#there are or like. how to acheive them. still working on translating and getting that in my doc but its so so so fun <- normally needs
volfoss · 8 months
autism incident CRITICAL at 3 pm btw
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Jim’s Best Friend
Part Twenty Two - Talking Technology, 2/2
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Word Count: +3.2K
Author’s Note: Agh, here it is! I was struggling to edit this chapter, get it just right, but I hope you like it! Bit of Jim x Reader fluff for you, not a lot of plot for this one, but Dinner Party is coming soon, but some more Y/N drama sooo... stay tuned.
Warning: none
For previous chapters, click here.
March, 2008.
"Today is the launch party, and I can say with a whole lot of certainty I don't actually want to stay late tonight." Y/N said to the camera, looking over at Jim, who was sat to her left, their hands brushing against each other. He smiled at her words, at her laugh.
"Ryan's party is happening tonight over conference call. And we were planning to appear for exactly 9 minutes and 32 seconds-" Jim began to laugh, Y/N practically bouncing in her seat.
"It's statistically the most comfortable point to leave a meeting." She exclaimed with pride. "Ever since I became receptionist, I started noting down reactions during meetings. 100% the best time to leave anything you don't want to be at is 9 minutes and 32 seconds in."
"Anyway. There's a movie marathon going on at the cineplex, we thought we could spend our night doing something that's actually fun." Jim nodded as he spoke, finally taking Y/N's hand in his and giving it a squeeze.
"Oh, meeting Jim's parents?" Y/N repeated the producer's question, going a little red in the face. "I think they like me, which is great. I don't know what I would do if they didn't." Jim rolled his eyes.
"They love her, just like I..." He trailed off, the pair both blushing. Jim quickly smiled to the team, leading Y/N out into the bullpen, the pair bursting into laughter as they left.
Tonight was the Launch Party for the website, and the past week had been constant prepping and planning on your part. While Angela had been in charge of the party itself, Ryan had brought you on as a languages assistant, as bizarre as it sounded, to make sure translations into other languages were fluent and accessible. You had checked everything out from top to bottom, the task taking up a lot of your evenings, and you were more than glad that you could now just focus on copying files and sending out emails, forwarding calls.
The day of the launch, you sat in the break room, Jim by your side, taking a chance to have a coffee and a catchup. Both you and Jim hadn't seen each other outside of work since the Saturday morning before, your extra hours mixing with something Jim was planning, though he wouldn't say what. Now, having officially signed off papers with Toby to make your relationship official, you could hold his hand in the office without fear of being caught.
"So, uh, I don't know how to tell you this..." Jim started, your face falling immediately. His usual playful tone wavered, his hand squeezed yours tighter. You couldn't help but expect bad news. "Dwight and Angela... They've been dating for like, eight months now." Jim stage whispered, taking a deep breath as he got it off his chest, his undeniable smile returning. And you had to laugh: a mixture of relief and the fact that Jim was totally off the mark. "Yeah, I was going to wait to tell you, but I've been holding back."
"Well, Pam told me otherwise." You responded, taking a drink of your coffee, a smirk on your lips. "Try two years... And they broke up."
"What? When? How?" Jim seemed astounded. "How could you not tell me?"
"You didn't tell me..." You retorted, biting your lip to hold back a giggle. "Before your barbeque, if you can believe. And, from what Pam has reported, it was all sorts of chaos. But, to sum it up, Dwight mercy killed Angela's cat."
"Dwight killed Sprinkles?"
"Dwight killed Sprinkles."
"Wow..." Jim muttered, running a hand through his hair. He had trimmed it again, even taken the time to style it that morning instead of his dashin Boy Charming look he usually went for. Before the pair of you could discuss more, Phyllis knocked on the break room door, and you removed your hand from Jim's, waving her in.
"Phyllis, you don't need to knock, it's the break room." You reminded the older coworker, who smiled and looked you over.
"Your new shoes are nice, Y/N." Phyllis complimented you, and you smiled. "Just so you know though, when a new client calls you can't just transfer them to Jim, there are other salepeople on the floor. You can't base everything off of your sex life." The insult came quick, and you did your best to keep the smile on your face, nodding and waving as she disappeared again, you and Jim sharing a look. It only took you a few more moments to finish your coffee, standing from your chair and dumping the cup in the trash.
"I should go, I have calls to transfer to everyone but you." You said with a nervous laugh, heading for the door before Jim quickly grabbed your hand, spinning you back to face him.
"Don't work too hard, ok? You deserve a break, the last thing you needed was Phyllis on your tail." Jim comforted you, giving your hand a final squeeze before you headed back out to the reception desk, taking your seat, calling back the first voicemail on the machine.
"Of course sir. I can transfer you to a salesperson now." You said after a few minutes on the phone, transferring the call straight to Phyllis, hoping it might get her off your back. By the smile on her face, you had managed to acheive the hoped for outcome.
"Y/N, my dear, sweet Y/N." A voice called to you, Michael stood at his office door, his eyes bloodshot from a distance. "Will you come in here?" He asked, and you quickly grabbed a notepad, used to Michael's ramblings. Last week he had asked you into a meeting to jot down a new casserole recipe. "That won't be needed." He said quickly, walking back to his desk, urging you to follow him. You walked into the office as Jim walked back out of the annex, you sending a shrug his way as you locked eyes.
"Michael, what can I assist with?" You asked, closing over the door and taking a seat. The tissue pile on his desk made it abundantly clear he had been upset. "What did Jan do?" you asked, leaning forward and holding out a hand, with Michael quickly took. Ever since he and Jan had gotten together again, which you often reminded yourself was because of Jan's boobjob, Michael's life had slowly spiralled downhill. He wasn't as happy as usual, he had even sold the Sebring, though he wouldn't say why. Jan wasn't in New York anymore, currently unemployed, and Michael was the sole income maker in that dreadful condo.
"I'm meant to be at this New York for this party tonight, VIP, exclusive, and Jan won't come with me. Said it was stupid..." Michael huffed, throwing a tantrum like a four-year old, causing you to sigh.
"What do you need me to do? Tell her you're in meetings all day?" You asked, and Michael shook his head.
"Would you come to the New York party with me? Be my plus one? I don't want to look like a loser." Michael begged, and you couldn't help but glance at the door. You had noticed the movie tickets on Jim's desk earlier, he had already gone to the toruble of buying them. You looked back at Michael and smiled, quickly standing up.
"Can I get back to you at lunch?" You asked, and Michael nodded, still looking sad. "Thanks, Michael." You smiled briefly, slipping out of the office and being met by Jim's smile, his chair turned to face you.
"No inappropriate conduct in the workplace." Dwight said in a drawl, his eyes not moving from his screen. It might have been the first time you had seen Dwight unshaven, his tie loose and his shirt buttoned wrong. Both you and Jim chose to ignore him.
"What happened in there?" Jim asked, and you took a seat on his desk.
"Michael needs a plus one for the New York party, asked me to go..." You said softly, Jim's hand coming to your leg, rubbing a circle on your thigh. "I think I have to cancel date night. Any chance you can get those tickets refunded?"
"This doesn't sound like taking work easy." Jim said with a smile, and you sighed. "No problem, we can go tomorrow." He assured you, the fax machine beeping and forcing you back to work. It was the last thing you wanted to do, but Jim sent you off with a pat on the leg and a lopsided grin, silently promising you it was alright that you went to New York.
You headed back to your desk, reading the fax from Corporate over quickly, waving Michael out of his office. He moved with little enthusiasm, taking three times the usual amount of time to get to your desk, and huffing as he stood across from you.
"Michael, the Corporate press release." You passed the fax over to your boss.
"The what?"
"I emailed you on Tuesday about it? Ryan wants you to share it with everyone." You reminded him, taking a deep breath and forcing a smile. "Also, I made sure I can go to New York tonight. I'll drive us." You added, hoping to lift his spirits a little.
"He wants me to share it, does he?" Michael asked, a small smile forming as he processed the information you gave him.
"Yes, he does."
"Mm... Ok." Michael sighed, turning to the rest of the office. "Attention Earthlings. I have some news." He started to make beeping noises, and you tried not to groan too loudly. "Ok. Today's the big day that I'm heading to New York to attend a party with sushi and important people. On an unrelated note, if anyone has an interesting anecdote that is not boring and easy to memorise, please drop by my office before I leave. Thank you."
"Whoops." Jim said, his eyes having scanned over the fax in Michael's hand as he spoke. "Was that really what Ryan wanted you to tell us?" He asked Michael, sending a wink your way as you replied with a grateful smile.
"And..." Michael glance at the note in hand quickly. "Today the Dunder Mifflin Infinity website officially launches. The comapny is projecting record high sales, and that by 6 o'clock, the website will be the new best salesman in the company." Michael finished, heading back for his office. "Wow, watch out Dwight."
"That's ridiculous." Dwight responded, monotone. "I'm not gonna be beaten by a website."
"Actually, it sounds like you are." Jim cut in, teasing his coworker.
"Really?" Like always, Dwight fell straight into the trap, getting defensive. "Cause Ryan says so?"
"That's from Ryan?" Kelly asked. "Does it mention if he's seeing anybody?" The last time Ryan had been in the office, Kelly had lied about being pregnant. It was fun to watch Ryan become flustered, you weren't going to lie.
"No, it doesn't. I'll find out tonight." Michael said quickly.
"Yes." Stanley rolled his eyes. "Please let us know." He said sarcastically, causing you to bite back a laugh.
"I can make more sales than a computer." Dwight announced, pulling attention back to his point. "In fact, I challenge that website to make more sales than me today."
"Waste of time..." Angela spoke up, her head in her files, drawing a frown from Dwight's expression.
"What's that, Pipsqueak?" Michael asked, taking a chance to taunt the petite woman. You weren't bothered by it, Angela had said more than enough about you to make you dislike her.
"Waste of time." She reapeated. "The website's going to win."
"You believe a computer can beat me?" Dwight looked genuinely hurt by the insinuation.
"I don't care, but yes."
"Well, I will prove you wrong."
"I don't care and you won't." The two ex-lovers went back and forth, and a text pinged through on your phone.
That's a healthy relationship right there... xx
Jim had texted, and you sent a playful glare his way, making him smile a little wider. The next thirty minutes focused on Andy and Dwight drawing up a plan of attack for Dwight to beat a computer, a computer, at selling paper, Jim taking every opportunity to wind them both up. Angela and Phyllis were focusing on set up for the satellite party, and you pretended your very hardest to look busy, so as to not get roped into anything. Angela and Dwight were both unpleasant to begin with, you didn't need any of it directed at you that day.
Jim came over to your desk just as the website went live, hands in pockets as he walked over to your desk, just as you finished up a call.
"What would you say if I told you we could pull a prank on Dwight and, at the same time, not be working?" Jim asked quietly, quickly adding on to it when your brow furrowed. "You need a chance to chill today, and if we can't do movies, this is a good alternative." He offered. With a smile like his, you could never say no, you knew that. He knew it too.
"Jim, he's just been dumped." You tried one last time to convince your boyfriend it might not be a good idea.
"Yeah, I'm aware of that. But's he's also being super anmoying, and I'm not a perfect person." A sudden air horn followed Jim's words, and your eyes widened.
"What do you have in mind?" You asked, Jim explaining the ruse to you while picking up a file, doing his best to be discreet. You quickly opened up the office's instant messenger system, signing in as 'DunMiff/sys'.
You had a few hours to kill before driving to New York, and the smile Jim gave you as he headed back to his desk, so proud of you both, it made the next few hours of torment seem a lot more fun.
You were kind of glad to leave the office early, even if it meant driving for two hours to New York, and bailing on date night with Jim. You both knew Michael needed to boost, and after Dwight had told you to fuck off in binary code, it seemed like a good idea to leave before it turned ugly.
You were leaving Pennsylvania as the ringing from the bear horn finally subsided from your ears, and glanced over to see Michael reading 'Green Eggs and Ham' by Dr Suess to your right.
"Have you read this?" Michael asked, and you nodded, keeping your eyes on the road.
"When I was four I did, yeah. It's a kids book." You replied, kind of confused why Michael had brought it with him.
"I got it for Ryan. I wanted to get him 'Oh The Places You'll Go' but they were sold out at Barnes and Noble."
"You realise the books are really, really not the same right?" You let out a little laugh, shaking your head. Michael was oblivious at the best of times, and you were quite glad that no-one else in the office was having to ecperience this conversation in your place.
As you finally left Pennsylvania, Michael suddenly blew two kisses into the air.
"It used to be one." You commented. "Whenever you left, you always have blown one before."
"One for me, one for Jan." Michael explained, and you nodded in understanding. "You know, you and Jim should come over for dinner sometime."
"Oh, uh, I don't know Michael."
"What about next Friday?"
"You know Jan and I sort of fell out..." You said honestly, and Michael decideed not to push the subject further. For the past year, Jan and your relationship had been rocky, and you, quite frankly, didn't like the way she treated Michael one bit. "Can you start giving me directions? Tell me where we're going?" You asked, changing the subject. It seemed to be a good idea, Michael perking back up as he read out the information from a printed sheet of paper.
"I can tell you right now, and shall, my good friend. It's a club called Chatroom, and there's a password to get in, which is actually 'password', so..." Michael nodded as he read along, and you let out a sigh, quickly pulling off at the next turn off. "What are you doing?"
"Are there 'w's before the name of the club, Michael?" You asked, pulling into the rest stop and parking the car.
"Yes, why?"
"It's an invitation to the online party..." You said, pulling out your phone to call Jim.
"But... I need to call Ryan." Michael decided, stepping out of the car. You quickly dialled jim's number, glancing at the time. If you were lucky, you might be able to make that movie marathon still.
"Well, hello. What do I owe the pleasure? Aren't you driving?" Jim asked, and you let out a strained laugh.
"It was an invite to the online party, Michael is shouting down his phone to Ryan now... I have a feeling I'll be back in Scranton by the time that satellite party starts, and I really need something fun tonight." You confessed, finally agreeing with Jim. This whole launch had done nothing but stress you out. The dashboard clock hit 6 o'clock.
"I still have the tickets for the movies, and a surprise for when you get back." Jim assured, and you smiled.
"Hey, how did Dwight do?" You asked, and Jim took a moment.
"He won..." The disbelief was real, and it made you smile. Jim always made you smile.
"Is Angela getting on at him?"
"A little."
"Does he look sad?"
"AI systems are fair players Jim... He needs to be congratulated." You instructed, saying a quick goodbye as Michael got back into the car. "Everything good?"
"Back to Scranton... I have a party to upstage." Michael declared, and you sped off back west, trying to hold onto the idea of a movie date with Jim instead of focusing on Michael's rage-driven ramblings about Ryan.
By the time you got back to Scranton, it was maybe fifty minutes or so until the party began. Michael began marching around, ordering Angela about to make the Scranton brnach party better than the New York corporate one, but by this point you were tired, so mentally exhausted from extra work and the nonsense of the day that you began collecting your stuff, just desperate to get out of the office.
"So, I know you said that you leave 9 minutes and 32 seconds into a party, but is there any chance I could convince you to leave 46 minutes and 13 seconds before one instead?" Jim came up to your desk, placing the movie tickets in front of you. "We could get Alferdo's beforehand, make a proper night of it?" He offered, and Michael seemed to have overheard.
"What are you two lovebirds talking about?" Michael asked, and you and Jim shared a look, rather desperate to not be roped into staying.
"You should order Alfredo's for tonight." You blurted out quickly, and Jim nodded in agreement.
"Alfredo's, huh? Interesting..." Michael muttered, jogging back to his office.
"Go now?" Jim asked, walking to his desk and picking up his shoulder bag.
"Now." You agreed, the pair of you grabbing coats and heading out the door before anyone could call you out on it.
By Monday, the pair of you would be filled in by Andy and Kelly on everything you missed: from Michael's speech calling out Ryan to the abduction of the pizza delivery kid, followed by Andy serenading Angela and Michael heading to New York after all with Dwight. In truth, you couldn't care less.
You spent that launch party night eating good pizza, Alfredo's Pizza Café, and catching a Indiana Jones marathon at the movies with Jim... Followed by other events you would rather keep private for now.
Truth was, Jim knew how to make you happy, and he had proved himself time and time again. It was why you knew you loved him.
Tags: @imsuperawkward​ @poppirocks​ @rosie2801​ @onceuponahuntersrealm​ @aziggya​ @suitelifeofafangirl @legendaryoafhairdozonk​
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shoddy-sonneteer · 5 years
Chasing your Dreams
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Pairing: Min Yoongi*Reader
Genre: Angst, smol parts of fluff
Summary: The story of how you help Yoongi in acheiving his dreams of becoming the best version of himself and a rapper and producer
You were literally jumping around your apartment and your pet dog was hiding under the chair because he was scared of you right now. But you couldn’t stop yourself. You got the tickets to the ‘Love Yourself: Answer’ concert after being on the website for hours and skipping work by calling in sick.
After calming yourself down, you lifted your doggo and hugged him to your chest. Ever since you got your own separate apartment, he was the only companion you have that listens to everything you have to rant and makes you feel the best with his amazing cuddle sessions.
You have less than a month to attend the concert and you had been saving up to get the best tickets so that you can watch them from near the stage. The mere thought of that made you want to jump around the house again. But you had to stop yourself so as to not scar the baby you had in your hands even more than you already did. Today was one of the best days of your life so far because the day of attending the concert would be THE BEST DAY OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.
 Waiting to attend one of the most legendary concerts is one of the most painful things you had to go through apart from having to break up with your boyfriend of almost 3 years. But you got through that and on August 25, you got through this too.
You were finally waiting in line outside the stadium with your ARMY bomb in hand and took a bolt to the front rows of the pits so you could find have a close look at the them as soon as the stadium gates were opened.
The concert started soon and you couldn’t help but jump around singing along to the songs and recording the concert in your phone. Soon, they moved on to encore soon it was the last song of the night – Answer: Love myself. While performing that song, the members were walking around to get to the stage set up in the middle of the stadium and when they were doing so, your eyes met with Suga’s and the look of recognition on his face made you freeze in your tracks.
After seeing that reaction from him, you couldn’t help but travel down the memory lane that you had forbade yourself from doing so because it was simply too painful for you to handle. You decided to box it up till you went home as you didn’t want to have a mental breakdown in the middle of the concert.
To say you fled the scene was an understatement. But you tried to leave the stadium as soon as possible without causing any inconvenience to the other fans.
After reaching your apartment you quickly took a shower and lied on your bed with your baby pup on you, hugging him close as you began reminiscing about the idol with whom you just had an eye contact.
There was the sound of heavy knocking on your door that interrupted you from completing the math problem that was breaking your head for the past 10 minutes. Thankful for the distraction, you opened the door to see a very distraught Yoongi standing at your doorstep. Seeing your boyfriend of two years like that hurt your heart. This wasn’t exactly new to you. But the number of times it had been happening is what worried you the most.
“What happened, Yoongi?” You asked worry lacing your voice as you pulled him into a hug.
It was the third time this week and it was a Wednesday today that he came to your home looking like this. You slowly pulled him into the living room and made him sit on the couch. You were glad that both of your parents were working and wouldn’t come home until 9. They do know that you were dating Yoongi. But they wouldn’t really appreciate him showing up like this every day.
Yoongi was sitting on the couch his head in his hands and looked up only when you offered him a glass of water and sat beside him and hugged him sideways making him lean on you.
“What happened, Yoongi?” You asked him again hopeful that he might respond this time.
Yoongi was never one to express his feelings explicitly. That was something he learned from his dad and something you absolutely hated about him. You wanted him to express his feelings like you did so that there would be less chances of misunderstanding and also so that you could help him easily in times of distress like this. You have voiced out these feelings even before and he had promised to work on it. Right now, you hoped he would make good on the promise he made.
“Will I ever be enough for them? I do try my best. But it’s always hyung. I mean I get it he’s older and more responsible. But I know the situation too and I am trying my best to help too. I do have a job and for my sake I also do this underground rapping thing. I don’t bunk school even though I hate that place the most in my entire life. I want to do something music related and not something that’s completely based on books that dudes wrote ages back.” He ranted running a hand through his hair.
“I know, Yoongs. They know that you’re doing your best. Even if they don’t, I know and I’m so proud of you. It must be really hard to balance your part time job, school and rapping. But I’ll always support you no matter what. And your hyung does too. Or why else would he cover for you when you’re late or screw something up. Just wait patiently for a good opportunity. Then everything will be alright.”
Yoongi nodded his head taking a sip of his water.
“Our underground rapping group, we decided to name ourselves DT for Daegu Town. And I was thinking I would name myself ‘Gloss’ for that.”
“Interesting choice of name there.” You said trying your best to not laugh out loud.
“Shut up. It’s the English translation for Yoongi.” He countered with an unimpressed look on his face as he proceeded to hug your waist. But you couldn’t help yourself but laugh out loud at how cute and adorable he looked right now.
“Want to relax a bit and watch a movie?”
“Sounds good.” He said letting you go so you can pick a movie for you guys to watch and leaning back on the couch and stretching. You sat beside him and hugged his torso soon after playing his favourite movie that has never failed to improve his mood.
As you were halfway into the movie you heard slight snores coming from your side indicating that Yoongi had fallen asleep long back. You helped him rest his head comfortably and draped a scarf over him that was lying beside the table so that he doesn’t catch a cold.
You turned your head to take a look at his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful without any trace of the worry he mentioned a few hours back. You wished to treasure this moment so that he doesn’t have any worries. You also hoped that he finds a way out from all the mess that’s been happening in his life lately and that he is always the same smiling Yoongles you always knew of.
By the time it was dinner, Yoongi had still not woken up and you didn’t have the heart to wake him up either. Earlier your mom had come from work and spotted the two of you huddled together on the couch and gave you a look that said ‘again’ but you knew that she loved Yoongi like he was her own her own son and approved the two of you dating each other. Honestly, you couldn’t have asked for more supportive parents and you were thankful for that. You also wished his parents were supportive of his dreams.
Your mom called for the both of you after dinner was ready. So, you slowly shook him awake so that he could eat something before heading back home.
“Yoongi-ah wake up. It’s time for dinner.” Earning only a grumble from him.
“Min Yoongi. Gloss. Wake up.” You said starting to tickle him.
“Yea, yea. I’m up.” He mumbled slowly getting up from the couch and walked to the dining table in a zombie state which made you chuckle.
Seeing Yoongi sit there on the dining table with your parents answering the questions they asked him in a casual manner, gave you a weird sense of happiness.
After dinner, it was time was him to go back to home as it was getting late and his parents might worry about his whereabouts. You volunteered to walk him out of your apartment and held his hand on the way to the entrance of the complex you were residing in.
“Take care and sleep well, Yoongi-ah.” You said kissing his cheek.
“Of course, jagi. Don’t worry.” He responded with a kiss to your head to which you nodded with a pink tint invading your cheeks.
After the good bye as you were watching him walk back home, you really hoped all his pains disappeared soon and his life is filled with love.
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nei-ning · 5 years
@niuniente tagged me. Thank you :D
If you get tagged in this you have to reblog this with 5 things you love about yourself that you worked hard to acheive. Like your art skills, hair, knowledge of owls, make-up, etc. Then tag 5 people.
1. I love it how much I have grown as a spirit (or as a person) who has come here to learn new things about herself. I’m on the path of learning to love myself as I am more. It’s been years long struggle, but I’m making progress. I try to look myself in the eyes at least once per day via mirror, smile at myself and say something nice. “You have beautiful eyes.” “You’re beautiful” and so on. These compliments from myself to myself always make me so happy <3 it took LONG time before I even could look myself in the eyes, yet along say or think anything nice about myself, but I forced myself to do it anyway - and with time it has become easier and easier thing to do. Self-love feels beautiful <3
2. My art skills since I’m self-taught artist. I learned nothing about arts, colors, angles etc. at school (teacher didn’t bother to teach us). My skills help me create arts which are therapeutic to me, but also arts what are therapeutic to my followers.
3. Here comes many things; I love my hair, my eyes, my natural thick eyebrows, and yes - I love my chubby shapes. At times I think I’m fat, but then I remember one sweet grandma’s words (I didn’t know her) when I walked past her some year ago; “Look, how pretty and slim girl.” she said to her friend. Her words still make me so happy <3
4. To learn to leave bad and unhealthy people behind has been one of my hardest lessons, but I’m glad I have go through them. Nothing’s more exhausting in life than having toxin people around you, sucking you empty, demanding your time and attention etc. I deserve better!
5. Definitely the fact I understand English! I’m pretty much self-taught about English as well since languages didn’t interest me at all at school. My English was Tarzan mumbling before I got my own PC, at the age of 18, and internet to it. I, honestly, have learned English by using Google Translate. Back in the days, after joining on Deviantart, I spent HOURS and HOURS talking with people there every day, using Google Translate. I knew some words, yes, but not much, so I used Google Translate to translate me words one by one. Then I made them as sentence and fixed words in right form (or at least tried to). Now that I go back to see those comments and replies what I did back then... My God, how horrible my English was, ahaha! But I was understood! People were lovely and encouraging! That kept me going. I wanted to become better, I wanted to be understood better and their support was keeping me going <3 My English isn’t on Tarzan level anymore, but I still have - at times - issues of understanding people if they use long and difficult words what I never haven’t seen or heard before. Thank God I still have Google Translate in my use :D
I think I’ll tag @hummerhouse, @leathy-fan, @mightyfoz, @rionaofblue and @tmntlovingleo. And if there’s any who might feel bad I didn’t tag you, don’t worry! You can do this and mark me as your tagger since I, honestly, would had loved to tag all you lovely people out there! <3
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solitaire-dreams · 5 years
What’s Your Type? : Pokespe Fire/Water/Grass Dexholder Analysis
DISCLAIMER: Honestly, I've only read RGB, RS, DP, BW, and SM arcs in full; and parts of the Yellow and B2W2 arc. So, any information outside of these arcs is coming from Bulbapedia and is liable to be incorrect.
When it comes to the world of Pokespe, rather than the anime where we follow the never aging Ash Ketchum, we now total about 21 dexholders (our protagonists).  Each dexholder is fairly unique from one another, yet one thing always tends to be in common between them. The same thing that's always common when we pick up our consoles to start a new Pokemon journey. Picking our starters.
In the world of Pokespe, the standard starters aren't guaranteed to be the first Pokemon they will receive—quite the opposite actually—yet they will always gain one of the traditional starters at some point of their evolutionary line on their journey. (The only two exceptions are Yellow who was created for the Yellow games where Pikachu was the starter, and Whi-two or Whitley because they ran out of Unovan starters). This often has us classify the dexholders into grass, fire, and water varieties. Though this categorization goes deeper than a Pokemon in their party, but plays a large role in their characterization.
Each of the dexholders in each category share a trait that connects all of them, and will provide useful for other predictions (skip to the end if you just want to know what the other prediction is). This post is focused on breaking them down one by one.
Note: Since I was tempted enough to reblog an incorrect pokespe quote where green was the name given to the male character, for the rest of this blog, Green is the male character and Blue is the female. Got it? Good.
First off, we'll start off with the fire type dexholders. Most of you might notice some obvious similarities:
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Yet, there is also one very obvious exception:
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Green here doesn't tend to shout, especially as much as the other fire type dexholders. So, then what is the factor connecting them? All of them still have a very fiery spirit, and more accurately, is their strong determination towards achieving whatever goal they have. They will pursue it no matter whatever or whoever lies in their way; often leading to causing chaos or bad relationships with other people in their wake.
Green is extremely focused on becoming a strong trainer. Upon his first appearance, he is battling Mew with Charmander to train it and shows no remorse when Red tries to battle it and his Pokemon faints; rather looking down on him for not “noticing anything” during the fight. This determination continues throughout the first arc, as further demonstrated when he tries to force his way into Saffron City after Team Rocket attacks Pallet Town and takes his grandfather.
Gold has the notable trait of having a one-track mind, where he focuses on something so much he will pursue that relentlessly, and ignoring anything else that doesn't pertain to that. Though, this trait manifests itself most when Gold pursues “pretty girls” such as the Kimono Girls, gym leader Jasmine, or even Crystal upon first discovering her.
Though it still can translate in the pursuit of Gold's goals, where he initially receives a Pokedex because he wanted to use it in battle, and urgently attempts to gain a unique specialty during the GSC arc.
Sapphire's dexholder title is specifically “The Conquer” in reference to her earning 8 gym badges in 80 days. She unrelentingly goes around the region to defeat the gym leaders—causing her to start off on the wrong foot with Ruby. And she turns it into a bet to reach their respective goals in 80 days all because it stemmed from a promise she made with her childhood friend to beat the record of Red when it came to the Pokemon League.
Pearl's title is the Determiner, one he received after bonding with Azelf—the lake guardian of Willpower. He managed to bond with Azelf because he completes whatever he starts; as clarified by Diamond in the arc. Determiner, willpower, completes whatever started...yeah, this screams dedication to a goal. Especially when you consider the focus Pearl gives to Dia's and his comedy routine.
For Black though, no matter how well I could paraphrase it, I will just quote this article (bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Black_(Adventures)): “Black is a young man who aspires to be the Champion of the Unova Pokémon League. He has been dreaming of this since childhood, nine years to be exact. However, these dreams fill his head to the point where he cannot think about anything else and any attempts to cause him to pass out from mental exhaustion...Due to his dreams causing him to forget about other things, Black has the tendency to do things without considering the consequences of his actions and their effects on other people.”
I think the above proves the point well enough.
Also, I would like to briefly mention Y. While Y isn't a fire type dexholder (she's a water type), since there is no fire type dexholder in Kalos (Malva doesn't really count), she is a kind of water/fire dual type with her personality. Y shouts more than most of the other water dexholders and exhibits a more solid determination to pursue her goal of becoming a Sky Trainer, even when this runs into direct opposition with her mother's ideas for her.
Lastly, we wrap up the fire dexholder with our latest protagonist, Sun. Sun has the goal of collecting 100 million yen. Acheiving this goal has been Sun's whole time in Alola in the making. He relentlessly pursues money, even prioritizing reaching his personal goal than helping the Alola region against the Ultra Beast invasion, leading him to get sucked into Ultra Space with Solgaleo.
Next up is the water type dexholders, which personally I found the revelation most interesting. It would be difficult to derive a personality solely from the type this time. Unlike fire which is associated with offensive battling, or grass which tends to be connected to defensive, water is viewed as the balance between the two. But, this doesn't really provide any clues into what is the common thread between all these dexholders. My findings, however, were that they all tend to be secretive.
Miss Con Artist (Blue), our first water type dexholder, is literally a con artist. Her whole livelihood is based of lying and keeping the truth about her real intentions to trick people into doing whatever she wants. Plus, she has her own secrets that only come to light much later into her appearance in the first arc and beyond. Her pathological fear of birds is only hinted at during the Team Rocket battle and confirmed during the Pokemon League when battle “Professor O”. Even more shocking was her childhood under the Masked Man, who trained her because of the promise she showed as a trainer.
This transitions nicely to our other dexholder who was raised under the Masked Man, Silver. And he so happens to be a water type dexholder as well. While Silver does not purposely keeping his life before the Masked Man close to his chest, it is revealed that Silver was the son of Giovanni, an insanely big secret that heavily impacted his character.
Ruby, in order to pursue his love of contests and oppose the beliefs of his father, refuses to battle at the beginning of the RS arc. This in turn hides his amazing battling skills (plus the fact he has a FREAKING CELEBI). Additionally, when it comes to the climax of the arc, he hides from Sapphire the plan he had to team up with Courtney to control Groudon and Kyogre. While still intended for her safety, it is still another massive lie and withholding of the truth on his part.
Platinum may not be thought of as being secretive, but the speech she makes after learning Dia and Pearl weren't her bodyguards begs to differ. Most of the lies she reveals in that speech were white lights told to make her not seem inferior and were obvious to the reader, but it still goes to show that she lied a fair amount. Her wealth and connection to the Berlitz family were also discovered rather than told by Platinum. And most obviously, she hid her real name of Platinum until this time! This whole journey, her companions didn't know what her true first name was!
Lack-two or Blake is another dexholder who has lying built into his occupation. Blake is with the International Police and working undercover during the B2W2 arc (Please give us some form of closure! #freeblack2k19). He literally has to keep his true intentions of hunting down the remnants of Team Plasma from his fellow classmates. Additionally, his true personality isn't shown to others either; he puts on a womanizing and flirtatious front when he truly an emotionless officer.
Y is honestly the least secretive out of the water dexholders, but that can also be attributed to her odd Volcanion (a fire-and-water type) fusion. It may not be obvious, or not in a way you expect, but Y does hide something—her feelings. Dealing with the human depression that is X and three of her other friends while trying to all live on their own and dealing with fallout from her mother on top of one of the most cruel evil teams yet? You think she would break down, or someone would help her; but none of the characters we follow demonstrate this concern! theviolenttomboy made a short post that summarizes all the sh*t Y goes through (theviolenttomboy.tumblr.com/post/146359425406/figured-out-why-i-cant-ship-y-with-absolutely), and how she has to deal with it all on her own. In order to keep the group alive, she has to hide her emotional distress. A problem not even resolved by the end of the arc.
Finally, we arrive at the grass type dexholders. Honestly this was the most tricky for me to pin down. Mostly because we have dexholders like Dia and X who have personalities that couldn't seem more different. So, I had to take a look back, and that's when I realized something. Both of the previous characterizations centred around how they achieve their goals. Fire type dexholders barrel through whatever obstacles are in their way and water type dexholders hide information as they pursue their goals. This gave me the clue of what to analyze for the grass type dexholders and this is my conclusion:
The way grass dexholders approach their goals is the most “healthy”. They are able to self-intrinsically motivate themselves when life discourages their goals and try to achieve them in a way that doesn't tend to hurt others as much as the other two dexholder categories (most of the time).
Honestly, this probably reminds you of a generic shonen protagonist, so it is fitting that the dexholder who started this characterization was the most shonen like character of all: Red. Red is able to convince himself to keep working towards his goal of becoming the strongest trainer, despite the obstacles he faces in the form of Team Rocket or people like his rival discouraging him from developing into a stronger trainer. The way he aims to be the strongest also doesn't harm many people, if people are affected, it tends to be accidental.
Crystal manages to stay firm in her goal of catching all the Pokemon even if the other Johto dexholders just see her as a girl at first. She can motivate herself to keep working towards it, and with the caring and give-back nature of Crystal, she is certainly not harming anyone on her path to reaching her goal. Minus a few face kicks to Gold.
Emerald certainly faced a lot of adversity that pushed him down. Becoming an orphan at a young age and made fun of for his small height, initially actually causing him to go against the foundation of grass dexholders being able to motivates themselves by resulting in a dislike of Pokemon and his stature. However, he develops this grass mindset as the Emerald arc progresses, finding what he enjoys, what makes him unique, and cultivating the confidence needed to be himself—even if life is still against him. Plus, while I can't speak for much of his actions in the Emerald arc (because I haven't red FRLG yet, and I know the events are directly connected), his title of the Calmer which stems from his ability to help Pokemon feel relaxed means he is at least not harming Pokemon much during his adventure.
One of the biggest character moments for Diamond is him managing to self-intrinsically motivate himself to pursue a goal despite opposition. In this case, the goal being to stop Team Galactic and his opposition being his best friend Pearl. Regardless, he succeeds in standing up to him and working towards thwarting Team Galactic, with the worst harm caused probably being Pearl's shock at Dia standing up for himself.
White seems to exhibit a peaceful way of pursuing her goal surrounding her talent agency for Pokemon. When her goal switches after Gigi leaves her for a bit, White's new focus on getting stronger at battling is still approached in much the same way. One where she convinces herself to keep working towards improvement and does not negatively affect people along the way.
Then we have the enigma of X. X doesn't seem to follow things of “motivation” or not inadvertently bringing down others with him, but that's only when his goal isn't clear. When we start with X in the XY arc, his goal is to stay in his room; locked away from the outside world. In this context, he meets all the criteria: he ends up convincing himself to work towards his goal of staying a shut-in, despite all the pleas to change this from his friends; and most of his protest to stay inside is silent and doesn't directly or physically harm his friends.
Lastly, our final dexholder is Moon, who also conforms to this characterization fairly well. Moon is able to pursue whatever she considers a priority, unaffected by outside influences. Whether it be praise from her work early on in the SM arc, or not listening to reason before chasing after Sun in the wormholes when he is taken away; leaving Alola to face the Ultra Beasts alone.
tl; dr : Each dexholder approaches their goals differently based on the type of their starter. Fire dexholders have strong enough determination to barrel through all the obstacles to their goal, knocking down everything and everyone in their way. Water dexholders are secretive and hide important information as they work towards their goal. Grass dexholders have the “healthiest” way of reaching their goals, managing to motivate themselves to keep working towards it when life tells them otherwise.
This information may be touched on again in other posts I'm planning: a follow-up talking about the “Bronze-age” progression of dexholder characterization, one about predicting what the Gen 8 protagonists of Pokespe will be like, and another discussing trio characterization.
~Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon!
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waqasblog2 · 5 years
JavaScript Frameworks & SEO A Stakeholder & Developer Guide
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Last Updated - 2019-02-17
Have you noticed the Google search team has been 'dissing' JavaScript frameworks lately?
Frameworks like Angular, React, Polymer and Vue are popular with developers. Unfortunately, they negatively impact your search results and ability to engage with customers.
Most marketers, business owners and stakeholders are not technical enough to have an intelligent discussion with developers about real business goals and how the use of these frameworks impedes achieving those goals.
I think John Mueller is even lamenting the web's future if the popularity and performance hit these frameworks havecontinues to grow.
Given the number of SEOs who have a good grasp on technical SEO for static HTML, if you want to differentiate yourself, understanding how JS works, where it works with SEO, where it blocks SEO, what the effects are on other search engines & clients
Frameworks are designed to appeal to developers, not business goals.
For the best online experience you should use JavaScript to enhance HTML, not create it. Sure there are times where you need to render markup after a page renders, but for consumer oriented content sites those times are very rare.
As a marketer or business stakeholder what can you do?
How can you either communicate your requirements or hire the right developers to help you achieve these goals?
This article will most likely irritate developers but help business owners and stakeholders have a better technical understanding of how the web works so you can engage your development team on a more level platform.
I plan on answering the following questions and providing even more insight on related topics:
While I think business owners, marketers and stakeholders will benefit the most from this article I hope I can reach some developers. We have a problem on the web and it is the abuse of JavaScript frameworks.
The Impact of Frameworks on User Experience and SEO
Google's search team has emphasized how frameworks and the use of single page web applications impede their ability to index your pages. They also emphasize how page rendering time is very important for SEO and customer engagement.
The search team is not alone. Chrome developer evangelists have also been demonstrating the cost of JavaScript on user experience for years. Microsoft has a small team addressing web performance issues because they know it is a problem.
when a website is slow, those lost conversions and ad dollars don’t just evaporate — they go to a competitor. Rick Viscomi
Unfortunately, the guidance and research provided by these teams is largely ignored by developers. I know because developers give me grief about this topic all the time.
The Google, Microsoft and other browser teams have to tread lightly so they don't 'piss off' what they consider a key constituent, developers.
I don't care if I rub fellow developers the wrong way. I want the web to work well because it benefits everyone.
My goal is to deliver the best user experience possible to acheive business goals first, not have a good time as a developer.
I am a web developer known for my stance against 'fast food' JavaScript frameworks because they negatively impact user experience.
I used to be an advocate for single page web applications, I even wrote a book on how to develop SPAs. But the SPAs I advocated for are different than the SPAs popular with developers today.
My version of a SPA focused on UX and loading fast. I even followed the now deprecated Google AJAX crawling specification.
Today's SPAs load slowly and frustrate search engines. So much so they delay indexing the content till they get around to it. The complex JavaScript in these frameworks makes it difficult for Google to render the content and index it.
Google can render and does get around to indexing single page application content. There is just no guarantee if and when the pages will be rendered.
Let me translate the messaging from Mountain View to business terms:
If you use a JavaScript framework your SEO is screwed.
Here are just a few anecdotes about JavaScript and SEO to emphasize why things go awry.
"If you search for any competitive keyword terms, it’s always gonna be server rendered sites. And the reason is because, although Google does index client rendered HTML, it’s not perfect yet and other search engines don’t do it as well. So if you care about SEO, you still need to have server-rendered content."
When you opt into or your developers push you into using a JavaScript framework with heavy client-side rendering (CSR) you are effectively opting out of a competitive position for organic search.
"Sometimes things don’t go perfectly during rendering, which may negatively impact search results for your site." “In December 2017, Google deindexed a few pages of Angular.io (the official website of Angular 2). Why did this happen? As you might have guessed, a single error in their code made it impossible for Google to render their page and caused a massive de-indexation."
CSR page are loaded by browsers and spiders with no content. This is what a typical single page application site looks like to a search engine:
Do you see what is missing?
That's right, your content, the stuff you need the search spider to read so you can get indexed!
Assuming the spider does not need to do anything other than execute your JavaScript they will eventually get around to investing resources into rendering your content. But the first pass is really one with JavaScript disabled.
None of the Google search team members has revealed how they determine if and when to return to a page and fully execute your scripts. My guess is it depends on how many links they detect to the page, how much authority the domain has and the quality of existing content.
There is probably much more to it, but those are probably high level criteria.
This is why so many site owners report their SEO being destroyed when they deploy a JavaScript heavy site, Google does not bother rendering the content.
But wait, there is more!
How do SPA links work?
How do Single Page Applications work period?
I already showed you what your SPA markup looks like. Now it is time to learn what a single page application is and how they evolved.
What are Single Page Applications
At the beginning of the decade the web was facing its biggest competition ever, mobile apps. At the time browsers and web standards were very fragmented. About 10 years ago jQuery was rapidly adopted by most web developers as the defacto way to create modern websites.
jQuery abstracted away most of the API implementation differences we faced at the time and made JavaScript approachable. For most of us, this was the first enjoyable JavaScript experience.
You see to most developers JavaScript is this odd, bastardized curly bracket-based language that works in the browser. Not only did jQuery smooth out browser bugs it made JavaScript and DOM manipulation easy.
We (developers) went nuts.
After a year or so using jQuery I became very comfortable creating highly interactive user experiences. I also started doing more and more AJAX, where you call an API to get data from the server.
Like many others I realized I could fetch raw data, render it in the browser and update the markup without needing the user to load a new page.
In 2010 I built my first mobile-first, single page application (SPA). At the time no one called them SPAs, I was sort of a pioneer. I launched an application with over 400 views (pages) that loaded really fast over 3G.
I knew I was onto something at the time. Performance and user experience were, and still are, a primary requirement for any of my projects.
Fast forward a year or two and we started seeing the SPA term used more and more. jQuery was not really suited for this new type of web application.
Plus, most 'web developers' are not really web developers, they are back-end developers.
So frameworks started to emerge from the ooze of the minds of back-end developers...more on this in the next section.
Single Page Applications & Deep Linking
The other problem these JavaScript heavy sites suffer from is the lack of deep linking. This is because they use a hack involving the URL hash tag.
This technique was originally designed in the early days of the web to provide a way to jump to different parts of a web page from a table of contents.
Back in the early 90s, when I first started writing HTML, the web was dominated by academic content. There were thousands of research papers available online. These are long documents, typically with a table of contents early in the document. The table of contents typically had these jump or hash fragment links setup to allow readers to jump to a sub-topic without scrolling down the page.
For the record I started using this technique as it was originally intended for my articles. Just check the list at the top of this article.
When a user clicks one of these links a hash fragment is added to the URL. This made it easier to share URLs to quote or reference specific sections in a page. The hash fragment value is not passed to the server, it is only a signal to the browser.
Fast forward to the modern web. Browsers added the 'hashchange' event when the URL hash fragment changed.
SPAs rely on the hashchange event to drive client-side rendering processes. Developers may also trigger DOM manipulations based on user activity, like clicking links and buttons or entering values in a form.
Twitter is even credited with inventing the 'hashbang', #!, most SPAs use to differentiate a traditional anchor from a SPA anchor.
Search engine spiders typically don't execute the JavaScript to 'find' links and content. Google has stated multiple times to use real links and not hash fragments for direct access to your content.
Single page applications typically use an App Shell model. This is where the core page layout is rendered first. Then each view or page's content is rendered in the main content area. There may be some of the main layout altered as the application lives in the browser, but for the most part it is static.
When the user 'navigates' JavaScript is executed to compose updated HTML and replace the main content.
Unfortunately for SEO the spider must 'figure out' all the client-side URLs.
I say unfortunately, but you, the business owner, is the unfortunate one because spiders don't bother executing the code to trigger navigation changes.
Google recommends you use server-side rendering and real anchor tags with real URLs.
They have recently released updated guidance on using single page applications. What it really says is, if your developers insist on using a fast food JavaScript framework (or three) then use the server-side rendering component available for most of these frameworks.
The new guidance is really a simplified version of their AJAX Crawling specification they deprecated a few years ago. That policy focused on you converting the SPA slug (hash fragment value) to a queryString parameter and configuring your server to look for this queryString value.
When the server detected the parameter it would use that value to render the content on the server and give that to the spider.
It was complex and I think I may have been the only developer with a system that supported this technique.
This means Google wants you to render the pages to a static web site and use the statically rendered pages instead of client-side rendered pages. At this point you can also eliminate the need to load the framework code on the client as well since most of their work was done on the server.
This is the model I migrated to a couple of years ago. I sat back and looked at all the code and workflow I needed to manage just to allow content to be rendered both on the server and the client and thought, this is a waste of time and energy.
I was right.
If your developers talk to you about Isomorphic JavaScript, just say no. Tell them to just render the content on the server and forget the client-side ceremony.
They may need to lie to their developer friends to stay cool, but that's OK. Your bottom line matters more.
Today I use a series of nodejs Lambdas in AWS to render my pages to a static website. I use some client-side JavaScript, but it is a tiny fraction of what most sites load. The advent of service workers have made it possible to remove the vast majority of my client-side script, you should look into that as an option.
Even if your site does not use a framework you can follow the SSR/static site guidance for better organic results.
Look, Google is trying to appeal to developers because they fear they have lost the battle against fast food frameworks. So, they are doing an end run to get content they can index and maybe, just maybe sites people will use. They even give developers more code to play with!
This is a big part of what AMP is doing.
My advice, avoid using single page applications and frameworks if SEO matters to your business.
The Evolution or Decay of JavaScript Frameworks
Back to the JavaScript timeline.
We started seeing new frameworks emerge that appealed to these back-end first developers. Angular was the first popular framework. It was soon followed by React. Others came along, but failed to get as much traction as these two have. I even loosely called my collection of small libraries and architecture 'Love2SPA'.
Note: Angular and Polymer were created at Google. This does not mean the search or browser teams are fans of these frameworks. At any large enterprise there is 'internal strife' executives tend to gloss over.
Do as I say, not as the team in the other building does
Unfortunately, these frameworks were designed without considering business (UX) goals and how browsers work. Instead they focused on creating a 'great' developer experience.
Their architecture largely borrows from back-end best practices and tries to shoe-horn them on the browser. The problem is they are largely built orthogonal to the way browser plumbing works.
This means these frameworks have to add thousands of lines of code to get server-side 'best practices' in the browser instead of leveraging what the browser natively offers.
This is why pages often feel locked up or jumpy as you scroll them. If you wonder why a web page takes 30-60 seconds to render, most likely one of these frameworks is to blame.
The technical term for this is 'jankiness'.
Each of these frameworks relies on 100s of kilobytes of JavaScript. But it does not stop there.
Often these frameworks are extended with additional, poorly optimized, libraries and components. jQuery suffers from a similar phenomena with the plugin ecosystem. These components compound the weight these frameworks require.
The extensions increase the JavaScript payload to Megabytes.
Developers are lazy and suffer attention deficit disorder in mass. This means they tend to dump multiple frameworks on a web page. I am finding it more and more common to see 2-4 frameworks stacked on top of jQuery and other 'helper' libraries.
The result is 3-6MB of JavaScript, most of which is never used, but delays a page from becoming interactive.
But it does not stop there. I am discovering more and more sites with 10-50MB JavaScript files, not just total, but single files that large.
Not to mention the cost to develop and maintain these Frankensteins is tremendous.
As an SEO, digital marketer, etc. you have probably heard you need a fast web server, optimize images, etc. While you should do these things, audit your site's JavaScript. The payoff is much higher.
Each tab in the browser has a single thread to do all the tasks associated with rendering the page. JavaScript is the most expensive task a browser performs. When a script is encountered all other tasks are halted until the script is loaded, parsed and executed.
If the script modifies the DOM (HTML structure) it restarts the critical rendering path, causing further delays. These frameworks almost always cause this expensive restart.
Developers rarely feel this pain, or have become so numb to its affects they fail to realize how much JavaScript cost.
They almost always work on high speed machines with i7 CPUs and 16GB of RAM. Consumers tend to use cellphones with far less powerful CPUs and memory constraints. The consumer experience amplifies any performance tax exponentially.
Ask them to test on a Moto5 class phone over 3G. If your page can reach time to first interaction in less than 5 seconds then things are looking good. If not make them work on the site more.
I will show you how you can do this without buying a phone later!
The JavaScript Performance Tax
You have 3 seconds to impress. Scientifically you actually have 1 second because that is where the mind starts to perceive latency from expectations.
This is why at 3 seconds half the traffic to web pages have left, they assume the page is not reliable.
Most tend to look at page speed in terms of how long a response takes to go from the server to the client, called time to first byte.
This is wrong.
A typical web page's load and rendering profile has about a 5% time to first byte allocation. This means 95% of the time it takes to render a web page is how long it takes to process all the network responses, paint the content on the screen and get out of the way.
"80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the frontend. Start there."
Of all the things that slow the rendering processes down, JavaScript is by far the most taxing resource type.
When a script is encountered the browser request it from the server, which should take 200-1000ms over good broadband. But most users are not on broadband, they are on cellular connections today. This means you need to budget 1-3 seconds for a script file to download.
Multiply this by 5-10 if you have one of those 50MB scripts!
You are not done, not even close.
Now the browser stops all rendering related tasks and waits for the script to be processed.
This processing includes parsing the script and executing the entire script. This takes time. Large frameworks are typically 100-500kb of JavaScript. On average mobile phones this takes a few seconds.
If you have more than one script and most pages have dozens, this process is repeated.
Even if the markup and CSS have rendered some items on the page it will feel frozen. You cannot even scroll the page.
To a consumer this indicates the page is broken. They don't wait, they leave.
Meanwhile they have paid to download your bulky payload and received no benefit.
The business has also paid for server capacity and bandwidth with nothing to show for the effort.
Both entities are taxed so the developer could have 'fun'.
Ways You Can Measure Web Performance Without An Advanced Engineering Degree
Site owners need a way to audit their sites so they can track progress and communicate to developers.
There are many free tools available to measure web performance. I see many recommended in the marketing world, but honestly, they only seem to focus on time to first byte, not the remaining 95% of the puzzle.
There are two free tools I recommend everyone involved in a website learn to use, WebPageTest and browser developer tools.
WebPageTest is a free site you can quickly audit any public URL from multiple data centers around the world and from a wide variety of browsers and devices. In short you can easily see how your pages render for any of your potential visitors.
The problem with WebPageTest is how much data is collected and reported back. It is overwhelming, even to developers. But there are a few key numbers and visuals you should focus.
I won’t go into details on these items in this article. I do that is other posts, including one analyzing airline websites.
When you run your test, I recommend selecting the 'Chrome' tab and enabling the Lighthouse test. This will give you a extra data, including how well you score as a progressive web app.
Pro Tip: Go to https://www.webpagetest.org/easy.php to have a preconfigured environment for your page's test.
You can run a Lighthouse test right from your local Chrome browser.
Each browser has built in developer tools, which include performance auditing features. Again, I won’t dive into these tools today, and they can be very technical.
Lighthouse does a good job surfacing meaningful data in a way anyone should be able to understand. The tool reports on many user experience metrics and breaks them into categories like Progressive Web App, Best Practices, Accessibility and even a token SEO section.
Both Lighthouse and WebPageTest can be run locally using node modules. WebPageTest can also be stood up locally using a virtual machine or container.
These come in handy when you have an automated test script or continuous build process. The VMs and containers also make it possible to run WebPageTest against internal business tests.
I highly recommend making them part of your acceptance tests. As a stakeholder you should also consider adding a performance budget to your developer requirements. You can tie this budget to tools like WebPageTest and Lightouse.
These are just two of my favorite tools. There are others like WebHint and the detailed audit tools baked into browser tools.
Some of the commonly recommended tools in the SEO space, like Pingdom, GTMetrix and even the Google Speed Test tool are sort of useless.
The Google tool simply does not provide enough insight into the metrics it reports.
Pingdom and GTMetrix really just measure time to first byte, which is important, but accounts for roughly 5% of a page's average render time.
Developers love to write code and JavaScript is the code engine that drives much of the web. It also adds unwanted latency to a page's rendering cycle and causes Google to hit the brakes when indexing content.
Single Page Applications can obfuscate links to content as well as delay your ability to have content indexed.
If your marketing relies on content earning good search engine placement you should think twice about using JavaScript frameworks.
Developers want frameworks because they make the front-end look more like back-end and they abstract away JavaScript. As a site owner you need to have a minimal amount of technical skills to have reasonable conversations with your dev teams about your business goals.
Trust me, your site does not need a JavaScript framework, HTML and CSS can achieve most of your needs without JavaScript's help.
This content was originally published here.
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webstory7-blog · 7 years
5 Monetize Your Blog Heres How To Do It
Monetize Your Blog. Here's How To Do It? Obtaining jobs on the net will be the latest and on this list on most well-liked techniques of making cash; in fact, numerous be home more persons choose to generate their living out of doing online jobs like information writing, employing Search engine optimization and laptop or computer science skills plus blogging. Although many individuals begin their very own blogs as a method of sharing their experiences, thoughts and opinions because of the planet, company minded customers have did start to seek out types of Blogging and Make Money Blogging in the procedure. The strange thing about us webmasters and bloggers is we mesh our reality with the online world. The friends we discuss with everyday online become healthy friends and now we lose touch with simple items like going outside. With the loss comes hope since an experienced webmaster can reach hundreds of thousand people in a month. This is where our power arises from having the ability to talk to tens of thousands and turn into well known through the internet which suggests the entire world. I personally may go to any continent in the globe and would know someone very well. Personally I prefer to be able to reach out and touch more and more people, but a crucial element of a great blogger is one who can discover the balance involving the online world in addition to their real-world. Work on this and are on your way to success. This will have the Google spider to index your new sites or website pages in a couple of days and consider your site because of its database because of the criteria of its you are trying to find a fast, inexpensive and efficient method to develop a great deal of content on your site, that your search engines will get, go to Blogger and start a totally free blogging account and join the blogosphere.- The Love Affair between your Search Engines, Blogs and RSSI are already extolling the SEO advantages of Blogs since almost two years ago. Although blogs and search engines like google don't seem to take pleasure from the free for all romance they once suffered from, the search engines and blogs manage to still be married 'for better or for worst'.The romance and infatuation phase between engines like google and blogs has waned due to blog spam. However search engines like google dare not divorce blogs simply because they have a tendency to cook regularly updated content.Blogs may also be internet search engine friendly in design. As publishers we love blogs because it is a good way for us to update our sites with new content. A template is only the starting place for the website. If you use an unmodified standard design, readers is able to see all the way through you. By using a custom web design you get a sound readership that understands how much time you set to your blog. You will learn about third party and external template providers and decide whether you desire a wholly custom template by getting a designer. While designers are very pricey, you will learn approaches to implement what you need for less. We even show you the best way to create your own design on your own if you're comfortable with HTML. (more info) Of course, you don't need to make it happen, you can also find deals other ways. For instance, any local pet shop could possibly have very good deals on grooming products. Petco and stores as it specifically sell pet food and supplies, therefore it is a fantastic bet that they will have grooming supplies and if you are lucky you may be able to find some deals. Obtaining jobs on the net would be the latest as well as on this list of most well-liked techniques of developing cash; in fact, numerous stay home persons would rather generate their living beyond doing on the net jobs like articles writing, employing Search engine optimization and laptop or computer science skills and also blogging. Although many individuals start their own blogs as an easy way of sharing their experiences, thoughts and opinions with the planet, corporation minded people today have did start to look for strategies to Blogging and Make Money Blogging inside procedure. The strange thing about us webmasters and bloggers is we mesh our reality with your online world. The friends we consult with everyday online become healthy friends so we lose touch with simple items like going outside. With the loss comes hope since an experienced webmaster can reach hundreds of thousand people within a month. This is where our power emanates from having the ability to talk with thousands and grow well known across the internet meaning the entire world. I personally might go to your continent in the globe and knows someone very well. Personally I prefer being able to reach out and touch so many people, but an essential part of an incredible blogger is but one who can find the balance relating to the online world and their down to earth. Work on this and you'll be soon on your way success. First of all, you don't even have to invest money to get started. However, I always advise that somebody purchase a website and obtain some inexpensive hosting so that you can give themselves a much more professional look. There are some free blogging platforms, however, like which will provide you with to be able to put advertising with a free blog. You can get started with these rather easily, by simply following step-by-step setup process. Add the advertising back and start blogging over a daily basis. Soon you will possess enough money to acheive started with an even more professional setup. Search for templates on any search engines like Google and you will encounter many options from which to choose; this search is very important mainly because one thing prospective readers will see could be the general layout and look from the blog that desires to be inviting. Efficient Blogging and Make Money Blogging demand you to definitely have a very template that either is associated for the topic or nature of weblog or perhaps simply good-looking and classic. Possibly the key aspect needed for a sustainably popular weblog is passion along with the chance to translate the enthusiasm into words frequently. As soon as the readers work through the initial appear with the blog, they will examine then information hence; this item should be given the utmost priority. (more info) The company expects the clients to analyze the campaign at least one time in twenty four hours. This would assist them to in monitoring the performance to make changes if any to further improve on the business. The company from its side sends a weekly report updating them on the results of the campaigns. The client gets the choice of deciding when you start preventing the campaigns. Lucky you, is someone ever said to you want that? I think you do, whenever you winning lottery tickets, or married with beautiful woman or drive expensive car what's more, it could be whenever you got promotion. While I?m surfing in other blogs and this question arrive at my head, do I need to be lucky in blogging? Or lucky never be the cause in blogging area it?s just rely on our how hard we promote our blog. Is there any your friends declared that you might be lucky blogger since you have succeeded in blogging area? Setting up a account isn't brain surgery, however; we will walk you through the method and save you time. Why go solo whenever you might have this Cashmap because your wingman? You will have your bank account created in a few minutes, however; a lot more part is deciding the title and address of your respective blog. You will learn the best way to personalize your bank account, take advantage of the Dashboard, edit your profile, add photos, and adjust your money with all the Personal Settings feature. First of all, you may not even must invest any money to acheive started. However, I always claim that somebody buy a domain name and have some inexpensive hosting to be able to give themselves an even more professional look. There are some free blogging platforms, however, for example which gives you to be able to put advertising with a free blog. You can get started with these quite easily, merely by following a step-by-step setup process. Add the advertising back and begin blogging with a daily basis. Soon you will possess enough money to acheive started with a more professional setup. These bloggers discover how important keeping the best blog hosting their cash can purchase truly is. They need their readers to possess entry to their information laden threads constantly. This helps each of these individuals achieve notoriety in their niche which will keep their blog installed and operating for years to come. This is why it's so important to have a quality service provider who can offer you what exactly you need if you are during the early stages of starting your blog and attaining a number. This can be a critical decision in the success of your blogging career as it were. (more info) u Interaction - With the help of blogs you can connect to your prospective customers. You can see the customers' comments in your posts and updates. The negative or positive feedbacks in the customers may be used to streamline the marketing strategy of your respective company. This could potentially save you 1000s of dollars. Having your own personal blog can indeed be often considered as demanding, but when you contemplate it, creating your individual blog is pretty uncomplicated. The point that makes things demanding will be the matter you need to build your blog seem intriguing for a followers also to cause them to become well-liked by your viewers. This may require some time and devotion certainly. To have a professional blog site, it should have standout content. You should create many pieces and also hardwearing . blog refreshed over a continual basis. To support you in building your own blog, the 3 things enumerated below may be instrumental to you personally. Instead because dot com bubble burst in the late 90's the world wide web once again became a wasteland of nerd experimentation but now the nerd seed ended up planted in individuals that previously could have been switched off by each of the science fiction as well as the math. As the aughts progressed and the net had become the hot bed of commerce folks always appeared to know it might become another world grew plus many ways it had been just an outgrowth of what the world wide web ended up being commence with. Those forums were becoming your website. "The Blog" was becoming only the simplest portion of Web 2.0. A world of "user generated content." No longer were people logging onto the net to venture to sites about things they desired to read about. Now they are created those sites. The shock waves of this were felt in a short time and became compounded as new platforms particularly social networking sites (Friendster begat MySpace, MySpace begat Facebook etc.) made people more and more comfortable as well as dependent on sharing themselves and their opinions on the web. If you are a professional dog groomer, then you should talk with the dealers that offer these supplies. There are several wholesalers that provide catalogs operating their inventory listed, which is usually priced to enable you to spend less if you opt for it large quantities. For instance, buying ten or more bottles of shampoo cost a tad bit more upfront, however you can have you supply for quite a while and possess saved funds on each bottle. Search for templates on any search engines like Google and you may come across many choices to select from; this search is very important due to the fact the very first thing prospective readers will dsicover could be the general layout and search of the blog that would like to be inviting. Efficient Blogging and Make Money Blogging demand you to definitely have a template that either is associated for your topic or nature of weblog or perhaps is simply good-looking and classic. Possibly the key aspect required for a sustainably popular weblog is passion and also the chance to translate the enthusiasm into words regularly. As soon as the readers get past the initial appear with all the blog, they are going to examine then articles hence; this item need to be in the utmost priority. (more info) To others, the idea of blogging looks like a real delightful concept - being able to have your own little space on cyberspace where you can speak about how you feel and ideas alike, and also to be capable of communicate with other bloggers including yourself. Blog writing is often a without headaches way to market your products. Here are some blogging ideas to help you get the maximum blog writing.Stick to your niche. Try to keep the main focus of one's blog as narrow as is possible. One of the more recent secrets popular bands are using to have their websites online, the final couple of years, is to use Blogs. Blogs are short for web logs and are like daily dairies on the internet. Blogs began as ways for Internet reality types to share their lives with others on the web, without having to learn very complicated web design applications like Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage. Dreamweaver, the common professional web page design program needs a least a few months to master. While FrontPage conversely looks similar to Microsoft Word, and for that reason works extremely well a little more quickly by people just starting out. Blogs tend to be easier to use than any website design software. They can be used to change content from the browser, email, as well as simple desk top software. Blogs are websites created with automated software that date stamps all changes to content. One of the secrets the net marketers use to obtain their new websites in to the major engines like google like (Google - Yahoo! and MSN) is known as blog and ping. So many Internet fortunes are built on this simple you would like your new site to be indexed (or in the google search database) you must not submit it to the search engines -- instead you must blog and ping. Setting up a account isn't nuclear physics, however; we'll walk you through the task and save you time. Why go solo when you may have this Cashmap because your wingman? You will have your bank account created during first minutes, however; greater part is deciding the title and address of the blog. You will learn the way to personalize your bank account, take advantage of your Dashboard, edit your profile, add photos, and adjust your account with all the Personal Settings feature. Internet site page views might be a main factor in visitor posts. Blogs containing excellent superior and targeted variety of visitors may bring a lot more rewards to your on the internet businessman that do visitor posts. Each and every visitor posts brings more website visitors to your website, offers you a great deal more probable conversion, adds a great deal more subscribers and exposure. You will benefit greatly from having a Dallas web page design specialist integrate the software program for your blog into your website. You might even want to employ a Dallas SEO expert to generate regular posts to your blog to keep things rolling along whilst your content fresh which ensures you keep your viewers interested whilst your quest engine ranking high.(more info) It mostly is dependent upon your audience. Think of people reading your site: how elderly they're, what their occupation is, their hobbies, interests, languages, etc. That will help you much if you want to add humor to your website article. Yes, spontaneity is quite much appreciated with circus and soap operas. Even Dr. House cracks off jokes all the time - that is why he or she is so much popular with males and females at the same time, though. As the internet continually evolves, new terminology, new schemes, new cameras or scanners, home based business opportunities and new concepts appear on consistantly. Not so long ago the phrase blog or blogging only agreed to be some of those concepts, but now, to many people online visitors the definition of(s) are reputed. Even so, merely knowing its presence on the globe of internet marketing does not mean that you just completely understand exactly what a blog is or what blogging is centered on. And of course there will still be those who are still not familiar with the very idea of blogging. With this in mind, let's briefly consider the word blogging or try to explain exactly such a blog is. Or, to put it one way - precisely what does blog indicate? Undoubtedly that only ordinary internet surfers prefer blogs to static sites but those who find themselves working from home is anxious in blogs with them to describe using clients. But these days they went even further. They have mastered the blogs to function for them on autopilot. How is that? Auto blogging my pals! Automatic websites software may help you here with developing automated content websites or set up your blog, optimize it, place your deal and accumulate revenue. The more blogs there is an more cash you generate. The variety of affiliate ads online now is masive so there is lots of choice for the web page owner. A very good instance of these could be the paid per click program like google adsense. When a person visits the web site or blog and glances at one of these brilliant paid per click advertising ads and decides that it's of interest for them and in addition chose to click those ads anybody automatically turns into a referral or possibly a payment to the click. If attention is paid to effective marketing practices then your visitors to your site or website increase as time passes along with the increase of visitors or traffic the amount of clicks one of the program may also increase which means you the web site or blog will gain more affiliate money. This is a great way to ensure more exposure for the blog before a brand new audience and it's really all free. Once they have visited your web site, the normal readers of the blog that you posted, will likely sign up for your site when they realize that the knowledge you provide is interesting. Run a search in Google to locate sites which are willing to take guest posts. In case you want to make it happen a large scale, then try contacting prominent blogs and enquire of them should they would accept a guest post by you. (more info) Just imagine if you have hundred or so blogs and thought we would set out to create a list. Simply putting an opt-in form on each blog, you may quickly build your list amazingly quickly! Actually, you can gain an identical affect for what you may need to promote, it could be a CPA offer, affiliate item, or even your individual product. End during the day, single thing you will want to be sure is always that your blogs are structured around the same niche (at the very least in the middle of a prevalent bigger niche!).
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