#the way he told the story was super funny but my friend thought it was weird but i. the subject of violence and horror fan and friend lover
horrorwebs · 9 months
the sweetest compliment ive been given was yesterday when my friend told me "if i ever kill you its not because i hate you, i dont hate you. it'll be because of one of my schizo episodes" bdbbfbfbfbgb
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totalswag · 5 months
can i request rafe x fwb reader where reader finds out hes dating sofia and she goes to confront him that he didnt even have the decency to let her know their arrangement was over and he says "who said it was over?''
stuck in the middle - RAFE CAMERON
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authors note as you guys may notice i'm finally publishing requests that you guys sent me. super sorry this was very late to publish. i hope you like what i wrote and it was what you hoped. so, thank you for sending this requests.
requests are still open so feel free to send them my way and i will get to them and put them into my docs :) if you click on the bold red ink it will take you to my ask box lovies!!!
summary you find out through people and social media sofia and rafe are together. you go to confront rafe about this since he never thought to tell you that your arrangement was over.
warnings friends with benefits, mentions of sex, cursing
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Lately, you've been having this weird gut feeling in your stomach. No idea what the meaning behind it means but you want to find out what it could be. You started feeling this way whenever you were with Rafe on a random Wednesday.
Rafe and you have been friends with benefits for about three months now. When you two came to this agreement, you agreed that it was solely for your sexual pleasures and not to establish feelings for each other, and that the most important thing was to let each other know if one of you became serious with someone else so that the bargain could be broken off.
You overheard a rumor at a party this past Friday about Rafe and Sofia being together for a month. You couldn't believe your ears and wanted to vomit. Sofia works at the island's country club, and Rafe visits it from time to time.
The next day, you decided to do some research to be sure this was accurate. Even as you looked at her Instagram, the emotion returned. You checked her story highlights and discovered what you were looking for. Your stomach sank.
She had a couple pictures on her highlights that you knew were of Rafe, including one with his right hand on her thigh in his car and another with his back to her as he looks out into the distance. Based on what you discovered, they appeared serious.
What made you upset was the fact Rafe and you have been seeing each other for three months which meant he'd been with Sofia for who knows how long before he asked her to be his girlfriend.
"Why didn't he tell me?" You asked yourself, setting down your phone and running your hands through your hair, upset that you found out at random person at a party.
There's a part of you that doesn't want Rafe to be with Sofia. There's a part of you that wants him all to yourself. Regardless, he should've told you the arrangement was over.
That was the deal.
After thinking about what you should do, you decide you are confronting Rafe about this, tonight. You are gonna make it seem like you want to hookup but really you are telling him what you found out.
you- are you busy tonight? i wanna see you
rafe- funny you say that because i wanna see you too
rafe- meet me at the spot at 9pm.
"I'll be back in an hour or so," you tell your mom as you go past the living room, holding your keys. "I'm going to hang out with Samantha."
"That's fine, sweetie; please stay safe tonight, I love you," your mother adds, smiling.
When you get to the spot you see Rafe sitting in his car on his phone. You parked your car next to him so he knows it's you- when he sees you get out, he unlocks the car.
You sigh casually as you sit in the passenger seat.
Rafe says smiling "Hey pretty girl" in a tone that makes you weak in the knees, leaning over the center console to kiss you but you pull back.
"We need to have a little chat, Rafe," maintaining eye contact.
His smile fades, and he looks at you, puzzled, "What do you mean?" His response indicated that he was nervous or knew what was going to happen.
"Why didn't you tell me you and Sofia were together, Rafe? You never once said to my face, "Y/N, we can no longer meet up like this anymore because I have a girlfriend now," mimicking Rafe's voice, "we've been hooking up this entire time while you've been in this relationship that I had no idea about until I heard someone talking about it," you explain frustratedly in your voice and expressions.
In the midst of your rant towards him, he places his hand over his lips, chuckles, shakes his head, and looks down at his lap.
"Why the fuck are you laughing?" You ask, folding your arms, leaning back against the passenger door, annoyed.
He glances up from his lap, licks his bottom lip, and smirks: "Who said it was over?"
Before you could respond his lips were already on yours.
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my taglist
if you would like be in my taglist to be notified whenever i post please let me know if there's a line on your username, that means i couldn't find your account
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @brooklynscherry-z @kaydsr3venge @johannelis2302nely @chenslucy
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indulgentdaydream · 3 months
Hello luv, first of all... I LOVE NURSE!READER!!! OH god the last lines were soooooo heartwarming for my social worker heart!! LOVE LOVE IT 🩷🩷
So, may I request a Jason x reader again but with a little something... Jealous Jason because reader and Roy know each other longer than Jay and reader and then he gets all jelly and and—! Oh god I love a jealous petty man.
Missy when she fucks up the queue and queues this post for NEXT YEAR by accident 🫣🙃 NEXT YEAR?? LIKE THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE POSTED LAST FRIDAY AND I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE THAT IT DIDN'T GO UP
anyways AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH your words are already heartwarming ♥️
I loveeee jealous jason imma cook this up so quick just you wait and see (i wrote this when i first made the draft and i found it funny to leave it. It’s literally been a month I’m so sorry)
I also made this into headcanons because I had a VISION and did not think to give it any justice. (koi youre seriously my number 1 supporter i hope you enjoy this garbage I just threw up, really)
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Pining!Jealous!Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: slight jealousy (not too overly consuming), alcohol consumption
Roy had invited Jason to hang out at the bar
Bros being bros
Roy brought you along (because he KNOWS Jason has got a fat crush on you whether or not he’s told him)
(He tried to convince roy it’s not a crush, but always fails because his whole demeanour changes when you walk in the room)
he's always going to be standing beside you, consciously or not
jason isn't always a tense guy. But he for sure isn't as long as you're talking to him/looking at him/etc. (but if you put your hand on his arm/touch him in any way, it's game over)
your name is brought up, he's listening SO INTENTLY
like a dog when it hears its favourite word
The three of you are sitting in a booth
It was originally you and roy before jason showed up, the two of you on either side
Jason shows up and just sits right next to you. No hesitation.
You and roy are laughing away, recounting stories and telling jokes.
Jason is just... really quiet
unusually quiet
He doesn’t look at you guys, rather looking out across the bar, trying to hide the fact he’s feeling this way
That he's feeling unreasonably jealous of his best friend
who literally brought you FOR JASON
He knows it’s stupid. He trusts both of you. You two are the two people he trusts the MOST
He hates that he’s like this, but he can't help it
Roy's better than him. You've known him for longer. He's making you laugh harder than Jason ever has. He's better looking, too. Older. More experienced.
His thoughts are clogging up his head. He's really not listening anymore, just holding his beer, eyes scanning the bar floor, watching the other patrons.
Then Roy is standing in front of him, saying something about using the bathroom.
He is giving a VERY pointed look at Jason.
a "make conversation with your crush or I'm shoving an arrow down your throat" kind of look
Jason felt a little stab of genuine anxiety shoot through him.
He's talked to you alone before. Many times. You two were friends, of course. He doesn't know why this is how he's feeling right now.
Then your hand is resting on his forearm.
Poor boy is still so caught up in his head he just looks down at your hand for definitely a second too long before finally meeting your gaze
Your gaze with those stupidly pretty eyes.
Then comes that horrendously pretty voice, "You alright?"
He nods. Shrugs. Like a stupid teenager who doesn't know how to handle his emotions.
He has to admit he's still a little tense about your attention being focused more on Roy. But not to you. He'd never admit it to you. You'd probably find it unattractive and then he'd really never have a chance.
“Yeah, no, im enjoying the talking. Always forget how well you and roy know each other”
“Oh yeah he just knows how to get me going. You know how he is”
Jason doesn’t know how he does it.
Like some leap of faith.
Some, jealousy super-powered leap.
He tries to be non-chalant about it.
“It’d be nice to do this again sometime. Maybe without Roy around.”
Sipping on his beer, looking down at it instead to avoid eye contact with you so he doesn't lose his cool.
Or someone show on his face that he is actually shitting bricks
You don't respond for a second and the alarm bells start going off in his head
"It would be nice," you say, "Could we make it a date instead?"
He's smiling, turning to nod at you, "Course we can."
But his internal dialogue is just straight screaming at himself
The things jealousy will make you do
Roy comes back and sits down
Jason's into the conversation now
It doesn't really matter that Roy is still making you laugh
because he's not the one holding your hand under the table
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I also love a jealous petty man (as long as it doesn't become toxic and he doesn't use it as an excuse to be an asshole)
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twopoppies · 5 months
Are the any new fics (within the last couple months) that are good? I’m in a reading drought and I feel like I’ve read every Larry fic there is :( I got so desperate I even thought about looking into f/m fics..
I think I’m just going to use your ask to post my year-end favorite fics. Hope you don’t mind.
It’s been a tough year for me, and I haven’t gotten to read a ton, but these are all excellent.
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Secrets, Santa? By @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 19K) disaster gay Harry in all his bumbling, endearing glory still manages to make his incredibly hot boss (Louis) fall for him. This one has snappy dialogue, great internal monologue, and scorching smut. I’d expect nothing less from this author.
your lips in the low light by etherealbliss / @givesuethemoon (E, 21K) It’s been a long time since I read a Larry Uni AU, and this one checked all the boxes. This author managed to really capture the immaturity and obsessive emotions of university age lovers arguing and breaking up, and making each other jealous, and fucking and fighting some more, and ultimately making up. Harry is bratty and sensitive and Louis is dense and long-suffering and they’re perfect for each other.
Scorpions et Madragores by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter (E, 23K) Read the tags and author’s note on this one because there are some themes that could be triggering. This is a dark fic and Harry is a pretty creepy vampire, but the story is very well told and there’s a happy ending.
2 a.m. texts by everysingleday / @sun-lt (T, 30K) This was very sweet and very funny and had just enough sexiness (although I wouldn’t have minded more. LOL!) Link is to a download.
The Doppel Effect by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright (T, 6K) the concept for this fic was so original and a really compelling read, I can’t help but hope the author gets inspired to continue this ‘verse.
Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky (E, 227K) This one’s got all the tension and drama you’d expect of a World War II story—life and death high stakes, friends and lovers unexpectedly torn apart, battles and heroism, plus the added stakes of classism and homophobia—then add a slow burn, high risk, scorching love affair spanning years. If you want a story that’s complex and fantastically researched, plus lovers to root for, read it. It’s long. But I couldn’t put it down. When I finally did, I picked it right back up and read it twice more. It’s that good.
one conversation by fondleeds (NR, 1K) This really is just a couple of scenes, and the story is open-ended, but, if for no other reason, read it for the beautiful way the sentences flow. My notes on every fic of theirs begin with: “I wish I could write like this.”
Night Shift by banaanipoika (E, 9K) This was incredibly sexy and beautifully written. I loved that there was such a unique setting with so much descriptive language making me feel like I could smell and feel everything in that hospital room.
On The Pull by @homosociallyyours (E, 4K) Short, but really sexy and just the right amount of bittersweet and hopeful. Loved the characterizations and the smooth writing. So few people write canon Larry these days so this was a nice change of pace.
Devil in my brain, whispering my name by @lunarheslwt (E, 9K) i i thought this author struck a great balance between the dirtiness of a demon defiling an angel and the way the angel gave in to his desire to be defiled. Super sexy.
pull you closer (kiss me harder) by @sunshineandthemoonlight (E, 6K) This was absolutely beautiful — just the perfect amount of tension and wistfulness to make me tear up. But then it was sexy and full of hope at the end. I loved how Louis supported Harry and gave him exactly what he needed (and really, H gave Louis what he needed, too).
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writersblg · 9 months
how the cod characters would react to their partner being a true crime junkie
The sun was starting to set when your partner came back from training. They closed the door behind them and made their way to the living room where you were already wrapped up in a blanket. The music suggested you were watching a normal mystery show but the wholesome scenario your partner thought they found themselves in quickly crumbled as the presenter said “after taking off the skin and hanging it to dry she chopped up the body”
Unfortunately, doesn’t enjoy it as much as you do. For obvious reasons.
He’d give you the nastiest side eye and will just retreat to another room to solve a crossword or something.
Finds these shows incredibly disrespectful and really doesn’t get why you’d watch this.
ALTHOUGH he knows you’ll cuddle up beside him in the night and hide behind his big muscles (I’m deceased) so that’s kinda cute but that only adds to him not knowing why you’d watch true crime in the first place.
Watches everything with you
Will be mad if you do it on your own even if he’s on a mission
Enjoys the stories of female killers the most (if it’s out of revenge he’d cheer for them)
CONTRA he’d talk all the time about the nitty gritty of murders (basically plays the UNO reverse to Keegan; you’ll be afraid of him)
It took a lot of time or convincing to make this happen but he now watches these shows with you.
Rarely talks; “hope they rot in hell” is all you’d get out of him.
Holds you very nicely though and gets up during commercials to get you two snacks <3.
Tells you about the super weird things that happened in his hometown when he was a kid and expects you to be normal about it.
Falls asleep during the first 10 minutes
There’s nothing he hasn’t seen and no matter how brutal these attacks on the shows were he finds them tame
He won’t spoil your watching experience though and lets you lean on him if you’re getting tired
He won’t do true crime marathons with you but might compromise on watching 6h of government conspiracies or something instead
The most interesting part to him is the reasoning for the killers and silently does psycho analysis’ of them
If he has heard about the case before he’d add some information the presenter hasn’t talked about
You two just vibe
He lays on you and occasionally raises his head at particularly interesting scenes
Very much a true crime enthusiast himself
Also very much no expression on his face as they describe the attacks
Watches with you but the way she judges you for watching this is crazy
Blames it on your culture
Farah: “I can fix them”
Sometimes laughs out of nowhere when she’s watching with you 😭 (would honestly destroy my psyche)
Loves to hear when the police messed up so badly they could’ve prevented more deaths but failed to do so
Watches the most gruesome way to attack someone and goes like “Haha I did this once.”
Gives you self defense tips according to the cases
Gets so invested in it
Gives you all the crime statistics if the case happened in Mexico
Randomly dropped that he knew the killer personally more than once
Happily talks about it at work the next day
Sometimes curses in Spanish because he gets too worked up over this
Cannot watch unsolved cases; will think about it all night
Looks the cases up on the internet while the show is still on
Just deepens his perspective of there being more bad people than good people in this world
He’s actually scared of you if you watch this without any reactions
Reminds me of that one AITA story
Accidentally told his friends he’s scared of you (but with heart eyes)
He’d watch it with you but mostly watches your reaction from a safe distance (the other end of the couch)
If you chop something in the kitchen later he’d gently take the knife from you and do it himself; you think he’s being funny but it’s just self preservation
Will still cuddle with you <3 later that night
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scrubbinn · 15 days
Slime HRT Day 1: First Pages
I was told I should write down my experiences in this journal. I'm only really doing this because I was told I didn't have to share my writings with anyone except for emergencies, whatever that means. Today is the first day of my new life, and becoming something not human anymore.
I've seen a lot of social media about species HRT. I think it’s supposed to be “Human Removal Therapy”. There’s a lot of people online bashing it, and I'm sure someone is going to try and ban it eventually, but for right now it's pretty unrestricted. To be honest, I am fascinated by it. Becoming something inhuman seemed so, I don't know, cool I guess, but it felt distant, like it would never happen to me, or I'd be labeled a freak by my friends. It was only until my girlfriend brought it up in a passing conversation that I gained the courage to admit I was curious about it. She said I should go for it. The amount of joy I felt then and there was like a 20 ton weight had just exploded out of my chest, but in a good way! We spent the rest of the night talking about treatments and articles, I never felt so happy except then and there, to be seen like that.
My legs were shaking when I met with that doctor. I was told it was normal to be nervous, but it really felt like I was going to just have a breakdown the entire time we talked. There was a lot of psychological exams and way, WAY too much paperwork that basically said I was sure I would be happy and cool with going through with this process. The doctor was patient at least, though he was rude with how little he tried to hide the boredom of his job. Besides that, there was something about him that just made him feel like this was the last thing he wanted to do, the kind of man who’s a total pushover. We eventually got to the question I was dreading “what was I here for, what am I looking to be?” My voice just suddenly stop working right there. It's so funny how I saw an actual dragon on my way here and somehow my request seemed so much more ridiculous. That stupid doctor kept prying me to just tell him until my frustration surpassed my anxiety, and I was able to blurt out that I wanted to be a slime.
I don't know when or why, but I've always liked the idea of slimes. It's their fluidity I think. Being able to morph myself the way I want whenever I want. I mean, how can I trust I'll be happy with my body shape everyday when I can't even pick a favorite color. I spent so much time writing out my own ideas of how their biology worked, or creating a bunch of slime girls for stories I never finished writing. It took me a while to realize I wanted to be just like them, like how it took me a while to realize I wanted to be a girl too.
I thought I'd get laughed out of his office, I mean I've seen the photos and stories of people on slime HRT but it just felt different, like I was going one step too far, I was probably just super anxious, I felt so relieved when he just showed me a list of slime variants instead of laughing. There were so many different options on the list, slimes made of just gel, sap, wax, and there were so many different colors, but that was the problem, they all felt right, I wanted to be any of them.
It was so selfish to ask, but I needed to know if a slime that could change color was possible, or something that could truly transform into any kind of slime. He asked what I meant, if I was looking into becoming a shapeshifter. I shook my head no and said I wanted something like a chameleon. He took off his glasses and pinched his nose, like the weight of every request he ever had just hit him. We, kind of, argued for a while. Well it was him telling me all the different reasons it wouldn’t work or how some people had set up safe LED strips to become a slime strobe globe of different colors, but for some reason it was the one thing I didn’t want to budge on. The one thing I was certain I wanted was that I wouldn’t be certain about my final choice. I was actually ready to just punch this old man until he suddenly folded to my demands and told me he'd need time to make a new variant for something like that. Something about a membrane and chromatophores I think. He also stated, bluntly, that I still needed to pick the type of slime. Being able to switch from red to blue is one thing but there needs to be a base. 
There were a lot of good options, to the point it took me an hour to go through everything and just think about it. I was probably pushing him a bit too close to his next appointment with how long I was searching through options. It certainly makes me wonder how anyone can just know the answer right away. Eventually I had to settle on one and chose the soap variant. I was told it wasn’t actual soap, but it smelled nice and helped deal with germs. I’m not a germaphobe but I like the idea of smelling nice all the time.
After that, I was told I would be contacted eventually when my medication was ready. The wait could be best be described as brutal. There were a lot of calls I made only for me to be told it wasn’t ready yet. I thought I got scammed, like I went to the wrong place and that quack doctor was just faking everything and I wouldn't ever get to be the real me. The most I got was a message once a month saying the research was going well, if I was lucky. 
It was about a year when I got a call back from him, explaining that my medication was ready. I'll be honest, I thought he wouldn't have ever completed it and just stole $600 out of my bank account for a single appointment. I have it now though, a bottle of gel capsules. They taste awful, like shoving soap into my mouth, which makes sense thinking about it. Apparently I won't need to take my normal hormone medication after a bit. Which is good because it's really expensive to pay for both. I guess that concludes my thoughts on the first day. The doc wants me to keep writing down my physical changes but also that I write down my emotional state as well. I don't really get why that’s so important, but whatever, it’s the least I can do if I finally get to be the slime girl I always wanted to be. I can't wait to see how I turn out.
Thank you for reading through this story. While I’m sure it’s obvious, this is a story inspired by @ayviedoesthings own Dragon HRT as well as @welldrawnfish Fish HRT. I’ve loved these stories ever since they first came out. But I never felt like I had a story of my own to write until I read @sandyca5tle own slime HRT. Please check out all these people’s stories if you haven’t already, and thank you to sandyca5tle for really lighting the fire in me that made me want to try my hand at this sort of thing. I have plans to continue this for a while, not sure how long it’ll be but I want to be able to write a new segment at least one post every one to two weeks. I hope you enjoyed this, and please let me know if you have any advice on how to improve my writing. Thank you so much for reading all this, seriously, it means the world to me. 
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squoxle · 7 months
・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~ 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐟 (𝟏𝟖+)
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👑 pairing: 25yr!little sister's bf!heeseung x 22yr!older sister!reader
👑summary: you're crushing hard on your little sister's boyfriend, but things really take a turn when he shows interest. req by: @hoyeonheeseung
👑 cw: 🔞MDNI!!corruption, oral (m. and f. receiving), penetration, kissing, swearing, drinking, drunk sex, unprotected sex, slight degrading, noncon/dubcon, sexual themes, cheating, college au, hee’s a big ole hoe and so are you [feat. Jake~Brother | Jay*EN- | Sunghoon*EN- | Kazuha*LESF | Yunjin*LESF | Lucy*Weki Meki | Keeho*P1H] 𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑤/𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐸𝑚𝑜𝑗𝑖❤️‍🔥
👑wc: 6.5k
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You were scrolling through Instagram when you saw a new post on your younger sister's story.
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The caption read, "ladies! it's officially cuffing season!" There was a little red heart on the photo of her and her boyfriend holding hands. You also noticed that she was wearing a small gold chain with the letter 'H'. You knew she had been talking about some guy she was interested in, but she never told you who he was, claiming that you were "too judgy."
You still responded to her story, as if the two of you didn't literally live together.
“OMG! Did the cops finally find your stash? Am I gonna have to bail you out?!" you replied, teasing her about this so-called 'cuffing' season. You didn't expect her to respond as she was obviously busy with some dude.
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Later that night when your sister came home. "Hey, Chloe." "Hey. I'm gonna go take a quick shower and we can talk when I'm finished ok?" "Okay." After her shower, that was everything but quick, she started to tell you about her day before crashing mid-story.
From what you gathered, Mr. H is super cute and funny, but he asked her to be his girlfriend in the most corny high-school musical, Troy and Gabriella way ever. Basically, he told her to close her eyes and he put the necklace on her. Then he said this cringy-ass line, "Whenever you see this I want you to remember that you're mine." When your sister told you this you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
*Okay, maybe I am a little judgy* you thought to yourself.
The next day when your sister woke up, she arranged for you to meet her new boyfriend. "Hey, Jake is probably gonna be there too." "What is Jake gonna be doing there?" "Well, they're friends soooo." "Wait what?! You didn't tell me that." "Really, I thought I did. Sorry." "Eww. So you're like the little sister who dates her brother's best friend." "It is so not like that," Chloe chuckled.
You and Chloe drove to Token Town, an arcade/bar about 20 miles from where you live. "Sooo how did you two meet again?" you asked as you walked through the automatic sliding doors. "Ugh. I told you a million times already." "I don't care. Tell me again."
The mix of music and arcade noises made it difficult to hear so you were both kinda shouting, rather than talking.
"You remember when I cracked my phone screen a few months ago?" "Yea. What about it?" "Well, he was the one who fixed it for me." "So I guess the price was being his girlfriend huh?" "No," Chloe giggled. "Then what?" "I went to Apple to get it fixed, but my warranty had expired and he overheard my conversation. You already know I was not trying to pay for a broken screen. Anyways, he was there to pick up some new air pods and that's when he offered to fix my screen for me. He said he used to work for Apple." "So you're telling me that you let some random ass stranger play operation with your phone." "Well, I trusted him." "I know damn well I wouldn't have. I don't care how cute he is."
The two of you laughed before Chloe pulled out her phone to text him. "He said he's over by table 11." "Okay."
You headed over to table 11 to find Jake and your sister's boyfriend. You felt like you had seen him somewhere before, but you weren't sure exactly where. "Hi. I'm Heeseung," he said with a slight wave.
For some reason, when he said that you immediately remembered where you knew him from.
Two months ago, you were shopping at the Korean store to pick out some snacks for you and Chloe to share. Unfortunately for you, the store had been rearranged so it was a little harder to find what you wanted.
As you scanned the aisle for Pockys you spotted them on the top shelf. You weren’t one to ask for help so you desperately wiggled your fingers trying to knock down the desired box. You managed to knock down the matcha flavored pack, after hopping a bit, but you still needed the strawberry and chocolate flavors. You and Chloe like to mix them together and pull out random flavors. You barely nudged the strawberry box down and it fell on your head.
*Two down, one more to go* you sighed to yourself.
As you reached for the final box you felt a hand graze yours. “Here. Let me help you,” a gentle voice said from behind. “Thanks. They changed the store around and I was trying to get them by myself. But I—“ You turned to face the man standing behind you. His looks alone caused your train of thought to completely derail. “That’s a lot of snacks,” he smiled looking down into your basket filled with different flavors of ramune, milk, and now Pockys. “Are you planning for a zombie apocalypse or something?” “No, it’s actually for me and my sister. We both have a major sweet tooth.” “Oh really? You must love Choco-Pies then huh.” "Hmm. I've actually never had those before." "Well, you should definitely try them," the man said before walking down the aisle and grabbing a red pack from the shelf. "Here," he said placing the 'Choco-Pies' in your basket. "You'll thank me later," he winked.
To your surprise, the two of you finished your shopping together. In fact, the man even paid for the Choco-Pies at the register--he said he was paying just in case you didn't like it, you didn't waste any money. "It was really nice talking to you. Maybe we'll meet again sometime." "Yea, or maybe not." "Hmm true. Well, just in case we ever do, my name's Heeseung."
You snapped back into reality at the sound of your brother's laugh. Jake's goofy laugh was like his superpower. It had a habit of zapping your thoughts away.
"So, all this time when you were talking about a girl, you were talking about my sister?" Jake laughed. Chloe playfully pushed his arm. "Sorry, but I can't say this is what I was expecting when you said I'd be meeting your girlfriend. I've known her my whole damn life and cute and sweet are the LAST words I'd use to describe HER," Jake burst into laughter again. "Would you just shut the hell up already," Chloe said, rolling her eyes. "Okay okay," Jake said catching his breath.
You were too stunned to even speak. You couldn't believe that the guy you had been fantasizing about for weeks was standing right in front of you...with his girlfriend...your sister. You had told your sister about the encounter before, but you didn't tell her his name. You knew that she'd tease you about it till the day you die, but she teased you anyway. She named him your "Choco-Stalker."
After about an hour, you and Chloe went back home. You could hear her talking on the phone with Heeseung, but what you couldn't stop thinking about was if he remembered you. It was a little over two months ago, but maybe he recognized you too...
It didn't matter anyway, he was dating your sister now. You knew all feelings for him had to go.
[December 18th ~ the day before the Xmas party on Saturday...]
You and a few friends decided to have an Xmas party this year because some of you were graduating and others just wanted to have a good time. You chose to host it at Sunghoon's house since he had the most space and the perfect environment for a little get-together.
You were busy hanging decorative garlands and other hanging decorations with Sunghoon, while Jake and Lucy decorated the tables. Chloe and Heeseung were in charge of the balloons, while Jay and Keeho were out ordering food and snacks for tomorrow.
"Guys, I am so excited for this party tomorrow," Lucy said as she placed a snowman figure in the center of one of her tables. "Yea, I don't know why we haven't done this before," Jake added.
"I kinda wish it wasn't at a time when some of us would be leaving though," Heeseung chimed in. "Ehh it's alright. It's not like we're all gonna disappear out of each other's lives just because we get a silly little diploma," Sunghoon said as he fastened the tie on the garland hook. "Yea, that's true, but still...life is gonna change for some of us," Heeseung sighed.
"Hey hey hey! Positive vibes guys. This should be fun. Let's just enjoy the moment we have together," Jake smiled. "Yea, you're right man. Let's make this a night to remember," Heeseung smiled back.
"What are you two gays smiling about?" Keeho laughed as he walked through the door. "Oh nothing. I was just spreading positive vibes as usual,” Jake smiled. “Well we successfully ordered all of the snacks so we can pig out like the sloppy fat asses we are tomorrow,” Keeho continued. “Oh and guess who I brought with me?” He smiled. “Umm…Jay?” Sunghoon asked. “No.” “Soobin?” Jake asked. “No. Stop guessing guys,” Keeho chuckled. “Oh I know. You picked up Zuha didn’t you?” You guessed judging by the grin on his face. “Yup,” Keeho huffed. “Come on in Babe,” Keeho said as Kazuha jumped from behind the door.
They were always so goofy together. Their relationship resembled Joker and Harley Quinn…as in when they weren’t throwing around sassy jokes they were shoving tongues down each other’s throats in the most violently aggressive way ever. Which is exactly what they did that following night.
[December 19th ~ the day of the Xmas party...]
It was around 8pm when everybody finally arrived. You guys had finished decorating the night before and picked up the food the Jay and Keeho ordered yesterday. Everything was perfect, exactly the way you envisioned it.
Sunghoon prepared everyone a special Gingerbread Martini, which was perfect for the occasion. “Woah! This is really good! What is it!” Jake’s face lit up as he took his first sip. “It’s a Gingerbread Martini,” Sunghoon giggled. “It literally tastes like a cookie with rum in it,” Yunjin said licking the froth from her lips. After hearing the comments made, you were very excited to try the concoction. Just like they said, it tasted like a spiked gingerbread cookie. All of the right flavors and a balanced sweetness. It was perfect.
“Okay, party people. It’s time to hand out gifts,” Kazuha clapped, getting everyone’s attention.
Everyone gathered in the living room. Some sat on the floor, others on the couch, and some decided to either stand or brace their bodies against any surface strong enough to support their body weight.
"Hey! I wanna go first," Jake said excitedly. He started by giving everyone a Christmas card filled with $20. Next, Sunghoon passed out his gifts. Everyone got a Christmas keychain with the year attached to it. "Damn, bro. You were being stingy as fuck this year," Keeho hissed. "Merry Christmas to you too asshole," Sunghoon scoffed back. "I actually bought other gifts for everyone, but I want to give them to you on Christmas Day," he continued. "Sure you do," Keeho rolled his eyes. "Guys. Guys. Relax. This is supposed to be fun," Yunjin pouted. "Yea you're right," Sunghoon muttered before they both apologized in unison.
"Okay, now it's my turn," Kazuha sang. She handed everyone little boxes. Gold for the guys and red for the girls. "Woah. What the hell is this?" Chloe gasped. "Well. I bought everyone something special in case they wanna jingle some bells and deck the halls," Kazuha winked. "You're so kinky Zuha," Yunjin giggled. Inside the girls' boxes was a decorative thong, a 'morning-after' pill, and a mini vibrator. The boys had three condoms--Kazuha said it was for a full day of fucking, sex dice, fuzzy handcuffs, and a black satin cloth.
"Who the hell am I supposed to use this with?" You laughed. "Doesn't matter," Kazuha smirked. "Get yourself a winter fling--" "Or we could always just have one big orgy," Keeho cut her off. "Nah bro what the fuck?" Jay spat. "Come on. Think about it, man. It would be kinda hot." Everyone started to engage in a conversation about this imaginary orgy. A few questions were who would ride the best and how many times could someone get off before they passed out. And this went on for about an hour before you moved on to the next party activity, making ugly sweaters.
Everyone was busy creating the ugliest sweaters possible. Even though they would only be worn once, it was still a fun tradition. Of course Heeseung and Chloe were making one for each other. But for some odd reason, Heeseung kept looking at you. And this didn’t feel like the type of looking like “oh I’m just staring off into space which just so happens to be in your direction” it was more like the “yea I’m with your sister, but I’d rather be doing this with you.” Well it didn’t seem that way at first, but after what happened on New Year’s…that’s the only thing it could’ve meant.
[December 31 ~ New Year’s Party…]
After the success of the Xmas party, Sunghoon wanted to throw another party to bring in the new year. Just like last time, he made another special drink. However, he was a little heavier on the alcohol.
Unlike the last party, you all just huddled up around the TV and watched the New Year's countdown. Surprisingly, Kazuha was the first one to fall asleep. It wasn't until around 2 a.m. that everyone else crashed. You were the only one awake, or so you thought.
You went to the guest room down the hall, just to relax away from everybody. Yes, these were your friends, but you just wanted a little time alone.
❤️‍🔥: You climbed onto the guest bed and slid your panties to the side. You never would've thought that Kazuha's little Xmas gift would be so useful. You spread your legs and pushed the tip of the vibrator into your pussy. You spat a bit of saliva onto your fingers before reaching them down to stimulate your clit. You knew this was bad, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get Heesueng out of your mind. You increased the intensity of the little toy, while you continued to rub your clit. You were reaching your climax as you started to softly moan Heeseung's name. Your eyes had been closed this whole time so you didn't notice that someone else had entered the room.
"OH MY GOD!" you gasped, covering your dipping wet pussy with your dress. Heeseung had been watching you masturbate while moaning his name for who knows how long. "Sorry, I thought everyone was asleep," you said as your face burned with embarrassment. "How long have you been standing there?" "A while," Heeseung said as he looked down to see your hands desperately hugging the hem of your dress in an attempt to hide yourself. He walked closer to you and climbed onto the bed, between your legs. He gently moved your hands, revealing your throbbing cunt.
He began to kiss your inner thighs, "I know you want this," he whispered against your wet folds. He then started to lick and suck the juices from your sloppy pussy. "I heard the way you were moaning my name earlier. I want you to do it again." You were taken aback by his words, but instead of saying his name you stuttered. "Say it now," he said as he shoved two of his fingers into your pussy. You softly moaned his name as he jerked his fingers back and forth. "Say it louder." "What if someone hears us?" "I said say it louder," he growled as he started to finger your pussy harder and faster. You started to moan his name a little louder as he kept up a good pace. "Good girl," he smiled which made you melt in his hands. As you reached your climax, you grabbed his hair in your hands and started to ride his face causing you to cum in his mouth. :❤️‍🔥
You fell asleep almost right after you finished, and the last thing you remember is Heeseung kissing you on the lips before leaving the room. The next morning you woke up, you weren't sure if that was real or just one wild-ass wet dream, but what you did know was that it felt pretty damn good.
[January 4 ~ Trip to the mall with a few friends...]
You were at the mall just hanging out with Jay, Yunjin, Sunghoon, your sister, and her boyfriend--who you hadn't been able to stop thinking about since that night. You still weren't 100 percent sure if that really happened, but he had been looking at you a little weird lately. Chloe insisted on dress shopping because she just wanted something to replace one of her old dresses.
Chloe and Yunjin were busy in the dressing room trying on clothes and Jay and Sunghoon were looking for snacks. It was just you and Heeseung...completely alone.
"Umm, Heeseung?" "Yea?" "Do you remember the New Year's party?" "Yea, why? You wanna do it again?" His response surprised the hell out of you. Here you were trying to sort fantasy from reality and he just confirmed all of your doubts.
"I-I-" Heeseung cut you off with a kiss on the cheek. "Maybe some other time," he winked before Chloe skipped out of the changing room with Yunjin.
"Well, that was a total waste of my time. All of these dresses either make me look fat or make me feel bad for the poor girl who would actually buy it," Chloe said as she placed the stack of dresses on the empty countertop. "Welp, I guess we should go catch up with the boys," Yunjin suggested before you all started walking to the food court.
Sunghoon and Jay were busy talking at a table when you guys found them.
“Hey guys,” Jay waved. “We’re just waiting for the pizza to come out,” Sunghoon added. “Ohhhh yes! What kind did you get?” Yunjin and Chloe asked in unison. An intense love for pizza was one thing those two had in common. Other than that, they were polar opposites.
“Well we got one meat lovers, one veggie, and one cheese,” Jay smiled admiring their excitement. “Heh, if I was a spoiled pizza princess I would’ve had you thrown in a cell for ordering a naked pizza,” Yunjin smirked. “Oh come on. Cheese pizza is good,” Jay giggled. “The only living being that I can think of that would genuinely enjoy a cheese pizza would be a mouse,” Yunjin continued as she sat in a chair beside Jay. “Well you were never really the best at thinking anyways,” Jay smirked. “The pizza princess of beauty and no brains,” Jay teased. “Heh well then you can be my cheesy jester. You’d make a pretty clown,” Yunjin teased back.
“Number 257. Order number 257 is ready,” a voice said over the intercom, cutting off their odd flirting session. “I’ll go get it,” Heeseung said before standing. “Do you need any help?” Sunghoon asked. “I kinda wanna get away from these royal pains anyways,” he continued. “Uhh, yea sure. You can carry the drinks while Y/N gets some napkins and toppings.”
You followed Heeseung and Sunghoon to the counter. Heeseung grabbed the three pizza boxes and Sunghoon picked up the 2 liters of Orange Soda. The three of you started walking back when Sunghoon suddenly stopped. "What?" Heeseung asked. "I forgot to grab some cups and straws. You guys can keep going without me. I'll catch up," Sunghoon hissed before walking back to the pizza booth.
Heeseung paused to watch as Sunghoon walked back to the counter for the additional items. You took this moment to stare at him. Heeseung just had this look about him that made you want him more, even though you knew being with him would break your sister's heart. You looked at his perfectly pouty lips and thought back to the way that they were pressed up against your wet pussy. Now that you knew it really happened you couldn't help but to think of him sexually.
"I told you guys you didn't have to wait for me," Sunghoon said with a shy look on his face. "Yea, I know. But I really didn't mind," Heeseung replied. "Ok, well, I also got us some plates. The lady behind the counter just put the cups and plates in a bag together. That made it a lot easier to carry," Sunghoon chuckled.
"Huzzah! The pizza hath arrived," Yunjin cheered upon seeing the three of you approach the table. You watched as Chloe mouthed the words "Help me," but she didn't realize that Jay was watching. He exploded into laughter and Yunjin whipped to face him. "What art thou laughing at, Jester? I don't remember making a joke," Yunjin was in full-on character, she was even attempting a British accent which threw you completely off.
Yunjin continued her princess persona for the rest of the time you guys were at the mall and you all eventually decided to play along. Chloe was her sister--the princess, Heeseung was the prince, Sunghoon was the knight, and you were a female knight. Jay was still shocked that he was the jester. He even made a joke about it.
"So I guess the princess is fucking the jester on the side huh?" "What?" "I'm just saying. It's pretty obvious that you have a thing for me," Jay smirked. "As if," Yunjin rolled her eyes. "Oh, you know you want me," Jay chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, spinning in a circle. "Put me down you clown," Yunjin laughed as Jay nuzzled his head in her shoulder.
Ever since what happened on New Year's, Heeseung continued to make advances on you--which you didn't entirely reject. However, the farthest you've gotten was a deep tongue kiss with a little boob fondling. It was hard sneaking around with your sister's boyfriend when they almost always hung out with each other.
[February 11 ~ Three days before Valentine's Day...]
With Valentine's Day around the corner, you expected Heeseung to take your sister out for the whole day, but instead, he decided to hang out at your shared apartment. "Are you excited for our special day?" Heeseung asked lying on Chloe's thighs. "Yea, what do you plan on doing?" She asked, twirling her fingers through his hair. "Hmm. I was thinking maybe we should go on a picnic. What do you think?" "I love that idea," Chloe smiled. "Yea a little picnic and then we can go back to my place," Heeseung added. You watched as Chloe's expression changed. "Uhh or we could just come back here," she suggested. "Oh...umm ok. Yea, we can do that instead," Heeseung chuckled awkwardly.
Though he was still lying on her lap, you could tell that the energy in the room had changed.
*I would've never passed up on a chance to go to his house after a date...especially as his girlfriend* you thought to yourself. *I should've taken advantage of seeing him again* you thought back to how you saw Heeseung multiple times after the two of you met, but you were too scared to talk to him so you never even attempted approaching him. You kind of hoped that you'd cross paths again...well when he's not in a relationship with your little fucking sister.
[February 14 ~ Valentine's Day...]
Heeseung showed up around noon to pick your sister up for their picnic date. You helped her choose an outfit the night before. Something cute and red. You watched as she excitedly walked out of the door holding Heeseung's hand.
They had been out for an hour before you finally got bored and decided to have a little fun by yourself, but before you could start anything, you heard your sister unlock the door. "Dammit," you swore under your breath.
You left your room to ask her about her date. "Hey, Chloe. How was your..." Chloe stormed right past you and went into her room, slamming the door behind her. Heeseung was left behind standing in the door frame. "What happened?" You asked. "Nothing...couple stuff," He sighed, rubbing his forehead. You invited him in to sit on the couch. A few minutes later Chloe came back out of her room. "I'm going out with Yunjin and Zuha. I'll be back before midnight. Don't wait up for me," she said before closing the door behind her.
"You should probably go too," you said to Heeseung, even though you'd much rather him stay around a little longer. "Hmm yea, I guess. Unless you want me to stick around." "No that's okay." "You sure? I promise to make it worth your time," He said as he placed a hand on your thigh. "You're dating my sister Heeseung. I can't be doing this," you said pushing his hand away. "You weren't thinking that when you were moaning my name," He said reaching to palm your pussy which was now throbbing with excitement. "Well I-" "Think of this like a Valentine's gift to you," he continued, smoothing his pants around the bulge in his jeans.
Though it just started as you straddling his lap while the two of you kissed, it wasn't long before dry humping his dick turned to you getting on your knees between his legs.
❤️‍🔥: You looked up into his doe eyes and watched as he pulled out his hard pulsating dick. You slowly wrapped your lips around him, adjusting yourself to his size. "Mmm fuck," He groaned as you began to suck on his dick, coating it in your saliva. You used your hands to assist by jerking the remaining length of his shaft while focusing on the tip with your lips and tongue.
The warm and moist enclosure of your mouth sent pleasurable sensations throughout his body. You watched as his hands gripped the couch while you sat between his legs, satisfying him with your hands and mouth. He struggled to maintain eye contact with you as he repeatedly threw his head back. The texture of your tongue stimulated him, causing him to start slowly grinding against your face. You could hear through his desperate stifled moans that he was craving more. Within seconds, Heeseung grabbed a handful of your hair as he forced himself down your throat.
You felt him fucking your throat as you struggled for air. The constant speed and lack of oxygen made you feel like his personal sex doll. You gripped onto his thigh as he thrust himself into your mouth. Finally, he pulled your head back. You breathlessly fought to fill your lungs with air while he maintained a firm grip on your head. Saliva seeped from the corner of your mouth that hung open from being fucked so viciously.
Still, driven by your own desire to be force fucked more you licked the tip of his dick, tasting the salty pre cum that dipped from him.
"You want more?" Heeseung asked in a husky voice, to which you responded by sucking on the tip. "You're such a fucking slut for me," he grinned before slamming your face on his cock again. Tears ran down your cheeks as he fucked you harder. You moaned as he pumped himself in your throat, sending vibrations down his length. "Fuck baby, we gotta start doing this more often," he said breathlessly. You felt his dick throbbing in your mouth as he filled your throat with his hot, sticky load. You swallowed it so quickly that it caused you to hiccup which made Heeseung smile. "You're so cute," he said kissing your lips. :❤️‍🔥
As badly as you wanted to do more you knew he had to get going. It had already been over an hour and you knew Chloe would be coming home soon and the last thing she needed to see was you alone with her boyfriend.
"Yea, I understand," Heeseung said as he stood in the door frame. "Don't forget to call me if you need me," he added. "What if my sister is home?" "We can meet up somewhere else," he chuckled before closing the door behind him.
At this point, you were dripping wet and needed to relieve yourself at least once before going to bed. Heeseung had left his plaid hoodie on the couch which you took to your room. You slid it over your head to fill your nose with his irresistible scent. You continued to pleasure yourself while thinking back to sitting between his legs. There was something about the way his voice sounded that turned you on. Remembering the sight of him gripping the couch while he threw his head back and moaned in pleasure to your touch sent you over the edge as you came in your bed. After you finished, you stuffed his hoodie under your pillow before going to sleep.
[March 15 ~ Chloe's 21 Birthday...]
Though you wanted to call Heeseung, you refrained from doing so. You hated the feeling of doing this behind your sister's back. You knew she'd be heartbroken if she found out. So, you hadn't spoken to him since that day. Anytime it felt like the two of you would be left alone, you went and found something else to do or somewhere else to go.
"Happy Birthday, Chloe!" your friends and family shouted in unison. Your friends had put together a surprise party for Chloe at Sunghoon's house. Recently, his house had become the perfect spot for parties and he was more than happy to share his place for fun.
Your parents only stuck around for about an hour. They gave Chloe her present and waited around to sing 'Happy Birthday' and get a slice of cake.
Since it was her 21st birthday, you guys had also planned to go clubbing. She was now old enough to drink legally, so this was the perfect opportunity.
After opening gifts, you and your friends took her to The Bleu Lagoon, a popular club uptown.
"I'm paying for the birthday girl!" Kazuha cheered as you all lined up at the bar. "I thought you didn't bring your wallet," Keeho asked. "Yea, by me I meant you," Kazuha laughed.
"Party of 10," You heard Jay say to the bartender. Your brother Jake, brought along his girlfriend Bella, mainly to babysit Chloe. Even though she was of age now, he was still concerned about her safety.
After about 3 rounds of tequila shots, Keeho and Kazuha went off to dance with Jay and Yunjin. "If she wants anything else, just put it on my card," Keeho said to the bartender before walking off. Bella was busy chatting and sharing a plate of nachos with Jake because they decided to stay sober to drive everyone else home.
"Shut the fuck up Heeseung! I don't want to hear anything you have to say! I'm not gonna let you ruin my fucking birthday!" Chloe shouted before stumbling away. "What was that all about?" you asked Heeseung who sat there blankly sipping from his beer. "Hell if I know," he shrugged. You climbed off the barstool and followed Chloe to the bathroom. The music was so loud it was hard to hear exactly why the argument started, but you knew you had to at least check on your sister to see if she was ok.
You walked into the bathroom and saw your sister crying in front of the mirror. "Hey, what happened?" "Nothing...Heeseung can just be such a stupid little fucker sometimes," she sniffed. "Did he say something?" "No, but I think he's talking to someone else."
You felt your insides cringe at her words. "What makes you think that?" "Because...he hasn't been the same for a while. The guy I met was nothing like this. He loved me and only me. But now I always feel like he's sneaking around or waiting for some kind of opportunity to fuck some bitch behind my back."
All those tucked-away feelings of guilt were resurfacing now. This is exactly why you never wanted to mess with him in the first place. Now, here you were, hugging your sister who was crying about her boyfriend who she suspected of cheating. The worst part was that he was cheating on her and you knew it...because he was cheating on her...with you.
"I just wanna go home now." "You sure?" "Well, I can wait around for everyone else to finish, but I don't want to sit with him. He's just gonna piss me the fuck off."
You walked with Chloe out of the bathroom and went to a booth seat. You ordered her another drink, which she barely touched. After a few minutes, you noticed that she had fallen asleep, so you took her cup back to the bartender and told Jake where she was. He and Bella moved over to sit at the booth to watch her while you stepped outside.
"I'll be back, I just need to go clear my head," You told Jake before walking out.
You went to the roof of the establishment. There it was quiet. Nothing but stars surrounded you. *How could I do this to my sister? I'm such a piece of shit* you thought to yourself. *She'd never have done something like that to me*
You leaned over the edge of the building, looking at the peaceful cityscape when a body trapped you in place.
"What the fuck?! Get off of me!!" You shouted, trying to push the body off of you. The man pushed your face down, stopping you from moving anything more than your legs. You tried to kick the man away, but it was of no use as he pushed himself against you. You tried to scream for help, but the pressure on your chest silenced you. You felt the cool breeze as the man lifted your dress to expose your ass.
Again you tried to push him away, but it was useless as he was much stronger than you. He wriggled your panties down as he jammed his fingers inside. You hated the way your body was betraying you by reacting to his actions. The second he pulled his fingers out you turned to face your assaulter, Heeseung.
"Heeseung! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" you shouted slapping him in the face. "I need you, Y/N. I need you so badly," he whined. You could tell that he was pretty drunk as the smell of alcohol tainted his breath. "No. You're my sister's boyfriend and I don't want to keep doing this with you," you spat pushing him away from you. "I don't care about her. I want you," his words slurred together like a cocktail while his eyes remained fixated on you. "You're a drunk fucking mess, Heeseung. I'm gonna go get Sunghoon to take you home," you said as you walked toward the rooftop exit. "No!" Heeseung shouted, grabbing your arm. "Let go of me, Heeseung. I don't want to be with you. Understand?" You struggled to tear away from his grip, but he wasn't letting go.
❤️‍🔥: Heeseung pinned you up against the brick wall and quickly pulled out his dick and forced it into your pussy. You gasped at the sharp pain of him stretching you open. "H-heeseung...st-stop," you pleaded as he stroked his length inside of you. "Fuck your pussy feels so good," he said as he continued to pump himself inside of you.
He reached around to rub your clit and kiss your neck. The sensation of overstimulation caused you to succumb to his advances. You knew this was wrong, but something inside of you still wanted him.
He felt your body relax as he pounded your pussy harder. "I know you missed me you little slut," he whispered in your ear. "You missed me fucking the shit out of you," he added. You didn't say a single word as he fucked your dripping cunt.
Heeseung pulled out of your pussy and turned your body to face him, lifting one of your legs to give him a better shot of your aching hole. He eased his rock-hard member back into your wetness as he pulled you in for a deep, sloppy kiss. The two of you stayed connected by the trail of saliva and your lustful desires. You felt as though you were getting drunk from the alcohol on his lips.
Heeseung moved down to caress your breasts as he kissed your neck. You could feel him getting closer as his dick throbbed harder into your tight cunt. He gripped your ass as he spilled his seed into you, fucking you harder than ever before. "Now, it's your turn," he groaned as he dropped down to his knees.
He inserted his fingers into your pussy that oozed with his cum. Jamming them in and curling to stimulate your g-spot, Heeseung licked and sucked on your beady clit. Your leg was now over his shoulder as you grabbed his head and started to grind against his face. "That's it, baby. I want you to cum all over my face," He moaned between your legs. Hearing this sent you over the edge. You began to jerk yourself against his lips as you reached your climax and went into a shaking orgasm. Your juices flowed all over his fingers and mouth. He rose to his feet and your quivering body fell into his embrace. :❤️‍🔥
"Now let's you cleaned up before we go home," Heeseung said as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
The two of you left through the rooftop exit and went to the bathroom to clean up. A combination of his cum and your own wetness was still running down your leg.
You headed back to the club as if nothing happened.
Jake and Bella took everyone home, including Heeseung, who helped walk Chloe to her bedroom.
"If you fuck around a little more, you know where to find me," he said before heading to the living room. He slept on the couch and you slept in your bed, but you couldn't stop thinking about what happened on that rooftop. You had just started to get him out of your head and then you couldn't get him out of your pussy...which you didn't totally hate.
What were you supposed to do now?
About a month after her birthday, you overheard them having an argument. However, this definitely wasn't the first time you heard them fighting, the sparks between them had blown out a while ago. Apparently, they had been having problems since Valentine's Day and she'd had enough. So they broke up. You couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for their sudden breakup, especially after learning that it was because of the lack of sex. Now you were faced with the decision to either continue fucking him on the side or completely move on. Dating your sister's ex was out of the question. You knew that she'd never forgive you for that.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
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AITA for catfishing/lying to my friends?
Ok, I know some people will say this is fake or bait or whatever but 🤷‍♂️ This isn't pressing or anything, either, I just wanna see what people think because the situation was wild.
I'm not sure if this fits into what people consider catfishing but I don't think there's a better word for it. When I (ftm) was young (11 or so) I faked having a boyfriend to all my friends. He was a cool, older emo boy that I talked to on kik.
My friends eventually asked more questions (I'm pretty sure they thought he was fake lmao) I made a fake kik for him so they could talk to him. I would pretend to be him to talk to them.
From there things just spiraled. They asked to talk to him other ways? I made an email and got a texting app on my ipod. They wanted to see him? I got pictures that were just random emo boys off of google images.
I kept up this lie for all of middle school (11-13) for about 3-6 girls I was close friends with. I never came clean.
Now, I'm sure they had to know? I'd use pictures of different emo boys, it was rarely consistent. He had a super fake name (think like, gothic literary references). In hindsight? I was just enjoying pretending to be a boy and being treated like one. But still, probably weird. They talked to him pretty regularly as if he was human. I'm autistic though, and if they didn't believe in him and were all laughing behind my back I had no idea. I think they really did believe though, because, I'll be honest, a few of them were a little gullible (I'm not above this! I believed another friend when she said she was a mermaid princess.)
I'm only submitting this because I told the story to some friends recently and they all reacted with shock and horror. I think it's weird tween girl behavior tbh, no big deal. He was just another member of our friend group in a distant way. I was weirdly addicted to lying for attention or something. No harm no foul. I'd ask these girls/come clean, but we don't talk anymore and it's been like over a decade. If I was an asshole I'll just know not to tell it as a funny anecdote anymore.
(Also if any of the girls involved happen across this, hiiii, sorry. And double sorry if this is how you realize he was fake 😬)
tl;dr: When I was 11 I pretended to be my own emo boyfriend to like, be friends with my own friends x2 and to get more attention ig? I have no idea if this is a funny story I can tell my friends a decade later now, or if I should bury it in shame and never tell anyone.
What are these acronyms?
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babybluebex · 2 years
Kind of want to see Daddy’s protective side come out if someone messes with Princess 🥺. I love how you write them
yessssss this is exciting, thank you! big thanks to @hellfiremunsonn for helping me write this part (and really this whole story lol thanks rie mwah) cw dubcon/noncon (unwanted touching/kissing), fighting, slapping, a punch is thrown, blood, steve is a rat bastard
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As much as you wanted to forget Eddie and write him off for good, there was something stopping you. You couldn’t pinpoint it, but he still dominated your thoughts as if he was still your boyfriend. You woke up in the morning and thought about him, waking up in that bed that he had nearly fucked you in; you wondered if you were on his mind as much as he was on yours.
“Why the long face?” Lisa asked, and you snapped out of your daydreams about Eddie. He was sitting just on the other side of the lunchroom with his Hellfire Club, and it tore your heart in two to see him smiling and laughing with them. Did he mean it when he said he loved you? Or was it a last-ditch effort to keep you? It certainly didn’t seem like the breakup affected him too much.
“Huh?” you asked, and Lisa laughed.
“Long face,” she said. “You’re up in the clouds right now, what’s going on?”
“Oh,” you mumbled. “Eddie and I broke up, and I’m just upset about it.”
“Oh, no,” Lisa said with an exaggerated pout, and you knew that she didn’t really care too much. Lisa had been your friend for a long time, and she was even the one who had instigated the whole “Oh, send her to buy the weed from Eddie, it’ll be funny!” situation, but it wasn't hard to tell when she was being insincere. “I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?”
“We just had a big fight,” you said. You didn’t feel like rehashing everything, so you kept the details light, knowing that Lisa would want as much detail as possible. “He said some things and I… He was just super mean. I couldn’t forgive him for it, so we broke up.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Lisa said. “That sucks. I know you really liked him.”
You nodded and sighed, and you picked at your bag of chips as you absently listened to Lisa prattle on about some party she was planning on going to. “It’s gonna be totally fun,” she said. “I’m going, and Diana is gonna show up— at least, she told me she was gonna, but she’s such a bitch, she doesn’t do half the things she says she will— and Steve’s gonna be there—“
“Steve?” you said. “Like, Harrington?”
“Duh,” Lisa said. “He’s throwing the party.”
“Oh,” you said. “Um, well, can I come?”
“To Steve’s party?” Lisa asked, and you nodded. “I don’t know. It's not really your scene—“
“I've met him,” you said quickly, as if that would give you some sort of credit or approval from her. “Um, he and Eddie are friends, and I went to his house to watch a movie. He kissed me and everything.”
“Steve Harrington kissed you?” Lisa asked, and heat rose in your belly. You couldn’t tell what it was, anger or fear or the sheer upset feeling that Lisa didn’t believe you.
“On the cheek,” you said. “And he tried to look at my tits, but I told him no.”
“So, why do you wanna go to his party?” Lisa asked. “To get back at Eddie or something?”
You shrugged. “I don’t wanna get back at him,” you said. “I just wanna show him that… I don’t know, other people like me too.”
The party was that night at Steve’s house, and you gulped as Lisa tugged you into the depths of the party. You wondered just how many people were there, the music pounding and the thick smell of smoke and beer in the air. Smoke. It was the pungent stuff that Eddie had blown at you as he had fingered you, and your heart quickened in your chest. No. Surely he wasn’t—
“Is that Eddie?” Lisa called to you over the music, and you turned to see where she was pointing. On a couch in the living room, relaxed back with a joint in his mouth, was your ex. He wore his regular ripped jeans with the Black Sabbath shirt that you had worn, his hair looking soft and freshly shampooed, just the way you liked it. He didn’t seem as if he saw you, and you squeaked.
“I wanna find Stevie,” you told Lisa, grabbing her hand hard. “Do you know where he is?"
"Probably out by the pool," Lisa said, and she held your hand tightly as she dragged you out of the house and to the back. There were people back here too, all smoking and drinking and dancing, and your heart skipped when you saw Steve sitting on a lawn chair by the side of the pool, a cigarette behind his ear and a beer on a small table beside the chair.
"Stevie!" you called to him, and you took control, leading Lisa to him. You weren't entirely sure if she had ever met Stevie face to face before, but the way she froze when Steve looked towards you was all the confirmation you needed, and a hot flash rose in your belly. Finally; you had done something that Lisa hadn't.
"Hey there, pumpkin," Steve greeted you with a smile, and you remembered how he had called you that that night. "It's nice to see you here." He bent down and kissed your cheek, and you grinned as Lisa stayed frozen in your hand. "Who's this?"
"My friend, Lisa," you told him. "She convinced me to come tonight."
"I thought for sure you'd skip out on this," Steve told you, his eyes stuck on you, not even giving Lisa the time of day. "Especially because Eddie—"
"O-Oh, is he here?" you stammered, trying to play it off as if you had no idea.
"He always comes to my parties," Steve told you. "He sells a lot of weed here, makes a killing every time."
"I, umm, didn't see him or anything," you said softly, and Steve smiled at you, his lips quirking up.
"I'll protect you from him," Steve said, throwing his arm around your shoulders. "Mean ole Daddy, he doesn't deserve someone like you. You're too good for him." Steering you away from Lisa, Stevie sat you down on the lawn chair that he was previously sat on, and he sat down on the ground, letting his finger absently run across your bare knee as he sipped his beer. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Can I have a beer?" you asked meekly. "V'never had one."
"You can have the rest of mine," Steve told you, passing you the aluminum can. "I don't like this kinda beer anyway, you can have it all."
"Oh," you said softly, and you looked into the darkness of the can for a second before you pressed it to your lips and tipped your head back. It tasted bad, watery and grassy and thin, and you wrinkled your nose at it.
"How 'bout I get you a Coke instead?" Steve asked, chuckling at your reaction. "I've got some of that New Coke, have you ever had it?" You shook your head, and Steve smiled, moving himself to his feet and taking his drink back. "I'll be right back, pumpkin, you and Linda stay right here."
"Lisa," she corrected him, and Steve squinted his eyes shut.
"Right," he said. "Lisa, Lisa... You two pretty girls stay here, I'll be back."
"Wait, Stevie," you started, grappling at the edge of his shirt. "Don't tell Eddie I'm here. He'll get upset."
"Why?" Steve asked. "He's not your boyfriend anymore, he can't tell you what to do."
"Yeah, but he'll try to talk to me," you said. "A-And I think I'll start crying if he tries to talk to me."
"Well, we can't have that," Steve said, and he knocked your cheek with his bent finger affectionately. "My lips are sealed, pumpkin." With that, he slid out of your grip and went back inside the house, leaving you and Lisa by the pool. There weren't many people out there, only you two and a handful of others, and it made it feel special, secluded, almost.
"Wow," Lisa giggled, sitting down next to you. "Steve really likes you. Are you gonna kiss him?"
"Why would I kiss him?" you asked.
"Because he's giving you those big 'kiss me' eyes," Lisa said. "You really don't see it?"
You shrugged. "You know me, I'm..." you started, and you sighed. "I can be pretty dumb."
"Aw, that's okay," Lisa said. "We're all dumb sometimes."
You nodded, your knee jiggling as you waited for Stevie to come back, and you finally brightened when you saw him, carrying a red can of soda and a new beer. The cigarette was lit between his lips, and he wrinkled his eyebrows at Lisa. "Hey, I think someone was looking for you?" he started. "He told me his name but I can't remember— I don't know the kid. Mason or Jason or—"
"Jason Carver?" Lisa beamed. "He's looking for me?"
"Yeah, that's him," Steve said. "In a letterman jacket, he asked if I had seen you."
"Oh," Lisa said, and you giggled as she smiled. "Where is he?"
"In the kitchen," Steve said. "He—" Lisa was up before he could even finish his sentence, and he smirked as she flounced, setting an featherlight kiss on your cheek before she left. "I guess that's Linda gone, huh?"
"Y-Yeah," you stuttered, taking the Coke from Steve's hand. "Lisa."
"Oh, fuck me," Steve said. "I'm sorry, I'm bad with names." He took his seat back on the ground, and he leaned his head against your knee, fiddling with your skirt on your thigh. "How are you, pumpkin? I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you."
"Well, y'know," you mumbled. "Eddie and I broke up, so it's kinda sucked recently."
"Yeah," Steve said softly. "I'm sorry about that. Like I said, that dick doesn't deserve you."
"Why did you wanna see my tits?" you asked suddenly, remembering Eddie's words that it was in fact Steve's idea to get under your dress that night. Had he lied to you then too, to try to absolve himself of any wrongdoings? "Eddie told me it was your idea."
"Did he tell you that?" Steve asked. "Jesus, baby, no, I would never. He told me that you were easy to convince and that he bet that he could make you do it again. Eddie's one of my best friends, but he can be a real nasty dick sometimes."
"Really?" you mumbled, and you sipped at your drink to try to ward off the tears. "He's so much meaner than I thought he was."
"Sometimes people can surprise you," Steve shrugged, drinking his beer. His finger traced down from your thigh to your ankle and back up to your thigh, and he whispered, "You're so pretty."
"What?" you asked.
"Just sayin' you're gorgeous," Steve said. "And I'm really sorry about what happened with Eddie. You two seemed like you were so good together."
"But he lied to me," you said. "Boyfriends don't lie to their girlfriends."
"Not without a good reason," Steve said. "Maybe he was trying to protect you."
"Protect me?" you scoffed. "From what? He was using me, he was the one hurting me."
"Protect you from himself," Steve said. "Ed's a complicated guy, but I know that he really liked you. He might've even loved you, but, if his lying was that big of a problem..." He shrugged. "I get it."
"Yeah," you mumbled. "And he used me, he was gross and used me..."
"What did he do?" Steve asked, and you sighed.
"Stevie," you started, and his finger dipped under your skirt for just a second. "I, umm... Can you move your hand?"
"Aw, pumpkin, I'm just touching you," Steve said. "I'm not doing anything bad, am I?"
"I don't want you to touch me," you told him, and you set down your drink and started to stand up. "I think I wanna go home."
"Hey, calm down," Steve said, standing up faster than you. "Linda's off with Jason, she can't take you home. Just stay here for a while."
"No, Stevie," you told him. "I wanna go home, let go of me."
"Pumpkin, c'mon, don't be difficult," Steve said, and you sneered at him.
"You're no better than Eddie," you bit at him. "You're just as fucking gross as he is."
"Oh, wow, we're cussing now?" Steve laughed. "C'mon, baby, let's just calm down a little—" His hand moved to your arm then, taking you in his strong grip, and you whined at the pain of your pinched skin between his fingers.
"Let go of me!" you whimpered, and fear stabbed at your heart when Steve reached up and cupped your cheek hard. It should have been gentle, but it wasn't, and you tried to crane your head away from what you knew was coming. Steve was stronger than you, though, faster than you, and his kiss swiped across your lips before you could do anything to stop it. "Steve, stop it!"
"You can just forget about mean ole Eddie, pumpkin," Steve told you, his hard grip on your arm bruising. "I'll treat you better than he did."
"Stop!" you cried, and, before you knew what had happened, something had ripped from your arm, a movement that you didn't even know you had done until it was already finished: your hand shot out and slapped Steve across the cheek hard, hard enough to make your fingers tingle and your palm erupt in flames.
"Jesus," Steve laughed. "I didn't know you were so feisty. I love a girl with a little fire in her."
"I said no, Steve!" you told him, trying again to step away from him, but his grip was too strong, and he pulled you even closer, until your front was pressed against his. "Let me go!"
Steve kissed you again, hard, his mouth pressed against yours so firmly that it hurt. You hit his shoulder, his chest, any part of him that you could reach to try to deter him, and you sobbed when Steve reached down and grabbed handfuls of your ass. There was no getting out of this, you realized, and your tears streamed down your face as you finally figured out how to get Steve away from you. Your stomach roiled, your head felt like it was in a vice, and you tore yourself away from his mouth for just long enough to scream.
"Oh, you're calling for him?" Steve asked. "You need him to save you or some shit?"
"Let go of me!" you sniffled. "Daddy, help me!"
"Just calm the fuck down," Steve said quickly. "I won't hurt you, pumpkin, I'd never wanna hurt you—"
In an instant, Steve was being dragged away from you, and you sniffled and wrapped your arms around your middle as you watched Eddie get up in Steve's face. His cheeks were red, his jaw clenched; he was furious. "What the fuck, Harrington?" Eddie snapped. "She fuckin' said no, can't you hear her?"
"Go away, Munson," Steve sneered back. "This is none of your business."
"I hear my girl calling my name and come to see you groping her and she's crying?" Eddie asked. He was seething, seeing red. "I think it is my business."
"She's not your girl anymore," Steve told him. "And that's your fucking problem, you think she's still yours. She's moved on, haven't you, pumpkin?"
You sniffled as two sets of blazing eyes landed on you, and you suddenly became aware of the silence around you. The party had all but stopped to watch the fight, and you turned back to Eddie and shook your head. You wiped your nose on your wrist and you mumbled, "I-I didn't wanna kiss him, Daddy, please believe me."
"I believe you, princess, I believe you," Eddie told you quickly, and he stepped over to you, putting his hands gently on your waist. "Did he hurt you?"
"No," you said shakily and sniffled. "He was just touching me and kissing me, but I told him no."
"Yeah, but the little bitch slapped me," Steve spat.
"Good," Eddie said, turning back to you. "I'm proud of you, princess. Here, sit down, take a drink, try to calm down." He guided you to sit back on the lawn chair, and he pushed the can of Coke into your hands, helping you sip at it with shaking hands. "Just like that, good girl."
"I'm not fuckin' done with you," Eddie said then, turning back to Steve. "Maybe she's not mine, but that doesn't mean that you get to feel her up whenever you want. The fuck's the matter with you?"
"Me?" Steve laughed. "What about you? Think about what you've done to her, I only know about making her show you her tits and the fingering bullshit, what else have you made her do, you pervert?"
"Don't throw stones in glass houses," Eddie laughed bitterly. "I seem to remember how you were begging to see her tits too. If I'm bad, then you're just as bad as me. Worse, even, because, you know what, I have some fucking self control, I didn't touch her until she told me that she wanted me to. If anyone's the pervert here, it's you—"
You screamed and dropped your drink as Steve threw a punch, and Eddie stumbled back for a moment, knocking over the small table beside you. The glass top shattered, and you jumped and cried as Eddie fell back onto his hands on the ground. The crunch of the glass was deafening in your ears, and fear paralyzed you when Eddie pushed his hair from his face to reveal blood. Blood was pouring from his nose, staining his lip and chin, and he slowly reached up and touched his nose, hissing at the pain of what was undoubtedly broken.
"Eddie," you sobbed, kneeling down beside him. Everything was quiet as the glass sliced your knees, tearing your skin the shreds, and you pushed his hair behind his ear as you watched tears fall from his beautiful chocolate eyes. "Oh my God."
"S'what you fucking deserve," Steve spat. "Someone should've done that to you a long time ago."
You saw the flames ignite in Eddie's eyes, and his mouth contorted into an ugly, bloody gash of red as he pushed himself up from the ground. You saw the glass imbedded in his palms as he clenched his hands into fists, and you sobbed and covered your eyes as you prepared for him to punch Steve. You could never forget the sight of Eddie getting hit, and you couldn't watch anymore.
"Y'know what, Steve?" Eddie said. His voice was thick, and you slowly peeked out from behind your hands to see him stepping backwards. "You're not worth it. You've never been worth it. Maybe you do deserve to get the shit kicked out of you, but I won't be the one to do it."
"Right, yeah," Steve laughed as Eddie extended his hand to you, helping you from the ground. "Whatever, dude."
"Are you okay?" Eddie whispered as Steve continued his rant, something about Eddie being a pussy for not fighting back, and you nodded, wiping your eyes.
"Your nose—" you started, and Eddie shook his head.
"I'll be okay," Eddie sighed. "I'm worried about you, princess."
"M'fine," you mumbled, looking down at your legs. "My knees hurt."
"You've probably got some glass in them," Eddie said. "Be careful..." He took your hand in his and started to lead you away from Steve, but Steve's next words stopped him cold in his tracks.
"Yeah, fucking run away, Munson! Just like you always do!"
Eddie took a deep breath, but he kept walking, tugging you behind him. "He's not worth it," Eddie whispered, almost to himself, and he pulled you into his body and buried a kiss in your hair. "Not worth it, princess..."
to be continued...
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chronicallycouchbound · 9 months
Rating names/terms for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome:
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: 10/10 Lawful neutral, it’s the official terminology, lets you know what’s up
EDS (in all caps): 9/10 Sometimes confused with other unrelated conditions and acronyms but usually works
EDs (‘S’ is lowercase): 2/10 Usually refers to erectile dysfunction or eating disorders, which causes a lot of confusion.
Ehlers Danlos: 8/10. Good shorthand while still knowing what’s going on.
Earers Daniel’s Syndrome: 1/10. I have only heard this once, from an ER doctor. He said it to me as he turned away from his screen (which was pulled up to the Web MD page for EDS) and proceeded to mansplain my condition to me inaccurately. At least he tried.
“Eyers Dan—“ *waves hand around*: -5/10 I’ve heard this one a lot from medical professionals. I just know I’m about to be malpracticed and am already planning the quickest way out of the situation.
Zebras: 6/10 I like the imagery, I like mascots, I like the story (when doctors are in med school they’re told “if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras” but them zebras are missed) however, I have two criticisms: a) more rare conditions are out there, and zebras technically refers to any rare diseases, not just EDS b) I feel sad when I think about how it basically calls EDS the “I was medically malpracticed disease”
EDSers: 8/10 a cute lil shorthand for “people with EDS”. Easier to explain than the zebras thing
hEDS/vEDS/cEDS/including subtypes: 7/10 I like the idea of being able to know what your subtype is and find people in your sub community, HOWEVER my only concern is that it can feel (and used for) invalidating people without a genetically confirmed subtype because of inaccessibility. I haven’t had gene testing because I can’t afford it— but I have clinically diagnosed EDS, which has been confirmed at multiple hospitals by multiple specialists. I score a 9/9 on the Brighton, meet all major criteria, and meet almost every other minor criteria for EDS on top of that. But I don’t know my subtype yet. I don’t hate/dislike people who use this term and I don’t discourage it, but I do encourage mindfulness about genetic testing accessibility and privilege of access.
Bendy disease: 10/10 a silly goofy joke I say with friends “I cannot walk up stairs on account of my loosey goosey bendy disease” which is always funny to me. Even with my serious things like “my life threatening cardiac conditions are rapidly progressing” you add “on account of my bendy disease” and bam theres my coping skill.
Ehlers: 3/10 a step in the right direction, but it sounds like “yellers” and dismisses half of the team that described the condition
“Double jointed”: 1/10 I was told my whole life until I was 18 that I was just “double jointed” for starters, it’s medically inaccurate. You’re hyper extending, subluxing, or even dislocating joints whenever you’re “double jointed” in a joint. There is not two joints there (unless you’ve had x rays and for some reason genuinely do have two joints in that spot). I honestly hate this term and it’s incredibly dismissive of the pain that happens with EDS while also making it seem like a super power that we’re encouraged to do
Contortionist: 1/10 [NOTE!!! some contortionists DO NOT have EDS and can just bend like that. Some have benign joint hypermobility. But many contortionists do have EDS.] In the context of people with EDS, I hate this term. It’s often the first thing people jump to when I explain my condition. They see my crippled ass in my wheelchair/powerchair or limping around with my cane/crutches/rollator, usually in multiple braces/supports (and thats just external noticeable-to-everyone things, let alone if you hear any aspects of my daily life) and their first thought is: “wow!! So you can entertain me like it’s a freak show!” And not “holy shit dozens of dislocations per day and countless subluxations per day must be excruciating”. I did contortions when I was younger to get praise and due to peer pressure. Fuck that noise I will not be your ugly law era freak show creepy cripple p0rn. Fuck everything to do with that actually.
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pennyluna · 1 month
SECRET FRIENDS - Min Yoongi- One Shot
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader 18+🔞 (FT.. Jungkook, Mingyu, Hobi, Jimin, Yugyeom)
Wordcount: 2.164 ❤️
Genre: Same friend group Au - Secret friends Au - Secret siatuationship Au
Warning: This story contains strong language and VERY Spicy/sexual content. Be aware before reading.
After a couple of weeks of thinking, I decided to bring my best friend Cassie into my secret circle of friends, it had felt weird not tell her about it before, only the secret wasn't only mine but today I received a message from Jungkook, inviting me to a little weekend away in the countryside  , he felt bad that I was keeping a secret from my  best friend so he said II could bring her along. 
So here we are dropping our stuff in one of the bedrooms. My friend is a little mad at me because I didn't give her a heads up on who she was going to be meeting and because she is embarrassed she was wearing her Mingyu Tshirt when she actually shook Mingyu's hand. In my defence, I did not see it under her jean jacket and Mingyu did find it funny. 
Hobi is preparing the food shopping list so he can go with Jimin and Yugyeom to the supermarket, we are in a pretty small town so not many people would pay much attention to them.  
Mingyu and Jungkook were thinking about drinks but decided to make a tik tok video of a new dance while making Cassie record it. I knew they were going to get along and I am glad they are. 
I met Jungkook a while back while I was volunteering at an animal shelter, we clicked talking about animals, we became friends and soon he introduced me to some of his friends a few of them aren't here because of their busy schedule... There is one in particular that I am waiting for.. I haven't seen him in a while and I know he is going to be here but I can't wait.  Min Yoongi and I talked often when we were at the same gatherings, we had some things in common and he would make sure I felt comfortable and included, one conversation lead to another until one day we were celebrating Jungkook's birthday and after some drinks we ended up sleeping together. I felt incredibly guilty at the thought of ruining this new found friendship so I avoided Yoongi until we met again at a different gathering and we ended up slept together again, we decided to just keep it at that even though I caught feelings. 
"Yoongi Hyun is almost here!" Jungkook yells from the kitchen bar, looking at me with a smirk.  He knows about us, against his own will like he likes to say. He walked in on us doing the deed once when he thought Yoongi was alone in his room. Yoongi had to buy him a full box of banana milk as bribe for his silence and another one as payment for his trauma.
"Staaaup" I mouth at him while he laughs at my sudden blush.
I hear voices outside and I recognize his, he is greeting the boys that are on their way to the super market... I stay on the couch acting as nonchalant as possible but my heart is racing and I am sure it skips a couple of beats as soon as I feel him bend over the couch to level to my ear and whisper  "Hello beautiful.. its been a while!" I can smell his scent and feel his breath on my skin. I don't turn to look at him because I am sure our lips would connect and I have missed him so much, I don't think I would be able to stop at just a kiss.
We had dinner and drink outside and now we are playing games, Cassie and the boys are getting along and she is smiling so much, I am worried her chicks will fall! We watch Jimin dance like a chicken as a dare for loosing at the latest game, Jungkook keeps winning and we are all obviously teaming up to make him loose at least once. Yoongi and I keep stealing glances at each other and my stomach keeps fluttering every time he smiles at me and I worry that the longer we keep seeing each other the more painful it will be for me when it ends. When he told me that he was coming this weekend, he also said we had to talk and I feel it is about ending it. 
MYG<3 : should we retire soon?
Me: I don't want to leave Cassie alone.
MYG<3 : She will be fine.
MYG<3 : I want to be alone with you.
Fuck. He wants to have that talk now. I take a break from replying to his messages. I am not ready but better now than later I guess. I tell Cassie that I will go inside for a while to make a phone call to my parents, those usually last long so she wont get worry if I'm gone for a while. 
Me: Okay, lets.
MYG<3 : You go first.
I waited for Yoongi on the second floor, once we were in his room we made small talk, its unbearable and I am feeling awkward so I decide to kick start the more serious conversation.
"So we should talk..." I start but he cuts my sentence with a kiss. I push him back a little putting my hands on his chest to keep the distance. He frowns at me with an inquisitive look.
"What's wrong?" he says placing a hand on my chick while tilting his head.
I think about pushing for the serious conversation but then think about how this will probably be the last time we are this close together, about how I might regret not enjoying him like this one last time and before I can change my mind I close the distance between us and our mouths clash. I expect him to stop me but instead he deepens the kiss and that's all I need to know before I start walking backwards to the bed maintaining eye contact and unbuttoning my jeans and letting them fall to the floor. Yoongi takes his clothes and walks to help me out of my hoodie leaving me in my underwear and biting his lips once he noticed I hadn't been wearing a bra!
He pushes me into the bed and gets on top of me, kissing me deeply and moving his hands freely around my body. I can feel his hard cock when he presses his crotch against mine. His mouth moves around my face and then  my neck, following a trail towards my breast and I cant seem to control my breathing or my racing heart. My head is cloudy, run by pure deep lust, the same one I can see in his eyes when we make eye contact while my nipple is in his mouth. His long fingers are now at my clit, rubbing it with passion and a moan escapes my mouth, he flips me around and pulls my butt up and removes my underwear. He starts making his way to my core starting from the back, delivering wet kisses to my butt and going lower until i feel his long tongue stroking around my entrance and then caressing my clit. My legs shake the more he plays around with my clit, I can feel the orgasm building and once his finger enter me, I cant hold it in anymore and let go. He lick me all over and then I feel his absence, looking towards him I notice the condom on his hand. My mouth waters at the view of his perfectly erected member and I get off the bed and drop to me knees, looking into his eyes I don't wait for him to oppose to this and guide his cock into my mouth, sucking hard and moving my tongue around the tip, earning me a grunt from him, I look up and notice he is hanging his head backwards, then my eyes fall to his free hand and I notice his closed fist... I know what that means, he is itching to hold my head and fuck my mouth, so I grab it and place it at the back of my head, letting him know that its okay to do just what he wants. I feel him thrust forward and I relax my throat to give him full access. I can hear his moans and grunts when I breathe and try my best to swallow around his cock until he stops me abruptly, gets me up and on the bed again, spreading my legs and putting the condom on before he enters me.  We always had great chemistry in bed, our sex was always hot and dirty but tonight there is also something else and its fucking good.  I can feel him inside of me getting frantic,  we have been going at it for a while and after several of my orgasms I can feel his trusts going faster and his cock throbbing inside of me, I know he is close. he kisses me through my latest orgasm and I feel the shock of it starting from my toes, the eye contact sealing it and after my high he pumps a couple more times inside of me before his glorious release. He give me a chaste kiss and then drops next to me. 
"Fuuuck..." he says while breathing heavily
I stay quiet for a while, afraid that if I speak the bubble will break and we will be forced to have that conversation, all while I only want to enjoy this moment.
He kisses my shoulder softly a couple of times and then clears his throat before speaking "I want to tell you something and I need you to listen to me" -FUCK, here we go and I'm not ready-
I hum in response and prepare myself for the worst.
"(Y/N)  you know I care about you and that we have been doing this for a while now..." His voice seems calm but somehow my heart keeps raising and my mind is imagining the worst "I can't do this anymore, the whole secret thing is hard and It is stressing me out.. so maybe we shouldㅡ " he pauses when I move to sit up.
"Right.." I exhale trying to slow downs my breathing "We should just stop this" I walk to my clothes
"What?" he shoots up and grabs my arm, his dark hair slightly wet by the sweat is now attached to his forehead and he looks gorgeous while standing there looking at me in confusion. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I understand, you want to end it. This secret is a problem and we need to end it before it becomes something bigger"  I say slowly and carefully.. his confused expression is starting to freak me out, he is looking at me like I just grew a second head and I become even more confused once he laughs drily.
"I never said I wanted to end it. I want us to continue seeing each other. Iㅡ" 
"Us hooking up sgain is only going to make it harder later one" I say
"Stop. Stop talking." he says, placing a hand to his chest and moving his hair from his forehead "If you would only listen to me, you would know that I don't want to fucking end it. I want you in my life and I thought about us being friends but  the idea of us being anything short that boyfriend and girlfriend kills me and I came here to ask you but... you don't want to?" He looks at me, his face pained and I start tearing up. 
This whole time I thought he wanted to end us, meanwhile he just wanted us to become something more. I can see him trying to find an answer on my face and when I find myself unable to speak, I throw myself at him, kissing him passionately, stopping to whisper in between sobs  "I do want us. I want us to be together. I want to be your girlfriend." and starting a second round of what we had just finished.
Its the morning after and I woke up in between his arms, Yoongi and I spent most of the night having sex, intense and meaningful sex until we fell asleep. 
I am in the ensuite shower when he joins me and we go for another rounds, I am incredibly happy and he seems to be in the same state. Every now and then he tells me how happy he is I said yes and how much more relaxed he feels now that we are on the same page. 
We get dressed in between kisses, trying our best to not fall in the bed again because we need energy so we walk holding hands to the kitchen to get some breakfast and we can hear everyone is awake. We had decided to let our friends know about us because it was a good start not having to hide our relationship from them. 
"FUCKING FINALLY" Jungkook yells with a big smile when he sees us entering the Livingroom.
A/N: I hope you guys like this story. Sorry I haven't published in a while, I have been dealing with some personal stuff and with the publishing of my upcoming book so my priorities have been different lately. I will keep writing, I dont have set times but I will work on publishing at least twice a month. Loye you all and please stay healthy and safe.
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cainluvr69 · 2 months
"The Master Swordsman Smiles Fearlessly" Cain SR Story - Take My Hand
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Cain: (There really isn't much info on Kirsche Persche, huh.) (I guess for right now I'll see if anyone around here has anything, and then report back--)
???: What do you think you're doing?! Give me back my wallet!
Cain: !! (That voice came from…that alleyway.) Hey there, friends. Mugging someone in broad daylight, huh?
Riquet: …! Who…?
Grey-haired Man: Huhhh? Keep your nose outta our business and it'll stay atta… …! You fucker, you're Ventisca's katana expert, aren'tcha. Who'da thought I'd see your ugly mug again.
Cain: Again…? Oh, yeah, now that you mention it, I have seen you before. You two started getting rowdy in one of our shops, so I had to smash your faces into the pavement about it.
Scarred Man: D…don't say it like that! Damn, we're gonna pay you back big time for that!
Cain: You two don't learn easily, do you… Well, whatever. I'll take you both on. Hey, you. You should run while you have the chance. Just leave the rest of this mess to me.
Riquet: I--I'm not going to run! I couldn't possibly let them fight you two against one…
Grey-haired Man: Shut the fuck up already! Take this!
Cain: …jeez.
Grey-haired Man: Gwah?!
Riquet: !! He knocked that man so far back with just one swing…!
Cain: I'd rather not get violent in front of a kid, but… I figure smashing your faces against the pavement again might get the message to stick this time. So come on, feel free to come at me however you'd like.
Scarred Man: Th…then how's this?! --Ghh?!
Riquet: Attacking from behind is an act of cowardice! Now repent for your sins!
Cain: Rope darts…? Hey, you know how to fight? I totally thought you were some pampered rich kid…
Riquet: I am nothing of the sort! I'm perfectly capable of fighting with these. Please leave this one to me!
Cain: Gotcha! But I wanna talk to you when we're done here, alright? Let's make this quick. Hah!
Riquet: Haah!
Those Guys: Tch… R-run for it!
Cain: Whew, we're finally done… Hey, kid, you're not hurt, are you?
Riquet: No, I am not. Thank you very much for coming to my rescue, um…
Cain: My name's Cain. Good to meet you.
Riquet: Cain. My name is Riquet. Um…what are you putting your hand out for?
Cain: What, you don't know? It's for a handshake. Even if it was a brief battle, I still entrusted my back to you. I want to express my respect for you, as well as my gratitude. If you're not opposed, just grab my hand.
Riquet: Wahh, Cain, your hand is so warm…
Cain: Ahaha, I get that a lot. How about you, do you get told that your face looks like a little kid's when you're not fighting?
Riquet: Wah, n-no, I don't! Stop treating me like a kid, you're getting my hair all messy…!
Cain: Sorry, sorry. Here, I'll smooth it back out.
Riquet: Goodness gracious… You were so cool when you came to rescue me, but I see that in truth you're rather unrefined.
Cain: Am I? But, hmm, something about the way you said that… Feels oddly nostalgic for some reason.
Training Episode: Unchanging, Even In One's Dreams
Cain: The dreams you have are always so intense, Master Sage. Could you tell me more about that latest one?
Akira: Sure, I don't mind.
Cain: Let's see, it was the one where Snow was an adult, and me and Mithra were his henchmen.
Akira: Oh, yes. Riquet and I were in a different organization that was in conflict with yours, though…
Cain: By conflict, you mean I had to fight you guys? I dunno how I feel about that…
Akira: Oh, no, it never came to that! But one time you did stop me from running away when I was scared… Seeing you be so threatening gave me chills.
Cain: I can't believe the version of me in your dreams would do something like that to you. Next time you see him, be sure to chew him out for me.
Akira: Ahaha. Now that I'm awake, it just sounds funny. Besides, it wasn't like you were a super scary person in that dream or anything. Once I actually got to talk to you, it was obvious right away what a friendly, kind person you really were.
Cain: What, really?
Akira: Yes! All of the best parts of you didn't change a bit.
Cain: Ahaha. Getting complimented like that is a little embarrassing. But rather than that being kindness, I'd say it was…
Akira: Was what?
Cain: That the me inside your dream wanted to become friends with you, too. Since, hey, that was what I was thinking when you and I first met, Akira.
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annika-thelostlove · 10 months
The art of paper folding - Brian Wilcox x fem!reader
Word count/ 4015
Preview/ But You, for whatever reason that led to it, you were assigned the seat on the other side of him. You are always anxious with stress. You think that maybe this guy who has a reputation for being a smartass will bring too much attention to your side of the classroom. You're a little glad Sally would probably take most of his attention, though. Those types of pretty girls probably have it bad sometimes dealing with boys like brian, you think.
Author note/ its finally completed! Its the most high school romantic idiocy I can put in a oneshot. This is lightly based on my own high school experience. The guy who I thought liked me back really did make me an origami heart. Soon after, he said something super mean to me, and my little 15 yr old heart never forgave him.
Warnings/ super fluffy, and not well edited
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Brian is the type of guy in school who always talks shit. It's like he can't help it. Things fall out of his mouth unguarded. He is 17, but he still gets worked up over things like he is still in elementary school. In his new math class in the new year of school, he purposely sits next to the popular girl Sally because he thought it would be fun, but she doesn't tolerate his shit one bit.
But You, for whatever reason that led to it, you were assigned the seat on the other side of him. You are always anxious with stress. You think that maybe this guy who has a reputation for being a smartass will bring too much attention to your side of the classroom. You're a little glad Sally would probably take most of his attention, though. Those types of pretty girls probably have it bad sometimes dealing with boys like brian, you think.
Brian is a guy you've only heard about through another friend because he's "someone's annoying brother that dyes his own hair black cos he thinks it's edgy. He also doesn't wash it often to keep the cheap box colour for longer. Hence, the sticky looking locks. He confidently sticks to wearing black and oversized clothes that hide his 30-pound body." Says the people who talk about him.
So the best course of action is to keep your head down, and don't get involved with either of Brian or Sally.
But then, as the year goes by, whenever Brian is bored at being ignored by Sally, he will turn his greasy head to you and give you a little poke. The first few times sent your nerves up, you were so scared of what he would say to you. Will he say something mean? Point out your pimples? Say your teeth look crooked? That you have a mustache you should shave it? Horrible horrible little scenarios in your mind. But Brian, for the last few months, only asks you funny dumb questions just to avoid actually learning in class. It makes your heart laugh a little in relief.
Brian is sarcastic and complains a lot. He has too many theories and tells stories exclusively comprised of sound effects and explosions made with his mouth. He smells like deep fry oil that you grow to like so much because it reminds you of hashbrowns in the morning. It's gotten pathetic how many things you notice about him. You even love that buck tooth of his making its way out of his little mouth.
Some days, he enjoys telling you how corporations pay commercials to trick people into thinking that you're the bad guy. You listen to him so intently, and the more you do, the things about him begin to make more sense to you.
Brian is not a bad person. Not like what people say. Really, really not. He is actually kind of great.
He's just a little distracted at school, that's all.
You share with him your own little jokes under your breath during class now. And by some miracle, he finds you funny. A fierce blush would bloom up you collar at his laughter.
You hope that it makes him feel special. No one else has really thought of you to be very funny. You've told him some weird things, like: "Last night I had a dream about Dwayne Johnson as a centaur," and he would get detention from laughing too hard.
At times he would still try to get Sallys attention, but most days he spends his time leaving silly doodles at the edge of your notebooks.
Today, Brian has been folding paper in class again. He watched a YouTube video on how to make an origami heart last week. For whatever reason, he's been so invested in getting it perfect.
He was trying to show off his progress, so he made one in your class. Looking over at Sally's desk, he watched her pack her notebook away, getting ready to leave. Brian then redirects his attention to you. You were still finishing writing your notes down, then packing away your pens.
In a second, he decides to slip the heart shaped paper, between the pages of your notebook without much thought of why. The class then packs up and files out to go home.
You can't believe it, it just can't be.
Brian's heart origami was in your notebook. You had just got home and pulled out your notes, currently staring at the red piece of folded paper. Did he slip it inside? Maybe it was just an accident. It might have fallen. Fallen perfectly, between the pages. That must be it. It didn't mean anything.
You rub your face in confusion. Your heart is not neutral about this at all. Even if it was an innocent mistake. Your heart thumps in the possibility. That maybe. Brian Wilcox gave you this heart on purpose.
But, no. He doesn't see you like that. You're just his friend.
The heart origami sits so innocently on your book, and you picture him making it step by step. His eyes looking up at you, after another doodle he's finished on your book. The way he's smiles, holding back his laughter with shining eyes.
You don't know, but maybe, maybe. Brian could like you…more than as a friend.
The thought echoes around in your quiet bedroom.
Later when a group project comes up, Brian without hesitation jumps to join a group of boys in the class and leaves you with Sally.
Sally is popular, and very beautiful, but it was the first time you really tried to talk to her. It turns out she's incredibly insightful and a good listener. Its nice for someone to give you their attention like that. Which is funny in a way, it makes you feel kinda special, because Sally doesn't even give Brian the time of day. So in your curiosity, you ask her about that.
"I just hate getting the attention of a class clown, when what I really need is to focus in class" she rolls her eyes as she says it. She takes a glance at Brian's group. "..but I notice that Brian and you have become quite the pair, I think it's pretty cool, Brian is so behaved when he's with you".
Blood rushes to your face. "Oh haha, no, no, were not that close..."
But at that moment, the group of boys with Brian began to get loud and rowdy. They've been loudly debating about the best kind of place to take a date out. They've begun to joke and laugh at how Brian works at Mickeys, mocking him how hilarious it could be for a first date. You saw that he was laughing along with them, but you could see it was irritating him.
"Ohhh noooo! A girl would NEVER ask for another date. Can you imagine making her order at the counter? How embarrassing"
"And then brian asks for the kids' meal?!" laughter from the boys.
"Noooo! Brian would use his employee discounts on the combos! That's just so sad!" More laughter. And it just irked you until you spoke up.
"We'll I think it could be fun for a date?" You say interrupting the loud conversation. It was a numbing silence for a fraction of a second before Brian spoke.
"Well, it's because your standards are low since you can't even seem to find a boyfriend." Came a quick response from Brian's mouth. The boys gasped and blew up with sudden laughter.
Regrets flash across Brian's face instantly when he sees you speechless, with hurt written on your brow, but you're fighting against it. Sally puts her hand on your arm, worried about you. The boys don't seem to notice anything wrong. But Brian notices.
He didn't realize what he said. He was just so annoyed and wanted someone else to be teased instead of him.
You feel hot, and your skin is prickly. That was really mean. It hurt. You weren't so sure why. Because what he said was true. But it hurt because it came from him.
Your thoughts flashed back to the origami heart that you've been keeping in your bedside table, it actually means nothing to him. And all the other hearts that he must have made this week and before. All just folded paper and nothing more.
But you swallow the feeling down somehow and focus back on your partner and the project for the rest of the class.
But that night, in your bed, under the covers, frustrated tears fall into your pillow.
Am I ugly? No one has ever wanted me. No one has ever seen me. Aren't I good enough for anyone?
Brian wouldn't ever see you in that way. You hate it, hate him. Hate yourself. He made you feel like you mattered to him, but you must have made it all up in your head, a boy has never been nice to you until Brian, so you didn't know any better. He won't ever see you that way.
The next week at school you try to act like you always have, havung a better understanding now that Brian is simply the way he is. So you become a little distant. He notices of course. He's been thinking about what he said over and over. And hates himself, he's never liked saying sorry in all his life. But now he's scared for the first time that he might be losing you if he dosent act. You won't even look at his eyes anymore. Like you find it too painful to do so.
During lunch break, he finds you, he asks, unsure how to converse naturally.
"Hey, how's your project with Sally going?" He says. Then you realize 'he must have never stopped liking Sally even from the start of the year. It was so obvious, why didn't I see it?'
"It's going well, actually. we're almost done. Did you want to tag along bri? We're gonna be at the library after school to finish up." You think maybe you can help him get Sally to see that he's a really nice guy.
Brain seems nervous but says yes straight away. He must really like her, you think.
After school, once you all meet up and finish off studying at the library, you insist on going home first and leave to catch your bus. Brian tries to ask you to hang out longer. But Sally lets you go and wants to speak to brian alone. Sally seems like she has something serious to tell him.
You smile a little in sadness, its working out well, it seems.
Brian Pov
She left me here with sally. Avoiding me again. I watch as her back disappears out the front doors. Then Sally hits me on the arm.
"Ow! What's your problem?"
"What did I do to you?"
"Not what you've done to me! But to her!! all year, you've been making googly eyes at her, and the other day, you treat her like crap! You need to fix this and apologize, and then leave her alone if you're only going to hurt her feelings because of your ignorant attitude."
"I don't know what you mean"
"I see everything brian, like how you doodle on her notebooks, and talk quietly to her, how you giggle under your breath at her jokes. You honestly can't be more obvious how you treat her special, but then you turn on her so quickly like that. It's such a dick move. An asshole move"
He puts his face in his hands in shame. "God, I AM an asshole!!" Brian is on the brink of breaking down."Do you think she hates me now? I messed up so badly."
"Tell her you're sorry face to face. Whatever she does to you after that is up to her. Though since we're talking about her, she will probably forgive you. But if you want to finally tell her you like her, this might be your best chance "
Brian blushes red, "w-what, I don't like her like that-"
"Why do you bother lying, brian?"
"It really isn't- ughh."
Brian quickly rushes after where you left. And found you sitting at the bus shelter, he looks at the digital sign it says your bus arrives in 20 mins
He looks down at you, and you're already looking at him sheepishly. You've been caught.
"Your bus isn't even here till another 20 mins!" Brian almost yells, but he's playfully scolding you like you normally do. You look down and smile. Brian loves that, your little shy grin.
"How did it go with Sally?" You ask hopefully.
"Good. But I don't want to talk about that. I need to tell you some stuff. Uh, the first one is that..I said something the other day. I just-"
"It's okay, I get it, I overreacted-"
"No, you didnt- Wait. It wasn't that. My point is i'm sorry for what i said, I think I hurt you. It's not cool of me. I'm always battling my asshole-ary every day, you know that. But you didn't deserve it. So I'm sorry"
"You are, forgiven." And you give him a small closed lip smile.
"Oh really? Already? Well, and, um, the 2nd thing is. There's something I have to ask you-" Your bus comes and stops loudly in front of them. Brian is flustered. You are conflicted, there's only one bus every hour for this route, you should take this bus. But you want to wait for Brian to finish.
"Um, Brian, think I should take this bus"
"Oh, yeah of course! Tomorrow then!"
"Ok, see ya bri"
As you climb up the door to pay and look back at Brian, the bus then pulls away, and you miss his sad little frown and his green eyes following you as your image fades down the street.
The next day in class, Brian pulls out another origami heart he worked on last night and slides it over to you. The teacher notices it and warns everyone about passing notes in class. You grab the note and see what it says.
"Good morning beautiful! Plz open me" you frown at being called beautiful. Glancing over at him, he smirks.
Nervous, you open it carefully. Inside it says something that makes her heart race and break at the same time.
"Let's go to Mickeys tonight, it's my treat" then you hear a snickering from a few desks away, it was one of his boys looking over at you.
You go to Mickeys, you think he's just asked you out as a friend, but he seems to be as nervous as you are, but you dont want to get your hopes up.
After having your meal in awkward silence, he asks you as casually as he can muster.
"So, I was thinking, do you want a second date?"
"Huh? D-date?"
"Y-you know, we went to Mickeys-- like you said! This is like, a date for you"
"…are you..like- just- teasing me? Hahaah…like you're mocking me? You rascal" You laugh nervously, voice trembling all over the place. Trying to hide the sudden emotions that came with realizing what this was all about. He just wanted to humor you.
"Huh? What? No? He laughs. Mickeys is like, your standard right? For like- like a date?"
"Well, no-"
"And-and, I mean I- we hadn't hung out like together yet.. as friends, and like you haven't been on a date before…I thought maybe..i could, be someone you-"
"So you're… helping me?" You laugh comes out jumpy and strange sounding "Oh, wooow,..I um, thanks man. That's just so, thoughtful of you" and you uncharacteristically lean over to punch his arm, you cringe for the fifth time. And he rubs the spot you bumped him.
"But, um, you know I think that maybe we should go on dates with people we actually have feelings for, don't you think? But, thanks for the offer" you shrug and try to laugh it off, but it feels too loud and fake in your ears.
"So no...date?" He looks kind of paler than usual.
You start to gather your trash. "I just realized i need to get home, sorry I can't stay much longer Bri. This was…fun. Bye!" Practically running away.
You don't understand what had just happened. You don't understand Brian at all. Was he that experienced in dating that he could give you a trial of it? That he felt pitty for you?
Your whole body felt hot from embarrassment. And a hard lump has been stuck in your throat ever since you received his little note in class. You practically speed walk all the way home sobbing into your Hoodie.
"Good for you."
"Huh?" Sally is talking to you, Brian is late for your class it seems.
"I got…some tea, from a little bird, or something like that. That you rejected Brian"
"When did I do that?"
"Uh, didn't you go to Mickeys with him the other day?"
"I did." Has he gone and told everyone about it?
"I'm sorry, but I can't pretend that i didn't know. It just happened to be the same day he left a voice message on my phone, and I connected the dots that it was about you. " This made you sad without realizing it. They've been talking?
"Oh, he did?" But you guess it's good that they're getting to know each other.
"Don't look so sad! It wasn't like that, that boy sounded mad over the phone, he was mad at first. Saying stuff on the message like 'you were wrong about everything!' And that 'he was dumb.' But then he just..started crying. Well it sounded like crying. You didn't do that to him?" You stare a Sally perplexed at what it all meant.
"Explain please"
Sally looked at you for a moment and seemed ro realize something then began waving her hands 'no' at you "Ooooooh, wait no, I think you should talk to him about it, i've said too much"
"No, say it please! I'm tired of him playing with me."
"Ughhh, well he..he thought that you liked him, so…and I thought you did too! But then when you clearly don't, which is okay…he's just. It's just sad. He's going through it right now."
"But I don't know why he would be so upset, it's not like he likes me? He likes..someone else."
"You…think so? Huh. Well, I think it's best if you talk to him about this"
"It's best if two of you talk"
Then, at that moment, Brian walks in late to class and rushes over to his seat between you and Sally.
"You're tardy, Mr Wilcox, which is actually a first. Take your seat."
He acting stiff and can barely look at you.
Normally, you could get his attention and whisper things to him comfortably, but right now, he's so distant that you just decided to message him on your phone.
R U working tonight?
No Thurs
Ok, do u wna study w me n Sally tonight?
No that's ok u guys can just work on ur project together
Oh ok
And that went on for the rest of the lesson. His cold shoulder. Bothered by this you messing him again.
Ur being weird, is this about the other day? I appreciated ur idea, but I just didn't want ppl to confuse our friendship.
Yeah like you giving me dating 'experience' without having an actual bf
She didn't reply after that message out of frustration. Why is he acting like he has no idea what he's been doing to you?
Nevermind Brian
You know what? I can get a boyfriend anytime if I want.
You hear a sharp gasp quickly after sending your last text. "Hey." He tries to tap your shoulder, but the teacher tells him off right away.
You give him the cold shoulder for the rest of the day. He looks over at you desperately for the rest of that week.
Thursday comes by. You come to visit Mickeys with Warren, a guy you sometimes talk to in your IT class. You told Warren that there's a guy you like and want to see if he would feel anything if he saw you with someone else. It was stupid, you know it. You promised to buy him a Mickeys meal if he helped you.
You and Warren order at the counter, a sullen Brian takes your order, and you still haven't talked to one another since. And it's eating him inside, and now you're here with someone else? He disappeared to the back once your order was placed.
You receive your burgers and sit down at your table to eat. It was a normal, peaceful few moments until Brian came sprinting out of the kitchen to stop you from eating
"NO, no stop!"
"What! Brian, what's wrong??"
"No, just- don't eat that- I-" You stare at him lost for words, shame written on his face.
"I'm sorr- I just thought -" his face was crumbling, and the shame was turning into sadness. His eyes are glassy with emotion. He buried his face in his hands, defeated. "Never mind, it all makes sense."
"What does?"
"Why you won't like me."
Long silence came after what he said, only broken by Warren slowly getting up to walk away and saying that hes gonna use the bathroom. But either of you actually notice.
"…why I 'won't like you?' Why would that matter, Brian? Why? You like someone, that's who that matters."
"YES, I do. And it DOES."
"I-im an asshole sometimes. But I know that you know that already, so that can't be the reason. And I'm not much to look at, but. But I've never cared if anyone liked how I looked. It never mattered to me so much before. But I wish I was more, like conventionally appealing. But i mean, that can't be why, you're not that kind of person- but is that why? Or, or- no. Or it's simply because I'm me. Because I'm Brian, the type of asshole that defiles a fucking burger???"
"Brian, please, it's hard for me to understand…"
"I put a LOOGIE in your patty"
"Excuse me????" Not the words you were expecting.
"It was meant for him!!"
"Are you somehow, jealous??"
"And why??"
"Because I like you, and you hate me!"
A painful silence fills the restaurant. Looking around, Brian catches his manager, looking at him disapprovingly. But Brian mouths to him, "just resolving an issue"
"Ok, but lower your voice"
Brian sighs, putting his attention back to you. Sitting there still stunned at his confession. "Let me take that burger back. I'll make you a new one"
"No." You make a mad grab at the box, but Brian had the same thought as you. He now had the other side of the box in his hand.
"Give it!"
"Let go, brian"
"What's the problem!?"
You rip it out of his clasp, open the box, and proceed to scuff the burger down your throat.
"What are you doing?? No!! Why did you do that? I had my saliva in that???"
"Do you think I would do that if I didn't like you?"
A hundred emotions pass through Brian's face in the silence that came after that bizarre display.
"You… like me?"
"Was me eating your foul burger not clear enough?"
"Well no. But. You…like me?"
"I have, like always"
"...me?" His eyes are glassy looking at you in something that looks like hope.
But instead of saying anymore to reassure his low self-esteem just how much you think a he's great guy, you start to cry. And you don't have a clue why. Just that you're so happy he finally knows.
"I really like you too. Like always" and just like in a movie, he reaches out with a finger and gently wipes a tear off your cheek.
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piratekane · 2 months
i love hearing about you and your wife it gives me so much warmth and hope - if your comfortable, do you have a first meeting or first date story? totally ok if you'd not share! i hope you and your wife have a wonderful anniversary, 11 years is quite a feat!
oh ho ho you've unlocked my special interest. i love talking about our first meeting/date.
(a read more because i did not make this short)
we actually "met" on tumblr! we both signed up for this penpal blog where you got matched with someone who had similar interests as you. i verified with my wife this morning and we both said we liked cats-i'm assuming that's what they matched us over. i dropped a joke in her inbox that went unanswered for days despite her reblogging and posting and was like welp, that was a good shot, champ, but you messed it up. no friends for you.
now, this was in the days when tumblr's inbox system (which limited you to 10 asks a day) ate every other message. so it's not that she didn't think it was funny, she just didn't get it. i found this out when i dropped the same joke a second time in her inbox and lo and behold! she thought it was funny. (i have recycled this joke many times over the year and always get an eye roll. like, babe. it's a classic. it's the thundapants joke!)
she did not think it was funny when i told her i was a transplant living in the the armpit of massachusetts because-lo and behold a second time-that's where she grew up and was also still living! it was an auspicious start for me, truly. we figured out that we had a bunch of things in common-i did my student teaching at her high school when she was a senior there, i was a substitute teacher for her little sister's 8th grade class, we missed each other in college by a couple of classes, my roommate and best friend worked at the PT office my wife frequented. we kind of went around each other for a while before we finally landed in the same place.
it took me a month and a half of my best jokes to convince her to go on a date with me because, as she said, she was super nervous. i was like, you have not truly met me yet because i am the stupidest person on earth and not worthy of nervousness. but she finally said yes! and we went out to a local chinese restaurant for crab rangoons. it shared a parking lot with the diner i worked at so i ate there all the time and the people there were so surprised i was (a) sitting down to eat and (b) eating with somebody!
(thus began our tradition of ending up on someone else's first date. the couple behind us was clearly meeting for the first time. he was telling her his credit score and that she could order whatever she wanted off the menu, no worries because he could pay for it. we cringed each time he opened his mouth but it was kind of perfect in a way because it gave us something to whisper about. we have since ended up on way too many first dates to count. it is kind of just a thing that happens to us, no matter where we go.)
our date was really, really good. we had talked A LOT via tumblr inbox (messages didn't exist yet) and the conversation just kind of picked up in person. so much so that 4 hours went by and they were putting up the chairs. and then we talked for a while in the parking lot too until my roommate hit me with the "are you alive or did she murder you and dump your body somewhere?" text. i left her on read and kept talking until the restaurant locked up and all the people went home. i just didn't want to leave. i felt like i knew my wife already, you know? like things just clicked. she was funny and intelligent and she listened when i went on the first of many, many tangents. her patience for me is unmatched and started out that way.
we spent the rest of the summer we lived there spending as much time as we could together. i distinctly remember doing short order cook shifts at the diner i worked at and then rolling up to her house to pick her up and drive around. we had to drive with the windows down because my clothes just effused grease from the fryers. we watched so many movies at my apartment-which is hilarious because about a year into our relationship she informed she was NOT a movie person, she just wanted to spend time together. we have watched maybe ten movies together since that first year.
then i got a full-time job on the other side of the mountain, we moved, bought a house, got married, and the rest is history. but we get crab rangoons on every anniversary and do a lame-o instagram post about each other and i continue to be the stupidest person in the room, just very stupid over her.
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thiswaytwoinfinity · 1 year
just be a prick • jamie tartt x fem! reader
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In honor of the season finale of Ted Lasso (because I refuse to let go of my beloved himbos), here’s a little story I wrote about everyone’s favorite scorer 😉
Warnings: smut (oral, f receiving; protected piv) so 18+ ONLY, canon-typical cursing, no use of y/n, Jamie being Jamie
Also the pic in the graphic is just for aesthetics and not indicative of reader’s appearance; no physical description is included.
The worst thing about Jamie Tartt isn’t that he’s a prick. 
You knew he was a prick before you even met him. It was one of those fundamental facts of life, one of those things that was so intrinsically part of being a human that you didn’t need to question it. The sky is blue, two plus two equals four and Jamie Tartt is a massive prick. 
Teachers may as well add it to their lesson plans, alongside phonics and multiplication tables. 
It was the first thing you thought as you watched his over-the-top goal celebrations week after week. It rang through your head, clear as day, when he offered to buy you a drink at that ridiculous, super-trendy club your friends insisted was the best place for girls’ night.
And it was the annoying thought that stayed in the back of your mind when he had you pressed up against the wall outside the bathrooms, those bright eyes sparkling with mischief while colored lights danced across his cheekbones. 
His reputation made you feel comfortable, in a way. You could flirt with him, kiss him, let him take you home, content with the knowledge that this was what he did, that it was all in good fun and there were no feelings involved that could possibly get hurt. Jamie was an asshole, a cocky, self-absorbed pretty boy looking for a good time — and you were fine with that.
No, the worst thing about Jamie Tartt is that he isn’t always a prick. 
He was charming and funny when he flirted with you at the club, effectively distracting you from the sight of your flatmate making out with Isaac in the VIP booth next to you. He surprised you by remembering details from the stories you told, by waiting for you to nod your consent at him before he kissed you, by wordlessly draping his jacket around your shoulders to keep you warm on the short walk from the club’s back door to where his car was waiting. 
Jamie’s hand is hot on your lower back as he guides you into the house, your cheeks warm from a night of drinking and laughing and flirting.
You expect him to be all over you immediately, wanting to get to the main event right away, but instead he offers you a drink and gets back to the story he was telling you in the car about something Colin did at practice that made Roy’s face turn nearly purple with rage. You’re doing your best to follow along with the story — Jamie’s terrible Welsh accent and his impression of Roy’s gruffness would normally have you in stitches — but you’re distracted by the way he runs his fingers up and down your arm, almost absent-mindedly as he talks. 
His fingertips are leaving fireworks all over your skin, goosebumps following in their wake like your body already misses his touch. 
You let out a shuddering breath and Jamie smirks, the absolute prick. He knows exactly what he’s doing to you. “Y’alright, love?” he asks, his voice dropping down an octave and making your toes curl in your stilettos. 
“You gonna kiss me again, or what, Tartt?” you fire back, voice sounding steady despite your entire body wanting to melt into a puddle on his obnoxiously expensive kitchen floor. Jamie’s eyebrow raises and his arm wraps around your waist, tugging you closer to him before his face melts into the smuggest smile you’ve ever seen. It’s a miracle you don’t roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, babe?” he teases, lips ghosting over yours. “You that desperate for it?” 
“Jamie …” You’re attempting to tease him back but his name comes out high-pitched, like a whine, and that infuriating grin widens for a millisecond before his mouth is on yours. 
And god, he even kisses like a prick, licking into your mouth with the same confidence he has on the pitch as his fingers tighten on your waist. Jamie’s teeth nip at your lip and you let out a moan, your hand flying away from the counter that was keeping you upright in order to wrap around his neck and pull your entire body flush to his. 
Your head is spinning, sparks exploding behind your eyes and by the time Jamie pulls away to breathe you’re beginning to wonder if you had him wrong this whole time. There’s still a ghost of a smile on his lips as he drags them along your jaw, across your cheek, to suck at that spot behind your ear that makes you moan. “Thassit, yeah?” he murmurs against your neck, “That’s what you were looking for?” 
“Fuck you,” you huff out, eyelids fluttering closed as he continues to tease you. 
“Trying to, love,” Jamie responds, pulling back to cup your jaw so that you have to look him in the eye as he winks at you. His thumb caresses your skin, and for a second there, you almost forget that this is Richmond superstar Jamie Tartt — it’s just you and Jamie, the gorgeous guy who chatted you up during a night out. You’re tempted to succumb to the thought, to pretend that this is more than just a hookup and there’s the potential for something more here. 
It’s a dangerous thought. 
You tangle your fingers in Jamie’s ridiculously highlighted hair and tug his mouth back to yours, shoving any of those stupid, romantic ideas in your head aside in favor of feeling. You can indulge in what-ifs tomorrow — for now, what matters is losing yourself in this moment and letting his touch chase away anything that could distract you from this beautiful, absurd man.
A soft moan escapes from his mouth and you just kiss him deeper, pull him closer to chase that noise out once more. 
You have no idea when — or frankly even, how — Jamie managed to get you into his room with your dress on his floor, but you’re not complaining, not when he’s got that self-satisfied smile back on his face as he uses his teeth to tug your panties down. 
“You’re a fucking menace,” you say with a laugh and, oh, apparently Jamie takes that as a challenge because he stops showing off and practically tears that scrap of lace off of you before diving in between your legs like a man on a mission.
“Fuck, Jamie. Oh my god,” you moan as he works his tongue with the kind of passion he normally reserves for game days. He laps and sucks at your core and your back arches up from the bed; Jamie works a finger inside your wet heat and crooks them just right and there’s nothing left in your mind other than a litany of JamieJamieJamiefuckyesJamie.
“Shit, right there … don’t stop, please,” you babble, moaning and whimpering when Jamie begins sucking at your clit just as he adds a second finger to join the first. He flicks his tongue against that sensitive nub, pressing his fingers right into that perfect spot inside you that causes another wave of wetness to gush out of you. 
Your thighs are shaking, hips moving against his mouth and Jamie fucking Tartt is smirking as he eats you out and it’s so obnoxious but goddamn it’s so hot and you’re coming, jaw dropped open in a silent scream as your vision whites out for a second. His fingers work you through your orgasm as he coos at you, that Mancunian accent stronger than normal as he tells you how “fucking sexy you look right now, falling apart for me.” 
“What the fuck?” you pant, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. “Oh my god …” 
“S’ good, yeah?” Jamie asks, sliding his fingers out of you before popping them in his mouth and sucking them clean. You lift your head up just enough to roll your eyes at him before flopping back down onto the bed. 
“Yes, it was fucking good, you fucking prick. That was … I’ve never — “ 
“Oh?” he cuts you off, one eyebrow raised as that cocky grin spreads across his face. His chin is shiny with your arousal and you don’t want to give him the satisfaction of complimenting him, but he clearly knows that he just blew your mind. Jamie crawls his way up your body and leans in, bumping his nose against yours as he brags, “I just like to make people happy.” 
“Shut up,” you whisper against his lips, licking into his infuriating mouth. The taste of yourself is prominent on his tongue, along with the faintest hint of the vanilla vodka he drank at the club and the smugness that has been driving you crazy all night. 
You’re waiting for the other shoe to drop, braced for the moment that Jamie goes full-on prick and selfishly puts his own pleasure above everything else.
But just like he surprised you at the bar and in his kitchen, by going down on you so enthusiastically, he surprises you by taking his time with you, drawing out two more orgasms with his fingers and his hips before his thrusts begin to get frantic and sloppy. 
“Fuck, yeah, babe, you feel so good … so tight and warm,” Jamie babbles, his face pressed against your throat, hands gripping yours on the pillow above your head. “So fucking good, been doin’ me head in, driving me insane since I first saw you.” He lets go of your hands and slides his down your body, before wrapping them around your plush thighs and pulling, bending your legs at the knees and pressing them up towards your chest. 
“Jamie, Jamie … Jesus, fuck, right there,” you whine, and he flashes a smile at you once more before he feels you clench around him with pleasure and his eyes fall shut. “So good Jamie, your cock feels so good. Pleasepleaseplease.” 
“Yeah, you want it babe? You want to feel me lose it? Want me to come for ya?” 
There’s something about hearing Jamie say such dirty things in that fucking accent that makes you feral and your head tosses back and forth on the pillow. One hand works its way back into his hair and you tug at the longer strands at the back of his head, making him keen and pound into you harder. 
“Thassit, baby, yeah,” he chants. “‘M coming, gonna come for you, fuck … fuck.” With one, two more deep thrusts, Jamie lets go, spilling into the condom as his arms give out and he flops down on top of you. You can feel your walls fluttering around him where he rests inside you and he lets out one last little whimper.
You’ve never felt more like a goddess in your life. 
Later, after he finally pulls out and disappears into his en suite to discard the condom, Jamie surprises you once more by gently cleaning you up and settling back into bed with you, chatting about the match Richmond has against Tottenham later this week. His fingers are drawing lazy patterns along your skin, lulling you into a sense of comfort as you cuddle up in his fluffy duvet.
You’re waiting for the awkward moment when you’ll have to get dressed and call an Uber before slinking out of his house in the early hours of the morning — but it never comes. Instead, the two of you talk and banter until your eyelids get too heavy to stay open and you drift off with Jamie’s arm wrapped loosely around your waist. 
When you wake up the next morning (far too early, in your opinion, but Jamie says he usually gets up at 4 to train), he makes you coffee in his obnoxiously expensive Nespresso machine. You flirt with him some more as you stumble back into your heels and wait for a car to arrive. Jamie walks you to the door in nothing but his briefs and kisses you so intensely that the driver actually tuts when you slide into the car, cheeks flushed and a smile firmly affixed to your face. 
He texts you later that day, a cheeky message asking to see you again soon with an appalling amount of emojis and as you feel your face heat up again, it finally hits you. 
The worst thing about Jamie Tartt is that you could very easily fall in love with him. 
Pls don’t delete my story readmore
Comments/reblogs are very much appreciated!
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haerinari · 6 months
Second chance to love — Yang Jeongin
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sypnosis. falling in love with your ex-boyfriend is not something that people usually do. Yang Jeongin was your first love, a sweet boy that you met on high school, on your senior year. Your relationship with him was almost perfect, until he entered JYP company to became a trainee. The time wasn't enough, it was hard to see each other, and finally your relationship with him came to an end. But was it really the end? Or would both of you could finally make it?
genre. fluff, exes to friends to lovers, idol au, both are trainees under JYP, here both ITZY and SKZ are in their trainee era, SKZ debut first, ITZY’s debut don’t appear on the story.
wordcount. super long (sorry)
warnings. cursing, lots of time skips, kissing, not a make up session but almost (they got caught by hyunjin), maybe everything happens very fast.
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Following your dreams and finding love at the same time was something that Yang Jeongin, at a very young age, found very complicated.
Since he was a kid, he knew that his dream was to become a performer, a singer. He dreamed about being on stage dancing and singing with all he had. Jeongin had his plan to become an idol very clear, finishing school with good grades and then making an audition to reach his dreams..
Or at least that was his plan until you came into his life.
You were a pretty young girl that caught Jeongin's attention the moment you entered his class. Pretty eyes, black hair, and that beautifull smile Jeongin loved so much. You started talking to him because your teacher made you sit exactly next to him, everyone was sitting in pairs and that was the only space left. Jeongin through your eyes was a very beautiful boy that had an extremely funny and cute personality. Hi foxy eyes that had an special sparkle every time he looked at you and that smile with braces that made him look ten times more adorable tan he was.
You got along with him pretty good, always working together on the assignments and helping each other when it was needed. He felt for you first, clearly. His heart beating faster every single day he saw you entering the class, the way his body felt when you gave him a hug, or maybe how your smile made his day happier.
Of course you also fell in love with Jeongin, it was almost impossible not to. He was always checking on you, offering you his help with the homework or sharing his food with you. You started noticing his feelings due to he was always watching you in class, sometimes he even put his elbow closer to yours to make some type of contact between you two. He was very bad at hiding it, but you didn't mind to show it. So one day, you decided that it was time to tell the boy about how you felt about him, and so you did.
Jeongin and you dated for a few months, everything was perfect, or that was what you thought.
Jeongin had a very hard and busy life. He had tell you about his dream of becoming an idol, and of course that you decided to support him on everything you could. Jeongin passed the audition to become a trainee under JYP entertainment, and that took all the time he had left.
You knew that you wouldn’t be allowed to see him that much, and that was something Jeongin didn’t like. With all the pain on his heart, one day he told you to see him on the park, and that was the day that you broke up.
—Is not that i don’t love you any more— he said. —I don’t want to make you wait for me, i love you, but i really want this, and i wish i had more time to go out with you, but i don’t. I don’t want to lose you, i want to be with you for the rest of my life, but i don’t have enough time—
—It’s okay— you said with tears in your eyes. —I understand, and i really want you to complete this dream of yours. I love you too Jeongin, you are my first and only love. I’ll be watching for you, and i’ll be your number 1 fan when you make your debut— you giggled.
—Thanks for everything y/n, i really appreciate that you understand. But still, i’ll be wattinng for you always, and if life gives me the chance, i promise i will make you fall in love with me again if it’s necessary.— he said, making you smile.
—Good luck, Jeongin. I hope i can see you later—you hugged him.
And that was the last time that you saw your one true love.
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—fuck! i’m going late!— you exclaimed.
it was actually really funny how you ended up in this situation that you never imagined you would be. everything started when you were on the supermarket two weeks ago, with both of your airpods plugged in your ears while “I can’t stop me” from twice was playing. you were singing quietly (or that’s what you thought) and doing some moves of the choreo while you were searching for meat to eat at dinner.
when suddenly, a young woman around 34 years old tapped your back calling your attention. she said that she has being hearing you sing all this time and that you had a very powerful voice.
—is this a joke?— you said to her.
she told you that she work on an idol company and that they would had auditions soon. the woman gave you a piece of paper with the location, date, and hour of the audition, and that’s when you realized that it wasn’t a joke.
“JYP ENTERTAINMENT” why was the name so familiar to you?
and today was finally the day. you had prepared yourself for the past weeks to this moment. the song you decided to perform on the audition was “I can’t stop me” the same song that the woman heard you sing. that was the song that called her attention, so maybe it would also call the attention of the judges. actually, you didn’t know why you were putting this much effort in something like this. you never thought of becoming an idol or being a trainee, but maybe it would be fun, so… why not?
the building was very big, glass doors and poster of groups like twice, wonder girls and 2PM decorating all the inside of the building, it was amazing. there was around 20 boys and girls making the line that you supposed that it was to make the audition, all of them warming up their voices or dancing softly trying to remember every single step.
—hello!— said a girl.
—hi!— you replied with a smile. —my name is yuna, what’s yours?—
—i’m y/n, nice to meet you— you said. —nice to meet you too. what category are you auditioning for?— she asked. —singing—
—wow, that’s cool, i’m doing dancing. my dream is to be an idol and i think today would bring a great opportunity for me— yuna said. —i hope that you pass the audition, you look very confident, yuna— you replied.
—thanks y/n, i hope that you pass the audition too—
time passed and the line became shorter every single time, girls coming in with a smile and coming out crying, boys with sad faces, and people that could make it. yuna had left you a few minutes before, but she never came back. you were nervous as fuck. it was almost you time, and you were starting to panic.
—come in please— a woman told you.
you entered the room, a white room with a microphone on the center and three people sitting one a desk in front of you.
—choi y/n?— a man asked. —yes sir, hello— you said doing a reverence.
—my name is Park Jinyoung, this is Kang Minjin and this is Seo Jaerin, and we will be de judges today. okay?— he said. —yes—
—perfect! so now, you can start—
you took the microphone on your hands, and with that, the music began to sound. you sang with all you had, feeling the rhythm of the music and doing every note perfect. you saw park jinyoung face while you were singing, jaw open almost hitting the floor. that’s a good sign, you thought.
—you did it amazing— he said when the song ended. —you have an amazing and powerful voice that we will appreciate a lot. welcome to JYP entertainment, y/n—
—oh my god, thank you so much— you replied with a big smile on your face. —go and sit with the other girls that are on the next room, i’ll be with you on a second.—
—yes sir, and thank you again— you bowed.
you walked to the other room, seeing yuna sitting on a couch with other five girls around her.
—y/n!— she exclaimed. —you did it! i’m so happy for you—
—i’m so happy for you too, yuna. i knew that you would pass the audition— you replied.
—let me introduce you our new friends… this is yeji, this is ryujin, here is chaeryeong, and this is lia—
—nice to meet you all— you said with a smile.
—i’m glad we are all going to be friends— yeji said.
—yeah, me too— chae expressed. —i was scared that you girls would be rude or something like that—
—of course not. i knew that we would all be pretty and kind— lia said.
—i like this group— ryujin said smiling.
—i like it too— you said.
—hello again, girls— park jinyoung said entering the room once again. —i hope that you already had time to meet each other. but well, let’s start! all of you had been selected thanks to your incredible abilities in the categories of dancing, singing, and rapping. the six of you would form a group called ITZY, and your trainee period would started tomorrow. for now, i would have another group of trainees that would show you the building. tomorrow, all of you would have a room assigned and your dancing classes would start at 8:00 am. and now, i would leave you with our oldest group of trainees, stray kids.—
just after he said that a group of eight boys came through the door. all of them were wearing black clothes and they all had a smile on their faces.
they boys formed on line, allowing you and you friends to looked at heir faces. and…
oh for the love of god.
your eyes got wide open, jaw almost hitting the floor, and a gesture of surprise on your face. you couldn’t believe it. you were seeing Jeongin, the Jeongin that you broke up with three years ago. except that this time he was taller and his features were a little different.
—hi girls! my name is Bang Chan and i’m the leader of the group— he said with a smile. —This are Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmim, and this is our maknae Je-
—Jeongin…— you said finishing his sentence.
his name escaped from your lips, the smile the boy had disappeared and a expression of surprise and confusion invaded his face. he took a second to analyze if it was really you, the girl he had love so much in the past. he saw your face, your eyes that he loved so much, it was really you.
—Uhmm, excuse me, i have to go to the bathroom!— Jeongin said quickly while leaving the room.
—do you know him?— chaeryeong whispered in your ear.
—i will tell you later— you answered.
—Excuse him, but any ways, we’re going to show you the building— chan said.
yeji, ryujin, chaeryeong, lia, yuna, and you followed the 8 boys through all the building. it was vey big, it had a lot of rooms that they said were to practice dance, some of them were con singing, and they were also “classes” for the foreigners trainees to study korean.
jeongin never came back, you wonder why. you haven’t see him in a long time, of course you were over him already, but watching him again made you feel some kind of nostalgic feeling.
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the next day you arrived half and hour early to the JYP building, you wanted to have some time to prepare yourself before the practices started, so you did.
you were walking in the hallway when suddenly someone bumped into you.
—oh, i’m so sorry! are you okay?— you asked.
—Yeah, yeah, i’m fi- y/n?— oh, it was jeongin.
—yes, uhmm i’m sorry, i wasn’t looking were i was going— he said awkwardly.
—it’s okay—
actually, all this situation is awkward.
—and… how have you been?— you said.
—really good actually, you? i never imagine seeing you here— jeongin answered.
—pretty good— you smiled. —i never thought of myself being here either—
—well, if you are here is for a reason. why do you audition for?—
—i did singing—
—oh wow, i did singing to get here too—
—ahh yes, yes—
the atmosphere was awkward, both of you just staring at each other without saying something. jeongin’s eyes looking directly at yours, and that familiar feeling that you felt long time ago coming one again into your body.
—i have to go practice so…—Jeongin said with putting his hands in the back of his neck.
—oh yeah, me too— you told him.
—see you around, y/n—
—bye jeongin—
you turned your back and started walking on the hall again, jeongin watching you from behind. he shake his head, what was he thinking? he was going to keep walking when suddenly Minho and Hyunjin appear in front of him.
—If you were trying to flirt with her, you have to try better— hyunjin joked.
—shut up— jeongin said.
—how didn’t you notice hyunjin?— minho asked the other boy. —that’s y/n, the girl that jeongin wouldn’t stop talking when we meet him—
—holy crap, are you trying to flirt with your ex-girlfriend?—
—okey stop, we have to go to practice or Bang Chan hyung is going to kill us— jeongin said in annoyance.
—whatever— minho answer.
of course that jeongin was over you too, but seeing your pretty face again made him question all his feelings.
this is stupid, he thought.
seeing his ex-girlfriend from three years ago and re-thinking if he was really over you was stupid, but the way his heart beat faster the second you looked at him was making him insane.
jeongin walked with his other team member to the practice room, watching how the others were memorizing the new dance moves that they learned yesterday.
—guys, guess what! jeongin was talking to y/n on the hall a few minutes ago!— hyunjin exclaimed loudly.
—hyunjin!? why are you so–
—y/n? the girl that we met yesterday?—changbin asked.
—the one that had pretty eyes— felix said.
—You saw her for 2 minutes and now you are in love with her?— han joked.
—god, save me— jeongin said quietly.
—guys, guys— chan started talking. —y/n is jeongin’s ex-girlfriend, he used to tell us about her all the time, remember? now stop bordering out poor maknae—
—ohh so that’s y/n— seungin commented. —she looks like a nice girl—
—she is— the younger affirmed. —or she was, i don’t know, i haven’t talk to her in a while…—
—let’s talk about this later and start practicing, okay?— chan said.
—yes— they all responded.
on your side, everything was going perfectly. practice had started a while ago and know you were on a break.
—i’m so tired!— lia said sitting on the floor.
—i knew that this was going to be har, but not that hard— yuna said.
—my legs hurt—
—mines too—
—let’s do something fun to know each other better— chae suggested, sitting in the floor. —yesterday, when the boys were showing us the building, y/n recognized one of them—
—oh yeah, i remember— yeji said.
—who was him y/n?— ryujin asked.
—oh girls— you said resting in the floor. —his name is Yang Jeongin, and he was más first and only love—
—awww really?—
—that is so cute—
—yeah, we broke up three years ago because he wanted to chase his dream of becoming an idol, but i didn’t have in mind that i would become one too— you explained.
—and how has being seeing him again after three years?— yuna asked.
—well, i don’t know. he has changed a lot, he got a lot taller, and he is more…—
—handsome?— yeji suggested.
—okey, i think is time to go back to practice— you said standing up.
—but i want to hear the story!— chae protested.
—uh-uh, time to dance!—
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next day after practice, you went to the cafeteria to eat lunch. you decided to buy the half of sandwich and a bottle bottle of water. the sandwich was actually really good, even though you could not eat it constantly due to your diet, one time would not affect that much.
you were eating peacefully when suddenly someone sat next to you. it was jeongin.
—hi y/n— he said with a little smile.
—hey jeongin, how are you?— you answered softly.
—i brought you this— the boy said giving you two slices of pizza.
—thank you innie, but i can’t eat them. i’m on diet you know— you told him with lame.
—you haven’t call me innie in a long time…— he said giggling.
you only called jeongin “innie” when he was your boyfriend. it was a cute nickname that you decide to put him, and since then, you only called him that.
—i only called you that when, you know…— you said.
—when what?—he asked with a smirk. —when i was you boyfriend— he said getting closer to you.
this jeongin was very different that the one that you met days ago, the jeongin who literally went running to the bathroom when he saw you.
—yes, that. when you were my boyfriend— you told him a little embarrassed.
—remember that day, when we had to broke up because i wanted to follow my dream?—
—i told him that if life gave me the opportunity, i would make you fall in love with me again—
—jeongin, that happen a lot tim—
—no, i made you a promise. and i’m going to keep it— he interrupted.
a message from the group chat of ITZY appeared on your phone, it was yeji saying that lunch time was over and that practice was going to begin in 5 minutes. thanks god, because you were about to go running from this situation.
—innie, i have to go, lunch time is over and yeji is calling us to go back— you said standing up from the table.
—take the pizza with you, i will eat the sandwich. don’t do hard diets, i don’t want you to feel bad, you look perfect like this— he said.
you felt butterflies on your stomach, the jeongin whom you fall in love with was making you feel this familiar sensation again.
—y-yeah, i’ll se you later jeongin— you took the slices of pizza and the water bottle and started walking away.
—see you later y/n. and remember! i will make you fall for me again no matter what!— he said loudly with a clear smile on his face.
you almost got out of the cafeteria running, this mixed feeling of joy and confusion hitting hard on your body. you started walking faster to the practice room, you had to tell the girls. you opened the door, seeing yeji stretching with chaeryeong and lia, and ryujin chasing yuna all over the room.
—oh. my. god girls, i have to tell y’all something!!— you said with excitement in your voice.
—what is it!?— yuna said and paused running.
—it’s about jeongin…—
—oh hell yes!!— chaeryeong exclaimed loudly.
—tell us y/n, what is it?— lia asked with curiosity.
—okey so, i’m gonna tell y’all the story from the beginning. so, when i was on my senior year i met jeongin at my school. he was the sweetest boy ever, i sat with him every single day, he was always helping me and we also did the assignments together. until one day i started noticing that he was behaving a little more… different, he was always trying to keep physical contact with me and he also keep looking at me always. until one day i heard one of our classmates, beomgyu, literally saying out loud that he liked me. after that i discovered that i also liked him, so i decided to confess. everything went great and we started dating, we were very happy, but he wanted to become a trainee here and he didn’t had a lot of time for me, so we decide that it was best for both of us to broke up… that day, he made me a promise, he said that if life put me on his path again, he would made me fall in love with him again. and here we are…
—awww that’s so cute— yeji said in awe.
—and what are you feeling no?— ryujin asked you.
—i don’t know girls… i loved jeongin on the past with all my heart, he was my first love. but, i haven’t see him in three years, three years.—
—do you think you could give him another opportunity?— lia said.
—y/n, literally since the day you saw him your face changed completely. your eyes sparkle every single time you see him.— chae told you.
—y/n and jeongin forever!– yuna screamed.
—shhh yuna!— you said laughing—should i give him another opportunity?— you asked them.
—if your heart tell you to give him another opportunity, then do it—
—you said that he was your first love, he will always have an especial part of your heart— lia said.
—just make sure pd-nim doesn’t notice it, remember we are not allowed to date here—
—oh shit, i almost forgot that— you said hitting your face with the palm of your hand. —should i tell him to see each other after practice ends?—
—yesss!— they answered.
the four girls sat behind your back, poking out their faces over your shoulders to read the conversation you were about to have with jeongin.
“Innie 💞” you read the name, after your broke up you never changed his name.
you entered the chat and started typing.
Innie 💞
–hey innie
-do you want to meet me out of the building after practice?
literally two seconds after you pressed the “send” button, he was typing his answer.
Innie 💞
-sure, of course! i was going to tell you but i’m glad you did first, does this mean my plan is working?
-hahaha, see you later! 🫶🏼
—i can’t believe i just did that— you told the girls.
—okey, y/n and jeongin going back mode, is activated— ryujin said.
—you will have to look stunning later, we will help you to get ready— said chaeryeong.
—aww thank you girlies—
—for now let’s keep practicing— the leader, yeji said. —when we finish, we can help y/n get ready for her date with jeongin—
you and the girls keep practicing this new choreography that you had learned. the song name was “DALLA DALLA” and this was supposed to be the song for your debut. after four long hours of dancing and singing, the time to meet with jeongin had arrived. you took a shower and washed your face, you had sweat a lot due to dancing so you wanted to make sure that you smelled good. after you got out of the shower you dried your hair and straightened it a bit.
the other five girls were searching for your clothes, they choose a cargo pant with a pretty top and the shoes. chae and lia helped you to get your make up done, just putting some mascara, highlighter on the corner of your eyes, and blush while yeji and ryujin were doing your hair. meanwhile, yuna was searching for some perfume to put on.
—your hair is ready— yeji said proudly. her and ryujin had make a pretty braid that made your hair look amazing.
—is actually really good— ryujin said giving it the final touches.
—your make up is also done!— chae told you.
—you look gorgeous, y/n—
—thanks lia— you said with a smile. —thanks for helping me girls, you are all the best—
—no problem y/n, any time— the leader said.
—i find this perfume— yuna said with a small bottle on her hands. —it’s smells reeeeaaaally good—
—thanks yuna!—
when everything was ready, you thanked the girls once again and then got out of the building. it was around 6:30pm, and the weather was starting to get really, really cold. how could i forget my sweater? you thought to yourself. minutes later of waiting there, you saw jeongin figure coming out of the building. he had a grey and blue sweater and some jeans, his hair was messy and he was also wearing black glasses.
—sorry if i made you wait for too long— the boy apologized. —i had to make an excuse so bang chan hyung let me skip practice—
—you haven’t finish practice?— you asked him.
—we will be making our debut soon, so we have to practice harder.— jeongin explained.
—right, if you want we can meet another da-
—no! no, don’t worry. i can’t miss this— he answered with a smile. —do you want to walk?—
—sure— you replied.
—so… how have you been?—
—really good, actually. i’m still adapting to all of this you know, sometimes is hard to train all the time. i feel exhausted sometimes— you told him.
—yeah, i get it. it happened to me too, but you will adapt soon or later, is just matter of time—
—i hope so… but i also like being here, i met my teammates and they are amazing. they are like my new sisters, they are so sweet—
—in my case they are also like my brothers— he laughed. —they said i’m their baby bread, so they’re always bothering me—
—that’s cute— you laughed at the nickname.
—and what, do you have a new boyfriend?—he asked.
—damm, you have no filter Yang Jeongin. always going straight to the point—
—you know how i am. so…?—
—i don’t have a boyfriend, yang. i don’t have time for that—
—you haven’t been with anyone since, you know… we broke up?—
—noup, no one. how about you?—
—nah, before you came here i always expected you to send me a text or something—
—i didn’t because i really wanted you to be here, to make your dream true. and if you really wanted me to text you, why didn’t you text me neither?— you asked with curiosity.
—i was really shy at that moment, y/n. i couldn’t even hold your hand without getting all red— he giggled.
—i remember that— you said laughing. —every time i gave you a kiss you would get all shy and flustered—
—but i’ve grown up, and now i don’t get shy—
—really?— you said stopping walking.
—really. do you wanna try?—
he also stopped walking, looking deep into your eyes and then your lips. you got closer to him, faces inches from each other, lips almost touching. you saw how he closed his eyes, waiting to feel your lips against his, but in never happened.
—good luck next time, innie— you said in a whisper and continued walking.
—oh come on!— jeongin exclaimed.
—if you want to get back with me, you will have to try harder— you laughed.
—does this mean there is possibility for us getting back?—
—i never said that—
—i told you that i would make you fall in love with me again no matter what.— he said and you turned to look at him. —i never stopped loving you, y/n, you were my first love. and you have no idea of how hard it was for me to leave you. i don’t care how much time it takes, i’ll get back with you. and do you know how do i know it? because if you didn’t have the same intention, we wouldn’t be here right now—
you had to admit it, you never stopped loving jeongin. the way he made you fell all the time was a feeling that nobody else could make you feel. how his arms around your body made you feel save, how his eyes always looked at you with love and admiration.
you stand there for a few seconds, analyzing what he just said. you walked in front of him, he was still the pretty boy that you met in your senior year. the pretty boy whom you fall in love with all your heart, the boy that made you feel butterflies in your stomach every time he looked at you.
you took his face between your hands, finally getting closer and pressing your lips against his. the new sensation but the unforgettable feeling of his lips pressed against yours made you fell like heaven. his hands went to your waist, pulling you closer to his body, trying to feel every inch of you.
you were the one that broke the kiss, his eyes sparkling like stars, and a big smile present on his face.
—i never stopped loving you either— you whispered on his lips. —you don’t have to make me fall for you again, because my heart has been always your Yang Jeongin—
—you don’t have any idea of how long i’ve been waiting for this— he said smiling. —i promise that this time is going to be different, we practically live on the same building right now. and i swear that this time, nothing is going to make me leave you again—
his lips met yours one again, forming another kiss that was full of love and reliving sensations from the past. jeongin was your first love, how can you resist to him?
—it’s getting cold right now— he said with his hands still on your waist.
—i know, i’ve been freezing all this time— you confessed.
—why didn’t you tell me?— jeongin asked with a worried voice. —i could have give you my sweater—
—it’s okay innie, we should probably go back to the building—
—do you want to drink hot chocolate at the cafeteria? i know is your favorite, is it?—
—of course it is, i love it!—
—let’s go then—
You and Jeongin walked towards the building once again. hands touching occasionally until jeongin finally decided to take yours. It was like his hand was made perfectly to hold yours, his fingers intertwined with yours, making the situation even more adorable.
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—…and that’s what happen…
Chae 💘— OMGGG!!!
Yeji 🌷— i knew it!
Lía 💋— i was sure
that you guys were going to kiss
Ryujin 😍— yuna you owe me
5000 wons
Yuna 🩵— NOOO 😭😭
—do you guys made a bet? hahaha
Ryujin 😍— yep, and yuna just lost.
Yeji 🌷— btw girls, practice
is cancelled today. rest well!
you locked your phone, thanks god practice got cancelled today. today the weather was very cold, but you decided to get up from bed and go to the JYP building. even tho you didn’t had practice, you wanted to see Jeongin.
you took a shower and changed into a black hoodie and grey sweatpants. the building was near your dorm, so it was actually very easy to get there. you got in, saying hello in a polite way to every worker in the building. what you didn’t expect was to see JYP-nim on the hall.
—y/n, what are you doing here? practice for you was cancelled today— he said with a little smile.
—oh uhmm… i thought it would be great if i came here and practice a little more to be ready when we make our debute— you lied.
—what a wonderful girl! that’s the attitude i’m looking for, good luck with your practice— he said and then leaved.
whoosh, you almost got caught.
you went up in the elevator, going to the 6 floor and walking to the stray kids practice room. you could hear the music from the room, they were playing “Hellevator” one of their pre-debut releases.
you opened the door, hoping to see the entire group dancing, but instead of that, you only saw jeongin.
a big smile appeared on his face, he was dressed on a white t-shirt and some grey pants similar to yours. he had his hair all messy, small drops of sweat coming down his face due to the effort he was making.
—hi innie— you said with a smile. —can i come in?—
—of course baby, what are you doing here?—
baby… did he just called you baby?
—practice was cancelled for me today— you said closing the door behind you. —and i wanted to see you…—
—aww you miss me— jeongin said hugging you by the waist. —you know you’re always welcome here—
—and where are the others?— you asked.
—they’re gone for some minutes…—
—i se-
you couldn’t finish the sentence, jeongin’s lips were already over yours. his soft lips making you remember the kiss from yesterday. one of his hands was on the back of your neck while the other one was on your waist. the kiss was getting a little more intense, and the atmosphere was starting to get hotter.
jeongin’s body was pressed against yours, the pressure making you walk backwards. you knew that he was making this on purpose when you felt the cold wall hit your back. your hands travelled from his chest you his abdomen, his tongue licking softly your lower lip through the kiss.
your hands lifted up his shirt a bit, allowing you to fell his abs and chest muscles. both of jeongin’s hands were now on your hips, making circles and trying to pull you closer to the lower part of his body. you were the one that broke the kiss, trying to calm yourself down because the heat on your body was growing faster and faster.
—why’d you stop?— he asked, his lips all shiny and red because of the previous actions.
—your friends can come in any second— you said, voice all shaky and trying to catch air.
—i told you, they won’t come in a while— he explained.
this time you didn’t even had time to answer, his lips were devouring yours once again. he kissed your lips, then your jaw, and going down your neck. at this point you weren’t giving a shit if the other members came in. jeongin’s hands went under your black hoodie, the contact of his cold fingers over your soft and warm skin making you shiver.
oh shit, it was hyunjin.
—shit, shit, fuck!— jeongin said pulling your hoodie down again.
—oh god, this can’t be happening— you said in panic.
—what’s going on here?— the leader of stray kids said opening the door.
—and why does hyunjin look traumatized?— seungmin asked.
—y/n? what are you doing here?— felix said in confusion.
—uh-uhmm i was…—
—THEY WERE HAVING SEX!— hyunjin exclaimed once again.
—shut your mouth up— jeongin told him. —we were just talking about something…—
—i bet that our little innie isn’t hungry anymore— changbin joked and jeongin gave him a bad look.
—stooop, please— he replied to him.
—well, let’s forget about this, okay?— lee know said. —we should probably eat—
—yeah, the food is getting cold— han spoke.
—of you want to stay, you can y/n, you are always welcome— felix said with a smile.
—thanks felix—
—we brought pizza, jeongin told us that it was your favorite—
—i really like it, but i’m on a diet—
—it’s okay to eat pizza some times, y/n— chan said. —it’s okay, don’t worry—
—okey but, eat the pizza, not our little jeongin— hyunjin finally spoke.
—al right, al right— you laughed.
you ate with them and spend the rest of the afternoon there. after eating you and jeongin told the boys about the what was happening between you two, you told them about how he was your boyfriend on your senior year and how you guys went back together.
after that they teach you some dance moves of the song of their debut and then jeongin took you home, saying goodbye with a soft kiss and a long tight hug. after leaving you on your dorm he went back to the building, the day was over for you but not for him. the stray kids debut was less than a month so everything had to be perfect.
jeongin went back to the room, seeing lee know helping the others with the final touches of the choreo.
—jeongin can i talk to you for a sec?— chan asked the maknae of the group.
—sure hyung, is something wrong?— jeongin asked worried.
—it’s about y/n–
—i know that you really like her, and i also know that she is very important and special to you. but i need you to remember that you are going to become an idol in less than a month, i need you to be really focus at this point of your career. does JYP-nim knows about you and her?—
—no— the boy answered.
—okey, make sure you don’t get caught, because if you do, you’ll get in a lot of trouble— chan said palming his shoulder.
—yes, thank hyung— jeongin smiled.
—your welcome, kid—
—oh, i almost forget it! i need your help with something, it’s about y/n—
—what is it?—
—i need your help to make a plan to ask her to be my girlfriend…—
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a month has passed and the debut of Stray Kids couldn’t be more successful. talking about your relationship with jeongin, this last month has been totally amazing. even tho JYP-nim still knew nothing, always at the end of the day jeongin took you to little dates. when he couldn’t wait to see you at noon, he escaped from his practice to go to yours, giving you and the other five girls a bottle of water and some chocolates to keep your levels of sugar high.
the girls liked jeongin (mostly because he gave them snacks all the time) but also because they always see how happy you were with him. jeongin loved you, and a lot.
talking about all this thing of the debate, yours was also very close (let’s pretend that they trained for more than three months idk) your debut album was called “IT’z Different” and the title track was “DALLA DALLA” a song that was mostly about loving yourself. all of your group liked a lot the song, the choreography was fun and energetic, and all of you had enough time to show your vocal and rap skills.
today was saturday, and was your free day. about 2 weeks ago you and the girls started living together, and it was the most fun thing ever. at the beginning everything was an absolutely mess, but now the rooms were clean and everyone had their own room. yesterday jeongin told you to go out on a date and 1pm, and luckily you had enough time to get ready.
after eating breakfast with the girls, yeji and lia went to the store to buy some things while ryujin, yuna, and you stayed as the dorm. you washed the dishes and then went to take a shower, you washed all your body and hair to be perfectly clean for the date. you choose a white dress with small flowers in it, you dried and curled you hair a little bit and finally the makeup. now was 12:30, wow, times flies so fast.
yo took a taxi to go to the park, that was like your special place with jeongin, and you loved to go there and spend time with him. the day was sunny, and when you arrived the sun was hitting softly the grass of the park. you saw jeongin on one side, you got out of the taxi and almost run into him. he was looking so cute.
—hi innie— you said with a bright smile.
—hi pretty, you look gorgeous today—
—thanks— you blushed. —you look pretty cute too—
—let’s go, okey?— jeongin smiled
jeongin took your hand kindly and started walking to green area of the park.
—now, i need you to close your eyes— he said standing behind you, putting his arms in your shoulders.
—why?—you laughed.
—just to it, you’ll see— he repeated.
he placed both of his hands on your eyes, his voice guiding you so you didn’t fall with anything, then he stopped.
—can i open my eyes now—you asked him.
—yep— jeongin said getting of his hands from your eyes.
there was a pretty red and white blanket, with food and drinks in it, something that looked like a present, a cake, more snacks, and heart shaped balloons.
—oh my god jeongin, did you did all that?— you asked with surprise, it was absolutely beautiful.
—yes, with a little bit of help of the guys, do you like it?— he giggled.
—of course i like it! i love it!— you exclaimed, then, giving him a kiss.
—sit, i brought all your favorite snacks. and oh! the cake is red velvet, you favorite—
—aww you’re so sweet innie— you sat on the blanket, admiring one more thine how beautiful all this looked.
jeongin sat besides you, ha gave you food and drinks while you guys joked around. he told you about how nervous he was on his debut, but that now he was very confident because he had all the support of STAY. you told him about how you were feeling recently with all this situation of the ITZY debut, you were actually very nervous, and you were scared that the people didn’t like you, or worst, didn’t like the song. you guys also talked about how happy you felt with each other, jeongin told you the story about how it was living without your presence when he started with JYP, but how also he talked with the boys about you all the time. you also told him how you ended here, the story of you singing on the store. jeongin couldn’t stop laughing, how can you even be recruited this way?
you spent all the afternoon doing one of your favorite things in the world, talking and eating with jeongin. just having him around could make you fell things no one could make you feel ever, and the way he looked at you with those eyes yes and his dimples showing every time he laughed, were almost making you melt.
—i have something to give you— jeongin said giving you the present that you saw before.
—what is it?— you asked in curiosity.
—open it—
you opened the box, seeing the inside decorated with a lot of photos of you and him and also some chocolates. there was also a white bracelet with a heart in it, very similar to the one he was wearing, except his was black. at the bottom of the box was a letter, you were just about to read it when jeongin spoke quickly.
—no! don’t open it here— he said trying to get the letter from your hands.
—why?— you smiled.
—because i’m gonna get all shy and then i won’t be able to talk properly, and i have things left to say— he said blushing.
—fine, but the second by feet hit my dorm, i will read it— you said.
—okey, okey—
—thank you very much innie— you said giving him a tight hug, smiling his cologne. —you didn’t have to all this for me, you’re the best—
—i love with all my heart, that’s why i did it— he said kissing your forehead. —i have also something to tell you…—
—what it is?—
—uhmm i don’t know if i should say it— jeongin told you hiding his face on the crook of your neck.
—just say it, innie. what happened to the “i’m not shy anymore” jeongin, huh?— you laughed.
—okey fine— he said finally looking at you eyes. —okey, uhmm… so, i just wanted to tell you that this last months with you had probably been the most happiest months of my life. i really, really like you y/n, and having the chance to be with you again is absolutely incredible. in my eyes you are the most beautiful, amazing, and kind girl of the world, and of course that you already have my entire heart. when we were on our senior year i always used to say that you were my first love and that if it wasn’t with you, it wasn’t with nobody else, and i was right. my eyes and heart only have space for you, you are my first love and hopefully the last one, and i hope that i have a lot time left with you. y/n, you were the one that showed me how was to feel loved, how was to have someone that felt the same things towards you. the words “i love you” don’t mean nothing compared to how i feel about you. i never stopped loving you, and i promise you that i won’t stop never, you have no idea of how perfect and beautiful you are through my eyes…—
you felt the heat growing up your cheeks, you heart was beating like crazy due to jeongin’s words. you were going to melt right there, his eyes watching you softly while his hand was holding yours. It was only a matter of time before you started crying.
—innie, i-
—y/n…— he cut you off. —can you give me a second chance? can i be your boyfriend?—
oh god, it was happening.
you stare at him for a few seconds, analyzing his expression with fear in his eyes. reality hit you in that moment, of course you wanted to be his girlfriend.
—of course that i want to be with you— you said with the biggest smile you ever had. —you are my first love jeongin, and i’m in love with you again, i love you too—
—really!?— the boy exclaimed with happiness, sitting in front of you.
—of course, silly— your hands cupped his cheeks, watching carefully the expression of joy in his eyes.
—oh my god, i got so scared for a moment because you didn’t say anything! i love you so, so, so much—
jeongin took you by the waist, pulling your bodies closer and finally connecting them with a kiss. this time kissing him felt different, it felt more special, more beautiful. his lips felt so soft into yours, the red velvet flavor hitting your mouth every time your tongs touch each other.
—I— kiss —LOVE— kiss —YOU— kiss, he said in your lips.
—believe me innie…—you giggled. —i love you more— you kissed him again.
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