed by multiple snaps, that was it.
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"Yo bro, what happened?" Tommy asked. "Nothing bruh, don't worry about it." Jake said. "Wow, you really need a haircut dude." Suddenly, Tommy wanted, no, Tommy needed to get a haircut, so he did.
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From that day forward, everything about Tommy would change. The walls in his room went from being filled with posters of superhero's and books and science and math to posters of football, baseball, wrestling, and nude women. His interest shifted from school and chess to working out, getting sweaty, hanging out with his bros, and doing what coach said.
Tommy would never be the same.
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sergeantnex · 4 months
Soap x Reader: Facesitting (Smut)
Soap's crystal blue eyes watched as I, with much frustration, struggled to get my gear off. Chuckling, he stepped up behind me, his larger hand replacing my own.
"Gotta relax, lass." He chimed softly as he un-clipped my vests clasps. He smoothly lifted me vest off of my sore shoulders.
"Easy for you to say MacTavish, you weren't bait to a mission gone wrong." I remarked a bit harsher than I intended. It was true, though, what should have been an easy two man patrol became a minor fire fight. Soap radioed for backup while I tried to scope any enemies I could. Price was the one who said I should play bait, go out there, get their attention so Gaz, Soap, and Ghost could snipe them. I couldn't tell what I was more mad at, the fact it worked or the fact it had to be me risking bullet injuries. Huffing, I tossed my braces on the table.
"Come on, bonnie, maybe I could make it up to ya?" Soap hummed as his hands gently caged me between him and the table. His warm chest agaisnt my back as he gently pressed against me. I wasn't blind to his continuous flirting or the slightly explicit jokes. He played more than a minor part in my fantasies when I would get off. The thought of the beard burn his scruff would leave on my thighs sent a tingle of excitement  up my spine.
"I don't know Johnny. What are your thoughts on fraternization?" I hum slightly, stepping back against him. Soap chuckles as he slides a hand around my hip softly.
"Why don't ya stop by my room later, and we'll see." He says lowly as his hand gently tilts my head back completely. His lips lightly brush over my own before he pulls away and grabs my braces off the table. I smile as I watch him put them up and place them in my gears location. I focused on getting my weapons clean before moving to get myself a shower. I was taking my time to make sure I was washed up and also shaven in case anything should happen between Soap and I. I took my time drying off and getting dressed before deciding to head for my room. Although I got stopped by Soap, who led me to his room instead. Once inside, Soap sat on his bed, where he gently pulled me closer to him. A rock of worry settled in my gut for a few minutes as he softly kissed me. Upon kissing him back, Soap moved to guide me with his hands.
Soap grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me so that I was straddling his hips. Our lips move in perfect synchronization together as we kiss each other. Soap lets his hands glide up my thighs to the waist band of my shorts. Following his thought process, I slowly began pulling my shorts down. Soap pulls back to watch me undress with a grin.
"Lass, those aren't standard issued." He rumbled as he took in the sight of my black thong. Soap reached out, letting his rough hands glide up my thighs from my knees. His warm hands drifting to my ass where he gently kneads my ass cheeks. I softly moan against his lips as I step closer to him. My hands cradle the back of his head while my fingers weave into his mohawk. Soap groans as his fingers curl around the edge of my underwear, softly tugging them down. I lightly moan as his thick fingers press against my clit gently rubbing circles.
"Want ya to sit on my face, think ya can do that?" He asks, pulling back just enough so that his lips ghost over mine. My (e/c) eyes widen as I look at him, a rock of anxiety settling in my gut.
"Like full weight??" I ask, causing Soap to grin almost wickedly as he nods. Soap tugs me to straddle his hips as he shifts to lay back, his head resting on his pillow. He swiftly taps my hips, silently telling me to move. I could feel the tremble in my hands as I moved to press my knees into the pillow. My legs spread as my hips hover over Soap's face, and he adjusts us so that my feet are under his shoulders. I could feel the blush forming on my face from the positioning alone. Soap curled his strong arms around my thighs and tugged me down. His tongue, easily trailing from my entrance to my clit where it gently flicked. Soap suckled at my clit as his velvet tongue swirled and flicked. One of my hands instantly shot down to grip his hair as moans spilled past my lips.
"Fuck~~ Johnny!" I moaned out softly, rocking my hips. Soap groaned  so deeply it sounded like a growl as he guided my hips to sit still so he could have full control. I whined but eagerly obeyed as his tongue got back to work. His tongue slid down and softly teased my entrance before pressing in. I gasped when his tongue wiggled and pressed deeper. The way the tip of his tongue curled and presses along my walls made my toes curl. The way Soap moved his tongue, his mouth, his head left a slight burning on my inner thighs. I mewled at the feeling of his scruff rubbing and scratching at my tender skin. The slick wet sounds of his tongue and mouth on my pussy echoed around the room. With each passing minute, the anxiety I felt got replaced with burning pleasure.
"M-more~, please, Johnny~" I couldn't help but beg the man that laid beneath me. His skillful mouth devouring me like I was his last meal. His tongue shifted back up to my clit when I could feel his breath deeply. His panting exhales felt on my labia. It dawned on me that with my body sitting due to his hold on me that I was cutting his air supply. I tried to lift myself only to get tugged back down. His thumb coming to rub at my clit as he thrusts his tongue into me again. I couldn't muffle the whine that left my lips as he kept rubbing my clit and pumping his tongue in and out of me. The extra stimulation did wonders for me as I began to tremble. My thighs began to close around his head, and my grip on his hair tightened.
"Soap~! I-... Johnny~!" My brain was scrambled, refusing to piece together a sentence to warn him I was close. It didn't take much more from him to thrust me over the edge. My walls fluttered before milking his tongue as I came hard. Soap kept going until I repeatedly tapped his arms as I whined loudly. I shakingly moved myself so that I was no longer seated on his face. I yelped as he tugged me to lay with him, his lower face soaked and shining with my slick and cum.
"Better lass?" He asked teasingly. I gave a dazed and drunk like nod as I chose to ignore my slick and cum. I caressed the back of his head as I kissed him deeply. Soap groaned and kissed me back just as passionately before he pulled back.
"Do I-..." I am started as I glanced at his obvious erection. Soap chuckled and softly shook his head.
"No bonnie, this was about ya. This stays between us, though sweetheart, can't have us both of us getting in trouble, aye?" Right. It was against the rules for a superior and subordinate having relations in any romantic or sexual fashion. Nodding, I let Soap grab his workout towel so he could gently wipe me clean. He helped me get dressed before he calmly sent me back to my room. My knees shook and felt weak as I headed back to my room.
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carionto · 9 months
See, we got this... inclination
The Galactic Coalition is no stranger to war. Every sapient race has a history filled with external conflict, and most with some internal strife as well. Even now, the Coalition is in a stalemate with the United Federation on the North-Western arm of the Galaxy, a recently cooled hot war over what the Federation call foreign meddling in internal affairs, while the Coalition claim is an abusive contractual effective enslavement of a pre-stellar civilization, which goes against the Coalition's Ethics Directorate For All Sapient Encounters.
The Humans, who managed to learn of this on their own, sparking a hushed debate about their espionage capabilities, wanted to send their own delegation to the established Neutral Zone to speak with the Federation. As a party to the Coalition governing body, they have free reign to make contact with anyone on their own terms, with the understanding such individual activity will not represent the Coalition itself.
It did not take long for the Humans to reach back to us with an inquiry:
"So like, this might just be us, but these fellas are giving us some nasty fascist vibes, ya feel me? Maybe we're wrong (though we do got a lot of experience with that), but have a look at this data we've gathered so far."
What we saw were shockingly detailed and up-close images of clearly Federation design medical and emergency disaster relief encampments. A baffling number in fact, but technically nothing that would indicate wrongful action or intent. But there were a lot of them all across the planet.
"Yeah, we only got data from right now, so do you got info on this planet and it's folk from earlier? My gut, and all these shuttles full of some kinda cargo we can't scan hyperin' away, is telling me that it's not gonna match well."
The Human, or his... gut?... (we'll have to ask them to elaborate, we thought they only had one mind?) is correct, startlingly so. We informed the Human the atmosphere was far thinner than it was merely 40 years ago, containing a third less Nitrogen and almost no trace gasses at all, save for CO2, which was at nominal levels, but the planet used to have an abundance of Helium, now almost entirely gone. If further investigation corroborates this, and perhaps other inconsistencies, this will be cause for a full open investigation and possible sanctions!
"So... can we fight them?"
The Human's question startled us from our anger, now replaced with confusion and worry. Humanity boasted the most powerful fleet in Coalition space, there was no question about it, but they are still only a singular planet with some specialist stations dotted around local space, while the Federation was composed of dozens of races across thousands of planets in a very efficient hierarchical structure, plus the true strength of their military was unknown.
This is a delicate matter and we need them to not act rashly. We have learned, however, that outright denying Humans anything leads them to desire it more, so we must adopt a new approach to each situation we wish the Humans to... not take the initiative on.
Offering the delegation leader command of our own covert investigation units, and requesting he withdraw his ships to act as emergency response and intervention forces in the area seemed to please him. He had an important task to do, and his crew busied themselves preparing for a variety of possibilities, thus making the Humans feel both needed and engaged in productive activity, preventing them from escalating the situation. For now.
We really hope this "gut" will not cause rash action.
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livin4mybabes · 1 year
I would never get that effect on you | pablo gavi and pedri gonzalez
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part 2 of i'll take the opportunity summary: after sharing an awkward moment with Gavi and Pedri, they will try to get you but on the day of the match, one of them will let you be happy and he will end up heartbroken, because he will realise that you have always loved him. pairing: pablo gavi x reader ; pedri gonzalez x reader warnings: some angst, hard decision, a broken heart words count: 3.1 k —wow, the longest fic i've ever written—. author's note: finally here is the second part of this fic. You don't know how much I suffered trying to choose one of them, but you guys already had your favourite, so… I hope you liked it as much as I did! just to let you know again, english is not my first language so pardon me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me—
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A couple of days had passed since that awkward breakfast with the boys.
Both Pedri and Pablo had sent you messages apologising for what had happened and you honestly didn't know what to think.
It was clear that something was going on between the three of you. Pedri's attitudes did seem a bit strange to you because he acted like he was jealous, although you wouldn't know exactly the reason. With Gavi, on the other hand, you knew there was something between you.
Although Pedri had promised to come to pick you up at the university one day after the breakfast you had had, you cancelled him because your head was a mess and seeing him wasn't going to help, although that day when you got home you found a box in your room. You had asked your mother about it and she had only told you that the delivery company had left it.
When you opened it you found Gavi's shirt, you put it close to your nose and you noticed the smell of fabric softener and his perfume, and also a note from him.
"Sorry for what happened the other day, I will keep my promise and I hope you will too" you couldn't help but smile, he couldn't be more caring.
By now you knew what to wear to the match.
It was Friday afternoon when you had received a message from Pedri asking if he would pick you up on Saturday to go to the match, you weren't sure but you still agreed, you didn't want to lose your friendship with him.
You were about to have dinner when there was a knock on your door, which was strange because it was 8 pm. "Who could it be?" you thought.
To your surprise it was Gavi, "but what was he doing here if it was late and he had a very important game tomorrow" you thought.
"Pablo, what are you doing here?" you asked as you stepped aside to let him into your house.
"hey y/n wanted to see you before the game" He said to you while scratching the back of his neck, he's nervous. "sorry if I didn't tell you"
"yeah yeah, no worries, I was actually just about to have dinner, do you want some?" You smiled at him as you headed to the kitchen. "It's chicken and vegetables, something without so many calories."
"sure, thanks for your interest" he said to which you both smiled.
"I have to, I'm worried you won't be able to score a goal tomorrow" you smiled at him and shook his elbow.
“que va, que lo de marcar el gol ya está hecho" scoring the goal has been done already
You both picked up your plates and sat down at the kitchen island.
"Well, have you spoken to Pedri?" Gavi asked without being able to help himself.
The last thing you wanted was for it to get awkward and he wasn't helping, why are boys so dumb?
"Yeah, in fact, we agreed that tomorrow he would pick me up to go to the game together" You told him in response he tensed his jaw.
"Cool" he thought.
" Awesome" He said to you and you managed to catch the sarcasm in his voice.
"Yeah, but good. Tell me, are you ready for tomorrow?" you said to change the subject.
"Well, I'm excited and confident that we'll manage to win".
So you continued chatting about other topics until he decided it was time to leave because tomorrow he had to get up early to go training before the match and other interview duties.
"I'll see you tomorrow, and I hope to see you in my shirt," he said as he winked at you.
"Okay, okay. Good luck tomorrow!" You were both already at your front door.
"Thank you, and I'll do my best to get that goal". He said as he said goodbye and gave you a kiss on the cheek and you smiled.
You watched as he got in the Uber and left.
The next day, you hurried to change into the shirt Gavi had given you, jeans, trainers and a coat on top.
Soon, you received a text from Pedri letting you know he was arriving at your house.
As you got into the car, you smiled at him.
"Hi, how are you? he asked and you could smell his perfume. How good he smelled.
"You smell great". You regret when the words come out of your mouth.
Why did you say that?
"Yeah, really? Thank you, you always smell so good." He says as you blush.
"Well... Are you ready for the game?" You ask him as he starts driving.
"I'm excited, and I know we'll win." He said smiling at you.
"I like that confidence, I know you will."
"Just to let you know, I'm not forgetting about the goal."
Jeez, you didn't know how you would handle the fact that if he and Gavi scored a goal and they would dedicate it. You didn't know at this point if you wanted to.
"Okay, I don't forget either." You gave him a somewhat forced smile.
"Put on some music I know you have good taste" He gave you his phone, ok... a lot of confidence, "I like it" you thought.
Inevitably you put on a song that you had stuck to thanks to Tik Tol and that somehow reminded you of Pedri because of the video a teammate of his had posted of him singing and yes, you were obsessed with that song.
“Estoy perdido en el club buscando dónde respirar bien o que me entienda alguien, caras conocidas muchas, pero amigos nadie. Dale, caile uh, uh” You both sang smiling.
"It's my favourite song right now, I swear" He tells you as he looks at you sideways.
"Pedri, it's mine too. You should know I've had an obsession with it ever since I saw that video of you singing it." You give him a slight nudge.
"Glad to know we have good tastes, me most of all." He said and winked at you and you smiled.
Was that a hint? Probably.
We continued our journey in comfortable silence listening to the music.
This afternoon was a bit warm, so you decided to take off your coat, just to stay in Gavi's shirt. Pedri turns to look at you.
"Look, you're wearing the team jersey". He smiles at you.
"Pedri, I come with all the attitude. Gavi gave it to me". You say and instantly regret it.
"Ah, ok" He mumbles and from then on you are silent.
He seems very focused on the road with his brows furrowed. You're worried that something has happened to him, or that you've said something to upset him. He's quite serious and not very talkative, which is unusual for him.
I'm so focused on watching him that I realise too late that we've arrived at the Camp Nou. There were already too many cars.
As we walk into the stadium, he turns to look at me.
"OK, I'll take you to the stands. That's where Gavi gave you the tickets, right?" He said.
"No, actually, he gave me to be behind you, behind the dugout." You said, to which he nodded. "Come on I'll take you."
With that, you both headed down some corridors, and finally arrived at your seat.
"I'll leave you here, you already know where to buy food if you want. My brother is actually a few seats away, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask him".
"Thanks Pedri, good luck. I strongly believe that you will get the win". You tell him and give him a hug.
"Thank you y/n, it means a lot to me". He said in your ear, and with that he left smiling.
While you were waiting for the match to start, you were looking at your phone and chatting with a friend. Soon, the boys started to come out of the tunnel as the game started and you could see the two boys trying to find you and when they both found you, they waved at you, and you smiled back at them.
Gavi when he saw that Pedri was also waving at you made that typical face of his, he became serious and tensed his jaw.
"I must score before him". Gavi thought and Pedri did too.
Both of them could define this match as the most important in their lives, and it was because of you.
The match had not gone the way Gavi or Pedri would have liked, the visiting team had scored a goal in just the first 24 minutes, now it was almost the end of the half and Barcelona could not score a goal.
Finally, the long awaited goal came and it was from none other than Gavi. The fans were shouting like crazy for his goal, you shouted in the same way, you were happy because he had managed to score a goal, the first one for his team. The illusion of him dedicating the goal to you was still there, he came closer to where you were and pointed at you while you watched him say " To you, I promised you".
You had a huge smile on your face and you were sure that you were extremely blushing, and even more with the fact that all the people were watching you.
On the other hand, Pedri's blood was boiling. He couldn't believe that Gavi had scored a goal before him. In another situation he wouldn't have been angry and he would have been with his team celebrating, but no, you were there, watching them both play and Pablo, he was ahead.
"Gavi, I thought you understood". Pedri said to him once they were walking down the tunnel.
"What are you talking about? Did you want me to pass you the ball?" Gavi answered him, clearly he knew what he was talking about, but he was playing dumb.
“Tío, no te hagas el tonto” man, don't play dumb. “You know it. I told you I like y/n and I'd go for it”. Pedri said angrily.
"And I told you I wouldn't stay away, I've seen her first. I'm sure that whatever exists between me and her is stronger than what you're trying to build. No me hagas cabrear, por favor" I ask you not to piss me off . Gavi said angrily and walked away.
Pedri was extremely wrong if he thought he would have a thing with you. The moment he saw that Gavi almost had you, he was trying to interfere, well he was a prick if he thought he would get anything.
Back to the match, both boys were more motivated and not only because of the encouraging words their coach Xavi gave them, but also from the fact that they wanted to prove something to a specific person. You.
You watched as the two boys were moving around the pitch trying to take the ball and score a goal, however, they were failing to get the last one.
It was 76 minutes and the second long awaited goal Gavi arrived and everyone celebrated by shouting and jumping up and down. You couldn't be happier for him as you knew how excited he was to score goals, you were proud of him.
Gavi was also on cloud nine with happiness, it was being a great day for him.
Pedri turned to see you and noticed the big smile you had, he could swear that even your cheeks hurt from smiling. He felt sad, angry with himself for not being able to score a goal; jealous to see that you were wearing Gavi's jersey instead of his. Gavi right now was the star of the match.
"Congrats man, what a goal" Pedri came over to hug Gavi.
"Thanks mate, you assisted me to score it". He smiled at him.
The match came to an end, with Barcelona being the winners.
You leave the pitch to wait for both boys in the family area. You were so happy because the team had won and obviously, because of Gavi's goals, however, you also felt sad for Pedri. You couldn't imagine how disappointed he might be that he didn't score a goal, even though he assisted Gavi's goal.
About an hour passed before Pedri appeared down the corridor with his other teammates and although he was smiling, it wasn't the lovely smile he had, it didn't reach his eyes.
When he reaches you, he immediately hugs you. You close your eyes as he pulls you close to his body and you bury your face in his neck. There it was, the smell of his perfume and soap, he was so freshly showered.
" I want you to know that I'm so proud of you" You whisper in his ear and he hugs you tighter.
"Hey, are you okay?" You ask him and you feel him nod his head.
"Yeah, no worries." He says and pulls away just a little to press a kiss to your hair. "I'm just a little disappointed that I didn't score the goal I promised you."
"Pedri... it's okay, you played amazing. I'm really happy just to see you doing what you love, that's all that matters, okay? And I want your shirt though" You tell him smiling and stroking his arm.
"I'll give it to you, just let me wash it and I guess today hasn't been my day, but I understood something today, so... Well, I'm glad you came". He tells you with a sort of half-hearted smile.
"The good thing is..." You don't finish your sentence because you just see over Pedri's shoulder that Gavi is coming towards you, smiling.
When Pedri saw that you didn't finish speaking, he turned to look in the direction you were looking and then he saw him. Again he looked back at you, you had a smile that you had never given him, he could swear that your eyes were shining as you looked at Gavi and he had the same reaction as you. You were definitely meant to be together, he understood that. "I would never get that effect on you". he thought
"Y/N! DID YOU SEE IT!!! WE DID IT!" Gavi shouted as he came with hurried strides towards you.
"YOU DID IT GAVI! I'M SO PROUD!" you told him as you gave him a hug and he carried you and spun around.
"I promised you and it wasn't just one goal, it was two" He told you as he put you down. He had a grin from ear to ear and it was contagious.
You were so happy it just looked like there were just the two of you in that room, looking so in love.
"That was a great match Gavi, you were amazing." "Thank you, you were bringing me luck too." He said to you and you blushed.
"Maybe, maybe..." you said playfully.
"Really, bonita, thank you so much for coming. It means a lot to me, and now with all this I wanted to tell you something." Gavi looked nervous.
"Well guys, I'll leave you. See you tomorrow Gavi, bye y/n." Pedri said with an awkward smile.
You had completely forgotten about him, it hadn't been on purpose, but since you saw Gavi just...
"Pedri, stay." You said, turning to look at him.
"No, I'm going to have dinner with my family. Don't worry." He said as he gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Congratulations Gavi, you deserve it". Pedri said to Gavi as he also went over to hug him.
Maybe, just maybe those words had a hidden meaning.
"Sorry for how I behaved. Really, you guys are good for each other. Take care of her, she's amazing." Pedri whispered in Gavi's ear.
" Tío..." mate Gavi said. " You are meant to be together." With that Pedri pulled away from him and started to walk away from you.
"I feel sorry for Pedri, he's kind of down" You say to Gavi as you walk down the corridors of the stadium.
"I know". Gavi says.
"He's an amazing player and guy. were you telling me something earlier?" You say as you stop in the hallway and turn to look at him.
"Yeah, I wanted to tell you that...shit, I can't do it."
"Gavi, take it easy," you tell him as you take his hand.
"I just don't know how to start. Well, from the moment we met I knew you were a super nice girl, amazing, also to mention that you are gorgeous. I felt like we connected immediately, I feel like you understand me like no one else. When we are alone or with friends, sometimes I get lost watching you and when you are around me, all my attention is on you. I could listen to you talk about what you love all day , I love to hear you laugh, especially when it's about silly things I say or jokes that aren't even funny, my thoughts are all about you, I want everything with you.
When I say that it's because I want absolutely everything. I want to celebrate goals, victories, championships with you. But also, I want to be in your arms when I have a bad day. I also want to be with you when you're sad or happy because of your exams. I want to be with you in..." You didn't let him finish because you wrapped your arms around his neck to kiss him.
"I want that with you too Pablo, maybe it took us a while to realize it, but it's better late than never". You told him smiling, you were incredibly happy.
"Well then... do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked you as he hugged you around the waist and brought his face close to yours.
"Of course I do, silly." You said and you brought your lips together again in a kiss, but this time with more intensity, it was a kiss full of love, feelings.
It was just the two of you, everyone had understood that you were meant to be together.
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fanficwriterlover · 1 year
Safe with a Ghost
18+ Readers Only
Chapter 4: The Unexpected
Summary: Dead or Alive, it's hard to tell at the moment...you slowly regain conscience yet get unexpected news...
What to Expect: Emotions, confessions, flirting, cursing, mentions of... Ya stuff okay ? If I mention it you'll be spoiled so, read and find out yourself.
Pet Names: Pigeon, Little Lamb (141)
Word Count: 3k
════ ⋆Safe With A Ghost MasterList⋆ ════
═════════ ⋆Chapter 5⋆ ═════════
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Cold....that's the only word you could describe how your body felt. It was pitch black, you almost was afraid of the dark. If this was heaven...and what death felt like...it was terrifying...your mind wandered Is god punishing me for the lives I've coded ? Is that why I'm walking blindly ? Or is this just- your mind was interrupted, you could see your body, looking at your hands and feet as you keep walking seeing a tiny glimmer of light. You began to walk towards it, as it slowly got bigger with each step, you started to run towards it, your lungs burning you felt like you were so close yet it kept feeling further. But the light was there, it got bigger with every stride. You reached out your hand and then-
Your eyes squinted from the light, you almost wanted to close them. Your soul felt like it was slammed back into your body from the abruptness. You kept fluttering your squinting eyes adjusting to the light took you a minute. You felt your body start to pump blood, almost like it was waking up remembering you have limbs and such. You could hear a familiar beeping as you could tell it was the beat of your heart. As it slowly sped, registering you've awaken. Realizing you were in a hospital, but wasn't the same as the hospital you worked in. The smell was different. Once your eyes adjusted to the light and you felt your body functional you slowly scanned the room until you landed on a big slumped body resting at the side of your bed, a black cloaked head, and thick hoodie. The sensation from your hands, you realized he was holding and began to piece together who it was "S-Simon..." You didn't even know your voice worked, it was groggy and soft. In a minute the masked man snapped his head up to meet your eyes, that familiar brown glistening eyes that you loved. You gave a weak smile "Hey..." He abruptly stood up cupping your cheeks, pressing his head onto yours as he spoke softly he sounded almost like he been holding back tears for a long time "Hey Pigeon...."
He gently strokes your jawline kissing the top of your head. Relief... immense relief. For over a week you were unconscious. One whole week. So many waking hours. Ghost's body wanted to collapse from pure exhaustion but he stood firm. He knew you needed that. Hearing your voice was like music to his ears he didn't even care what words you were saying the fact you spoke was enough "You came for me..." Your voice was so hush, almost like you were learning to speak again "Of course I came... I'm sorry for being so late. I'm sorry you were alone...and-" your finger touched where his lip was over the balaclava "Simon...you'll give me a headache with all those apologies" you gave a slight smirk, the best you could muster as he snorts to himself Even on drugs she's still a firecracker. "Fine...I'll get the doctor to check on you..." You gave a groan "Ugh...never thought I'd live to hear those words..." He smirks under his mask That's my girl "Well doc, roles are reversed on you, your gonna bloody well listen to this one. He has a lot to say apparently but didn't want to discuss until you were awake." You frowned slightly, wasn't normally something we doctors do unless there's something serious to tell the patient, usually especially, if they find something life changing. You took a big gulp. Simon saw this as he reached for your hand giving a squeeze "Don't worry Pigeon...I'll be here the whole time. We'll get through this. Together. " He lifted up his mask revealing his lips as he kisses you softly, how you missed his taste, and his touch. As you spoke softly "Together."
After a few minutes, the doctor arrived as you were made aware you were at the military base where Simon but here he went by Ghost was stationed. You were in their med bay and was out for a week, which was due to heavy sedation from severity of blood loss luckily as the doctor said "You made a miraculous recovery ! With your temporary mending skills you've limit the amount of blood loss and prevented an infection so that's very good" said the doctor whose name was Dr. Wilson. That's when he looked over your chart again and said something than made your mouth gape...you almost didn't hear it "I-Im sorry....the last thing you said....what was it again" You mind was racing as the doctor gave a gentle bright smile, you could see Ghost standing against the wall, eyes almost just as wide too "You're three weeks pregnant. Congratulations. Luckily the fetus is perfectly well, you -" after that his voice died out from your ears. You were shocked...the refusal to believe you were pregnant, as a doctor you took preventatives. You knew symptoms you studied so much you didn't even FEEL pregnant. You spoke softly "A-Are you sure ?" You brows were furrowing as the doctor glanced at Ghost before back at you giving an uncertainty look "I'm pretty sure, surely you've experienced something, it's your first, how far along you are and judging by your health, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if the signs were not apparent yet. Usually it's not noticable until the third week and every symptom and signs are different for every woman. It's very much a young fetus so luckily no damage. I'll give you something for your nausea. Otherwise you should be checked out by tomorrow." He nods his head ducking out of your room as you were left shocked Pregnant...but...the pills...fucking hell this is not how I wanted it to happen...no wonder my hormones are scrambled. You didn't even realize you were crying until you felt Ghosts hand on your back while grabbing your hand to stroke it. "Deep breaths Pigeon...I know that look...." Glancing up at Ghosts face he seemed just as shock as well...but there was something else...something you couldn't piece together as you looked at him. "This wasn't exactly....we were....I was on the..." You mind was fumbling as he moves his hand from your back to your neck to make you look into his eyes "Y/n, listen to me....I know it wasn't planned....I'm surprised too..." He stopped for a moment choosing his words carefully, the doctor did mention while you were in a daze of shock that your hormones will become more apparent as the fetus grows. So he didn't want to do anything to make it worse. "But as I said we'll get through this together."
Your eyes studied him for a moment searching for something. How is he so CALM about this ?! I'm pregnant ! I nearly was dying yesterday and now I wake up pregnant. Your mind was racing but the only words you can muster was "Pregnant...." You looked down at his hand as he stroked it, which he was too processing it. Until he let go of your hand standing up sighing softly. "Get some rest Pigeon" you were shocked a pang of fear hit you almost as strong as the bullet did in your thigh "Simon...I'm -" he interrupts you "Don't say it y/n, just get better. I'll check on you later. I have to do somethings. If you need me call me." With that he left the room, with you reeling from shock of the evidence that's happened. You knew deep down, Simon was probably doing the same. You laid your head back onto the pillow looking up at the ceiling, subconsciously you placed your hand on your stomach. Sleep overcame you once again but this time was different. You were safe. But will you and Simon be okay ?
Ghost had to leave the room as the words from the doctor kept replaying in his head "You're three weeks pregnant. Congratulations. Luckily the fetus is perfectly well, you and the baby were not compromised from the blood loss, I made sure. Everything looks great ! You imbecile cords are strong too. I'll give you something for the nausea, but it won't get rid of it completely, its natural." Pregnant...words he'd never thought he'd hear. Let alone process that HE, Ghost, would ever have a child. In fact, it never was a conversation the two of you ever discussed. Not even marriage, yet now he finds out after just getting you back from the brink of death that you're pregnant with his baby. His mind was processing the emotions he was feeling. Fear and anxiety being the first two, he feared he'd make a horrible father, he'd let you down, you'd get hurt under his protection which you've already endured, the list went on. Anxiety mixed with each as he didn't know how to handle them. But in the midst between those feelings there was something else in his heart he felt...excited ? Wasn't the same thrilling excitement that he felt from adrenaline from missions, no, this was as genuine as your smile. Something he never thought he'd feel.
He didn't realize how dazed he was because Price snapped him out of it by giving him a slap on his back "How's the little lamb doing ? I hear she woke up" Ghost let a little grunt, apparently that nickname was sticking, he didn't know why they decided to call you that but he didn't even want to know. "Yeah. Doc says she'd make a full recovery. Getting discharged tomorrow. Says her makeshift stitching saved her life." With this Ghost was still frowning eyes slitted as his vision was narrowed looking at the base where soldiers were training and bustling. Price seemed happy with this news. "That's great news !" He glanced at him seeing him "The question is why are you not with her ?" He takes of his cup hat, one Ghost thought was ridiculous looking but some reason Price always wore. He was patting it on his leg, like he was puffing it up inspecting it as if dirt had fallen onto it. Ghost was debating whether to tell him or not. It was Price yes, but he didn't know if telling him would help him or not. "Needed air." As he just simply said. Price cocked a brow studying him "The Ghost himself getting some air ? Did you two already have a fight or somethin' ?" Ghost shook his head. Arms crossing over his chest as he still couldn't process the news but he finally said the words out loud. "She's pregnant." He guessed in that time while Price was waiting for a reply he had pulled out a cigar and lit it already sucking in to puff out only to choke on it. Coughing erratically as he hit his chest. Ghost didn't flinch though. Once the Captain gained composure he looked at Ghost in disbelief. "Blood hell Simon ! Made me choke on me good cigar." Once he caught his breath he spoke "So...that's why you're here. Look, it's not my place to say. And I'm definitely not telling you as your captain but more of as your friend." He lets a deep sigh "What she needs, right now, is you. She's probably fuckin scared out of her damn mind with the ordeal she went through-" Ghost began glaring at the view in front of him clenching his biceps, he hated that you went through something because of him and NOW your pregnant because of him as well. Price could see he was fighting his own mind as he spoke louder "You leaving her when she's now scared of just finding out she's carrying YOUR child. Simon. The two of you have lots to talk over. I know your thinking about him." This made Ghost snap his head to look sharply at Price almost ready to curse him out but the Captain raised his hand "But you need to put your past aside and worry about right now. This may be something you both weren't ready for-" Ghosts let's out a huff "but in the end you can't avoid it. That kid is going to need their father and mother." With that Price pats on Simon's shoulder before walking off. While Ghost watched him considering his words.
The Next Day~
Finally discharged you were shown to your temporary quarters. Was a bunker, like anyone else's. You had a cot and locker. Not that it mattered you had nothing with you. Walking didn't seem painful and you knew your limits. Now you were stressing about having a baby. You looked into the mirror studying yourself, turning to the side, you noticed slight weight to your stomach but nothing obvious. In that second you were reminded how hungry you were. As you made your way to find food a loud booming Scottish accent man shouted "Aye ! Little lamb wait up !" He came running towards you as you studied him with his mohawk and muscular arms "Oh, hello, you must be...." He finishes your sentence by giving a goofy bow "Soap but you can call me by my name Johnny" you give a smile "Nice to meet you Johnny. I should be thanking you for saving my life." Giving a soft smile Johnny could see why Ghost fell for you. You noticed his arm was wrapped, as you nod your head "What happened to your arm ?" He looks at it "Oh that, got nicked by some guys when we were on our way to save a certain damsel in distress" you laugh softly, which was music to Johnny's ears "I see, well glad you're okay." Johnny began following you as you made your way to the cafeteria, which he insisted on escorting you as he said "It'd be wrong to not escort a lovely lady" flirtatious as he was, he definitely wasn't Simon.
You almost began to miss him, but then it hit you nausea...holding your stomach Johnny stopped looking at you concerned "You alright little lamb ?" You mumble a little "Y-Yea, just feeling sick all of the sudden" you cup your mouth as you run to the nearest bathroom which surprised Johnny how fast you were. Making it on time, holding you hair up you felt bad for ditching him like that but was unavoidable as you let it out of your system.
While you were in their Johnny could hear you, losing your stomach he was worried until he heard a low gruff voice "If you're trying to spy on the female recruits Johnny I'd put a bullet to your arm." Johnny whipped his head at the looming figure behind him "Blood hell LT ! Chuir thu eagal air a 'bheatha a-mach orm!" Hearing his Scottish made Ghost grumble "English McTavish!" Johnny looked him square "Sir, to translate, you scared the bloody life out of me" Ghost raised a brow slightly until he saw...you come out of the bathroom. Your eyes look up at his as you both stared at each other. Johnny however looked at you with concern "You alright little lamb ? You seem to be feeling unwell, maybe you should have the doctor check-" as Ghost and you replied "She's fine" "I'm fine". Both of you stood in silence. As Johnny stood in the middle between you two sensing tension. "I'll take that as my queue to leave." He rushed off, leaving you two as you sigh softly.
Ghost eyed you intently, he could tell you were sick and obviously losing your stomach from the baby. He spoke softly "You alright..." You huffed softly "I find out I'm pregnant, nearly was dying, attempted kidnap, nowhere near home, and the man I love has given me silent treatment for over 24 hours" you glare at him which hit him. Neither of you ever gave each other looks especially serious, usually was playful. He sighs softly "Pigeon..." You gave a look "No Simon, you don't get to sweet talk out this one. You left me !" You almost screamed out but didn't want to draw attention. Simon's eyes studied you "I was fuckin, scared out of my mind from the kidnapping, nearly dying, and now THIS" As you emphasized to your stomach, he simply looked at you unwavering "I know you're not scared-" as he interrupts "I am scared y/n." Your eyes widen with shock that he was admitting that, as he continued, he sighs softly approaching your cautiously "I was scared when I saw your nearly lifeless body, scared when I saw you were being targeted, and now....I'm scared I've made it worse for you with this...baby" you could tell the words were hard for him to say as you gently touch his arm "I know Simon, it's okay to feel sacred...." The next words you didn't even want to say but they came out of your mouth...."I could get an abortion...." His eyes widen looking at you as you continue "-that way-" he speaks up almost scared as he gently grabs you by the arms "No ! I don't want you to..." Your eyes widen studying him, there it was, the same eyes you saw when you were in his arms dying except you're wide awake, Fear. You touch his cheek, which he doesn't pull away from as he mumbles softly "I know I've been a-" you fill in for him "jerk ?" Giving a slight smirk, as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes only huffing "that...but I want this. I know we never talked about subjects of...family and such. But if I am going to have a family. I'd rather it be with you" you smile softly looking up at him, Simon, had come a LONG way. He opened up to you. Slowly yet surely Took him a bloody day though... As you lean closer to him lifting up his mask partially "I'd want nothing better than that too Simon "Ghost" Riley." You say so quietly in a whisper, he crashes his lips onto yours as you two hold one another. This marked something for you two...this was unexpected, scary, yet exciting. You two were willing to take the chance. You knew together you'd have each other.
This is not the end...this is just the start of something BIGGER ! I assure you, besides. Nothing sweet lasts forever. Again sorry for being so short, but kinda want to...nope not going to spoil you wait and see hehe !
ꨄ︎Taglist : @jadama20 @lunamoons-posts @babygirl-panda19 @kat-nee @marshallowy @bi-witch-bxtch @unit-1021 @wwe1rdc0re @crazy-phan-girl13
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lesbian-dp · 2 years
Yes, Professor
Kinktober 2022
Day Four
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 2,068
Warnings:  Professor, spanking, slight age gap, professor/student relationship (duh), slightly older reader, strap on, begging
Request: Nope.
Summary:  Yourself and your red-headed student share an "extra credit" session in your office
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(Not my pics)
18+ ONLY
"Does anybody have any questions?"
A large blonde man rose his arm into the air, along with a few of his peers.
"Yes, Mr-" You glanced down at the paper which held the names of all your students. "-Odinson."
"Are you old enough to be teaching here?"
You gave a soft chuckle at his clueless question.
"I get that. I graduated early from university myself. Just transferred here, been teaching for five years," you gave the same answer you had in your past two classes, "Now. Does anybody have any questions about the lesson?"
A few hands rose back into the air.
"Miss... Romanoff?"
The red-head blinked slowly, lowering her arm back down, as she threw an almost invisible smile at you.
"Do you have any options for extra credit?"
"Stay behind after class, and we'll talk about it privately."
"Yes, professor."
That was how it all started.
Five months later, and your student would still hang back after every one of your lessons for her "extra credit" sessions.
And also do whatever she had to, to rile you up. Which was normally to question you in the middle of your lessons.
"Are you sure that's right, professor?"
"Yes, Miss Romanoff, I am more than positive."
"Okay." The red-head smirked at you, loving how much she was teasing you at the moment.
"Anyway, as I was saying-"
The shrill bell interrupted you, making you suck your lips in agitation, forcing a tight smile.
"-Or apparently, I wasn't. We'll pick up next lesson."
Once the room was emptied of all other students, Natasha made her way down to where you were cleaning up your desk, with your back turned to her.
You sighed, dropping your head as soon as you felt the red-head's hands on your back, rubbing along your clothed skin before passing across your ribs. Chest hovering against your back. You were still mid-sigh as you turned to face the woman who was, very obviously, checking you out. Her hands now upon your midriff, caressing you through your shirt, as she slowly blinked up at you.
"Do you really have to do that in front of the whole class?"
"Do what?" Natasha asked, faux cluelessly.
"Oh, you're really acting like you don't know?"
She shook her head steadily, "I don't know?"
Na"Oh, okay. So, how about you trying to say that I'm wrong in front of the whole class when you know that I'm right. Or, how about the fact that you're wearing a skirt this short, and every time you were in my line of vision, you would do something that makes you have to open your legs, only for me to see how fucking wet your bare pussy is?"
Natasha hummed, smirking as she looked you up and down, before replying with her seductive husky voice, "Which are you more pissed about?"
You gripped her hips, tugging her into your body until her arms wrapped around you and fingers curled into your shirt.
"What do you think?"
"I think you want to fuck me on your desk."
"I think you're projecting."
"Oh, I'm not." She shook her head, leaning closer to your face, to whisper, "I just don't think you have the ability."
"What? To fuck you?" you chuckled, "I think we both know that I can, with our past "extra credit" sessions."
"You gave me orgasms. You didn't fuck me. You can't fuck me. You can't make my brain stop functioning, just with your dick. You don't have the skill."
"Okay," you muttered in slight humour.
Looking away from the red-head, you raised your hand and moved to grip her soft hair, taking a thick bunch and pulling her head back.
"You wanna say that shit to me again? Or are ya' gonna be a good girl?"
"I'll be good if you prove me wrong."
You let go of her hair, allowing Natasha to straighten up, the red-head looking at you with slight anxiety at your calm demeanour. Worried that she may have actually angered you.
"I have another class to teach. Go to my office, strip, bend over my desk, and wait for me," you told her, tone leaving no room for argument.
Natasha's eyes lit up with excitement, small grin taking up place on her face. A static energy coming from her.
"What are you waiting for? Get going." You punctuated your point by giving her a swift slap to her plump ass.
She smirked over her shoulder at you as she walked to exit the room, just as your next class was beginning to pour through the doors.
You were gonna have so much fun once this lesson was over.
You couldn't wait.
Natasha had been waiting for over an hour, undressed and bent over your desk, scattered with leatherbound books and papers.
And you?
You were purposefully taking your sweet-ass time.
Meandering down the halls, past other professors and the random students, as you pulled the tie around your neck loose. Mind filled with the beautiful red-head awaiting you in your office, and if you would have to punish her or not, if she complied with your demands.
To your surprise. She did.
Well... mostly.
At the sound of your heavy wooden door opening and closing, Natasha turned her head to find you watching her with a smirk, leaning your shoulder against the door.
"Looks like you do know how to follow directions. Although I did mean for you to be naked and not in your underwear. But I'm fair and accepting, so I'll let you off... this time." Her eyes followed you as you came further into the room.
Fully removing your tie, you flung it somewhere across the room, shrugging off the jacket you wore, dropping it onto where Natasha had left her clothes upon the leather sofa within your office, neatly folded.
"Well, how was I supposed to know that?" she sassed back.
She was right.
But you weren't about to let her know that.
You had a smile across your face as you passed behind her, tips of your fingers grazing across the waistband of her black panties. Her ass practically hung out of the lace material, which was perfect for you. The underwear gave you the perfect vantage point to smack at her bare skin without having to move anything about her "outfit".
Natasha jolted with a yelp at the sudden spank. Fingers flexed against the mahogany wood of your desk, glancing over her shoulder to see you undoing the first few buttons of your shirt as you rubbed at the offending area of the red-head's plump backside.
"You wanna keep talking back to me, or are you gonna be good for me, baby?"
The soft skin of her ass rubbed against the palm of your hand as she wiggled it teasingly at you.
"Or what?"
A deep hum sounded through your throat, slightly humoured and angered, while you leaned over her back to husk into her hair.
"My patience is wearing thin with you, Natasha. This is your last chance. Apologise and tell me that you'll be a good girl."
It only took two words for that thin thread of patience you once had to snap into nothingness.
"Make me."
Raising up to your full height with a hum. Rubbing your hands into her soft flesh, referencing the calm before the storm. Before scattered smacks were brought down her backside, sending the red-head into a tailspin of the perfect mixture of pain and pleasure that only you could bring.
She was whimpering before you were done, plump bottom a rosy pink, soon to deepen into reds, blues, and purples. Natasha was more than fine with the knowledge that she would have a hard time sitting for the next week. You could even say she was happy. She had always loved remembering your shared time together, even when you weren't around her.
"Are you ready to be good now, or do I gotta keep going?"
Natasha whined into the wood, twisting with her built-up arousal.
Passing your hands around her hips so that you gripped her upper thighs, using your position to hastily pull her into you whilst also jutting your hips into her ass. Or rather, what you had hidden under your smart pants, causing the red-head to moan out loudly.
"Answer me, baby." A roll into her wet core. "Or you won't get my special treat."
That got her.
Natasha's head popped up at that begged words flowing from her plump lips.
"Please. Please, Y/N. I swear I'll be good. I want you to make me feel good."
You pressed a firm kiss into the middle of her shoulder blades, easing down her black lace panties, causing the girl to hiss when the flower-patterned material passed over her red-raw skin. Making you take note to rub some aloe into her ass once your "study session" was over.
"I'm sorry, honey," you muttered into her ear, "But I'll make you feel better so soon." A pattern of soft kisses around her ear. "So, so, soon."
Softly tapping the side of her thigh, you spoke, "Take your bra off for me."
Doing as told, the girl rose up, swiftly unclipping her bra and throwing the thing off to join your discarded tie.
Your eyes trailed down her chest, a smile pulling at the corner of your lips at the sight of her round breasts, pink nipples pert and hard. With a mysterious glint in your eye, you leaned down to blow sharp, cold air against the sensitive skin. Instantly watching the red-head's reacting. Watching as she jumped and shivered, rolling her shoulders at the pleasurable action.
"I love how you're so responsive," you smiled, moving her back against the desk. Red backside connecting with the wood, making Natasha jump at the sudden pain. However, you were quick to push her to lay upon the surface once more, this time upon her back, her ass hanging from the table, as not to cause her more pain.
Her legs spread, allowing you to slot yourself in between them, fingertips grazing her soft thighs. Chest panting up at you, core wet and waiting.
"You ready, baby?" you asked as she pushed herself up on her elbows.
Natasha's red hair bounced as she nodded vigorously, hips rolling as your hands travelled to unbuckle your belt, just wanting you to hurry up and fuck her already.
"You still think that I can't fuck you?"
Her eyebrow ticked, "I'm still waiting for you to prove it."
Your face turned hard at that, hands gripping the red-head's thighs, spreading them further apart, and burying your strap deep within her in one fluid, well-practised motion.
The moan that tore from Natasha was loud and sudden. Her head thrown back, showing her tight neck. Falling back from where she held herself up on her forearms, as her back arched in pleasure.
You took that as your opportune moment, taking her waist between your hands, pulling her further onto your strap, holding her as you began your deep thrusts.
Cries continued to fill the book-lined room, along with the sound of skin slapping skin and Natasha's wet centre.
With an intense effort, she managed to manoeuvre herself up, wrapping an arm around your neck, her free hand pushed against your chest, making you fall back into your leather office chair.
Your mouth dropped open as you watched the red-head begin to ride you with vigour. Scattering a few more smacks against her reddened ass, eyes intent on the way her wet cunt sucked the faux cock deep inside her.
Natasha's blissful pants turned into high-pitched cries, hips moving randomly, grinding against you now, as you held her hips. Knowing she was close, you started lifting her up on your strap, canting your hips up as you did.
Soon after, she flooded around you, her wetness trailing down your thighs and onto your chair below.
She flopped against your body once her orgasm subsided. Arms around your shoulders, face pressed into your neck, as she tried to regain her breath.
In soft strokes, your hands ran up and down her back, soothing Natasha, as she still twitched randomly with aftershocks.
With a soft kiss to her temple, you muttered, 
"How's that for fucking you?"
You felt her smirk before she spoke, "I did most of the work."
She was so in for it now.
Permanent Taglist: 
@imnotasuperhero, @veteranwerewolf95, @marvelfansince08love, @higherfurther-romanova, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @sestra-inestro, @thelastavenger-3000, @mixed-fandom-mess, @wannabe-fic-reader, @vancityfire13, @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday, @007giu, @fayhar, @xxromanoffxx, @poptartpoppyy, @wlwfanfictionss, @diaryoflife, @pointconji, @readings-stuff, @tokyo-liv, @imadethisblogbecauseiamasimp, @natashaownsmyheart, @marrymemcgrath, @scorpiosloveletter, @idkevenfuckenknow, @wandanatfan, @izalesbean, @iblameitonclint, @bizarrealex, @lorsstar1st, @bak3rio, @heybitches-amirightbitches​, @lokisjuicyass, @marie-yt-blog, @mrswandaromanoff, @red1culous, @justyourwritter69
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tsukibarara · 2 years
Toxic Traits
Tw!: adultery, gambling, strong use of words,
CC: lucifer, mammon, levi, satan
A/n: this is really not of a hc, I just threw some rando bs here lmao
Lucifer is just straight-up ignoring you, not even batting an eye. He just really finds you a nuisance and annoying.
You're the one who fell in love first and initiated the relationship with him by confessing. He just accepted it just because he felt it his duty to make your stay satisfying and comfortable at the Devildom.
You know for the fact that everything he does and everything he says is only for Diavolo's sake–so you're not surprised when he's just ignoring all your sweet gestures and tendencies, and him getting all rage when you do 'something stupid that could ruin Diavolo's image'.
You always visit him during the afternoon break time. But this time, you made an extra effort since you got into a fight with him in the morning, 'Just like being a good lover, what could possibly go wrong–right?' you think to yourself. You sighed at the thought that you could be just ignored once again like every other day, but as soon as you opened the door you felt like a bucket of cold water just splashed down onto your head.
At the table, Lucifer's getting comforted by a witch–wrapped by his arms, and tasting each other's lips.
You scoff a laugh seeing the terrible sight. "You wouldn't even touch me your papers, but now you let her sit on it while you taste her lips?" Lucifer got stunned when he saw you leaning at the door frame of his office, "Oh, forgive me, I didn't consider that you actually don't love me. I'm sorry I got blinded by my love for you." And with that, you stormed out of the room without waiting for their response.
You never find Mammon in the house–If you do, he's just always sneaking and stealing things.
Even on your anniversaries, he's not on your side. He doesn't ponder that much about your relationship with him, he only thinks about himself we could say.
You may find him in the casino, or the streets–doing a part-time job or just simply selling some of your things. You never know where he spends all of the money he collects–some lavish things, some luxury he never needed, or to just simply pay off his debt that you know for a damn well that he never pays for, you really don't know. He never tells you this whole time you're tied with him.
Today is one of those said anniversaries. You're always worried about Mammon getting home late, but this time he's much later than usual.
Your ass can't stay in one place, you phase around your room, still not seeing your lover the whole day.
So you came to the idea of looking for him on the street night of the Devildom. Even if it's dangerous for a human like you, you still go out and look for him.
Not long after looking for him, you found him in his favorite casino–Drunk and passed out, mumbling repeatedly his winning.
This is it? Did you get worried over nothing?
You just sighed and tried not to let your tears fall.
"Mammon, that's enough. Let's go home." You tried to shake him awake.
"What?" He got a frown on his face, looking at you like you're a pest.
"I said let's go home.." your voice becomes shaky.
"Will ya' just leave me alone!? Tonight is my lucky night!" He raised his hand with a bottle in his grip.
"Come on, Mammon. You're drunk already.."
"Aya! I said leave me 'lone!" He shoved your hand which caused you to fall on your footing. "You always say do this, do that! Why can't ya' just understand me!? Stop stopping my fun, will ya'!?"
And with that, you snapped. Tears flowed down, you stood up. "We'll forgive me if I can't understand you? You never tell me anything regarding you. And I'm sorry for worrying about you."
You usually hang out in Leviathan's room. But all the time you're there, he's just in front of his monitor.
You don't have a choice of asking to play with him so you can have bonding together.
"Do whatever you want, just don't be a burden to the team." You just nodded, smiling enthusiastically.
Leviathan made you play a support role since that's the easiest role he could give you.
The game starts, and you're getting dizzy with the withs and whats of the game. You're always dying and can't play properly since you're just new to it. Every time you get slayed, you can hear him hissed, curse when you let the low life escape, or you click his tongue when you get his buff.
As the opponent wiped your team out, he turned at you.
"How can you be so stupid? That's really the easiest character in this game and you still manage to be like that!?" He's fuming mad.
"Levi, it's my first time to pla-" You flinched when he threw his mouse down to the table.
"Tch. Even an infant can play that. You're just a noob."
You slammed the phone down to his table, shaking in anger as you looked at him "Then let that infant play with you." you then just left him stunned and unable to process what happened.
Satan wouldn't let you touch his books, even just a teeny tiny bit of touch, in your whole stay in the Devildom, even if you're in a relationship with him.
He never clarified why, so you just assumed that he simply treasures his books a lot. And of course, you understand that.
When you hang out in his room, he's just buried in his book, reading quietly and not wanting to be disturbed.
He may think you're just a disturbance, but he didn't show any signs that you're one, but he didn't show any signs that you're welcome either.
You just come and go as you please.
Sometimes, you get lucky to have him read you a book and make him talk about it–even though it's boring, you're more than happy to listen.
One afternoon, you got snacks for you too. It's a nice day for you since today Satan promised he'll read a book for you.
As you enter his room, Satan is nowhere to be found.
You placed the tray of snacks on the table in his room. You jumped around, wandering inside his room, looking around and humming–you can't contain your excitement.
"Hmm, what book will Nyatan read to me?" You scroll to his books with your eyes, fingers to your mouth. You don't want to touch it having the thoughts that Satan may get mad.
"Ahh-" Books trampled on you, and you got buried with it. You pushed the books aside, your body hurting like you got crushed by a car. Luckily the whole shelf didn't fall on you.
"I told you not to touch the books!" The door flew open, there's Satan frowning down at you.
"I didn't-" you didn't finish what you're saying as Satan grabbed your arm, "Satan, that hurts-" you grunt in pain. Satan just threw you to his bed and started to pick up his book.
Satan just kept quiet, maintaining his wrath on him.
"I didn't touch it, really.." fidgeting with your fingers, tears forming in your eyes. "I swear.."
"Can you just please shut up?"
Tears streamed down, you just remained to look at your hands.
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jmdbjk · 7 months
Bangtan Weekly Report
Been a while. How are ya? We got a lot of shit going on and it has not been easy keeping up. I'll be glad when they are back together in 2025 so we can rest. Lol. Just kidding... I guess.
In a few hours we get Golden. I am excited to hear what Jungkook's chosen for his first album. I am excited to hear him explore these genres of songs. I am sure he's learned a lot during this process just as all the others have. He did a pre-release "press conference" and here is Dispatch's video of it: Watch Kookie's interview here.
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He was very poised and articulate... dare I say "mature"? He is doing well. I'm very proud of Jungkook. He and his dance team are very excited to show us what they've created. I'm sure it will be amazing.
He mentioned a future Korean song as a gift? Don't tell me he means his gift to us before he leaves for MS...
Taemin with Jimin special appearance on Suchwita. Finally watched. The dynamic between Jimin and Taemin and Jimin and Yoongi was fascinating.
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I don't know a lot about Taemin. Of course I've seen he and Jimin's performance from a while back. Taemin is a great performer. He seems like a very sincere person.
Jimin's Dior campaign.
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So lovely that we finally get to see him in motion. Ever since Hobi's LV campaign with the bags, I've been wanting to see Dior or Tiffany take advantage of Jimin's fluid motion and FINALLY they woke up and showed him moving. Not a fan of the oversized knit vests but those suits are wonderful.
Namjoon... Mr. Black Void for an IG pfp... showing us some images from his trip to London.
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Fun fact: That Kodak Portra 400 35mm film is anywhere from $15-$25 per roll of film... then you have to pay to have it developed.
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His hair is dark in the image... not taken while he was in London... but when? Japan? That sand looks black. Ibusuki Beach? Except for that ship out there... hmmm.
His documentary will be coming down the line at some point, it will be jam-packed with his meanderings from these past two years. Maybe we'll find out where he's been.
The BTS documentary will be out in December. Our Christmas present. I'm looking forward to it. There will be new footage in it.
Tae channeling him some Elvis for Celine is interesting. I suppose this is from an upcoming campaign or magazine spread.
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And this was shared with us.
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Jung Hoseok achieving his Corporal promotion ahead of time which I think means he would have three bars on his shirt pocket instead of the two as in this photo from his IG.
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Less than a year left until Hobi's discharged and 7.5 months left before Jin is discharged.
It was the anniversary of The Astronaut this week. Can't believe this year just flew by. The reluctance to wish time to fly by but at the same time wanting it to slow down in order to live in the moment...we were so worried this time last year. We are making it through this ya'll. We are getting there.
Samsung campaign giving us Yoongi in tan pants. Doing god's work if you ask me:
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Xylitol also keeping the Bangtan flame lit ...
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How come Jimin and Jungkook are the only ones with their left hands in their pockets? Jikook always jikooking. You are me I am you is strong with them.
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mrs-hollandstan · 1 year
okay now that ik we’re doing this fr LMFAO def gonna need a labor and delivery blurb w y/n & tom i can def see it being chaotic and hilarious 😭 & then all the girls + the boys meet baby mia 🥺🥺
Missin this series 🥺 check out Make Me Love You in my bio for more of this ☺️
"Shit…" Tom stumbles, eyes still puffy from sleep, hair still a mess, and you're pretty sure the shoes he just put on are reversed but… he's ready for this baby and with the pain you're currently in, so are you. He grabs your hand and the baby bag by the door before he's heading out, unlocking the car. He takes a deep breath, 
"Can't believe we'll be bringing our baby girl home in the same car we fucked in in college." He murmurs. You groan, 
"The thought of sex right now makes me want to give you a vasectomy myself." He swallows, not responding before he's helping you into the car. It's deep breaths all the way to the hospital and you can hear Tom's phone vibrate with the texts from the group chat, following his announcement that you were in fact, in labor. 
Tom let's you squeeze his hand, coaxing you through the pain as you push. He strokes sweaty strands of hair from your face, 
"Doing so good darling. You're almost there." He tells you, kissing your cheek. And he's right. In two more pushes, a wail cuts the air, and Tom glances up to see his baby girl being laid on a towel. He's quickly handed scissors to cut her umbilical cord before she's ushered away to be cleaned and have her vitals taken. 
Soon enough, the three of you are left alone, Tom watching you drag your top down, your little girl latching to your nipple without a hitch. He worms his way behind you, resting his chin over your shoulder. He watches Mia suckle, your head coming to rest back against his shoulder, 
"You two are so beautiful." He murmurs, kissing your jaw. You hum, 
"I don't feel beautiful. I feel gross." You murmur. He chuckles, 
"You could never be gross. You'll always be beautiful. And look at this." He reached out and strokes Mia's head, "How could you feel gross when you just brought this into the world?" He poses. Glancing up at him, he stares down at her for a moment longer before his eyes meet yours,
"She is pretty perfect huh?" You pose. He nods,
"Almost as perfect as her mother."
"No, she's much more perfect than her mommy. Look at that little face." You trail a finger across her cheek. He smiles, 
"She is very beautiful darling." He mumbles. Laying your head back against his shoulder, you sigh, 
"That was… the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I am so tired." You murmur. He kisses your bare shoulder, 
"You deserve the world ya know." You hum, 
"I deserve sleep. You can have your skin to skin because I'm about to pass out." He chuckles, 
"Once she's done feeding, I'll take her." He tells you. You nod. 
It doesn't take long for her to finish and stare up at the both of you so inquisitively, it makes your heart heart. Tom takes her once he's shed his shirt and once you've snapped a few photos of the two of them, it's easy to slip into peaceful, much needed sleep.
A few days later, you're discharged, watching Tom strap your little girl into her carseat. You smile down at him, 
"Look at that Mia, mommy isn't the only girl that can crumble your daddy to his knees." He grumbles, sighing when you brush your fingers along his shoulder,
"I'm kidding love. Promise." He nods before he's standing straight, hoisting the car seat up. You coo down at your baby who stares up at you with gorgeous, sparkling, chocolate eyes. Tom slings your baby bag over his shoulder, worry flashing in his eyes at the backpack you sling over your own shoulder, 
"Tommy, it has stupid stuff in it. It's light." He swallows and nods, 
"Fine…" He takes your hand and leads you out of the room, keeping a close eye on you until Mia is strapped into the middle seat, and you're buckled in beside her. 
Of course he drives way under the speed limit, but it's fine because with Mia's fingers wrapped around one of your own and her eyes blinking in the light while she suckles her pacifier, you're lost in her. Soon enough, he's parking, taking her carseat and the duffel up the stairs to your apartment. He toes the door open, leading you inside. Once you set foot in the door, you gasp, 
"Surprise!" The group yells, Tom's smile somehow widening. You gasp, 
"Guys…" Ivey giggles before she's trotting forward, pulling you into her arms. She spots Mia, cooing as she crouches in front of Tom to see her in her little carseat. Keaton has moved to pull you into his arms, kissing your temple, 
"How are you feeling?" He asks. You nod,
"Fine. Sore but… she's worth it." You explain to him. He smiles and drapes his arm over your shoulders as Cole's hand slides across your lower back, 
"Oh my goodness… hi sweet girl. She is gorgeous guys." Ivey says. Tom smiles before he's setting her down and unclipping her from her carseat, 
"Would you like to hold her?" He asks Ivey who looks up at him, teary eyed,
"Really?" Tom nods,
"Course." Tom can tell that the hormones from being so early into her own pregnancy has her weepy. Harrison comes to stand behind her as she takes your baby girl into her arms, cradling her close, 
"Your mommy's bump was so big but you're so tiny baby girl." She tells her. Tom chuckles, watching his best friend's wife, and his wife's best friend coddle his first baby, 
"She really is. My biceps are bigger than she is." Harrison murmurs, 
"And that's why she's small." Tom tells him. He reaches out and smacks your husband, 
"Asshole." Keaton sits down on the couch with you still under his arm. Cole takes the seat next to you, gesturing to Tom, 
"How was he?" You nod, 
"Good. He was a great partner to have. Super supportive. And whenever I needed sleep, he took her." He nods,
"Good." You nod, watching Tom stroke little tufts of hair from your daughter's forehead as she rests her head over Ivey's shoulder. You smile, 
"He's gonna be an amazing dad." You murmur. Keaton nods, 
"I believe it." 
"Yeah… he's decent enough." Cole murmurs. You giggle, resting your head over his shoulder. He sighs, 
"Mom would be… so proud of you." He tells you. You smile, 
"I know." Scarlett comes to sit in Cole's lap, his arms binding around her as she leans in and hugs you, 
"You and Holland made the most beautiful little girl. She's so perfect and we're all obsessed and I wanna know when it's my turn to take her and love her." 
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's a lot all at once. Don't you think the new parents should have their fill of her first? Besides… all she'll do is sleep, you wait until she's like two, fill her with sweets, and then drop that ticking time bomb back off here." You glare at your older brother who shrugs,
"Strictly to her father though. Not her mother because I'd like to keep my balls." You roll your eyes, 
"It'll always fall back on me." 
"Hey, that's not true. We're a team." Tom mumbles, nearing you. You stare up at him as he leans in and kisses you softly, 
"We're a team." He reiterates. You nod, 
"Yeah, fine." Ivey and Harrison share the chair in the corner, one of his hands pressed to her belly, the other cradling Mia's head. You smile at them,
"Speaking of great parents." Tom nods as he slides down to the floor. You run your fingers through his hair. Cole nudges your side, 
"And just like that, you're a mom." You smile,
"And just like that she's got a protective little crew." Cole nods, 
"Three step moms and four step dads." You giggle and nod, 
"The best." With everyone crowded into your living room, pawing all over your new baby girl, it's just like old times. It's just like college, add a baby girl. And it's perfect. 
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icycoldninja · 16 days
hey so can you do DMC 3 Dante x Schoolgirl fem ninja reader (she is 18) who sneeks of a night to see him cause her parents hate him and are forcing her in a arranged marriage so she stays the night at the shop
Yup, yup!
Secret Sleepover (DMC3!Dante x Fem!Ninja!Reader)
Slithering through the shadows in the dead of night, you made your way to Devil May Cry, seeking closure.
Tonight was yet another night of arguments with your parents as they continued to try to convince you that the man they'd arranged for you to marry was right for you and that you'd grow to like him if you just gave him a chance. The man you were set to marry was not only a full 8 years older than you, he was the literal opposite of Dante; mean, cold, silent, strict, and generally unpleasant to be around, though given the fact that your parents hated Dante, that made sense.
Shaking your head to rid your mind of thoughts regarding that annoying dickhead your parents were forcing on you, you stealthily crept through the night and up to Devil May Cry's doorstep before quietly knocking on the door.
"One sec!" Called a muffled voice before rapid footsteps approached the door. The doors swung open, revealing a shirtless Dante wearing naught but a pair of red shorts and gray socks. "Oh, hey, Y/N! Ya sneak out or something?"
"Yeah," You nodded, folding your arms. "Spent the night fighting with Mom and Dad and now I can't sleep."
"Aw, that sucks," Dante said, pulling you inside. "They're still trying to force that stiff on you?"
"Sadly, yes," You grumbled, allowing Dante to lead you over to a nearby couch cluttered with old pizza boxes and magazines, shovingthe junk aside so you had a place to sit.
"Poor baby," He cooed, kissing your cheek. "Ya wanna stay the night?"
"It's why I came here," You replied, nodding.
"Then stay," Dante sniggered, wrapping his arms around you. "Stay for as long as ya like."
You sighed contentedly as Dante leaned back on the couch that was now cleared of junk, and pulled you down onto his chest. You immediately nestled into his hold and closed your eyes, comforted by how warm and sturdy his chest was; how reassuring his hold was.
"Just you and me," He mumbled, running a hand through your hair. "Don't worry about what your folks say, we'll win 'em over with time. Just relax. Let all the just stress fall off."
Dante began rubbing slow, loving circles into your back, the motion relaxing, giving you something to focus on. Your mind, already weary enough thanks to earlier events, slowly sank into darkness and drifted off to sleep, feeling content and safe in Dante's arms.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 25 days
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We'll Go On
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, threats, cursing, weapons, Kells being a bad ass boss bitch, Dom's darkness, Collette being sneaky, backstabbing, Megan escaping, past abuse, angry boys, allusions to selling people as property, attempted SA of a minor (OC), biting, murder, fussing over messy deaths, taking in a child, hurt/comfort, teasing, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: mature
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Colson woke up and was happy to see it was still mostly dark outside. He could feel the morning coming but his underlings still had time to set shit right. He truly didn't want to go nuclear on anyone, not anymore. Dom's lap was still warm and comforting under him and he rolled slowly to his back. The Alpha was watching him sleepily, a gentle smile on his face. “Did you sleep at all?” He asked, rubbing his eyes and trying to stretch the kink in his spine. Some of his body felt like jello and he knew his mate had massaged what he could reach. Perfect bastard.
“Told ya I'd watch over yas.” Dominic shrugged like it was a normal thing to say and mean and didn't remind Col of the fact he used to stalk him. The sociopath had trouble sleeping on a good day and got maybe four hours most nights. Col couldn't be surprised the stress kept him up but it made him worry anyway. At least he knew he wouldn't be alone with middle of the night feeding times when their child came. “Mod came in and said Pete texted. ‘Ey still tracking down our people. Asked for more time but we said no. I fink tha’ gave ‘im the push he needed.” The boy grinned a little manically. It shouldn't affect Kells the way it did but it always made his pulse race and his pussy tingle. His lover was a predator and he would always feel protected.
“Good boy, exactly what I would have said. He best listen. We should still get ready. I want to be there for them.” As he started to elbow his way up Dom laid a hand on his stomach, when their eyes met again he had a disapproving look on his face. “Don't start.”
“Cols, ya not far off. Like Doc said, you could go into early labor. I'm worried about yas taken me babe into wha' could end up a bloody gun fight!”
“Fine. Take a gun too.” He knew it wasn't the answer but he was getting annoyed because he damn well knew Dom was right. “I'm the fucking boss here, if I don't go in it looks bad. It all already looks fucking bad! They're gonna realize I didn't okay this shit and that she's working against me. I need to deal with this.”
“Fine but you do it bloody carefully. If ya get shot I won't forgive yas.” It wasn't a fight the Alpha could win and even though he was on edge he always let his lover decide. Besides, he planned on staying in the shadows and making sure no one could get to Colson first.
It didn't take them long to get dressed and ready and thankfully Pete texted with an address before dawn. As they were heading out Collette caught them at the last moment to explain that she knew the men who were keeping their people. They were friends of her spy. Kells tried not to ask where the hell she'd been or why hadn't she told them that sooner. He'd texted her hours before to ask but she seemed not to even have her phone turned on.
That soothed a little rage in the couple's veins but it shouldn't have taken so long to find out. On the drive over with the sun starting to shine, Col had a talk with Collette’s friend. It turned out that Megan had controlled the entire situation and she hadn't left his side all night. The man helping them out was terrified to blow his cover but when the female Alpha invited someone to look at their people he felt he had to text. The whole thing was getting wildly out of hand and they both knew it might devolve into a full blown fight.
“The thing is, she's still operating under your name.” The man whispered into the phone. “The buyers think that you're selling so maybe if you get here…” He trailed off before hanging up without warning. As Col stared down at his phone he hoped their spy wasn't in any danger. He didn't know what the bitch would do if she caught him.
“The fuck is she trying to do? What good is her trying to branch out if she still has to use my name? No one's gonna work with a traitor! Not anyone I know.” He ranted to the group in the back of the SUV. Dom of course had joined him, all his knives hidden along his body. Tom stayed behind with The Doc and Dorothy to set up an apartment as a makeshift hospital, but Mod and Collette rode with them.
He probably should have called more of his men but technically everyone at the place they were heading were supposed to be his. Street boys who sold for him and Collette’s friend’s hired guns. He knew it was a risk to confront Megan but he hoped it made a point. He needed to get his house in order before his child came. He didn't want to have to worry about their business while bonding at home. Especially if there was a chance anyone else might find out about what he was, he had to make a show of putting her in her place. People would keep being scared of him if he was terrifying. Right?
The warehouse they ended up at was so fucking cliché it turned Col's stomach. He was still surprised the bitch had come up with all this but he was starting to think she got it all out of some movie or book. It was too full of dumbass tropes and he hated those. Life was unpredictable at the best of times.
When they filed out of the vehicle Dominic kissed his cheek and gave him a small wave. The Alpha would disappear into the shadows and find his own way inside. Having a serial killer as backup made everything feel more secure but Colson was used to taking care of himself and his people. He checked his gun in its holster and fixed his hoodie over his stomach. He normally wore suits but he wanted to show the situation the disrespect it deserved. He wanted them all to know it didn't feel important enough to him to do much more than roll out of bed. He had control here and everything was perfectly calculated.
The guard at the door seemed surprised to see him and he recognized the guy as one of his sellers. They nodded at each other and he was let inside without problem. But of course he was, it was getting back out that might be hard. Tim greeted him near the entrance- the tattooed up man was more nervous than Kells had expected. They had only met in person a few times before but he trusted their spy because Travis had and his mother still did. Before Colson joined his family Tim had been his adoptive father's right hand man but after getting clean he retired. No one judged him for it and now the omega was thankful, it meant they had someone Megan had never met.
“I didn't know what the fuck to do. There's a guy inside meeting with her to buy everyone. I'm sorry I hung up on you but she almost caught me. I think I played it off alright. I told her I was just checking on the guards.” He shrugged and Colson nodded.
“You're a good man. You've helped more than enough. I'd say after this you can back off. I know mom is thankful but she shouldn't have asked you to do this shit.”
“I'd do anything for your family. Travis must be rolling over in his fucking grave with this girl's bullshit. The fucking disrespect.” Tim spit on the floor between them and Col tried not to make a face. The previous generation was fucking weird sometimes.
“If you walk in with me she'll know, you should wait outside or you might end up on her shit list. I don't want you looking over your shoulder man.” He tried to let him go but the older man rolled his eyes.
“Fuck that. She pissed me off. She really doesn't know how we used to deal with backstabbers. Give me an hour and she'll find the fuck out.” The boss laughed at that but shook his head. This was his problem and he had to be the one to fix it.
Dominic snuck his way through a window and kept to the shadows. He wanted to pinpoint where everyone was in case any real fight broke out. He found his way onto an overhead catwalk that gave him access to the whole place and realized the building was something unfinished but separated by rooms of sorts with no real ceilings. Some areas looked like there was an attempt but it had been years since and the whole place was broken down. There was only one truly closed off room and that one made his senses itch. Something in his hind brain said that was where he was needed most but he couldn't act until he knew there was going to be a fight. If he struck first it gave the others a reason to war with his family. He couldn't do that. He wasn't a separate entity anymore, he was part of a whole.
When Colson reached the main room he tried to act nonchalant. He could make this easy enough by saying he came because he changed his mind on selling, it might piss the other group off but he hoped it wouldn't start a fucking war. Not many had the balls to step to him anyway but knowing Megan she found some who might. She was obviously surprised when she turned around to see him and he had to swallow his rage as he looked around. There were two of his own dealer's wielding guns on either side of the group of his omegas and they were all worse for wear. The buyer was one he knew, someone who went against him sometimes but always backed down. They'd never really fought and he hoped it didn't start now. Kells just always had more money to toss around.
“Daddy! I didn't expect you.” Megan purred but she glared at Tim. She knew she was caught but stepped back as Col stepped closer. He offered his hand to the other man and completely ignored her for now.
“Baker, I thought you weren't coming. I get why you're giving this batch up, a little broken if you ask me but I'm willing to take them off your hands for whatever you paid.” He couldn't even remember the asshole’s name but he felt rage at the disrespect to both him and his people. His trigger finger itched but he didn't pull his weapon. He really didn't want to have to.
He watched as Megan tried to back out slowly and he held up his hand when Mod moved to go after her. He couldn't let the other man know she'd acted without his say or the whole thing could explode in his face. “I'm sorry but you were misinformed. I'm not selling them just yet. How about I give you first call when I decide? I'm thinking of keeping some for my clubs. I think Megan just misunderstood.” He tried to keep it easy and calm. Nothing needed to get out of hand. The man looked annoyed but he obviously knew not to fuck with him.
“I get how it is, my second has a mind of his own too. In fact I think he might be sampling the wares I'm afraid. You know how it is.” With that statement Col looked around and realized the only omega missing was the boy his mate recently saved. He couldn't be very old at all and probably scared out of his fucking mind. It made the man nauseous all over again.
Kells clenched his jaw to fight the bile in his throat but he hoped he could still keep the situation from blowing up. “Without paying? That's a virgin omega. I think you owe me for that disrespect.”
Dom could barely hear what was happening in the crowd from his vantage point but when he caught a scream from the only covered room he couldn't help his instincts kicking into gear. He was running down the catwalk and jumping to the ground floor before he could think twice. He tried to stay in the darkness as much as he could but when he kicked the door in he froze. On the concrete was a random beta bleeding out with the blonde boy he saved standing over him, a chunk of flesh between his teeth that he quickly spat out. “Nasty fuck. Taste as bad as ya look! I told ya not to touch me!” Oh, so the not so mute omega was British like him? How had he ended up here?
When he heard footsteps rumbling behind him Dom ran to hide down the hall and he waited to see how everything would play out. He hoped his mate wouldn't let this stand but he would do whatever was needed to keep his family safe.
Kells bit his lip not to grin when they reached the open door and he saw what had happened, there was blood everywhere and a half dead jerk on the concrete floor. The young blonde still looked like an angel even though he'd obviously inflicted the thigh wound. Smart kid, went for an artery.
“That's my second in command! I'm not paying you shit, the omega is obviously untouched and should be punished! Give him to me and two others and I'll call it even.”
It disgusted Colson that the dick could just look at his friend as a commodity. It was bad enough that he obviously thought omegas were. He knew people thought he and Dom were evil but he'd still rush Mod to the hospital and give a shit if the roles were reversed. After a moment he rolled his eyes and pulled out his gun, shooting the dying man in the head. When the buyer glared at him he turned the barrel on him. “His groaning was pissing me off. I'm not giving you shit in trade but maybe your life. If you walk out of here and never come against me again, I'll let you go but I'm tired of your bullshit and it's not even eight AM. You know you've always been beneath me and my dad before me. You can't demand shit and you still owe me for this fucking disrespect. Now, do you walk out of here or are you getting carried out in trash bags?”
The man swallowed hard and was obviously fighting his own rage. Col could see the wheels spinning behind his eyes as he thought over what would be best and if he could survive. Finally a thought seemed to strike him and he stepped against the barrel of the gun, grinning at Kells as if he'd won. “You lost control of your bitch didn't you? The prodigal son falls off his fucking throne. Can't even keep control of your-” Whatever he was going to say was cut off when a blade suddenly appeared in his eye. The bastard screamed and covered the wound, falling back against the wall. Colson arched a brow as his lover stepped out of the shadows and ripped his knife free. He couldn't help but cringe at the noise it made or the ones that followed as Dom slit his throat but at least the screaming stopped. It was giving him a migraine.
“I thought you were letting me decide.” He huffed to his mate and Dom gave him his patent pout and puppy eyes. It didn't exactly have the same result since he was cleaning his blades off on the dying man's coat but he had to concede the Alpha was still pretty damn cute.
“He were pissing me off.” The boy said simply. “I know you and he weren't leaving after tha’. You should probably send some men to make sure he don't got any outside.”
Colson agreed and flicked his hand and Mod left to gather their dealers and check the grounds. Collette and Tim made their way back to the omega's but the couple stayed. “Even still that was my fucking shot.”
“Gunshots ‘ave to be bad for the baby.” The look on Dom's face made the omega laugh, he wasn't sure what his lover expected him to do but he couldn't stop using guns.
“Are you gonna kill me next?” A soft voice sounded behind them and they both turned to see the young omega sitting in the corner of the room, holding himself tight. It broke something inside the boss to see him so scared. This is what he wanted to save them all from.
“Of course not kiddo.” He vowed, holstering his weapon before he approached the boy slowly, Dom staying back for fear of his scent scaring the child more. “You did good. We're proud of you. No one's gonna hurt you again.”
Bright green eyes like spring grass searched his and he knew it was hard to believe. Travis had promised him the same years before and he meant it as much as his adoptive dad had. “He tried to touch me. First my dad wanted to sell me and then she- she said you wanted to too! You want to sell me to someone like tha’!”
“I swear I don't. Megan stole you from me and tried to sell you but if you want you can come home with us. We'll keep you close and no one will hurt you again.” He tried to soothe again. It made anger boil in his veins that the bitch set back whatever healing the kid had started. He just hoped they could regain his trust. “My names Colson and this is my mate Dom. I promise you we will keep you safe. You wanna hear a secret?” He asked as he crouched in front of the boy. When those green eyes filled with tears his heart broke but the kid nodded. Col slid up the bottom of his hoodie and winked. “I'm just like you. I'm an omega but I run my family. I can help you be a badass too if you want. Looks like you already have a head start.”
“You're a mum and- and they all listen to you?” The boy sniffled and Dom spoke up from behind Colson.
“Even me. Keeps me on a leash and everyfing. He'll take care of yas. We boff will.”
“I didn't ask about ya bedroom play, ya freaks.” The boy huffed teasingly, wiping his cheeks. “I’m Blain. Landon Blain Sebastian, but… Blain. Dad picked the first and last but my mum… she liked Blain.”
“So do I. How old are you?” Kells asked, pulling his hoodie back down. He needed to sit but there was blood on the floor and he refused to mess up his clothes.
“Fifteen. I know, I look young. I can kick some arse though.” They both questioned the truth in his words but it made sense. The Alpha knew the kid had presented because he said so in his email when he asked for the hit on his father. He should be at least thirteen but for fifteen he was quite small. No wonder he'd been picked out of all of the group by the now dead asshole.
“Obviously.” Dom hummed, stepping around to crouch beside them and it seemed to put Blain more at ease. After all, he was the one who saved him originally, Alpha or not. “‘Ere. Keep ‘is to protect ya'self. Jus’ don't mess wiv me mate or baby.” He pulled a clean butterfly knife from the bag on his hip and passed it to him. It wasn't the one Kells first gave him but a newer one he'd bought after realizing he liked them. The teen took it carefully and squeezed it tight in his hand. Thankfully that seemed to help him relax.
“You wanna get out of here? The Doc is at our place. We can have you looked over and get you something to eat. Find you a bed.” The omega offered.
“And I can… I can stay wiv you?” His voice was soft and small and they both nodded. They weren't thinking it through very well but it didn't matter. The boy reminded them both of their younger selves and if he felt safe with them he could be one of Col’s strays. After a moment the kid launched himself between them, hugging them together tight. “Ain't fucking neither of yas.”
“We satisfy each other just fine. I swear when I say you're safe with us I mean it.” Kells fixed his joke because he knew Blain might be genuinely scared of that. He just wanted the boy feeling safe to be a kid. It was something neither of them ever got but he could make sure it didn't happen to others. “Let's go, I need to piss and figure out what to do about Megan.” He grumbled as the boy backed up and jumped to his feet while the boss had to let his mate help him stand.
“If I get a vote? I fink you should kill her.” The teen offered from the door before stepping over the other body they left.
The couple shared a look and Dom wondered if perhaps they didn't have a young sociopath on their hands. He knew he could help guide the broken boy but he hoped Blain let himself be young while he could. He couldn't disagree with him though. “Don't fucking say it. We'll talk about it later. Home. Shower. Massage?” Col asked and the Alpha nodded. When he finally looked down at himself to straighten his clothes before they were seen by their underlings he cursed. “Shit! You got blood on my fucking hoodie! Look at what you did! Do you know how expensive this was?” He knew his bitch was mouthing the question with him to the child and making fun but he had a right to be annoyed. At least with guns you could get distance and not be messy.
“Is he always like tha’?” Blain asked of the Alpha and Colson found himself laughing at the kid's audacity.
“Jus’ wait, he'll start dressing you too and complain when you get a stain. We all his dolls.” Dom replied teasingly and they both looked to the older man.
“He knows babies make a mess right?”
“Aye. He says he knows. We'll see.”
“I guess I get it. If I got to dress like I want I'd be pissed if anyone ruined it.”
“Yeah? I can take you shopping.” Colson offered, he was starting to think it might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Even though he was losing a member of his group he might be gaining new family.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
I know, two chapters and no smut- insane! Don't worry, it's coming back with a vengeance next chapter! 😉 Just needed a little more plot first and I hope you like the new character. Blain is a very old OC of mine that I made about 20 years ago. He's just a little reworked for this. I adore him and I hope you will too. I hope you're still enjoying it but seriously guys, next chapter is filthy- be prepared! 🩸💣🖤
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