#the sandman corinthian
queenbluewolf19 · 2 years
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am I the only one that SEES THIS !?!? ^
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cloverthegrand · 3 months
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A repaint of this artwork
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Dream: He is my masterpiece. A dark mirror made to reflect everything humanity will not confront. Your name shall be..... The Corinthian.
The Corinthian:
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Oh, to be a fly on the wall when Lucienne and Jessamy saw their lord's "masterpiece."
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leyladoesntknow · 2 years
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The Corinthian and his sunglasses collection appreciation post.
-The Sandman
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I'm sorry, but if he isn't a charming, sunglasses wearing, eyeball-eating, serial killer nightmare on the run from from his dissapointed father, is he really the one?
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714 notes · View notes
The Corinthian is 100% unchecked middle child energy. That man just wants validation and he never for got it. He wants attention.
Lucienne is the eldest and that needs no explication.
Gault is the youngest. She is baby
Fiddler’s green is the single child who got siblings when he was like 19 vibes.
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why-what-no · 2 years
The Corinthian & Morpheus Having A Plus Size Partner Would Include
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Pairing: Morpheus x Plus Size!Reader, The Corinthian x Plus Size!Reader
Warnings: Like, one swear
Notes: Words
Requested by: @selahshits & “Ghost_Guard_13” on Wattpad
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😴 Morpheus didn't understand why anyone would care about your weight. He adored you, thinking you’re absolutely perfect
😴 Especially since beauty standards have changed so much over humanity’s existence, he’s not even fully sure what’s attractive to most humans
😴 Still, he does understand that you occasionally feel bad about your appearance, it’s a very human worry.
😴 He doesn’t agree with those worries, however. It’s ridiculous to him.
😴 He’s empathetic to you and your thoughts, however. Reminding you how beautiful you are to him and how much he adores you.
😴 Morpheus absolutely worships your body, loving the soft feeling of your skin under his hands. Telling you how perfect you are as he kisses over the parts of your body that you’re most insecure about.
😴 If anyone makes any comments about your appearance or does something to damage your self esteem, they’ll have nightmares for the rest of their life
😴 He does his best to boost your confidence, and he won’t let anyone ruin that.
The Corinthian:
😎 Now, the Corinthian gets your worries better that Morpheus. He’s been on earth for over a century, seeing exactly how shitty some people treat folks who aren’t thin.
😎 He thinks it’s stupid of them, but he’s seen it. He knows about all those dark thoughts running though your head.
😎 He completely disagrees with those thoughts though. If he likes someone, then he likes them. That’s it, nothing else matters to him.
😎 Still, he’s nice to you about it, nicer than he is with other people. Your weight was just one of those things he wouldn’t tease you about.
😎 And if anyone else does, they’re become his next meal.
😎 If someone disrespects you, then they’re disrespecting him by association, and he won’t allow that
😎 He’s on your side. He loves you
Taglist: @stygianoir & @minetticatinwonderland
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jellybeanium124 · 2 years
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AND their names both start with “C”
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You've probably already received a request like this, but would I be able to request a part 2 to the one-shot you wrote about the Corinthian having a crush on Dream's s/o.
[Original Post] | [Part 3] | [Sandman-inspired playlist] | [MASTERLIST] | 🫀REQUESTS ARE OPEN🫀
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Corinthian didn't care much for books. Truthfully, they didn't care much for him either - whichever one you'd open, he'd be the villain. The Nightmare. Nonetheless, he had found himself inside the library but not because he was interested in reading. Instead, it was the reader that captivated him.
Like a stalking predator, he hid between bookshelves at a fairly inconspicuous distance from the daybed you were sitting on. Behind you was one of the many stained-glass windows that Morpheus seemed to be exceptionally fond of. That one, however, was very personal - it presented none other than you. Undoubtedly, it was the beloved king's whim, a monument for his undying devotion. With the colourful glass behind your back, you resembled a deity leisurely spending time in their own temple; a halo of sunlight around your frame revealed your holy nature. Considering how much Morpheus was willing to do for you, such a statement wasn't far from the truth. Perhaps that willingness was the one thing that had made all the difference: one could die for you and the other kill. Which one was the true declaration of unconditional love, I wonder?
The quiet rustle of the page you were turning did not reach Corinthian's ears - he was too far away. But such little noises didn't interest him anyway, they were nothing more but static that audaciously jarred him. Your little expressions were much more captivating, giving away what emotions the book was eliciting from you: surprise, confusion, anger, shock... Your fingers barely grazed the yellow paper as though you expected it to rip or tear with even a little bit of harshness. Would your hands feel equally gentle against his skin? Corinthian inhaled sharply in an attempt to chase away the forbidden thoughts that made his heart tremble. Occupied with his voyeurism, he didn't notice a very expected guest:
"Corinthian?" Lucienne asked confused. She looked at him from above the rim of her glasses; her eyebrows were raised about as high as they possibly could. There was a stack of books in her arms. "What are you doing here?"
As best as he could, Corinthian acted unbothered. "My job," he lied through his teeth. Yes, he was quite exceptional at that. "Lord Morpheus asked me to keep an eye on his beloved. There have been some... unfavourable whispers going around."
Lucienne watched Corinthian for a moment. Honestly, she wasn't aware of any 'whispers' of that sort but if that were true, perhaps it really was for the better to not discuss unrest in the open. "Don't be a nuisance," she warned him before leaving. She passed by you but never forced your attention on herself. Considering how much time you had spent among those bookshelves, you had become part of the library in her mind. Lucienne never said it out loud, as she didn't think it was important enough, but she truly appreciated your silent company. Strolling through her 'domain', she was putting back the books in their rightful places.
A quiet humming echoed through the library - Marv, undoubtedly. He had a curious habit of singing old songs while he was working. The pumpkin-headed scarecrow had no rush in his footsteps, humming some forgotten Frank Sinatra melody as he walked between the tall bookshelves. Ladder in one hand, a bucket of paint and a paint roller in the other, he appeared completely relaxed and carefree. He was probably done for the day and planned on enjoying his leisure to the fullest.
"Good day, your highness," Marv called out while passing by you, making Lucienne look over her shoulder. She wasn't going to quiet him just yet. "You're looking dazzling as ever!"
You looked up from your book with a wide smile on your face. Is this what rapture looked like? "Thank you, Marv," you answered with a flustered giggle in your voice. Corinthian wondered if he knew words sweet enough to drown in that melodic laughter. Was there any better way to die? "Good day to you, too."
Marv passed by Corinthian's hideout without noticing him. Soon after, Lucienne let out a tired sigh and marched out of the library for reasons only known to herself. Once again, he was unbothered in his relentless prayer to the only deity that deserved praise. There was a tea set placed on the table in front of you. Steam from brewing tea dispersed the sunlight coming through the stained-glass window. From his observation, Corinthian knew that you had a habit of getting consumed by different activities that you'd forget about the tea and drink it cold. A strange thought run through his head: he could, after all, set those bookshelves alight to make sure your tea is still hot for when you feel thirsty.
The silent calmness of his lovesick voyeurism did not last for long. Corinthian hid further among the books and wooden contraptions upon noticing a hem of a black coat. Barely peeking through the small gap between shelves and tops of books, he watched the sickening scene unfold:
Your face lit up as you looked away from your book. In a manner too excited for Corinthian's liking, you closed the volume and were about to put it on the table, next to the tea set, when your hands suddenly retracted - Morpheus probably told you he, still, had some other affairs to take care of. Then, in a quite unexpected act, Dream took off his heavy coat and placed it around your shoulders. Your expression softened as you took in a deep inhale of the fragrance lingering on the material. Pomegranate and old parchment. Corinthian didn't even notice his face contorted into a disgusted grimace as he watched Morpheus lean down and gently kiss the top of your head. A quiet giggle left your mouth but it was mostly muffled as your husband was holding you close to himself for a moment. Letting go, after what felt like hours of Corinthian clashing his teeth, Morpheus left the library the same way he had entered - never passing by the watcher's nest, thankfully.
Was that all he was going to do?! Disturb your loneliness for a mere minute, feed you crumbs of his attention, then leave again? What sacrilege was it to claim one's devotion to a god but never bleed on the altar of their mercy? Morpheus could give you anything and everything but not what you wanted. Not what you deserved. Gods craved sacrifices of all that bought pain and sorrow to give away, did they not? Of elements that kept undeserving creatures alive? Blood, tears, bile, marrow... Corinthian would give you all of that only to beg for your forgiveness for such a scarce, unimportant gift. But the one to whom you promised your forever, he gave you a coat. And perhaps that has made all the difference.
He had absolutely no clue what possessed him as he walked towards you. There were no words that he could say on that day that would change the current course of events, no spell that would make you break your sacred vows. Perhaps during Corinthian's creation, Morpheus accidentally poured into the Nightmare his own powerlessness in the face of your inexplicable majesty. If that were true, then Corinthian was simply answering a primaeval call weaved into the very calcium of his bones, iron floating in his blood; he was made to devote himself to you but lacking Morpheus's self-restraint, instead of making a sacrifice on the altar of your love, he longed to be the sacrifice. If he had no place by your side, he'd happily lay at your feet.
The tea was probably already cold when you remembered its existence. Letting out a quiet sigh at your typical forgetfulness, you reached for the kettle but did not notice one of the cups was in the way. The realization came a little too late - your forearm had already nudged the porcelain dish.
But instead of the sharp sound of chinaware breaking against the tiled floor of the library, you were made aware of someone's presence:
"Careful," Corinthian said as he placed the cup back on the silver tray.
"That was quite remarkable," you murmured more to yourself than to him. Shortly after, you looked back up at him with a grateful smile. "Thank you. Have a seat." Your hand vaguely pointed to the empty cushion beside you. "If you're not needed elsewhere, of course," you added right after.
There was, quite literally, nothing that needed his attention more than your friendly offer. You don't deny gods when they invite you to eat at their table. "I'd love to," he answered with a smile. Despite his dislike of Morpheus, Corinthian had to admit that Dream equipped him with exquisite charm, which he was going to use to the fullest.
Without useless questions, he took the porcelain kettle and began pouring tea for you and him. A bittersweet, fruit and aniseed, aroma filled his nostrils. In some poetic way, that's exactly what his daily life had smelled like for the past countless decades - cyanide and honey.
"You know, I've always thought that Morpheus gave you an excellent name," you confessed while watching Corinthian carefully pour tea. For a vicious nightmare, he really did impress with his poise like venomous snakes allure with their colourful scales arranged into fantastic patterns.
"Really? I have never given it much thought," he lied. Your hand brushed against his as you took the cup from his hand. Corinthian clenched his jaw and forced that charming, polite smile to stay on his face as he tried to chase away dreamy images of your fingers caressing his face ('How would your knuckles feel against his lips?').
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud," you quoted. "It's from Saint Paul's letter to Corinthians. Your name, I believe, is a reminder for every sentient creature of what truly matters."
This moment - that truly mattered. The minute in which you acknowledged his existence although it was hardly deserving of your attention.
"Beautifully said, your highness."
You were right next to him, your knees nearly touching, and yet it felt as though you were entire realms apart. That heavy, black coat; the aroma of exotic fruits and antique books - a wall separating you; a malicious reminder, that he meant nothing in the grandeur of your life, that there was another to whom your thoughts, hopes and dreams belonged. Corinthian was an unimportant, unnamed tourist gawking at Mona Lisa.
A shy blush crept unto your cheeks. "You're being too kind, dear Corinthian," you said with a gentle smile on your face before taking a sip of the tea.
Mona Lisa stares ahead, in the general direction of the tourist but never explicitly at him. He moves along - there are others that want to stare too - but looks over his shoulder countless times as though one day, in the endless ocean of admirers, she might return the loving look. Hope dies last but she's also the mother of fools.
A/N: when I watched The Sandman for the first time and they said 'The Corinthian' my first thought was Bible and St. Paul's letter. The second thought was 'daughter of Corinth' (prostitute) lmao
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casadepalermo · 2 years
But what if instead when they summoned Morpheus they accidentally summoned the Corinthian too???
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thoujou · 8 months
old meme is a good meme
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ceaselessbasher · 2 years
When Dream remakes The Corinthian, every single one of their interactions is going to be some variation of
Dream: I have learnt to listen to my subjects and grant their wishes...
The Corinthian: Does that mean I can kill people?
Dream: ...within reason.
The Corinthian:
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anaquariusfox · 2 years
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I am not immune to them 😌✨
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So Much For My Happy Ending - Corinthian x GN!Reader
Hey everyone! I am so sorry this is later than I intended, but I wanted to make certain that this was the best I could give you. This is a continuation of my first fic, Not All Dreams Have a Happy Ending, so if you haven’t read that one, I highly recommend doing so.
Tagging: @padawansubscription​ @seraferna​ @smoke-n-fiire​ @juniebugg​
TW: Reader has depression, and this is angsty. There will be tears. Please grab your tissues now.
Without further ado, the fic you’ve all been waiting for!
Some nightmares never seemed to end.
It had been three years since that night at the convention. Three years since Morpheus had removed the Corinthian from the waking world. Three years since (y/n) watched as the man they loved was violently ripped away from them.
The first year had been absolute torture. Everywhere (y/n) turned, they saw him. Various objects in the house, once belonging to their lover, would turn up at seemingly random times. They nearly broke down one day, about a week after the tragedy, when one of his shirts turned up in their laundry. Several months later, a pair of his sunglasses made an appearance from under their couch.
Each time, despair and longing filled them, and overflowed as tears poured down their face.
Daily tasks became chores. Even escaping the confines of sleep felt impossible.
Strangely enough, Morpheus had not seen to punish them for their association with the Corinthian. Or, maybe, perhaps, the King of Dreams that the now gaping hole in (y/n)’s heart was sufficient enough.
(Y/n) scarcely dreamed. On the nights that they did, the colors were too vivid, as if they weren’t meant to see them.
(Y/n)’s friends tried for weeks to help them get over the Corinthian, though, they would never understand the extent of their friend’s pain. They had simply assumed that they were suffering from a bad break up, not that (y/n) had witnessed the love of their life get turned to sand right before their very eyes. No, (y/n) couldn’t tell of the Corinthian’s true nature. They couldn’t tell them the truth about him, or Morpheus, or the Dreaming. They’d all think that they were crazy.
So, (y/n) passed their days in quite morning. Days bled into weeks, weeks bled into months, months bled into years. They tried to move on. They really did.They even, at the urging of their friends, went on a few dates. But no one compared to their lost love.
They were at their favorite coffee shop when it happened. The barista turned when she heard the door, and gave (y/n) a friendly smile.
“The usual?”, she asked.
(Y/n) hadn’t been back to that particular coffee shop in a while, not since their last coffee date with the Corinthian. They almost said yes, but stopped themselves. They frowned, having nearly forgotten for a moment that they stopped ordering for two long ago.
“Not today. Just the one please.”
The barista’s bright smile contrasted (y/n)’s now stormy mood. As they waited, they though they spotted a familiar figure tucked away in the corner.
“That’s impossible”, they thought. Before (y/n) could do a double take, however, their name was called. Unable to accept that fate would be so cruel, they claimed their drink, and left the cafe.
The rest of their day was spent trying to forget about it. (Y/n) had even decided to take a walk in the park to clear their head. They had almost convinced themselves that it was their mind playing tricks on them. It was the anniversary of that night, after all. It wasn’t possible that their lost love had returned to them. They were so lost in thought, that they ended up running right into someone.
“I’m sorr....”, their voice trailed off as they looked up. Their eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. They prayed that their eyes were deceiving them. They debated walking away, when he spoke.
“It’s no problem”, the Corinthian said, as his lips lifted into his signature grin. It was the same cocky smirk that he used to flash (y/n) all the time, especially when he was being a massive flirt. It took the rest of (y/n)’s willpower to keep from outright sobbing. They felt like the world was wobbling. It was either that, or their knees. The pounding of their heart echoed through their head as disbelief flooded their system once more. It was almost as if the universe was trying to prove how cruel it could truly be. (Y/n)’s theory was further proven when the Corinthian spoke again.
“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” he asked, voice laced with the same easy going charm that drew (y/n) in when they had first met.
“N-no”, (y/n) stammered, barely able to contain a heartbroken sob. No longer able to trust their eyes, they instead steeled their voice. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.”
The Corinthian let out a small laugh. “Well, I suppose we’ll have to fix that, now won’t we?”
(Y/n) frowned, now more thoroughly confused than anything else.Was he really flirting with them? It shouldn’t have been possible. They thought back to the day that they had lost him. Everything had been going so well. Plans had been made for the new world that they were going to create together. (Y/n) remembered it all so clearly. The Corinthian stood upon the convention hall’s main stage, voice ringing clearly throughout the room. Promises of something new flowed from his mouth like a melody from a canary. The other attendees fell into their trance, dreaming their sadistic little dreams. (Y/n) had been dreaming too, just with their eyes wide open. They were dreaming of the life they thought they were going to have with the Corinthian. However, that dream quickly turned into a nightmare when Morpheus arrived. The King of Dreams wasted as little time as possible, despite the near desperate bid for time that came in the form of the Corinthian’s speech. Despite his best efforts, Dream of the Endless unmade his creation, all while (y/n) got a front row seat to his demise. But it was something that came afterwards that stuck out to (y/n) now. Something that Morpheus had said.
“Next time I make you, you will not be so flawed, and petty, little dream.”
A fleeting hope rose in (y/n)’s chest, one that they could not find the strength nor will to quell. Could it be that, after all this time, Morpheus had finally remade the Corinthian? It was almost to much to bear, and definitely to much to hope for. (Y/n)’s trip down memory lane was brought to a halt by the Corinthian’s voice.
“I apologize if that was a bit too forward”, he paused, waiting on their name.
“(Y/n), they replied. Despite the circumstances being too good to be true, if destiny saw it fit to bring him back to them, then (y/n) wasn’t going to let this opportunity go. So, they decided to match his energy instead.
“No worries. I was actually wracking my brain to make sure that I didn’t have any prior commitments.” They smiled back at the nightmare. “Are you free on Friday? Say, around eight?”, they asked. The Corinthian’s smirk grew.
“Sure am. How about this? You give me your phone number, and a decent address, and I will pick a place, and come pick you up?”
“Just as flirty and confident as ever”, (y/n) thought to themselves. “It’s a deal”, they said aloud, as they pulled out their phone. Numbers were exchanged, and (y/n)’s address provided, and soon, the pair parted ways.
Once (y/n) got back to their apartment, they immediately called their best friend to tell them the news. They left out the part were they were certain that it was their lost love, which left them some room to make up a few necessary details. They made plans to hang out the following day.
When (y/n) hung up the phone, they took a good look around their apartment. Every year, around the time of the incident, (y/n)’s apartment looked like a war zone. Laundry laid on the table, unfolded from days before. A trail of dirty clothes spanned the space between the bedroom, while a half eaten pint of now melted ice cream sat, opened, on the coffee table. And that was just the beginning of it. They nearly shuddered at the thought of everything they had to do before Friday arrived.
“At least I have a few days to get it done,” they muttered as they started up one of their favorite playlists. It was more upbeat then what they had been listening to recently, but it was a welcome change from the once near silence.
Time seemed to fly as order was brought  to the once chaotic space. (Y/n) was so lost in the sound of the music, and the rhythm of their cleaning, that they almost missed the text that they had been waiting for. They paused their playlist, wanting to focus solely on the screen. (Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the location for their little date. It was one of the newer, more casual restaurants in the area, one that they and the Corinthian had never been to. It greatly reduced the probability of someone recognizing them and asking unnecessary questions. (Y/n) shot a quick text back, letting him know that they were excited, and couldn’t wait to see him. They spent another hour or so getting as much done as they possibly could. A good portion of their apartment sparkled, and that in itself felt like a major accomplishment. After a quick shower, and a change of clothes, (y/n) headed off to bed for what would hopefully be a decent night’s sleep.
Meanwhile, across town, the Corinthian was having a dilemma of his own. The nightmare knew that he had once had another life, and he was grateful that Lord Morpheus had given him a second chance at life. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. He kept a journal full of things that he remembered from his past. He knew that he wasn’t always willing to work with Morpheus. In fact, the Corinthian seemed to recall a time where he actively worked against the Dream King. Even though that was all in the past, there were just some details of his former life that couldn’t seem to stay buried. One particular thing kept coming back to him. Something that felt extremely important. A name. (Y/n)’s name.
It started out with just their name. Then a face appeared in his mind. The Corinthian had never really been an artist, not with pencil and paper, at least, but he tried. He lost count of how many sketchbooks he went through trying to get every detail right. Once he did, he had the image scanned, and spent endless hours trying to find them. And then, one day, he did. Quite by accident too.
It was the second anniversary of his remaking, and he was out enjoying his day. He stopped by a coffee shop that he had remembered as an old haunt of his.That’s when they came in. Part of him wanted to talk to them right then and there. But, a greater part of him understood that biding his time would be better. Besides, what would he even say to them? “Hey, I know you, you know me, let’s talk?” No. He was certain that would land him in a heap of trouble. He watched as (y/n) exited the coffee shop. They looked like they had seen a ghost. Which meant that they had probably seen him. The Corinthian sighed. He would have to lay low for a few days before he began his actual observations.
He decided that taking a walk would help him plan the next stage of his operation. The local park proved a decent place to do just that. And then, he ran into them. Or, more specifically, they ran into him. There went his chance at a low profile. (Y/n) had started an apology, but judging by the look on their face, they definitely recognized him. Worse still, they looked upset about something. As determined as the Corinthian was to leave as soon as possible, he found himself asking them the damning question.
“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” He mentally cursed himself. There was no backing out now, so he decided to roll with it. The stammered no that left their mouth told a different story than they were telling. He decided that direct recon was probably the best at this point anyway. So, he flashed them his best flirty smile, and asked them out. He was almost discouraged at the long pause that followed, but relief soon replaced it. Now, he had a date on Friday with the one person who could ultimately give him all the answers he needed. Soon, he would know just who (y/n) was. He’d also figure out what that warm feeling that was spreading through his chest was. But before that, he had to prepare for a very long conversation with his boss.
The following morning, (y/n) almost didn’t want to get out of bed. It had been to long since they had a peaceful night’s sleep, and even longer since they had a pleasant dream. It didn’t help that their dream involved the Corinthian’s memory returning and the two of them living happily ever after, and that was a dream they really wanted to return to. But, then they remembered that they had a day planned with their best friend. With a reluctant sigh, (y/n) threw off their covers, and got ready for their day.
The day past almost normally. Most of it was spent getting pestered in various locations for any information they could give on their date. (Y/n) couldn’t help but smile. Before they knew it, they were headed home, and extremely tired. As soon as they got to their apartment, they headed straight for their bed and collapsed.
(Y/n) began to dream, yet, it was unlike anything they had ever experienced before. Gentle sunlight, warm and radiant, bathed the world. Beneath them stood a bridge, which seemed to move as large ship passed under it. (Y/n) turn to their right, and beheld a marvelous castle. Or, perhaps ethereal was a better word for it. (Y/n) lacked the words to do it justice. They weren’t certain of their exact location, but (y/n) knew they felt something tug at their soul. Something fantastical and ancient seemed to call them, so they followed. They crossed the rest of the bridge, and entered the castle, following their feet and their instincts. They didn’t know what they expected to find, they continued anyway, only stopping when they heard voices.
“Are you sure bringing them here was the right decision, My Lord?”, a female voice asked. A familiar voice answered.
“Lucienne, the Corinthian came to me, asking about them. As King of the Dreaming, it is my responsibility to make sure my creations are taken care of.”
“Sir,” the woman who must have been Lucienne spoke, “while I understand the nature of the situation, I fail to see if it is truly worth the possibility of compromising the rest of the realm.”
“I wouldn’t have extended the invitation if I thought that they would pose a danger for even a moment.”
At this point, (y/n) had entered a large room, the back wall of which was dominated by a large stained glass window. Just in front of that, atop a twisted staircase, sat a throne, though (y/n) got the impression that it was rarely used. Two figures stood to the right of the staircase. One (y/n) had immediately recognized as Morpheus. The other, then, must have been Lucienne.
Morpheus turned towards (y/n). “Besides,” he started, “It would appear our guest has arrived.”
(Y/n) was almost to stunned to speak. Almost. “Am I in the Dreaming?”, they asked hesitantly.
“Yes”, Morpheus answered, dismissing Lucienne. “This is my realm, which you enter every time you sleep, though it is only now that you will remember it.”
“It’s rather splendid,” (y/n), causing Dream to smile. “May I ask why I’m here?”
“Certainly. I invited you here today because there is something I am curious about. I believe you have the answers I seek.”
Confusion was evident across (y/n)’s face. “And what information could I have that would interest you, King of Dreams?”
“If I remember correctly,” Morpheus began, “You knew the Corinthian before I had to unmake him.”
(Y/n) felt a stab of heartbreak course through their chest. Of course Morpheus wanted to discuss the Corinthian. They tried to hide the pain from their face and voice before they spoke. “I...”, they began with a shaky voice. Taking a deep breath, they began again. “I did, your Majesty”.
“I remember you from the convention center. You were the only one who wasn’t dreaming. Why?”, Morpheus asked, curiosity laced in his voice.
(Y/n) looked down at the floor, trying not to break down. When they answered, their voice shook. “He didn’t want me to get hurt.”
“May I ask what the nature of your relationship was? What were you to him that he would come to me, asking about you, and his previous life?”
(Y/n) was stunned. The Corinthian.... asked about them? Tears welled in (y/n)’s eyes, threatening to spill onto their face. It took several moments to form the words. A tear escaped as they finally found the courage to speak. “We were lovers, My Lord.”
“Lovers?,” the Dream King questioned. “My creations do not seek the companionship of mortals, much less lay with them.”
A white hot anger rose within (y/n). Before they could stop themselves, they were practically shouting. “And how would you know? You know nothing of what we had. You know nothing of the suffering I have been through the last three years because of what you did! All of the pain and heartbreak I’ve felt! You took him from me! And now, he walks the waking world, and he doesn’t even know who I am!” (Y/n) took a deep breath in an attempt to calm themselves. “And now, I have to live with the idea that he may not love me anymore. That he came back into my life after all this time, and that he’s just as likely to walk right back out of it. That he’ll walk away from everything. Or worse, he’ll choose someone else.”
Their heart was beating so fast, their chest could barely contain it. Several moments passed before they spoke again. “All I want is the Corinthian back. MY Corinthian. The one who knows me, the one who loves me.” They took one last shaky breath before they dared to continue. “Can you return him to me, King of Dreams?”
The silence that followed seemed to drag on for eons before Morpheus finally spoke. “I cannot”
“Then I believe we’re done here.,” (y/n) spat. “While I thank you for the invitation, I humbly request that you never summon me again”. They turned on their heels, briskly walking out of the palace, and leaving a slightly stunned Dream King in their wake. Once they reached the palace threshold, they awoke, the tears that they had shed in the Dreaming still staining their face.
Back in the Dreaming, Morpheus was deep in thought, though Lucienne’s approach quickly brought him out of it.
“They do not understand, Lucienne”, he said.
“Understand what, My Lord?”, the royal librarian asked as she approached him.
“That I cannot return the Corinthian to his former state. That it would compromise the safety of both my realm and theirs.”
“Surely there must be something you could do for them, Sire?”
Morpheus let out an exasperated sigh. “Like what, Lucienne? Even if I do return the Corinthian’s memories of this mortal, then what? They spend the next fifty, sixty, however many years that this mortal has left together, and then they die? And where would that leave the Corinthian? I cannot, will not have my creation suffer for the rest of eternity. I have already been forced to remake him one, I do not know if I can bear to do it again.”
Lucienne sighed before she spoke. “Perhaps you could ask Death for her assistance in the matter?”
“Ask my sister to make them immortal?”, Morpheus asked in disbelief. “And what then? I cannot allow the Corinthian to stay in the waking world. I may have need of him.”
“Perhaps they could stay in the Dreaming?”, Lucienne replied. The look on Morpheus’s face told her that he couldn’t believe what she was suggesting. Before he could reply, Lucienne laid a hand on his arm. “At least observe them together, My Lord. Then make your decision”, she removed her hand from Morpheus’s arm, and headed back toward the library, leaving the King of the Dreaming much to think about.
Friday rolled in without much fuss. (Y/n) spent the majority of the day finishing the cleaning in their apartment, wondering if they could get this version of the Corinthian to love them the same way they loved him. When eight o’clock rolled around, (y/n) stood next to the door, patiently waiting for the Corinthian to arrive. Several minutes passed, and (y/n) checked their phone as a knot of anxiety formed in their stomach. It was now 8:07. Dark thoughts spilled into their head. Had the Corinthian forgotten? Or, even worse, had Dream decided to unmake him again? It was 8:15 before they heard a knock on their door. Opening it, they found the Corinthian standing there, flowers in hand, and an apologetic look on his face.
“I am so sorry that I’m late”, he began. “A work thing came up, and then..” (y/n) cut him off.
“It’s alright. I understand. You could have at least texted me though.”
The Corinthian smiled sheepishly, which was a look that (y/n) had never seen on his face before. “I’ll remember that for next time. If there is a next time.”
“I don’t know,” (y/n) said playfully, “Depends on how the rest of the night goes.” They took the flowers from him, noticing they were their favorites. They smiled as they put them in a spare vase. “The flowers are a nice start though,” they said, and the Corinthian’s usual smile returned.
“Shall we then?”, he asked, gesturing towards the hallway.
“Lead the way,” (y/n) replied, exiting their apartment and locking the door behind.
The rest of the date went rather wonderfully. At the restaurant, they talked, and laughed, and ate. They didn’t notice the Endless entity that watched them from afar. Dream of the Endless sat near enough to hear, but far enough away so that he was less likely to be noticed. He sat alone at a table for two, observing the couple on their date. Though he knew that the Corinthian didn’t fully remember this human, Morpheus could still feel the love that radiated between them.
The seat across from Morpheus slid out from under the table, and a young woman sat down.
“And what brings you here, sweet sister?”, Morpheus asked.
“Am I not allowed to check on my brother?”
“I was merely wonder what could possibly bring Death to a place such as this, besides work.”
Death smiled at her brother. “This is purely a social call. I see you have a lot on your mind. Care to tell me about it?”
Morpheus sighed. “I seem to have a dilemma.Of what kind, I’m not fully certain.” As he said this, Morpheus gestured to the couple he was watching. Death followed her brother’s movements. She gasped.
“Is that the Corinthian?”, she asked. “What is he doing with a human?” Death had been well aware of the trouble the nightmare had caused for her brother. She also knew that he had been responsible for ending the lives of multiple humans. Death stared at Dream in disbelief. “Why? What’s happening here?”
Morpheus let out a sigh. “Apparently, he forged a bond with this human in the later part of his first life. One of love.”
“He fell in love?”, Death questioned. “I thought none of your creations could do that.”
“Neither did I”, Dream sighed once more. “He does not fully remember them, and yet,” he turned his head to look at his creation, and noticed that he was now holding the human’s hand. “He still seems to care for them.”
“Some forces are beyond even our understanding baby brother”
Morpheus’s lips lifted into the ghost of a smile.
“So, what exactly is your dilemma?”, Death continued.
“I find myself wondering if I should restore his memories of their relationship.”
“That would be a nice thing to do for the human, though I do see the dangers it could pose. Anything else?”
“Actually, there is one other thing.” Dream leaned back in his seat. “If I were to restore his memories and allow them to be together, his lifespan would greatly exceed their own.”
Death smiled. “And you would like for me to help with that?”
“If it comes to it.” Morpheus spared one last look at the couple, only to find them leaving, arms linked as they smiled lovingly at one another. This time, the King of Dreams truly smiled.
“I take it you’ve made your decision?”, Death asked him.
“I have”
“I guess I will be seeing you soon then.”
“You are welcome in my realm anytime, my sister”. With that, Dream of the Endless took his leave to prepare for the evening ahead.
(Y/n) had almost forgotten how wonderful the feeling that now blossomed through their chest could be. The Corinthian had suggested returning to his place to watch a movie he had rented, and (y/n) was more than happy to oblige. They sat on his couch, cuddled into one another, enjoying the feeling of being in each other’s arms. Warmth enveloped (y/n) and before either of them knew it, they were peacefully asleep on the Corinthian’s chest. A smile spread across his face as he held them closer. Neither of them aware of what lay ahead of them in the near future.
(Y/n) was rather upset to find themselves back in Morpheus’s throne room. They let out an agitated sigh as they looked over at the Dream King, who sat on the stairs before his throne. “Is there any particular reason why I’m here?”
“There is”, Morpheus replied. Sensing their annoyance, he raised his hand before they could speak. “I do not wish to argue with you. I have brought you here to give you a gift. A peace offering, if you will.”
“A gift? What could you possibly have that....”, their voice trailed off as a familiar figure stepped out from behind a nearby column.
“Hello there, sweetheart”, the Corinthian spoke.
(Y/n) couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Their body moved on autopilot as they rushed towards their lover, throwing their arms around him. They felt the nightmare’s arms snake around them, holding them in a tender embrace.(Y/n) felt tears roll down their face as they pulled away to look at him. “I....How.....Why?”, they had trouble forming words. With one hand, the Corinthian gently wiped their tears away as he continued to hold onto them with the other.
“Morpheus gave us a second chance, darling,” he said gently. (Y/n wrapped their arms around the Corinthian once more, as Morpheus began to speak.
“You were right. I did not understand what the two of you had.” (Y/n) turned their face to the Dream King, refusing to let go of their nightmare, afraid that he might disappear at any moment. Morpheus continued, “But tonight, I saw it first hand. Despite the Corinthian’s lack of memory, despite the separation of time, he still looked at you like you were his entire world.” Morpheus smiled as the Corinthian gripped his lover tighter. “And who am I to separate a dreamer from their nightmare?”
(Y/n)”s eyes widened. “Does that mean?”, they began, unsure of how to finish. It was the Corinthian that spoke first.
“Yes,” he said as he tilted their head so that they were facing him. “I may not remember everything, but I do remember you.”
(Y/n) beamed at the news. Moving their hands to the front of their lover’s coat, they gripped it tight, and crashed their lips to his.The Corinthian was quick to reciprocate the kiss.
A small cough reminded them of where they were. They parted, still holding onto each other, the Corinthian grinning like a devil. The King of the Dreaming spoke. “There is, however, a price to this gift.”
(Y/n) turned, and looked Morpheus dead in the eye. “Name it,” they said. “Whatever it is, whatever the price, I will pay it.”
“You would have to give up your mortality,” Morpheus began. “As the Corinthian is one of my creations, and as thus, cannot die, you would need to leave the waking world, and your mortality behind.”
(Y/n)’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “You...you could do that?”
“He can’t”, a female voice (y/n) had never heard before spoke. “But I can.” She stepped into the room, steps light and cheerful.
“My sister, Death,” Morpheus explained.
(Y/n) eyed her in disbelief. “You would grant me immortality so that I can be with the Corinthian?”
“If that’s truly what you wish,” Death replied, placing her hands in her pockets. “You’d have to leave your world behind though.”
(Y/n) turned back to the Corinthian, a loving smile on their face. They didn’t even have to think long before they reached their decision.
“For him, anything.”
“Then let it be done”, Death said.
The Corinthian couldn’t help himself. In one swift motion, he brought his lips to theirs, kissing them with every ounce of love and passion he had in his being. (Y/n) wound their arms around his neck as they returned the kiss, overjoyed and ready to begin their new lives together.
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21crappy · 8 months
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GORETOBER 1-eye removal
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strawberico · 1 year
Just watched the sendman and I loved it!!!!!!! Heres a silly lil sketch of Corinthian♡♡♡♡♡
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