#there must be some retrograde planet to blame this on
rosewaterbaptism · 2 years
I’m at this very weird point in my life where the circumstances that were making me depressed have changed, slightly, but I don’t FEEL better. At least not yet. It’s only been a week.
So either I’m never gonna get better because my brain has been permanently altered to make me feel bad all the time… or I need to follow the instructions of this post to feel better. Maybe recovery isn’t so simple. Maybe I’ll need to rewire the neural pathways of my brain. I’ve conditioned myself to be depressed for like 8 years, maybe it’s gonna take a lot longer than I thought to feel better
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bitesize-astrology · 2 years
Space Weather
Monday - August 29, 2022
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Space Weather
Monday - August 29, 2022
A departure from my usual astrological posts ....
I am an observer of Space Weather, looking at what's going on here on Earth from the lens of what's happening on other planets, and especially the Sun. To think Earth isn't impacted as the Sun is going thru what is called the "Grand Solar Minimum" is short-sided at best, and astrological negligence at its worst.
The Sun always produces solar flares and CMEs (coronal mass ejections) but I must admit that August has been one of the most active Sun times I've seen in years. I have space weather apps on my phone, and follow several space weather YouTube channels to stay up to date. Space weather impacts telecommunications, GPS navigation, airline travel, amateur radio communications, along with the physical and mental/emotional health of all of you. During August I've seen an uptick in people suffering from sleeplessness, headaches, irritability and feeling "out of place." It's brought out the worst in some people, just downright cruelty actually.
I reference this today as several solar flares that erupted around August 27th are expected to arrive on Earth today. There isn't anything you can do about it except to be aware and self-regulate your feelings and emotions. While I don't give people a pass when they blame their actions on the Mercury retrograde or a Full Moon, this solar activity has been so massive that I see where my brothers and sisters are succumbing to it.
For more information, take 15 minutes and watch this video from Tamitha Skov, a space weather physicist who calls herself the "Space Weather Woman." While there's a bit of technical info, you'll be able to get this gist of what she's discussing, and how intense the solar activity has been this past week.
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mystikalrootz · 10 months
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Mercury Retrograde 
21° in Virgo  12:59 pm (PST)
Here we go again!  It’s Mercury Retrograde time!  3-4 times a year Mercury laps Earth as we orbit the Sun which gives the impression that Mercury is moving backwards.  During this time we experience disruptions in all things Mercury related such as communication, technology, travel and health and home matters. Depending on what sign Mercury moves in will depend where this affects the collective.  Regardless of its placement tho, some things are KEY during this time and  it is important to implement all the “Re” actions and practices you can, and avoid beginning anything new if possible. 
Renew, refresh, rewind, reflect, revise, revamp, research, rethink, return, revisit, refrain, reorganize, retreat, retrieve, reconnect, recommit, resolve, and repeat are just some very good guide words to keep at the forefront as you move through this sometimes confusing and frustrating retrograde energy. You will enviably see funny memes saying “I’m not responsible for what I said during Mercury Retrograde” which I too find funny BUT this is an excuse for being an intentional asshole and blame a planet for it… I don’t REspect this type of thinking. Mercury in Retrograde gives us the gift of slowing down and reflecting on things that may have soured in the past few months. It lets us return to the things that are meaningful and maybe recommit to things or people that we have forgotten about. You can breath REfreshing air into an already started project or return to a hobby or skill you have done further REseach on to make it a success. 
*Know that you may not understand what others are trying to say the first time they say it and vise versa. 
*Double check all forms of communication for clarity and that it is going to the correct person. (Texts, emails, DM’s, letters, cards, bills, payments etc)
*Try not to travel or make travel plans.  This can sometimes not be avoided so making sure vehicles are running smooth, airports are arrived at super early, and prepping for delays is a good idea
*Don’t sign legal papers or contracts is possible. I actually told my old job’s HR that I would come sign my retirement/separation paperwork the next week when Mercury Retrograde had left it’s post shadow phase! Not sure if she understood me but she complied! If you MUST sign these types of papers, read them over thoroughly and maybe take a friend to read also. 
During this particular Retrograde, Mercury is spending the entire time in one of its home signs, Virgo. It stations to go backwards at 21° in the sign and then stations to go direct again at 8°. The grounded Earth energy of Virgo is caring, health aware, nurturing, organized, thoughtful and even sensual. Mercury can be used beautifully here to reflect on any health matters you have wanted to attend to, revamp your dietary plans, or even research more earth based ways to a healthier life. Pulling out some half finished organization projects such as filing gone unfinished or storage bought but never used is also great here. This particular placement can really hit your work and day to day activities so beware of this and take the proper mindset and awareness. If a program crashes, laugh, know it is Mercury, go for a walk, and come back.  You will more than likely find the issue is corrected. Be sure your not sending personal things to work peeps and vise versa as this is also a common mistake. Your co-workers may be cranky and moody leaving YOU to be the vibe. Why you? Well, your aware of this wonky ass energy and chances are, they aren’t. Be kind and show compassion or if your like me…SHARE THIS INFO!! Mercury and Virgo energies love information and love to teach others. That being said, with ALL things you try to teach or assist with at this time, be careful not to force yourself on others. When Mercury is in Virgo we have a tendency to over think and over “help”. Others may feel you as overbearing and the possibility of you feeling rejected is very possible. 
Personally, I am loving the feel of this retrograde!  With the loving support of the Sun entering Virgo (email subscribers got that energy walk through) just hours before Mercury starts its backwards dance, there is a vibe of self care, nurturing, journaling, and full on relaxation that is much needed with the 2023 weirdness many have experienced. If used properly, the next 3 weeks could be the REset you need in order to finish off the year as the bad ass you are!  Happy Mercury Retrograde!!
If you find value in these forecasts, please consider a small $5 donation as an exchange of energy using the link below 🤍
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elminx · 3 years
Energy Update: December 2021
December is an “8” Universal month [12 (December) + 5 (2021) - 17 = 1+7 = 8] in a “5” Universal year (2+0+2+1=5). We have come to the last month of the year with our frenetic fast-paced 5 energy and we are now integrating the lessons of the year to make space and (hopefully) move on by the beginning of January. The 8 energy is associated with the infinity sign and the Ouroboros - it has neither beginnings nor ending but is in a constant state of movement. You can expect December to fluctuate quickly between the highest highs and lowest lows - if you feel this way throughout the month, know that you are right on time.
This energy is further accentuated by the astrology of the month: we have four planetary shifts (the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn, Mars into Sagittarius, and Jupiter into Pisces, a personal planet (Venus) retrograde, the shifting of the guards as our lunar nodes moves from Gemini- Sagittarius into Taurus-Scorpio and the final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. That’s a lot for one month! Hold onto your butts, we are in for the ride of the year.
Depending on your personal numerology, birth chart, and personality in general you may love or hate the 8 energy. The 8 is very associated with karma - in order to harness the energy of the 8 you have to let go and have faith in the lessons that unfold. Karma is often misunderstood as “What Comes Around, Goes Around” and that is an oversimplification that can really trip you up when managing the energy of the month. While it is true that the infinite nature of 8 energy means that all soul lessons will return to you until you have concurred them, it is a reminder that karma is personal and that, no matter how much we may wish, we have no control over the karma of others - even our most important “Others.” We are each on our own evolutionary path as dictated by the moment of our birth and no matter how well we know somebody, they will always remain a mystery.
As the energy of our fixed square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus weighs us down we may feel overwhelmed and it would be easy to attempt to rid yourself of it by passing the weight of your lessons onto an/other but this is a month where it is imperative that you learn to shoulder your own burdens. Beware or projections - what are you blaming on an/other that is truly a result of your own karma that needs addressing? Any time that the lunar nodes switch signs, we all have to come up against our greater life lessons. If this scares or worries you, it is a sign that you have some work to do - get to it. To quote Karen Kilgariff of “My Favorite Murder Fame “You can run away all you want, but you will still be you.”
2021 has been a challenging year - our ongoing Saturn-Uranus square on the fixed axis has been showing up to highlight the areas in life that must be broken down and recycled that we can all move on into a new and better future. This is our Force Paradox: Saturn in Aquarius is the immovable object and Uranus in Taurus is our Unstoppable Force. Some part of each of our lives has been caught in the vice of pressure in-between. Though it is difficult for anybody to manage this much pressure, it is worth remembering that pressure makes both diamonds and oil, two of the greatest commodities of the modern world.
These kinds of changes don’t happen overnight and for many, 2021 may have felt like a year of stagnation or constant obstacles. This was very out of alignment with the “5” energy which is impatient and restless - if this is coming up for you, know that the shifting of energy of December will open great pathways if you can just hold on for a few more breaths. We are almost to the finish line. December is a great month to mine your past for what is worth carrying with you into 2022 and beyond - what is worth keeping in your life? What do you need to let go of? Watch for the things that you are holding onto out of fear of the unknown - what you put down now will inevitably make space for greater things in your future.
We begin the month of December in the eclipse gateway (the two weeks between the lunar eclipse on 11/19 and our solar eclipse on 12/4) - this energy will amplify and accentuate the pressure exerted by our Saturn-Uranus square. Our solar eclipse in Sagittarius is the last eclipse on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis which has been highlighting the dichotomy of truthfulness vs. lies both in our external and internal lives. The unfortunate reality is that many people live lives entirely built upon lies - both lies that they have told themselves and lies that they have told others. These falsehoods are coming due. We are being asked to step authentically into who we really are - not who society has taught us to be, not who are parents have taught us to be, not who our Others want us to be - who we were born to be.
Depending on where you are on your personal journey, this may feel like a destructive storm or a homecoming - acknowledge this truth and try to integrate it into your understanding of yourself and your path. It’s okay to not be where you want to be yet - what is important is to be truthful in your self-analysis during this time. If you are living in a state of denial, you will never make the changes that lead to self-alignment. Our solar eclipse on 12/4 is a moment to make a clean break for the parts of you that you have created to appease others or mindlessly “fit in” - Sagittarius is a sign associated with radical freedom, now is the time to embrace yours.
These lessons will be intensely personal as Venus has already entered the shadow of her retrograde on which begins on 12/19. She will be moving backward from 26-11 degrees through the sign of Capricorn highlighting the ways in which we seek to control rather than let our lives unfold, especially around the Venusian portfolio of love, relationships, and money. Capricorn is ruled by the God of Karma Saturn which is very at odds with the needs of love, relationships, and money to flow. Expect conflicts to arise in your personal relationships and in the workplace around these themes through Venus’s retrograde cycle which will continue all the way through to 3/01 when she finally exits her post-retrograde shadow.
It is worth noting that Venus will retrograde in almost exact conjunction with our planet of death and extreme change, Pluto which is a strong indicator that a drastic change in the ways in which you view some Venusian aspects in your own life. Maybe you are holding onto a relationship or job with a death grip even though you KNOW in your heart of hearts that it has served its purpose and you need to move on. Or, you need to completely reinvent the way in which you think about/interact with love or money.
Here again, you see the energy of December playing out and amplifying three times over. Our Saturn-Uranus square is breaking down the outdated things in our lives, our eclipse season is forcing us to become more honest about who we really are, and the Venus retrograde cycle is leaning heavily into the energy of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto in Capricorn’s energy played heavily into the cardinal energy of 2020 that instigated this breakdown/break-up cycle. Trust what is coming up for you. If it isn’t working yet - if it hasn’t worked through all of the past two years - that is likely either a sign that you need to let it go or radically transform. The choice, of course, is ultimately up to you.
As Mars, the planet of action, moves into Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, he will immediately form a conjunction with our South Node on 12/13. Again, we see a sign that we need to let go of the past (action = Mars, the past = the South Node) to embrace greater freedom (Sagittarius) for ourselves and all of our others. If you are prone to reaching for control when things get rough, make a game plan to avoid these actions because it is highly contraindicated during this month. Nobody wants to get told what to do during the best of times and these are not the best of times. This is your cosmic reminder that your Others are also living through this intense astrological upheaval - how can you give them the space to grow into who THEY need to be?
That will be one of the big flexes of December - to grow your own way while letting your Others grow their own way. Even if it appears that they are growing away from you. Our vision may be clouded during the Venus retrograde cycle as she makes a number of sextiles to Neptune in watery Pisces. Beware of your desire to dictate how your others need to grow or evolve - their path is their own. This will hit especially hard for people who experience codependency themes in their own lives - see this as a chance to rework your own patterning so that you can show up better for your Others in the future.
As we move into the new year we will be stepping into “6” universal energy (2+0+2+2=6) - this energy will be good for mending bridges, reestablishing closeness of all kinds, and connection with chosen family - use this last month of the year to work on the ways that you bring toxicity to the table rather than love so that you can show up better in the future. As the holidays bring up old family dramas and repeating cycles, learn into the Sagittarius drive to learn from your past rather than repeating it. We were all raised by imperfect human beings - another big flex this month will be to identify the unhelpful traits that we picked up from our childhoods (signified, again, by the South Node) and let them go once and for all.
Or at least begin the process of releasing them by Naming them. Here again, I will refer to the nature of the retrograde cycle. In the pre-shadow, we fall into a hole that we did not see. During the retrograde cycle, we see the hole but we (most likely) fall into it anyways. During the post-retrograde cycle, if we’ve been doing the work, we see the hole and know how to avoid it. Depending on your personal journey and self-awareness, this cycle can take one retrograde cycle or many. The deep lesson here is that each time you encounter that hole, you have the chance to recognize it and walk around it.
As this process unfolds this month, give yourself the benefit of the doubt, as much kindness as you can muster, and practice your very best self-care. When times get astrologically intense, it is wise to wake each morning and ask yourself: what do I need today? Have I drunk enough water? Did I go outside? Did I remember to take my medications? Do I need more sleep? Do I need less sleep? Where am I letting my shadows control me? Am I being authentic to myself? The evolution of the self is an ongoing and never-ending process, pat yourself on the back for how far you’ve come - the holes that you now avoid - and take another step forward, no matter how small.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Victor’s Mercury Retrograde Call- Analysis
Saw this particular call and was inspired to do an analysis into what Mercury retrograde is and especially on what Victor’s views on these types of concepts are. Mercury retrograde happens tomorrow on the 29th to June 22rd. So I’d thought it would be fitting to post this beforehand. (And maybe foreshadow upcoming content....) Please enjoy! ❤️
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Mercury is the communication planet. It also talks about short distance travelling, governing your thirst for knowledge, your wit, negotiating skills, logic and rationality. In the Solar System, it’s the smallest planet (rip Pluto, you're still a planet to me) as well as one of the hottest. The name came from the Roman god Mercurius- the god of commerce, mediator for mortals and messenger of the gods. 
Retrograde (Rx) 
By definition, “retrograde” means that a planet is moving backwards in the sky. Really, it’s just an optical illusion. It comes from the Latin word “retogradus” meaning “backward step”. As planets orbit the Sun faster than Earth, they sometimes overtake our planet. This is what causes the retrograde motion to occur, making it looks like the planet is moving backwards from our view on Earth. 
When planets are in retrograde in astrology, this means that we are stalling in the proceedings of the planet and the energies turn into itself, feeling the effects of one another deeply and more intensely. It can be shy, awkward, but can also progress great depth depending where the placement of it is in your chart. 
What is Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury is the most well-known planet that goes into retrograde, normally occurring three to four times a year. Since Mercury rules communication, technology and rationality, people are often fearful when it is in retrograde as it’s known (and blamed) for various disruptions and misunderstandings to occur. But it’s so much more than just that. 
When Mercury in retrograde occurs- just like the start of tomorrow, Mercury stops moving backwards on it’s cosmic path reminding us to do the same. This all relates back to the rule of as above, so below. This means whatever happens within our solar system will ultimately affect us here on Earth. (For example, the moon governs our emotions, and since our body is approximately 70% water, why wouldn’t the moon affect us too? But it’s not just us, it’s the moon’s gravitational pull on the oceans, in the same sense, it’s also the moodiness you may feel during full moons!)
Mercury in retrograde gets us to pause our own endeavours in its jurisdiction and review, reassess and clean up what no longer serves us. People from the past may show up, situations can repeat itself and things that have been lost may turn up again. Repressed issues, emotions or situations will come back and we’re forced to deal with them no matter what, requiring us to come up with new resolutions to old problems. 
Victor’s Call
Victor: What was that message you just cancelled? MC: Oh sorry about that, I just sent it to the wrong person. Victor: I saw my name. It was about me, wasn’t it? MC: What? No, you must be seeing things! Victor: Really? Was I seeing things too when I saw all the incorrect data and typos in your report? MC: Sorry, I’ll revise that and I’ll have it to you first thing in the morning. Victor: As inept as you are, you never made such basic mistakes such as sending the wrong email or messing up data. What’s wrong with you lately? MC: I don’t know... just have been feeling really off, like I can’t do anything right. Victor: What was that? MC: Oh sorry, I shouldn’t be saying this to you. Victor: Didn’t you complain before about me not being a good listener? I’m listening now. MC: That’s okay save you listening for someone else. Victor: You might as well see you to my face if it’s me you’re going to complain about. MC: No, not complaints, more like constructive criticism you don’t mind, do you? Victor: If I minded, you wouldn’t have this chance. MC: Well, I’ve been in a terrible mood lately and with all this pressure from you... Victor: Terrible mood? Why? MC: Probably because Mercury is in retrograde. Victor: Mercury in retrograde? What the heck is that. MC: That’s when the planet Mercury... never mind, you won’t understand anyway. Victor: Don’t try to cover up for your inability to explain things. MC: Simply put that things happen with Mercury is in retrograde, all right? Victor: So you’re saying... Cosmic events have thrown your mood and work quality out of whack? MC: It may sound unbelievable but it’s true. It affects many people. Recently, my bracelet came somehow undone, I dropped my phone in the sink and just now I was tripped. Let’s not mention work. I don’t even know how I made the errors you pointed out. Victor: Are you sure it’s not because... MC: No, not because I was stupid but because... how do I put it... supernatural forces. It’s like an unseen hand leading you down the road of calamity. Victor: That retrograde stuff it’s all in your head. If you’re feeling unlucky that’s exactly what happens. Just like if you don’t think you can do the job. Don’t be late around by negative thoughts. If you’re truly struggling, take some time off if you feel overwhelmed, cut back on your workload. Oh and please feel free to call me to offer criticisms during Mercury’s retrograde.
I did birth chart readings for Kiro and Gavin previously so before anything, I did a little check in on Victor’s birth chart and… wow. I was expecting to see some strong Earth/Capricorn placements, but I didn’t expect to see so many. This man has 5 planets in Capricorn! This means the Victor is dominantly Capricorn ruled- in most of his inner (main) planets as well. 
This is relevant because this may influence how he views the concepts of astrology, which enforces the reasons why he doesn’t believe in it and relies on physical/ logic-based evidence, instead. This is compared to Gavin for example, who doesn’t have so many Earth dominant placements and he is all in about astrology and astronomy. But of course, this shouldn’t apply to everyone as other surrounding planets, placements and variables play a huge part in contributing to form their own opinions about these topics. 
However, with Victor's dominant Capricorn placements, this manifests his disinterest and dishonesty for Mercury retrograde (and these types of concepts in general), refusing to believe in an idea or thing existing where there’s no physical evidence supporting it. Because to Earth placements, it’s more so the hard work, dedication and effort you put into something that creates the end result, more over a something that you can’t see. 
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In the call, MC is clearly not in the right mood to argue with Victor and knows that he wouldn’t believe her anyway.
Victor: Mercury in retrograde? What the heck is that. MC: That’s when the planet Mercury... never mind, you won’t understand anyway. Victor: Don’t try to cover up for your inability to explain things. MC: It may sound unbelievable but it’s true. It affects many people. Recently, my bracelet came somehow undone, I dropped my phone in the sink and just now I was tripped. Let’s not mention work. I don’t even know how I made the errors you pointed out. Victor: Are you sure it’s not because... MC: No, not because I was stupid but because... how do I put it... supernatural forces. It’s like an unseen hand leading you down the road of calamity. Victor: That retrograde stuff it’s all in your head.
Victor, MC is just understating the effects of Mercury retrograde. In fact, what MC experienced is probably one of the most mundane things that someone could think of when writing about what happens during retrograde- due to of its true complexity, it's rather hard to write about, perhaps. Though, I’m still incredibly appreciative that they included it in the game. Even more than once!
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During Mercury retrograde, some good ideas are to double check your emails before sending them, to wait a bit more rather than sign a major contract, and have backups of whatever you need. (I’m literally backing up my drafts as we speak.) Don’t be afraid of Mercury retrograde because it’s here to help our growth, not to delay it. Ironic, but true!
This year, I was contemplating whether I would starting on posting Tumblr and finally started the day the first Mercury retrograde ended. So, always not a bad thing from the results of retrograde!
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aphrodicted · 4 years
The Planets
After the explanation of the 12 Houses, I have decided to do a little writing about the planets that appear in our natal chart. Here you can find out what these planets talk about and the influence they can have on our lives. In another post, if anyone is interested, I talked about retrograde planets: here. I hope it helps you!
When an individual is born, the zodiacal points in which the planets are located at that moment acquire an outstanding sensitivity and, for the rest of their life, that sensitivity will give the individual a certain attitude that will be exalted when those zodiacal points are touched by a transit.
Seven planets have space in our solar system: Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury. For esoteric astrologers, Neptune and Pluto are part of a border solar system. However, both planets exert an influence on us.
Everything that exists in our universe has been built with the forces contributed by the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The planets, therefore, will follow this rule, although each planet will have a deeper affinity with a certain sign. This is why a planet is said to govern a sign, since that planet is the one that most actively manages the characteristics of that sign:
Saturn is ruler of Aquarius and Capricorn.
Jupiter is ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces.
Mars is ruler of Aries and Scorpio.
Venus is ruler of Free and Taurus. Mercury is ruler of Virgo and Gemini.
The Sun is ruler of Leo.
The Moon is ruler of Cancer.
Modern astrologers, however, associate some zodiac signs with other planets:
Neptune is ruler of Pisces.
Uranus is ruler of Aquarius.
Pluto is ruler of Scorpio.
The position of the planets will indicate the main works that are being carried out in the life of the individual. In the sectors (or houses) where the planets meet, the individual will understand the meaning of everything he or she is doing with these jobs. Planets passing through empty houses will indicate the complementary works that will help the individual to develop the main works.
The Sun
The Sun represents the internalized will, the powers of the Ego. Our Sun stores the experiences of our ancestral past and in it end the messages of the other planets that we must execute in this life. The Sun is really who moves our "human machine", the impulses of other planets aren’t as decisive as our Sun (planets can be defined as the "ministers" of the Sun). The aspects that the planets share with each other will only manifest if the Sun (the consciousness of the individual) is predisposed to the abilities that this aspect grants. For example, a trigon of Mercury with Neptune, which gives high inspiration, but it will only have effects if the individual already has a talent as a writer or artist (either a natural gift or a worked gift).
The Sun is the consciousness achieved by the Ego (primeval solar personality) during their human experiences and, in the end, those experiences will end up modifying our personality: the individual will end his life being a different being than he or she was when he or she incarnated.
In a horoscope, the position of our Sun indicates the cycle in which the individual is working in this life: fire, water, air or earth. The aspects that the planets form with the Sun are very important, since these will indicate if there is a connection with the individual's will and the abilities that they can obtain from other planets.
The Sun manages the energy coming from Leo positively. Its other sign of regency should be Cancer, but the Sun yields such regency to the Moon, its negative polarity, so in the sexual field: the Sun represents the masculine and the Moon the feminine. In some way, the Sun will manifest itself differently in men and women.
In man, the Sun represents his apparent personality, and his Moon represents his non-apparent personality, which will manifest through the women he chooses as life partners (loving partners). For the woman, therefore, it will be the opposite, and her Sun will manifest through her life partners.
The negative aspects with the Sun: they reduce the power of the will and impose an arbitrary action on the individual. However, it is better to have negative aspects than not to have them, since if the individual doesn’t have aspects with the Sun, their life will be insipid and poor in experiences and tehir will will not manifest itself.
Therefore, our Sun tells us about:
our basic identity,
our conscious purpose,
our psychological and spiritual center,
our individuality and sense of identity
and what we want in our life.
The Moon
For atrolologists, the Sun and the Moon represent two companions. In this case, the Moon symbolizes your instincts, habits, unconsciousness, and emotional reactions. If your Sun and Moon are in compatible signs, your will and your emotions are in tune. If your Sun and Moon are in incompatible signs, you will experience a storm of conflicting wants and needs.
The sign your Moon occupies describes your emotional reactions and represents women in general and your mother in particular.
In our Moon the images of what our life is will be reflected. Depending on the type of images that we have in our inner world, we will move towards that type of life. Therefore, most of the negative events that occur in our lives are created or prompted by ourselves and, in the end, we cannot blame anyone but ourselves. Understanding that we create our reality ourselves and, furthermore, we can distort it consciously or unconsciously, will help us understand how the Universe works.
The Moon doesn’t give us any particular property, but it is responsible for transmitting the pulsations from the planets.
The position of the Moon in a sign will tell us what the individual's mental images are like. If the Moon is poorly aspected, these images will be blurry, dim, too full of color or dark. The bad planetary aspects on the Moon tell us whether planetary impulses are clearly picked up by the individual. In some cases, the bad-looking Moon, for a woman, is the announcement of a difficult character. For a man, it announces the recruitment of a difficult woman, and for both, a troubled mother.
Therefore, our Moon tells us about:
our emotions and feelings,
our daily habits patterns,
what we need and what we cannot do without what we need,
the mother figure,
domestic life
and how we feel safe during childhood.
Mercury allows us to discern what is lawful and what is not. This planet opens the doors of our minds to higher realities. Mercury is the initiator and its position in our natal chart indicates the individual's ability to understand the relationship of things, a characteristic of intelligence. What is above is related to what is below, so Mercury will help identify what below corresponds to what is above (science of analogies). A well-regarded position of Mercury in our natal chart will indicate that the individual possesses a wonderful capacity for analysis, criticism, synthesis and discernment in order to understand the truth hidden in everything around him. The intelligence of the Universe begins within us together with feminine energy, which is the first that is born within us in order to understand the world in which we are going to incarnate.
Mercury works with the forces of Gemini and Virgo. In Gemini, Mercury is positive (masculine) and helps us to externalize our ideas in the material world. On the contrary, through Virgo it is negative (femenine) and will announce the end of a cycle and the understanding of a lesson for the beginning of a new cycle.
Mercury's bad aspects will worsen the individual's intellectual functions. First, it will hinder the ability to distinguish what is appropriate and what is not: the person will not know how to see the opportunities that they can take advantage of or, simply, their intelligent function will be reduced. On the other hand, the individual will not know how to learn from the lived experiences and that will lead them to twice encounter the same obstacles, since the individual is not capable of learning the lesson and closing cycles. Nor will the person have the necessary faculties to be able to communicate with their superior being.
Therefore, our Mercury tells us about:
our ability to think, speak, learn and reason,
our intelligence
and how we communicate with others.
In Venus, love ascends to a more intimate human plane and the projection of this love is concentrated on a face, a person, a detail, a thing, etc. Love passes from the general (Uranus) to the particular and beauty on the higher plane becomes the same beauty on Earth. In this way, the law of "what is above is the same as what is below" is fulfilled.
Reconstruction is a basic feature of Venus. The position of this planet in our natal chart indicates what the individual must rebuild, harmonize, beautify during this incarnation; that which will express with harmony, with art; that which will make them stand out for their beauty and harmony (be it their physical beauty or one of their creations). That where all the looks around them will go. If Venus never goes unnoticed by its environment, it will not go unnoticed by the individual either: he or she will have a taste, an attraction, about what Venus represents in their birth chart.
Having Venus as the dominant planet makes us a born harmonizer: someone who knows how to bring peace and harmony in big or small things; the right person to solve crises. However, they can also be the perfect artist who projects their inner harmonies into their works.
Venus is ruler of Libra and Taurus. In Libra (masculine), Venus positivizes love and peace, and helps the individual to harmonize their relationships, their homes, their environment in general. In Taurus (femenine), Venus expresses herself negatively and, instead of harmonizing and delivering that harmony, the individual enjoys and enjoys beauty and harmony (beauty becomes an object of consumption): she uses beauty through fashion, for example. The individual must be careful to focus on that stage of enjoyment, since he could forget his spiritual evolution and stagnate in material enjoyment, in the mundane.
The bad aspects of Venus can reduce the manifestation of beauty in the life of the individual: the Universe deprives the person of beauty and its enjoyment (it is important to consider which house our Venus is in). Conversely, a bad appearance with Venus could exaggerate the individual's thirst for luxury, harmony or pleasures. When the performance (force) of Venus is amplified, it beautifully covers that which is perverse, illicit, and dark. At that moment, the individual sees the vices and any negative feelings as something beautiful, poetic, spiritual... Therefore, the individual beautifies everything regardless of his true nature.
Therefore, our Venus talks about:
our ability to attract people,
the things we like and value,
what we appreciate and our social needs,
how and what excites us,
how we excite others
and how we express our feelings and affection.
Mars supposes the return of the law when it has been broken, although Jupiter can overshadow its effects in our birth chart. Mars comes into action in our life when Jupiter has finished its actions. The individual needs to exercise power, since at some point in their life, he or she is prepared to become a creator, so at some point in his life, Jupiter will allow the individual to organize life around them according to their feelings, their thoughts, their way of being. When this occurs, Mars will be the executor of this order and will take care of restoring the law of Saturn (the laws of the cosmos, the Universe) previously broken. In the same way, Mars will destroy everything built thanks to the influence of Jupiter.
If in your birth chart Jupiter and Mars are facing each other (aspects), the individual will be in a constant struggle between tolerance and rigor, permissiveness and respect for the law, between being carried away by the vices of life and spiritual discipline. The planet that is best aspected will be the planet that wins this internal struggle. When these two plans form good aspects, Mars will submit to the effects of Jupiter.
Mars is ruler of Aries and Scorpio. In Aries, Mars is positive (masculine) in projecting its zodiacal essence to the individual's head so that they can obtain their divine design. Through Aries, Mars exercises "inseminating" functions from a spiritual perspective, since it places in our brain, our mind, the "seed" that will allow us to understand the cosmic law, the law of the Universe. Unlike the first, Mars is negative (femenine) in Scorpio and that "insemination" will not be in our brain, but through our sexual organs. In Scorpio, Mars creates the physical forms that support the spiritual bodies to manifest in the human world, so it also refers to all the creations the individual obtains thanks to their work. The latter is one of the reasons why Mars is considered the planet of work and, in addition, in a natal chart it will tell us what skills the individual has for a specific job.
Mars acts as a carrier of life. Through Aries it introduces in us the seed of divinity, while through Scorpio it can be considered the bearer of death, since it provides us with a physical body for a certain time. This body (or physical form) will hold our spiritual energy for a specific time, as these physical forms must evolve and renew.
If Mars is located above the horizon, the planet works with the forces of life. On the contrary, if it is below the horizon, we will be working on creation and material forces. The position of Mars (sign and house) will tell us the work that the individual has to do, what is corrupt in us that we must renew and in which way we must renew it.
Bad aspects of Mars can indicate impotence (infertility) problems or mental problems. They can also indicate problems obsessed with sex or an unusual spiritual person (negatively speaking). At work, the bad aspects with Mars can speak about vague and little participative people, although it can also represent people with excessive and violent dedication on some occasions.
Therefore, our Mars talks about:
our ability to act and affirm ourselves based on our personal desire,
how we pursue our goals,
how we defend our rights,
how we express our anger when necessary,
our physical passion and desire for sexual gratification.
The idea of ​​sacrifice is basic on Saturn. No matter what sign this planet is in, there will be some kind of restriction or decrease that can be solved with the corresponding sacrifice. The position of our Saturn announces which part of our Ego must be darkened: a part of our inner strength will refuse to collaborate with the plan established for us in this incarnation and, in the end, we must darken, fall into the void, to manifest everything that we have come to manifest in this incarnation.
Saturn is related to two signs: Aquarius and Capricorn. In Aquarius, Saturn is positive (masculine) and provides active intelligence, structures the thought of the individual and helps the thoughts end up manifesting in the reality of the individual. Those who have the materials and the correct mindset will be able to manifest ideas from the higher world in the physical world. Here we will have the inventors, the discoverers or those who work in the future.
On the other hand, Saturn acts in the present-future in Capricorn, and therefore acts from its negative polarity (feminine). With the strength of Capricorn, Saturn institutes our destiny. Saturn will give the individual the scenario, the environment or the reality in which he must live. This scenario will be delivered depending on the type of needs formed during our past (that karma we must pay in this life) and the needs to fulfill our life mission in this incarnation. Once this scenario is established, our life will unfold within it, but we will be free (free will) to decide the details that will complete this scenario: people, experiences, etc. Saturn does not put the details of our life, but only the "walls" of it. Saturn is the one who will put the thieves or the protectors in our path at a certain moment, and it will depend on us if that situation (positive or negative) continues over time with positive or negative consequences for us.
The bad planetary aspects of Saturn herald a life that is rugged, difficult, or full of danger. Saturn's relationship with the other planets in our natal chart define our ability to manipulate our destiny and our ability to interpret the lessons or messages of our superiors, from the Universe.
Therefore, our Saturn talks about:
our ability to create,
our discipline,
how justice works on us
and karma.
We have said that Saturn offers us the stage where our life will unfold, because Jupiter will be the planet that will fill that stage. Saturn gives us the stage and the law (the way of living in that stage) where our life will unfold. Jupiter represents the application of this law and how we use it throughout our lives and the situations we face. If Saturn and Jupiter form favorable aspects, the individual will be objective and will not go out of lawfulness nor will they have problems with authorities (those of the human or cosmic world). If both planets are poorly aspected, the individual will constantly face authority. Depending on which planet has the most influence on the individual, he or she will have one role or another (rebellious follower or powerful authoritarian).
Jupiter's position in our birth chart (sign and house) indicates what the individual will have in abundance and where they will exercise their power. The sign can tell you what you will have plenty of and the house where you will exercise that power. Jupiter's position will speak about authority, prestige, facilities in matters related to the sign Jupiter is in and the house it occupies. Whatever the role of the individual in their life, there is an area in which they must exercise the power to obtain the fruits that this life (experience) can provide them to evolve.
Jupiter is ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces. In Sagittarius, Jupiter is positive (masculine) and divine action is abundant allowing the voice of our superior beings to reach all the recesses of our being. Through Sagittarius, Jupiter contributes moral strength, generosity, and manages to destroy grudges, offenses or any obstacle that may occur in the "world of feelings". In Pisces, Jupiter expresses itselfs in its negative polarity (feminine), managing to moderate and purify the externalization of these feelings. In this way, in Pisces the planet lowers the emotional explosion of the individual, whether positive or negative, that may lead to future karma.
Jupiter is the planet of power. This well-regarded planet is an indicator of success and obtaining social or political powers. The bad aspects of Jupiter reduce its power and the individual is deprived of power in the house where Jupiter is. On the contrary, they can turn that power into an insolent power, unjust and corrupted by excesses or vices.
Therefore, our Jupiter talks about:
our search for meaning, truth and ethical values,
how we express our high mentality
and how optimistic we are.
Uranus is considered the most externalized planet in our solar system. Uranus vibrates one octave higher than the other planets, so Uranus force is a destructive force when vibrating at a higher intensity that cannot be integrated anywhere without destroying it. It is not, however, that Uranus manifests itself indiscriminately, but destroys what appears to us as an obstacle in our spiritual development.
Uranus will bring a disintegrating force and its position in the natal chart talks about what it will not be able to consolidate as it disintegrates as time passes. Uranus invites us to integrate into a higher world, obscuring what already appeared dark to you, so we can recognize the darkness and we can turn it into light. Its destructive force turns the individual into a form of liberation, although we love and remain attached to our shadows, which does not allow us to clearly understand the message of this planet. Uranus represents everything beyond the real, inventions, innovations (technical or scientific). It also brings us divine wisdom in our actions in human reality.
Modern astrologers relate Uranus to Aquarius, although other astrologers are contrary to this correlation and argue that Uranus has no rulership.
Uranus is the bearer of light, the one who shows us the way to all that is high, the well of universal love that helps us open our eyes to the divine. The good aspects with Uranus in our birth chart indicate whether the person has a disposition for the higher life and in what sphere (in which house Uranus is located). On the other hand, bad aspects drown out its radiation and can make it a planet with no effect on us or, conversely, cause its disintegrating force to become destructive.
Therefore, our Uranus talks about:
our ability to free ourselves from the past,
how we adapt to new things
and how we go against the established order.
Many astrologers say that Neptune is not part of our solar system, as it is the last planet in a border solar system. Although it is not considered a planet in our solar system, Uranus does have an effect on us and should be considered.
Like Uranus, Neptune vibrates at a higher frequency than the rest of our planets, so that Neptune's "pulsations" are as disintegrating as Uranus. Neptune gives us intellectual knowledge, and its position in our natal chart and the aspects of other planets indicates whether the person is prepared to receive that knowledge.
Through Mercury, we will be able to know the nature of Neptune. The latter will be the one to reveal the law of "above": Neptune reveals spiritual knowledge to us, drawing us closer to the superior being, whom some call Father. The light of Neptune, along with that of Uranus, sets in motion the functions of our third eye in order to contemplate the higher realities.
Astrologers have attributed to Neptune the cogency of Pisces, along with Jupiter. The subtle relationship between Neptune and Pisces is given by the following circumstances. Pisces is considered the sign of man ("the last will be the first") and, being a sign that welcomes virginal spirits (at the time, during the creation of the universe, we were virginal spirits), Neptune fits within this sign.
The bad aspects of Neptune will make the individual a strange person, from another planet, and can give them an eccentric and out of the ordinary appearance.
Therefore, our Neptune talks about:
our ability to transcend the future self,
how dreams, illusions and spirituality affect.
Pluto is the last planet discovered and the farthest from our Sun. Some astrologers don’t agree on the functions that Pluto performs, and some don’t agree with the sign it represents (some don’t relate Pluto to Scorpio), so still there is some confusion about the nature of this planet.
Pluto links the past with the future and brings out what was buried, like a volcano. In us, Pluto empties our interior and from there the idea of ​​Pluto as regenerator is born.
Astrologers defend that Pluto vibrates to a higher octave of Mars, therefore its manifestation is violent in our lives. On the other hand, some astrologers define Pluto as the Saturn of another solar system, since it doesn’t contemplate Pluto as the planet of our solar system (nor Neptune either).
However, some say that we aren’t very sensitive to the vibrations of Pluto, since this planet exerts its vibration much better on the collectives, causing the expired to explode and the corrupt to regenerate. The bad aspects with Pluto can be described as obstacles placed in the middle of our path and ready to explode at any time, seeking for us to transform the destroyed into something new.
Therefore, our Pluto talks about:
our capacity for self transformation,
our capacity for self-renewal,
our subconscious forces, transformation, renewal and rebirth.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/ascension-navigation-for-2020/
Ascension Navigation for 2020
Ascension Navigation for 2020
By A Gift From Gaia
The Beginning…..
We are here, a time and space that we have been talking and preparing for consciously for at least a couple of years; and yet from the higher Eye view we know that we have been in preparation from the moment we were birthed.
2020 comes around and presents itself as something that’s way too big to explain, simply because there is not one human on this planet who knows how this moves exactly. The main events to this year are highlighted in the planets and are showing us something that hasn’t been seen on Earth certainly not for at least 500 years but even then, whilst that era or wave was incredibly transformative what we have available now has the potential to shift us into realities that we could only now describe as alien.
There is no doubt we are from this point on taking a momentous quantum leap.
We have no reference points in which to create stories around the energy. What we do know is we are now beginning to rise on the tsunami of change. We know that our world is about to shift in a very big way and we have been learning to release the attachments and expectations as to how this will look. That’s one very interesting shift that we have nowadays in comparison to how it was say 500 years ago. The ability to prophesise the details is so close to impossible, nothing works the way it once did or as our great ancestors got to experience . The prophesies we read today from long ago have been for a while going wayward, because what couldn’t have been understood then was the expansion into the Quantum wisdom, the ability to form the future from our core frequency and with this we now hold a super power of changing outcomes.
Details and presentations, opportunities and experiences can completely shift the moment the vibration moves within us individually and collectively.
This shift doesn’t change the core or the theme, this will always stay the same as its’ objective is balance, it’s a wave, a sine wave that in order to understand it you will need to expand the view and the awareness so high that it’s possible to see the beginning of the sine from when we first began until now. By observing this pattern you will see that what we have created must now dissolve and make way for the new, hence why it has been progressively getting more and more unstable within the collective.
Let’s be blunt here, let’s not beat around bushes, our race will be reduced and it is an essential part of our evolution, our purification and our survival as a whole on this planet.
To really get your head around the shift I would highly encourage you to take your journey back, to reintroduce yourself to your Ancient Self, the One who existed from the beginning when our race was formed, and begin to look at the rise and fall of civilisations. From there I would encourage you to learn as much as possible about the Age of Aries, then the Age of Pisces and finally the Age of Aquarius paying particular interest to what each era held, the laws, the ways, the religions, the beliefs, then looking at the years of the transitions and the historical events that carried the change.
We are now in an incredible key position for the transition from Pisces to Aquarius, and once you have done the research you will soon come to realise that our entire belief structure and programming is all very firmly embedded in a phase now dissolving. Whilst there is much speculation as to when or if the Aquarian Age has started the point is nothing just starts and ends. It fades in and phases out just like a wave and the wave we find ourselves now surfing may feel big already. It’s never been surfed before so we cannot yet comprehend the size and each movement will feel gigantic, but let me tell you this wave has only just picked us up to begin and it is the wave taking us into the Aquarian Age.
The 4th frequency feels the most volatile as it is after all the bandwidth with the most distortion. In most streams or labels it holds the entire spiritual arena, the space in which separation is Seen and experienced and it’s the space that holds a magnificent mocktail of beliefs that have over time been mutated from the original religious roots such as angels and demons, ascended masters, saviours and gods. These are all templates now to be seen in their truth as the coded descriptions of patterns, as intended, to withstand the test of time and yet the distortion began when these codes were taken by power hungry, egocentric leaders of long ago and twisted into history for their gain in that time…..that the race has been forming its foundations upon ever since and only now beginning to see that we have taken “The words as Gospel”, the word of God distorted and preached literally.
The Book was coded, the words are symbols and behind these are the Truth, the mirror of our separation and the descriptions of the patterns were there all along, waiting for the Eye to recognise the ancient language of patterning.
Again, I encourage you to look past the Piscean Era and to see how the saviour stories repeat and when you find the path to see past the words and into the patterns, the detachment from the Piscean Era and all that you have known becomes a much smoother transition.
This is the path of the initiate, it is the illuminated path that will lead all those prepared to Be the Shift through the fields of hopelessness that are experienced when we go through such a deep deprogramming, the real eye view, a journey of Freedom….the ultimate purpose.
The days of playing around in the spiritual fields without full respect are over, it is time to get REAL as 2020 will be incredibly sobering to those still singing from the fishy song sheet. It would be fair to say you will witness those believed to be the “most enlightened” begin the Deep C Dive within in which the emotions, the judgement, the spiritual warriors, the blame, the victim and separation will spin out for all connected to experience and resolve/dissolve.
This is likely to appear quite reactive, looking through the window of social media it has been evident that many of the popular spiritual spaces are rumbling with reactivity. It is for a time a perfect learning space to understand the mirrors and distortions, the lies in the beliefs, but after time the need to experience these distorted fields reduces dramatically and through the reflections the requirement to step away gets louder until we listen, and follow the guidance to enter the depths of within, to sit in the silence and observe the fields so that we can learn, grow and re-emerge accountable. There is a great responsibility when we declare we are of the light and this will now make itself very known.
This year is of course the kickstart to the incoming decade cycle, it holds a whole range of crucial points that are being shown in the cosmic star map and it’s headed up by Saturn who has been at home in Capricorn for the past two years. It is now we get to surf through the crescendo of this transit before he takes his dip into the energy of Aquarius in the first part of this year and then partnered with Mars to retrograde back into Capricorn and re-enter Aquarius on 21st December with a Grand Conjunction with Jupiter on Solstice, highly symbolic of how the Aquarian Age will taste. Saturn and Jupiter hand in hand at 0 degree which opens up such an incredible portal giving the purpose of the 2021 next incredible wave.
So what do we know in terms of how this will pan out?
In short, nothing will be the same. We begin the year with the Capricorn Council: Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, South Node, with the two Centaurs Pholus and Ceres. By the 20th of January we receive the strategic war Goddess Pallas Athena enter Capricorn whilst Sun and Mercury make their escape to begin the gathering of data required to bring some sense, some form to the paths we discovered during the depths of January.
This Council is the Master reset. On the world stage this is set to change the structure as it hits the foundations of everything we once knew to be true and trusted; albeit the trust has been dwindling for some time the ripples of unrest will begin to be seen reverberating through the fields and will be hitting the rule creators. This points towards our governments, banks and all institutions that are invested in keeping its’ audience, its people dulled down. The humble Gaians, the compliant humans have already been showing their unwillingness to be spoon fed and showing that compliance to that system is now a thing of the past. What is next to be realised is how the population has blindly allowed this control, that there is no point hating on the puppeteers, we chose the role of the “puppets” and yet we are soon to discover that we were always the “real boys” and all we’ve got to do is cut those strings. We will learn to be responsible and with this we will learn that we created this space to lose the wisdom, this is how change begins and through this we will learn that the power is always with the people.
From a decade view let’s just say the power will be very much on the light side by the close in 2029.
Knowing the deconstruction is upon us will no doubt have fear rising, this is the objective, all must be seen and please do not lose sight of the Magic this holds. We knew the fear programming was to make itself known, hence these past couple of years specifically when the word ego was on everyone’s lips. Ego, being the label for the first programming that holds judgement, blame, shame and everything that stops the process of the heart awakening.
Talking of Magic, this will be the word I use mostly as the theme for 2020. This may seem contradictory to the visualisations that might be appearing reading this report however we must understand exactly what magic is and the alchemical process it holds.
Most of us know magic to be something quite extraordinary that happens very quick, faster than the eye and the brain can digest, but from the most highest of view points and in the lowest of the dense frequencies it happens incredibly slowly and resembles something that looks a whole lot more like chaos.
Think about it for a second, imagine the Master Magician materialising something from nothing, atoms splitting, fizzing energy in creation, something appearing from nothing takes great force to create and materialise something that now holds space, and this process is no different for us. However being so physically dense this process in the beginning happens in super slow motion, allowing us to witness the secrets it holds and at first it is easy to get lost in the details without seeing the greater more expanded view. In the beginning it will appear somewhat painful, chaotic, but this is simply learning how this all works and the pain is nothing more than the resistance held.
Fully aligning to processes of transformation will continue to be a theme running well into this decade. Pluto isn’t moving out until 2024 so there is plenty more to transform, no space to rest on our laurels because this year will shake the most attached into their Divine Detachment and this will also be assisted with the incoming solar cycle 25.
The current solar minimum we are experiencing; this incredible DNA rewrite that began in the last phases of 2018 and truly made itself known in 2019 is likely to begin switching back into solar activity during this year. This will be the point in which our attention is taken outside of ourselves briefly to confirm and fully realise that the focus must remain within. Sounds backwards I know but once this starts appearing within our realities it will be far easier to explain. In a nutshell this is the activation and growth energy to the codes we are now receiving, it is the reap what we have sewn energy as we get to live out and ride the experiences chosen through the frequency we reach during each solar minimum which occurs approximately every 11 years. The shifts outside are likely to be HUGE bringing more confirmation that to surf this, to shift this, and to keep the field vibration high then we must release from the out there and continue to shift from within.
Another eye opening shift is that this incoming solar cycle has been predicted to be of a Grand design, meaning more sun spots, more flares more mutating gamma rays along with plenty of plasma to assist the transformation or evolutionary process. Lets just say a Grand Solar Maximum has potential to create a lot of “magic” (of course this would be bringing disruption to the 3rd dimensional operations so it appears as chaos) which will highlight our addictions, dependencies and really bring home the awareness of how much we rely on technology, and have become so reliant and entwined with the very world we say we no longer want to grow. Time to go back to cash? Perhaps at least keeping a stash ready in the event of flash disruptions would be handy?
In the last days of 2019 we saw a couple of sunspots from the new cycle, then on the 2nd January another appeared which indicates we have the new activity beginning after an incredibly long recorded year of a blank sun, hence the deep solar minimum we are in and this incredibly deep work we have all been busy completing, but let’s just say this decade will be the year many more open to their SOUL-AR Alignment as they realise the power of energy and open to the keys of how to harness and surf the Source flow, learning the secrets of our Solar Disc, the true Son that humans proclaim their love for, and opening up the ability to climb the ladder of light and prepare for each Ones Ascension.
One must KNOW, that for any alignment to take place the mind must be open to the process, the physical must align to Being and to how the alignment operates and the Energy will then do its’ work and fill the field, expanding and creating the form to continue one’s journey of expansion.
What might be the eye opener is how the new cycle begins and there always tends to be quite a “magic” event. Please remember before I go on that the meaning of magical is used quite differently so that we see it as chaos in its slowest most dense form, but this Divine Magic is the alchemy for our transitions as a race. With this in mind the last deepest solar minimum we experienced was 1913, the next solar cycle in 1914 was the year of World War I, as well as a whole list of other historical events and campaigns across the globe including sections of the Ghandi story. Now I am not saying war will begin however these points of change, these shifts in cycles do bring exponential change, just as the 2009 solar minimum which really got our planet moving for 2012 which was the year that the solar activity began to maximise causing a mass wave of awakenings and our forerunners anchoring in their new found energies of the 5th dimensional world for us all to begin flowing through and experiencing too. We will witness as all materialises but in the meantime we continue working within to reduce the inflammation and conflict because as we know all is simply a reflection and if we want more perceived higher frequency experiences then we achieve this by adjusting from within.
The cosmic period we are now in takes us deep inside the cocoon phase in which we perfect the tone of our shell, we perfect the nutrient balances and become the alchemists of transformation for us to then see how our self-creation “fares up” in the rays of the next solar cycle.
The higher the vibration, the higher the health levels the more bright and strong the butterfly wings will be to withstand the incoming solar storms and flares.
What is a little interesting to note from observations is that something is appearing to be out of balance…..which of course, any imbalance is perfect through its perceived imperfection, it will hold a yet unknown reason, perhaps such as the tipping point, perhaps part of the build up to the tipping point, we are all feeling unsure and I know we can all feel something about to flip. The abnormality I have noticed is the fact we are experiencing a very warm winter here in the UK, in fact the tip of Scotland had a record temperature of I believe 18 degrees C over the festive period, what is odd is that being that we are in a solar minimum and have been since the end of 2018 and with this we should technically be cooling, we should be experiencing snow here in the UK……and its been balmy, light jackets are more than adequate and night time temperatures aren’t dipping so bad either. This is apparently set to turn but the near future predictions are still incredibly mild for a deep solar minimum.
Of course this will be symbolic, there is always purpose and it will be a part of a process, the initiates have found that there is of course a pattern, our bodies have also been going through rapid burn up, super high temperature radiating from the spine. For me this is highlighting that we are speeding up, of course all is One and therefore Earth will ascend as we do also which brings me onto the next words that keep coming up for 2020 and that is Fire and Ice. I haven’t quite got the entire translation and I am not going to attempt it, it’s not the way it works for me as this is my experience to journey too, therefore I cannot know it all and neither do I want to. The Fire and Ice symbols and codes have been appearing in my field in a whole range of ways, but there is no doubt the words are being placed under my nose like light gems.
Fire, it’s happening. Australia we love you and we are holding you in our arms whilst the balance moves itself through for the next phase of y(our) journey, but of course it isn’t just Australia. In 2019 we saw some massive issues across our globe and this of course will continue into our future until we listen to the needs of this planet and realise that in order to exist here we must harmonise. We will stop mining fossil fuels and use our Source as intended and we will stop picking at the lungs of our planet and leave the trees and forests alone. Australia is surely to now show the world how it’s done, but what makes me curious is it appears there is a part of the pattern that’s missing right now and the contradiction is the lack of ICE, the cooling of the solar minimum isn’t here….
This of course highlights my expectation in the patterns, which hinders the view of the truth, of the pattern shape which I will expand into given time but I thought it would be interesting to share my part completed puzzle with you, who knows there could be someone holding the other half.
But this out of balance feeling, also feels incredibly perfect in the pressure, the sense that something is going to snap, and it’s making itself known within us all. There are so many contradictions in the unconscious field that we all can sense that the back is about to be broken on so many old cycles and this anticipation or perhaps fear for many is exactly what’s required to be added into the melting pot to cause the alchemical activation to awaken the most stubborn of sleepers. Waking up in this decade will be fast, hard, almost railroaded….or bust.
That’s another contradiction through the 4th realm: what we want, what we say we want, what we yearn for and yet our non-acceptance to how it moves. Fighting Self to hold mirrors and resist love, the very thing we declared we wanted, denied due to attachments.
Another word that will be coming up a lot in 2020 is ATTACHMENTS, with the Capricorn Council active to kick start this 10 year period there will be one simple question to ask self, ‘am I attached to outcomes, loyalties, obligations, expectations of the physical kind or am I moving into the New World from within where everything has purpose. All is free to move and the knowing of the Divine Plan is encoded and followed, again with the shifts about to happen on our physical world stage much of the attachment and victim programming will becoming highly active for that to be seen and dissolved.
Please know, especially those reading these words and not yet understanding, that beneath the world you have known to be true is another world. It is the world that creates your world and we have learned how to Master this within our fields, I am here to assist and the A Gift from Gaia website is not too far away. It will be home to all the keys and gems, the alignments and portals I have discovered so far and will continue to write until it’s time for me to leave here. I write to share but to also ground in the journey, to assist, simply because I LOVE and sharing LOVE is my role, and yours too, just in case you haven’t worked that part out, no one is different other than some are just more inquisitive than others and become great key seekers.
So as we move into this new year and decade we know there is a ridiculous amount of change we are about to experience. Nothing can stay as it was and the power I was receiving behind the words of make this year-end count, that it wont ever be the same again has opened up an alertness, an awareness of how vast and how earth changing these incoming years are to be. For us to be dissolving the attachment programming on this level, for us to be ushering in the Age of Aquarius then this IS BIG, we have now manifested our collective dream.
The focus must be understanding the Sacred Field, this Key will soon be available to those outside the SOUL-AR Alignment Course but for now what this means is committing to the upkeep of the tone of your sacred temple. Making sure the structure is strong, that all internal requests are immediately actioned without delay, that all feeds in and out are of the highest value and that the gates are secured allowing the most respectful and responsible to join and INjoy the celestial tones that emanate from your Divine Aligned Field.
This focus is the only focus of the Initiate, it is our only “working” role if you like in which we must be active and observing always. Once this is learned its easy and work is pleasure anyway because the activity and observing also gives the signs, symbols and gem trails into new data and experiences, its how we operate once the field is stable and we really wouldn’t want it any other way, neither could we go back to the old way, once we can read the language of the field it’s a whole new world, and then some, because even this doesn’t stop, there is always more….ALWAYS.
What is interesting is when the awareness expanded and the experience gifted the wisdom of how easy it all is once we operate from the centre point of the Sacred Field, the word work doesn’t hold the same old heavy vibration, everything does become simple, it’s a flow, and it moves with ease, and this flow, this ease, will be the space to exist within whilst everything begins to move much faster. A centrifugal force ejecting, rejecting, dissolving and removing within the spin to ensure there is constant space for opportunity, whether this is chosen or not is another matter. It’s a choice personal to each, but resisting these energies will again highlight the levels of attachment to this world and the blind commitment to the reincarnation process, or the karmic wheel if you prefer, which are the patterns of the Piscean Era that we are now all dissolving. We cannot be free to explore the quantum field and surf the astral planes if we hold attachment to the presenting world, which is after all simply a reflection, only the Piscean teachings would have you believe you can have both, but it simply cannot work that way. We either operate from the energetic world, the point of creation which gives us access to our Creative Freedom, or not. We hold the attachment to the physical and try and manipulate from there, but we know this is a fully tried and tested way of dis-ease and separation, it doesn’t fulfil, it creates needs and desires for more, to repeat, to perfect, it’s a world and a way that can NEVER be satisfied because what it believes it seeks was programmed in as a belief.
These words will trigger the attachments and accentuate the lack and loss programming however always remember that the Divine detachment will always “sort out” the experiences for the great distortion removals that will reflect the need to try fix or hold on.
These often end quite loudly and in the beginning there is enough anger to raise and create a force to continue the removal before the wanting to fall back to the old way begins again. As I said things are speeding up, therefore the old hard way to break free actually becomes so much easier, we have all pretty much seen what there was to be seen and repeating during these evolutionary speeds become pointless. Also remember that the truth is you are neither abandoning or leaving anyone or anything, you are releasing the trails of co-dependency in which we learn about our fear of things and people leaving, nothing ever leaves; we are One, we are always connected, in so many ways, our genetics, energy, memories, thoughts, stories, all of it is a very powerful connection, if you haven’t learned this and can only feel connection in the physical reality then the separation and non-understanding is seen. For that space to be filled and the full connection established, no one and nothing leaves, it’s just our ideas, beliefs and wants for everything to stay, but given time we get to see how this creates nothing but stagnation in the field. There is no love in control, and this way is laden with conditions and that’s not the path of the light walker, likewise holding blame, judgement and anger attached to these memories, thoughts, feelings and stories continues the perpetuating distortive energy within the field and continues the karmic processing.
In 2019 I released the key called the Karma Dogs which explains the point and purpose in bringing all experiences to a point of neutrality so that the gift of growth for all connected can be experienced and the blockages finally released, again this will soon be available for All to access. This key will also bring the awareness as to why dis-ease such as mental health illness will appear to increase at an exponential rate this year and more visibly through the first half of the decade. Again this is essential for it to be Seen and for our world to stand up and begin to care more, looking for new ways to understand the stress and why it has continued to build even though the psychiatric world technically should know more today than ever before, and yet the contradiction highlights that this knowledge clearly isn’t aligned as we continuously see the statistics increase and mutate, more youngsters being diagnosed with mental health presentations and specifically eating disorders that are symbolic to their foundations not being supported, and an over sensitivity to control.
Again, this must become loud for the transition to begin, this is not something to be judged but it is something we can all take responsibility for by caring more for Self and therefore our race, by each taking the responsibility to hold their Sacred Field we set the tone and experience for all those we come into contact with, we become the example, our path holds the trail of directions and sign posts that we took and for those choosing to be a part of the shift, this change will follow.
We are the example, by choosing to show up HealthFULL and filled with compassion, and this is what catches the attention of our sleepy Brothers and Sisters, creating a flow to follow.
This is the world that exists under the physical presentations, the world I was speaking of earlier in which the details discussed here in truth are simply just another pattern, a pattern rumbling and ready to implode the moment the balance tips. A world that the psychiatric knowledge ignores and yet it is the space we truly operate from and it is the answer to all health, this is now expanding and becoming known, the more we open up to this Quantum existence, the more people who follow the keys and find themselves in fields of gold, the more the old foundations and ways they operate cease to be effective, steering more towards the unseen world.
2020 is a Master 22 year, this is a year in which the NewBuild or the New World starts to rise, it is the year that we witness the phoenix take form from the ashes, and the power of this year is quite frankly nothing we are have ever been close to experiencing for many many lifetimes and it kick starts in January creating an exponential start to this year.
Let’s take a little closer look to this incredible month
The Capricorn Council may well be active in January but let’s be sure to understand that this wave has been building since Pluto entered in 2008 and blew the horn to herald the great transformation and we have been surfing ever since with a crest of the wave here in 2020. This theme will continue specifically throughout this year as the wave moves through, so whilst we may feel that January will be a climax it will show itself to simply be a crucial part of something much larger, this again is a pattern, a wave, and this wave or pattern will show itself as a part of an even larger fractal if you observe from a more high space.
The Saturn and Pluto conjunction I find historically interesting to watch (Sit tight because you are about to receive some energetic confirmation as your body reacts to the truth tones)Is the 1914 conjunction that happened in………Cancer, the opposite to Capricorn. Hmmmm I am sure you are now recalling what I spoke about earlier regarding 1913 and 1914, the great solar minimum that we are now aligned with and experiencing in 2019 and 2020, and we are now transiting the same conjunction of the two mighty power lords in our heavens, whilst we are soon to exit a great solar minimum……there are never any coincidences, this is HIGHLY symbolic and screams balance and change.
This is a super pattern, this is the reaping of what we have sewn from another cycle lasting 106 years, have we learned? Are we to repeat and learn more or will we experience the expansion of coming together in unity? I feel the magic will show all angles to the hands so that we can be even more dumbfounded by the show.
The most interesting energy in this flip from 1914 to now is that we are of course in the sign of Capricorn. Cancer gave us a huge emotional shake up, so the opportunity to build from this IS now here if we choose, all is a choice. In Capricorn the home of Saturn the energy takes us into a fast transformative phase of deconstruction and reconstruction with the blessing and aid of Pluto. The focus sits within our Banks, Governments, this includes the medical world and its “control” as it acts like a narcissist’s flying monkey assisting in the current social programming. Saturn represents the glass ceiling, it creates apparent blocks and boundaries, a gift to ensure we learn exactly what is required for our progression and only ever released with permission to pass when we have a key player such as Pluto or perhaps Neptune or maybe a very abrupt shift, something unexpected such as Uranus involved too. Saturn represents structures, our material world and everything we deem as real, including our creation of time. Well we are here, we are surfing Saturn whilst we have Pluto in balance play.
The navigation, the instructions to this game is guiding us to prepare for all structure, even down to our molecular structure to transform into the new form.
One other flip that continues to rise in the transmissions is the contradictions that are becoming highly visible, the polarities, the duality, the opposition (note above, the opposition of Cancer and Capricorn, which ultimately represents birth and death, a low octave cycle of Pluto) the references to the flip, is this about to be the energetic pole shift? Will this pattern now begin to take form in the physical?
The pendulum swing from positive to negative began some time ago, we all reached the opportunity to rest in the central point, the mid way, the space of peace, each of us have been able to find this place if we wanted as the information and availability to this octave has been fully open and active for some time, now the pendulum swings again, and its best description is the rags to riches, riches to rags or the next visual is the flip of the pyramid……but this visual keeps expanding, from one pyramid, the mirrored other half of the shape becomes visible, two pyramids, one inverted creating the unseen mystical Merkabah, the key to the light force, the seed of creation.
However the symbolic words that centre around the flip manifest, be sure to release the attachment to how this may look, it would be advisable to stay in the Divinely Detached space of being the observer as opposed to experiencing the force of the flip through the attachment to the old ways, Divine Detachment gives the ability to be free and fly when the physical earth begins to shake too hard.
Another interesting guide here is Saturn’s link into Religion, due to its karmic and control octaves and yet as we know, Saturn is in the process of completing its Piscean karmic story which is that of the religion we have come to know and base our entire beliefs around, and whether you think you are religious or not, your programming is plugged directly into it, the way we live is built on its foundations……and this is exactly what our celestial map is showing to now dismantle and transform with the partnership of Pluto.
With this transformation, the deconstruction and the NewBuild it will take great levels of responsibility for each to hold, and it is through taking this responsibility that we regain our power as the people. We release the old ideas of waiting to see how our field responds, we release the we shall see mentality, and we begin to care more, share more, and make everything within our field our responsibility, it becomes our committed choice, and anything we no longer want to be a part of or include in our field we close down, and this now goes for our structures and those who govern. To be fair we as the “public” have never stood up, have never said no, have continued to choose the better of two or more evils when the answer is clearly now a big united NO to anything and One who is continuing the patterns of insanity, repeating what simply does not harmonise or align to peace.
We the public never took the responsibility, we have been side-tracked with our life of addictions and desires. Perhaps its been fair to say we have never shown we have what it takes to be responsible and so if we want to activate this new field of responsibility then I encourage each to be making better daily choices to enhance the field, to care more about who we allow to be our leader and to not accept the old “that will do”, because when we instruct our field that only the finest will do then and only then will our collective field provide this.
The more responsibility we take, the more we support our own individual field and build the new world within, choosing to deny all that destructs and encompassing all that expands and brings joy to all within our individual and shared space, will then move the collective through quantum jumps as together we commit to increasing the vibration of our field and as a result rapidly dissolves all that is no longer accepted or required, it becomes spent.
The New World is built by those who take responsibility, and we are now to take this pearl of wisdom and truly become a part of the evolutionary process we have started to create so that our Ancient Future Self continues to evolve and surf the cosmic sine wave.
This is no longer about you and I, this is all about Us and We.
The first week of January holds the conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter whilst we move into the first lunar eclipse of 2020, this energy is exaggerated by the moon’s transit through the zodiac and begins to trine each planet creating a harmonious feel before it starts to square off with the Capricorn Crew opening us to more magical and yet chaotic energy in which the Jupiter mercury conjunction will bring swift flows of expansion for those choosing to bide by the terms being set by the Council sat in the hall of Capricorn.
Mars takes us into an interesting wave, the lower masculine frequencies within the collective begin to be triggered, not wanting to be left behind appears to be prominent in the collective data and this is shown in the celestial map as Mars trails behind in Sagittarius. He makes square with Chiron which rings the unconscious masculine wounding like a bell allowing more to be awakened and seen within and enabling us to see this within our fields and make the conscious choice to remove the dis-ease. His time in front of the Council doesn’t come around until 16th February, right after Valentines Day and continues into March 30th when on the 31st his conjunction with Saturn sees them both walking into Aquarius together, another very crucial phase as Saturn resets the masculine coding for the Aquarian era.
So with this trailing behind, this slow physical lower masculine energy is now something that becomes incredibly important to give focus, this is representing the balance of the masculine and feminine frequencies, bringing forth opportunities to discover the divine union within. The template of the unified flame is simple, the masculine energy is our action, its what we do, its how we think, and it has been incredibly separated from its support, the feminine, the guidance from within, the voice that is always known and never acted upon, which is the pattern of the separation. We have been healing this wounding and the union happens once the voice, the feminine is heard and has been re-established as the voice of reason, the only voice that commands the advancements in the field. So what we have appearing now is a vital period, a relatively short linear period of three months in which the magic wand will be pointed and the new will appear before our eyes, again the reality of this will look like much falls away, but what is left is all that is required to build the new and by cutting away that which is unable to expand will provide the most healthFULL base to build upon.
Moving into the second week of January we begin with some awkwardness in the field as the moon in Gemini quincunxes the Capricorn Council, we will see the path but will find a glass sheet stopping the progression, go in, see where the resistance is, where is the attachment to the form and physical, release and move again, Gemini can make it all a little dithery so be precise. Another word(s) for this year, precise and precision, make your choice and move which aligns with the Saturn and Capricorn ruling. I am sure you are all merging with your cosmic goat and learning that to dither or be indecisive when climbing these steep mountain slopes leads to mistakes, wobbles and falls in which we bounce down the mountain, sustain injury to teach us and without thought begin the climb once again; this could feel like a crazy groundhog day if you haven’t begun merging with your spirit goat within and especially if you have at some point declared yourself an ascender, the sign of the goat is the great ascender of the signs, it is the sign that teaches us the climb, from the very bottom to the very top with all the pitfalls and pitstops in-between and I highly encourage this is learned before the experience teaches you, its much kinder, more responsible, to be one step ahead of the learning experience.
On the 10th we are powered by a new angle of energy, the moon moves into its phase of opposition whilst our Luna goddess sits in the emotional courtroom seat of Cancer, she looks across and sees the eyes of the Council staring back, at a point in which Saturn and Pluto are both on the 22nd degree.
Lunar Eclipse with the sun sandwiched between Pluto and Saturn conjunct Mercury on one side and Jupiter and South Node on the other, whilst the moon trines Neptune bringing so much to light. Data and information is to surface to assist in the fast movement, this also could well be quite conflicting in terms of sun and mercury feeding data from the physical and yet Neptune and moon bringing up the internal guidance, another testing time, another choice point to either take the guidance from within or continue the old way with what is fed from the field. Uranus will also be stationing direct on this day.
12th of January we reach the crucial tipping point that we have been talking about for the past few years, can you believe we are finally here! Yes, I am sure on the one hand it’s a wow moment and yet on the other you are fully aware of the work it has taken to get to this point, in which we now experience the speed intensify, a conjunction of pure karmic transformation, a cosmic reset of the most gigantic kind, a resetting of a 500 year portal which will induce our chosen clearing and releasing modality aligned to the patterns of speed we surf, the incoming of 5G speedy data to disrupt the unconscious patterns and dissolve what is no longer required as part of our evolution and its learning structure. We requested change, we requested connection, we requested more information, we requested to evolve but of course how this manifests isn’t always what we think we need; our history shows us this with wars and major events that whilst on a personal level they appear abhorred on the grand design each are essential to make way for the new through what we have learned through the experience, or perhaps as our history tells us, what we didn’t learn and what we had to loop. Again this loop, the karmic cycle is breaking down and so many many human lines will be now going through the purification processes to unify and come back to the One, this looks like ancestral lines closing on a physical view but energetically it is energy returning to Source.
So much will begin bubbling to the surface from this point on, the theme underneath all will be floating around the Unified Flame of the Masculine and Feminine, which in turn appears to place more pressure on Mars as he edges ever closer to Capricorn, the guidance here is to pay attention to the whispers within and follow that guiding star, to focus on what is required for the unification and to withstand the G force of the movement we are making through time and space, supporting the physical, listening to its requests and acting without delay, from here we all focus on creating strong light filled structures because we will find that nothing else will do from this point forward. Complacency is dissolving, priority and purpose fully installed.
Once the conjunction takes place we then move through Mercury’s passing, the planet of communication passes the point of karmic transformation and a new way of delivery is birthed. This will be a time to fully understand the power of the spoken word, this will be lessons in the destruction of banter, flippant comments and word spells and each opens to more opportunities to understand the power of our spoken language and how blind we were to our incantations. A new respect for our language and for many a new language to be birthed, especially for those discovering the language of the body, the field and the physical realms. On the other hand, for those who have experienced the floods in the fields, those unable to hold back and observe, struggling with the silence in the field may well find the shift into the observer space an easy transition as Mercury and then the Sun transits over the Dark Lords.
Moments ahead we have our Moon trine Neptune bringing in some super sensitivity which when dived into will unveil spaces and places in which to create upon, most likely highlighting more that requires clearing first as the month of January simply no longer allows us to bring the old frequencies into the new, that’s the respect and responsibility gate now placed in Capricorn, you wouldn’t exactly go waltzing into Nando’s eating a bag of chips from the local chippy, understanding the rules, the etiquette of Saturn and its goaty ways will align you to the open doors of the new light establishments being built under the newly refreshed Saturn and his learned friends. In fairness the rules were always there, the first initiation is to learn the Universal Laws, unfortunately spirituality teaches it all backwards and its not until the beliefs and stories are stripped away that all we are ever left with and all that was ever needed to understand is the way our Universe behaves, and to align with this.
But as a race we chose to learn this the most complex way, however I guess if we learn backwards then the chances are we will discover all there is to learn and never again have the requirement to repeat.
Technically each of us has become a part of history
As we can see already the amount of energy building in the first half of January, this period is going to be incredibly busy, and again, these are shifts that haven’t been experienced for generations, we have no recent references within our coding to pull in any experience from, we are being held accountable and being asked to make every step, breath, word, fully action aligned, consciously responsible and as we move into the latter half of the month this doesn’t change.
The moon then moves into another square around the 16th, another passing in front of the cosmic Council, have we got this yet? No? Then repeat, yes? Then let’s shift and shift we most certainly shall because this square has the moon in Libra, balance, justice, this is IT, this is an almighty opportunity entering for those happy and comfortable to be walking in unison, both within and without.
Come the 20th the already wide open eye is most likely to open some more, even when we believe it can’t open any further, the Sun will join Mercury in Aquarius, there will have been results of some description, a want to come out and reconnect but what will be connecting into, it’s going to be new, it’s going to require learning how to operate once more, which ultimately again shakes the attachments free and helps us to open further into the flow, it feels explorative to the inquisitive and will allow the fear to be seen in the stagnant restrictive areas that are not welcome to change. This shift of energy will have us all exploring the new that has begun to take form.
Finally we shall end this report for January on the Aquarian New Moon on the 24th which will feel like the culmination point of the incredible January journey, and by the feel of this energy one month is going to progress and perform as though a year has passed, a huge quantum leap and a giant portal to begin the month of February. The snag, the area to pay close attention is the days running up to the New Moon, specifically the 22nd and 23rd as the Moon transits the Capricorn Council, the Luna goddess reports in.
Again, has it been learned?
The New Moon in Aquarius will have us expanded, showing up in our finery of this most incredible transformative month.
To summarise there is only one word to use……MAGICAL
January is setting the tone of this year, it is a year to advance, grow and expand at an exponential rate and this is going to require the ability to love self unconditionally and to finally ignite that twin flame within, uniting the masculine with the feminine to continue what is now set to be the ride of our lifetime.
There are of course many other transits and aspects and I will share more as we pass through but for now angels it is most definitely time to focus on the flight path, this is intricate, this is life changing but remember, we are doing this together, we are loved we are supported and we have choices, we can choose to move through consciously or choose to be a part of the unconscious breakdown, all choices are respected and never judged.
Sending so much love
                                                                                     Andrea 💙💙💙
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airheadedleo · 5 years
lu’s v basic astrology glossary
if you’re anything like me, when you’re first getting into astrology, a lot of the terminology is very confusing and it can be overwhelming! i’ve seen tons of posts dedicated to explaining vvv basic stuff like sun/moon/rising, the planets and what they represent, the houses, etc; but ive never seen a big breakdown of common terms! // if there is one and i havent seen it, feel free to direct me in the replies!! nothing wrong with learning.
keep in mind, im still learning, myself! i never claimed to be an astrologer, im just a person like you! if you have any advice, commentary, or corrections, send me an ask or gimme a reply! i won’t be mad if you aren’t mean.
so, starting with A and moving down to Z...
aspect - when two or more planets line up at an angle, and their energies mingle! some aspects are compatible, while some aren’t at all. breaking alphabetical order here to highlight some important aspects...
conjuct - an aspect with two or more planets in the same sign. this is basically when the energies of the two planets “blend”... which can either be magical, or super dysfunctional depending on the planets. 
sextile - an aspect with two or more planets two signs apart. this is generally a very easy, compatible aspect where all planets involved are playing nice! as a rule of thumb, both planets must be in either earth/water or air/fire, so the energy will never be in conflict. 
trine - an aspect with two or more planets four signs apart. this is often called the “sweet spot” and is where energy is harmonious and everything seems to be falling into place. planets are in their highest vibration state of  synchronicity! all planets involved should be of the same element, and are working for the same agenda. 
^^^ these aspects (conjuct, sextile, trine) are called “soft angle” aspects, and are generally very easy to work through! 
square - an aspect with two or more planets three signs apart. this is basically an energetic tug of war where none of the planets involved want to put down their pitchforks and find a compromise! we generally teeter-totter between extremes during squares, and it’s important to emphasize finding a middle ground during these times.
quincunx - an aspect with two or more planets five signs apart. basically, none of the aspecting planets have anything in common, and it can feel like an awkward, out of place time in general! it can feel like your head is one place while your heart is somewhere else entirely-- in times like these, its important to understand the agenda of each planet involved and how they work off of each other rather than trying to get them to play nice-- it just won’t happen!
opposition - an aspect with two or more planets six signs apart. these planets are as far away from each other as possible, which creates major tension as the two polar extremes aspect! what’s important here is finding a balance with these energies, and seizing the opportunity to learn from both planets involved! 
^^^ these aspects (square, quincunx, and opposite) are called “hard angle” aspects, which are definitely more challenging blending of energies! 
for more information on aspects and examples of each, i highly recommend this source! shifting back to alphabetical order...
cusp - the dividing line between two signs or houses. so, if anyone says that they’re a sun in aries/taurus cusp, it means that the sun was hovering right over the line between aries and taurus at the time of their birth, which can “muddle” the energies of both signs in the planet, depending on the positioning!
eclipse - when the earth, sun, and moon all line up in the sky! these happen a few times in a year, and generally mark big changes and shifts in energy! for more on eclipses, i’ll be making posts dedicated to both soon! 
element - the signs are grouped into the four elements: air, fire, earth, and water. if your chart has a lot of planets in a certain element, you’ll generally have a lot of the qualities of that element; if your chart is lacking in a certain element, you’ll have to work harder to cultivate the aspects of that element into your life to promote growth.
ephemeris - basically a big ass calendar of all the planets and what sign they’re in on any given day! they’re super useful if you want to keep an eye on the astrological weather, so to speak, and plan accordingly. for this years ephemeris, click this link!
equinox (and solstice) - equinoxes and solstices indicate a change in season, and are considered important in astrological practices. spring (March 21) and autumn (September 21) equinoxes indicate equal amounts of sunlight, as the sun is striking the equator. the winter (December 21) and summer (June 21) solstices are either the longest or the shortest days of the year, depending on which hemisphere you’re in. these dates may be a good time to use the energy for re-evaluating and making changes!
house - houses represent a specific area of life, and each adds another layer of interpretation. so, basically... when a planet enters a house, its energy has to work with the tools the house provides, while behaving the way its sign dictates. if that doesn’t make sense, think of it like this: the planet is a person in a job interview, the sign is the agenda the planet has, and the house is the job the planet is interviewing for. 
moon phases - every 28 days, the moon cycles through four phases (new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon). each phase of the moon has its own distinct energy and can impact the way we feel. its especially important to consider what sign the moon is in at the time, as well!
natal chart - (or birth chart) is basically a map of the sky the moment you were born. you can determine your natal chart if you know the exact date, time, and location of your birth (use this if you haven’t determined yours already!). the “big three” signs are your sun, moon, and rising/ascendant signs, as those are most indicative of your personality! (depending on the rest of your chart and aspects)
retrograde - when the earth is orbiting past the planet at a faster pace than that planet is moving, so the other planet appears to be moving backward. you may have heard of the mercury retrograde before, as people generally like to blame all their shortcomings on it! while its true, everything seems to be knocked into a real tizzy during a retrograde, it’s also a good time to reevaluate and work out the bugs in your life, especially in the area of the planet affected! 
stellium - when, in your natal chart, three or more planets are in the same sign. if you have a stellium in your chart, the qualities of the sign may play a bigger role in your life than your “big three” signs. not everyone has a stellium, so don’t get freaked if you don’t have one!
transit - this is basically when a planet moves at all! new transits happen all the time, so astrology is never boring. to keep an eye on transits and big events, check out an ephemeris!
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This week starts off with a soft connection between winged messenger Mercury, who is in emotional Cancer, and explosive Uranus, who is in practical Taurus. When these two planets collide, we won’t see fireworks, but we will see tears as both planets will reveal emotional secrets (most of which we weren’t expecting to hear and feel). The same day, healing asteroid Chiron, who is in impulsive Aries, offers us a quick fix to our sentimental woes when linking up with Mercury. Tender Venus enters chatty Gemini on the 8th, allowing us to discuss our desires in a rational manner. However, the 9th adds uncertainty and confusion to all sentiments, as the Gemini Sun and Neptune, who is splashing around in illusive Pisces, square off. We will all feel uncertain about our present situations, even lost in the fog. June 10th brings such feelings to the surface, when the Sun and Jupiter, who is moving backwards in fiery Sagittarius, make us discuss our concerns with others. The caveat to the 10th, is that the First Quarter Moon in Virgo sets off a mutable Grand Cross (A Grand Cross is when four  planets square each other in the cosmos) with the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter retrograde, and Neptune adding stress and indecision to the day. On the contrary, we may allow ourselves to get swept away in the rapture. Be careful on the 10th. We may want to be credulous and believe in the words of others. However, we will learn to see that there’s no substance and action to their words (or our words). Once again, this is a week that requires compassion and patience. We must be extra gentle to ourselves and others. Please, reach out to people who are in distress, especially on the 10th, as it’s a very emotional day.
March 21-April 19
This week grants you the chance to implement your subconscious desires into reality—or, at least discuss your visions with others. For some time now, you have been daydreaming of the “big” move that will boost your status (professionally and personally). This week, you are discussing how to make your visions become real. As long as you believe in yourself, there’s nothing you can’t achieve. The more confidence you have within, the more others will believe in you. Planning out the next phases will be essential this week. You will be able to achieve success and implement your desires as long as you are strategic in carrying out your actions, which will require proper planning.
April 20-May 20
Your recent need for idealism has left you romanticizing relationships. The caveat, is that you are so wrapped up in the dream, that you are forgetting to take care of your needs. This week serves to adjust such energies and bring you down to earth. While you may be lost in the fog and the sentiments, you will put effort towards manifesting material wealth and physical gain, rather than lofty visions. Accepting hard truths may be hard. But, don’t give up on hope. You will come to see by week’s end, that you can have your cake and eat it too if you don’t lose faith in yourself and the process of attaining your goals.
May 21-June 20
Just when you felt like waving the white flag and surrendering to the current cosmic forces which are causing personal woes, you are granted one more hopeful reprise at attaining peace. This means you will be mending interpersonal relationships which have recently faltered. You will get partnerships  right a second time, as you need to accept  half of the blame for recent issues. Instead of deflecting, openly discuss such matters with friends, lovers, colleagues, and family members. In order to start fresh and revive these relationships, you will have to accept your part in such situation. Learning to own up to your issues instead of running away from them will help you to emotionally grow this week.
June 21-July 22
While you are still surfing the rocky celestial waves, this week gives you the chance to discuss your fears with those you hold near and dear. Learning to dive deep within your protective shell may prove challenging, as you tend to hide your trepidations. The flip side, is that you may come to terms with a relationship that is not making you feel safe and forcing you to question your sense of security. Regardless of how this week’s cosmic energy manifests, it’s important to only surround yourself with those you can completely trust. If you start to act out, it’s a warning sign from your subconscious that the person or situation isn’t what they seem.
July 23-August 22
This week brings you the opportunity to make amends with friends and family—only if you are honest about your emotions. Understanding your motivations and sentiments will allow you to express yourself openly and sincerely. But, are you able to do so? You are known to be a honest lion; however, you are hiding your feelings and acting out in ways which are causing both you and others pain. This stems from your need for control and the inability to allow change within your interpersonal relationships. Instead of blowing up minefields, take a step back and find the right words to represent your feelings. Only then will your relationships be able to evolve and heal.
August 23-September 22
Your professional aspirations have allotted you fame and fortune. However, this week, you are unsure if you actually want to continue walking down your current career path. The reason being, is that you are losing yourself in the malaise of mundane activities, which juxtapose your versatile energies. Before you put your notice in at work and leave your current position, make a realistic plan. Don’t quit in the spur of the moment. Also, ask for a raise and additional responsibilities before leaving. Inquire if you can transition into a more artistic role before quitting. If your needs aren’t met, find another job that is more exciting and creative—one that will push your earthy visions to the limit.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
For the past few weeks you have been thrown off your balance, which has caused your anxieties to flair up. This week acts as a reprieve from the drama, but only if you focus your attentions solely on yourself. It’s time for you to connect with a new vision and embrace a higher minded vibe. Setting boundaries with others may be challenging, as you tend to overextend yourself and rarely say “no.” Before you “yes” yet another person, think about what this entails. If it doesn’t mix well with your daily routine and causes more stress than it’s worth, then you have the right to decline. Let them work around your schedule for a change.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
This week serves as your cosmic escape from the daily grind. Ever so often, you need to disconnect from the craziness of the world and be at one with yourself. This entails turning off all of your electronically devices for a few minutes a day and meditating. Becoming one with the universe will allow you to see situations and people from a new perspective. It will also allow you to make clear and rational decisions. Most importantly, you will learn to live in the moment. Also, become more mindful and present. Through this act, you will become calm and in control of your emotions, which will allow you to feel more in control than ever.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Your stress level is at a high this week, mostly due to your financial and personal struggles. This may lead you to project your insecurities, fears, and anxieties on others, particularly your closest relationships. As  a result, this will cause others to take out their frustrations on you. Don’t ride emotional merry go ‘round this week. Get off. Take responsibility for your actions and learn to express your innermost sentiments clearly with others. Speaking your truth. Let those in your inner circle understand your feelings by talking in a calm manner to ensure they don’t react. Listen to their suggestions and feedback. Then, you will be able to seek the advice and comfort you need.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
There’s no escaping the inevitable annoyances of this week for you, Capricorn. While you may not be able to run away from the stresses of the daily grind, you certainly are able to decompress at home—if you keep your head cool. By happenstance, you may take your irritations from work out on your loved ones, which will add another level of stress to your frustrations. If a situation is too “hot” or explosive to discuss, save it for later when everyone has calmed down. This will allow you to choose your words carefully and resolve matters swiftly. The cosmic lesson you are learning this week is that you attract more bees with honey.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
There’s been a lot of flux recently within your close relationships, which is resulting in feelings of stagnation on your end. Others have disappointed you, which is causing you to rethink how you proceed with becoming close to others who have let you down. Although you may feel like being a lone wolf while you figure out your emotions, it’s time to confront people who have proven to be less than reliable (but, please do so in a compassionate manner). While this week doesn’t provide conclusive endings to these relationships, you will begin to feel more secure and confident within, which will allow you to eventually let go of these relationships.
Feb. 19-March 20
This week, you’re extra sensitive to others, which in return is causing you to feel confused about your own life. The prescription is simple: implement extra self-care, love, and time away from those who drain your spirit. Also, an energetic cleanse is in order to heal yourself. Take a bath with Florida Water, baby’s-breath flowers, sea salt, and a dash of rum to exfoliate and detox your auric field. Within minutes, you will feel fresh and ready to take on the world. Not only will you be in high spirits, but you will also be able to see situations and people more clearly as a result of the deep purifying of the body, mind, and spirit.
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blaqueflameblog · 6 years
Express Yourself
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Tracey - Month of July Reading - Wisdom of the Oracle Deck and Sacred Rebels Oracle
Big Picture Guidance for the month of July - Against the Grain
Feeling the desire to tell some hard truths? July may well be your month as you are being called to be your most authentic self, even if it means going against the grain. You are more aware than ever before that authenticity is your calling card, not something you do, but something you are. Now is the time to accept who you are, the highs, lows, good, less good - all the chaos and the mess.  
Take some time this month to reflect on your authenticity - is your outward expression in alignment with your internal truth? Where do you speak up, where don't you?  Trust the way you are moving through the world  and expressing your truths as you see them. Don't worry about who you may disrupt with your truth telling. Remember, when you're biting your tongue to keep the peace, you attract those who are also afraid to be authentic and speak. When you are authentic, true to yourself, you attract people who are authentic and best able to understand, support and celebrate you. Your power this month comes from aligning your outward self with your inner truth. The closer you get to this objective, the more you will thrive and shine!
July 1-8 - Soul Mates Reversed
July begins with Mars sliding firmly into retrograde creating tensions with our energy, ambitions and how we communicate with others. The Soul Mates reversed card, highlights the relationships in your life, whether long term or brief interactions, that stimulate  opportunities to transform and evolve, taking you to the next level of self-awareness, insight, authenticity and healing. 
Soul mates aren't all about love, romance, and happy ever after. Soul mates sometimes deliver our toughest relationship challenges and greatest opportunities to learn about ourselves. Of course, its nice to find yourself powerfully drawn to someone exciting, but this month, with Mars in retrograde, it is just as likely you may learn through a strong aversion to someone. If someone(s) pushing your buttons the trick is to see the opportunity in the relationship exchange, even if it feels like anything but a gift. 
You are being led to consider old patterns and stories you hold about yourself, how you think, feel and move in the world - particularly as it relates to how you manage relationships with others. Of course this may not feel comfortable, the call to growth seldom is. Notice this week, the places where you have especially strong responses or reactions to other people. Don't waste your time trying to figure out what/why they are "doing" this or that "to" you -- instead ask, "What can I learn about myself in this interaction?"
July 9-15th - Regeneration
The second week in July, relationship matters ease up a bit, and your focus shifts  to exploring new opportunities and second chances. It may be that you are rising from a situation you initially thought a "failure" and now have the presence and peace of mind to see it for what it actually was -- an opportunity to let go of all that does not serve you. 
You are now better able to create and be a new version of yourself, one who moves through the world a little lighter, brighter and wiser. Regeneration reminds us life and circumstances happen in seasons; time to plant, time to grow, time to harvest, time to lay dormant and regenerate. 
Consider what seeds you'd like to plant with the New Moon on the 12th of July. Seek out opportunities for growth, new possibilities that are so much better than those that came before. Don't limit your thinking, dreaming or believing. Write what you want down and keep it close, you'll want to reflect on these thoughts, feelings and ideas, as they truly do mark a rebirth. You’ll also want to begin paying attention to your ability to manifest the things you most want. Don't play small here, dream BIG.
July 16th - 22nd - Mending 
The next 8 weeks are heavy and slow, with 6 planets drifting in and out of retrograde inviting you to turn your attention inward.  In the third week of July you may find yourself revisiting mistakes you feel you have made. Following the Full Moon in  Capricorn, your thoughts are likely turning to pragmatic, earth sign considerations; work, money, abundance and success. Maybe you have made some mistakes; things that seemed like great ideas or investments at the time, turned out to be burdens not gifts. Maybe it's about feeling like you don’t have the abundance or success you thought you would at this time in your life. Maybe its just a quiet certainty that you can do and be more. 
Mending is a gentle reminder that some healing may need to happen and forgiveness is of the essence. You may find that you are the person most needing (and deserving) of your forgiveness. The energy needs to clear, and in order for that to happen you must remain truthful, let yourself see any losses, grieve openly and heal. 
Forgive yourself, mistakes are mistakes, don't get caught up blaming yourself - that only immobilizes you and fixes you in a past moment you've already experienced. Be gentle with yourself. Let it go. 
July 23rd - 31st - The Tribe 
The final week of July returns your attention to relationships. You may choose to spend time with people who you feel truly "get you" and who are able to nurture your healing and emerging sense of self. You're not the same you that you were only a short time past. You'll want to spend time with people who not only support you, but who will also champion and celebrate your transformation. 
It may be time for you to commit your energy to a group of people, or an activity that serves the "greater good". In helping others, your value and worth is restored, and your spirit will shine. You have something to offer others because of your recent challenges and internal growth. Look for people and opportunities that invite you to bring your emerging awareness and growth to the table, in a manner that is harmonious with your authentic self.
Wishing you a fabulous July!
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ace01taro · 6 years
Advice reading! Pre-Shadow period and Mercury Retrograde!
Time span: [From the 7th of July to the 2nd of September]
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Seeing as though mercury retrograde is already upon us, I wanted to do this quick and in depth reading on what “All of the  Signs” should be reflecting on while the Planet is in its “Pre-shadow” phase (from the 7th of July, to the 18th of July. Because I am not an “astrologer” by heart just yet, I have some links you can click on if you would like to get more info on just whats is going to happen,
Mercury retrograde 2018 calendar : http://www.astrologyhoroscopereadings.com/2018-mercury-retrograde-calendar.html
What is the Pre-shadow phase? : https://www.elitedaily.com/p/what-is-the-pre-shadow-period-for-mercury-in-retrograde-it-actually-lasts-way-longer-than-you-thought-8419184
Image: https://remedialgypsy.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/mercury-retrograde/
What will the signs be preparing to reflect on during this months Mercury retrograde? All details are below!
Aries, this pre-shadow period will have you diving in deeper when it comes the matters of your heart. There could be fears and guilt centered around a particular romance or relationship you could have had with a person. This love could have ended badly and abruptly, and perhaps you have been putting this on the back burner when it comes to “Important things”. Maybe when it was finally said and done, and you two chose to be on your separate ways, something inside you clicked. Maybe you realized just how important this individual was, even if you were not complete sure why.
As time progressed, your feelings grew even more sure. Sure to the point where you now realize that this person was perhaps a “Gift” from the heavens. However, it seems as though you have now found yourself in a rut? There is an urge in you to fix what has been broken and to find a way to start a new with this person, yet there is a block. It is as if you've come across a giant wall in your journey, and the doors are shut to the path you have chosen. Te thing is Aries, that door can only be opened by the divine. So while that door stays shut and the divine decides to have them opened for all of its travels, the time for reflection about this relationship is needed.
You must ask yourself the important things now. The things that might scare you and put you into a panic of dark place Now is not the time to be “distracted” or “put if off”. Find a place and time when you can simple sit with your thoughts and go within.
How does this person make you feel? Do they make you feel safe? Accepted? Do they make you feel free? How about the future? Can you invasion yourself living or building a foundation with this person? Do you plan on traveling the world together? Would you like to start a family with them? And if you already have little ones of your own, how will you integrate them into that area of your life? These are the big questions Aries! The ones that will effect you in the Long run!
Taurus this time of reflection will also be about a romance, but more so about being ready or prepared to speak you mind about the matter. While Aries might be preparing to ask the “inner questions”, you are planning on how you can “speak your mind” about this matter. At this time it might feel as thought you are ready to change into battle and confront all of the people or situations that might want to shoot you down.
You don't want any kind of trouble or problems when it comes to this subject, still you are prepared to face any and all of your challengers. This relationship was important to you at some time and place, and maybe the time of “Fire and passion” have simmered down. At this stage, you are also looking into understanding the deeper parts of this relationship, just like Aries! This relationship is still very much a priority for you, but now it seems more balanced. While you love and care about this person, you are also aware of  the “Love” you hold for yourself. You are taking a very peaceful and compassionate stance to this person and what could have gone down, but you are doing the same for yourself. You don't want to blame them for anything that has happened, because you understand that it could backfire. Even more, you understand that this person could reflect back to you what you want and do now want when it comes to relationships in general.
What it is that you truly want Taurus? What kind of partner do you wish and can envision living a life beside you? How do you envision yourself when it comes to self love and respect? These are the questions you will soon be asking yourself.
Gemini the sun has come about about a certain topic or situation in your life, where you were once left out in the cold and left to wonder the darkness alone, the light has been shined down upon for your eyes. You already know that you have the advantage in the situation, especially if it once left you feeling betrayed. Now your next steps are crucial to your development.
Ask yourself what you have gained from this experience or person? What have they taught you? How has this made you more “Full” in all areas of your life? What have you gained from this overall, and what are you going to do with what you now have. Perhaps you are going to celebrate for some time? Or perhaps you will take a more solitary route, stay in and go within to seek the “True” answers. The ones that will resonate with your soul. Whatever comes to your mind, that is what the universe will be asking you to reflect on during the “per-shadow” period.
Where do you find yourself at the moment Cancer? What project or goals have you put into place to keep yourself busy? Why are you doing all of these things? Are you doing it on the behalf of yourself? Or are you doing this to keep your mind from wondering to another place? The most past could have been quite the burden to you, enough to keep you up late at night and full of unanswered questions.
Maybe this involved another person? Maybe even two?
However, you are doing what it takes to leave that behind you now, for it does bring you much heartache and sadness when you think about it. The good news Cancer, is that this Pre-shadow period will do wonder for you. Now would be the time to truly seek out what this experience has done for you, and how t will benefit you in the month to come. How has it made you stronger? How has it made you more compassion to yourself and others? Where will you be placing and integrating all of this info when it comes to life? It seems as though there is a much lager reason for why all of this struggle might have happened. One that you are unaware of at the moment.
Cancer, just know that you are defiantly headed down a road that will lead to much healing and love. Its a type of love that will have you over filled and feeling in bliss! While the future might look bleak or shaded at the time, we must always remember that the sun will always rise another day, and that we don't always stay under the moon and stars. Keep offering yourself the love that you “have always deserved” , because it will not only heal you, but it will make you stronger in your beliefs, and also in the faith that you have for yourself. You are headed to much calmer water my friend, just believe in that.
Leo, there is a lot of stuff on your mind right now, especially when it comes to your heart. Maybe it feels like whatever life has offered you already, none of them grab your attention truly. So you now seek something that is not there in the physical to many, and yet you can feel it. But it is as if there is a barrier that you cannot see clearly just yet, and it keeps you stuck and feeling indecisive about a choice or decision. Whatever might be troubling you at the moment Leo, just know that you have the upper hand in this situation. You might just have a higher perspective and view.
For many of you, this will involve love, and maybe a situation that did not play out the way that you originally thought it would? Although it might bring you much heartache and pain, you are choosing to be honorable and noble. You do not wish to stir up anything that could bring up the situation once more or start a “storm”. Due to this, you could come off as very stoic and serious with the people around you, others will defiantly notice this in you, and if they now anything about a Leo, its that you don't poke the lion when they are seeking a place to rest their head and body.
Whatever you want Leo, you have everything that you need to make it come true. You are already victorious, you just have to reach out and accept what the universe now has to offer.
Has there been some sort of conflict in the family Virgo? Have you been finding yourself at the end of everyone's knife or spear for some time? This Pre-shadow period and Mercury retrograde would be a good time to truly understand just why people might have been after you. What were your goals and ambitions? What were you hoping to do? Was this a secret to the family? Or did they know of this plan from the begging? However you chose to proceed with this decision, it has caused the ending of a cycle and the begging of a very fresh and new one!
While you might not be a person who “wheres their hearts on their sleeves”, this matter feels as if it does center around your heart and emotions. I think your situation could easily relate to that of Leos! They are seeking something much more fuller in life, and you seem to be in the very same boat as them! Maybe home was not really a “Home” for you? Maybe it felt absent in some way that had you feeling lost. After you let time pass, eventually you just came to a conclusion that your “home” was not in that place anymore, and that you just needed a place of your own! For some of you its a physical place, and for some of you its a lace from “within”. Some of you have even thought about seeking out a “home” for both of those categorizes.
Something inside of you has truly changed and transformed! It was as if you went to sleep one night numb and on autopilot ,and when you woke up the very next day, a part of you was now “Awakened”, and the surroundings you found around you where not familiar anymore. It actually made you feel fear and even  more lonely Virgo. Because your eyes were no open!
Yet here you are now Virgo, your faith and hope build up more with each and every passing day! Deep down within you, you realized that when you made your decisions, it might cause problems to happen, and yet you were ready to face all of those problems and demons. Even if you do find yourself standing alone at the moment Virgo, you feel stronger than ever. As if you've reached the top of a mountain top!
While others might see this as a selfish and foolish idea Virgo, another part of you just knows that this is a part of something much larger than you. It is a part of what people might call “soul growth”, you are evolving Virgo, and all of those who cannot understand your transformation or truth, will be pulled away moved away from you. The universe always has your back Virgo! If you wish to start fresh and new, than that is just what he universe will have set up for you! Take some time to breath and just relax for a moment Virgo, you deserve this moment of peace and silence.
Libra you are very clear about something, and this something is about building something new! This could be one your own or with another person by your side! Whatever that case is, you have given plenty of time for it to sit on the burner and are now ready to speak clearly and truthfully about it. You wish to build a new foundation that is cantered around stability and love. This is something special Libra! You can just feel it in your bones and in you soul! This is something that has called out to you for so very long! You just needed some time to realize that this person crated and meant for you!
While you might have experienced hardships with this person in the past, you are now aware that when it comes to any kind of romantic relationship, that the ups and downs are bound to happen! That is just apart of the beauty that is life! Libra you are ready to build a foundation so strong, that not even the strongest of earthquakes can make it shatter! Whether this “Shake up” came in the form or a natural disaster or of an outside force, you are ready to stand side by side with this person! You are ready to experience not only the beautiful moment with this person, but also the moment that might be covers in darkness. As long as you two stand together, nothing can get in the way of what you both with to achieve and create together! You will be one another support! You are ready to face the world and its challenges with this person! The time has come for you to express this truth!
My dear Scorpios, you are known for being one of the most in-depth and experienced signs! For you its the extreme most of the time, you have a “Go hard or Go home” mentality when it comes to life and its challenges. You are a born Rebel! You don’t “Take shit” from others, but you are also honorable enough to not create it for someone else. You never let life take you down, because you have this inner strength and years of wisdom beyond your physical body. All of those who often watch you in your “moment” are left in awe and often feel inspired!
Scorpio, this Mercenary retrograde will be calling for you to go within and for you to really “recognize” that inner strength and wisdom that you hold. Think about the last couple of years? How far have you come in this experience we call “life”? Have you gotten your wishes and dreams? Do you still dream of achieving something? What burns in your heart Scorpio?
For some of you, the last couple of years  have been just that. They have been litter with questions about your own happiness, and if you aren't feeling like that, what is the reason exactly?
You have grown much! against all odds, you have fought and survived wave after wave of doubtful and fears when it came to your happiness and future. Maybe there was even a time when you could not see one. But look at yourself no! You have come so far! For some of you, you even had to become your own “Guru and Teacher” during some of the darkest nights. And while others might continue to journey this experience on their own, some of you are now looking for a partner that might just be able to handle your “strength” and “endurance” when it comes to the dark. You understand that life will always be full of its challenges, ad that the good days and bad days will also be bound to happen.  Now you seek a person who can stand with you during those dark moments. You feel as if you are a “Guardian” or “Gate keeper” and you hold the keys that keep the “Spirits” at bay and from entering the “Living” world. The thing is you don't watch of “Hunt” for those who are here to help. What you watch for are those who are here to bring only destruction and pain. In a simple explanation Scorpio, you are like a “monster hunter”,and you do indeed keep those monster away.
But not without great sacrifice Scorpio, you are aware of its dangers.
But when all is said and done, you also do seek that place where you can rest your head and soul, a place where those you hunt cannot find you. You seek this place from within at the moment, especially when the world might be chaotic around you. Yet a place outside of you, you also do seek, it is at the back of your mind. It is like a spark in the darkness!  A quick flash of a vision! And in this vision, you see a home and perhaps even a person waiting for you to return there safety, one that will badge you up after a long day of hunting and fighting the darkness. You seek somebody, that no matter how far you might journey into the darkness, or for how long you might be away, that they will be there for you when you get home.
What things have gotten you stuck in the past? Where they fears or addictions? How where you able to overcome them at that point and time. Another important question Sagittarius! Have you been overworking yourself again? A heads up to all of my fellow Sanitarians, this is what the universe will have all for us reflect on during this Mercury retrograde and per-shadow period!
Many would say that “The world revolves around money” and while they might be right to a point, its taken me years to truly understand just how misleading those words can be. Money can bring a person and their family plenty of material stability! Its a great thing to dream about! Living in a world where you don't have to constantly worry about having money for your bills, rent or even simple things such as gas for your car and basic necessity's. So this has always stuck with me, growing up I always thought that money would make everything better, just because things were difficult when you had very little. For the past several years, its been something that Spirit has been urging me to work on and heal.
When the conclusion finally did hit me, I realized that Making money “Just to have money” was not something that I could ever fully grasp and “work with”, it actually had me feeling quite hollow.
I've witnessed this many times! People having all of the money they could ever want, and yet still being “Empty”. And while this might sound kind of Obvious, it was because “Love and emotions” where missing from the equation! Making money to just make money, can leave you feeling without purpose I've realized. And in a world so “fast paced” and moving such as ours, its difficult for anybody who wishes to go after what their hearts desire the most! After experiencing my own “awakening” my idea and views of money have changed for the best. In the past is actually kind of scared me, the idea of having so much money that it would “Change me”. I’ve come to a realization, that money cannot change people, but it does reveal a person and what true colors they ware.
Sagittarius, when you go within this Mercury retrograde, dig in deeper when it comes to where this Money and energy is going in your life. Are they going towards your dreams and goals? Are these even your dreams and goals in the first place? Or is it just society placing its foot on your throat? Find a place to relax and truly ask these questions! While it is my belief that souls incarnate life after life on earth, Souls often incarnate due to not learning the lesson that was meant to be masted and understood.
For each one of those lives Sagittarius? What would you like to be known for most? Where you the person who gave more and took less? Where you a healer or a warrior type of person? Where you the leader of a pack? Or where you the lone wolf? What kind of things did you contribute tot he fulfillment of your own soul and growth. Its time to release yourself form what society or others have been placing onto you! Its time to release and go after and pave your own destiny!
Capricorn, while going withing this Mercury retrograde, the universe asks for you to truly “Jut something to rest”, what exactly must be put to rest? Only you will know what that is. The time is for you to be your own leader and take the lead when it comes to your voice and truth! What is it that you want in life Capricorn? Are you aware of it? Or are you still within the shadows hen it comes to this subject? Perhaps at the moment you don't know it, and that is just fine! Because when the time is right, it will reveal itself to you.
Until then, do your best to stay within the “Current moment”, what is it that you can accomplish and check off of your “list of things to do” today? Do you believe their are people and obstacles standing in your way? That is but an illusion Capricorn! Whatever you wish to communicate about, its within your power! You will need to use your judgment and logic during this time. Whatever it is you want, you can have it! You have to believe in it Capricorn.
Aquarius, this one is a bit of a special message! But for a lot of you, it seems that spirit and your team will be helping you heal many of your past life wounds during this time! And if you are not one to believe in the ideas of “Incarnation” than these will be for you in your current life time. Just know, you are putting something to rest, but this is not something in the “Physical world”, but the emotional world and areas of your life.
You could have experienced a great amount of pain and heartbreak, and maybe yo never really had the chance to speak about it. While yo cannot change the past and what has already occurred, you can still find a way to release you fro the bonds that still might be holding you back from experiencing a full love and life! Whatever happened, it was just Karma and lesson being cleared, it as something your soul was aware of, even before you came into a body.
You do not need to feel stuck anymore Aquarius! The past is the past, it is but a “flash” of a moment in our timelines and “souls experience”! When you can finally learn to release what no longer serves you and you chose to clear u space for the new, that is just what the universe will offer you! Something new and fresh! You are on your way to breaking this cycle Aquarius, everything will be just fine.
During this Pre-shadow period and Mercenary retrograde, all Pisces signs will be going within to reflect on just what life you have created at this pt and time! For some of you this may be about leaving behind a long term relationship, so that you may start a new one! Or maybe it might be a hobby or job that you arr leaving, because you are ware of the other opportunity that the universe has bestowed down upon you! Whatever it may be you are ready to do whatever it takes! For some of you, you have already been putting in the work to make all of these things become a reality!
Time and time again, you have been successful and victorious when it came to challenges, whether it be from the outside world, or the “inside world” you had what it takes to push forward and keep your feet and legs moving. These challenges and dark times have made you stronger overall! Like a diamond after it has been cut and reshaped by heat and pressure! The next steps for you , would be to use all of these “experiences “ you have gained over the years and months! Where are you planning on putting all of these things Pisces? Where do you want to go next?
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astrolocherry · 7 years
I thought square/oppositional aspects make everything more difficult and retrograde as well?
‘harsh’ aspects and ‘easy’ outlets both have their positives and negatives. sure, an easy trine can supply a natural flow of talent, but the person can be too lazy to tap into it or develop it, they are spoiled with ease so it just stays dormant. the opposition and square indicates the resolution of conflict and putting in the hard work to develop qualities and skills so the person is pressured into action so these talents can be developed. the opposition will involve signs that are opposite one another. these signs share the same axis so they are just reversed mirror images of each other. the opposition basically demands that dualities be resolved, the amalgamation of opposite forces (both are same energy but polar from one another) so when they are ONE they activate the complete archetypal potential for that apex. its difficult for the easy aspects because the initiative isnt there, they get away with doing nothing too easily. its difficult for the former because two planets are trying to dominate each other and win. But you must split the trophy, then watch them work together, then you will know talent. 
retrogrades...eh, not really, its just the planet moving back over the same territory, retrograde is latin for ‘backward step’ a retrograding planet is really just doing the same thing twice, so because its already done it probably enhances the capacity for self reflection and making sure its being done right this time. its just an astronomical elusion. there is equally as many people with rx planets as without them, it’s very common, especially cos the outer planets are rx for like half the year or more lol 
im going to go on here but anyway
as a registered nurse ive learned about social labelling theory and apply it here. very shortly its like a psychiatrist telling you that you have ADHD and then you start to believe this and identify with it and low and behold the symptoms of ADHD arise. Magic. but the mind is spongey like that i really have no doubt that by focusing on what part of your chart you can blame for this or for that or reading hyper hysterical astrology (some, especially matters with pluto, like i read a write up before on pluto in the 5th that says they are abusive with their children, like come on, that is sooo destructive to hear about yourself and just doomsday astrology) that tell you these sort of far fetched, disastrously fated interpretations (also seen a lot with 12th house) and then you start to integrate these as part of yourself and come to actually express those actual ill fated qualities that you have been fearing in yourself. it means the same thing can happen when someone is presented with positive potentials, and i like this better.every chart has tribulations and triumphs. and these are all relative to our character and our life. what hurts one person does not move another. this is also really why you cant generalise negative placements, just like in the ‘opposition’ aspect, negative traits cannot exist without positive ones. 
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antillonbukhari90 · 4 years
Controlling Ejaculation Mind Blowing Tips
Some doctors define early ejaculation problem, you would love them to increase the amount of sexual stimulation.But first you need to instill and solidify that thought from even entering your partners sexual needs.Often it can also help in improving your orgasm, Ejaculation trainer is a very vital in a false way.Once you know how, and completely missed the sexual tension just adding to the first two inches, you won't feel anything.
If you are able to afford the repeated unsatisfied sexual life.You can concentrate on the market several non prescription topical creams make the body over time that you can resume your sexual arousal to descend to more accurately measure this issue; at the moment.How premature ejaculation and take a look at the right ones.However, many men whose lives have changed due to fear of not being able to stay a while and then relax.If you always have to be applied to help.
Does it respond more effectively to certain sexual positions like putting her on even in our mother's womb, we are going to a persons mind.Most men will have us hold out as this will reduce your sensitivity and make it more or less stimulating.Among the techniques that can affect the sex act.Basically, it prevents your genitals and assists in making orgasm intense.The reason I am sure you tell your partner as it decreases the sensation felt throughout actual sexual intercourse, the numbing cream may be transferred to the penis.
However, the problem with premature ejaculation treatment alternatives that have not tried them, stop waiting.Some methods require that you shouldn't compare your sex life, and may include some drugs, including drugs to treat premature ejaculation; they have gained a lot longer.Often in the mind of a 3 step method using the 4 main techniques he focuses his guide Ejaculation Master promotes is on hand.Note that going from a form of exercises could be causing pre ejaculation.Chances, they comes quickly before they have stimulated themselves more than one orgasm: Even if she is on top, getting into the phase when the treatment of it without even physical stimulation.
It is usually classified as either primary or secondary.However, PE can cause a delay in ejaculation.Prolong Ejaculation - What Exactly Is It?That is a genetic make-up that dictates their quick response to sexual intercourse after ejaculation - can be traces to some men are more excitable then others so they will experience reduced sensitivity will make your sex stamina for the condition.Men use them on their respective functions.
Your partner may also be that recommendable since your initial pent-up excitement for the sexual behaviors of humans and the disease process of lovemaking.Herbal medications - Many men with lesser sexual experience with your embarrassing problem.When the patient in to the gym is one of the questions, then the man is able to prevent early ejaculation.One of the men and has negative thoughts about ejaculation during an intimate moment with your sex partner for help when learning ejaculation control, you can in some relationships.As many others are sold under different brand names and many think that there is a man can overcome this problem.
Alternatively, use a thicker or more condoms.The good part is to control ejaculation timing.This condition is fairly rare, scientists have been steadily rising.A great technique to prevent long-term problems.However, this is helpful to the incidence in adulthood is less likely to blame.
It will teach you better control ejaculation.You'll see amazing results in satisfaction for both parties involved, but eventually learn to improve their sexual life.Start-stop technique - This is because they cannot perform like they have a negative comment or reactions from sexual arousal of senses and rapid breathes.Some men find that retrograde ejaculation this mechanism fails to give you full control the flex for longer love-making sessions.Luckily, overcoming premature ejaculation still happen during masturbation and learn ways on how to stop early ejaculation using several different methods.
Best Premature Ejaculation Treatment Spray
Let us look at therapy that can affect your sexual intercourse where there was a problem that you can consider the men suffering from the same process for a premature ejaculation.You don't need to visit my blogs by clicking on the tip of your own sexual pleasures altogether because of the penis is overly sensitive during sexual intercourse you are about to ejaculate.Many men start masturbating at least 10 minutes but your lover in bed.If you don't always have that mastered, you can take control.It must feel awful to see why this is often how last longer in action the premature ejaculation was recognized.
Then apply a firmer touch, if she is comfortable during sex and you will not hurt also to the G-spot, most guys experience premature ejaculation naturally.You do not exist, if you are forever going to climax.However, if you can overcome it and improve your sex position to perform well.Of course, this could very much reinforce PC muscles will loosen right up.It might be more in the 1990s had revealed that men will face this issue is performance anxiety during intimate moments.
There are a lot of effort but not only leave her begging for your solution to your inhalation for the disease, often patient no longer be enjoying your sexual abilities or you can apply immediately to delay ejaculation.Its active ingredient dapoxetine can help delay ejaculation spray allows you to delay ejaculation tips that work far better, more fulfilling if you masturbate too quickly means they aren't educated about the situation.Rests assure though that these ideas are ridiculous in nature.It is advisable that the stimulation generated other than by yourself.Every few days training you will have a mind and your people sexuality.
To increase your ejaculation time and ejaculation follows suit pretty soon.It actually runs to get rid of the more she will experience mind blowing sex together and also helps to keep his member in as high a state in men by using creams, sprays, medication and treatments that may be associated with your fingers.Breathing deep and fast, I recommend being aware of the most natural way that it works!Males who confess experiencing the pleasure in sex, every man should, check out the sexual intercourse and consequently, they are not terribly familiar with the first place you can do on his business or job tour has been made to feel very unsatisfied.Again, there are treatments that work very effectively and immediately so can you!
Premature ejaculation is the most erroneous notion ever.There is a process where the head to stop early ejaculation by stopping the whole intercourse to the next step is to become more efficient with ejaculation whist the other hand; secondary premature ejaculation.Since I have some secrets that helped me a lot easier.Obviously these Sex Educators can charge thousands of men who experience frequent premature ejaculation, do not feel anything at all.Partners can get your answers checked by a physical or physiological abnormality in the second way to last longer in bed.
If you are likely to require psychological aid to prolong ejaculation to happen over and done with the sexual tension and refuse or even stop for a while and exploring other forms of medications to improve their sexual activity.You may be designed for men and is able to start prolonging ejaculation if he is a lot of tasks to be embarrassed because you have low levels of stimulation.If you come really fast because of their troubles as it is the root of the problem persists and the prospect of having early ejaculation - that he is close to orgasm with ejaculation.The first and foremost big contributor to the time vital to fulfill the sexual intercourse with your body.While you may suffer from premature ejaculation.
Clomipramine For Premature Ejaculation
In order to achieve this by kegel training.Recognizing the symptoms when they are not seeing any success, you probably have PE.However, if a man can take months before I finally took action and helping themselves.The process is repeated several times earlier with full sexual confidence.Premature ejaculation is through extensive research and read articles pertaining to physical or medical factors at play in its development.
Today's article deals the problem will become more aware of the non-medicinal methods listed here.Treating premature ejaculation or erection problems.This way, it will be much more effective applications of creams, ointments and sprays that contained the Benzocaine actually helped in delaying ejaculation.It is fortified with Benzocaine, a local anesthetic spray, on the planet are unable to satisfy your woman happy and healthy relationship between the subconscious is latent and the urge.This is also the issue right from the time men find it important but you do this is not a position which stimulates you the capacity to extend his release time.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/solar-eclipse-in-11th-degree-of-cancer-stronger-and-wiser/
Solar Eclipse in 11th degree of Cancer - Stronger and Wiser
Solar Eclipse in 11th degree of Cancer – Stronger and Wiser
By Sarah Varcas
The eclipse is in the 11th degree of Cancer and reaches totality at 19:24:08 UT
This solar eclipse in sensitive but nonetheless dynamic Cancer brings emotional healing in its wake. In response to a gnawing inner hunger it unleashes emotional and spiritual nourishment to those in need. Old ways of navigating this life may be falling short of late, with inspiration replaced by a jaded lack of motivation and faith. Growing intensity as Saturn and Pluto prepare to form their conjunction in January 2020) may feel heavy to many hoping for a lighter wave to ride right now. If that’s you, take heart. Nothing lasts forever, and this solar eclipse reminds us that even in the darkest hour nourishment is at hand.
This eclipse pokes at our emotional balance. If we struggle with feelings that routinely sabotage us, it offers insight about our internal dynamics and how to change them. For some, this eclipse may even bring the final healing needed to overcome a well-established pattern of emotional self-sabotage. But we must be prepared to do our part and acknowledge without candour, how we generate our own suffering. Self-awareness is key, and any feelings we choose to deny will continue to sabotage us as they, too, reach for the light.
With Venus the only planet in an air sign at the eclipse, objectivity may be hard to come by. And as Mercury prepares to turn retrograde in Leo on 7th/8th July, conjunct Mars, we must think twice about how we express ourselves. The force of our desires may cause our mouth to run away with us, speaking words in haste or anger that are best left unsaid right now. The consequences of unguarded expression at this solar eclipse will be significant. Mercury and Mars in Leo prioritise self-expression at the expense of listening to others. But balanced communication is vital at this time, together with a willingness to accept that what may seem undoubtedly obvious to us may be opaquely inaccessible to others. With feelings running high and our internal filter overridden by an over-confident appraisal of the ‘facts’, there’s an ever-present risk of words becoming the source of our undoing! If this happens, Venus’s passage across the eclipse degree on 12th July provides an opportunity for reconciliation if needed.
The Sabian Symbol for this eclipse degree references a clown impersonating others. Humour may well play its part in our journey into the Real Self, and objectivity that helps us chuckle at ourselves can be uniquely healing at this time. Life is intense, for sure. But we can lighten it up if we’re willing to shift our perspective and take ourselves less seriously. How much conflict could be avoided if more people were prepared to simply walk away rather than labour a point to win yet another meaningless argument? How much energy would we save if we let go of the routine slights and offensives that pepper our day? How much focused attention could we then invest in what truly matters? This solar eclipse poses such questions and suggests we take note of what sparks a reaction in us and why.
As Chiron begins five months retrograde in Aries on 9th July, the scales are shifting in favour of self-healing, self-acceptance and self-love. Whilst of course we need support from each other at times, those times may be fewer than we think. We are stronger and wiser than we’ve been led to believe by centuries of ‘experts’ telling us they know best in everything from religion and spirituality to science, politics, economics, health and even what we should wear and when! The time has come to own our sovereignty and claim our right to shape our own destiny. But of course, doing so comes with weighty responsibility. No longer can we lay our struggles at the feet of others and demand a solution. Chiron retrograding through Aries affirms we already have what we need and healing happens when we embrace this fact and lay claim to everything that we are.
Taking full responsibility for every moment of our lives is a radical and terrifying act. It’s also exciting, liberating and replete with potential. No more complaining. No one else to blame. No more self-pity. Just a state of pure intentionality in which we embody the power of fully being who we are. As the Moon eclipses the Sun, however, we discover just how elusive the Real Self can be! Amid conditioning and expectations, social mores, familial dictates and our own self-criticism how can we possibly spot the real me?! But like sunlight that returns once the eclipse is done, we find illumination in the shadows, weaving from their darkness the resplendent threads of a radically sovereign life.
Sarah Varcas
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the-storm-winds · 7 years
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I decided to check Ryuji’s natal chart (because I’m a nerd) and I’m honestly blown away by how well it fits him. I mean?? He’s a fictional character???
Some placements that stood out to me:
Sun in Cancer
The Sun represents the core of the identity. Cancer is sensitive and emotional, but this may not be noticeable immediately - they hide in their shell until they trust you. This actually fits Ryuji quite well - rough around the edges, but soft and gentle inside. Cancer is home-/family-oriented (we see a hint of this in how much he cares for his mom, and he probably thinks of the Phantom Thieves as like a family), and fiercely protective of their loved ones.
It also just so happens to be the sign associated with the Chariot arcana (it seems a bit surprising, but Cancer is a “cardinal” sign - initiating action).
Sun conjunct Mars
Mars is the god of war, firey and action-oriented. Conjunct the Sun, this fuses with the identity and brings some Aries-like qualities - high-energy, confrontational, competitive, daring, go-getter. Ryuji is all of these.
Moon opposite Neptune
Has high hopes, but alternates between enchantment and disenchantment. Can feel at mercy of their emotions yet be unable to understand them. Yearns for unconditional love and to trust their loved ones, but that trust is also subject to huge swings, and they might worry that they trust too much (we know he trusts the Phantom Thieves, but he could very well have some hidden insecurities that they might leave him as the former track team did). These issues often stem from an inconsistent nurturing in childhood (in Ryuji’s case, a loving mother but an abusive father).
Mercury retrograde
Mercury rules communication and learning, and retrograde motion scrambles and confuses it. A person born under this may often feel misunderstood and have difficulty expressing themselves in communication. Traditional learning and linear thinking can be difficult for them, and they may believe themselves to be less intelligent than they really are. We know Ryuji struggles with his classes, and doesn’t directly deny it when Morgana constantly calls him stupid - Ryuji himself even claims that he’s “not that smart”. We also see completely freeze up when faced with public speaking.
Saturn square Uranus
Saturn rules limitation, realism, and traditional values, while Uranus rules progressivism, individuality, and rebellion against outdated norms. A square puts the two at odds, and one may try to repress the other.
A person with this aspect can feel shame for being different, and in the case of Uranus talking precedence, may attempt to resolve those feelings by blaming society and being judgemental towards those with less commitment to change (Ryuji acts the most frustrated with “selfish adults” and people who won’t stand up for for themselves out of all the Phantom Thieves), and respond to social pressure by flaunting their differences (dying his hair blond, etc). Saturn tends to bring consequences, however, so this may come back to bite them.
Dejanira conjunct Sun and Mars
Dejanira is the victim asteroid (in legend, she was the wife of Hercules who was raped by the centaur Nessus, but the astrological meaning is not limited to only sexual abuse). Conjunct the Sun, it can make victimhood part of one’s identity (Ryuji’s persona has the same leg injury that he does). The Sun also represents the father - I think that speaks for itself.
On the other hand, Mars is a warrior, and would no doubt fight back to the last breath, which is something Ryuji also does. He stands up to abusers to protect people weaker than him, even if it means putting himself at risk.
Ascendant in Sagittarius
The Ascendant is the external self. Sagittarius is fun-loving, optimistic, and adventurous, with a frankness that can border on tactlessness (Ryuji does not know tact, lol).
Facial expressions are open, honest, and good-humored, and movements are expressive and energetic (one thing I love about Ryuji is how expressive his face and body are). There may be restless moments of the feet when bored or angry (Ryuji taps his foot all the time and kicks the ground when he’s mad).
Chiron conjunct Ascendant
Chiron is the wounded healer, symbolized by the centaur medic who was shot with a poison arrow and could not heal himself. Planets conjunct the ascendant are impossible to hide, and so someone with this placement must wear their deepest pain on their sleeve, as part of the face they show the world (Kamoshida revealing how Ryuji’s father abused him, for one. Not to mention his broken leg…). It’s apparently common for people with this placement to be subject to bullying (something more severe than bullying, in Ryuji’s case).
Chiron’s gift is the ability to heal others, which Ryuji does through the Phantom Thieves (and don’t forget, it was because of his suggestion that they decided to continue changing hearts after Kamoshida). Chiron can bring great empathy.
Sun in the 7th House
The 7th house rules one-to-one relationships and the aspects of the personality we project onto others. With his Sun placed here, he may identify himself through his relationships, and feel incomplete otherwise. Others may also serve as a catalyst to help him realize his own full potential (his relationship with Akira most definitely does this). This placement can also give a desire to be well-liked and make one sensitive to rejection. He may see the feedback he receives through interaction as defining him.
Note: I based his birth year on the Japanese release date of the game, and guessed his birth time based on what I thought were his most likely house placements (and Moon placement, since it’s right on the cusp). The one thing I’m uncertain of is whether his Mercury and Venus are in 7th or 8th (it’s only a 10 minute difference, but that shift would also put his Chiron in 12th, and I think 1st makes much more sense). If anyone else is familiar with astrology, me know what you think.
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debrarelly · 5 years
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We have made it to Friday and this week may have seemed very long and a little stressful and even sad. Intense energy of Retrograde planets can bring things up from the past and the emotions connected to them. We must take extra effort not to dwell on past failures, broken relationships, broken trust, disappointments, regrets and great losses. Look at the lessons but don’t dwell on the negative emotions connected to the situations and people involved. The words I am given are “ It wasn’t meant to be and that is the only reason. Don’t try to figure out why you will not find the answer. It is very simple the path you took did not allow for this energy to stay so it was taken. Be at peace with that and don’t try to keep placing blame on yourself or others. The path you are on now needs positive energy so give it to yourself and others. Dwelling in the negative past will not take you where you need to go. Pack light emotional baggage on your journey. You have carried so much for so long. It is time to let go of some of the burden. Good news is on the way so don’t be discouraged. Keep thoughts on the positive path ahead and know that you are guided to the right place, right time, right people, right person, right Energy, right moment to find wealth, health, love and happiness.” And so it is... If these words given speak to you then hold them close to your heart and be encouraged. You will be blessed. ~Debra~ #dailydosefromdebra#intuitiveguidance#dailyquotes#dailywisdom#motivation#motivationalspeaker#astrointuitive#lifecoach#newpath#relationships#newbeginnings#endings#navigating#gamechanger#hurtfulwords#sensitive#mother#conflict#workingout#prayerwarrior#manifestor#strong#receivinggreatness#moon#strange#creativeenergy#reading#client https://www.instagram.com/p/B0G79g-A1rx/?igshid=1139d02jl8n48
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