#their relationship is so important to me
linusbenjamin · 8 months
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vash-in-the-void · 5 months
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Friends are for carrying you when you have no energy to walk on your own <3
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happycattail · 7 months
Once in a while I’ll just think about the scene when Natsume could no longer see yokai and Nyanko- sensei transformed into his true form and Natsume couldn’t see him.
The look in Madara’s eyes, the way it pans out to show Natsume surrounded by Madara but not seeing him, the utter sense of loneliness within that one scene is so fucking good.
It really just fully shows how important they are to one another. Natsume wasn’t too sad when he couldn’t see Chobihige. It’s only when he realizes he could no longer see Madara, that he finally feels that loneliness again. Similarly, the focus on Madara’s eyes and despite him not saying anything you know he’s hurt that Natsume could no longer see him.
It’s such a bittersweet but beautiful scene and whenever I think about Natsuyuu that’s one of the first image that pops in my head.
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yalster54 · 9 days
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rachel tearing up always gets me
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yume127 · 1 year
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"I’m with you.”
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anna-dreamer · 4 months
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What would happen if Elwing and Earendil were actually allowed to return to Middle-Earth? I suspect in this case Maglor and Maedhros wouldn't even have the chance to go for the silmarils, and for the better. I imagine Maglor's eleventh hour crisis to be not "but less evil shall we do in the breaking" but, shielding Maedhros from Elwing, "Smite me, Lady. It was I who took your children. My brother was against it. Shut up, Nelyo! Enough I've listened to you. Look where it brought us both. Lady, I took you sons, because I was desperate and cravenly sought redemption in all the wrong places. It was I who benefited most from the death we brought onto your people. Kill me, Lady. Let my brother go."
Day 4: Heroism/Villainy
(Though it's technically an AU and could belong to Day 6?? But heroism though, and i love my occasionally brave Maglor.)
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danny-chase · 1 year
earlier i saw a tiktok about who dc heroes admire/are fans of, or something like that, and they had listed nightwing as the person tim admires
and sooo many people in the comments kept going “im ackshually tim was a batman fanboy🤓” and it's like... sure, but tim's entire life trajectory changed because of dick… 13 yr old tim did not follow dick around with a camera, break into dick and kory's apartment, steal from his safe, and whatever else... just for people to say he was simply a batman fanboy
i will NOT stand for this erasure
No!! You shouldn't!! Because Dick is essential to Tim's story and that's the whole point!! My personal theory as to why, is probably because dc writers took note of the specific complaints about Jason Todd being "he's replacing Dick, he's not Dick Grayson" and so Tim being a Nightwing fanboy is very intentional, because it's important to pay respects to the og robin when properly handing down the mantle. Tim understanding what Robin means and how it's a tribute to Dick's family is so important! Anyways quite literally from the moment Tim met Dick his brain chemistry was just permanently altered, just look at his face shhsshhd
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Batman (1940) #441
Tim upon recieving head pats from the coolest person he's ever met: hero worship for Dick Grayson, hero worship for one thousand years!
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
But what if Robb won't pay their price? She wasn't a famous knight, and kings were supposed to put the realm before their sisters. And her lady mother, what would she say? Would she still want her back, after all the things she'd done?
--Arya IV, A Storm of Swords
Bring her home, Mance. I saved your son from Melisandre, and now I am about to save four thousand of your free folk. You owe me this one little girl.
--Jon XI, A Dance with Dragons
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lithiumcreepblog · 11 months
By the way, Max used to paint El’s nails for her but then when the Byers moved away to California, El stops painting her nails for a while. She has just lost her powers. She has just lost Hopper. She has just moved away from some of the people she loves most for a new start. She is withdrawn and coping in her own way. And that doesn’t involve having coloured nails. But then one day she sees another girl in class with her nails painted baby blue and remembers how nice it was and decides she wants her nails to be pretty again. But she doesn’t quite have a steady hand so she goes to her new family for help. And so Will, who has an artist’s hand, carefully paints El’s nails sunny yellow while Joyce compliments her and promises to join next time and Jonathan offers to take Argyle’s van to the store so El can pick out more colours. El wants to tell Max that she is painting her nails again but Max has been withdrawn and distant too. She rarely responds to El’s letters and when she does, El can feel the sadness and pain permeating through the ink even though the words are warm in nature. But El can’t do anything about it, partly because she’s thousands of miles away but also because she totally understands what Max is going through. She only hopes Max is also finding little pockets of joy in the simple things like her and her colourful nails. This is all true and happened between season 3 & 4 because I said so.
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simply-m-a-d · 1 year
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they mean the world to me your honor
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~chapter 5, the sunshine court
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~chapter 17, the sunshine court
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genuinely how am I supposed to be normal when they're like this.
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dickwingary · 3 months
My evidence that Slipknot is The Band for Jason Todd
I am still on my Jason Todd listens to slipknot grind and I can’t help but think it’s SO Jason, particularly with his relationship with Bruce.
I am my father's son 'cause he's a phantom, a mystery, and that leaves me nothing! How many times have you wanted to die? It's too late for me, all you have to do is get rid of me! Do you wanna feel pain? Takin' my name in vain. Caring never felt so lame inside. Anybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life? Maybe I'll reverse my ride. Who the fuck are you? Fuck you! Better suck it up 'cause you bled through. Better get away from me, stay the fuck away from me! Look me in my brand new eye. (Eyeless by Slipknot)
TODD: Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me. But why? Why on God's Earth is HE still alive?... You know, I thought... I thought I'd be the last person you'd ever let him hurt. If it had been you he beat to a bloody pulp, if he had taken you from this world, I would've done nothing but search the planet for this pathetic pile of evil death-worshiping garbage and sent him off to Hell… And doing it because, because he took me away from you. (Batman: Under the Red Hood).
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rt3nenbaum · 1 year
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i am obsessed with them
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malice-kingdom · 2 years
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Sweet Dream and Death
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grival · 1 month
aegon looking the sky and thinking visersy would be the brightest star
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