#the more time i spend with children as an adult the less i understand how anyone could put their hands on a child
mitskijamie · 4 months
So like. Jamie comes to watch one of Phoebe's matches, and she completely eats shit the entire time. Can hardly hold onto the ball for two seconds, trips over her own feet more than once, shoots twice and misses both times, passes to the wrong person, etc. and her team is just completely annihilated. Like. 0-7 annihilated. Demolished
As soon as time is called, she immediately walks off the pitch in tears and goes to Roy, who of course picks her up in her wet, muddy kit and kisses her forehead and tells her not to worry, there's always next week, she did him proud going out there and giving it everything she had, etc.
And Phoebe looks so small and innocent and pitiful, crying and cold and wet in her tiny little kit, and she's already so disappointed in herself and heartbroken over the score and all she wants is comfort and warmth and Roy gives her that without even thinking about it because she's a fucking child and it's a fucking game. And she knows he'll pick her up and comfort her so intrinsically that she doesn't hesitate a single moment.
Jamie just watches them and thinks about all the hours he spent crying inconsolably in locker rooms after losses, so anxious he'd throw up, stalling, not wanting to leave because he knew his father would be waiting for him when he did. Knowing there would be no comfort until he could see Georgie again.
And seeing it from the other side - being the adult in the situation - just gives him this renewed wave of fury and disgust for his father because how could anyone. How could anyone look at a precious, defenseless little child in that state, crying and desperate for comfort, and beat and berate them until they bled and cried and begged for forgiveness. Over a fucking game. How could you even think to do that. How could anyone.
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lovelybrooke · 2 months
Do you think that the sally face gang get jealous of each other sometimes if reader spends a lot of time with either of them?
I think it depends how old they are right. It makes more sense for them to be more jealous as children who don't know how to control their emotions. I know that in game they're pretty emotionally mature, but they're still children at the end of the day.
Like, Larry doesn't understand why he's so upset when he sees Sal talking to you from across the classroom. Sal's his best friend, you're his best friend, he shouldn't get getting this pit in his stomach but he does.
In that same vain, Sal shouldn't get upset when you talk about the fun day you had with Larry, a fun day without him. Even though it seemed pretty normal from how you were describing it, all he can imagine is you slowing forgetting him in favor for Larry.
Ash and Todd are more mature in my opinion, but they do tend to get jealous of the others, specifically Sal and Larry because they take up so much of your time with ghost stuff. Even when they're all together your attention is still somehow always on them.
As they get older this jealously slowly melts away into mutual understanding, they understand that there is power in numbers and that you're less likely to leave them if they work together. As adults, they tend to get more jealous of people outside of their bubble, but it never as much as when they were kids.
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mmavverickk · 5 months
I personally have always felt that, on Jason's end, the rivalry he bad with Percy was done to like meet the expectation of his role S a son of Jupiter. He doesn't even know how to have a genuine rivalry because he's all in his head.
I dunno I might be talking outta my ass
i understand how it comes across that way. honestly, that's probably how rick wrote it. "well these two are kids of the big three, gotta put some tension there."
he clearly didn't think about percy and jason as three-dimensional characters that could have a rivalry grow naturally between them. he thought a rivalry would just be a flat plot point and made something up.
the rivalry should have been jason trying to fill percy's shoes at CHB for months, and still falling short because he's not thinking of percy as a person who can't be replaced rather than just an empty leadership role that needs to be filled.
the rivalry should have been jason learning that percy became praetor after spending less than a week total at CJ—he was literally on a quest 90% of the time. no matter how much he helped in the battle at the end of the book, jason wouldn't think he'd truly earned his position. earning a praetorship, jason would think, takes years of work, not a week.
the rivalry should have been percy remembering how bitter he really is towards the gods as he recovers his memory, percy realizing that CJ deadass has an entire child army, fully sanctioned by the adults in new rome, and realizing that those adults are just as bad as, if not worse than, gods who would send children on life-threatening, world-saving quests, and the only person he can really take that repressed anger and bitterness out on is jason.
the rivalry should have been jason hearing how flippant percy is when talking about these deities that they're meant to worship, how much he insults them and how impertinent he can be without consequence, and he simultaneously envies how much percy's able to get away with and hates how disrespectful he is.
we should have seen roman leader jason, groomed from his toddler years by the legion and lupa herself, who leads a structured, militaristic camp that prioritizes the safety of the many over the safety of the few, bashing heads with greek leader percy, who went from being an outcast to growing into leadership because he wanted to save as many people as he could.
we should have seen jason's envy of the fact that percy had a mother. we should have seen jason's jealousy over how much percy's father loves and values him. we should have seen jason's heartbreak that this self-important, standoffish, disrespectful jerk has the brotherly relationship with thalia that jason's desperate to have.
we should have seen so much more of these two characters that made them seem less like legendary heroes and more like the traumatized teenagers they are.
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iskratempestmadness · 4 months
Babysitting there kid while mommy’s gone headcanons?
Okay, I'm tired of this, but I think I did it pretty well.
(what I mean by " Mature enough children" are children who have not yet grown up to be called a teenager, children who are under ten years old)
- it is not difficult for him to handle a child, but he is still a child himself
- God, he calls his mother every 15 minutes.
"What does he like to eat? ", " Does he need a lunch nap? " , " He wants candy, can he? "and much, much more...
- but he plays with him, walks with him, in general, they have a great time
- even if Hanma leaves the child alone for a short time, he does not take his eyes off him
- however, Baki didn't keep track of him a couple of times, so the kid will tell his mom that Baki cooked for him, they played together, and then Bucky took him down from the tree
- If the child is already more or less an adult, then he goes with him to the amusement park
- in general, it seems to me that the older the child is, the more often Hanma will break the rules with him
- like, "Can't you have ice cream? Forget it, I allow it, the most important thing is not to tell your mom," "What does your mom forbid you to ride this attraction? Let's go for a ride while she's not looking." and all that sort of stuff
- he will probably fight with the kid on the console in the evening
- the older the child, the more Baki behaves like a friend with whom mom asks you not to communicate
- he just wants the child to feel that he is no longer under control and he can do whatever he wants (of course without going beyond the limits)
- but he will also teach the child something necessary
- for example, Baki can teach him how to cook some simple dishes like scrambled eggs. ( Baki is 100% good at cooking, but some of his dishes may be slightly overcooked)
- or Baki will train with the child. Of course, he will give the child less workload than himself, but such a time will be clearly more useful
- he's doing surprisingly well with the kid
- he has probably already consulted with his mother about what he can and cannot do, when he goes to bed, and so on
- probably Hana doesn't have too much time to play with the child, (and he understands that his appearance to the child may seem a little frightening) so he can gut the Kizaki. - However, this does not mean that Hana shifts all her responsibilities to her assistant.
- he certainly spends time with the child and... he likes it
- constantly monitors the child or Kozaki does it, so Rhea doty can't talk about any emergency situations
- if the child is old enough, he will spend more time with him and he will... more relaxed
- break the rules? He'll just say he didn't know or forgot about it.
- probably goes to the cinema with the child. Imagine Hana lounging in an armchair eating popcorn with a child.
- Later, Kaoru will discuss with him whether he liked what he remembered, whether he liked the characters
- maybe the child will be in Hana's office a couple of times
- he is one of those who is on the same wavelength as the child
- however, he will be in a difficult position if the child is small. He will probably constantly call to find out what the child likes, whether he needs a quiet hour and the like. ( he is also likely to ask Natsueh for help )
- however, he will try to play and keep an eye on the child properly. (imagine Katsumi riding a child on his back like a horse. He would have been a wonderful young father)
- but if the child is old enough... Ho, ho, they're going to have a great time.
- Break the rules? Pfffff, of course
- probably teach the child to play slot machines... It's going to be a COMPETITION.
- she'll make a bunch of stupid photos with the kid where they spend time together. (send them to the baby's mom later as a photo report of how they spent the day)
- he can (and will) obey the child in some cases. Like, "What? Do you want to go there? Come on," It's just that in some cases he doesn't know how to tell him no... Besides, he thinks it's going to be fun anyway.
- Ohh, he's going to have a hard time
- he will postpone training and try to become a good nanny
- if the child is small, then Jack will find out from his mother what he likes, what he should be fed, and so on
- He will find out in advance so that during the departure he will not bother the child's mother.
- he will play with the child and keep a close eye on him, but still it seems to me that Jack's appearance will scare the child a little
- It will be easier for Hanma if the child is old enough
"she'll probably go on a little camping trip with him." (I think Jack has experience in this) He will teach the child everything. How to set up a tent, how to light a fire and many other things. So the child will definitely not be bored. (imagine Hanma sleeping in a sleeping bag with a child, (although with his height it will be difficult to find a suitable sleeping bag) I think it's cute)
- if it's not going to be a hike, then it will be walking in parks or riding bicycles.
- in any case, he would prefer to spend time with the kid on the street
- violation of the rules? Mmmm... Maybe... Partly... Like, " Don't you want to go to bed? okay, you have 15 more minutes"
- maybe teach the child self-defense
- "no problem. I'll do it"
- it's equally easy for him to treat both small children and fairly grown-up ones
- he will also discuss all the nuances with his mother before leaving
- so there's nothing to worry about, he's a great babysitter.
- the child will always be full, there will be no problems with games and the child will sleep at the appointed time ( imagine a sleeping Retsu with a book in one hand that he read to the child , and with the other he holds the child who sleeps on his chest ... Well, isn't it charming)
- if the child is old enough, it will also not be difficult for Retsu to sit with him
- he will probably walk with him in the park or train with him. He is for outdoor recreation
- however, at home he will find something to occupy the child and at home. Perhaps she will draw with him or play board games
- break the rules? Seriously?! No, he won't let the child do that.
- also sends the child's mother photos of how he spent his time and what he ate.
- Well, okay
- it's not difficult for him to sit with the kid... He thought so...
- it's really hard for him to sit with a small child
- he is nervous, but he does not show
it - however, he calls the child's mother literally every 5 minutes
- however, Shibukawa learns quickly, so he can be found playing with a child at ease or walking with him (this is a pretty peaceful picture)
- If the child is quite an adult, then it really becomes easier for him
- he will tell the child the stories of his youth and observe his reaction
- he is also very malleable to the child... Not because she can't say no to him... Because he is really interested in what a child can come up with for entertainment
- Violation of the rules? Ha, of course he wouldn't be him if he didn't do it.
- he also often makes fun of the kid
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meraxesmoon · 3 months
How do you think Sons of Ragnar treat babygirl?
They all love her, but the dynamics are very different!
Bjorn is unfamiliar with her. Like I mentioned, he and Lagertha left Kattegatt after Ragnar and Lagertha separated. She was just a baby, so her mother and brother couldn't bring her with them. She's left in the care of her father and stepmother. Bjorn eventually returns to Kattegatt, and that's where he meets his younger sister once again, along with his brothers. He absolutely adores his little sister, and he thinks she's absolutely precious.
He wants to protect her, and he makes sure to spend lots of time with her before going on raids with their father. After Ragnar passes, Bjorn takes it upon himself to be her main protector. Like, she is not getting married unless Bjorn approves of the person she chooses. He understands that she's grown, but she'll never be a woman to him. She's just his baby sister.
I imagine Ubbe and babygirl are very similar in age. She's only a bit older, but Ubbe took a very protective role once they grew into adults. He loves her dearly, as she is of his own blood, but also because she's just so sweet. Despite not sharing a mother, Ubbe and babygirl share quite a bit in common and spend the most time together. Once he's married and has his children, she's the only one he truly trusts with his babies.
Hvitserk isn't openly affectionate with his sister, but I feel like he admires her a lot. I imagine she's a healer, so she took care of the injuries he had when he was a child and continued to do so as he became an adult. Hvitserk relies heavily on his older sister, and especially once he starts falling apart. She never abandons any of her brothers and believes that he needs her the most at times. He's emotionally vulnerable, and she feels the need to take care of him.
Sigurd is a pain in the ass. He's the middle child, so it makes sense, but that doesn't make him any less annoying. He relies on his sister for emotional support because he doesn't feel loved by anyone else. If Sigurd feels she's doting too much on someone else, he becomes extremely aggressive and annoying, poking at her until she snaps at him. Any attention is good attention. Sigurd craves the love and affection that he gets from her and hates when it isn't directed at him. He's definitely the most toxic out of the brothers, but he's relatively harmless. His relationship with her may seem odd to others, but it's completely platonic. He just wants to be loved by her.
Ivar is babied by her, and therefore, he loves her more than anyone in the family. He's different from the other boys and children. He requires special care, and Aslaug only entrusted him to babygirl when she couldn't look after him. She's almost like a caregiver in Ivar's early childhood, and he's used to her being by his side as he grows. There comes a time when Ivar doesn't need to be babied, and instead, he relies on his sister for advice. She becomes like a second-in-command for him. Ivar dedicated his heart and soul to protecting his older sister after the death of his father and mother and is paranoid about her safety.
He can't stand the thought of losing any more members of his family.
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I think I may be the only person who disliked Bjorn later on in the series. The thing with Siggy pissed me off so bad
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alevolpe · 5 months
In like a week you've dropped at least 3 Images of michiru naked, and now MakoAmi sex, you went from cute fanart blog to loli pedo channel in 0- 60 in 3.45 maybe it's time get some help?
And yeah all it is pedo art, all the girks only turn 16 (most common age of consent globally) at the end of the manga, you're drawing 13-15 year olds fucking. Fix up.
And here I thought Tumblr people were more mature than people on twt.
So let me start by addressing one small issue first.
This is MY blog, I spend MY time drawing for people for FREE. If you do not like what I post on MY BLOG, you can get the fuck out of here.
Second of all, this is nothing new, I've been posting nsfw scarcely on twt and even here for over a year. The only reason I don't post more of it here, it's cause Tumblr has a much stricter tos on sexual content, so I only post what I really don't think will get me in trouble.
Now, let us address the big "controversy" of the room, shall we.
All Characters I draw in a sexual or nsfw context are over 18.
I do not take child characters and slap an adult age on them, I physically age them up.
All of them are shown to have adult bodies, cause guess what, I'm attracted to adults, not children. Please pull up all the characters I've drawn in nsfw and tell me those are children, I dare you to, please.
I couldn't give less of a fuck what age the manga characters are. Characters age. If you are THAT immature that you cannot see past what is fed to you straight with a straw in narrative, then that is YOUR problem, not mine.
In the manga Usagi is illustrated topless, by the creator, are you calling Takeuchi a pedo too? Is she the only one allowed to portray nudity and sex with her characters? Is it because she's a woman? I'm a woman too. Am I still a pedo to you? It's almost like she understands that her character don't stay teenagers forever.
Usagi has a child. She had sex. Wow. How scandalous! A character that is 16 is explicitly shown to have a child in the future! it's almost like... characters age! And she will have a child when she's older.. what?!?!
I'm tired, I really am. I'll say this straight on, I don't care anymore. Fix up your dogshit attitude and learn to respect others.
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
In the scenario of Bruce arriving after some years, could you expand more about the good and bad scenario? Also, in the bad scenario what would Tim and Jason do. Would they pick a side?
I've linked the post to this ask for anyone new to it! For those who don't want to click on it, the concept is what would happen if, because Tim never found the portrait or something, Bruce safely spent a bit more time away in the timestream?
Regardless, I'd be happy to expand on it a bit more! There's a multitude of ways that Bruce could react to all of this, and it really depends on how someone hcs Bruce (canon has various versions of him). Feel free to choose whatever route you think is best.
So, when Bruce comes back after a few years, the family would have learned how to operate without him. He's simply not needed. He's wanted, he's loved, but he's used to being the center of the family. He's used to being the patriarch and deciding factor. He's used to calling the final shots.
When he comes back, Tim and Damian don't need him. By that point, Tim would be a legal adult almost in his twenties. Damian is used to deferring to Dick and Alfred for parenting and rules. Tim and Bruce would get into many arguments if Bruce tried to parent and restrict Tim. It would be similar to the 17 year-old Dick and Bruce, but Bruce hasn't been there the past few years (intentionally or not).
Damian and Bruce wouldn't know how to interact. Regardless of how close they were before Bruce "died," Damian has changed a lot. He's grown to accept that he doesn't need to prove himself, he doesn't need to uphold legacies, his place in the family is permanent (not based on good behavior, work, or blood), and he's loved. Despite that, Bruce coming back might dreg up those insecurities (especially depending on how Bruce treats the adoption).
In a good light, Bruce works with everyone. He spends time relearning his children, finding where they might have new boundaries, having many discussions on his role in their life, and assisting them with what they need. He doesn't enforce his expectations on them and maybe even seeks out family counseling. He would understand that time changes things and that the relationships the others have built were to support each other. As long as no unhealthy or negative relationships had developed (like codependency), then he should respect these changes and work with them to accommodate his sudden reappearance in their life. A good situation would be Bruce's appearance shaking the boat but overall making the family stronger with his connection to it.
Now... a bad scenario depends on a lot of factors and is, in my opinion, a more likely outcome. With this, we're gonna be using the more abusive comics!Bruce version.
Bruce, in this turn of events, would try to separate and damage the bond between Damian and Dick. He could do that in a multitude of ways, including emotional manipulation, emotional abuse, legal actions (anulling the adoption, restraining orders, etc.), physically separating their living situations, and assigning Dick long and distant missions. If Bruce was feeling particularly vindictive, he could punish Dick in various ways. There's subtle alienation, physical retaliation, grueling work loads, verbal abuse, etc.
This would probably be Bruce's main focus. He would also probably have issues with how the other Bats are running Gotham and how they now don't rely on him.
The way the rest of the bad scenario pans out depends on how Tim and Jason interacted up until Bruce arrived. In the other post, I mentioned that the two would either ignore/avoid each other or become close/teammates.
If they ignored each other, it would be easier for Bruce to exert control over them both. They are more independent, less supported, and less likely to reach out for help. He would have an easier time manipulating them while they are in Gotham. They would fight back, obviously, but they wouldn't have someone helping them. This could either be their downfall as they get sucked into a cycle of abuse with Bruce, or this could push them to rely on their siblings/the other Bats.
If Jason and Tim were closer or even became a team together, Bruce would be hard pressed to get them to fold. It's extremely dreadful and tiresome fighting against verbal/emotional abuse. You start to doubt yourself, your feelings, the events that occurred, your recollection, and whether you were justified. By the two of them working together, they can combat this approach by Bruce. Tim could collect evidence for whatever occurred and keep records. Jason could ensure that they met their emotional needs and enforced their boundaries. Manipulating someone alone, especially the two of them who are on the outskirts, would be easier than a team who supports each other.
Anyways, whether Tim and Jason take Bruce's side of Dick's really depends on their relationship with each other. They would support Dick, no matter their current grievances towards the man, if Tim and Jason were a vigilante team and like brothers to each other.
Also, an important note about the bad scenario is that it wouldn't play out immediately. There would be this relief and happiness that Bruce is home as he slowly tests out the boundaries until he manipulates the situation to his benefit.
Now, we could get into the other Bats too. Alfred might be on Team Bruce regardless. That would suck but it does fall in line with some of his bystander and enabler ways. Bruce has no control over Barbara, and they both know it. I like to imagine she would protect Steph and Cass to the best of her ability. She would give aid to the batboys, but she wouldn't be able to protect them as much. Cass is a toss-up on whether she would be able to protect herself against emotional manipulation by Bruce.
I'm hoping Duke is happy with his parents if this is the bad scenario. If he isn't, there could be tension because Duke didn't become a vigilante under Bruce's approval. Therefore, there would be a meta vigilante in Gotham that Bruce didn't approve of.
If this is the good scenario, dealer's choice on whether Duke's parents are fine while Duke becomes Signal prior to Bruce's return. He could be an independent vigilante the Bats provide support for without sucking him into the family.
Let me know if you want any more info, want more explanation, or you think it could go a different way!
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theheirofthesharingan · 3 months
I think Itachi should have fled with little Sasuke and let hell break loose in the village between the Uchiha and Konoha. I am not blaming him, I know he would not want such a future for Sasuke and I understand traumatized children have a right to make wrong decisions. I just think he deserved that, to scape a responsibility that was way too big for child, just leave everything for the adults to solve, as it should have been from the beginning. I just like to think in the what ifs. If he could have been really there for Sasuke always. If he had been able to train him, to finally spend time with him freely. If he got the chance to be honest and transparent for once in his life. If he had been free from guilt and atrocious memories. If their bond as brothers would have never been broken...
Itachi was a character whose fate was decided before he was even born. He existed to live for others and then die for Sasuke. He was never transparent to himself, let alone with Sasuke. For him to snap and then leave on impulse, for Sasuke's sake alone, he would have to live a completely different life. In the circumstances he grew up he thought it was his responsibility to stop things from getting worse.
Repeatedly, he was placed in the situations that demanded he acted in a particular way, so the things that were bound to have terrible consequences would not take place. It meant smaller damage, less casualties, and his worst fears not coming true.
Just in case he did leave with Sasuke, he would still not be guilt-free, because coup would happen, Danzo and his henchmen would not spare anyone. While Itachi (with Obito's help) killed everyone quietly, Danzo and his men would have a hard time keeping it a secret. Dissenters of the Hokage might side with the Uchiha, the rest would go against them, and it would be chaos everywhere. Whether war broke out or not, Uchiha clan's honour would forever be tarnished.
Naruto is loosely set in Feudal Japan, in the era of warriors that valued honour more than anything. Loss of life was nothing compared to the loss of honour. In that case, Uchiha would always be remembered as the clan that went against the village and be blamed for treason. Since Obito was involved too (he attacked the village unprovoked when Naruto was born) he would have taken advantage of the situation as well. If we go by his own words in manga he was waiting for an opportunity to start a war (why else was he sneaking into the village?) and if we go by the novels as well, he was also involved in plotting the coup and manipulating Yashiro Uchiha. No way he would sit quietly in case things got out of hand.
Eventually, it would all come to Itachi and his conscience - that he could have stopped things from getting this bad. Everything he did in canon would happen in this timeline as well, with the addition of Sasuke being their target along with Itachi, and Sasuke growing up isolated from civilization with no one to look after him in case Itachi wasn't around or died.
By taking the burden of the massacre on himself, he remained the only bad guy in the picture. The clan was immortalised and remained honourable, Sasuke was safe and alive, war didn't happen. Heck, even Obito would have been remembered as a hero if he didn't start the war. It still came down to Itachi and his conscience because, while he hoped for the smaller damage, the damage he caused was still enough for him to never have a normal life again.
I've always thought that his illness symbolized his insurmountable guilt. And since it's never made clear what disease he was suffering from, in my head, I believe it's the 'heartbreak syndrome'. When emotional trauma becomes too much it weakens your heart muscles. Although one can recover from it, but when you're living in the kind of guilt that he lived, treatment would be futile.
Itachi never had a chance at living a normal life or be there for Sasuke, no matter how much he wanted to.
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cienie-isengardu · 1 month
Zuko & Azula and the importance of Ember Island
As I’m not done with talking about ATLA: The Beach episode, so here comes additional observations about Zuko and Azula and how important Ember Island is to their relationship.
There are three major episodes that explore Zuko’s background and his relationship with family.
“The Storm”, told from Iroh’s point of view, focuses on physical and emotional damage done by abusive father
“Zuko Alone” gives us better insight into Royal Family’s dynamic, with a great focus on loving and supporting mother that one night disappeared from Zuko’s life 
while “The Beach” is primarily about Zuko and Azula on the rare occasion when they are far away from Ozai and aren’t forced to fight against each other.
The Beach is also the episode that introduces us to Ember Island, a place that Zuko fondly remembers as a time when his family was truly happy.
In the same episode, after he got in an argument with Mai at the party, Zuko is seen walking toward his family’s old vacation house. The first memory that comes to his mind?
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Him and Azula running together, while we can hear children laughing in the background. There is an adult figure seen a few steps behind the happy children, but the shape is not detailed, so it could be Ozai or someone else. 
This is an interesting choice on creators' part, to make the first memory not about Ursa, the undoubtedly source of comfort and love in Zuko’s life, but about Azula with whom he currently has a complicated relationship due to father’s abuse and favoritism that shattered their childhood bond. What is even more interesting, this is not the first time we see young Azula and Zuko happily chasing each other, as such a memory was already shown in “Zuko Alone”.  
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And mind you, this memory was presented after flashback how Azula asked Zuko to play with her, Ty Lee and Mai so she could make fun of her older brother. What implies that despite how annoying she could be, Azula and Zuko still enjoyed each other's company and genuinely liked spending time together.
Let's back to "The Beach" episode and the scene when Azula sought Zuko, figuring out the old vacation home is where he would come to calm down.
Azula: I thought I'd find you here. Zuko: Those summers we spent here seem so long ago. So much has changed. Azula: Come down to the beach with me. Come on. This place is depressing. 
This is one of three moments in the same episode, when Azula allowed himself to openly admit being emotional and/or upset about something. The house (past) is depressing. She is jealous how Ty Lee is liked by all boys while she has no clue how to interact with them. Her own mother thought she was a monster and how it still hurts. 
Azula’s way to talk with Zuko is much more direct and less confusing than how she talks with him in the palace. There is no Zuzu nor dum-dum nickname, no making fun of his scar, no sentences that in theory answers his questions but in reality does not set him at ease. Here Azula invited him to go with her to the beach because she doesn’t want to be close to their summer house (the place where they were happy once but none visited for years).
Both Zuko and Azula are influenced by the past and this is a rare moment when they allow each other to be vulnerable in a way they can’t be around Ozai and themselves at the palace. In a way they won't be around the campfire (for example, during Zuko's rant about his anger because he doesn't know anymore what is good and what is bad, Azula will call him pathetic. Here there is no insult, no anger, just some sort of understanding between siblings).
A supplement book, The Legacy of Fire Nation adds another layer to the importance of Ember Island. I won’t lie, I’m disappointed that Iroh did not provide that much insight into Zuko’s family and how little there was about Azula, besides some few remarks about how difficult it was for Zuko to grow up in the shadow of younger sister. In contrast, Zuko’s memories about Ember Island are, again, directly connected to Azula first and foremost. In his list to Iroh (who already passed away many years ago), an old Zuko wrote:
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Dearest Uncle Iroh, Do you remember when I used to write you letters? It must be this place, having its effect on me, but here on Ember Island, I find myself introspective and thinking back about my life. I think I used to write to you to buy me presents. Such a cheeky child. I’ve retired now, given up my throne for the peace of this place, to be warmed by the sun and my own memories. I think of you often here. My good memories wash over the bad ones like waves on the shore, clearing the old sand and resetting. I remember summers on the beach, playing with Azula. We didn’t want to kill each other then, though sometimes we acted like it. But the island brought us together. It did that again, one time, in our teens. It was a golden time. One I never felt again until Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and I had finished our journey and had a moment to enjoy each other’s company. [...]
I can't stress enough: Old Zuko compared his short stay with Azula at Ember Island to the joy he felt when war was officially over and he spent time with his best, beloved friends. A golden time indeed.
We sadly have limited insight into Azula's mind, even less the older version of her, and how she felt about summers spent on the beach with her brother or the one vacation presented on screen. In the episode, she clearly enjoyed some things, like winning the game (with such nice teamwork between Azula and Zuko) or devastating Chen's house where the fateful party took place. Here, on Ember Island, Azula bonded with his brother and admitted to being hurt because mother thought she was a monster, something she internalized as a truth (“My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right, of course, but it still hurt.”). But above everything else, the fact she finds the summer house - where she and Zuko were happy once but her family does not visit anymore - a depressing place implies Azula was no less affected by the past than Zuko.
Similar impression comes from "Azula in the Spirit Temple" comics, in which runaway Azula imagined all her family together, chilling on Ember Island:
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The vision of a happy family is not just about Azula, Ursa, Ozai and Zuko but was extended to Iroh and grandfather Azulan and great-grandfather Sozin(?) - a people she wasn't that close to in the first place. It speaks a lot about Azula that her idea of a happy family, because it is connected to her childhood memories, not the Fire Lord's Palace that in itself representing the Royal Family's status and power. So I dare to say that Ember Island holds a special place in Azula's mind, the same as it does for Zuko.
All of the above makes me think that when Zuko talks about Ember Island, how once his family was happy here, he specifically means his relationship with Azula, before Ozai’s abuse shattered their bond.
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louissatturi · 8 months
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Report - Month 1
It has been less then a month, since i woke up in this island. That already was inhabited by dozens of people and all of them look like they have been in here longer then me.
They had eggs and treated them like children (how weird??) And just talk about their missing.
About my head, i still heven got used uncannyness of a empty mind yet. I don't remenber anything. How the people that love me must feel?
Being forgotten is the same as dying.
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How my brother is? Who is he? Is he even alive? Will (he) still be here? Did i came to find him? But my parents??
I don’t remenber your face and neither your name, just the feeling of his existence... It looks like a lost my other half.
The least worst part is that somebody is helping me in recover some of my memories, and i don't think it's a part of the federation's planes that i remenber the reason to be in her Our maybe is it? Are they playing with me?
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Being in this island is unberable. The people in here welcomed me very well, showed me their houses and said their names... but the rest?
I don't know who they are, what they do, if they are even well.... they already know each other for months and don't have any reason to trust me, i know... but it needed to be like this? So closed. I ended up closing too.
It's clear that most of them receive weid messenges and hide information all the time. Do they even trust on their friends?
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The only ones that shared some (personal) information untill now ware Tina and Etoiles, in one (conversention) witch we talked about your favorite foods and costumes
Badboyhalo kinda became my friend too. Probably the person (?) That spended the most and added me in everything! Stuff seems simpler when i'm near him.
Even the brazilians, that welcomed me so warmily, seem being focused in their own personal investigations
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All the information i found out there ware already "common knowlege"
Pac stands out amongs them. It's defenily a person with a big heart and the one that most adds that people he trusts in investigations, I question myself if somebody close to him could try to harm him
Forever is a open mouth* (like me) i never saw Mike and Felps... is Felps. Cellbit intrigues me alot, i still can't read him yet.
I stumbled in some of his personal storys
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However, it seems that everyday something is heppening with them. I wanted to see them more often...
Except for Cellbit, I trust him but i think it's safer to people to not know this. I need to observe him from afar and understand who is watching him.
He seems a great investigator and i know i'ts some of the most dangerous positions somebody could gave in a hostile environment
If somebody betrays him, i defenily need to act and keep all this information safe, starting with this
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Diary, And sorry since now, men, but i beraly know you. (I) Can't interfere so to not compromise the investigation.
(I) Don't know how to say if i have suspects in the moments, because i need to know more about their names names and adresses to know if i have allies or enemies.
PS: Remember to keep an eye on Forever and the information we get about him! He aperently disapeared in a quest in search or the eggs - send by Cucurucho- and dosen't know when (and if) will comeback.
Keep an eye on the french too, they posses a lot of information and looks like they always share between themselfs. Their union could be great but could also be a problem if trust in close eyes between each other.
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legitalicat · 4 months
Out of Time
Chapter 6 - "I'll Beg You Nice from my Knees"
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AN: I am so sorry this took so long, I have had some medical testing done and had some health episodes so I couldn't dedicate as much time as I wanted to with this chapter. I hope you like it! This dedication has been removed. Also the title is a line from "All I Wanted" by Paramore cause that song went through my mind a lot during this chapter. In another life, reader would be with Erryk.
If you love this header go check out zaldritzosrose for more amazing work! She is tagged on the series masterlist and on my welcome post!
Please feel free to leave any thoughts below! Definitely not required but so appreciated.
Find the series masterlist here!
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Summary: Three weeks. That is how long it took Y/N to get any of the men back in her company after the horrific dinner. She didn't spend the entire time angry, though. She just didn't understand what she did to make them avoid her. All she wanted was to have them.
TW: A lot of reflection on the Driftmark incident, a lot of anger, vaginal fingering, mentions of substance use, mentions of violence, angst, talks of injury, character death of sorts but in the past and not anyone major, profanity, Aemond being dirty af
Relationship: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader, talks of Jacaerys Velaryon x Twin!Reader, talks of Aegon Targaryen ii x Velaryon!Reader, Alicent Hightower x Rhaenyra Targaryen (not explicit but realized it's a thing)
Word Count: 4.8k
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Mother and Alicent had come to help escort me back to my room after the dinner. Ser Erryk provided the physical support I needed while they were providing me some emotional. It was nice to be with them and not be expected to say anything about the dinner.
Time began to pass in a blur in a way that made me unable to distinguish the days from one another. I was aware of Mother and Alicent both agreeing, given how hurt I still was, that the homecoming feast should wait a few weeks. It was fine with me, as I did not want to even have a feast to begin with. The mornings were spent in the dragon pit with the children.
The five of them loved that I went with them. The keepers helped me to bring Vhaela out so that the two of us could get reacquainted while the kids learned with an adult dragon. It was always nice to spend time with her. Feeding her was one of my favorite things. She was so proud of herself when she blew fire to cook the meat provided she always looked to me for approval.
And in the evenings, I soothed my aches with a warm bath and biscuit. That part was nice too. Something about feeling the water wash over me as the fuzziness took over my brain allowed me to truly relax.
Well, as relaxed as I could be when neither of the men that declared my hand was theirs came to speak with me. At first, I would’ve only accepted them talking to me to apology for making a scene. Aemond and Jacaerys truly could not get past the stupid competition they alone create, and that had caused such a fuss so many times.
Then morning came and I just hoped one of them would at least come to check on me. Hours passed by that day and still neither came to find me. Even after sending my new handmaid, a young girl named Elayna Tyrell, to bring them to me, they did not come. Why were they avoiding me?
Though what made less sense was how Aegon avoided me. Correction. How he avoided me during my conscious hours was what didn’t make sense. I could tell by the way my pillow smelled of him that he would lay beside me as I slept. Knowing him he probably held me.
After it became several days without sight of any of them, I began to deflate. And then it became nearly three weeks. What did I do wrong?
Mother and Alicent were with me as the Maester were doing their daily examination. It was how I started most of my days. Mother and Alicent would bring breakfast to me and they sat with me until the exam was finished.
“Any pain the last few days?” he asked as he ran his fingers along my ribs.
“No. I have not needed to use the biscuits for physical pain, only at night to ease me to sleep,” I said to him. It no longer felt painful or inconvenient to move. My busted lip had healed. Finally I felt like myself.
“Any memories or visions further than what we’ve discussed?” he asked me quietly, so low that Mother and Alicent would not hear.
That was a more complicated matter. Every night I dreamt of being in complete darkness, only for the small red vial to turn up and be the only light source. I would walk towards it. Hours could pass and I would only be just approaching it, when a woman would appear just as it had.
This woman was devastatingly beautiful. Her hair and eyes looked to be made of flames, contrasting greatly against her pale skin. If one could imagine the ideal woman’s body, I believe they would imagine this woman. Full breasts yet an otherwise slender figure, the way any man preferred his whores. She constantly wore robes that matched the red of her hair and eyes. And around her neck laid a golden choker embedded with rubies.
This was not a woman I had memory of ever seeing. Believe me when I say she was so beautiful I know I would remember her. Her haunting my dreams every night was enough to make me certain of that.
None of that was new. What was, however, was her speaking. She would reach out, taking the vial in her hand, only to offer it to me while saying the words, “Gūrogon bisa skori ao jaelagon naejot sagon lenton.” It was Valyrian, and roughly translated to, “Take this when you want to go home.”
Only telling the Maester of this woman felt the best way to go about it. If Mother knew, she would tear the whole Kingdom brick from brick until she found this woman. I could not predict anyone else’s response nor did I really want to think about it.
“Nothing I am certain of,” I responded, which only garnered a nod.
He stepped away from my body and turned to Mother. “She is as healed as she can be. The damage done to her bones may always be there. You can feel an indent in the fifth and sixth ribs, where I suspect the bones ended together.”
“That will not affect her further?” Alicent asked him, speaking for Mother.
My jaw tightened. While I was not entirely sure what was going on between them, I was not a huge fan. Alicent speaking for Mother, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, as though she still had any right. How was it fair or possible that Alicent got to sit at the side of the Iron Throne for so long?
“No, Your Grace,” he said to Alicent before turning to look to me. “Though I would recommend caution. Bones once broken could be easier to break.”
“Luckily I have no plans of being further beaten or tortured,” I muttered, earning a sharp look from Mother. “Sorry.”
I thought it was hilarious. Though I always thought I was funnier than those around me. Jace found me funny.
“And what is your opinion on me flying?” I asked him. I was aware how eager I sounded.
“I see no reason to restrict you further,” he said.
Whatever else was said between Mother, Alicent, and the Maester was lost on me. Slipping behind the partition, I pulled on my riding dress.
It belonged to Mother when she was young, before the way her body changed with pregnancy. It was a simple black with grey fastenings. A slit ran up the middle of the skirt so that while standing it appeared to be a normal skirt, yet it parted when I would be mounted on Vhaela. Black scale accents adorned the shoulders and the lower quarter of the sleeves. The fabric was heavy, helping avoid any chill.
I did not do anything particularly special with my hair. The front section on either side, less than an inch, got pulled back away from my face into a small braid. With that, I was ready.
When I stepped out from behind the partition, the Maester was gone. Thank the gods.
“I do not think you should go flying yet,” Mother told me as she stood from her chair.
“You cannot stop me,” I said firmly.
“Y/N” she said, beginning to explain her reasoning.
“No. No. I have been reasonable and compliant this entire time. You two want to play house and pretend the past did not happen, and I have not spoken a word. You both prepare a grand feast that will happen in two days time and I accept it without argument despite not wanting it. Being poked and prodded by the Maester every morning before I even have finished my breakfast has been irritating to no end but still I stayed silent,” I said, feeling a fire build up inside of me. “I went eighteen years, waiting for a dragon while all my brothers’ eggs hatched! Aegon and Helaena had a dragon before I could even form a thought! Even Aemond had Vhagar by the time he was ten! And yet I only had weeks with Vhaela before five years was stolen from me!”
“Rhaenyra, she has a point,” Alicent said to her, taking her hand. The way Mother relaxed made me freeze.
That was what it was. Why Mother allowed Alicent a seat, even still. Why Mother had clung to the idea of the Alicent of their girlhood, even when Alicent was a nightmare. They were in love.
“You would need to chain me in the black cells to keep from her,” I whispered, stepping forward to take her hands in my own. “I am not leaving. I am not disappearing. But Vhaela more than anything is my birthright as a Targaryen.”
She looked between me and Alicent. I could see the thoughts brewing in her mind, trying to find a way to convince both of us to keep me here. Yet, I was my mother’s daughter, blood of the dragon. There was nothing keeping me where I did not want to be.
“Take Aemond or Jace with you,” she instructed me.
Despite not wanting to give them more opportunity to ignore me, I did not want to keep arguing with Mother. Any fight between Targaryens could turn explosive rather quickly. It is why I am grateful that there was no war for Mother’s crown. Had there been, I imagine our entire family would be gone, if not the entire kingdom.
Without another word, I left the room. Erryk was immediately by my side. His presence was comforting, as I found in recent weeks he was my greatest company. And in truth, he wasn’t a bad looking man either. If he hadn’t taken the oath preventing him from taking a wife, I may have said screw the other three and just chosen him.
“Where are we headed, Princess? I assume the Dragon Pit?” he asked as we walked. He looked me up and down, giving a small smile at my attire.
“First we need to find either Jace or Aemond,” I muttered.
“You have not desired to see them for a while now. What’s changed?” he asked me.
“I have been permitted to fly again. Mother, however, insists I take one of the two of them,” I explained. He said nothing else.
As we walked, I knew where both men would be. Aemond would most likely be in the training yard. Despite having been a very accomplished swordsman by his sixteenth nameday, he continued training just as obsessively as before. And Jace? On days like today, where the sun was hidden just enough to avoid hurting one’s eyes but glimmered through the clouds like a treasure waiting to be found, he liked to go down to the shoreline and watch the boats.
My heart pulled me in two different directions. Jace was who my head told me I should want. He truly had been my other half. There was no way I could ever exist without him. Yet still he stayed away. He was the type of person to use the silent treatment as a punishment. Whenever I had made him angry, he would go long bouts of time without saying a thing to me. The longest he went was three months.
Yet Aemond felt like who I wanted to spend time with the most. He was who I wanted to make see my side of things. These last few weeks had driven me crazy because he had refused to come to me. He had never stayed far from my side for more than a few hours if we were in the same place.
My heart decided I needed Aemond. I needed him like one needs to breathe. It felt as though without him life did not make sense.
Instead of turning right at the end of the corridor to leave through the main doors of the Keep, I turned left. It was the fastest way to the training yard. Well, actually, from my room there was a secret corridor hidden behind this dragon statue that lead directly to the training yard, with a few offshoots to get to other rooms around the Keep. But given the fact I don’t want many people knowing about it, including Erryk, it was smarter for me to take this way.
“You look well, Princess,” Erryk commented as we passed several members of Court.
Members of Court were lords and ladies who came from houses that felt they deserved to live among us, yet were evidently unimportant enough that they could abandon their holdings to play dress up with royals. In truth they disgusted me as a general rule. What bothered me was not that they were not royalty, I truthfully couldn’t care less about birth status. No, it bothered me that they would so carelessly abandon their duties at their own homes to come and live in mine.
Perhaps if they just were happy to live here it would not be so terrible. Yet, they would eat the food we had and take the benefits of being a member of court to live lavish lifestyles, all while spreading rumors of our lives. I did not like liars. I did not like people who benefit from lies they spread.
That’s not to say all members of Court were bad. When I was little I had a handmaid named Tarla Greyjoy who was absolutely lovely. She was kind to me, got along with the rest of my family without trying to insert herself into relationships. She didn’t try to get Jacaerys to marry her instead of me like some girls did. And most importantly, she was a very good secret keeper.
She had died when she was thirteen and I was fourteen. We had been sailing to Driftmark so that Jace and I could visit our grandparents, and naturally I had her with me. I didn’t know how scared she was of storms. We sailed right into one and in a panic, she slipped on the deck. To this day I don’t really understand, but she fell in such a way that her neck broke and she died instantly. I was inconsolable for days. She had been my friend for nearly ten years, stood by my side every day during that time. I missed her dearly, but if I gave her too much thought it resulted in a crippling panic attack.
When we stepped out into the training yard, it was not a surprise to see Aemond. He moved gracefully with every swing of his sword. It was like watching Caraxes do his mating dance for Syrax in a way. Which if I were honest sounds a lot dorkier than it was.
He didn’t notice me at first, I don’t think. He was solely focused on his opponent, who I vaguely recognized as another member of Court. The opponent came from a lesser house, I think House Redwyne, and those types of men always liked the chance to get close as possible to us. They also always liked to flirt with Helaena and I to try to make us fall in love and get all gooey when we see them so they can improve their station.
With a swift jab of the sword’s pommel into the shoulder from Aemond, the Redwyne lordling stumbled. In mere seconds, Aemond swept his legs out from under him then held the tip of the sword to his throat. I couldn’t help but to smirk.
Aemond hadn’t used wooden swords to train since about a year after he lost his eye. He said there was no joy for him in it if there was no danger in it. To me, it always sounded like he secretly wished to be injured again.
Mother allowed me to stay by his side for a month after the incident in Driftmark. That month was the worst time of his life, I think. He had to begin to relearn everything before he had even stopped feeling pained from his injury. His depth perception was completely off which hindered his ability to feed himself, to traverse the Keep by himself, or really do much of anything.
He was angry, too, angrier than I had ever seen him. He was angry at my brothers, my mother, his mother, even the gods could’ve feared his wrath. Yet, I was the one person spared his anger, and all he wanted was for me to stay by his side. His reasoning?
That night on Driftmark, I told the truth. That Aemond had woken me up to share with me the chance to claim Vhagar. That when he got back from his inaugural flight, Rhaena was angered by his claim on Vhagar. That her and Baela’s anger caused them to attack Aemond. That he pushed me out of the way before defending himself. Then my brothers jumped in, and eventually it became all of them beating Aemond.
I think what really sealed it that night, at least for Aemond and especially for Alicent, was that I confirmed it was Jace who had brought the knife. He was the one to introduce it.
Jace filled in the words. How Aemond was vicious and violent in his words. That Aemond had called my brothers bastards. Which Jace made sure to glare at me that night as he said that, as to remind me that meant Aemond called me a bastard. And he made sure to point out that Luke only did that to protect his family. Completely ignoring the fact that Aemond was family.
I want to be very clear that I do not believe Luke should have lost his eye as punishment. Alicent suggesting that made my stomach twist and turn back then, and still does to this day. I do, however, believe that my brothers never received punishment for anything they did.
Like why did it matter more to Mother the words that Aemond said rather than the fact her sons were among the attackers? Why did Jace continue to get to carry a knife while I returned home and was forbidden from Jace’s side for three months? When it was I who saw that the actions of those four weighed just as heavily as the words of Aemond? Why did Mother completely forget that Jace made Aemond’s life hell for not having a dragon, making him feel lesser than, while I sat there and listened to him belittle someone in the same position I was in?
And to be honest, it wasn’t as though Aemond was wrong. Yes, it was technically treasonous of him to say it out loud. But again, he wasn’t wrong. Vaemond Velaryon was not wrong. We are bastards. Our blood is Harwin Strong. Not a drop of Velaryon blood resides in our veins. Though, they could’ve said it less disgustedly.
It was doubtful anyone could understand how frustrating these thoughts are. They made me feel as though I betray Mother and my brothers by acknowledging the circumstances of our birth. But, if I denounce Aemond for speaking that, it is like I am calling him a liar, which he isn’t. Truly, it feels like no matter what I feel about that situation, I am screwed.
Aemond noticed me at that point. Given the way his head snapped up in my direction, I imagine I let out a grunt of frustration. He looked almost ashamed when he saw me.
“Prince Aemond, a word if you will,” I said loudly to him. We were about five feet apart, so I did not have to practically yell it to him. But I spoke louder than needed so that he would have no choice.
Wordlessly, he put his sword in its scabbard and walked over to me. Just having him within arms reach again was enough to make me feel my heart rate increase. Fucking Seven Hells, I love him so much.
“Princess,” he said quietly, giving me a subtle nod of his head.
“You are to accompany me in flight, as requested by Her Grace the Queen,” I told him firmly.
Sometimes, I really liked pulling rank. It was truly the only thing he would listen to at times. He was annoyingly stubborn. Not in the way that most anyone with a cock was, but in a special and overwhelming way.
“And where are you wishing to go, Princess?” he asked me.
“I think perhaps Felwood. A short flight from here, three hours tops,” I said, shrugging a bit.
He nodded and motioned for me lead the way. I tried to relax my jaw as it tightened in annoyance. He was still wanting to put a distance between us.
“Ser Erryk, you are dismissed for the time being. I shall seek you out when I return,” I said to Erryk. The sweet knight nodded and took his leave.
Now there was no buffer between Aemond and I. He could not feign interest in anyone else’s life. He could not ignore me.
We walked in silence from the training yard, though he did still give me his arm to hold. The walk from the Keep to the Dragon Pit typically talk about an hour and a half. They were about five miles apart. When I went there with the children, we always took a carriage. When I was with Aemond, though, he preferred the walk.
Passing by several shops on the streets of city, several shopkeepers and their patrons stared at us. I wasn’t entirely sure why but they had never approached us. Mother always feared they would mob me. Though they didn’t seem to care most of the time. Maybe it was because I had spent so much time among them they saw me more as a person.
“It wasn’t just us that missed you,” Aemond said quietly. I looked to him immediately, my heart speeding up as he pulled me closer. “The people of the city missed you as well.”
He was probably right. Before my disappearance, I worked hard to gain the love and respect of the citizens of King’s Landing. It wasn’t that I needed everyone in the world to like me. But I knew, more than anything, that one day these people would be my people. One day I would be their Queen. And it is easier to rule people that love you.
“You hurt me,” I told him as we kept walking.
He sighed rather loudly. “I know.”
“I’m not speaking of the dinner, Aemond. Which, by the way, was a dick move for a lot of reasons. But I’m talking about the fact that today is the first time since that you’ve spoken to me,” I said.
I was trying desperately to hold my voice steady. Every part of me wanted to scream at him. It wasn’t even necessarily anger that made me feel this way. It was just there was so much crap in my head and in my heart, and he didn’t seem to get it.
“I was embarrassed,” he admitted.
“Gods, I can’t imagine why you would be,” I muttered rather harshly.
Immediately, he went back to being quiet. I wanted to kick myself in the head. Why did I have to say that?
This was not the first time in my life I had said something that caused instant regret. Hells, it was not even the first time since I’ve returned that I’ve done it. I tended to speak before I thought at times when I really should just be quiet.
The rest of our walk was in silence. In the near hour and a half it takes to walk from the Red Keep to the Dragon Pit, he only said maybe twenty words to me. I longed for his voice, his declarations of love. Yet, because of who I am I could not receive them.
Aemond discussed with the keepers that we wish to fly. He spoke quietly with them, so quietly it was obvious he did not want me to hear, telling them they only need bring Vhaela. They had nodded in understanding near immediately before shuffling off to bring Vhaela to me.
“You do understand the rules are I have to take you with me, yes?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
“I shall fly on Vhaela with you,” he said simply.
My face heated up as blood rushed to my cheeks. Aemond had always told me that I needed to fly on a dragon before I had my own. So we went weekly into the skies, grateful to Vhagar that she was so good. The last time we rode on the same dragon was before I had Vhaela. It was not the feeling of flying that I remembered from that trip. No, it was the feeling of his cock buried inside me that was the only thing I could remember.
I caught him looking at me and smirking. That caused my cheeks to heat up even more. My breath caught in the space between my lungs and my throat and a fire burned inside me, nestled in the svalley between my thighs.
“You remember,” he said quietly. We were all alone in this moment.
“How could I not?” I whispered. Feeling emboldened by his obvious or perhaps just stupid, I changed our position. Now I stood chest to chest with him.
“Which part do you remember most, my love?” he whispered to me. His hands found my waist to hold me close. Though they didn’t stay there, slowly working their way back and down.
I took a deep breath. He was looking at me with such an intensity it felt like he could burn a hole in my soul. All I could think was how the ache between my thighs was becoming overwhelming. If he could hear my heart, he would hear it thudding against my chest harder with every passing second.
“Or how about you tell me your memories of it?” I whispered, smirking up at him. “After all, you’re the one who needs to make up for your behavior.”
He chuckled as his hands worked their way over my ass and around to my front. “Always been a brat, haven’t you? Can’t do as you are told?” he asked. His voice was quiet and deep.
“I listen to those who deserve it,” I said to him. My breath caught in my throat as his fingers moved past the parting of my skirt. They brushed against my clit through the thin material of the shift I wore underneath. The touch was so light one could miss it.
“And if I beg you for forgiveness?” he whispered, watching my face intently as he increased the pressure of his touch. There was no denying the pleasure of it.
“Get to begging,” I practically commanded him. I couldn’t help but to inch my hips forward.
Gods if I had any ounce of self respect I would push him away. I wouldn’t allow him to touch me like this without a proper apology. In fact, I perhaps should’ve championed for Aegon to accompany me just to prove my point to Aemond. That it was not fair of him to ignore me when I had done nothing wrong.
But as he rubbed my clit through the flimsy skirt of my shift, I couldn’t help but lean against him. My forehead was pressed against his chest, my breathing becoming ragged. I gripped his wrist tightly as I felt that all too familiar band tightening behind my navel.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered when I finally let out a breathy moan. “Should’ve been doing this for you the entire time. I promise, baby, I won’t be so stupid ever again.”
With his free hand, he lifted the shift up enough to where he could touch my clit directly. I let out a loud moan, one that caused him to chuckle. His thumb stayed firmly pressed against my clit, moving in tight little circles, as he moved his other fingers to my entrance.
“So wet for me, baby,” he whispered in my ear before pushing his fingers inside. Right off the bat he started with two. His fingers were long and slender, feeling heavenly inside me. “You deserve the world you know that?”
“Fuck, Aemond,” I moaned as he pumped his fingers in and out.
He eagerly worked my cunt as he continued to rub my clit. My grip on his wrist tightened as I began seeing stars.
“That’s it, such a good girl,” he praised me as the band behind my navel finally snapped. Orgasmic bliss washed over me. “Such a perfect girl. Do you forgive, princess?”
I only just managed to pull myself away as the Keeper surfaced with Vhaela in tow. Aemond was smirking at me. He maintained eye contact with me as he brought his fingers to his lips and licked them clean. I swear to the gods he moaned.
“Perhaps,” I told him quietly, smirking a bit before walking over to Vhaela.
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deadbydangit · 9 months
So I just read your Dbd Killers as parents and I was wondering if you could do the knight and the Oni too I'm sorry but I just love them so much and I just want to know what they would be like as parents you don't have to if you don't want to of course have a good day or night.
I absolutely can. I'm going to add another killer on there if that's alright. Please enjoy
Killers as Parents
Knight, Oni, Mastermind
First off, he doesn't really want to be a dad.
He never had any interest in children.
But he's also afraid he'd be an awful father.
He's terrible at expressing emotions other than rage.
The moment he lays eyes on the child, everything changes.
He'll become a papa bear.
His men are always around too, so the kids will have four 'uncles' to help out too.
God help anyone who lays a hand on this child.
Tarhos has very traditional views on what men and women should be doing.
So, if you have girls, expect him to be spending a little less time with them.
He will have a heavier focus on the boys.
From the moment they can lift a sword, they'll be trained.
If his daughter is interested in learning about the use of swords, he'll be hesitant.
You'll have to really prime him to understand that gender roles don't apply anymore.
If our son doesn't want to fight, he doesn't have to. If our daughter wants to learn how to use a sword, she can.
It might take him a while to understand, but he'll eventually get it.
He's not the most cuddly dad in the world.
But his children will always feel protected.
Even though he doesn't say it often, his kids know he loves them.
He's ecstatic!
Someone to carry on the family name.
Kazan never thought this day would really come!
He had a wife and son before, but he wasn't ready at that point in his life.
He's very ashamed at how little he paid attention and cared about them.
Now he's ready, and he's willing to make up for what he did.
He knows it won't change the past, but it at least brings him some solace knowing that he's really going to try this time.
However, he can't bring himself to hold the baby.
He's terrified he'll hurt them.
Just coach him through it and he'll slowly start to relax.
Kazan just needs you around to help him.
He used to be very traditional.
He had a very ridged view on what men and women should be doing.
However, after all he's seen in his life, his views have changed slightly.
If his son doesn't want to be a samurai, he'll be disappointed, but he won't hate his child.
But he'll still be teaching him basic self-defense, that's not up for negotiation.
If his daughter wants to learn how to use a sword, he'll be apprehensive, but he'll respect and teach her.
He's still going to want to put pretty clothes on her and put flowers in her hair.
He wants to see that beauty.
No matter what his kids end up doing (as long as it's something positive and productive to society) he's proud.
That being said, he can be very strict, but it's only because he wants to see his children grow up to be strong respectable adults.
But, in the end, it's because he truly loves them, just as much as he loves you.
Wesker is actually very excited to be a father.
Both of you, perfect beings, bring another perfect being into the world.
But he's also anxious about it.
He has so many enemies, and he's worried that you and the child will be a bargaining chip.
So, as much as he hates to do so, you both have to be a secret in his life.
It pains him to not be able to talk about how amazing his child and partner are.
But it's for your own safety.
He's often traveling for work, so he can't always be around
When he is able to be around, he's an excellent father.
He's willing to do his share of the housework, if not more, so you could get a break.
Playing with your children, teaching them skills, occasionally spoiling them.
He knows it won't make up for the fact that he's gone, but it's an effort.
No doubt they'll be athletically adept, so he would very much for them to find some physical activity to hone those skills.
His children will be respectful, polite, and well spoken.
He doesn't care if they go to work with him, or somewhere else to work (Just not the BSAA).
It's their lives.
As long as they make something of it, he'll be proud of them.
Those children will grow up to be honest, hardworking, intelligent people.
And, not for a second, will they deny that they had an amazing father.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
🖋️ want another blanket?— you know Im picking Billy and fluff of course! 😊
slumber party shenanigans
billy hargrove x gn!reader
a/n: hi!!! i thought of this pretty quickly and figured it could be sweet. i hope you like it!! thanks for sending one in <333
🖋️ want another blanket?—i will write you a little ficlet (under 1000 words) for the character of your choice. i would appreciate if you’d specify whether you want comfort/fluff/angst/whatever and i will try and come up with something for you!
“I don’t understand why we can’t go buy ice cream at the store and eat it here. Shit, baby, I’ll take you to that place in town if you want it that bad.”
“Because, Billy. They’re my friends! I’m being supportive of their endeavors.” Billy rolls his eyes at you. “How many times have I come to the pool while you’re working? Or how often do you come to the store and pretend like you’re in dire need of a book?”
“That’s different,” he says.
“No it’s not,” you argue, and then pause, thinking.
“They have strawberry cheesecake,” you add.
Billy stares at you, trying his best not to show any emotion. He disappears for a moment and comes back with shoes on and his keys.
“Let’s go then.”
You knew that would work.
When you get to Starcourt, Billy holds onto your hand for dear life. Not only has he avoided the mall as often as possible, but there are way too many shithead kids running around in here.
You turn a corner, and the crowd thins out, less children and more young adults meandering through the record store or walking towards the Gap. Billy spots the boat booth sticking out of Scoops Ahoy! and sighs.
There’s a long line, and it’s no wonder, because it’s fucking scorching out today. Robin looks up from where she’s been scooping ice cream into a cup and hands it to a sticky-fingered child. She catches your eye and perks up, her bored look turning into a much more pleased one.
Steve is at the register, poorly flirting with some girl you’re pretty sure you went to high school with. She awkwardly takes her change and walks away.
Robin slides over when you and Billy are at the counter. Steve’s rubbing his forehead, ashamed at himself. He’s really losing his charm. She elbows him.
“Ow, Robin! What the hell?”
“We have special guests!” She proclaims, smiling at you and Billy.
Steve finally looks up, focusing on the both of you. “Oh. Hi.”
Billy’s practically hiding behind you, his fingers tucked into the belt loops of your shorts. He really doesn’t like this.
“Hi, Robin. Steven,” you say. You’re the only one he’d let get away with that. Perks of spending time in the Upside Down one might say.
“What can I get the both of you on this fine Tuesday—it is Tuesday isn’t it?”
“Yes, Rob,” Steve reassures her.
“This fine Tuesday afternoon?” She finishes. You order for yourself and Billy does the same. You pretend not to see the glimmer in his eye at the prospect of his favorite ice cream. It’s hard to find these days.
You stand there while Robin takes her sweet time, possibly adding a little more than you asked for, just because she can.
Billy opens his wallet, handing Steve cash. “Harrington,” he says in greeting.
Steve nods, smiling as politely as he can. “Hargrove.” He takes the cash and counts out the change. “Everything going swell?”
Billy chuckles. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
Robin hands you both cones, and you give Billy his.
The four of you stand there for a moment. “Well,” you finally say, “I hope work goes okay today. You guys wanna see a movie for something this weekend?”
“Sure!” Robin says. She’d decidedly in charge of her and Steve’s outings.
“I’ll call you,” you tell her. She shoots you a wink and a thumbs up.
You walk away from the counter and turn to Billy. “I assume you don’t want to sit here and eat?”
He kisses your forehead in gratitude. “Please don’t do this to me. I’ll sit anywhere else.”
You laugh, watching him lick the ice cream that’s already begun to drip from the cone and then from his hand.
He raises his eyebrows. “See something you like?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You pat him gently on the ass and move away from Scoops, off to find somewhere else to sit. You hope to revel in the air conditioning for a bit longer.
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storiesbyjes2g · 5 months
3.68 Get over it
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Mama had a few things to do before visiting us, so I didn't know what time to expect her; just sometime that afternoon before Sophia got home. I worked out and did everything I needed to do in the morning to ensure I'd be home whenever she arrived. She greeted me with a big hug and a kiss, gushing about the house.
"This is such a cute little house! It reminds me of my first place in Brindleton Bay. I think this is a little bigger, though. How do you like it?"
"It'll do for now."
"Yeah, I bet," she said, staring at my little monsters. "They definitely need more room. That's how I ended up in Willow Creek. The things we do for our fur babies, right?"
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I loved my little guys, but I don't know if I'd buy a bigger house specifically for them. I mean, true, they factored into our thoughts about moving, but we had bigger plans to accommodate. But I wasn't a dog lover like her, so there were plenty of things she did that I'd never do.
"Moving has come up, but we haven't discussed it seriously."
She watched them try to tackle each other and chase their own tails, mesmerized by doggy energy.
"They're so rambunctious! I love it! Luca, you're a daddy!"
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I expected her to be excited, but it tickled me to think about how she'd be when I had actual children. She did everything for me and Less, so I knew she'd move Mt. Komorebi for my children. They have come up indirectly a lot lately, and now and then I thought about them, especially because I had to factor them into most everything I did. Originally, having children was this far off goal I figured I'd accomplish one day. But the goal got closer and closer by the day, and instead of fearing my lack of preparation and stressing myself out about it, I found the idea more and more appealing and welcomed it.
Rosie began running in circles, and familiar twinkling orbs danced around her. I went outside to find Kooper, and he was doing the same thing.
"They're aging up already?" I asked in disbelief.
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Even though they were loud and got into everything, I enjoyed them so much as puppies, and I thought we'd have more time for shenanigans. But I was glad for their adult phase. We could do so many more things together like go jogging. I knew Rosie would appreciate that. She was the more rambunctious one and ran around the house and yard all day like she was vying for a prize. Kooper was much more low key.
"Happy birthday, little dude!"
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I went back inside and scooped up Rosie.
"Don't tell Kooper, but you're my favorite."
"Ahhh, so she's the one," Mama said. "Shiloh was always my best girl, but I had an extra special place in my heart for Hunter."
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"I feel like I shouldn't have a favorite, though," I said.
"Yeah, it seems that way, but it's inevitable. We always gravitate to one thing when we have options. It's natural and happens with everything...favorite shoes, favorite pen, favorite chair..."
"Favorite child?"
Her eyes flicked open, and jaw dropped in surprise. Catching her off guard was really hard, and I felt immense pride in my accomplishment. She pretended to watch the dogs to avoid answering me, and I snickered at her. We all knew who her favorite was.
I thought Rosie would make a mad dash for the door when I put her down, but oddly enough she sat next to us and Kooper as if she were actively trying to spend quality time, and I appreciated it.
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Mama's buzzing phone took her out of her fake busyness. A tiny smirk crawled across her face as she read the text. I had a question I'd always wanted to ask but selfishly never did, especially after I gave her permission to go public with Dwayne.
"Why'd you never move in with him?"
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Again, she was surprised.
"Would you have really been okay with him living with us?"
"Of course not. But even after we left. Every time I come over, I half expect to see him. I just thought you would have jumped at the chance."
"No, I understand. I honestly thought I would too, but...
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She stared out the window for a moment, collecting her thoughts.
"Saying yes to him wasn't as simple as saying, okay we're in a relationship now. I also had to say no to your dad."
"You talked to Dad about it?"
She laughed and shook her head.
"Of course not! You see, even though we had been divorced for a while and were moving on, I still felt the need to show him how sorry I was. I felt like, if I got with Dwayne and lived happily ever after, that meant I won, and he lost."
"But...that's what happened."
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"I know. But I didn't want it to be like that, especially since the situation wasn't malicious. I liked Ali. I mean, I loved him, but I liked him. He's really smart. Like, really intelligent."
"Yeah. I've learned that."
"Yeah! He's kind. And he's wise. I know you know that. He always impressed me, and I wanted him to like me too, even after it was over. Like, I knew he'd be angry for a while, but I didn't want him to hate me. I thought, if I move on completely with Dwayne, that door would be closed and he would never like me. So, when I said yes to Dwayne, I had to close the door and let go of the hope that we could be friends again. I had to reject that fangirl in me who still cared what he thought. Most of all, I had to stop allowing my love for him interfering with my love for Dwayne, because whether or not I like it, I made a choice and needed to live with it."
"Wow. That's...wow..."
"Yeah... But the thing is, Luca...that wasn't a one-time thing. I have to make those choices daily. Some days are easier than others. But lately..." She sighed. "Your dad and I are in a good place now. He likes me, ha! That makes it hard to commit to those choices, and I find myself peeking behind that door and leaving it cracked."
"But, Mama..." I couldn't believe I was about to rally for Dwayne, but I kinda felt sorry for the guy. "You're with Dwayne now. Don't you think you owe him all of your love?"
"Of course I do! This is the fight I have with myself every day."
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I sat there for a moment, mulling over her words, feeling bad that she was still so tormented, but really frustrated that she refused to live with her choices. The rest of us had adjusted and moved on while she still clung to the past. And honestly? She kinda reminded me of a child who had a room full of toys but still screamed for more and was unwilling to share. And sadly, that made it easier for me to see how she decided to destroy our family. She wanted to have it all. And in her own sad way, she was still trying to have it all. That's when I realized what hid between the lines.
"If Dad came to you right now and said he forgave you and wanted you back, would you go back to him?"
She let out the longest, heaviest sigh I ever heard.
"I won't say yes...but I can't say no either."
Wow. Part of me felt for her. The torment I put myself through with all this dating stuff paled in comparison to what she went through. But another part of me wanted to yell, "He's not coming back! Get over it already!"
"Your sweetheart is home," she said. "We'll have to continue this later."
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mick3yz · 11 months
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Losing it bcs i rewatched Magic funhouse for the first time and the content itself is goofy but the implications of all the shit that happens w Arlo fucking RUINS me (I LOVE OVERANALYZING MEDIA)
(Spoilers below but its all incoherent rambling btw)
HE NEVER GOT THE CHANCE TO GROW UP BCS OF THE COMA AND THIS IMPLIES THAT A LOT OF HIS ACTIONS AND OPINIONS ARE (not directly cause hes had at least a little time to get to know the modern world) BASED SOMEWHERE IN HIS CHILDHOOD MEMORIES AND OPINIONS SO UH -> “Divorce is about children coming to terms with what THEY caused!!” - his parents canonically fought a LOT and this 100% means that he thought (and still thinks) that it was bcs of him (the more concerning implication could be that he also thought that the reason he was sent into a coma was technically his fault, esp considering how desperate he was to relocate and spend time w his parents after waking up)
THE WAY THAT THE ONLY PEOPLE HE TRUSTED RIGHT AFTER WAKING UP BETRAYING HIM IN SOME WAY?? AFTER THE LIGHT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT HE HAD WHERE HE STARTED CARING FOR THEIR MENTAL HEALTH EVEN JUST A LITTLE (even though he said it was just to make sure nobody died on set -> his ass was lying lmao) AND BEING LESS AGGRESSIVE WITH COWORKERS FOR A WHILE?? HE ACTUALLY DEVELOPS THE SKILLS TO RECONCILE AND RESET HIS FRIENDSHIP W DAVE IN S1 (something that he likely did not care to try in the years he’s been awake when considering his short temper and aggressive behavior) AND THEN IS IMMEDIATELY BACKSTABBED (quite literally)
“Ive only been awake for 2 years and I’ve already ruined everything for everyone” and “I just want to go back to sleep..” and “if I found out that these guys had been lying to me for years, I’d probably fire them... And then I’d kill myself” and “im not the easiest person to get along with, Dave. And it takes a special kind of person to understand me” IM LOSING MY MIND
Arlo is a total jerk but when you consider the way that his brain probably handles things after having to quickly adapt to being an adult it just makes his behavior pretty sad in concept
(Also his frequent usage of weed and alcohol may just be because he realized that being an adult means that he can do those kind of things, but the whole “you have to chose if youre going to act like a manchild or an alcoholic bcs I cant be there for both” bit from Sasha tells me otherwise)
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virtie333 · 6 months
Day 11 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Light(s)
Summary: Rey shows Poe how she celebrates Christmas
Notes: This is another Modern AU, and I had it take place in my hometown so they could do one of my favorite holiday traditions.
Warnings: This is mostly fluff and feelings, but there is a bit of inuendo. Poe is horny.
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Poe Dameron had never really though much of Christmas.
His mother had been raised Jewish and he father Catholic, but neither practiced their faith much by the time he was born. While he did remember having a decorated tree with presents from Santa under it, that tradition ended after his mother died. As an adult, Christmas was to him just a secular annoyance buoyed by commercialization, the epitome of capitalism. Other than going to his father’s house for dinner on Christmas Eve, the holiday was just another day in his world.
But that was before he met Rey Smith.
Though not one of those ‘bible thumping’ Christians, Rey wasn’t afraid to comment on her belief in Jesus. Her parents had instilled in her a strong faith that continued on even after their deaths in a car accident when she was ten. Growing up in various foster homes, she looked forward to Christmas every year, mostly because no matter where she was, it brought back good memories of her real family and gave her hope for a bright future. While she didn’t attend church regularly, she always made it to Christmas Eve mass every year.
They had begun dating over the summer, after being introduced by Rey’s friend (and foster brother) Finn, who just happened to be dating Poe’s childhood friend Rose. Everything about Rey made Poe happy, even her love of Christmas, though he still couldn’t understand it. She had invited him to go to mass with her, but she had told him that she wouldn’t think less of him if he refused. He told her he’d think about it.
One thing she would not let him get out of, however, was going to Storybook Island to see the lights. Every weekend between Thanksgiving and New Years, the children’s theme park, which closed for the winter, dressed itself up in thousands of Christmas lights. Having grown up in Rapid, Poe had vague memories of going to the park as a child, but had not been near it as an adult, and had never seen the lights. Rey was going to make sure he saw them this year.
They went the weekend before Christmas. They had had snow earlier in the week, but the night itself was mild by South Dakota standards, with temps around 20 and no wind. Poe was already enthralled by the colorful display even before they entered the gate to the park, and as he and Rey wandered along the paths, not only was he awed by the lights, but memories of walking these same paths with his mother as a child found their way to the surface of his mind. Cinderella’s pumpkin coach, the whale that ate Pinocchio, the Wizard of Oz, the old lady in the shoe… he remembered it all, but almost as if it was all from a dream.
He watched as Rey laughed and grinned and pulled him along to something she was excited to see, never letting go of his hand. He had never seen her so giddy! About half way through the park, it started snowing, which only increased Rey’s delight. He stopped her at one point, unable to keep himself from kissing her. She laughingly pushed him away. “Poe, there are kids around!”
“Well, it’s not like I’m gonna bend you over and rail you,” he joked. “Not here, anyway.”
She swatted him playfully, but the glint in her eye told him she was going to remind him he said that later. They eventually made it to the exit, where hot chocolate was being served, and they stood together watching as families with children stopped to see Santa. They also saw more than a few couples like themselves walking hand in hand.
Feeling happier than he had been in a long time, Poe looked at the woman he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. “I wanna make a deal with you,” he told her.
She looked at him, her eyebrows raised. “What kind of deal?”
“I’ll go with you to this Christmas Eve mass… it’s at ten, right?… if you agree to come to my father’s for dinner earlier that evening.”
Rey’s eyes lit up and her beautiful smile grew. “Yeah,” she said. “I like that plan.”
“That doesn’t mean I’m going to go to church with you all the time, though,” he added.
She shook her head. “I don’t expect you to,” she said. “You can’t force faith,” she told him. “Just like you can’t force love. It just happens.”
He gave her a steady look. “Yeah, it just happens.”
“Merry Christmas, Poe.”
“Merry Christmas, Rey.”
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