#the sniblings
qlala · 11 months
A fic every month for the rest of the year? We will be FED 😫🙏🏻🎉 (begging the universe for nothing to go wrong)
🥰🥰 aaaa thank you!! i already picked out which fic it's gonna be for august and started writing the scenes it still needs, i'm feeling really good about this goal! (<- classic day one goal thought but still)
i keep going back and forth on whether to say which one it is, because on one hand accountability, on the other hand, i love changing my mind <3 ...okay, i just read that back to myself, and obviously accountability wins. so! new snippet of the beginning of the 'coldflash babysitting temporarily de-aged!lisa' fic below the cut :)
The meta wasn’t technically de-aging people, as Harry Wells had been reminded everyone for a week straight. But understanding that “technically” required more knowledge of cell biology than Barry had been willing to keep in his brain since college, so he (and everyone else) had just taken to saying “de-aging” more quietly, and only after making sure Harry wasn’t standing behind them, first. 
Even if Barry had wanted to wrap his head around the details at some point, he’d missed his chance. Because earlier in the week, the question had been academic. But as of that morning? They had bigger problems. 
Or, smaller problems, depending on how you looked at the situation. And Barry had looked at the situation a lot of ways. He’d been having a hard time looking at much else, actually. 
Admittedly, Leonard Snart hanging around STAR Labs had that effect on Barry on a normal day. (Which, was just practical, alright? He’d steal something if Barry wasn’t watching him. Or take all the screws out of Cisco’s chair. Again.) But more to the point, it wasn’t a normal day. And if it was normally hard for Barry to look away when Leonard was poking around the Cortex, then it was impossible when Leonard was sitting on the floor instead, cross-legged and patiently teaching a knee-high bundle of curls how to cheat at Go Fish. 
Lisa could barely hold the hand of cards Leonard had dealt her, but she shuffled through them clumsily in her lap, then looked up at Leonard with a defiant lift of her chin. “Gimme another card.”
Leonard dropped an elbow to one knee, then rested his chin in his hand. He hadn’t been de-aged a day; the early streaks of silver were still prominent in his hair (moreso, in the two years since he’d been back in Central City). No one on Team Flash had bothered asking why the meta hadn’t de-aged them both, even though they'd been together when it had happened; no one had needed to. The answer was ten feet away from Barry: Leonard, sitting on the floor of the most secure building in the entire city, armed to the teeth with at least eleven weapons (at Barry’s last count), and playing card games with a five-year-old. Two pieces off the board for the price of one. 
“And why would I give you another card?” Leonard's question was more of a prompt, his tone indulgent.
Lisa wasn't moved. “'Cause I have to have six.”
“I dealt you six.”
Lisa held her cards up with both hands, inexpertly fanned. “Nuh-uh. You gave me five.”
When Leonard reached for her cards, she rocked back and hugged them to her chest. 
“No cheating!"
Leonard’s lips tugged up into a smirk. “Wouldn’t dream of it.’ 
Lisa broke, giggling, and Leonard pretended not to notice. 
“Well, fair’s fair,” he said. “You do need six.” He revealed the deck in his other hand with a magician’s flourish, then held it out to her.
Lisa put her cards face-down on the floor, going serious again, her full attention on the deck in front of her. She put one small hand on the deck, squinted as she placed a thumb and pinky on opposite edges of the top card, then glanced up at Leonard. 
Leonard was making a show of looking off to the side at a nearby computer monitor, which had been cycling through a screensaver for at least an hour. So Lisa made her move, slowly picking up her hand, her grip wobbling as she tried to keep the edges of the two cards she’d just lifted off the top lined up with each other. 
Without so much as glancing in her direction, Leonard murmured, barely loud enough for Barry to catch: “Don’t get greedy.”
Lisa frowned down at her new cards. She turned them over to check the numbers—Barry had been wrong, there were three, and he had to pass a hand over his mouth to hide a grin—then put two down on her pile on the floor and returned the third to the top of the deck. 
“Okay. I got six now.”
Leonard looked back at her and cocked his head. “No. You’ve got eight.”
“Do not!” 
Leonard swept her pile of cards up off the floor before she could slap both tiny hands down on top of them. When he held them up to her accusingly, Lisa crossed her arms and refused to look at him. 
Leonard waited her out, amusement barely held at bay behind a mask of cool patience.
Lisa gave up after a few seconds. She looked over the cards Leonard was holding out, then looked up at him, expression victorious. “Told you! That’s not eight. It’s seven.”
When she reached out to reclaim them, Leonard caught one of her wrists, feather-light between two fingers. A request, not a restraint. Lisa scowled but held still, and Leonard pulled another card out of her sleeve. 
“That’s eight," he said, then tapped her on the nose with the ace.
Her affronted expression was too much; Barry laughed. Two identical blue gazes flashed his way, wary and watchful—a pair of wild animals that Barry had just spooked with a loud noise.
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twobeesinatrenchcoat · 3 months
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They will eat your house
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DC Social Media Part 6
Mother’s Day Edition
Sometimes a Mom is the one who found you in a spaceship in a cornfield and raised you up big and strong. Sometimes a Mom is the one who held you while you were scared and alone on the worst day of your life. Sometimes they’re a big brother who will do anything for you, or the old butler who will always chase away the nightmares with warm mugs of tea and kisses on the forehead.
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myrefugeblog · 26 days
Just saw this post.
And for a couple of weird associations I propose:
Len and Lisa have a bigger age gape (make it a 23 years). Len is a 36 years old taking care of a 12 (almost 13) years old Lisa. He has been raising up Lisa since she was a baby. Len always walked between a criminal and civil career. He likes the adrenaline, but he loves Lisa and doesn't want to put her life on risk. He discovers Flash and they start their nemesis/flirting relationship.
One day something goes wrong Len needs someone take care of Lisa, get her to someplace safe. This day is the day Captain Cold makes a big ice sculpture in front of a museum. Flash shows up. Instead of interrupting Len robbing Barry is greeted by a Len with a bag and a small teenager glaring at them.
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joanthangroff · 2 months
branded man out in the cold
summary:  4 times Lisa knows exactly where her brother is + 1 time she doesn't.
pairings: -
warnings: Canonical Child Abuse, Prison
notes: -
Lisa is six when Lenny gets arrested for the first time. Daddy is gone, too, so she has to stay with her Grandpa, which is super cool because he lets her eat ice cream and takes her skating and gives her hugs. 
One day, he takes her to go visit her brother. He tells her that Lenny is somewhere where he’s not to go outside – he explains it quietly and Lisa doesn’t interrupt, even though she knows what a prison is. She’s seen it on TV! – and that they’ll meet him in a hall and that she needs to behave herself.
And Lisa will behave herself. Because not behaving means a punch in the stomach, a belt to the back, a bottle thrown at her head. So Lisa is a good girl and sits still while they drive out to the prison, even when there’s a song she likes playing on the radio.
{continue on ao3}
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rhaenyratheecruel · 1 month
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ninja-gay-go · 1 year
AU prompt
Ray and Maya didn't last long when Krux kidnapped them. But Krux didn't live long after he did it.
Kai and Nya tell the Ninja about how their parents went missing. They also tell when their parents came back and brought with them a confused, but happy to be above-ground snake army.
Ignacia turns out to be very Serpentine-friendly .
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politenuclearbomb · 1 year
One piece sucks you suck die. Okay bye
awwww i KNEW you missed me <3
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Lisa: Alright and who’s this?
Leonard: Kardashian.
Lisa: Kardashian who?
Leonard: The trans one?
Lisa: This is Kim.
Leonard: …Is that the trans one?
Lisa: No!
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warlordfelwinter · 2 years
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sniblings (snake siblings)
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rogueofsoup · 2 years
6 people will kill for him? (That he knows of)
5 for sport?
Emmet and sneasler confirmed. Will Sans kill for sport? Is papyrus on that list? Elsa???
1. Emmet
2. Sneasler
3. Tellid (younger snibling)
4. Anyde (younger sibling)
5. Sans
6. Papyrus (won't hunt you for sport)
This is all mainly his personal opinions of them after spending so much time with them and having little snippets of memories of events that didn't happen.
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qlala · 2 years
Lisa would give Len so much shit for falling for a cop of his own tho (sorry, CSI)
oh SO true. the fact that barry is the flash doesn’t even register in comparison—at least being a vigilante is illegal. len is in love with a COP (not a cop) half his AGE (not half his age). lisa is going to win every argument about everything for the rest of their lives. len doesn’t get her a nice enough birthday present one year and lisa is like “aw did you spend all your money on your jailbait piglet this year?” and barry is like “hi lisa i’m right here and also 30. do you want your present from me or not” and she’s like “wow did anyone else hear that ‘oink oink’ just now? 🤔 also yes”
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gaylittleguys · 1 year
snavid and otacon might not be girls anymore but their shared eldest daughterness is forever
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (Comics), The Flash - All Media Types, The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leonard Snart & Lisa Snart, Leonard Snart/Barry Allen implied, Lisa Snart/Sam Scudder mentioned Characters: Leonard Snart, Lisa Snart Additional Tags: Siblings, Sibling Bonding, Jewish Leonard Snart, Jewish Lisa Snart, Leonard & Lisa Snart Sibling Feels, Hanukkah, References to Canon, The Rogues As Family (The Flash), Holiday Traditions, Rogues Advent Summary:
Len and Lisa celebrate Hanukkah, and the traditions they've made over the years with the Rogues and the Flash
For the Flash Rogues Advent Calendar
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myrefugeblog · 22 days
More about sniblings 23 age gap au. (Mick and Len relationship)
Len run away with Mick when he is 15. They still meeting at juvie, Mick saves Len, Len thinks he needs to repay Mick, Mick almost regrets saving the little punk...
Lewis is a very manipulative man, twisted and abusive. Len only "run away" because he was unconscious when Mick found him and recused to let Len come back to home.
They started their partnership as the way to live. Early on they discovered how much they like the adrenaline. Mick and Len start making a name to themselves, but the police almost never have enough to put them away.
One day a woman knock Len and Mick's door. She looks scared, she has a black eye, she is pregnant. She is Lisa's mother. The boys take her in, swear to protect her and the baby and start plotting a way to make sure Lewis can't ever touch her or the baby again.
Unfortunately Lisa's mother has a very difficult pregnancy and passes away after birth. The custody of baby Lisa is given to Len.
At first Len and Mick don't think about changing careers, they are very good robbing, but they have a close call before Lisa turn 3 years. If the bullet was a little more to the right Len could be dead. Mick and Len talk, they fight, they make amends, and at the end they start a new life.
They don't go 100% legit, sometimes they have a big heist, but they are officially of the business.
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omg-snakes · 10 months
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This little Diffused Charcoal is so charming and pretty! They're still wet with egg goo and figuring out how to snake, but they're curious and eager to explore.
@fractiousrvt this is another of your great-grand snabies. Full snibling to the 2022 kiddos.
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