#there’s a difference between a family show and a kids show and sometimes they lean too far to the kid show direction for my taste
galwithalibrarycard · 5 months
My New Who watchthrough has now reached well into the second half of Series 7, and it’s time for some Opinions:
- I’m gay for Clara Oswald already. Also I crackship her with Amy Pond and I will be reading all the fanfic.
- I don’t care for River Song.
- Okay, no, hear me out, River’s an interesting character and I like Alex Kingston, but I can’t stand how her entire character bit is a constant smug-ass “I know something you don’t know”, and her whole arc felt kind of anticlimactic. Also, I don’t buy for a second that she and Eleven have an actual romantic relationship. I don’t see the spark. It’s all offscreen if it happens at all, so I don’t care. Bringing me to…
- Eleven/Amy/Rory OT3 is the superior ship of the Smith years. Platonic found family or romantic messy awkward polyamory, either way they’re very sweet together and I’d rather watch them than River any day. You can also have asexual Eleven in there, which I can really see why people headcanon. I want to call them “ot3: the power of three” but I feel like the threes sound redundant. Oh whatever, I’m calling it, that’s the ship tag I’m using.
- If it wasn’t for the weird Doctor/River romance, you could totally say that River’s Time Lord DNA makes Amy, Rory, and Eleven ALL her parents, and I’m annoyed that canon makes it more than a little weird to consider that headcanon concept, because it could be cute in another world.
- I like the Ponds a lot, but I have to say: Amy and Rory’s ending felt like such an arbitrary “we’re obligated to make the separation from the Doctor permanent, what monster can we use to do that?” ass-pull of a writing choice. In my head, Amy and Rory’s arc ends with them staying on Earth in 2012 at the end of The Power of Three and enjoying the mundane life they built together. Just say the Doctor sends them postcards and visits offscreen once in a while. The characters don’t have to be walled off from the Doctor forever just because the actors never want to come back to the show. I really like the idea of them choosing their own life outside the TARDIS, almost Martha-style. (Gotta love Martha!)
- It feels cheap to take Amy’s kid away and then not bother to give her an emotional arc dealing with that trauma. Same for Rory, for that matter. I bet someone could write or has written some extremely deep fanfic about that. I don’t know that I want to read it but I want it to exist, if that makes sense. And I would’ve liked to see more of it onscreen.
- The episode with the Gunslinger is OOC garbage, the Doctor would never use a gun, learn the show’s lore, Steve.
- So many little “what straight white man did this???” moments in Moffat era. It’s like going on a nice walk and then every once in a while you find yourself walking through a surprise cloud of gnats. (Not that Davies era was completely blameless either but damn.)
- Eleven’s “retirement” and hopeless disillusionment in The Snowmen feels like a flat, rushed, emotionless retread of the far superior arc of Ten going dark and mad with grief and his god complex across his last four specials. Ten did it better.
- Speaking of which, godDAMN the Tenth Doctor’s send off was good. I miss him forever and I need all his audio dramas and tie-in novels yesterday.
- While we’re on that, I have FEELINGS about Tenrose and Tentoorose and how they’re the same exact ship but also two completely different ships, but I’m still tagging them both as “otp: I believe in her” and no one can stop me. (They could have had a house with a mortgage AND still traveled in the TARDIS on weekends, I’m just saying.) (They are PEAK ROMANCE and I’m never recovering.)
- Lotta concrit here but that being said, I really do love Eleven, he’s a sweet adorable lil bean. I’m gonna miss him so much too. Can’t believe I only have a handful of his episodes left! There’s so much good stuff in here, truly. Vincent and the Doctor! The Power of Three! 🥹 I also really liked Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, even though the longer you look at it, the more Problems you see. Those are my standouts off the top of my head.
- We are now well into the era of New Who I’ve never seen any of and know basically nothing about, so no spoilers please!
- I’ve also never seen any of Classic Who, so be aware of that. There’s a lot I don’t know.
- (I already do kind of pre-ship Twelve and River in a totally superficial way, just because, to quote Bones, “they are the exact same level of hotness.” I just think they’d look good together, and sometimes I’m basic like that. I know she has an episode with him, that’s the only thing I know about that era, so we’ll see.)
I’m all-in on this fandom now, for real. And I still have so much to catch up on! So, is it too much of a line to say Allons-y? (I still like it a little better than Geronimo!) 🤗🪐👽
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drefear · 9 months
Sister's Mister
Summary: Your sister meets Miguel O'Hara, a smart playboy that goes to your college and you so happen to have a crush on. When the two start to date, he begins to act weird towards you.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
TW: Drinking, insecurity, family, throw up.
“Where’s my curling iron?” Your sister screamed from the other room, stomping around with a clip in her hair and her dress half-tied. You lounged on your bed as she ran around, both living at home still as you were both still in college. She was 4 years older than you, currently getting her PHD in psychology as you were currently in your third year of your undergraduate. Your major was chemistry , wanting to experiment and become a scientist that worked with enhancement drugs. 
You were 21, while your sister was 25, and you two were very close. Sometimes too close. Same taste in tv shows, shared clothing styles, and sometimes even men… 
But your sister was going on lots of dates, while you were woefully single. The two of you differed there. 
She was always out and about, jumping from man to man, while you stayed home and preferred to be alone. 
The quiet of your bedroom was comforting, just your fingers typing your essay on your keyboard as the fan cooled you down in the middle of the summer. You were taking summer classes to get a head start in your fourth year, wanting to hurry it up and jump into a career. 
“Did you borrow it?” She asked again and you sighed, closing your laptop and putting it on your bed. Getting up, you saw her rushing around and trying to tie the back of her dress. 
“No, I hate curling my hair.” You folded your arms as you leaned on the doorframe and watched her bend down to clasp her heels. 
“Come out with us tonight, I heard that super hot guy in your honors chem class is coming.” She wiggles her brows at you. 
Laughing, you shook your head. “Gianna, I already told you, I have to finish this assignment.” 
We both know you’re almost done with it, so hurry up and then get dressed. Gwen’s picking us up soon.” She threw a navy blue dress at you and you just nodded. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. 
It was a bad idea. You felt awkward in between all the sweaty, dancing bodies. You hated how close everyone was to you, practically on top of each other as the bass pounded into your ears. You sipped your gin and tonic, and found a seat at the bar, not wanting to constantly be bumped into by the group of other college kids in front of you. 
Gianna danced with her friends, who took you under their wing and tried to get you to be social, but it didn’t work. You stayed at the bar and watched. 
A hand on your shoulder made you turn and look into the chest of the man trying to get your attention. 
“Hey, you’re Gianna’s little sister, right?” 
 Gianna’s little sister.
That’s how you were constantly referred to, living in the shadow of your cool, popular older sister. You never minded before, but for some reason, it bothered you to hear tonight. 
“Yeah, she’s over there.” You pointed and looked back at his face. 
“She was talking to my friend for a while, he’s around here somewhere. I’m Peter, this is Hobie.” He pointed to the guy behind him and you finally absorbed the two men. 
Peter seemed like the normal straight white dude, light brown hair and a 10 o’clock shadow with the smell of axe body spray and a bright, wide smile. Hobie wore chains around his neck and a fishnet tank top with a black shirt underneath, wicks long and pointing in every direction. His piercings were shining in the club lights and the two couldn’t look any more different against each other. 
And here you were, the dress a bit tight on your front your sister’s thin, model-like frame. You had more plush to your thighs and butt than she did, as well as a fuller bust. The spandex fabric held you tight as you bit your bottom lip, shaking both of their hands. Hobie kissed the top of yours and you flustered a bit, Peter laughing. 
“My girlfriend is around here somewhere, and- oh, there’s Miguel.” He pointed and you watched as his eyes widened. “Oh boy…” You heard Peter chuckle as you turned to look at where he’d pointed and saw your sister in the arms of a big, muscular Greek god. You tilted your head and recognized him. 
“Miguel… O’Hara?” You said out loud. She wasn’t just fucking a guy from you chem class, she was fucking the smartest guy in your whole fucking major. 
“Yeah, you know him?” Peter asked and you just sighed, nodding. Unbeknownst to your dear sister, you’d had a massive crush on him since you saw him the first day, and now he had his mouth on her neck as they grinded against each other. 
The oxygen left your lungs as you felt your confidence deflate. Of course it would be him, you thought to yourself quietly and stood up. 
“Dance with me, girlie.” Hobie instructed and pulled you towards the swarm of gyrating people, not giving you much of a choice. You felt his hands fall on your hips as he guided you to the beat, watching your face as you blushed a bit from the close contact and effects of alcohol. “Relax, I got you.” He spoke and looked around, making eye contact with your sister as she smiled at something MIguel whispered in her ear. Your heart sank a little as you watched and Hobie smirked more, “You wanna make ‘em jealous, get closer to me.” Hobie whispered and you gulped, pressing against him as you saw your sister pulling Miguel towards you. You heard your name as you danced with the punk boy. 
“You know Miguel, right? Don’t you two have a class together?” She asked, and you were about to answer, but you didn’t even get a word out as he spoke. 
“Multiple, actually.” He nodded, eyes scanning up and down your body quickly, before smiling back to your sister. The two of them together looked like a famous couple, something you’d see in an ad for abercrombie. Wth his hand around her waist, you felt out of place, like you were interrupting even though they had approached you. Hobie’s hands slipped around you and you blinked back into the conversation. “Enough chatter, I’ve got a lady to seduce, yeah?” Hobie winked at your sister and pecked your cheek, making eye contact with Miguel. Wasn’t he Miguel's friend? Why would he want to make his friend jealous?
Your sister gave you a small thumbs up as Hobie pulled you away and continued to dance with you, watching Miguel stay focused on you over your shoulder. 
“Why did you do that?” You asked and he smiled down at you. 
“Cause ‘m bored, and Miguel needs a swift kick to the head. He’s blind if he can’t see that you’re the best lookin’ girl in the whole club.” Hobie’s words made you turn red and nod, “just have fun and forget him, he’s stupid.” He added and you leaned in closer, dancing with the rocker boy more. 
You left the club without your sister after watching her practically suck Miguel’s face off in a booth at the club, assuming she’d be leaving with him. And you’d been right, after getting an assuring text from her in the morning saying ‘BEST SEX EVER.’
You couldn’t hate your life anymore than you did at that second. 
Class went by as per usual, but instead of shamelessly gawking at the back of Miguel’s head, you tried to stay focused on anything but him. Which was working until you’d been dismissed and soon heard your name. 
Ignoring him, you felt tension in your shoulders. The last thing you’d wanted was to deal with the awkwardness of him asking for your sister’s number or asking about her life, or if you could put in a good word for him, or anything at all basically. You wanted to be left alone. 
Days later, you watched as your sister seemed to have more of a pep in her step, smiling at her phone all the time and seemingly wearing more perfume. She was definitely obsessed with him, but you also knew his reputation, and he was a player, a fuckboy. He slept with most of the sororities on campus and allegedly, even a few teachers. So when you opened your front door to see him holding a bouquet of flowers, wearing a dress shirt and smelling expensive, your jaw dropped. 
“Miggy!” Your sister called from behind you and jumped into his arms. You watched him twirl her around and just sighed, walking away. This had nothing to do with you, you told yourself, and moved into the kitchen to help your parents finish setting up the dining room table. 
“I didn’t know we were having Gianna’s new boyfriend over.” You glanced up to your mom, who just nodded. “Is this the official meet the parents night?” 
“Well, they’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks now, so we thought we should meet him.” Your dad added and you dreaded the world. 
The whole dinner felt as if it were in slow motion, your ears filled with white noise until you heard your father say your name. 
“Hello? Earth to the baby of the group?” He called out and your mom laughed, your eyes snapping up to him. “Miguel said you two have had a few classes together.” 
“Uh, yeah.” You mumbled and ate a forkful of whatever-the-fuck your mother made. Looking around, you saw your sister gazing at her new boyfriend, who was staring at you expectedly. “So?” You looked between him and your father, who continued. 
“So, Miguel said that there was recently a boy interested in you?” He asked and your eyes shot to Miguel, who wore an expression that was unreadable. 
“What? Who?” You jumped around mentally trying to think of someone. 
“Just a rumor that some guy has a crush on you.” He shrugged, as if it was no big deal and you shook your head. 
“I… I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“So you’re not interested in anyone?” Your mom questioned and you just kept your eyes on your plate, afraid to even answer. 
“Miggy, you should set her up with someone.” Your sister interjected and you just glanced up to her in shock, Miguel’s face mimicking your surprise. 
“I don’t know anyone she’d be compatible with.” He said and you frowned. Were you that unattractive in his eyes?
You continued to stab your food as your family talked, the peanut gallery fading to the background as you thought to yourself and wished that you were anywhere else. 
A text from your phone breaks your concentration and you look down to answer, agreeing to join a few friends for some drinks at their house later. What you didn’t see was Miguel’s eyes tracking your movements, watching you as you texted at the dinner table. 
“Honey, don’t be rude, we’re eating together!” Your mom chidded and you snapped your head up, nodding. “Sorry. I’m gonna finish early to get ready, a friend invited me over.” You mumbled quietly and you stood with your plate, leaving the table. 
Twenty minutes later and you were walking to the door as your family sat with MIguel in the living room. 
“Whose house are you going to?” Your sister asked as you grabbed your purse. 
“Just Miles.” You answered and Miguel’s body stiffened. 
“Miles… Morales?” He asked and your parents both glanced to MIguel, who looked upset. 
“Yeah, why?” You frowned in defense. 
“No reason, I’m just surprised that’s the type of person you hang out with.” He brought a beer to his lips, courtesy of your father, and his eyes challenged yours. Your hands balled into fists a bit and you looked angry. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You argued and your sister sighed loudly, putting a hand on MIguel’s thigh to try and de-escalate the situation forming. 
“Miles lived down the street from us for a long time, so they’re close.”
“He’s basically a delinquent.” Miguel said and your parents visibly began to think, which was never a good sign.
“He is not-” You tried to answer, but he continued. 
“He graffitis the walls near my internship, he skips classes, and he’s always stumbling around like he’s high.” Miguel’s words make your blood boil. 
“I’m sorry he’s not super popular or a frat boy, but he’s a good person and he’s smart, and he’s my friend!” You yelled, tears pricking your eyes as you squeezed them shut, then hating the silence that settled within the room. You looked around between everyone’s faces and found Miguel’s, still hard and on the offense. You sniffled and swiped your keys from the little dish in the doorway, looking at him again. “Shouldn’t you be less focused on me and more focused on banging my sister?” You hissed and left as your parents shouted your name in disgust, not even looking back when you slammed the door. You wiped your tears with your sleeve and ran to your car, getting in and driving off as fast as possible. 
The night was a blur, Miles and Gwen feeding you drinks to make you feel better after you told them you got in an argument with your sister’s new snot-nosed boytoy. 
“Who does he even think he is? Big and fuckin’...” You droned on, slurring your words as you laid your head in Gwen’s lap. She pet your hair as Miles drew something in his notebook, probably his girlfriend who was holding you as you drunkenly vented about your secret crush. 
“Mind if I invite some other friends?” Miles asked and Gwen shook her head while you were too distracted to even hear him. 
The door opened twenty minutes later and you saw Hobie walk in with a 12 pack of beer on his shoulder, and that made you smile. “Hobie!” Gwen got up and hugged the skinny-jean wearing boy, who set down the beers and then dapped up Miles. His eyes found you and he gave you a small grin. 
“Looks like you managed to get loose finally.” He handed you another beer and you happily took the bottle, taking a swig as you nodded. “You look absolutely fit.” His eyes took you in as you did a little clumsy twirl, watching another boy follow behind him. He was either Indian or middle eastern, with shaggy black hair and a big, white smile. “This is Pav.” Hobie introduced you two and he hugged you, taking in your outfit. 
“You look so nice, even drunk!” He added and you just laughed, enjoying the little bits of attention you got, not used to being the center of attention. 
Everything moved fast as you pumped music louder and the room became more and more full of people. Before any of you knew it, the entire place was packed and it had become a house party. Heavy music played and you danced wildly, swaying your hips and rolling your body to the beat as Gwen laughed and danced beside you. Pav and Hobie were currently occupying the couch, as Hobie had a girl on his lap and Pav talked excitedly to Miles about something he saw that day. The feeling of freedom coursed through your veins, intertwined with alcohol. It wasn’t like the night at the club, no, you were hammered and it felt great. The feeling was interrupted by vibrating in your pocket, to which you went to find a quiet place to answer the call. 
Stumbling into Miles’s room, you sat down and checked your phone. 
“Hello?” Your sister’s voice came through and you pouted. 
“‘M busy.” You sputtered out. 
“Are you drunk?” 
“...No.” You hesitated, knowing you were an incredibly shitty liar. Especially while you were trashed. 
“Oh my god, I’m coming to get you.” 
“No! ‘M happy!” You yelped, then threw your body down on the bed and stretched out. “I’m staying. Go suck Miguel’s dick or somethin.” You smiled at your funny joke. You were so funny. 
“No, we’re coming to get you, so stay there.” She spoke and before you could answer, she hung up. Sighing, you furrowed your brows and laid there for what only felt like a minute before you stumbled back out of the bedroom, finding the sliding glass door and making your way to the backyard. 
The grass felt good on your bare feet and you plopped yourself into it fully, laying back and spreading out in the greenery. 
“Get up.” The strong, deep voice was fuzzy in your mind and you just smiled, not recognizing it right away. 
“Lay down with me.” You answered and closed your eyes again, fingers playing with the blades of grass by your sides. “Look at the sky with me.” 
“Your eyes are closed.” He answered and you giggled. 
“The stars are so beautiful.” You rambled, and a large hand brushed against your cheek, eyes now opening to see Miguel crouching by your drunk, splayed out body. 
“So are you.” He answered and you felt your stomach tighten, nervousness pulling at your insides as you suddenly couldn’t breathe from butterflies. 
Not butterflies. Throw up.
And then you were hacking and wreching to the side of you into the grass, coughing up your dinner from before and feeling someone hold your hair back. A soft ‘oh my god’ was heard from the back door and soon you heard the hurried clacking of heels. Your sister bent down by Miguel and squeezed one of your hands, worry all over her face. That’s when everything turned black.
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neuroprincess · 5 months
Law & Order: SVU - First Date + First Kiss (Preferences)
Classification: Fluff
Pairing: Alex Cabot, Casey Novak, Liz Donnelly, Olivia Benson and Rita Calhoun
Warnings: None
Word count: +1000
Alex Cabot
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- The blonde quickly pulls herself together, trying to mask the confusion of feelings and the shock of seeing you after so many years without any contact, failing miserably. She feels a little lost, not knowing how to act, slightly out of it. And continues like this for the next few weeks, even showing up almost every day at the bakery until finally getting up the courage to ask you out to dinner. It's a fancy restaurant, at a table away from curious eyes and the atmosphere is pleasant, you talk about your lives so far, between laughs, wine and an occasional physical touch, like hands accidentally crossing, her touch on your back as you get up from the chair, pinky fingers so close as you walk along the sidewalk that one can feel the warmth of the other. Alex insists on taking you home, you stop in front of the apartment door and both smile nervously. "I missed you." She whispers, tucking a stubborn lock of hair behind your ear. "No more than I missed you." You stare at each other for a few seconds and ADA leans in, asking permission with her gaze to continue, then you nod, joining your lips in a gentle and needy kiss, full of emotion, longing. 
Casey Novak
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- It was no surprise when, in the middle of dinner, Casey's phone rang and she was forced to run after some judge to get warrants, she had barely touched the food, nor had you, both immersed in a fun and spontaneous flirting. The following week she's waiting for you in the lobby of the precinct with a box of your favorite dessert, which was mentioned at dinner, and a mysterious proposal. She takes you for a apparently directionless walk until ending up at a softball practice cage, no one else there, all the equipment waiting. Her words are patient, hands soft around your waist, body warm and slightly sweaty behind yours as her fingers wander up the forearm to put hands together and teach you how to use the bat, it's almost too much, all the sensations and little things the ginger provokes without even realizing it. "Good shot, sugar." She celebrates happily when you hit one target, proud of the result of hard work, and lifts you, twirling in the air, faces coming closer and you kiss as if it were the right thing to do, it's deep and passionate, all the tension built up over weeks expressed in one act. 
Liz Donnelly
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- Another night spent working late, it's become a kind of routine you've started to get used to. Long nights full of paperwork, words that start to blur together in a few hours and a dozen cups of coffee, sometimes energy drinks. The last folder has been checked and the notes reviewed, when the knock on the door wakes you up, surprised, as the building seemed empty except for the security team. "You know it's 1am, right?" Liz smiles, entering your office, a bottle of whisky and two glasses in hand "I thought you might need these." And offers one of them, a little fuller because she knows it's necessary. Hours pass without either of you noticing, the bottle is half full and you're both on the floor, high heels thrown on the carpet, messy hairstyles and trivial conversations. "So, Cabot and you...?" She asks suggestively. "Oh, no, no, actually... she's my sister." The woman is clearly surprised, you expect some kind of negativity, maybe a little suspicion, but she just smiles and approaches. "Great!" Closing the distance with a half-drunk, slow and sensual kiss. 
Olivia Benson  
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- Board game days become a bi-weekly program between you, the two families start to meet often and a bond quickly forms, not unexpected considering how close your children are, like flesh and blood. The kids have fun in friendly competitions and eat snacks, sometimes preferring to play in the garden or watch random cartoons until they fall asleep. This time it's different, the pair went to a sleepover, you opened a bottle of wine, sipping it between relaxed conversations, a nice meal and close to midnight you're still awake. "Finally some time for the moms." She raises her glass and knocks on yours to toast the break, you both love your children, but they seem to be plugged in 24/7. "And without having to watch Trolls, I've memorized all the songs." You mumble, drinking the rest of the wine and snuggling up on the sofa, the woman unconsciously rests her arm on the headboard, touching your shoulder, both smile and try to pay attention to The Golden Girls. Almost impossible to do when long fingers wander over your bare skin, the genuine laughter and the magnetism that leads you to stare at her, enchanted. Eyes meet, breaths become heavy and you stop fighting the urge to finally kiss Olivia. 
Rita Calhoun
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- Her presence is very pleasant, bringing some kind of comfort to your tiring work days and boring shifts, there are delightful conversations when the restaurant is almost empty, occasionally she even makes a witty joke. As a result, you've become good friends, despite all the differences, from personality, age to social class. Bonds are created in the small details, maybe in the kind and gentle way she treats you, how she pays attention to the almost insignificant things you've left hanging in the air during a conversation, proof of which is the limited edition of your favorite book she brings to one of the dinners. Inside is a card with an address, a time and telling you to meet her there. So you do, wearing one of your favorite outfits and silently praying to be appropriate, in the end it doesn't matter much, she has prepared a candlelit dinner in the botanical garden, just you two, the nature and the stars. "I really enjoyed our night, it was lovely." You whisper and play nervously with the hands. "And what about me?" Rita teases, stopping walking, and you blush nodding positively. She tries to say something more, but is interrupted by your lips on hers in a clumsy impulse, there's a doubt in the air, answered by her hands on your waist pulling you in to deepen the passionate kiss.
taglist: @scarr0713 @geekyandgay98 @heidss @loudchaoscoffee @quailbagutte @ctrlamira @milffilm @prentiss-theorem @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @grandtacoranchnickel @@multifandomlesbianic @janeyseymour @storiesofsvu
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devondespresso · 4 months
I Can Only Hope Now (STWG Daily Prompt: Claudia)
G | 1269 words | ao3 link | cw: absent father, brief references to Steve’s absent parents
Thank you @saradika-graphics for the dividers! 💛
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Claudia Edine Henderson never wanted to get married. Not really.
But she wanted kids, so that meant either getting married or seeing if the daycare was hiring.
Anthony Laurence Goldman wanted a family. She thought that meant the same thing, so they married.
And it was good. They had a beautiful baby boy, Dustin Clarence Goldman, healthy save for a defect with his bones. No collarbones, and the high chance he’d need a little extra medical attention down the line, but he’d still be living long and happy, and she couldn’t ask for more. 
Eventually, their baby's cries stopped waking both of them up in the middle of the night. It was just her, because mothers had a sixth sense for it. 
No sleep, no time, no awareness of what she let it do to her until her mother called, apologizing for the odd hour, and she realized she couldn’t tell the difference between four in the morning or six at night. After that, her mother stayed a while, helped with the baby when Anthony was at work.
Anthony helped when he could, but his real specialty was money. He knew how mortgages and insurance worked, knew how banks and credit card companies stayed in business, knew how to get the lowest bill from the hospital, so having to pay out of pocket for Dusty's somehow only ‘cosmetic surgeries’ wouldn't leave their wallets dry.
He knew how to juggle all that convoluted adult shit that scared the living daylights out of her. It was like it came so easy to him.
Maybe it didn't. She'd never really know.
It was his domain, and he preferred it that way, for years and years until it started looking like family was more like the backdrop for his dreams, instead of the subject of them.
She talked to him, lord knows she talked to him about it, but each new month of trying faded back into three of forgetting.
Dustin grew old enough to ask. Just enough words to get the question across. Where did Daddy go?
They separated a few months, hoping he’d miss his son enough to work with her on this. 
She gave him the ultimatum that turned into a divorce.
He agreed happily, saying that it would prove how much weight he was really pulling. That he didn’t need custody.
Claudia Edine Henderson and Dustin Clarence Henderson moved back in with her mother, and for three more years she figured the rest of it out. She found a job at a bank, learned the ins and outs of the business while balancing her own funds separate from both her ex-husband and her mother.
When Dusty was old enough to bike to and from school on his own, they finally moved out to a quiet small town, far away from Anthony. Dustin found friends so fast, faster than she ever could have hoped, and she was able to tell him everything.
She had no idea if she made the right choice for him. It was the right choice for her, and in a way that probably made her a better mother for him, but she could never be sure if that distance made any of it easier on him. Sometimes she wishes she did more to bring him into their family, offered to help with any of those things that scared her too much to do herself.
Sometimes she wondered if Dustin would ever resent her for it. If he didn’t already.
But then one night, Dustin was out way past curfew, without calling. Karen and Sue couldn’t find their boys either, so the three of them ran up to the station. Ms. Flo, the angel, called the chief himself immediately and gave them a spot in the waiting room.
An hour or so later, the chief showed up with all three boys in tow.
They were all grounded, no question, but before she and Dusty started heading home, he begged her for five minutes to talk with his friend in the chief's car. She relented, and Dustin ran to the passenger seat of the car, where a teen boy was leaning on the door and resting his eyes.
Dusty opened the door and the boy nearly fell out of the car, followed by a very loud “Henderson!” that made her chuckle.
Hopper said it was the Harrington’s son, and his next stop would be taking the kid to Hawkins General Hospital for ‘a concussion and a half’.
They both had to get going, and despite his anger earlier, Harrington Jr. said goodbye with a smile and a ruffle of Dustin’s cap. And when Dusty hopped into the front seat with stars in his eyes and the energy of a successful campaign, he talked about Steve Harrington.
Steve was awesome. Steve was like the tank their party needed. Steve was a badass until he got his ass kicked, which apparently wasn’t even fair anyway, because Steve would have totally won if Bobby? Billy? Was playing fair. Steve was strong, Steve was cool, Steve told him how to do his hair, of all things, which was also apparently a secret. Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve.
She had to be wary, just a little, because that was her job. But even more than that, she wanted to be hopeful.
So the next day, when Dustin asked if he could bike to the hospital to check on Steve, even though he was grounded, she decided to make an exception, and they both took the car.
Hopper’s car was still camped out in the parking lot, but before she could look for the right cars around, Dustin dashed again to Steve’s room, almost slamming the door open.
Dustin jumped on the bed before Steve could get a word in, let alone sit up to greet them, but the wide, if a bit confused, smile said it all.
Hopper offered the chair next to him for her to take a seat, and he filled her in properly on everything that happened. Most of the story was a better rehash of Dustin’s accounts with those in-betweens better filled, but the one thing that stayed perfectly consistent was Steve.
A new girl’s step brother got too rough with Sue's boy, Steve stepped in and started a regular fight, then step-brother grabbed a dinner plate and ended it. Step brother apparently fled after Steve wouldn’t get up, and the kids looked after him until Hop could get there. All four of them were worried, but Dustin by far the most.
She looked back to her boy, trying to get his hat back from Steve who held it high above their heads. Dustin stood to grab it, and Steve clearly planned on throwing it before Dustin managed to snatch it and punch him in the arm with a victorious yell.
She couldn’t help but smile. Couldn’t help but let them stay until Steve was discharged with a stack of paper and a call home to make sure he wouldn’t be alone. Couldn’t help but leave an open invite to their home, though ideally after Dustin’s grounding was over.
After a few weeks, he joined them for dinner, and never asked why they had to hunt for a third chair to the table.
And another few weeks after that, Steve stopped by to drive Dusty to the Snowball, coming inside because Dustin can’t get his hair just right.
And a month later, when he joined them for Christmas, Claudia could be comfortable in her hope. She could think that, at least going forward, Dusty would have everything he needed.
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mouthfullofmunson · 4 months
Pest Eddie returns! :)
This time, husband edition!!
Now that you are finally “settled down” and live together it seems like almost every time Eddie takes a smoke break outside late at night he brings in some furry creature
And not something nice
Like a little kitten or a dog with no owner
Opossums, a raccoon once, once he brought in two mice, he’s brought in spiders before, grasshoppers, worms, snakes
And he tries SO hard not to take no for an answer, but after touring you for almost an hour with whatever creature he’s brought in he smiles and goes “happy wife, happy life!” And takes the monster back outside
After to get married he’s very very excited to be able to officially call you his wife
Because well, he never thought he’d be a married man!
And for the first month of your marriage anytime you’re out he’s always pulling your hand up and showing the ring off to strangers “I’ve got a wife, no thanks!” And he specifically does it to old men, especially the ones who want to stair at his with his long hair, his tattoos, and his dark clothings
Or sometimes if you lean in and wrap your arm around his or even sit back down next to him after leaving your table to run to the bathroom or something he will make sure to say loud enough “what are you doing, lady? I’ve got a wife!”
Just because he likes to embarrass you as much as he can to see your cheeks get red and apologize to everyone around you
And he always get the same reply, “you’re such a little shit” between gritted teeth
Speaking of him being a little shit
I always just kind of think of him having a career as a tattoo artist, I’m not exactly sure why, I think it’s because he likes to doodles, and it fits him pretty well
But since he’s a tattoo artist, a lot of time before bed he’s pulling out his sketch book, just thinking of ideas for his flash book or maybe sketching a new tattoo for himself, or just doodling to doodle
But he will turn the sketch book over to you, showing off a sketch of boobs in the corner of his book “guess who’s?” And he laughs, slapping his knee and giggling
And he has definitely come home before with your name covering his neck saying “look, sweetheart. Finally got something for you.” And your jaw drops, trying to figure out weather to start screaming or book a appointment to remove it
“Is that fucking real, Eddie? Do not tell me that’s real I swear to god I’ll get the divorce papers”
And he starts chuckling, shaking his head “it’s just a stencil. It’ll wash off. I just thought It’d be funny! You should’ve seen your face!”
He’s SUCHHH a pest I can’t get over it
I can just imagine him coming out of the shower before bed, usually he’s in just his plaid boxers to go to sleep but this time he comes out in your pink lace panties and he acts like nothing is different until you spot him, and he turns around showing off his ass “I think they look pretty good!”
And when you’re changing, or when he sees you naked or half naked at all really he’s snapping photos, a smile on his pretty face while he snaps as many as he can until he hears you yell “someone has to develop those, you know! They have to see that!” He rolls his eyes, laughing and snapping one last photo before shoving the camera away
And when he’s on the phone with you he either does one of two different things
He answer the phone with “how are the kids?” Really just to throw you off and annoy you
Or in the middle of you talking he will give you a deep sign “fuck baby, keep talking I’m almost there.” 9/10 times you hang up and he smiles until you call back a minute later
And the most pest like thing he does
Well when you’re out with your family and he’s getting a little bored and feeling VERYYYY annoying he will randomly stand up, with a large smile on his face (you, already in the know of what he’s about to pull is trying to yank him back down to his seat weather that be in a restaurant or in your dining room) then announced that you’re pregnant- with twins if he wants the extra shock factor
When you and Eddie announced that you were getting married your families did not believe you at all and it took the whole dinner to convince them it was true, even with the ring they were still skeptical and you knew Eddie was to blame for crying wolf so many times
Shockingly, your family still loves him
And he lovessss to lie
He will come home, trying to hide his mischievous smirk while he tells you
“Nancy got married?!”
“Dustin got suzie pregnant?!”
��You slept with Steve?!”
“Mike and eleven got eloped?!”
“Hopper and Joyce broke up?!”
“I got fired?!”
“You’re pregnant?!”
And he gets you for about 5 seconds each time before you realize he’s full of shit and you throw whatever soft object is close enough to you
Well that’s all I have for now! Thank you guys sm for the support I’ve gotten on all my pest Eddie posts! You guys really seem to love our little pest 🥹💘
If you have any pest-husband eddie thoughts, I’d absolutely love to hear them!!!
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7ndipity · 8 months
Fae Jimin AU Headcanons
Fae!Jimin x Reader
Summary: Catching you before you fall away, he decides that you could help him with his work as an overviewer of the Sidh, helping make sure that the balance between worlds stays even, falling for your humanity as he tries to show the wonder in your own world.
Warnings: Swearing, lil angst, supernatural elements, only partially proofread
A/N: This is an idea I’ve been obsessed with for a while(cause I’m a folklore nerd), but could never figure out an overarching plot to make it into a series, so I present for your consideration: Jimin, the emotional support Fae roommate lol.
(reminder that if there’s any points you want to be made into further HCs, blurbs, etc, send me an ask!)
Masterlist Non-Linear m.list
How you met:
He stopped you from falling into a fairy ring in the woods. You’d happened across it while on a walk to clear your head while upset about something and ending up standing there studying it for several minutes, contemplating how nice it must be to just be able to fall into a different world where no one knew you and you could start over. Shaking out of your revere, you had turned to leave, only for your damn ankle to twist and send you off balance.
“Careful!” A pair of gentle hands came out of nowhere, grabbing your wrists and pulling you into him. You looked up and were met with his soft eyes on you.
“You should be careful.” He warned. “You know what they say if you step in those, you might end up in the fairy realm and not get to come back.” “What if that’s what I want?” You replied. He looked back at you, suddenly serious. “You don’t want that, trust me.”
After that, you keep running into him everywhere(partially due to his newfound fascination with you), eventually figuring out what he is.
He explains that he’s a type of Fae called the Sidh(pronounced shee) which are basically a type of overviewer of the Fae, their role being to keep balance and make sure that the others don’t cause too much trouble.
“There’s a lot of different doorways to and from this world, and not all of them are nice.” He explains to you, visibly tense. “Sometimes just going through the wrong door can kill you.”
Teaches you how to spot Fae.
Points out a couple walking along on the other side of the road. “See them?” He asked, leaning close as he whispers to you.
“One of them is a Sidh?”
He shakes his head, motioning to the child you hadn’t noticed trailing behind them, bouncing about, overly hyper.
“The kid?!” You exclaim, turning to him, suddenly realizing how close he was to you.
“Wait.” He leaned in, gently placing his hands over your eyes for a moment, a tingling sensation washing over your skin before pulling away. “Now look.”
You blinked, slightly dazed before you turned back, letting out a gasp as your eyes found the family again.
While the couple were the same, the child’s appearance had shifted drastically; limbs slightly too long and thin, large, glassy black eyes, their skin now a pale, almost grayish color, they almost looked like an alien.
“What the-?”
“A changeling.” He said lowly.
Teaches you about some of his magic, but warns that some of it can have ‘adverse’ effects on humans
“Wait! What about my eyes then?!” You asked suddenly.
He looked back at you slyly. “Don’t worry, it’s only temporary, this time. It should wear off in a few hours.”
He turned to walk away. “See you at home!”
Winds up just moving in with you in your little house on the edge of town that runs along the woods at the back.
“You’re a Witch!” He realized loudly as he surveyed your house, taking in the crystals and new-age items littered around(he’s not exactly right about this, but you’ll explain that to him later). You can’t tell if he’s excited or upset by this discovery at first.
(it’s both because, as he explains, his ‘charms’ don’t work as well on other magical beings, hence the constant bickering between the two of you. The fact that he can’t just ‘make’ you agree with him irritates him to no end)
Ends up revealing(probably during a fight) that he might be stuck in this world.
“I can’t go back!” “Can’t or won’t?!” “Both!” He yells. “I don’t know if I can, and if I could, I don’t want to! I like it here, with you.” His voice falters, shaking with emotions. “I want to stay with you.”
About him:
His eyes change color; sometimes they’re gray, sometimes blue, one time you could’ve sworn they were purple, but most of the time, they’re a varying shade of brown.
Fangs(you’d be surprised how often fae have them in old stories): His are small and rather feline looking, but he only shows them if he’s really angry or frightened.
Age: Not entirely sure. He says he’s been around awhile, but time moves differently for them. They still age similar to humans, just slower. They might live for longer too, but you can’t tell if he was joking or not about that one.
The biggest sweet tooth, holy shit. You once caught him in the middle of the night eating nothing but pure sugar with a spoon, he literally can’t get enough of the stuff.
The first time you gave him cotton candy, his eyes got so big, you’re pretty sure he ascended to another plane.
As well as a sweet tooth, he loves alcohol and has a very high tolerance. He can get drunk, but it takes A LOT.
Surprisingly good at lying for a Fae.
He? Perches? Everywhere?
Like, he can’t just sit on the couch? Nope, he’s on your desk, the kitchen table, the bathroom counter. It’s like living with a giant cat.
You’re trying to cook? He’s there. Going to bed? He’s there. Open the curtain to get out of the shower and yep, he’s there, just chilling.
Literally the “Hey, I was- why are you screaming? Anyway, are we out of oreos?” meme.
Walks super close to you, intentionally bumping your shoulders.(can’t tell if this is him being affectionate or annoying)
Very noseyinquisitive. Goes through all your shit, asking questions and throwing judgy looks at you, but for the oddest, most random things, like the color of your toothbrush.
Trying to explain ‘human things’ to him and how people normally act and behave. “But you’re not like that?” He commented curiously, watching you. “That’s because I’m… weird.” You said, without looking up. “I like weird.” He mumbles.
Some nights when it’s quiet, you find him out in the back garden, just sitting, sometimes with his eyes closed, almost as if he’s meditating, other times just staring off into the trees. You’ve wondered about what he’s thinking of when he’s out there, but he doesn’t tell you much.
The first time you got sick with him there, he was an absolute wreck, hardly leaving your side for more than a moment, even watching over you when you slept. Did everything he could think of to make you feel better, even considered magic, but you shut that one quick, so he just suffices with loads of tea and soup.
Likes to believe he can be somewhat intimidating or scary, but to you he's a literal ball of marshmallow fluff.
“You think I can’t be scary?” He asked in a low voice, looming over you with a dark glint in his eyes.
“Nope.” You boop him on the nose, making him pout.
“You didn’t even let me try!” He whined loudly.
“There’s no point, you don’t scare me!” You laughed.
“I should though! I am an ominous, fearsome creature from the otherworld!” He proclaimed dramatically, making you laugh harder. “I will drain your lifeforce for my own power!”
“That’s for vampires!” You giggled.
“Vampires are a type of Sidh.”
“Wait really?!” You perked up in interest, making him roll his eyes and walk away. “Are they really? Jimin?!”
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astralis-is-typing · 1 year
We lost the Summer
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⚝fic type: Y/A (coming-of-age)
⚝genre/contains: huening kai x reader, fluff, angst, gn!reader, non-idol!au, friends2lovers if you wish on your lucky stars haha
⚝warnings: quite a few mentions of food (mostly ice-cream), one mention of alcohol (beer), brief mention of bullying (unspecified)
⚝word count: 2.5k, pt 1/2 (part 2)
⚝A/N: To help combat the lack of stand-alone hyuka fics on here ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠�� As the title suggests, this is inspired by the song of the same name by txt! Hope that helps explain why I'm posting a winter-themed fic on the onset of summer lol.
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You always seemed to be missing a piece of stationery in 5th grade. Every time a lost pencil was replaced by your exasperated mother, there went your ruler the following week. It wasn’t until halfway into the term that you realized it was your plushie-loving deskmate, Kai. His speciality was pickpocketing your array of coloured glitter pens. Those were his favourite. It boiled your blood immensely but your teacher refused to change the seating plan, no matter how much you pleaded.
Between this and his penchant for tearing up pieces of paper to bits, you don’t even know how you and Huening Kai became friends.
It perhaps started as a result of one of his hushed comments about another classmate. He reminded you a lot of one of your aunts who loved to gossip. He even eagerly leaned in just like she did whenever you quickly whispered the latest playground drama into his awaiting ear. Kai would be stifling snorts as you exchanged notes under your shared table while your unsuspecting teacher jotted endless notes onto the whiteboard.
Sometimes, you thought he did this to make you feel better about the bullying you went through. If Kai ever found you sitting alone in class, sad after someone taunted you, he’d immediately crack a joke to make you feel better. All the kids were a little mean to each other, you’d try reason to yourself that way in a bid to keep what you thought was self-pity at bay. You just never really learned the art of sticking up for yourself. Kai took your mind off it. It was the best he could do as he hated confrontations of any kind.
Eventually, your friendship grew firm enough to bloom outside the confines of your school’s walls. It was a surprise to find out you lived on the same street. You’d never seen him while playing outside, but he explained his family would go visit his grandparents in another part of town on most weekends.
To add to that, Kai was quite the homebody and preferred to hole up in his room playing video games (while being surrounded by a hoard of stuffed animals) during his down time. This gradually changed the longer you two were friends. You lured him out of his den to be your dance buddy with promises of mint-chocolate ice cream and skittles as a reward.
You’d spend your weekends in each other’s company, bouncing between each other’s houses. You had been formally introduced to all his plushies, and your mom always served Kai extra helpings of whatever she was cooking when he came over.
The memory makes you sigh as you stand outside an ice-cream shop deciding what to order. The cool November breeze feels delicious as you stretch your legs after a long morning of studying in your university’s stuffy library. Your habit of eating ice-cream no matter the season had extended to your adult life. Other customers– bundled in their winter coats– eye you weirdly as you determinedly go over the shop’s ice-cream menu. Exam season was around the corner and the hours you had been putting in were starting to catch up with you. It showed through the eye bags sagging underneath your tired eyes and the yawns you barely manage to stifle under a gloved palm.
You’d moved to a different city after high school following your acceptance into a university there. The institution had been your second option– you’d narrowly missed your first and that fact had left you sour for months. Nevertheless, the classes were going good and the people you had met so far were nice enough… but when it came to finding a place that suited your niche for some much needed ‘me time’, you weren’t in luck. You missed your happy place, the record shop back home. No place in the city had offered you that comforting familiarity so far. It was quite a daunting experience to have to find new spots outside of your dorm to unwind.
You’d sometimes pop into that corner store even when you didn’t have the money to buy new music– just to look at what albums were up. The owner who’d come to know you well had gifted you an album when you graduated. You’d been saving up for the vinyl version so you could listen to it on the record player Kai got you for your thirteenth birthday.
He bought it for himself, really– because within a few months your shelves were filled with more of his albums than your own. He claimed he was tired of using the old gramophone his grandmother had given them, and would stumble into your room on a Saturday afternoon with his arms stacked with albums.
Sometimes, they were so many he’d have to cage the top of the hoard in with his chin. He’d be leaning back from the weight, his long black bangs obscuring his eyesight, and by the time he got to your doorstep the stack was teetering so precariously your mother had to relieve him of nearly half the collection as the two of them lugged the heap into the house.
Almost all your childhood memories contained Kai.
It made you dimly think that it wasn’t the places back home you missed. Rather, the memories they held. And if so many of these memories were about Kai then you should probably stop beating around the bush, and admit that you indeed missed him. You'd catch yourself checking your calendar more often than you cared to admit, having randomly remembered a date that was important to the two of you.
Every lunar eclipse, the Wednesday specials at your favourite restaurant, all his plushies’ birthdays, rock collectors’ day… all these silly little events that brought you two joy in between your harrowing school life. At the end of a long week- no matter what any of your classmates had said or the tests Kai had flunked– the two of you would still be able to scramble to his or your dining table with smiles, eagerly waiting for dinner.
You and Kai had unfortunately drifted apart towards the end of high school and over the course of the months spent in a new city you’d been convincing yourself that it didn’t bother you as much as you knew it did– deep down. You reckoned that even when you went back home at the end of the semester, the two of you wouldn’t have much in common. You had matured over time and you were sure Kai had too.
A big part of your moving away was about becoming a better version of yourself– away from the influences you grew up with. Initially, it had been a real struggle to find your footing; you subconsciously felt that you had something to prove to the kids you went to school with. They were always putting you down and you had ended up changing so many aspects of yourself at the time and sucking up to them to be more likeable.
You’d started hanging out with a different crowd around your senior year, ironically containing some of the people who would bully you. It was easier to ignore that fact than the spurts of serotonin you got every time you said something witty enough to make them laugh. Your school didn’t have much of a social hierarchy, so you wouldn’t necessarily call them the ‘cool kids’. That was far too cliché. They were just… different. Wholly unlike your small group of friends that you’d had previously.
It irked Kai, seeing you put up some type of façade. Granted, he had begun to change too, becoming more temperamental in his late teenage years. To you, he was far too moody and snapped too often. So many of your little arguments turned into big fights and eventually there was an ice wall between the two of you.
The tension had really stressed you out at first, but your mother had told you to give things time to cool down. Your family was still wholesomely pleasant to Kai, even though his visits became few and far in between. She’d said that the two of you would still be friends in the end, that if it was ‘meant to be’ it would work itself out. You had been sceptical about that take, and even more so when her advice didn’t work.
He stopped coming over, the few albums he’d left on your shelf abandoned and gradually gathering dust as you couldn’t bring yourself to listen to them without him. The two of you were exchanging nothing more than rushed pleasantries in the hallways by that point.
Wandering through the city alone reminded you strongly of those lonely lunch time hours following your fallout with Kai. You would usually run all your plans through him and the two of you would figure out what to do together. Nevertheless, the loneliness taught you to have some individuality, and there were no ‘if’s or ‘but’s about that. It was the trait you admired most in Kai. His ability to block out all the noise and do whatever the heck he wanted.
Kai never succumbed to peer pressure, even at a young age. More so during the onslaught of crush culture, when he simply laughed (unnecessarily loud) at the antics your classmates pulled to impress their desired guy or girl. Huening Kai would be caught dead sacrificing his lunch money to woo someone with a gift he bought instead. When he was on the receiving end of such bestowals, however, his boisterous laughter would be replaced with a bashful giggle as he amicably thanked whoever gifted him.
You’d caught yourself gazing at him rather too fondly yourself… noticing little attributes that endeared him to you in a way that sparked a foreign sensation in your gut. The way his lips puckered when he had his cheeks stuffed with a cupcake, the faint smell of his mother’s favourite detergent that lingered on your pillow long after a sleepover had ended… the teasing lilt his voice would adopt as he called out your name while messily tying his soccer cleats’ laces...
Some days you would run ahead of him just to hear it, leaving him to struggle as he hunkered down in a corner of the grassy soccer pitch. However, your older sister had advised you against making any kind of move. Having been the victim of unsuccessful confessions herself, she’d warned that you would be ruining a good friendship. And so your budding infatuation simmered to an eventual halt.
Walking the familiar path back to the university, you were drawn out of your reverie by a dog running up to you and wagging its tail at your feet. The poor thing barely reached your shin and your heart swelled at the sight of its tiny brown frame. Its owner smiled at you cordially as you reached down to pat it, its fluffy fur comforting you even through your gloves as you hold your ice-cream at arm’s length with your other hand. The best part about winter-time ice-cream sprees was that you didn’t need to worry much about it melting and dripping onto the pup.
As it merrily trotted back to its owner you took a short lick of your treat with a smile on your face, marvelling at how such a small encounter could change the course of your day for the better. It was these little excitements that reminded you of why you’d taken the chance and moved.
The city isn't all bad, you muse, looking into the buildings you pass that are buzzing with activity as the day wears on. As you’d previously established, the people around here were nice. You’d made at least one good friend this semester. A lanky, fluffy haired boy named Soobin. Oh, how you wish you could stuff him in your pocket! Sure, you had to crane your neck up to look him in the eye and his hands were so big that your face could fit in one alone, but his soft disposition absolved your initial intimidation.
Soobin was in your economics class and had approached you in the cafeteria two weeks into the term, offering you a seat at his lunch table with a few of his friends. The space was so huge and it was jarring trying to find a place to sit. You remember shyly agreeing; silently kicking yourself for managing to give off a ‘lost puppy’ kind of vibe when you were supposed to be making a shot at being independent. By now, however, you had gotten sufficient time to practice– there were so many decisions you had to make for yourself now... socially, mentally and especially financially.
Hacking this new chapter of your life solo had been a tempting plan, but Soobin was fun to be around. Between your shared love for gaming and his seemingly aloof personality that complemented your over-analysing one, the two of you made quite the pair. On top of that he was a great wingman on the rare occasion you met someone you found cute at a fair or convention.
You hadn’t yet been swept up by the notorious college night life (not with the workload your major came with), but Soobin was still with you the few times you’d actually attend a party. He’s the one who would get you invited anyway; you didn’t know how he did it since he was such a homebody. Him sticking with you had more to do with keeping you from escaping than anything else, though.
“You really need to enjoy this time while you’re at it,” he had tried persuading you on one such occasion, switching your mocktail for a beer. You’d been quick to shove it back in his retreating hand, spilling a little of your drink on your shorts in the process. He’d laughed at you rumbustiously for what felt like forever until you nagged him, calling him by his full name and ordering him to go get you a napkin.
“You’ll miss these opportunities sorely when you’re like, forty and have kids to feed.” He’d called back ominously as he disappeared into the crowd. He was still rambling on about how these were the ‘prime years’ of your life while being swept up into the sea of swaying bodies and you struggled to hear him over the bass of the pop song blaring through the speakers. You vaguely recalled that it was your sister’s favourite and raised a glass in her honour. Somehow, you managed to spill even more of your drink in the process. Soobin just happened to return at that moment, and your dimpled friend could barely contain his amusement even when shot with the deadliest glare you could muster.
The pleasure Soobin derived from your misfortunes strongly reminded you of Kai, who’s favourite misgiving of yours was your clumsiness. You vividly remember a day when you were rushing from math to P.E., attempting to tie your shoelaces while standing. As you tumbled to the ground in a hazardous heap, his laugh echoed down the hallways, causing teachers in the nearby classrooms to peep through their respective doors and glare at you two disapprovingly.
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⚝A/N: I've been working on this story for quite a while and I'm happy with the way it's turning out :) I'd love to hear your thoughts xx
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fandom-chic · 1 year
The Time We Lost: Chapter 4
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Summary: 40 years have passed since you saw Soldier Boy. Yet here he was at your door. With so many things having changed, will you two be able to withstand the modern world?
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Y/N
“Are you there yet?”
“Yeah, I just got to 5th and 81st; how long will I be waiting here?” Jamie says into the phone. The Manhattan crowds shove past him, acting as if a 6’3” wall of a man is not there. That is the main difference between Manhattan and Brooklyn, the number of people.
“Not long, Hughie, and I won’t take too much time.” Jamie could swear he heard Butcher’s lighter click on the other line. He shuddered at the idea of Billy’s plan, but it had to be done. After that day in the hospital, Jamie knew he had to take action into his own hands. His mother was dying. If there was a solution to this, he had to try and find it. 
The plan wasn’t too complicated. On the contrary, it was straightforward: save the family from the burning building. He did this daily at his job. He knew it would just be another day in the office; however, this felt different. Usually, he only took his own life into his hands, but today, his mother was counting on him. No pressure, right?
“Alright, just give me the signal when you’re ready.” Jamie heard a dark chuckle on the other line.
“Oh, you will definitely get a signal.” Jamie could swear he heard Butcher smirking on the other line. Fuck that guy. Jamie lightly kicked an empty soda can in frustration, watching it fly a little farther than he wanted it to. Sometimes he forgets his strength, but here he was, planning to show it to the world. Letting himself finally fall onto the path his father had followed.
That might be why his mother was so protective of him. Jamie leans against a bodega, watching the people walk by as he remembers that conversation with his mother all those years ago.
He was barely sixteen when he came home from school with a giant smirk. Y/N could not help but smile back at her son as he seemed to glide into the yard.
“Well, someone had a good day at school,” She says, shutting her book. “What’s got you smiling so much?”
“I did a really good thing today.” He sounded excited, overjoyed about what had happened that day.
“What may that be?” She says, trying to match his energy.
“You know that kid Martin? The one in my English class who gets the shit beat outta him every other day? Well, today, they got a taste of their own medicine.” Immediately, Y/N’s smile dropped. Jamie’s was still plastered on his face as he continued, “Mom, I think it’s time I make something of myself. I want to follow my dad’s footsteps and try out for Vought-” 
“No.” The thought had barely left his lips before Y/N shut him up. There was a beat before the inevitable question came up.
“Why not?” He asked.
“Jamie, we’ve talked about this. Being a full-time hero is extremely dangerous.” Y/N wanted to add the caveat that it’s what got his father killed, but Jamie already knew that.
“And that’s why I’d be so good at it! I’m basically indestructible.” He hits himself in the chest to prove to Y/N that he wasn’t stretching the truth.
“Jamie, it’s a no, and that’s final,” Y/N said, her voice cutting at the final syllable. Jamie takes a step toward his mother.
“Mom, it’s what I’m meant to do. I want to be like my dad. He was the greatest supe of all time, and I want to live up to him. I want to make him proud. Please?” Jamie was pleading, wishing with everything in his heart for this dream to come true. But it didn’t seem to be in the cards for him.
“How many times must I tell you that the answer is no? Do you want to wind up dead like your father? Do you want to make your loved ones constantly fear for your life? The answer better be no, or you’re no son of mine.” And at that, the conversation was truly over. Jamie could feel tears coming into his eyes as he ran past his mother into the house, slamming the front door behind him.
From that day forward, there was a rift between Jamie and Y/N. Things were said that couldn’t be unsaid. The day Jamie turned 18, he left home and kept to his mother's wishes but on his terms. That’s how he ended up becoming a firefighter. Still saving people, but he wasn’t a supe. Although, he was a hero by a technicality. 
Jamie sighed as he stared at the silhouette of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. True, Brooklyn was superior to Manhattan, but The MET truly was glorious. He took a deep breath then, focusing on what was about to happen any minute now. He looked away from The MET to the apartment building a block away. That building was the target. There were people in that building that he was going to save. This would be the day that things looked up for him. 
Almost as if on cue, Jamie heard an explosion erupt from the top story of the apartment complex. All heads shot to the building as screaming and running began. 
Jamie ran against the grain of the foot traffic, taking massive strides toward the fire. He made it in no time at all. He stopped and looked up, taking in the situation. It was a relatively big fire, but it was controlled. Easy. When initially assessing this building with Billy and Hughie, they realized there were only four families in this medium-sized townhouse. He will have the families in and out within five minutes. 
Jamie’s sprint quickened as he approached the front door. It didn’t take much force to break it down. He almost flew inside as he went to the top floor. The door opened with ease as it was already half broken. Inside, a small child was cowering in his mother’s arms. Jamie approaches them.
“I’m here to save you!” He yells over the sound of flames smacking the walls. The woman nodded and gave her child to Jamie. Her little arms held on tight to him as the woman grabbed his arm. He knew she would only slow him down, so he scoops her onto his back. Once she is secured, he runs out of the apartment and the building. When he has returned outside, he notices that groups of people have started to form near the building, watching his heroism. All he could think about was how smoothly this was going. As if all the pieces were falling into place. 
That was until he heard a crack.
At this point, there was only one person left in the building. He could see her in the window as the flames seemed to sneak up behind her. Her tears were staining her cheeks as she watched his attention turn. There was another crack, this time louder. That was when the building began to fall. There was no way he would be able to make it inside. If he were to save the woman, the building would land on the people in the crowd. If he didn’t save the one woman… what was the point of all of this? He was stuck, and he had no way to get unstuck.
Well, he did have one. And that was when the building’s base cracked in half and fell. He couldn’t be stuck anymore. Suddenly, the weight of the world is on his back. Usually, objects weren’t heavy, almost like picking up stuffed animals, but this was different. He could feel himself falter under a new level of weight. Everything seemed to freeze as the building lay on his back, but his mind was racing. He had to put it down, or he would die. 
And that was when he took all the effort left in him to shout, “Move!” And the crowd parted like the Red Sea. That was the new home of the carcass of this building. Once it made a home on the rugged ground, he grabbed the woman from the building. It was over. He did it. And he managed to get the front page shot with the beautiful damsel in his arms, carrying her into safety.
It took less than a day for Vought to find him. He was back at the fire station, going through the motions of a typical day—just an average Joe Hero. The red-headed woman who entered had a flustered energy. One that immediately brought his attention to alert.
“You’re the Brownstone Hero, right?” She exclaims.
“I guess I am,” Jamie says, giving a knowing laugh.
“Ashley Barrett,” Her hand shoots out for him to shake, “Director of Talent Relations at Vought.” Vought. Perfect. He shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Ashley. I’m Jamie.” He let go of her hand, but she held on.
“Let’s cut the formalities,” That was when she pulled her hand away, “The Seven is in desperate need of a new member, and we want it to be you.” It was like taking candy from a baby.
“Wow,” Feigning shock was not difficult, “I can’t believe this is happening.” Ashley's smile was like a statue trying to break marble that had been there for thousands of years.
“Your interview is at 2:00 PM,” It was currently 9:00 AM. “Don’t be late.” And she was gone. 
It wasn’t long until Jamie found himself seated in front of a set of familiar faces. The Seven. They were exactly like he expected. He smiled to himself.
“And that is why we think you should join The Seven.” Jamie had not listened to a word Starlight had said. He knew he was a shoe-in. 
“This is all so exciting,” They are all eating his bullshit, “I don’t know what to say,” Almost all of them.
“Say yes, dude!” The Deep exclaimed.
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted, but I feel like there’s something you all should know,” Jamie looks over at Ashley as she stares daggers at him over her laptop. “And it may impact whether you want me or not.”
“What’s the fucking caveat?” Maeve said, crossing her arms.
“My dad is Solider Boy.” The whole room lit up, and he was signed. 
“Guess you’re the new Solider Boy!” Starlight says through a smile. They were all smiles, except one man. Jamie turned to see Homelander’s glare deepen. If only he knew what he had gotten himself into.
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dontcallmecarrie · 5 months
On Echoes and Parallels
writer's block bites, but here, have some momentary introspection on birthdays .
Justin Hammer glared at the tiny box sitting on their desk, and the ridiculously shiny Rolex Daytona winked back.
Why on earth their father thought they’d like it, Justin had no idea— for one, they leaned more towards understated elegance and timeless styles. Steph had teased them more than once as a kid for dressing like an old man, but considering their family’s entire aesthetic was “different shades of old money”, they’d fit right in.
…but now they’d catch an earful for “being ungrateful” if they didn’t wear the watch that was the current bane of their existence, and that wasn’t even mentioning the whole ‘part of your late grandfather’s watch collection so show some respect, boy’ emotional snarl that was the true crux of the matter.
Because Justin could count on one hand how many memories they had of their grandfather, but the man, like all Hammers, had been a piece of work.
However, his untimely death before Justin had hit the double digits apparently wiped the slate clean. Of course, having an ironclad will probably helped, but it’d still taken the better part of a decade the man’s estate completely settled.
For as it turned out, all Hammers had their own vices, and while Justin’s father was skirtchasing, Humphrey Armitage Hammer’s had been collecting. Had he been any poorer, he probably would have been deemed a hoarder— but as it was, the Hammers probably could have turned over his storage units over to a museum or three without anyone batting an eye.
Or, well, mostly: Justin was 99% certain his art collection had stuff stolen by Nazis, considering how tight-lipped their parents got whenever the topic came up. His fountain pen collection was much more innocuous, but his coin, gun, and watch collections were probably worth more than the net worth of several countries put together.
Justin’s parents would had been more than happy to get rid of most it, but.
Apparently, that would make the family look bad, with people possibly going “look at how this man’s legacy is being squandered” and, of course, that would never stand. So, instead, now everything that had belonged to Grandfather went to storage, with the odd relic dusted off and flaunted. Such as, for instance, the shiny Rolex sitting on Justin’s desk.
They probably sounded spoiled, Justin knew; what other eighteen-year-old would complain about receiving their grandfather’s extremely expensive watch?
Except said grandfather had literally hundreds of watches just gathering dust in some storage facility, and it’d been Justin’s father who’d grabbed at random and shoved it at him with a gruff “congratulations, you’re a man now,” and called it a day.
Like they needed the extra headache after keeping the peace between their parents and Steph, especially today of all days. But if he didn’t show up to his own birthday party wearing it, Justin would catch hell from his father, and contend with his mother’s austere disapproval for the next decade.
Ugh. The only silver lining was that their attention span was next to nonexistent when it came to Justin, so so all he had to do was bear it today and conveniently ‘lose’ the watch afterwards— really, sometimes it paid off to be so estranged from parents who’d never quite forgiven him for not being a genius. With his luck, Justin could grab a fountain pen from storage, pretend his father had graciously picked it out, and nobody would either notice or care.
Which, predictably, is exactly what happened.
However, what no one could have predicted was what happened a couple of years later, when Tony Stark became an orphan one cold December night.
That Christmas had been rough, but also alerted Justin to the fact that his rival was going to be facing his first birthday without his parents. And sure, he had Jarvis looking out for him, and Obadiah Stane, Justin couldn’t quite help but feel that they should be doing something too— come on, it was for Tony’s eighteenth birthday.
So, after they headed home after that Christmas, Justin got to thinking. Their plans for Steph were currently at a delicate stage, so they’d need to be careful no matter what they decided on. Not to mention their extremely limited budget— their parents would never approve of anything they did to even potentially benefit their rival, after all.
Then they caught a glimpse of the tiny box sitting in the darkest corner of the room, and had an idea.
While the watch wasn’t their style, that level of flashiness perfectly matched Tony’s. Not to mention that a Rolex was a perfectly respectable brand, and considering the rumors of Tony being fast-tracked to CEO? It’d probably be nothing compared to the actual genius he brought to the table, but every little bit helped when it came to stockbrokers and shareholders.
“Thanks, Justin.” Tony said, smile bright and an strange amount of amusement on his face considering everything, until— “is there a reason it has ‘Hammer’ engraved on it?”
Justin froze. Then, once the words registered, they forewent any semblance of dignity in favor of a facepalm because really, they should have expected this. “That— I am so sorry, it was my grandfather’s. He had a habit of putting his name on everything.”
“Your grandfather?” Tony repeated, and now his voice sounded strange. Which, fair, it wasn’t like Justin ever brought him up beyond a vague, ‘may he rest in peace’ manner and having him come up now was probably not their brightest moment.
Justin tried to keep their shoulders from hunching defensively. “Yes, my grandfather. If you don’t like it, I can…”
They trailed off for a moment, because their first thought was to say, ‘I can get you another one,’ except, well, they couldn’t. Not when their parents controlled so much of Justin’s finances, and they’d never approve of such an expense as a gift for Tony Stark of all people.
“No, don’t, it’s great! The man had good taste.” Tony said, interrupting Justin’s thoughts and visibly brightening as he went on.
“I thought you’d like it.” Justin said, and they hadn’t meant to let their voice sound so soft but it was the truth.
…a truth that ended up going much further than they’d expected, as Tony took to wearing that watch everywhere.
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star-going-supernova · 8 months
I saw fan art of bear cub Gregory from pixlokita on tumblr, so I hope that I can request a prompt where Gregory becomes a bear cub (still can talk and looks like Gregory) and Freddy is happy to have an actual bear and son. Please write this please, for a birthday wish. Thank you.
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I took these two prompts and came up with something in between, lol. This is pure fluff. Happy belated birthday, friend! 🎉
Like Father, Like Son
None of them were technically supposed to be able to access the internet. All relevant knowledge to their jobs, the kids, the pizzaplex, etc. already existed within their databases, and all information stored across the servers was available to them. But Chica had gotten bored one day and spent a bit too much time tinkering with herself via the upgrade cylinder. Monty had demanded his own internet connection after that, and before long, every animatronic in the pizzaplex had access. 
It was not long before Roxy discovered online shopping, and after a few mishaps in trying to figure out how to get the packages to themselves without management finding out, there was not an animatronic among them who had not secretly ordered something or other. 
Sun in particular seemed to enjoy finding new things to add to the daycare—rightly so, considering management was slacking in that regard—and as a result of his frequent digital window shopping, he often sent links to the rest of them, sharing things he had found that he thought they might like. 
All that to explain why Freddy opened a link from Sun with the caption you HAVE to get this :D and discovered that yes, he had to get it. 
It was a child-sized onesie with little footie boots and gloves that could be folded out of the way or velcroed into place and a hood with ears stitched on. It looked wonderfully soft and fuzzy. It was a warm brown with details depicting a bear cub. 
And it had excellent ratings. 
• • •
Gregory laughed when he saw the onesie, but he also snatched it up and took off to go change into it, so Freddy did not think he minded the gift. The others would probably tease him once they caught sight of it, but it would be worth their jokes.
Make no mistake, Freddy did not wish Gregory was any different from the way he was. Nor did Freddy wish he himself was human. But it still tickled something in his code to imagine silly little impossibilities, like he and Gregory being a family by blood. Of course, Freddy was as much a real bear as Gregory would be in a stylized onesie, but that was hardly the point. 
It was only a minute or two before Gregory returned, and he must have stopped by one of the others’ rooms because his nose had been carefully colored in and a line drawn beneath it down to his upper lip. The onesie was a perfect fit—naturally, as Freddy knew his son’s exact measurements—and Gregory’s glee was near palpable. 
Freddy made a little involuntary sound of delight. He crouched down, feeling his eyes brighten to match the building warmth in his chest. 
Gregory came to stand in front of him and did a jaunty spin to show off the little pom-pom tail. Freddy had never understood the human urge to squeal from seeing something so utterly adorable as much as he did then. 
“C’mon,” Gregory said, showing off the toe beans on his gloves, complete with felt claws, “tell me I’m not the cutest bear cub ever.” 
Laughing, Freddy swept him up, and Gregory did not even scramble to hold on, so great was his trust that Freddy would not drop him. 
“You are certainly the cutest bear cub I have ever seen,” Freddy assured him, and Gregory smiled smugly, head leaning on Freddy’s shoulder. “And the best bear cub in general. My bear cub.” 
How odd that mere months ago, Freddy would have said he would not want a child of his own. He could not imagine, now, not having Gregory in his life. When he looked back on pre-Gregory memories, the absence of his adopted son almost shocked him sometimes. He had been happy back then, yes, but in a very mild and content way. There was little variation in his day-to-day, though he had not minded at the time. 
He did not think he could go back to that way of life. It fell far short of the joy that each new day brought now. Gregory made things unpredictable and lively in a way Freddy would be loath to give up. 
And best of all, his love, his gratefulness, and his happiness was matched in Gregory. 
Beaming, Gregory wrapped his arms around Freddy’s neck in a tight hug. “My papa bear,” he said, and it was only a bit teasing. 
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dangermousie · 7 months
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For a drama that was clearly filmed on a shoestring budget, they have some really pretty shots - the way QL is shot looking at Ling snap and then come out of it, is gorgeous.
And it's so telling that her main reaction is not fear of him but worry for him. In many another set-up, I'd call her naive but for her, with her issues, it is normal people that is terrified of and also while she has never snapped the way he does, she can understand going after a tormentor because that is what she wishes she could have done. His violence is not off putting for her because she wishes she could be like that.
One of the things I like about Mars is what they do with Qing Mei, who'd be the insane secondary girl in many a drama - she tried and she snapped and then she got over it. And here she is giving QL Ling's address. She is CAPABLE OF MOVING ON.
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Ling's hovel is definitely a hovel and it's an unpretty dump. I love that it's almost aggressively ugly - more shows should do that for their broke characters. But also, here is QL who started the show literally flinching from anyone in any proximity, feeling safe enough to wait for Ling as he showers right there. It's both progress for her character (we earlier saw her stand up to girls in school) and because she feels safe with him.
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Oooofff! This is a convo they have where he says his father never lifted a hand to him/lost his temper at him and she comments he's a good man and Ling responds that is not the case, he's just afraid of him and QL is incredulous, how can a man be afraid of his own son. I really really like that they both have severe trauma but it's a very different one and that is why they react differently and their triggers are different. And then they come to the crux of it. This is the MOST vulnerability and honesty we've seen him show anyone by a factor of a 100:
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And then being himself, he tries to go "psych!"
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And you can see her be relieved "what kind of parent would treat their kid that way" and the thing is, he could have just left it at that but he cannot. She is past all his shields and he's rather desperate.
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God, I love this! And it makes so much sense, as I mentioned before, that she's afraid of "normal," not of someone genuinely out there because she's been abused over and over by normal. (And she doesn't mention her stepfather but she clearly wants to, and he's smart enough to catch she's omitting something.)
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OK, I don't remember stuff about his mom that well but if I remember correctly, she tried to kill him at some point. And it's so interesting that Ling doesn't remember that (between his age and suppressing the trauma), but his subconscious does somehow...
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Notice something - he leans in, she is uncomfortable and suggests going for a walk and he just pulls back, no hesitation or word of complaint. The violent kid who was involuntarily committed respected her boundaries the way all those praiseworthy members of community did not.
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Watching them on a date is such a delight. They don't just talk out issues, they genuinely have so much fun together.
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This is only barely related to the above but I wanted to talk about it - I love that always in their relationship, they meet each other where the other person is at, they don't try to change the other person, they just decide if they can live with it or not - sometimes they can't (when she decides to agree to live with her abuser, he goes "I am out,") but they don't really try to change each other - they do change each other and for each other, but this is organic and voluntary. They grow tremendously, but they never force the other to do so.
It really comes to a head with Ling's choice of being a motorcycle racer - it's an insanely dangerous profession. His bio father died from it. The whole story opens with his visiting a mentor who just lost a leg doing so. QL is very much aware how dangerous this is. And for her, Ling is her whole life - her family are dead or monsters. When he almost dies (from other stuff), she loses it. And yet, she never not once asks him to quit or even thinks about how good it would be if it was. Her father even posits it to her and she rejects it. She could get him to quit for her - I mean later on, he agrees to his father's demands in order to save her, and that wasn't even her asking. And she knows that but she won't. Because she loves him the way he is and she wants him to do what makes him happy, not to constrain himself for her. He set her free and she cannot constrain him as a return. They are both their best and their freest and their truest to themselves with each other and I love it so.
God, I love them so so so much!
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heliads · 1 year
Family Woes
Based on this request: "Willa has a younger sister y/n and her and the wolf pack are overprotective and y/n can't leave their sight. So y/n runs away and the pack finds her and they make up and live happily ever after"
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Willa Lykensen is at her wit’s end trying to get this pack in order. She was never supposed to take it this far. Willa was nominated temporary leader of the werewolves when their moonstones were at an all time power shortage and everyone was sick. Sure, she did a decent job of getting everyone back in order, but they came pretty close to not coming out on top. 
Willa always assumed that once things were better, responsibility would leave her shoulders. The problem is that such a time has come again and again, and passed by just as quickly. Willa still remains in this position, slightly separated from everyone else yet unaware of how to get back to whoever she had been before all this. Willa tries to relinquish power, but no one takes it, and so she keeps on going anyway.
Sometimes she feels like a train that’s lost control, a great mass of steel and destruction hurtling at a thousand miles per hour towards the rocky unknown. Willa keeps slamming the brakes but nothing ever happens to stop her. At some point, she’s going to make a bad call and the pack is going to suffer, but until that moment, all Willa can do is keep pulling one Hail Mary after another to make sure her people stay alive and relatively unharmed.
So far, all is mostly well. They managed to find the moonstone and the werewolves were able to recharge their necklaces. They could even all take up homes in Seabrook and finally stop living on the outskirts of a place that had once been theirs. Willa goes to school, she makes friends, she learns enough in her books to realize that a kid like her shouldn’t have the job that she does.
At the same time, Willa has to admit that she sort of likes feeling important. Belonging is important to any werewolf, and she is no exception. It is something wonderful to feel wanted, needed even, but the stress is starting to tear her asunder. Willa looks in the mirror and swears a thousand times that she can do this. The reflection, a girl who could probably be her, mouths the same words back, but it’s far less believable when she’s looking herself in the eyes.
Willa’s friends seem to have confidence in her, which is nice. Willa would never dare show a single sign of weakness, but having her friends and family desert her might be her last straw. Wyatt stays by Willa’s side, and even the zombies and humans are able to offer up willing shoulders to lean on if she needs it.
There is one person that’s not entirely on Willa’s side, though. Although Willa does her best to run both the pack and her family, one of her closer relatives seems to stifle under Willa’s leadership instead of growing by it. Y/N, Willa’s younger sister, becomes more and more troublesome by the hour.
That’s what it feels like, at least. Willa asks Zed time and time again if it seems like she’s being too harsh on her younger sister, seeing as Zed is used to having a supernatural younger sister, but he assures her otherwise every time. Willa treats Y/N the same way as the rest of the pack, he sees no concern there.
Still, Willa feels differently. Willa tries to talk to Y/N almost every day, maybe even every hour, but Y/N shuts her down every time. Sometimes the missed connections just result in a sort of awkwardness that isn’t supposed to happen between siblings, other times it leads to fights that lead in one or both of the girls storming out until they pretend nothing happened for a temporary truce.
Willa tries, she really does. It’s just hard when Willa remembers what it had been like when they were younger. Willa swears there was a time in which the sisters actually did get along. It was them against the world, playmates and schoolmates and friends who could tell each other anything. It seems the changing of the times has split them apart as surely as only a difference in years truly can.
Previously, Willa had not been aware of the fact that she was getting older. The knowledge came incrementally, of course; new shoes were outgrown, jeans rose above her ankles, but all those signs could be ignored if one tried hard enough. It took more solid proof for her to come to grips with the fact that she was no longer quite so young and naive as she once had been. 
Willa rereads old books that had been her favorites and scoffs at the juvenile attitudes of the characters. Her sister tells Willa that she no longer acts the same way, even though Willa has no idea what would have been different in her attitude nor how to fix it. 
The only thing Willa can do is try to watch out for her sister. Willa doubles her focus, hoping that maybe making her sister feel important will build more bridges than it burns. The opposite happens; every time Willa shows a clear indication of trying to watch out for Y/N, the other girl recoils from Willa’s every move.
It all comes to a head about six months after the werewolves find the moonstone and move into Seabrook for good. Y/N came home several hours later after school without telling anyone that she wouldn’t be on time. Willa was pacing around the house when Y/N finally showed up.
Although Y/N tried to act like nothing was the matter, the guilty duck of her head when she opened the door to find Willa waiting for her was as sure a sign as any that she knew something was wrong.
Willa doesn’t wait for pleasantries, she never has. “Where were you?”
“Good to see you too,” Y/N mumbles, clearly annoyed, “Thanks for asking about my day, it was wonderful. How was yours?”
“Don’t try and play around,” Willa fires back, “you’re late. What happened?”
Y/N shrugs. “I was talking to a friend and we stayed late to study. No big deal.”
Y/N tries to move past, but Willa blocks her way. “Not so fast. You have to tell me about these sorts of things, you know. I had no idea where you were. For all I knew, you could have been hurt somewhere and in need of help.”
“Or I could have been just fine,” Y/N counters, “which is what happened. Seriously, calm down. I’m what, a couple of hours late? It’s not even dark outside yet.”
“You should be happy it’s not dark,” Willa argues, “if it was, I would have sent out some of the pack to search for you. You have to realize that this isn’t okay.”
Y/N scoffs. “That’s crazy. I’m allowed to have some freedom, you know.”
Willa folds her arms across her chest. “That freedom doesn’t involve giving me a heart attack every other day because you decide to do stuff like this. Come on, how hard is it to just text me?”
Y/N groans. “It shouldn’t even matter. You’re so overprotective, same as the rest of the pack. Just let me have a little bit of breathing room.”
Willa arches a brow. “Overprotective? We’re trying to watch out for you. You’re still a kid, Y/N.”
“And you aren’t?” Y/N asks pointedly, “I’m just trying to live my life. I’m sure you did the same thing as me when you were my age.”
“You shouldn’t have to do the same things as me, because I’m trying to protect you from all that,” Willa counters, “I want you to have a normal life.”
“If you want me to be normal, you have to stop being such a helicopter parent,” Y/N replies, clearly frustrated. “Just leave me alone.”
Willa isn’t willing to let this go quite so easily. “Not a chance. You’re too young to be doing all this. We’re not done until we can agree on a solution to that.”
Y/N lets out an angry breath. “You really can’t let that go?”
“No, I can’t,” Willa says, “Not until you realize that your bad choices are going to get you killed.”
“At least then I wouldn’t be as ridiculously uptight as you,” Y/N spits out, “you’re a pain to be around. I’m sick of being in this house.”
This time, instead of trying to escape to a different room, Y/N turns around and leaves again. Willa moves to stop her, but it’s too late, her sister’s already hurrying back away into the street. In seconds, she’s turned a corner and is out of sight.
Wyatt appears down the hall. “I heard shouting, what was that about?”
Willa groans. “I’ve messed things up with Y/N. She says we’re too overprotective.”
Wyatt grimaces. “She might be right there. I know you’re just trying to keep her safe, but everyone needs a little bit of space to grow into their own person.”
“I wish you’d told me that a little earlier,” Willa sighs, “she looked mad.”
Willa holds out hope that Y/N will realize she overreacted and come home, but even after night falls, there’s no sign of her younger sister. To make herself feel better, Willa pretends that Y/N’s just spending the night with a friend, but after a few discreet texts to Addison and Bree, she finds out otherwise. Wherever she is, Y/N is with no friends of theirs.
That does it. Willa rallies a few sympathetic werewolves and sets out as a search party. The wolves have always been good hunters, and within the span of about an hour or so of stalking through the woods surrounding Seabrook, Wyatt tugs gently on Willa’s arm.
“Over there,” he whispers.
Willa nods gratefully at him and sets over. Out of the corner of her eyes, she can see Wyatt quietly alerting the other werewolves that it’s alright. The others start to leave, but Wyatt lingers in the background just in case.
Y/N is walking through the forest, either heedless of the surrounding darkness or just choosing to ignore it. She doesn’t flinch when Willa calls out her name, just squares her shoulders and keeps walking.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she says.
Willa sighs. “But I want to talk to you. I’m sorry, Y/N. Really, I am. I was wrong to try to be so overprotective. You deserve your space. I was just scared that you’d get hurt.”
Y/N laughs bitterly. “You’re just saying that to try and get me to go back to the house.”
“Partially,” Willa admits, “but also it’s true. If you want to go have a sleepover at a friend’s house to get away from me, fine. I just don’t want you to be mad at me the whole time.”
Y/N stops walking, which Willa takes as a small victory. “Really?” She asks doubtfully.
“Really,” Willa says. “Of course, I’m hoping you will just come home, but if you’re with a friend, that still means someone’s watching out for you. It doesn’t always have to be me.”
An irritated look flashes over Y/N’s face. “See, that’s the same thing. You’re still overprotective.”
“I probably always will be,” Willa confesses, “that’s the problem. Do you remember when everyone was so sick because we couldn’t find the moonstone? I was so terrified of losing you that it never really left me. I know I can be annoying, but it’s all I really know. You keep running off and it freaks me out for the same reason.”
Y/N’s expression softens. “Willa, I had no idea,” she begins.
Willa nods mechanically. “You weren’t supposed to know. Guess I wanted you to keep seeing me as a totally cool older sister. Problem is, that can get pretty frustrating. I know that now.”
Y/N stays silent for what could be just a few minutes, but feels more like an eternity or two. “Alright,” she says at last, “I’ll go back. Just promise that you’ll back off more.”
“I’ll try,” Willa promises. She thinks she might stick by it, too.
Only on securing that compromise does Y/N turn around and begin heading back towards home. Willa falls in behind her, but not before flashing Wyatt a thumbs up so he can go too. It might be crazy hard trying to run this pack, but at least Willa can count on her family. That is everything.
requested by @nev20, hope you enjoy!
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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starseneyes · 1 year
Chenford REWIND - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 2 Ep 2
"The Night General" AKA Somebody to Lean On
This one came in as a request, and it's one that I'm really excited to do. It's fun to take a look at post-Quarantine House Tim/Lucy in more detail, especially considering Tim and Lucy's movement in Episode 1 of the season via her standing up to him and his respect of her.
SPOILER ALERT: This episode and everything that came before it are fair game. If you wish to remain un-spoiled, please don't read anymore. I do try to write these as though I'm watching them for the first time without knowledge of the future.
Everyone squared away? Then we're ready to dive in.
"Chief Williams added another book to your Sergeant's Exam Reading List." "Split Second Leadership: Leading Men in the Line of Duty." "Men?" "It's from the 60's. How is this relevant to the 21st century policing?" "Ours is not to reason why, Officer Bradford. Read the book." "Yes sir."
At this point, only Tim knows why this is bad news for him. From the outside, it might look like he is being obstinate or lazy. But Tim is struggling.
My little brother has a learning disability. He's a genius with a learning disability. No, I'm not exaggerating.
My brother can't write or spell. He'll tell you an elaborate story with five-syllable words with perfect grammar, but the minute he tries to write it, it looks like a Kindergartner wrote it.
He had a teacher in college who insisted he was faking it and throwing his papers because he didn't have a written diagnosis from a doctor. He dropped out of school. He never finished.
My point? Learning disabilities can happen to anyone and it's easy to be quick-to-judge. No wonder people don't want to share. No wonder there's so much shame and stigma.
No wonder Tim didn't say anything. No wonder he honestly doesn't know... because, in his family, it would be seen as "less than", "not good enough", a "screw-up".
"If I have to suffer, so do you. So, you're going to read this out loud to me between calls. Only way I'm gonna get it memorized in time." "Or, I could drive and you could read it by yourself."
Admit it, Lucy. You're just looking for an excuse to drive! In all seriousness, it makes sense. But, again, it's easy to assume that Tim's pride in being the one to drive is getting in the way of him "taking this seriously".
"It's hard enough to listen to it without your editorializing."
Okay, I am totally with Tim on this one. Sometimes when we're reading to the kids, Matt will do this, and suddenly 10 minutes of calm reading has turned into 30 minutes of kids bouncing off the walls because they couldn't focus to finish the story straight through.
"You're gonna have to re-read all of this anyway to really memorize it." "No. I memorize best when I hear it." "Really?"
I love this shot. Lucy leaning over the book, tight on her face as she processes the information of how he processes.
My Middle is Autistic/ADHD with an auditory processing disorder and suspected reading processing disorder. Eldest is ADD or ADHD (final diagnosis later this month) and Littlest has her full testing for Autism/ADHD at the beginning of next month. I know a lot about people processing differently.
But as Lucy's wheels are turning, she realizes what might be going on with Tim. But how do you broach a subject like that with TO Era Tim?
Lucy's had fun poking at Tim with the parts of the book she likes (especially the value of every officer), but the whole reason she poked was because of Tim's apparent sense of superiority. Yes, she knows it's a veil, but it's still hard to poke through, at this point.
This is different.
"Why?" "Nothing."
Nothing is never nothing. I think I write this once every other Meta. On this show, nothing is never nothing.
"Boot!" "You might have a learning difference." "What?" "Technically, it's classified as a disability, but it really just means that you're wired to process information differently. In your case, through, through hearing, rather than reading." "I don't have a learning disability."
I remember the conversations with my husband for years.
I told him I suspected he was ADD (my mother, brother, step-father, and step-brother are all ADD/ADHD... the only reason we know I'm not is because my little brother wouldn't take his test without me and Mom taking it, too).
Matthew would shrug it off because he didn't have a "Disorder". But when he was 38, his mother let it slip to me that he was diagnosed at 8... and they never told him. They hid it. They didn't want the stigma.
So, he spent his entire life struggling and not understanding why. He got re-diagnosed at 38, and his first morning on medication, he let me sleep in. I woke to him lying next to me, tears in his eyes.
"The clouds are gone," he breathed into the space between us. And then I was crying, too.
He'd had these clouds his entire life and thought it was just how he was. He didn't know there was help. He didn't know his life could be better. All because his parents hid his diagnosis.
We put so much damn stigma on this stuff that humans are suffering unnecessarily for the sake of societal niceties. And for Tim, there's definitely stigma and shame associated with having a learning disability. It's how he was raised.
"A lot of people have them. I bet Isabel helped you in the Academy, read through the materials and stuff." "We're not talking about this."
Talk about wheels turning... we can see Tim's as he thinks about all the times he and Isabel sat up, her reading to him.
He thought it was the sweetest thing, and it became their thing. I bet she read him other things, too, like fiction books, or autobiographies on his favorite sports figures.
But thinking about Isabel (still a very fresh hurt) and the stigma of having a learning disability is too much for Tim.
Because growing up, any "difference" was called out as a failing. Yes, I know those of you in early S2 don't yet know all of Tim's backstory, so I am reaching forward a little on this one.
But, it's important to understand why Tim reacts so strongly and so swiftly.
Tim ends conversations before he can lose his cool. Losing control could lead him to become the person he hates most in the world, so he does everything to avoid it. But, he's been on edge all year.
Hell, for more than a year. Because ever since Isabel disappeared, he lost that one little piece of his life that made sense.
Then, this ball of sunshine came into his life, blinding him with goodness and light. He tried at first to temper it, but I fully believe that the longer he's in her glow, the more his eyes adjust, and the more he shifts to helping refine her rather than dim that glow.
"Watch your tone, Boot." "Oh, you don't get to call her 'Boot', Rex. You're retired. She's the police, now."
Boom, Baby!! Tim Bradford putting an asshole in his place will always be good television.
"Let's see your bail bonds license and the warrant on your jumper." "You let her talk to you like that?"
Bitch, you don't want to see how I'm gonna talk to you if you don't back off. Tim's not biting on the "camaraderie" angle, here.
As tough as Tim can be, as much of an absolute ass as he can be... he's a stickler for the rules.
"Look, the hole you're in has nothing to do with Lopez. But she's gonna pay the price when the commander's son goes belly-up halfway through training." "I told him it's not her fault." "Yeah, so tell him, again. Lopez bent over backwards for you. She protected your ass when any other TO would've sent you packing. You owe her your career." "I know."
Don't. Mess. With. People. Tim. Loves. Tim and Angela's friendship is one of my favorite relationships on the show. Tim just stood up for Lucy and here he is standing up for Angela.
Now, I'm not saying Tim loves Lucy, yet. We're a long way off from that, if these two get their act together. But, I think it's important to see his consistency.
Tim's Tests might make him seem unpredictable, but there's a reason and a rhythm for everything that he does. And when it comes to his friends—to the people he loves—he's always going to stick out his neck. Even if it means risking himself.
"Do you want me to read to you?" "No." "Come on."
Now that she knows he has a learning disability, she wants to help. Now that he thinks she thinks he has a learning disability, he wants to run.
Lucy is a gentle, kind, loving human. She wants to help. It's her default state. But accepting help goes against everything that was ever beaten into Tim.
It was fine when he was ordering her to read to him. But now that there's a stigma involved, he doesn't want it.
"You have to learn it." "I can do that on my own."
See? And Tim's not trying to be an asshole. He's trying to 'be a man', 'cowboy up', and 'do it on your own'. You know... all the bullshit men are too-often taught from boyhood.
He's shying away from Lucy's help because he's ashamed.
Alright, Future Rachel needs to tell you that Tim Bradford hasn't had an easy life. His childhood was less than ideal. His marriage seemed good until it wasn't.
Seeing the worst in himself is easy, but having others see him as weak in any way? He can't have that. He puts up all this bravado and these thick walls around his heart to protect himself.
Lucy just found another tiny crack in his defenses. And instead of letting her light in to help heal his hurts, he's afraid it will burn.
"Training for the rematch with Nico?"
Tim's blowing off steam. That fight was tougher than expected, and Tim's going to do everything he can to stay in top shape. But, he's also processing.
Lucy processes by talking things out. Tim processes with a punching bag and sweat pouring down his brow. The beautiful thing about people is how different we are, yet we find a way to coexist. We learn to speak one another's languages.
My husband's a BIG gift person. He loves to give and receive. I struggle with physical possessions because of how I grew up.
But I know that small gifts throughout the year help him remember I'm thinking of him (buying his favorite coffee... a latte from the local café). And he knows making me a chai latte at home, or holding me when I'm upset lets me know he's thinking of me.
We love one another. We just don't experience love the same way. Same is true for Tim and Lucy. We're in the phase of them learning how to speak one another's languages. This is crucial if they're ever going to be in a romantic relationship.
Tim greets her almost with a smile as he turns to face her.
"Here." "What's this?" "It is 'Split Second Leadership: Leading Men in the Line of Duty' the Audio book." "The book's out of print. There's no audio book." "Yeah, which is why I recorded one for you."
"Lucy Chen, will you marry me?" I mean, that's what he's supposed to say, right? That's what you would say, right?
Because, let's break this down for a second—she stayed up all night doing this. This morning when she asked him if he wanted her to read to him, she knew what his answer would be.
But then they had this stressful-ass day, and she had to wait for the file to finish rendering, which might've taken all day because audio files with any quality are a beast.
Look, I was a voice over artist for over 20 years. I only left the studio where I was a contract player because I couldn't afford a home studio and now live over an hour from the studio. So, I've done a lot of commercials, on-hold messages, and, yes, books.
The kids especially love my reading of "Elmo Visits the Dentist" that they can listen to on YouTube whenever they want. Why go into all this? I know how long it takes to read a book aloud at a pace that is easy for others to process.
Immediately after learning that her TO needed to listen to learn, she took the damn book home (because she was the one holding it the next morning) and she recorded herself reading it for him.
She likely got no sleep as she set it to render and upload into the device to hand to him while she got ready to leave for work.
I bet she even went home, grabbed the device, then ran back so she could give it to him.
This is a labor of love. No, she's not in-love with Tim. But she cares about him. And this ball of sunshine is radiating in his life more and more.
We are post Quarantine House. We are post Lucy calling Tim on the Isabel stuff she should have reported. We've established that they trust one another.
But this is next level. Six months into her training, and Lucy's already breaking through so many of Tim's walls.
"Uh, listen, I talked to Isabel and from what she said, it's clear you're a kinesthetic learner, which just means you need to listen while you're being active in order to absorb things."
Girlfriend just called up her future husband's ex like a boss. Again, she did this yesterday. Lucy wastes no time when it comes to Tim. Keep that in mind for the future...
"There's no shame in it. Really."
Watch his face. His jaw clench. His body relaxes as he sighs. His eyes soften. Because, all his life any sign of being "different" was weakness. Any sign of being "not good enough" was punishable by pummeling.
Isabel didn't realize he had a learning disability from what we can tell. She just knew that he'd ask her to read to him. My husband and I used to read to one another (pre-kids) and it was a tremendous act of love.
But Lucy put a name to it. And Tim's been spiraling out about it ever since. Because there's a stigma that comes with words like that, tragically.
"Honestly, it's probably why you excel at being a cop."
Tim absorbs her words. She doesn't think he's a freak. She doesn't think he's a project. She doesn't think he's broken. She thinks he's a good cop.
Her view of him hasn't changed because of his learning disability. This is so important.
My Middle has been Autistic his entire life, right? But we only got the official diagnosis when he was 5 because he stopped eating and was rapidly losing weight. A family member actually said "How can I be [related to] an Autistic child?" I said, "You've done a fine job the last 5 years."
Who he is didn't change with his diagnosis. But there are always people who recoil at it because of the stigma associated with it.
Tim was afraid Lucy would think of him differently... but she doesn't. She still sees Tim as the hard-ass, soft-hearted, semi-asshole she has to deal with every day for another six months.
And, strange as it sounds, that's the most reassuring thing Lucy could say to him.
Lucy ducks her head in a nod as she leaves. It's so sweet. Lucy knows him well enough to understand this is difficult for him. She has a strong understanding of psychology, and a growing understanding of Tim Bradford.
Sticking around won't help him. Letting him get to work will help. She knows him well enough not to hover, and she knows better than to expect compliments from Tim at this phase.
Hell, that "Thanks" was unexpected and I'm surprised she was able to keep moving after she heard it instead of calling it out.
Maybe she just really needs the sleep after all she's done for him. She deserves it!
"Split Second Leadership by Curtis Philbrick, read by the best Rookie you've ever trained."
Tim can't help but smile at that. And it's a real smile. The kind the shows his teeth and reaches his eyes. The kind Lucy won't see, yet.
Lucy offered Tim a piece of herself when she handed over that audio recording. No, it's not romantic. But it is a gift, nonetheless. This was above and beyond anything required of her as a Rookie—she did it as a friend.
And Tim accepted the gift. I don't think we talk enough about this. Lucy sent him food one episode ago and he told her she "shouldn't have". But there's no fighting this gift.
Because the events of 2x01 were a big shift for these two that we don't talk enough about. Lucy making it to the halfway mark and doing well on her exam. Lucy calling Tim on his shit when he tried to distance himself from her by being extra assholery. Lucy going beast-mode chasing that fake cop.
And here we are in 2x02 and Tim who was humbled by Lucy one episode ago is now unintentionally wounded. Because he thinks she sees him as "less than". He thinks her opinion of him somehow lessened because he's been raised to see a "learning disability" as a bad thing.
When Lucy turns it around at the end and says it's his super power, that's powerful. She helped him see himself in a different way. The king of coming at something sideways has met his match. So, what could he say after a gift like that? He wouldn't reject it. He couldn't.
Because Lucy gave him the gift of a shift in perspective. And those readers who are from the future, like me, know he'll repay that gift in a huge way in that same room not too long from now.
They're not in love, yet. But they are on their way to friendship, and learning one another's love languages on the way. So if when they finally arrive at love, it'll be a deep love. It'll be a love that grows. It'll be a love that thrives.
Because true love often takes effort... but it's worth it.
Tim Pays it Forward
Look, Tim takes care of his people. We already know that. But I also like to think that Tim recognized something of himself in Rex thanks to Lucy's kindness.
Rex doesn't like asking for help. Neither does Tim. But if Tim isn't careful, he could end up like Rex.
Now, Rex likely didn't have a Lucy. But, he does have a Tim. And that's damn good, too.
As ever, thank you for reading. This one is one I'm super passionate about with my family history and the children I'm raising.
Now, I'm not going to pretend it's all peachy-keen. It can be really, really tough raising three neurodivergent children, and there are very bad days. But for Tim, his learning disability really can be a super power.
Also, oh, isn't it fun watching Tim and Lucy of Season 2 on their way? So much fun!
Hope your weekend's been lovely! Mine's been so quiet, it's lovely. Currently have three Littles in bed with me as we have a pajama/movie day. It's the little things!
See you on the next!
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cahmilo · 2 years
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Camilo with a S/O that Rarely Eats
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pairing: camilo madrigal x female reader
genre: fluff headcanons
tags: headcanons, requested, no mentions of ed, just reader being forgetful, drabbles
request: idk if you take requests rn but if you do I have one for camilo hcs again but with a reader who just kinda forgets to eat? Like not in an ed way but just that they don't really have an appetite and sometimes they'll be like "well i'm not hungry so i'll just work more instead of eating lololol" and then they pass out or something
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Strangest but cutest dynamic ever to be honest, an energetic boy who's addicted to food in a relationship with a calm girl who barely has an appetite
Not in a harmful or unhealthy way, you just sometimes forget to eat tbh
Camilo constantly worries and questions your lack of enthusiasm for food
"Amor, have you eaten lunch today?" Camilo asked, a hand leaning on the bench as you continued your work. You were a woodcarver, albeit only a junior one. You barely did intricate work since you had your parents to do it for you. Mainly, what you did was polish and clean their work.
You stopped to think. "Uhm, I think I haven't yet." Camilo sighed but then smiled at how adorable you looked.
"Well, I'll bring you lunch!" "You can't eat here, milo. No food on the work station"
Camilo pouted. "Okay fine, why don't you take a break and have lunch with me" Giving up, you agreed.
Camilo loved you nonetheless, he found it cute how he becomes the food enthusiast between you two. Seeing how much he loves different types of cuisines, he is always eager to teach you and show you new stuff to taste
You loved it, even if you rarely ate, sometimes you do appreciate good food.
Your work barely gives you time for yourself and Camilo knows it. Sometimes he purposely skips his chores to sneak you out of your family business for lunch dates in the nearby gardens
Camilo takes the time to even cook for you, if it makes you want to eat.
"Tia-" Camilo walked in to Julieta's kitchen, seeing her prepare his favorite arepas for the townspeople.
"Yes, milo?" Julieta looked back at him and saw his fiddly state.
"Can you teach me how to cook arepa de yuca?" Camilo fiddled with his fingers, waiting for his Tia's response.
"Sure! But why all of a sudden?"
"It's Y/N's favorite type of arepa and she barely eats so I want to make some for her"
Let's just say that Julieta was more than happy to teach her nephew how to cook seeing that he really wanted to impress you.
After Camilo found out that you preferred arepa de yuca (cassava), the boy kept surprising you with his homemade recipes. Oftentimes he brings different fillings for variety in your palate.
You heart always melted on how caring he is towards you, and you shower him with so much love and affection that he tells himself that it was worth it.
Although, there could also be times where it sometimes gets out of hand
There was one time you were overwhelmed with pending chores that overworked you so bad you forgot to eat for the entire day
Camilo was unfortunately busy with babysitting so he wasn't able to check up on you. It didn't bother you though, he too can also be busy sometimes
One afternoon, Camilo finally sent the kids he was looking out for to their homes and chased to you.
"Amor-" Camilo's smile faltered at the sight of you. Alarmed, he rushed closer to you because to him, you were acting odd.
"What are you feeling? Why are you pale? Have you eaten? Amor you look so weak when was the last time you ate-"
"Cami, I'm fine. I just need to polish these figurines" You reassured him, your voice wavering. You desperately needed to finish your chores no matter what.
"Amor, when was the last time you ate?" He sternly asked, a hand cupping your cheek making you stop working and looked at him. Your face was showing an unsure look your eyes squinted. "I don't remember"
"Ay, mi vida, you need to eat! You barely have any energy!" Camilo said worryingly. You pat his shoulder to reassure him while standing up to grab another figurine in the shelf.
"I'm not hungry, milo. I'll grab a bite after work, I promise."
Camilo sighed and turned back at your workbench, appreciating your work. He did understand the level of your chores, it wasn't like his babysitting duties. Your work had to need focus, concentration, and a heck a lot of time to perfect.
"After you finish can we stop by the cliff? It's a full moon tonight?" Camilo asked. He waited for you to answer.
Camilo turned around to see you collapsed on the floor. Muttering a curse, he immediately went to you and picked you up. Fear and concern evident in his eyes, he carried you bridal style all the way to Casita having no time to believe his sudden strength and agility.
Camilo's yelling started almost everyone at home, calling for his Tia for healing food while Casita assists him to bring you to his warm and comfy bed.
Let's just say that Camilo was in a mess during that. He couldn't stand still. After you fainted, he never left your side and watched as you slowly regained consciousness, him wiping your sweat and singing you songs to calm down
He ranted to you, A LOT. You took the blow though, you kind of deserve it. And he was so worried for you
You got a lot of scolding from him, like you were a child. You tried to hold back a laugh because you never see him this pissed off
It took a lot of kisses and hugs from you to finally calm him down as you kept muttering apologies
Since then, you set up a specific time of the day you were to take a lunch break with you and Camilo.
Sometimes Camilo surprises you with homemade lunch boxes for you to eat when he isn't available
He would leave small letters and doodles in them
You were so whipped for this boy and you promised to treasure him for the rest of your life
Oh and this just makes you extra happy because he has parental tendencies and that made you ecstatic cause he's gonna be such a good father someday
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thumbnail made by the artists of purrfect tale
edited 070322
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tarisilmarwen · 11 months
Rebels Rewatch: “Fighter Flight”
We went out shopping and wound up stealing a military aircraft, only on Rebels people, only on Rebels.
This is one of my favorite episodes to rewatch, it’s just so FUN.
A very pretty shot of Lothal, pre-burninating, and a short mellow excerpt of the Main Titles theme to open us up.
Behind the scenes it seems that Kanan has been teaching Ezra something, because he’s poised over this bowl like he’s ready and raring to practice something he learned.
You know I gotta talk about it, it’s the flirting scene!
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Look at this dork trying to be all suave and charming. ^_^
It doesn’t work because of course Ezra is fourteen and a dumbass just how I like ‘em but I like that Sabine never really seems overly bothered by his attempts, mildly irritated at worst, and even then she never gives him a hard no and she’s plenty capable, she certainly doesn’t let niceties get in the way of her speaking her mind on other things.
(See: How she was almost outright rude to Kanan and Hera about the whole Fulcrum thing.)
Subtle animation appreciation moment: Ezra briefly losing his place leaned against the doorframe and having to quickly readjust.  Adorkable.
Zeb, you’re already awake, there’s no point to threatening Ezra here.
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Smug little bastard I love him so much.
I really do like that they explore the inevitable friction that was going to occur when you house a snarky teenager with a cranky grown adult.  It builds naturally off the previous episode.
Plus I just love Zeb and Ezra’s dynamic and love seeing them grow to respect and care about each other, sue me.
This is nitpicky but... sometimes the paths the characters take through this ship make no damn sense.
Like right here, Ezra comes out of the nose gun pod... which can only be accessed via the cockpit ladder that he immediately runs to.  We can hypothesize that maybe he made a detour via the vents, as in the pilot, but... Zeb comes that path too.  And he definitely doesn’t fit in the Ghost’s ventilation system.
Granted I notice this because I obsessively charted out the Ghost’s layout but still, it bugs me.
Zeb coming in with a flying leap to tackle Ezra will never not be hilarious.
The Found Family dynamics are in full swing this episode; Hera lording over as Team Mom, Zeb and Ezra acting like squabbling siblings, pretty sure this is the first time someone refers to the other three as “the kids”, Kanan and Hera being absolutely low-key married...
The bouncy, elastic character movement is also very prominent here.  Like I said, the show loses this as it goes on, but it lends itself perfectly to the comedy of this episode.
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Please appreciate Ezra swiping at Zeb like a feral cat with me.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The animators take time out to have Ezra scratching up into his hair as he turns from Sumar.  I love little tiny character details like this, it just makes things feel so natural and organic.
Imperial March snatches coming on the clarinet here.
Again with the small character moments, Ezra crouching and readying his slingshot.
Rebels said Eminent Domain is the arm of state tyranny, pass it on.
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Friiiiiiick the height difference between Ezra and Zeb is getting to me, he is so freaking tiny!
No wonder everyone he meets feels the immediate need to adopt and protect him.
Serious question: What exactly does the Empire want or need with a crate of meilooruns?  They hardly seem the type to care that much about the nutritional needs of their troops.
Like as not it’s for the plate of an officer with an expensive palate.
Ezra already responding much better to Zeb’s shoulder punches.
I would like to just reiterate: I love Zeb and Ezra’s friendship, it is adorable, they play so nicely off each other and I’m glad they got this bonding episode in early Season One.
The bouncy woodwind that’s been picking away in the background here transitions seamlessly into the Force theme prelude, hgn I LOVE it when the score adds to plot beats.
I could be wrong, but this sounds vaguely like a cue from ANH when the Stormtroopers were chasing Han and Chewie.
Ezra being so smol that Zeb can literally chuck him up to a rooftop. *cries*
Baron Valen Rudor was featured in Ezra’s introductory short (Zeb’s too I think?), it’s kind of a running gag how the Rebels show up to ruin this guy’s day in particular.  And it is hilarious.
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Please appreciate Zeb’s maniacal cackle as he blasts troopers away with the TIE fighter with me.
Oh wow, I never noticed the subtle Force ring sound effect right here with Ezra leaping to the other roof.  Nice touch.
I hear some notes from the Return of the Jedi soundtrack here, specifically when the Rebel Alliance is making its attack on the Death Star.  I think that may be one of the leitmotifs associated with the Rebel Alliance specifically?
I really want to know the story behind Ezra’s, “You don’t know how.  Let me!” here.
A lot of this really seems to suggest that Ezra’s flown ships before.
Force ring sound effect coming in as Ezra senses the approaching rock formation and once again, I love this show’s animation.  I think I have a gifset of this moment specifically under my #your clone wars could never tag.
(Explanation: That tag is mostly for appreciating early Season One Rebels animation, which is on the level of TCW’s Season Three at least.)
I may be a Sabezra whore at heart, but I do love how casually domestic Kanan and Hera are right here.
This is one of the funniest exchanges on the show. XD
Subtle animation appreciation moment: Zeb’s ear flickers and the awkward way Ezra scratches his face.
Ezra’s “I think I know where it [the smoke] is coming from.” makes me think he’s visited the Sumar’s farm at least once or twice and knows its general location.
IIRC a large part of this episode’s inspiration was the toy or concept of this specific transport right here.  Fun trivia fact.
I don’t think anyone anticipated Lyste becoming more prominent a player lol.
Like an OC you get inexplicably fond of.
Oh hey!  Ezra’s theme is piping in here!
Oh frick is that a Dies Irae reference?
(For context, the Dies Irae is basically an ooooooooold classical music meme, usually used to musically portent death, doom, or gloom.  Star Wars tends to use the Dies Irae liberally.  Rogue One in particular had heavy Dies Irae references in several of its tracks.)
This music cue, on the other hand?  Unique to Rebels.  Kind of fun, but then I’m a soundtrack nerd and enjoy this kind of thing.
Zeb continuing in the classic Star Wars tradition of, “We’re fine, we’re all fine here... now... How are you?” failed bluffing lololol.
I know I’ve mentioned my appreciation for the hair animation but... seriously.
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It’s so soft-looking.
A stuttered, half-formed variation of the Force Theme here, which only plays a few notes in the sequence, just the suggestion of the leitmotif really.
Luke’s Theme, on the other hand, though in mellow horns, allowed to play more fully, though interrupted on the very end by a sharp discordant note as the Stormtroopers come up top.
This is what we call ~*musical storytelling*~.
Snrk, one Trooper downed by fruit, the other by friendly fire.  Love the whimsical little sting as Ezra’s pelting them with meilooruns.
“You did all this... for FRUIT?!”
Still one of the funniest lines in the series.
Oh wow I just noticed the nice scuffed texture on Ezra’s backpack.
Ezra’s jaunty little salute character tic, which Kanan picks up. <33333
Props to Zeb’s prehensile feet, love whenever the writers use them.
I wanna know when and how Zeb learned about Ezra’s helmet collecting hobby, did Ezra try to cram his stash on the shelves as soon as he moved in?  Lol.
Awwww and Ezra’s already getting comfortable with arm bumps, love to see it.
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*bangs “Rebels animation was gorgeous from the start, ya’ll just hatin’” drum*
I think I can hear some of the cue from the “Property of Ezra Bridger” short.  Pretty sure it’s used as a kind of “Rebel shenanigans” leitmotif throughout the series.
Prime “aww” moment here as Zeb and Ezra wrestle, love love love the boys being affectionate, underrated friendship, gimme more.
Lol, Ezra sounds more confused than offended by Sabine’s painting.
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And a slightly more upbeat rendition of Ezra’s theme to close us out.
I love this episode it’s got Zeb and Ezra friendship bonding, Kanan/Hera being adorably married, it becomes delightfully relevant to the finale, and it’s hilarious, I don’t really have anything else to say except haters to the left, why don’t you have some fun occasionally?
Tomorrow, the episode that most people said was the hook for them for the show and the start of major Spacedad-Spaceson feels.
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simbico · 11 months
Sims Get To Know Me
Tagged by @damseljamsel @simsdastra 💜  (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
I put it under a cut because it’s quite long. I didn’t know who to tag because I’m so late to posting this with everything that has been going on. 
What’s your favorite sims death? I never thought of this one... Maybe death by pufferfish nigiri because the ghost has a little pufferfish floating inside them and I think that’s cute because I really like puffer fish (not to eat). I’d love to have a little puffer fish buddy with me in the afterlife.
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch? I lean towards MaxisMatch most in my game but I don’t mind the aesthetic of alpha either. There’s some nice alpha stuff out there.
Do you cheat your sims weight? I have only because no matter what I do, toddlers living on the long lifespan always gain a lot of weight (the calorie system in the game is kinda weird) but outside of that I haven’t (although I never adjusted Fern’s weight when she aged up because I just decided not to for no reason whatsoever).
Do you move objects? Yep! I could not live without it in Sims 4.
Favorite Mod? I don’t have one favorite mod so naming one is difficult. I could not enjoy this game without the majority of mods I have. More Traits In CAS is one of my faves because having those extra traits through the life stages has helped create some depth to my sims’ personalities, at least in my mind. It’s helped to keep my interest in playing longer than a few months.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I bought everything in the order it came out for Sims 1, 2, and 3. For Sims 4 (iirc): Get To Work/Outdoor Retreat/Perfect Patio
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? It’s a tie between Hector and Sophie. (Most of my faves have been born in-game)
Have you made a simself? Yep! Back when it was still just the CAS demo. I don’t have her around anymore though.
Which Sim traits do you give yourself? Social Awkward, Cat Lover, Creative, probably Gloomy too if I’m honest.😅 (But I don’t show that side of me to others, a lot of people think I’m Cheerful. lol)
Which is your favorite EA hair color? That light brown shade that was added around when Snowy Escape came out.
Favorite EA hair? I don’t think I have one.... I have some I don’t care for... I just like that there’s finally a variety of hair types/styles that aren’t just straight hair.
Favorite life stage? I don’t think I have one... I have the most fun when I have a variety of life stages to play (although it can feel overwhelming sometimes).
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Gameplay. I don’t mind building in Sims 4 but it’s rare when I’m having a good time doing it.
Are you a CC creator? Nope. I tried to recolour the kids’ bicycles and gave up. lol I might try again but I need the time and focus to do it.
Do you have any simblr friends/ a sim squad? I guess it depends on how those are defined since people define them differently. I do know a lot of really awesome people on here who I enjoy interacting with though. 🙂
What’s your favorite game? Right now it flips between Sims 4 and Genshin Impact. Used to also be Overwatch, which I still enjoy on occasion, but not as much as I used to.
Do you have any sims merch? Nope.
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope. I have the charisma of a wilted lettuce.
How has your « sims style » changed throughout your years of playing? I went from creating haunted houses in TS1 to playing legacy style in Sims 2 and beyond (and creating a haunted house by more ethical means). I only ever managed to finish one legacy family to 10 generations and that family will forever be lost somewhere on Live Journal as it should be. (I have a picture chart of all their faces though.)
What’s your origin id? Simbico but I don’t have anything worth looking at on there. It’s usually for my own backups.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? It’s hard because I have so many I like and not just one favorite. 😭 But RavenSim is one of my many favorites because their hair helps make my sims’ infants/toddlers/kids even cuter!
How long have you had simblr? According to my first Sims 3 post, at least since 2011 but I did abandon it for a long time. I was so happy seeing some familiar simblrs still posting when I came back. 😊
How do you edit your pictures? I used to use Photoshop but now I just use Reshade. I use a really old version of Photoshop from 2012 for cropping and stuff but I tend to not do much more than that. I don’t have the time with the amount of pictures I take. lol
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? TS1 - Makin’ Magic | TS2 - Open For Business | TS3 - Pets | TS4 - Growing Together, maybe tied with Country Living (the EP that kept bringing me back).
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