#the next are just regular kiss animation
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
Sick!Hazbin Hotel x Reader Hcs
i love reverse comfort sm. im also currently being brutally murdered by allergies but i prefer comforting others so here we are
🥀 Cw: fluff, crack, teensy bit of angst with comfort
🥀 Pairing(s): Lucifer x reader, Alastor x reader, Vox x reader, Adam x reader
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sick? him? please, the king of hell doesn't get sick!
thats what he claims anyways
lucifer brushes nearly everything off as just plain allergies, he could literally have a 103 fever and be shaking on the floor and would still be pouting and saying he's fine
the thing about him tho is that he's easy to take care of- after a little coaxing lucifer just sighs and nods glumly before pretty much submitting himself to your care
once he's admitted hes sick tho, he wants you around him 24/7
lucifer wants cuddles, hugs, kisses, he just gets so clingy when he's feeling under the weather
THIS MAN LITERALLY BURNS UP WHEN HE'S SICK ITS ALWAYS THE LITTLE ONES WITH THE HIGHEST RAGING FEVERS THAT LAST FOR DAYS like he'll be sweating and shivering and crying he gets hit HARD when he's sick and it happens so suddenly too- like one day he's fine and then the next he looks like he's one small wind away from collapsing
he lowkey feels bad about asking for things when he's sick so he'll say something offhand like "yk im in the mood for soup" and hopes you get the message
like he'll wake up from a nap and still be half asleep and he just starts genuinely rambling about literally the most obscure things
lucifer definitely gets nightmares even when he isn't sick, but when hes feeling like shit and is so delirious he can't tell reality from fiction? be prepared for him to wake up crying and shaking, he just gets so so scared :(
lucifer feels bad about you taking care of him and wants to help, but will lowkey end up pushing himself too hard. PLEASE reassure him and tell him it's alright he'll literally melt
once its all over, lucifer will genuinely trust you more after you saw him in such a vulnerable state and is much more likely to come to you instead of hiding how he's feeling in the future
alastor? weak? lmao no
he would literally rather die than admit he's sick like he would literally just keep pushing on
alastor is one of those people that has an iron immune system like he VERY rarely gets sick but when he does its like torture
to even be alastor's partner you'd have to know him for a long time and you'd probably be able to read him pretty well (at least compared to other people), yet even you sometimes miss his sickness in the earlier stages
alastors biggest tell tale sign of being sick? exhaustion. he very rarely sleeps on the regular, but when he's sick that all catches up to him
he also gets more irritable and a little less composed, he'd be more prone to getting angry and would lash out if anyone asked if he was ok
alastors ears would also be turned back slightly, like most animals do when they're being aggressive, but its pretty much only obvious to people who know him closely
alastor never wants to be vulnerable or weak but you notice that his eyelids keep drifting of their own accord, and how irritable he's been, and it clicks to you that he's obviously not feeling well
approach him about it in private, while alastor does trust you he still doesn't want others to knowm
no matter how much you try he will not lay down, take medicine, or do anything (at least at first)
alastor genuinely thinks that he can just push through on his own and lowkey thinks you're worrying too much
however after two weeks of pure suffering and exhaustion, combined with no sleep and your irritation at his lack of will to take care of himself, alastor finally breaks
he'd prob come to your room at like 4 in the morning and just curl up on the edge of the bed, shivering a little but staying quiet
you wake up to him fast asleep, his ears twitching every once and a while as he rests peacefully near you
get a cool towel and lay it on his forehead to break the fever, and he'll just keep sleeping
he probably wouldn't wake up for at least a few hours, months of lost sleep are catching up to him at this point, giving you the opportunity to make him some soup and medicine
alastor will stir a little when you get out of bed but wont wake up, but once he does wake up he wants you to come back
when he's sick he wants you to be nearby, alastor isn't the touchiest person and being sick makes him feel gross, so he wouldn't want to be touched but would want you arround just to know you're there
this is probably the first step in him being more open to vulnerability around you, and while it may have been a bit of an irritating process to get him back to his usual healthy status, it's definitely worth it as he begins to trust you more
lowkey a man child (affectionate)
vox is one of those guys who will take care of himself when he's sick, but he'll complain about it every step of the way
i think he's pretty responsible when he's sick, he'll take the day off and relax but won't do much other than that
he likes when you pamper him though, and a part of him lowkey enjoys being sick because he just gets to have your full attention all of the time (as if he doesn't already💀)
vox would be irritated about showing weakness and not being in control, but he wouldn't be irritated at you
if an employee was being too nosy about his wellbeing? yea he's pissed but if you're the one taking care of him, he'll just sigh and let you do what you want
he becomes like a literal ice cube he's SHIVERING and everything
vox has the cutest sneezes too, he glitches out and denies how cute his sneezes are but they really are adorable
vox takes like 2 baths per day when he's sick he hates feeling unclean, and def wants you to join him in the bath (just to relax, get your mind out of the gutter)
vox would be a little pissed about missing work, i think he's a bit of a workaholic and might try to work in bed or sneak some paperwork behind your back
it doesn't work though because he just ends up passing out anyway
vox is big on sleeping when he's sick he's definitely the type to just sleep it off and thats that
like he CRASHES in bed and just does not get up for hours
he sleeps like the dead too, his screen is blank and he barely moves in his sleep
like lucifer, he has fever dreams but they lean more on the weird side rather than the sad side
its funny but instead of talking more when sick, vox actually talks much less. he starts getting super quiet and a lot more needy for your attention
vox is more than happy to return to work and be back on his feet, but will send you a little thank you gift and pamper you in return for taking care of him
manchild x2 (also affectionate)
adam DREADS getting sick like he genuinely hates it so much, he sees it as one of his own flaws and it makes him lowkey disgusted at himself
he whines like a baby over a common cold, its almost sad how the slightest sickness will make him act like he's on his death bed
adam whines and complains whenever you aren't around him, he wants cuddles and kisses and is 10x more clingy when he's sick
he has little to no appetite when he's actually sick but gets a huge appetite right after
like you'll have to force him to eat at least a piece of toast per day while he's actually feverish but once he's in recovery he's literally FAMISHED and will ask for so much food
he barely eats or drinks while hes sick it just feels icky to him
i also think he's the type to not want to move like he just collapses on his bed and barely moves an inch (unless you force him)
adam exaggerates when he's barely sick and then underplays it when he's genuinely really sick its lowkey so confusing
like he could have pneuomonia and be half dead and say he's fine but he could have the most common cold and complain foreverrr
he doesn't think you're genuine when you say you want to help him and take care of him, he thinks its just a joke since nobody has ever really taken care of him before
like sure he's been told what to do and bossed around and treated him like a foolish child, but no one has ever sat with him while he's sick and held his hand yk?
while he can be irritable and annoying while he's sick, he apologizes afterwards
its one of the few times he ever apologizes but he genuinely feels bad about lashing out
adam isn't used to being below someone when it comes to status or health and relaxing and letting someone else take care of him is kind of foreign for him, but you both work it out over time
while he isn't the easiest to take care of, he genuinely appreciates that you want to help him and wants to return the favor someday
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shemybitchhh · 3 months
𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕋𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕤♡
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<<Farm!Elllie Williams x Fem!Reader>>
Sinopsis: Just a regular night at you farm house, but recently you've been having nightmares. Luckily, you have your girl right besides you to let you know you are safe.
Warning: just fluffy and soft Ellie with a big heart.
"Tess!" You screamed, opening your eyes suddenly.
Your breathing accelerated and your heart beating in your chest, ~for a moment you felt like it was going to come out~.
You sat up on the bed and placed a hand on your chest, while the other one rested on the mattress to help you maintain your balance.
Warm tears began to run down your cheeks just by remembering the nightmare you had had.
Your daughter, your baby, your little world, in the middle of a horde of infected, completely alone and helpless as she screamed for you, and you couldn't do anything to help her.
You had found her one day when you were out hunting. She was wrapped in a blanket next to a stuffed rabbit, completely asleep. There was a note on top of the stuffed animal.
"She's only 2 months old. Please take care of her before it's too late for her as it is for us."
The first time you held her in your arms, you felt as if that baby had automatically taken over a piece of your heart. She opened her eyes and you fell in love with the little one.
You decided to name her after your mother, Joel's smuggling partner who died more than 6 years ago. You loved your mother, and losing her was like losing a part of you. And as you held the little girl in your arms, It was like finding that lost part again.
That was 6 months ago.
You heard someone calling your name next to you in bed and you finally snapped out of your thoughts to turn your head, meeting your lover.
"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" You asked Ellie in a whisper.
The green-eyed sat up in bed and cupped your wet cheek.
"The dreams again?" She asked you and you nodded.
"I'm sorry." You said wiping away tears.
"You don't have to apologize for anything, love." She assured you.
You had met Ellie when your mother and Joel were assigned on taking her to the Firefly's base, so they could make her the cure for humanity. That same trip was the one on which your mother died, and the rest is history.
You turned your head to see the crib your daughter was resting in peacefully, two meters away from the bed you and Ellie were on.
You slowly got out of bed and walked towards your baby. Tess was curled up in a ball, a pacifier between her lips that she sucked freely, and the same stuffed rabbit that you had found her with, in her arms.
You were hypnotized watching her, her blonde hair reminded you of your mother, and you smiled slightly when you saw her so healthy and calm, without any worries going through her little head.
A pair of arms were wrapped around your waist, and Ellie's chin rested on your left shoulder. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the small moment.
Those simple gestures from Ellie were what made you fall in love with her. She knew exactly how to make yourself feel safe with a single action.
"I'm really sorry I woke you up." You said and Ellie gave you a kiss on the shoulder.
"It's okay, don't worry." She whispered and you stroked her arms. "I love you, you know that?"
"Yes. You remind me of that every day." You said with a smile. You turned your head and met her beautiful green eyes. "And I like to remind you that I love you much more."
"Don't start a fight you won't win." Ellie said and you both shared a small laugh before turning their eyes to the little girl in the crib. "I love you both, with everything I have." She said and you felt your heart warm.
"And we love you." You assured her.
"I know." Ellie's hands roamed your waist slowly and then positioned themselves on either side of you before guiding you back to the bed. "We have to rest." She dropped you onto the mattress and positioned herself next to you to cup your face.
"I hate those nightmares." You said bitterly.
"Everything is fine. Nothing will happen to Tess or you, I will make sure of that." She told you completely seriously.
You approached her face and left a sweet kiss on her lips, then settled into the crook of her neck and inhaled her aroma, which always brought you calm.
Little by little your breathing became slower and slower to the point that your eyelids became so heavy that you closed them and fell into a deep sleep, while the arms of the love of your life wrapped around you, keeping you warm and safe.
The next morning, you woke up to the little girl crying. In the night you had moved and ended up with your back against Ellie's chest.
You opened your eyes trying to get used to the sunlight and yawned. Ellie's arms pulled you tighter against her and her breath on your neck gave you goosebumps.
"Love." You called her without getting any response. "Honey, Tess has to eat." You said and this time you heard a small whimper from your girlfriend.
Ellis slowly got up and stretched before getting out of bed.
"I got it." She said and walked slowly to the crib. When she reached it she put her hands on the bars and smiled at the little girl inside. "Good morning, princess." She greeted her, causing the crying to subside. The green-eyed girl took Tess into her arms and gave her a few kisses on her cheeks, making her laugh. "We'll go have breakfast and let mommy take a hot shower." Ellie said and then looked at you with a smile. "Say bye to mommy, Tess."
The little girl looked at you with her big eyes and you smiled at her, while she looked at you and let out a shout of joy, making you laugh.
Ellie left with Tess in her arms, leaving you alone. You went to the bathroom and took your time in the hot water, relaxing your tense muscles and simply enjoying the moment alone, knowing that your girls were waiting for you in the kitchen.
You dried yourself and when your hair was damp but not dripping, you went back to the room. You stole a light blue shirt from Ellie and put on some baggy gray pants.
When you went down to the kitchen you found a scene straight out of a movie. Ellie with the frying pan in her right hand, while holding the little blonde with her left arm.
She was dancing back and forth to the music that came from the record player, while Tess watched attentively as the green-eyed flipped the pancake, and the little one ended up clapping and laughing.
"I think she really likes watching you cook." You said walking closer.
They both turned their heads. Tess extended her arms asking you to pick her up, and Ellie passed her to you without a problem.
"We were already missing you." Your girlfriend said, turning back to continue cooking the pancakes.
You smiled and looked at your daughter who was now touching your left cheek with her hand. You could feel her hand was somewhat drooling, meaning she had put it in her mouth, and you laughed.
"Do you like watching mama cook, baby?" You asked and Tess laughed.
"Of course she likes to watch me cook. I'm quite a show." Ellie responded.
"You have a very cocky mother." You said softly towards the baby, but loud enough for the auburn-haired to hear.
"Hey!" She said turning around again and you just laughed and took Tess to the dining room table.
A few minutes later, Ellie appeared in the dining room with a plate of stacked pancakes, a jug of orange juice, and Tess's bottle. She left everything on the table and sat next to you.
"I see you woke up feeling like pampering." You said amused.
"All for my girls." She said the same way. You sat Tess on your lap and took the lid off the bottle full of warm milk to start feeding her.
Tess's little hands grabbed the bottle over yours and she drank the milk slowly and peacefully.
Ellie decided that today she wanted to spoil you completely. After last night's altercation, the aurbun-haired wanted you to clear your head and know that you were not alone.
She began to cut pieces of pancakes and poked one with her fork to bring it closer to your mouth. You smiled at her and opened wide so Ellie could start feeding you.
As you chewed, a drop of honey slipped across your lips and ran slowly down your chin. Ellie ran her thumb over the area, looking at you with love eyes.
You knew in that moment that you didn't want to be anywhere else but there. Not because you were surrounded by nature, animals and music. But because you were with the two people who made you the happiest, and you would have them forever.
C: hey guys! Carm here. Just wanted to let you know some things. First of all, english is not my first language so im really sorry if smt is not written correctly. Second, I'm not some Allan Poe haha. I'm just doing this for fun, ~as i think most poeple are~, so please be kind because we are here to have a great time. And third, if you have any ideas or recommendations im always open to hear you guys.
Rememeber to stay hydrated, sleep well ~with Ellie~, watch an episode of your fav tv show, and masturbate to get to know your body.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 2 months
Quiet time
Barbie dolls: poly maurders x reader (James, Sirius, Remus, you)
Word: 1.2k ish
Summary:you're overstimulated (autistic not sex) and Remus' chronic pain flares up and hilarity ensues
Warnings: you stim with your hands and also are overstimulated, I described it with my own experience so it might not be like yours, Remus Sirius and James are dating I know that's crazy but sometimes poly gets tagged with it just being an odd threesome and not actually poly, you watch TV? I think that's it dude
James and Sirius had left for their date a long time ago. You and Remus decided to spend the time they were gone at home. After they had closed the door a lot had happened. When Remus woke up that morning his hip was bothering him. 'only a little' he whispered to you three as you all watched him take pain meds. Remus often downplayed his pain for the benefit of others. He seemed okay though after his meds he was going about his tasks like normal. After Sirius and James left, his pain seemed to quadruple. So you got him into a warm bath. You made him his favorite soup. You made the bed, adding extra pillows for his back. You pulled out Remus' heating pad. You tucked him into bed with his soup and everything else you could think of. Unfortunately within the time it took for you to take care of Remus the world got too loud, your clothes got to clothesy, you could feel your teeth, everything was too much and now you were overstimulated and your boyfriend was practically bedridden.
When you did get overstimulated your partners were nothing but helpful. You often would stop talking, opting for silence. You wanted it dark and the only sound you wanted were sounds that you picked. Like the TV show you've already seen eight million times, the music you picked out. You need your weighted stuffed animal, your weighted blankets, your clothes needed to clothes in the right way, you needed to sit and not do anything for as long as possible.
Your partners were exceptionally good at working with your needs. Remus didn't mind when you stopped talking. He loved your voice but he also enjoyed quiet time. It was nice sitting next to a bundle of blankets that occasionally sprouted a hand holding out a peice of chocolate for him. Sirius would doodle on your arm, the repetitive movements calming your brain. He'd sit in a dark silent room anyday. Getting him to stop talking was sometimes a feat but you could press your finger to his lips and he'd get the message. James would squeeze you very tightly and the compression helped a lot. So that's how you and Remus ended up on either side of your bed, both wrapped up in your own comfort items. Your tv show was playing on the television, Remus didn't mind that he had all the lines memorized. You'd shake your hands every time the intro played and mouthed the words. It's all he needed to know you were more than happy. You had your stuffed animal pressed to your chest and your blankets wrapped around you.
Sometimes Remus felt too hot from pain to want to be all over another person. Sometimes you were too aware of your skin to want to cuddle. The only physical contact you two were sharing was your arms outstretched, your hands resting on the mattress, pinkies pressed against each other. That's all you wanted. The lights were off. Remus thought he might drift off and he hoped when he woke the pain would be gone. Then the door opened.
James and Sirius came prancing in. James was already moving towards the dresser, pulling out comfy clothes. Sirius looked like he wanted to jump into the bed, but he recognized the position you and Remus were in. He moved over to Remus and gently kissed his cheek. Sirius asked him all his regular doting questions. Remus answered all of them. Remus waved Sirius off when Sirius asked if he needed anything. James left to the bathroom to get changed as Sirius moved around the bed to your side.
"How you feeling about physical contact?" You pointed to your cheek. Sirius quickly leaned forward and press a kiss to your cheek.
"How do we feel about cuddles?" Sirius asked, looking between you and Remus. You heard Remus shuffling and moving his blankets to be more accommodating for another person.
"I suppose I could." Remus muttered. Sirius turned to you, waiting on your reply. You pointed to the bathroom. You held your thumb and pointer together to make a tiny spacy between, and then pointed to Sirius.
"You'll cuddle James but not me?" You nodded. Sirius clicked his tounge before pecking your cheek again. He whispered an 'I love you' before quickly moving over to Remus. He gently snuggled up to Remus, not wanting to hurt him. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius. Sirius stuck his hand out behind him and wrapped his pinkie around your yours.
Soon enough James came into the room in his pajamas; red plaid pants, one of Sirius' worn band shirts, and fluffy socks. He first checked on Remus leaning over Sirius' outreached hands to kiss Remus. Sirius tugged on James' shirt, pecking him too. James moved to you, holding his hands behind his back. He knew if he didn't restrain himself he'd want to cuddle you immediately.
"Oh I love this episode." Sirius whispered, staring at the screen. He started to mouth the lines to himself.
"World got too much?" You nodded, letting out a sigh. You leaned to the side, knocking your head into James' abdomen. He took that as a sign you needed his physical affection, wrapping his arms around you.
"You want squeezes?" You nodded against James' chest. He pulled away from you. You scooted forward on the bed, giving James space behind you. He quickly crawled in. James had his legs on either side of you before gently tugging you back. Your back pressed against his chest. James wrapped his arms around you, squeezing lightly. You sighed against his shoulder. James kissed your shoulder. He looked over to Remus. You ran your fingers over the back of Sirius' hand.
"How are you feeling, Moony?" James whispered. He didn't want to be too loud for you and you greatly appreciated it. Remus groaned.
"Like an old grandpa." Sirius smiled at you before nipping at Remus' forearm with his teeth. Remus kissed the top of Sirius' head. James cooed. He gently kissed Remus' shoulder.
"Well I think you're a very hot grandpa." Sirius grimaced at James. James smiled at Remus. Remus burried his face in Sirius' hair looking up at James.
"That was gross James." Sirius whispered. His voice was muffled by the sleeve of Remus' sweater. James sighed, dropping his head against the headboard.
"I'm trying to be positive." James argued, still keeping his tone hushed. Sirius shook his head.
"It was nasty. What kind of person finds old grandpas attractive?" Sirius asked. Remus loosened his hold on Sirius.
"Ouch, Pads." Remus muttered. Sirius glared at him before looking back at James.
"I was being kind, but of course you wouldn't know much about that. I swear you almost mugged that guy at the restaurant." James rolled his eyes as he argued with Sirius. Sirius scoffed before looking to you.
"Can you believe this, baby? He's such a scoundrel. You should've cuddled with me." Sirius giggled at his own joke. You looked over Sirius' head to make eye contact with Remus. He shook his head.
"Would you like to leave them both and run off on our own?" Remus asked. You shrugged and turned your head. You looked away from them entirely. They took that as a sign you wanted quiet time. You slowly fell asleep in James' tight hold. They all kept quiet as they got ready for bed themselves. James just threw a pillow behind his head and scooted down further so he was laying down. Sirius washed his face and Remus took his melatonin. His insomnia and pain often made it difficult for him to fall asleep. They both bolted back into each other's arms the second they finished. Sirius rested his head on James' shoulder as he fell asleep.
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leqonsluv3r · 2 months
bf!leon kennedy
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—ID!leon kennedy x soft!croquette reader, a headcanon list
masterlist taglist
an: i cannot be controlled anymore. i promised i’d make it a series and im delivering slowly but surely. have faith in me lol, im doing my best to get requests out. i have them closed currently just so i can catch up and write them all in a timely manner. enjoy ID!bf leon kennedy in the mean time.
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bf!leon kennedy who is getting too old for the soft cream sheets on your bed, he wants to just rip them off and demand something more mature. but he knows you wouldn’t like that. you practically yell at him anytime he tosses one of your stuffed animals too hard off the bed.
bf!leon kennedy who takes you out to dinner, makes sure your happy. he knows he’s not around as much as he should be so he takes the time when he can to treat you special. your his girl, he needs to.
bf!leon kennedy who makes sure your sleeping constantly when your next to him, even when he wakes up from nightmares. your scent of jasmine and laundry detergent makes him at ease, proves that everything is real and he’s really here with you.
bf!leon kennedy who lets you pack him notes in his lunch when he heads to the agency everyday. your cursive hand writing is sloppy but adorable, always writing for him to have a good day and that you love him. he’s just happy he has you to remind him when things get hard.
bf!leon kennedy who lets you press kisses all over him and hug him to death whenever he comes home unscathed from a mission or just a regular day at the agency. he loves when you show your love for him, always making him feel special and good. like all the things he had endured at this point have been worth it.
bf!leon kennedy who takes you shopping on his days off, not happy he has to stand around and hold your bags. but when you try your cute little skirts and dresses on, it makes it a tiny bit worth it. you would look pretty in a paper bag and he would still look at you all the same.
bf!leon kennedy who has your morning and nighttime skincare routine down, he watches you do it every morning and every night, never knowing that so many pieces came with you looking so pretty and gorgeous for him. but anything to make you happy, even if you don’t need all that to be beautiful in his eyes.
bf!leon kennedy who watches you organize your books on your bookshelf, clean up your shared space of your guys shared bedroom. all your little knickknacks and jewelry and frilly clothes. he doesn’t know how you do it, or why you like such a mundane looking room, but if it pleases you, it’s fine with him.
bf!leon kennedy who lets you crawl on-top of him in the early hours of the morning before he goes to work and press kisses everywhere. your lips pressing across his jaw, his cheeks, his neck and his lips. any place your pretty little self can reach, he’s letting you do it. you waking him up like this is another reason why his heart is so enamored with you in the first place.
bf!leon kennedy who helps you when you need to wash all your stuffed animals and sheets, helping you with chores. he likes being domestic with you, it makes him feel like he’s normal, like this is a normal life. like this matters, like his life has purpose with you.
bf!leon kennedy who drives you to the park or to the plant nursery so you can be around nature. he loves how you admire each plant anytime your out like this, the way you care for such things. it makes him happy to see you enjoying such a small part of life, gives him hope.
bf!leon kennedy who celebrates your guys three year anniversary, buying you anything and everything you want. taking you out all day. he cooks for you and makes your favorite dish, he buys you pink roses. he lets you dress in your dress and be all pretty for him.
bf!leon kennedy who eats with you, talking with you like he normally did everyday. but this time it’s different and leon is going to prove just how much he loves you. he slides a box out and watches your face change. you open the box and feel your eyes water when you see a diamond engagement ring.
bf!leon kennedy who watches as you nod rapidly, pretty tears and say yes over and over again. he slips it on your finger and smiles softly at you, watching as you practically hop over the table and hug and kiss him like your life depends on it. you smother him and kisses, tangling your sweet mouth with his.
bf!leon kennedy, who is very proud to not call himself your boyfriend anymore. but your fiancé and he’s proud of that title. of making you so happy and obligating to do that every single day for the rest of his life. he wants you everyday, every night and everywhere in between. he’s found his safe haven in this world, and it’s you. it always will be.
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an: thank you for reading, reposting and likes are greatly appreciated. i’m trying to keep my posting schedule up and should have requests open when i’m finished with all the ones in my drafts. thank you guys for being patient with me. i love you all, kisses. xx
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 3 months
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Synopsis: Back at the triplets’ Boston house, you tend to cuddle with Trevor, the boys’ dog, more often than you do with your boyfriend Matt. So, you decide to be a sweetheart and led him your favorite shark stuffed animal, Sir.Cuddlesworth.
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Fem!reader
Warnings: None! just fluff <3
A/N: This was requested, but tumblr decided to be a bitch and delete the request, but here it is anyways! The req was “Trevor steals you from Matt” from anon! Thank you🤍
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“Trevor!” You squealed, looking from the couch, at the dog. The dog stopped in his tracks, before looking at you, his tail wagging.
You came to Boston with your boyfriend and his brothers. You had been friends with the boys for as long as you could remember, you were even so close, that you moved to L.A. with them. Nate was offered too, of course, but the boy decided he’d stay in his hometown. It was a regular thing that you’d come back to Massachusetts with the boys, to see your mutual best friend, Nate, the triplets parents, and of course your parents.
You had been dating Matt for the past two years, and everything was going perfectly. You couldn’t deny your feelings for the boy, nor could he deny his for you. You were understandably scared to start the relationship between you two, in fear if you ever broke up that it would ruin your friendship with him and his brothers, but that didn’t seem to be something you would have to worry about. You didn’t plan on breaking up with Matt anytime soon, and he felt the same way towards you,
“No, baby-“ Matt mumbled, his grip around your waist tightening, as you attempted to squirm out of his grasp to get to the dog. “Stay.” Matt firmly spoke, but he knew you wouldn’t listen regardless.
You finally got out of his grip, and you rushed to the floor, Trevor immediately running up to you. He ran into your lap, and Matt let out a pouty groan, as he flipped his body to face the couch, in attempts for you to feel bad for him. You, however, knowing the boy was doing this to be silly, decided to stay with Trevor.
“Hi, Trev! I missed you!” You cooed, and Matt let out another groan, louder than the last. “Matt, hush!” You demanded, and he huffed. You looked down at the dog in your lap, before standing up, holding Trevor in your arms. You made your way up the stairs of the house, as you went into Matt’s childhood bedroom.
You knelt down in front of your still packed suitcase, and pulled out a stuffed animal you brought with you everywhere, Mr.Cuddlesworth. The stuffed animal was a Great White Shark, a fuzzy material that was soft on your skin, the white on the belly turning a slight grey due to its old age.
You took the stuffed animal in your arms, before standing up and walking back downstairs, making sure Trevor was walking close behind you.
You made it back to the couch downstairs, seeing Matt exactly where you left him.
“Baby?” You called out, and he turned around, facing you. “Here.” You smiled, handing him your shark.
“Sir.Cuddlesworth? Whats this for?” He asked confused. You sat back down on the floor, and Trevor crawls back into your lap.
“Now we both have a cuddle buddy.” You smiled brightly.
“Awwwe! You’re so adorable,” Matt chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of your head, and you let out a small giggle. “Thanks for Sir.Cuddlesworth. I’m so grateful to be blessed upon him.” Matt holds the shark up next to him, inhaling your scent.
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『 ↳✧・゚ Finn yaps❕ ;
Yes, this was supposed to be a short :3 I wanted this one to be short and sweet. <3
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ I do NOT give permission for my work to be published on any other site, nor to be claimed as your own . However , reblogs , likes , and comments are much appreciated ! 🤍
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bernardenjoyer @lovely-calypso
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doitforbangchan · 3 months
sorry if it's a little long. I love to come up with plots more than the smut part
you were just supposed to meet them backstage after a concert and get a picture. but hyunjin was obviously interested so chan asked you to stay behind, offering to drop you off since you were there alone. while they were waiting for the fans to leave, hyunjin kept talking to you and managed to get you to accept going with them to the dorms with them to chill after the concert. not the type to be able to say no easily, you accepted. you ended up drinking with them. the members tried making conversations but a tipsy hyunjin was doing all he could to keep your attention on him. after a while, the others left to sleep and since it was too late for you to go home, you had to stay over. hyunjin wanted you to sleep on his bed so you'd be comfortable and he'd be in the living room but it didn't seem fair to him. that's how you ended up in the same bed. the two of you were just talking at first but as you sobered up, things escalated between the two of you...
After party - Hyunjin
Idol!Hyunjin x Fan!Reader (Afab)
The pics are formatting weird and I dont know why :(
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CW: Light smut, kissing, grinding, thigh riding, drinking, softdom!Hyunjin, sub!reader, cursing, anxiety (Lemme know if i missed any) Not proofread :) to my requester- I hope you enjoy please let me know what you think lovey &lt;3
WC: 2.4k
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Hyunjin was enamored by you. The second you walked backstage for your VIP picture with the group he knew he was doomed. Not only were you beautiful but so kind. You were all smiles as you greeted them each, handing them each little figures you had created for them of their Skzoo animals.
For you, this was the greatest thing to ever happen to you. You had waited so long for this, counting down the days since purchasing your ticket and backstage pass. You only expected it to be a quick meeting, get a picture maybe a hug and then be on your way. You were honestly shocked when Bangchan had invited you to hang out with them for a while.
"Did you come alone?" Chan had asked you when he noticed nobody was with you.
"Yeah, I did." You answered sheepishly, "I don't have any other friends into K-pop so I'm pretty used to attending events and concerts alone."
"It just means you have good taste." Hyunjin winked at you, and you felt the heat rush to your face as you mumbled a 'thanks'.
Hyunjin was sat next to you with his arm slung over the back of the couch you were both sitting on but he wasn't touching you. He just wanted to be close to you without being weird.
The two of you sat there for over an hour as he asked you questions about yourself, of course the other boys would chime in every now and again but generally they liked watching Hyunjin try and be cool with you. It was entertaining.
It was nearing closing for the venue and they had to leave soon, but Hyunjin didn't want this to end. He looked to Chan for a quick second with pleading eyes before he looked back at you and blurted "Do you wanna come home with us?"
You were thrown off by his sudden inquiry, "Huh?"
"Not in a gross way!" He panicked as Jisung burst into laughter watching his friend struggle. "I mean, we're headed back to our dorm and we planned on having a few drinks and hanging out. Our version of an after party. Would you like to join us?"
"Oh uhhh" you looked around at the encouraging looks from Felix and Chan, ignoring the snickering from Jisung and Seungmin. "I mean, I guess if you want me too, maybe an hour or so wouldn't hurt." You were a people pleaser and couldn't say no on a regular day, but especially not when your favorite idol asks you too.
"Perfect" He smiled brightly.
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The ride over was more luxury than you were used too, even being shoved into the back of the black SUV. Perspective really was everything huh?
Once back at the dorms the boys wasted no time in getting acquainted with the bottle of tequila Minho had slyly taken from the venue. Though you kindly refused to do shots, you couldn't say no when Felix offered you a mixed drink he made you with some juice from the fridge.
Time felt like it was flying by. Before you knew it, it was nearing midnight. It was easy to loose track of time, though. Since the moment you got here Hyunjin had take it upon himself to keep you company. He had only taken two shots but he was clearly tipsy; his mild slurring and glassy eyes being a dead giveaway.
Not that you were any better, being a lightweight yourself. That's probably why it took you so long to notice the latening time.
"Shit" you cursed after checking your phone, only now noticing how late it was. "It's getting really late, I think I gotta head out."
Hyunjin looked around and noticed you two were the only ones left in the living room, the other members seemingly having gone to bed or to their own dorms. "Damn, how did we not notice how late it was?" He knew exactly how he didn't notice. You were too mesmerizing for him to want to pay attention to anything else.
"I should probably try to call an Uber." You sighed, opening your phone and praying you could get an available ride. Most Saturday nights were impossible to get a ride, since it seemed like the whole city tried to get one at the same time.
Hyunjin spoke before his brain could catch up. "Sleep in my bed tonight." He backtracked at seeing your eyes widen at his proposition. "Uhh what I mean is, it's really late and getting a ride might take hours anyway, so you could just stay here tonight if you wanted.."
"Oh umm." You bit your lip, nervously. "I don't want to be an inconvenience for you."
He shook his head in disagreement, shaggy hair bouncing at his vehement action. "It's no inconvenience, hon. Really, it would even make me feel better knowing you were here safe instead of waiting for a rando or walking home in the middle of the night."
"Aren't you kind of a rando, Hyunjin?" You had a slight tease to your voice.
"A rando who you came home with, yeah." He giggles, standing up and putting his hand out for you to take. He looked at you expectantly when you hesitated to grab his hand in return. "Come on, y/n. You can take my bed and I'll take the couch tonight. No objections!"
You shyly took his hand in yours, giving up on trying to leave knowing he was right.
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You found yourself unable to sleep. It has easily been 40 minutes since Hyunjin had made his bed for you and wished you goodnight, and you couldn't stop thinking of just how you ended up in this situation.
You only meant to get a picture with your favorite K-pop group- nothing more nothing less. It's what you had paid for, at least. Never in your life would you have imagined this is where you would be at the end of the night. In Hwang Hyunjins bed. The sheets smelled of him, the silk holding onto both his natural scent and traces of his expensive cologne. Honestly it was quite sobering, your buzz fading by the minute.
As if his ears were ringing, the bedroom door slowly creaks open to reveal Hyunjin, peeking in curiously. The only light in the room was the soft glow of the moon shining through his window. It was just enough for him to be able to make out your still figure in his bed.
"Pssst" his voice was a whisper, "are you awake?" He didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping so he kept his tone low.
"Yeah." You whispered back, equally as soft. "Are you ok?"
He shuffled close to you in the room, "Uh yeah, it's just that.. the couch is really uncomfortable."
"Oh, uh" You stammed, "I can go to the couch so you can have your bed back."
You went to remove yourself from his bed but he stopped you, his hand finding your shoulder to keep you in place, "Well I was thinking, if you didn't mind, I could just stay in here with you."
You blinked in surprise, contemplating it for a moment. He wasn't slurring his speech anymore so you knew his tipsiness was wearing off. " I guess that would be ok." You slowly scooted further into the bed, giving him space to climb under the covers with you.
He situated himself under the warm blankets and turned his body to face you. Now you were both looking at each other through the dim light.
"I do appreciate you coming and hanging out with us tonight." He breathed out, breaching the silence.
You balked, "Are you kidding? You brought me into your home, and now you're letting me in your bed! This whole night has been incredible, really. I should be the one thanking you." You said in a hushed tone, fighting back the urge to word vomit your appreciation.
Hyunjin chucked, "No need to thank me." He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, gathering his nerves. "If I'm being honest, something about you had immediately caught my attention the second you walked backstage to meet us. You were so... Captivating. And sweet. Those little Skzoo minis you made for us are so cute and I can tell you took your time to make them for us. I knew I wanted to know you more." He reached for your hand in the dark and you tentatively let him grab it and laced your fingers together.
Your face was burning hot at his confession. Honestly you were at a loss for words. You hadn't considered yourself special in anyway. Sweet- maybe. But captivating? Never. It was a whirlwind of emotions. You didn't doubt that he was speaking his truth, more so your heart didn't want to believe it.
As if sensing your inner turmoil he gave you a shy grin to ease your mind, "I understand if you don't feel the same. I know it's crazy to spring that kind of thing on someone you just met."
"No its not that!" You protested louder than intended, before sheepishly lowering your voice back to a whisper. " This is all very surreal to me, right now. This isn't how I imagined my night would be, but I am so glad it did. I really liked getting to know you guys, especially you... Who may or may not be my bias." You hid your eyes behind your hand.
You tried to tug your other hand from his grasp but he held on, tighter now after your confession.
"Oh, I'm your bias, huh?" You could hear the smirk on his face as his confidence grew exponentially. You turned your head at buried it into the pillow, unable to meet his gaze.
"Don't be mean." you mumbled.
"I would never dream of being mean to you, sweetheart. You're the one who can't even look at your bias. So really you're the mean one here, angel."
You took a peek at him to see his signature pout gracing his features, the dumpling shape of his lips making you want to bite them.
"You're lucky you're pretty" You huffed, feeling his other hand reach for your waist and pull you closer. You held back a squeal at his action.
"You think I'm pretty?" He abandoned his pout for a boyish grin.
"Mhm" you responded, so quietly he almost missed it.
"Well, between you and me, angel," He leaned in closer to your face, eyes flickering back and forth between your lips and eyes, "I think you're prettier."
The singer left you room to deny his advances, but when you made no move to get away he gently pressed his soft lips against your own. You felt your eyes close on impact, and sighed into him as he swept his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance. Once you parted for him and allowed him entry into your mouth he let out a low moan; the sound coming from somewhere in the back of his throat.
You fisted his shirt when he let go of your hand, instead his found purchase cupping your cheeks as he deepened the kiss even further. His body pressed as close to you as he could get, letting himself get drunk on your taste as he sobered from the alcohol.
You whimpered when he wedged one of his thighs between yours, the strong muscle creating a friction on your clothes center.
"Mm I liked that sound. I wanna hear you sing more pretty melodies for me, angel." He retracted his lips from yours, choosing to instead pepper smooches down your neck. He ground his thigh into you, eliciting another whimper.
Hyunjin sucked a mark onto your flesh, the extra stimulation causing you to buck your hips, seeking more. "Hyuuunnee"
"That's it baby, ride my thigh. Fuck, I can feel you soaking through both of our clothes, angel." He really means his clothes, as he had given you a pair of sleep shorts to wear. He sped up his movements, the grinding getting harsher against your core.
Your clit was rubbing so deliciously against your panties, and you definitely knew with how much you were dripping for him that he was telling the truth. You couldn't believe how worked up you were getting, already on the verge of cumming and you hadn't even been really touched yet.
His hand traveled down to the hem of your shirt, and he pushed it up to reveal your braless chest. He let out a groan of his own at the sight. "You not wear a bra for me, angel? Being a naughty girl?"
You moaned when he latched his mouth onto the skin of your tit, "Mmmmm, no Hyun. Jus' can't sleep in it." one of your hands found his hair.
"I don't think that's true, angel." He said it between nips to your flesh, "I think you wanted me to come in here and ravish you." He nipped particularly hard and you gasped. "Bet you were laying here, soaking in your panties waiting for me, huh?" He switched to your other breast.
Your panting was getting harsher, getting closer and closer to cumming on his thigh. "Hyune, m' gonna..gonna..."
"Gonna cum, pretty girl? Gonna make a mess for me, hmm?" You nodded as best you could, "Go ahead, angel. Hyun's got you." At his permission you let go, a soft cry escaping you as you shook against him. The whole time he kept steady in his grinding, working you through your orgasm. "Fuck, you're even prettier when you cum, oh my god. Prettier than a painting."
When the shocks of pleasure faded into over stimulation you tried to give him a light push to signal him to stop. He took the hint and slowly ended his grinding. Your breathing was heavy and your pupils were blown wide, the sight enough for him to crave you even more if that was possible.
Keeping eye contact with you, he gingerly reached into the front of your (his) shorts, his long fingers finding your dripping wetness and collecting some of it onto the pads of his fingers. You bleated a moan at the contact of him sweeping through your wet folds.
You almost came again when Hyunjin removed his fingers from your pussy and brought the shiny digits up to his mouth. He groaned and his eyes rolled to the back of his head when he sucked your essence off his skin.
"Fuck angel, you really are sweet." He was quick to flip you onto your back, causing you to squeal. "Gotta be quiet, sweet girl." He scooted down your body, pulling your bottoms and panties down with him. "Can't have the boys coming in here while I'm eating my new favorite treat, right angel?"
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A/n: Yesssss I know its not full smut, but honestly i liked the it this way. i think it fits better :) I hope you enjoy please let me know if you did
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 1 year
A Twisted Wonderland request: Yuu (female) turns invisible by accident, and decides to be sneaky by giving her crushes a kiss on the cheek (they wouldn't know who kissed them till Yuu becomes visible again). My chosen boys are Deuce, Jack, Jamil, Malleus, and Leona (my actual character crushes).
Thank you!!
Thank you for sending an ask!
Deuce, Jack, Jamil, Malleus, and Leona + reader that gives them a kiss while invisible!
Deuce Spade
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This was all Ace’s fault. Instead of waiting for Professor Crewel’s instructions, he decided to “speed run” the assignment so he can go on his phone all class.
That obviously didn’t work and after a very loud bang, you were nowhere to be seen. As everyone started to look for you and as Ace was getting the scolding of his lifetime you stood there in shock as everyone kept walking past you.
Since there wasn’t much to do, you decided to make the most of your little predicament. You walked up to Deuce and waited for him to hold still.
It took a minute but you were able to catch him sitting down to look at his notes. You quickly came down and gave him a peck on the cheek. As you pressed the kiss, you opened your eyes to see a shocked Deuce looking right back at you.
“Huh, Y/N?! I’m glad you’re ok but.. did you have to do that in front of the whole class?” He liked it dw, he just knows Ace and Grim aren’t gonna let him hear the end of it.
Jack Howl
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Jack had noticed that there was someone nearby, but he wasn’t able to tell exactly where. He looked around from where he was at the gym but still couldn’t see anyone there.
As he was looking around for anyone near him, he felt something warm place itself on his cheek. It felt like… a kiss?? But that was impossible, right?
He sniffed the air and noticed that he smelt something very familiar; you. Now he knows he’s losing it, there’s no way you’d be able to pull something like that off; you can’t use magic!
He continues to stand in confusion until he heard a laugh behind him. He prepares himself to see nothing there, but is beyond surprised when it’s you he sees instead.
“H-hey! I had a feeling that was you! Give me a warning next time, ok?” His tail was wagging so he’s not that upset with you.
Jamil Viper
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Jamil had heard about something happening in one of Professor Crewel’s classes, but he didn’t think much about it. He was way to busy making sure that Kalim didn’t cause the same incident himself.
While he was packing Kalim’s things, he felt like he was being watched; which was weird because he should’ve been the only person in the Scarabia lounge. He just shrugged it off thinking that Kalim was stressing him out more than usual lately.
As he finished putting all of Kalim’s things in a bag, he felt something warm on his hand. It kinda felt like a kiss, but that couldn’t be possible. Wouldn’t it?
As he was looking around again to see if anyone was there. He honestly didn’t expect to find anything so he was scared shitless when you appeared right in front of him.
“OH SEVEN- oh, it’s just you. What made you think you could get away with that?”
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus, like Jack, noticed that there was someone near him. But he couldn’t tell exactly who; the magic level was too high to be an animal but too low to be a regular student.
Could he just have used his magic to reveal who ever it was? Yes, but that’s boring and he was very curious to see what they were planning.
As he sat in one of the lounge’s chairs he felt a fleeting warmth on his horn. Then on his temple, and finally, his cheek. Kisses? How cute. Malleus thought to himself.
When the potion wore off and it revealed that you were the one behind the random kisses, he couldn’t help but laugh. Of course you’d be the one to give him a kiss when given the power to get away with anything.
“I must commend your bravery for committing such an act. However, I’d recommend you just ask next time.”
Leona Kingscholar
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Leona knew that there was someone else in the room from the moment you walked in. He tried to ignore the fact that someone was there but that proved to be challenging when they started tripping on things that he had thrown across the floor.
When he got up to scare off whoever was there, he was caught off guard when he didn’t see anyone. Even more so when he sniffed the air around him and couldn’t find the trace of magic.
Then, Leona just sighed to himself and tried to go back to sleep. This was too much of a headache over something that probably couldn’t harm a hair on his head. He was about to fall asleep when he heard a loud WHAM on the floor, inches away from his face.
He angrily shot up and felt something soft touching the middle of his forehead. A kiss? Seriously? That’s what this was all about? He was about to use magic on whoever interrupted his nap until he saw your face looking back at his.
“I should’ve known it was you. You didn’t have to do the whole sneaking around thing, you know. One more thing, did you really trip on my pen?”
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kittykattropicanna · 5 months
So she’s marrying mechanic!Simon right? Like full on, he’s grabbing the guys and his best girl for a quick ceremony, let’s just do this, married?
I neeeed it 😮‍💨. The wedding night. The possessiveness 🤌🏾.
HusbandMechanic!Simon fucking you for the first time as a married couple????? Absolutely, I got you &lt;3
Mechanic!Simon definitely proposes early on during your relationship and you definitely get married quickly, but I do feel like you get to see a more passionate side to him on your wedding night, like, his still definitely going to fuck you like an animal and be a complete perv now that you're married but......whats he like when is in a more passionate mood...?
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TW: we've got some pervy!Simon, possessive!Simon, marriage, dirty talk, nasty smut and some passionate smut
Mechanic!Simon masterlist
Regular masterlist
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The thing about Si is that he knows you’re way too good for him. He knows that in any other circumstance he would never be the man you look at, be the man you actively seek out at a club or bar. 
His handsome, no doubt about it, but his just a very intimidating guy, his eyes cut right through you and paired with how big he is, the average person is not approaching him out in public and starting a conversation. 
And a girl like you? You’re just perfect, quite literally the embodiment of everything he has ever wanted or needed in a women. Its just really hard for him to wrap his head around the idea that you chose him with all intentions to stay :(
I think that’s were a big part of his possessiveness comes from, not all of it, but a majority for sure. 
And he knows his a perv :( 
He knows that maybe his a bit to much, visibly getting a hard on that pokes through his grey sweatpants as he watches you do the dishes or bending you over the washing machine and fucking you dumb when you're just trying to wash his work uniform. :(((
Every time he has his way with you it puts him on cloud nine. He lives for making you cum :(((( He lives to serve you :(
He definitely preposes very early on into your “relationship”. I don’t think you guys ever sat down and had the formal “we’re a couple” conversation, you were very much his the moment you wore his company jacket the night you met.
There was no slow burn. No lets go on a date and get to know each other a little more. You moved into his sketchy one bedroom apartment the night you guys met, you slept in his bed from the very start, he kissed you before he went to work the next morning then came home on his lunch break just to eat your pussy because he “forgot his lunch” :(((((
His so dirty >:( arms covered in grease and oil, hands dirty as he places you on the dining room table, kneeling down and throwing your legs over his big, wide shoulders!!!!
 Pushing up the shirt he leant you to reveal your wet cunt begging for his attention :(((
“Come on baby, there ya’ go, spread those legs my sweet, sweet girl, let me eat ya’ pussy” Si groans at the sight of you like this, his perfect girl all wet and ready for him :((( wet and ready to get her pussy eaten by a dirty man covered in car grease >:(
He smells so musky, so sweaty. You can see the streaks of sweat that had ran down his chest and dried, leaving a patten through the dirt across his exposed skin. The low v line of his work shirt making all to visible for you :3
You’re rubbing your thighs together just from the sight, ready to be fucked by his mouth before he even touches you :(((
Si dives in, eating your cunt like a starved man :(((( moaning and groaning as he laps up the wetness that’s seeping out of your hole, sucking on your clit as you try and close your thighs from the overstimulation only for him to grab them and put you into a mating press, giving your pussy slaps as your slick runs down his chin, chastising you for disrupting his meal :(((( his so mean!!!
“Darlin’, I’m gonna eat ya’ for as long as I want, look at ya’, stop bein’ such a selfish, selfish girl” 
Him tongue fucking you as you squirm and moan :((( his so proud of you when you listen to his countdown and cum on command >:(
“Alright baby, imma count down from three and ya gonna cum on my face when I tell you to, okay??” 
Si praising you through your orgasm :)))))
“S’ alright, there ya go, ride it out, grind on my face n’ ride it out baby, you did such a good job for me pretty girl, look at ya’ look at my perfect girl”
If he wasn’t sure he was going to marry you before, he knew he was going to marry you now ;) 
But lets talk about the engagement…..:3
Now, Simon isn’t a rich man, his an extremely good mechanic and an even better conman, but his not rich. His lucky enough to make a little over the average wage for someone in his line of work, but his not going to restaurants whenever he pleases, dropping money on whatever he wants, ect, ect, ect 
He absolutely goes to a pawn shop and buys your engagement ring, he pulls Johnny along with him stupidly thinking he would help………he didn’t
“Mate, yer dinnae even know th’ lass, ye canny jus’ run off n’ marry her”
“Fuck off MacTavish, are ya’ coming or not?” 
There’s a common headcannon that Simon would propose with his mothers ring, I think that’s really cute but I don’t think Si would do that in this AU. Simon wants to propose with a ring he brought with his love, not a ring his father brought with the love he supposedly had for his mother. 
Every time he looks at your hand he wants to be reminded of his love for you, not the love his father had for his mum
He went in with a budget but blew it immediately :3 
How could he not? His beautiful baby deserves the best of the best and none of the other rings screamed at him the way the more expensive one did. 
It was feminine and gorgeous, he couldn’t take his eyes off it. It was so beautiful he wondered how a ring like that ended up in a place like this…….
It was just so you, he was getting that one. He didn’t give a fuck that he went over. He knew you would love it, the money didn’t matter, he’ll just pick up some extra shifts and work overtime ;)
He proposes the night he brought the ring. He wanted to do the whole rose petals leading you to the bedroom, candles on the nightstand, “will you marry me” balloons covering the bedroom floor thing but after he had you reverse cowgirl, big calloused hands around your waist as he slammed you onto his dick, so many orgasms in that he was shooting blanks and unable to hide his strained moans, he had no choice but to propose to you that night :(
After bathing in the afterglow, you laying on his chest with a thin layer of sweat covering your bodies, he gets up and rummages through his discarded clothes all over the floor finding the little square box he brought only hours before. 
Laying back against the headboard he opens the box and looks at you with the softest smile on his face 
“Just marry me darlin’, I promise to love ya forever n’ all that. Protect ya’ treat ya’ real nice, just let me love ya baby, come on”
His never been the most prim and proper man, but how could you say no to him? His voice was no louder then a soft whisper and you swore his eyes had a sparkle in them, lips tilted up in a slight smirk…..
That weekend you got married at the courthouse. Johnny was his best man, Price walked you down the aisle and Gaz was the witness. 
You wore a second hand wedding dress you found at the thrift store the night before, DIY-ing your hair and makeup. 
It wasn’t the most extravagant wedding of all time, but to Simon, the entire day was perfect.
And when he put that wedding ring on your finger? It was game over, he did it, you were, by some grace of god, officially his, and that made him absolutely feral. 
Everyone definitely went to the local dive bar to celebrate, Si being a regular, the owner was more then happy to move some tables around and create a little dace floor for your first dance :((((
Your wedding song was absolutely Stand By Me by Ben E King, IDC!!!! 
That’s literally all he asks from you, to be by his side, love him a little…..
Your head on his chest as you sway back and forth, it didn’t matter if a bunch of strangers and old drunks sat in the back watching, he was happy, he was dancing with his wife and he was happy ;)
His possessiveness somehow ramps up even more after you're married, especially while his fucking you :((((
As his driving back home from the bar, your hands slides down his slacks undoing the zipper. You gently start to pump his semi hard cock but he stops you….
“Nah, left hand lovie, wanna see ya’ wedding ring while ya’ stroke me” he’d mumble, grunting a little at the feeling of your cold gold band slide over his shaft :((
His new obsession is your left hand!!! When you got home all he wanted to do was fuck your pussy senseless but he controlled himself, making you lean up against the headboard and play with your cunt. :((((
Watching your rings slide in between your folds, around your clit and into your pussy as you moan his name and fail to keep eye contact with him :( you’re trying so hard but it just feels so good!! You’ve been waiting for hours!! Its not your fault you cant control yourself >:(
“Aye, don’t take ya’ eyes off me sweetheart, look at me, that’s a good girl” while he slowly stokes his cock, pre cum leaking from his tip >>:(
“Now tell me baby, who’s pussy is it, who owns your fuckin’ pussy princess?” He’d grunt while slowly walking closer to you, heavy cock still in his hands :( 
When he finally gets to you, he wants to savour the moment so baddddd :((( just giving you the tip then pulling out, watching your pussy clench around nothing >:( 
Sliding his cock between your folds, slapping your cunt with his hard dick :(
Doing everything but fucking you as he watches you squirm and beg for his cock, being the good obedient wife you are :)
He knows the second he pushes into you his not gonna be able to control himself for very long, his not trying to be mean!!! He just wants to remember the first time he fucked his wife
Not girlfriend or fiancée. no, his wife 
After teasing you for way longer then necessary he finally pushes in :3
His thrusts as slow and controlled but so deep and heavy, Si normally ruts into you like an animal but to night felt different :(
He didn’t try and hide his moans or make you cum as fast as humanly possible, he was taking his time with you :((( 
Big heavy balls slapping against your arse as he holds your left hand in his, wedding bands touching as each thrust somehow hits deeper, stretching your walls with a slight burn:))
Si’s pants were heavy as each thrust brought him closer to his release. He was trying so hard not to cum right then and there but the feeling of your nails scratching up his back, legs wrapped around his torso and hearing you moan his name was driving him wild >:(
“Fuckin’ hell baby, look at my gorgeous fuckin’ wife” he’d mumble into your lips between sloppy kisses, saliva connecting your lips as his voice started to get a little more strained :(
“Who ya married to darlin’ tell me who ya married too” his breaths are laboured and desperate as he reached down to rub your puffy, needy clit :((
His so in love with you, so obsessed and needy for you :3
You’d never seen him like this, completely pussy drunk and obsessed :(
He lets you cum before he finishes, shooting his hot load into your abused cunt, bloating your stomach :(((
 Letting out quite “fuck”’s between each lazy thrust before pulling out and watching his cum seep out of your cunt onto the bed sheets. 
Fuck his so lucky to have you :(( 
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I'll be real with everyone, 99% of the time Mechanic!Simon is not this soft with you, he was just in his feels that night y'all!!!!
Request are open for Mechanic!Simon, I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free send them through and add to the AU.
!Disclaimer! - Above is NSFW content - MDNI - If you follow my blog without your age in your bio, you will be blocked - If you are under the age of 18, you are not welcome here, otherwise, enjoy :)
Cat divider sourced by @positively-mine from Pinterest - Pink line divider by @eloquentreverie - MDNI divider by @cafekitsune
Basic blog housekeeping -  fic requests guidelines, boundaries and my rules for minors
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al-of-the-stars · 2 months
"Lily of the Valley"
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Lute x GN Angel Reader
Synopsis: After being saved from a near-death encounter, you slowly fall in love with Lute, the very same angel who had rescued you. Little do you know, she harbors the same feelings for you.
A/n: I honestly had this idea in a dream and when I remembered it, my first thought was "holy shit I GOTTA write this" Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!
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You never had much of a relationship with Lute. Sure, you were pretty good acquaintances but there wasn’t much more to it than that. You both worked for the exorcist army but she was on the battlefield while you were on the sidelines as a strategist, planning the exterminators' next move. That was until one extermination. While you were lost in your own plans, your eyes practically glued to the map in your hands,you failed to notice the demon behind you holding an angelic weapon. Just when the sinner was about to stab you, you felt another presence nearby. When you turned around, you saw none other than the lieutenant of the exorcists herself, covered in splashes of crimson. Your eyes went wide and you felt golden blood rush to your face, though you couldn't tell if it was from the near-death experience you just had or how attractive Lute looked while killing that unholy soul. You thought it was most likely the latter. “Are you alright? You aren't hurt anywhere, are you?” Those words snapped you out of your train of thought.
“Oh I think I'm fine, thank you,”
“It's not a problem, I'm glad you're okay,” You could have sworn you saw the face on her mask turn into a smile, but you didn't have enough time to comprehend anything as she dashed off flying. Since that day, you grew much closer. During training, you couldn't help but take glances at her. Unbeknownst to you due to the limited expression of her mask, she was doing the same. When you looked her way, she would try extra hard to impress you. All the other exorcists noticed and attempted to wingman her in their spare time.
“Just tell them already!”
“What's the worst that could happen?”
“They look at you like a lovesick anime schoolgirl, there is no way they don't like you back,” After practice, you two would usually visit a cafe and just chat; your company was the highlight of her day. This became routine and slowly, your relationship and feelings grew more and more until it became unbearable to hold it in. Lute finally got sick of those outings being just a hangout between two friends, she was sick of looking at you and wishing she could just grab your waist and pull you in for a kiss, she was sick of pretending she didn't love you. Another day of training passed by and as you walked out the door of the cafe, Lute handed you an envelope.
“Open this when you get home,” She instructed. The walk back to your house felt like forever and the curiosity was practically killing you. The moment you walked through the door, you opened the neatly sealed envelope.
“Dear Y/n,
I was originally going to write a poem to explain how I felt but I'm not too great with metaphors or meanings, so I'll be straightforward with you like always. I love you. I can't help but admire you when you do the most regular things. I have fallen in love with everything about you, your smile, your eyes, your voice. If you feel the same, next time we visit somewhere after practice, I hope it can be a date.
Along with the letter, there was a flower. More specifically, it was a lily of the valley, a flower that represents love and sincerity. You picked up the lily and put it in a vase with water. Who knew the stone-cold lieutenant had a heart of gold?
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99k4manii · 6 months
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Ony x black!f!reader
Sooo basicallyyyy fem reader who lowkey strong asf get jealous but like she little bitty like literally 5’1 while ony a whopping 6,4 everytime YALL argue you give him some rough bruises then y’all fuck it out
Warnings: nsfw! P in V, jealousy, toxic relationship, idk what else tbh
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You and Ony were cuddling on the couch watching “missing” for like the 100th time, he half sleep half woke and his phone started dingin’ at first you didn’t really pay attention. But then it started getting constant so you picked up his phone and put his passcode in to see messages from instagram? but you was pretty sure you told him to delete that shit!
Next thing you know you scrolling through some texts from a bitch named “Ri’hna” it’s like they were texting non-stop yk damn well he aint drop sum off for her ONE time you was finna wake his ass up and slap him in his shit but something told you too see what this bitch look like so you know who you finna beat tf up.
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after about like 35-40ish minutes of checking her socials (off of his phone) the bitch texted talkin’ bout’ sum “mmm why you looking at my page sm?? You obsessed aint you 👅👅?” First of all, the bitch was ugly asf and built sloppy second of all, the bitch knew he had a girl! Thats what made you aggressively wake up ony.
“Hmm..? What ma-“ he said sluggishly and he was tired but once a hard ass slap hit him across his face he woke up right away “y/n what the fuck?!” He said like he didnt know what was going on (he didnt) “now who tf is ri’hna?” You said calmly but in a minute you was finna go off “what is you talkin’ bout?!” Ony looked at you with a confused faced then you punch him in his nose, “nigga stop playing dumb with me” you said tryna keep yourself from hitting him again “y/n you ain’t gon keep hitting’ me!” “NIGGA JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION” you said finally gettin loud after that Yall started fighting not just yelling but fist fighting
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Ony ended up spendin’ the night at armin and his girls house (your friend) “damnnn she fucked yo shit up!” Armin said feeling bad Ony had a couple bruises over his face nd a somewhat black eye “what did you do fa ha do dat?” F/n had asked with a concerned look, “ion even fuckin know! She just started asking me who Ri’hna is..” “well who is she” f/n had asked “she a regular drop off but she got a crush on Ony” armin and had said “well if yk she gatta crush on you.. why don’t you block ha or sum’ ?” F/n had asked a good question “because she a customer and y/n shouldve look at the messages better I don’ t respond unless she ask for a drop!” Armin and f/n look at each other “welllll—“ armin said “how bout you just go talk to her yk Yall gon end up back togetha’ anyway” he was right no matter how many times y’all “broke up” or fought y’all ended up fuckin’ it out nd being lovey doves again
It was about 2:23 am you heard a knock at yo apartment door you was confused asf because why somebody at your door at 2 somthing in da morning? You looked through da peep hole, suprise suprise it was no other than ony
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“Ngh~! Ohh~!” “Fuck-fuck-fuckkkk” here you two are fucking like animals on the living room floor, that’s how terrible it is y’all didn’t even make it to the bedroom! “Mama, you better not beat me up like that again understand?” Ony said somewhat outa Breath while in missionary still pounding tf outa you. “Don’t make me want~to beat you up aga~in” you said with moans interrupting your words. “You didn’t even let me try to explain myse-“ you shut him up with a French kiss “that’s the past this the present forget about that”
After a couple days the same thing happened which ended up in you two fucking YOURE problems out again this relationship was not healthy at all.
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Heyyy y’all! so prob tmr ima do the thing cuz gojo won the poll! This is short so hopefully in the future I make longer ones but I ain’t good a typing for a long time.. but anyways yup bye love y’all😘
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sinfulpanda16 · 4 months
Forget Him Sweetheart
Gojo Saturo x fem reader
Synopsis: You were just cheated on by your shit ex and go seek comfort from your friend Gojo, but one thing leads to another and soon you receive a huge comfort
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You open the door to your apartment and head inside. So many things going on in your head and all of it gave you the biggest migraine. You close the door behind you and set your keys on the little table beside you. You stand there for a second and then your tears start to fall. You were able to hold them back when you saw your boyfriend cheating on you, on the drive home, and on the way up to your apartment. You wanted to be that woman you've always seeked to be. The one that would throw away her man like trash when he was caught cheating and not even be phased about it, but you couldn't hold them back. It only hurt your head more.
You walk to your bedroom and wrap yourself under the covers. This pain was immense, it hurt so much anyone could hear it in your cry. You grab one of your stuffed animals and cry into them trying to avoid being too loud. You never thought of yourself as cheatable but right now that's all you're calling yourself. Someone who can be cheated on easily. That night you fall asleep crying thinking that the last thing you thought of was yourself as unlovable but really the last thought in your head before you fell asleep was the thought of him, Gojo Saturo.
The next day you were working at your job. A cafe where a regular would visit. All the baristas fawned over him and honestly you did too. How could you not he was so tall and charming and not to sound full of yourself, he had a thing for you. Always calling you by pet names, sweet thing and sweetheart, he made you feel beautiful. Your friend had a way with women and you've always told him his future wife would be the luckiest girl on earth.
Speak of the devil, a tall white-head enters the cafe and immediately makes eye contact with you. He smirks and goes to sit at a table by the window. You go and stand next to him, "Hello ready for your order?"
Gojo looks up at you with an eyebrow raised, "What's wrong sweetheart. No 'Good Sir' today?" You have gotten close to him to the point where you'd call him Sir or Mr as a joke. Your guys relationship had a little bit of teasing in it but thats all it was you never thought more of it.
You gave a weak smile. "Oh sorry, I've just been," a flashback of your boyfriend kissing another womans neck came to your head. You heart pound against your chest and you subconsciously clutched the fabric of your uniform above your heart. You sighed, "I just been under the weather lately." You tried of thinking about anything else that would stop the tears from falling.
Gojo did not like the view in front of him. Why was sweet thing crying? He could tell that something was wrong but he knew he shouldn't push you here of all places. He could also tell that you were trying to hide it and probably felt embarrassed.
He chuckles softly, "Well then, I have my order ready."
You look at him and get ready to write down his order in your little notepad. He looks at you, "The whole menu. Cuz it's me-n-u." You're stunned but you laugh anyway. Gojo smirks, there we go that's better. Seeing that smile on your face just looks right.
You shove his shoulder playfully, "You wierdo."
He chuckles, "Ok for real though, can I get the espresso with..." he looks back at the menu for a bit but then turns to you "What are your favorite cookies from here?"
You smile at him, "I like (f/c). They're amazing Gojo! You should try them."
He puts his menu down, "Alright then sweetheart I'll have two (f/c) please."
You write down his order in your little notepad and giggle, "Alright then we'll have your order ready for you in no time."
He leans back in his chair "I'll be waiting. Don't take too long." he says giving you a wink. You blush and turn around to make his coffee all while Gojo stares at you in your cute uniform.
Gojo is smooth as hell. He didn't take his eyes of you. Anytime you were gonna look at his direction he'd already turn away to avoid your gaze. His strong instincts just knew that something was wrong. While you were making his coffee you looked a bit too sad when usually you would be smiling and he'd get to enjoy watching you be cute. Whatever happened to make you this depressed made him want to fight your problems for you. He would fight for you but you two established from the start that you guys would just be friends and so he knew it was not his place to go fending for you. That was your boyfriends' job.
After a while he finishes his drink and was on his last cookie. He grabs the last one and takes a bite of it. Why are you so cute? Even your favorite cookies were cute like you. He gets up and heads towards you where you were cleaning one of the tables. He acts dramatic when he says "MMM! These are good. I was expecting you to have terrible taste." he teases.
"Tch you're the one with terrible taste. Don't go rubbing it off on me." you tease back. By now the cafe has gotten filled with customers so you go back cleaning the table you were cleaning. You wish you could've just stayed home and take the day off. After what happened last night you honestly didn't have the will to work today. But if you didn't than you never were gonna become that strong woman who doesn't cry over a man.
"Sweet thing." Gojo calls for you softly interrupting your thoughts.
You look up at him. Although his eyes are covered with a blindfold, you can still read his facial expression. He had a soft look on him like if he was worried for you. You stare at his facial features and then he holds out the last piece of his (f/c) for you to eat. You stood there frozen for a sec. The rest of the cafe disappeared and right now it was just you and him. Then after a while you open your mouth and go to eat the cookie he has in his hand for you. You were careful to not put your lips on his fingers, but you accidentally did, and you didn't move back. You loved his taste and frankly he loved the feeling your pretty lips touching his fingers. You slowly pull away and chew on the cookie and then looked up at him.
He's looking down at you and then he rests the palm of his hand on your cheek. "Listen darling, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. I'm here to listen and comfort you. Ok?" he says waiting for a response.
In a quiet voice you say "Ok" and he smiles softly at you. Without another word he turns around and leaves. You stood there for a bit watching him leave.
For the rest of your shift, you didn't stop thinking about him. Truth is you did need someone to talk to and you also just wanted to see and be with him. So when you got of work instead of going home you went to his place. You're not sure why but you get the feeling that soon after your gonna forget all about these thrash feelings right now.
Finally you arrive and you go up to his door. You ring the doorbell to his huge house and after a while he opens the door. "Oh sweet thing! What are you doing here?" he asks leaning towards you.
You respond shyly "You said I can talk to you when I need someone. Gojo I need someone." Gojo shocked allows you inside and he brings you to his living room. He was being so sweet the entire time. You've never seen this side of him and you've never had anyone be that kind to you. Not even your own boyfriend. Your boyfriend cheating came back to mind.
You stop walking and Gojo turns around and goes to you a bit worried. You sniff "I'm sorry it's just-" you get cut off by Gojo. Telling you that shouldn't apologize for feeling upset. Gojo goes closer to you and you feel safe. Such a pretty feeling, you've been around strong men before but not once have you ever felt this intense feeling of comfort and security.
You let go, "My boyfriend cheated on me. I don't know why he did it. I know I'm not all that pretty but the least he could've done is brake up with me. It would've stung yes but not as much as this." You continue to cry and the entire time Gojo hates it. That fucking bastard. He thought that guy was doing his job of fending for you.
"I'm such an unlovable piece of shit! I'm not worth being loved"
Those words made Gojo wrap his arms around you. He was avoiding touching you because he didn't want to invade any of your personal space, but after hearing those heartbreaking words he knew he had to hold you.
You continue to let out your emotions in his chest. The whole time Gojo did not let go and after a while you begin to calm down. "Baby listen to me." Baby? You wipe your tears again and look up at him. "Its the other way around, that bastard does not deserve to love you. You deserve only the best kind of love and trust me when i say you do have it." He pulls a strand of hair behind your ear. He smirks, "I know you're not supposed to hear this right now but I love you sweetheart. Always had and always will and hearing you talk like this hurts. Seeing you cry hurts sweet thing. You are loved. I love you sweetheart."
God how you needed to hear those words. I love you. And those words are coming from him. You slowly start to realize the whole time you should've been with him. You start to realize that it's not your fucking boyfriend cheating on you that made you cry. It was the lack of love. The lack of his love. It was him that made has always made you feel beautiful and loved and right now you wanted that even more.
Gojo notices how your look went from sadness to lust. Careful with his next move he decides to let you do whatever you want to him. You lean in closer to lips and with that he lets you kiss him. Thats all he needed and now he can pull you closer by you waist and deepen your kiss. He continues to kiss you and then pulls away.
The taste was amazing unlike anything you've ever tasted before. Gojo smirks, "I wasn't expecting you to get so bold sweet thing." You're so hot now. You want more of him.
"Gojo please~" you sigh.
"What? Does baby want me to help her feel good?" he teases.
Now you go to kiss him again to which he happily returns. Without breaking the kiss he picks you up effortlessly and you wrap your legs around his waist. He takes you upstairs to his bedroom and places you on his bed. He gets on top of you and smirks, "Let me help you forget him sweetheart."
He takes your clothes off and you take his off. There you two were, fully naked with him on top but he was still wearing his blindfold. You reach out to take it off of him and he let's you, revealing his beautiful blue eyes. "You look beautiful" you tell him. He smiles and kisses your lips "As do you sweetheart"
He kisses every part of your body making sure you understand just how much he loves every part of you. All this riled up energy both of you have for each other leads to him positioning himself at your entrance already. You look up him with those gorgeous eyes and he goes to kiss you on your lips, "I'm gonna take good care of you darling." and before you can say anything he starts sliding into you.
He's so big, "Ah~ Gojo" you whimper and the only thing Gojo hears is music to his ears. Fuck so far he's been loving your cute noises but that whimper of filling you up made him smirk. He kisses your neck "Fuck baby you're so tight~" he says in a husky voice. You wrap your arms around his neck and wrap your arms around his waist wanting to feel every bit of him.
Gojo holds onto your hips "You're so cute when you're like this." he dotes on you. You look up at him with little tears in his eyes, "Please move~". So demanding, he licks your tears away and smirks, "Your wish is my command." He starts thrusting into you causing a wave of euphoria to rush into both of you. You feel amazing, he feels like he's in heaven and he wants, needs, you to feel the same so he focuses and making you feel good.
"Fuck yes~" you moan out loud. He's pounding into you with such force its driving you wild. As he continues to thrust into you he's looking at your face. Seeing you feel so good made him feel good and your noises drive him wild. You look into his eyes and the whole world disappears. Right now it's just you two making love and it feels so heavenly.
"Kiss me~" you moan, he leans in and kisses you. The kiss was full of passion and lust.
He pulls away, continuing to thrust into you the room full of moans and your whimpering. "Is my princess feeling good~" he moans to you which you nod your head, "Yes baby~ you feel so fucking good~"
50 minutes later of him thrusting into you and you hanging on for dear life and your phone rings. Gojo didn't even see it but it was right beside your head. He looks at the caller ID and its that fucking bastard. He answers the call and puts it on loud speaker.
Baby can we please talk about this
At the sound of that Gojo starts thrusting in and out faster and rougher and you moan but he's quick to kiss you, so you don't give away your secret just yet.
I miss you (Y/N). That girl meant nothing to me, I promise if you come back things will be different.
Gojo is thrusting into you with rage. He'll be damned if he thinks you'll go back to him. You whimper his name making Gojo smirk, he's got you now and he's not gonna let you go.
"(Y/N) please give me another chance.
Both of you laughed at that and Gojo pulls out flips you onto your tummy thrusts back into you causing you to let out a load moan. He's pounding you faster and rougher and he's not being dicrete about it anymore.
"(Y/N)?" the guys calls for you with confusion in his voice.
Gojo smirks, "My baby isn't going back to him huh? Who do you belong to princess?" he asks between pants. Loud and and proud for him to hear. You respond "I belong to you Gojo.~" you say breathlessness and before the guy can say another word Gojo hangs up on him and now you're both at your reach.
"Gojo I'm *whimper* close~" you moan out. Gojo grabs your jaw and makes you look up at him. He kisses you, moaning in it, and then says "Me too baby. Together yeah? On three" you nod your head eagerly.
You're already such a moaning mess and this causing you to moan even louder the whole world can hear.
Fuck Gojo is so close he starts pounding into you at an insane speed and with such force causing you cry out.
You both release and make it well known with your voices. He falls onto you panting and chuckles lightly, "That was amazing sweetheart." You reach up to play with his hair "You were amazing baby." He gives you a gentle kiss and says he'll be back. He leaves to the bathroom and comes back with a towel. He wipes you both down and then lays in bed with you holding you close.
"Gojo?" you call his name. He looks at you with his mesmerizing blue eyes, "I love you." he smiles "I love you too sweetheart"
You are that woman you want to be. A strong woman who forgets all about her cheating boyfriend and when she goes to find a better man to help her feel good.
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ghostlykeyes · 2 years
might we get some sleeping with aki and Denji (not like sexually, just sleeping in bed with or next to them)? Ty!
Yes!! I'm a SLUT for cuddles ah!!
(warnings for very slight sexuality for both, but nothing explicit/descriptive)
When it's time for bed, if Aki's under the covers first, he always pulls back the blankets for you so you can slip in and get cozy.
Aki starts off the night by cuddling you, fitting securely around your body in a soft, warm big-spoon. Before long, though, he rolls onto his side. He can't help it; for some reason, he just can't sleep comfortably when he's trying to bend and twist into a position that doesn't make his arms go numb within five minutes. But he still remains close, and hopefully, his comforting warmth just inches away will be enough to lull you to sleep.
Aki's a medium-heavy sleeper. He won't wake up if you quietly slip out of bed to use the bathroom, but if you're thrashing around all night, he's bound to wake up eventually. And if you do wake him up, god, is he ever grumpy. You definitely get the evil eye until he rolls over to go back to sleep.
Most of the time, Aki wears a comfortable, matching pajama set to bed. If it's laundry day, though, he'll slip into an old t-shirt and sweatpants. He looks absolutely unfairly hot in them (and he knows you think so. If he, for some reason, breaks out the old sweatpants even though his regular pajamas are clean and folded in his top drawer...just know he's probably going to try to get in your pants later.)
Unfortunately, Aki has nightmares semi-often (a pretty common side effect of his line of work). Waking up in a cold sweat only to see you breathing softly next to him, fast asleep, is normally enough to calm him down. He watches the rise and fall of your chest, trying to match your breathing, and feels the sticky panic gradually melt out of him. Then, he'll cuddle up next to you as he drifts back to sleep. If you wake up to Aki's arms wound around your waist, he probably had a nightmare and gravitated to your warmth for comfort.
Aki always sets his alarm ten to twenty minutes before he actually needs to get up. This way, he has time to snuggle with you before he starts his day in earnest.
The last thing Aki does before slipping out of bed is always, always giving you a kiss! He presses a sweet peck to your forehead, your nose, your lips; whatever part of you isn't stuffed flush against a pillow. If you're awake he waits to pull away until you kiss him back. If you're asleep, though, he's ultra-gentle, barely ghosting his lips over your skin softly enough that you won't wake up.
Denji fuses to you like glue. There is no rolling away to get comfortable. There is no "your-side and my-side of the bed". Once you're both in bed Denji latches on, and he cuddles you until it's time to get up. Most nights, he's so intertwined with you he doesn't even need his pillow. His favorite place to lay his head is your soft chest, and he stays snoring against you until the morning. Anywhere is good, though, and he's also happy with his head resting on your shoulder, across your stomach--anywhere.
Denji's most comfortable sleeping in the fetal position, so he prefers when you're the big spoon. He gets his best sleep all curled up, your legs tucked underneath his, and your arms tight around his waist.
While he won't outright ask for one, Denji will really appreciate if you get him a small, soft plush that's perfect for snuggling. He's spent so long sleeping with Pochita curled into him, that letting the space there go vacant just feels wrong. Fill it with a stuffie of your favorite animal and Denji gleefully accepts his new cuddle buddy; in fact, he'll never sleep without it again.
Denji is absolutely dead to the world while he's asleep. If you need to get up in the night to pee, you'll have to physically shake him awake. It's hard to wake him up in the morning, too. His arms seal you in his vice-like grip until he's ready to wake up (when he doesn't have to work, you end up trapped in his arms until noon. Maybe keep a book or your phone nearby the bed to keep you entertained until his sleepy eyes flutter open).
Sleeping naked intrigues Denji and he tries it a few times, but ends up just not feeling comfortable. He needs boxers at least, or he lays awake feeling awkward, vulnerable, and wondering what the hell he's supposed to do if the fire alarm suddenly goes off.
More than anything else, Denji loves when you put him to sleep with a good, firm back-scratch. Explore around his skin a little bit. You’ll know when you hit the spot. “Ah, shiiiiiiit,” he moans, practically melting into the sheets. “So good. Right there.” Within minutes, the heavenly scratch of your nails has him snoring.
Denji's a serial sleep-kisser. Oftentimes, you'll wake up in the middle of the night to Denji's hands softly running up and down your body. If you shove a pillow in the narrow space between you, it's enough of a barrier. But if you lean into his touch, Denji's lips quickly find yours, his tongue sleepily slipping into your mouth. Denji gets you good and hot under the collar and then...he rolls back over, instantly dead-to-the-world-asleep again. He never remembers your midnight make-out sessions in the morning.
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Everything I Ever Wanted Part 4/4
The last part. The end of this glorious story. I had such a blast writing it. All the world building, the characters, their stories.
I'm not sure if I'm 100% percent done with this world, but for now this is goodbye.
Thank you to everyone who liked, commented, and reblogged even with it suddenly being scuttled by staff because it had the word escort in one of the tags.
Here we have the Harringtons trying every trick in the book to get more money from Steve, and the birth of Steve's and Eddie's baby.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Steve stared at the single pink line in bitter disappointment. He knew he should feel grateful that he didn’t get pregnant on the first try so that they had more time to prepare.
But the acrid feeling burned his insides like a sick fire.
Eddie came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his middle. He kissed their bond bite and nuzzled the scent gland to send waves of comfort through their bond.
“It is four in five, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured gently. “There’s always next time.”
Steve turned in his arms and buried his face into Eddie’s scent gland to deepen the scent between them.
“What if this means we were wrong?” he whimpered. “What if I’m not a golden omega after all?”
Eddie held him tight. “Then we’ll adopt or try surrogacy. We’ll figure it, Stevie. I promise.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “Okay...”
Eddie kissed the top of his head fiercely and held on for dear life. He prayed to a god he didn’t believe in that if he was kind, that if he was just, he would let Steve bear Eddie’s pups.
Eddie’s rut came before Steve’s heat, but that wasn’t uncommon. Especially with Steve’s heats more frequent than a regular omega but not as often as a golden omega.
Steve was happy to service his alpha’s ruts. It was the one part of his job he actually missed. Tommy had tried to say that he just liked the rough sex, but that wasn’t it. He loved the providing for an alpha when they were at their most vulnerable. To feed them, clean up after them, to be the thing they held onto when their whole world was shifting out from under them.
Ruts originally were for the alpha to impregnate as many omegas as possible without the bond. Back when the world’s population was too low. But for whatever reason even after the population grew, the alphas still developed a mindless need for sex a few times a year.
Steve personally thought that it was something bred for like fucking animals because men tended to think with the wrong head.
What this all boiled down to was that when Steve’s first heat since they bonded, Eddie was able to be lucid throughout the whole experience and give Steve the much deserved attention he needed.
Afterwards, Steve was forced to admit that having Eddie take control of his heat was even better than when they were both under the haze of the hormones.
Never before had a heat been so smooth, so effortless. Gone was the feeling of not being full enough, of not being good enough.
But Eddie soothed all that away.
So Steve really shouldn’t have been surprised when six weeks later he was staring a double pink line.
“Why the fuck are the lines pink?” Steve huffed. “Isn’t that sexist?”
Eddie looked at his bondmate, husband, and love of his life with fond exasperation. “Honey...is that really your take away right now?”
Steve looked up at him in adorable befuddlement before he realized what the double line meant.
“I’m pregnant?!” he squealed. He threw the applicator in the sink and hugged Eddie tightly.
“You sure are!” Eddie said, swinging them both around in their rather large sized bathroom, but still managing to knock things over in their excitement and overwhelming joy.
“My baby is having our baby!” he shrieked in delight.
Steve threw back his head and laughed.
“Who should we call first?” he asked once he was put back down.
“Wayne!” Steve said at the same time Eddie cried, “Robin!”
They laughed and then their next exclamation reversed, with Steve saying Robin and Eddie saying Wayne.
“Both?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Both is good,” Eddie agreed.
They set up a live group chat. Robin answering first and then Wayne popping in.
After they said their hellos Steve held up the pregnancy test slowly.
Robin gasped and squealed in delight. “I told you! I’m so happy for you!”
Wayne’s reaction was more mild, but no less sincere.
“I’m happy for you both,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion as a tear slid down his cheek.
“You’re going to be a grandpa,” Eddie murmured.
Wayne pressed a hand to his mouth as more tears fell. He let out a watery chuckle.
“I’m going to be a grandpa,” he whispered. He laughed out loud. “I’m going to be a grandpa!”
“You’ll come live with us until the baby is born, right?” Steve asked nervously.
Wayne looked between Eddie and Steve’s earnest faces and any objection he had flew out the window.
“Hell yeah, I am,” he said gruffly. “It’s about time I retired anyway.”
Everyone in the chat cheered.
After all their friends and had been told, Steve informed Starcourt of their pregnancy.
He was informed that Benny and Robin would coordinate the agency’s announcement to coincide with Steve and Eddie’s press release of the news.
They would wait until the twenty week mark when the chance of a miscarriage became an impossibility.
Steve would wear loose fitting clothes and more dresses to hide the bump until an announce would be ready to be made.
Robin and Benny would also manage the rumor mill and their privacy.
They got a very good doctor who specialized in golden omega care, now that Steve couldn’t be anything else.
Those first few weeks were bliss. They were happy and thrilled that Steve was pregnant.
They started preparing their nursery. Winnie the Pooh themed. The characters painted on the walls. The books on the shelves. Stuff animals galore.
Will had done painting of the walls and Steve nudged the omega in the direction of illustrating for children’s books. In particular his alpha’s children’s books about Poppy the Purple Dragon. It was a series of books about teaching gender and sexuality to late tween-early teens.
Will blushed. Mike had taken a page out of Eddie’s playbook and started really focusing on writing middle school aged books about alpha health and then just slowly branched out to all genders from gentle pushes from his in-laws, El, and even his older sister.
They weren’t originally going to have pictures, but Steve thought it was a good idea since it was something Will was passionate about too.
Dustin hadn’t bonded yet. Everyone had thought that he would have bonded Suzie when he brought her home from college. But they were both alphas and at first that wasn’t a problem, but soon it became clear that Dustin would benefit from having an omega partner.
So they broke up.
It was no surprise to anyone that Erica presented as an alpha. She also was unbonded, but that was more a personal preference then because she hadn’t found the right person.
Jim was grateful that El was just a beta. She had health problems as a child and both Jim and Joyce were concerned that adding a second gender would have further harmed her.
She was beautiful and charming young woman and Steve and Eddie, who claimed they didn’t have a favorite, was without a doubt their number one of the kids.
She was a fashion designer in New York and incredibly happy.
Then the news dropped that Steve was pregnant and suddenly everyone was rushing out to LA to make sure he was safe. El was the only one who chose to stay, after all she could design clothes from anywhere and LA was as a big a fashion hub as New York was.
First there was the fallout from the fact that Steve was a golden omega.
Starcourt Services put out the following statement:
“Starcourt Services, along with it’s sister companies across the globe have long since known the possibility of untested omegas being golden omegas when they are brought to us, but due to the privacy of our omegas, Steve Munson ne Harrington is merely the first golden omega willing to come out as such since retiring.
When the former escort came to us with the news of his pregnancy and his golden status, we were overjoyed for him. But we knew that this would have to be carefully curated to the press.
This is not like the Church coming out and saying that they knew that one third of their sequestered infertile omegas were there without their consent.
This is the opposite of that. This is Starcourt Services, we pride ourselves on our client and escort confidentiality. If an escort had wanted the public to know that they learned later in life that they were an golden omega, you would have been informed.
However, with the nature of Steve Harrington’s marriage and bonding with known rockstar, Eddie Munson, his pregnancy, no matter how much he could have tried to hide, would be leaked eventually. So between his people and ours, we were able to formulate what we hope will be an appropriate response.
Again, we congratulate Eddie and Steve Munson for their upcoming bundle of joy and wish them all the happiness in the world.
We will be holding a press conference to answer an further questions on...”
And they listed a date and time.
Which Steve and Eddie had wisely sat it out, because apparently Steve’s parents had shown up and asked about the difference in bid price verse golden omega dowries.
And when they were told that golden omega dowries had been over-inflated by the media and that some times the “price” wasn’t a price at all if the omega’s soulmate wasn’t from the elite.
To say that went over like a lead balloon would be an understatement. It blew up the media and several outlets were forced to admit that they had known about golden omegas choosing from all walks of life, that they would only report on the rich ones.
Often times a benefactor would step in and help pay the dowry but that wasn’t always the case.
Jim Hopper took advantage of the situation by running for president of the United States under the platform of creating dowries and testing centers for parents who can’t afford to pay for the golden omega test. And to give parents and infertile omegas the right to chose not to take the test.
Steve was sure he was going to win. Because even conservatives would chomp at the bit for the chance that their children might be golden omegas.
When it looked like the Harringtons weren’t going to get more money from Starcourt they tried to take Eddie and Steve to court over grandparents’ rights. Claiming that as an escort Steve is incapable of being a loving parent due to the nature of having so many sexual partners.
After their lawyers showed all their trips out of town while Steve was in school with no evidence of having alternative supervision and how they would come just often enough that it couldn’t be considered child abandonment (thereby proving they knew what they were doing), the judge laughed them out her court room.
So they did the last thing they could they tried to blackmail Steve into giving them more money.
What did they try and blackmail him with you ask?
That he hadn’t been a virgin when he had been auctioned off.
Steve sat there staring up at them, five months pregnant, in his and Eddie’s living room on their outrageously plush sofa and laughed.
“You have no proof of that,” he said shaking his head. “I only had one girlfriend and there is no way Nancy Wheeler is going to say shit about me, not with all the things I know about her.”
Mrs. Harrington rolled her eyes. “Just because she was your only girlfriend doesn’t mean you weren’t a slut before her or after her.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at her. “Just because Steve wanted to be an escort when he was younger doesn’t mean he was sleeping around as a teen. What is wrong with you people?”
“We have photos!” Mr Harrington bellowed.
Then Steve really did laugh. Threw back his head, clutching his stomach as he just burst out in peels of laughter.
“If you’ve got what I think you’ve got,” he said once he was calm enough to speak. “You ain’t got shit. Because the cherry popping refers to my hymen being broken. Which, considering I played in a couple of different sports, and that can cause hymen breaking, is such bullshit. And even if it hadn’t been, I still would have been considered a vaginal virgin because those pictures you have is of me fucking Nancy before either of us presented.”
Eddie’s grin was feral. “So what you’re saying, honey,” he said, his voice positively dripping with disdain, “is that they just admitted to having child pornography of their own child.”
Both the elder Harringtons blanched.
“Now get out of my sight,” Steve said waving them off, “otherwise that lovely little protection order I have waiting for you will spring into effect.”
They sputtered and protested but they were forced to leave the premises with all their hopes and dreams dashed.
“Morons,” Eddie huffed. “Like I don’t have a legal team, a PR team, and a whole slew of people willing to take them down for fun. And that’s not including your people, babe.”
Steve shook his head. “I honestly don’t know where they thought they would get away with any of their attempts. I was starting think I was starring in a roadrunner cartoon for fuck’s sake.”
Eddie chuckled and kissed the top of his head. “But it’s over and done with now. I want you focusing on that pup of ours you’ve got growing.”
“Wayne and El are going to be pissed they missed out on the fun,” Steve murmured, curling up into his alpha’s side.
“They are,” he hummed in agreement, “but I’m grateful they weren’t here to see how vile they were to you.”
Steve chirped happily as Eddie rubbed his bond mark. He was safe, his pup was safe, and that was all that mattered.
Even with the epidural, Steve swore off more pups while he was giving birth. It was awful, it was horrible. Zero out of ten, would NOT recommend to anyone.
Then the beautiful, curly haired little boy was placed into his arms and he was in love. He wanted a half dozen more.
“Eddie...” he said looking up at his alpha with awe and adoration. “He’s perfect.”
Eddie smiled back down at his little family. “Look at what you made, Stevie...look at this sweet little baby. He’s all ours.”
The nurse handed Steve a bottle of formula. “Are you sure you don’t want to try breast feeding?”
Steve shook his head. “I want to be able to have other people feed him, being able to sleep more regularly, and not leak all the time.”
The nurse did not look impressed, as they could have hired a wet nurse, but wisely left them alone. Steve immediately gave it to his baby was happy to see that he quickly learned what it was for and began to eat.
“You ready for his grandfather and godmother to see him?” Eddie asked gently, smoothing Steve’s hair.
Steve smiled up at him and nodded.
Eddie went out to the hall and brought in the two guests who were waiting patiently.
Wayne checked on Steve and then made sure Eddie was faring okay, while Robin rushed to Steve’s side and fussed over the new mama.
“He looks like Dustin,” she cooed. “All curly hair and no teeth.”
Steve smiled up at her. “That’s why we decided on the name Dustin Wayne Munson.”
Wayne looked down at his grandson in awe. “Oh, Stevie, you didn’t have to go and do that.”
Eddie punched Wayne’s arm good-naturedly. “Like we would call him anything else, old man.”
He grabbed a burp cloth and draped over Steve’s shoulder, who proceeded burp their baby.
“You can’t have two Dustins or two Waynes though,” Robin said. “What are you going to call him to avoid confusion?”
“Winnie,” Eddie explained. “Once he gets into school, he might choose to go by either his first or middle name, but to us, he’s Winnie.”
“Welcome to the world, little Winnie,” she murmured gently, reaching out to capture a curl. “May it be kind to you.”
“I think it’s time to let Mom and Winnie sleep,” Eddie said. “We can tell his other namesake when both are better rested.”
Robin and Wayne nodded, filing out.
Dustin would be over the moon when he found out later, tears of joy streaming down his face as Winnie was placed into his arms, surrounded by all of Steve’s found family.
Chrissy had already went out and bought two wardrobes full of clothes of varying sizes so that the little one would always have something fashionable to wear.
Robin was swearing undying fidelity to this three hour old baby.
The rest of the Party was promising to teach him all sorts of the things from science to basketball.
Even the boys from Corroded Coffin got in on it, offering their services to babysit whenever they got overwhelmed.
Steve and Eddie just watched in loving adoration for their friends and their family.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie said. “How are you feeling right now?”
Steve kissed his lips. “I got everything I ever wanted and I couldn’t be happier.”
Eddie pulled Steve closer into his side. “I’m glad, Stevie.”
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Hi, can you do a frank head cannon or fic about him comforting his girlfriend because she has panic attacks due to running from monsters as a kid, quests, etc. maybe he transforms into some cute/cuddly animal. If you don’t want to/are to busy that’s fine. Love you❤️
✮⋆˙ puppy love; frank zhang panic attack blurb
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content: frank zhang x reader blurb warning: panic attack mentioned (obvi), too soft for its own good author's note: jason makes me emo and frank makes me soft and leo makes me horn- JK JK JK STOP I JOKE I KID also, idk if this is a accurate representation of a panic attack, i try my best to completely block out the memories of mine and i haven't had one in YEARS so idk deepest apologies
being a demigod is HARD.
capital h, a, r, and d.
especially late at night, when those pesky demigod dreams feel a little too real. you couldn't seem to get air into your lungs, no matter how desperately you clawed at your neck. you wanted to go get frank, naturally, but you couldn't force your muscles to move. they were tense and taut, ready to fight whatever was hiding in the shadows- wait, something's in the shadows?? did you see that?? can you hear those scratching sounds coming from the closet?? is it all in my head?? am i going crazy or are you?? wait, who??
the door of your room creaked open just as you managed to cough of some spit as tears barreled down your cheeks. snot was running from you nose and you had the distant thought that you didn't want frank to see you like this but it was quickly drown out by thoughts of dying horrible demigod deaths. frank was at your side in seconds, firmly splaying his hands across your back in the way he always did to calm you down.
"i'm here, y/n. feel my hands, i'm right here," he whispered, softly, next to your ear. you could barely hear him over your heaving breaths but you squeezed your eyes shut and focused on his touch. his fingers just barely grazed your shoulder blades and his palms rested against the back of your ribcage.
"you're doing so good. in and out," frank murmured, following his own instructions with you. you hiccupped sobs a few times but managed to follow along with frank's breaths, which allowed you to feel the oxygen return to your panicked brain and lungs.
"that's my girl. so, so good," added frank, offering you a soft smile as you opened your eyes again and instantly slumped against his chest. without a second thought, his large arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer.
"thank you," you said, your voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. frank didn't reply, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. you two stayed like this for a bit, frank ensuring that your breathing stayed regular.
"could you...could you do the thing?" you whispered, shyly, into the room and frank laughed quietly, shaking his head as you gently punched his shoulder at his laugh.
"of course," he teased and withing seconds your boyfriend turned into a golden retriever. you smiled, pressing a kiss to the dog's head, enjoying the visible reaction of his wagging tail. you then laid back down in bed, frank curling up near your stomach. you reach a hand out and instantly ran your fingers through his soft fur. frank nuzzled closer as you fell asleep, his wet nose pressed to your neck.
the next morning, you woke to strong arms wrapped around your waist and frank's breath fanning over your neck. oh, and leo screaming for the whole ship to hear:
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feelbokkie · 8 months
Fanged Love
Feeltober Day 4
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genre: fluff, slight crack, slight angst
pov: 2nd person
description: Just another day where you appreciate a day with your human boyfriend.
pairing: Lee Know x vampire!reader
warnings: slightly suggestive, swearing (like one word)
word count: 733
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
☀️Feelbokkie M.list ☀️
👻13 Days of Feeltober👻
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"I know you won't drink my blood but what if you drink Hyunjin's?" Minho says when he walks into your apartment. He sets the cooler lunch box that he's carrying down on the table. He opens it up and hands you a blood pouch.
"...This...this isn't Hyun's blood is it?" You ask hesitantly as you take the pouch from him.
"I wish it was. Maybe that'd shut him up. But I got it from the blood bank so you're fine." He closes the cooler and takes it to the kitchen to store the rest of the blood bags.
Minho has taken the liberty of going to the blood bank and getting you a few pints of blood regularly ever since the blood donation program started. You would go down yourself but after one incident with accidental sun exposure and another with anti-vampire protestors picketing outside of your local blood bank, you decided it would be safer if you didn't go at all. Minho decided he'd go for you, and to the butcher to get your regular pints of animal blood, to ease the stress off your body.
"What did he do this time?" You call into the kitchen.
"Exist," He sighs as he walks back into the living room, sitting down next to you. He instinctively pulls you in closer and tries to warm up your ice-cold body.
"I don't think you can fault him for that." You laugh, snuggling into him closely.
"I can and I will," He grumbles.
"You complain about being an only child. Hate to break it to you, but this is exactly what it's like having siblings. My siblings and I used to get into it constantly, drove my parents nuts. Electronics didn't exist back then so we had no choice but to annoy each other. Glad to see that hasn't really changed in centuries." You smile sadly thinking about your family.
You were the only one who was turned into a vampire. One of the vampires in the coven who slaughtered your family took pity on you and decided to save you by turning you. It was too late for the rest of your family. It's a story that Minho knows well enough, you told him when he questioned why you don't feed on people directly. You never wanted to inflict the same amount of pain that the coven that turned you, the coven that took you in after you lost everything away from you to anyone else. And as years passed you watched as the coven, which became your new family over time, slowly imploded as members died, were killed by villagers, or left altogether. You were lucky enough to have two families in your lifetime and you outlived both of them. You didn't want to date Minho because you weren't sure you could take losing yet another family. The ending of this family made up completely of humans being inevitable. And yet, you somehow find yourself cuddling with your very human boyfriend on some random Monday afternoon.
"I should have kept my mouth shut. Now I have a permanent pain in my ass." He grumbles again. "What if you--"
"I didn't even finish my sentence,"
"Whatever you were about to say was going to end in you suggesting I sink my fangs into Hyunjin's neck and drain him of his blood."
"Not technically,"
"Hmm," You hum, "Are you sure you want me to drink Hyunjin's blood? To have my fangs, tongue, and lips on his neck?" You tease. You watch as the blood drains from Minho's face and his jaw clenches.
"That's what I thought, Mr. Jealous," You laugh again before placing a kiss on Minho's cheek.
He visibly becomes less tense and hugs you tighter, almost like you might disappear. This family that you're building with Minho may be temporary, but it's all you need.
"What if I just hit him with my car?" He asks.
"Minho, that is a crime and I don't do conjugal visits."
"After I went and got you blood from the blood bank? Wow,"
"Sorry, but I would not look good under those fluorescent lights."
"Guess Hyunjin's going to have to live a little longer. Unless you change me and I--"
"You're no fun!" He groans, throwing his head back onto the couch.
"I love you too, Minho."
Yeah, you're okay with your little temporary family.
Buy me a coffee?
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@amyyscorner @puppysmileseungmin @veedoesntknaur @its-hannjisung @marked-unknown @honeypaintedskies @jaydebow @want2besomeoneelse @lanatheawesome @starlostastronaut
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