#the seeker of forbidden things
ocs-of-the-c · 10 months
I'm gonna give you... Favorite, Canvas, Roots, and Formal for Samelle And even though not in the tags Glance, Day, and Motion for Vexan! :) -WayfinderLegacy
Thanks so much for the ask! I love any excuse to yell about my OCs. Buckle up, this is gonna get LONG.
Favorite: Growing up on Balmorra, even good clothing was hard to get. Fancy clothing? Forget it. So it's no surprise that Sam's favorite accessory is a weapon, specifically a claymore. Looks something like this.
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Lilmeli gave it to her after they both killed their first Imperial officer together. They were roughly eight, and Sam had beaten the man to death after he attempted to shoot Lilmeli. The problem was, they were supposed to keep the man alive and bring him back to the Resistance for interrogation. So Sam's parents screamed at her and said that she should have let Lilmeli die if it meant the mission succeeded. Sam told them to fuck off. That was the first time her father beat her.
Sam was crying in her room when Lilmeli came in with the claymore. She'd nicked it from the Imperial officer's quarters (he liked to steal pieces of Balmorran culture). Sam hugged her sister and hid that claymore until the day of her parents' betrayal. You can bet that claymore was one of the few things she took off-planet. Now that she has a metal arm, she can actually use the thing like a regular sword, which is terrifying to witness.
Initially, she didn't use it often, because the trauma from Balmorra was still fresh in her mind. She wanted to leave it all behind. But after going to Balmorra out of necessity for the class story, and confronting her parents as an adult, she has begun using the weapon in earnest. It's strapped to her back right along with her big-ass gun.
Canvas: As one might expect from a woman that started fighting for the Balmorran Resistance at age five and has never stopped since, Samelle has a veritable tapestry of scars to her name. The most obvious is her metal left arm, her cybernetic left eye, and the vicious scars on the left side of her face, which the character creator will NOT let me make as vicious as I would like. For reference, think of Two-Face from The Dark Knight.
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Yeah, it's ugly. She does have all her hair though! Those scars are the result of her backstory. Her parents, Straken and Haleen, several years after the renewed Imperial push, want to back the winning side and save their own skins. They betray the Resistance to the Sith and Imperials in exchange for Lilmeli being sent to Korriban. By now, Lilmeli has displayed very minor Force sensitivity. Samelle walks in on masked Sith being ‘introduced’ to Lilmeli and gets angry. She pulls out a thermal detonator Jace Malcom style and blows the two Sith up, resulting in the scars mentioned above. Lilmeli pulls in every favor she has to get Sam prosthetics, and the two leave the planet as Imperials murder everyone they’ve ever known. The Republic military, the Jedi, and the Resistance are all pissed at the Arcfres. Sam joins a mercenary company that doesn’t ask questions, and Lilmeli goes to Nar Shaddaa.
Did I mention Sam was twelve at the time this all happened? Yeah.
Aside from that, it's various stab wounds, blaster shots, angry Balmorran wildlife (zeldrates will go for ANY body on the ground and will start feeding even if their prey is still alive), a Mandalorian flamethrower scar across her chest from when they escaped Balmorra (first but not the last time Sam fought a Mando), and Lichtenberg figures on her back and arms from prolonged Sith Lord electrocution as mentioned above. And the gut wound from Jemsyn is probably gonna scar, too.
No piercings, though. You get one of those yanked or burnt in a scrap and you're out of the fight. Sam's seen it happen.
She does, however, have a small tattoo. She got it after her mercenary company, the Sunhawks, were wiped out during the Sacking, leaving her as the only survivor. (Yeah, she saw aspects of the Sunhawks in the first Havoc Squad and finally felt like she had a family again. The betrayal was brutal). It's on her right shoulder blade, and it's a stylized persimmon silhouette of a hawk in front of a small golden sun. The whole thing is about the size of the palm of someone's hand. She knows you're not supposed to have any identifying markings as a soldier, but one, her face is kind of a dead giveaway, and two, anyone who knows the meaning of that tattoo isn't alive to tell anyone about it.
Roots: Samelle wouldn't know a fashion trend if it hit her over the head with a baseball bat. Her clothing style is practical, durable, and functional. However, I do have some specific roots and inspiration for her look. Balmorra's environment has always reminded me of the Scottish Highlands, so there's a lot of Scottish influence in Sam's fashion. Tartan, kilts, sgian-dubh (decorative knife), sporran (like a fanny pack for pocketless kilts), etc. I also snagged some Lord of the Rings influence. Think Aragorn and Boromir meet Scottish Highlands meet Commander Shepard and you'll have Sam's general fashion vibe.
Formal: Samelle doesn't love dressing up. She feels practically naked without her armor or at least one weapon on her person. Which is why regardless of her formal attire she ALWAYS makes sure to have a sgian-dubh with her formal outfit.
As for the outfit itself, Sam pretty much always wears a kilt for the bottom half. Regardless of her complicated relationship with her parents, Balmorra will always be her home, and she's proud of it. For the top of the outfit, it's something like this.
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Think that, but minus the bottom half because a kilt goes there, and missing the left sleeve because of her metal arm. That's her general formal outfit.
She honestly doesn't see the point of having different looks for different occasions. Sure, it might be a little different depending on the event, like black for a funeral, but there will always be a kilt and a somewhat military-inspired top.
Glance: At first glance, it's Vexan's entire appearance that stands out. She is a Dathomirian Zabrak in the very heart of the Empire, with a Dark Council seat, and she doesn't wear a hood or mask. She doesn't see the need to hide. She's here, she earned her place here, and she can and will kill to keep it. Hiding would defeat the purpose. Oddly enough, she doesn't seem bothered by the glares, or the hissed insults. Upon closer inspection, there's an air of smugness about her. Like she relishes the rancor she's so skilled at generating. You get the feeling that everyone around her, save a select few, are chess pieces in a great game she's playing. You just have to hope you're not a piece she's decided to sacrifice.
Probably not what you were looking for, but Vexan has ensured that any physical scars or deformities or anything that marks her beyond being an alien is not readily visible to the public. Especially the raised scars from a whip on her back. Especially her badly burned neck from a shock collar.
Day: Vexan remembers years of ragged robes and threadbare socks. Years of begging for undergarments and being laughed at. Years of wearing literal rags while her masters lounged about in the finest Alderaanian silks. Well, no more. Now she is a member of the Dark Council, Darth Nox herself, and she will wear nothing less than what suits her status. On a normal day, she will wear luxurious robes or Sith fashion in shades of red, black, purple, dark blue, and gray. Not all at once, of course. That would be a fashion crime. An example of what she might wear in the day to day can be seen below.
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One day it might be purple robes with dark blue inlay and a blue choker. Another day it might be gray robes trimmed with red, complete with a pale red scarf. Noticing a theme yet? Her default clothing must be fashionable, it must be expensive, and it must be able to cover her neck in some fashion. No one can see where the slave collar once lay. No one. She will give no one that advantage.
To that end, she wears a lot of jewelry, particularly necklaces. She has a special fondness for rubies and silver together. Blood and steel, but without all that.....messiness. Her sister may prefer a lightsaber, but Vexan is far more likely to electrocute you on the spot rather than pull out her saber. It's much more efficient.
Motion: Vexan was slightly clumsy when she was younger. That was quite literally beaten out of her during her years as a slave, and now she is flexible, coordinated, and nimble. She also moves almost silently, her feet barely making noise on the ground. Sneaking food to her fellow slaves ensured her default motion is something like a big cat's. Slow, graceful, but able to change speeds in an instant. She has, on several occasions, startled other new Sith with how silently she moves. They've asked her how she does it, but she'll never tell. A lady never reveals her secrets, after all.
This got really long, hope you like it! Some insight into my traumatized child soldier and my equally traumatized slave turned Sith!
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vilecovet · 1 month
prince of angels from the abrahamic pantheon. michael is a no-nonsense, duty-driven patron saint of soldiers, officers, judges, and more. he often partners with the global defense ministry's operatives and contractors to exchange knowledge on cosmological threats. e.g. eldritch abominations are often siblings of father yahweh, and while michael is personally responsible for destroying them, he believes in humanity's ability to defend themselves, lending his strength whenever possible. while his main nemesis will always be lucifer, vorren is his rival and they are constantly seeking to destroy one another.
the watcher. samael is the left hand of father, death embodiment, and destroyer angel. he is michael's counterpart, and serves as an observer of the known and unknown universes. as a good and evil entity, at times, he tests human hearts to see if they will cross over to the darkness, but he ultimately serves the kingdom. samael is one vorren can not touch.
alphard (not their real name) is the sibling of yahweh, the anti-god of dark matter, corruption, madness, and once sought to destroy their brother's creations. presenting as a woman, they have actually grown incredibly attached to toshiro as their vessel, and now seek to protect humanity for their own self-interests. they lend their power to millions of operatives across the globe and will often push those deemed unworthy to madness, resulting in their deaths.
josef is what toshiro aspires to be. he is a full-fledged eldritch host who has retained his sanity after fusing with an abomination named khaos (not their real name). he is known as the keeper of eldritch knowledge and tends to test if seekers can handle the madness they seek. josef is a neutral party and only works with the global defense ministry, so they may leave him be.
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praisethegabs · 7 months
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Re2r!Leon Kennedy x Scientist!Reader
synopsis: leon is in the process of healing, and this is something that requires patience, attention, kindness, and empathy. after everything he went through in the lab, now he is slowly adjusting to the world again, and he needs you more than never. you know he'll live with the scars for the rest of his life, but all that matters is his safety and the new memories he'll make.
warnings: small angst (bc why not?) at first, but ends with fluff. mentions of ptsd, nightmares, traumas, and a lot of care. reader is very supportive and patient with him. the parts in italic are from flashbacks.THIS CONTAINS HEAVY DESCRIPTIONS OF ABUSE! Do NOT read it if triggers you!
word count: 4845k
a/n: this is the second part for Freak, so you guys need to read it first! I wrote it at my job and I was really scared that someone would catch me. Anyways, enjoy it 🩵
TAG: @navstuffs
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"things will dissolve and be released and settled into spaces, and you will find your place in this vast and brilliant world." Seeker
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He still had nightmares.
And they keep him awake most of the night. He would wake up screaming, his body drenched in sweat, his breath labored, and his limbs trembling as if an electric current surged through his veins. Feeling scared, he seeks comfort, something small to reassure him that he isn't in the cold, white lab anymore.
Sometimes, his nightmares were so deep and dark that it was difficult to bring him back to the waking world.
But you knew since that day that he would go through with this. Although he was no longer in the lab, Leon still suffered from the aftermath of the events. He was haunted by the trauma and horrors he had experienced for many years.
The first weeks at your country house demanded a lot of energy from you. Leon was so exhausted and weak that it seemed like he wouldn't make it. You had to bathe him, change the bandages on his wounds, and essentially encourage him to eat. Eventually, he regained his body weight, and it wasn't necessary to keep the IV on him anymore. This was a significant progress.
But still, neither you nor he would talk about the lab.
It was a forbidden subject, mostly because you knew Leon had PTSD. Considering his well-being, you decided not to discuss what had happened. The stressful experiments, abuse, and everything else left him scared, traumatized, and with deep trust issues, causing him to have no trust in you whatsoever. But with patience and care, he was slowly starting to see you as his friend, not as a threat.
After two months at your country house, Leon was still recovering. Now, he was able to walk around the house without the IV pole next to him, and he didn't feel weak. You had a special diet made for him to help him regain his weight, and it was effective. Secretly, he loved your cooking, but he would never say that - at least not aloud.
Besides following a special diet, he had a rigorous workout routine. He enjoyed exercising outdoors, admiring the lush, green landscape, and basking in the warmth of the sun. After spending so many years trapped inside a padded room, he was always amazed by the beauty of nature. It didn't matter how many days he had already spent sitting in the grass, simply watching the sunset. He felt at peace.
And all of that, thanks to you.
"Please, I... I don't want it," Leon begged, his eyes tearing up as he saw you approaching with a syringe.
"Leon, I promise I won't hurt you," you sighed, as you attempted to administer the medicine. "It's just medicine."
"But it's going to hurt!" Leon shouted, backing against the wall, his body already trembling.
"I wish I could take pills, but this particular medication cannot be given in pill form, Lee," you said as you sat on his bed, attempting to convince him. "And I promise, you won't need to take the medication again. This is the last one."
Leon glanced at you, tears already streaming down his cheeks. It was extremely challenging to administer the medications he required, mainly because they all had to be injected into his body using a syringe, and, understandably, he had a strong aversion to needles.
"The last one?" He asked, searching for any sign of reassurance on your face. Noticing that, you simply nodded your head.
"Yes, the last one. After that, you will be taking pills or liquid. I didn't have time to buy any other medication," you explained to him calmly, hoping he would understand. "If you want to improve, you need to take your medication, okay?"
"But..."" His voice cracked for a moment, and then he looked down, avoiding eye contact. Tears were still falling down his face.
"I know, I know..." you gently approached him, sitting beside him. You placed your hand on his shoulder, gently embracing him. "You're doing well, do you know that? I'm proud of you."
"Am I?" He glances at you, searching once again for reassurance, to which you nod.
"So, will you be brave and let me administer the medicine?" You smiled, finally persuading him to trust you to do your job.
Leon nodded, and you helped him sit back on his bed. He extended his arm, allowing you to inject the needle into his vein. You prepared everything, gently cleaning his arm with a damp cotton pad and antiseptic solution. Right before administering the medication, you glanced at him.
"Alright, close your eyes for me," you instruct him, and he obediently complies by tightly shutting his eyes. "Good boy."
Leon smirks slightly and then groans softly as he feels the needle piercing his skin. A single tear fell from his eye when you finally administered the medication. When you finished, you covered the small bleeding wound with a cute band-aid.
"See?" It's done," you stroke his hair as a way to comfort him after he successfully tackled something that made him feel uneasy. "You did really well."
"I'm sorry," he muttered, sounding sad. Then, when his eyes met yours, he was on the verge of tears once more.
"You don't need to be sorry, sweetheart. I just want you to know that I am not mad at you for being scared, okay? You went through a lot, and now you're healing," you reassured him, gently holding his hands and intertwining them with yours.
Now that he was doing better, you were starting to worry about Umbrella finding you again. Before you left, you made the decision to find a secluded country house, far enough from the city that nobody would disturb you. It was almost like reaching another level. You took numerous safety precautions to ensure that they would not find Leon again.
You never told him about this. You didn't want him to be scared, especially now that he's finally recovering. Not only that, but you knew that someday you would have to tell him. However, this wasn't the best moment to do so. Thinking about the possibility, you had already formulated a Plan B and made all the necessary preparations to start again if needed. As long as you keep him safe, everything will be just fine.
Now, he is enjoying the peaceful life he deserves. No more tests, experiments, or abuse. Just calm and peace of mind.
"Leon!" You shouted his name from the kitchen and waved at him. "Dinner's ready!"
"Alright, I'm coming," you saw him nod his head, then redirect his attention to the sunset again. You smiled softly, knowing that he wouldn't see it.
He was a good boy, still learning about the world. He still had some submissive traits, but he was learning that he had the power to refuse and express his feelings and thoughts. Teaching Leon that he was allowed to say "no" was the next step in this journey, although you were having some trouble doing so.
"This smells good," Leon said as he walked into the house through the kitchen door. "What is it?"
"Can you guess?" You smiled at him, positioning yourself in front of the oven to block his view of what you were baking.
"It smells like... lasagna," he blushed deeply. On Fridays, you usually pamper him by giving him a break from his diet.
"Yep." "That's right," you nodded, smiling. Without hesitation, Leon set the table, preparing for dinner. "Thanks, sweetheart."
You both sat at the ornate wooden table for dinner. While you gave him a slice, you could see his eyes shining. Back at the lab, the food Leon had barely eaten smelled and tasted awful. That's why he was so skinny and weak, but now he can eat whatever he wants. Lasagna was one of his favorite dishes.
"I had a dream last night," Leon said after a moment. He glanced at you, expecting your attention.
"Really? About what?” you asked curiously, smiling at him again.
"I don't remember exactly, but... I think it was me before the lab," he said, and the last word sounded cold. "I was happy."
"Aren't you happy now?" You asked again, taking a bite of your lasagna before redirecting your gaze towards him.
His face turned pale, and he started to stutter again in response to your sudden question.
"Relax, I'm just teasing you," you laughed, trying to lighten his mood. He sighed, feeling relieved. "This is a good thing, I suppose." "You're improving, and soon you'll be able to leave if you want."
"Leave?" He raised his eyebrows, displaying visible confusion.
"Yes. You can now make your own choices, Leon. This means you can decide whether to stay or go," you smiled softly, then held his hand again.
"But... I don't want to go. I want to stay here... with you," he almost whispered the last part, but you managed to hear it nonetheless. "You're the only person I know, and the only one who cares about me. I feel safe with you, and for the first time in my entire life, I am happy."
His words were full of honesty. The way he looked at you and the sincerity behind every word he spoke. You nodded once more, then embraced him tenderly. At this point, you had nothing else to say. Instead, you felt butterflies in your stomach and a warm sensation in your chest. You wouldn't force Leon to stay with you against his own will, but now, if he wanted to do so, you wouldn't refuse.
"Are you sure about that?" You asked him after you broke the embrace, gazing into his baby blue eyes.
"Yes, I do," he nodded, whispering. He closed his eyes for a moment, gently touching his forehead to yours in a tender manner.
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You're reading a book, one of your favorites. You don't remember exactly when this started happening, but now it serves as a form of therapy for both of you. He lies between your thighs, you stroke his hair, and everything is at peace.
Leon was peacefully lying in your lap, his body comfortably nestled between your thighs, and his head resting on your stomach as you gently stroked his blonde hair. You can't tell if he's awake or asleep, but you know he's calm because of his gentle breathing. His thumb traces circles on your leg, and for a long moment, there is only the sound of rain and the warmth emanating from the fireplace.
“NO! NO, PLEASE!” Leon woke up screaming in the middle of the night. "Shit, holy shit."
"Leon, what's going on?" You opened his door to find him shirtless and gasping for breath. Sweat fell down his face, and his frightened blue eyes sought solace.
"I... I had an n-nightmare,” he said, his voice cracking and his entire body shaking with fear.
He started to cry, sobbing loudly. Leon tried to hide his face in the blankets, but you gently uncovered his face, embracing him tightly. You sighed, but you didn't say a word about it. With a gentle touch, you began to stroke his hair, softly whispering a lullaby in his ear to soothe him.
"I was there again. They were hurting me," Leon hissed, his voice still cracking with tears and sobs. "I can't sleep."
He looks at you, and seeing him in such a broken and vulnerable state makes your heart ache. He feels guilty. He thinks he's a burden, and you shouldn't waste your time with him. None of this is true, of course, and you still need to remind him of that.
“I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up," he sobs quietly, closing his eyes and examining his own hands. The intravenous line on his right hand is covered with transparent bandages, which are connected to the pole next to his side. This serves as a constant reminder of how frail his body is.
"It's okay, don't worry about it. Come here, come lie with me." You gently hold his hand, leading him to your room.
Leon nodded, and with his slow pace, he followed you while holding his IV pole for support. It has only been two weeks since you brought him to your country house, and he still struggles with nightmares. He walks very slowly, and fatigue quickly overcomes him. You open the door and walk beside him until you reach your king-size bed, seating him on the mattress and adjusting the bedside table next to his side.
"I wish I could chase away the monsters... I wish I could protect you even as you sleep, but I can't," you whispered, kneeling on the floor, still holding his hand, and witnessing the pain he is in. "But I'm here, and nothing bad will ever happen to you again."
"I'm sorry," he sobs quietly, avoiding your gaze.
"Remember what I told you? There's nothing to be sorry for," you smiled gently, pushing the blankets away so he could lay down. "This isn't your fault."
"Back at the lab, they always made me think everything was my fault. They used to say that I deserved to be punished, that I deserved to be hurt and treated like some kind of animal," Leon said vaguely, his face still down as he avoided your gaze. "You know, one of the rules was that we shouldn't talk unless spoken to, and we could only say 'yes, sir' or 'yes, ma'am'. But even when we were allowed to talk, they would beat us and say that we deserved it."
Leon never spoke about the lab, and you never insisted on discussing the subject. You knew that one day he would open up to you, but you never thought it would happen after a nightmare. So, you decided to show your support by letting him vent, holding his hand, and ensuring he knew he was safe.
"During my first month, I was beaten up almost every day, at least ten times. They would often beat me simply because I was an innocent child who would cry out for my mother and plead for help. I was naive, but after a while, I learned the hard way that I wouldn't be rescued and my parents were not coming for me," Leon says, and you can see that he's crying again. He bites his lower lip, breathes in and out, and shakes once more. "There was a doctor. He pretended to be my friend, but... he touched me. I cried. I felt dirty and scared. He was supposed to take care of me, not hurt me the way he did… he said I could trust him, but when I did, he turned into a monster. He touched me for months, and nobody took any action. One day, when he tried to touch me, I fought back. This caused me to spend a month or two inside a cold, concrete cell, but it was worth it. I never saw him again"
You were shocked by his story. His file didn't contain this information, and you began to ponder what other things they were hiding. You felt disgusted.
"After I attacked the doctor, the situation deteriorated. They locked me inside a concrete cell. It was so cramped that I had very little space to move around. To make matters worse, the cell had an open top, which meant that whenever it rained, I would get drenched and remain wet for hours until the rain finally stopped. When the rain stopped, they would enter the cell and take me out, usually beating me and locking me up again," Leon let out a loud sob and a deep hiccup. His nose and eyes were red at this point. "But I didn't care. At least, I could feel the cold rain and the warmth of the sun, and I could breathe fresh air. He never touched me again. I don't know what happened, but ever since that day, I learned the hard way that I couldn't trust anyone."
He glances at you. His baby blue eyes shone with tears and sadness, his soul shattered into a thousand pieces, desperately seeking healing. Trying to find peace.
“I know none of this is my fault, but no matter how hard I try to convince myself, when I look in the mirror, I remember what he did to me and… and…” he doesn't finish his sentence. Leon started to cry again, and you immediately leaned in and rested his head on your shoulder.
The way he cried made his body ache, and you could feel him jerking as he sobbed loudly, to the point where he shut down completely. His mind is in chaos, he is drowning in darkness, and everything is a mess. He cannot talk, and he cannot breathe. You had never seen him like that before, and it scared you.
"It's okay, everything will be alright, I promise," you whispered, gently kissing the top of his head to soothe him.
It took at least an hour for Leon to completely calm himself down. You managed to lay him on your bed, using the blanket to cover him and keep his body warm. Gently, you moved his hair away from his face and hugged him tightly. Leon was so close to you that you could feel his breath on your face. You gently traced your fingers down his back, mindful of his limits, until he fell asleep.
It was the first time he had slept the entire night.
"What are you reading?" he asks in a husky voice after a moment of silence.
"Hamlet," you replied softly, your fingers entwined in his hair as you gently stroked it.
"Can you read it for me?" he asks softly, lifting his head so he can see you with his big, puppy-like blue eyes. "I like hearing you."
As the rain tapped lightly against the windowpane, you sat comfortably on the sofa with Leon's head cradled in your lap. The room was filled with the comforting scent of old books and bathed in a soft, warm glow emitted by the lamp on the side table. You turned the pages of the weathered book, your fingers tracing the well-worn lines of Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Leon's eyes were closed, his breathing steady and rhythmic, and a faint smile played on his lips as he listened to your voice. Your words flowed like a gentle stream, carrying the weight of a timeless tale. You read with a soft, melodic cadence, your voice rising and falling, like the raindrops outside the window.
"To be or not to be, that is the question," you began, your voice filled with contemplation. "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them."
The rain outside seemed to synchronize with the soliloquy, its gentle patter against the glass creating a soothing backdrop for Shakespeare's words. You continued, your fingers running through Leon's hair, reciting, "To die: to sleep; no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished."
Your voice wove a tapestry of emotions, your words caressing Leon's soul as the story of Hamlet unfolded. He felt so at peace, as if nothing in this world could ruin this moment. He loved the way you read to him. He loves being touched by you.
For someone who was treated like an animal for most of his life, being treated as a human being with feelings and emotions certainly caused him to break. Leon never thought he could escape his nightmare. He never imagined that his life would turn out like this. Two months ago, Leon gave up all hope he had. He made peace with himself, accepting that he would die in the lab.
But you saved him.
You saved him in every possible way. You came when everything seemed to be lost, when all he knew was darkness and pain. You were the light he needed, the touch of the sun, the warmth of an embrace, and the happiness he desperately craved. You were the missing piece he had been searching for all those years. But until this very moment, he had to walk a long road.
The moonlight bathed the countryside in an ethereal glow, and Leon had spent a week recuperating in the country house, gradually healing his body and spirit. After his first week at home, you observed him gradually regain strength, patiently anticipating the opportune moment to provide him with a symbolic liberation from his past. Finally, put an end to this chapter once and for all. On this particular night, after serving him dinner, you approached his bedside with a gentle expression, filled with kindness and determination.
"Leon, I have something for you," you whispered, your voice soft and soothing. "I think it's time for us to finally leave the lab behind and move on."
Leon, still weak and pale, looked at you with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. He was beginning to trust you implicitly, but the memories of the lab still clung to him like shadows.
"What do you mean?" Leon asks, his voice still weak and husky, as if he's struggling to stay awake.
"Come with me," you smiled soothingly at him, stroking his hair.
With great care, you helped him to his feet, wrapping a warm shawl around his shoulders, while he used the pole to support his weight. You both walked slowly, your steps synchronized with his weakened state, into the embrace of the moonlit night. Leon's steps were still uncertain, and his body felt fragile after a week of rest and recovery. The path you two followed led to a field — an expanse of wildflowers in full bloom. This field was alive with the beauty of wildflowers swaying in the gentle breeze. It was a symbol of nature's resilience and the potential for fresh starts. The fragrant air surrounded both of you, providing a refreshing contrast to the sterile environment of the lab.
You led him to a makeshift altar beneath a towering oak tree, with candles flickering and dancing in the breeze. On the altar, you placed a small bundle of clothes — the very same garments he had worn as a test subject in the lab.
"Leon Scott Kennedy," you said softly, "Today marks one week since we left the lab, and it has been a week since you embarked on your new life. I want you to leave the past behind and find closure. I want you to find peace and happiness, but for that, we need to do something first. These clothes represent the darkest chapter of your life. It's time to say goodbye to them."
As you handed him the old lab coat, the attire itself served as a constant reminder of his torment. The fabric was worn and tattered, bearing the marks of his suffering. He hesitated for a moment, his fingers trembling. The memories, the pain, the suffering — all were contained in that fabric. The old uniform was worn and tattered, bearing the marks of his suffering. But now, it was time to let go. With a deep breath, he placed the clothes on the fire that you had kindled.
The flames engulfed the garments, and the flickering light cast dancing shadows on Leon's tear-streaked face. The clothes started to burn, gradually disintegrating into ashes and embers. As he watched the fire consume his past, tears started to blur his vision. As the fire engulfed them with a voracious intensity, consuming them bit by bit, you witnessed Leon's tears cascading down his face.
He cried for the pain he had endured, for the years stolen from him, and for the loss of innocence. But with each tear that fell, a weight lifted from his shoulders.
You held him close, with your arm around his shoulders, and whispered, "It's okay to cry, Leon. You're finally free."
He sank to his knees in the field filled with wildflowers, his heart burdened by the weight of his past but also uplifted by the promise of a fresh start. As the last of the lab clothes turned to ashes, Leon realized that he had emerged from the darkness. He was no longer a guinea pig, but a man, free to write the story of his own life.
He cried so much that night. He finally found peace.
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Leon stood on the porch of the charming country house, holding a cup of steaming tea. The world around him was a picturesque canvas of green hills and blooming wildflowers. Birds sang a melodious chorus, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the ancient trees. The air was filled with a sense of peace he had never experienced before.
The next morning, you woke up and found his bed empty. This had become quite normal by now. Leon always wakes up before you and prepares breakfast. So, after getting out of bed and taking care of your morning routine, you went downstairs. The kitchen door was open, and a chilly breeze blew in. Despite the sun shining in the sky, it was still cold. You spotted him and smiled, grabbing your coffee mug.
As Leon sipped his tea, his thoughts wandered back to the years he had spent as a captive in that sterile lab. The painful experiments, the isolation, and the uncertainty, each memory weighed heavily on his soul. He had endured the unimaginable, and yet, here he was - finally free.
The contrast between his past and the serene present was staggering. He had been reduced to a mere subject of scientific curiosity, dehumanized and robbed of his dignity. But now, in the tranquil countryside, he was rediscovering the true essence of life.
He had his eyes fixed on a solitary red rose that swayed gently in the breeze. As he gazed at the rose, he couldn't help but wonder about the life he had missed during his captivity. His mind was filled with a whirlwind of questions. What had he missed while he was trapped? How has the world outside changed? What had become of his family and friends, if they still existed at all? Leon's thoughts were a labyrinth of uncertainty, a journey through the mysteries of his past.
A butterfly landed on a nearby flower, and he watched it with fascination. It was a symbol of freedom and transformation, a reminder that he too had the chance to start anew. With each passing day, he rediscovered the simple joys of life — the taste of fresh strawberries, the sound of laughter after a joke, and the sensation of grass under his fingers.
As the rose swayed in the breeze, he silently made a silent promise to himself: to cherish every moment of freedom, to embrace the beauty of the world, and to make the most of the life that had been stolen from him for far too long.
"I know you're watching me," Leon says, not turning back to face you, and taking another sip of his tea. Chamomile is his favorite.
"Penny for your thoughts?" you said, getting closer to him and standing by his side.
"I never thought I would see the world again. I kept imagining things in my mind as a way to escape that hell and forget the pain. But now that I'm here, I have a new chance, and I don't intend to waste the rest of it." Leon looks at you tenderly, his hand reaching out for yours. "I thought I was going to die in there, but you saved me. You gave me my life back, you helped me heal, and I'm here today because of you."
The smile on your lips was almost involuntary.
"I know it was hard for you, but thank you for not giving up on me," he says, his baby blue eyes locked onto yours.
"I would never give up on you, Leon," you almost whisper, your voice filled with a sudden happiness you never knew existed.
He smiled, then kissed your forehead. As the sun rose, the two of you sat side by side, observing the sky and the sunlight caress the lush field. After all this time, he allowed himself to feel again, and at first, it felt strange. It felt uncomfortable. He was scared that he would be hurt until you proved to him that you were not like the others. The way you made him feel, the way you showed him that life could be simple, and that it was okay to feel and be afraid sometimes, changed him. He was insecure, traumatized, and scared. You helped him see the other side of life. You found him when he was lost. Now, he had something to believe.
He was free, and he had you by his side. And no one would ever take his freedom away again. 
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omgrachwrites · 9 months
One of The Lads - Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: swearing and fluff!!
Request: Could I get au number 8, for secret relationship with Sirius black and female reader? Where maybe they’re only secret because she’s like the pet of the friend group to everyone with how like silly she is and no one really expected the 2 of them, lots of fluff please 🙏 and only if you want to ofc, take it easy and don’t rush! Thank you for consideringggg🧡🧡 - @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader
A/N: Thanks so much for requesting love! I hope everyone enjoys, I love you all very much! xxx
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It was a wet and dreary day in October, the enchanted ceiling overhead was exceptionally dull with dark grey clouds floating in the centre, that looked to burst at any moment. The bad weather seemed to have an impact on some of the Hogwarts students, not you though, you loved weather like this.
Although long, summer days were glorious, sometimes you yearned for the cold weather when you could wrap up in your fluffy coat and scarf. Weather where you could all rush to Hogsmeade, finding shelter and warmth in a corner The Three Broomsticks, laughing and joking over a pint of Butterbeer before wandering back to the castle in the dark, you way lit only by a couple of streetlamps.
Remus tried to give you an unimpressed look but you could see the corners of his mouth twitching as he tried not to laugh when another marshmallow hit him between the eyes, “Jesus, Y/N! You’re the best seeker that we’ve had in years, how can you not land a marshmallow in a giant mug,” he laughed as he gestured to his enormous mug of hot chocolate.
You pulled a face at him, “I can catch things well enough, I just can’t throw them,” you proved your statement as you lobbed another marshmallow and it completely missed its mark as it flew past Remus’ shoulder and hit someone on the back of their head.
“What’s going on here?” Sirius laughed as he finally joined the breakfast table, “it looks like a marshmallow factory has exploded,” his voice was rough from sleep and his hair was a little messy as he ran a hand through it.
You were momentarily speechless as you gazed up at him, your mouth slightly open, in your opinion he looked the most handsome after just waking up. You and Sirius had been dating for a couple of months. In complete secret. You had even hidden it from your best friends, not for any malicious reasons of course, you didn’t know how they would take it. Dating within the friendship was some sort of forbidden unspoken rule.
“Y/N, is being a pain in the arse,” Remus grinned at you.
You gasped, pretending to be offended, “I’m a delight.”
Remus rolled his eyes as he looked at his best friend, “she can’t get a marshmallow into my mug, embarrassing really,” he joked, immediately contradicting his words as a marshmallow soared into the mug, making a tiny splash.
James, who had been watching let out a weak cheer, “finally. That was fucking painful to watch,” he smirked as you gave him the finger.
Sirius grinned at you as he sat next to you, his little finger linking with yours, his way of saying I love you when he couldn’t say it out loud. You smiled back as you linked your fingers together.
As you, Remus and Sirius walked down to Potions, you could see James once again, trying his hardest to chat up Lily Evans. To be fair, this year she seemed to hate him less, James’ head had really deflated in size and he was much more likeable. Lily caught your eye over James shoulder and she rolled her eyes with a grin before trying to look like she was interested in whatever James was saying.
You smirked at the couple, wanting to get James back for what he said at breakfast, and you did just that. Taking your wand from the inside of your robes you subtly pointed it at James’ bag, muttering a spell. A quiet ripping noise and a louder crash echoed through the corridors of the dungeons as the seams on James’ bag was pulled apart and his belongings went crashing to the floor. James let out a very high pitched yelp as he scrambled to pick his stuff up, his glasses falling down his nose and his cheeks flushing.
Your face must have given you away because he shook his head and slung an arm over your shoulders as you all walked into the classroom. He glared at you but when he spoke you could hear the laughter in his voice.
“That was so mean.”
You laughed as you looked up at him, “you still love me though, right?”
He groaned “yes, I do,” he replied reluctantly.
More of your silliness ensued while you were making your potion, you were all brewing an Elixir to Induce Euphoria. Unfortunately, it seemed as though you had put in too much of one ingredient and not enough of another, which resulted in the effects being too strong, reducing you and your friend Alice into fits of silent giggles. Slughorn looked up at you both, shaking his head.
Finally, it came to yours and Sirius’ free period so you were sitting down at the deserted boat house, Sirius was sitting behind you with his arms wrapped around you as he placed sweet kisses on your cheek. You hummed as you leaned back into him and you felt him smile against your skin. There was nothing but the sound of the howling wind and the rippling of the water before Sirius spoke up.
“I want to tell people we’re dating.”
You tensed up in his arms and glanced at him over your shoulder to find him grinning at you but his grey eyes held a look of vulnerability, “you do?”
“Yeah, I know you’re not big on the idea.”
You sighed, “I want to tell people Sirius, I do,” you hesitated, “but I mean, I’m not exactly your type am I?”
Sirius frowned, a crease forming between his eyebrows, “you’re beautiful, smart and funny. Exactly my type,” he kissed you gently.
You flushed at his words as you fiddled with the ring that he wore on his thumb, “everyone sees me as just ‘one of the lads’ though, they’d be weirded out if they found out we were together.”
“Our friends would want us to be happy, Y/N.”
You knew he was right, of course he was right. You guys had the best friends in the whole world who would be happy for you. Finally, you nodded, “okay. Let’s tell them.”
After classes were over, you both walked into the dormitory, hand in hand and found your friends sitting by the fire, “we have to tell you guys something,” Sirius spoke up.
Remus smirked as he pointed at your joined hands, “is it something to do with that?” his words caused you and Sirius to exchange a look.
James’ eyes widened slightly, “wow, I never would have thought of you guys as a couple,” your face dropped at James’ words and you exchanged another nervous look with Sirius.
“What do you mean by that?” you whispered, bracing yourself.
“Well, he’s infuriating enough as a best friend, never mind a boyfriend. You’re a saint, Y/N,” James joked and you let out a relived sigh, “I’m really happy for you guys.”
“Me too,” Remus grinned as Sirius turned to give you a little kiss.
“C’mon, I snuck into the kitchens and stole some Firewhiskey, let’s celebrate,” James picked up a bottle of amber liquid, shaking it with a suggestive look on his face.
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zriasstuff · 3 months
Friends- Blaise Zabini x reader
Fluff drabble, post-break up reconciliation <3
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It’s been two weeks since your break up with Blaise already, and honestly when you saw him, you still felt a sting in your heart. It didn’t work out in the end because both of you couldn’t manage to communicate with each other, and as lazy of an excuse it may sound like, it was true. Towards the end of your relationship you barely talked with each other anymore. It was as if you were even less than friends. Perhaps you were never meant to be in a romantic relationship after all because functioning couples would probably try harder to stay together.
But you couldn’t even manage that, instead you grew apart. The only time you’d see each other was class and every time you guys even made remote eye contact, it turned awkward for both of you.
Besides classes quidditch was always and still is a common ground. Blaise was obviously known for being a great beater and you for being a talented chaser, whose role is also substitute seeker. During training you still caught yourself secretly staring at him, but it was all in a harmless manner. Innerly you wish you’d still be friends, after all he was an incredibly caring and sensible person, yet some things just don’t work out, no matter how much you want them to. And neither one of you made the effort to rebuild a friendship. Or rather, you knew that you lacked the courage to take the first step.
Right now you should probably take your mind off of Blaise though and focus on the big game on Saturday against Gryffindor. Draco had gotten himself into the hospital wing due to a stupid leg injury caused by juvenile fighting, so winning the game as seeker should be your primary focus…
*time skip*
Your team-mates were yelling at you from every direction possible. As you already established, some things, as much as you want them to work out, oftentimes just don’t. Sometimes you wondered how it was possible that whenever you wanted something badly, it never seemed to work out in the end.
Feeling tears already forming in your eyes, you can only mutter out a pathetic sorry and run away from everything. It’s incredibly unfair to you. They were acting like you were the entire reason you lost, just because you weren’t completely focused. Even if you didn’t play your best, it wasn’t only your fault, and it’s supposed to be a team effort anyway. Still, no matter what you try to console yourself with, you still feel like crap.
During times like these, funnily enough, Blaise would probably be a great comfort to you, you think to yourself. In those times when you did communicate, Blaise knew how to cheer you up the best. Drowning in your despair, you didn’t even notice how much time had passed until you suddenly heard an all too familiar voice.
“I knew I’d find you here”, the voice echoes down to you.
Your heart stops for a second. Almost electrified. Hurriedly, you wipe away your tears.
“B- Blaise? What are you doing here?”
Hopefully you didn’t sound and look too distraught. Did he follow you?
“Whenever you’re upset, you come to this tree in the forbidden forest”
He sat down next to you, and before you could pull back he embraced you for a hug. Subconsciously your first reaction is to cling onto him. You feel his strong arms wrap around you so lovingly, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. All it took was one genuine, caring moment, and most of the awkwardness had faded away. No one in so long has been this familiar and comforting.
“You know, even though we’re not technically on speaking terms, I still care about you right? I just didn’t know if you still wanted to have anything to do with me”
“Of course I do, and thank you”, you sniffle. It was indescribably how much weight lifted off your shoulders in that exact moment.
“So, wanna start over as friends?”
“I would love that”
Apparently, a crappy quidditch game was all it took for one of the best people you know to be in your life again. And that “friends” term seemed good. At least for now…
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shiyorin · 6 months
Time to silly headcanon
Primarchs but they are in Hogwarts Au
Because everyone need Hogwarts au :v
Lion El'Jonson 
Top marks in everything but has a resting bitch face
Secretly a big softie but acts aloof
Skips class to nap in the forest
Once stupefied a professor but claims it was an accident
They think he is Slytherin but he is Gryffindor
Slytherin prefect, always flawlessly styled hair and robes
Always changing hair and outfit more than Luna Lovegood
Hosts lavish potions parties in the Room of Requirement
Already opened a beauty salon in Hogsmeade on weekends
Ravenclaw but always in detention for arguing with teachers
Could single handedly build a new Hogwarts over summer
Always scribbling dark fortress designs instead of notes
Enchanted the suits of armor to attack people who irritate him
Jaghatai Khan
Always late to class because racing brooms in the halls 
Sends letters via hawk instead of owl
Hufflepuff seeker, fastest broom in the game
Enchanted his motorcycle to fly
Leman Russ
Gryffindor team captain, chill dude until someone mentions Slytherin
Parties in the Forbidden Forest weekly
On a first name basis with the giant squid
Sneaks hip flask of firewhiskey into class
Rogal Dorn
Hufflepuff prefect, stickler for the rules  
Enchanted the suits of armor as a personal army
Constructed multiple secret bases around campus
Reported Peeves to the headmistress at least weekly
Konrad Curze
Not actually a student, caretaker is convinced he's a ghost
Lurks in shadows muttering about "justice"
Won't stop leaving creepy notes in people's bags
Has never been seen in daylight
Gryffindor seeker and favorite student of professors
Runs free tutoring for anyone struggling in class
Tries to help everyone even if they’re mean to him
Secretly a vampire but hasn't told anyone yet
Ferrus Manus
Technically should be in Ravenclaw but hangs with Gryffindors
Top of the Transfiguration class
Always transfigures things by accident when angry
Stockpiles spare parts in the Room of Requirement
Kicked out of every class for flying into homicidal rages 
Secretly takes care of magical creatures in the forest
Pranks people by putting curses on bludgers
Weekly visits to St. Mungo's due to "outbursts"
Why is he Hufflepuff???
Roboute Guilliman
Head Boy and Ravenclaw prefect patrols the halls excessively 
Top marks in every class and pays attention except Prophesy
Binds rule books to smack people who break curfew 
Daily schedules include color-coded classes and chores
Constantly skipping herbology to smoke strange plants out back 
This Slytherin always smells like a wet grave and fungi
Hoards Doxys and bowtruckles in the damper closets 
Enchanted his robes to be self-cleaning but they’re still grimy
Magnus the Red
Runs the wizard chess club and gobstones club
Has a psychic duel with Professor Trelawney weekly 
Secretly teaching advanced magic to other houses in the Room of Requirement
Uses crystal balls to gaze into the future of quidditch matches
Somehow became the most hated Ravenclaw
Horus Lupercal
Charismatic Gryffindor prefect and heir to Dumbeldore
Talented chaser who carries the quidditch cups every year
Top marks but still finds time for partying with Slytherins
Already has several Hogsmeade businesses lined up for after graduation
Lorgar Aurelian
Runs Slytherin religious cult meetings in the Forbidden Forest
Always gets plucked from class for excessive proselytizing 
Has enchanted murals all over the school of super holy scenes
Constantly blessing other students whether they want it or not
Hufflepuff chaser, always lets the snitch go 
Best at Care of Magical Creatures, even the dangerous ones love him
Secretly bakes the best cookies in the kitchens 
Constantly in the hospital wing due to "potions accidents"
Corvus Corax
Introverted Ravenclaw, knows all the hidden passages
Best student in Defense Against the Dark Arts
Skips classes to research advanced transfiguration
Owl delivery? Nah he climbs in your window
No one knows if they're the same person or twins   
Always seen disappearing around corners and through secret passages
Top marks in Potions but no one knows which one is which
Pranks people by polyjuicing as other students
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
for a character jkr hate draco does seem to have a lot of impact if he did wind up dead during the sectumsempra scene then it will affect snape too because of the unbreakable vow which means that voldemort would definitely get the elder wand and narcissa wouldn't even think of saving harry and lie that he is dead
I KNOW! Draco has had a HUGE impact on Harry's arc. He and Harry are present for most of each other's critical moments and both have a huge influence on each other's lives. The degree to which their narratives are intertwined is insane.
Draco is there the first time Harry meets Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest. He's the reason Harry becomes a Seeker. He's the reason Harry first successfully casts a Patronus. Harry witnesses Draco's pivotal moment on the Astronomy Tower. Harry is the reason Draco is assigned to kill Dumbledore in the first place. It's because of Harry that the Vanishing Cabinet is broken and also because of him that Draco finds out about the Room of Requirement. Draco risks everything to buy Harry time to escape at the Manor.
Harry defeats Voldemort in the end with Draco's wand using the same spell that Draco used against Dumbledore which only works because of Draco's previous use of that spell and the affect it had on wand ownership.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are SO MANY overlaps and parallels. Their stories are inextricably intertwined and so many of the things that happen to them and the choices they make are influenced by their relationship with each other and by each other's actions.
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cozzzynook · 1 month
got any blitzbee for blitzbee week? or any ship with bee :]
So i’m a day late but the subject for day one being forbidden had art that inspired me so much.
I loved it.
Bee sneaking Blitzwing out who was kept in the lowest parts of autobot territory after being tortured.
He was physically tortured and it shows with how much energon he’s leaking and how much of his frame is missing. There’s a small pool of energon on the floor, his insignia has been ripped off. His wings were damaged but he could still fly. They badly damaged the treads of his tank alt mode and Bee winces at how heavy the chains are around his secret conjunxs neck cables and servos and pedes are.
They have to keep someone like Blitzwing in stasis cuffs and so the chains act as a numbing agent and keep him immobile. Bee sees all this even if his team tried to keep him from seeing it because they believed he was traumatized during his capture and thats why he won’t speak.
It wasn’t that though.
He and Blitzwing had known each other for millions of stellar cycles. Their courting was long, shy and done before the war actually broke out.
Bee was far older than they thought he was. Yeah he was still a young bot but he was emerged before the great wars really kicked off about a hundred years approximately. He’s only ever known war and it was during the war he met Blitzwing.
He was a young mech that got caught in a blast running to safety. He was relatively fine but the young seeker next to him was not.
Bee doesn’t know how he did it but he managed to bring the large lanky seeker into a destroyed shelter and patching him up the best he could.
Of course he recognized the decepticon insignia after helping him but at that time Bee knew the decepticons were right in fighting for freedom. This was before things became twisted and when Megatron wasn’t a warlord.
It was a couple days later before Blitzwing onlined. The mech was in a daze and couldn’t hold his own helm up. Bee managed to find some energon that wasn’t enough to quench even his thirst but he gave it to the large mech who greedily drank it before rushing to sit up with a wince.
Of course Bee was on guard and scurried back. He wasn’t stupid, a bleeding spark yes but not stupid, he knew he couldn’t take on any bot fighting in the war let alone a con as tall as this one.
But the con didn’t seem at all willing to hurt him in fact the con looked at him like he hung the stars covered by smog and smoke.
Bee can admit he was love struck looking into those optics the first time he truly saw them.
Its why he took the lanky mechs servo in his own and never looked back as he was led to a tent on an old and tribal looking base camp where many cons and those looking for change and safety wandered.
They initially were strangers who felt their spark soar every moment they were near another. Bee knew the mech when his designation was Frostwing.
Sharing soft touches, making sure their tent was clean and warm by the time the mech came back. Making energon for them and others who were injured, helping patch wounds under medics guided servos so he could be of use and not feel like a rusted bag of spare parts.
Before autobots became too underhanded bots were still emerging sparklings and even having them. He would help take care of them and help around the tents so the carriers wouldn’t have to clean and could rest.
He remembers the early days of being with the decepticons off battlefield. They were damaged, broken and hurt. But warm, kind and caring in ways he didn’t associate with autobots.
Frostwing as well.
Especially Frostwing.
Bots wouldn’t believe him if he said the mech who became a triple changer and cannibal once brought him sweet energon every week in the roughest of war zones because he believed he was worth it. This same mech who made sure he was cuddled close to his chassis, rubbing his helm to lull him into recharge with the help of his spark was the same mech who later was injured so badly in the middle of the war they used the triple changer project to bring him back.
Changing him painfully without consent with manipulation and no care for his well being.
Bee knew better than to say something. He didn’t want to risk either of them being offlined. Its was then he knew the decepticons had changed but it was too late.
Frostwing was now a valuable weapon and Bee was far too indebted to them to leave. Not to mention he was the sparkbond and conjunx of Frostwing now named Blitzwing.
His love was given two additional face plates and a fractured processor and frame that left him aching and in pain for what felt like stellar cycles.
Bee stayed up every night with him keeping his frame from over heating and administering pain lines to ease his torment.
He was afraid his love had changed drastically and wouldn’t love him anymore. Wouldn’t be able to live in a frame with a mind so altered and so suddenly after a near death experience.
Bee knew the moment he saw his beloved changed he would stay by his side no matter what. He just feared Blitzwing would not want him.
But his fears were for nothing.
His love, his spark and beautiful conjunx still took one look at him and reached out his servo to wipe away his tears. Blitzwing looked at him like the day they first met.
His mech was still so love with him and Bee couldn’t have been happier.
He felt he jinxed their happiness because it wasn’t long before they were nearing the end of the war that a deadly raid took place.
Carriers were kidnapped, sparklings were offlined, mechs were losing their processors at the loss of their families and the extricating cut off of their bonds.
He knew Megatron still had a spark somewhere left in there because he ordered a retreat and took to the front lines and was the last to board the ship. Whoever he could take he did.
But by then it was too late.
Majority of the sparklings were gone.
The carriers were all offline from the loss of their sparklings or being killed. Sires sparks had given out due to the pain and he was held by high command kept in a tight grip assumed to be a prisoner made to do servant labor.
He remembers the feeling of his spark flickering at watching the ship leave and the battles to come. Blitzwing was his worst trying to get to him. Find any clue of him before being declared too dangerous and wild by Megatron of all bots.
They would send small search parties for him but eventually after the all spark was launched, they stopped.
And Bee was left to autobot command.
Where they eventually put him with a new designation and in bot camp.
Sure he met Bulkhead and they became friends but it wasn’t…life was not the same. Not without his conjunx.
He missed him.
Terribly, every day.
The others knew something was up but not what.
They figured he was too young to have experienced any real pain in life and he hated it. But he didn’t want to expose himself when the elite guard specifically threatened that his former identity not be known.
So he kept his dermas shut, not that his team could tell with his happy go lucky personality, he played his role and part and would then go off looking to the stars hoping for his spark to be out there, alive and well.
He got his wish in the form of two craters in the city of Detroit.
One he remembers being Lugnut who immediately recognized him and thankfully kept quiet and the other, his spark.
Who thankfully sprung into action taking him far from the fight as Lugnut easily handled the others and kept them around him to give the two of them time as Blitzwing soared to the sky shouting incoherent words between all three of his faces while Bee cried tears of joy and screams of pain, relief, agony at being apart for so long and pure happiness at feeling the thrum of his conjunx’s spark swirling in tandem before plunging into his.
His spark soared the skies in a mating dance he readily accepted and trusted without a second thought.
Chirping and cooing with a rev of his engine to a pop of his door wings revealing them in a wing dance of acceptance that made Blitzwing plunge dive. It left Bee a squealing mess of laughter and carefree excitement he hadn’t felt since the day he last raced his love back on their home planet.
They both knew their time was limited.
Bee rushed to kiss his conjunx telling him the words he so desperately needed to say, “I love you,” before his audials heard the most beautiful voice box say it back.
“And I, love you,” his spark always knew how to touch him with words alone.
So long apart yet this wasn’t a stranger before him.
The same Blitzwing he met on the battlefield all those stellar cycles ago. The same Blitzwing who became a triple changer and would try to comfort him even though Bee wasn’t the one in pain. This very same mech who would hand feed him in his lap just because he wanted to take care of him. This very same mech who wanted to shield him from the horrors the best he could during the war. This mech, his mech, whose spark sang for him as they touched helms and became one so easily, after all this time.
This was the same mech he would risk life and limb for without a moments hesitation.
Their many late night meetings on Earth, before the decepticons were captured and brought back to Cybertron, raced through his mind as he snuck into the lower deck of the ship and waited until the coast was clear.
Tears in his optics, servos shaking and spark breaking at the sight of his love who sneered.
So big and strong, even while in so much pain.
He couldn’t help but sniffle and try to silence it before stepping to into the dim flickering light that made red optics more beautiful than they should be in this moment.
“Mein hummel.”
Those optics always beheld the stars when looking at him and he could only hope to do them justice.
“We’re getting out of here,” he kissed, pressing his helm to his beloveds. Servo transforming into a blade Bee cut through the chains as quickly and quietly as he could. Watching his conjunx flick his wings and stretch his frame before scooping him up and making quick work to take the corridors Bee used to sneak inside.
They were halfway free when the alarm rang but by then, it was too late.
“I came prepared,” Bee smiled.
Blurr stood with Shockwave at his side, the one optic con holding most of Blurrs weight as the healing former agent nodded towards them and motioned for them to leave.
Shockwave carried the mech as he ran for it. Blitzwing did the same and Bee made sure to use his arm canon, his original weapon given by his love, to cave in the doorways they passed.
All too soon they were outside making their way into a ship that was rushed to the skies and dodging blaster fire.
Bee could see his former team watching the ship fly away in betrayal and hurt before looking away.
He would never pick them over his spark but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
A servo on his shoulder and he looked to see Blurr shaking his helm.
“Don’t linger, it’ll make it worse.”
Nothing else was said after that.
For once Blurr didn’t talk at the speed of light and Bee had nothing to say.
He burrowed into his spark mate who gripped him tight covering his frame and in return Bee shielded Blitzwing’s spark.
Laying his helm over the shielded thrumming orb of life, he pressed a kiss to it.
And his love helped hide him from the world just as he needed.
I love this ship.
If you have any asks about them go ahead my inbox is always open. Hope everyone enjoys this.
This post inspired me
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scottpetersen · 1 year
Why I Think Bradford Buzzard And Black Heron Are Evil Reflections Of Scrooge McDuck And Goldie O’Gilt
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Ok. Here I’ll be going over my thoughts on why I think Bradford Buzzard and Black Heron are pretty much evil reflections of Scrooge McDuck and Goldie O’Gilt by going over their similarities as well as their differences. Also, Spoiler Alert for the DuckTales (2017) TV series. With that out of the way, let’s dive right in.
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First off, both duos have a member who tried to get the other to see things their way. For Scrooge and Goldie, there was Goldie who, as shown in the episode ‘The Forbidden Fountain Of The Foreverglades!’, tried to get Scrooge to use the Fountain Of The Foreverglades to stay young forever along with her. And for Bradford and Black Heron, there was Black Heron who, as shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’, tried to get Bradford to embrace his evil side. The difference between them here is whether or not Scrooge and Bradford accepted what Goldie and Black Heron were offering. As also shown in the episode ‘The Forbidden Fountain Of The Foreverglades!’, Scrooge decided to refuse Goldie’s offer to stay young forever in the end. And as shown in the episode ‘The Last Adventure Part 3: Tale’s End…’, despite Bradford saying he’s not a villain, the truth is he actually is one partly because he was gonna throw Donald Duck into a vortex that would obliterate him from existence.
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Also, both duos have a member who is a bit more irrational than the other. For Scrooge and Goldie, there’s Goldie who, as shown in the episode ‘The Golden Lagoon Of White Agony Plains!’, lit a trail of gunpowder she left in order to distract Scrooge despite Scrooge saying that it could cause a cave-in that will get them both killed. And for Bradford and Black Heron, there’s Black Heron who, as shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’, wanted to use the Papyrus Of Binding despite Bradford’s warning that even the slightest miss-wording could be catastrophic. The difference between them there, though, is under what circumstances their disagreement about that usually take place in. As shown and stated in the episode ‘The Golden Lagoon Of White Agony Plains!’, Goldie and Scrooge were a couple of treasure seekers looking for treasure. And as shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’, Bradford and Black Heron were a couple of villains out for world domination. Speaking of which…
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Both duos have a member who is more rational than the other. As shown in the episode ‘The Golden Lagoon Of White Agony Plains!’ and as I pointed out in my previous point, there’s Scrooge who tried to warn Goldie that lighting that trail of gunpowder she left behind would cause a cave-in that would get them both killed. And as shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’ and as I also pointed out in my previous point, there’s Bradford who tried to warn Black Heron that even the slightest miss-wording on the Papyrus Of Binding could be the end of them. And just like in my previous point, the difference between them here is that as shown in the episode ‘The Golden Lagoon Of White Agony Plains!’, Scrooge and Goldie were a couple of treasure hunters looking for treasure whereas as shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’, Bradford and Black Heron were a couple of villains out for world domination.
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Both members of both duos were once on different before joining forces. As shown and stated in the episode ‘The Forbidden Fountain Of The Foreverglades!’, Scrooge and Goldie were at each other’s throats quite a lot before they seemed to reconcile and Goldie returned Isabella Finch’s Journal that she took. And as shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’, Bradford was once part of a heroic organization called SHUSH while Black Heron was a villain. The difference between them there, though, was who joined which side. As shown in the episode ‘The Forbidden Fountain Of The Foreverglades!’, Goldie joined the light side by returning Isabella Finch’s Journal that she took from Scrooge. And as shown in the episode ‘The First Adventure!’, Bradford joined the dark side by helping to found an evil organization called FOWL.
Overall, these are the reasons why I think Bradford Buzzard and Black Heron are evil reflections of Scrooge McDuck and Goldie O’Gilt.
Well, that’s all for this post.
See you all next time.
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charmwasjess · 2 months
I actually really like Sifo-dyas’s characterization in The Living Force, just this absolutely harried man.
Of course he’s making bad decisions! Why worry about the present when each second is bleeding into a future that is horrifying beyond description.
(I know it’s no longer him who orders the clone army in canon anymore, but this version of him seems much more like the kind of man who would do something like that.)
I mostly agree with you about Sifo-Dyas’s characterization in the Living Force! 
We’ll eat for years on Seeker Sifo. (I always thought it was cute that as a kid, Sifo-Dyas had found out who his own Seeker was, and that it was a cool High Republic Jedi to boot?! No wonder he wants to be one.) And I like that the book seems to go out of his way to establish that Sifo-Dyas wasn’t just on the Council as a token guy, but he was their whole Future Department, and that his departure left them seriously lacking in their ability to perceive that. It adds some complexity to the Council’s comments on how clouded the future is in the prequel films.
The last time we saw Sifo-Dyas in any Star Wars property, it was 2019 in Dooku: Jedi Lost. We leave him collapsed on Serenno, completely out of his mind, laughing and crying on the ground after watching Dooku burst a fucking dragon out of the planet. It's seriously great to pick back up with our boy's story in this book, and get some content about the period after that devastating moment. Content which suggests he’s not only been functioning, but on the Council and clearly an important person there, acting with agency and an agenda to try to save his people. 
And pissing off Even Piel lol. He deserves to be a problem, as a treat. This is Lene Kostana’s son, after all. He is a person Asajjj Ventress thinks is too rebellious, whose stated reason for breaking into a forbidden Archive section full of dangerous artifacts is “because I’m a troublemaker.” I love a sweet, soft Sifo characterization as much as the next person, but let’s face it, he’s a sarcastic little shit who spends most of Dooku: Jedi Lost choosing chaos, probably because his own defiance is the one thing in his life he feels any control over. 
And I love your point about his (understandable!) disregard for the present. In that way, he makes the perfect conflict/foil for the Living Force and Qui-Gon’s message about living in the moment. 
Not to contradict you on this last point, and please, someone chime in if I’m incorrect about this - I think current canon doubled down on Sifo-Dyas definitively being the one to order the Clone Army. In the canon novel, Force Collector, the main character finds Sifo-Dyas’s last recording before his crash, where he explains his whole reasoning behind ordering the Clones and takes responsibility for it. And I think the Clone Wars episode “The Lost One” also discusses his involvement in the plot, initially collaborating with Dooku before being murdered and Dooku taking over/sabotaging the project with the chip interference. Dooku: Jedi Lost seeming to go to some length to create backstory around that particular detail - why Sifo-Dyas would go specifically to Dooku with the Clone project (not realizing he’s fallen) and how he had secure, untraceable means to get in contact with Dooku after all those years. (That stupid cursed comlink Dooku gives him at the end of the book in case he ever needs him.)
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nientedenada · 11 months
One of my favourite things in all of TES is Mannimarco's terrible, terrible poetry. As laid out in the ESO book, it's hard to see all the amazing rhymes. So let me present to you with the lines divided and the rhymes bolded. You will notice that he starts with no rhymes at all, switches rhyme schemes, pays no attention to meter and believes that "necrotic" is a noun.
Worm Saga by Mannimarco
Mage from infancy, blood-selected for magicka,  descended from isles of Artaeum forever!  Destined was I from long before birth to exceed all mortals. Altmer? Nay, Aldmer: scion of et'Ada by direct descent,  summoned to Ceporah, and there was I sent:  to Iachesis, to tutor, to test and ferment. No magicka handler Iachesis Ritemaster,  sage of the Elder Way, gentle spellcaster!  To warp not the wind, unlike guild of the latter day, courting disaster. Necromancy, death art, chose me stern and fast.  To change not the present, but call up the past,  obverse of Elder Way, forbidden without cause,  deep-delved in death's way, against Gray Cloak laws. Ill-timed then arrived one, Trechtus by name:  ambitious, obstreperous, blind and deaf to shame,  talented, reckless, thought himself my equal,  his arrogance and envy determined our sequel. Magic he practiced: open, raw power,  flouted the Elder Way, endangered the tower,  then with lowborn cunning cast me as the villain,  engineered exile, made me Tamrielan. All undervalued my will and resolution,  my knowledge formidable, my wit and acumen.  Thus found I new allies to study the death-rites,  the sacrifice rituals, the summons of ghost-wights. Robed all in black goes the Order of Black Worm,  bringing wisdom to seekers who see beyond death-term,  but Trechtus-now-Vanus pursues us to continent,  to persecute worm-wrights his evil intent. Come, all necrotics, defend practice and life,  against Mages who wield magicka like a knife,  heedless of heresy and ignorant of Elder Way,  hating necromancy yet heralding doomsday. Child of Nirn ponder, which would you choose:  tyranny of mages, restricting spell use,  or necromancy, communion with thy dead,  ancestors returned, generations reunited?
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kazucee · 2 years
Solangelo hcs. Hogwarts edition^^
- Nico always thought he'd end up in Slytherin (he thought the colors looked dope). So he got the shock of his life when the sorting hat announced Hufflepuff.
- Yes Will is also a Hufflepuff (I was torn between Hufflepuff Will or Gryffindor Will)
- THEY BOTH ARE HUFFLEPUFF X HUFFLEPUFF and I find that super adorable.
- Nico's attitude does not change whatsoever just because he's in Hufflepuff, he's still brooding and "scary" (at least to the other years he is).
- so correction it's sunny Hufflepuff x moony (see what I did there Remus lovers??) Hufflepuff.
- Wills favorite subject is Charms.
- Nico's favorite subject is Potions.
- They both met on the train in their first year, Nico gave Will a chocolate frog.
- Nico is the seeker for the Hufflepuff team (and he dominates the field)
- Will helps around in the infirmary.
- Nico (despite being the best seeker) gets 'hurt' maybe it's to see a certain blonde Hufflepuff in the infirmary idk..?
- Their first kiss was in the owlery (you thought I was gonna say astronomy tower?!?!? Hahahah no.)
- They both can borrow clothes whenever because they both have the same house colors (if it's too big then it's probably Wills)
- lumos= Will
- nox= Nico
- the whomping willow "tolerates" both Nico and Will.
- Nico uses the map (it was made by Percy) to check on Will sometimes.
- Nico has a cat, Will has an owl.
- When they both tried amortentia :
Nico smelled Spring and the beach
Will smelled the scent of old books and rain
They both denied smelling anything.
- They both go to the astronomy tower to stare at (each other) the stars.
- Will definitely hypes up his seeker boyfriend. "WOOO THATS MY BOYFRIEND!!"
- They have a secret spot in the forbidden forest.
- all the moving paintings love Will.
- when they both casted their patronuses (for practice), both patronuses (cat for Nico, dog for will) instantly became fond of each other.
- Nico "it's Levi-O-sa. Not Leviosa" Di Angelo.
- they both use the room of requirements to get away.
- YK THE FLYING PAPER CRANE THINGS? Will definitely sent one to Nico IN CLASS.
- Nico sometimes forgets that Will actually really likes Quidditch, so when Will suggest moves Nico could try, he falls in love all over again.
- study dates in the library eueueueu.
- THEY GET TO EAT TOGETHER ALWAYS. perks of being in the same house.
- Will specialized subject is herbology.
- Will would pretend not to know a spell, just so that Nico would hold him and grab his hand to teach him the proper way to cast it.
- Nico could see Thestrals
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mimble-sparklepudding · 11 months
Somehow further Anagram Silliness.
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Having had a somewhat silly sort of week, with breaking various sorts of bad news to various people, some of them very small, I find myself in need of further ridiculous distraction.
So, in another episode of the series for which nobody asked, here are some further anagrammatical adventures.
Reika Tsukihana of @reikatsukihana is an anagram of "Hark, I Ask Auntie", which possibly reflects some close family bonds. More concerning is "I Sneak Haiku Art", which suggests Reika is involved in some shady Hingan poetry smuggling operations. Really very worrying is "Kink Hiatus Area", which is probably something provided at certain RP venues for people to take an occasional break, but not the sort of place that Reika would frequent.
Li'daen Hena of @ae-fond-seeker is an anagram of "Linen Ahead", which suggests she's been working on her weaving skills. But my absolute favourite would have to be "An Ideal Hen", although I suspect Li'daen would not be impressed at the title.
Nomin Tal Kheeriin of @paintedscales reveals a wish that we should "Rethink Minion Ale", which I think is a reasonable response to excessive sponsored promotions. However, as befits her archery skills, she does also intend to "Hone Interlink Aim".
Resi Aria of @elfie-kitten informs us of her capacity to magically raise a breeze with "I, A Raiser". And then goes onto demonstrate it with the command "Arise Air".
Baron Silvaineaux de Rosaire of @houserosaire will not allow his military subordinates to gainsay his strategies - "Auxiliaries Bar No Endeavours". However he has also forbidden them from prettifying aquatic mammals with jewellery - "Auxiliaries Adorn No Beavers" - which the beavers probably appreciated.
Finally, Stefan Delvanguard of @cadrenebula has learned that wrapping up warm is useful in colder climates - "Fur Lends Advantage". Despite his scholarly appearance, clearly Stefan isn't afraid to complain if he feels ill-treated and often "Adds A Vengeful Rant". Sometimes he feels a bit unhappy with how things have gone, seeing them as simultaneously stressful and dull - "An Eventful Sad Drag" one might say. But most cryptic of all, we must know that "Fate Lends Vanguard"... Make of that what you will.
I should probably stop now. Sorry for the silliness!
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cjrights · 24 days
Okayyy time for Zoe stuff!
1. She spent so much time trying to convince the girls to let her scrimmage with them. Eventually they cave in as their short a bench and decide "eh it's one time what's the worst thing that can happen?”
Turns out a lot of stuff. Basically Zoe went up to take a layup and got blocked a lil to hard by KK everyone just kind of froze when it happened cause all you saw was her fall to the ground.
Yknow that noise puppy makes when they get their paw stepped on? Yeah that's what Zoe did and freaked them all tf out. She was fine just a little dazed but needless to say they all rushed her off the court (Aaliyah carried her) and literally were constantly going back to check on her. And poor KK felt so bad cus she obvs didn't mean to hurt the poor baby, just got over competitive and was all anxious for the rest of practice. Luckily Paige and Nika reassured her it was ok and so did Zoe once she got back up and kk gave her literally the gentlest hug you’ve ever seen and started mumbling an apology and just feeling really bad at first, then relieved once she realized she hadn’t actually hurt Zoe 🥺 :(. Her teammates did feel kind of bad for how hard they were on KK after she hurt Zoe cause it was an accident and KK was basically a baby herself and obvs didn’t want to hurt zozo , so they apologized as well for their harshness.
Needless to say, zozo (and kk) got some extra babying and loving on after that, literally everywhere they turned someone was cooing over them or letting them snuggle up for a while just cause they knew both needed some comforts (also Zoe couldn't scrimmage for like a month after. And KK was forbidden from guarding her for a while even if the girls didn’t think it was her fault/an unintentional acciddent 😭)
2. Always want to fatten her up o not in a bad way they just know she's skinny (cause she's in the akward growing phase where her body's still filling out) and usually doesn't eat a lot compared the akward growing phase where her body's still filling out) and usually doesn't eat a lot compared to them.
So it's like when your at a grandmothers house and she just keeps filling your plate, they do that with Zoe. and she denies like every time basically saying "Paige your 6 feet tall and im like 5'3, how am I supposed to eat like you?" But they still try cause they're like "Zoe babe, you gotta start filling out we don't want you with stunted growth" (all in joking way, but kinda serious at the same time cause they are never satisfied with how much she eats for whatever reason And ofc Nika and KK remind her to drink her milk 😭(she will never live down her height because of those two)
3. She once walked in on the team watching some a little ah~~ *inappropriate* and was immediately shoved out of the room.
“Zoe cover your eyes this isn’t kid friendly.” -Paige
“Protect the innocence!” -KK
“Nope not Zozo appropriate! Out out!” -Azzi
“No no no out out out!” -Aliyah
Actually physically covering her eyes- Nika
Needless to say they keep the volume lower now and make sure she falls asleep before they watch anything above pg-13 😭
4. She will find the littlest nooks and crannies to get wedged into and totally uses it to her advantage on team game night.
Basically someone suggested playing sardines with the lights off (for those that don’t know in sardines on person hides and the rest seek. Then once found they all join the og hider until everyone else finds them. The trick is to stay quiet and not laugh).
Anyways somehow Zoe got put as a seeker and found this little tiny nook in a closet to shove herself into. And with it being so dark nobody saw her for like 30 minutes 😭
at first their kind of confused then laughing and then sorta worried. Eventually someone’s like “yall did we actually lose her?” Then they all look at each other and full on panic and start yelling for Zoe to get out. She doesn’t hear them at first and by the time she decides to show herself they’re ready to call geno and tell him they lost the child.
She just kind of appears and is like “uh hi guys, guess I won?”
They all just stare at her before hugging her from all sides and Aliyah and Nika start scolding her for disappearing and worrying them, and when somebody asks where she was she shows them the spot and they look at her like “Zoe how in the name of all fucks did you fit in that?” And she just shrugs laughs and walks off to go get a snack leaving a bunch of mystified adults behind 😂😂
5. Very much a fruit girl. Pineapple, green grapes, pomegranate seeds, and mango are her favorites and she’ll eat like a whole bag of them in one sitting.
6. She has an AAU basketball tournament and when she doesn’t turn up to practice like usual they all immediately start asking geno and he’s like “Zoe? Oh she’s got a tournament for basketball this weekend and couldn’t make practice.”
They all stare at him before all pleading for practice to get moved to nighttime cause of course they gotta see their baby play. And when they walk into the arena Zoe sees them and just looks over with a horrified expression (cause yknow they gonna be the most over competitive/protective/loudest know it all parents in the room 😭).
Her coaches see all the girls waving at her and are like “Zoe how tf do you know one of the best women’s basketball team?” And Zoe just kind of laughs and goes “long story” before bolting onto the court with her teammate.
And of course as we expect they are all screaming right from the start 😭
Zoe makes a layup?
Good defense?
Doesn’t get a foul call?
You better believe you’re hearing an entire basketball team yelling. By the end of the game Zoe’s team won and she’s tacked up a double double (21-12, points and assists) along with seven steals. After her team meeting she goes to walk out and suddenly is in the air being held above Ice like she’s simba 😭
“Babe you did so good!”
“Good job zozo!”
“Why didn’t you tell us about the game? We were almost late!”
“Awesome defense by the way. You had that girl on lockdown.”
And she’s just kind of giggling awkwardly cause she knows people are staring and when the girls notice they just wave 👋 “oh hi!” And lift Zoe down so she can lean on their shoulder while they talk to people.
They get out after a bit of talking with Zoe and her teammates and the whole team grabbed some chipotle (zozo’s favorite of course <3) and just have a nice lil bonding session. Zoe’s teammates are still all kind of in awe because she’s literally the baby of some of the best WBB players ever but they’re sooooo happy to be included and are constantly talking asking and squabbling for attention from UConn.
And while Zoe loves her AAU team she was definitely a little jealous and very happy to have them back to herself afterwards lolll 😂 bub is not willing to share her moms or manager position. And tbh UConn doesn’t want any other manager which lucky for Zoe means she gets to be an only child 😂
anywhooooo I was bored and still have more! hope hr nights been good mom!
i love zozo she is the most precious baby in the worldddd these are so cute my love
she is so loved by this team they love her badddddd AND she’s a baller too??? PERIOD
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discar · 2 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 31 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
Created: 23 days ago
Edited: 87 times
Last edited: 5 minutes ago
To Mother
To War-Chief Sona
To Mother [stick with the more personal tone]
I found The Anointed Aloy [she knows Aloy doesn't like being called that] deep in the Forbidden West. She believes that the secret to stopping the Red Blight, and perhaps even ending the Derangement, is here. We have settled into an Old Ones base [even with our Seeker blessings, that will make her uncomfortable] a permanent camp in the mountains. It is safe here. We have numerous allies, including Erend, the Oseram Vanguard. Sun-King Avad has implied his support. [that's confusing, and she wouldn't care anyway]
You're going to be a grandmother! [too light]
I met a girl. [too flippant]
One of those allies is an Utaru woman named Zo, who defied her leaders to fight the Red Raids. [don't bring up defying elders] She is intelligent and compassionate. [mother won't care] I am going to bring her back to the Embrace eventually. I think you'll like her.
[should this be part of the previous part?] There is also a Tenakth soldier named Kotallo who seems interested in our tales of battle against the Carja, and a woman from a new tribe, from across the sea [too confusing] and a lorekeeper named Alva from a distant tribe. Alva is very interested in our stories and customs, but is careful to ask me how to ask for permission to enter our holy sites [sounds bad] and I'm sure she will have much to speak to the Matriarchs about.
These new enemies we're facing, mother, these Zeniths... it's hard to describe them. They are immortal [she won't believe it] They bear the sins of the Old Ones [too fanciful] They have new machines that obey their commands, worse than the Eclipse cultists and their dark corruptors. Sometimes I'm not sure how we are surviving against one or two at a time, and they have hundreds. Aloy is a terror in combat. We have a plan, but it's all so beyond me. I'm not sure it will actually work. Not because I doubt Aloy or the others, just because it relies so much on things I am only now learning. GAIA [don't try to explain GAIA] The All-Mother says [makes me sound like a prophet] Our allies believe this will work, and I have to trust them.
Aloy has a sister [too flippant] The Zeniths made their own Anointed [confusing and blasphemy] The Zeniths had a captive. We managed to rescue her, and I've managed to get through to her, but she's scared and she's been alone her entire life. She reminds me of Aloy, but not in the good ways. She's smarter than the rest of us put together, but she doesn't know what to do with it and has no practical skills. She can't even sew up her own clothes. She hides in her room most of the time. Aloy has been talking to her, and sometimes it helps but sometimes it makes things worse. It's like watching someone yell at their reflection. [don't reference clones] They're too alike. I'm trying to get her to step out of the Base camp to see the sunrise, but it's hard. I think she's scared of not having a ceiling over her head. She always sleeps in, too.
There's a lot to see, outside the Embrace. New people, new machines I couldn't have even imagined. It's not like the Matriarchs say, all cursed heathens. [too aggressive, don't contradict the Matriarchs] It's beautiful, but frightening too. I wish you could see it, even though you'd hate it. [probably too much]
I hope this letter finds you well.
Your son, Varl.
[GAIA said she can print this out, but I think I should copy it out by hand]
[maybe I should just delete this, I'm probably going to be the one going to Nora lands anyway]
Chapter 31 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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nevis-the-skeleton · 10 months
Tea 🍵: So in this story Starscream is born two weeks earlier than normal (normal is 9 weeks), so he gets sick easily and is very weak. A normal sparkling drinks three cubes of mid- grade energon everyday but Starscream drinks four low- grade energon with three spoons of Zinc and two spoons of Iron everyday. He also needs to sleep two-three hours more than others and has a chance of passing out if he doesn't.
When he got older, he became a scientist and created Synthetic Energon and often gave speeches about how every bot can be Independent of chassis which annoyed the Prime at the time. The Prime chase down Starscream and tried to kill him but Starscream got away by flying. Starscream crashed in to the ground and passed out. When he woke up, he was in a medbay and met the Decepticons, he thanked them for their service and tried to leave but Megatron forced him to build weapons for him.
As time flies by, Starscream kept making more and more weapons for the decepticons but he never went into battle because of his condition.
Long story short when Starscream was on his weekly flight and got shot down by the Autobots, passed out and captured.
Starscream power: He has healing power which is would be a great help... If he wasn't so fragile. Megatron doesn't know about Starscream's powers. Healing others drains the healer's energy.
You can continue the story or change anything you want. (request on Ao3)
Thank you for your request ^^! I'm going to change a few things, such as Starscream's rank. If Starscream does not participate in the fights, he cannot really know the Autobots, nor be the Commander of Megatron, but rather his scientist like Shockwave.
Starscream had always been in a very fragile condition, he had left the All-Spark much too early, when he should have stayed there at least two more months. The All-Spark could sometimes do that, but usually the Sparkling released too soon didn't survive. This was not the case with the jet, which lasted into adulthood.
The Creators of the Seeker didn't really know what their child could do when it was simply impossible for him to join the warrior class of the Seekers. Starscream's brothers brainstormed with him what he could do, but it was all more or less physical, and therefore unfeasible for the jet.
A Seeker unable to join the military was a useless Seeker, and even if his family didn't say it out loud, the jet could feel it in their eyes. Starscream couldn't help but be angry, cursing his condition. Why him?!
Time passed, and while his Creators thought that Starscream had acquired no Capacity like them, they quickly realized they had been wrong when the silver Seeker unwittingly revealed his power.
One day, Skywarp took a violent attack from terrorists, and was on the verge of death. It was Starscream who saved him with a healing power that practically brought Skywarp back from the dead.
But after that, the silver Seeker suddenly felt very bad, and he ended up collapsing on the ground, to the panicked cries of his family. It took nearly a week for the jet to come back, and was then strictly forbidden to use his power, much to Starscream's dismay.
The family then went out to see a military parade, and the Seeker was approached by a robot, which handed him a flyer on which it was written "Science Congress, all public". The intrigued jet took the data-pad, and Thundercraker quickly got between his little brother and the robot, curtly warning him to get out of the way and not disturb Starscream.
“He just wanted to give me this. said the Seeker.
- What's that?
- An invitation to a Science Congress!
- It sucks...
- Oh! Come on! I want to go see!
- Science is not for us. We were made to fight.
- …”
The silver jet frowned, but decided not to insist. He would go alone! He wanted to see this congress and he will see it! It was at dawn that the flyer carried out his escape plan. He was not allowed to go out alone, but he knew his family would never want to take him there.
When Starscream arrived on the scene, he was immediately transported and amazed by everything he saw. He didn't understand how his brothers could be so uninterested in science, when he was faced with all these wonders. Nobody wondered who had invented this or that, while this object made their lives easier every day. The Seeker found it magical!
The jet eventually returns, but too late. His Creators had finally seen his demise and were worried sick. When the flyer got home, they were ready to call the police to find him.
His family scolded him for hours, reminding him how dangerous it was for him to go out alone, that he may not have even looked to see if his energon levels were adequate to fly. They also reminded him that lack of sleep could be dangerous for him, and that waking up at dawn was simply thoughtless. But Starscream didn't listen to any of this, continuing to dream of all the wonders he had seen at that convention.
When the Seeker shared his desire to become a scientist with his family, they were initially very reluctant. Against all odds, it was Skywarp who supported his request. By dint of insistence the silver jet got what he wanted: the agreement of his Creators.
Starscream thus began his scientific career first in Vos, before Iacon became interested in him. His family weren't quite on board with the Seeker leaving their City-State, and settling away from them, alone. It was too dangerous...
The silver jet couldn't help but be saddened and angry, when even in science his condition was a cursed handicap… Skywarp and Thundercraker offered to settle with their brother in Iacon, to allow him to realize his dream.
Both jets could fly to Vos, and if that wasn't possible, pay for a ground bridge, which wasn't as expensive now. Starscream was reluctant at first, not wanting to be a further burden on his family, but his brothers' insistence eventually made him give up, and even though he didn't show it, his Spark beamed with joy.
The life of the silver Seeker and his brothers passed peacefully in Iacon, the jet continuing his scientific prowess, the most significant of which was the creation of Synthetic Energon, to overcome the growing famines which struck Cybertron.
Living in an outer City began to open Starscream's eyes, who saw that the cities beyond Iacon and Vos weren't as prosperous. Encounters with scientists from Kaon and Tarn made him realize how badly Cybertron was going, and his people. The Seeker saw all these robots forced to perform difficult and dangerous tasks, because their alternate mode had decided so.
The jet grew increasingly outraged at the world, expressing their incomprehension of such a system. He didn't understand that a body had to determine us above minds and skills, beyond dreams. And as the Decepticon cause grew in strength, Starscream's speeches grew more firm and sure.
The Senate and the Prime didn't like anything he saw, as the Decepticons had more and more followers, and a Seeker began to awaken the consciences of the people of Iacon and Vos. The Decepticons of Kaon and Tarn were sub-castes that could be managed, but if the people of the Great Cities ended up joining them, it would be a disaster! Sentinel Prime paused the TV which was showing one of the speeches of that wretched jet, and clenched his fists in rage. He turned to his Guards, then pointed angrily at the Starscream on the screen, before growling:
"Cybertron is dirty, get rid of this trash!"
Starscream took refuge at his home while explosions could be heard not far away. Iacon was under attack by the Decepticons, and Thundercraker and Skywarp decided to come to the aid of Iacon's civilians and army. Starscream didn't really like the Decepticons, because even though he shared the same ideas as them, he didn't like their way of doing things in any way.
The Seeker was alone, and clutched his arms close to him, as he felt oppressed. He knew there was no one there, but he couldn't help but feel presences around him, camouflaged among the shadows.
The jet wanted to remove his doubts, and decided to activate his energon radar. He knew he had no real right to do so, but it was just time to confirm that he was simply paranoid.
The flyer's wings suddenly tightened behind his back, and his optics widened in horror when his energon radar detected the presence of five robots in the house. Starscream froze in fear when he heard heavy footsteps behind him, amplified by his alertness.
All his senses were activated, he didn't know when his body decided to take control instead of his mind. The Seeker dodged a sword thrust from one of the intruders, before retaliating by kicking him violently in the face!
The jet screamed in panic as a blaster shot grazed him, after he had narrowly avoided the attack. The flyer rushed to a window, and jumped down, before transforming into his alternate mode.
His captors were quick to pursue him, as the whistle of gunfire could be heard below. The ground was a lake of flames that sought to climb the towers. The Decepticons and the army continued to fight spreading chaos in the city. The rebels were losing, being violently driven back by Iacon's brave forces.
Starscream dodged the attacks of these strangers, and froze in panic when he saw that his energon levels were extremely low, and continuing to drop! The Seeker felt a heavy weight fall on top of him, and it took him a while to realize that it was one of his attackers.
The robot pushed him to the ground, and the jet quickly returned to his original mode, ejecting his captor. The flyer could not then do any dodge to avoid a shot, which hit him directly in the wing. Starscream yelled in pain, before crashing to the ground! He rolled several times in his fall, and his head hit a metal structure violently.
The Seeker moved with difficulty, and wasn't really sure where his limbs or his body were. He couldn't determine what was broken or in good condition. He was struggling to stay conscious, and all he could see before he passed out was the menacing light from one of his attackers' blaster, then a lilac glow.
When Starscream regained consciousness, it took him a while to realize that he was not at home. But he quickly saw it when he faced the typical black ceiling of Kaon buildings. The Seeker sat down on the medical table he was on, but quickly regretted his action when the world suddenly revolved around him.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, and gave a start before finding himself in front of a green and purple robot, with a somewhat stern expression. The jet recognized that he alternate mode was a crane, thanks to the hook behind he back.
"Don't push too hard. scolded the robot. And don't try to walk yet, I don't think you can do it for now.
- I… I'm fine… I'm fine…" the flyer stammered, not really being comfortable with this stranger.
He tensed when he saw the Decepticon symbol on the crane frame, then he heard someone else enter the medical bay. Starscream then faced a large silver robot with a stern gaze. The Seeker frowned, easily recognizing the leader of the Decepticons: Megatron.
“That's a way to say hello to someone who saved your life. declared the ex-gladiator.
- Oh! Sorry…"
The jet realized he shouldn't have behaved like that, it really wasn't right.
“These robots were really after your life, which I wonder is why.
- I don't know… answered Starscream.
- I think I have an idea.
- …?
- I heard two, three of your speeches, you seemed well on your way to convincing Iacon and Vos to follow our idea, in particular Vos.
- Your idea maybe, but certainly not your cause.
- And why this?"
Megatron didn't seem to like the remark, but the Seeker didn't care. He had never been one to mince words, and now wasn't the time to do so.
“I may agree that Cybertron needs change, and that this Caste System is unfair, but that doesn't mean I like the way you do things. Most bots that follow you do so not for your cause but for chaos.
- Order has oppressed us, it is normal that we prefer chaos.
- This is not a solution…
- I don't particularly need to hear the opinion of a kid."
The jet might be grateful that the Decepticons saved him from those robots, but that didn't mean he appreciated Megatron or his way of doing things. He was no longer a child, and their age gap did not justify the leader of the Decepticons treating him as such. The flyer found the strength to get off the medical table, after disconnecting from the machines, then said:
“Thank you for your help, but I'll go now. My brothers are surely waiting for me, and I don't want to worry them."
Starscream tried to get out, when he was roughly grabbed by the arm. The Seeker cried out in pain and surprise, and quickly turned his head towards Megatron. The jet tried to free himself but without success, then exclaimed:
"Let go of me!"
The leader of the Decepticons pulled him towards him, and pushed him towards the medical table. The flyer stumbled, and fell to the floor, his back hitting the edge of the bunk. Starscream looked in shock at the ex-gladiator, and didn't have time to get angry when Megatron clapped a hand next to him.
The Seeker jumped, then froze when the leader of the Decepticons leaned toward him. The jet really didn't know what to do, even though he knew perfectly well that he had no chance of defeating him.
"If it's because of what I said I'm sorry, okay?! Starscream said quickly. But you can't deny the fact that I'm right!
- Primus, how insolent you are!" scowled the ex-gladiator a little.
Megatron leaned towards the Seeker, then said:
“I've heard of your scientific prowess, you're a pretty surprising Seeker, yet it's not something you're usually interested in.
- My frame does not define me…! replied the jet.
- That's exactly what we think.
- … I know…"
The jet lowered his wings, eyeing the exit longingly. He didn't want to continue this conversation, all he wanted was to go home!
“Hook warned me that you were in a rather fragile condition. But fortunately, it's not robots with fighting skills that I'm looking for, at least for the moment.
- …
- Shockwave is the only scientist we have at the moment, and I want you to join us.
- No! I refuse!" cried out the flyer, his wings high in anger.
Megatron roughly grabbed Starscream by the neck, and growled:
“I leave you no choice!
- Don't be too abrupt, Lord Megatron. Hook interjected. If you go too hard you risk killing him by accident."
The leader of the Decepticons released his grip on the Seeker, who held his neck, before looking fearfully at the large silver robot.
"You are of no use in the war! Megatron declared. What saves you with us is your intelligence. But, believe me, as soon as you get out of here, you'll die! No one will want a robot that can't fight!
- A war?! What war?!" the jet wondered.
The leader of the Decepticons smiled, before asking:
“Tell me, Starscream, can you tell me what day we are?"
Starscream was devastated when Megatron told him that war had been raging for two months on Cybertron, because that meant two things. The first was that their beautiful planet was ravaged by anger and hatred, but also that the Seeker had been unconscious for two whole months...
Hook had had great difficulty repairing him, it was already difficult for the doctor to keep the jet alive, while his fragile condition prevented him from regenerating normally. The flyer was later taken outside by Megatron, and saw by himself what state Cybertron was in.
The world around them was in flames and destruction, invaded by the dead. Starscream couldn't hide his horror, wondering how two months could have been enough to create so much chaos… The leader of the Decepticons remained silent, letting the Seeker watch what the war had wrought, then he finally decided to speak up:
"Now do you understand why I couldn't afford to let you go?
- Is it everywhere the same… mumbled the jet, not taking note of the speech of the ex-gladiator. Do Vos-
- Vos is dead.
- No! It's impossible!
- And yet, the Autobots had no qualms about bombing your beautiful City.
- W- Why…? Why do such a thing...?
- You convinced them, Starscream, they were ready to follow us, and that's why the Autobots destroyed them.
- There... there must be survivors...
- Yes, you."
Starscream didn't want to believe it. It was impossible that his family was dead! Not like this… The Seeker tried to communicate with his brothers via his communicator, and Megatron did nothing to stop him.
The jet felt his Spark pounding in his chest as all he could hear was a continuous static sound empty of life. The flyer felt the world crumble around him, and put his hands to his face, as his mind screamed in grief.
Starscream wept silently, shielding his eyes from the devastated world before him. He felt a firm grip on his shoulders, and looked surprised at Megatron. The latter seemed to have an understanding and compassionate expression, but the Seeker didn't know if it was true or not.
“The Autobots will do anything to enslave us again, even if it means destroying Cybertron.
- …
- We are weak compared to them, our armament is not the same.
- …
- But for that, you could help us.
- You want me to build weapons for you, don't you…?
- Not just for me, for the cause.
- …Stop… that kind of talk won't work on me… If the Autobots destroyed things, I know you're no better… I was there when you attacked Iacon.
- They had captured some of my soldiers, they were torturing them to extract information from them.
- Who is this "they"?
- Who do you think they are?
- … The same ones who tried to kill me…”
Megatron didn't answer, not needing to. He grabbed Starscream's arm to urge him to return in the Decepticons' base, but the Seeker imposed resistance. The ex-gladiator groaned, tightening his grip on the jet, which screamed in pain.
“Stop resisting, you can see that it's useless!"
The leader of the Decepticons pulled Starscream closer to him, and hissed:
“Whether you like it or not, you will build weapons for us! I tried to be accommodating with you, but it seems that despite your intelligence you don't really realize the situation you're in! You have nowhere left to go, no more family!"
The Seeker couldn't hold back his tears any longer, as Megatron continued:
"The Autobots will kill you as soon as they see you because you're the one who convinced Vos! You are an enemy of the Senate, you are an enemy of the opposing camp! We are your only defense against them! I offer you protection in exchange for your genius, what more could you ask for?!
- I… I want my brothers! cried the jet.
- Stop behaving like a child! I want the one who managed to tell his truths to the Senate, not the whiny brat!"
He pushed the flyer, who crashed to the ground. Starscream lowered his head and wings, letting tears stream down his cheeks. The leader of the Decepticons looked at him with disdain, before starting to walk back towards the entrance of the base. He turned to the Seeker one last time, then said:
"Make your choice!"
The jet looked in surprise at the ex-gladiator, who had already disappeared into the darkness of the entrance. The flyer turned his attention back to the destroyed City before him, and clenched his fists in the metal dust. The stars were camouflaged by the black smoke of the dead, and Starscream looked sorrowfully at this lost world.
Time passed, and Starscream built weapons for the Decepticons, at Megatron's request. He was often helped by Shockwave, and even if the tank was not too bad company, the Seeker often wanted to leave this place, get away from it all...
But he knew it was impossible… he had nowhere to go, nowhere to live… The Autobots wanted him dead, and then, anyway, there was no way he was going to join the side that had killed his City and his family.
He felt the remorse of building those weapons fading away every day, his mind finally convincing him that the Autobots deserved it, that it was the right thing to do. But his Spark was always screaming to stop this madness, even if it was not possible...
Starscream didn't really have a choice with the Decepticons, he was one of the scientific members but his role ended there, unlike Shockwave who was the Second in Command. The Seeker wasn't a hostage, not really anyway, but that was because Megatron knew like the jet that he had nowhere to run. He was stuck...
Eventually, the Decepticons left Cybertron leaving behind many members of the cause, as well as Shockwave who was presumed dead during the space bridge explosion. The jet wasn't there, but he had heard from Vehicons that the tank had chased two Autobots into the exploding portal. The flyer honestly didn't think it would be the kind of Shockwave to be so impulsive.
The Decepticons arrived on Earth, where the Autobots were hiding, including the leader himself: Optimus Prime. Starscream hadn't really heard good things about him, but somehow he knew he couldn't be trusted. He was a Prime.
The Seeker didn't often have the opportunity to visit the planet, except when he went to look for energon with his radar, never alone of course, or during his weekly outing. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing, despite his condition Starscream needed to fly like all the other Seekers, and once a week was the bare minimum.
The jet hovered with interest over a large pine forest, closing in to see if he could perceive any animals from the sky. Usually they fled quite quickly, due to the sound of his engine, but sometimes he could perceive a few earth beings sneaking through the woods.
The flyer had sometimes even been able to perceive the most intelligent form on the planet: humans. They weren't very strong, nor very resourceful, but there was something about them that intrigued Starscream, even if he could never quite put his finger on it. The Seeker enjoyed his flying time immensely, as it was the only time he could be alone.
Usually he was always with someone: the Vehicons, Soundwave, Dreadwing or Megatron. Normally they should have been Airachnid, but the leader of the Decepticons absolutely did not want the two to meet, which caused the jet to only know her by name.
Starscream continued his contemplation, when he heard the distinctive sound of a blaster charging. The Seeker narrowly dodged a shot, before his energon radar began to alarm, signaling the presence of five robots! The jet sped up in an attempt to outrun his attackers, but he realized he had been flying too long, and could not continue at this speed.
The jet activated his comm, to call Soundwave for help and open a ground bridge for him, but he took a blaster hit in the reactor at the same time, knocking him out of the sky. The flyer crashed into the trees, the branches snapping as he fell, before he slammed hard into the ground.
Starscream coughed in pain, and barely sat up, his back and wings aching terribly, as electric pain shot through his body. The Seeker was surprised that his fall hadn't killed him, but he supposed he could thank the trees for that.
On the other hand, he had a broken leg and wing, which prevented him from any form of escape, whether aerial or terrestrial. In addition, he was also missing an arm, which had crashed not far away in a bush. The jet could feel his Spark beating in his chest, as he heard the footsteps of his attackers breaking through the branches beneath their feet.
Starscream tried to call out Soundwave again, but he quickly found that his fall had damaged his comm. The Seeker looked around in panic, knowing full well that he would only have the energy to use one missile, the second being unusable anyway.
The jet eventually faced the Autobots, and quickly aimed his weapon at them. They all tensed, drawing their blasters, which startled the flyer, who lowered his wings. He frowned, his optics wide with fear even though he did his best to hide it.
“D- Don't come any closer! Or I shoot!"
The tallest of the robots, the one Starscream knew to be Optimus Prime, signaled his soldiers to lower their weapons. The smallest of the group, a Caminus complied, but ended up retorting:
"Optimus, he's a Decepticon!"
The Seeker was surprised to find that the leader of the Autobots did not get angry at this clear insubordination, Megatron would never have been conciliatory if a robot had had the audacity to reply like this, questioning his order.
“He needs medical attention, we won't be able to know anything if he dies from his injuries. finally said the Prime.
- He's still threatening us, if his missile goes off, we're all dead. pointed out the big green robot.
- It's the first time I've seen him. beeped a yellow Youngling. Have you ever seen him on the battlefield? Because not me.
- No, never, I confess. replied a white and green sports car. Even when I was captured by the Decepticons, under the command of Airachnid, I didn't see him in the ship.
- Nevertheless, he has their symbol." remarked the motorbike.
While the Autobots were talking, their leader approached Starscream who started the procedure to fire his missile. Optimus continued to walk towards him, under the shocked gaze of his comrades, who all had very worried expressions.
“Don't come near! I will shoot! I warn you!" cried out the Seeker.
The Prime ended up kneeling in front of the jet, and Starscream knew full well that if he fired from that distance, he would kill him with a single shot. He… he didn't want to kill anyone… The Seeker felt his arm quiver in spite of himself, and cried out in fear as the Autobot leader grabbed his arm. He tried to free himself until Optimus said:
“You are not a soldier.
- What are you talking about, Optimus? asked the motorbike. He's a Seeker, he's gotta be a Decepticon soldier.
- No, not him."
The jet frowned, and raised his wings to look menacing, before exclaiming:
"Let go of me! Or I kill you!
- If you really wanted to kill me, you would have done it already. the Prime replied calmly.
- I… I was going to…!
- What's your name? I believe this is the first time I've seen you.
- Me, it's not the first! I know you perfectly, Optimus Prime!"
The Autobots leader could hear hatred and anger in the young flyer's voice, and he couldn't hide a surprised expression when the Seeker said:
“You're the Destroyer of Vos!"
The others shared Optimus' shock, and Bulkhead was the most impulsive, shouting angrily:
"Bullscrap! It was the Decepticons! Learn to inform yourself!"
The jet's wings tightened behind his back, and he snapped back:
“Liars! Are you looking to have the beautiful role despite what you have done?! Bunch of killers!!
- You little-”
The Prime put a hand in front of the big green robot, before turning to him and shaking his head gently. The armored car calmed down, much to the flyer's surprise. If it had been Megatron, this robot would have already been crushed to the ground.
"Tell me, who told you that I destroyed Vos?
- Not just you, the Autobots! replied Starscream.
- The Autobots, sorry.
- …
- Tell me, who told you that?
- Lord Megatron!
- You weren't there?
- … No…
- Where were you at that time?
- …”
Starscream lowered his wings in sorrow, and clenched his fists, before replying:
"In the coma…"
Optimus remained silent, simply nodding, before grabbing the Seeker and carrying him. The jet gasped in shock, and wanted to struggle, but he was too weak for that. He was almost out of energon already, and the Prime seemed to notice, because when he called for a ground bridge, he said:
“Ratchet prepares the medical bay, as well as an energon cube, we have a serious wounded."
Bumblebee went to retrieve Starscream's arm, who watched the whole thing in confusion, as his consciousness slowly left him. Why did the Autobots look so different from Megatron's description of them? Aren't they robots who enjoy killing? They didn't look like robots capable of destroying Cybertron for tyranny...
“When you have received proper care, I would like to hear your story." Optimus said softly.
The Seeker simply nodded, and didn't feel the slightest bit of fear when the ground bridge formed in front of him. He should be afraid, but on the contrary he had the strange feeling of finally being safe, without understanding why. The leader of the Autobots walked through the portal with him, and the jet fell unconscious, thinking to himself that he was moving towards a better life.
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