#the monarch's court
the-meme-monarch · 2 months
Have you ever thought about how SomeStrange!Frisk and Knight!Chara would react to the player/Kris doing Snowgrave?
i don't know if chara would Care Much since they don't know kris or have any connection to the SOUL ? since knight chara is From the deltarune universe. maybe it'd be mad just in general that you went around killing* people, additionally people it maybe feels responsible for, assuming it opened that fountain. Frisk However Would Be So Pissed Probably. they came specifically FROM a true pacifist ending, you DID all the right things you GOT the happy ending, WHAT ARE YOU DOING !!!!!! THIS ISN'T YOU !!!!!! wait fuck actually hold on I had a thought. imagine they have kinda phantom memories of the no mercy run. like surely you didn't actually do that right. i mean, you reset. it's like it never happened haha. i barely remember. they won't either if you reset. you'll reset this right. i can forgive you. the story's not over yet i can still forgive you
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Random question, but why do you not draw Harry Potter for commissions? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question I'm just curious.
bc jk rowling has explicitly stated that she takes any support of her work, monetary or otherwise, as support for her views. which she is Vehemently transphobic and well ☹️ i don't care for that
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whiteboard tomfoolery with me beloved @awkwardalphajay <3 aka we roleplayed monarch/jester with our sonas for like. Four Hours
aka we made an octopus board
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the octopus in question:
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illustratus · 3 months
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Charles III dining before the Court by Luis Paret y Alcázar
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dim20-stims · 8 months
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"One word."
x x x - x x x - x x x
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sealpup9 · 11 months
So let me get this straight.
The Supreme Court of the United States just struck down anti-discrimination laws based on a case that was entirely theoretical.
Yes. You heard that right.
This ruling will affect all states, because it is a federal law. A web designer decided that in theory if she was asked to do same-sex weddings she wanted to be able to say no. The case was theoretical.
The ruling says that, essentially, anti-discrimination laws are a violation of 1st amendment rights. This will affect more than just queer people. This will harm every person that could possibly be harmed.
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charles2ndgal · 6 days
Me as soon as someone says "My name is-":
Me as soon as someone says "I love-":
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mielmoto · 3 months
something something i need to write a longer post about honey's 'princess complex' that i make jabs at all the time because she absolutely does enjoy being pampered / treated like a princess by individuals, when people are choosing to do it, but she's completely disinterested in that kind of spoiling if it comes from a sense of obligation; or, indeed, subjugation.
...which has extra layers to it considering in a not-insignificant number of her iterations, (including her 'default'/'canon' setting), honey essentially... is royalty. her mother, adaline, is an archfey or similar relevant equivalent. hell, honey might even inherit/occupy that mantle, depending. (she has the power, potential, and form, regardless). but she would have very, very little interest in actually occupying that role, and whatever fanfare it brought with it.
to say the very least: freedom and agency are core elements of her character. they're the concepts which most thoroughly guide her moral / ethical compass at any given moment. she is, perhaps a bit selfishly, not only totally disinterested in the burden of responsibility which comes with actual 'royal' status, but also feels queasy at the thought of anyone treating her specially because of some birthright.
you should be treating her like a special, pretty pretty princess because she is pretty and fun and a 100% certified total babe, who is delicate and adorable and worthy of your pampering — not because her class, status, or title demands it. and only if you want to. (which you should want to. look at her. I certainly would want to)
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evilhorse · 1 year
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Your point is well taken, Mr. Murdock.
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coreancitizen · 6 months
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"The talisman must have worked. I'm letting her use my personal item. You should know what that means." "I've been wondering when the Royal Ancestral Shrine will be completed. Will it be completed next year?"
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the-meme-monarch · 4 months
IS THE RALSEI CARD REAL i was under the impression it was a joke because i hadn't seen it on the page. but now multiple people have posted it. i need to know about my boy
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jvzebel-x · 2 months
King Kalākaua-- dubbed throughout time as the "Merry Monarch"-- dedicated his life&complicated rule to establishing the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi as an independent power recognized world wide, as well as revitalizing a culture that had been nearly ground to dust under the heel of colonization. Hula-- once publicly outlawed as a deeply spiritual&religious act by the missionaries who spearheaded the war to destroy our culture-- was brought back to the public consciousness by the King, an incredibly accomplished dancer himself.
The Merry Monarch Hula Festival is the most well-known portion of his legacy, and is celebrated by kānaka&lovers of hula all over the world.
Mahalo nui loa, Ke Aliʻi Kalākaua.
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strinak · 2 years
interesting that grabalba is a viscountess and not a princess. she's the daughter of the goblin king. she's important enough for a political marriage. but her title of nobility is several rungs down the ladder from what you would expect.
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halfyearsqueen · 4 months
lily : how does your muse view their mother ?
in rhaenyra's eyes, aemma was everything. she was perfect. she was this kind, gentle often weary presence who always had a nice word to say to everyone. she was a good queen, a good mother, and everything rhaenyra ever wanted to emulate with her own children. and she never seemed to hold it against her that her only surviving child was a daughter, and that in the eyes of some she ? didn't do her duty to her husband. that she failed him in not giving him a healthy son. and she was so ? grateful for that once she grew old enough for the societal importance of a son to really weigh on her. she was an eight year old child when aemma died. aemma's experiences and aemma's pain and losses colored much of how rhaenyra viewed her position, and how she viewed motherhood before and after she was one.
she thinks that her life was ? tragic. absolutely tragic. and the fact she was made heir only after aemma died is something so entirely frustrating to her those early years because if she had been worthy enough to be named heir then, why couldn't he have named her so before. aemma gave her entire life to the service of giving viserys an heir and a worthy successor and once she became that, she was going to make sure that she did, even if she wasn't a son. she was going to fight for it, and push herself consistently and constantly and go above and beyond what would've been expected of a male heir, so she would be worthy enough that it didn't matter that she wasn't a boy, that she'd earned her place. so it didn't matter she had three brothers who COULD take her place. that she'd made her mother's life and made her memory something that would be memorable in an altogether different way - that it wouldn't matter she didn't give the crown another king, that she would be the mother of the first ruling queen, that her memory would be more then just a footnote in westerosi history .
it solidifies a lot of her determination and why once she's given her position, she clings to it. because she's been around politics her entire life up to that point but she's never thought to want the throne because the assumption was always; she would have a brother to take it. and if she never had a brother, it was going to go to daemon. the memory of aemma and her kindness, her compassion, it gives her a lot of strength, and comfort as the years go on. and she modeled a lot of what she viewed as the idealized version of motherhood off of her own mother. she's the strongest woman that she's ever ? known. and she honors her memory even further by placing the arryn symbol on her banners once the dance breaks out. aemma was ? her motivation before she'd had children, a comfort when everything got to be too much to bear to pick herself up and keep going and keep fighting for her place at court.
her fear of pregnancy, and her fear of childbirth stems almost wholly from what she watched aemma experience. from what she'd heard of daella, and alyssa. and like during her pregnancy with jacaerys she ? her anxiety was mounting with the passing of every moon because she knew that ? even if he was born healthy, something could happen in the cradle. and she would be expected to try again, and that was a thing that was unbearable for her to think about. there was also the fear that he would be born a girl to contend with; that she would be placing her burdens on an innocent baby, and with the level of scrutiny and sexism she'd already faced from 111AC on, that alone was ? she personally ? would have very much been willing to leave her throne and titles to a daughter. but she also knew what she faced would become so much worse if it looked like absolute primogeniture was going to become precedent without any legal backing.
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nightfaeses · 2 years
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The Butterfly King
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thedreadfulwolf · 2 months
now i'm only in the first little bit of my Complete dragon age experience TM (still playing origins), but I have read some of the comics before and coming up with ways to make bioware's canon fit with mine has been a great for zoning out.
(spoiler's below)
e.g. in the silent grove, when it's just king alistair on his little adventure, i imagine there was a very stern conversation with his wife - aka elthea cousland, hero of fereldan - about being safe and keeping the country running in his absence. then conversely when she's off to find a cure for the calling.
basically the pair tag teams who gets to be on an adventure while the other holds down the fort.
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