#the worst way to waste time
why-the-heck-not · 2 months
a productive all-nighter starts by making a clear to do list & getting to work spending an hour or so searching for the music that hits the vibe just right
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pinatadulce · 5 months
I hate my brain (+ ship 'art')
Me: OK brain, we're supposed to finish at least making some sketches and writing some sentences for the Welcome Home AU idea that's been on my mind since December, right?
Brain: Yes.
Me: Good, so...can we please prioritize that and get to work on making, drawing, and writing the AU, please?
Brain: No. ❤️
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I come across old Peanuts clip scenes on YouTube and immediately forget about the AU and when I snap out of it I realize I spent 3 hours on drawing ship art instead of progressing????
Does anyone want to trade brains plz
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If u ever feel sad or useless just remember I keep procrastinating on my AU and ended up drawing ship art instead. ♡
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forcedhesitation · 6 months
this undeniably has to be one of the worst opinions I've seen about this season. like out of the plentiful failures season 4 had... you really couldn't choose one to talk about? max's mental health was one of the only things that I felt season 4 handled pretty damn well.
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I do think it could have been better written, yes. the ending of her arc in season 4 was....insulting at best.
but overall? the show does a great job of addressing that max actually hated billy (she literally fucking admits to wishing for his death) and that her grief is more complicated than just missing a person. because she wasn't missing a person! she was ultimately glad billy was gone. but even in death, he torments her.
she watched a person she grew up with be brutally murdered by some fleshy abomination, RIGHT in front of her. her shitbag step father bailed on her and her mother after billy died, forcing them to move to the trailer park. her mother abuses alcohol and is never home because she's always working so they can afford to live in the trailer park. her friend group has been split in two by the byers moving away, which took el away from her too. she doesn't know how to reach out to lucas, deep down doesn't feel she deserves his love & concern, despite lucas' best efforts (vecna literally taunts her with lucas turning on her at the final confrontation). she wished so badly to have someone like steve in billy, but she knows that billy would never be that person. he was the complete opposite & she can't just have steve in his place. she mourns the brother she never had. she is devastated by the way billy still hurts her, even after he's gone.
she's what. fourteen??? when this all happens?
like the death of an abuser is never so simple as "hooray! I am so very joyous now that the source of my pain is gone!" the damage an abuser inflicts on you is not some cut to the skin that can be healed and one day forgotten. it's so much more tortuous than that. especially for a child.
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ok, I know I complained about Starfield for a severe lack of quality of life features, and a truly arbitrary and soul-crushing grind, but I decided to go back to try and fix some of these issues with console commands. I was only... partly successful, but at least I did learn how to force an alternate universe of my choice. And this one has... two Lorres?? D: Which one is me? D:
(as another angry aside, the game does give you an "alternate start" as a random chance when going through the Unity and starting a new game+. This chance is 15%. Fifteen. Percent. I'm pretty sure the game devs had to be aliens, masochists, or masochist aliens, to believe that anybody would find it worthwhile or fun to grind the game over and over for a measly 15% chance to see something new. Fuck yoooou)
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forystr · 11 months
update:I'm having to take multiple days off work unpaid for all these doctors appointments so I'm struggling for cash. I'm no longer fit to work so am seeing out the last month of my job, if you ever wanted a commission from me or have £3 to spare for my kofi, I'd really appreciate it :')
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lord-squiggletits · 9 months
So for anyone who doesn't know, in IDW1 Trypticon is actually a really interesting character. Earlier in the timeline, he's basically just an ancient evil monster that gets awakened and used as a fighting force by the Decepticons (covered by the events of Monstrosity and Primacy, although I'm not sure if he made an appearance earlier in terms of the comics' release order).
Later on in the IDW1 comics, Trypticon becomes a character with his own personality and desires as written by Barber in the Dinobot trilogy (not the phase 1 series but Punishment, Salvation, and Redemption). Basically, Trypticon is very aware of the fact that people see him as a violent monster, but he decides to abandon Cybertronian society entirely because he's tired of being used as a vehicle for others' violence. By the end of the trilogy, he actually has a new hotspot inside of him and is nurturing the next generation of protoforms within his own body. He's literally done a 180 from being a source of destruction and death to being a protective, nurturing, life-giving force. And this is interesting because, although Trypticon DID have a personality before Barber wrote him, Barber's take on Trypticon gave the "big scary Decepticon titan" a much more 3D personality that made him a person with his own goals, disinterested in the plots and schemes of others. And that's really cool!
So what ended up happening Trypticon in the finale of IDW1, Unicron?
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He gets killed off. In the background. With no one giving a shit about it. Because Barber decided it was more important that, IN THE FINALE OF THE SERIES THAT WAS ENDING IDW1 AND WOULD BE THE LAST ISSUES HE WOULD EVER WRITE, we as the viewers be subjected to a Literally Who OC that no one cares about crying and bitching about how Optimus Prime is a tyrant and a fascist. This entire panel is almost literally shot in a comedic way, like the trope of "person monologuing while something crazy happens behind them that they're completely clueless to."
Trypticon got an interesting characterization that made him more than just a monster, but I guess it was more important to kill him off in the background of a panel so that Miss Literally Nobody can waste an entire page of the LAST SERIES OF THE CONTINUITY being a whining bitch about Optimus, which by the way is what she's been doing literally this whole time since she basically exists just to complain about Optimus.
Oh and by the way, Trypticon was carrying the next generation of protoforms inside of his body, and Cybertron (plus every other colony) got destroyed during the Unicron finale, so I guess an entire fucking generation of new Cybertronians also got slaughtered in this panel. How fun and exciting! I guess putting in that really depressing character death of "man changes his ways and gets to live happily but gets killed off for shock value" was really important to put in the ending of the series to make us readers feel satisfied about our beloved story ending! Oh but not only does he die, he dies IN THE BACKGROUND PRACTICALLY AS A FOOTNOTE so that a different character no one cares about can talk about her feelings, wasting crucial time bitching about how much she doesn't like Optimus while TRYPTICON IS LITERALLY DYING BEHIND HER BUT I GUESS SLIDE IS SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT FOR US TO BE CARING ABOUT.
This is what happens when you're more concerned about huffing your own farts Writing A Theme, Man than you care about creating a satisfying ending that fans will actually enjoy lmao. Who cares about Trypticon and possibly his children that we got attached to as a result of the previous comics dying? This literal nobody who no one cares about needs to have her time in the spotlight monologuing about shit that doesn't matter while everyone around her is fucking dying.
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okay cause cheating is wrong, obviously. but some people are really out here going, no it’s okay that they’re a murderer who killed your family and ruined your life and straight up abus5ed you and also is significantly older than, no that’s okay they had a secret reason they never told you about and a tragic backstory - oh wait they cheated? how dare they????
like i’m sorry but cheating is not the worst thing in the world compared to what i listed above and sometimes in media it can actually be understandable why a character cheats but everyone calls them a monster - which yeah cheating sucks - but then turn around and in the same breath go, oh that terrible abus!ve p!ece of sh!t that’s hot and has a villain aesthetic but does sh!tty things for sh!tty reasons?? they’re my faveee how dare you hate them for valid reasons??
#this is about soooooooo many shows but i cba to tag them all#elena gilbert#delena#stelena#i hate both ships and one day ill compile my thoughts on why but BOTH brothers needed to stay the hell away from my girl#and the fandoms reaction to a traumatised teenager enrages meeeee#cause dont say you hate her and that she deserves to d!e for reaction to things like a TEENAGER would#and then turn around and go but those two brothers almost ten times her age who abuse her and treat her like sh!t#and only like her cause she looks like this girl they knew centuries ago who abused them and almost tore them apart?? oh theyre my favourit#like stfu and go rewatch the show#alsooooo#saraha cameron#my babyyyyy#my angel#my darling treasure who deserves warm hugs and fluffy blanekts for the rest of her life#cause no way you guys looked a teenage girl who was homeless and depressed and going through it who had just had the worst moment#of her LIFE thrown in her face by her HUSBAND try to go back to a time in her life when she was happy and loved and call her a b!tch#but then looked at her phycho brother who tried to DR0WN her and kill all of her friends and shot someone in front of her only to blame it#on her husband and the go oh but hes a typical moody depressed hot guy with a tragic backstory and messed up parental relationships#so i love himmmmmm 🤪#like no no no STFUUUU#also like that wasnt bad enough you then started to ship him with the girl he also tried to DROWN whos friends hes been trying to kill#like this a grown dude who likes to waste his dads money and get high and drunk going after teenagers and killing people#but you love him and then complain about said teenagers acting like teenagers?????#like no you dont deserve these shows go awayyyy
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colorful-horses · 2 years
The more I think about High Guardian Spice, the more perplexed I become
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 2 months
Hotashi one-and-doned me last night on Strive btw LOL. He was on Aba so I honestly didn't think he was gonna ready up (frankly I was hoping he wouldn't cause the man plays like a demon and scares me) and it was REALLY close! I would've been so stoked to take a game off Hotashi and then after the first one he dipped SO fast. I'm guessing the connection was dog on his end but that was one of the craziest things to happen to me playing this game. I could've scammed Hotashi. I could've gapped. I could've been annoying about it til the end of time (Note Aba Axl is extremely favorable for Axl and I still lost LOL)
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rotationalsymmetry · 11 months
I don’t know if this is what you are looking for exactly, but I enjoy writing for Postcards to Voters because they focus on non-presidential races. I am currently writing postcards against an anti-choice constitutional amendment proposition in Ohio.
I wish more people would do things like that, instead of making posts that guilt trip people for not being excited enough about voting for the Blue sexual harasser instead of the Red one.
Thank you for your highly sensible response.
I guess there's a thing where "just because someone takes 15 seconds to shoot their mouth off online about something that's annoying them doesn't mean they have the time/energy to do anything actually constructive, even more so for the people who took .5 seconds to hit reblog now on someone else's shooting their mouth of post" but I think it would be strictly better for people to spend that .5 second exerting a smidgen of self control and going "either it's actual GOTV or it's not, and if it's not I'm going to not reblog it."
And as the election is over a year away...I don't think "vote blue no matter who" is actually a Get Out The Vote action at this point in time. It's annoying enough when people do it in person but at least then there's occasionally some chance of having a reasonable discussion about it, but on social media between people who don't really know each other? Ha snowball's chance in hell.
(I haven't done Postcards to Voters the last couple years, but I did around 2019-2020 or so and they are fairly low barrier to entry as long as you have stamp money, super introvert friendly, you can be as creative or non-creative as you want to be, and as you can do it from your home on your own schedule pretty darn spoonie friendly as well. As well as covid-safe. And yes, there's a big focus on local/state campaigns, which warms my participatory democracy loving little heart.) (ughh sounds like an important campaign maybe I should pick this thing up again.)
#I did big posts arguing about this in 2000 but I felt crummy afterwards so I'd really rather not rehash all that#it's theoretically and pragmatically wrong on multiple levels#this is the internet you don't get unity#you get two splinter groups arguing the two most extreme ends of the position possible each side convinced that they are 100% right#someone who's a little bit in favor of voting blue no matter who will get downright dogmatic about it#someone who's a little bit against will end up surrounded by anarchists who think voting is a waste of time#which wouldn't be the worst outcome ever#except that as far as I can tell most of the most vocal anarchists on tumblr don't do shit except tear down democratic politicians#like ok glad you think you're right I don't want to have anything to do with you though#there's like 2-3 anarchist posters on here who actually talk about direct action and organizing and stuff -- about things people can do#I guess with the abundance of time freed up by not spending a couple hours doing research and half an hour filling out a ballot#or much much less time than that if they're voting just for the president#yup congrats you sure saved a lot of time there now you have more time to convince other people to not vote either AWESOME GOOD JOB (sarcas#on an unrelated note I really need to work on a following the local news habit#and finding some way to learn more about oakland's history since I live here now#and I know how annoying it can be when someone's trying to be active in local politics but is missing highly important context
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slaythespire · 3 months
GUARDS!!!! hes posting abt it again
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iloveyoumorethansoup · 4 months
This production is all 13 of my reasons and then some
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lesovoj · 1 year
actually cant watch any of those fancalls because i cant understand any of those cringe pick up lines when he clearly shuts you down all the time 😭 like how many im jimins wife and him ignoring it do you need to get the point like he wont entertain that.
marry me oppa??!? and him turning you down??!? thats how you want to use a minute more valuable than gold?!?! If this doesnt haunt you in therapy in the years to come idk what to say please seek help
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piduai · 6 months
i hate the points AND money system tho bc idk how the hell to grind points the same way i usually grind money (by playing koikoi and buying the most expensive item from the prizes and selling it. this is how i made insane cash for all the stupid swords in ishin until i realized you can just sell the loot drop weapons/gear from the last few levels of the dungeon of which i had so many since i beat nobuyasu like 60 times). i have a nasty feeling that once you complete all of akame's side quests and max out the point drop as it is all you'll have left is working through the completion list which is a pain. i can do the rest of that bullshit but mahjong, shogi and the arcade games is not something i'm willing to sit through i don't like them. but they're worth so much?? especially the arcade games there's like 5 different ones. do i look like i care about yakuza knockoff chun li. points+money is annoying also bc it's a double grind like girl pick a struggle. very greedy
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snapbackslide · 7 months
but like.. friday night out with my friend for ramen + a concert, saturday coffee + shopping with my mom, self-care sunday + watched the als win the grey cup, monday movie night at the theatre with mom, facetime with my guy tonight? objectively it's been a pretty good series of days
#this is what i mean when i say my physical + mental worlds never collide#when one is thriving the other is crumbling#i've been going to the gym a lot more lately and actually eating more protein#and not to be depressing but honestly no matter what i do nothing fills the hole inside#sometimes i love how sentimental i am but this is not one of those times#i keep thinking about how i might only miss the ytg concert more and more as time passes#i'm listening to the live album they released and gosh... my heart#i wish i could go back and relive it :(( wish i got to re-experience 'cult of personality' live and 'i bite' and 'tonight'#and enjoy them fully this time bc the 2nd opener kinda ruined the night for me#and i'm thinking this might also happen with the concert i went to friday#when i go into a concert nonchalantly i end up fondly missing it when it's over#and when i plan eagerly for it i get the worst post-concert depression like wtf 🤠#can my body just let me enjoy live music without all these FEELINGS#..but like i said i do like feeling this deeply about things. it's just exhausting#i want to experience life fully and these feelings allow me to do that so i'm grateful to be the way i am#i'm aware this intensity drives people away but i'm not going to tone down my passion anymore#so yea i'll keep getting lonely... but it's better than to waste my time on unworthy people#(i think i'll only feel better once my closest irl friend & i hash it out .. and that won't be for a while)#**#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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flash-from-the-past · 9 months
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Lazy Expert
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