#the loyal soldier
ocs-of-the-c · 10 months
I'm gonna give you... Favorite, Canvas, Roots, and Formal for Samelle And even though not in the tags Glance, Day, and Motion for Vexan! :) -WayfinderLegacy
Thanks so much for the ask! I love any excuse to yell about my OCs. Buckle up, this is gonna get LONG.
Favorite: Growing up on Balmorra, even good clothing was hard to get. Fancy clothing? Forget it. So it's no surprise that Sam's favorite accessory is a weapon, specifically a claymore. Looks something like this.
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Lilmeli gave it to her after they both killed their first Imperial officer together. They were roughly eight, and Sam had beaten the man to death after he attempted to shoot Lilmeli. The problem was, they were supposed to keep the man alive and bring him back to the Resistance for interrogation. So Sam's parents screamed at her and said that she should have let Lilmeli die if it meant the mission succeeded. Sam told them to fuck off. That was the first time her father beat her.
Sam was crying in her room when Lilmeli came in with the claymore. She'd nicked it from the Imperial officer's quarters (he liked to steal pieces of Balmorran culture). Sam hugged her sister and hid that claymore until the day of her parents' betrayal. You can bet that claymore was one of the few things she took off-planet. Now that she has a metal arm, she can actually use the thing like a regular sword, which is terrifying to witness.
Initially, she didn't use it often, because the trauma from Balmorra was still fresh in her mind. She wanted to leave it all behind. But after going to Balmorra out of necessity for the class story, and confronting her parents as an adult, she has begun using the weapon in earnest. It's strapped to her back right along with her big-ass gun.
Canvas: As one might expect from a woman that started fighting for the Balmorran Resistance at age five and has never stopped since, Samelle has a veritable tapestry of scars to her name. The most obvious is her metal left arm, her cybernetic left eye, and the vicious scars on the left side of her face, which the character creator will NOT let me make as vicious as I would like. For reference, think of Two-Face from The Dark Knight.
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Yeah, it's ugly. She does have all her hair though! Those scars are the result of her backstory. Her parents, Straken and Haleen, several years after the renewed Imperial push, want to back the winning side and save their own skins. They betray the Resistance to the Sith and Imperials in exchange for Lilmeli being sent to Korriban. By now, Lilmeli has displayed very minor Force sensitivity. Samelle walks in on masked Sith being ‘introduced’ to Lilmeli and gets angry. She pulls out a thermal detonator Jace Malcom style and blows the two Sith up, resulting in the scars mentioned above. Lilmeli pulls in every favor she has to get Sam prosthetics, and the two leave the planet as Imperials murder everyone they’ve ever known. The Republic military, the Jedi, and the Resistance are all pissed at the Arcfres. Sam joins a mercenary company that doesn’t ask questions, and Lilmeli goes to Nar Shaddaa.
Did I mention Sam was twelve at the time this all happened? Yeah.
Aside from that, it's various stab wounds, blaster shots, angry Balmorran wildlife (zeldrates will go for ANY body on the ground and will start feeding even if their prey is still alive), a Mandalorian flamethrower scar across her chest from when they escaped Balmorra (first but not the last time Sam fought a Mando), and Lichtenberg figures on her back and arms from prolonged Sith Lord electrocution as mentioned above. And the gut wound from Jemsyn is probably gonna scar, too.
No piercings, though. You get one of those yanked or burnt in a scrap and you're out of the fight. Sam's seen it happen.
She does, however, have a small tattoo. She got it after her mercenary company, the Sunhawks, were wiped out during the Sacking, leaving her as the only survivor. (Yeah, she saw aspects of the Sunhawks in the first Havoc Squad and finally felt like she had a family again. The betrayal was brutal). It's on her right shoulder blade, and it's a stylized persimmon silhouette of a hawk in front of a small golden sun. The whole thing is about the size of the palm of someone's hand. She knows you're not supposed to have any identifying markings as a soldier, but one, her face is kind of a dead giveaway, and two, anyone who knows the meaning of that tattoo isn't alive to tell anyone about it.
Roots: Samelle wouldn't know a fashion trend if it hit her over the head with a baseball bat. Her clothing style is practical, durable, and functional. However, I do have some specific roots and inspiration for her look. Balmorra's environment has always reminded me of the Scottish Highlands, so there's a lot of Scottish influence in Sam's fashion. Tartan, kilts, sgian-dubh (decorative knife), sporran (like a fanny pack for pocketless kilts), etc. I also snagged some Lord of the Rings influence. Think Aragorn and Boromir meet Scottish Highlands meet Commander Shepard and you'll have Sam's general fashion vibe.
Formal: Samelle doesn't love dressing up. She feels practically naked without her armor or at least one weapon on her person. Which is why regardless of her formal attire she ALWAYS makes sure to have a sgian-dubh with her formal outfit.
As for the outfit itself, Sam pretty much always wears a kilt for the bottom half. Regardless of her complicated relationship with her parents, Balmorra will always be her home, and she's proud of it. For the top of the outfit, it's something like this.
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Think that, but minus the bottom half because a kilt goes there, and missing the left sleeve because of her metal arm. That's her general formal outfit.
She honestly doesn't see the point of having different looks for different occasions. Sure, it might be a little different depending on the event, like black for a funeral, but there will always be a kilt and a somewhat military-inspired top.
Glance: At first glance, it's Vexan's entire appearance that stands out. She is a Dathomirian Zabrak in the very heart of the Empire, with a Dark Council seat, and she doesn't wear a hood or mask. She doesn't see the need to hide. She's here, she earned her place here, and she can and will kill to keep it. Hiding would defeat the purpose. Oddly enough, she doesn't seem bothered by the glares, or the hissed insults. Upon closer inspection, there's an air of smugness about her. Like she relishes the rancor she's so skilled at generating. You get the feeling that everyone around her, save a select few, are chess pieces in a great game she's playing. You just have to hope you're not a piece she's decided to sacrifice.
Probably not what you were looking for, but Vexan has ensured that any physical scars or deformities or anything that marks her beyond being an alien is not readily visible to the public. Especially the raised scars from a whip on her back. Especially her badly burned neck from a shock collar.
Day: Vexan remembers years of ragged robes and threadbare socks. Years of begging for undergarments and being laughed at. Years of wearing literal rags while her masters lounged about in the finest Alderaanian silks. Well, no more. Now she is a member of the Dark Council, Darth Nox herself, and she will wear nothing less than what suits her status. On a normal day, she will wear luxurious robes or Sith fashion in shades of red, black, purple, dark blue, and gray. Not all at once, of course. That would be a fashion crime. An example of what she might wear in the day to day can be seen below.
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One day it might be purple robes with dark blue inlay and a blue choker. Another day it might be gray robes trimmed with red, complete with a pale red scarf. Noticing a theme yet? Her default clothing must be fashionable, it must be expensive, and it must be able to cover her neck in some fashion. No one can see where the slave collar once lay. No one. She will give no one that advantage.
To that end, she wears a lot of jewelry, particularly necklaces. She has a special fondness for rubies and silver together. Blood and steel, but without all that.....messiness. Her sister may prefer a lightsaber, but Vexan is far more likely to electrocute you on the spot rather than pull out her saber. It's much more efficient.
Motion: Vexan was slightly clumsy when she was younger. That was quite literally beaten out of her during her years as a slave, and now she is flexible, coordinated, and nimble. She also moves almost silently, her feet barely making noise on the ground. Sneaking food to her fellow slaves ensured her default motion is something like a big cat's. Slow, graceful, but able to change speeds in an instant. She has, on several occasions, startled other new Sith with how silently she moves. They've asked her how she does it, but she'll never tell. A lady never reveals her secrets, after all.
This got really long, hope you like it! Some insight into my traumatized child soldier and my equally traumatized slave turned Sith!
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theabigailthorn · 7 months
Shadowheart and Nocturne sure seem like to be good friends
yup, just two gal pals, hanging out, doing each other's hair in a secret back room, Platonically, fighting alongside one another, writing in diaries about one another, just as friends, sharing memories, as friends though
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wildtornado-o · 18 days
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"How do you bear it? The choice, and all the consequences thereof, alone---" (pg. 320 Victory of Eagles)
Had this in my wips for a while and decided to finally colour it djsksk (reference I used is from The Rite of Spring I saw it and was like. Omg. Laurence.)
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undy1ngumbrage · 2 months
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consider this a late april fools post
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markantonys · 1 month
it's interesting that in the coup it's framed largely as the young trainees taking elaida's side vs. the older warders taking siuan's (though i'm sure there was some mixing and it wasn't a 100% clear-cut division, especially since plenty of older warders would've sided with elaida because their aes sedai did). the ages feel significant to me, because it feels like the kind of thing where the younglings are doing what's right in a by-the-book way (upholding tower law by preventing the jailbreak of a legally-deposed* amyrlin) because they are too young and too inexperienced with the world to be ready to question authority or see potential nuance in a situation. it's the older warders who are able to think "hmmm, this may technically be legal but it still doesn't feel right" because they have the life experience to know that tower law and aes sedai are not infallible and can make mistakes or act out of shady motives. whereas the younglings are still in the early phase of trusting the tower as an institution 100% no matter the situation (which we see later on too, when gawyn is growing disillusioned with elaida/the tower but knows he can't voice this to any of the other younglings because they'd kill him for being a traitor to the tower).
this makes me curious about the novices and accepted. i think some fled with the rebels since i remember nynaeve and elayne needing to teach classes in salidar, but how did that happen? was it only a small minority of blue-leaning students who went, or was it a more even split? i suppose that aes sedai students may have had more direct interaction with siuan and/or elaida and more opinions on the blue and red ajahs than warder trainees and so maybe they were more likely to have personal reasons for choosing one side over the other, while the warder trainees kinda defaulted to Tower Law As Written since they were pretty far removed from the politics & emotions of elaida deposing siuan (bar gawyn who did have plenty of direct interaction with both, which made him predisposed to trust elaida and distrust siuan).
*siuan was not legally deposed, but i don't think anybody fully realizes that until much later when they find out that some of the sitters who voted against her were black ajah. on the day of the coup, most inhabitants of the white tower have little to no reason to doubt the legality of the deposition; at most they would have a Bad Feeling about it but no real evidence that it was illegal.
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swiftmitsu · 19 days
Swift I have something to Admit…
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dono-cho · 1 month
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Wrote a fic a while ago and decided, maybe its ok to share it online here! It's...not sure what I was on when wrote it all down one feverish night haha but hopefully it's enjoyable!
(there's a dumb little comic at the end!)
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jasongraceenthusiast · 2 months
jason graces fatal flaw is loyalty. btw
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deluzionalfantisea · 8 months
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Hehehe pretty wife
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ntamain · 13 days
There is just something soo *clenches fist* about the way the zombie vieus works in TWD.
Like the whole concept that EVERYBODY is infected. Like there is no way out of it!! There is no more peaceful death!! No more noble sacrifice where you die to protect somebody that you love because you will come back!!
Your loved one sings you to death and then has to murder you to keep you from coming back!!! Your noble sacrifice can end up costing them their life anyway because you might be the one killing them!!
It's just sooo [unintelligble screaming]
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rapidhighway · 3 months
I like surge but every time I see a piece of content with her and sonic I hit the ground with my fists crying going "this could've been metaaaaall if they gave a shit about him!!!!! TOT"
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Anyway Leaf House Cloud down the line:
Cloud, through his exposure to mako and an incredibly poorly timed attack that puts him on Hojo’s radar, gets essentially blackmailed into becoming a shinra employee. The only thing that can be done really is decide where he’s going to go.
And Tseng, who has been trying to get Cloud to join his department almost immediately after meeting him, makes an offer that will both satisfy the higher ups that Cloud is “contained” and keep him out of Hojo’s hands as a test subject. Cloud becomes a Turk in “deep cover” in the Slums where he essentially keeps living the life he was already living in exchange for being Aerith’s Shinra approved bodyguard. The only catch is when certain jobs come up that would need his specific expertise Cloud can’t really refuse them since he goes on so few missions.
And unfortunately one of those missions is Nibelheim.
Things still go bad but with the advantage of cloud being already partially enhanced he wakes up pretty much when Zack does (though is in pretty bad shape for all he is moving) and through some general Turk paranoia and mako addled thoughts making him check literally every inch of the building for further threats he finds Vincent who in a mix of Turk Loyalty and the desire to put Hojo’s head on a stick agrees to come with them back to Midgar. (It goes against everything he once stood for to let a fellow Turk still half out of their mind with mako poisoning and years of trauma go off with only an equally mako poisoned and traumatized soldier as back up.)
And honestly three enhanced individuals against an army goes a lot better than one.
Which means eventually two ex Turks and an ex soldier walk into a bar and become eco terrorists and Shinra weeps.
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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As sharp and serious as a pistol to the eye
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astarlightmonbebe · 5 months
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things that stand out:
1) qian zhao calling yuanlu didi, acknowledging that he considers yuanlu his true brother as much as yuanlu does him - no titles, just didi and dage. conversely, he calls yuanlu didi when he never had the chance to call chai ming as such (he was going to acknowledge chai ming when he turned twenty, yuanlu isn’t supposed to live past twenty, etc…)
2) self fulfilling prophecy. qian zhao embarked on the journey/mission already planning to kill the emperor from the beginning. when he puts his amulet badge in the bag with the rest of the dead, he already plans on dying in battle.
3) both brothers died protecting an arrogant emperor who caused the bloodshed of the people. both died for an emperor they hated more than they loved. both were considered the ultimate loyal soldiers, and so they ultimately die not for the emperor, but for what he represents: the people of wu.
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pushing500 · 7 months
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Today I was watching Toddler Ro run around the colony doing his thing (mostly bugwatching) when he started to get tired. He's perfectly capable of going to bed by himself, but Henry came over to carry him to his crib anyway. I bet Ro thinks Henry is the coolest big brother ever. <3
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Andy drew a very helpful label/sign on the ship landing platform in case the landing beacons weren't enough to let passing shuttles know where they were supposed to touch down.
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We had guests from the Hare Clan, and one of them was our ex-colonist Boomer, who we let go in a Diplomatic Marriage event.
He is not married to Eggardus yet, but the Vikings of the Hare Clan did entomb him in a warcasket. Poor boy. I might not have liked him very much, but I think he deserved better than to be reduced to little more than a machine of war.
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Then when the guests from the Hare Clan were departing, they left me this very thoughtful gift. I haven't decided if I'm going to keep it or not. Part of me thinks it would be a very weird thing to use, but another part of me thinks it would be really, really funny.
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