#then 17 from Outland
mysdrymmumbles · 2 years
what are the venom things for? some cool pet?
No, the short of it is I'm doing this for an achievement and some tailoring patterns.
The long of it is that I decided a while back to work on gathering transmog appearances and somehow that got me onto collecting all the tailoring patterns in game. In order to do that, you have to, at some point, side with BOTH Scryers and Aldor in Shattrath.
Then I noticed there was an achievement for being exalted with both Scryers and Aldor on one character.
So I figured why the fuck not. I'm gonna need to switch at some point for the patterns anyway.
The only thing is that if you are Exalted with the Scryers, there is only 1 quest you can do to gain rep with Aldor, and that is to turn in 8 Dreadfang Venom Sacs.
As a human, I need 1224 venom sacs to get from Hated to Neutral, which will then unlock the Aldor quests so that I can do them and get Exalted.
I figured I'll work on it low key while I get other patterns and stuff.
Well, now I have all the patterns from reputations and vendors except for the Aldor ones.
Idk, I could learn how to actually play my class so that I don't suck, but instead, I hop on low level alts for an hour or so every couple days and just run around the forest killing spiders.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
17: Chanson Triste
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle, life as lovers
Warnings: death, cemetery, angst
a/n: I'm back!!!! God, you guys have no idea how much I missed Violet and Lando, I was so excited while writing this chapter. I hope everyone is doing amazing, having good days. I came from a really really needed break and from a trip I was so excited to make, and with a lot of ideas for this story. But here you have some bad news... I can see the end of this story! Is not close yet, some things have to happen, but that means too that THE chapter is coming :)
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I knew I was going to be in the mouth of everyone. Dating him, a well known driver in Europe that drives for the second most famous team of the world, would mean that my social media would be full of notifications, of people sending requests of following, of attempts of messages. I knew that once we landed back in London, people would recognize us and follow us. 
But I have to love the present. I have to keep being who I am, I can't show a weakness because they would be attacking it immediately. If I want to be with Lando, I have to fight against the odds to make them see that I don't care what people say about me.
“I don't want to leave tomorrow…” I sighed, laying on the bed and looking through the window, observing the pyramids.
“Me neither” I heard him sigh, laying on his side and kissing my arm. “Maybe we can stay some more days…”
“You know we can't” I sighed looking at him, smiling weakly. “My worry is growing and I need to see Eloise. I'm really worried, she's not answering my texts or calls…”
“Did you call her parents too?” he smiled weakly, rubbing my back softly. 
“They decline my calls…” I whisper, sadly. “I just… What if she's really mad at me because I chose to stay with you instead of talking with her? I mean, I did explain to her why I did that, what happened… But she didn't answer, just left me on read”
“It will be okay, love” Lando sighed, kissing my shoulder. “You want me to go with you? So we can talk with her and explain to her…”
“I don't know, I think I want to do it alone” I smiled weakly. “We have to talk, many things have happened since last time I saw her and I just want to have some time alone with her”
“I understand” he nodded, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. 
“You are the best” I smiled, kissing his lips softly, cupping his jaw with my hand. “You know, I think we broke the internet some days ago”
“Oh, yeah. I know” he laughed, making me smile when I felt his chest move with his laugh. “My manager texted me saying that people just went crazy, kinda”
“I just… I don't want to be like those girlfriends that are models and influencers” I said. “I mean, they are perfect. Every time I talked with some of them I felt like an outlander, kinda. They just dressed with important brands like Gucci, Dior, Tommy Hilfiger… and the most expensive clothing I have is a dress I bought for a gala in the museum, and it's nothing compared to what they wore”
“I know you are not like them, Violet” he said, kissing my head. “And that's what I love about you. You are natural, careless. You are like a breath of fresh air for me, really. You keep my feet in the ground”
“That's cute” I smile looking up at him. “I just… I guess I want to be worth it? Yesterday I read some of the comments of the posts and they kept repeating that finally there's a girlfriend that is not famous. Like, I'm normal, I guess. Not an influencer, not an athlete, not a model”
“And that's perfect, really” he smiled. 
“But that made them think that I want you for your money” I smiled weakly. “I mean, if they say that, I can just take a screenshot of my bank account and show the money I have. But that's not what I was saying…”
“I just imagined you posting on Instagram that screenshot with a caption like… I'm not poor, I have a job. Go mind your own business” he interrupted me laughing, making me laugh too. 
“You and I both know that I'm capable of doing that” I laugh. “But what I was saying! Why are they so determined to say that every girlfriend is with their partner just because of money and fame? Why can't they think that it is because of something else, like love?”
“Because… I don't know” he sighed, brushing my hair with his fingers. “I guess they want drama, gossip. They think that a love story is not dramatic or important for a driver. They just want to make and believe their own narrative and take things out of context”
“That kinda sucks” I whisper.
“It does, yeah…” he sighed. “But I don't care about what they think. I only care that after every race I'll have someone waiting for me. I made many mistakes before, like letting them get in my mind and make me push away people that cared for me. I won't make the same mistake again, I will fight for us”
“I love you, Lando” I smiled, hugging him tight. 
“Tomorrow I will take you to a place before we leave” he said. “So I want you to take that white dress you bought the other day at the market”
“Are you going to propose?” I laughed. “Isn't that a little soon? I don't know, wait for next year maybe. We have been dating for a week!”
“No, silly!” he laughed. “But I'll keep that in mind”
“Idiot” I laughed softly.
He just held me, both of us watching the pyramids before falling asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning, after I woke up I grabbed my phone, checking if I had any answer from Eloise. But like the last few days, I didn't have messages from her.
“I'm sure she's fine, Violet” I heard Landon whisper, kissing my shoulder. 
“It's just… I feel something is wrong. We never have been this long without talking. I just want her to send me whatever…” I whispered.
I heard Lando sigh and wrapping his arms around me tightly, making me take a deep breath and close my eyes, getting comfortable in his arms.
The next morning he woke me up, peppering soft kisses all over my shoulders and neck, rubbing his hand over my back in soft circles. His smile was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes, making me answer him the same way.
“Good morning, beautiful” he whispered, making me chuckle softly and hide my face on his bare chest, pressing a soft kiss on his skin. “Ready to do one last visit?”
“Mhm” I nodded, wrapping my arm around him. 
We just got up and while the room service came with our breakfast, we put out clothes back in the suitcases, making sure they were ready and sent to the reception so we don't have to come back before leaving. 
I looked at the white dress, smiling. I have no idea what he wants to do, where are we going now. But somehow I was excited about it, I was excited because I saw him excited about being in this place. I'm excited because he was so interested in things I like. He looked at me with a smile while he nodded, paying attention to everything I explained to him. And it made me fall even more for him, if that was possible.
“You ready?” he smiled, watching how I tied my hair on a braid after hanging my bag on my shoulder. “Let's go”
I laugh softly, walking out with him and going to the main door of the hotel. A van was waiting for us, ready to take us to the place he planned to go. He held my hand all the time, rubbing soft circles on my knuckles.
“Where are we going?” I asked him, resting my head on his shoulder.
“You'll see” he whispered. “Just be patient, we are close”
I laugh softly and nod, looking out of the window and enjoying the land that surrounded us. After a few minutes, the car stopped.
“Let's go” he smiled, opening the door and getting out of the car before me.
I smiled at him, holding his hand as he helped me get out of the van. I looked around surprised, recognizing this place.
“No you didn't” I laughed softly.
“Oh yeah” he smirked, hiding my hand tightly and walking with me. “You know what this temple means?”
“It's Hathor’s temple” I nodded, looking around and smiling. “Egyptian goddess of the sky, music, joy, dance and love”
“And you told me that she was associated with Isis, right?” he said, wrapping his arm around me. “The goddess of the loyalty and the maternal love”
“Mhm” I nodded.
“Well, I want to make a promise, in front of her” he said, holding my hand and stopping right in front of one of the many statues of the goddess.
“Lando” I laughed softly, watching how he grabbed something from the pocket of his jeans, making me swallow the lump and laugh nervously. 
“I want to promise you that I will treat you how you deserve to be treated. I promise that I will never hurt you or touch you when you don't want to. I promise that I will never make you cry. I promise that I will be only thinking about you, when I wake up, during the day and at night. I promise to cherish you and make you happy and fight whoever dares to make you feel sad”
“Lando…” I smiled softly, feeling my eyes getting wet when I saw him open his hand, showing me a silver ring with two small rocks placed next to the other.
“This is my promise. I'll give you this ring to seal my promise of loving you forever. You owe my heart since the day I first saw you” he said while he put the ring on my ring finger. “This ring has our birthstones, together. Because I really think that we were born to be together, that you are my soulmate, Violet. And now that I found you I will never let you go. I won't leave you”
His words sank in my heart, filling my chest with a warm flame he only knows how to turn on. His touch is delicate, how he holds my hand while I admire the beautiful ring with both stones, topaz and and tanzanite, together.
“Idiot, you are going to make me cry and you just promised me that you won't make me do it” I laughed softly, wiping the little tears of joy that were running down my cheeks. 
“Come here” he laughed, wrapping his arms around me, holding me close to him, heart by heart.
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 2.689 others
tagged: landonorris
violetsinclair 2024 be like 🌼☕🏎️🫶🏻
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landonorris 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
mclaren it was so nice having you during the testings and the launch with us!
violetsinclair you won't get rid of me easily 
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Driving through the road that takes me to my childhood village was bittersweet. The first year I was away for my studies I was excited to come back and finally be on my childhood bed with my family again, but as years went by, that feeling started to disappear and it turned more into an obligation rather than something I used to do for pleasure.
Once my life was in order after coming back from the trip with Lando and both of us got used to living around the other, I took some days off from work and forced myself to grab my car and drive home. 
The past few days I tried to call Eloise again, as well as her family. But again, none of them answered. She only has her parents, her family is not as big as mine with grandparents that are still alive, uncles and aunts and cousins. That's why she always loved to spend time at my house during holidays, because she had more people around besides her parents.
As I drove past the signal that indicated the main entry of the village, I saw a few flowers on the ground, as well as marks of rubber of the tires that lead to the side of the road. And watching that made me feel shivers running down my spine.
When I parked my car in front of my house I looked at the house next to it, to her house. The light of her room is turned off, even the curtains are closed. Her car is not parked next to the garage.
If she's not here, then where?
I sigh, walking towards the main door of her house and pressing the doorbell, sighing when I noticed the lights were turned off.
“Hello? Eloise, I want to talk!”
Seconds later the door opened, and my smile dropped when I found her mother looking at me. I was surprised to find her wearing dark clothes, always used to see her wearing bright and neutral colors. Her gaze is not even the same, and the smile she always drew when I came to their house is no longer there.
“What are you doing here?” she frowned, her voice sounding rougher than I expected. “You are not welcomed here anymore”
“What? But… Jane, I want to talk with Eloise… I-”
“Leave this house now! You already did enough. How dare you come back here after everything you did to her? Are you insane?!”
“But… I just…”
“I don't want to see you” she groaned, closing the door on my face.
What did just happen?
I frowned, trying to call again, but I was  answered with silence. I sighed, giving up and walked to my house, opening the door and closing it behind me.
“Lottie, is that you?”
I smiled weakly and sighed when I recognized the voice of my grandma, so I walked towards the living room. She was there, on her chair next to the fireplace and whatever she was knitting. The moment she saw me I could see her face light up, smiling softly and leaving both needles on her lap and opening her arms, inviting me to a hug.
“I'm home, nana” I whispered, kneeling to be at her height and hugging her. “Did Eloise come by? It's been a while since I talked with her…”
“Oh, little Lottie…” she whispered. “You came late, my girl”
“Late? Why?” I frowned, pulling away from the hug and looking at her. 
“She's no longer here” she smiled weakly.
“What? Then where? She lives here”
Eloise's dream since she was little was to be the owner of the restaurant we always visited when we were little. Everytime we got out of school, we went to that place to have a chocolate milkshake while we did our homework. It was our place, sitting on the fourth table that is next to the door, facing the window and with views to the park. 
In that restaurant, during summer, she worked there to make money. She was a waitress, a cashier, and she cleaned the place. But what she loved the most was the moments she worked in the kitchen. She discovered her passion for cooking in the stoves of that restaurant and it helped her decide that she wanted to be a professional chef.
When we moved to London, we lived together during the first years of our studies. She went to the cooking academy while I went to the university. And when she finished her years of formation, she started working on restaurants until she gained a name, a reputation.
Her dream was always going back to our village and make that restaurant a place tourists would go to experience the gastronomy of our country. She always wanted to be a reference in the kitchen.
“Maybe she's in the restaurant” I frowned, getting up and looking around. 
Maybe that's why her car is not parked. Because she stayed longer in the restaurant, as usual.
“No, Violet”
I took a deep breath when I heard my cousin's voice behind me. Maya, the oldest one, already married and with a kid. 
“Come on, will someone tell me what is going on? Why did Jane say that I'm no longer welcomed? I'm so lost! Where is Eloise?”
“Let me take you somewhere” she smiled weakly, grabbing the keys of her car.
I frown and look at my grandma, watching how she nodded with a sad smile on her lips. Somehow, what is happening it's not good, I could tell because of the shivers that were running all over my body.
I followed Maya, getting inside her car and watching out of the window, hoping she would take me to the restaurant where I thought Eloise would be working. But when she turned to the left, going to the road that goes to the church and next to it to the cemetery, I heart skipped a beat. 
No, right? This can't be happening.
“Where are we going?” I frowned, feeling how my hands started to get sweaty, feeling how my heart was beating in my throat making me feel nauseous.
Maya didn't say anything, she only looked at me with a sad smile while she parked the car. She got out and waited for me to follow her, something that took me around a minute. But she waited for me, she stood in front of the car with her hands inside of the pockets of her black coat.
“Come on” she sighed, biting her lip and walking.
Every step I made sounded louder in my ears and it increased the anxiety I was feeling. That anxiety started to become panic and fear. 
“Here” Maya sighed, standing in front of a gravestone.
I didn't want to read what it said. I didn't want to know who was buried there. It was recent, the smell of flowers was still recent and I could see that the marble was still shining.
“No” I mumbled, feeling how I was choking with a scream. “No, no. It can't be. No. You are joking, right? This is a cruel joke. Eloise is working in the restaurant and she just wanted to play around, making me pay for something I don't even know I've done. Please, Maya…”
“I’m sorry” she mumbled. “It happened some weeks ago… But Harry came and said that you two stopped being friends and something about you betraying her”
“No!” I exclaimed, looking at her and letting my tears fall. “None of that! Why would I betray her? Just because I chose myself first? Harry is the problem! He manipulated me so many times!”
“May I remind you that you couldn't stop saying that you loved him?” she said, and somehow that made me flinch. “That he saved you from being raped? That he was always next to you and that you felt so bad and jealous because you wanted to be in Eloise's shoes?”
“That was before I knew the truth…”
“So what? Now that you are having a love story worthy of a fairy tale with that driver you think that you can forget about your family and friends?!”
I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. Maybe she's right… Maybe I was too focused on Lando and I stopped caring for my family… No. Lando has nothing to do with this. He showed me how it is to be loved, he showed me how it is to be loved by a family.
“I tried” I whisper. “I tried to call her, to talk to her. Lando told them to leave the trip because of things that happened between him and Harry. And Eloise wasn't the best friend during those days either. But I never stopped texting her and calling her. She was the one that ghosted me…”
“Look, I'm sorry, okay?” she sighed. “Eloise was a good girl, she didn't deserve this ending”
I swallowed thickly and looked at the flowers. I smiled sadly. There are roses on it, her favorite flower. 
“Can you leave me alone?” I whisper.
I heard her walk away without saying anything, and when I felt I was alone, I let out a sob. 
How on Earth could this happen? When? Why? Why her? Why did no one tell me? My own family forgot to tell me that my childhood best friend is dead. Those tyre’s marked at the entry of the village and the flowers… It happened that way? 
I felt incredibly nauseous and the need to throw up was real, making me run to a tree and bow, emptying my stomach. I tried to breathe, but the tears and the burn on my throat made it impossible.
“Just… why?” I cried, looking back at the grave. “Why? It's not fair! I didn't betray you. Did you feel like that? I chose myself first, for the first time, Eloise. I chose love first… Why did you never answer my calls and texts? It wasn't my fault Harry blackmailed Lando, it wasn't my fault at all… And still you believed him. If there was one who was betrayed, that was me”
I wanted to blame her. But… Is she the one to blame? She loved Harry, she followed him. Of course she did. I would do the same. 
“It's not fair at all, Eli” I mumble. “What am I supposed to do now? I just… God. Who am I supposed to talk with about my problems? About my life? Life is unfair, why the hell did you have to leave this way? Who am I going to tell that Lando and I are dating? That he promised me he's going to marry me? Who am I going to ask to be my maid of honor? What the hell am I supposed to do without you, Eloise?”
It hurts so bad. It hurt realizing that she's not here anymore. It hurt so bad realizing that she won't be next to me anymore, that she won't make her dreams come true.
“I'm nothing without you…”
It hurts. But what hurts the most is that for the first time I experienced what is it to lose someone you love, someone that was important for you. 
“I just… I'll miss you, Eli, so much. I already do”
I took a deep breath and just let the tears fall while I fixed the flowers on her grave, tracing with my fingers the letters of it.
“In loving memory of Eloise Taylor. Born on the 23 of October of 1999” I whisper, feeling a knot on my throat as I traced the next words of it. “Dead… The 27 of December of 2023”
I felt empty, so empty.
When I returned to London,instead of going back home, I went somewhere else.
The park where Eloise and I went to spend our afternoons together was close to the first apartment I ever lived in, with her. It was on the other side of London, in a small neighborhood. I sat on a bench, right next to a streetlight, and hugged myself. 
I didn't notice how long I stayed there until I looked at my phone, reading the notifications of messages and missed calls.
Lando🧡: how are things going? Did you talk with her?
Lando🧡: text me once you are coming back home, okay? I'll make something for dinner
Lando🧡: Babe?
Lando🧡: is everything okay? I'm worried
Lando🧡: Baby, please answer. Where are you? It's late and it's getting dark
Lando🧡 missed calls (3)
I took a deep breath and smiled weakly, pressing the call button and placing the phone on my phone.
“Violet? Thank God!”
“Where are you? Are you still in your village? You are staying with Eloise? Did you talk?”
“Lando, she…”
“God, I was so worried” he sighed, relieved.
“She's dead”
“What? What did you say?”
“Eloise” I mumble, sniffling softly. “Eloise is dead… she's no longer here. She… she died”
Silence. He was quiet. I could hear his breathing, how it got stuck on his throat. 
“Where are you”
“I… I need to be alone” I whisper.
“Violet please…”
I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath, telling him the address of where I am. He didn't end the call, he stayed on it, making me hear everything he did, how he walked out of the apartment, how he went to his car and turned the engine on. 
“There you are” he sighed, ending the call and sitting next to me.
I felt his arms wrapping me and pulling me to his chest, holding me tight.
“How did it happen?” he mumbled, brushing my hair with his fingers.
“She… she crashed” I whisper. “She was going home and the road was frozen…”
“What am I going to do without her?” I whisper “I… I feel like someone took something away from me, a part of my heart. A-and she left thinking that I betrayed her… she left and no one told me because Harry said…”
“Harry knew?” Lando frowned. “And he didn't tell you?”
“N-no…” I mumble, looking up at him. “He told her parents that we argued… That's why they didn't call me”
Lando took a deep breath and kissed my forehead. He held my hand and kissed it.  
“This just made me realize how scared I am to lose you” I said looking at him.
“You won't lose me” he said, cupping my cheek and resting his forehead against mine, closing his eyes. “You won't lose me, ever. I made a promise, remember? I promised that I will never let you go, that I will never leave you”
“What am I supposed to do, Lando?” I whisper. “I lost Eloise because of a car… How am I supposed to feel knowing that you work in one? I just…”
“You will never lose me” he repeated, squeezing my hand. “I'll make sure of that. I'll start every race and finish it to be next to you. You are my checkered flag. I'll race as much as I have to just to get out of the car and hold you”
“Just… never leave me” I whisper. “Never, okay?”
“Never” he nodded. “You have my heart, I can't live without it. Just keep it safe with you and everything will be alright”
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings @ophcelia
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luhafraser · 5 months
Let me be clear: although many think I don't have a real life, I do. I'm not just a Tumblr account... I have a family, dogs and a cat. I'm currently recovering from bronchitis 😮‍💨🫁, and dealing with the school holidays 👧🏼🛝 and lots to do at work. 🤯🤯🤯 That's why I'm not at all sorry for being MIA... I have my priorities, my family and my health...
I've said it a few times... Sam and Cait's shitshow is just a pastime for me... So back off, nasty Anons... You're wasting your time here🖕😜
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It's not a real timeline, but look at this amazing script... Brilliant... 😝🤣
1) Sam in London; 2) a "fan" says Sam was with a "female friend"; 3) Susie in London; 4) P's innuendos; 5) Susie posts latergrams in a hotel room and gym, it looks like one of rooms at the Firmdale hotels; 6) P says she won't publish without a real evidence 🤣; 7) Susie returns to her home; 8) Another "fan" says she saw Sam on a flight to Gran Canaria; 9) Sam shows himself in a mysterious room on IG Live; 10) Sam's small group of stalkers (surprisingly, they're not the evil shippers 😜🤣) certainly discover that it's not a room in a luxurious hotel (the kind Sam usually stays in) ***(Sam has people monitoring his online steps and who he follows on Instagram, etc... Nothing new there... But I'm curious how someone who isn't a fan gets "here"?! And this fandom have some here, they are not fans of Sam and Cait or Outlander. See below 😉); 11) P releases the name of the new blonde; 12) the current blonde posts several pics/videos showing some gym in Gran Canaria and an airbnb Villa; 13) Sam's voice appears in two of the blonde's videos; 14) B posts the blonde's airbnb Villa; 15) The war of the "queens of Mordor" begins (I don't believe anything about this war, but it's funny and keeps people entertained, just what SamCait and PR want); 16) B says that airbnb Villa is not the place where Sam did his Live; 17) B goes back on what she said, and shows that the male SH and the female SH are in the same Villa 🤣; 18) Chaos begins in the fandom; 19) Sam appears in Austria/Audi Ambassador stuff; 20) blonde posts with her son at her home (latergram... 🤦🏻‍♀️); 21) Ok... Susie, Sarah, who will be the next S? ⏰️
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Script to look like James Bond... Women and cars... ?! 🤦🏻‍♀️😬 No, you are not Bond, Mr. Heughan... Sorry! 😝😂
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But on the other hand...
You know.. I'm not on the "gay train", but hey... I can't blame anyone who thinks he's gay. And have you noticed how several women, linked to Sam, are always traveling to paradisiacal beaches or going to gyms with their gay friends... ?!? You don't even need to follow them on Instagram to know this, there are accounts here that posted everything about them... All that was missing was their blood type... 😝🤣
"Hawaiigate Oops Gran Canaria gate" didn't seem like a good script to prove that Sam occasionally has affairs with women... Even because the place is known for...
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But, it certainly moves things around here... Just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
OMG... Laughing a lot with #Samarah... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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And Sam/PR decided to fix a flaw in the script and his speech, something that became a joke in this fandom, at least among shippers...
There are women in Glasgow, people! After 10 years, he finally had time to meet a woman there...
Amen 🙌
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I find it very difficult for a taurus man, who calls himself a romantic, who is used to staying in hotels like those from the FS and Firmdale chains and who has already made this type of comment...
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Taking his supposed girlfriend to a place with these reviews... 🤔😬😂
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After 10 years, Sam knowing how this fandom is, being the guy who claims to preserve his loved ones, would he leave breadcrumbs for "fans" to create a new story if he was really dating this woman? I'm amazed that she, with a son, gets involved in this shitshow, but who will know her reasons.... Even Cait used her pregnancy and child in the Belfast promo.
Let's see if Sam will follow P's wishes and take Sarah to the TCND event... And let's pray 🙏.
I see THE RING 👰🏼‍♀️ #Samarah 🤣🤣🤣 This didn't even take 7 days, it seems! 🤣🤣🤣
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I still spend my free time looking at what SamCait shows and what this fandom says because I want to see the end of this shit, when Sam no longer has P or B and his onlys... One day Sam and Cait will fall into oblivion and that's why that they keep feeding this whole circus... What, or rather, who would Sam and Cait be without all this crap? I think it's funny that Sam pulls all this on himself... Except during promo, he's the one who moves things around here (right now Gran Canaria gate, Austria trip, Scottish Sun article, a new company with an enigmatic name... It could be SDFGINEEDTHISSHITSHOWCVBN 😝🤣, "Audi Quattro",...). But to me... This seems like something from someone protecting their loved ones, taking on all the shit for himself. Although, every now and then Cait needs to show that she is alive and with her husband by her side.
I watch and wait... And I know I'm not alone in this! 🧘🏻‍♀️😜
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margareth-lv · 5 months
🪄👗 The magical qualities of the dresses by Claire Fraser 👗🪄
First of all, thanks for the inspiration (and for the season 3 photos) @samcait-love! All the credit goes to you! In today's post, I used the photos you uploaded in your yesterday's reblog of my post.
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Who among us hasn't dreamed of a magical dress? A piece of clothing that has magical properties, like the cloak of invisibility in the Harry Potter books. Or a dress that grows (or shrinks) by itself, depending on how your body looks (and feels) on any given day. I'd give a lot for clothes like that, seriously.
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Claire Fraser has not only magically travelled back in time to meet her 'dashing Highlander', she also has such a magical wardrobe (although she doesn't brag about it!). I think the comparison of the pictures says more than words can ever say. Season 3 vs. season 4.
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👀 👀 👀
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But miracles don't only happen on film sets.
So, the crème de la crème of my post today. My favourite Outlander fan guide: Lose weight (in Photoshop) in a month (and then 'gain' it back).
I give you Caitríona Balfe for the British Independent Film Awards on 5 December 2021 (on the left). And on the right, a photo shoot for the article "Caitríona Balfe's Celtic Conquest, From Outlander to Belfast" published in Vanity Fair on 6 January 2022.
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*** *** *** On the left Vanity Fair on 6 January 2022 and on the right The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on 12 January 2022.
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*** *** ***
Finally, on the right, a group photo during the Focus Features Belfast screening at the West Hollywood EDITION, Los Angeles, CA, USA on January 28, 2022.
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Side note: of course, I am aware that the photo shoot for the article published in Vanity Fair in early January 2022 must have taken place much earlier. Nevertheless, Caitríona underwent a mysterious physical transformation in late 2021/early 2022 during the infamous 'Belfast' promotion.
But we're not going to ask the question why. Because that would be bodyshaming a new postpartum mother. In my opinion, it was another pregnancy. But of course I don't know anything and I'm deluded.
[January 17, 2024]
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violetvelourr · 6 months
Getting to know anew…
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I was very skeptical about this artwork - I was sort of in art block - I keep wanting to draw something but I don’t know what 😬
I still don’t know, but oh well… maybe some day it will hit me 🙈
Anyways, so with this artwork, as time progressed and I stubbornly continued with it, I gradually began melting 🤭🫠
This scene is from the final chapter (17) of part 1 of my first fanfic (‘Outlander: Found on the Path of Life’). Basically after their first time (🤭) Arina gets a chance to admire Kakashi’s handsome face 🥵
«Kakashi smiled contentedly in response. He wanted to kiss her, but the girl held him back, cupping his face in her hands. She could finally get a proper look at his face, as if getting to know him anew: the previous time she didn't really manage to do it, too stunned by what had happened — she only fixed it with the edge of her consciousness.
Reality surpassed all expectations — she thought that Kakashi was hiding some kind of flaw under the mask. However, a charming mole to the left of his lower lip could hardly be considered a flaw — and so his face was just as fine as his body, Arina concluded. And as for the scars — as everyone knows, scars define a true warrior.
"Why do you wear the mask at all?" she breathed out: Kakashi, failing to reach her lips, gave free rein to his hands, causing sweet tremor all over Arina's body.
"Well... it adds to the appeal and mysteriousness, don't you agree?" he said in a velvety voice, pulled the girl to him and covered her lips with his after all.»
☙ ❦ ❧
Hatake Kakashi © Kishimoto Masashi
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freddieslater · 1 month
Make Me Write
OKAY SO. I have too many WIPs. Please help me complete them by sending me the title of a fic/number and forcing me to write a paragraph for it otherwise they will never be finished. Also all of the titles are just placeholders, they will probably not be the final title lmao (Explicit fics will have an E next to them and Mature fics will have an M!)
1. Back From the Dead (like mother like daughter) [EastEnders]
2. A Tale of Two Peters [MCU]
3. Sambastian hookup [Glee] (M)
4. Windows to the Soul [Hollyoaks]
5. Opera Ordeal [Lucifer]
6. nudist resort [Lucifer] (E)
7. What happens in Vegas… [Lucifer] (E)
8. Facetime [EastEnders]
9. Love in the Villa [TVD]
10. BFB [EastEnders]
11. Adventures in Babysitting [EastEnders]
12. Spin the Bottle [Hollyoaks]
13. You Are In Love [Hollyoaks]
14. Do Nurses Turn You On? [Grey’s Anatomy] (E)
15. American Pie Reunion: Stifler Version [American Pie] (E)
16. Wedding Woes [Friends]
17. The One Where Rachel Kisses Joey [Friends]
18. 7 Minutes in Heaven [Boy Meets World]
19. Coach’s Office [Teen Wolf] (M)
20. You Have A Date For This Thing? [American Pie]
21. Cotton the Pony [Friends]
22. What Does George Have To Do With This? [Hollyoaks]
23. Let’s never go back [TVD]
24. A Proper Goodbye [Outlander] (E)
25. New Traditions [Girl Meets World]
26. Bigger Than The Whole Sky [TVD]
27. You Have A Vampire In Your Bed [TVD]
28. Feed [TVD]
29. Rules of (A Fake) Engagement [Gilmore Girls]
30. My Tiny Prince [Crashing]
31. You Needed Me [Crashing]
32. Marley and Teddy [iCarly]
33. Hey There, Delilah [Glee]
34. ASMR [Glee]
35. Were in the Woods? [Teen Wolf]
36. Beefsteak Club [Outlander]
37. He’s Your MJ [Amazing Spider-Man/MCU]
38. Veronica [Boy Meets World]
39. Welcome to the Black Parade [Life With Derek]
40. Eichen [Teen Wolf]
41. He Doesn’t Belong There [Outlander]
42. I’m Not Sick, I’m the Devil [Lucifer]
43. The Origins of Stefanie Bennett-Salvatore [TVD]
44. Let the Games Begin [MCU]
45. You’re On the Front Page! [DCTV]
46. Veil Dropped, No Enzo [TVD]
47. High School Musical: The Reunion: Glee Edition [DCTV/Glee]
48. Truth, Dare or Die? [TVD]
49. Spilled Coffee & Scars [Lucifer]
50. The Kissing Booth [Life With Derek]
51. Mind-Dive [TVD]
52. Male Code Blue [Life With Derek]
53. Guardian Enzo [TVD]
54. Greenhouse [Legacies]
55. Hope living with Jeremy [Legacies/TVD]
56. Love Letters [Legacies]
57. Cake by the Ocean [EastEnders] (M)
58. An Unexpected Gift [EastEnders]
59. History Repeats [TVD]
60. Blonde and Bitchy Just Happens to Be My Type [EastEnders]
61. Return of the Gay Uncles [EastEnders]
62. SilverSpider [MCU]
63. Vampires In Vegas [TVD]
64. Would You Maybe Want To… Be My Date To My Parents’ Wedding? [Legacies]
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thetruthwilloutsworld · 3 months
Instagram duncan.lacroix
ONLINE SCAMMERS - there's been an absolute plague of online imposters pretending to be myself and other cast members not only from Outlander but a host of other shows. Please don't fall for it. This account is my only online SM account. I am NOT on Twitter, Google Chat, Telegram or anything else so please unfollow any other accounts claiming to be me. I've heard about a good few peeps getting fooled and loosing money to these criminals and with Al it's only going to get worse so report anything suspicious or any direct messages from "me" as it will 100% be fraud. #scammers #onlinefraud
Posted 17 March 2024
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brian-in-finance · 26 days
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Classy lass
Caitríona Balfe attends Harrods Iconic Dining Hall relaunch hosted by Stanley Tucci on October 5, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for Harrods)
All the best Caitríona Balfe photos from her recent appearances at stylish events and on the red carpet
The Outlander actress and former model always looks amazing and she's a regular on the high-society scene in London, Paris and New York
Fans are currently in the midst of another 'Droughtlander' with the second half of season 7 not due to hit our screens until November.
In the meantime, however, at least we are getting to see plenty of Claire Fraser – also known as Irish actress Caitríona Balfe – as she tours the world attending glamorous and glitzy events.
The former model, 44, is often seen with famous faces such as Stella McCartney or Carey Mulligan... and of course, her Scots co-star Sam Heughan, who plays on-screen hubby Jamie Fraser. Here's a selection of the best images from the past 12 months:
Ladies who lunch
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(L to R) Caitríona Balfe, Micaela Marconi and Carey Mulligan attend a special lunch to celebrate "Maestro", hosted by Charles Finch, at Maison Assouline on December 1, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for Netflix)
It’s all a blur
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Caitríona Balfe attends the LOEWE FOUNDATION Studio Voltaire Award 2023 on October 10, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for LOEWE)
With the REAL husband (emphasis not Brian’s)
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Caitríona Balfe and her husband Tony McGill attend the UK Special Screening after party for "Leave The World Behind" at Kettners on November 29, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/WireImage)
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Caitríona Balfe attends the Charles Finch & CHANEL 2024 Pre-BAFTA Party at 5 Hertford Street on February 17, 2024 in London (Image: John Phillips/Getty Images)
Polka party
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Caitríona Balfe attends the launch of Manzi's Soho, in partnership with Choose Love, on July 6, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for The Wolseley Hospitality Group)
A night at the theatre
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(L to R) Caitríona Balfe, Gloria Obianyo, Tobias Menzies and Sophie Okonedo attend the press night after party for "Portia Coghlan" at The Almeida Theatre on October 17, 2023 in London (Image: Hoda Davaine/Dave Benett/Getty Images)
Vive la France!
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Delphine Arnault and Caitríona Balfe at Loewe Ready To Wear Spring 2024 held at Esplanade Saint Louis on September 29, 2023 in Paris, France (Image: Swan Gallet/WWD via Getty Images)
A night on the town
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Caitríona Balfe attends the private view of "Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto" at The V&A on September 13, 2023 in London (Image: Mike Marsland/WireImage)
Cait and Stella
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Caitríona Balfe and Stella McCartney attend the NET-A-PORTER x Stella McCartney cocktail party during London Fashion Week to celebrate the Stella McCartney FW23 Runway collection at The Box Soho on September 15, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for NET-A-PORTER)
Here’s where Brian passed his 10-image limit…
With Big Sam 👨🏼👩🏻
Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe attend Outlander Season 7 World Premiere At Tribeca Film Festival at OKX Theatre at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center on June 09, 2023 in New York City (Image: Getty Images for STARZ)
New York, New York 👩🏻👨🏻
Caitríona Balfe and Zachary Quinto attend Outlander Season 7 World Premiere At Tribeca Film Festival at Verōnikaon June 09, 2023 in New York City
The famous four 👩🏻👨🏼👩🏼👨🏻
Sam Heughan, Caitríona Balfe, Sophie Skelton and Richard Rankin attend Outlander Season 7 World Premiere at Tribeca Film Festival in NYC (Image: Getty Images for STARZ)
Check the link for the three missing photos:
Scottish Daily Express
Remember… only six more months of Droughtlander to go… 🙃
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sgiandubh · 7 months
More clarity on OL's filming schedule
In a rather unexpected way, via OL's in-house training program developed together with Screen Scotland (the Scottish public authority competent for film & TV production) and the London based, privately owned Screen Skills. This program now includes BOMB, which is going to be shot simultaneously. I was, therefore, wrong to predict its slashing/demise and have no problem saying so. This is not the only training program of its kind in Scotland, as other TV series (River City, Good Omens) do exactly the same - they also lack OL's transparency and/or are currently closed for applications, so there's no way to compare wages or job criteria, for example.
You can find more information at this link: https://www.screen.scot/skills-and-talent/skills-development/outlander-training-programme
They seek to recruit 20 people, who are going to work in 17 different departments, from Accounting to Stagehand:
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Salaries exceed UK's National Living Wage/National Minimum Wage, which, FYI, currently range between £5.28/hour for an apprentice aged under 23, during his/her first year of apprenticeship (on Minimum Wage) and £10.42/hour for a worker aged 23 and more (on Living Wage). This is an excellent thing: I also have my own thoughts on this, but you will say again I am an unapologetic S defender (which I am, by the way).
You won't find the finer details on that portal link, though. I took the example of an Accounting trainee to see more about the calendar, which is the same for all provided placements (https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/2RNZTR7) :
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Easy to suppose, then, shooting could start somewhere along the January 8 - January 15 bracket.
I know, I am still to discuss McTavish. I was tired yesterday night and didn't want to churn out a meh post about it. This and the upcoming Sun Tzu 'quote' will have to do for the (European) day. :)
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the-ellia-west · 2 months
Hello! Just came to drop by and ask about your current WIP, TCOT! I've seen your prompts for it and I want to properly know more about it. Sorry if it has been explained in your masterlists but I can't seem to find a solid explanation and decided to go here instead.
So! What is the story about? Who are the main characters? And what do they look like? And anything else you want to share about it?
Thank you so much for the Ask @justalittlebuddy
And I didn't really ever make a thorough explanation of it. Just a small synopsis, which only explains like the first 7 chapters?
So Here, a massively long ramble about TCOT, what it is, the conflicts, the characters, and everything.
Here we go!
Explanation of the plot and general premise
TCOT is meant to be/ I'm hoping to make is an about 8 book Series of low fantasy setting with high action, high stakes, romance subplots, and way too much drama.
It's meant to be a basic War-centered fantasy story with good vs Evil with tons of interesting side plots and characters that make it its own interesting and unique project.
Main plot has never been a strength of mine, so I stole one from stereotypical children's media and twisted it into my own thing, adding way too many branches until I turned it into a tree.
The Story is meant to be a pitchfork shaped plot with An underline of the war plot while exploring the psychology and character arcs of all my lovelies in depth.
Now I probably accidentally re-explained that like 4 times as I tend to do, but whatever, Its general structure goes with the heroes down on their luck finding more ways to fight back against the Villains until something works. Other than that I can't explain without spoiling like the 17 consecutive character arcs that interweave to make the story what it is.
All I can say, is Kasi's shift from a seamstress to a warrior, Xhaazi's mental shift from a Jokester to a fighter, Chrin's shift from a nervous seer boy into a powerful influence, Sokuna's shift from a defender to a leader, and all the villain's arcs, that I can't say anything about unless Major spoilers. :]
The Characters
TCOT's main focus is on its characters and their arcs as already stated, There's multiple species, trauma, murder, magic, and morals thrown all about like party confetti in this series.
I can't say a lot about their arcs, but each and every one of them goes through some transformation into something completely different from what they were at the beginning, and This list of characters has an incredibly important arc which weaves together to create the big main plot:
Kasi, Xhaazi, Chrin, Sokuna, Marril, Shyre, Viasaki, Kila, and Geon
I will give you a parapgraph about each because I'm feeling talkative
Kasi is a young Outlander who lives outside the walls of Feyrama's Capital City of Terefin with her father Julan and her twin brother Xhaazi. The twins never knew their mother and Julan doesn't like to talk about her. Kasi is a hothead with strong emotions and a tendency to throw-things-first-ask-questions-later. She's fiery and passionate, but she also has extreme emotions in the opposite directions, as in she gets overly excited sometimes, breaks down crying at minor inconveniences, or has panic attacks. But she's gotten good at controlling herself and seeks solace in her loved ones and her job.
Xhaazi is Kasi's twin brother and a jokester, younger by an hour, and very easily excitable. Just like his sister, Xhaazi has a tendency to feel emotions very strongly, but he doesn't let life phase him and tells jokes to cheer up his friends and family as he loves seeing others smile. Their approval is everything he wants and more. He's upbeat and excitable, enjoying silence as well as loud places. He loves spending time with others and will help wherever he can in any way he can.
Chrin is a very powerful young seer boy, who is related to secondary nobles through distant family. But no matter what happens, Chrin is all sunshine and smiles, seeing the silver lining on every cloud and keeping a level head in even the worst scenario, a stark and well-needed contrast to the twin's extreme reactions. He cares for everyone and just wants his efforts and love to be appreciated, as well as to help create a better future for himself and everyone he loves.
Sokuna is an adult shade who ran away from the other shades to protect her daughter from the ruthless training and bloodshed that comes with being a soldier raised from birth. She does everything she can to make a happy life for herself and her daughter in a world that hates them, trying to see the sun between all the rain.
Shyre is a young noblewoman and Heir to the third most notable family in Feyrama, the family in charge of negotiations and Trade. She is kind-hearted and well-meaning, though a little naive to the true problems and violence of the world. Shyre can be categorized as a chronic optimist with a lot of passion and not a lot of street smarts.
Now... onto the villains...
Geon is Less of a villain than he is... actually I don't know what he is. Geon is a Prince who is the bastard child of the Roselite king and an Ahelite Sorceress (Ahelites are an Elven servant race) Born blind, he was shunned as inferior in every possible way by everyone except the only legitimate son of the King and Queen, his older brother Damian. Goen is kind, compasssionate and soft spoken, with a tendency to go against orders and isolate himself because no one in the palace besides his mother, Damian, and his assigned Aid Trissa, care about him. Well at least he's like this until... Shit happens.
Marril is a paid Assassin. He is also a Hitman. But mostly Assassin. He was cursed at a young age to serve the Shades and their king, and has been trying to scramble free of its torture for years. Guilt-stricken and angry, he is rude, callous, and generally a menace to people he doesn't like, he uses sarcasm and violence as coping mechanisms. He is formal, but a very generally angry person with a lot of trauma who just kinds of needs some help and a cup of coffee.
Viasaki is the First Lieutenant under Tias and The Vessel, controlling a battalion of soldiers. He is a strategic genius who uses most of his time to care for misfits and lost soldiers. But despite his empathy, he will usually follow orders without question. He wavers between his own thoughts, and listening to the voices in his head, while sometimes being controlled by The Vessel. The only thing truly keeping him anchored to reality is his utter hatred of Kila and Tias.
Kila is Tias' Warrior, also known as the second in command or most trusted of someone with high rank, you only get one, if one of your soldiers volunteers and proves themselves worthy in skill. Kila is worthy and works to stay worthy no matter what. Worthy of status, worthy of love, worthy of a home, worthy of not being thrown out of the mountain at any second, worthy of not being hit for doing a bad job. Kila is a raging perfectionist who sees the world as the strong and the weak. She is a chronic people pleaser and hothead who like to do things her way even though she tries her best to be the perfect servant.
(The only reason she doesn't try to please Viasaki is because she sees him as weak)
Anyway, those are my lovely babies, time for
All of the Conflicts from TCOT come from the characters and circumstances
But the main ones are these:
The Main Trio really Fuckin' hates Marril
Y'know, war
Each book will be structured around a specific character, and developing their arcs, some will get multiple, it's just generally the arc that gets the most progress, and the character that has the most POV time.
Book 1 is basically an intro and set up for everything, but I love it, and I can't wait until we get into the real meat of this shit.
Anywayyyyyy, Book 2 is slated to be a Kasi book, #3 is planned to be a Viasaki one, and I'd have to find my google doc for the rest.
Anyway, thank you again for the ask and this chance to ramble! This is the premise and characters of TCOT! I hope you enjoyed and You'd want to read it!
(Also, if anyone wants to draw these little losers or look at Physical descriptions of them, I am trying my best I swear to make those.)
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the-mic-drop · 3 months
Building Link in BG3- Ranger
Ok, this Link is more thematically fitting, but as a recreation of him it's less accurate. Also I don't have as good a grasp of the Ranger class, so this one is likely more flawed.
Hero of the Wild
This is the Link we play as, the wild child, the serial arsonist, the pun maestro. The amnesiac that saved Hyrule on instinct.
Race: Half Elf (Wood Half Elf)
Background: Outlander
Race stays the same, but this Link is no knight, this is him in his second life. Living in the wilderness, exploring the countryside, traveling the land.
Strength: 17 (+3)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Wisdom: 10 (0)
Charisma: 10 (0)
Str, Dex, Con, and Wis stay the same, but we switch Int and Cha because this Link is the more animated and less... bright version.
Class & Levels
Class: Ranger
Proficiencies: Nature, Animal Handling, Perception
Favored Enemy: Ranger Knight
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Cold
Nature because duh, Animal Handling because he can ride anything with a natural seat, and Perception because he's used to being on the lookout for danger. Ranger Knight because that's really what he is. You get proficiency in History which makes no sense, but you also gain proficiency in heavy armor which makes plenty of sense, so it evens out. Wasteland Wanderer: Cold because freezing temperatures is the most common environmental danger you can come across in Hyrule.
Level 2
Fighting Style: Archery
Spells: Hunter's Mark, Goodberry
Archery because it's the most appropriate choice, Hunter's Mark because of BotW's targeting mechanic, and Goodberry because of the metric tons of apples Link tends to carry with him at all times. The fact that this Link can use spells at all is a big reason as to why this build doesn't sit right with me, but I digress.
Level 3
Subclass: Hunter
Spell: Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)
Hunter's Prey: Any
Hunter fits because whenever we play as Link, he's always searching for something and usually has to fight something big and legendary before getting it. Unless the big legendary thing is what he was looking for. Ensnaring Strike is an equivalent to stun locking in my mind. As for Hunter's Prey, you have three choices and they're all equally fine for Link. Colossus Slayer gives you extra damage to enemies not at full health. Giant Killer lets you use a reaction to attack an attacking creature that's large or larger. Horde Breaker lets you attack multiple targets if they're standing close enough to each other. They all make sense and I leave this one to you.
Level 4
Feat: Shield Master
Although the Ranger class is typically Dex-focused and Link is a capable archer, our hero is more likely to get up close and personal. So we'll go with the same policy as the Fighter build; max out Str with Ethel and Oblodra so you don't need to use a feat on Ability Improvement. Unlike the Fighter class we only get 3 feats, so we can't give him all the weapon-type feats, so take Shield Master and keep this Link with a classic sword & shield kit. With a longbow for range, of course.
Level 5
Spell: Cure Wounds
This one is just a stand-in for Link's meals and that one(?) time he cured a group with his competent cooking.
Level 6
Favored Enemy: Sanctified Stalker
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Hot
Sanctified Stalker doesn't make much sense outside of how he's always going on quests with god-level involvement. Another Wasteland Wanderer for the Gerudo Desert and Death Mountain.
Level 7
Spell: Lesser Restoration
Defensive Tactics: Multiattack Defense
Lesser Restoration has the same rationale as Cure Wounds. Multiattack Defense is because Link only takes hits one at a time. Enemies can't just wail on you, and now Faerun's dastards have the same issue now.
Level 8
Feat: Durable
Another returning feat from his Fighter build. Link doesn't need much time to recover. Except that one time it took a century, but that's an outlier.
Level 9
Spell: Lightning Arrow
Shock arrows.
Level 10
Favored Enemy: Bounty Hunter
Natural Explorer: Wasteland Wanderer: Poison
Bounty Hunter is just the last remaining choice that makes any sense for Link. This Wasteland Wanderer doesn't make a ton of sense because of how relatively scarce wetlands are in Hyrule, but all the eldritch goop that's been sapping his vitality over the years must make normal poison a cakewalk.
Level 11
Spell: Conjure Barrage
There's... I had a reason for this right? Oh yeah! The bows that let you shoot 3 or 5 arrows at once. Sidenote, Level 11 gives you Whirlwind Attack which is essentially a spin attack. If for no other reason, this makes Ranger Link make sense.
Level 12
Feat: Sharpshooter/Great Weapon Master
We've all had to shoot at something way above us, right? And aiming your bow is tougher than swinging a sword around, so Sharpshooter works on both levels! If that doesn't gel with you, GWM is a classic.
Ultimately, while Fighter Link is easier to play, Ranger Link is more accurate to the Link we know and gives him a couple signature Link things that can make it a unique challenge.
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'...Crowley and Aziraphale, Good Omens
Sure, Season 2 ended in pain — demon Crowley (David Tennant) admitted he wanted to be “an us,” angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) wanted them to be together in heaven as he took a promotion, and the two parting after a kiss with harsh words. But there was also the lovely instance of Aziraphale asking Crowley to dance at the ball he’d turned a shopkeepers’ meeting into, as well as the display of trust with the 1941 magic trick, their meeting before the beginning, and a few romantic moments...'
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weaveandwood · 4 days
Auroria Galanodel | Ranger | Hunter
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Race: High Half-Elf Background: Outlander Class: Ranger Alignment: Neutral Good Age: 37 Romancing: Gale
Auroria Galanodel was raised by her mother all over the continent to train as a ranger from a young age. After the death of her mother at 17, Auroria was taken in by her mother's friend in the High Forest and later joined the High Forest Scouts with her best friend. She is a keen strategist and exemplary with a bow and arrow. Five years prior to the abduction, her best friend was killed when one of Auroria's plans backfired during what was to be a routine hunt. Plagued with guilt, she quit the High Forest Scouts and left to live a life of isolation, taking freelance ranger jobs throughout the Sword Coast. Forests have always felt like home to her, though, and she relishes any opportunity to return to the trees.
Devoted to helping others, she does not hesitate to travel with six other abductees who need the new additions to their brains cured, glad and nervous to finally have company and friends again. However, when pulling a wizard from a portal, she felt an inextricable pull to him - one that would change both of their lives in unimaginable ways.
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woohookafka · 11 months
Genshin/Star Rail Fic Masterlist (Updated as on 21/08/2023)
Here's my AO3 account in case you wish to give them all a read.
Explicit fics will be marked in red (it's going to be almost all the links lol)
Multi-Chapter fics:
Freefall : Zhongli/Lumine (violence, canon deviation, angst, pining, fluff, smut) Genshin Impact
When the Warrior God took it upon himself to cleanse Liyue of the never-ending corruption of the Abyss, he realized that there is only so much that even his unyielding body, as ancient and titanic as the mountains, can take. Hope shone her grace on him when his long-time friend, the Anemo Archon, told him of a miraculous traveler who had purified an elemental relic corrupted by the Abyss, and he actively sought her out to bind her to a contract to purify himself. But alas, to cleanse a tainted Archon is easier said than done. Merely her presence is not enough to purify him. He must learn everything about her, she must learn everything about him...they must share everything within their hearts together. Then, and only then, will he be truly freed.
Sabaism : Alhaitham/Lumine (canon deviation, angst, fluff, smut) Genshin Impact
Alhaitham does not believe in things that he cannot see. Faith, sacrilege, blasphemy, they do not matter to his pragmatic existence. He also does not believe in things as meaningless as infatuations. Obsession, love, adoration, they do not matter to creatures with a life as fleeting as theirs. And yet, when the golden-haired Traveler proposes a joint research initiative with him, it only takes one day for everything that he believes in to crumble to dust. He gives in. He relents. He believes.
Sunshine and Sunshine Protector : Zhongli/Lumine (violence, blood and gore, Mafia AU, fluff, smut, slice of life) Genshin Impact
Lumine is a shining beam of sunlight, brightening the lives of everyone around her. And Zhongli is the luckiest of men, that he should have her all to himself. And so, he happily walks in the grim shadows, dirtying his hands so that his queen may continue to illuminate the world he strives to protect.
Blaze : Diluc/Lumine (violence, blood, smut) Genshin Impact
Trapped in Starglow Cavern, something fiery and feral awakens within Diluc when his favorite outlander suffers from frostbite.
Did The Heavens Drop You in My Arms? : Jing Yuan/Stelle (smut, fluff) Honkai: Star Rail
Stelle ends up becoming the involuntary guinea pig of the errant space anchors on the Xianzhou Luofu and finds herself being transported to all sorts of odd locations, some of which begin to show a particular pattern over a period of time. This pattern involves being teleported into the vicinity of a certain sleepy Arbiter-General, who is more than happy to be distracted from his work.
Inferno : Welt Yang/Stelle (smut, age difference, porn with plot) Honkai: Star Rail
A rescue mission goes horribly, horribly wrong when a volcano resonates with an unstable Stellaron. Alternatively, here's 17 hours of Welt surviving amidst a literal inferno while also trying his best to stabilize a densely concentrated bomb of a star that his companion carries within herself.
Stay : Dan Heng/Stelle (smut, fluff, body worship, shower sex) Honkai: Star Rail
Stelle and Dan Heng are alike in more ways than one. They're both distant, aloof, cold on the outside but warm on the inside, and very taciturn and silent. Dan Heng and Stelle also share a mutual secret. They are attracted to each other, but they cannot exactly understand how to label it. And to better understand just what it is they feel for each other, they conduct a series of experiments. Every night, Stelle comes to his room. Every night, Dan Heng takes her on his pristine white sheets. Every night, they feel the other as close as possible, to decipher what exactly it is. Nothing more, nothing less. But when morning comes and Dan Heng wakes up, Stelle's already gone. Not that he bothers. That's just how their relationship is. An experiment. After the incidents of Jarilo-VI, Dan Heng experiences nightmares involving Stelle. He is unable to sleep, something that is picked up by Stelle. She has a heart-to-heart conversation with Dan Heng, and he opens his heart to her, this time hoping that she'll stay by his side when he wakes up.
Wild Card : Zhongli/Lumine (sexual tension, shameless smut, praise kink, size kink, breeding kink) Genshin Impact
Lumine introduces Zhongli to the world of Genius Invokation TCG. But it's no longer fun and games for Lumine when he outclasses her in just a week's time. Zhongli decides to let Lumine in on his ancient secrets, his guide to winning wars, in a bid to make her improve her skills as a TCG player...through an interesting lesson held in the new Adeptal realm built specifically for TCG matches. (That's 10k words of smut written over Genius Invokation TCG)
Diffract : Alhaitham/Kaveh (smut, light bondage, choking) Genshin Impact
Alhaitham thought that he could play the devil for fun, but unfortunately, his roommate was a more dangerous devil than him at this moment. How else could he explain the fact that he ended up tangled in the bed with Kaveh over a fucking flower pot?
Wakeful Moonlight : Kamisato Ayato/Lumine (fluff, smut, body worship) Genshin Impact
Lumine and Ayato are alone tonight. Only the moon bears witness to their adoration for each other.
A Chrysanthemum, White Like Snow (major character death, angst, Modern AU) Genshin Impact
Had someone told Doctor Baizhu a few months ago, that he would be having a conversation with Death himself, Baizhu would have laughed and dismissed it as mere banter. But now, in this moment, it is not at all surprising. Neither is it scary. Nor is it painful. It’s just… there. It’s happening. Nothing more, nothing less.
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
Introducing: The Outlander 31 Day Challenge
With Season 7 fast approaching, let's spend the month of March preparing by looking back at our favorite moments from the first 6 seasons!
See below for each day's challenge. Feel free to participate every day, or as frequently as you'd like! Just use the hashtag #outlander 31 day challenge so we can all keep track!
We start on Wednesday, March 1. I can't wait to see your entries!
Here are the challenges:
Day 1: Favorite Season 1-3 Episode
Day 2: Favorite Season 4-6 Episode
Day 3: Favorite Murtagh scene
Day 4: Favorite Fergus scene
Day 5: Favorite Jenny *or* Ian (the elder) scene
Day 6: Favorite setting/location
Day 7: Scene that made you laugh the most
Day 8: Scene that made you cry the most
Day 9: Favorite character who only appears in 1 episode
Day 10: Favorite animal
Day 11: Favorite Marsali scene
Day 12: Most terrifying scene
Day 13: Favorite scene where the Gaelic language was spoken
Day 14: Favorite 20th century scene
Day 15: Favorite scene with Jamie and/or Claire and a villain
Day 16: Favorite Lord John scene
Day 17: Favorite Brianna scene
Day 18: Favorite Roger scene
Day 19: Favorite clothing/costume
Day 20: Favorite Jamie + Claire being badass scene
Day 21: Favorite Jamie + Claire quiet moment
Day 22: Favorite Jamie + Claire kiss
Day 23: Jamie + Claire scene that broke your heart
Day 24: Favorite Jamie + Claire being silly/adorable scene
Day 25: Favorite Red Jamie scene
Day 26: Favorite Jamie + Claire love/intimacy scene
Day 27: Favorite Jamie smolder
Day 28: Most romantic moment
Day 29: Most hopeful moment
Day 30: Most memorable moment
Day 31: Most quintessentially Outlander moment
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