#therapists choice tape
transmangains · 1 year
This is your sign to use oil when removing trans tape. I just ripped off a piece of my nipple
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mudwerks · 9 months
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(via Ruby Franke, Popular Parenting YouTuber, Arrested for Alleged Child Abuse)
According to Salt Lake City’s Fox 13, arresting documents describe a child climbing out of a window and running to a neighbor’s home to ask for food and water. The neighbor noticed that the child had duct tape on their wrists and ankles and called the police. Another child was found at the home the first one escaped from, which belongs to Franke’s business partner and therapist Jodi Hildebrandt.
Viewers of “8 Passengers” and investigative vloggers have flagged Franke’s concerning behavior around feeding and withholding food from her children for a long time. In one video, Franke brags about not feeding her kids breakfast until they do their chores, despite them being “literally starving.” In another, Franke explains the reasoning behind not bringing her hungry 6-year-old lunch at school, because it’s actually the kid’s responsibility to pack her own lunch. It’s all deranged.
Why do people that hate kids ever have kids? And why do they have such strong urges to share their evil with others? I guess it’s...ATTENTION and MONEY.
One can’t help but notice the unfortunate pattern of Youtubers or parenting influencers on any platform who’ve compromised their children’s wellbeing. Remember Myka Stauffer, who “rehomed” her adopted child with special needs in 2020? Or the “FamilyofFive” parents, who were convicted of child abuse in 2017 for the elaborate and cruel “pranks” they pulled on their children? The parenting choices these people made are upsetting enough, but their incessant need to capitalize off of them for content at their children’s expense is horrific.
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imaginebetterfutures · 6 months
I'm back with another sculpture! To be completely honest, this one was a real struggle for me to work out, idea wise. I love working abstractly (see earlier pieces!) but for this one our prompt in class was "objects and identity." We were asked to cast an object from life, and use it to speak to some aspect of ourselves that we want to explore. Not only am I an extremely closed book (pour one out for my therapist) but I'm also really not that interested in replicating objects?
So... I sort of cheated. This isn't *really* a cast of VHS tapes (although I did try to do that, and it failed miserably) but I'm still pleased with the outcome. Sound on for what I think is the best part — the pleasing and/or sinister snick snick snick sound of the tape unspooling and piling up.
If you like long, corny artist statements, boy howdy do I have one for you!
~~ GEODE ~~
My day job is as a journalist, and while I find a lot of the posturing that journalists do about our role as storytellers to be pretentious and often egotistical, I also can't deny that I got into this because I love to see into people's lives. Why do people do what they do? Why do we make the choices we make? How did we get here, as individuals and as a collective?
Much of journalism is about the big moments — wars and chaos and game changing plays. But those don't come out of nowhere. They come from a history, both personal and communal. We are products of our childhoods, our cultures, our teachers, our parents. We come from places that have smells and sounds and textures. And we document those things — and here I don't mean "we" journalists, I mean "we" as people. Humans have, for our entire history, recorded ourselves in one way or another. We write on walls, we tell each other stories, we come up with words that have deep meanings that stretch back into time.
Some journalists see their job as speaking truth to power. Or telling the important stories in the face of chaos and misinformation. Or staking a claim to truth, and defending it. All of that is true, of course. But when I think about my job I don't think about those things. I think about excavation. About telling the story in such a way that you can feel the texture of the people in it. I think of stories like geodes.
Do you know how a geode forms? They start with a volcanic eruption. Lava flows from a hot, angry vent, and mixes with the gases in the air. Most of the time, those gases don't stay put — they escape into the air and go off to become the wind in your hair, or carry pollen, or sweep under a bird's wing. But sometimes, bubbles of gas can't escape the boiling weight of the lava and become trapped. As the lava cools, those bubbles remain. It is only then — held tight and encased in cooling rock — that the crystals characteristic of geodes form.
There is something sad about opening a geode. It can reveal a great beauty, but it is also inherently destructive. You are taking a hammer to something hard and protected and asking it to open, to be seen, to be commented on. Not all geodes want to open. Not all geodes should be opened, perhaps. Not all geodes are beautiful inside. How do you know when to break one, and when to leave it be?
Once you break a geode, you open the crystals up to damage. UV light can bleach the colors inside and the oils on your skin can slowly eat away at the glittering growths.
I think a lot, as a journalist, about the stories that we lose when people die. The small things that they knew — the color of a lover's hair, the name of their neighborhood dog, the true identity of a soldier — that go to the ground with them. I have to stop myself from buying home movies when I see them at garage sales and thrift shops — each one, to me, a geode. Inside they might contain nothing, or everything. Wrapped tight in metallic film they recorded things people thought were important, things people wanted to remember. Trapped in plastic and now, broken open.
My piece is a VHS geode. I have broken it, and it is unspooling, and we are forgetting. It is beautiful and terrible all at once.
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majegfgkj · 5 months
Okay this is every text I sent one of my friends while listening to the first two eps of the Magnus protocol
Two eps!!! And oh my god it’s 40 mins long
Alex insulting ppl who have listened to every ep lmao
The intro music oh my god
Oh my god is that Jon (it’s not)
Omg I think it’s Gertrude
Nvm her name is Alice
There’s so many characters help
OIAR (what is that??) office of incident assessment and response
The beep is not a tape recorder i’m going to cry (my life is ruined)
Oh my god this is being recorded on a computer how does it come around everywhere
The statements are emails??
Dolls comma watching or dolls comma human skin lmaoooo (we love the Eye and the Stranger)
Omg it’s set like today
Oh my god Alex I can hear Alex oh my god MARTIN ITS THE ACTOR OF MARTIN
I have to listen again
So it’s reading out the real statements
Naming the voices Norris, Chester, and Augustus I can’t
Okay my guess is Norris - Martin
Augustus is 100% Jon
Who tf is chester (like who could it be??)
Oh maybe Chester is Jon which Augustus is so pretentious it’s probably Elias (could it be?)
Oh my god are they trapped in a computer
Okay so the Stranger? Yeah I think
Yes god it’s definitely the Stranger
‘Arthur is that you?’ ‘Some of it’ LMAO
Yeah that was pretty tame
I like Gwen
Oh my god if they’re in the computer they could be in all technology right bc this has to be a different computer
STATIC ‘no one is forcing you to stay here.’ Mhm. Totally
Is this boss related to Elias (no, Gwen is)
I really like Gwen
Help this beep is really annoying I want the ‘click’ of the tape recorders
We’re in the cameras rn aren’t we
I like Sam
This sounds like blinking there’s so much Eye
I feel like the Night Shift would be such a vibe
‘Magnus institute ruins’ is throwing me off
Wow it’s weird what a fucking surprise
Wow you’re paranoid what a fucking surprise
Foot went through the floor (worms?)
All the papers taken out, all of the statements???
Symbols? Like eyes? Suspicious stains? Like worms?
The photos are disappearing. Interesting
Distortion. It literally said the word Distortion.
Red canary isn’t going to reply are they
‘Canaries should stay above ground’ what a fucking surprise guess who’s definitely dead
Poor Sam I don’t want him to become an Archivist
What sam has history with the Magnus institute
Okay so who is the most pretentious - Elias
Argh all these beeps idk if I like this
*me trying to work out if she’s joking when she’s says ‘looking for my next victim’*
Sam no what’s happened I like him
He’s ill?
Are we at a supermarket??
Okay who tf is this guy
Distributed by rusty quill and licensed under a Creative Commons attribution non commercial share alike 4.0 international license >>>>>
Bro this music is so good holy shit
Okay ep 2
Not as long :(
Who are Christian and coco?
Oh my god Alex’s intro holY SHIT
the music is so good
Computer whirring yay (not tape recorder *cries*)
Sam don’t do that don’t decode it
Gwen and the other guy that’s not Sam are giving tim and Sasha
She plays Melanie’s therapist right. So… she’s still a therapist
Okay so the Stranger?
Maybe the Flesh
Wasps?? Corruption?
Mm not Corruption
Noooo Flesh its Flesh.
God this sounds like the old statements it makes me so happy, classic tma horror
Lmaooo bosses can’t be respected in this universe
What specific choice made us only able to hear one side of the convo. Who is the other person? Is it like georgie? say hi to ‘smth’ for me. Oh it’s a guy okay idk
Sam no don’t research
Oh my god do I have to wait a week now that’s horrible
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nelweensfic · 5 months
Bullet Journal
It was late in the day when Draco found his boyfriend doing something weird at the coffee table in their living room. The table was messy, that’s for sure. There were a bunch of colourful pens and some colourful tape spread on the surface. 
Harry didn’t notice him, so Draco sneaked behind the couch and watched him carefully. 
He drew lines and columns in a notebook, with numbers on the side and some pieces of that tape here and there. It was too confusing.
“What are you doing?” Draco finally asked, not really liking Harry doing something that he had no clue about.
“Merlin, Draco!” Harry gasped. “You startled me and now I messed up!” 
Draco looked over Harry’s shoulderto see that one of the lines wasn’t as straight anymore. Harry used his wand to erase the line and started redoing it.
“You haven’t answered my question,” Draco said as he joined Harry on the couch.
“I’m doing my bullet journal before the new year comes.”
“That’s in two days.”
“Exactly. I’m very late!”
“Late for what?” Draco asked in a whisper. He was still really confused.
“My therapist told me to try to do this. It might help me to understand myself more and help me for somee… other reasons, as well.”
Draco nodded. So it was a muggle thing. Of course it was. He had never seen someone doing this kind of stuff before. But if it could help Harry in any way, he was happy for him. And so he judged his choice of colours and drawings before being kicked out of the living room with a laugh. 
Thank you @cluelesspigeons for beta reading ❤️
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Satoru Gojo x Reader part 2
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Sequel to this
⚠️ Spoilers for chapter 261. You have been warned.
You looked around to make sure everything was prepared. You had made a miniature shrine and lit the prayer candles. Enclosed were various photographs of Satoru Gojo that you had printed off at your schools library earlier that day. You sat on your bed in a kimono while holding your beloved body pillow (which you had put back together with duct tape). You then browsed twitter (you refused to call it X) and frequently refreshed your tab.
You had been a wreck since fraudkuna took out your husbando but last week's chapter gave you new hope. "There's still a chance! It has to be Gojo-sama!" You then started to munch down on mochi and other various sweets while you made a list of various threats that you would mail to Gege should your 2D lover not return. You refreshed your tab for the last time. "Holy shit, this is it! Ahhh, Goj- WAIT-, YUTA! NANNNI?!"
It was 11:30 PM on a Wednesday night. You awoke to the sound of your daughters screams. Panicking, you frantically ran to her room to see the emergency. "Pookie, what's wrong!?" You were visited by the sight of your child, tear stained while throwing a tantrum on the floor like a toddler. She kept screaming so you had no choice but to shake her and get her attention. "Dear, what's wrong!?" Your daughter placed her heard on your shoulder and began to sob.
"He's dead!"
"Who sweetie?"
Not this shit again. After the whole "fraudkuna" incident you had decided to take your child to a therapist. Things seemed to be getting better and you had cleaned her room with bleach and febreeze whilst she was away, the neighbours finally rejoicing that the horrible scent was gone. Only it seems there was a relapse. "What did I tell you honey? Mojo Gojo isn't real-" You didn't finish your sentence due to your crotch goblin slapping you. "DON'T REFER TO HIM AS THAT YOU WENCH!"
You were cranky and wanted to go back to sleep. "Give me your phone now or else!" Your daughter chuckled. "Or else what? You can't stop me! THROUGHOUT HEAVEN AND EARTH I AM THE HONORED ONE!" You had given her a chance and she blew it. You then took her Ken doll (a threezero Gojo 1/6 scale figure) and snapped him in half like a pencil. Your daughter was too stunned to speak. You then grabbed her phone. "I'll be taking that. Now get some sleep sweetie, you have school tomorrow." You then slammed the door shut and slept peacefully to your child's sobs.
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anti-romantico · 2 years
[unethical relationship] ateez yunho P A R T O N E
warnings: therapist!reader, sexaddict!yunho (?), oral (m & f), unprotected sex (do i even have to say it?), dirty talking, uses of: [slut, baby], yh being bossy, hair pulling (f recieving), mouth fucking, over a desk, yh getting turned on by the thought of reader not being on the pill, creampie, fingering, sex tape, cum eating and then they kiss so they share it, riding, spanking, belly bulge, choking
A/N: I'm going to say this ONCE. I don't care if "that's not how therapy sessions works", I don't care if you are/were a therapist and are bothered by the uncountable mistakes this fic has. If there is at least one thing in this fic that bothers you, it's your choice to keep reading or not, but if you keep doing it and then feel the need to go to my ask box to tell me all the mistakes I made I'm telling you right now those asks will be deleted. Some of the mistakes here are intentional to emphasize that THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. You're not forced to read it if you're not comfortable.
Also, I'm sorry for the multiple "the receptionist", I didn't really think of a proper name for that character, I'll see if I can change it in the future
words: 5.1K
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2nd Session
The receptionist received Yunho with a sweet smile, just like last week, and told him to wait a couple of minutes for you to arrive. Yunho sat down and studied the place once again. This time his appointment was at midday, he didn't receive much explanation, just that another doctor uses your office some days. There were another three patients waiting, all of them looking close to his age.
— You're new here, aren't you? — A female voice got Yunho's attention.
— Uh, yeah, today is my second session. — The girl sat next to Yunho.
— Let me guess, Dr. Lee it's your therapist. — Yunho nodded. — I've come enough time to know why she took your case.
— It's just anxiety. — Yunho tried to dismiss the conversation, but the girl continued.
— Yeah, anxiety causes it. Don't worry, I won't tell your secret. — The front door opened, sending a wave of relief to Yunho when he saw it was you.
— Well, nice to meet you. — Yunho gave back his attention to the girl, but she was already walking to the other side of the reception.
After five minutes, the receptionist called Yunho to go to your office.
You seemed tired and even upset, but Yunho was too scared to ask, it wasn't his business.
— Take a seat, Yunho. — You said, noticing he didn't move from the door. He just nodded and quickly sat down on the blue couch. — You had breakfast? Can I offer you something?
— I'm fine, my roommates didn't let me leave the apartment without eating.
— Perfect — You grabbed your notebook and glasses and sighed. — Tell me about your week.
Yunho swallowed and took a deep breath. — I only got recommendations for better hygiene, fortunately I'm clean. — You nodded, but kept a straight face, making Yunho feel nervous again. — I also got condoms, the doctor was really generous.
— I was expecting that. — The smile you tried to give him was awkward and forced. — How many times did you have sex?
— U-uh twice, w-with the same person. — Yunho cleared his throat.
— You used condoms, right? — Yunho nodded. — Was this person someone new or...?
— No, is... the girl of the other week.
— Is she still a... "booty call"? — You carefully asked.
— I think so... — You leaned your head to the side, waiting for him to continue. — I'm physically attracted to her, that's for sure, but I don't want to think about anything romantic while I'm in the process of... healing?
— Well, that's perfect, Yunho. — Your wide eyes made Yunho giggle. — So, you said just two times, is there any difference now that you use protection?
— The first time, yes, that's why we tried it a second time. I don't know if I liked it, but it wasn't bad, I guess I just have to get used to it.
— How about watching porn? You still did it?
And that's the question he was scared to get. — I... I've been distracted lately, I didn't watch one full video. — And it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the complete truth, and you could realize.
— Yunho, I know getting therapy for this can be considered weird, but you're progressing rapidly, — You got up and walked to Yunho, not helping him at all. — if you're as open with me as you've been, then I can help and maybe in a few weeks you won't have to come anymore.
And Yunho didn't like the sound of that. — I... I was looking for a specific thing in those videos, but I didn't find it.
— Well, I'm sure that's progress, not saying you should stop watching, but if you feel like it doesn't satisfy you anymore, then we're getting somewhere. — You sat down on one of the chairs in front of your desk, you weren't exactly close to Yunho, but he could feel the closeness. — Can I ask what exactly you're looking for? — Yunho's eyes opened wide, scaring you a little. — Ok, you don't have to tell me, I do consider we should have some secrets between us, as long as we don't affect your progress.
You went back to your chair behind your desk while Yunho tried to catch his breath. — I'm just looking for the female actress to look a certain way. — "What are you doing? She will ask!" That voice again.
— That's completely normal. — You paused and started to tie your hair. — Now, do you masturbate?
— Yeah, I'm not proud to admit I did it every time I wanted to have sex.
— Oh, that's fine, you still went to run, right?
— Yep, not at 4am, but I guess it's part of my progress. — Yunho scratched his head.
— Now, let's talk about your usual routine. I know you said you get anxious if you don't run after sex, but did you do it in those two times you had sex with this girl?
— Only the second time, the first time I was too distracted, none of us... finished.
— Before meeting with her, what did you do? — And for the first time in maybe 20 minutes, you started to write.
— I went to work, mostly I work from home, but Fridays are busy days, sometimes I have to go to meetings and do paperwork.
— Do you consider work stressful or a way to clear your mind?
— Both. If I didn't get to have sex I would lock myself in my room and only go out to the bathroom and eat. And if I had too much work and need to get some... relief, I would see who I can call.
— So this week you mostly were locked in your room?
— You could say that.
You got up again, rounded your desk and sat on the edge. Yunho studied your outfit; some tight black dress pants, light blue shirt with two buttons open, a silver necklace and black high heels, and if he remembered correctly, your blazer was also black.
— I'm sorry, but I have to ask; why were you so distracted? I don't want to think therapy is the reason, but...
Yunho interrupted you before you could finish your sentence. — No, it's not... therapy.
— Then, what is... — Her phone interrupted, making her roll her eyes. — I'm sorry. — She aggressively grabbed her phone and entered the room she did last week. But that was useless, Yunho could hear the conversation.
"I told you I was working, don't fucking call me" "Good, it only took you two months and some balls to finally leave" "I don't care what you take, I want you out of my house now" "Do you think I fucking care? You cheated on me, own it and disappear"
Yunho was debating whether to leave and come back next week or stay there and pretend he didn't hear anything.
"You know what, how about you call that bitch and ask her to give you a ride since she likes those a lot" Yunho couldn't stop the chuckle. "Yeah, I want to see if any of them answer the phone. Those are my friends, let me remind you" "Just fuck off, and if I see you close to my property when I'm back I'll call the police" And all went silent, but you stayed there. It wasn't until Yunho heard you sobbing when he got up and knocked on the door.
— Dr. Lee? Is... everything ok? — He heard you trying to clear your throat.
— Give me two minutes, Yun. — Yunho felt shivers down his spine.
— Those answers were pretty badass if you ask me. — You laughed, opening the door. Weren't you crying? You seemed like nothing happened.
— I think we should continue this next week, that was really unprofessional of me. — You wanted to walk, but Yunho's body kept you inside the small bathroom.
— I think you need someone to talk to. — Yunho's voice was soft, and now it was your turn to feel shivers.
— I have friends for that, thanks, Yunho.
— I mean, I still have, what? 20 minutes more? I think we can work that out. I'll pretend I didn't hear your badass conversation with that asshole. — You laughed again, Yunho smiled at that sound.
Both of you went back to your seats and continued with the session. — Oh, I gave you a book of activities, have you done something?
— Yeah, I hid that from my roommates and forgot about it.
— Well, now you have homework. I want at least three pages of that book done for next week.
— Yes, ma'am.
Yunho arrived at his apartment, remembering it was empty. Seonghwa was on a double shift and would come back until midnight and Mingi said he would be back until 9pm, so the apartment was for him until then.
Yunho sat down on his bed when he suddenly remembered the book. "I want at least three pages" he smiled at the memory of your voice. God, he didn't like the effect you had on him, you were his therapist. "you pay her to care about you, big boy, relax" the voice in his head streak again, making him feel like shit.
When he finally found the book, he began to read it, math problems, riddles, etc., what actually called his attention was that the book had your name in the back "[Y/N] Lee". The book was yours? Why did you give him a book you use? She mentioned something about kids not doing their homework, maybe she was also a babysitter? "Or she has kids" Yeah, definitely he didn't need that image of you. Wait, she had an argument with someone over the phone, something about him cheating on her. What if she did have kids and now she will be a single mom and also a therapist... When Yunho realized, he was standing up and squeezing the book in his hand. "Ok, I think that's too much, big boy, sit down", this time he did listen to the voice.
It was until 5pm that Yunho felt hungry, so he closed the book and grabbed money to go buy something. He didn't even know what he wanted until he arrived at a convenience store where he just took his usuals and paid. His diet was the only thing he didn't change, but it wasn't like he had the energy to cook.
— Yunho! — A familiar female voice called from afar. Sohee, his infamous booty call. — Why haven't you answered my messages? — She said as she got close to him.
That's where Yunho remembered he didn't grab his phone before leaving his apartment. — Uh, I've been busy.
— Are you sure it has nothing to do with what happened? — Sohee fixed her hair. — I know it was kinda embarrassing, but it happens to a lot of people.
— I've been busy, So, I haven't had the time to think about... that. — "Wow, that was rough"
— Oh, it's just... I thought we could maybe try it again? — And Yunho was about to tell her he was still busy, but all the thoughts he had earlier went back to his head.
— Fine, but I have to eat something first, I'm really hungry. — Sohee laughed and followed Yunho to his apartment.
Moaning and body slaps were the only thing you could hear when you entered that apartment. Her face was squeezed against Yunho's bed as a way to keep it a little bit down, but Yunho couldn't control his growls and moans. Yeah, he definitely needed this, it wasn't awkward anymore, the feeling of the condom was more than familiar now. It was their 3rd round now and Yunho successfully kept you out of his mind for a few hours, until the memory of your outfit, that conversation with your ex, your laugh, god why was it so hard?
And then, Sohee's moans weren't hers, Yunho only could see half her face, but he was sure it wasn't her face anymore. It was you he was fucking. He instantly started to thrust harder, making Sohee moan louder and try to completely hide his face, but Yunho grabbed her hair, pulling it hard enough for her back to touch his chest. This was new and Sohee wasn't complaining.
— Wow. — Sohee said when both of them cum. — That was... different.
Yunho was trying to clear his mind, now he was seeing things. — I didn't hurt you, right?
— Oh, babe, I hope you keep doing it, that was so hot. — Yunho chuckled. Keep doing it... But would he still think about you while doing it?
It was almost 4am and Yunho couldn't sleep. His mind kept repeating the images of you in his bed. No, that wasn't you, that was Sohee. God, but it wasn't her body. It was yours. It was your face. He could still hear you moaning in his ears.
His hand traveled down his bulge and shamelessly started to stroke it over his boxers by the thought of you riding him. God, you would look like a goddess bouncing on his cock. Now it was you, sucking hard, letting him guide your head, pulling your hair, moaning around him, swallowing every drop he gives you. He would return the favor, making you ride his face until you couldn't take it. Then, he would fuck you so hard not a single coherent word would come out of your mouth. Fuck, just the thought of cumming inside you made him actually cum. He looked at his boxers, he had to change now.
When Yunho's breath went back to normal, he remembered, he didn't run.
3rd Session
— Glad to see you again. — The girl from the other week sat down next to Yunho again. — I'm Ryujin, by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself last week.
— Oh, don't worry. I'm Yunho.
Ryujin was about to say something when the receptionist called her. — Well, I guess I'll see you next week. Bye, Yunho.
Yunho waved back at her and waited for his turn to be called. "You have to tell her, big boy, the best for you is to change therapists" The voice said. Since when was it the voice of reason?
— Yunho, Dr. Lee is ready to see you. — Yunho nodded and cleaned the sweat of his hands on his jeans.
— Come in, Yunho. — You said when you saw his head slightly peeked in from the door. Yunho closed the door behind him and slowly walked to the blue couch. — Ok, tell me about...
— I had sex with Sohee the whole week. Multiple times. — Yunho said in a hurry, surprising you. "good job, big boy, you scared her"
— Sohee is... the booty call. — Yunho nodded. — At least you used condoms?
— Every time, and it didn't feel uncomfortable anymore. It felt good even.
— Well, that's good, totally a process, but I'm confused, what was the urge to tell me? — You crossed your arms and leaned on your desk.
— Because every time I fucked her I thought about another girl. — "smooth"
— Oh, did you tell her? — You got up and walked to Yunho. He freezed for a moment when you sat down next to him.
— I didn't know how to. We both enjoyed it. I didn't know I could last more than two rounds until now. — Yunho looked at the floor, he was now oversharing.
— And don't you think you could enjoy it more if you were honest with her?
— No. — Yunho cleared his throat and looked at you. — It's like I need the image of this girl in my mind to enjoy it.
You were even confused. — The image? Is this girl real?
— She is. — Yunho studied your face. You were frowning and noticed the quick look he gave to your lips. — I know it's fucked up and Sohee don't deserve it, but when I tried to not think about this girl, my dick would go immediately soft. — "too much information"
— And the reason you kept trying it with Sohee was because you are familiar to her touch or because it was easy for you? — This wasn't the first time you heard something like this.
— A little bit of both. — He covered his face with his hands. — God, I'm pathetic.
— You're not pathetic, Yunho. It's completely normal. A lot of people think about their celebrity crush when they have sex.
— This is not about a celebrity crush, Dr. — When Yunho looked at you again. All the thoughts he had while masturbating came back.
— I still think you should talk with Sohee, it's... unfair. — You were personally speaking, this conversation reminding you about your now ex boyfriend fucking his bother's friend in your bed when he thought you would be back late.
— I'll do it, I just need to think carefully about what I will say. — His voice took you out of your mind.
— Is there anything else you are so desperate to tell me?
— After the first day, at night, I masturbated at the thought of her. All the things I want to do to her and with her. I thought it was because I didn't go to run, but I had the same thoughts the next few days.
— And why don't you talk to her? See if she's also interested.
— I can't, I don't think she's interested.
— How do you know? Have you told her?
— She... — "she is in front of us pretending she doesn't know you're talking about her" There is no way, — She's engaged.
You took a deep breath and nodded. — Are you sure you're telling me the truth? — "told ya'"
— I am.
You nodded again and went back to your desk. — What about your diet?
— I'm too lazy to cook.
— You need good nutrition. Believe it or not, what we eat also affects our sexual lives. You might be lacking some things for you not being able to focus on other things than this girl while having such an intimate moment with another girl. — Yunho threw his body to the side and laid down on the couch. — Did you do your homework?
Fuck, he forgot the book.
— Fuck, Yunho, wait. — Sohee said, stopping herself from bouncing over him.
— What? Did I hurt you? — Yunho said out of breath.
— No, it's just... What are we? — Sohee brushed Yunho's sweaty hair out of his face.
— Sohee, my dick is hard inside you, let me cum first and then we'll talk, yeah? — Yunho gave Sohee a quick perk and kissed her neck, making her whimper. — Please, baby, I need to cum so bad, I know you need it too. — Slowly, Sohee rotated her hips, making Yunho bite his lip. — That's right, baby, do it faster, god, squeez me a little.
— I want to be your girlfriend. — Sohee said in a moan, throwing her head back.
Yunho didn't answer, he didn't want to. He rolled their bodies and kept thrusting hard. When he looked at Sohee's face, it was yours there.
— Yunho. — God it was also your voice.
— I know you're close, baby, come on, cum around me. — Yunho played with her clit, making her squeeze his dick harder.
Sohee cummed and kept moaning while waiting for Yunho to also cum. He looked desperate, his hips moving fast and hard. Once he cum, he pulled out and laid down beside her. He smiled when her lips went to his neck and felt her hand taking out the used condom.
— I don't think I can cum one more time. — Yunho said, buckling up his hip when Sohee's hand started to stroke his dick.
— Let's find out. — Sohee went down on him and immediately took him in his mouth, making him growl.
— Fuck, [Y/N], like that... — "and the inevitable, happened"
Sohee raised her head so fast her neck almost cracked. — Who's [Y/N]?
Yunho's eyes opened wide, what did he do? He looked at Sohee and her eyes were teary and red. — Fuck, sorry, Sohee, I...
— I know I don't have any right to be jealous, but who's that? — Sohee dried one tear and waited for Yunho to answer, which he didn't. — I told you I wanted to be your girlfriend, I know I should've waited, but I thought we were going somewhere after two weeks of you calling me every day.
— Sohee, I'm sorry, I don't think we should be together. — Yunho grabbed his boxer and only covered his erection. "How's that thing still hard?"
— Oh, so we should still fuck every day while you think about another woman? Fuck you. — Sohee started to get dressed while trying to fight her tears. — Please, don't call me again.
Yunho watched Sohee leave her room and just seconds later the door slammed.
Seonghwa peeked his head, not caring Yunho was practically naked.. — What happened?
Yunho shook his head and laid down. — Lock the door, please. — And once Seonghwa left, Yunho threw his boxer to the side and stroked his cock.
Your lips were on his neck, you were bouncing on him with his help, you nails leaving marks down his back. He needed you. God, he can't believe he was going to do this. He grabbed a pillow from the floor and positioned himself over it. He didn't need much motivation to think it was you. That he was over you. He started to thrust and imagine your moans. He would choke you, kiss you, pull your hair. He didn't last long. When he opened his eyes he saw his pillow covered in cum. He would make you clean it.
Yunho walked fast through the dark parking lot until he arrived at the consultory. The receptionist was confused when he saw him opening the door.
— Yunho, your appointment is tomorrow.
— I know, I came to cancel it.
— I know it's not my business, sweetheart, but [Y/N] have told me you're improving. Why? Or is it temporal?
Yunho took a deep breath and bit his lip. — I don't know, but I guess you won't see me for a while... — "or ever".
— It's ok, don't feel pressure to come, but anything you need, I'll be here. — Yunho smiled and nodded. The receptionist typed on his keyboard. — It's done, tomorrow morning you'll have your refund. Is there anything else I can do for you?
— Tell Dr. Lee I'm sorry. — And just when he finished the sentence, your door opened. You had your things and were locking the door.
You looked up and frowned. — Yunho?
Yunho left the place, leaving you confused. You looked at the receptionist, expecting an explanation.
— He canceled his appointment and said he won't be back for a while.
— Did he tell you anything else?
— Just that. I think you can still talk to him, he's in his car. — The receptionist turned her screen and showed you the security footage. — I promise I won't tell you had interaction with one of your patients outside your office. I mean, technically he isn't your patient anymore.
You chuckled and walked in the same direction Yunho left. There were only three cars. Yours, Yunho's and the receptionist's. You got close to Yunho's car and knocked his window, making him jump. He rolled down the window.
— Do you want to talk about it? — You asked, respecting his space.
— I have friends for that. — Yunho didn't look at you.
— I bet, but you still came to cancel your appointment when you could just make a call.
— If you think I came to see you, I didn't even know you were still here. — His knuckles were white for the way he was squeezing the wheel.
— You still had at least 3 minutes to start your car and leave, but you stayed.
— Just leave me alone, you don't have to worry about me, you're not my therapist anymore.
— Well, then I came to check on you as a friend.
— We're not friends, [Y/N], just leave. — You felt a wave of shivers all over your body when he said your name.
You nodded and left. As you walked to your car, you waved at the receptionist before she left. You took out your car keys and were about to open the door when a body slightly pressed you against it. You could see his chest behind you in the reflection of your window.
— You decided you wanted to talk? — You pushed his body back with the door, throwing your stuff inside and closing the door. You faced him and immediately felt small in front of him.
— I said your name. — You tried to not show any reaction at his confession. He leaned down to face you. — I fucking said your name when Sohee was sucking my cock, [Y/N], do you know what is that?
— That's not my fault, Yunho. — You weren't supposed to feel affected by such vulgar words.
— That's the worst part, it's all my fault. — His hands caged you and his face got closer, you had to push him away, but you couldn't. — I'm the one that put your beautiful face in my mind so I could cum every time I got my dick in another girl. Fuck, I swear I felt your lips around me. — Yunho pushed himself away from you.
— You just had to ask for a different doctor, not cancel your appointment, you were improving.
— We both know that's not true. For two weeks I've been fantasizing about you being under me, that's not improving. — Yunho got close again.
— Come back tomorrow, I'll recommend you to a good doctor.
— I don't want another doctor, [Y/N], I want you! — Yunho grabbed your face, making you hold on to his arms. — Yeah, my friends are the best, they got me therapy because I couldn't go a day without putting my dick in someone's hole, but you, baby, you are the only person in my life that doesn't make me feel like shit for it.
— That's... That's my job, Yunho.
— And I want you to keep doing it, but I can't be in the same place as you, you're ruining my sex life. My best way to keep you out of my mind is being mad at you for ruining me. — "I'm siding with you in this one, big boy"
— Yun, I need you to let me go. — That nickname again, it was like a slap to reality.
He freed your face and got away as if you burnt his hands. — I'm sorry... I... I'm really sorry. — Yunho went back to his car and left, leaving you breathless.
Yunho was alone against the wall watching his friends flirt with some girls. He deserved this, after all the times he left his friends alone to go to fuck.
— Well, such a beautiful face shouldn't be alone. — A girl hugged Yunho from the neck.
Yunho felt his dick twitch. Yeah, this is what he needed. — You should make me some company, then. — He shamelessly grabbed the girl's butt, making her bite her lip.
— I can make you do other things too, handsome.
— Yeah? And what are you waiting for? — Yunho didn't wait for an answer, he kissed the girl while she palmed his dick over his jeans. The girl was already tall and also wearing heels, so it wasn't uncomfortable for Yunho to kiss her.
— I would love you to fuck me right here, but the owner of this club already have me on sight, but I know a place. — Yunho let her guide him to the girls bathroom. And as if it was common, the girls there didn't care when they entered while making out.
Yunho carried the girl to help her get in the sink. The three girls that were there slowly left the room.
While the girl opened his jeans and stroked him over his boxer, Yunho railed up her dress, brushing her wet pussy with his fingers. With his free hand, he looked for the condom and when he was about to open it, the girl took it and got down from the sink. Yunho gave her space to pull down his jeans and boxers and roll up the condom. She turned around and pulled up her dress more, bending over the sink. Yunho rammed against her, pulling her hair and kissing her.
The door opened after a few minutes, Seonghwa almost wanting to punch Yunho in the face. — Yunho.
Yunho looked at his friend through the mirror without stopping his actions. — What? You want to join us?
— Mingi feels sick, he wants to go home.
— He will go in a few, handsome. — The girl said, pulling Yunho's face to kiss him again. Seonghwa rolled his eyes before leaving.
The girl massaged her clit and squeezed her cunt around Yunho making him moan, but he didn't cum, only her.
— I think I owe you an orgasm. — The girl said, fixing her dress.
Yunho took out his phone and gave it to the girl. — So I will make sure you keep your promise. — The girl smiled and saved her number, giving the phone back to Yunho. — I'll message you tomo... Wait, what?! — Yunho said out loud when he read Ryujin's name on his phone. When he looked around, Ryujin was already leaving the bathroom. Yunho needed a moment.
— Why does it look like you saw a ghost? — Seonghwa asked when Yunho sat in the passenger seat, Mingi was already sleeping in the back.
— What the fuck was that in the bathroom?
— You fucked Sohee earlier today, Yun, and I don't know what happened between you two, but I know that whatever happened made you fucked that stranger.
— She's not a stranger, I met her in therapy. — Yunho said, trying to ignore the way Seonghwa called him.
— That's not better, Yunho. I thought you were improving, at least you frequented Sohee.
— Can you stop talking about her? I fucked up. — Yunho looked at him upset.
— Oh, believe me, that slam on the door was more than enough for me to know you fucked up, but how? How you ruin two weeks of having constant sex with a girl that’s obviously romantically interested in you?
— Because I said the name of another girl while she was sucking my dick! How many times do I have to tell this fucking story?! — Yunho yelled, making Mingi whine in his sleep.
— Times? It's the first time I've asked about it. — Seonghwa looked at Yunho, waiting for an answer he didn't get. — We're your friends, Yun, why are you hiding stuff from us?
— Just drive, I have therapy tomorrow morning. — Yunho lied.
— It's freaking 4 in the morning, dude. — Seonghwa said under his breath, but Yunho ignored him.
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bi-bard · 1 year
The Blood is Rare and Sweet as Cherry Wine - Frederick Chilton Imagine [NBC's Hannibal]
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Title: The Blood is Rare and Sweet as Cherry Wine
Pairing: Frederick Chilton X Reader
Based On: Cherry Wine
Word Count: 1,684 words
Warning(s): HI, PLEASE TAKE THESE SERIOUSLY! unhealthy relationship, arrest, threats of violence, presence of a knife
Summary: Chilton had risked everything for (Y/n). His reputation, his job, even his freedom. But now that he had (Y/n) with no interference, he is left questioning his choices and feelings.
Author's Note: I've considered this plot a few times, but never went through with it. This song offered a controlled way to do it.
Frederick sometimes wondered if he had loved (Y/n) more when they were behind bars.
If that barrier was a necessity for him to truly accept this relationship of his.
He had known it was wrong from the moment he entertained the idea.
(Y/n) had been a resident of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane for a while. They had grown accustomed to every face that would pass through its halls. It was home. It likely would have been for the rest of their life, and they were all too aware of them.
Frederick was in charge of (Y/n)'s care.
He was an administrator. Truly, practicing wouldn't have exactly been a requirement at this point in his life. However, he only had so many people employed... and he enjoyed the fame of treating the ones that society considered to be the evilest of humanity.
A dangerous obsession of his.
(Y/n) had grown to adore the little game they had going with Dr. Frederick Chilton.
They had taken up spending their sessions trying to get to him instead of working on their own issues. They were good at it too. It merely took a few carefully placed compliments and batted eyelashes to cause Frederick to shift a little in his chair.
"Why won't you come closer," (Y/n) asked one day, watching the man sit in the chair that had been placed behind a yellow strip of tape.
"There's been an occurrence of patients trying to pee on their therapists," he explained. He tried to move past the topic quickly. "Or spit on them."
"I'm disappointed that you think I would even try to participate in such behavior," (Y/n) replied.
They were back in a private room. No guards around. It was for (Y/n)'s comfort. When they did open up, it was more likely to be in a space like this than the small boxes that others had been kept in.
(Y/n) stepped closer to the bars. "Come on, Frederick. If I was going to hurt you during our sessions, then I would have done it a long time ago."
He raised an eyebrow at them.
"Come on," they drew the word out a little as they grinned at him. "Please?"
A sigh escaped him before pushing himself out of his chair.
When he stopped walking forward, there was still quite a distance between the pair.
"Frederick," (Y/n) complained. "Am I really so much of a threat that you can't stand in front of me like you would a friend?"
"You're not a friend, you're a patient."
(Y/n) placed a hand on their chest and pretended to be hurt by the statement.
When Frederick didn't reply, they dropped their hand and spoke up again, "I think we both know that you do not see me as merely a patient."
He raised an eyebrow.
"I think I haunt you," they continued.
"Haunt me?" he repeated.
"And not out of fear," they added. "It's quite flattering, really."
Frederick shook his head, scoffing. Deny until you couldn't. That was the thought process that he seemed to be operating under.
"Come here," (Y/n) pushed him. "Please?"
He took a deep breath before taking a few more steps forward.
"There you go," they said. "This is much better."
"What do you want," he asked.
They shrugged. "Maybe I just want to be closer to you."
"I'm serious," (Y/n) insisted. "You're telling me that we have spent all of this time together and you have never thought about what could happen?"
"Nothing could happen."
"Aren't you the big man in charge?"
"Frederick," they muttered, moving even closer to him. They reached their hand out and touched Frederick's tie. "What's the real answer to my question?"
It was tense between them.
"I've thought about it."
(Y/n) let out a fake gasp. "Really?"
Frederick rolled his eyes.
"Maybe one day," they entertained the thought. "When there are fewer people glaring at us."
It was a dangerous idea. But (Y/n) had said just enough to plant the idea in his head.
Truly, that's all that (Y/n) needed to do. Anything else could be planned without them.
Frederick spent ages questioning the idea. He knew how dangerous it was. If he was asked, he could name every risk off the top of his head. He knew that he shouldn't have even considered it.
But he did.
And it took all too long for Frederick to walk through his front door and find (Y/n) sitting in his living room.
"Welcome home, dear," they said with a smile.
He grinned back.
They stood up and walked over to him. Their arms wrapped around his neck. Both of them sighed. It felt like the weight rolled off of the pair. It was nice.
(Y/n) leaned forward and pressed their lips to his. It was such a perfect moment.
Frederick began to accept that this was all worth it.
For obvious reasons, (Y/n) was confined to Frederick's house after that night.
With all of the pressure, Frederick had no interest in taking any extra risks.
(Y/n) despised that. They were bored and tired.
"I am getting restless," (Y/n) explained, bouncing over the back of the couch to sit next to him. "I've spent years in a cage. I thought that I was meant to be free now. All I have now is nicer clothes."
"And me," Frederick added.
(Y/n) hummed. "I would argue that I had you before. Only difference now is that I can touch you without checking for guards first."
He raised an eyebrow at them. They moved forward and wrapped their arms around his neck. He grinned before leaning forward to press his lips to theirs.
It still felt strange to be able to kiss them with no hesitation.
Frederick wondered if there would ever be a time when he got used to the feeling of their lips on his.
He didn't have much time to entertain the idea before his head was pulled back and something was pressed against his throat. It took him a matter of milliseconds to recognize the thing as the edge of a knife.
"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing," he asked, terrified that all of the risks he had taken were all pointless.
He saw a grin break out on their face. They started laughing as they pulled the blade away. He stared at them.
"Oh, relax," they waved him off as he stared. "Gosh, it was a fun joke."
(Y/n) threw the knife across the floor, letting it slide away from the pair.
"I have to have a little fun when I'm here."
The stunned look on his face was reminiscent of the look he would give if someone spilled wine in his house. Maybe (Y/n) was the equivalent of a stain on all of the white details that filled each other rooms.
Frederick prided himself on his intelligence. He always felt the need to appear smarter than everyone else in a given situation. If he couldn't prove it, then he would act like it.
But now... he was confused. More confused than he ever had been before.
He was lying to the people that worked with him, to law enforcement, to the people that may have still cared about him. All while (Y/n) pulled silly little stunts in the name of "a little fun."
If it had happened once, then Frederick could have moved on with no questions. But it didn't. (Y/n)'s "fun" always seemed to be the result of scaring him half to death. They always giggled like there was no difference between those behaviors and tickling a person.
But there would be these periods of peace. Times when Frederick could look at (Y/n) and fully understand the actions that got him there. He could imagine the love and the need and the lack of logic that was completely logical in his mind.
The scales were tipping back and forth, waiting for the balance to be lost forever and for everything to come crumbling down.
Frederick wasn't sure why that day had been the day he called the FBI. Maybe it was something he saw or some conversation he had. All he knew was that it was the right choice.
(Y/n) made dinner for them.
Each one of them at opposite ends. They acted like nothing was wrong. Like (Y/n) wasn't aware of Frederick's sudden nervousness. They acted like this meal was completely normal.
(Y/n) asked about his day. He asked about theirs.
(Y/n) called him "dear" and looked at him with a terrifyingly loving gaze.
Frederick felt fear shift from his stomach to his throat. Like vomit rising, prepared to come out as soon as he kept his mouth open for a few moments too long.
The police lights shined through the windows in the middle of the meal.
(Y/n) didn't bother looking out the window. They simply scoffed. Frederick took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry," he muttered.
(Y/n) rolled their eyes. "You know how much I hate liars, dear."
They stood from their seat and walked to stand in front of the front door. They moved to their knees and laced their hands together behind their head. They saw no purpose in running. Not now.
Frederick stood from the table to watch them.
The SWAT team entered with guns drawn.
(Y/n) offered an obnoxiously polite grin.
Jack Crawford was behind the team.
"Hi, Jack! Been too long, hasn't it?"
"Absolutely," he said in the same taunting voice that (Y/n) had put on.
"How do you like the house," they asked. "I thought it was going to be perfect."
Jack shrugged. (Y/n) laughed.
"You're fun, Jack," they commented.
"You know what else will be fun?" Jack tilted his head as he spoke. (Y/n) acted like an excited kid. "A trip down memory lane."
(Y/n) pretended to be shocked as an officer rounded around (Y/n) and cuffed their wrists.
(Y/n) called out to Frederick as they were led out, "Love you, dear! I'll see you soon!"
And he couldn't tell if the idea made his heart speed up or stop in its tracks.
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oftlunarialmoon · 6 months
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5 Agere Activities for a Rainy Day (Indoors Edition)
Ciao lovelies! We’re moving into spring here where I am, and with the spring, comes LOTS of rain. There are many outside ideas to do for agere, (and yes, even some rainy day ones!) but today, I’d like to share 5 of my favorite agere activities to do on a rainy day, or on days where I can’t go outside (snow, too hot, etc.)..
All of the ideas I’m sharing today are my personal faves!
Idea #1: Change your doll’s (or stuffies!) outfits….or make them some outfits!
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Super old pic, I know (I have wayyy different hair now, lol), but this idea is still one of my faves. Picking new outfits for my dolls is always super fun and sometimes I even have a mini photoshoot with them after changing their looks. I can also turn this idea into a full afternoon of play by setting up a “doll salon” to select their looks and they each get a spray of choice perfumes and hair brushes :) 
If you don’t have clothes for your dolls/stuffies, you can also make them clothing or accessories! I’m aiming to put some tutorials of that sort on the blog and possibly on the Youtube channel soon, but for now, here’s some tutorials that I have already made to get you started:
There are many fun and simple methods for making doll clothing or accessories, I once again have to highly recommend MyFroggyStuff’s Youtube channel for this! She has awesome ideas and she makes it all seem so easy. 
Idea #2: Take a fun Bubble Bath!
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Taking a fun and relaxing bath is a nice way to both regress, and practice self-care! You can find cute bath toys like these at dollar stores, and bath bombs, bubble bath, bath fizzies, etc as well! I even love buying the “bath puppets” which are just washcloths that go on your hands like a puppet, and are shaped like animals! I have a sharkie and a froggie. When I take baths or showers, I like to imagine going through a checklist with my scrubby buddy (most often Mr Sharkie) to make sure I get 1000000% clean! Sometimes I even make a little song of this and hum it to myself. :)
It’s also nice having access to fun body washes and soap! My current favorite body wash is scented from “Viva las Vegas SWEET” which is some kind of perfume thing, but it smells like candy, and it looks cute out of the tube! (it’s pink and shimmery 0.0)
I’ve also seen body washes for babyshark, Barbie, and other kids franchises! Oh, and even some grown-ups products are still cute for this too! I have a Hello Kitty sugar scrub that was intended for grown-ups, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t cute anyway! :) Oh, and Crayola makes body wash “crayons” as well, the tubes are crayon shaped and the body washes are colorful!
Okie, okie, that’s a lot of me rambling about baths, sorry >.<
Idea #3: Play Video Games!
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Sometimes there’s nothing better than wearing comfy clothes, having a nice snack, and playing video games! On rainy days this activity feels super cozy and wonderful, and there are lots of games out there that are cute and good for agere!
My current faves are Animal Crossing New Horizons on my Switch, Sandbox Coloring App on my phone, Nintendogs on my 3Ds, and Minecraft on my PC! I love that games are on a lot of different devices, so that I can always find something to do~
I think Animal Crossing is a really cool game for age regressors, and the New Horizons one is very cute for a lot of reasons! I can dress my avatar up in cute fashions and i can even buy…..pacis! and…..Cute kawaii dresses!!! :0 You could make your dream agere outfits in this game, and i do it all the time, tbh!
Idea #4: Journaling or Writing in a Diary!
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I love love love my regression journal! I use stickers, washi tape, coloring pages, crayons, markers, and more on it, and it’s really freeing to have a journal that doesn’t need to be neat or tidy. My daily journal is also my regression journal, as I am someone who is semi-regressed all the time! :3 I also do vent journal entries in this journal (to share with my therapist), and lists, collages, doodles, info pages…lots of things! 
I have an article on here actually about Agere Journaling! 
I also want to briefly ramble about my stickers, I have found 2 really good sources of stickers for my journal. The first is a subscription service called Stickii, which sends you a themed sticker pack every month, these packs include stickers from lots of independent artists and I really love each one I’ve gotten so far (I’ve gotten 2 so far.) **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
The second is Blippo Kawaii Shop, which sells sticker mystery bags which I have an opening video of on OFT’s IG! :) I love their selection of kawaii stickers, and it’s always fun getting a package from them. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
Idea #5: Play with Legos or building blocks! 
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Something that I love doing when I am small is playing with building blocks or legos! I like the Minecraft sets or the dollar store legos! :) I use the legos to build things for my mini town and dollhouse, as well as make dollrooms! :) 
Megablocks have larger blocks as well if you regress younger and want something more simple. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
You can use building blocks to make obstacle courses for your minis, specific types of buildings for playing pretend, mecha robots for epic battles…….>.<’ sorry my brain totally went to gundam XD
They also sell building block sets for making iconic characters like pikachu and other pokemon, as well as other anime and game characters! I think this type of block is called a nano block.
What do you think of these 5 agere activities for a rainy day? What activities are your favorite when small? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you lovelies and having great discussions!
And now for the most important thing in this outro…..I get to say……
STAY AWESOME!! You are awesome, just as you are, and you should look at yourself with love and kindness. Don’t forget to love yourself, whether you practice self-care, treat yourself, or take care of your future self by getting a task done ahead of time, self love is important!
Okie, all my ramblings aside, see you in my next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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abyssruler · 2 years
Nah cause I need to know is scara ever afraid reader would leave him? Damn the reader is strong strong for staying with that man despite the humiliation and more 💀
(from this) he is!! lowkey terrified you’ll leave him someday, which is why he went to such measures to make sure you have no choice but to stay with him — such as blackmailing you with your sex tape. and frr reader is a real one for staying with him (tho it’s not like she had much of a choice 😭) poor girl needs to get to a therapist asap
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lantanatum · 3 months
I listened to the last episode and omg guys, I was not ready. I had a tiring day and put it on expecting my weekly dose of horror read by a computer Jon and then... Tapes. Celia being weird. Hilltop road. Knowing Jon.
I wonder if Hilltop here is also a portal, possibly. At the very least it attracted a Stranger, interesting choice for an episode where something is off and we wonder whether Celia is Celia the therapist
Also Gwen???? You sure live up to being a Bouchard. Or at least our usual association with being a Bouchard, since Jonah played being Elias for us for 4 seasons. I am dying to know who Lena's superiors are. Are they connected to the entities?
Also, if the entities were banished from TMA world in 2020, how are true statements older than that? Did entities have an influence before? Is it something different entirely? I have so many questions
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transmangains · 1 year
the rash from taping my chest fucking burns
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 138 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: putting up a new fence.
MARTIN: "You know I don’t care if Jon hears this." ELIAS: "Come on, Martin. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. Let’s not start with lies." [MARTIN TAKES A STEADYING BREATH.] MARTIN: (sigh) "Fine." Martin doesn't deny it?
ELIAS: "For all his… many faults, Peter is legitimately trying to stop the end of the world as we know it." MARTIN: "So why haven’t you helped him?" ELIAS: "My relationship to the apocalypse is more… complicated." Okay, Elias saying this?! In the episode of Smirke's statement, where the sky blinks at him? I just realized how many of those conversations fit the tone of the respective episode (without the obvious, like MAG 125, 128, 131, 133, 134 etc). Of course MAG 122, Jon waking up from the dead with the Zombie statement. MAG 124 Left hanging and Martin left Jon hanging. MAG 127 A letter to Jonah with Jon's door motif talk and Basira visiting Elias. MAG 129 opening with Jon and Martin before THE anchor statement. I don't know, MAG 130 maybe? It was about a ritual and the Web suggested this tape to Jon for further preparation of the Eye's mass ritual. MAG 135 talking Basira into a potential Dark ritual after the statement about the creation of that ritual. And then that mean red herring in MAG 136, Web statement with Melanie's therapy (Jon later worries, that Melanie's therapist could be Web). Also like the way Elias talks about Peter, they really sound like a divorced couple xD
MARTIN: "Yeah, well. I’m still not sure I really believe it. (long exhale) A,And I don’t… I – I’m –" ELIAS: "Worried he might charge off into another coffin." [HE MAKES A SMUG LITTLE SOUND.] ELIAS: "Quite." I love how Elias ships Jon and Martin.
ELIAS: "As for why I’ve done so little about such a looming existential threat, (sigh) to be blunt, I have been rather busy." Martin laughs at him, but it's true. He's still pulling strings from the inside of his prison cell and he's going to be very successful with it.
MARTIN: "What? (small dry laugh) That’s it? No, no monologue, no mind games? You love manipulating people!" ELIAS: "That makes two of us." Iconic lines. Web!Martin! Btw no wonder the Web supports Jonah in his scheme, he's quite talented at manipulation himself.
ELIAS: "I simply have to trust that when the time comes, you’ll – (rattle) – make the right choice." Like not to kill him.
"My dear Jonah," Pffft...
"What we built at Millbank should be left well enough alone, resigned to the nightmares of the reprobates and brigands contained within its walls." This statement is such a tease about what's going to come!
"It is telling, that of those I have brought into my confidence, it is only you and I who have continued this far without falling to one power or another, despite all my instruction and work. This is, of course, assuming you have not taken the path of the Eye that I know has called you, called us both for so long." Was this after the Watcher's Crown? -> “ What we built at Millbank should be left well enough alone, resigned to the nightmares of the reprobates and brigands contained within its walls.” That sentence sounds like it. So that ship has sailed? This probably why they didn't stay in contact? -> “ but I feel I must break the silence that has characterized our acquaintance for these past few decades.”
"I’m sure you recall what happened with the Reform Club" MAG 35!
"but you may be unaware of some of my other experiments below the very streets of London." The tunnels for example?
"Places I have tried to cover with churches, of all things" Was there a church built by Smirke in a statement? I immediately thought about the Oratory from MAG 20, but it's in Oxford, Smirke speaks of London here. Thought about Hither Green (MAG 25) or St Paul’s Church (MAG 63), but nope. He wasn't involved in any of the buildings I just listed. Am I missing something or do we actually never hear about anything connected to a church of his?
"perhaps the site of our Saviour will be enough to contain them." Funny how some people still won't lose their faith even in full knowledge of the Dread Powers. Smirke here. I thiiink, Dekker was also religious, was he?
"I stop, and look up at the sky, that empty black nothing, and I see the edges of the horizon becoming a dull white. I cannot understand what I am looking at. And then the sky blinks." Love that foreshadowing!
"I am not a fool. I know well enough what this dream is likely to mean, and I warn you again, that if you have any remaining ambitions to use our work, to try and wear the Watcher’s Crown, you must abandon them!" I know there's this discussion about what the Watcher's Crown actually was, Jonah's prison soap opera or using the Archivist. And, I think, there was something about Jonny saying the Watcher's Crown was Jonah's prison thing and what we see in MAG 160 could be called, like, the Magnus Archives, ha! But the title "Watcher's Crown" does fit the Eyepocalypse pretty well. Jonah calls himself "king of a ruined world" - king and crown and such. And the Eye ruling over all the other Fears like a... United Kingdom (badum tss!). (Also, Gerry says in MAG 111 "Uh, the Rite of the Watcher’s Crown. It’s what she called the ritual for the Eye. She didn’t tell me much about that one, just that she knew how to take care of it." This sounds like Gertrude called the ritual to come the Watcher's Crown. And she knows how to take care of it, sounds a bit like she already knew that the Archivist is the linchpin to the Eye's ritual. I say "a bit" because in the end there is no confirmation that this was exactly what she knew at this point. Gertrude still believed single Fear rituals could work, or she was at least still trying to stop them just for good measure according to MAG 137, which was in October 2014. And I think we don't know an actual death date of Gerry? Just late 2014...)
"But what is not to be dismissed is when your driver, on the long road from London, takes his eyes from the horses and begins to turn his head, slowly at first, but with a clear determination, inch by inch without ceasing, neck cracking and skin stretching, until his whole head seems as though it were placed atop his shoulders in reverse by some careless sculptor. The others in my carriage seemed not to mark this awful sight, but I could scarce look away" This describes the dream logic the Fears bring with them. How they can bend reality just a bit to their needs. Like Martin being trapped by Prentiss, who spent two weeks in front of his flat knocking at the door without any of his neighbors noticing anything!
MARTIN: "Good luck, Jon; I –" love you. (There, finished it for you, you're welcome <3)
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gooeyslime · 1 year
Missing mother
Inspired by "Idea 7" from @halogenrobotics's list of ideas, he also helped out a lot by being my beta reader and giving suggestions as I wrote this.
Also this is pretty long so be warned.
Whilst trying to survive in the Pizzaplex, Gregory discovers something important regarding the fate of his mother.
Gregory knew it was a trap, it was incredibly obvious, so he expected to find Vanessa and the other animatronics ready to tear him apart as soon as he stepped into the main stage area. But what choice did he have? With no other lead in finding out what was really going on at the Pizzaplex besides the weird room in Fazerblast all he could do was what she told him.
Before the elevator doors opened Gregory quickly jumped into Freddy, hoping it would buy him some time to make a plan, as they both looked around they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary for the main stage area… Had they been tricked? Did Vanessa send them here so she could escape? 
"Wait, I think I see something!" Freddy yelled out "Over there, on the stage! A CD lying on the floor!"
Gregory squinted as he leaned out of the animatronic's stomach "Uh, I don't see anything?"
"How odd, it seems like I am the only one able to see it…"
"Maybe it's because of Roxy's eyes? I mean she was able to see through walls after all…"
The two slowly approached the CD, making sure to not be spotted by the Staff Bots or any other animatronic that might still be lurking around, the CD in question was quite plain, save for a series of numbers written on it.
"Do you see anything that can play whatever is on this?" He asked, all the computers he saw had no HDD so they were out of the question.
"I do see something that might help but… It is in a room that should not exist… And it seems the door has some sort of mechanism keeping it hidden and locked."
Gregory sighed, of course this had to be behind some complicated puzzle "Right, well let's try to figure it out… This better be worth it…"
After looking around for clues and finding fifteen other CDs strewn around the Pizzaplex they eventually figured out that the mechanism hiding the door was connected to specific cardboard cut-outs. They would activate with a flash from the Faz camera and with the door finally open they found an odd room. It was completely empty save for an armchair, the CD player and a TV playing one of those Fazbear and Friends cartoon commercials over and over no matter what, even turning down the volume didn't stop it from blaring the same song.
Gregory quickly sorted the CDs so they could, hopefully, listen to them in chronological order and played the first one.
"Hello Vanessa. How are you feeling today? You look a little tired." A woman spoke, apparently the tapes were therapy sessions Vanessa had with multiple therapists.
"I think something is up with that Vanessa…" Gregory mumbled as he pulled the 15th CD out of his bag "I thought maybe Vanny was a split personality of hers or something, but it doesn't seem quite right."
"What makes you think that?" Freddy asked as he stood guard by the door to make sure nobody got in.
"I read a bunch of books on therapy and mental health, plus my mom was a therapist so she would answer any questions on the subject… It just feels off, like she's pretending she has a split personality but also when she does it she feels like a different person too… I don't know…" he sighed as he put the CD in, hoping that the last two would give him some kind of definitive answer.
"I saw some inkblot test results in your file. I like inkblot tests…" Yet another woman spoke, another therapist that would meet the same end as the others but this time he recognised her voice.
"You are shaking… Is everything alright…?" Freddy asked, clearly worried, but Gregory couldn't answer him.
He had always suspected his mother's death hadn't been a simple accident like those adults told him when they had to break the news to him. Gregory had always wanted to find the truth behind her death and the Pizzaplex was the last place he expected to find it.
"Mom…" was all he could manage to say before completely breaking down, desperately trying to wipe the tears away to no avail.
"Gregory… It is ok to cry…" Freddy said as he gently hugged him. “I am here for you…”
He wasn’t sure for how long they stood there, Freddy holding him as he cried all the tears he held back for so long, ever since he lost his mother he had been shunned by the workers at the orphanage he was sent to for being a crybaby so he had learned to bottle up the negative feelings and just power through them.
Eventually Gregory pulled away, eyes red and puffy but he was now more determined than ever to get to the bottom of this, whatever it took.
“I saw an arcade cabinet in her hideout… I feel like that’s another hint, I think it was called Princess Quest 3?” he thought out loud as he climbed into Freddy’s stomach hatch. “Pretty sure one of the logs I found mentioned there being two more cabinets…”
With that the two searched for the other cabinets as Gregory played through them, for some reason he couldn’t shake the feeling that the games had some deeper meaning, they had to be connected to whatever was going on, a blonde woman stumbling upon whatever that giant gooey rabbit thing was.
“Well, now all that’s left is playing the one inside Vanny’s hideout…” Gregory said as he got to the end of Princess Quest II “She probably knows what we’re doing so she’ll be guarding the last cabinet, if we manage to lure her away I can quickly finish that one and hopefully something will happen…”
“It will be quite dangerous.” Freddy warned as the two walked towards Fazerblast.
As soon as they got too close to the hideout they found an army of S.T.A.F.F. Bots slowly approaching them, Vanny laughing from her safe spot as she pressed a button on some sort of remote controller. 
“Disassemble Freddy.” she ordered and the animatronics quickly surrounded the bear as they pushed him off to a lower level of the maze where more bots surrounded him as they clawed at his parts, Gregory glared at the woman as she slowly pulled out a knife and began to gleefully skip out of the room, ready to catch him and kill him once and for all.
He quickly made a break for the hideout, dodging Vanny, the S.T.A.F.F. Bots as well as Chica and Roxy.
“Come in, Gregory. Can you hear me? I still have a signal.” he heard Freddy’s voice come from his watch as he climbed the stairs leading up to Vanny’s hideout. “Get to the Fazer Blast booth. Use the security desk. Beat the last arcade game!”
He rushed towards the machine, heart drumming in his chest, he had to finish this quickly before Vanny caught up to him, the game started with the princess in what appeared to be a recreation of the hideout, as he left the room a bunch of shadowy version of the character attacked the princess, as if trying to get her to go back to where she started but that didn’t deter him. As he kept searching for the final key he found what looked to be an early concept for the Vanny costume.
“I knew it…” he mumbled as he kept exploring the map, trying to go as fast as possible as he could hear Vanny getting closer. Gregory quickly figured out the room where to use the Vanny mask and the odd greenish rabbit plushie to get the key as he ran to the locked curtain. There he found yet another door, he approached it hoping it wouldn’t require another key. Vanny was almost there and he wouldn’t have enough time to go back to look for any more. Shockingly it did open and a scream echoed from the arcade as the screen faded to black.
Gregory turned around to find Vanny, hunched over by the door. She quickly took off the suit’s head and tossed it as far away as she could and looked at him, tears running down her face. 
“You… You freed me…” she told him, voice shaking. As she frantically took off the rest of the costume while Gregory carefully moved towards the window to see the other animatronics leaving the Fazerblast maze to return to their proper places, seemingly free from Vanny’s orders. Meanwhile Vanessa stood there, kneeling by the door and quietly sobbing.
“This better not be a trick…” he warned her while carefully inching closer “What’s going on? What do you mean I freed you?”
The woman took a deep breath, trying to calm her breathing and find the words to properly explain what had happened. One moment she was testing that VR game based off of those old Fazbear horror games, the next she could hear a voice in her head commanding her to find an old burned down pizzeria to dig up some half burned animatronic, create a virus and release it into the servers of Fazbear Entertainment and get a job at the Pizzaplex as a security guard. All the while a new voice appeared in her head, Vanny. HE made her so that he could control her more easily and to avoid any pesky therapist undoing his hard work. 
For months she had been living as if half asleep. She couldn’t scream for help or escape. No matter how hard she fought against it, Vanny would always take over and make sure she could see her kill each of the victims, from her therapists to kids she lured with promises of their favorite animatronic wanting to meet them in an employee only room. Gregory should have been the same, yet he had managed to escape everything and now she was free. She couldn’t feel her presence in her head nor the voice of the man who had started all of this.
Gregory carefully listened to her story, it was crazy but somehow it made sense. He knew about the rumors of those Five Nights at Freddy’s games being based on real events but he had thought they were a result of people reading too much into a game. Yet he couldn’t deny the parallels, someone dressed as a rabbit luring and killing kids, animatronics acting oddly and attacking anyone in sight for no apparent reason. Sure the ones in the Pizzaplex were hacked by Vanny but she purposely made them act creepy, as if trying to recreate the behavior of the possessed animatronics in the old pizzerias in a twisted sense of nostalgia.
“This place is gonna open for business soon…” Vanessa said, snapping the boy out of his thoughts “I can drive you home, if you want?”
“Oh, um…” he didn’t want to return to the orphanage, especially not after getting attached to Freddy, there was no way he would be able to come back here again and part of him didn’t want to leave at all without him.
“Or I could buy you a bus ticket or something if you don’t feel safe around me?” she suggested, assuming his hesitation was from lack of trust.
“I… I don’t have a home…” He sighed, even after letting out all his bottled sadness it still hurt to say that.
“Oh,um… How about this…” Vanessa slowly got up from the floor “You could stay at my place, I’ll even let you keep the Fazwatch, that way you can stay in contact with Freddy or call the police if I… Well, you know…”
He thought for a bit before answering, “Mhm…Deal.”
Gregory expected to be back to living on the street after a couple of days, back at the orphanage couples would always bring him back for being ‘too much to handle’ Yet Vanessa didn’t seem to get frustrated at his antics, not even after dealing with him for two weeks. She even agreed to help him build a small robot that Freddy could control remotely so the two could hang out without trying to smuggle a huge animatronic bear out of the Pizzaplex.
“Gregory, you should tell Vanessa about your mother.” Freddy’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “She will find out eventually, I believe it is best if you tell her before that happens.”
He frowned, he knew the animatronic was right. Vanessa already struggled to cope with what happened, often having nightmares about Vanny taking over her body once again and murdering more people. It was why he hesitated to tell her about his mother, he knew she would blame herself despite having been brainwashed by a serial killer.
“Oh, there you are!” Vanessa said as she walked into the kitchen, she paused as she saw his serious expression. “What’s wrong?”
“Gregory has something important to tell you.” Freddy said, his plush hand patting his shoulder.
“Alright, fine…” he huffed as he looked at her “Just remember that this is about what Vanny did, not you…”
She frowned, she didn’t quite remember everything Vanny did. All she could remember was the blood on her hands and her laugh as she tried to struggle to regain control of her own body. Still Vanessa wanted to know, if nothing else she could offer her apologies for what she did. 
Vanessa responded, “Alright, go ahead…” “You know those therapists you had?” Vanessa nodded hesitantly before Gregory continued, “One of them was my mom…” Gregory stopped as he could already see all the colors leave Vanessa’s face “Vanny killed her, not you…”
“It’s my fault she existed in the first place!” she cried out, a million thoughts racing through her head. If only she hadn’t collected those stupid tapes in that stupid game. Not only would Gregory’s mother still be alive, but all of the people she killed would still be alive if she just realized what was going to happen when she played that last tape “I am so sorry…”
“There’s no way you could have known this was gonna happen!” he yelled, snapping her out of her negative thoughts “I’m sure she would think so too...”
With that he quickly tackled and hugged her as she kept on crying, Freddy joined the hug as well “Do not blame yourself, you did everything you could Vanessa.” “I… Thanks, you two…” she smiled as she hugged them both back “Thank you so much for saving me, I swear I’ll make it up to you one day…"
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livingunderlies · 8 days
Part three of the incorrect quotes post😊😆😆
Mc: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Mc: I got an idea! Bill: Does it involve breaking the law? Mc: By now don’t you think that’s a given? Bill: I was just trying to be optimistic. Mc: Don’t bother.
*The Squad is on a hike* Penny : It’s beautiful out here. Andre: And quiet. Badeea: Too quiet. Mc: Did we lose someone? *cut to Barnaby with a bear in a headlock*
Mc : *bites lip* Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? Cop: That isn’t gonna work, hands behind your back.
Tonks: Chiara? I mixed redbull with coffee and now I can see sounds, should I worry? Chiara: Tonks, I swear to god—
Andre: I love making parties more interesting by telling strangers “I want you to know that I personally have no problem with you being here.”
Victor: Is Mc always like this when they lose? Penny: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Mc : You bumped that table and you know it!
Talbott , looking over Badeea shoulder: You can draw? Badeea, stopping what they were doing: You can speak?
Jae : ‘Technically legal’, the two best words in the the English language, right before ‘cowboy spectacular.'
Andre: Where’s Mc? Talbott : Around. Andre: Around? Andre: You don’t have any idea, do you? Mc , dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
Talbott : I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Mc: What have you done with Chiara? Jae: Nothing. Why, do you think I should?
Mc : My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Barnaby: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Mc : That one. I want that one.
*out grocery shopping* Barnaby: *takes a free sample twice* Barnaby: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Orion: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Mc . They're mad at you. Mc: No, it's Murphy. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Murphy: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Skye: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Murphy: I stand by my choice.
Orion: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk? Murphy: *sighing* Mc. Mc : Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die. Skye: *wiping away a tear* So inspirational.
Murphy: We call that a traumatic experience. Murphy, turning to Mc : Not a "bruh moment". Murphy, turning to Orion: Not "sadge". Murphy, turning to Skye: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
The Squad: *walking at the mall* Mc : Hey, have any of you guys seen Talbott ? They’ve been gone for a while.. Penny: Eh, nope. Jae : No, I haven’t... Badeea: Probably ran off to McDonald’s or something. Talbott : Hey. Mc: Ooh, there you are- Chiara: What the fu- Penny: I- where were you?! Talbott : Walking right behind you guys.
Tulip: Hello friends! The Squad: Tulip: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling.
Mc : ARE YOU- Skye: Fucking. Mc : KIDDING ME?! YOU- Skye: Fucking. Mc : IDIOT! Orion: …What was that? Skye: Murphy banned Mc from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
*Corey is fighting a monster* Mc : Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat it! Corey: The power to believe in myself!? Mc : No, a knife! Stab it!
Talbott: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Mc : Erika, my old friend! Erika: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Mc : That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
Talbott : Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. Badeea: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Penny. Talbott , pointing their hot glue gun towards Badeea: You’re on thin fucking ice.
Diego : That shirt looks great, Jae . Jae : Thanks. Diego : But I bet it would look even better on Chiara's floor. Chiara: Are you hitting on Jae ... for me?
Jae : I have very high standards, you know. Chiara: I can make spaghetti... Jae : Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Mc: When I see initials carved into a tree with a heart I think it’s so romantic. Two lovers on a date... one of them carrying a knife for some reason.
Mc: Sorry I can’t be emotionally vulnerable with you it’d ruin the mystery.
Mc: I never understood why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself. Mc: *Picks up Barnaby* Mc : I’ve only befriended Barnaby for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then my self.
Tulip: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator. Andre: Yup. Mc : Maybe the generator is watching us. Tulip: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added? Tulip: ... Tulip: Wait—
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sloshed-cinema · 1 year
Klute (1971)
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Movies like Barbarian or any of the Insidious flicks ought to up their fucking game.  The primal fear of descending into a dark, creepy basement ought to be the easiest thing in the world to convey.  But few films capture the fear of the dark with such visceral sensory specificity as Klute.  It really proved an all hands on deck effort.  DoP Gordon Willis works wonders in how he deprives the sequence where Klute chases down an elusive stalker he catches on Bree Daniels’ rooftop of light.  Flashlights create fear in their limited ability to reveal what danger lurks in the shadows, and editor Carl Lerner draws out the tension in lingering on shots, daring the viewer to anticipate if and when a flurry of action will break out.  Ambiguous images of darkened doorways and junkies and ladders call into question if Klute will even make it out unharmed.  This escalates from earlier scenes, Bree alone in her candlelit apartment, her end-of-day relaxation interrupted by strange sounds she can’t quite explain.  It starts out slow, small noises or instances which could just be purely incidental.  But keeping the shot locked down with Fonda small and vulnerable in frame allows the shadows to encroach, dangerous in this isolation.  This is exactly what it feels like when your familiar home suddenly seems threatening.
While it uses the seedy underbelly of New York as its backdrop, Klute is at no point interested in leaning on the “call-girl who finds the right man” arc.  Instead, it examines power dynamics and self-denial within this world.  Peter Cable embodies this on a more societal scale, fundamentally devaluing the lives and livelihoods of the women he hires, torturing them physically and psychologically while feeling wholly justified in his conquests.  He operates freely in a world of junkies and desperate individuals, one the world either turns a blind eye to or punishes.  But this landscape has a personal impact too.  We see Bree struggle with addiction and make choices perhaps not in her best interests.  But we also listen to her processing this with her therapist, trying to explain for herself why she makes the choices she does, self-destructive or not.  While Cable is a terrifying cipher up to the end, Daniels renders herself vulnerable in a positive way.  Jane Fonda is immaculate in the role, steely and vulnerable in turn, breaking down as she is played a recording of a former friend’s demise and giving her best Irish-ish accent when the story calls for it.  
Mr Goldfarb’s secretary is a true gift of a one-scene performance.  She truly does not give a shit, and any person who makes an entire outfit out of one kind of textile is certainly not to be trusted in any clothing-adjacent profession.  MR GOLDFAAAAARB!
Someone says ‘trick’, ‘John’, or ‘freak’.
Someone starts a tape recording.
Narcotics are mentioned.
A phone starts to ring.
Bree picks up a John.
Klute smiles.
Bree names a fetish.
Bree puts on an accent.
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