#the starting squad ever tbh
fore-seer · 4 months
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gradelstuff · 11 months
Escaping the villain drama is impossible in any media site huh
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norris55s · 7 months
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reputation - lando norris
pop star reader x lando norris social media au
part two - part three
a/n: lando did a very reputation-like helmet and the hamster in my brain started working. rep's songs are also very lando coded to me. faceclaim is soyeon from (G)I-dle
requests are open, but i may get to them late because uni is kicking my ass!
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f1waggossip: McLaren’s golden boy seems to be newly single… at least that’s what the streets say, considering his last girlfriend, pop star Y/N L/N, has not been seen in months at the paddock following a very public fall out with her former girl squad, and consequent fall from grace from everyone’s eyes. They seemed in love. What do you think?
landonorrizz: honestly, i never understood the hype for her. she has always been a red flag and dramatic!!
mercedesgarage: i don’t get it lol i don’t follow her, what happened?
455chilli: basically she was friends with other singers, models and actresses and they have recently unfollowed her and exposed her for not being as great as everyone thinks
y/nforever: you mean she had a friend group who turned on her out of nowhere? lol what her ex friends have said is based on jealousy
landostareyes: it seems like they broke up but they were really cute together :// i kinda feel bad but she also seems to be the problem
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landonorris: p2 cake babyyyyyyyyy
supremey/n: that is my y/n if i’ve ever seen her
formulaonegirl: so they’re still together
carlandocontent: it could be any girl tbh, it’s been months since lando has even mentioned her
papayaheart: it’s even worse if they’re still together and she just won’t show up to support him in races anymore lol
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y/nusername: Reputation. Out November 17.
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landonorris: Are you ready for it? Reputation out November 17.
y/nlandodefender: nothing has ever been as iconic as a Y/N comeback special helmet i am in tears
landolove: reputation helmet to beat the breakup allegations wasn’t on my bingo card
supremey/n: I KNOW THAT’S RIGHT
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f1waggossip: Y/N re-debuts at the paddock.
y/naura: ohhhhhhh i know some of y'all are MAD but my girl will stay thriving with the album of the year
softlylando: came back with a bang, goddamnnnn
mclarengirly: lando is definitely bagging a podium for her today!!
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landonorris: i like her for her
y/nusername: Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me. 🖤
ferrariheart: shut up this is so cute
norrisreputation: mans really said we've been together all this time LMAO
babyfaceoscar: where is everyone who was calling her a red flag and saying her and lando didn't belong together?
dailylando: been real quiet since reputation dropped
magicy/n: i woulda stfu too after she released something like call it what you want, nevermind lando's promotion helmet LMAO
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y/nusername: The Reputation World Tour officially began and I can’t thank you enough for showing up for me, when I thought I couldn’t even show up for myself. I might make the same mistakes, burn bridges and never learn, but I know I did one thing right: have the best, most loyal fans. Also, it seems right to thank the man who inspired me to write way too many love songs for this album, the king of my heart, landonorris. 🖤
landonorris: i believe i was also called gorgeous and stuff
y/nusername: I am truly never complimenting you again
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cerosin-bis · 4 months
Nikto hcs pls? if theres some you got for scraps.
Of course.. Of COURSE it is my pleasure!! I do not stop thinking about Nikto like ever. First main hc post here (it's old but still relevant) and then many more in my nikto tags. the one about his youth is also relevant to my view of the character. Here are more Nikto headcanons:
He fidgets when he thinks. Not when he's anxious or upset (in that case he just stands like this 🧍‍♂️ he's perfectly still and it's terrifying. it means he's holding back.)
Very self-aware about the way he processes things, which allows him to plan out & avoid certain situations when needed.
Actually has a lot of self control in general, but if he indulges in one (1) thing - usually the thing is an unhealthy coping mechanism - then the dam breaks immediately. It's basically all or nothing.
Extremely funny when he wants, mostly because he can deliver anything with a perfect deadpan and has a *lot* of wit. It's not that hard to make him smile either, if one has the right type of humour - and in his squad, everyone does.
Doodles of him! i will post the full doodles of my friends' niktos one day. ok. My take on Nikto is that he got nerfed by life because bro literally had too much for him he was too huge too handsome.
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a lil more under the cut about my face hc for him.
Features of my version of Nikto weren't actually really defined from the start save from the sad mohawk tbh. After drawing him semi-consistently for 3.5 years I can now list them and it's.
chemical burns, mostly limited to the middle and left side of his face + left shoulder - with a defined pattern on his face (that probably no one noticed because my lines are that messy 👍)
burnt/cut top part of his left ear
almost no eyebrows remaining. a few hairs on the right side.
very little facial hair
fairly big nose with the left nostril damaged like his upper lip is (prolongating his cleft lip sort of)
square jaw, with a slight underbite
stitch marks on some smaller, different scars mostly around the chin
a few cigarette burns under his chin/neck
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betasquadx · 7 months
How Beta Squad would react if they like you
• I think Filly would definitely get nervous at times especially if he genuinely likes you and its not js him in the dating vids calling girls leng
• Would probably be unapologetically himself to see if your vibes match yk? He don’t want a girl who is with him because he’s famous.
• Will stalk your instagram and if you have other socials like TikTok don’t be surprised when you see him liking all your videos ( and maybe leave a cheeky comment or two !! )
• When it comes down to it I can see him being a gentleman tbh, I know he talks about fucking a lot but besides that he seems like a sweetheart
• After getting to know you when it comes to asking you out he’d probably be 50/50 and by that I mean he’d show his confidence off but would be really nervous of you saying no
• When you say yes his smile is probably the cutest thing ever and he’ll 100% treat you to dinner, unless you want to do activities like go karting, I can see that happening :)
• Chunkz would start cracking jokes all the time especially around you, making you laugh, and its then that I think he’d start falling for you.
• I don’t think he would get nervous per say and if he did he’s very good at hiding it but you always thought he came across as very confident.
• Slowly but surely he’d start clearing out some of his schedule to spend more time with you, probably texts you a lot during the day to ask if you’re okay.
• Asking you out he’d be very upfront, obviously not too serious but as soon as your relaxed and you’re cracking jokes he’d get straight to it.
• He’d be smooth with it too, organise the date straight after and as we already established, he’s a gentlemen. Probably takes you to a fancy restaurant and we already know he’s the type to pay for the date.
• He’s a cutie, definitely very clingy after you start dating but he’d also be very protective of you, not in a controlling way but he’s always making sure you okay and if you need anything <3
• Aj is very different, he’d definitely be more nervous then usual when meeting you and he’d try to cover it up with sarcasm and jokes.
• He wouldn’t stalk your socials a lot but he’d take a few glances at your instagram, sliding into your dms and playing it off as the fact you’ve already met.
• Aj is someone who takes a while to get comfortable with people, it has nothing to do with you as a person but he’d be more reserved and closed off than usual if he doesn’t know you well.
• But once he gets to know you, its all different. He’d slowly but surely start hanging out with you more, hugging, holding hands, you name it.
• Asking out however I think you’d honestly be the one to ask if he likes you. He’d probably play it off as a joke like “maybe..” and see your response, and once you confirm it, he cannot hide his smile.
• First dates if you wan’t me to be honest, I can see yous having a movie night. Nothing wrong with that either, cuddled up on his sofa, with pizza, snacks, it’s perfect.
• Kenny would like you from the moment he saw you, but after a while when you start to get comfortable with him he’s confirmed it in his mind that he wants you as his gf.
• Definitely someone to tease the fact he likes you, he’d obviously get flustered at times but his confidence is definitely a silent type of confidence so he’s able to hide it well.
• I can see him getting comfortable with you quite quickly and as he does the meet ups you have now and then slowly turn into coffee dates every week, of maybe even an occasional visit to yours or his house.
• Since his love language is physical touch I can see him hugging you A LOT, especially from behind hugs, holding hands, tucking your hair behind your ear, you name it.
• When asking you out he’d slowly ease into it, again, drop some hints but once he asks the big question and you’ve confirmed it, I can see him leaning into kiss you, but of course asking you first.
• First dates, movie night, restaurants, cinema, carnivals especially, I can see him being up for pretty much anything. When yous decide just know he’s picking you up and giving you either flowers or a little kiss on the cheek.
• Niko would be great at hiding his feelings with side comments or his witty remarks, but there would be moments where he’d get flustered.
• He gets comfortable with you quickly, but not so comfortable it’s obvious that he likes you. Sometimes you can see him cracking tho, the same wide smile on his face as he looks down trying to hide his blush, priceless.
• He’d try and hint it in his jokes, occasionally complimenting you to see how you’d react, and if you took well from it he’d do it more often, becoming a daily occurrence.
• When asking you out he’d be nervous. So nervous in-fact he holds off on confessing, just gazing into your eyes as you rant on about your day, only to randomly spit it out mid convo.
• His legs would be shaking and he’d be looking down, anxiously waiting on your response while he fidgets with his fingers. But when he hears you confirm it with him, he’d be over the moon.
• First dates I’m thinking he’d be chill, a movie night around his or a dinner date, but he’d be open to leaving to leaving it up to you. Oh and just know this man is bringing flowers and getting a trim the day before.
• Sharky could hide his feelings perfectly, but the thing is, does he want to? No. He’d tease the fact he likes you and even occasionally flirt with you, then nonchalantly play it off as a joke.
• He doesn’t get too comfortable with you immediately, instead just trying to notice and pick up on whether you feel the same, but he’d be super friendly with you. ( even more than friendly )
• He’d compliment you all the time, seeing you blush and smile while giggling at his remarks only makes it harder for him to hide his feelings, but he still does it.
• Asking you out he’d do it slowly, and subtlety. Easing you into it before he drops the big question by his remarkable charm, and of course good looks.
• Once you say yes to him tho, the cute little smile on his face while he looks into your eyes make you fall for him even more. If yous are really comfortable by then tho, he might lean in for a kiss.
• First dates Sharkys definitely gonna go for a fancy restaurant, he’d be wearing a fresh suit with a nice tie and maybe even bringing you your flowers or even a gift.
May or may not be inaccurate but enjoy x
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ereawrites · 8 months
girl please you are my only source of Shisui content😭😭 really feeding us shisui simps🤝🏻 anyways, if you feel like it, can you please write about shisui and (if you want to) your fav characters “the moment they realized they fell in love with you”
MMMMMMM this is cute asf! under the cut for length
he definitely already recognises he has Feelings with a capital F. he's a smart boy and unlike the other two he is pretty emotionally available. but he doesn't want to reveal his Feelings just yet because circumstances are tricky, and he doesn't want to go through all the emotions of a big confession just to not be able to pursue a relationship with you
side note this is ANBU shisui. so he's pretty busy and just casually risking his life on the regular. tbh you're also probably in ANBU and that's how you guys get to know each other so well
anyway he's been sitting on these Feelings for a while. and he knows you like him too. he knows. he indulges in some lowkey flirting from time to time, but he also tries to maintain some level of professional distance
and then you save his life and he's SCREWED
you're both assigned to the same mission and spend the entire time dancing around flirting/not flirting, trying to hide it from your teammates, just generally having to try really hard not to distract each other too much. then there's an ambush on your squad and shit gets kinda crazy
shisui probably exhausts himself a bit protecting the entire squad and manages to get himself knocked flat on his ass. there's an enemy stood over him and he's out of kunai and his chakra is depleted and he thinks well, that's that and then you're cutting down the enemy out of nowhere
he stares up at you like an idiot lol. you look like shit, you're covered in blood and your headband is lopsided. and he thinks you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
in that moment he just realises how much he trusts you, and how well you guys work together. he can't stop thinking about it long after you guys get back to the village. he's literally dreaming about it. and after a few days he's like. this is love ig. wow.
shisui won't keep it from you for long. he thinks you deserve to know, even if it changes your dynamic as teammates. capital F Feelings are one thing but love is too important to hide. he might try to keep it professional (mutual pining?!?!??!), but I also see him going for a relationship here, even if you have to hide it from your superiors. and let's be real a secret relationship with shisui. it's hot
see now kakashi. he knows he has feelings. but he won't admit it to himself. he says no thank you not today. he's so stupid lol he thinks if he ignores it then it'll go away
he can't really keep himself away from you though. he wants to distance himself and that's his first instinct, but he literally just can't do it. he keeps finding himself wandering into your path, or just happening to train at the same time as you, or listening more intently when a mutual friend mentions your name
and the whole damn time he's like ah yes this is normal friendship. you probably don't realise anything is going on with him though, because kakashi is just weird in general. he does all this strange shit and no one questions it. you encounter him in the makeup aisle of a store on the other side of town from where he lives, and he thinks the jig is up, but you literally just assume he's doing Kakashi Things. and he thinks he's so slick
when it does finally hit him though, it hits him HARD. I see him finally realising he's in love in a very random, domestic moment
okok I've got it. he's back from a pretty tiring mission and he just instantly wipes out in his apartment as usual, doesn't bother getting groceries or anything. he figures he can survive off the food pills in the cupboard for a few days until he has the energy to grocery shop
then you just.....show up at his apartment??? carrying grocery bags?? and start putting food in his fridge????
kakashi doesn't really know how to react to this, but he feels bad just standing there, so he kinda sheepishly shuffles over and starts helping you put the groceries away. and it's nice. this is when he realises
literally drops whatever he's holding. this is a big oh shit moment for him. he lowkey really panics, he has no idea what he's supposed to do with these feelings, it's the dreaded L Word and that's scary as hell. he goes super quiet and avoids eye contact bc he's convinced you're going to read his mind
and of course you think this is Kakashi Things yet again. he's just weird. even over the next few weeks when he starts acting REALLY strange - avoiding you like the plague one day, attached to your hip the next - you don't think much of it. and this makes it sooooo much worse for him lol. he's never going to confess on his own
it's honestly torture for him. he's losing sleep over this. kakashi hatake??? in.... LOVE???? impossible
please please please just let one of your mutual friends intervene. hopefully he (drunkenly) confesses to someone, and they're able to pull some strings to force you to talk to each other. he may literally pass out when he has to confess to you, but just roll with it
oh god it's so cliche for tobirama but I have to do it. ENEMIES TO LOVERS
like look at him. he's so smug. he has a lot of pride, so he's pretty likely to end up having some kind of political/ideological rivalry with you. maybe you tend to very vocally disagree with his ideas for the village or strategies for missions. and it annoys him so much, especially because you're articulate and convincing with your points
so he's in this weird position where he has respect for you and your intelligence..... but you also infuriate him to no end. over time, he starts to dwell on your encounters more and more - he thinks about them even when he's training, or relaxing at home, or away on a mission. and this just pisses him off more bc he literally cannot get a moment's peace from you
hashirama notices this WELL before tobirama does. and it makes him all giddy and excited bc he knows what it means, but he doesn't want to ruin the surprise for tobirama lol
honestly it gets to the point where he will ignore everyone else in the room just to debate with you. it's at this point that he starts to realise he's got strong emotions towards you, but he kind of just brushes it off as a rivalry. he definitely doesn't even consider the possibility that they're romantic feelings
tbh. you're going to have to be the one to make the first move. unfortunately for you, tobirama is hot AND irritating, so he's going to get under your skin just as much as you get under his. it probably ends up with a pretty heated confrontation at some point
lets say you've had a pretty big disagreement at a meeting, and he ended up getting his way with the rest of the council. so you storm into his office later that day to chew him out. and tobirama is in one of his smug asshole moods bc he 'won', which means he's just smirking at you. and this is the moment ok just kiss him. wipe the smug look off his face
it takes him a few seconds to react, but he definitely pushes you off and orders you out of his office. at first he's absolutely furious, but then he realises a few days later that he can't stop thinking about the kiss, and not necessarily in a bad way. he finds himself wishing he'd kissed you back, even if just out of curiosity
BUT tobirama is stubborn so he won't admit that to you. he waits until he gets an opportunity to come argue with you, then seeks you out, and tries to goad you into kissing him again. hopefully he manages to piss you off enough to make you do it. because it's GOOD
he can't help but kiss you hard. probably pulls you into him by the jaw, wraps his other arm around your waist, won't let you go. don't wanna get too saucy here but I wouldn't be surprised if this gets a little steamy before he stops himself. he gets lost in the moment
then he pushes you off AGAIN lol it's so frustrating. this time it's bc he's like oh fuck. fuck. this is more than a rivalry
it's gonna end up a game of cat and mouse tbh. neither of you want to admit the depth of your feelings, but you also can't stay away from each other
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moonswolfie · 10 months
The HQ!! boys with an S/O who has a sweet tooth PART 2
Part 1 / Part 2 (you're here)
reader is gender neutral but is described as cute a lot
since the first part reached 100 notes (it's a little more now) here's part 2!!!
Characters featured: Hinata, Kenma, Bokuto, Suna, Yamaguchi, Kita, Oikawa, Osamu, Akaashi, Hoshiumi
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Hinata Shoyo
he knows you like sweet things but doesn't know exactly what you like
so he nervously brings you something sweet sometimes, worried that you'll dislike it (if you happen to like it a lot he'll make a mental note of it)
gets really flustered if you offer him something you're eating by putting it in front of his mouth and telling him to "ahhh" but he'll do it anyways 😖🧡
one day he asked his senpai for help with baking something for your birthday and it ended with a burning kitchen and a seeming attempt at a cake
Kozume Kenma
when you initially told him you liked sweets he just said "okay." and moved on which made you a bit sad because it seemed like he didn't care at all💔
but don't you worry, kenma stored that information well for future use 😉
think of it as a video game, when you give characters their loved gifts they become happy and when he wants to see you smile he gives you a piece of candy
once he learns your favourite he never forgets and brings it to you when you're having a bad day
Bokuto Koutaro
if we're talking about sweet things, Bokuto is a really good candidate to make the list
he gives you really ugly handmade chocolates every year on valentines and you don't even care because the sweetness is the only thing that matters (and his happy smile when he sees you eat them 😭💛)
he brags to his team how cute you are when you eat cakes (and in general too)
always kisses off the frosting on your lips and then gives you a cheeky grin😚
Suna Rintaro
you two both have photo collections on your phones, yours is of pretty pastries and his is of your pretty face eating them
if you ever get mad at him, he will tease you by sending you pics of him eating your favourites until you agree to talk it out over your favourite pastry
casually brings sweets over to your house sometimes and you always end up letting him stay over and eating them together
you have a secret photo collection of him eating sweets🤭😏
Yamaguchi Tadashi
even before you started dating he would bring you something sweet he made himself out of the blue (he was trying to flirt like that😭💚)
he thought the only reason you asked him out was cuz of that but he's sweeter than any cookie tbh
you really like buying sweets for him because he always makes the cutest face when recieving them
he often talks to Tsukishima about how lucky he is to have you (and thanks him for teaching him how to bake)
Kita Shinsuke
another member of the "you have to stay healthy" squad
if you're happy while eating sweets, he's happy😊
but he won't let you overdo it because he really cares about you
he eats sweet things too occasionally, but he follows the reccomended amount on the food pyramid thing (it's part of the routine🤷)
he always comments on how joyful you look eating sweets and it makes you blush
Oikawa Tooru
gets a lot of chocolates from his fangirls but he either gives them to you or shares them w u
bought you perfume/cologne that corresponds to your favourite flavour of sweets✨️
he gets really happy when he can smell it on you one one of your dates
one time Iwaizumi asked you if you're only with him cuz he buys you sweets💀💀
you had a dream of eating his hair and it tasting like chocolate and when you told him about it he told you to stay away from his hair in a horrified tone😗
Miya Osamu
as a fellow food enjoyer, he also appreciates sweet things
although they aren't really his forté, he does make sweets for you and they're really damn good too🤤❤️
seeing you eating well is the ultimate happiness for him and he might or might not spoil you a bit
pats your head while you're eating because he can't resist
defends you from Atsumu's mean jokes and you always end up stopping fights🤦
Akaashi Keiji
the final member of the "you have to stay healthy" squad
he reminds you to eat in moderation and makes sure you actually do, scolding you if you don't
you offer him sweets and talk to him gently when he's tired or overthinks hoping they would make him feel better
it may not be much but it shows that you care about him and that makes him indescribably happy💙
so much so that he treats you to your favourite once he feels better
Hoshiumi Korai
he's actually impressed by the fact someone can be so adorable while eating sweets (it should be illegal in his opinion)
you give him homemade chocolate sometimes and he acts all nonchalant and cool while receiving it but is lowkey screaming internally😘
his teammates have gained a new topic to tread lightly on (that being his blush when you give him sweets or anything you related)
when he wins games he invites you out for sweets as celebration and always insists to pay
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britcision · 4 months
New day new conspiracy to be unhinged about woooooo
This right here.
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The moment where Kabru reveals he’s Milsiril’s baby boy (and more relevantly the last survivor of Utaya)
Kabru telling them that he actually wanted to enlist in the Canaries directly, but couldn’t because of the racial barrier. How true that is……. Well let’s say I’m sure he wanted to when he was little, buuuuut by the time he left it wasn’t that they wouldn’t let him
And tbh the reason why is very much the next panel:
The Canaries learn he’s Milsiril’s little boy and immediately fucking claim him as theirs, asking if he’s been eating well, if he wants cake, telling him to cheer up and smile sometimes
It is notably the convicts, especially Otta and Fleki although Cithis has been leading the conversation; Pattadol is not in frame and Mithrun ruins all their fun by staying on track
Kabru is not 30 seconds out of saying he was raised by their vice commander before he is being babied, and there’s a fun read of just “well this is our child now we must care for him for Milsiril hello new nephew”
But. Given what we later learn Milsiril’s care is actually like. The room where Kabru could eat all the cake that he wanted, that he never ever wanted to return to even when freezing and starving.
Where she gave him such arduous and extensive sword training he thought he would die, with the stated intent of showing him how bad it could be to make him give up and stay with her forever.
“Wanna eat some cake” is suddenly a much darker comment, and doesn’t have a directional bubble, so I’mma pin it on Cithis on general Sketchy Bitch vibes
Now, that only makes sense if these folks know Milsiril directly, or have some way to know what her home life is like for her adoptees
(Or Cithis can read minds which let’s be honest absolutely no one needs to be true but she deserves it)
But. So does that immediate tonal shift
“Oh, you’re Milsiril’s kid. Now we care about you beyond being an interruption.”
We know Pattadol is on her very first mission. We know Cithis has been responsible for Mithrun’s care for long enough while he’s back on active duty that she gets bored of her new doll.
(And that she only started respecting him after they acquired Pattadol, whiiiiich. He got back to active duty 14 years ago. None of the other Canaries got their own timeline, but he’s also had long enough to have an established track record of getting his warden partners killed
When Flamela assigns Cithis to his wellbeing, she pretty clearly knows the extent of his caretaking issues, and this whole section of the timeline is fuzzy, but it is specifically Pattadol who is the first to tempt Cithis into telling Mithrun to hurt her
And specifically not until after he refuses that she begins to respect him)
Milsiril has been retired for the same 14 year period, taking Kabru and for some reason one of her own Canary convicts home with her, but she served with Mithrun when he initially became a Dungeon Lord 40 years pre series… and most of that squad died in Mithrun’s dungeon
(Also his lover became a snake person at some point for some reason sooooo monsterfucker ahoy)
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(We know that’s the lover from both Mithrun’s initial vision and his Adventurer’s Bible comic which identifies his brother as the one with the short hair. Presumably they were not always a snake?)
None of the names he gave Kabru in his backstory refer to any of his current party members
Otta and Fleki mention Milsiril in Otta’s comic when teasing Otta about being a pedophile because she only dates halffoot women and breaks up with them when they turn 30
(This being past middle age for halffoots, who become adults at 13 and live to around 50; Chilchuck is 29.
One might expect… say… visible signs of aging to show up around 30. Reminders of how little time they have left. Although, frankly, how much free time does Otta actually have to be dating outside of work???? They’re so shorthanded Mithrun made captain the minute he could serve after Utaya)
Ahem. We digress.
Otta’s reaction (directly saying Milsiril treats shorter lived people like pets while she loves them as individuals, which Kabru Does Not Deny) might be because she’s seen Milsiril’s behaviour directly, or just being sick of the comparison. Hard to say, but Milsiril already doesn’t like elves
No, the conspiracy theory today is that CITHIS in particular has worked with Milsiril between Mithrun being rescued and Utaya’s destruction, possibly with Fleki and Otta
They’re all close to Mithrun’s age so there’s a very real possibility they were serving when Utaya fell, and either were lucky enough not to get sent there (there are so many dungeons in the world) or unlucky enough not to retire in the aftermath
Dumping Mithrun with Milsiril’s survivors makes perfect sense - the two had served together as wardens and Milsiril Barest Possible Minimum took a personal interest in Mithrun returning to duty after Utaya
She’s the one getting him to take his first steps and tells him she’ll get him back in a dungeon
Milsiril, known hater of elves, left the Canaries on good enough terms with her convicts to take one with her (Helki, shown in Mithrun’s story and Kabru’s training flashbacks - the only other survivor we know of from Mithrun’s dungeon)
And these particular convicts immediately brighten up knowing that Kabru is one of Milsiril’s; he’s in a very different position from Mithrun, who basically has direct power over their lives and deaths, but if you have a potentially unstable new captain who’s gonna be extra dependent on his convicts coming in…
Well, it’d be nice if the convicts have a reason beyond “well if both of our wardens die we can’t use magic so we will too” to keep him alive and moving
Note: they did at some point hand him directly over to fucking Cithis, who has an established track record of wrapping her captains around her little finger and doing whatever the fuck she wants anyway
(To the point that she’s left and “rejoined” the Canaries multiple times, and her behaviour with Mithrun is considered her having calmed down… while actively trying to have him hurt his subordinate wardens and plotting to kill Pattadol)
So. Not. Y’know. Convinced that anyone necessarily was thinking that particular assignment through. Although you could argue that they were just heading off the inevitable and letting her know this one is high maintenance
Tl;dr: Mithrun’s a monsterfucker, this is established fact and not a conspiracy theory
Kabru’s been adopted by the Canaries the second they know who his mom is, which may explain why no one actually tries to stop him when he grabs Mithrun later despite him not having a weapon
(Fear of Milsiril finding out they’ve hurt her boy > rescuing Mithrun or later even stopping Kabru from helping Laios repeatedly)
And Cithis, Fleki, and possibly Otta worked directly with Milsiril at one point before Utaya, which is why Mithrun was given them specifically - he was one of Milsiril’s projects too, Milsiril’s personal involvement unclear
How much this has to do with Mithrun getting all his warden comrades killed but apparently not his convicts: unclear
(Still bet Cithis “helped” with the warden before Pattadol)
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Pavitr and Gaytari anon back, I’ve kept thinking about Tricycle all week tbh. Since your requests are open, could I ask for a sequel to tricycle h.aha poking fingers?
(I hope you’ve been having good days as well!)
𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨
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Cw: fluff, poly!fem!reader x Pavitr Prabhakar x Gayatri Singh, probably inaccurate description of how the spider people spend their days off, the squad meeting Gayatri and Y/N
Notes: I'm delighted people were so receptive to that fic, I had a lot of fun writing it<3 thank you for your support!!
>Pavitr had of course told everyone about you two
>And while some were just touched by the deep affections of the lover boy, like Gwen or Jessica, others (Miguel) would appreciate if he shut up about his partners while important reunions
>"This is not the subject, please stop interrumpting, if it's so important to everyone to meet Pavitr's partners, please plan it outside of this and cut it"
>So the core four followed Miguel's advice and went to Mumbattan to meet the people his friend was always gushing about
>However, Pavitr had to find a good excuse to avoid telling you he was spiderman and explain where did he meet such a... Colorful group
>You and Gayatri knew he was Spiderman but honestly you wouldn't tell him, he's probably so proud he'd been able to keep it a secret:(
>So he said these are his work colleagues :3 you know, from the part time job he obviously has and always lines up with spiderman's public apparitions and never ever comes up? :3
>he's such a terrible liar omg
>"What do you think he means by work colleagues? More spidermans?" You asked, getting dolled up with your girlfriend for the meeting
>"Maybe, or maybe they're other heroes we don't know about" she uncapped the lipstick, a rich wine colour she bought for you so you could match (and kiss without the colour of your lipsticks clashing) "pucker up"
>you did as she said, waiting for the lipstick, but she gave you a quick peck on the lips before holding your chin and applying the product with a content smile
>You met your boyfriend on the park, like you scheduled
>You waved at his friends, and he leaped to hug you both
>"This is my girlfriend, Y/N, and this is my girlfriend's girlfriend, Gayatri, she's also my girlfriend" Pavitr announced, very proud
>Gayatri got along easily with Gwen, her undeniable kindness and accesible personality being great to ease Gwen's anxious first impression, Miles was also very outgoing, and asked a lot of questions about how you three met, and how you started dating
>Hobie wasn't as quick to start conversation, but it had a natural flow since it began
>You were very well received by his friends, but a couple hours of hanging out in, your boyfriend started to look at you with puppy eyes
>You were sitting close to Hobie, he was talking about his band and other things, you actively listened and made some comments, you felt something grab your hand, and saw Pavitr putting your palm in his face, cradling his face
>"It's alright everyone, I know they're wonderful, don't steal my girls away"
>Everyone laughed loudly, they've never seen Pav so legitimately upset over anything, and now he looks like a kicked dog
>"It's a'hight, we wouldn't, you'd threw yourself off a bridge if we did" Hobie said, only partially joking
>"It's getting late already anyway" Miles warned
>They agreed to leave, but Gwen lingered a few seconds on her goodbyes to you and Gayatri, Pavitr frowned and started moving his hands to signal her to leave
>"Challo, challo, you have work to do, we'll see each other" he said to his friends before they left, turning to you, and put each arm into your shoulders to hug you both tenderly, his hair tickled your face as he held you close, you and Gayatri held hands on Pavitr's back
>Gayatri let out a low, airy giggle, and you whispered reassuring words into your boyfriend's ear
>"I think we made a good first impression" your girlfriend winked at you with a sultry smile
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
hi i don’t request stuff so bare with me how would aew boys react to you having a big return like Kris Statlander ex: you lost your title and left and you come back and win the title again sorry if this makes no sense i’m not good at requesting 🫶🏼😢
yall gotta stop apologizing for being CREATIVE CUTIES
AEW Stars React to: You Returning and Winning Your Title Back (Fem!Reader)
Pairings: Hook x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks X Fem!Reader, Dante Martin X Fem!Reader, Darius Martin X Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston X Fem!Reader, MJF X Fem!Reader, Christian Cage X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Supreme Speaks: thank you to anon for requesting (yall keep em coming), sorry that this took me so long (shit happening). But please enjoy this and p.s you are loved and appreciated
Warnings: not proofread, my regular react wrestlers, GIFS AINT MINE
Taglist: @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom @hookerforhook @triscillal @cassiesworldsworld @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Either you were injured and surrendered your title (you never lost it technically) or you lost it in a fluke to your opponent (just do whatcha want)
For months you spent away from the company, trying to gain your strength and feeling back
But now, you were back and better than ever
And you were owed a rematch
Right when the so-called champion called out for an open challenge, you were the first to answer that call that night
To your surprise, the whole arena rose to their feet and loudly cheered you on when hearing your theme (ex. Kris Statlander and or AJ Lee)
And after the match was over, you stood tall with your title high above your head again as the crowd again screamed loudly
(Or you can skip this and have a great segment like Trent with Sue’s van)
The entire moment/match went viral
However, they weren’t the only ones happy to see you tho
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Mans had no idea that you were here
Was stunned into silence; with a big ass smile on his face
You were picked up into a hug by him; would definitely whisper sweet things into your ear or skin
“I’m so happy to see you back”
I think this will encourage him to try to win back his title quicker
Hook is the type of person (whether you're his best friend or girlfriend) to take this return personally as it is a start of a new era for you
Wants to celebrate with you in private ;)
Ricky Starks
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I also think he would be that person who would almost spoil your return out of excitement
You thought he was arrogant after he won the Owen Hart tournament? PUH-LA-ESE
Would reference you in his promos
“I’m a part of the winning team. I mean have you seen my hot ass champion of a girlfriend (or best friend; whatever you prefer)?”
Would book a photoshoot just for you to show off your championships
Defs would make you guys match in outfits and would get you in a storyline with him
I def see you as his manager/valet (IMAGINE THE (eventual) HEEL HEAT)
You two would take over AEW as the new IT couple or duo
Darius Martin
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Tbh, it gives him kind of a nostalgic feeling when he returned during the tag team battle royal
He would be so incredibly happy for you
Would keep up with all your appearances and matches afterward
“I am the president of the Y/N protection squad *poses with lads*”
Genuinely hopes that everything goes well for you
Will do your signature move to show his support for you
Also, expect a celebratory dinner or movie night
But don’t get it twisted this man is mad at you for not telling him about your return
“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME? I was just joking when I was gonna carry the cutout of you to the ring”
He was in fact not kidding (he was just a lil goofy)
Dante Martin
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With him on the shelf, he is emotional for you
“That was amazing! The crowd really went wild for you!”
Has multiple emotions tbh; happy, anxious, a little sad
Wishes he could really celebrate with you
I also think because of the fact he has been out of action for a while, he’s dreaming of a return like yours; especially with a championship in his mind
I think he would be a little sad because you’re gonna be busy as hell
“I’m gonna miss the off days with just us two.”
To which you promised to drag him all around to wherever you were wrestling
He didn’t have a choice
Eddie Kingston
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Makes a post about you on Instagram
He’s genuinely happy about the two of you being champions at the same time
Will brag to everyone backstage
Eddie, just like how I always say, is a very emotional person (even though he doesn’t wanna show it)
But he will make sure that you know how proud he is; even if he gives you a shoulder tackle
I also think Eddie sees every win as a win for the whole crew
Like Darius, he is upset that you didn’t tell him about your return but it made him excited about wrestling again
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Would make a backhanded compliment about you
“Although it wasn’t as epic or spontaneous or memorable as my return last year, congrats to Y/N Y/L/N for making her return to the ring! BAY BAY”
After some choice words, he updates his Twitter again
“I reviewed my tweet after Y/N confronted me (with dice, a wooden spoon, and a lighter) I realize that I made some errors. I meant CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WONDERFUL AND ABOVE AVERAGE GENERATIONAL TALENT Y/N Y/L/N!”
Will ask you to shout him out occasionally (imagine having a friendship like him and Adam Cole)
No but for real, he’s happy for you
I think this man would shower you with gifts in private so you can fully get the MJF experience
Will bring you up in interviews; especially about people he can kind of give props to (his words not mine)
Christian Cage
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I feel like this man would be very proud of you
Would not dare hold your championship as you threaten him about that
But he would announce himself with your title in the same sentence (ex below)
“I AM THE TNT CHAMPION AND I am the significant other/best friend of the AEW Women’s Champion! Therefore, you all should respect me!”
Definitely would tell Luchasaurus to protect you as well
Loves how confident you became since winning
Also remember how I said he’s a sugar daddy?
Mans would buy you anything just for holding the championship at one point it almost becomes an accessory
Even if you didn’t have a championship, Christian would splurge on you just because
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b4tasquad · 1 year
AHHH could you write abt meeting sharky’s siblings for the first time???
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Authors note: yet another sharky imagine… and tbh I’m loving to write them. But please send me requests for other beta squad members/ other people (pinned post) and I’ll happily write. Hope you liked this one<3
Warnings: none
“I actually think I’m going to throw up.”
Sat in Sharky’s car, you’re anxiously tapping your foot, a bad habit you’d been doing almost all your life. He had just parked in the driveway of his childhood home, and the nerves you had been feeling for the past few days slowly but surely started to appear again.
When your boyfriend of a couple of months suggested you meet his family, you were thrilled. Every girl loved a boy who took steps and showed initiative for the relationship to grow. Having not been the luckiest with guys earlier, you couldn’t feel better knowing Sharky was as genuine as they came.
Initially, you were supposed to meet the whole family over dinner, but when a family emergency came up you thought it was canceled. It wasn’t until a couple of hours ago, Sharky informed you that his little sister still wanted to meet you and would be able to.
Even if the rest of the family were gone, Sharky’s little sister Shakira was staying at home and insisted you still come over. The thing was that if it had been the original dinner plans, you would feel much more relieved. Not only would there be more people to keep the attention off of you, but you would have time to slowly build up your confidence by introducing yourself to everyone.
Now, with only Shakira there, you feared for the worst. What if she found it awkward? Or if she didn’t like you? Would she even approve?
Knowing how important the validation from his family was for Sharky, you tried your absolute best to look presentable. You were meeting a teenager, but still. They were opinionated, and some of those opinions they weren’t afraid to share.
Sharky laughs at your distressed look. “Babe, what’s the matter?” He asked genuinely, but you could still hear a tinge of humor in his voice. Typical him.
Your elbows are resting on your knees, face in your hands in the most dramatic position ever. How scared you were was starting to get ridiculous. “What if it all goes to shit?”
The YouTuber raises his brows at the mumble of words coming out of your mouth. He can faintly distinguish what you’re saying, but still questions either way. “What do you mean?”
Pulling away from your hands, you sideways glance at him. “What if she doesn’t like me, sharks.”
Usually, he would comment on the nickname you refused to stop calling him, but right now, even he could tell it wasn’t the right moment. He pulls your perfectly cured hair behind your ear, a show of affection as he leaves his hands tangled in your hair while caressing your cheek.
“There’s no reason for her not to like you,” he reassures. You had been sitting in the car for far too long, but Sharky didn’t care. “She knows how much you mean to me, and I’ve told her all about you. She loves you.”
“Swear you’re not just saying it to make me feel better?” You still want to make sure this isn’t some lie to bring a smile to your face.
Sharky quiets down, an awkward look on his face as he doesn’t speak. Reaching over, you hit him across the chest, a look of betrayal on your face.
“I’m joking.” He falls back into his seat in laughter, clutching his stomach like it was the funniest thing in the world. And to him it probably was. Annoying you must’ve been on the top 10 list of his favourite things to do on a daily. “I’m joking, I swear.”
Figuring facing his sister was better than watching him laugh at your misery, you unlock the door and get out. You can hear your boyfriend laugh even louder in the background before you close the door, silencing him for a second.
After the encouragement, you feel a newfound confidence, and even a little excitement to see a new side of Sharky and learn more about him. It wasn’t a secret that you were hopelessly in love with him. You made it clear to everyone with the way you looked at him. To meet his family, even if it was only his sister, meant much more to your than he knew.
Even in your faux annoyed state, you wait for your boyfriend, linking your hands together when he gets to you. With a smile on your face, you walk up to the front door. You’re about to ring the doorbell when Sharky playfully slaps your hand off the button.
“What are you doing?” He speaks, amused. Casually opening the door, he gestures for you to walk in and when you do he closes the door behind him. “Shakira!”
There’s no shame whatsoever present as he basically screams your ear off, calling for his sister. You look at him, casually throwing his shoes off and slap the back of his head. “What’s the matter with you? Why you trynna make me deaf?”
“Did you just hit me?” Sharky almost laughs in disbelief. You only nod.
“So what if I did?” You challenge. Your boyfriend chuckles with a straight face before nodding as if he’s accepting the “challenge” You think you're off the hook until he does something unexpected. Faster than you can even blink, he throws you over his shoulder. “Sharky!”
“It’s simple.” He tells you, holding you tightly, and you can only imagine the grin on his face. “Apologise or I’ll hold you here for the rest of the evening.”
“I’d rather die.”
Someone clearing their throat interrupts you guys, and you’re left to slowly look up as you make eyecontact with Sharky’s younger sister. Between bickering with him, and being thrown over his shoulder you had completely forgotten the fact that you weren’t in the comfort of your home.
You almost yank yourself from his grip, stumbling to stand in embarrassment. Almost sure you had blown it and made a bad first impression you can’t help but feel a little defeated. But still, you put your hand out to greet her, feeling like it was better if you did it rather than your boyfriend.
“I’m Y/n” you introduce, putting on your best smile. The teenager just looks at you weirdly, and now you’re really fucking scared. You’re about to retract your outstretched hand when she gently pushes it away, and instead leaps forward for a hug. You’re quick to hug her back, already feeling comforted by her genuine acts.
“We’re best friends already.” She tells you simply, completely ignoring her brother as she pulls away from you.
“Oh?” You say, a smile on your face. “We are?”
“Sharky’s told me all about you already.” You turn to him, eyebrows raised. And he’s stood there with an “ I know exactly what she’s talking about but I’m gonna act like i have no idea to save myself the embarrassment”
“I wouldn’t say all about you.” He throws his sister a glare.
“You sat me down to tell me about her whole skincare, I think I can confidently say I know a little too much.” The two of you follow Sharky as he tries to walk away from the situation. With a grin on your face, you throw your arm around his middle, stopping him from running away.
“ I thought you said my skin care was too boring.”
“ It is.”
Shakira laughs. “Doesn’t explain why you explained step for step how she did it.”
You laugh alongside her as the two of you watch the boy free himself from your arms and throw his body on the couch. “ I already hate you two together.”
With a confident smile passed between each other you speak for both you and Shakira. “We’ll make a great team.”
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starfxkr · 3 months
FREUDIAN RAFE did something to my psyche ma'am what have you done !!
I bet daddy issues squad finds the "I'm the only man you'll ever need" sentiment so validating
Because now your father is just another man?? you've found the paternal element in rafe and he's the only man who matter now.
And Mr. Proactively Sick in the head would eat it up too 😵‍💫 he's in this weird power play with your father i find it so funny LMAOSJKSN
He's an enabler i fear, might start slipping lana songs in your playlists if you aren't an avid listener already😭
(Have a great day and take care! Ily writing💝)
its very darkly humorous how he pulls you away from your dad tbh. like he will be in that mans house and responds whenever you ask for your dad…your real one.
rafe not so subtly tells him you wont be around as much because he’s gonna take care of you and he makes good on that promise fr because after that you only really see/talk to your mom
he’s laying out your clothes, hes in charge of your daily schedule, all of that because he’s the only man you need now! so he’s gonna start off by really babying you and calling himself your daddy so it rlly sticks when he gets meaner
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quakinqueer · 3 months
Hey so I've had this in my drafts for well over a month, then that recent smosh mouth came out, rendering this near useless, but I'm still gonna post it cause why not.
Beginner's Guide to Smosh Seasonal Games
(For newer fans, even though no one asked. And yes I'm manifesting summer/winter games 2024, look away.) Mostly sourced from the Smosh Wiki.
1- Smosh Summer Games! (2015)
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1st trailer aired: June 27, 2015 ~ Finale: July 31, 2015 This was the OG that started it all! No theme, unless you count it being entirely held at a beach house. Very classic smosh vibes, inappropriate jokes, and queerbaiting galore, with 12 episodes total across Pit (2nd channel at the time) and Games. (tbh I haven't seen this one). This was held shortly after the 'main squad' was cast (Keith, N*ah, Olivia, and Courtney), and was Shayne's official introduction to the channel! Teams/Cast: Bananarama: Anthony (Captain), Lasercorn (David Moss), Courtney, N*ah, Mari Takahashi, Jovenshire (Joshua Evan Ovenshire). Jiggle Physics: Ian (Captain), W*s J*hns*n, Sohinki (Matt Sohinki), Flitz (Amra Ricketts). Keith, Olivia. Refs/Hosts: Shayne, Joe Beretta Winners: Bananarama Special Awards: MVP - N*ah, LVP - Lasercorn, Biggest Fail - Olivia.
2- Smosh Winter Games! (2016)
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1st trailer aired: Jan 30, 2016 ~ Final Ep: Feb 29, 2016 The first Winter Games! Similar classic vibes to the first, except by this time the 'main squad' was much more settled in and comfortable with each other, and the overall cast. Strangely, Ian and Anthony didn't actually participate in the games, but commentated (not sure why). Combo of actual competition eps and also videos for other shows aka specials (s-s-s-sleepover, put it in my mouth) that were winter games themed. 23 videos total across 2nd Channel (Pit) and Games. Teams/Cast: Snow Fleeks: Anthony (captain), Mari, W*s, Sohinki, Keith, Olivia, refs. Blue Balls: Ian (captain), Lasercorn, Shayne, Courtney, Flitz, N*ah, Jovenshire. Refs/Hosts: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody. Winners: Blue Balls Special Awards: MVP- Olivia, LVP- Joven, Epic Moment- Lasercorn, Biggest Fail- W*s. (Lasercorn got Epic Moment for dropping an actual fire rap during the *wrap* battle)
3- Smosh Summer Games: Camp (2016)
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1st trailer aired: June 25, 2016 ~ Final Ep: July 30, 2016 The first one to have a theme, extremely iconic, the vibes were starting to peak around this time with the main squad being almost fully settled in by this point. For those of you who do not know, back in the day Smosh had separate casts for main/pit and for games, and the seasonal games were one of the only series where they would consistently appear together, and were originally intended to be a bonding activity. This one was the first to really let those dynamics *shine*, and really have them interact in memorable ways. Also best challenges up until this point cause of the theme. 13 specials and 9 competition episodes across games and 2nd channel, this time accompanied by a few vlogs on Courtney's personal channel. Teams/Cast: Kumbayaaas: Anthony (captain), Jovenshire, N*ah, Olivia, W*s, Courtney, Sohinki Harshmallows: Ian (captain), Mari, Keith, Shayne, Lasercorn, Flitz, refs Refs/Camp Counselors: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody. Winners: Harshmallows Special Awards: MVP- Olivia, LVP- Sohinki, Epic moment- Ian, Biggest Fail- W*s (Sohinki had to leave early due to sickness and so automatically got LVP)
4- Smosh Winter Games: Again! (2017)
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1st trailer aired: Jan 31, 2017 - Final Ep: Feb 28, 2017 Longest seasonal games by far, lot of iconic moments and fun specials, featured CFM's 2nd ever appearance, and was also Boze's debut as a games member! Not much else to say about this one, it's a blast with a lot of classic moments. Oh, and it was the last seasonal games to feature both Ian and Anthony as team captains :,). 19 specials (Game Bang, Board af, hot tub truth or dare, etc.) and 8 competition episodes across pit and games. Teams/Cast: Spaghetti Yetis: Anthony (captain), Boze, Sohinki, Lasercorn, Olivia, Flitz, Shayne Dablizzards: Ian (captain), Keith, W*s, Mari, N*ah, Courtney, Jovenshire Refs/Hosts: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody, Sarah Whittle, Tanner Risner. Winners: Spaghetti Yetis Special Awards: MVP - Anthony, LVP - Jovenshire, Epic Moment - Shayne, Biggest Fail - Boze
5- Smosh Summer Games: Wild West! (2017)
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Trailer aired: June 26, 2017 - Final ep: July 31, 2017 WWIIIILLLLDDDD HWEST! Let me tell yall this one is ICONIC, for so many reasons, in so many ways. Filmed on an awesome location (a ranch in Nevada), great teams, the production quality was top-notch, and let's not forget the infamous bar-brawl fight choreography of the trailer. So many iconic moments its astounding. Damien's first seasonal games, and also the first to neither feature Anthony nor have team captains (instead of picking teams dodgeball style like they had done previously, this time the teams were picked via a lottery). 15 specials (maricraft, board af, etc.), and 8 competition episodes across pit and games. Fun fact, this season was filmed a week before the "Anthony is leaving smosh" video was released. Teams/Cast: Randy Bandits: Lasercorn, N*ah, Olivia, Damien, Mari, Ian, Flitz Cowbaes: Jovenshire, Courtney, Shayne, Keith, W*s, Sohinki, Boze Refs/Sheriffs: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody Winners: Randy Bandits Special Awards: MVP - Flitz, LVP - W*s, Epic Moment - Shayne, Biggest Fail - Jovenshire Shayne told his Epic Moment story on the pod, but incase you missed it: during a hangman competition he managed to guess a 2-word answer, with no letters on the board, on his first try. The answer was Wyatt Earp. Some out of context references: "MUNGE", "My name is Calamity Janet, and I am crazy.", "Sorry"×20, *wide shot of damien holding up his fist for like 3 minutes*, *Mama bird*, *shot in the chest* "Where's Anthony?"
6- Smosh Summer Games: We Blew It! (2018)
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Trailer aired: August 17, 2018 - Final ep: August 24, 2018 Folks, what can I say, they blew it. They had 10 dollars and a dream for this one, and they tried their best, but it is admittedly still the weakest of the Summer Games. Between airing later than any other, taking place within only a week as opposed to a month, having the least amount of competitions (5) and the least amount of specials (1 Smosh and Order), this one really is a last-ditch effort sort of ordeal. But make no mistake, it's no one's fault but Defy Fuckhead Media Inc.; in case you missed the Smosh mouth ep, the story goes that Defy simply didn't want summer games to happen that year, and gave M*tt R**b an eighth of the usual budget. Despite all this, I'm sure if you go back and watch it, the videos are actually really enjoyable with some fun goofs and special moments. The first games to not feature Sohinki or Flitz, and this time there were team captains, chosen according to the personal awards given the prior year. Teams/Cast: Inflatabulls: Jovenshire (Captain, previous winner of Biggest Fail), Mari, Damien, Courtney, Keith, Boze Balloonatics: Shayne (Captain, previous winner of Most Epic Moment), Lasercorn, N*ah, Ian, W*s, Olivia Refs: M*tt R**b, Sarah Whittle Guest Refs/Guest Judges:  Garrett Palm, Joe Bereta, Spencer Agnew, Tanner Risner and Tim Baker Winners: Balloonatics Special Awards: MVP - Mari, LVP - Damien, Epic Moment/Biggest Win - Lasercorn, Biggest Fail - W*s
7- Smosh Summer Games: Apocalypse! (2019)
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Trailer aired: July 15, 2019 - Final ep: August 16, 2019 APPOOOCALYPSSE!! This one ROCKS! Not quite as iconic as Wild West, but it's honestly up there in my opinion. The first and only summer games post-mythical, and a return to normalcy from We Blew It in terms of length, airing schedule, etc., probably because they'd managed to find a sponsor to help with the budget. This one had some greeaat specials, including Spelling Bee-kini Wax, Maricraft, Try Not To Laugh: Gauntlet (so many iconic bits from these tntls, and if I'm not mistaken one of Tommy's earliest appearances), and a lot of Smoshcast. Fun fact, Sohinki was actually invited to participate but was in Italy at the time, so Kimmy was cast as a guest participant instead to even out the teams. The first to have no team selection process or opening ceremony, instead the teams were pre-picked at random and revealed during the trailer. 18 specials and 8 competition episodes across Pit, Games, and Smoshcast. Teams/Cast: ToxiciTea: Jovenshire, Ian, Olivia, Mari, Shayne, W*s Mushroom Clout: N*ah, Lasercorn, Damien, Keith, Courtney, Kimmy Refs: M*tt R**b, Sarah Whittle Guest Refs/Guest Judges:  Joe Bereta Winners: ToxiciTea Special Awards: MVP - Joven, LVP - Shayne, Epic Win/Moment - Courtney, Epic Fail - Ian Fun little end note, Lasercorn, up until this point, had never lost a single season, and had been described for a while as having a 'Winning Streak'. That became a big running gag this season in particular, with Lasercorn describing his team as being 'Blessed by the power of the streak', while ToxiciTea claimed that was the year the streak would be broken. In the end, it was. On Twitter and other socials, the hashtags "#Breakthestreak" and "#Thestreakisreal" were used by the fandom to support either team. Overall super fun season with a lot of fandom involvement.
This took me way too long. Enjoy!
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captainmera · 10 months
So I'm curious, who outta the Hexsquad do you find the most difficult to draw, and why? How about the easiest? Could you draw who ever those two are together just chilling or being the dorks we know the whole squad to be?
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vee is the most difficult to draw because she got a lot going on in her design. Amity is hard to draw because she either looks too much like a square and her proportions are seldom right when I draw her.
Gus is just peak design tbh he's just.... *gestures* a lil guy.
Amity is legit too much effort to draw for me to draw her and Gus hanging out.
don't even get me started on Vee....... I always put her in the background so I don't have to do all her details. *sobs in shame* LOOK AT MY DRAWINGS OF VEE. SHE'S JUST A LIL LIZARD THING. *SOBS* IM SO SORRY VEE.
I HATE IT. |||||OTL|||||
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gabigabigabby · 1 year
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headcanons | brazil national team
seleção brasileira x fem!reader
headcanons of other countries; portugal / england / argentina
a/n: i've always imagined how it'd be like to be friends with these guys. their group must be so much fun to be with. comfort national team ): lmk if you want a part two with the rest of the brazil guys! hope u enjoy ⭐️
synopsis: headcanons of the seleção brasileira during the world cup 🏆
u and ney met for the first time at the brazil world cup
u had been a fan of his since his glory days in santos and his starting years in barcelona
through ney, u got to know the brazil legends
say ricardo kaká, say phil coutinho, say roberto firmino; say literally any brazil player, u have met them before
no one would dare to touch u because ur ney's friend
that's how powerful he is
he always offers to take u out with brazil during the international break
after training, ney insists u and the guys play a friendly game
u could pick out ur team and all, it's very cute (in my head)
he makes sure u get the best seats to watch the game
he invites u to squad dinner after every game brazil had under their campaign
overall, he's just a really amazing dude
it's a blast to get to hang out w him
besides u and neymar, richarlison is the other dude ur attached at the hip w
u think he's the funniest guy you've ever met
and he thinks ur the prettiest girl he's ever known
u helped him dye his hair platinum blonde for the world cup
yep it was u
he gave u the shirt he wore on the very first match of brazil's campaign
and u wore that shirt every time brazil had to square up until their loss against croatia
i feel like richy is the kind to invite u to his hotel room so he could get a shit ton of room service
kinda weird. but it's actually kinda cute
he would make jokes solely bc he wants to hear ur laugh
if u don't laugh at his jokes, he literally dies inside
he's pretty overprotective
more overprotective than neymar, i'd say
he'd always have his arm around u
his height also intimidates a lot of people so it helps
he just overall cares so damn much about u
amazing guy
vinicius jr
vini's the kind to tolerate everyone's bs
he kinda just laughs at the squad's antics
trust me, the guys are all weird in their own ways
vini's the neutral guy
he's weird
but then again, he isn't
tbh w u, he's only weird when rodrygo's around
every time u would come visit him and rodrygo and eder, he brings along his nephew to the bernabéu
his nephew loooooves u
bc of vini, u have every real madrid kit u could think of
u have his, rodrygo's, eder's, even benzema's
awesome dude, he cares a lot about his friends
ur lucky to be friends w vini
lucas paquetá
okay i lied
u think lucas is the funniest guy in the seleção
don't tell richy
only u would tolerate his antics
every time one of the guys get paired up with lucas on the plane, they'd ask if they could switch w u
bc only u could match w his shenanigans
his wife n kids LOVE u
i cannot stress that enough
they see u as family
tia y/n
u love benício and filippo the same
but pippinho's ur favorite, ur not fooling anybody
richy joins u guys sometimes
he's the same amount of crazy, not to worry
u and lucas would brainstorm different dance celebrations
u were the mastermind behind his celebration after his goal against south korea
u and lucas would send each other tiktoks every day
whether it be dance related or just mad dumb shit
u appreciate having lucas in ur life
u have always wanted a best friend like him
and now that u do, u never want to let him go
u and antony are very parent-like to one another
u both are around the same age
antony being a few months older than u
he wouldn't live it down
"eu sou mais velho que você, respeite os mais velhos, y/n" [i'm older than you, respect your elder, y/n]
"então você admite que tá velho" [so you admit you're old]
u would joke w him ALL. THE. TIME.
"eu apoio todos os clubes, exceto o manchester united. porque você tá nele" [i support all clubs except manchester united. bc you're in it]
"okay, agora isso é apenas maldade, y/n" [okay, now that's just mean, y/n]
all jokes aside, he'd go livid if anybody ever hurts you
physically, mentally, all that shit
he cares so much
his heart is so huge
he wears it on his sleeve
and he's proud of it
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bronx-bomber87 · 7 months
Good Evening and Happy Tuesday. Ahhh we’ve reached glorious s4 aka the season where Tim and Lucy emotionally date each other while they’re in relationships without realizing it LOL The amount of emotional intimacy we get in this season is unreal. We get more growth for them both personally and professionally. Also the insane amount of work flirts is crazy but amazing. I love this season so much. Let’s get going with the premiere.
4x01 Life and Death
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When we last left our gang Angela was abducted from her wedding. We start the ep out with an intense OP in progress. Tim asking Wade if they have permission to enter? Grey has a flashback to Angela’s original disappearance before he answers. We hear Lucy saying Jackson is gone along with Angela. We end up in Grey’s office with a gruesome video of their abduction.
We watch as Angela is loaded into a van and Jackson is taken as well. It’s then we see Jackson fight back but he is shot and killed immediately. Loaded into the trunk like cargo. It's horrifying to witness tbh. Watching everyone’s reactions is crushing. They’re all in shock at what they’ve just seen. Can’t believe it’s happened. Lucy’s kills me the most. Harper and Tim are shell shocked. Nolan is a statue. Grey looking as devastated as I’ve ever seen him.
What was supposed to be this momentous and happy occasion is anything but. Lucy just lost her best friend in the blink of an eye. Hurts to watch. All of them are stunned into silence. I remember watching the premiere thinking no way they just killed Jackson right? He must be ok....Just wounded..... Unfortunately that is not the case. We lose him to La Fiera’s senseless violence. I rewound the scene to make sure. I was so stunned I couldn't grasp it. Ugh. It's such a heartbreaking way to start the season off.
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Grey comes back to the present and confirms Jackson been killed when replying to the Tactical Leader. The leader saying they need more time before they breach. Grey lets him know been 3 hours since Jackson was killed and Angela was taken. He wants his people to go in he can't wait. Tells Tim and the others to breach now. They’re searching the warehouse where they tracked the car that took her. They make it inside and see the car is empty. Lopez’s wedding dress on the ground.
Lucy goes to grab it when Nolan stops her. Says there’s a trip wire and it leads or C4 under the car. They head back out and request the bomb squad. Saying they can’t track the next vehicle till the scene is clear. As they’re leaving Nolan spots the dirt road outside it. Actually has useful information for once saying they took a plane not a car….
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We return to Lucy with Nolan at the station. She’s currently beating herself up for not catching that trip wire. You just lost your best friend love. It’s ok to be a little unfocused. Lucy is breaking my damn heart. Anytime she cries it just hurts to watch. Melissa crushing it over here. The way she loses it over talking about Jackson hurts my soul. She’s wearing her medal he gave her too. Killing me softly with the details. I want to hug her but Tim will cover that for me shortly.
She asks if Nolan if he really thinks Lopez is alive? He says yes. Harper and Tim enter asking why he thinks that? They all start theorizing why she took Angela and where. Tim tells them they have to look at it with cop eyes not personal ones. Lucy brings up the baby. How they bonded over motherhood. That psychologically she could see how Angela betrayed that bond when Diego died. The best revenge would be to take her baby..So dark and twisted.
Grey comes in and tells them the DEA isn’t going to help them due to politics. That being the short answer. Really just red tape BS. Their main focus is finding Jackson’s killer which will hopefully give them a beat on Angela. They figure out Jackson scratched his killer as his final act. Knew he was going to die so he took his DNA with him. They’re rushing results to find out who and that he’s hopefully in the system. He went out like a bad ass doing that gotta say.
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Grey tells them all to get some rest if they can. I love her letting Nolan pass by her first. Hanging back for Tim. Needing to show her deepest vulnerabilities with him only. Craving his comfort and a deeper convo with her person. Her and Nolan had a surface talk earlier. What she needs is so much more than that right now. So she naturally turns to Tim. Waits for them to be alone before spilling her emotional guts completely.
First off let me say I love the height difference shot here. Feel like we haven’t had a significant one in a hot minute. I’ll always love the tall/smol between them. Gives me ship tinglies in a way I can not put into words. Hehe Also what seems like intentional distance between them during this scene. Because we know what’s coming in their next one. Zero space between them.
Lucy confiding in Tim how she can’t go back to her apt right now. To his empty room...it’s far too much for her at the moment. Tim instantly offers up his place to her. Saying she shouldn’t have to. No hesitation whatsoever offering up solace with him. That part of himself he can’t explain with her taking the wheel in this moment. All he knows is she’s hurting and he wants to help her hurt less. It’s an innate reaction of his to protect her emotionally. Even when he doesn’t understand it. It’s that instinct that drives this decision.
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Lucy being Lucy doesn’t want to impose on him. Even when she’s intensely grieving she’s thinking of others. Thing is she is anything but an imposition to Tim. Never has been never will be. He reinforces his offer telling her she shouldn’t be alone right now. Tim isn't taking no for an answer. He see's she is hurting and vulnerable so he wants to protect that. Protect her.
No way he was he going to relax or get sleep of any kind knowing how upset she was. Lucy caves and accepts his sweet offer. Too tired and emotionally drained to fight him any further on it. Tells him Thanks and Tim is brief in his reply. 'Yeah.' Just wanting to get her out of the station to decompress. Get her away from anything that will remind her of Jackson right now.
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Next is the moment that is burned into all of our memories. So many facets of this moment to dissect. It’s glorious. Tim being chivalrous takes the couch. Or tries to at least. Lucy won’t allow it at all. Tim says he can’t let a guest sleep on the couch. They battle a little and Lucy wins. (Cause Wifey usually wins ha) Tim gets up and you can tell he wants to do more for her. Erase her pain or comfort her more. He just isn't sure how...
He asks her if she needs anything? Lucy almost replicating her reply in 2x12 about time travel. Tim once again wishing he had the ability to reverse time for her. If he could engineer a time machine just to take her hurt away it would be built already. No doubt in my mind he would move heaven and earth to make that happen. Instead he replies he unfortunately doesn’t have that power. So Lucy asks for something he most definitely can give. A hug. Love her being this vulnerable and asking him for what she really needs.
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Then comes this beautifully intimate hug. It’s the way he pulls her in as she’s falling apart. She is clinging to Tim like he’s the only thing that will keep her together. (Good shot of that ring too..pretty sure that’s intentional) How she folds into arms effortlessly and buries herself in his chest. Like she was always meant to fit there. A puzzle piece fitting perfectly into place.
How gently he cradles her head. So delicate with his hand. It's so tender and affectionate. Encasing her in his arms fully. Space is not a word they know in this moment. It's like he’s trying to shield her from her pain by enveloping her completely. Strokes her hair in a very intimate manner. While she is clinging to him for dear life. Their chemistry is explosive in just the hug alone. I'm getting overwhelmed with feels just writing about this. The way he pulls away is very telling. It’s not just an instant break from their hug.
Tim lingers in his proximity to her. You can see it in the 4th gif above. Running his hands down her arms very slowly. Like he’s trying to extend his time touching her. Waiting to the very last inch to let go. Even when he runs out of real estate he gives her a little affectionate squeeze. Lucy isn’t adding to their distance either. Her head still very close to his chest when they part ways from this hug. She looks like she isn't ready for it to end. Her body still instinctively leaning toward his.
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Tim still hasn’t stopped touching her yet. Look at that first gif. He’s still rubbing her other arm as he gazes down at her. The vulnerable way Lucy is looking up at him. *oh my lord* Still leaning into his touch. Into him. The intense shared glances they have here is electric. Lightning in a bottle chemistry goodness is what this is. I remember first time I watched this I felt like my skin was tingling with excitement. Couldn’t believe they were staring at each other like this. How they looked liked they could possibly kiss. I held my breath.
It’s that magnetic pull of theirs. They’re drawn to one another in general. This is the first time they’ve been this close to each other. Probably since the 2x11 moment where he cradled her. But this is much much different. Tim is the one to break it off before they lean into each other any further. I think he knows what will happen if he doesn’t stop this. Tim being the honorable man he is won’t take advantage of her in this state.
I also think this is Tim's ‘Uh Oh’ moment with Lucy. Man isn’t aware of his feelings just yet (ain’t even close to being ready for that) but he is VERY aware of his attraction in this moment. He can't fight the fact he is attracted to Lucy anymore. That much is obvious with this entire hug and his touches. He just showed his hand to her. One he had so tightly guarded to his chest for so long. So he cuts it off before it can develop into something more. Is the one with more self control by telling her good night. Lucy's face after he’s walked away looks like she just had an epiphany. Like ‘Oh shit I’m in love with Tim Bradford..’ Melissa’s face says it all for me.
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It falls in line with the she fell first he fell harder scenario. It’s then we see them both trying to come down from their emotional high. The adrenaline of being that close to one another. What almost happened. This moment reminds me of one of my all time fav Caskett moments. Castle watches Beckett go to her hotel room after a similar almost kissed moment. He stares at the closed door and you see Beckett fighting with herself on the other side. Debating to open the door. By the time she gets the guts to open it Castle is long gone into his room.
The way they both stare in the others direction with intense longing. *heart damn clutch* Tim can’t get settled and neither can Lucy. Both trying to process the intense moment they just had. She looks like she’s having an internal battle with herself above. We say Lucy breaks Tim brain a lot and she does. But in this moment Tim has broken her's and she is having an internal struggle after they part.
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Now Lucy is the one who decides to go for it. Can’t take sitting in her thoughts any longer. Stares at his bedroom door and gets up. She instantly retreats when she hears him come back into the room. Scurrying back to the couch so Tim doesn’t know what her plans were. Tim telling her Wesley knows where Angela is. The mood shifting completely.
Makes you wonder what her plans were had Tim not gotten that call. Was she going to knock on his door? Just give him a look and they would give into their emotions? I mean she must’ve had a plan of some sort. Possibly relying on that silent communication of theirs to say everything for her? The UST in this moment is off the charts. It’s the first time either of them are truly aware of the sexual tension between them. It really hit Lucy hard with her wanting to act on it.
I’ll always be happy with the way they got together. I adore the canon version. Them getting together in this moment would’ve been very messy. But I adore the tease we got to start the season for them. Was a very promising sign. I remember thinking damn this season gonna be amazing. It felt like it was their pre-get together season. And it was exactly that. Also I'll never be over the fact she’s in his clothes and wearing them damn well might I add. I am dead this scene so so good haha
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Everyone arrives at Tim’s place for next steps. Also is no one going to question why Lucy is already there? No? ok...LOL This is totally normal. What I love most about this next section is how in-sync they are. Just a matching power couple in black. Also cross armed Tim mmm my fav. Sexy forearm time look at those puppies. Mm love to lick those like a lollipop. Yum. Also the intense amount of heart eyes Lucy is throwing him in this scene. Girl you have an audience put those away LMAO Clearly has not come down from her hug high. If Tim looked her way in that moment he would've been speechless with their intensity.
Wesley is telling them Angela is at a compound in Guatemala. That he’s going to get her back but he needs some help. Everyone jumps in and Grey stops them. Saying only people truly qualified for this is Harper and Tim. (Why Nolan gets to be apart of their OP based on that logic idk LOL) Nolan does bring up the good point about Max from 2x14. The counterfeiting case they had where they let his team go in exchange for their killer.
Tim explaining to Grey his unit runs covert operations all over the world. He could get them in undetected. He owes them for not putting his sins on blast. He would give them tactical support on the ground as well. Lucy is gonna hang back with Grey per his decision to help on Jackson’s murder case. While Nolan will fold in with Tim and Nyla to contact Max and get their mission going.
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They land and their original plan doesn’t pan out. It was to get in covertly through the blueprints Nolan steals. Unfortunately Plan A is squashed due their covert entrance having a steel gate installed. Covering up the only weak spot for the house making the blueprints useless. Tim also brings up if they’ve added this gate who knows what else they’ve added inside? Says they have to go to Plan B which Nolan and Harper bitch to him about lol
Tim is the ONLY ONE with military experience. He knows how to quickly adapt in a hostile environment especially when a plan goes to shit. Even though its super risky it's their best option. Nolan I expect the whining from. Harper should appreciate this since she was a UC. Yeah its not ideal but bitching at him doesn't make it better. It's only ok when Lucy does it haha
I do love this scene above so much it’s underrated IMO. Lucy telling him she doesn’t like Plan B is too funny. He looks so damn exasperated by her dislike of the plan. Harper and Nolan turning around is too funny I have to say. Like we told you she wouldn’t like this plan....When really it’s just her worry coming through in spades. Her person is in potential danger and she doesn’t get to have his back. Lucy is very far away and her worry is very evident. The secondary plan puts him in more danger. Danger she can't control that from another country. So she is a little anxious. Poor thing.
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Side note before we delve into the moment above. Military Tim is a flavor I like very much. Look at him. How does this man make such an ordinary outfit sexy as hell? He’s wearing the hell out of that t-shirt Ovary explosion on-top of his sexy biceps popping out of it. *fans self* Also its not shown here but his belt hanging over the edge of his pants. Wish I could've fit more gifs of Military Tim. I'm bummed I could not haha (shakes fist at tumblr's gif limit) Anyways It’s like he wants me to implode from the thirst trap that he is. Plus the 5’clock shadow lining that sexy jawline. Have mercy.
Anyways another underrated moment in this episode is Lucy telling him to be careful. It’s such a loaded moment. Look at the way she is anxiously shifting around. You can see Lucy is bouncing her knees up and down trying to get her nerves out. She not even close to processing losing Jackson right now. She can’t fathom losing her person too. Lucy needs to let him know to be careful and she’s worried. That she cares. Lucy is so very stressed for Tim. It's driving her insane she doesn’t have his back in this moment.
If Harper wasn’t there I’m sure his answer would’ve been a little different. More sincere and soft. Since Harper is Tim is doing his macho confidence thing to keep her from worrying instead. Tim is also confident in this plan even if it’s more complicated. More shock and awe. As he says. Sending Angela into pre-mature labor then intercepting her at the hospital with the antidote. Which they do pretty flawlessly. Angela dispatching of La Fiera while pregnant was pretty damn bad ass before getting away. Also I love them all pulling a gun on Max to pick up Wesley/Nolan HA Wesley and Angela's reunion in the helicopter is super sweet I love them ❤️
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Fast forwarding 3 months to her having the baby, them all healing a bit more after Jackson’s death was a good call. Angela and Wes arrive home to a welcome home party. Lucy could not be cuter with her excitement over her baby basket. She made her all these organic and homeopathic cookies. Once Lucy departs Harper tells her not eat the cookies LMFAO But it was something positive for Lucy to focus on. It made her happy to assemble it for Angela. So sweet.
The episode ends with Angela talking to Jackson’s gravestone. Ugh my heart. Her updating him on everything. Saying she hopes by the time her leave is over she can face the station without him there. Killing me Angela. I love them naming their kid after him. Gut punch to the feels. Ep starts with a gut punch and ends with one. Hell of a start to an incredible season.
Side notes- non chenford
I love when Grey says he’s feeling biblical about losing Jackson. We all were Wade. So upsetting…
The intro of Elijah. He’s a solid baddie I enjoy his SL with Wesley. The things we do for those we love. Actor is solid af cause I hate him so much haha doing his job well.
Also in that post hug scene I love that Tim has a photo of Kojo on his bedside table I love this man sfm.
It is very kind of Grey to remind Nolan he’s done as a rookie. Everyone in the room is happy he’s a P2. He’s a putz but a somewhat likable one haha
I love the portion with Grey and Lucy. They got a hit on the DNA. They’re riding together to get this little shit. Lucy is still rattled and Wade tries to help her get past it. What’s great is he starts out as the one telling her she has to be professional, do her job everyone is depending on her too.
Especially Jackson’s family. Then he has a crisis of conscious right before he arrests him. His speech to that kid hurts to listen to. ‘A young man so full of life. Hurts my soul to think of him in that dark room on that cold table’ oof.
I will give it to Nolan him saving Wesley was pretty awesome. That’s his one compliment this season from me haha
Thank you as always to this incredible fandom, you amazing supporters who like, comment and reblog. Means everything. Shall see you all in 4x02 :)
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